PDF - Foundation of Praise


PDF - Foundation of Praise
Christmas Specials
#1 The Bible on Praise
About 95% of all the Christmas cards you send will be discarded
a few days after Christmas – even the most beautiful ones. On the
other hand, most copies of the Bible on Praise that you send as
Christmas cards will be kept, read, and enjoyed for years to come.
This year, instead of sending out greeting cards, write your message on the
inside cover of this thirty-two page booklet. God’s own words will be read over and over by
those to whom you send this booklet.
Buy 1 copy for $2.50 each plus $3 for shipping for a total of $5.50
Buy 5 copies for $2.25 each plus $9 for shipping for a total of $20.25
Buy 10 copies for $2.00 each plus $10 for shipping for a total of $30.00
Buy 25 copies for $1.75 each plus $12 for shipping for a total of 55.75
The photo on the front cover was painted by Merlin and mailing envelopes are included.
#2 Collector’s Set of Praise Books
Includes fifteen of Merlin’s books, at the lowest
price ever offered for, Prison to Praise,
Power in Praise, Answers to Praise, Praise Works!,
Walking & Leaping, Bringing Heaven into Hell, Victory
on Praise Mountain, More Power to You, What’s on Your
Mind?, Let Me Entertain You,
From Fear to Faith, You Can Be Happy Now,
Secret Sins, God’s Secret Weapon,
and Amazing Power of Faith
for $80 including shipping (a value of $145).
The shipping charges apply to one U.S. address only.
For other shipping requests or to place an order with a
credit card call 1-800-PRAISE1 (1-800-772-4731). This offer expires on December 31, 2015.
Have a Blessed
Just a Reminder
Year-end contributions to the
Foundation of Praise, per the IRS, must be
mailed and postmarked by December 31, 2015
to receive credit as a 2015 tax-deductible gift.
Foundation of Praise
P.O. Box 2518
Escondido, CA 92033-2518
God Provides Our Joy
By Merlin Carothers • November 2015
When I was
fourteen years old I
gave my life to
Christ. A few days
later death began to
stalk me. I was
riding my bicycle down a steep hill with around
100 newspapers in a basket tied to the handlebars.
Suddenly a car appeared traveling directly toward
me. I stomped on the brakes. My bike swerved
around, fell over on its side and down the hill we
slid – right toward the car. The driver hit his
brakes and the car skidded up the hill. My bike
and I slid under the engine. Amazingly I had only
a few nasty scrapes and a little gravel under my
Like many people, I have suffered injuries that
have stayed with me for many years. A fractured
vertebra, and a severely injured neck with
ever-increasing pain for the past fifty years, has
been constant reminders that suffering produces
perseverance (see Romans 5:3). Whatever the
nature of our sufferings in life, we must
respond to them by continually seeking God’s
help. Suffering of any kind, gives us the opportunity to make choices that will bring glory
and honor to Jesus who gave His life for us. He
refused to doubt God’s loving care over Him, and
He asks us to do the same.
As an Army chaplain I often walked in the
shadow of death, but always a step ahead or a step
behind it. Several times I heard an inner voice
telling me where to go or where not to go. It is
abundantly clear to me that Satan is always trying
to destroy us, and will use many different
Job suffered severe physical and emotional
pain. He lost all of his children, all his earthly
possessions and was covered from head to toe
with sores. He was tempted to Curse God and die
(Job 2:9). Satan’s objective toward each of us is,
“Don’t believe God. Don’t trust His care for
God promises to always work for our good
in every situation (see Romans 8:28). However,
Satan always tempts us to believe that our situation is different. If we refuse to doubt God in one
problem, Satan will try another, just as He
tempted Jesus and His disciples. If you are
discouraged about something, look up! Increase
your praise to God and He will reveal Himself to
you. How? In whatever way He chooses.
Be encouraged – Satan has no idea what God
will do! That’s why he keeps trying everything he
thinks might work. Fortunately he has no knowledge of the future. The more Satan tries, the more
we can be sure that God has good plans for us
(see Jeremiah 29:11). He alone knows the future,
so He permits only what He knows will benefit
us now and for eternity. We are on the winning
(Reprint from June, 2005)
Living with Joy
A wonderful gift God
has given us is the gift of
free will. He never
demands anything from
us. We can freely choose to
become His greatly loved
child, or not. We can choose to enter into a wonderful relationship with Him by the small gate and
narrow road. Or we can choose the path of least
resistance by the wide gate and the broad road. Many
do. It’s probably even fun – at first. But this pathway
leads to an unthinkable end (see Matthew 7:13-14).
What is this “Narrow Way” like for me? In my
apartment, I have a picture taped to the wall directly
across from my chair. It portrays Jesus as the Good
Shepherd. He is smiling as He holds the hoof of a
joyfully dancing lamb. This is my “forever” picture
of Jesus and me. I may be old and unable to dance
now, but I am surely dancing with great joy in my
There may be dangers and pitfalls along the way.
But this lamb (me) can’t be concerned. I have
learned to hold fast to His hand and to keep my
attention focused on Jesus, my victorious Savior. As
long as I do this, no evil or harm can happen to me –
except whatever trials and tribulations my loving
Lord knows He can make work for my eternal good
(see Romans 8:28).
