CONSULTING. IN~ - Peconic Estuary Program
CONSULTING. IN~ - Peconic Estuary Program
CONSULTING. IN~ AND WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC FINAL INSTITUTION REPORT OXYGEN UPTAKE AND NUTRIENT REGENERATION IN THE PECONIC ESTUARY APRIL 1998 OXYGEN UPTAKE AND NUTRIENT REGENERATION IN THE PECONIC ESTUARY Final Report April 1998 Prepared For: SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES By: Brian L. Howes David R. Schlezinger Newton P. Millham George Hampson Dale D. Goehringer Center for Marine Science and Technology University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth New Bedford, MA02744 and Steve Aubrey Aubrey Consulting, Inc. East Falmouth, MA02536 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa_a Preface io Executive Summary ii. List of Tables V. List of Figures vi. Introduction 1 Methodology 5 Data Synopsis 10 Conclusions 21 Acknowledgements 22 References 23 Figures 24 Appendix 1. Sediment Oxygenand Nutrient Exchange: SummaryTables PREFACE Exchangesof oxygen and nutrients between water columnand sediments were measuredon six cruises from August1994 -- December1995. Associated measurementsof sediment carbon and nitrogen content, porosity and grain size and watercolumnrespiration, particulate carbon,particulate nitrogen and chlorophyll a were conductedto aid in evaluating the role of the sediments in the oxygendynamicsof the Peconic Estuary. In addition, a mooringwas placed in Great Peconic Bay to assess the frequencyand duration of potential low oxygenevents in the near bottomwaters. The goal of the Benthic Flux Studywasto help parameterizethe numericalmodelof the PeconicEstuary that is being developed by Tetra Tech. Whatfollows is a SummaryReport from the Study. This report is not meantto present a full biogeochemicalor ecosysteminterpretation of the Peconic Estuary. April 1997 Brian L. Howes Center for MarineScience and Technology University of Massachusetts New Bedford, MA02744 ,!:’ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Oxygen Uptake and Nutrient Regeneration in the Peeonic Estuary Rates of oxygenconsumptionand nutrient regeneration were measuredannually throughout the Peconic Estuarine System. Sediment and water columnOxygenuptake were measuredin order to determine the potential for developmentof bottomwater hypoxiaand the magnitudeof organic matter cycling throughout the system. Sediment oxygen demandwas found to dominate oxygen uptake within the upper estuary with water columnprocesses becomingincreasingly important in the better flushed deeper waters of the outer estuary. Watercolumnrespiration appeared to be dominatedby phytoplanktonproduction based upon similarity in the observed relationship between particulate organic matter concentration and oxygenuptake throughout all of the embayments.The potential for periodic depletions of bottom water dissolved oxygenfocussed on the warmersummer periods whenoxygen pools are lowest and the rates of consumptionhighest. Within the poorly flushed upper estuary, observations of periodic water columnstratification and rates of oxygen consumptionindi6ated the potential for the depletion of dissolved oxygento ecologically stressful levels (<4-3 mg/1). Continuous records of bottom water oxygenconcentrations during July and August1995were consistent with the rate measures,indicating large high-frequencyvariations in the oxygenfield. Regeneration of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus was related to the distribution of ii phytoplanktonand organic matter deposition to the sediments. Organicmatter degradation and flux to overlying waters appears to play an important role in the nutrient economyof Peconic Estuary waters. Regeneration of nitrogen within the upper estuary significantly magnified inputs from terrestrial sourcesand helpedto supportgenerallyhigher chlorophylla levels. It appearsthat organic matter cycling within sediments of the Peconic Estuary is enhancing oxygendepletion of bottom waters both directly through oxygen uptake and indirectly by the recycling of phytoplankton nutrients to support further organic matter production and water columnoxygenconsumption. MANAGEMENT UTILITY Bottomwater oxygenlevels are a major habitat-structuring feature of shallow eutrophic systems like the Peconic Estuary. Water column and sediment respiration and water column stratification are the proximatecontrols on bottomwater oxygenlevels and relate directly to organic matter inputs, primarily through phytoplanktonproduction. In addition, sedimentsprovide temporal storage of nutrients helping to increase the delivery of phytoplanktonnutrients during the higher regeneration periods in summer/fall. Quantitative measuresof oxygenuptake and nutrient regeneration can also be used to support predictions of the potential for bottom water hypoxia. Restoration of benthic communitieswithin the Peconic Estuary first requires the establishment of adequate oxygenconditions. At present, within portions of the estuary, oxygendemandperiodically exceeds oxygensupply resulting in ecologically stressful conditions. The"over production" within inner PeconicBay results directly IIi from nutrient stimulation of phytoplanktonproductionwithin bay waters and the degradationof this organic production within the BaySystem.Oneapproachto reducing eutrophyinglevels of nutrients within an estuary is to reduce terrestrial inputs. Assessmentof a nutrient reduction approachmust include the contribution of sedimentrecycling to the nutrient economyof the system. Since organic matter degradation and nutrient regeneration within water columnand sedimentsappear to play key roles in both the habitat quality and nutrient economy of the Pcconicsystem,it is essential that these parameters be coupled with hydrodynamicsin future water quality modeling. iv List of Tables Table 1. Sedimentflux stations within the Peconic Estuary and dates of sampling. Table 2. Monitoring parameters. Table 3. Laboratory analyses. Table 4. Carbonand nitrogen levels within the sediments at each flux station within the Peconic Estuary. Table 5. Grain-size analysis of the surficial sediments (0-2cm)at each of the ten seasonal flux stations (see also Table1, Figure 1). V List of Figures Figure 1. Location of seasonal and July only sediment flux measurementswithin the Peconic Estuary. The mooringsite (also a flux station) supported a continuously recording oxygensensor in July and August1995. See also Table 1. Figure 2. Seasonal cycle of bottom water temperature within Gardiners Bay (GB), shallow (<5m) and deep (>5m)flux stations within the Peconic Estuary. Measurements from the six surveys, 19941995. Figure 3. Annualoxygenuptake by sediments and water columnwithin the Peconic Estuary. Water columnrespiration is based upon each basin’s depth. (A) Muddystations in WesternEstuary, (B) Muddy stations in Eastern Estuary and (C) Sandystations. I.D.’s refer to stations in Table Figure 4. Survey of 16 stations throughout the Peconic Estuary, July 5-7, 1995. Rates of water columnand sedimentrespiration tend to be highest within the muddystations of the western estuary (inner) and lowest in at the sandy sites (shownby **). Thetrend is mostpronouncedin the rates water column respiration. , Figure 5. Annualnitrogen flux from sediments within the Peconic Estuary. (A) Muddystations WesternEstuary, (B) Muddystations in Eastern Estuary and (C) Sandystations. I.D.’s refer stations in Table 1. Figure 6. Surveyof 16 stations throughout the Peconic Estuary, July 5-7, 1995. Rates of