Présentation GREYC`s Magic Image Converter
Présentation GREYC`s Magic Image Converter
GREYC's Magic Image Converter (G'MIC) Cette page propose de présenter quelques fonctions imagées de G'MIC utilisé en ligne de commandes. Toutes les commandes de ce document sont testées et le résultat affiché. Les commandes sont identiques pour les différents systèmes d'exploitation. Les filtres de G'MIC pour Gimp sont aussi accessibles en lignes de commandes. Ils sont présentés à la fin de cette page au chapitre : Test des "greffons de Gimp écrits en G'MIC" via l'Invite de commandes Vous pouvez télécharger la version 53 de cette page au format PDF à partir de ce lien : Sommaire Présentation du programme G'MIC Accès à partir de Gimp Utilisation de G'MIC en ligne de commandes Installation 32 bits Installation 64 bits Obtenir l'aide Remarques importantes Installation sous Linux Effets des filtres de G'MIC via ligne de commande Images utilisées pour les tests Corrections géométriques resize resize2x resize3x transpose invert solve crop trisolve autocrop eigen channels slices dijkstra lines unroll permute columns split rotate mirror append warp shift Les tests sur les filtres deriche gradient blur structuretensors bilateral denoise smooth median sharpen convolve edgetensors hessian haar ihaar fft ifft blur_xy blur_xyz blur_radial blur_linear richardson_lucy oriented_richardson_lucy unsharp_octave normalize_local split_freq compose_freq dilate_oct erode_circ blur_x blur_y blur_z tv_flow inpaint_flow remove_hotpixels deconvolve_fft bandpass watermark_fourier blur_angular unsharp erode_oct correlate erode dog pde_flow map_tones fftpolar dilate_circ skeleton Visualiser les effets des paramètres sur les filtres en vidéo Vidéo filtre blur_x Vidéo filtre dilate Vidéo filtre erode Création d'images et dessin Créer image histogram distance eikonal watershed label polygon spline ellipse text graph axes sierpinski text_outline histogram_cumul direction2rgb Bruit gaussien Bruit uniforme Damier truchet displacement sort mse psnr point line grid quiver flood image object3d plasma vector2tensor rgb2bayer bayer2rgb lic gaussian function1d circlism maze mandelbrot ball snowflake color_ellipses Effets artistiques pointcloud dilate inpaint heat_flow meancurvature_flow ifftpolar convolve_fft polaroid drop_shadow tetris draw_whirl stencil texturize_paper texturize_canvas stencilbw ripple mosaic puzzle sponge hearts pencilbw sketchbw ditheredbw dotsbw fire_edges kuwahara color_ellipses ellipsionism whirls warhol cubism glow cartoon drawing old_photo rodilius Visualiser les effets des paramètres des effets artistiques en video Vidéo effet mosaic Vidéo effet puzzle Vidéo effet tetris Déformation spatiale euclidean2polar kaleidoscope polar2euclidean warp_perspective water wave twirl map_sphere flower zoom fisheye deform transform_polar rotoidoscope Contours gradient_norm gradient_orientation gradient2rgb laplacian divergence Inn Iee curvature edges isophotes topographic_map segment_watershed Manipulations géométriques split_tiles expand_xy append_tiles rr2d / resize_ratio2d r2dx / resize2d x r3dx / resize3d x r2dy / resize2dy r3dy / resize3d y expand_xyz shrink_x shrink_y shrink_z shrink_xy elevate r3dz / resize3d z upscale_smart expand_x expand_y Entrées/Sorties input output verbose print echo display3d plot window wait select outputw outputp outputn display0 rainbow_lut display_graph apply_camera Mélanges d'images (fonctions "compose") channels rgba softlight dodge compose_divide Quelques fonctions 3D Rendre un objet 3D sur une image elevation3d extrude3d Visualiser les effets 3D en video Vidéo effet cube imagesphere3d spherical3d superformula3d pointcloud3d Quelques fonctions importantes Récupérer les dimensions d'une image Ajouter un canal alpha Supprimer un canal alpha Créer du bruit average colorburn multiply reflect display_fft screen darken freeze stamp warning command type shell shared camera display_rgba display_histogram display_tensors float2int8 int82float float2fft8 lighten interpolation difference negation exclusion xor edges fade overlay hardlight shapeaverage compose_median display fft82float expand_z Convertir une image en niveaux de gris Inverser les couleurs Correction du gamma Appliquer une courbe de couleurs Seuils Remplir d'une couleur Solarisation Sepia Enlever couleurs et opacité Correction des yeux rouges Sélectionner une couleur Remplacer une couleur Changer de couleurs via une matrice 3*3 Remplacer les couleurs d'une image par celles d'une autre image Cadres Contrastes Créer des damiers, motifs ajustables Créer des vidéos Nombres aléatoires Lumière douce Dessin, peinture Récupération des couleurs dominantes d'une image (colormap) Indexation de l'image avec la meilleure palette des couleurs (autoindex) Remplacement des zones transparentes via une extension des couleurs adjacentes par interpolation (solidify) Créer des rayons lumineux (lightrays) Dessiner des camemberts (piechart) Démos Utilisation des raccourcis pour les commandes Test des "greffons de Gimp écrits en G'MIC" via l'Invite de commandes Arrays & Frames Artistic Colors Contours Deformations Degradations Enhancement Layers Lights & Shadows Patterns Presets Rendering Sequences Divers Présentation du programme G'MIC G'MIC ( est un programme d'images fonctionnant sous plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation. Il peut être utilisé en lignes de commandes ou au travers d'une interface utilisateur (GUI) via un greffon de Gimp. Il dispose de très nombreux effets qui seront représentés plus loin dans cette page. Les téléchargements sont disponibles aux pages (exécutables et sources) et (greffon de Gimp). Ce programme est construit autour de la bibliothèque CImg ( Le chef de projet est David Tschumperlé (Ronounours). La licence d'utilisation est disponible à : en français en anglais Un groupe de discussion, en anglais, est ouvert sur Version 64 bits Windows Depuis janvier 2012, nous proposons une version 64 bits pour Windows dans une archive zip qui contient le greffon pour Gimp ainsi que la version autonome de G'MIC (gmic.exe). Cette version 64 bits pour Windows est beaucoup plus rapide que la version 32 bits. Les liens pour la télécharger sont accessibles depuis notre blog à partir du libellé "G'MIC pour Gimp Windows" en haut à droite de la page. Cette version est testée sérieusement, sur plusieurs versions de Gimp pour le greffon, avec un script de test pour G'MIC (gmic.exe). Elle comporte aussi un démonstrateur qu'il faur appeler via un des fichiers mega_demo.bat ou mega_demo - SILENT.bat . Voici le contenu de mega_demo.bat : start gmic -m mega_demo.txt -fonction_mega_demo exit Le fichier mega_demo.txt contient la fonction qui affichera les résultats de l'action des différents filtres. Sous Linux il est possible d'utiliser ce démo, il suffit de télécharger - - La ligne de commande pour appeler ce démo est : gmic -m mega_demo.txt -fonction_mega_demo Ce démo fonctionne en 32 bits ou en 64 bits. Quelques caractéristiques de cette version : - Tout est placé dans un unique répertoire, est fonctionnel , est testé. - Échanges via internet actif (test possible pour télécharger les mascottes). - Fonctionnement plus rapide avec le mode silencieux (gmic-s). - Quelques formats d'images testés En sortie (output) : JPEG : .jpg (gmic geo.png -o test.jpg) BMP : .bmp (gmic geo.png -o test.bmp) PNG : .png (gmic geo.png -o test.png) CIMGZ: .cimgz (gmic geo.png -o test.cimgz) Format CIMG compressé CIMG : .cimg (gmic geo.png -o test.cimg) Format CIMG non compressé TIFF : G'MIC ne peut pas écrire des fichiers .tiff ou .tif d'une façon correcte (à vérifier). En entrée (input) : JPEG : BMP : PNG : CIMGZ: CIMG : TIFF : .jpg (gmic test.jpg) .bmp (gmic test.bmp) .png (gmic test.png) .cimgz (gmic test.cimgz) Format CIMG compressé .cimg (gmic test.cimg) Format CIMG non compressé .tif , .tiff (gmic mire.tiff) Avec libtiff, il lit les TIFF non compressés, compressés LZW , pack bits , déflation , CMJN (CMYK). Il ne peut pas lire les fax. Accès à partir de Gimp Sous Windows, après installation du paquet, ce programme est disponible sur l'image par Filtres > G'MIC (copie d'écran). Voici une structure possible après installation. Dans ce cas, le greffon sera disponible pour tous les utilisateurs : Répertoire d'installation de Gimp └───lib └───gimp └───2.0 └───plug-ins │ gmic_gimp.exe (greffon de Gimp) │ libfftw3-3.dll (bibliothèque transformations de Fourier) │ libpng3.dll (bibliothèque images png) │ pthreadGC2.dll (bibliothèque processus parallèles) │ libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll (GCC runtime library) │ │ (autres greffons de Gimp) │ └───_gmic curl.exe (transferts multi-protocoles) Il existe aussi un installateur sous Windows : gmic_gimp_win32.exe (non testé, code source non disponible). Il semble qu'il installe le greffon dans le répertoire de l'utilisateur en cours, ce qui est un problème pour les ordinateurs multi-utilisateurs. Pour les autres systèmes d'exploitation (Linux 32 et 64 bits, Snow Leopard), des paquets sont disponibles sur David Tschumperle a créé un script-fu de démonstration "gmic_in_script.scm". Après installation il est accessible sur une image par : Filtres > G'MIC Script test. Pour les programmeurs, voici les procédures pour appeler le greffon G'MIC de Gimp : (register-procedure "plug-in-gmic" "G'MIC" "G'MIC" "David Tschumperlé" "David Tschumperlé" "2008" "GIMP Plug-In" ( ( "run-mode" "GIMP_PDB_INT32" "Interactive, non-interactive" ) ( "image" "GIMP_PDB_IMAGE" "Input image" ) ( "drawable" "GIMP_PDB_DRAWABLE" "Input drawable (unused)" ) ( "input" "GIMP_PDB_INT32" "Input layers mode, when non-interactive(0=none, 1=active, 2=all, 3=active & below, 4=active & above, 5=all visibles, 6=all invisibles, 7=all visibles (decr.), 8=all invisibles (decr.), 9=all (decr.))" ) ( "command" "GIMP_PDB_STRING" "G'MIC command string, when non-interactive" ) ) ( ) ) -gimp_sponge 12,2 Test des "greffons de Gimp écrits en G'MIC" via l'Invite de commandes (ou une ligne de commande) sans lancer Gimp Lien pour appeler une fonction "greffon de Gimp écrit en G'MIC" via le "shell" Le greffon va créer différents fichiers (avec gmic dans leur nom) à ces emplacements : C:\Users\[utilisateur]\AppData\Roaming & C:\Users\[utilisateur]\AppData (sous W7). Exemple des fichiers créés : └───C:\Users\[utilisateur]\AppData\Roaming │ │ gentlemanbeggar_gmic.gmic │ gmic_def.1509 │ gmic_sources.cimgz │ iain_fergusson.gmic │ karos.gmic │ naggobot.gmic │ photocomix.gmic │ ronounours.gmic │ tomkeil.gmic Liens vers deux pages de script-fu de démonstration utilisant G'MIC : script-fu-acid_patterns.html et Script-Fu_36_motifs_avec_GMIC.html Utilisation de G'MIC en ligne de commandes Les essais sont faits avec les versions à puis 1.5.0 9 64bits dans un environnement Windows 7 64bits. Installation de la version 32 bits Télécharger le paquet "gmic_[N° de version]" à partir de et décompresser cette archive. Voici la structure : └───gmic-[N° de version]_win32 │ gmic.exe (programme principal) │ gmic_gimp.exe (greffon de Gimp) │ jpeg62.dll (bibliothèque images jpeg) │ libfftw3-3.dll (bibliothèque transformations de Fourier) │ libpng3.dll (bibliothèque images png) │ pthreadGC2.dll (bibliothèque processus parallèles) │ zlib1.dll (bibliothèque compression de données) │ libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll (GCC runtime library) │ └───_gmic curl.exe (transferts multi-protocoles) Installation de la version 64 bits Les liens pour la télécharger sont accessibles depuis notre blog à partir du libellé "G'MIC pour Gimp Windows" en haut à droite de la page. Télécharger le paquet "gmic_[N° de version]" puis décompresser cette archive. Voici la structure principale (des fichiers de tests .bat peuvent être ajoutés dans le sous-répertoire gmic_standalone) : +---gmic-[N° de version]_full_64bits_win ¦ lisez-moi.html ¦ +---gmic_gimp_plugin ¦ ¦ gmic_gimp.exe ¦ ¦ gmic_in_script.scm ¦ ¦ libfftw3-3.dll ¦ ¦ libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll ¦ ¦ libpng15-15.dll ¦ ¦ libstdc++-6.dll ¦ ¦ pthreadGC2.dll ¦ ¦ ¦ +---_gmic (greffon de Gimp) (script-fu de Gimp) (bibliothèque transformations de Fourier) (GCC runtime library) (bibliothèque images png) (GNU Standard C++ Library) (bibliothèque processus parallèles) ¦ curl.exe (transferts multi-protocoles) ¦ +---gmic_standalone ¦ gmic.exe (programme principal mode bavard) ¦ gmic-s.exe (programme principal mode silencieux) ¦ curl.exe (transferts multi-protocoles) ¦ mega_demo.bat (programme de démonstration) ¦ mega_demo.txt (fonctions de démonstration) ¦ libfftw3-3.dll (bibliothèque transformations de Fourier) ¦ libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll (GCC runtime library) ¦ libjpeg-8.dll (bibliothèque images jpeg) ¦ libpng15-15.dll (bibliothèque images png) ¦ libtiff-3.dll (bibliothèque images tiff) ¦ libstdc++-6.dlll (GNU Standard C++ Library) ¦ zlib1.dll (bibliothèque compression de données) ¦ Start Terminal With Test G'MIC.bat (Démarrage du terminal) ¦ mega_demo.txt (Fonctions du programme de démonstration) ¦ mega_demo.bat (Démarrage de la démonstration G'MIC en mode bavard) ¦ mega_demo - SILENT.bat (Démarrage de la démonstration G'MIC en silencieux) ¦ geo.png (image de test 128*128 en couleurs) ¦ mire.tiff (image de test 1024*1024 en niveaux de gris) ¦ + différents autres fichiers de démonstration selon les versions de G'MIC ¦ +---sources gmic_[N° de version].tar.gz (fichier ayant servi à la compilation) Obtenir l'aide Ouvrir "Invite de commandes", au choix, par : • Menu Démarrer > Tous les programmes > Accessoires > Invite de commandes. • Taper cmd dans la fenêtre de recherche du menu Démarrer. Lorsque l'invite de commandes taper (architecture d'une version 64 bits) : • • • • cd C:\[répertoire de décompression]\gmic-[N° de version]_full_64bits_win\gmic_standalone Touche Entrée. gmic --help > aide_gmic.txt Touche Entrée. Le fichier d'aide "aide_gmic.txt" est créé dans le répertoire de l'exécutable, un exemple est aussi consultable à partir de ce lien : aide_gmic.txt. Remarques importantes Avec l'Invite de commandes Windows les noms de répertoires ou les noms de fichiers placés dans la ligne de commande qui contiennent des espaces doivent obéir à cette règle : Le caractère \ doit être placé avant l'espace. Exemple pour ouvrir le fichier 'ma belle image.png' avec G'MIC : gmic ma\ belle\ image.png Les caractères accentués sont acceptés : gmic C:\été2010\3août2010_1.png Une ligne de commandes peut contenir plusieurs instructions qui seront exécutées successivement. Des opérations, des tests, des boucles peuvent se faire à l'intérieur de la ligne de commande, par exemple : -erode {2*3} = -erode 6 Pour en savoir plus sur les opérations, les commandes, etc. il faut consulter l'aide : aide_gmic.txt. Les images PNG et JPEG sont bien gérées. Par défaut la qualité JPEG est de 100%. Pour d'autres types d'images (BMP, etc), il est préférable d'utiliser un convertisseur comme Gimp, ImageMagick, FreeImage utilisé par Maringouin, etc. Images 8 bits/canal hors normes (<0 et >255) : La fonction d'interpolation "resize" est modifiée et il faut prendre certaines précautions avec l'interpolation "5=bicubic" , voir remarque. Certaines fonctions renvoient des images hors normes qu'il faut traiter avec -cut 0,255 (-c 0,255), voir le message Jeu Nov 04, 2010 7:04 pm. Voici un exemple de commande pour tester les valeurs hors normes et obtenit un bon résultat sur n'importe quelle image avec la fonction "resize " : gmic [image(s) à traiter] -resize 180,180,1,3,5 "-if {im<0} -c 0,255 -elif {iM>255} -c 0,255 -endif" -o [image(s) traitée(s)] Remarque de David Tschumperlé : Certains résultats de filtre mériteraient d'être coupés entre [0,255] avant de sauver le résultat. C'est le cas par exemple pour '-richardson_lucy', '-oriented_richardson_lucy', '-unsharp', '-unsharp_octave', '-normalize_local', '-gradient_orientation', '-laplacian', '-divergence', '-Inn', 'Iee', '-curvature', '-display0' et la détection de bords '-deriche'. Images 8 bits/canal à normaliser : Remarque de David Tschumperlé : Certains résultats de filtre mériteraient d'être normalisés dans [0,255] avant de sauver le résultat. C'est le cas par exemple pour '-convolve', '-correlate', '-structuretensors', '-hessian','-haar','-dog','-convolve_fft', '-bandpass', '-split_frequency', '-plasma'. Le programme est incapable de créer un répertoire, il faut créer le répertoire avant d'utiliser gmic.exe. Exemple d'une image ellipse.png (256*256 32bits) affichée et créée dans ...\gmic-\essais (à chaque fin de ligne, valider par la touche Entrée) : • cd C:\[répertoire de décompression]\gmic-[N° de version]_full_64bits_win\gmic_standalone • md essais • gmic 256,256,1,4 -ellipse 50%,50%,120,80,45,1,255,0,0 -display -output essais\ellipse.png Résultat : Il est possible de créer ses propres fonctions en utilisant un langage de programmation décrit dans l'aide. Le(s) programme(s) créé(s) sera/seront sauvegardé(s) dans un fichier texte qui sera utilisé par l'exécutable gmic. Un fichier de commandes par défaut est déjà fourni dans le package G'MIC. Il est situé à «», où «xxxx» doit être remplacé par les 4 chiffres de la version actuelle de G'MIC. C'est un bon début pour apprendre à créer ses commandes personnalisées. Toutes les commandes contenues dans le fichier de commandes gmic_def.xxxx sont inclues par défaut dans la version xxxx de G'MIC. Exemple de contenu d'un programme sauvegardé dans le fichier ...gmic-[N° de version]_full_64bits_win\gmic_standalone\test1.txt (lien téléchargement : test1.txt) #@gmic fonction_test1 : : Tests programmation gmic fonction_test1 : # création image 256*256 pixels sans canal alpha 256,256,1,3 # création ellipse -ellipse 50%,50%,120,80,-45,1,255,0,255 #ajout effet "spread" -spread 10,0,0 #afficher le résultat -display #sauvegarder l'image en test1.jpg qualité 80% dans le répertoire de G'MIC -output test1.jpg,80 La ligne de commande pour activer la fonction "fonction_test1" du programme "test1.txt" est : gmic -m test1.txt -fonction_test1 Résultat : G'MIC utilise FFMPEG pour obtenir des séquences vidéo. Le site propose des versions compilées pour Windows. Pour installer FFMPEG sous Windows, il suffet de télécharger l'archive 7Zip (64bits ou 32 bits / static ou shared), la décompresser et placer les fichiers .exe , .dll dans le répertoire de gmic.exe. Suite aux essais avec la version , nous n'avons pas su et pas pu obtenir automatiquement une vidéo sous Windows ou sous Ubuntu en utilisant une commande de ce type : gmic geo.png -animate tetris,"10","20",11,0,animate.avi,40, la vidéo est toujours découpée en petits morceaux. Par contre, en utilisant la commande gmic 1.png 2.png -morph 5,0.2,0.1 -o morph.mpeg nous avons pu obtenir une vidéo mpeg lisible sur de nombreux lecteurs avec ces paramètres : Output images [0,..,199] as file 'morph.avi', with 25 fps and bitrate 2048k. Les autres formats (flv, ogg, mov) peuvent poser des problèmes de lecture, le format avi est lisible sur VLC. Pour obtenir de plus nombreux paramètrages sur les vidéos il est préférable de créer des séquences d'images (exemple : gmic geo.png -animate tetris,"10","20",11,0,animate.png,40) et de les traiter dans FFMPEG, Virtualdub, Gimp avec GAP, Avidemux, etc. Pour convertir les vidéos au format Ogg Theora nous utilisons l'utilitaire ffmpeg2theora-0.28.exe. Installation sous Linux La remarque qui suit est ancienne, vérifier selon votre distribution ou télécharger les exécutables proposés sur Sous Ubuntu 10.10 32 bits : L'installation de la version est compliquée, certaines bibliothèques ne sont pas dans les dépôts officiels. Par Synaptic on peut installer gmic puis vérifier à partir du terminal en visualisant une démo : gmic -x_spline Effets des filtres de G'MIC via ligne de commande Images utilisées pour les tests L'image des deux perroquets réalisée par Kodak (kodim23.png) provient du site Cette image est réduite en dimensions avec G'MIC par cette ligne de commandes : gmic kodim23.png -resize 30%,30% -output perroquets.png Résultat : C'est cette image réduite qui sera principalement utilisée lors des tests. Pour les tests sur le bruit, l'image est une portion de l'image nikon-d3100-12800iso-nrstan-big.jpg de la page Cette portion d'image est obtenue avec cette ligne de commandes : gmic nikon-d3100-12800iso-nrstan-big.jpg -crop 1056,816,1286,970 -o bruit.png Résultat : L'image réduite de Lena sera utilisée pour les corrections géométriques. Corrections géométriques Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) -resize [image], _interpolation, _borders, _cx, _cy, _cz, _cc | {[image_w] | width>0[%]}, _{[image_h] | height>0[%]}, _{[image_d] | depth>0[%]}, _{[image_s] | spectrum>0[%]}, _interpolation, _borders, _cx, _cy, _cz, _cc | (noargs) Resize selected images with specified geometry. (eq. to '-r'). 