March 2016 - Victory Report Online


March 2016 - Victory Report Online
FREE COPY Issue 3, March 2016
Love & Liberty is Reaching Around the Globe!
Behold He Comes!
He Is Risen
Jesus Is Alive!
A Voice For The Christian Faith
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Priorities In A
“Hurry Up” World
By Cheryl Stegall Gipson
I sit on the porch in the glider with the warmth of
the sun on my face. The whistle of the passing
train brings back memories of a simpler time and a
different way of life.
I just moved to Panhandle, Texas. Leaving the
hustle and bustle of the city, I find myself once
again enjoying the quiet of a small town with the
comforting sounds that come from such a place.
Next month is Easter and I have to admit that the
days are passing more quickly as each year comes
barreling down the corridors of time like the train
outside my door. Right on time, several times a
day, it rolls past my sweet little place. But there is
something peaceful in listening to the crackling of
the rails and the rumble of the cars. Maybe it is the
lack of change as the railroad seems to have the
stability to remain a constant memory of the “good
ole days.” I am thankful for this reminder of an era
when things were not so hectic and fast paced.
I have always been a country girl at heart. It
seemed that in the days of youth there grew a curiosity for the city, but yet my heart was drawn to the
country like an eagle to the open sky.
I think about the hurry, the horns, the traffic and
the schedules which rule our lives, and I wonder if
in all the rush, are we missing something in the
midst of the endless merry-go-round. Don’t get me
wrong, I am thankful for the city and the different
places around the country with amazing skyscrapers and overpasses to thrill the mind of the greatest designers in the world.
Perhaps it is the aging process. Maybe it is the
changing of the people around me and the reflection in the mirror. Whatever, I have found myself
checking up on priorities in a hurry up world these
days. Here we are in 2016 and it seems we just
entered the Winter season but before we know it,
the days of Spring will be upon us. How many
times have do we ask the question, “Where did the
summer go?” Our priorities have swept us up into
a world that is always in a hurry, and we are missing some beautiful moments along the way.
My youngest granddaughter was here to spend the
Cont’d on pg 7...
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“Good News” page 2
The Victory Report’s
“Good News” Publication
P. O. Box 19941
Amarillo, Texas 79114
Circulation as of 12/2013—4000
Cheryl Gipson, Editor & Publisher
Email: [email protected]
The purpose of The Victory Report is to spread the “Good
News” about what God is doing in the earth today. It is the
goal of this paper to proclaim the truth of God's love and the
understanding of true repentance, to bring hope to the hopeless, encouragement to the discouraged, to stir the heart of
patriotism and to proclaim the truth as God has spoken it in
His Word. We desire to lift up the wonderful Name of Jesus
and to spread a little laughter, joy, nostalgia, and comfort to
every reader. The Victory Report’s “Good News” reserves the
right to refuse to publish any article or testimony that is not in
agreement with the purpose and goals of this paper.
Submissions to be considered for publication may be
emailed to address above.
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Bibles in The
By Cheryl Stegall Gipson
I distinctly remember grade school in the fifties. We
began class each morning with our teacher, Mr.
Fair, reading to us from the bible. I do not recall any
one at that time protesting or demanding that it be
discontinued. My home was not what one would
describe as Christian, but my parents had no objection to the Bible.
Those morning devotionals in school made an impression on me. Hearing the Name of Jesus certainly did not warp my mind or lead me to wander
down the wrong path. In fact, it actually inspired me
to stop and think on more than one occasion about
my actions. Exercising this freedom of religion in
the classroom planted seed into my heart and as
the years passed, I was blessed by the Word of
Many years before that, the bible was welcomed in
the classroom. I have discovered it was used at
times as a text book. The difference in then and
today is many changes have transpired and the
diversity is causing difficulty with other religions.
Where once Christianity was the leading group of
believers, today other religions in America are
quickly expanding. Therefore, when you have a
classroom of different forms of belief, it creates a
situation that is not always compatible to peace and
How ridiculous that approximately 200 years after
the founding of this country, the Word and all it
stands for is suddenly unconstitutional if it involves
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the state. We know that in the early years of the
birth of this country our founding fathers revered
the bible, prayed and frequently quoted from it's
pages right inside the buildings in Washington!
The scriptures were on the walls. Christianity is
woven into the very foundation of this country! It
is impossible that suddenly in this age, it is unconstitutional and required by the separation of
church and state to remove them. Who do American leaders think they are to question what our
creators of the Constitution declared as our
rights? Are we smarter today than they were? I
think not.
Many believe strongly in immigration but as a
result of other religions who have come to the
United States and who also have the right to exercise their religion in freedom, we have reached
the place where the bible in public places such
as school brings cries of "unconstitutional".