nitrogen flux tend to be highest within the muddystations of the westernestuary (inner) and lowest in at the sandy sites (shownby **). The trend is most pronouncedin dissolved inorganic nitrogen fluxes. Figure 7. Relationship of nitrate and ammonium fluxes within the Peconic Estuary in (A) winter, (B) spring and (C) summer. Figure 8. Relationship of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN)to dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) within the Peconlc Estuary in during summer. Figure 9. Relationship of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to total dissolved nitrogen (DON+DIN) within the Peconic Estuary in during summer.All summerstations measuredin June, July and August. Figure 10. Relationship of sediment oxygenuptake to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) flux all study sites withing the PeconicEstuary, (A) annual rates and (B) summerrates (June-August). Figure 11. Relationship of annually integrated sedimentoxygenuptake and July rates at the seven annual flux stations in the PeconicEstuary. vi Figure 12. Relationship of annual sediment oxygenuptake to sediment organic carbon levels. Data are fromall 16 stations in the PeconicEstuary. Figure 13. Relationship of water columnrespiration to particulate organic carbonlevels throughout the Peconic Estuary. Figure 14. Averagebottom water oxygen levels in Great Peconic Bay from two mooredsensors 25 cmand 45 cmabove the sediment surface. Figure 15. Tidal variation in bottom water oxygen levels in Great Peconic Bay. Loweroxygen during ebb tide is consistent with movement of organic matter rich (possibly low D.O.) waters from the upper estuary movingseawardin ebb tidal flows. Figure 16. Bottomwater oxygen, salinity and temperature at sensors 25 cm and 45 cmabove the sediment surface in Great Peconic Bay during the interval of lowest oxygen. Figure 17. Decline in water columnand sediment oxygenuptake with increasing distance from the head of the Peconic Estuary. Therelationship betweendistance and sediment oxygenuptake is most clear whendepositional sediments are considered separately (sandy sediments denoted by **). Figure 18. Timeto consumeall of the bottomwater oxygenwithin a 1 m3 parcel of water in contact with 1 m2 of the sedimentsurface. Data are from the July survey of the 16 flux stations. Figure 19. Timeto regenerate an amountof dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) equivalent to the pool of DIN+ PONwithin the water columnoverlying each sediment flux site in July. Figure 20. Distribution of particulate organic carbonthroughoutthe PeconicEstuary during summer. Figure 21. Distribution of chlorophyll a fluorescence throughout the Peconic Estuary during summer. Figure 22. Distribution of peak water columnrespiration throughout the Peconic Estuary (July). Note the correlation to POCdistributions (Figure 20). Figure 23. Distribution of sediment oxygenuptake throughout the Peconic Estuary during summer (July). Thepatchinessof the rate distribution is related to the distribution of depositionaland nondepositional areas (muddyand sandy sediments). Figure 24. Distribution of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN)flux from PeconicEstuary sediments. Thehighly patchy distribution is related to the distribution of depositional and non-depositional areas (muddyand sandy sediments). The greater variation in the DINversus SODfluxes (Figure 23) relates to secondaryfactors relating to sedimentoxidation whichaffect nitrogen flux dynamics to a muchgreater extent than oxygenuptake rates. vii INTRODUCTION Sedimentnutrient and oxygenfluxes play major roles in the nutrient and oxygeneconomy of coastal ecosystems. Marine sediments can represent major sources of nutrients and oxygen demand.In shallow nearshore systems, sediment-water columnexchange processes can impact the entire ecosystem.Muchof the reason for the high productivity of phytoplankton,fish and shellfish in coastal versus offshore environments is due to the smaller volumeof water overlying the sediments which enhances the cycling between water columnand sediments. However,this lower dilution of sediment effects can lead to ecosystemdegradation if nutrient loading exceeds the assimilative capacity of the system.In fact, muchof the assimilative capacity for newnutrient inputs is ultimately due to sediment recycling processes. Whennutrient loading becomesexcessive, the anoxic zone of the sediment begins to moveupwardand penetrate the aerated surface layer. The impactto the water columnis buffered by the aerobic zonewithin the sedimentsand the majorresult is increased rates of nutrient regeneration and oxygendemand.Underelevated nutrient loading an accumulation of nutrients and oxygen demanddevelops within the sediments which continues to impactthe water columnevenafter inputs are reduced. At higher levels of loading, the aerated zone of the sediments’continuesto diminish until the sediments becomeanoxic at the surface, leading ultimately to a rapid depletion of oxygenin the overlyingbottomwaters and the decline of in_faunal communitiesand fish populations whichuse them as a food source. Anoxicor hypoxicevents need only to occur periodically in order to maintain a depauparatebenthic community. Sediment oxygen demand(SOD)and nutrient regeneration are, therefore, comerstone processes impactingand structuring nearshoresystems. Theyare majorvariables affecting all levels 1 of ecosystemfunctioning, and are part of major feedback processes which can enhanceor destroy the utility of aquatic coastal ecosystems. The relative importance of these key biogeochemical processes is generally directly related to the depth of the overlying water and the frequencyand duration of water columnstratification. The impactof sedimentson nutrient related water quality is inversely related to water depth (deeper waters having moreof the nutrient and oxygencycling occurring in the water column,therefore less in the sediment). Theimpactof stratification is more complexwith sediment oxygen demandbeing more important in stratified systems (since oxygen inputs from the atmosphereare diminished), but sediment nutrient regeneration moreimportant in vertically mixedsystemswherereleased nutrients are transported to the euphoticzone. In the latter case, the rapid transfer of regeneratednutrients to the euphotic zone and subsequentstimulation of primaryproduction maypotentially add to eutrophication. Sedimentnutrient and oxygenfluxes also vary in response to a variety of environmental factors but are driven primarily by temperature, organic matter loading and to a lesser extent bioturbation and physical mixing. The complexityof these interactions, therefore, requires a numberof samplesbe collected throughoutthe year and at a variety of sites along the nutrient/organic matter loading gradients within a given estuary. As a result of the growingconcernover the eutrophication of coastal waters and recognition of the important role of the sediments in nutrient and oxygenbalances, these measureshave been included in the developing modelfor the Peconic Estuary. Consisting of over 100 embaymentsand tributaries, the Peconic Estuary system is nowpotentially threatened by nutrient and pollutant loading from both point and non-point source discharges. Althoughthe areal extent of the Bays 2 Systemis extensive at ca. 160square miles (about half of whichfall in the GardinersBayprovince), the threat of nutrient related water quality decline is currently significant in the system’ssmaller