'interpolation' can be { -1=none (memory content) | 0=none | 1=nearest | 2=average | 3=linear | 4=grid | 5=bicubic | 6=lanczos }. 'borders' can be { -1=none | 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic }. 'cx,cy,cz,cc' set the centering mode when 'interpolation=0' (must be in [0,1]). Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat Remarque de David David Tschumperlé sur la fonction "resize" : Lorsque l'on utilise la fonction d'interpolation bicubique (valeur de 5), les valeurs de l'image redimensionnée ne restent pas forcément dans l'intervalle d'origine (en général [0,255]), et donc lorsque l'on sauve un jpg, on obtient des points abbérants sur les pixels qui "débordent". Ce n'est pas un bug : par définition mathématique, l'interpolation bicubique ne préserve pas la plage des valeurs d'origine, contrairement par exemple à l'interpolation linéaire ou à l'interpolation au plus proche voisin. G'MIC considère que les pixels des images sont à valeurs flottantes et n'a donc aucune raison de 'couper' explicitement les valeurs de l'image redimensionnée entre [0,255] (c'est ce qui était fait avant, mais c'était une erreur !). Si on veut sauver une image flottante en s'assurant que les valeurs des pixels restent entre [0,255] (typiquement, si on veut sauver en JPG, PNG ou tout autre format 8bits / canal), il faut dire à G'MIC de 'couper' explicitement les valeurs entre [0,255], avec la commande '-cut' : gmic image.jpg -resize 30%,30%,1,3,5 -cut 0,255 -o resized.jpg Il n'y a pas de raison de privilégier un comportement de "coupure" par défaut lors d'une interpolation, car il y a d'autres situations où l'on ne souhaite pas ce comportement (typiquement quand on traite des images d'entrées à valeurs flottantes pas définies entre [0,255], ce qui arrive fréquement avec d'autres types de modalité que les photos couleurs classiques : imagerie médicale, etc..). Voici un exemple de commande pour tester les valeurs hors normes et obtenit un bon résultat sur n'importe quelle image : gmic [image(s) à traiter] -resize 180,180,1,3,5 "-if {im<0} -c 0,255 -elif {iM>255} -c 0,255 -endif" -o [image(s) traitée(s)] gmic geo.png -resize 200%,50% -o resize.png Their default values are '0'. (noargs) runs interactive mode (uses the instant window [0] if opened). gmic geo.png -resize 180,180,1,3,5 -c 0,255 -o resize2.png -resize2x gmic geo.png -resize2x -o resize2x.png Resize selected images using the Scale2x algorithm. Résultat identique à -resize2x ! -resize3x gmic geo.png -resize3x -o resize3x.png Resize selected images using the Scale3x algorithm. -crop x0[%],x1[%], _borders | x0[%],y0[%],x1[%],y1[%], _borders | x0[%],y0[%],z0[%],x1[%],y1[%],z1[%], _borders | x0[%],y0[%],z0[%],c0[%],x1[%],y1[%],z1[%],c1[%], _borders | (noargs) Crop selected images with specified region coordinates. 'borders' can be { 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann }. (noargs) runs interactive mode (uses the instant window [0] if opened). gmic geo.png -crop 15%,5%,70%,40% -o crop.png gmic geo.png -crop 20%,20%,80%,80% -o crop2.png -autocrop value1,value2,.. gmic geo2.png -autocrop 0,255,255 -o autocrop.png Autocrop selected images by specified vector-valued intensity. (Pour un contour transparent utiliser : -autocrop 0) Canal rouge -channels { [image0] | c0[%] }, _{ [image1] | c1[%] } gmic geo2.png -channels 0 -o channels_R.png Select specified channels of selected images. Canal vert gmic geo2.png -channels 1 -o channels_V.png Canal bleu gmic geo2.png -channels 2 -o channels_B.png -slices { [image0] | z0[%] }, _{ [image1] | z1[%] } objet 3D Select specified slices of selected images. gmic -sphere3d 200,1 -slices[-1] 10 -o slices.png (à vérifier) Image origine Image étirée en hauteur (100px) -lines { [image0] | y0[%] }, _{ [image1] | y1[%] } gmic geo.png -lines 80 -o lines.png Select specified lines of selected images. Image origine -columns { [image0] | x0[%] }, _{ [image1] | x1[%] } gmic geo.png -columns 60 -o columns.png Select specified columns of selected images. gmic geo.png -rotate -30,0,1 -o rotate.png -rotate angle, _borders, _interpolation, _cx[%], _cy[%], _zoom Rotate selected images with specified angle (in deg.). 'borders' can be { 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic }. 'interpolation' can be { 0=none | 1=linear | 2=bicubic }. When rotation center ('cx','cy') is specified, the size of the image is preserved. gmic geo.png -rotate -30,1,1 -o rotate2.png gmic geo.png -rotate -30,2,1 -o rotate3.png Image étirée en largeur (100px) gmic geo.png -rotate -30,0,1,30,60 -o rotate4.png -mirror axis={ x | y | z | c } gmic geo.png -mirror x -o mirror.png Mirror selected images along specified axis. -shift vx[%], _vy[%], _vz[%], _vc[%], _borders gmic geo2.png -shift 20 -o shift.png Shift selected images by specified displacement vector. 'borders' can be { 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic }. -transpose gmic geo.png -transpose -o transpose.png Transpose selected images. gmic (0,-1;-1,0) -invert -o invert_m2.png -invert . Compute the inverse of the selected matrices. Visualisation matrice origine : gmic (200,30,50;44,221,66;255,0,127) -n 0,255 -o o_invert.png gmic (200,30,50;44,221,66;255,0,127) -invert -n 0,255 -o invert.png zoom image *10 zoom image * 10 zoom image * 10 -solve [image] Solve linear system AX = B for selected B-vectors and specified A-matrix. . Voir la fonction _function1d du fichier gmic_def.1442. . . Non testé . . Non testé ([matrice]) -eigen . . Non testé . -trisolve [image] Solve tridiagonal system AX = B for selected B-vectors and specified tridiagonal A-matrix. Tridiagonal matrix must be stored as a 3 column vector, where 2nd column contains the diagonal coefficients, while 1st and 3rd columns contain the left and right coefficients. -eigen Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of specified symmetric matrices. -dijkstra starting_node>=0,ending_node>=0 Compute minimal distances and pathes from specified adjacency matrices by the Dijkstra algorithm. -permute permutation gmic geo.png -permute "yxcz" -o permute.png Permute selected image axes by specified permutation. 'permutation' is a combination of the character set {x|y|z|c}, e.g. 'xycz', 'cxyz', .. -unroll axis={ x | y | z | c } . Unroll selected images along specified axis. Non testé (Exemples dans le fichier gmic_def.1442). . -split axis={ x | y | z | c }, _nb_parts | patch_x>0, _patch_y>0, _patch_z>0, _patch_v>0,borders | value, _keep_splitting_values={ + | - } 128 images de 128px*1px de split_000000.png à split_000127.png gmic geo.png -split y -o split.png Split selected images along specified axis, patch or scalar value. (eq. to '-s'). 'nb_parts' can be { 0=maximum split | >0=split in N parts | <0=split in parts of size -N }. 'borders' can be { 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann }. -append axis={ x | y | z | c }, _alignment Append selected images along specified axis. (eq. to '-a'). 'alignment' can be { p=left | c=center | n=right }. . geo.png -append x . -warp [image], _is_relative={ 0 | 1 }, _interpolation={ 0 | 1 }, _borders, _nb_frames>0 gmic geo.png geo2.png -warp[-2] [-1],1,1,0 -o warp.png Warp selected image with specified displacement field. 'borders' can be { 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic }. Les tests sur les filtres Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande (gmic image -[filtre] -o resultat.png) gmic perroquets.png -deriche 0.5,1,x,0 -c 0,255 -o deriche.png -deriche std_variation>=0[%],order={ 0 | 1 | 2 },axis={ x | y | z | c }, _borders Apply Deriche recursive filter with specified standard deviation, order, axis and border conditions on selected images. 'borders' can be { 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann }. Exemple de commande qui teste les valeurs hors normes : gmic geo.png -deriche 0.5,1,x,0 "-if {im<0} -c 0,255 -elif {iM>255} -c 0,255 -endif" -o test_validite_deriche.png -blur std_variation>=0[%], _borders Blur selected images by quasi-gaussian recursive filter. 'borders' can be { 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann }. -blur 3,0 -bilateral std_variation_s>0[%],std_variation_r>0 Blur selected images by anisotropic bilateral filtering. 'borders' can be { 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann }. -denoise std_variation_s>=0, _std_variation_p>=0, _patch_size>0, _lookup_size>0, _smoothness, _fast_approx={ 0 | 1 } Denoise selected images by non-local patch averaging. -bilateral 25,20 -denoise 10,30,3,5,0,1 Résultat -smooth amplitude>=0, _sharpness>=0, _anisotropy, _alpha, _sigma, _dl>0, _da>0, _precision>0, interpolation, _fast_approx={ 0 | 1 } | nb_iterations>=0, _sharpness>=0, _anisotropy, _alpha, _sigma, _dt>0,0 | [image], _amplitude>=0, _dl>0, _da>0, _precision>0, _interpolation, _fast_approx={ 0 |1}| [image], _nb_iters>=0, _dt>0,0 -smooth 70 Smooth selected images anisotropically using diffusion PDE's, with specified field of diffusion tensors. 'anisotropy' must be in [0,1]. 'interpolation' can be { 0=nearest | 1=linear | 2=runge-kutta }. -median radius>=0 -median 4 Apply median filter of specified radius on selected images. -sharpen amplitude>=0 | amplitude>=0,1, _edge>=0, _alpha, _sigma -sharpen 200 Sharpen selected images by inverse diffusion or shock filters methods. gmic perroquets.png (-1,-0.5;-1,-1.5;-1,1) -convolve[0] [1] -n 0,255 -o[0] convolve.png -convolve [image], _borders, _is_normalized={ 0 | 1 } Convolve selected images by specified mask. 'borders' can be { 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann }. gmic perroquets.png (-1,-1,0.5) -convolve[0] [1] -n 0,255 -o[0] convolve1.png -correlate [image], _borders, _is_normalized={ 0 | 1 } Correlate selected images by specified mask. 'borders' can be { 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann }. -erode size>=0' | size_x>=0,size_y>=0, _size_z>=0 | [image], _borders, _borders, _is_normalized={ 0 | 1 } Erode selected images by a rectangular or the specified structuring element. 'borders' can be { 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann }. gmic perroquets.png (1,-1.2) -correlate [1] -n 0,255 -o[0] correlate.png -erode 5 -dilate size>=0 | size_x>=0,size_y>=0,size_z>=0 | [image], _borders, _borders, _is_normalized={ 0 | 1 } -dilate 15 Dilate selected images by a rectangular or the specified structuring element. 'borders' can be { 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann }. -inpaint [image] gmic perroquets.png fond_1.png -inpaint [1] [0] -o[0] inpaint.png Inpaint selected images by specified mask. -gradient { x | y | z }..{ x | y | z }, _scheme | (no args) Compute the gradient components (first derivatives) of selected images. 'scheme' can be { -1=backward | 0=centered | 1=forward | 2=sobel | 3=rotation-invariant (default) | 4=recursive }. (no args) compute all significant 2d/3d components. gmic perroquets.png -gradient -c 0,255 -o gradient.png -structuretensors _scheme Compute the structure tensor field of selected images. 'scheme' can be { 0=centered | 1=forward-backward1 | 2=forward-backward2 }. gmic perroquets.png -structuretensors -n 0,255 -o structuretensors.png -edgetensors sharpness>=0, _anisotropy, _alpha, _sigma,is_sqrt={ 0 | 1 } Compute the diffusion tensors of selected images for edge-preserving smoothing algorithms. 'anisotropy' must be in [0,1]. gmic perroquets.png -edgetensors 0.1,0.1,1,1 -window -wait 2000 -n 0,255 -o edgetensors.png -hessian { xx | xy | xz | yy | yz | zz }..{ xx | xy | xz | yy | yz | zz } | (no args) gmic perroquets.png -hessian -n 0,255 -o hessian.png Compute the hessian components (second derivatives) of selected images. (no args) compute all significant components. -haar scale>0 gmic perroquets.png -crop 0,0,255,255 -haar 0.5 -n 0,255 -o haar.png Compute the direct haar multiscale wavelet transform of selected images. -ihaar scale>0 Compute the inverse haar multiscale wavelet transform of selected images. (-crop 0,0,255,255 pour obtenir une image de 256*256) gmic 512_512.png -haar 2 -ihaar 2 -o resultat.png 512_512.png (512pixels*512pixels) gmic perroquets.png -crop 0,0,255,255 -haar 2 -ihaar 2 -o perroquets.png resultat2.png resultat.png=512_512.png resultat2.png=perroquets.png(256*256) gmic [image origine] -fft [opérations] -ifft -o [résultat] -fft image origine Compute the direct fourier transform of selected images. -ifft image origine Compute the inverse fourier transform of selected images. Lien sur les transformées de Fourrier avec G'MIC Pour faire une conversion : - fftpolar et l'inverse ifftpolar - gmic geo.png -float2fft8 -o geo2fft.png et l'inverse gmic geo2fft.png -fft82float -c 0,255 -o fft2geo.png . -blur_x amplitude[%]>=0, _borders={ 0 | 1 } gmic perroquets.png -blur_x 10 -o blur_x.png Blur selected images along the X-axis. -blur_y amplitude[%]>=0, _borders={ 0 | 1 } gmic perroquets.png -blur_y 10 -o blur_y.png Blur selected images along the Y-axis. -blur_z amplitude[%]>=0, _borders={ 0 | 1 } 3D Blur selected images along the Z-axis. . . -blur_xy amplitude_x[%],amplitude_y[%], _borders={ 0 | 1 } gmic perroquets.png -blur_xy 10,10 -o blur_xy.png Blur selected images along the X and Y axes. -blur_xyz amplitude_x[%],amplitude_y[%],amplitude_z, _borders={ 0 | 1 } 3D . Blur selected images along the X, Y and Z axes. -blur_angular _amplitude[%], _cx, _cy gmic perroquets.png -blur_angular 2,0.5,0.5 -o blur_angular.png Apply angular blur on selected images. -blur_radial _amplitude[%], _cx, _cy gmic perroquets.png -blur_radial 2,0.5,0.5 -o blur_radial.png Apply radial blur on selected images. -blur_linear _amplitude1[%], _amplitude2[%], _angle=0, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann } gmic perroquets.png -blur_linear 2,2,30,0 -o blur_linear.png Apply linear blur on selected images, with specified angle and amplitudes. gmic perroquets.png -dog 1.5,0 -n 0,255 -o dog.png -dog _sigma1>=0[%], _sigma2>=0[%] Compute difference of gaussian on selected images. gmic perroquets.png -dog 1.5,0 -n 0,255 -negative -o negative_dog.png -pde_flow _nb_iter>=0, _dt, _velocity_command, _sequence_flag={ 0 | 1 } Apply iterations of a generic PDE flow on selected images. paramètre 3 : | laplacian | Iee | curvature | gmic perroquets.png -pde_flow 20,40,laplacian,0 -o pde_flow.png -heat_flow _nb_iter>=0, _dt, _sequence_flag={ 0 | 1 } gmic perroquets.png -heat_flow 20,40,0 -o heat_flow.png Apply iterations of the heat flow on selected images. . -meancurvature_flow _nb_iter>=0, _dt, _sequence_flag={ 0 | 1 } gmic perroquets.png -meancurvature_flow 20,40,0 -o meancurvature_flow.png Apply iterations of the mean curvature flow on selected images. -tv_flow _nb_iter>=0, _dt, _sequence_flag={ 0 | 1 } gmic perroquets.png -tv_flow 5,10,0 -o tv_flow.png Très peu de différence par rapport à l'image d'origine. Apply iterations of the total variation flow on selected images. -inpaint_flow _nb_iter1>=0, _nb_iter2>=0, _dt>=0, _alpha, _sigma . ? Apply iteration of the inpainting flow on selected images. -remove_hotpixels _mask_size>0, _threshold[%]>0 gmic perroquets.png -remove_hotpixels 3,10 -o remove_hotpixels.png Remove hot pixels in selected images. -richardson_lucy amplitude[%]>=0, _nb_iter>=0, _dt>=0, _regul>=0, _regul_type={ 0=Tikhonov | 1=meancurv. | 2=TV } Deconvolve image with the iterative Richardson-Lucy algorithm. gmic perroquets.png -richardson_lucy 10,20,40,0,0 -c 0,255 -o richardson_lucy.png -oriented_richardson_lucy amplitude1[%]>=0, _amplitude2[%]>=0, _angle, _nb_iter>=0, _dt>=0, _regul>=0, _regul_type={ 0=Tikhonov | 1=meancurv. | 2=TV } Deconvolve image with the iterative Richardson-Lucy algorithm for oriented kernels. gmic perroquets.png -oriented_richardson_lucy 10,10,30,20,40,0,0 -c 0,255 -o oriented_richardson_lucy.png -unsharp _radius[%]>=0, _amount>=0, _threshold[%]>=0 gmic perroquets.png -unsharp 3,2,5 -c 0,255 -o unsharp.png Apply unsharp mask on selected images. -unsharp_octave _nb_scales>0, _radius[%]>=0, _amount>=0,threshold[%]>=0 Apply octave sharpening on selected images. -normalize_local _amplitude>=0, _radius>0, _n_smooth>=0[%], _a_smooth>=0[%], _is_cut={ 0 | 1 }, _min=0, _max=255 Normalize selected images locally. gmic perroquets.png -unsharp_octave 2,3,2,5 -c 0,255 -o unsharp_octave.png gmic perroquets.png -normalize_local 10,3,10,10,0,0,255 -c 0,255 -o normalize_local.png ? -map_tones _threshold>=0, _gamma>=0, _smoothness>=0,iter>=0 gmic perroquets.png -map_tones 5,1,10,2 -o map_tones.png Apply tone mapping operator based on Poisson equation. -fftpolar gmic perroquets.png -fftpolar -o[-1] fftpolar.png Compute fourier transform of selected images, as centered magnitude/phase images. -ifftpolar gmic perroquets.png -ifftpolar -o ifftpolar.png Compute inverse fourier transform of selected images, from centered magnitude/phase images. ? -convolve_fft gmic geo.png geo2.png -convolve_fft[-2,-1] -n 0,255 -o convolve_fft.png Convolve selected images two-by-two through fourier transforms. -deconvolve_fft . ? . Deconvolve selected images two-by-two through fourier transforms. -bandpass _min_freq[%], _max_freq[%] gmic perroquets.png -bandpass 5%,95% -n 0,255 -o bandpass.png Apply bandpass filter to selected images. -watermark_fourier _text, _size>0 Add an textual watermark in the frequency domain of selected images. geo2.png (3couleurs) gmic geo2.png -watermark_fourier XXX,24 -c 0,255 -o watermark_fourier.png watermark_fourier.png (l'image semble identique mais le codage donne 1021 couleurs) Il est possible de voir le message XXX aux 4 coins de la partie haute de l'image. watermark_fourier.png Visualiser le message inscrit par la fonction -watermark_fourier : gmic watermark_fourier.png -float2fft8 -o visuwatermark_fourier.png -split_freq smoothness>0[%] gmic perroquets.png -split_freq 10 -n 0,255 -o split_freq.png Split selected images into low and high frequency parts. -compose_freq gmic perroquets.png -compose_freq -o compose_freq.png Compose selected low and high frequency parts into new images. -erode_oct _size>=0 gmic perroquets.png -erode_oct 10 -o erode_oct.png Apply octagonal erosion of selected images by specified size. ? Résultat identique à l'image d'origine. -dilate_oct _size>=0 gmic perroquets.png -dilate_oct 10 -o dilate_oct.png Apply octagonal dilation of selected image by specified size. -erode_circ _size>=0 gmic perroquets.png -erode_circ 10 -o erode_circ.png Apply circular erosion of selected images by specified size. -dilate_circ _size>=0 gmic perroquets.png -dilate_circ 10 -o dilate_circ.png Apply circular dilation of selected image by specified size. -skeleton gmic perroquets.png -skeleton -n 0,255 -o skeleton.png Compute skeleton of binary shapes using morphological thinning. Création d'images et dessin Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande Créer image noire de 1*1px (1 canal niveaux de gris) aucune gmic 1 -o 1_1.png Créer image noire de 256*256px (3 canaux RVB) aucune gmic 256,256,1,3 -o 256_256_3.png Créer image transparente de 256*256px (4 canaux RVB) aucune gmic 256,256,1,4 -o 256_256_4.png Résultat -histogram nb_levels>0[%], _val0[%], _val1[%] Compute the histogram of selected images. If value range is specified, the histogram is estimated only for pixels in the specified value range. . Voir les fonctions histogram_cumul, plot2value, etc. du fichier gmic_def.1442. . . Voir les fonctions edges, sponge, etc. du fichier gmic_def.1442. . . ? . . Voir la fonction segment_watershed du fichier gmic_def.1442. . . ? . . Voir les fonctions morph, deinterlace, etc. du fichier gmic_def.1442. . . -sort[-1] +,y . . ? . . ? . -distance isovalue Compute the unsigned distance function to specified isovalue. -eikonal nb_iterations>=0, _band_size>=0 Compute iterations of the eikonal equation (signed distance function) on selected images. -watershed [priority_image], _fill_lines={ 0 | 1 } Compute the watershed transform of selected images. -label Label connected components in selected images. -displacement [source_image], _smoothness>=0, _precision>0, _nb_scales>=0,iteration_max>=0, is_backward={ 0 | 1 } Estimate displacement field between selected images and specified source. If 'nbscales'=0, the number of needed scales is estimated from the image size. -sort _ordering={ + | - }, _axis={ x | y | z | c } Sort pixel values of selected images. -mse Compute MSE (Mean-Squared Error) matrix between selected images. -psnr _max_value Compute PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) matrix between selected images. -point x[%],y[%], _z[%], _opacity, _color1,.. Set specified colored pixel on selected images. Default color value is '0'. Contenu du fichier de commandes point.txt #@gmic test_point : : Tester la fonction point test_point : -input 256_256_3.png X=0 -do -point $X,$X,0,1,255,255,0 X={$X+1} -while {$X<256} -o point.png Ligne de commandes : gmic -m point.txt -test_point -line x0[%],y0[%],x1[%],y1[%], _opacity, _pattern, _color1,..' Draw specified colored line on selected images. 