CVD Diamond Neutron Detectors
CVD Diamond Neutron Detectors
Arnaldo Galbiati 30 October 2009 Arnaldo Galbiati Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd CVD Diamond Neutron Detectors 1 Properties of Diamond Diamond Detectors CVD Diamond Neutron Detectors Introduction to DDL 30 October 2009 Arnaldo Galbiati Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Neutron Detectors 2 1920 1940 1950 – 60 1962 1970 1980 Diamond demonstrates UV response Diamond used to detect ionising nuclear radiation Interactions of Alpha and high energy fast electrons with diamond studied Photoconductivity of Natural Diamond investigated Advances made in forming electrical contacts to diamond Commercial x-ray dosimeters for medical applications Early 90’s Advances made in quality of polycrystalline CVD diamond (pCVD) pCVD recommended for use in Super Conducting Super Collider Employed as commercial solar blind UV detector. Late 90’s Beam position monitors for synchrotrons Charge Collection distance > 200 µm Many high energy physics detector applications. 2000 2002 2006 2007 2008 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond as a detector is not a new technology and as early as 1920's highly selected natural diamonds were being used for UV detectors. The recent commercial availability of high purity single crystal diamond with excellent bulk uniformity is however a new development. DeBeers Industrial Diamond patents manufacturing procedure for High purity single crystal diamond with superior electronic characteristics DeBeers Industrial Diamond forms Element Six E6 perfects volume manufacturing process for electronic grade” materials DDL formed by Element Six DDL patents metallisation development DDL achieves surface polishing improvements <1nm roughness DDL 50% acquired by BAE Systems Diamond Detectors Limited 3 Properties of Diamond 30 October 2009 Diamond Detectors Limited Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors 4 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Properties of Diamond Diamond radiation detectors are able to detect deep UV photons, X-rays, gamma rays, electrons, alpha particles, charged ions and neutrons, with a dynamic range in energies spanning from 5.5 eV up to GeV of cosmic rays. Since the bandgap of diamond is 5.5 eV this leads into a negligible dark current noise at room temperature with no need for cooling. Arnaldo Galbiati Diamond tetrahedron Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd (from Phase Diagram for Carbon Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd F.P. Bundy, The P,T Phase and Reaction diagram for elemental Carbon, 1979; J. Geophys. Res. 85 (B12) (1980) p. 6930 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Why use Diamond? Radiation hardness -> no frequent replacements High mobility of free charges-> Fast response Compact volume solid state detector Room temperature operation-> No Cooling Resistivity ~5 orders of magnitude > Silicon Low leakage current -> No need for pn junction Properties of Diamond 30 October 2009 Diamond Detectors Limited Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Intrinsic Material Properties 9 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Why use Diamond? The special characteristics of diamond allow its use in extreme environmental conditions like high temperature, high radiation, and highly corrosive environments. Hence, its use for example in: High energy physics as Beam Condition Monitor and particle tracker at CERN, As a radiotherapy dosimeter In X-ray synchrotron radiation monitoring (e.g., ESRF, Grenoble, France) as UV and neutron detector at the Joint European Torus, Culham, U.K. Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd First Radiation Detectors (1945) From Natural Diamond At that time counting properties were found to be uncontrollable, depending upon the crystal and the type of radiation. Furthermore, charge polarization occurred, leading to a progressive reduction in both counting rate and pulse amplitude as a function of the time of irradiation. P.J. VAN HEERDEN, Thesis Utrecht, 1945. R. HOFSTADTER., Phys. Rev. 73 (1948) 631. Since 1970, the attractive properties of diamond for radiation detection were demonstrated by KOZLOV et al. from mono-crystalline diamond stones of extremely high electronic quality. Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Alpha Particle Detection History in Diamond Kaneko et al. 2003 Bergonzo et al., Diamond and Related Materials, Volume 10, Issues 3-7, March-July (2001), 631-638 High Purity Single Crystal CVD Diamond: 100 % charge collection efficiency 100 % counting detection efficiency 0.4-1 % energy resolution (Alpha 5 MeV) Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd sc CVD Diamond Detectors J.H. Kaneko et al. 2003l Reference Figure from: J.H. Kaneko et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 505 (2003) 187–190 Diamond Detectors Ltd Commercially Available High Purity Single Crystal CVD Diamond: 100 % charge collection efficiency 100 % counting detection efficiency 0.4-1 % energy resolution (Alpha 5 MeV) No pumping (priming) effects Long term stability Diamond Detectors Ltd sc CVD Diamond Detectors Radiation Detection in Diamond Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond radiation detectors are generally designed as a parallelepiped solid-state ionization chamber. A charged particle, or a photon with energy above the bandgap, passes through the diamond and ionizes it (energy to form e-h pair: 13 eV) generating electron–hole pairs, which are separated by the electric field between the electrodes. Fast neutrons are detected directly in the bulk of the intrinsic diamond layer through the 12C (n,α) 9Be and 12C (n,n')12C* reactions*. The produced 9Be and α ions have a total energy: Eα + Βe = Εn – 5.7 MeV where Εn is the energy of the impinging neutron. •To detect both fast and thermal neutrons a layer of 6LiF or 10B allows the conversion of low energy neutrons into highly ionizing particles. • *M. Pillon, M. Angelone, A.V. Krasilnikov, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. B 101 (1995) 473. Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond intrinsic high efficiency for fission neutron detection •Diamond has the highest atomic density of any material •This translates into a high neutron efficiency per unit volume. •“Diamond appears to have the highest intrinsic efficiency for fission neutron detection per unit thickness, and hence per unit volume”*. * G .J. S c h m i d et al . / N u c l ear I n str u m en ts an d M eth o d s i n P h y si c s R esear c h A 527 (2004) 554– 561 G .J. S c h m i d et al . / N u c l ear I n str u m en ts an d M eth o d s i n P h y si c s R esear c h A 527 (2004) 554– 561 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond intrinsic high efficiency for fission neutron detection Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond experimental efficiency for fission neutron detection “Based on the diamond neutron data, along with the total neutron yields as acquired via as sociated particle counting, it is poss ible to extract experimental values for the intrinsic efficiency per unit thickness , and to compare this to calculation. For our diamond s ens or, with an energy thres hold of ~20– 30 keV (estimated carbon recoil energy), the experimental efficiency values at 2.5 and 14 MeV are 2.2 and 2.4%/mm respectively”* At 14.1 and 14.9 MeV, the spectrum shape is due to a combination of elastic scattering, inelastic scattering, and (n ,a) reactions, as discussed theoretically by Pillon [M. Pillon, M. Angelone, A.V. Krasilnikov, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. B 101 (1995) 473.] *G .J. S c h m i d et al . / N u c l ear I n str u m en ts an d M eth o d s i n P h y si c s R esear c h A 527 (2004) 554– 561 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Bergonzo et al. Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Single crystal CVD diamond neutron detectors in a p-type/intrinsic/metal layered structure - Gianluca Verona-Rinati, Uni Roma Tor Vergata Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detector 14 MeV Neutron Spectroscopy LiF Layer Thickness 6 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Almaviva et al. J. Appl. Phys. 103, 054501 2008 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Neutron Detectors Counting Sensitivity under thermal irradiation Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Almaviva et al. J. Appl. Phys. 103, 054501 2008 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Almaviva et al. J. Appl. Phys. 103, 054501 2008 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detector 14 MeV Neutron Spectroscopy 14 MeV Neutron pulse sc CVD Diamond Detector+DBA (2GHz amplifier) Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd ANGELONE et al.: “NEUTRON DETECTORS BASED UPON ARTIFICIAL SINGLE CRYSTAL DIAMOND IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE”, VOL. 56, NO. 4, AUGUST 2009 DBA-IV (2GHz Broadband Amplifier) Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd •The DBA-IV 2GHz Broadband amplifier is available through Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Neutron Detectors Tested at Frascati Neutron Generator and JET Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Neutron Diamond Detectors new ENEA-DDL collaboration “The benefits to industry in Europe of working with JET are more than simply the value of the contracts received. The technologies developed can have applications also in other fields. A recent example is a detector made of artificial diamond developed by the Italian Association ENEA for measuring the number and energy spectrum of neutrons emitted from the JET plasma.” Lorne Horton, JET Insight June 2009. CVD Diamond History Properties of Diamond Introduction to DDL DDL Proprietary Contact Technology 30 October 2009 Diamond Detectors Limited Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors 39 Introduction to DDL JJune 2007, DDL Moves into new office, Poole, Dorset Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd PPress release Thursday 3rd May 2007 “Element Six Spins Out New Company to Develop Diamond Detectors……. 22008, BAE systems acquires 50% share in DDL 30 October 2009 Diamond Detectors Limited 40 Diamond Detectors focus includes... • Diamond Wide Band Gap Detectors. (solid state ionizing chamber) • Diamond Sensors (Electro-chemical and Bio applications). Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd High Tech Application of Diamond Introduction to DDL Facilities Expertise Diamond Lab Laser Lab Chemistry Lab Lithography and Assembly Clean rooms. (class 1000 & 10000) Design Suite 30 October 2009 Material Processing Lapping & Polishing Processes Laser Dicing & Shaping Metallization (e.g. Ti, Pt, Au, Al..) Neutron Scintillation Coating 6LiF Lithography (sandwich,strips,pixels) Die Fabrication and Test Die/Wire Bonding. Packaging Characterisation. Electronics Development Diamond Detectors Limited Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd “From Concept through Design & Prototype to Manufacture” 42 Introduction to DDL Concept - Design 30 October 2009 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd “From Concept through Design & Prototype to Manufacture” Manufactured Devices Diamond Detectors Limited 43 Introduction to DDL ball bonding (K&S 4124) Aluminium & Gold wedge and ball wire bonding Dage 4000 Wire bond pull tester Universal wedge bonder (K&S 4523) Optical Profiler NT9100 Semi Automatic Scaife Metallisation 44 Diamond Detectors Limited 30 October 2009 Sputtering & E-Beam Evaporation & Milling Magnetron Sputtering Quazer Laser Dicing Laser cutting, dicing & sputtering system Wire Bonding (Strip Detector) Lapping, Polishing and Semi-automatic scaife Diamond Detectors Ltd Device Fabrication Diamond Detectors Ltd “From Concept through Design & Prototype to Manufacture” Introduction to DDL Characterisation Typical process specifications :Polycrystalline standard polish Ra < 20nm Polycrystalline detector polish Ra < 12nm Polycrystalline Super polish Ra < 5nm Single crystal detector polish Ra < 1nm 30 October 2009 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd “From Concept through Design & Prototype to Manufacture” Electronic / Device Characterisation Diamond Detectors Limited 45 Diamond Detectors Ltd •Ultra high purity CVD Diamond •Less than 5 ppb Boron and Nitrogen impurities Intrinsic Polycrystalline Up to 12 cm diameter wafers Diamond Detectors Ltd Electronic grades of CVD diamond produced Intrinsic single crystal Standard 4.7mm square Standard 4.7mm square Diamond Detectors Limited Diamond Detectors Ltd © 2008 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Example :- Diamond Radiation Detector Module as COB (Chip on Board) with electrical metal posts © 2008 Diamond Detectors Ltd © 2008 Diamond Detectors Ltd (photo-realistic rendering by Solidworks softrware) Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Single Crystal Diamond Radiation Detector Standard Module [25mm Diameter] with SMA connector Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Radiation Detector Beam Conditions Monitor Quadrant Detector Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Example :- Diamond Radiation Detectors in BNC and TO-Metal Can © 2008 Diamond Detectors Ltd © 2008 Diamond Detectors Ltd © 2008 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Example :- Diamond Radiation Detector (electrodes bonded from lateral sides not top and bottom) Diamond Dimensions 5 x 1 x 0.5 mm e.g.: directional information © 2008 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Example :- Diamond Radiation Detector with robust electrical point contacts © 2007 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Example :- Diamond Radiation Detector Module with SMA and Chip in Board packaging © 2007 Diamond Detectors Ltd Single Crystal Diamond Radiation Detectors Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Standard size: 4.7 x 4.7 x 0.5 mm Can be laser cut and mechanically polished to create customized sizes and shapes, and or assembled in a mosaic or stack structure Available standard thickness 50 μm to 500 μm Minimum active volume size 1 x 1 x 0.5 mm Standard electrical contact shapes (square and circle) Customised electrical contact shapes DDL proprietary contact (photo-realistic rendering by Solidworks softrware) Customised electrical contact materials © 2008 Diamond Detectors Ltd Standard Module [25mm Diameter] with SMA connector CVD Diamond History Introduction to DDL Properties of Diamond DDL Proprietary Contact Technology 30 October 2009 Diamond Detectors Limited Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors 55 (Electrical Contact Fabrication on CVD Diamond) Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Metallization DDL Proprietary Contact Technology Diamond Detectors Limited (DDL) has patented an innovative metallization technique to maximize CVD diamond performance. Here we seek to highlight the issues and describe the solution. The development of CVD Diamond has made possible many new applications for detecting and sensing. However, manufacturing semiconductor devices in diamond present some interesting challenges due to diamond’s unique characteristics. Traditional or inadequate contact fabrication may result in poor mechanical adhesion, polarization effects and unrepeatable results. Mechanical Adhesion Specifically, the mechanical adhesion of the metal chosen as electrode on the diamond surface. A flatter smoother surface presents fewer adhesion points. When a metal is thermally evaporated on diamond it may not adhere and it could peel off after a short period of time with the consequent deterioration of the electrical signal measured and therefore a decrease in the lifetime of the device. Mechanical adhesion is a function of the diamond / contact interface. Polarization Effects Polarization phenomena occur when electric currents pass through diamond if the electrical contact is not able to extract and inject electrons fast enough. In this case, the neutrality of the crystal after the passage of ionizing nuclear radiations is not restored in the time interval between two consecutive events. As a result, charge accumulation occurs within the crystal and immobile carriers establish an electric field which acts in a direction opposite to the applied field produced by the external bias voltage V. The minimisation of polarization effects requires optimal injecting contacts. Repeatable Results If a device is to be commercially viable it should be consistent and stable in a variety of environmental conditions. Requires stable and resilient contacts. Historically, there have been three main approaches to fabricate good electrical contacts on diamond: 1. Damaging the diamond surface in order to disrupt the sp3 bonding. 