embaymentsand tributaries. The Peconic Estuary’s corresponding watershed encompassesroughly 110,000 acres and supports both extensive wetlands as well as 15 rare ecosystemsdesignated as "priority communities"by the NewYorkNatural Heritage Program(Opaluchet al. 1995). Both the numberof embaymentsand the surface area of the waterbodymakethe Peconic System one of the major estuaries along the Northeastern coast of the U.S. (eg. BuzzardsBay, MAhas 27 embayments and is ca. 200 sq. mi.), and therefore of significance in its ecological and economiccontribution to the coastal Mid-Atlanticregion. Thehigh aesthetic, recreational and economicvalue of this estuary is primarily the result of its historically high levels of waterquality. Increasednutrient loadingto the system, however,is of serious concern as it represents a potential and considerable long-term threat to the estuary’s ecological health. Thedevelopmentof appropriate management plans to protect the PeconicEstuary from environmental decline requires determination of the significance of natural processes in ultimately determining water quality in the estuary. The importance of natural processes to evaluating managementobjectives and/or potential remediation measures is reflected in the significant impact of a browntide bloomon scallop and oyster harvests in the mid-1980’s. The interaction betweenanthropogenic impacts and natural processes is extremely complexand often difficult to identify, howeverit is that very aspect whichwill ultimately determinethe environmental health of our coastal environmentsin the future. Sedimentnutrient and oxygenfluxes can represent 3 a significant componentin the overall ecological health of a coastal water body, influencing both water column and benthic habitat quality necessary to supporting healthy animal and plant communities. As well, these processes can reflect/integrate both natural and humanimpacts such as alterations to circulation, deposition, nutrient/organic matter loading, etc. Understandingthe relative contribution of benthic fluxes is importantto long-termprediction of environmentalquality, especially as increased attention is being given to maintaining the high levels of water quality generally characteristic of the PeconicEstuary. To address these issues in the Peconic Estuary, wemademeasurementsof benthic nutrient and oxygenfluxes across a gradient of nutrient and organic matter loading. Followingan initial reconnaissance cruise, sampling commenced with six cruises spanning late August 1994 through December1995. Ten stations, ranging from the Peconic River/MeetinghouseCreek to Gardiners Bay, were measuredon each cruise. To provide better spatial coverage to the measurements,six additional stations were measuredduring July 1996. Annualflux estimates for these six additional sites wasestimated from an empirical relationship based uponthe seasonal measurements throughout the estuary. Also, to determinethe temporalvariability in bottomwater oxygenconcentrations, a mooringwas placed in mid-summer of 1995 to continuously record bottom water dissolved oxygen. Thesecombinedmeasurements,in concert with other system structuring parameterslike circulation, provide the base for evaluating the importance of sediment/water columninteractions to the ecological health of the Peconic Estuary System. 4 METHODOLOGY SamplingSites: Measurementsof sediment-water columnexchanges of nutrients and oxygen and associated water columnparameters were conductedthroughout the Peconic Estuary. Ten sites were selected for seasonal measurementsin order to achieve spatial coverage and measurementsin key areas (Figure 1). Anadditional, six sites were assayed in July 1995in order to further improve spatial coverageand to assess the potential importanceof smaller constituent basins (Table 1). Sites ranged from soft mudto sand and from 1.6-11.5 meters depth. Station location for sampling was determined using a Northstar 931Xdifferential global positioning system (DGPS)with horizontal accuraciesof three to five meters. Sediment Flux Incubations: Based upon experience in a variety of systems from shallow embaymentsto deeper harbors (Nantucket to Buzzards Bay) representing a range of nutrient and organic matter loadings, weused a sedimentcore incubation technique to determinerates of benthic oxygen and nutrient exchange (Cibik and Howes1995, Howes1997). Large diameter cores (15 i.d.) were collected by SCUBA diver at each location. Ten sites were measured seasonally (6 samplingsfrom August1994-December 1995) with an additional six sites assayed on July 7, 1995 (Table 1). Thethree to four cores collected per location were held at in situ temperatures during transport throughthe completionof the incubation period. Coreswere held within their temperature controlled baths on a gimballedtable to reduce disturbance during transport. Oxygenlevels within the core headspaces was maintained by continuous aeration. The cores were transferred directly ~omthe ship to the field laboratory at the Suffolk CountyMarineEducationCenter on the shore of the estuary. In the field laboratory the cores were maintainedin the dark at in situ temperatures. Water overlying the sedimentwasreplaced with 0.2 umfiltered water collected at the coring location and the cores were stoppered to prevent gas exchangewith the atmosphere. At appropriate intervals (determinedby the rate of oxygenuptake), usually 1-6 hrs, nutrient concentrations were measured. Oxygentensions were not allowed to drop below 50%of in situ oxygen levels. Nutrient flux measurementswere madeon six occasions over at least 24 hours. Headspacewaters were filtered (0.22um Millipore) and held as in Table 2 and analyzed by procedures given in Table 3. When incubations were completed, samples of the surface (0-2cm) sediments were collected for sand/silt/clay analysis and for determinationof total organic carbonand nitrogen (Perkin Elmer2400 ElementalAnalyzer). Theselater data were used to determinethe area over whichthe flux data was to be integrated (based uponsedimentmaps), and the relation of organic matter content to flux. The rate of sediment-water column exchange for each core was determined by linear regression of the changein concentration of each analyte through time. Onlythe linear portions of time-course measurementswere used in the determinations. Water column Parameters: Water samples were collected by Niskin Sampler at each station. Triplicate samples of bottom water dissolved oxygen (Winkler titration) 6 and respiration were collected at each coring site. Water column respiration samples were incubated at in situ temperatures and assayed by Winkler titration using a high precision RadiometerTitrator. Water columnparticulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC,PON)were assayed by filtering water samples through pre-combustedglass fiber filters, with analysis by high temperature combustion(Perkin Elmer 2400 Elemental Analyzer). In addition, water columnstratification was checked by CTD profiling (Seabird) coupledto a fluorometerto determinechlorophyll a levels. Theseprofiles, along with bottomwater oxygenlevels, wereused to establish the general environmentalconditions at each station (salinity, temperature,D.O.and stratification). .,~. 