'pattern' is an hexadecimal number starting with '0x' which can be omitted even if a color is specified. Default color value is '0'. Contenu du fichier de commandes line.txt #@gmic test_line : : Tester la fonction line test_line : -input 256_256_3.png X=10 -do -line $X,40,$X,215,1,255,255,0 X={$X+20} -while {$X<256} -o line.png Ligne de commandes : gmic -m line.txt -test_line -polygon N,x1[%],y1[%],..,xN[%],yN[%], _opacity, _pattern, _color1,.. Draw specified colored N-vertices polygon on selected images. 'pattern' is an hexadecimal number starting with '0x' which can be omitted even if a color is specified. If a pattern is specified, the polygon is drawn outlined instead of filled. Default color value is '0'. gmic 256_256_3.png -polygon 3,50,20,240,200,10,240,1,255,0,255 -o polygon.png -spline x0[%],y0[%],u0[%],v0[%],x1[%],y1[%],u1[%],v1[%], _opacity, _pattern, _color1,.. Draw specified colored spline curve on selected images. 'pattern' is an hexadecimal number starting with '0x' which can be omitted even if a color is specified. Default color value is '0'. gmic 256_256_3.png -spline 127,5,0,0,127,210,800,-400,1,255,0,255 -spline 127,5,0,0,127,210,800,-400,1,255,255,0 -o spline.png -ellipse x[%],y[%],R[%],r[%], _angle, _opacity, _color1,.. Draw specified colored ellipse on selected images. 'pattern' is an hexadecimal number starting with '0x' which can be omitted even if a color is specified. If a pattern is specified, the ellipse is drawn outlined instead of filled. Default color value is '0'. gmic 256_256_3.png -ellipse 50%,50%,120,80,90,1,255,0,255 -o ellipse2.png -text text, _x[%], _y[%], _font_height>=0, _opacity, _color1,.. Draw specified colored text string on selected images. Exact pre-defined sizes are '13','24','32' and '57'. Default color value is '0'. Specifying a target image with a size of 1x1x1x1 resizes it to new dimensions such that the image contains the entire text string. gmic perroquets.png -text Exemple\ G\'MIC,20,20,32,1,1,255,255,255 -o text.png -graph [function_image], _plot_type, _vertex_type, _ymin, _ymax, _opacity, _pattern, _color1,.. | 'formula', _resolution>=0, _plot_type, _vertex_type, _xmin,xmax, _ymin, _ymax, _opacity, _pattern, _color1,.. Draw specified function graph on selected images. 'plot_type' can be { 0=none | 1=lines | 2=splines | 3=bar }. 'vertex_type' can be { 0=none | 1=points | 2,3=crosses | 4,5=circles | 6,7=squares }. 'pattern' is an hexadecimal number starting with '0x' which can be omitted even if a color is specified. Default color value is '0'. gmic perroquets.png -graph [-1],1,0,255,0,0.05,255,255,0 -o graph.png -axes x0,x1,y0,y1, _opacity, _pattern, _color1,.. Draw xy-axes on selected images. 'pattern' is an hexadecimal number starting with '0x' which can be omitted even if a color is specified. Default color value is '0'. gmic 256_256_3.png -axes 0,200,600,0,1,255,255,0 -o axes.png -grid sizex[%]>=0,sizey[%]>=0, _offsetx[%], _offsety[%], _opacity, _pattern, _color1,.. Draw xy-grid on selected images. 'pattern' is an hexadecimal number starting with '0x' which can be omitted even if a color is specified. Default color value is '0'. -quiver [function_image], _sampling>0, _factor, _is_arrow={ 0 | 1 }, _opacity, _pattern, _color1,.. Draw specified 2d vector/orientation field on selected images. 'pattern' is an hexadecimal number starting with '0x' which can be omitted even if a color is specified. Default color value is '0'. gmic 256_256_3.png -grid 30,40,8,8,1,255,255,0 -o grid.png La commande '-quiver' permet d'afficher un champ de vecteur sur une image, et peut s'utiliser par exemple comme ceci : gmic 256,256,1,2,"cos(c*x/10)*sin(y/20)" --r 300%,300% -n[-1] 0,255 -quiver[-1] [0],20,18 -rm[0] Image transparente 256_256_4.png -flood x[%], _y[%], _z[%], _tolerance>=0, _opacity, _color1,.. Remplissage de jaune, opacité=0.5 gmic 256_256_4.png -flood 100,200,0,1,0.5,255,255,0 -o flood.png Flood-fill selected images using specified value and tolerance. Default color value is '0'. sprite.png 256_256_3.png -image [sprite], _x[%], _y[%], _z[%], _c[%], _opacity, _[sprite_mask] Draw specified sprite image on selected images. gmic 256_256_3.png sprite.png -image[-2] [-1],50,100,0,0,1 -o[0] image.png -object3d [object3d], _x[%], _y[%], _z, _opacity, _is_zbuffer={ 0 | 1} gmic 256_256_3.png -sphere3d 200,1 -object3d [-1],200,200,0,1,0 -o[0] object3d.png Draw specified 3d object on selected images. -plasma alpha, _beta, _opacity gmic 256_256_3.png -plasma 4,0.1 -n 0,255 -o plasma.png Draw a random colored plasma on selected images. -mandelbrot z0r,z0i,z1r,z1i, _iteration_max>=0, _is_julia={ 0 | 1 }, _c0r, _c0i, _opacity gmic 256_256_3.png -mandelbrot[-1] -1.5,1.5,0.9,-1.5,250,0,0.3,0.03,1 -o mandelbrot.png Draw mandelbrot/julia fractal on selected images. -ball _R, _G, _B sans gmic 256,256,1,3 -ball 255,0,255 -to_colormode 3 -o ball.png sans gmic 256,256,1,3 -sierpinski 3 -o sierpinski.png Draw a colored RGBA ball sprite on selected images. -sierpinski recursion_level>=0 Draw Sierpinski triangle on selected images. -text_outline text, _x[%], _y[%], _font_height>0, _outline>=0, _opacity, _color1,.. gmic perroquets.png -text_outline Exemple\ G\'MIC,0,0,32,1,1,255,255,255 -o text_outline.png Draw specified colored and outlined text string on selected images. -histogram_cumul _nb_levels>0, _is_normalized={ 0 | 1 } . Voir la fonction transfer_histogram du fichier gmic_def.1442 . . Voir la fonction gradient2rgb du fichier gmic_def.1442 . Compute cumulative histogram of selected images. -direction2rgb Compute RGB representation of selected 2d direction fields. -vector2tensor gmic geo2.png -vector2tensor -o vector2tensor.png Convert selected vector fields to corresponding diffusion tensor fields. image en niveaux de gris, 2 couleurs -rgb2bayer _start_pattern=0, _color=0 gmic geo2.png -rgb2bayer 0,0 -o rgb2bayer.png Transform selected color images to RGB-Bayer sampled images. -bayer2rgb _GM_smoothness, _RB_smoothness1, _RB_smoothness2 gmic rgb2bayer.png -bayer2rgb 5,5,5 -o bayer2rgb.png Transform selected RGB-Bayer sampled images to color images. -lic _amplitude>0, _channels>0 gmic geo2.png -lic 100,1 -o lic.png Generate LIC representation of vector field. -gaussian _sigma1[%], _sigma2[%], _angle Draw a centered gaussian on selected images, with specified standard deviations and orientation. -function1d 0<=smoothness<=1,x0,y0,x1,y1,...,xn,yn Generate continuous 1d function from specified list of keypoints (xk,yk) in range [0,max(xk)] (xk are integers). sans gmic 256,256,1,1 -gaussian 30%,30%,0 -n 0,255 -o gaussian.png La commande '-function1d' permet de générer une fonction lisse 1d à partir de points clés. Par exemple : gmic -function1d 1,0,10,30,50,70,-20,100,20 -plot -pointcloud Convert a Nx1, Nx2 or Nx3 image as a point cloud in a 1d/2d or 3d binary image. . Voir la fonction sierpinski3d du fichier gmic_def.1442 . -snowflake _recursion>=0, _x0, _y0, _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _opacity, _col1,..._colN gmic geo2.png -snowflake 5,20,20,64,64,107,107,1 -o[-1] snowflake.png Draw a Koch snowflake on selected images. - maze _width>0,_height>0,_cell_size>0 sans gmic -maze 16,16,8 -n 0,255 -o maze.png Generate maze with specified size. Effets artistiques Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande (gmic image -[filtre] -o resultat.png) -polaroid _size1>=0, _size2>=0 -polaroid 10,20 Create polaroid effect in selected images. -drop_shadow _offset_x[%], _offset_y[%], _smoothness[%] -drop_shadow 6,6,3 Drop shadow behind selected images. -tetris _scale>0 -tetris 9 Apply tetris effect on selected images. -mosaic _density>=0, _edges={ 0 | 1 } -mosaic 5,1 Create random mosaic from selected images. -puzzle _scale>=0 Apply puzzle effect on selected images. -puzzle 9 Résultat -puzzle 3 -sponge _size>0 -sponge 12 Apply sponge effect on selected images. -hearts _density>=0 -hearts 10 Apply heart effect on selected images. -color_ellipses 100,10,1 -color_ellipses _count>0, _radius>=0, _opacity>=0 Add random color ellipses to selected images. -color_ellipses 15,20,0.4 -ellipsionism _R>0[%], _r>0[%], _smoothness>=0[%], _opacity, _outline>0, _density>0 -ellipsionism 30,10,0.5,0.7,3,0.1 Apply ellipsionism filter to selected images. -whirls _texture>=0, _smoothness>=0, _darkness>=0, _lightness>=0 -whirls 7,2,0.16,1.8 Add random whirl texture to selected images. -cartoon _smoothness, _sharpening, _threshold>=0, _thickness>=0, _color>=0,quantization>0 Apply cartoon effect on selected images. -cartoon 1.3,140,30,0.15,2.6,10 -drawing _amplitude>=0 -drawing 80 Apply drawing effect on selected images. -draw_whirl _amplitude>=0 -draw_whirl 80 Apply whirl drawing effect on selected images. -stencil _radius[%]>=0, _smoothness>=0, _iterations>=0 -stencil 3,6,66 Apply stencil filter on selected images. -stencilbw _edges>=0, _smoothness>=0 -stencilbw 22.7,11.5 Apply B&W stencil effect on selected images. -pencilbw _size>=0, _amplitude>=0 -pencilbw 3.1,10 Apply B&W pencil effect on selected images. -sketchbw _nb_orients>0, _start_angle, _angle_range>=0, _length>=0, _threshold>=0, _opacity, _bgfactor>=0, _density>0, _sharpness>=0, _anisotropy>=0, _smoothness>=0, _coherence>=0, _is_boost={ 0 | 1 }, _is_curved={ 0 | 1} -sketchbw 4,45,180,30,0.86,0.03,0.05,0.6,0.1,0.6,0,0.73 Apply sketch effect to selected images. -ditheredbw -ditheredbw Create dithered B&W version of selected images. -dotsbw _nb_scales>=0, _resolution>0, _radius>=0 gmic perroquets.png -luminance -dotsbw 10,26.5,2.25 -* 255 -o[-1] dotsbw.png Apply B&W dots effect on selected images. -warhol _M>0, _N>0, _smoothness>=0, _color>=0 -warhol 2,2,1,22 Create MxN Andy Warhol-like artwork from selected images. -cubism _nb_iter>=0, _bloc_size>0, _max_angle, _opacity, _smoothness>=0 -cubism 207,11.61,199.74,0.8,1.55 Apply cubism effect on selected images. -glow _amplitude>=0 -glow 50 Add soft glow on selected images. -old_photo -old_photo Apply old photo effect on selected images. -rodilius 0<=_amplitude<=100,_0<=thickness<=100, _sharpness>=0,_nb_orientations>0, _offset,_color_mode={ 0=darker | 1=brighter} gmic perroquets.png -gimp_rodilius 14,10,300,5,30,1,0 -o rodilius.png Apply rodilius (fractalius-like) filter on selected images. gmic 128,128,1,3 -truchet 16,3,1 -n 0,225 -o truchet.png -truchet : _scale>0,_radius>=0,_pattern_type={ 0=straight | 1=curved } sans Fill selected images with random truchet patterns. gmic 128,128,1,3 -truchet 16,3,0 -n 0,255 -o truchet2.png -circlism _radius_min>0,_radius_max>0,_smoothness[%]>=0,_radius_linearity>=0,_location_linear ity>=0 gmic geo.png -circlism 2,10,8,4,4 -o circlism.png Apply circlism effect on selected images (effect inspired by Ben Heine). -texturize_paper Add paper texture to selected images. gmic geo.png -texturize_paper -o texturize_paper.png -texturize_canvas _amplitude>=0,_fibrousness>=0,_emboss_level>=0 gmic geo.png -texturize_canvas 30,4,0.5 -o texturize_canvas.png Add paint canvas texture to selected images. -ripple _amplitude,_frequency,_shape={ 0=bloc | 1=triangle | 2=sine | 3=sine+ | 4=random }, _angle,_offset gmic geo.png -ripple 15,10,2,45,0 -o ripple.png Apply ripple deformation on selected images. -fire_edges _edges>=0,0<=_attenuation<=1,_smoothness>=0,_threshold>=0 ,_nb_frames>0,_starting_frame>=0,frame_skip>=0 gmic geo.png -fire_edges 0.5,0.1,0.6 -o fire_edges.png Generate fire effect from edges of selected images. -kuwahara size>0 gmic geo.png -kuwahara 3 -o kuwahara.png Apply Kuwahara filter of specified size on selected images. Déformation spatiale Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande -euclidean2polar _cx, _cx, _n>0, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic } gmic geo2.png -euclidean2polar 0.5,0.5,1,1 -o euclidean2polar.png Apply euclidean to polar transform on selected images. -polar2euclidean _cx, _cy, _n>0, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic } gmic geo2.png -polar2euclidean 0.5,0.5,1,1 -o polar2euclidean.png Apply polar to euclidean transform on selected images. -warp_perspective _x-angle, _y-angle, _zoom>0, _x-center, _y-center, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic } gmic geo2.png -warp_perspective 2,2,0.5,50,20,1 -o warp_perspective.png Warp selected images with perspective deformation. -water _amplitude>=0, _smoothness>=0 gmic geo2.png -water 25,1.2 -o water.png Apply water deformation on selected images. -wave _amplitude>=0, _frequency>=0, _center_x, _center_y gmic geo.png -wave 3,0.5,30,30 -o wave.png Apply wave deformation on selected images. Résultat -twirl _amplitude, _cx, _cy, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic } gmic geo2.png -twirl 1.5,0.5,0.5,1 -o twirl.png Apply twirl deformation on selected images. -map_sphere _width>0, _height>0, _radius, _dilation>0 gmic geo.png -map_sphere 128,128,100,0.7 -o map_sphere.png Map selected images on a sphere. -flower _amplitude, _frequency, _offset_r[%], _angle, _cx, _cy, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic } gmic geo2.png -flower 30,6,0,0,0.5,0.5,1 -o flower.png Apply flower deformation on selected images. -zoom _factor, _cx, _cy, _cz, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic } gmic geo2.png -zoom 1.3,0.5,0.5,0,0 -o zoom.png Apply zoom factor to selected images. -deform _amplitude>=0 gmic geo2.png -deform 15 -o deform.png Apply random smooth deformation on selected images. -fisheye _x, _y,0<=_radius<=100, _amplitude>=0 gmic geo.png -fisheye 50,50,100,2 -o fish_eye.png Apply fish-eye deformation on selected images. -transform_polar "expr_radius", _"expr_angle", _x_center, _y_center, _borders={ 0 | 1 } gmic geo2.png c=50 a=$c+10 b=60*cos(a*5) -transform_polar $b,$a,$c,$c -o transform_polar.png Apply user-defined transform on polar representation of selected images. -kaleidoscope _cx, _cy, _radius, _angle, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic } gmic geo2.png -kaleidoscope 0.5,0.5,30,8,1 -o kaleidoscope.png Create kaleidoscope effect from selected images. -rotoidoscope _cx, _cy, _tiles>0, _smoothness[%]>=0, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic} gmic geo2.png -rotoidoscope 50%,50%,10,0.1,0 -o rotoidoscope.png Create rotational kaleidoscope effect from selected images. Contours Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat gmic geo.png -gradient_norm -c 0,255 -o gradient_norm.png -gradient_norm Compute gradient norm of selected images. gmic geo.png -gradient_norm -c 0,255 -negative -o gradient_norm_negative.png -gradient_orientation _dimension={1,2,3} gmic geo.png -gradient_orientation 1 -c 0,255 -o gradient_orientation.png Version n 0,255 Compute N-D gradient orientation of selected images. gmic geo.png -gradient_orientation 1 -c 0,255 -n 0,255 -o gradient_orientation_n.png gmic geo.png -gradient2rgb 0 -o gradient2rgb.png -gradient2rgb _orientation={ 0 | 1 } Compute RGB representation of 2d gradient of selected images. gmic geo.png -gradient2rgb 0 -negative -o gradient2rgb_negative.png -laplacian gmic geo.png -laplacian -c 0,255 -o laplacian.png Compute Laplacian of selected images. -divergence gmic geo.png -divergence -c 0,255 -o divergence.png Compute divergence of selected vector fields. -Inn gmic geo.png -Inn -c 0,255 -o inn.png Compute gradient-directed 2nd derivative of image(s). -Iee Compute gradient-orthogonal-directed 2nd derivative of image(s). gmic geo.png -Iee -c 0,255 -o iee.png -curvature gmic geo.png -curvature -c 0,255 -o curvature.png Compute isophote curvatures on selected images. -edges _threshold[%]>=0 gmic geo.png -edges 19% -n 0,255 -o edges.png Estimate contours of selected images. -isophotes _nb_levels>0 Render isophotes of selected images on a transparent background. gmic geo.png -isophotes 5 -o isophotes.png -topographic_map _nb_levels>0, _smoothness gmic geo.png -topographic_map 20,5 -o topographic_map.png Render selected images as topographic maps. -segment_watershed _threshold>=0,_keep_watershed={ 0 | 1 } _threshold>=0, _edge_threshold>0, _keep_watershed={ 0 | 1 } gmic geo.png -segment_watershed 30,1 -n 0,255 -o segment_watershed.png gmic geo.png -segment_watershed 30,10,1 -n 0,255 -o segment_watershed.png Apply watershed segmentation on selected images. Manipulations géométriques Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat image 1 image 2 -split_tiles M!=0, _N!