
Registration begins 4/11/16
Contact: Paulette Parkhill (540) 857-6514 [email protected]
Registration begins 4/11/16
VWCC—The Community’s College Regardless of Age!
Need something fun and exciting to do this summer?
Check out one of the many KIDS College programs Virginia Western has to offer!
Horticulture “Reap What You Sow” (rising grades 4-6)
Students will learn the vegetable gardening process from start
to finish. Seed sowing, crop scheduling, soil preparation, transplanting, fertilization, watering, plant care, insect and disease
control, harvesting, garden clean up, composting, deer and
rodent protection, harvesting and storing seeds, and sustainable vegetable gardening. Students will also learn about helping
and serving others from a standpoint of gardening and sharing
of the harvest.
Health Professions (rising grades 6-8)
Exploring Electronics (rising grades 9-12)
High School students looking to explore electronics and electrical
engineering as a possible career path. This is a fun crash course
in real electronics using equipment and resources from the college electronics lab. t is helpful but not required that students
have some experience or knowledge in electronics. Students will
be supplied with their own electronics kit and work book, which
they can keep at the end of the week. Topics of discussion will
include careers in electronics, electronic math and physics, analog and digital signals and systems, electrical components, test
equipment, ac and dc supplies, wiring, circuit boards, and electronic safety. Students will study and build a different circuit
each day with the goal of completing a real audio amplifier by
the end of the camp. Due to lab space, enrollment is limited be
sure to register early!
Hovercraft-Design Your Own Vehicle-Egg Drop Car
(rising grades 4-6)
Health Care can be challenging. The more
you know, the less you are frightened when
Like to design and build things that you create? Build and keep
things happen! Students will learn about
an air powered Hover craft. You make it defy gravity. Once it’s up
different health care specialist, training,
and moving using your creativity; control its direction. Build and
and services. Some of the fun activities will
take home your own super car powered by more than one
include learning about CPR or First Aid,
source of energy. This can be one crazy looking vehicle. Also,
Emergency care, Simulations, and Exercise. Tours of labs with
build an Egg Drop Car. The purpose is to build a gravity vehicle
brief demonstrations of specialized equipment will round out
that can cushion a raw egg as the car holding the egg is dropped
the Health Professions Camp.
from a high height. Be creative with the materials provided to
Learn how to assess
vital signs; how xrays are produced
cushion the egg from the fall. In three challenges within this
workshop, you will learn about Laws of Motion, Energy, Air Pressure, Friction, Lift, Speed and Acceleration.
Registration begins April 11, 2016
Classes filled on a first come first served basis — to guarantee your spot register early!
For questions please call 540-857-6514 or email [email protected]
Digital Photography (rising grades 4-9)
Fast and Furious Keyboarding (rising grades 4-10)
The basic rules of composition
How fast can you go without looking at your hands!
and lighting will be explored as all
Fast and furious keyboarding classes teach beginning keyboarders
great photographers should
how to move from hunt and peck to coordinated touch typing.
know. We will study about well-
This class is for children who want to get the best performance
known photographers such as
from a keyboard. The goal in teaching keyboarding is to develop
Ansel Adams and Steve McCurry.
proper techniques without concern for typing speed. Typing speed
You will learn to use your digital
will evolve from practicing
camera's or smartphone's differ-
good technique.
ent settings and applications to create lasting images. After image
is saved we will use photo editing software or multi-media to
enhance or distort the images to make a finished art show worthy
piece of artwork. Please bring your own digital camera or
memory card.
Parent comment: “Thanks so much for the keyboarding class! My
son loved it and learned a lot. Keep up the good work! It sounds
like the instructor made a normally boring subject matter both
interesting and relevant.”
Kingii Dragon—Robotics—The Ultimate Experience
“MAGIC” - Girls In Construction (rising grades 7-12)
smartphone fully charged with your devices USB cord with a 4 GB
(rising grades 4-6)
Exploring new opportunities for women in construction, partici-
Make and take home the Kingii
Dragon Robot. It is by far the
wackiest lizard to ever have
roamed the planet earth. It is a
very smart lizard with artificial
intelligence and true to life
features which will make him
an unusual pet to enjoy! Working in small groups, children will build different robotic creatures;
vehicles and robots; test each for speed; strength; and endurance. The robots in this part of the workshop are not taken home.