7 TABLE 2 Monitoring Parameters PARAMETER VOLUME CONTAINER PROCESSING & STORAGE Nitrate & TDN 60 ml polyethylene (acid washed) 0.22 um membrane stored on ice (dark) or frozen to -20 °C Ammonium 60 ml polyethylene (acid washed) 0.22 um membrane stored on ice (dark); run within 24 hrs Ortho-Phosphate 60 ml polyethylene (acid washed) Total Organic Carbon/Nitrogen Solids polyethylene 0.22 um membrane stored on ice (dark); run within 24 hrs combusted GFF, dried or glass (acid washed) Flux (oxygen uptake) 15 cm core Probe 8 TABLE 3 Laboratory Analyses PARAMETER MATRIX UNITS METHOD REFERENCE Nitrate + Nitrite water laM Autoanalyzer a TDN water ~tM Digestion/Nitrate b Ammonium water ttM Indophenol e Orthophosphate water ttM Molybdenumblue d Total Organic Carbon/Nitrogen sediment 3 ttg/em Acid treatment, drying Elemental Analysis e Oxygen uptake sediment mmol/m2/h time-course 02 uptake f Nutrient flux sediment ttmol/m2/d time-course [cone] g a b c d e f g LachatAutoanalysisproceduresbaseduponthe followingtechniques: --Wood,E., F. Armstrong and F. Richards.1967.Determinationof nitrate in sea water by cadmium copperreduction to nitrite. J. Mar.Biol. Ass. U.K.47:23-31. --Bendschneider,K. and R. Robinson.1952.A newspectrophotometric methodfor the determinationof nitrite in sea water.J. Mar.Res. 11: 87-96. D’Elia, C.F., P.A.Stuedler, P.A.and N. Corwin.1977.Determination of total nitrogenin aqueoussolutions. Limnoi. Oceanogr.22:760-774. Scheiner, D. 1976. Determinationof ammonia and Kjeldahl nitrogen by indophenolmethod.WaterResources10:31-36. Murphy, J. and J.P. Reilly. 1962. Amodifiedsingle solution for the determinationof phosphatein natural waters. Anal. Chim.Acta 27: 31-36. Perkin-ElmerModel2400CHN Elemental Analyzer Technical Manual. Jorgensen, B. 1977. Thesulfur cycle of a coastal marinesediment(LirnfJorden, Denmark).Limnol.Oceanogr.22:814832.; Albro, C., J. Kelley, J. Hermessy,P. Doering,J. Turner. 1993.Combined Work/Quality AssuranceProject Plan (CW/QAPP) for Baseline Water Quality Monitoring: 1993-1994. MWRA, Boston MA. Klump,J. &C. Martens.1983. Benthicnitrogen regenerationIn: Nitrogenin the MarineEnvironment,(Carpenter Capone,eds.). Academic Press. OxygenMooting: The mooring supported an array of two pulsed oxygen sensors (Endeco T1184)held vertically at 25 cmand 45cmabove the sediment surface. Each sensor also recorded temperature and salinity necessary for calculation of degree of oxygensaturation. Twomoorings were deployed July 7, 1995 through August 22, 1995. However,data was only recovered from the Great Peconic Bay mooringas the Little Peconic Bay mooringwas rendered inoperable by a state environmentaltrawler soonafter its placement. 9 Conversion Table for Figures and Tables Reference DissolvedOxygen(Fig. 14,15,16) Water ColumnCarbon(Fig. 20) SedimentOxygenUptake(Fig. 23) SedimentOxygenUptake (summarytables) SedimentDINFlux (Fig. 24) SedimentNH4-NFlux (summarytables) SedimentNO3-NFlux (summarytables) SedimentPO4-PFlux (summarytables) WaterColumnRespiration (summarytable) Change uMto mg/1 3 to mg/1 mmol/m molC/m2/yrto g O2/m2/day mmol/m2/day to g/m2/day mol/m2/yrto mg/m2/day umol/m2/yrto mg/m2/day umol/m2/yrto mg/m2/day umol/m2/yrto mg/m2/day uM/dayto mg/1/day Conversion multiplyvalue by 0.0320 multiplyvalue by 0.0120 multiply value by 0.0877 multiply value by 0.0320 multiplyvalue by 38.4 multiply value by 0.0000384 multiply value by 0.0000384 multiply value by 0.0000877 multiply value by 0.0320 DATA SYNOPSIS Station Sediments: Sedimentswithin the Peconic Estuary were not of uniform composition. Sedimentswithin the low velocity regions of the estuary tended to have higher concentrations of organic carbon and nitrogen and be dominatedby fine sands, silt and clays than the "sandy" stations which were composedof coarser sands (Tables 4 & 5). All of the sandy stations that were routinely sampledwere within the upper estuary, Flanders Bay and shallower regions of Great Peconic Bay. The apparent coarse sand nature of the Peconic River/MeetinghouseCreek confluence resulted from a prevalence of broken shells (Table 5). The measuredporosities were typical of sand and mudsediments with values of ca. 40 mL/100cm3 3, and >70 mL/100cm respectively. Thehighest levels of organic matter were associated with the tributaries and smaller depositional basins. MeetinghouseCreek (7%carbon) was extra-ordinarily organic rich due nutrient loadings from a variety of sources: 1) historic loadings from agricultural sources such as the duck farms located in the watershed; 2) developmentactivities within the watershed; and 3) 10 direct input of organic material from the bordering marshhabitats. The high organic carbon levels within the freshwater/saltwater zone within the UpperPeconicRiver are likely due to deposition ofriverine transported material. West Neck Bay and Reeves Bay sediments show high organic matter levels most likely as a result of their restricted basins, lowwater exchanges and high productivities (i.e. high organic deposition). The moreopen regions of the Estuary showedsedimentcharacteristics typical of coastal sediments throughoutthe region. AnnualCycle: Samplingappears to have captured the full seasonal cycle of water temperatures (Figure 2). Whileall sites showedsimilar seasonal temperature excursions, there were consistent differences due to location and water depth. Thedeeper waters of Gardiners Bay (11.5m) were consistently cooler during summerand cooled moreslowly in the fall than the shallower waters of the Inner PeconicEstuary (Figure 2). Similarly stations within the Estuary with depths greater than five meters were cooler in summerthan shallower stations (<5m). Althoughthe differences are relatively small (<2°C), the pronouncedeffect of temperatureon respiration rates (Q~0=2-3) suggests a mechanismfor enhancedrespiration in the shallower water of the Estuary (other factors being equal). Sedimentoxygenuptake and nutrient regeneration rates are primarily determinedby temperature and the amountof deposited labile organic matter and secondarily mediated by the composition of in.faunal communities.Water columnrespiration is also dependant upon temperature and labile organic matter. However,in a system like the Peconic Estuary where muchof the particulate organic matter within the water columnis producedin situ by photosynthesis, rates of respiration are likely morevariable than the sedimentwhererates are "smoothed"due to their storage of deposited organic matter. Combiningwater columnand sediment respiration rates can be used as a measureof total system organic matter 11 remineralization and to estimate the rate of re-aeration required at night to maintainbottomwater oxygenlevels. Wecan construct a composite annual cycle of sediment oxygen uptake and water column respiration from the four seasonal measurementsand the summervalues from July 1995 and August/September1994 (Figure 3). At all ten monitoring sites the maximum rates of oxygen uptake were found at the highest temperatures in either July or August. However,at somesites the pattern of oxygenuptake departed significantly from temperature variations. Maximum rates were observed in the July 1995 sampling for the shallow, relatively warmerUpperor Western portion of the estuary, the muddyand sandy sites from the mouthof the Peconic River/Meetinghouse Creek, through Reeves Bay, Flanders Bay and Great Peconic Bay (Figure 3a,b,c). In contrast, the deeper, cooler and better flushed Eastern Estuary (NoyackBay, West Neck Bay and Gardiners Bay) all showedcycles of oxygen uptake which moreclosely followed the temperature cycle (Figure 2). The difference in total system metabolismbetweenthe Upper(western) and Lower(eastern) estuary maybe associated with the BrownTide bloomwhich occurred in 1995 but not 1994 (SCDHS Cell