I think we have it backwards. We all have the
right to live as we believe as long as it does not
harm our neighbor, therefore the separation of
church and state has come to include so much
more than our founding fathers intended it to be.
They wanted and established liberty. When you
tell me I can not pray or display scripture, you are
quenching my liberty, not protecting it. Also, the
immigrant has the right to worship and live as he
pleases as long as it is within the law of this land.
In other words you can not legally marry children
in America just because your religion says you
can. Obviously, things were once much simpler
and life was not so complicated. However, I still
believe that the Book Mr. Fair read from is the
source of what I need to know to make it through
this life successfully. The simplicity of the fifties
is gone forever but the truth of God’s Word will
remain as He intended today, tomorrow and forever.
A lamp to guide our feet and
a light upon our path...
“Good News” page 3
My Daughter Is Dying
Mark 5: 21-43
She was only 12 years old. While all her friends
were playing in the street and enjoying the warm
sunshine, she was not feeling so well. Going in
from play, she laid down on her bed. Her mother
felt her fevered brow and quickly began to bathe
the child’s face with a cool rag.
“She’ll be fine,” she thought, “Probably nothing
serious.” Somewhere inside though she felt a
little uneasy. As she went about her daily tasks,
she frequently checked in on the child who was
sleeping fitfully.
As the evening approached, the girl became
worse. When her father arrived home, the parents talked.
“She is very sick,” the mother reported. “Her
fever is high and I think she is unable to hear me.”
“I will go for the physician,” the father said. He
hurried out the door, his heart racing, hoping for
the best. He quickly found the doctor and brought
him to his daughter’s bedside.
After examining the girl, he turned to her parents. The news was not what they had hoped to
“Your little girl is at the point of death. There is
nothing I can do for her. I am sorry.”
The mother began to weep. She felt her heart
would break. She was an only child, how could
she die so young? The father held the mother,
both of them shaken by the news.
A neighbor soon came to the door. She had
heard of the sick child. This woman had something to tell the parents.
“Have you heard about the man called Jesus?”
she asked. “He is healing people all over the city
and the country side, so I have heard. Perhaps
he can help your little daughter.”
The father being a ruler in the local synagogue
had heard of Jesus. Hope quickly possessed his
heart and he turned to his wife. “I will go and find
Him. I have heard of this man and I hear that He
is a miracle worker.” He gently wiped the tears
from the eyes of his beloved wife. “Stay with
her,” he said to the neighbor, “I will be back and
bring this man Jesus. He will heal our daughter.”
The mother felt strength as her husband, Jairus,
spoke these words of faith to her. She returned to
the bedside of her daughter as he went out into
the street to find Jesus.
Jairus ran through the village asking if anyone
had seen Jesus. He approached a young man
walking with a group of children. “Have you seen
Jesus?” he asked.
“He is by the sea, we are going there now.”
The young man pointed in the direction where
Jesus had arrived by boat to teach the people.
Jairus began to run as hope welled up inside of
him. A picture in his mind of his daughter well
and playing with her friends propelled him forward
with all the love and determination that a father
can have. His daughter would live! He would find
Back at the home of Jairus, the girl was growing
worse. She was unresponsive and the fever was
so high her skin felt like fire to her mother’s hand.
Neighbors had arrived to be with the family as the
hour of death grew near. Finally as the mother
held her precious daughter’s hand, she breathed
her last breath and she died.
The mother began to cry as she fell across the
body of her daughter. “No, no my child, no do
not leave us. Your father has gone to find Jesus.
You can not die now,” she sobbed. Grief overcame the mother as she wept. One of the household members left to find Jairus. The house was
filled with sorrow. It was too late!
Meanwhile Jairus had spotted Jesus by the sea.
People were everywhere and Jairus made his
way through the crowd to where Jesus was. He
fell at His feet and begged him with all the hopes
and dreams he had for his child.
“My daughter is dying, please come and lay
your hands on her so that she will live.” Jesus
immediately left to go with Jairus. Large throngs
of people followed Him and they were completely
surrounded by the multitudes.
Suddenly Jesus said, “Who touched me?”
People were touching Him everywhere. Jairus
wondered what He meant by, “who touched me?”
A woman fell at His feet. She was crying and
thanking God. She admitted she was the one
and she proclaimed to be healed of a long illness.
Jesus looked at her with love and compassion
and spoke to her.
“Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go,
be at peace and be healed.” As He spoke, the
member of Jairus’s house came running to him.
“Your daughter is dead, why trouble Jesus anymore?” Jesus heard the words the man spoke.
Turning to Jairus, He spoke these words.
“Do not be afraid Jairus, only believe.” Where
fear had tried to invade his heart, Jairus felt hope
and faith rise again. Jesus was here, and it would
be okay.
Jesus only allowed Peter, James, and John to
go with them. When they arrived at the house
they could hear the weeping and wailing.