2. Using carbide forming metals like titanium or chromium to create a hybrid metal-diamond interface material . 3. Doping of diamond during growth or using ion implantation. For example, to prepare good injecting contacts, several metals were used by Kozlov et al., for hole injection they used Ag, Au, Pt or C deposition, aluminium or boron implantation, for electron injection P, Li or C. Galbiati et al. IEEE TNS VOL 56 N 4 AUGUST 2009 p1863 (Electrical Contact Fabrication on CVD Diamond) Galbiati et al. IEEE TNS VOL 56 N 4 AUGUST 2009 p1863 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Metallization DDL Proprietary Contact Technology (Electrical Contact Fabrication on CVD Diamond) Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Metallization DDL Proprietary Contact Technology DDLs solution To address the polarization issues mentioned above and to provide a method for forming an ohmic electrode that is also durable and stable for applications in diamond radiation detectors and diamond electronics, Diamond Detectors Ltd have developed and tested an innovative electrical contact using a very thin diamond like carbon layer. Diamond-like carbon (DLC) is a form of amorphous carbon between diamond and graphite, containing significant portion of sp3 bonded atoms in the matrix. DLC films can be grown when carbon is deposited under energetic (~10-100eV) bombardment, where the instantaneous local high temperature and pressure induce a proportion of carbon atoms to bond as diamond. The conditions for DLC deposition are obtained during a variety of methods, including CVD, laser ablation, magnetron sputtering, cathodic arc, and ion beam deposition. This innovative contact consists of a very thin (1-3 nm) diamond-like carbon film which is formed on a diamond substrate by means of Argon magnetron sputtering from a carbon target. The very thin DLC layer allows for the injection of both holes and electrons in the diamond substrate. Also, the DLC layer becomes a seed for the sputter deposition of high work function noble metals (Pt, Au) which allow metals to cohere to the diamond surface. As platinum and gold have a higher work function than diamond this permits electrons present at the diamond surface to be driven towards the noble metals via quantum mechanical tunnelling through the thin DLC layer acting as a quantum mechanical tunnelling junction. DDL’s patented metallization technique provides a manufacturable, high adherence diamond / contact interface with minimal polarization effect while maximizing stability and contact resilience. Galbiati et al. IEEE TNS VOL 56 N 4 AUGUST 2009 p1863 58 DDL Proprietary Contact Technology Galbiati et al. IEEE TNS VOL 56 N 4 AUGUST 2009 p1863 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Dark Current Characteristics 59 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Collaborating Opportunities ? Custom design and prototype manufacture. Let us help you develop a resilient detector/sensor technology for your application using our design tools, facilities and experience in collaboration with your R&D team. Prototype to Product (cost engineering, batch processing and test) Diamond Detectors Limited 60 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Conclusion High quality electronic CVD diamond radiation detectors are now readily available. DDL has made significant investment to ensure we have the ability and tools to manufacture diamond prototypes leading to standard products for a range of applications including high energy physics, medical, civil nuclear and oil and gas. DDL will continue to support the development of diamond applications with the aim to provide a range of standard products with datasheets. 30 October 2009 Diamond Detectors Limited 61 30 October 2009 Diamond Detectors Limited Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd Thank you 62 Diamond Detectors Ltd Diamond Detectors Ltd REFERENCES: Bergonzo et al., Diamond and Related Materials, Volume 10, Issues 3-7, March-July (2001), 631-638 J.H. Kaneko et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 505 (2003) 187–190 Pomorski et al., Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 202, No. 11 (2005) Gianluca Verona-Rinati “Single crystal CVD diamond neutron detectors in a p-type/intrinsic/metal layered structure” , Galbiati et al. “Performance of Monocrystalline Diamond Radiation Detectors Fabricated Using TiW, Cr/Au and a Novel Ohmic DLC/Pt/Au Electrical Contact” IEEE TNS VOL 56 N 4 AUGUST 2009 p1863 Angelone et al.: “NEUTRON DETECTORS BASED UPON ARTIFICIAL SINGLE CRYSTAL DIAMOND” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 56, NO. 4, AUGUST 2009 pp.2275-2279 Almaviva et al.: “Thermal and fast neutron detection in chemical vapor deposition single-crystal diamond detectors” J. Appl. Phys. 103, 054501 2008 G.J. Schmid et al. “A neutron sensor based on single crystal CVD diamond”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 527 (2004) 554–561 M. Pillon, M. Angelone, A.V. Krasilnikov, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. B 101 (1995) 473.