Tires, motors, gears, wires and controllers are used to move these
robots across the floor. After making trial runs, you can modify
your designs to increase your robots’ performance. Your robot
will be tested in Sumo battles, tugs-of-war, and vehicle distance
timings, etc.
pants will enjoy hands-on projects and discussions with industry
professionals; explore
blueprint design and
Autodesk Revit. Projects
will include electricity,
plumbing, carpentry and
assisting with a Habitat
for Humanity shed build.
Mentoring A Girl in Construction “MAGIC”
Contributors: Habitat for Humanity in the Roanoke Valley;
Branch & Associates; Hughes Associates Architects & Engineers;
MB Contractors, Lionberger Construction; National Association
of Women in Construction; Project Home/Tomboy Tools
Registration begins April 11, 2016
Classes filled on a first come first served basis — to guarantee your spot register early!
For questions please call 540-857-6514 or email [email protected]
Explore Graphic Design (rising grades 7-12)
Robotics (rising grades 6-9)
Interested in drawing and design—Want to discover your tal-
This camp will be an exciting introduction to
ents and take them to the next level? Come learn about graphic
Science, Engineering and Technology
design and the many career paths this skill has to offer. Activi-
through the design of an autonomous ro-
ties will include creating special effects, character drawings,
bot. Students attending the Robotics camp
logos, posters and animated gifs using Illustrator
will receive hands-on experience with com-
and Photoshop.
puter programming, industrial robotics and
computer animation. Current applications of the technology is
Discover Your Drawing Skills (rising grades 7-12)
presented using state-of-the-art equipment and material. The
faculty will involve students in discussion and activities that will
Students will learn the skills to draw realistically. We will do
expand their knowledge and understanding of engineering and
guided drawings as a class and then work from a still life. You
advanced technology while encouraging future interest in these
will learn concepts such as measuring shapes in space and
fields. The camp will promote an atmosphere of fun as well as the
linear perspective. Drawing is a skill everyone can learn. Amaze
importance of good study habits and learning discipline that lead
yourself with the super special skill to draw what you see! On
to both educational and career pathways. Students must bring a
your mark, get set, draw!
non-perishable snack and bag lunch. 1 hour lunch break each day.
Earn Scout Merit Badge
Imaginate! Where your imagination and creativity
will collide with Mechatronics (rising grades 7-12)
Students in this three day camp will explore the fundamentals of robotics, computer programming, electronics and
mechanical processes through project based activities. Students will design, build and program unique projects as well
as friendships in a fun-filled environment. The ultimate goal
of the Mechatronics Camp is to inspire and educate students
about engineering technology and the many exciting career
opportunities available to them in a high-tech industry.
It’s My Future (rising grades 6-8)
It’s never too early to begin planning for your future career. During this 2 day camp students will interact with business professionals and learn what they look for in a great employee. Students will
explore career clusters, learn about high-growth career fields and
map their path to employment. They will develop their own personal brand and have fun while learning about these important
Instructor: Junior Achievement
In an engaging and exciting high-tech environment, this
Career Success (rising grades 9-12)
summer camp encourages:
What do critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration have to do with getting a job? Students will work together to
practice these and learn how significant they are in the workplace.
Students will rate their own soft skills and hear from local business
Human Resource Officers how to get, keep or lose a job! Students
will be interviewed, develop their cover letters, resumes and digital profiles; while interacting with the experts.
· Innovation
· Creative thinking
· Initiative
· Time Management
· Teamwork and collaboration
Sponsored by:
Instructor: Junior Achievement
Registration begins April 11, 2016
Classes filled on a first come first served basis — to guarantee your spot register early!