Counts, 1995). The effect of the dense bloomwould be to increase oxygen uptake within the Upper.shallowerregions of the estuary and haveless of an effect in the deeper more well flushed portions of the estuary wherecell counts were generally lower. Giventhe similarity in temperatures betweenJuly and August, differences in oxygenuptake can be viewedas differences in organic matter mass. Within the regions of muddysediments of Peconic River/MeetinghouseCreek, Reeves Bay, Great Peconic Bay and the sandy sediments of Flanders and Great Peconic Bays (Figure 3), both water columnand sediment respiration rates appeared be enhancedin the bloomyear. The higher total respiration within Gardiners Bay, WestNeck 12 Bay and NoyackBay in August1994 in the non-browntide year was primarily the result of higher rates of water columnrespiration, possibly due to a bloomof a different phytoplankton. Overall, the only stations to showdramatically lower Augustthan July rates of sediment respiration were the very innermost stations of Peconic/MeetinghouseCreek, ReevesBay and Great Peconic/Flanders Bay. The composite annual yearly rates of sediment oxygen uptake represents an averaging of the observed interannual differences. However,even for the innermostthree stations the difference in integrated annual rates between1994and 1995should be relatively small, since the major portion of the bloomwasfor only about one month. Sedimentrespiration wasrelatively similar throughout the estuary. However,sandy stations showedconsistently lower (ca. 50%)rates than nearby muddystations and there wasa trend for the deeper portions of the estuary (eastern) to have lower rates than the shallowerinner regions (western). Thesetrends were especially clear in the July survey of 16 stations (Figure Sedimentnutrient regeneration rates paralleled rates of sediment oxygenuptake (Figure 5a, b,c). Rates of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) release were dominatedby ammonium all muddysites. In contrast, at sandy sites (Great Peconic/Flanders Bay &Flanders Bay) both ammonium and nitrate fluxes were near the detection limit for most of the year and showeda slight net uptake.. DINuptakeat these stations is likely the result of a combinationof algal uptake and denitrification, as algae were observedat these sites and their sandynature may facilitate nitrification/denitrification reactions. However,it shouldbe cautionedthat the uptake rates are near the detection limit. As with oxygenuptake, DINfluxes tended to follow the trend of WesternEstuary>EasternEstuary>>Sandy Sites, and is best seen in the July survey of 16 sites (Figure 6). It appears that factors other than remineralization rates maybe mediatingnitrogen fluxes (see below). 13 Total dissolved nitrogen fluxes were measuredas the combinationof dissolved inorganic and organic nitrogen. The methodsfor assaying of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON)are muchless sensitive than for DINand the exchangesmust be interpreted accordingly. There was no consistent pattern of DONflux betweenthe sedimentstations with location or sediment type. Overall, the rates tended to be smaller than DINfluxes with almost all sites showingperiodic uptake and release (Figure 5). Annuallyintegrated rates of oxygenuptake, DINand DONflux are presented in AppendixI. July Survey and AnnualOxygenUptake: Seven of the ten annual flux stations had fine or muddysediments. At these seven stations there wasan excellent correlation betweenthe July oxygenuptake rate and the annually integrated rate (RZ=0.85;Figure 11). Fromthis empircal relationship, it is possible to estimate annualoxygenuptake rates for the six additional sites measuredonly in the July survey. Thesesites can then be used to increase the spatial coverage for a system-wideorganic matter balance (AppendixI). Sediment oxygen and nitrogen flux relationships: At all stations, ammonium dominated DIN flux in spring and summer,while during winter ammonium and nitrate fluxes were about equal in the stations showingpositive nitrate fluxes (a positive flux indicates release from the sediments). In winter and spring about half of the measurementsshowedsediment nitrate uptake and the innermost stations occasionally showedsediment ammonium uptake and nitrate release (Figure 7). This seasonality in the partitioning of DINflux follows the cycle of moreoxidizing sediments in winter and morereducing sediments in summer.The result of this oxidationreduction cycle is that moreof the DINis oxidized to nitrate before release in spring/winter, while ammonium release greatly exceeds nitrate flux in summer.However,there was no unifying pattem of ammonium to nitrate fluxes at any period within the study. This was 14 expected due to the numberof mediating factors which determine the partitioning of the DIN flux (e.g. bioturbation, oxidation-reductionpotential, rate of remineralizationetc.). Similarly there wasno clear pattern betweenthe rate of DINand DONfluxes (Figure 8). However,it appears that DINgenerally represents a relatively constant fraction of the total dissolved nitrogen flux during the summerseason (Figure 9). WhenDINand TDNare compared throughout the estuary, the TDNis only 1.1 times the DINflux alone (R2=0.78). The lack relation in direct comparisonsbetween DINand DONfluxes most likely stems from a ...,? combinationof greater variability in the DON assay coupledto the "real" natural variability in DON flux (bioturbation, infaunal direct release, phytoplanktonleaching, heterotrophic release etc.). In addition, DONand DINfluxes are only weaklyassociated, since for DINflux to occur organic matter must be remineralized, but DONflux only needs cells to lose soluble organic matter. Similarly, DINfluxes can be reduced by uptake by benthic algae, whosepresence which maylead to increased DONfluxes through leaching. In summary,the dynamicscontrolling DIN and DON fluxes are not tightly coupledand therefore the lack of similar patterns in rates are not unexpected. In contrast, there was a muchclearer relationship betweenoxygenconsumptionto remineralize organic matter and the flux of remineralized nitrogen (DIN). Assumingthat one carbon atom is remineralized for each two atoms of oxygenconsumedin the process (RQ=I), the measuredDINand SODfluxes can be used to suggest the C/Nratio of the organic matter being remineralized. Rates of carbon to nitrogen remineralization for July and Augustwhen decompositionand remineralization are most active yield an average flux ratio of ca. 17. This flux ratio is roughly twice the C/Nratio (ca. 8) of water columnparticulate matter within the estuary’s waters (Valiela 1994) and indicates that during decomposition,relatively morecarbon 15 is remineralizedthan DINis released. This C/Npatter likely results fromcouplednitrificationdenitrification of nitrogen regenerated within the sediments(with a small additional amountof buried and possibly somesediment DINuptake). Rates of denitrification accounting for about 50%of the nitrogen remineralized within coastal sediments is common (Seitzinger 1988, Nowickiet al. in press, Howes1997). Whilethese data are not sufficient to quantify denitrification for an estuarine massbalance, they providea clear indication of the potential importanceof sedimentdenitrification to the nitrogen balance of the PeconicEstuary. Organic Matter and Respiration: Sedimentoxygenuptake was directly related to the amountof organic carbon within the upper twocmof the sediments at each of the 16 sites within the Peconic