Regardless of our circumstances, God wants us to
understand that we can be joyful in the midst of the
trials and heartaches of life. How else could James
By Mary Carothers
have urged us to consider the temptations of life as
the reasons to rejoice? And Paul certainly had more
sufferings than any of us. Yet he repeatedly told us to
rejoice always.
The key to a victorious life of joy is to thank
and praise the Lord always. Not only in the really
terrible things in life, but also for the small, irritating
things as well.
Do you wish you had more faith? Try this: When
your feet hit the floor in the morning, let your mouth
– at the same moment – begin to offer up the sacrifice of praise (see Hebrews 13:15). Then don’t stop.
Keep on thanking the Lord for all your blessings.
Thank Him for those things that irritate you terribly.
If you are in great pain so that you can hardly speak,
concentrate in your mind with praising the Lord.
Thank God for all the agony, physical and spiritual,
that Jesus endured for us. As you keep on doing this,
even failing and starting over say, “Thank you Jesus,
I blew it again.” You will gradually find your faith
growing. One day you will suddenly realize…hey!
I really do trust God to love and take care of me.
There will eventually come an end to the pains
and joys of this life. One day we will “awaken” in
heaven and behold Jesus. Then we may hear –
according to the choices we have made – Well
done, good and faithful servant. From then on, we
can forget about all the “stuff” going on in this
world! We will be forever enjoying the rewards Jesus
has for us!
The Foundation of Praise has received
Gifts in Loving Memory of:
Robert E. Plunske, Sr.
By his wife, Dottie Plunske
of East Granby, CT
Felix Oludotun Luwaji
By his daughter, Victoria Olaegbe
of Sun Valley, NV
William John Carney, Jr
Life Verse: Psalm 139:23-24
By his parents, Tim & Carol Carney
of Lapeer, MI
Katherine Carter
By her friend, Wanda Moran
of Breckenridge, TX
In Honor of:
Margaret Turner
By her daughter, Betty Gordon
of Martinsville, VA
In Remembrance of Merlin
Two years ago on November
11 we sadly lost our beloved dad,
husband, minister and friend.
People ask, “How are you doing?”
Of course, we miss his smiling,
happy face, and hearing him say,
“Praise the Lord!”, but we rejoice
knowing that he is in the loving
arms of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ. He truly practiced what he preached, by praising
the Lord for all things.
As the years pass, many people have asked to be
removed from the Praise News which fills us with sadness
because we believe that even though Merlin has passed,
his message of praise and thanksgiving is needed in this
Thank you to those who have written and prayed for us
these last two years. We appreciate your love and generous support. We will continue to carry on Merlin’s message for as long as the Lord allows us to do so.
God bless you!
Merlin was a kind and wise man – but I think what I
miss the most is his smile and joyfulness. I never saw him
without a smile – he just seemed to radiate joy. What a
blessing he was!
Not only through Merlin’s writings – but through his
life example – he showed the joy that comes when we
praise God for our current circumstance; trusting and
knowing He is working it for our very good. Merlin was
consistently the happiest man on earth by staying in that
attitude of praise, thanksgiving, and trust. Thank you
Merlin for letting God’s JOY shine through your life, and
being an example that I am so blessed to have come to
know. You profoundly changed our lives, and taught us to
live each day with Jesus.
Merlin’s ministry of being thankful in all things has
helped me many times. I encourage you all to continue
on his ministry.
Over the last twenty plus years I’ve applied Merlin’s
message on praise and worshipping God – especially
when ‘nothing’ seems to work. In this simple message is
so much truth, a peace knowing that God does takes care
of our every need. I’ve read so many books, but the
simplest, most profound and fundamental of God’s truth –
Merlin captures in his books. God bless.
I wish to express my great gratitude to Merlin and his
ministry in my life. I still reread his books and practice
praising because of his teachings.
Thank you for continuing the work of the Foundation
of Praise. I appreciate Merlin’s ministry to teach people
like me to Praise God!
Merlin has been our “friend” for a long time and we
feel his loss. The Praise News continues to be an inspiration. I know many people will be touched. The biggest
lesson I have learned is the practice of thanking God for
the bad stuff. It helped me when our young grandson
passed away. I didn’t ask, “Why Lord?” rather I said,
“Thank you Jesus”. I rest in the assurance that he, like
Merlin, is where they are supposed to be today. We will
pray for you and the staff.
How saddened I was to read of Merlin’s death. Tears
came to my eyes as I felt I had lost a family member. It
hasn’t always been easy to praise God in all things, but I
know that “all things work together for good to those who
love God”.
The world lost a great encourager when Merlin passed.
I so look forward to more and more Praise News. Keep
sending out the materials God gave him … they are
needed more than ever.
It is sad that we
can’t see Merlin
again on this earth;
however we rejoice
that he is now
experiencing the
reality of heaven’s joy with Jesus. It’s our great pleasure
to publish his books, and it is our joy to keep bringing his
message to the readers in Japan.
Merlin truly was a wonderful servant of our Lord. That
eternal smile of his, beaming from the Praise News, is
always a blessing.
I treasure each and every book that Merlin has written;
they have helped me so much. God bless you all at the
Foundation of Praise.
We certainly miss Merlin – we’re experiencing a big
void, but know that he is with God.