For questions please call 540-857-6514 or email [email protected]
S.T.E.M (Science Technology Engineering, Math and Health)
App Attack! (rising grades 4-7)
Make Your First Video Game! (rising grades 4-9
Take the first steps into the world of mobile app design and
customize your own game app! Using a specialized app &
game development tool, students will explore the world of
web-based (HTML5) mobile apps. In addition to learning
the basics of mobile app design and game development,
you will also see firsthand how the world of App publishing
functions. Student-created apps will be accessible on a
private site and can be played on any mobile device or computer. Publishing to App Stores not included. No prior experience is necessary and students do not need to own a
smartphone or tablet to take the class.
If you love playing video games, this is the camp for you!
Make your first video game in this one-of-a-kind class
that shows you the keys to designing your first 2D
platformer game. Conceptualization, play experience,
challenge levels, graphics, sounds, and simple coding are
just some of the concepts that we’ll explore. No prior
experience necessary, just a desire to have fun. Student
created games will be available on a password protected
Black Rocket website to share with friends and family.
Games are only compatible on PC computers, Mac versions can be created after the program for $15.00 conversion fee.
Instructor: Black Rocket
Instructor: Black Rocket
“The magic in every camper comes to life as never before when they are empowered to be as creative as they were all
born to be! Black Rocket has over a decade of experience designing camps in the S.T.E.M and Digital Arts fields. Every
program is powered by the camper’s innate imagination and designed to bring their ideas to life in a fun, hands-on,
learning environment. From concept to creation students will demonstrate their masterpiece to the world at the end of
each week! All Black Rocket programs mirror real life experiences and the collaborative nature of the design process.
Registration begins April 11, 2016
For questions please call 540-857-6514 or email [email protected]
S.T.E.M (Science Technology Engineering, Math and Health)
Minecraft Designs (rising grades 4-7)
New! Minecraft Animators (rising grades 4-9)
If you love the game Minecraft, but always wanted to design your own characters and buildings for your games, this
class is for you! Learn the basics of creating 3D models using a new software to
design your very own objects, create
skins for characters, and import them
into your favorite Minecraft games. To access their project
at home students, must own a PC/MAC version of Minecraft. Tablet, phone, and game console version of Minecraft
are not compatible. Parent email address is required to use
3D modeling software.
Bring your favorite Minecraft characters to life in an animated short film! Learn how studios like Pixar and Disney
make movies like Inside Out and Frozen through using
techniques like keyframing, tweening, texturing, and
animating rigged 3D models! Student projects will be
available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends
and family. You do not need to own a Minecraft account
to use the software in this class.
Instructor: Black Rocket
Instructor: Black Rocket
Minecraft Modders (rising grades 7-9)
LEGO YOUniverse: Make Your Own Adventure! (rising
grades 4-9)
Use your favorite game to learn the basics of modding and
foundations of programming. Learn scripting and logic
statements as you create your first mod! Introductory coding will also be taught through a simulated environment
inspired by Minecraft. Student projects will be available on a
Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. To
access their project at home students must own a PC/MAC
version of Minecraft. Tablet, phone, and game console version of Minecraft are not compatible.
In this LEGO adventure YOU are the star! Pick your favorite LEGO genre or create an alternate universe to create a
digital illustrated story. Whether you want to fight alongside Batman, be part of a Ninjago clan, hang with Ninja
Turtles, or go into space with the Bionicles, the only requirement is that you put yourself in the story! All students will end the class with a digital comic book that can
be shared with friends and family on a password protected website!
Instructor: Black Rocket
Instructor: Black Rocket
Comments from Parents:
Well organized and well run camps. My son thoroughly enjoyed himself.
Thanks for providing a science-based choice for summer camp! My son loved it!
Thanks for the adventure! My grandson enjoyed it very much. He met many new friends. Awesome!
Registration begins April 11, 2016
For questions please call 540-857-6514 or email [email protected]
Student Profile for Workforce Enterprise System
Virginia Western Community College Workforce Development Office
3074 Colonial Ave, Roanoke, VA 24015
Phone (540)857-6076, Fax (540) 857-7386
For Office Use Only
Lumens ID
Empl ID
Staff Initial
Notice: In accordance with §23.2.2:1 of the Code of Virginia, your name, date of birth, gender, and student identification number will be submitted to the Virginia State
Police. By proceeding with the application process, you consent to this submission.