Estuary. The relationship wasfairly robust except for the very highly organic sediment within the Upper Peconic River (PRU)and MeetinghouseCreek (MC).All of the stations exposedto a similar temperatureregime. Therefore, the similarity in respiration per unit organic matter suggests a relatively constant fraction of the carbonpool is labile (Figure 12). Similarly, water columnrespiration wasalso directly related to the particulate organic carbon pool within the water column(R2=0.93, Figure 13). As in the sediment comparison,the similarity in temperaturebetweenthe sites west of Shelter Island indicates a relatively constant fraction of the POCpool is labile. Note that water columnrespiration includes both the respiration of heterotrophs and phytoplanktondark respiration. Relationships of both sediment and water columnrespiration to organic carbon levels allow modelingof oxygenuptake from moreeasily assayed parameters(e.g. POC).However,it is likely that the goodnessof fit of the sedimentrelationship results from the relatively depauperateinfaunal populations. The lack of healthy infaunal populations removesa major variable in sediment carbon pool-oxygenuptake dynamics. 16 BottomWater OxygenFluctuations: The mooringplaced within the basin of Great Peconic Bay (Figure 1), yielded data on oxygen, salinity and temperature of bottomwaters from July through August 22, 1995. Duplicate meters were deployed at 25 cmand 45 cmabove the sediment surface. Bottomwater oxygenlevels were relatively low throughout the deployment. However,the major depletion occurred shortly after the major bloomof BrownTide. Based upon the SCDHS cell counts, there is an agreementbetweenthe timing of the bloomand the timing and duration of the larger hypoxicperiod in Great Peconic Bay(Figure 14). There was a clear tidal cycle super-imposedupon the longer diurnal and bloomcycles (Figure 15). Loweroxygenwas typically found during ebb versus flood tides. This is consistent with moreorganic rich waters from the UpperEstuary being transported seawardin the ebbing tidal waters. In addition, the transported UpperEstuary waters maybe lower in D.O. as a result of the higher respiration rates due to the import of organic matter into those sub-systems. Thesediments were clearly involved in the low oxygenlevels at the Great Peconic Bay site. Oxygenlevels recorded by the bottom sensor were typically lower than those recorded by the sensor placed only 20 cmhigher in the water columnsupporting the concept of an important oxygensink within the sediments (Figure 16). Whenlower oxygen was found at the deeper sensor it wasgenerally matchedby slightly higher salinities and lower temperatures. Thesalinity and temperature data suggests that the bottomwaters mayhave been stratified, s thus reducing re- aeration and increasing the potential for oxygendecline. Duringthe interval (July 20-25) when salinity and temperaturewere similar at the two sensors, oxygenlevels were also similar (Figure 16). 17 Distribution of Organic Matter Remineralization: The respiration results suggest a consistent gradient in labile organic matter running from the Peconic River and MeetinghouseCreek to Gardiners Bay. The gradient is most clearly seen in water columnrespiration (Figure 17) which decreases linearly with the log of the distance from the head of the estuary (Peconic River). While sediment respiration follows a similar relationship with distance from the headwaters, there appears to be morevariability in the data. Thevariability is due to the presence of sandy (non-depositional) sediments within portions of the estuary (shownby "**" in Figure 17). However,whenonly the depositional sediments are considered the relationship of decreasing respiration within increasing distance along the estuary is very clear. Based uponthe sediment oxygenand nutrient flux and water columnrespiration data it is possible to determine the potential of various regions of the Peconic Estuary to develop low oxygenconditions. Fromthe July rates of oxygenuptake at all 16 stations, we can calculate the time required to consumeall of the oxygenwithin a 1 m3 parcel of water in contact with 1 m-" of the sediment surface (Figure 18). Wecalculated the total amountof oxygen in one cubic meter of bottomwater and divided the result by the rate of uptake to determine the time required to removeall of the oxygenfrom the cubic meter of water. Fromthis simple analysis it is clear that within the upper regions (headwaters to ReevesBay) even brief periods of stratification (<1 day) can result in hypoxic conditions. Althoughrates of oxygenuptake continue to decline throughout the remainder of the estuary from Flanders Bay to Gardiners Bay, hypoxic conditions are generally possible with periodic water columnstratification events of <1 day. As expected from the relationships between DINflux, distance from the estuary headwaters and sediment oxygen uptake (Figure 10 & 18), the DINflux also decreases with increasing distance from the headwaters (as do nutrient concentrations). Based upon the sediment DIN 18 fluxes and water columnpools of DINand particulate organic nitrogen (PON),it is possible gauge the role of the sediments in the nitrogen economyof the water column.Wecan calculate howlong it takes for sediment DINregeneration to replace the water columnDIN+PON pool (--turnover). Althoughthe N concentrations decline movingseaward, the water depth, hence dilution, also increases. The result is that sediment nitrogen regeneration from muddysediment areas takes weeksto monthsto replace the entire water columnpool (Figure 19). However, within the muddystations of the upper estuary (PRU,PMS,MC,RB)the slow rates of water exchangeand the high rates of regeneration suggest that these sediments mayplay an important role in magnifyingthe impacts of nitrogen loading within this region. Spatial distribution: Baseduponthe sedimentsurveys and the bathymetryit is possible to gain an understandingof the likely areal coverageof benthic metabolic activity and controlling substrate pools. There appear to be four provinces of water columnorganic matter levels following the gradient from the head of the Estuary to Gardiners Bay. Particulate organic carbon levels varied morethan an order of magnitudefrom the very high levels in ReevesBay and Flanders Bay to the low levels in the near-oceanic waters of Gardiners Bay (Figure 20). West NeckBay appears to be a net phytoplanktonproducer as it had three times the POClevels as the incoming waters. However,the POCdistribution was only roughly correlated with water column chlorophyll a fluorescence (Figure 21). Chlorophyll a showeda morepatchy distribution than POC,but with clear bloomconditions within the inner regions of the estuary and WestNeck Bay. Sedimentoxygenuptake is determined both by the production (or import) of organic matter within the water columnand its deposition to the sediments. Thelower rates of oxygenuptake (and associated DINfluxes) within Flanders Bay and Reeves Bay comparedto Little Peconic 19 Bayparallels the pattern of depositional and non-depositionalsediments. It appears that the higher organic matter loadings to the UpperEstuary, which result in the highest water column respiration rates in the inner bays and tributaries, are not depositedwhollywithin the local sediments(Figure 22). Instead, the particulate organic matter producedwithin the inner estuary is partially transported seawardto enhanceloadings to the depositional basins (Figure 23). addition, the sedimentsof Flanders