“Why are you making such a commotion,” He
asked. “She is not dead, she is just asleep.”
They laughed and ridiculed Him. He put them
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outside and led the father and the mother into
where the child was. Jesus then took her by the
hand and said to her, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.”
Immediately, the girl got up and walked. They were
all amazed.
Jairus and his family had their daughter back.
Jesus, the Great Physician had gladly come and
healed her. He told them to give her something to
eat and life was again filled with joy for the future of
this 12 year old girl and her family. Jesus is Lord.
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“Good News” page 4
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Bit O’ Humor
A woman received a phone call that her daughter
was very sick with a fever. She left work and
stopped by the pharmacy for some medication for
her daughter. She returned to her car to find she
had locked her keys inside. She had to get home to
her sick daughter, and didn't know what to do. She
called her home to the baby sitter, and was told
her daughter was getting worse.
She said, "You might find a coat hanger and use
that to open the door." The woman found an old
rusty coat hanger on the ground, as if someone
else had locked their keys in their car.
Then she looked at the hanger and said, "I don't
know how to use this." She bowed her head and
asked God for help. An old rusty car pulled up,
driven by a dirty, greasy, bearded man with a biker
skull rag on his head. The woman thought, "Great
God. This is what you sent to help me????" But
she was desperate, and thankful. The man got out
of his car and asked if he could help. She said
"Yes, my daughter is very sick. I must get home to
her. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my
He said, "SURE." He walked over to
the car and in seconds the car was
She hugged the man and through her
tears she said, "THANK YOU SO
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MUCH.....You are a very nice man."
The man replied, "Lady, I ain't a nice man. I just
got out of prison for car theft."
The woman hugged the man again and cried out
A guy was invited to an old friends' home for dinner.
His buddy preceded every request to his wife by
endearing terms, calling her Honey, My Love, Darling, Sweetheart, Pumpkin, etc.
The guy was impressed since he knew the couple
had been married almost 70 years, and while the
wife was off in the kitchen he said to his buddy, "I
think it's wonderful that after all the years you've
been married, you still call your wife those pet
His buddy hung his head. "To tell you the truth, I
forgot her name about ten years ago."
It seems there was this couple from Minneapolis,
Minnesota who decided to go to Florida for a few
days to thaw out during one particularly cold winter.
Because both of them worked, they had some difficulty coordinating travel schedules. They finally
decided that the husband would leave for Florida
on a certain day and the wife would follow him the
day after.
The man made it down to Florida as planned and
directly to his hotel. Once in his room, he decided
to open his laptop and send his wife, who was still
back in Minnesota, an e-mail. However, he accidentally left off one letter in typing his wife's e-mail
address and sent the e-mail off without realizing his
In another part of the country a widow had just
returned from the funeral of her husband, a Lutheran Pastor of many years, who had been called
home to glory just a few days earlier.
She decided to check her e-mail because she
was expecting to hear from her husband's relatives
and friends. Upon reading the first message she let
out a loud scream, fainted and fell to the floor.
The woman's son rushed into the room and found
his mother lying on the floor. He glanced up at the
computer screen and saw the following:
To: My Loving Wife
Subject: I've arrived!
I've just checked in. Everything has been prepared
for your arrival here tomorrow. Looking forward to
seeing you then!
Your Devoted Husband.
PS. Sure is hot down here.
One day a group of scientists got together and decided that man had come a long way and no longer
needed God. So they picked one scientist to go
and tell Him that they were done with Him.
The scientist walked up to God and said, "God,
we've decided that we no longer need You. We're
to the point that we can clone people and do many
miraculous things, so why don't You just go on and
get lost."
God listened very patiently and kindly to the man.
After the scientist was done talking, God said,
"Very well, how about this? Let's say we have a
man-making contest?"
To which the scientist replied, "Okay, great!"
But God added, "Now, we're going to do this just
“Good News” page 5
like I did back in the old days with Adam."
The scientist said, "Sure, no problem," and bent
down and grabbed himself a handful of dirt.
God looked at him and said, "No, no, no. You go
get your own dirt!"
After church, Johnny tells his parents he has to go
They agree and the pastor greets the family. "I
heard you say today that our bodies came from
the dust." "That's right, Johnny, I did." "And I
heard you say that when we die, our bodies go
back to dust."
"Yes, I'm glad
you were listening. Why do you ask?" "Well you
better come over to our house right away and look
under my bed 'cause there's someone either
comin' or goin'!"
A young boy had just gotten his driving permit. He
asked his father, who was a minister, if they could
His father took him to his study and said to him,
You bring your grades up, study your Bible a little
and get your hair cut and we'll talk about it." After
about a month the boy came back and again
asked his father if they could discuss use of the
car. They again went to the father's study where
his father said, "Son, I've been real proud of you.