Please note: It will be necessary for applicants who wish to be considered for veterans’ benefits, financial aid, and Hope Scholarship/Lifetime Learning tax credit to provide
a Social Security number to the college. To protect your privacy, your Social Security number will not be used as your student identification number. The VCCS will only use
your Social Security number in accordance with federal and state reporting requirements, and for identification purposes within the VCCS. It shall not permit further disclosure unless required or authorized by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S. C. Code 1232g, or pursuant to your obtained consent.
Possessing, brandishing, or using a weapon while on any college or VCCS office property, within any college or VCCS office facilities, or while attending any college or VCCS
educational or athletic activities by students is prohibited, except where possession is a result of participation in an organized and scheduled instructional exercise for a
course, when secured inside a vehicle, or where the student is a law enforcement professional. By proceeding with the application process, you acknowledge and agree to
abide by this policy if accepted to a VCCS college.
If you have ever been in foster care, please contact the Great Expectations program at 804-819-4690 after completing the application.
All information below is required, unless noted
Student Information:
Username (email address) :
(Username email limited to one student. Parents registering two or more children must use a different
username email for each child or please contact VWCC Workforce office 857-6076)
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Social Security Number _
(See privacy statement, which can be obtained in the Admissions Office)
Line 1 Address____________________________________
Line 2 Address____________________________________
City________________________State________________Zip code________________City / County_____________________
Phone (_____)________________ Day _ _ Evening _ _ Mobile _ _
Emergency Contacts: In case an emergency situation arises, contact:
Citizenship Status
Native (U.S. citizen at birth
Naturalized (became U.S. citizen after birth
Alien permanent
Alien temporary
Not living in the U.S.
Not indicated
Name ___________________________ Phone Number ____________________________
Relationship to student: _____________ Additional Phone Number ____________________
Name of School Student Attends: ______________________________
School Grade Level (2015/2016) ______________
Primary Language ___ English ___ Other
Special Info (allergies, medicine, etc. if more space needed please use a separate sheet.
List individuals allowed to pick-up child. Please be prepared to show Photo ID
1. Name ___________________________ Relationship to student: ___________________
2. Name ___________________________ Relationship to student: ___________________
3. Name ___________________________ Relationship to student: ___________________
I certify under penalty of disciplinary action that all of the information is complete and accurate. I agree to supply the college with supporting documentation related to my application, if I am
requested to do so.
Applicant's Signature:
(If over 18 years of age)
Parent/Legal Guardian's Signature:
(If student under 18 years of age)
This institution promotes and maintains educational opportunities without regard to race, color, sex, ethnicity, religion, gender, age (except when age is a bona fide occupational qualification), disability,
national origin or other non-merit factors. For further information, contact the Title IX Coordinator in Chapman Hall, Room 102, (540) 857-6438 or the Section 504 Coordinator in the Student Center, Room
102, (540) 857-7286. TTY number is (540) 857-6351. Employer, date of birth, sex, and race information are used for research , reporting and management of student records. REV 7/11/14 LSO
Indicate program selections by checking the appropriate box: KIDS College classes fill quickly be sure to register early!
Registration deadline is one week before class start dates! http://www.virginiawestern.edu/kidscollege/
Early Register
May 30
Fee after
May 30
⃝ Hovercraft-Design Your Own Vehicle-Egg Drop Car
⃝ Horticulture—”Reap What You Sow!”