Bay and at the Flanders/Great Peconicjunction are generally sandy and exhibit very low or negative DINrelease (uptake, see Figure 24). Theselow rates are likely due both to uptake by benthic photoautotrophswithin the shallower waters wherealgae ii:ii were observed and to microbial denitrification. Thevery high rates of organic matter mineralization and DINflux within MeetinghouseCreek mayresult from a continuing depuration of the sediments, but on-going nitrogen and organic matter inputs maybe playing an even moreimportant role. Baseduponthe available information, it is not possible to determine the relative importanceof historic versus on-goinginputs to current fluxes. In contrast, it is most likely that mineralization rates within the Baysare supportedby current inputs and production as influenced by hydrodynamics.Spatial patterns of water columnrespiration appear primarily influenced by the Estuary’s gradient in production and water exchange, while sediment mineralization, although similarly influenced, is affected by additional structuring factors. The additional complexityin the spatial pattern of sedimentfluxes stems from the need for organic matter to be deposited and the mediating influence of sediment oxidation status on coupled nitriflcation-denitrification ?i¯ ~¯ and therefore DINfluxes. In addition, infaunal communitiescan alter the patterns of DINfluxes. As water quality improveswithin the PeconicEstuary, it is likely that significant changesmayoccur in the rates and distribution of oxygenuptake and DINrelease. Therecolonization of the estuary’s benthoswill likely result in a short-term increase in nutrient loading due to "mining"of the sediments through infaunal bioirrigation. Themagnitudeof this infaunal effect cannot be gaugedat the present time. 20 CONCLUSIONS 1) Sedimentand water columnrespiration represent significant sinks for oxygenwithin the Peconic Estuary. Oxygenuptake and water columnoxygen depletion is most pronouncedin the summerand generally decreases from the Peconic River to Gardiner’s Bay. However,the gradient in respiration is most pronouncedin the water columnas there were pronounced"hot spots" in measuredsediment oxygen uptake. 2) Benthic nitrogen fluxes also generally declined from the Peconic River to Gardiner’s Bay. During summerwhenphytoplanktonnutrient levels are reduced, benthic nitrogen fluxes throughout the estuary are sufficient to replace the most active nitrogen pools (PON+DIN) about once. However,within the UpperEstuary benthic regeneration mayreplace this nitrogen pool every 2-3 weeks. 3) Sedimentfluxes were correlated with organic matter deposition, while water column respiration wascoupledto particulate concentrations. 4) Sedimentswithin the upper estuary (MHC,PRUand RB)and its tributaries exhibit highly eutrophic nitrogen/oxygenfluxes. This effect is morenoticeable in the muddysediments. 5) Water columnrespiration accounts for two-thirds of the carbon turnover within the Peconic Estuary. 6) Sediment OxygenDemandand bottom water respiration are high throughout the Upper Estuary, with rates sufficient to producebottomwater hypoxiaif vertical mixingis restricted for periods of 0.5-1.5 days. 7) Bottomwaters of the UpperEstuary (Great Peconic Bay) are currently exhibiting a high degree of temporal variablility with periodic short-term hypoxicevents in the summermonths. 8) Sedimentdenitrification is a major gap in our understandingof the nitrogen cycle of the Peconic Estuary. Thesedimentflux data suggest that denitrification rates will have a very patchy distribution and therefore require a survey approach. 9) There appears to be a relationship of BrownTide to inter-annual variations in sediment oxygenand nutrient fluxes in the western portion of the estuary. However,the mechanism cannot be discerned from the existing data. 21 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Wethank Mr. Vito Minei, Director Peconic Estuary Program, for his guidance in the planning and evolution of this research. This project could not have been conductedbut for the logistical and field support of Suffolk CountyDepartmentof Health Services, particularly, Bob Nuzzi, MacWaters, Ed Nicholson, Mark Reushel and Gary Chmurzynski. Wethank Susan Brown-leger (WHOI),David White (WHOI)and Brendan Zinn (WHOI)for assistance laboratory analyses. Weare indebted to GreggRivara of the Suffolk CountyMarineEducation Center for laboratory space for the flux incubations. Supportfor this study wasthrough the Peconic Estuary Program, Administrated by Suffolk CountyDepartmentof Health Services. 22 REFERENCES BrownTide Cell Counts. December1995. Suffolk County Department of Health Services. Cibik, S.J., B.L. Howes,C.D. Taylor, D.M. Anderson, C.S. Davis and T.C. Loder. 1996. Annual water columnmonitoring report. Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. 200 p. Howes, B.L. 1997. Sediment metabolism within Massachusetts Bay and Boston Harbor relating to sediment - water column exchanges of nutrients and oxygen in 1995. Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. 70 p. Nowicki, B.L., E.R.D. Van Keurin and J.R. Kelly. 1997. Nitrogen losses through sediment denitrification in Boston Harbor and MassachusettsBay. Estuaries, 20:626-639. Opaluch, J.J., T.A. Grigalunas, J. Diamantidesand M. Mazzotta. 1995. Environmentaleconomics in estuary management.Maritimes, Winter 1995. Seitzinger, S.P. 1988. Denitrification in freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems:Ecological and geochemical significance. Limnologyand Oceanography,33: 702-724. 23 m (..9 o °° o~ no ~econic Estuary:Benthic Flux, 1994-1995! 25 <5m >5m <5m m 20 ra~ >51 GB O O O O 15 GB <5m O O 10 GB o 5 GB 0 20-Feb 31-May 08-Sep 17-Dec SamplingDate - Mean(N=I 0) Water depths are the averages of actual samplingstations. | i Figure 2. Seasonalcycle of bottomwater temperature within Gardiners Bay(GB), shallow (<5m) deep (>5m)flux stations within the Peconic Estuary. Measurements are from the six surveys, 19941995. C~ oo v,,,,,4 0 cq ~ T X 0 (pl~,vtUlS~lOtUtU)~)l~]dFl u~xo ;~ ~j8 nu -.,,,~__. ~ L, S + 0 c:: (1,) e:xC) c".l 0 c:: < (".,I ~.~¢~ ¢~ -.F!,m ¢’.1 F-T,,,1 F,,.T,,I ~mm ¢-.I o ~.-= ~ r-, (p/~vUa/solouJ~u) oyldfl uo$,~xO oo V-. x,f:) ¢,q ¢-q ¢-q -t- 0 ¢xl C~ 0% 0 oo C~ C~ t",l 0 ¢-q oo t"-- o ~.=- rO t"-¢-q 2 tt~ cq t¢3 ~ tt~ (Pl~vtUlSOlOtUtU)o~Imdfl uo~xo oo ¢-q cq (p/~vtU/s~Iotutu)~I~ldfl u~Sfixo West Estuary AnnualN Hux 7 a \\ \ < / 9 / 0 / / / // / \ // X / / \ / Z 0 RB PMS 2/28 4/27 6/14 7/7 8/30 12/5 2/28 4/27 6/14 7/7 8/30 1215 Date NH4 ~NO3 _~_DIN WestEstuaryAnnualN Flux 7 6 5 \ 4 ¢q < \ 3 © ,- o o \ \ 2 1 Z 0 -1 -2 -3 RB 2/28 4/27 6/14 7/7 PMS 8/30 12/5 2/28 4/27 6/14 7/7 8/30 12/5 Date - ~DIN ~DON __~TDN stations Figure 5. Annualnitrogenflux fromsedimentswithin the PeconicEstuary. (A) Muddy I.D.’s refer to stations Western Estuary,03) Muddy stations in EasternEstuaryand(C) Sandystations. in Table1. EastemEstuary Annual N Flux 20 b 15 < 10 ra~ O Q e~ 5 Y~ Z 0 -5 GB WNB NB LP GPD 2/28 6/14 8/30 4/27 7/7 12/5 2/28 6/14 8/30 4/27 7/7 12/5 2/28 6/14 8/30 4/27 7/7 12/5 4/27 7/7 12/5 2/28 6/14 8/30 4127 7/7 12/5 2/28 6/14 8/30 Date NH4 ~ NO3 __~ DIN Eastem Estuary Annual N Flux 25 < c~ Q o X Z NB GB LP GPD -10 2/28 6/14 8/30 4/27 7/7 12/5 2/28 6/14 8/30 4/27 7/7 12/5 2/28 6/14 8/30 4127 7/7 12/5 21286/14 8/30 4/27 717 12/5 4/27 7/7 12/5 2/28 6/14 8/30 DIN Date ~DON ~TDN SandyStation AnnualN Flux <~ 3 o -1 -2 2/284/276/147/7 8/3012/5 2/284/276/147/7 8/301215 Date NH4 ~NO3 _~_ 2/284/276/147/7 8/3012/5 DIN SandyStation AnnualN Flux 8 < i © O Z -4 -6 FB GP/FB GPS ’ i 2/284/276/147/7 8/3012/5 ~DIN 212841276114 717 8/3012/5 Date DON _~ TDN 2/284/2761147/7 8/3012/5 July DINFlux Partitioning 15 10 ¢q < © ,-, o @ Z, 5 L 0 East Estuary SandyStations West Estuary -5 GB NB WNB GPD LP LP/GP* GP/FB* * SB * RB PRU PMS MC LPS * GPS * * FB * * NWH* Station ~NO3 ~DIN INH4 July TDNFlux Partitioning 15 East Estuary SandyStations West Estuary 10 ¢q < © ,¯’ ,t Z 0 -5 GB NB WNB GPD LP IDIN LP/GP* GP/FB* * SB * RB PRU PMS MC LPS * GPS * * FB * * NWH* Station iDIDON ~TDN Figure6. Surveyof 16 stations throughout the PeconicEstuary,July5-7, 1995.P, ates of nitrogenflux tendto be highestwithinthe muddy stations of the westernestuary(inner) andlowestin a: the sandy 0 00 0 e. < Z c~ © L~ O~ .o o 0 0 0 0 0 Z - 0 o N E 0 ,m...4 i °~ o E E * o e" 0 Z I °~ .