=0, _is_homogeneous={ 0 | 1 } Découpage de l'image en 4 parties (2*2) gmic geo2.png -split_tiles 2,2 -o split_tiles.png Split selected images as a MxN array of tiles. image 3 image 4 image 1 -append_tiles M>0, _N>0 Append MxN selected tiles as a new image. image 2 Assemblage de 2 images gmic split_tiles_000000.png split_tiles_000001.png -append_tiles 2,1 -o append_tiles.png -rr2d eq. to '-resize_ratio2d'. -resize_ratio2d width>0,height>0, _mode={ 0=inside | 1=outside | 2=padded },0=<_interpolation_type<=6 gmic geo2.png -resize_ratio2d 80,80,1,2 -o resize_ratio2d.png Resize selected images while preserving their aspect ratio. -r2dx eq. to '-resize2dx'. -resize2dx width>0, _interpolation_type={0,1,2,3,4,5} gmic geo2.png --resize2dx 60,1 -o[-1] resize2dx.png Resize selected images along the X-axis, preserving 2d ratio. (eq. to '-r2dx'). -r3dx eq. to '-resize3dx'. -resize3dx width>0, _interpolation_type={0,1,2,3,4,5} gmic geo2.png -resize3dx 60,1 -o[-1] resize3dx.png Resize selected images along the X-axis, preserving 3d ratio. (eq. to '-r3dx'). -r2dy eq. to '-resize2dy'. -resize2dy height>0, _interpolation_type={0,1,2,3,4,5} gmic geo2.png -resize2dy 40,3 -o[-1] resize2dy.png Resize selected images along the Y-axis, preserving 2d ratio. (eq. to '-r2dy'). -r3dy eq. to '-resize3dy'. -resize3dy height>0, _interpolation_type={0,1,2,3,4,5} gmic geo2.png -resize3dy 40,3 -o[-1] resize3dy.png Resize selected images along the Y-axis, preserving 3d ratio. (eq. to '-r3dy'). -r3dz eq. to '-resize3dz'. -resize3dz depth>0, _interpolation_type={0,1,2,3,4,5} objet 3d . Resize selected images along the Z-axis, preserving 3d ratio. (eq. to '-r3dz'). -upscale_smart width,height, _depth,smoothness>=0, _anisotropy=[0,1],sharpening>=0 gmic bruit.png -upscale_smart 200%,100%,4,8,0.1 -o upscale_smart.png Upscale selected images with an edge-preserving algorithm. gmic geo2.png -expand_x 20,0 -o expand_x.png -expand_x size_x>=0, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic } Expand selected images along the X-axis. gmic geo.png -expand_x 20,1 -o expand_x2.png . -expand_y size_y>=0, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic } gmic geo2.png -expand_y 20,0 -o expand_y.png Expand selected images along the Y-axis. -expand_z size_z>=0, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic } objet 3d . . Expand selected images along the Z-axis. -expand_xy size>=0, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic } gmic geo2.png -expand_xy 20,0 -o expand_xy.png Expand selected images along the XY-axes. -expand_xyz size>=0, _borders={ 0=dirichlet | 1=neumann | 2=cyclic } objet 3d . . Expand selected images along the XYZ-axes. -shrink_x size_x>=0 gmic geo2.png -shrink_x 40 -o shrink_x.png Shrink selected images along the X-axis. -shrink_y size_y>=0 gmic geo2.png -shrink_y 40 -o shrink_y.png Shrink selected images along the Y-axis. -shrink_z size_z>=0 objet 3d . . Shrink selected images along the Z-axis. -shrink_xy size>=0 gmic geo2.png -shrink_xy 40 -o shrink_xy.png Shrink selected images along the XY-axes. -elevate _depth, _is_plain, _is_colored . gmic geo.png -elevate 20,1,1 ? Elevate selected 2d images into 3d volumes. Entrées/Sorties Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat -input filename | [image]x_nb_copies>0 | { width>0[%] | [image_w] },{ _height>0[%] | [image_h] }, { _depth>0[%] | [image_d] }, { _spectrum>0[%] | [image_s] }, _value1, _value2,.. | (value1{,|;|/|^}value2{,|;|/|^}..) gmic geo2.png -i 50%,50% -fill_color[-1] 127 -o insert.png Insert a new image taken from a filename or from a copy of an existing image ['indice'], or insert new image with specified dimensions and values. (eq. to '-i' | (no args)). -output filename, _format_options Output selected images as one or several numbered file(s). (eq. to '-o'). Les exemples utilisent cette fonction pour obtenir le résultat. . . -verbose level | {+|-} Rendre moins bavard : Set or increment/decrement the verbosity level. (eq. to '-v'). When 'level'>=0, G'MIC log messages are displayed on the standard output. Default value for the verbosity level is 0. . -print Output informations on selected images, on the standard output. C:\gmic_1.4.5.0_win32>gmic -v - geo2.png gmic -v - geo2.png Affichage des caractéristiques de l'image sans afficher l'image : . gmic geo2.png -print -echo message Output specified message, on the standard output. (eq. to '-e'). Command subset (if any) stands for displayed scope indices instead of image indices. Envoyer un message à la console : . gmic toto=Bonjour -e $toto -warning message Envoyer un message à la console : Print specified warning message, on the standard output. Command subset (if any) stands for displayed scope indices instead of image indices. . gmic toto=Attention\ aux\ orignaux -warning $toto . C:\gmic->gmic toto=Bonjour -e $toto [gmic]-0./ Start G'MIC instance. [gmic]-0./ Push labelled item toto='Bonjour' on the local stack, at position 0. [gmic]-0./ Bonjour [gmic]-0./ End G'MIC instance. C:\gmic->gmic toto=Attention\ aux\ orignaux -warning $toto [gmic]-0./ Start G'MIC instance. [gmic]-0./ Push labelled item toto='Attention aux orignaux' on the local stack, at position 0. [gmic]-0./ *** Warning in ./ *** Attention aux orignaux [gmic]-0./ End G'MIC instance. -command filename | "string" Import G'MIC custom command(s) from specified file or string. (eq. to '-m'). Imported commands are available directly after the 'command' invokation. . gmic -m test1.txt -fonction_test1 . 2 exemples pour convertir des images en 8 bits ou 16 bits (source : -type datatype Set pixel datatype for all images of the list. 'datatype' can be { bool | uchar | char | ushort | short | uint | int | float | double }. . #@gmic write16 : '"outfile"' : Write 16 bit image to file. write16 : -e "Writing image$?." -v - -repeat @# -c 0,65536 -type ushort -o $1 -mv[-1] 0 -done -v + #@gmic write8 : '"outfile"' : Write 8 bit image to file. write8 : -e "Writing image$?." -v - -repeat @# -c 0,255 -type uchar -o $1 -mv[-1] 0 -done -v + . Démarre le mode interactif de la console. Pour en sortir : -q -quit -shell Appeler une fonction "greffon de Gimp" via le "shell" (effet sponge) : Start interactive shell environment, with selected images. C:\gmic->gmic geo.png -shell [gmic]-0./ Start G'MIC instance. [gmic]-0./ Input file 'geo.png' at position [0] (1 image 128x128x1x3). [gmic]-1./ Start interactive shell, with image [0]. [gmic]-1./*>> -gimp_sponge 12,2 [gmic]-1./*>/gimp_sponge/apply_channels/ Apply command '-sponge 12' on RGB channels of image [0]. [gmic]-1./*>> -o shell_sponge.png [gmic]-1./*>/ Output image [0] as file 'shell_sponge.png' (1 image 128x128x1x3). [gmic]-1./*>> -q [gmic]-1./*>/ Quit G'MIC instance. -shared x0[%],x1[%],y[%],z[%],v[%] | y0[%],y1[%],z[%],v[%] | z0[%],z1[%],v[%] | v0[%],v1[%] | (no args) C:\gmic->gmic geo.png -shell [gmic]-0./ Start G'MIC instance. [gmic]-0./ Input file 'geo.png' at position [0] (1 image 128x128x1x3). [gmic]-1./ Start interactive shell, with image [0]. [gmic]-1./*>> -noise 100,0 [gmic]-1./*>/ Add gaussian noise to image [0], with standard deviation 100. [gmic]-1./*>> -q [gmic]-1./*>/ Quit G'MIC instance. . gmic geo.png -shared 1,1 . . non testé . . gmic 128,128,1,3 -fill_color 255,255,0 -display -noise 100,1 -display . . gmic -sphere3d 200,1 -display3d -box3d 200,200,200 -display3d[-1] . Insert shared buffers from (opt. points/lines/planes/channels of) selected images. (eq. to '-sh'). -camera _camera_index>=-1, _nb_frames>0, _skip_frames>=0,release_camera={ 0 | 1 } Insert one or several frames from specified camera, with custom delay between frames (in ms). Set 'camera_index' to -1 to use the default camera device. When 'release_camera' is set to 1, the camera stream is released and no images are inserted. -display Display selected images in an interactive viewer (use the instant window [0] if opened). (eq. to '-d'). -display3d Display selected 3d objects in an interactive viewer (use the instant window [0] if opened). (eq. to '-d3d'). -plot _plot_type, _vertex_type, _xmin, _xmax, _ymin, _ymax | 'formula', _resolution>=0, _plot_type, _vertex_type, _xmin,xmax, _ymin, _ymax Display selected image or formula in an interactive viewer (use the instant window [0] if opened). 'plot_type' can be { 0=none | 1=lines | 2=splines | 3=bar }. 'vertex_type' can be { 0=none | 1=points | 2,3=crosses | 4,5=circles | 6,7=squares }. 'xmin','xmax','ymin','ymax' set the coordinates of the gmic geo.png -histogram 256 -plot gmic geo.png -histogram 256 -plot 3 displayed xy-axes. sans gmic -plot 'sin(x)' -window _width[%]>=-1, _height[%]>=-1, _normalization, _fullscreen, _title Display selected images into an instant window with specified size, normalization type, fullscreen mode and title. (eq. to '-w'). If 'width' or 'height' is set to -1, the corresponding dimension is adjusted to the window or image size. 'width'=0 or 'height'=0 closes the instant window. 'normalization' can be { -1=keep same | 0=none | 1=always | 2=1st-time | 3=auto }. 'fullscreen' can be { -1=keep same | 0=no | 1=yes }. You can manage up to 10 different instant windows by using the numbered variants '-w0' (default, eq. to '-w'),'-w1',..,'-w9' of the command '-w'. . gmic geo.png -w 800,800 -wait 2000 . . gmic geo.png -w 800,800 -wait 2000 . . gmic geo.png -select 3 -wait delay | (no args) Wait for a given delay (in ms) or for an user event occuring on the selected instant window. 'delay' can be { <0=delay+flush | 0=event | >0=delay }. Command subset (if any) stands for instant window indices instead of image indices. -select feature Interactively select a feature from selected images (use the instant window [0] if opened). 'feature' can be { 0=point | 1=segment | 2=rectangle | 3=ellipse }. The retrieved feature is returned as a vector containing the feature coordinates. -ow eq. to '-outputw'. -outputw Output selected images by overwritting their original location. (eq. to '-ow'). image outputw.png Écrase le contenu de l'image d'origine par les effets appliqués : identique à geo2.png gmic outputw.png -ellipse 50%,50%,30,40,45,1,255,0,0 -outputw geo2.png op_geo2.png -op eq. to '-outputp'. -outputp prefix Output selected images as prefixed versions of their original filenames. (eq. to '-op'). Ajoute un préfixe au nom de l'image : gmic geo2.png -ellipse 50%,50%,30,40,90,1,255,0,255 -outputp op_ -on eq. to '-outputn'. -outputn filename Output selected images as automatically numbered filenames in repeat..done loops. (eq. to '-on'). . Indexe automatiquement les noms d'images dans des boucles. . Fenêtres d'affichage gmic geo.png -resize 180,180,1,3,5 -display0 -d0 eq. to '-display0'. -display0 Version -c 0,255 Display selected images without value normalization. (eq. to '-d0'). version normalisée avec -c 0,255 gmic geo.png -resize 180,180,1,3,5 -c 0,255 -display0 -dg eq. to '-display_graph'. -display_graph _width>32, _height>32, _plot_type, _vertex_type, _xmin, _xmax, _ymin, _ymax Plot type = "None","Lines","Splines","Bars" sans gmic 20,1,1,3,"X=sin(x)" -dg 200,200,2,0 -o display_graph.png Vertex type = "None","Points","Crosses 1","Crosses 2","Circles 1","Circles 2","Square 1","Square 2" Fenêtres d'affichage gmic geo.png -display_fft -dfft eq. to '-display_fft'. -display_fft Display fourier transform of selected images, with centered log-module and argument. watermark_fourier.p (eq. to '-dfft'). ng Affichage du XXX appliqué par le filtre "watermark_fourier" gmic watermark_fourier.png -display_fft Fenêtre d'affichage -drgba eq. to '-display_rgba'. -display_rgba Render selected RGBA images over a checkerboard background. (eq. to '-drgba'). gmic sprite.png -display_rgba Fenêtre d'affichage -dh eq. to '-display_histogram'. -display_histogram _width>0, _height>0, _clusters>0, _max_value>0, _show_axes={ 0 | 1 } gmic geo.png -display_histogram 256,256 Render a channel-by-channel histogram. (eq. to '-dh'). Affichage réduit -dt eq. to '-display_tensors'. -display_tensors _size_factor>0, _ellipse_factor>=0, _opacity, _pattern, _color1,.. gmic geo.png -display_tensors Render field of 2x2 tensors with ellipses. (eq. to '-dt'). -float2int8 Convert selected float-valued images to 8bits integer representations. . Conversion non testée gmic geo.png -resize 180,180,1,3,5 -float2int8 -display0 . . Conversion non testée . -int82float Convert selected 8bits integer representations to floatvalued images. -float2fft8 Convert selected float-valued images to 8bits fourier representations. gmic geo.png -float2fft8 -o geo2fft.png -fft82float gmic geo2fft.png -fft82float -c 0,255 -o fft2geo.png Convert selected 8bits fourier representations to floatvalued images. -apply_camera _command, _camera_index>=-1, _skip_frames>=0 . non testé . Apply specified command on live camera stream, and display it on display window [0]. Image étirée en hauteur (100px) -rainbow_lut sans gmic -rainbow_lut -o rainbow_lut.png Generate a 256-entries RGB colormap of rainbow colors. Mélanges d'images Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) -compose_rgba Compose selected RGBA images two-by-two, over RGB background. Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_rgba -o compose_rgba.png Résultat gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_channels - -o compose_channels_moins.png -compose_channels gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_channels and -o compose_channels_and.png Compose all channels of each selected image, using specified arithmetic operator (+,-,or,min,...). mire avec la partie centrale transparente gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_channels xor -o compose_channels_xor.png -compose_average gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_average -o compose_average.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using average mode. -compose_multiply gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_multiply -o compose_multiply.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using multiply mode. -compose_screen gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_screen -o compose_screen.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using screen mode. -compose_darken gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_darken -o compose_darken.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using darken mode. -compose_lighten gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_lighten -o compose_lighten.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using lighten mode. -compose_difference gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_difference -o compose_difference.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using difference mode. -compose_negation gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_negation -o compose_negation.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using negation mode. -compose_exclusion gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_exclusion -o compose_exclusion.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using exclusion mode. -compose_overlay gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_overlay -o compose_overlay.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using overlay mode. -compose_hardlight gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_hardlight -o compose_hardlight.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using hard light mode -compose_softlight gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_softlight -o compose_softlight.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using soft light mode. -compose_dodge gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_dodge -o compose_dodge.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using dodge mode. -compose_colorburn gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_colorburn -o compose_colorburn.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using color burn mode. -compose_reflect Compose selected images two-by-two, using reflect mode. gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_reflect -o compose_reflect.png -compose_freeze gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_freeze -o compose_freeze.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using freeze mode. -compose_stamp gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_stamp -o compose_stamp.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using stamp mode. -compose_interpolation gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_interpolation -o compose_interpolation.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using interpolation mode. -compose_xor gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_xor -o compose_xor.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using xor mode. -compose_edges _smoothness[%]>=0 gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_edges 10 -o compose_edges.png Compose selected images togethers using edge composition. -compose_fade gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_fade -o compose_fade.png Compose selected images togethers using a given fading (defined as the latest image). -compose_shapeaverage gmic geo.png mire.png -compose_shapeaverage -o compose_shapeaverage.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using shape average mode. -compose_median gmic geo.png perroquets.png -compose_median -o compose_median.png Compose selected images together using median mode. -compose_divide gmic geo.png perroquets.png -compose_divide -o compose_divide.png Compose selected images two-by-two, using divide mode. Quelques fonctions 3D Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande Voici une macro pour plaquer 6 images sur un cube : cube6images.gmic gmic -m cube6images.gmic 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png -cube6images 256,256,0.5,160,40,12 -o cube6images.png Rendre un objet 3D sur une image La fonction "gimp_render3d" permet de plaquer un objet 3D sur une image 2D. Les paramètres de cette fonction -gimp_render3d sont dans l'ordre (les valeurs peuvent être modifiées) : Width = _int(1024,8,4096) Height = _int(1024,8,4096) Object size = float(0.8,0,3) X-angle = float(25,0,360) Y-angle = float(0,0,360) Z-angle = float(21,0,360) FOV = float(45,1,90) X-light = float(0,-100,100) Y-light = float(0,-100,100) Z-light = float(-100,-100,0) Specularity = float(0.5,0,1) Shininess = float(0.7,0,3) Rendering mode = choice(2,"Dots","Wireframe","Flat","Flat shaded","Gouraud","Phong") gmic mire.png -imagecube3d -gimp_render3d 128,128,0.4,25,25,10,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7,2 -o rendu1.png sans gmic -elevation3d "'30*sin(x*y)^2'",-4,-4,4,4 -color3d 255,0,0,1 -gimp_render3d 256,256,0.4,25,25,10,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7,3 -o rendu2.png gmic 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png -image6cube3d -gimp_render3d 256,256,0.4,30,30,15,45,0,0,100,0.5,0.7,3 -autocrop 0 -o rendu3.png Résultat gmic mire.png -elevation3d Pour le rendu, voir "Rendre un objet 3D sur une image" ou gimp_elevation3d -elevation3d z-factor | [image] | 'formula',_x0,_y0,_x1,y1,_dx[%],_dy[%] | (no args) Create 3d elevation of selected images or specified formula, with specified elevation map. If a z-factor is specified, each elevation map is computed as the pointwise L2 norm of the selected images. Else, elevation values are taken from the specified image or formula. sans Exemple donné par David Tschumperlé : gmic -elevation3d "'30*sin(x*y)^2'",-4,-4,4,4 Pour le rendu, voir "Rendre un objet 3D sur une image" -extrude3d _depth>0,_resolution>0,_smoothness[%]>=0 gmic mire.png -extrude3d Generated extruded 3d object from selected binary profiles. Pour le rendu, voir "Rendre un objet 3D sur une image" ou gimp_extrude3d -imagesphere3d gmic mire.png -imagesphere3d -imagesphere3d _resolution1>=3,_resolution2>=3 Voir sujet : Generate 3d mapped sphere from selected images. Exemple de rendu : gmic mire.png -imagesphere3d 100,100 -gimp_render3d 300,300,0.4,25,25,10,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7,2 -autocrop 0 -o rendu_sphere3d.png gmic -spherical3d 64,64,"abs(1+0.5*cos(3*phi)*sin(4*theta))" -spherical3d _nb_azimuth>=3,_nb_zenith>=3, _radius_function(phi,theta) rien gmic -spherical3d 64,64,"abs(1+0.5*cos(3*phi)*sin(4*theta))" -color3d 63,127,255,1 -gimp_render3d 256,256,0.4,25,25,10,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7,3 -o spherical3d.png -superformula3d : resolution>1,m>=1,n1,n2,n3 rien gmic -superformula3d 1024,6,2,4,16 Generate 2d superformula curve as a 3d object. -pointcloud3d Generate 3d point cloud from selected planar or volumetric images. gmic geo.png -n 0,255 -pointcloud3d Quelques fonctions importantes Récupérer les dimensions d'une image Exemple : Récupérer les dimensions d'une image, puis créer une nouvelle image avec une largeur augmentée de 100 pixels (variable largeur) et une hauteur augmentée de 50pixels (variable hauteur) qui sera remplie de lignes horizontales grises tous les 10 pixels : gmic geo2.png largeur={w+100} hauteur={h+50} $largeur,$hauteur,1,3 -fill[-1] "if(y%10==0,127,i)" -o[-1] lplus100_hplus50.png Résultat : Remarques au sujet des opérateurs et des variables w, h, y, i, etc. (aide de G'MIC) : Usual operators : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • || (logical or) && (logical and) | (bitwise or) & (bitwise and) != == <= >= < > << (left bitwise shift) >> (right bitwise shift) + * / % (modulo) ^ (power) ! (logical not) ~ (bitwise not) These special variable names are pre-defined. They cannot be overloaded : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'w' : width of the associated image, if any (else 0). 