⃝ Minecraft Animators
⃝ Electronics Workshop
⃝ Fast and Furious Keyboarding
⃝ Discover Your Drawing Skills
⃝ App Attack! Make Your First Game App
⃝ Health Professions
⃝ LEGO YOUniverse
⃝ Digital Photography
⃝ Minecraft Designers
“Imaginate!” where your imagination and creativity will collide with
⃝ Mentoring A Girl In Construction - “MAGIC”
⃝ Fast and Furious Keyboarding
⃝ Kingii Dragon—Robotics Workshop-The Ultimate Experience
⃝ Minecraft Modders
⃝ Robotics
⃝ Explore Graphic Design
⃝ It’s My Future
⃝ Make Your First Video Game
⃝ Career Success
Online registration is preferred. To Register: https://virginiawestern.augusoft.net and click on Kids College link
Additional methods of payment: Checks or Money Order (payable to VWCC). Please sign and return Student Profile form, Assumption of Risk form, and payments by
mail or drop off to: VWCC, Workforce Development Office, Attn. Paulette Parkhill, 3074 Colonial Avenue, Thomas Center Suite G202, Roanoke, VA 24015.
Payment must be received at time of registration. There is a $35 service charge for handling returned checks. Cancellations received more than 30 days before start
date of program receive a refund less $25 administration fee and any early registration discounts. No refunds for cancellations received 30 days or less before start date
of program.
Rules and Requirements: Arrive on time and be picked up on time; Children must be signed in and out by an adult; Follow all rules given during classes; be respectful and have fun; Bring a bag lunch for full day sessions unless otherwise stated; All students will need to dress comfortably; For your
protection due to rolling chairs, etc.- No sandals or flip flops. Please wear tennis shoes or comfortable shoes which cover the feet.
(Form must be signed and returned along with the registration form and payment)
I agree that as a participant in the VWCC KIDS College at Virginia Western Community College (the “College”) scheduled for
2016 Summer Semester, I am responsible for my own behavior and well-being. I accept this condition of participation, and I
acknowledge that I have been informed of the general nature of the risks involved in this activity, including but not limited to
cuts, trips, falls, slips, punctures, burns, back injuries, bumps and bruises.
I hereby grant to Virginia Western Community College (the “College”), and to the press and media, the right to photograph,
videotape, or otherwise digitally collect my likeness, voice and sounds (as “Works”) during my participation in the VWCC KIDS
College. I further acknowledge that these cooperating entities have the right to use or sublicense these Works in all forms and
for all purposes, including without limitation, advertising and other promotions for the VWCC KIDS College. It is a VWCC policy
not to print a minor’s name with his/her picture without specific permission from his/her parent or guardian.
I understand that in the event of accident or injury, personal judgment may be required by College personnel regarding what
actions should be taken on my behalf. Nevertheless, I acknowledge that the College personnel may not legally owe me a duty
to take any action on my behalf. I also understand that it is my responsibility to secure personal health insurance in advance,
if desired, and to take into account my personal health and physical condition.
I further agree to abide by any and all specific requests by the College for my safety or the safety of others, as well as any and
all of the College’s rules and policies applicable to all activities related to this program. I understand that the College reserves
the right to exclude my participation in this program if my participation or behavior is deemed detrimental to the safety or
welfare of others.
In consideration for being permitted to participate in this program, and because I have agreed to assume the risks involved, I
hereby agree that I am responsible for any resulting personal injury, damage to or loss of my property which may occur as a
result of my participation or arising out of my participation in this program, unless any such personal injury, damage to or loss
of my property is directly due to the negligence of the College. I understand that this Assumption of the Risk form will remain
in affect during any of my subsequent visits and program-related activities, unless a specific revocation of this document is
filed in writing with the program coordinator, at which time my visits to or participation in the program will cease.
In case an emergency situation arises:
Contact name
Phone #
I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand this document. I further acknowledge that I am accepting these personal risks and conditions of my own free will.
If participant is less than 18 years old, the following section must be completed.
_____ My child/ward is under 18 years of age and I am hereby providing permission for him/her to participate in this program, and I agree to be responsible for his/her behavior and safety during this event.
Child’s Name
Date of Birth
City, State, ZIP
Parent/Guardian Signature
If participant is 18 years of age or older and legally capable of entering into this agreement, complete this section.
Participant’s Name
Participant’s Date of Birth
City, State, ZIP
Participant’s Signature