=E ~E 0 0 ¢’,1 ! I (P/~vm/S010uan)xnI~ gON ! 0 ! ! ~._~ .-~ ~. 0 0 O0 t’- , 0 ~D : 0 m~ 0 Z ¢m °~=4 ~g ¢m r.rj "¢:t" 0 0 * I Z ~ t i I ! (P/Z;vUT/s~10um) xnl~T£ON ¢2 * 0 0 c’,I I ¢’,1 ,t-,,-I ¢,q Z © i=,,,,,,I rae~ Z o I I/3 ,,~ ¢¢h ¢q ~ spuCsnoq.L (p/gvm/SOlOmn)xnIA gON 0 I X m 0 Cq [] z o lira < [] ~ N .~_ = "~ 0 [] °m e- [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 0 ej 0 [] 0 [] r~ im 0 *.., °~ 0 0 0.o ! c~ i I 0 ! ! l I l I spu~snoqi (,~eP/gvtra/soIotnn) xnId NOO ! oo 0 X m LL O \’\ \ \ O~ \ \ ° \\ \ \\ \\ \ \ D ~o O O o0 ,.., ,~ tr3 Z m O0 O < °~ I_1 O ,.~ > ".-- 2: 0 o~ mm Q II 0 0 (D O_ t¢’3 I ! ! ! ~ Z ~ ~ t ~.N spu~snotLL (~p/~;vUI/s0Iotun)xnI~t NGJc < C’,l O c,#] t.-t II i ,-~ d II .,w,.t O u’3 ¢..,a I.w ,.=.-w ~5 4.,.a cq~ < © .o ¯ ~....I E O.~ b~ o"~ .~ ~= Z~ C~ O o~.,I e’L e- ,--w v3 O bt) °6 o,...~ o "~ ,-,..t t-m O .~--W o ¯ t-,.~ o 0~ 4.a O .o c~ O 0 0 0 (a£/~vm/S~IOm)pu~uI~Gu~£xo luotu!p~s 0 t",l \ C’,l r..) ~D r~ "o ,¢,.a "O ~ .¢,,,a °~..4 OO ._.q O eO ~ .~ \ \ \ O (P/U.U/D Iomm)o:~eldfl u Lxo luomt.pos :£Inf == ° o ~~ z~ I ~ ’ ~ o ~ 09 -~ o _ 0 0 0 (a£/~vUa/SOlOm) pu~mo¢Iuo~£xolu~ua!p~s ~ ¯ ~ ~~ - 0 [] 0 o 2 o e’. 0 o ¢0 °~ °~ r,j E o II ¯ i-,,~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (£P, pl~tU/Iotmu)uo!l~!dsg~tutunIoo:[gl~A~ O e~ °~ d~ B~*,,4 ¢:~ II o’) ._~ ~ I (3’x C’q ~.0 :::t (1) CY) >, < I Ch ~===4 E e~ ok ._o I 0 e-, 0 0 f (D Cq r~-.-----~- =b,,,,a e~D .... X oc’~ k,-- 0 g~ } C’q ...=.4 (lAin)uo~,~xo pOAIOSSI.CI _ Z~ X O m O’~ \ >,~ m~ IJJ ~~ .... /" ! O0 0 \. 7 ~ oq o~ 0 0 Ii gs’: m 2 t¢7 ~7 (IA[n) u~]33~xo p~AIOSS~.G ~’~ Great Peconic Bay Dissolved Oxygen July 20 - Aug. 14, 1995 200 Top\/~ _ 150 ~, ~/t~ eo~ © 100 ~3 50 I 0 20-Jul 25-Jul I I 30-Jul I 04-Aug 09-Aug 04-Aug 09-Aug 14-Aug Date Bottomsensor: 0.25 mabovesediment Topsensor. 0.45 mabovesediment 29.6 29.4 29.2 29 ../., &28.8 ¯ - 28.6 o~ 28.4 28.2 28 27.8 20-Jul .25-Jul 30-Jul 14-Aug 29 Top~_ .-. 2s -- = !j f "-~ .... ~, . ,~-,-4J -" ’~/ 24 ~-- ’. 23 ~-- 22 ’ 20-Jul 25-Jul ~ 30-Jul ~ 04-Aug 09-Aug 14-Aug Figure 16. Bottomwater oxygen, salinity and temperature at sensors 25 cm and 45 cm above the sedimentsurface in Great Peconic Bayduring the interval of lowest oxygen. Distribution of Watercolumnand Sediment Oxygen Uptake ~, 250 PRU O 200 ~5 150 MC ~ 100 GB GP/FB Gt~~ ~IB FB ** -- -"" ** GPS SB** © ~ 50 0 0.1 1 10 100 Distance from Peconic River Absolute mass of carbon degraded requires adjustment for watercolumn depths. Stars (**) represent sandy stations. 100 PR’ _I 80 0 E 60 - ~5 40 ~ GP/FB \ ’% GPS"\, © GPD LP/~I~WNB >’20 ~© o \, GB 0 0.1 1 10 100 Distance from Peconic River ~:Absolute mass of carbon degraded requires adjustment for watercolumn depths. Letters represent ID’s of 16 Stations sampledin July 1995. Figure 17. Decline in watercolumnand sediment oxygen uptake with increasing distance from the head of the Peconic Estuary. The relationship between distance and sediment oxygen uptake is most clear whendepositional sediments are considered separately (sandy sediments denoted by **). Peconic Estuary: 1994-1995 6 SB d NWH ~4 ,l,..a GB GPS O ~3 LPS LP/GP © © ~P/FB GPD LP ~2 r,¢3 © -MC PRU 0 0 I I i t 10 20 30 40 5O Distance from Peconic River (km) Timerequired to consumeall oxygenin 1 m3of water overlying sedimentsin July. Oxygen Depletion by Sediment and Watercolumn Uptake. Figure 18. Time to consumeall of the bottom water oxygen within a 1 m3 parcel of water in contact with 1 m2 of the sediment surface. Data are from the July survey of the 16 flux stations. Peconic Estuary: 1994-1995 10000 ra¢3 1000 * GP/FB * *FB* O © *SB* Z GPD * GPS * + Z © 100 WNB LPS LP LP/GP NI3’ NWH* GB PMS RB O O ~D 10 ~D O O 0 I 1 I I 10 20 30 40 50 Distance from Peconic River (km) Nitrogen Mass (PON+DIN)represents pool in 1 m2 column of overlying water. Stars (*) Denote Sandy Stations. Figure 19. Timeto regenerate an amountof dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN)equivalent to the pool of DIN+ PONwithin the watercolumnoverlying each sedimentflux site in July. ! I I i J o @ I° t.B o ! A o °I 0~ o o ",-. N ¯ j 0 ~ "" INI .-,, vA¯ m. 0 @ A t~ ! 0’3 o o 4) I ! ’ I I I I I ^ 0 O I I "I f m ’,.[’I i0 f f / Appendix 1. Sediment Oxygen and Nutrient Exchange: SummaryTables It (D C~I (Z) ’t- (D (N CO(30 II I| |1 ~ ¯ ~, II (D 0 ~’- O) O~r’l-~ 01 ~)1 O~(D (D CO(~ltN(~ (~le’)lZ) ~ I| ,, II ~ |1 || II |1 II II "~ II O’~ I"~ Oi ~0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I "?. II ~.-. ~-- ~- (’~I (~ {’~1 (D{i’j ~111 II ~ r~’0 ~E ¯ n |1 |1 II II .-= 0 --.= ¯ n v il "~ I’~ Li_ (/) f,,/) II II ~ll I#) I~ 0 I£10~ II n "~ II I/~ {0 0 0 CO ~ c5 ~ ~ e~ ~6 d c5 ~6 d ._o-=~II ~ || ~,.0, I.LI II ~-~ ~ ~ (~1 C) ~’l (~ ~- ~ { cO ¯ -~ II ~a ,, || "I |1 ..~,~o ~.lll ,, ~.,~ ~-~ ~ ~" "’ ~ II n I| II II II I| II ~,,~ ~’~ Z x~. c.i -ii=,11 ii ~_~_ II ~ I| -I IIII v II || ":~"!III| n. ~8=~w ~z" ~,,II "I n II II i~ co (~ I~ (~ (0 (~1 E) C~I It (~ ID (0 (NI Csl q’} ’ql- ~’~ i~ "’ II ~N~.~NN~N~ " n ¯- .-~ ~o~" ~-~~8~ -~w iI II II II II II ~ II = II ~--- .-- II ONGiN II i "7 ~ i:,, ~ || = ~’~.,, ~ "r-- =L4 n ~ ,~zm~ II II || I| I| ,f,,I) II II || ~11 ~z~ II r~o It ~ Z E "" 0 li II I~3 (,#’) ~; II -i II II ~ II 3 II II II ~ (%1 {) I~ h ~" O~ ~-- (3 " ~"- °’- ° " ~ ~’~o~. ,, O) I~W II ¯ II II II I! II I= ~11(~111 I~] ~,0 11"~ O0~ ~1 ~-- (~111~ ~ Ell --~"- II ~mE. ~ EII ~- o Q3 E ~1,,; II. :~.-- , I! ~11 q’) ql I"~ ~-- (~ (D C4 (D q’) . 0~ i-O oddddddddd ~.~.~,, . I| 1| II II II II ~I" I/I I~ ~ (~i I~- ~ (%i l~O ~=" II 0 (~ ~0 ~ ’~r o ,~1" O~ I~ C~l . dddddd~ddd II 0 i i ~i vI O I~1~ ~11 I~ II LU N N ---: N g i II II II II tl. ~ I| " II It I(~ (~1 el {~1 (~ (tl II el (~) ~" I| I! || I| II I| || || I| I’- II m mm_o~m o._~ " II ~N~~ (’4 U ,, o n ’E~ (/I ::~ II I| n d ~,,-~ .3 .3 q~ II (~(~Csl k’~l I:I~ i~" (~ ~-" E) U,,ql; I,,,,~ ,~1:e"~’~1;(:I~i’~’~1<’,,~ll"~ O ~ n ,3 ~ilII I1 I| I| -r(~ ¢- II 0 II ~(~"~ II II II ¢f) (.1 (~1 (~ (~1 ~I" I~ ¢~1 II I| 0000000000 -"~-~ ii ~!’-~ "~-~._~" II o = II ~ ~ = i!I| I| I! I| || ,,,, ~ II U II ~’~ ’’==" °~ ~LLI II ~= ¯ II fJ) II il il ~II ~I" I~" I/’J ti’J ~’=’ ~I" COO "~" CO ,,- 0 __~uu,,li ¢n I! II All ~" © (’~I (~I 0~) {~i © ~- I~" I~) r~" © ~T o) II ~ ~.~ N (~ ~ ~ U~ I~ I~ I~ ~.~ I~ I~ I~ I~ ! ~x ,, 0_~, ii I’I ~ ’ |1 |l ~,..,-. I~ o©~-~.-~00~o~o*~ ~--,~-, II II U II u) ,, Z X "T" U ~ i-- 31~’ E ~} U . II II li II II II co z~ :I II I| ~ l| ~ H . ~gN~©N~ . I! e- ~el ’9 ~NN~NN~o~,--~ ILl II ¯ II (f) ~=zE. v U 03 II II II "Z ii "~. II ~ ~’- U’) M’~ ~ ~’- H II ~:~ ii" ~©~’~ (/) ID~ ~ LLI II I! II ¯ i o .. oooooooooo II ~I} ? { ’1 {~ (~ ~ ? {s~ ~ P1 U It || II li~ I~ ~ I~ ~ I.II II ’~1~~ ~-" GI O~ ~II I-- uJ . <.} ~I" -r o II II U II -’-’ (/) II II ~ I~ ~ I~ ~ C~I @4 II II U , ~