'h' : height of the associated image, if any (else 0). 'd' : depth of the associated image, if any (else 0). 's' : spectrum of the associated image, if any (else 0). 'x' : current processed column of the associated image, if any (else 0). 'y' : current processed line of the associated image, if any (else 0). 'z' : current processed slice of the associated image, if any (else 0). 'c' : current processed channel of the associated image, if any (else 0). 'i' : current processed pixel value (i.e. value located at (x,y,z,c)) of the associated image, if any (else 0). 'im','iM','ia','iv' : Respectively the minimum, maximum, average values and variance of the associated image, if any (else 0). 'xm','ym','zm','cm' : The pixel coordinates of the minimum value in the associated image, if any (else 0). 'xM','yM','zM','cM' : The pixel coordinates of the maximum value in the associated, image, if any (else 0). 'pi' : value of pi, i.e. 3.1415926... 'e' : value of e, i.e. 2.71828... '?' or 'u' : a random value between [0,1], following an uniform distribution. 'g' : a random value, following a gaussian distribution of variance 1 (roughly in [-5,5]). Ajouter un canal alpha 2 exemples : Ajouter un canal alpha à une image à 3 canaux : gmic geo2.png -to_colormode 4 -o geo2_alpha.png (-to_colormode mode={ 0=adaptive | 1=G | 2=GA | 3=RGB | 4=RGBA }) gmic geo2.png -to_rgba -o geo2_alpha2.png Supprimer un canal alpha 3 exemples : Supprimer le canal alpha d'une image à 4 canaux gmic geo2_alpha.png -remove_opacity -o geo2_sans_alpha.png gmic geo2_alpha.png -to_colormode 3 -o geo2_sans_alpha2.png gmic geo2_alpha.png -to_rgb -o geo2_sans_alpha3.png Créer du bruit Les 5 types de bruits disponibles via la commande -noise std_variation>=0[%], _noise_type gmic 64,64,1,3 -noise 100,0 -o bruit_gaussian.png gmic 64,64,1,3 -noise 100,1 -o bruit_uniform.png gmic geo2.png -noise 50,2 -o geo_bruit_2.png gmic geo2.png -noise 50,3 -n 0,255 -o geo_bruit_3.png gmic geo2.png -noise 50,4 -n 0,255 -o geo_bruit_4.png gaussian (0) uniform (1) salt&pepper (2) poisson (3) ('noise_type' can be { 0=gaussian | 1=uniform | 2=salt&pepper | 3=poisson | 4=rice }) : rice (4) Convertir une image en niveaux de gris Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat gmic geo.png -to_gray -o to_gray.png 1 canal (198 niveaux de gris) -to_gray Force selected images to be in GRAY mode. -luminance gmic geo.png -luminance -o to_gray.png Compute luminance of selected images. 1 canal (247 niveaux de gris) -normalize -n { value0[%] | [image0] },{ value1[%] | [image1] } Linearly normalize values of selected images in specified range. (eq. to '-n'). gmic geo.png -to_gray -n 0,255 -o to_gray2.png Inverser les couleurs Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat -negative gmic geo2.png -negative -o negative.png Compute negative of selected images. Correction du gamma Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine Ligne de commande -apply_gamma gamma gmic bebe.png -apply_gamma 1.8 -o gamma.png Apply gamma correction to selected images. Résultat Appliquer une courbe de couleurs Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine -apply_curve 0<=smoothness<=1,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,...,xN,yN Ligne de commande Résultat gmic bebe.png -apply_curve 1,0,0,128,175,255,255 -o[-1] apply_curve.png Apply curve transformation to image values. Seuils Les résultats contiennent les couleurs suivantes : Blanc (255,255,255), noir (0,0,0), rouge (255,0,0), cyan (0,255,255), vert (0,255,0), magenta (255,0,255), bleu (0,0,255), jaune (255,255,0). Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat G'MIC) gmic geo.png -threshold2 25%,75% -n 0,255 -o threshold2.png -t2 eq. to '-threshold2'. -threshold2 _min[%], _max[%] gmic geo.png -threshold2 0,50% -n 0,255 -o threshold2_2.png Remplir d'une couleur Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine Ligne de commande sans gmic 64,64,1,3 -fill_color 255,255,0 -o fill_color.png Résultat -fc eq. to '-fill_color'. -fill_color col1,...,colN Fill selected images with specified color. (eq. to '-fc'). Solarisation Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine Ligne de commande gmic geo.png -solarize -o solarizec.png -solarize Solarize selected images. gmic geo.png -solarize -to_gray -o solarize.png Résultat gmic geo.png -solarize -to_gray -n 0,255 -o solarize2.png Sepia Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat -sepia gmic geo.png -sepia -o sepia.png Apply sepia tones effect on selected images. Enlever couleurs et opacité L'opacité devient noire, le reste blanc. Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine -split_opacity Ligne de commande Résultat gmic sprite.png -split_opacity -o[-1] split_opacity.png Split color and opacity parts of selected images. Correction des yeux rouges Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) -red_eye 0<=_threshold<=100, _smoothness>=0,0<=attenuation<=1 Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat gmic yr.png -red_eye 75,3.5,0.1 -o red_eye.png Attenuate red-eye effect in selected images. Sélectionner une couleur La couleur sélectionnée est blanche, le reste est noir. Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de Image d'origine G'MIC) Ligne de commande gmic sprite.png -select_color 1,255,255,255 -n 0,255 -o select_color.png -select_color _tolerance[%]>=0,col1,..,colN Select pixels with specified color in selected images. gmic geo2.png -select_color 1,0,0,0 -n 0,255 -o select_color2.png Résultat Remplacer une couleur Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine -replace_color _tolerance[%]>=0, _smoothness[%]>=0,src1,...,srcN,dest1,...,destN Ligne de commande Résultat gmic geo2.png -replace_color 1,1,0,0,0,127,127,127 -n 0,255 -o replace_color.png Replace pixels from/to specified colors in selected images. Changer de couleurs via une matrice 3*3 Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat gmic geo.png -mix_rgb 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 -o mix_rgb.png -mix_rgb a11,a12,a13,a21,a22,a23,a31,a32,a33 gmic geo.png -mix_rgb 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0 -o mix_rgb2.png Apply 3x3 specified matrix to RGB colors of selected images. gmic geo.png -mix_rgb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 -o mix_rgb3.png Remplacer les couleurs d'une image par celles d'une autre image Cette fonction disponible pour les versions > permet de modifier les couleurs de la deuxième image par celles de la première. Les tests sont faits avec la version sous Windows et il a fallu importer cette fonction dans un fichier transfer_colors.txt Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat gmic -m transfer_colors.txt mire.png geo.png -transfer_colors 0 -o transfer_colors0.png transfer_colors : _transfer_brightness={ 0 | 1 } Transfer colors of the first selected image to the other ones. gmic -m transfer_colors.txt mire.png geo.png -transfer_colors 1 -o transfer_colors1.png Cadres Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat -frame _size_x[%]>=0, _size_y[%]>=0, _col1,..., _colN gmic geo.png -frame 10,20,255,255,0 -o frame.png Insert RGBA-colored frame in selected images. -frame_fuzzy _size_x>=0, _size_y>=0, _fuzzyness>=0, _smoothness>=0, _R, _G, _B, _A gmic geo.png -frame_fuzzy 10,10,5,1,255,255,0,255 -o frame_fuzzy.png Draw RGBA-colored fuzzy frame in selected images. -frame_round _sharpness>0, _size>=0, _smoothness, _shade, _R, _G, _B, _A gmic geo.png -frame_round 40,40,5,1,255,255,0,255 -o frame_round.png Draw RGBA-colored round frame in selected images. -frame_pattern _M>=3, _pattern = { 0=first image | 1=self }, _constrain_size = { 0 | 1} gmic geo.png -frame_pattern 6,1,1 -o frame_pattern.png Insert selected pattern frame in selected images. -polaroid _size1>=0, _size2>=0 gmic geo.png -polaroid 10,20 -o[-1] polaroid2.png Create polaroid effect in selected images. -drop_shadow _offset_x[%], _offset_y[%], _smoothness[%] gmic geo.png -drop_shadow 6,6,3 -o drop_shadow2.png Drop shadow behind selected images. -frame_blur _sharpness>0, _size>=0, _smoothness, _shade, _blur gmic geo2.png -frame_blur 1,100,0,1,100% -o frame_blur.png Draw RGBA-colored round frame in selected images. Contrastes Voici l'effet d'un petit programme de la page pour jouer sur les contrastes : Programme Contenu du programme : #@gmic contrast_stretch : cut_low[%], cut_high[%], normalize_low[%], normalize_high[%] : Stretch contrast of image. contrast_stretch : -e "Stretching contrast of image$?." -v - -repeat @# -c $1,$2 -n $3,$4 -mv[-1] 0 -done -v + Lien direct de téléchargement : contrast_stretch.txt Image d'origine Ligne de commande gmic -m contrast_stretch.txt geo.png -contrast_stretch 15%,85%,-15%,115% -o contrast_stretch.png Résultat Créer des damiers, motifs ajustables Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) Image d'origine Ligne de commande Créer un damier avec des cases orientées à 45° -chessboard size1>0, _size2>0, _offset1, _offset2, _angle, _opacity, _color1,.., _color2,.. sans Draw opaque chessboard on selected images. gmic 100,100,1,3 -chessboard 10,10,0,0,45,1,127,255,255,127,127,127 -o chessboard.png -frame_pattern _M>=3, _pattern = { 0=first image | 1=self }, _constrain_size = { 0 | 1 } Créer un ensemble de 9*9 images Insert selected pattern frame in selected images gmic geo2.png -frame_pattern 3,1,1 -frame_pattern 3,1,1 -o frame_pattern2.png -imagegrid _M>0, _N>0 Créer une grille de 8*8 Create MxN image grid from selected images. gmic geo.png -imagegrid {w/8},{h/8} -o imagegrid.png -taquin _M>0, _N>0 Créer un damier de 5*5 Create MxN taquin puzzle from selected images. gmic geo.png -taquin 5,5 -o taquin.png Créer une grille de 8*8 // gmic geo.png -taquin 8,8 -imagegrid {w/8},{h/8} -o taquin2.png -array _M>0, _N>0, _expand_type={0,1,2} Créer un damier de 2*3 Create MxN array from selected images. gmic geo.png -array 2,3,1 -o array.png -array_fade _M>0, _N>0,0<=_fade_start<=100,0<=_fade_end<=100, _expand_type={0,1,2} Create MxN array from selected images. -array_mirror _N>=0, _dir={0,1,2}, _expand_type={ 0 | 1 } Create 2^Nx2^N array from selected images. Motif raccordable gmic geo.png -array_fade 2,3,0,100,1 -o array_fade.png gmic geo.png -array_mirror 1,1,1 -o array_mirror.png Résultat -array_random _Ms>0, _Ns>0, _Md>0, _Nd>0 Résultat aléatoire Create MdxNd array of tiles from selected MsxNs source arrays. gmic geo.png -array_random 3,3,3,3 -rotate_tiles _angle, _M>0,N>0 gmic geo.png -rotate_tiles 45,3,3 -o rotate_tiles.png Apply MxN tiled-rotation effect on selected images. -linearize_tiles _M>0, _N>0 gmic geo.png -linearize_tiles 3,3 -c 0,255 -o linearize_tiles.png Linearize MxN tiles on selected images. -quadratize_tiles _M>0, _N>0 gmic geo.png -quadratize_tiles 3,3 -c 0,255 -o quadratize_tiles.png Quadratize MxN tiles on selected images. Créer des vidéos Remarques au sujet des vidéos Pour obtenir un fichier d'aide sur FFMPEG utiliser la commande suivante : ffmpeg -h >aide_ffmpeg.txt Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de G'MIC) -morph nb_frames>0,_smoothness>=0,_precision>0 Create morphing sequence between selected images. -animate filter_name,"param1_start,..,paramN_start","param1_end,..,paramN_end",nb_frames>=0,_o utput_frames={ 0 | 1 },_filename | delay>0 Animate filter from starting parameters to ending parameters. Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande Important : Installer FFMPEG avant d'utiliser la ligne de commande. Résultat Lien téléchargement : morph.mpeg gmic m1.png m2.png -morph 50,0.2,0.1 -o morph.mpeg Phase 1 : Créer une séquence de 50 images PNG de ani_000000_000000.png à ani_000000_000049.png gmic 320_240.png -animate tetris,"1","50",50,1,ani.png Phase 2 : Convertir cette séquence d'images en vidéo avec FFMPEG. ffmpeg -f image2 -i ani_000000_%6d.png video.avi Lien téléchargement : video.avi Phase 1 : Créer une séquence de 50 images JPEG de ani_000000_000000.jpg à ani_000000_000049.jpg gmic 320_240.png -animate blur_x,"1","50",50,1,ani.jpg Lien téléchargement : ani_000000_%6d.ogv Phase 2 : Convertir cette séquence d'images en vidéo avec OGG Theora. ffmpeg2theora-0.27.exe ani_000000_%6d.jpg D'autres vidéos (séquences d'images) sont disponibles sur ce site : • • • • • • • Vidéo effet cube Vidéo filtre blur_x Vidéo filtre dilate Vidéo filtre erode Vidéo effet mosaic Vidéo effet puzzle Vidéo effet tetris gimp_fire_edges Edges = float(0.7,0,3) Attenuation = float(0.25,0,1) Smoothness = float(0.5,0,5) Threshold = float(25,0,100) Number of frames = _int(20,1,999) Starting frame = int(20,0,199) Frame skip = _int(0,0,20) gmic geo.png -gimp_fire_edges 0.5,0.1,0.6,20,80,1,0 -n 0,255 -o 80 images dont les noms sont indexés pour créer une vidéo d'une image en feu. gimp_fire_edges.png (volume du fichier trop important) Nombres aléatoires Les nombres aléatoires sont générés à partir de variables pré-définies : • '?' or 'u' : a random value between [0,1], following an uniform distribution. • 'g' : a random value, following a gaussian distribution of variance 1 (roughly in [-5,5]). 2 exemples pour créer une image 64*64 remplie d'une couleur aléatoire : gmic 64,64,1,3 rouge={round(u*255)} vert={round(u*255)} bleu={round(u*255)} -fill_color $rouge,$vert,$bleu -o alea_fill_color.png gmic 64,64,1,3 rouge={round((g+5)*25.5)} vert={round((g+5)*25.5)} bleu={round((g+5)*25.5)} -fill_color $rouge,$vert,$bleu -o alea_fill_color.png Lumière douce Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat gmic geo.png --luminance -negative[-1] -blur[-1] 1 -n[-1] 0,255 -compose_softlight 1 -o lnbncs.png Dessin, peinture Image d'origine Ligne de commande Voir page test_dessin_peinture_gmic.html pour plus d'exemples. gmic geo.png -gimp_anisotropic_smoothing 80,1,0.3,0.6,1.1,0.8,30,2,0,1,5,1,1 -n 127,255 -sharpen 100 -cartoon 2,60,30,0.18,0.75,256 -sharpen 200 -o geo_dp.png Résultat Récupération des couleurs dominantes d'une image (colormap) Paramètres de la ligne de commande Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat (image agrandie) -colormap nb_colors>0,_method={ 0=median-cut | 1=k-means } gmic geo.png -colormap 20,0 -o colormap.png Estimate best-fitting colormap with 'nb_colors' entries, to index selected images. Indexation de l'image avec la meilleure palette des couleurs (autoindex) Paramètres de la ligne de commande -autoindex means } Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat nb_colors>0,_dithering>=0,_method={ 0=median-cut | 1=kgmic geo.png -autoindex 4,1,1 -o autoindex.png Command '-autoindex' which indexes image values with the best possible colormap. Remplacement des zones transparentes via une extension des couleurs adjacentes par interpolation (solidify) Paramètres de la ligne de commande Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat -solidify gmic geo_trans.png -solidify -o solidify.png Replace transparent regions of a RGBA image by morphologically interpolated color. Créer des rayons lumineux (lightrays) Paramètres de la ligne de commande Image d'origine -lightrays 100<=_density<=0 , _cx , _cy , _ray_length>=0 , _ray_attenuation>=0 Ligne de commande Résultat gmic geo.png -lightrays 53.68,0.35,0.25,0.02,0.11 -o lightrays.png Generate ray lights from the edges of selected images. Dessiner des camemberts pour statistiques (lightrays) Paramètres de la ligne de commande Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat -piechart label_height>=0,"label_color","label1",value1,"color1"...,"labelN",v alueN,"colorN" gmic 256,256,1,3 -piechart 30,0,0,0,"Red",55,255,0,0,"Green",40,0,255,0,"Blue",30,128,128,255,"Other",5,128,128,128 -o piechart.png Draw pie chart on selected images.. Démos G'MIC contient des programmes de démonstration accessibles via une ligne de commande. Paramètres de la ligne de commande (aide de Ligne de commande Options G'MIC) ------ Mandelbrot/Julia explorer --------------------x_mandelbrot _julia={ 0 ---- Select zooming region with mouse. | 1 }, _c0r, _c0i ---- Click once to reset zoom factor. gmic -x_mandelbrot ---- Keys 'ESC' or 'Q' to exit. Launch Mandelbrot/Julia ---- Key 'C' to print current fractal coordinates. explorer. ----------------------------------------------------- gmic -x_fish_eye ------ Fish-eye demo -------------------------- Mouse pointer moves fish-eye center. ---- Mouse buttons set fish-eye size. ---- Keys 'ESC' or 'Q' to exit. -------------------------------------------- gmic -x_spline ------ Spline curve editor -------------------------------- Mouse to insert/move/delete points. ---- Key 'R' to reset the curve. ---- Key 'SPACE' to shows/hide spline curve. ---- Key 'P' to shows/hide control points. ---- Key 'ENTER' to shows/hide control polygon. ---- Key 'T' to shows/hide point tangents. ---- Key 'I' to shows/hide point indices. ---- Key 'C' to shows/hide point coordinates. ---- Keys '+' and '-' to increase/decrease roundness. ---- Keys 'ESC' or 'Q' to exit. -------------------------------------------------------- gmic -x_tictactoe ------ Tic-Tac-Toe game ----------------------- Use mouse to select positions of the ---- symbols. Close window to exit game. -------------------------------------------- -x_fish_eye Launch fish-eye demo. -x_spline Launch spline curve editor. -x_tictactoe Launch tic-tac-toe game. Copies d'écran gmic geo.png -x_fourier ------ Fourier-filtering demo ----------------------------------------- Mouse buttons on the right image to set min/max frequencies. ---- Keys 'ESC' or 'Q' to exit. -------------------------------------------------------------------- gmic -x_life ------ The game of life ----------------------------------------- The goal is to create the biggest possible biological ---- system. You start with a stock of cells which you can ---- spread over the board. For each new cells created ---- simultaneously and spontaneously by your system, you ---- gain more new cells to scatter. ------- Left mouse button to scatter cells in stock. ---- Right mouse button to reset game. ---- Key 'S' to save snapshot of the current view. ---- Keys 'ESC' or 'Q' to exit. -------------------------------------------------------------- gmic -x_fire ------ Fire demo -------------------- Keys 'ESC' or 'Q' to exit. ---------------------------------- gmic -x_light ------ Light demo ------------------------- Move light position with mouse. ---- Mouse buttons fade light in/out. ---- Keys 'ESC' or 'Q' to exit. ---------------------------------------- -x_fourier Launch fourier filtering demo. -x_life Launch the game of life. -x_fire Launch the fire demo. -x_light Launch the light demo. ------ Jawbreaker -------------------------------------------------- The goal of the game is to remove the maximum number of ---- balls on the board, simply by clicking on them. But a ---- colored ball can disappear only if it is grouped with at -x_jawbreaker ---- least one ball of the same color. The score is higher if 0<_width<20,0<_height<2 ---- you destroy larger sets of connected colored balls. 0,0<_balls<=8 gmic -x_jawbreaker ------- Left mouse button to select/destroy balls on board. Launch the Jawbreaker ---- Key 'BACKSPACE' or 'SPACE' to undo the last move. game. ---- Key 'S' to save snapshot of the current view. ---- Keys 'ESC' or 'Q' to exit. ----------------------------------------------------------------- -x_paint Launch the interactive painter. gmic -x_paint ------ Interactive painter ----------------------------- Use mouse to select color and brush. ---- Left button draws a colored stroke. ---- Right button fills a colored region. ---- Arrow keys or SPACE and BACKSPACE to swap ---- between available images. ---- Key 'S' to save snapshot of the current view. ---- Keys 'ESC' or 'Q' to exit. ----------------------------------------------------- -x_reflection3d gmic Launches the 3d reflection -x_reflection3d demo. aucune x_rubber3d -x_whirl Launches a kind of Fractal whirl animated demo. gmic -x_whirl aucune -x_fireworks Launches a simple fireworks animated demo. gmic -x_fireworks aucune -x_rubber3d Launches a 3d rubber object demo. gmic -x_rubber3d aucune -x_shadebobs Launches a classical shade bobs animation. gmic -x_shadebobs aucune -x_blobs Launches a small and interactive blobs editor. gmic -x_blobs ------------Blobs editor --------------------Mouse to insert/move/delete blobs. ---Keys 'ESC' or 'Q' to exit. ----------------------------------------------------- -x_minimal_path gmic Command which runs a minimal path computation -x_minimal_path demo, for segmenting images. -x_hough Launches an interactive gmic -x_hough demo that illustrates the use of the hough-tranform to detect lines in images. aucune ------ Hough-transform demo ----------------------------------------- Mouse buttons on the vote image to draw corresponding line. ---- Mouse buttons on the image to vote for all lines crossing. ---- the clicked point. ---- Key 'SPACE' to reset the hough window. ---- Keys 'ESC' or 'Q' to exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -houghsketchbw _density>=0,_radius>0,0< gmic geo.png =_threshold<=100,0<=_op --houghsketchbw acity<=1,_votesize[%]>0 Utilisation des raccourcis pour les commandes Certaines commandes de G'MIC ont deux orthographes, voici une table des correspondances : -add -+ -add3d -+3d -a -x_paint -append Launch the interactive painter. -background3d -b3d -blur -b -break -bsl -<< -bsr ->> -center3d -c3d -color3d -col3d -command -m -crop -z -cut -c -display -d -display3d -d3d -display_graph -dg Voir image en dessous -display_warp -dw -div -/ -div3d -/3d -double3d -db3d -echo -e -endlocal -endl -eq -== -exec -x -fill -f -gradient' -g -focale3d -f3d -ge ->= -gt -> -help -h -image -j -input -i -keep -k -le -<= -light3d -l3d -local -l -lt -< -mdiv -// (équivalent à) -mmul -** -mode3d -m3d -moded3d -md3d -move -mv -mul -* -mul3d -*3d -name -nm -neq -!= -normalize -n -normalize3d -n3d -opacity3d -o3d -output -o -pop -pp -pow -^ -primitives3d -p3d -push -p -push= -p= -quit -q -remove -rm -resize -r -reverse -rv -reverse3d -rv3d -rotate3d -rot3d -set -= -shared -sh -specl3d -sl3d -specs3d -ss3d -split -s -split3d -s3d -status -u -sub -- -sub3d --3d -texturize3d -t3d -threshold -t -unroll -y -update -up -verbose -v -window -w Test des "greffons de Gimp écrits en G'MIC" via l'Invite de commandes (Résultats obtenus sans démarrer Gimp) G'MIC, comme programme autonome, permet d'obtenir les effets du GUI de Gimp. Ici le classement des filtres est semblable à celui du GUI de Gimp. Certaines fonctions sont identiques à celles présentées au début de cette page. Arrays & Frames Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. -gimp_array X-tiles = int(2,1,10) Y-tiles = int(2,1,10) X-offset = float(0,0,100) Y-offset = float(0,0,100) Mirror = choice("None","X-axis","Y-axis","XY-axes") Size = _choice("Shrink", "Expand", "Repeat [Memory consuming !]") -gimp_array_fade X-tiles = int(2,1,10) Y-tiles = int(2,1,10) X-offset = float(0,0,100) Y-offset = float(0,0,100) Fade start = float(80,1,100) Fade end = float(90,1,100) Mirror = choice("None","X-axis","Y-axis","XY-axes") Size = _choice("Shrink", "Expand", "Repeat [Memory consuming !]") Image d'origine Ligne de commande gmic geo.png -gimp_array 2,2,0,0,1,0 -o gimp_array.png gmic geo.png -gimp_array_fade 2,2,0,0,80,90,1,0 -o gimp_array_fade.png Résultat -gimp_array_mirror Iterations = int(1,1,10) X-offset = float(0,0,100) Y-offset = float(0,0,100) Array mode = choice(2,"X-axis","Y-axis","XY-axes") Mirror = choice("None","X-axis","Y-axis","XY-axes") Expand size = _bool(false) gmic geo.png -gimp_array_mirror 1,0,0,2,0,0 -o gimp_array_mirror.png -array_random Source X-tiles = int(5,1,20) Source Y-tiles = int(5,1,20) Destination X-tiles = int(7,1,20) Destination Y-tiles = int(7,1,20) gmic geo.png -array_random 5,5,7,7 -o array_random2.png -gimp_array_color X-tiles = int(5,1,20) Y-tiles = int(5,1,20) Opacity = float(0.5,0,1) gmic geo.png -gimp_array_color 5,5,0.5 -o gimp_array_color.png -gimp_rotate_tiles X-tiles = int(5,1,80) Y-tiles = int(5,1,80) Angle = float(15,0,360) Opacity = float(1,0,1) gmic geo.png -gimp_rotate_tiles 5,5,15,1 -o gimp_rotate_tiles.png -gimp_normalize_tiles X-tiles = int(25,1,80) Y-tiles = int(25,1,80) Minimal value = float(0,0,255) Maximal value = float(255,0,255) gmic geo.png -gimp_normalize_tiles 25,25,0,255 -o gimp_normalize_tiles.png -gimp_shift_tiles X-tiles = int(10,1,30) Y-tiles = int(10,1,30) Amplitude = float(10,0,100) Opacity = float(1,0,1) gmic geo.png -gimp_shift_tiles 10,10,10,1 -o gimp_shift_tiles.png -gimp_parameterize_tiles X-tiles = int(10,1,30) Y-tiles = int(10,1,30) Fitting function = choice("Linear","Quadratic") gmic geo.png -gimp_parameterize_tiles 10,10,1 -o gimp_parameterize_tiles.png -gimp_imagegrid X-size = int(10,2,100) Y-size = int(10,2,100) gmic geo.png -gimp_imagegrid 10,10 -o gimp_imagegrid.png -taquin X-tiles = int(7,1,20) Y-tiles = int(7,1,20) gmic geo.png -taquin 7,7 -o taquin3.png -gimp_array_pattern X-tiles = int(10,1,30) Y-tiles = int(10,1,30) Density = float(80,0,100) Angle = float(180,0,180) Zoom = float(30,0,100) Opacity = float(1,0,1) Image size = _choice("Shrink", "Expand", "Repeat [Memory consuming !]") gmic geo.png -gimp_array_pattern 10,10,80,180,30,1,1 -c 0,255 -o gimp_array_pattern.png -gimp_frame X-start = int(0,0,100) X-end = int(100,0,100) Y-start = int(0,0,100) Y-end = int(100,0,100) Width = int(10,0,100) Height = int(10,0,100) Color = color(0,0,0,255) Outline size = int(1,0,100) Outline color = color(255,255,255,255) gmic geo.png -gimp_frame 0,100,0,100,10,10,0,0,0,255,1,255,255,255,255 -o gimp_frame.png -gimp_frame_pattern Tiles = int(10,3,30) Pattern = choice(1,"Top layer","Self image") Iterations = int(1,1,10) Constrain image size = _bool(1) gmic geo.png -gimp_frame_pattern 10,1,1,1 -o gimp_frame_pattern.png -gimp_frame_fuzzy Width = int(10,0,99) Height = int(10,0,99) Fuzzyness = float(10,0,40) Smoothness = float(1,0,5) Color = color(255,255,255,255) gmic geo.png -gimp_frame_fuzzy 10,10,10,1,255,255,255,255 -o gimp_frame_fuzzy.png -gimp_frame_round Sharpness = float(6,0.1,40) Size = float(20,0,100) Smoothness = float(0.1,0,15) Shade = float(0,0,1) Color = color(255,255,255,255) Blur frame = float(0,0,100) Blur shade = float(0.1,0,1) Blur amplitude = float(3,0,10) gmic geo.png -gimp_frame_round 6,20,0.1,0,255,255,255,255,0,0.1,3 -o gimp_frame_round.png -gimp_tunnel Depth = int(4,1,100) Factor = float(80,1,99) X-center = float(0.5,0,1) Y-center = float(0.5,0,1) Opacity = float(0.2,0,1) gmic geo.png -gimp_tunnel 4,80,0.5,0.5,0.2 -o gimp_tunnel.png Artistic Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. -gimp_polaroidgimp_warhol.png Frame size = int(10,1,400) Bottom size = int(20,1,400) X-shadow = float(0,-20,20) Y-shadow = float(0,-20,20) Smoothness = float(3,0,5) Angle = float(20,0,360) Image d'origine Ligne de commande gmic geo.png -gimp_polaroid 10,20,0,0,3,30 -o gimp_polaroid.png Résultat - old_photo gmic geo.png -old_photo -o gimp_old_photo.png -gimp_reflect Height = float(50,0,100) Attenuation = float(1,0.1,4) Color = color(110,160,190,64) Waves amplitude = float(0,0,100) Waves smoothness = float(1.5,0,4) X-angle = float(0,-10,10) Y-angle = float(-3.30,-10,10) Focale = float(7,0,10) Zoom = float(1.5,1,5) gmic geo.png -gimp_reflect 50,1,110,160,190,64,0,1.5,0,-3,7,1.5 -o gimp_reflect.png -gimp_color_ellipses Density = int(400,0,3000) Radius = float(8,0,30) Opacity = float(0.1,0.01,0.5) gmic geo.png -gimp_color_ellipses 400,20,0.1 -o gimp_color_ellipses.png -gimp_ellipsionism Primary radius = float(20,1,100) Secondary radius = float(10,1,100) Smoothness = float(0.5,0,10) Opacity = float(0.7,0,1) Outline = float(8,1,3) Density = float(0.5,0.1,2) gmic geo.png -gimp_ellipsionism 20,10,0.5,0.7,8,0.5 -o gimp_ellipsionism.png -cartoon Smoothness = float(2,0,10) Sharpening = float(200,0,400) Edge threshold = float(10,1,30) Edge thickness = float(0.25,0,1) Color strength = float(1.5,0,3) Color quantization = int(32,2,256) gmic geo.png -cartoon 2,200,10,0.25,1.5,32 -o gimp_cartoon.png -gimp_pen_drawing Amplitude = float(10,0,30) gmic geo.png -gimp_pen_drawing 10 -o gimp_pen_drawing.png -draw_whirl Amplitude = float(20,0,100) gmic geo.png -draw_whirl 10 -o gimp_draw_whirl.png -gimp_painting Abstraction = int(1,1,10) Smoothness = float(1.5,0,5) Color = float(2,0,4) gmic geo.png -gimp_painting 1,1.5,2 -o gimp_painting.png -cubism Iterations = int(300,1,2000) Bloc size = float(10,0,40) Angle = float(90,0,360) Opacity = float(0.7,0.01,1) Smoothness = float(0,0,5) gmic geo.png -cubism 300,10,90,0.7,0 -o gimp_cubism.png -gimp_kaleidoscope X-center = float(0.5,0,1) Y-center = float(0.5,0,1) X-offset = float(0,0,100) Y-offset = float(0,0,100) Radius cut = float(100,0,100) Angle cut = float(10,0,100) Borders = choice(2,"Black","Nearest","Repeat") gmic geo.png -gimp_kaleidoscope 0.5,0.5,0,0,100,10,1 -o gimp_kaleidoscope.png -gimp_rotoidoscope X-center = float(0.5,0,1) Y-center = float(0.5,0,1) Angular tiles = int(10,1,72) Smoothness = float(0.5,0,5) Borders = choice(2,"Black","Nearest","Repeat") gmic geo.png -gimp_rotoidoscope 0.5,0.5,10,0.5,2 -o gimp_rotoidoscope.png -gimp_stencilbw Threshold = float(10,0,30) Smoothness = float(10,0,30) Hue = float(0,0,360) Saturation = float(0,0,1) gmic geo.png -gimp_stencilbw 8,23,0,0 -o gimp_stencilbw.png -gimp_pencilbw Size = float(0.3,0,5) Amplitude = float(60,0,200) Hue = float(0,0,360) Saturation = float(0,0,1) gmic geo.png -gimp_pencilbw 0.3,60,0,0 -o gimp_pencilbw.png -gimp_hardsketchbw Amplitude = float(1000,0,4000) Sampling = float(3,1,100) Smoothness = float(1,0,10) Opacity = float(0.1,0,1) Edge = float(20,0,100) Negative = bool(0) Ajout depuis la version Utilisation sous Gimp : gmic geo.png -gimp_hardsketchbw 64.94,1,0.42,0.07,21.1,0 -o gimp_hardsketchbw.png -gimp_sketchbw Number of orientations = int(2,1,16) Starting angle = float(45,0,180) Angle range = float(180,0,180) Stroke length = float(30,0,1000) Contour threshold = float(1,0,3) Opacity = float(0.03,0,0.3) Background intensity = float(0,0,2) Density = float(0.6,0,5) Sharpness = float(0.1,0,1.5) Anisotropy = float(0.6,0,1) Smoothness = float(0.25,0,10) Coherence = float(1,0,10) Boost stroke = bool(0) Curved stroke = bool(1) Color model = choice("Black on white","White on black","Black on transparent white","White on transparent black") gmic geo.png -gimp_sketchbw 9,45,180,30,1,0.03,0,0.6,0.1,0.6,0.25,1,1,1,0 -o gimp_sketchbw.png -warhol X-tiles = int(3,1,10) Y-tiles = int(3,1,10) Smoothness = float(2,0,10) Color = float(40,0,60) gmic geo.png -warhol 3,3,2,40 -o gimp_warhol.png -gimp_glow Amplitude = float(1,0,20) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue","Saturation", "Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") gmic geo.png -gimp_glow 25,3 -o gimp_glow.png -gimp_tetris Scale = int(10,1,20) gmic geo.png -gimp_tetris 10 -o gimp_tetris.png -gimp_rodilius Amplitude = float(10,0,30) Thickness = float(10,0,100) Sharpness = float(300,0,1000) Orientations = int(5,2,36) Offset = float(30,0,180) Color mode = choice(1,"Darker","Lighter") Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue","Saturation", "Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","hcomponent","Red","Green","Blue","Alpha") mic geo.png -gimp_rodilius 18,10,300,5,30,1,0 -o gimp_rodilius.png -gimp_color_abstraction Smoothness = float(1,0,10) Levels = int(10,2,255) Contrast = float(0.2,0.01,1) gmic geo.png -gimp_color_abstraction 1,10,0.2 -n 0,255 -o gimp_color_abstraction.png -gimp_lylejk_painting Iterations = int(2,1,20) Radius = int(4,1,30) Canvas = float(10,0,100) gmic geo.png -gimp_lylejk_painting 5,4,50 -o gimp_lylejk_painting.png -gimp_kuwahara Iterations = int(2,1,20) Radius = int(5,1,30) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances", "Blue chrominance","Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components", "a-component","b-component","Hue","Saturation","Value", "Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component", "Red","Green","Blue","Alpha") gmic geo.png -gimp_kuwahara 1,3,0 -o gimp_kuwahara.png Colors Les filtres ne sont pas tous illustrés car ils ont souvent des fonctions similaires. Lors des tests, "gimp_blackandwhite" causait des problèmes sur les versions (gmic.exe) & (greffon de Gimp). Ligne de commande : gmic geo.png -gimp_blackandwhite 0.299,0,0.587,0,0.114,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,2,0,16,0 -o gimp_blackandwhite.png Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande -gimp_mix_rgb Red contrast = float(1,0,4) Red brightness = float(0,-255,255) Red smoothness = float(0,0,10) Green contrast = float(1,0,4) Green brightness = float(0,-255,255) Green smoothness = float(0,0,10) Blue contrast = float(1,0,4) Blue brightness = float(0,-255,255) Blue smoothness = float(0,0,10) Tones range = choice("All tones","Shadows","Mid-tones","Highlights") Tones smoothness = float(2,0,10) gmic geo.png -gimp_mix_rgb 4,0,0,4,0,0,4,0,0,0,3 -o gimp_mix_rgb.png -gimp_sepia Gamma = float(1,0.01,5) Contrast = float(1,0,4) Brightness = float(0,-255,255) gmic geo.png -gimp_sepia 1,1.5,0 -o gimp_sepia.png Résultat -gimp_bwrecolorize Gamma = float(1,0.01,5) Contrast = float(1,0,4) Brightness = float(0,-255,255) Normalize = bool(0) Gradient preset = choice("User-defined","Black to white","White to black","Sepia","Solarize") Interpolation type = choice(1,"Nearest","Linear","Cubic","Lanczos") Preserve initial brightness = bool(0) Number of tones = int(5,2,8) 1st tone = color(0,0,0,255) 2nd tone = color(43,25,55,255) 3rd tone = color(158,137,189,255) 4th tone = color(224,191,228,255) 5th tone = color(255,255,255,255) 6th tone = color(255,255,255,255) 7th tone = color(255,255,255,255) 8th tone = color(255,255,255,255) Number of tones = 2 gmic geo.png -gimp_bwrecolorize 1,1,1,0,0,1,1,2,255,0,0,255,127,127,127,255 -o gimp_bwrecolorize.png -gimp_map_tones Threshold = float(0.5,0,1) Gamma = float(0.7,0,1) Smoothness = float(0.1,0,10) Iterations = int(30,0,500) Channel(s) = choice(3,"All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","ccomponent","h-component") gmic geo.png -gimp_map_tones 0.5,0.5,0.1,30,3 -o gimp_map_tones.png -gimp_normalize_local Amplitude = float(2,0,60) Radius = int(6,1,64) Neighborhood smoothness = float(5,0,40) Average smoothness = float(20,0,40) Constrain values = bool(1) Channel(s) = choice(3,"All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","ccomponent","h-component") gmic geo.png -gimp_normalize_local 2,6,5,20,1,3 -o gimp_normalize_local.png Invert selection =0 -gimp_select_color Similarity space = choice(0,"RGB[A]","RGB","YCbCr","Red","Green","Blue","Opacity", "Luminance","Blue & Red chrominances","Hue","Saturation") Tolerance = float(20,0,100) Smoothness = float(0,0,10) Selected color = color(255,255,255,255) Output as = choice(0,"Selected colors","Selected mask") Invert selection = bool(0) gmic geo.png -gimp_select_color 0,20,0,226,116,115,255,0,0 -o gimp_select_color.png Invert selection =1 gmic geo.png -gimp_select_color 0,20,0,226,116,115,255,0,1 -o gimp_select_color_i.png -gimp_replace_color Tolerance = float(100,1,450) Smoothness = float(0,0,10) Selected color = color(255,255,255,255) Replaced color = color(0,0,0,0) gmic sprite.png -gimp_replace_color 100,0,255,0,0,255,127,255,255,255 -o gimp_replace_color.png -gimp_linear_gradient Starting color = color(0,0,0,255) Ending color = color(255,255,255,255) Swap colors = bool(0) Angle = float(45,0,360) Fade start = float(0,0,100) Fade end = float(100,0,100) sans gmic 128,128,1,4 -gimp_linear_gradient 0,0,255,255,255,255,0,255,0,45,0,100 -o gimp_linear_gradient.png -gimp_radial_gradient Starting color = color(0,0,0,255) Ending color = color(255,255,255,255) Swap colors = bool(0) Fade start = float(0,0,100) Fade end = float(100,0,100) X-center = float(50,0,100) Y-center = float(50,0,100) sans gmic 128,128,1,4 -gimp_radial_gradient 0,0,255,255,255,255,0,255,0,0,100,50,50 -o gimp_radial_gradient.png -gimp_corner_gradient Color 1 (up/left corner) = color(255,255,255,128) Color 2 (up/right corner) = color(255,0,0,255) Color 3 (bottom/left corner) = color(0,255,0,255) Color 4 (bottom/right corner) = color(0,0,255,255) sans gmic 128,128,1,4 -gimp_corner_gradient 0,0,255,255,255,255,0,255,0,255,0,255,255,0,255,255 -o gimp_corner_gradient.png -gimp_colormap choice[1,"Adaptive","Custom","Standard (256)","HSV (256)","Lines (256)","Hot (256)", "Cool (256)","Jet (256)","Flag (256)","Cube (256)"] Dithering = float(1,0,1) Number of tones = int(32,2,256) Number of colors = int(8,2,8) 1st color = color(0,0,0) 2nd color = color(255,255,255) 3rd color = color(255,0,0) 4th color = color(0,255,0) 5th color = color(0,0,255) 6th color = color(255,255,0) 7th color = color(255,0,255) 8th color = color(0,255,255) gmic geo.png -gimp_colormap 0,0,4,6 -o gimp_colormap.png -gimp_metallic Strength = float(1,0,1) Smoothness = float(0,0,20) Metal = choice("silver","gold","copper","bronze","blue steel") gmic geo.png -gimp_metallic 1,0,1 -o gimp_metallic.png Résultat image à 4 couleurs Contours Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. -gimp_gradient_norm Smoothness = float(0,0,10) Linearity = float(0.5,0,1.5) Min threshold = float(0,0,100) Max threshold = float(100,0,100) Negative colors = bool(0) -gimp_gradient2rgb Smoothness = float(0,0,10) Min threshold = float(0,0,100) Max threshold = float(100,0,100) Orientation only = bool(0) Negative colors = bool(0) -gimp_local_orientation Smoothness = float(0,0,5) Min threshold = float(0,0,100) Max threshold = float(100,0,100) Negative colors = bool(0) Channel(s) = choice(3,"All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") -gimp_curvature Smoothness = float(2,0,10) Min threshold = float(0,0,100) Max threshold = float(100,0,100) Absolute value = bool(0) Negative colors = bool(0) -gimp_edges Smoothness = float(0,0,10) Threshold = float(15,0,50) Negative colors = bool(0) Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande Negative colors = 1 gmic geo.png -gimp_gradient_norm 0.9,0.5,21,80,1 -o gimp_gradient_norm.png gmic geo.png -gimp_gradient2rgb 0,0,100,0,0 -o gimp_gradient2rgb.png gmic geo.png -gimp_local_orientation 0,0,100,0,3 -o gimp_local_orientation.png gmic geo.png -gimp_curvature 2,0,100,0,0 -o gimp_curvature.png gmic geo.png -gimp_edges 0,15,0 -o gimp_edges.png Résultat -gimp_thin_edges Smoothness = float(0,0,10) Threshold = float(15,0,50) Negative colors = bool(0) gmic geo.png -gimp_thin_edges 0,15,0 -o gimp_thin_edges.png -gimp_edge_offsets Smoothness = float(0,0,10) Threshold = float(15,0,50) Scale = int(4,0,32) Thickness = int(1,0,16) Negative colors = bool(0) gmic geo.png -gimp_edge_offsets 0,15,4,1,0 -o gimp_edge_offsets.png -gimp_segment_watershed Edge threshold = float(2,0,5) Smoothness = float(1,0,5) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") -gimp_morpho "Original - Erosion","Dilation - Original","Original - Opening","Closing - Original") Size = int(5,2,60) Invert colors = bool(false) Shape = choice(0,"Square","Octagonal","Circular") Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance","Red chrominance", "Lightness","ab-components","a-component","b-component","Hue","Saturation", "Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") #@gimp : Scale = bool(true) -gimp_skeleton Method = choice("Distance","Thinning") Smoothness = float(0,0,10) Curviness = float(0,0,10) Multiple channels = bool(1) gmic geo.png -gimp_segment_watershed 2,1,3 -o gimp_segment_watershed.png gmic geo.png -gimp_morpho 3,5,1,0,3,1 -o gimp_morpho.png gmic geo.png -gimp_skeleton 0,0,0,0 -o gimp_skeleton.png Deformations Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. Image(s) d'origine -gimp_zoom Factor = float(2,0.01,10) X-center = float(0.5,0,1) Y-center = float(0.5,0,1) Borders = choice(0,"Black","Nearest","Repeat") Ligne de commande gmic mire.png -gimp_zoom 1.5,0.5,0.5,0 -o gimp_zoom.png mire avec la partie centrale transparente -water Amplitude = float(30,0,300) Smoothness = float(1.5,0,4) gmic mire.png -water 30,1.5 -o gimp_water.png -wave Amplitude = float(10,0,30) Frequency = float(0.4,0,2) X-center = float(50,0,100) Y-center = float(50,0,100) gmic mire.png -wave 10,0.4,50,50 -o gimp_wave.png Résultat -twirl Amplitude = float(1,-5,5) X-center = float(0.5,0,1) Y-center = float(0.5,0,1) Borders = choice(1,"Black","Nearest","Repeat") gmic mire.png -twirl 1,0.5,0.5,1 -o gimp_twirl.png -gimp_flower Amplitude = float(30,-100,100) Petals = int(6,0,20) Offset = float(0,0,100) Angle = float(0,0,360) X-center = float(0.5,0,1) Y-center = float(0.5,0,1) Borders = choice(1,"Black","Nearest","Repeat") gmic mire.png -gimp_flower 30,6,0,0,0.5,0.5,1 -o gimp_flower.png -deform Amplitude = float(10,0,100) gmic mire.png -deform 10 -o gimp_deform.png -fisheye X-center = float(50,0,100) Y-center = float(50,0,100) Radius = float(70,0,100) Amplitude = float(1,0,2) gmic mire.png -fisheye 50,50,80,1 -o gimp_fish_eye.png -gimp_map_sphere Width = _int(512,1,4096) Height = _int(512,1,4096) Radius = float(90,0,400) Dilation = float(0.5,0,1) Angle = float(0,-50,50) gmic mire.png -gimp_map_sphere 128,128,90,0.5,0 -o gimp_map_sphere.png -gimp_map_sphere Width = _int(512,1,4096) Height = _int(512,1,4096) Radius = float(90,0,400) Dilation = float(0.5,0,1) Angle = float(0,-50,50) Border smoothness = float(0,0,200) Border width = float(20,0,100) Orientation = choice("0 deg.","90 deg.","180 deg.","270 deg.") Background = choice("Transparent","Mean color") Fading = float(0,0,100) Fading shape = float(0.5,0,3) gmic mire.png -gimp_map_sphere 128,128,90,0.5,0,0,20,0,1,0,0 -o gimp_map_sphere2.png -gimp_warp_perspective X-angle = float(1.73,-4,4) Y-angle = float(0,-4,4) Zoom = float(1,0.1,4) X-center = float(50,0,100) Y-center = float(50,0,100) X-offset = float(0,0,100) Y-offset = float(0,0,100) Borders = choice(2,"Black","Nearest","Repeat") gmic mire.png -gimp_warp_perspective 1.73,0,1,50,50,0,0,2 -o gimp_warp_perspective.png -gimp_euclidean2polar X-center = float(0.5,0,1) Y-center = float(0.5,0,1) Dilation = float(1,0.1,10) Borders = choice(1,"Black","Nearest","Repeat") Inverse transform = bool(0) gmic mire.png -gimp_euclidean2polar 0.5,0.5,1,1,0 -o gimp_euclidean2polar.png -gimp_custom_deformation X-warping = text{"(w+h)/20 * cos(y*20/h)"} Y-warping = text{"(w+h)/20 * sin(x*20/w)"} Relative warping = bool(1) Interpolation = choice(1,"Nearest neighbor","Linear") Borders = choice(1,"Black","Nearest","Repeat") gmic mire.png -gimp_custom_deformation (w+h)/20*cos(y*20/h),(w+h)/20*sin(x*20/w),1,1,1 -o gimp_custom_deformation.png -gimp_transform_polar Preset = choice("Custom transform","Inverse radius","Swap radius/angle") X-center = float(50,0,100) Y-center = float(50,0,100) Radius = text{"r + R/10*cos(a*5)"} Angle = text{"a"} Borders = choice(1,"Black","Nearest","Repeat") Preset = Inverse radius gmic mire.png -gimp_transform_polar 1,50,50,r+R/10*cos(a*5),a,1 -o gimp_transform_polar.png Degradations Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. Image(s) d'origine -gimp_noise Amplitude = float(10,0,200) Noise type = choice("Gaussian","Uniform","Salt and pepper","Poisson") Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") Value range = choice("Cut","Normalize") gmic mire.png -gimp_noise 180,0,0,0 -o gimp_noise.png -gimp_spread X-variations = float(4,0,20) Y-variations = float(4,0,20) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") gmic mire.png -gimp_spread 4,4,0 -o gimp_spread.png -gimp_shade_stripes Frequency = float(30,1,100) Orientation = choice(1,"Horizontal","Vertical") Darkness = float(0.8,0,3) Lightness = float(1.3,0,3) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") -gimp_stripes_y Frequency = float(10,0,100) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") -gimp_watermark_visible Text = text("\251 G'MIC") Opacity = float(0.4,0.1,0.9) Size = int(57,13,128) Angle = float(25,0,360) Lightness = choice(1,"Darker","Brighter") -gimp_gaussian_blur XY-amplitude = float(3,0,20) X-amplitude = float(0,0,20) Y-amplitude = float(0,0,20) Border conditions = choice(1,"Black","Nearest") Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") Value range = choice("Cut","Normalize") -gimp_blur_linear Tangent radius = float(10,0,100) Orthogonal radius = float(0.5,0,100) Angle = float(0,0,180) Border conditions = choice(1,"Black","Nearest") Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances", "Blue chrominance","Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") Value range = choice("Cut","Normalize") Ligne de commande gmic mire.png -gimp_shade_stripes 70,1,0.8,1.3,0 -o gimp_shade_stripes.png mire avec la partie centrale transparente gmic mire.png -gimp_stripes_y 80,0 -o gimp_stripes_y.png gmic mire.png -gimp_watermark_visible "ABC",0.85,24,315,1 -o gimp_watermark_visible.png gmic mire.png -gimp_gaussian_blur 3,0,0,1,0,1 -o gimp_gaussian_blur.png gmic mire.png -gimp_blur_linear 10,0.5,0,1,0,1 -o gimp_blur_linear.png Résultat -gimp_blur_radial Amplitude = float(3,0,20) X-center = float(0.5,0,1) Y-center = float(0.5,0,1) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances", "Blue chrominance","Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") Value range = choice("Cut","Normalize") -gimp_blur_angular Amplitude = float(2,0,10) X-center = float(0.5,0,1) Y-center = float(0.5,0,1) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances", "Blue chrominance","Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") Value range = choice("Cut","Normalize") -gimp_bandpass Low frequency = float(0,0,100) High frequency = float(100,0,100) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances", "Blue chrominance","Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","h-component") Value range = choice(1,"Cut","Normalize") gmic mire.png -gimp_blur_radial 3,0.5,0.5,0,1 -o gimp_blur_radial.png gmic mire.png -gimp_blur_angular 2,0.5,0.5,0,1 -o gimp_blur_angular.png gmic mire.png -gimp_bandpass 1,100,0,1 -o gimp_bandpass.png -rgb2bayer Starting pattern = choice(0,"Red-Green","Blue-Green","Green-Red","Green-Blue") Keep colors = bool(1) gmic mire.png -rgb2bayer 0,1 -o gimp_rgb2bayer.png -bayer2rgb G/M smoothness = _float(6,0,20) R/B smoothness (principal) = _float(6,0,20) R/B smoothness (secondary) = _float(4,0,20) gmic gimp_rgb2bayer.png -bayer2rgb 6,6,4 -o gimp_bayer2rgb.png -gimp_8bits Scale = float(25,1,100) Dithering = float(800,0,10000) Levels = int(16,2,256) Preview type = choice("Full","Forward horizontal","Forward vertical","Backward horizontal","Backward vertical") gmic geo.png -gimp_8bits 25,800,16,1 -o gimp_8bits.png Enhancement Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. -gimp_anisotropic_smoothing Amplitude = float(60,0,1000) Sharpness = float(0.7,0,2) Anisotropy = float(0.3,0,1) Gradient smoothness = float(0.6,0,10) Tensor smoothness = float(1.1,0,10) Spatial precision = float(0.8,0.1,2) Angular precision = float(30,1,180) Value precision = float(2,0.1,5) Interpolation = choice(0,"Nearest neighbor","Linear","Runge-Kutta") Fast approximation = bool(1) Iterations = int(1,1,10) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","acomponent","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","chcomponents","c-component","h-component") Tiles = int(1,1,10) Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande Remarques : - Ce filtre remplace l'ancien GREYCstoration dans Gimp, il permet de diminuer le bruit et de créer des effets à base de flou. - Un moyen simple pour diminuer le bruit est d'augmenter le nombe "Iterations", ici = 3 gmic bruit.png -gimp_anisotropic_smoothing 60,0.7,0.3,0.6,1.1,0.8,30,2,0,1,3,2,1 -o gimp_anisotropic_smoothing.png Résultat -gimp_patch_smoothing Spatial variance = float(10,0.1,200) Patch variance = float(10,0.1,200) Patch size = int(3,2,21) Lookup size = int(5,2,21) Patch smoothness = float(0,0,4) Fast approximation = bool(1) Iterations = int(1,1,10) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","acomponent","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","chcomponents","c-component","h-component") -gimp_bilateral Spatial variance = float(10,0,100) Value variance = float(7,0,100) Iterations = int(2,1,10) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","acomponent","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","chcomponents","c-component","h-component") -gimp_remove_hotpixels Mask size = int(3,3,20) Threshold = float(10,0,200) -gimp_median Radius = int(3,1,20) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","acomponent","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","chcomponents","c-component","h-component") -gimp_edgepreserving_smoothing Sharpness = float(0.7,0,2) Anisotropy = float(0.3,0,1) Gradient smoothness = float(0.6,0,10) Tensor smoothness = float(1.1,0,10) Time step = float(15,5,50) Iterations = int(8,1,100) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","acomponent","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","chcomponents","c-component","h-component") -gimp_meancurvature_smoothing Time step = float(30,5,50) Iterations = int(4,1,10) Keep iterations as different layers = bool(false) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","acomponent","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","chcomponents","c-component","h-component") -gimp_tv_smoothing Time step = float(30,5,100) Iterations = int(10,1,40) Keep iterations as different layers = bool(false) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","acomponent","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","chcomponents","c-component","h-component") gmic bruit.png -gimp_patch_smoothing 10,10,3,5,0,1,4,2 -o gimp_patch_smoothing.png gmic bruit.png -gimp_bilateral 10,15,2,2 -o gimp_bilateral.png gmic bruit.png -gimp_remove_hotpixels 10,7 -o gimp_remove_hotpixels.png gmic bruit.png -gimp_median 7,2 -o gimp_median.png gmic bruit.png -gimp_edgepreserving_smoothing 0.7,0.3,0.6,1.1,15,30,2 -o gimp_edgepreserving_smoothing.png gmic bruit.png -gimp_meancurvature_smoothing 50,9,0,2 -o gimp_meancurvature_smoothing.png gmic bruit.png -gimp_tv_smoothing 30,25,0,2 -o gimp_tv_smoothing.png -gimp_unsharp Sharpening type = choice(0,"Gaussian","Bilateral") Spatial radius = float(1.25,0,20) Bilateral radius = float(30,0,60) Amount = float(3,0,10) Threshold = float(0,0,20) Darkness level = float(1,0,4) Lightness level = float(1,0,4) Iterations = int(1,1,10) Negative effect = bool(0) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","acomponent","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","chcomponents","c-component","h-component") -gimp_unsharp_octave Scales = int(4,1,10) Maximal radius = float(5,0,20) Amount = float(3,0,10) Threshold = float(0,0,255) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","acomponent","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","chcomponents","c-component","h-component") -gimp_sharpen_inversediff Amplitude = float(50,1,300) Iterations = int(2,1,10) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","acomponent","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","chcomponents","c-component","h-component") -gimp_sharpen_shock Amplitude = float(150,1,400) Edge threshold = float(0.1,0,0.7) Gradient smoothness = float(0.8,0,10) Tensor smoothness = float(1.1,0,10) Iterations = int(1,1,10) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","acomponent","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","chcomponents","c-component","h-component") -gimp_richardson_lucy Radius = float(2,0,20) Iterations = int(10,0,100) Time step = float(20,0,50) Smoothness = float(0.1,0,10) Regularization = choice(1,"Tikhonov","Mean curvature","Total variation") Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","acomponent","b-component","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","chcomponents","c-component","h-component") -deinterlace Algorithm = choice("Standard","Motion-compensated") -red_eye Threshold = float(75,0,100) Smoothness = float(3.5,0,20) Factor = float(0.1,0,1) gmic Ru_dagon.png -gimp_unsharp 0,1.25,30,3,0,1,1,1,0,2 -o gimp_unsharp.png gmic Ru_dagon.png -gimp_unsharp_octave 4,5,3,0,2 -o gimp_unsharp_octave.png Source image : eye.jpg Date : 17 May 2007 Author : Ru_dagon gmic Ru_dagon.png -gimp_sharpen_inversediff 50,2,2 -o gimp_sharpen_inversediff.png gmic Ru_dagon.png -gimp_sharpen_shock 150,0.1,0.8,1.1,1,2 -o gimp_sharpen_shock.png gmic Ru_dagon.png -gimp_richardson_lucy 2,10,20,0.1,1,2 -o gimp_richardson_lucy.png Filtre pour images vidéo entrelacées. gmic v.png -deinterlace 1 -o deinterlace.png gmic yr.png -red_eye 75,3.5,0.1 -o red_eye_2.png -gimp_scalenx Scaling factor = choice("x 2","x 3","x 4","x 6","x 8","x 9","x 12","x 16","x 18","x 27") gmic 40_40.png -gimp_scalenx 3 -o gimp_scalenx.png -gimp_upscale_smart Width = text("200%") Height = text("200%") Smoothness = float(2,0,20) Anisotropy = float(0.4,0,1) Sharpness = float(10,0,100) gmic 40_40.png -gimp_upscale_smart 400%,400%,2,0.4,10 -o gimp_upscale_smart.png -gimp_solidify gmic geo_trans.png -gimp_solidify This filter replaces transparent regions by morphologically interpolated colors. It may take long to render ! Rendu identique à la commande -solidify Cliquer ici Layers Pour plus de descriptions de filtres voir : Mélanges d'images (fonctions "compose") Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. Image(s) d'origine -gimp_compose_fade Preset = choice{1,"Custom","Linear","Circular","Wave","Keftales"} Offset = float(0,-1,1) Thinness = float(0,0,10) Sharpness = float(5,1,20) Sharpest = bool(0) Revert layers = bool(0) 1st parameter = float(0,-1,1) 2nd parameter = float(0,-1,1) 3rd parameter = float(0,-1,1) Formula = text{"cos(4*pi*x/w) * sin(4*pi*y/h)"} -gimp_compose_shapeaverage Preserve shading = bool(1) Transparency = bool(0) Ligne de commande gmic geo.png mire.png -gimp_compose_fade 1,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,cos(4*pi*x/w)*sin(4*pi*y/h) -o gimp_compose_fade.png gmic geo.png mire.png -gimp_compose_fade 1,0,0,5,0,0,0.5,0.5,0,0 -o gimp_compose_fade2.png mire avec la partie gmic mire.png geo.png -gimp_compose_shapeaverage 0,1 -o gimp_compose_shapeaverage.png centrale transparente -gimp_transparent_diff Threshold = float(1,0,100) Smoothness = float(0,0,10) Opaque pixels = choice(0,"From 1st layer","From 2nd layer") Transparent pixels = choice(1,"From same values","From different values") gmic geo.png mire.png -gimp_transparent_diff 50,0,0,1 -o gimp_transparent_diff.png -gimp_align_layers Alignment type = choice(0,"Rigid","Non-rigid") Smoothness = float(0.7,0,1) Scales = choice(0,"Auto","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8") gmic mire.png geo.png -gimp_align_layers 0,0.1,0 -o[-1] gimp_align_layers.png Résultat -gimp_split_tones Number of tones = int(3,2,10) -gimp_morph Frames = _int(10,2,100) Smoothness = _float(0.2,0,2) Precision = _float(0.1,0,2) gmic m1.png m2.png -gimp_split_tones 2 -o gimp_split_tones.png Résultat des 30 images assemblées en gif animé gmic m1.png m2.png -gimp_morph 30,0.2,0.1 -o gimp_morph.png Lights & Shadows Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. -gimp_drop_shadow X-shadow = float(3,-20,20) Y-shadow = float(3,-20,20) Smoothness = float(1.8,0,5) Angle = float(0,0,360) -gimp_shadow_patch Opacity = float(0.7,0,1) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","hcomponent") -gimp_light_patch ensity = int(5,2,30) Darkness = float(0.7,0,1) Lightness = float(2.5,1,4) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","hcomponent") Image d'origine Ligne de commande gmic geo.png -gimp_drop_shadow 3,3,1.8,30 -o gimp_drop_shadow.png gmic geo.png -gimp_shadow_patch 0.3,2 -o gimp_shadow_patch.png gmic geo.png -gimp_light_patch 5,0.7,2.5,2 -o gimp_light_patch.png Résultat -gimp_light_relief Ambient lightness = float(0.3,0,5) Specular lightness = float(0.2,0,2) Specular size = float(0.2,0,1) Darkness = float(0,0,1) Light smoothness = float(0.5,0,5) X-light = float(0.5,0,1) Y-light = float(0.5,0,1) Z-light = float(5,0,20) Z-scale = float(0.5,0,3) Opacity as bumpmap = bool(0) Image smoothness = float(0,0,10) gmic geo.png -gimp_light_relief 0.3,0.2,0.2,0,2,0.5,0.5,5,0.5,0,0 -o gimp_light_relief.png -gimp_lightrays Density = float(80,0,100) X-center = float(0.5,0,1) Y-center = float(0.5,0,1) Length = float(1,0,1) Attenuation = float(0.5,0,1) Transparency = bool(0) gmic geo.png -gimp_lightrays 53.68,0.35,0.25,0.02,0.11,1 -o gimp_lightrays.png Patterns Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. Image d'origine Ligne de commande -gimp_stencil Radius = float(3,0,10) Smoothness = float(0,0,30) Iterations = int(8,1,100) Aliasing = float(0,0,5) Stencil type = choice(0,"Black & White","Shaded","Color") Transparency = bool(0) gmic m1.png -gimp_stencil 3,0,8,0,2,0 -o gimp_stencil.png -gimp_dots Number of scales = int(10,1,20) Resolution = float(10,1,100) Radius = float(3,0.1,10) Stencil type = choice(0,"Black & White","Shaded","Color") Transparency = bool(0) gmic m1.png -gimp_dots 30,10,3,3,1 -o gimp_dots.png -gimp_puzzle Scale = float(6,1,20) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","hcomponent") Density = float(1,0.1,10) Keep edges = bool(true) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","hcomponent") -gimp_cracks Density = float(1,0.1,10) Amplitude = float(-80,-255,255) Relief = bool(true) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","hcomponent") gmic m1.png -gimp_puzzle 6,2 -o gimp_puzzle.png gmic m1.png -gimp_mosaic 1,1,2 -o gimp_mosaic.png gmic m1.png -gimp_cracks 1,-80,1,2 -o gimp_cracks.png Résultat -gimp_whirls Density = int(7,3,20) Smoothness = float(2,0,10) Darkness = float(0.2,0,1) Lightness = float(1.8,1,3) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","hcomponent") gmic m1.png -gimp_whirls 7,2,0.2,1.8,2 -o gimp_whirls.png -gimp_paper Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","hcomponent") gmic m1.png -gimp_paper 2 -o gimp_paper.png -gimp_hearts Density = float(10,0,100) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","hcomponent") gmic m1.png -gimp_hearts 10,2 -o gimp_hearts.png -gimp_sponge Size = int(13,3,21) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","hcomponent") gmic m1.png -gimp_sponge 13,2 -o gimp_sponge.png -gimp_canvas Amplitude = float(70,0,300) Angle = float(45,0,180) Sharpness = float(400,0,2000) Activate second direction = bool(true) Amplitude = float(70,0,300) Angle = float(135,0,180) Sharpness = float(400,0,2000) gmic m1.png -gimp_canvas 70,45,400,1,70,135,400 -o gimp_canvas.png -gimp_dices Resolution = float(2,1,10) Size = int(24,8,64) Color model = choice("Black dices","White dices") gmic geo.png -gimp_dices 1,6,1 -o gimp_dices.png -gimp_plaid_texture Line = float(50,0,100) Number of angles = int(2,1,8) Starting angle = float(0,0,360) Angle range = float(90,0,360) Smoothness = float(1,0,5) Sharpen = float(300,0,1000) gmic geo.png -gimp_plaid_texture 30,2,30,90,3,400 -o gimp_plaid_texture.png -gimp_truchet Scale = int(32,1,256) Radius = int(5,1,64) Smoothness = float(1,0,10) Type = choice(1,"Straight","Curved") Colorize randomly = bool(0) sans gmic 128,128,1,4 -gimp_truchet 16,3,1,1,1 -n 0,225 -o gimp_truchet.png Presets Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. Image d'origine Ligne de commande Résultat -gimp_anisotropic_smoothing Amplitude = float(60,0,1000) Sharpness = float(0.16,0,2) Anisotropy = float(0.63,0,1) Gradient smoothness = float(0.6,0,10) Tensor smoothness = float(2.35,0,10) Spatial precision = float(0.8,0.1,2) Angular precision = float(30,1,180) Value precision = float(2,0.1,5) Interpolation = choice(0,"Nearest neighbor","Linear","Runge-Kutta") Fast approximation = bool(1) Iterations = int(1,1,10) Channel(s) = choice("RGB","Luminance","Blue & Red chrominances","Blue chrominance","Red chrominance") Tiles = int(1,1,10) PhotoComiX smoothing gmic geo.png -gimp_anisotropic_smoothing 60,0.16,0.63,0.6,2.35,0.8,30,2,0,1,1,1,1 -o PhotoComiX_smoothing.png -gimp_anisotropic_smoothing Amplitude = float(60,0,1000) Sharpness = float(0.9,0,2) Anisotropy = float(0.64,0,1) Gradient smoothness = float(3.1,0,10) Tensor smoothness = float(1.10,0,10) Spatial precision = float(0.8,0.1,2) Angular precision = float(30,1,180) Value precision = float(2,0.1,5) Interpolation = choice(0,"Nearest neighbor","Linear","Runge-Kutta") Fast approximation = bool(1) Iterations = int(1,1,10) Channel(s) = choice("RGB","Luminance","Blue & Red chrominances","Blue chrominance","Red chrominance") Tiles = int(1,1,10) Thin brush smoothing gmic geo.png -gimp_anisotropic_smoothing 60,0.9,0.64,3.1,1.1,0.8,30,2,0,1,1,1,1 -o Thin_brush_smoothing.png -gimp_lylejk_stencil Amplitude = int(5,1,10) Sharpness = float(10,0,100) Radius = float(3,0,10) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/red chrominances","Blue chrominance", "Red chrominance","Lightness","ab-components","a-component","bcomponent","Hue", "Saturation","Value","Key","Alpha","ch-components","c-component","hcomponent") gmic geo.png -gimp_lylejk_stencil 5,10,3,2 -o gimp_lylejk_stencil.png Rendering Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. -gimp_elevation3d Factor = float(100,-1000,1000) Smoothness = float(1,0,10) Width = _int(1024,8,4096) Height = _int(1024,8,4096) Size = float(0.8,0,3) X-angle = float(25,0,360) Y-angle = float(0,0,360) Z-angle = float(21,0,360) FOV = float(45,1,90) X-light = float(0,-100,100) Y-light = float(0,-100,100) Z-light = float(-100,-100,0) Specularity = float(0.5,0,1) Shininess = float(0.7,0,3) Rendering = choice(2,"Dots","Wireframe","Flat","Flat shaded","Gouraud","Phong") Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande gmic m1.png -gimp_elevation3d 100,1,1024,1024,0.8,25,0,21,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7,2 -resize 128,128 -o gimp_elevation3d.png Résultat -gimp_imageobject3d Type = choice{1,"Plane","Cube","Pyramid","Sphere","Torus","Gyroid","Weird","Cup"} Width = _int(1024,1,4096) Height = _int(1024,1,4096) Size = float(0.5,0,3) X-angle = float(57,0,360) Y-angle = float(41,0,360) Z-angle = float(21,0,360) FOV = float(45,1,90) X-light = float(0,-100,100) Y-light = float(0,-100,100) Z-light = float(-100,-100,0) Specularity = float(0.5,0,1) Shininess = float(0.7,0,3) Rendering = choice(4,"Dots","Wireframe","Flat","Flat shaded","Gouraud","Phong") gmic m1.png -gimp_imageobject3d 1,152,152,0.5,57,41,21,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7,4 -autocrop 0 -o gimp_imageobject3d.png -gimp_lathing3d Resolution = int(76,1,1024) Smoothness = float(0.6,0,3) Max angle = float(361,0,361) Width = _int(1024,1,4096) Height = _int(1024,1,4096) Size = float(0.5,0,3) X-angle = float(57,0,360) Y-angle = float(41,0,360) Z-angle = float(21,0,360) FOV = float(45,1,90) X-light = float(0,-100,100) Y-light = float(0,-100,100) Z-light = float(-100,-100,0) Specularity = float(0.5,0,1) Shininess = float(0.7,0,3) Rendering = choice(4,"Dots","Wireframe","Flat","Flat shaded","Gouraud","Phong") gmic m1.png -gimp_lathing3d 76,0.6,361,232,232,0.5,57,41,21,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7,4 -autocrop 0 -o gimp_lathing3d.png -gimp_extrude3d Depth = float(10,1,256) Resolution = int(512,1,1024) Smoothness = float(0.6,0,3) Width = _int(1024,1,4096) Height = _int(1024,1,4096) Size = float(0.5,0,3) X-angle = float(57,0,360) Y-angle = float(41,0,360) Z-angle = float(21,0,360) FOV = float(45,1,90) X-light = float(0,-100,100) Y-light = float(0,-100,100) Z-light = float(-100,-100,0) Specularity = float(0.5,0,1) Shininess = float(0.7,0,3) Rendering = choice(4,"Dots","Wireframe","Flat","Flat shaded","Gouraud","Phong") gmic mire.png -gimp_extrude3d 10,512,0.6,291,291,0.5,57,41,21,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7,4 -autocrop 0 -o gimp_extrude3d.png -gimp_random3d Type = choice("Cube","Cone","Cylinder","Sphere","Torus") Density = int(50,1,300) Size = float(3,1,20) Z-range = float(100,0,300) FOV = float(45,1,90) X-light = float(0,-100,100) Y-light = float(0,-100,100) Z-light = float(-100,-100,0) Specularity = float(0.5,0,1) Shininess = float(0.7,0,3) Rendering = choice(3,"Dots","Wireframe","Flat","Flat shaded","Gouraud","Phong") Opacity = float(1,0,1) mire avec la partie centrale transparente gmic mire.png -gimp_random3d 3,140,6,100,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7,3,1 -o gimp_random3d.png -gimp_mandelbrot X-center = float(0,-2,2) Y-center = float(0,-2,2) Zoom = float(0,0,100) Iterations = int(128,1,512) Fractal set = choice(Mandelbrot, Julia) X-seed (Julia) = text("0.317") Y-seed (Julia) = text("0.03") Color 1 = color(0,0,255) Color 2 = color(0,255,0) Color 3 = color(255,0,0) Color 4 = color(255,0,255) sans gmic 128,128,1,3 -gimp_mandelbrot -0.4,0,0.5,128,0,0.317,0.03,200,200,200,0,255,0,255,0,0,255,0,255 -o gimp_mandelbrot.png -gimp_chessboard First size = int(64,1,512) Second size = int(64,1,512) First offset = int(0,0,512) Second offset = int(0,0,512) Angle = float(0,0,180) Opacity = float(0.5,0,1) First color = color(0,0,0,255) Second color = color(255,255,255,255) sans gmic 128,128,1,4 -gimp_chessboard 16,16,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,255,200,200,200,255 -o gimp_chessboard.png -gimp_polka_dots Size = float(80,0,100) Density = float(20,0.1,100) First offset = float(50,0,100) Second offset = float(50,0,100) Angle = float(0,0,180) Aliasing = float(0.5,0.1,1) Shading = float(0.1,0.1,1) Opacity = float(1,0,1) Color = color(255,0,0,255) sans gmic 128,128,1,4 -gimp_polka_dots 80,20,50,50,0,0.5,0.1,1,255,0,0,255 -o gimp_polka_dots.png -gimp_rainbow Left position = float(80,0,100) Right position = float(80,0,100) Left slope = float(175,0,400) Right slope = float(175,0,400) Thinness = float(3,0.1,8) Opacity = float(80,0,199) sans gmic 128,128,1,4 -gimp_rainbow 80,80,175,175,1.4,100 -o gimp_rainbow.png -sierpinski Recursions = int(6,0,10) 1st X-coord = float(50,0,100) 1st Y-coord = float(0,0,100) 2nd X-coord = float(0,0,100) 2nd Y-coord = float(100,0,100) 3rd X-coord = float(100,0,100) 3rd Y-coord = float(100,0,100) sans gmic 128,128,1,3 -sierpinski 6,50,0,0,100,100,100 -o gimp_sierpinski.png -snowflake Recursions = int(3,0,5) 1st X-coord = float(20,0,100) 1st Y-coord = float(70,0,100) 2nd X-coord = float(80,0,100) 2nd Y-coord = float(70,0,100) 3rd X-coord = float(50,0,100) 3rd Y-coord = float(10,0,100) Opacity = float(1,0,1) Color = color(255,255,255) sans gmic 128,128,1,3 -snowflake 3,20,70,80,70,50,10,1,255,255,255 -o gimp_snowflake.png -gimp_equation_plot Equation = text{"X*c+10*cos(X+c+?)"} X-min = float(-10,-100,100) X-max = float(10,-100,100) Resolution = int(100,2,1024) Channels = int(3,1,32) Plot type = choice(2,"None","Lines","Splines","Bars") Vertex type = choice(0,"None","Points","Crosses 1","Crosses 2","Circles 1","Circles 2","Square 1","Square 2") sans gmic 128,128,1,3 -gimp_equation_plot X*c+10*cos(X+c+?),-10,10,100,3,2,0 -o gimp_equation_plot.png -gimp_maze Cell size = int(24,1,256) Thickness = int(1,1,10) Masking = choice("None","Render on dark areas","Render on white areas") Preserve image dimension = bool(1) Maze type = choice("Dark walls","White walls") sans gmic 128,128,1,3 -gimp_maze 9,2,0,1,1 -o gimp_maze.png Sequences Commande et paramètres de la ligne de commande. Image(s) d'origine Ligne de commande -gimp_animate_polaroid Frames = _int(10,2,100) Output frames = _bool(1) Output files = _bool(0) Output folder = _folder() Frame size = int(10,1,400) Bottom size = int(20,1,400) X-shadow = float(0,-20,20) Y-shadow = float(0,-20,20) Smoothness = float(3,0,5) Angle = float(0,0,360) Zoom = float(1,0.01,1) Frame size = int(10,1,400) Bottom size = int(20,1,400) X-shadow = float(0,-20,20) Y-shadow = float(0,-20,20) Smoothness = float(3,0,5) Angle = float(20,0,360) Zoom = float(1,0.01,1) gmic m2.png -gimp_animate_polaroid 4,1,0,toto,10,20,0,0,3,0,1,10,20,0,0,3,20,1 -resize 50%,50% -o gimp_animate_polaroid.png -gimp_animate_edges Frames = _int(10,2,100) Output frames = _bool(1) Output files = _bool(0) Output folder = _folder() Negative colors = bool(0) Smoothness = float(0,0,10) Edge threshold = float(10,0,30) Smoothness = float(0,0,10) Edge threshold = float(30,0,30) gmic m2.png -gimp_animate_edges 4,1,0,toto,0,0,10,0,30 -resize 50%,50% -o gimp_animate_edges.png -gimp_animate_cartoon Frames = _int(10,2,100) Output frames = _bool(1) Output files = _bool(0) Output folder = _folder() Color quantization = int(4,2,256) Smoothness = float(0.5,0,2) Sharpening = float(200,0,400) Edge threshold = float(10,1,30) Edge thickness = float(0.1,0,1) Color strength = float(1.5,0,3) Smoothness = float(3,0,2) Sharpening = float(200,0,400) Edge threshold = float(10,1,30) Edge thickness = float(0.1,0,1) Color strength = float(1.5,0,3) gmic m2.png -gimp_animate_cartoon 4,1,0,toto,4,0.5,200,10,0,1.5,3,200,10,0.1,1.5 -resize 50%,50% -o gimp_animate_cartoon.png -gimp_animate_stencilbw Frames = _int(10,2,100) Output frames = _bool(1) Output files = _bool(0) Output folder = _folder() Edge threshold = float(10,0,30) Smoothness = float(10,0,30) Edge threshold = float(10,0,30) Smoothness = float(20,0,30) gmic m2.png -gimp_animate_stencilbw 4,1,0,toto,10,10,10,20 -resize 50%,50% -o gimp_animate_stencilbw.png Résultat -gimp_animate_pencilbw Frames = _int(10,2,100) Output frames = _bool(1) Output files = _bool(0) Output folder = _folder() Pencil type = float(2.3,0,5) Amplitude = float(100,0,200) Pencil type = float(0.3,0,5) Amplitude = float(60,0,200) gmic m2.png -gimp_animate_pencilbw 4,1,0,toto,2.3,100,0.3,60 -resize 50%,50% -o gimp_animate_pencilbw.png -gimp_animate_glow Frames = _int(10,2,100) Output as frames = _bool(1) Output as files = _bool(0) Output folder = _folder() Amplitude = float(0,0,8) Amplitude = float(3,0,8) gmic m2.png -gimp_animate_glow 4,1,0,toto,0,30 -resize 50%,50% -o gimp_animate_glow.png -gimp_animate_morpho Frames = _int(10,2,100) Output as frames = _bool(1) Output as files = _bool(0) Output folder = _folder() Action = choice("Erosion","Dilation","Opening","Closing"," Original - Erosion", "Dilation - Original","Original Opening","Closing - Original") Invert colors = bool(false) Shape = choice(0,"Square","Octagonal","Circular") Size = int(5,1,100) Size = int(50,2,100) -gimp_animate_anisotropic_smoothing Frames = _int(10,2,100) Output as frames = _bool(1) Output as files = _bool(0) Output folder = _folder() Spatial precision = float(0.8,0.1,2) Angular precision = float(30,1,180) Value precision = float(2,0.1,5) Interpolation type = choice(0,"Nearest neighbor","Linear","Runge-Kutta") Fast approximation = bool(1) Iterations = int(1,1,10) Channel(s) = choice("All","RGBA","RGB","Luminance","Blue/r ed chrominances", "Blue chrominance","Red chrominance","Alpha") Tile subdivisions = int(1,1,10) Amplitude = float(60,0,1000) Sharpness = float(0.7,0,2) Anisotropy = float(0.3,0,1) Gradient smoothness = float(0.6,0,10) Tensor smoothness = float(1.1,0,10) Amplitude = float(60,0,1000) Sharpness = float(0.7,0,2) Anisotropy = float(0.3,0,1) Gradient smoothness = float(0.6,0,10) Tensor smoothness = float(1.1,0,10) gmic m2.png -gimp_animate_morpho 4,1,0,toto,1,0,0,5,50 -resize 50%,50% -o gimp_animate_morpho.png gmic m2.png -gimp_animate_anisotropic_smoothing 4,1,0,toto,0.8,30,2,0,1,1,2,1,60,0.7,0.3,0.6,1.1,60,0.7,0.3,20,1.1 -resize 50%,50% -o gimp_animate_anisotropic_smoothing.png -gimp_animate_imageobject3d Frames = _int(10,2,100) Output as frames = _bool(1) Output as files = _bool(0) Output folder = _folder() Type = choice{1,"Plane","Cube","Pyramid","Sphere", "Torus","Gyroid","Weird","Cup"} Width = _int(1024,1,4096) Height = _int(1024,1,4096) Rendering = choice(4,"Dots","Wireframe","Flat","Flat shaded","Gouraud","Phong") Size = float(0.5,0,3) X-angle = float(57,0,360) Y-angle = float(41,0,360) Z-angle = float(21,0,360) FOV = float(45,1,90) X-light = float(0,-100,100) Y-light = float(0,-100,100) Z-light = float(-100,-100,0) Specularity = float(0.5,0,1) Shininess = float(0.7,0,3) Size = float(0.5,0,3) X-angle = float(57,0,1440) Y-angle = float(401,0,1440) Z-angle = float(21,0,1440) FOV = float(45,1,90) X-light = float(0,-100,100) Y-light = float(0,-100,100) Z-light = float(-100,-100,0) Specularity = float(0.5,0,1) Shininess = float(0.7,0,3) -gimp_animate_elevation3d Frames = _int(10,2,100) Output as frames = _bool(1) Output as files = _bool(0) Output folder = _folder() Factor = float(100,-1000,1000) Smoothness = float(1,0,10) Width = _int(1024,8,4096) Height = _int(1024,8,4096) Rendering = choice(2,"Dots","Wireframe","Flat","Flat shaded","Gouraud","Phong") Size = float(0.8,0,3) X-angle = float(35,0,360) Y-angle = float(0,0,360) Z-angle = float(0,0,360) FOV = float(45,1,90) X-light = float(0,-100,100) Y-light = float(0,-100,100) Z-light = float(-100,-100,0) Specularity = float(0.5,0,1) Shininess = float(0.7,0,3) Size = float(0.8,0,3) X-angle = float(35,0,1440) Y-angle = float(0,0,1440) Z-angle = float(360,0,1440) FOV = float(45,1,90) X-light = float(0,-100,100) Y-light = float(0,-100,100) Z-light = float(-100,-100,0) Specularity = float(0.5,0,1) Shininess = float(0.7,0,3) gmic m2.png -gimp_animate_imageobject3d 4,1,0,toto,1,128,128,4,0.5,57,41,21,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7,0.5,57,401,21,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7 -autocrop 0 -o gimp_animate_imageobject3d.png gmic m2.png -gimp_animate_elevation3d 4,1,0,toto,100,1,128,128,2,0.8,35,0,0,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7,0.8,35,0,360,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7 -o gimp_animate_elevation3d.png -gimp_animate_extrude3d Frames = _int(10,2,100) Output as frames = _bool(1) Output as files = _bool(0) Output folder = _folder() Depth = float(10,1,256) Resolution = int(512,1,1024) Smoothness = float(0.6,0,3) Width = _int(1024,8,4096) Height = _int(1024,8,4096) Rendering = choice(4,"Dots","Wireframe","Flat","Flat shaded","Gouraud","Phong") Size = float(0.8,0,3) X-angle = float(35,0,360) Y-angle = float(0,0,360) Z-angle = float(0,0,360) FOV = float(45,1,90) X-light = float(0,-100,100) Y-light = float(0,-100,100) Z-light = float(-100,-100,0) Specularity = float(0.5,0,1) Shininess = float(0.7,0,3) Size = float(0.8,0,3) X-angle = float(35,0,1440) Y-angle = float(360,0,1440) Z-angle = float(0,0,1440) FOV = float(45,1,90) X-light = float(0,-100,100) Y-light = float(0,-100,100) Z-light = float(-100,-100,0) Specularity = float(0.5,0,1) Shininess = float(0.7,0,3) mire avec la partie centrale transparente gmic mire.png -gimp_animate_extrude3d 4,1,0,toto,10,512,0.6,128,128,4,0.8,35,0,0,45,0,0,-100,0.5,0.7,0.8,35,360,0,45,0,0,100,0.5,0.7 -o gimp_animate_extrude3d.png Divers Pour améliorer cette page sur G'MIC vous pouvez intervenir sur ou nous contacter sur notre blog : à partir du libellé "G'MIC pour Gimp Windows" en haut à droite de la page. Auteur : samj Corrections et suggestions : zigomar, dtschump. Versions : Version 53 Modification gimp_map_sphere. Ajout de piechart. Version 52 Corrections. Version 51 Corrections 64bits . Ajout pointcloud3d . Version 50 Corrections fisheye , version 64bits , segment_watershed , gimp_skeleton Notification version 64 bits Windows. Mise à jour des raccourcis. Mise à jour des commandes G'.MIC jusqu'à la version (4 janvier 2012) faite avec version 64bits : rodilius , spherical3d , x_reflection3d , colormap , gimp_colormap , gimp_rodilius , gimp_dices , autoindex , solidify , gimp_solidify , x_fireworks , x_whirl , lightrays , Version 49 gimp_ lightrays , gimp_8bits , superformula3d , truchet , gimp_truchet , compose_median , compose_divide circlism , gimp_color_abstraction , texturize_paper , x_rubber3d , gimp_lylejk_painting , texturize_canvas , gimp_metallic , maze , gimp_maze , ripple , x_shadebobs , fire_edges , gimp_fire_edges , x_blobs , x_minimal_path , kuwahara , gimp_kuwahara , gimp_plaid_texture , x_hough , -houghsketchbw . Version 48 Ajout Dessin, peinture Version 47 version Ajouts : Lumière douce, imagesphere3d Version 46 Ajout transfer_colors Version 45 Ajout nombres aléatoires Version 44 version Version 43 Ajout fichier log & version Version 41 Ajout de quelques fonctions 3D et vidéo Version 37 Version complétée du 10 novembre 2010 Version 1 Version d'origine du 28 octobre 2010 . Licence : CC-BY À faire : -index , -apply_pose3d , [[ gmic geo.png --histogram 256 --cumul[-1] -display_graph[-2,-1] 400,300,3 ]] , -apply_camera3d , -gimp_superformula , [ -tic & -toc ] , [ -area & -area_fg ] , -output_pink3d , -replace_nan , [ -min_patch & -max_patch ] , -compose_alpha , [ -tensor2eigen & -eigen2tensor ] , -uncase , -minimal_path , [ -rgb2srgb & -srgb2rgb ] , -discard , [ -otsu's_method ] , [ -hough ] , Les filtres avec trop de paramètres : -gimp_novelfx , gimp_graphic_boost , gimp_vintage , gimp_ink_wash