You have brought your grades up, you've studied
your Bible diligently, but you didn't get your hair
cut!" The young man waited a moment and replied, "You know Dad, I've been thinking about
You know, Samson had long hair, Moses had long
hair, Noah had long hair, and even Jesus had long
hair...." To which his father replied "Yes, and they
walked every where they went!"
One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little
Johnny was staring up at the large plaque that
hung in the foyer of the church. The seven-yearold had been staring at the plaque for some time,
so the pastor walked up, stood beside the boy,
and said quietly, "Good morning son." "Good
morning pastor" replied the young man, focused
on the plaque.
"Sir, what is this?" Johnny asked.
"Well son, these are all the people who have died
in the service," replied the pastor. Soberly, they
stood together, staring at the large plaque.
Little Johnny's voice barely broke the silence when
he asked quietly, "Which one sir, the 8:30 or the
10:30 service?"
A minister told his congregation, "Next week I plan
To help you understand my sermon, I want you all
to read Mark 17." The following Sunday, as he
prepared to deliver his sermon, the minister asked
for a show of hands. He wanted to know how
many had read Mark 17. Every hand went up. The
minister smiled and said, "Mark has only sixteen
I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of
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You are the one God leaves the light on for.
“Good News” page 6
The Stranger....
The cowboy found himself thinking about his
Grandma as He rode flank on the herd moving
slowly over the open range. The sun was sinking
low toward the horizon as he remembered how she
used to tell him about the love of Jesus. She had
planted good seed into her grandson and the boy
had given his heart to the Lord one afternoon when
his grandma prayed with him. Even after she died,
the truths that had been instilled in him, never left
the heart of the man who as a boy, had listened to
the wisdom of a Godly grandmother.
Jesus is calling for you and for
me to come to Him and
receive His gift of love.
The trail boss’s whistle interrupted his thoughts. It
was time to stop and make camp for the night. Jeb
could already smell the coffee before the chuck
wagon fire was even started. He loved nights out
here on the trail, sleeping under the sky. They had
seen a lot of rain on this trip, and it looked like tonight just might bring out the stars for a good
night’s rest.
When supper was all finished, the cowboys sat
around the campfire, drinking Cookie’s coffee and
exchanging drover’s stories of which some were
true and some not so true. An occasional round of
laughter could be heard above the voices echoing
in the night.
Then out of the blackness, He came walking into
the light of the campfire. Tall and thin, His eyes
seemed to look right through the men sitting on the
When the Man spoke, he caught a note of familiarity in the voice. The Man sat down and the cowboy
continued to stare into the face of this Stranger.
Something sure was different but it was really hard
to tell just what it was. The Stranger warned them
that the river they were going to cross that week
was running over her banks. It could be dangerous if they didn’t cross up higher than the spot the
herds had used before.
Then as quick as He had walked into the light of
the campfire, He disappeared into the night. No
one heard Him ride away, but the cowboy felt a
familiar tug inside.
The night was strangely peaceful as the stars
shone bright. It looked to him like a million diamonds in the sky. He felt the Stranger was watching as he lay awake. Something sure felt right to
the cowboy as he pulled his blanket around him
and finally fell asleep.
The day they reached the river, the water had gone
down. As they began to move the herd across the
place the Stranger had told them to, the cowboy’s
heart began to pound. Standing down stream, he
saw the Man again. The Stranger waved them on
and he shouted to the other men, but, no one else
had seen Him.
Suddenly his mind went racing back as the old line
shack crowded it’s way into his memories. He recalled the fever that had almost killed him back
then. He had prayed as his Grandma had taught
Him and asked the Lord to help him through that
time. He had seen the Stranger then! He had
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Phillip Stratton
thought he had lost his mind because of the fever,
but now the cowboy saw His face clearly. The next
morning the fever was gone. He was sure back
then that he had dreamed the Stranger but he knew
now he was wrong.
His prayers had been answered then and now his life had been spared
again. Many a cattle drover had lost everything trying to take a herd across that river when her banks
were running high.. He knew that he would have
tried to make the river had the Stranger not shown
up to warn them and guide them.
Thankfulness filled the heart of the cowboy as He
praised God. He realized that the Lord had sent His
angel once again and He had been watching around
the bend. It was true what his grandma had told
him, “Son, God has your face carved on the palm of
His hand and His angels are watching over you.”
He felt the warmth of the sunshine as he took off his
hat and lifted his face toward the heavens. Tears
ran down the weathered face of the cowboy. He
knew the others had no idea what had actually taken
place on this cattle drive. His heart was bursting
with love for the Father in heaven his grandma had
introduced him to. He smiled and tipped his hat to
heaven as he spurred his horse to take his place
riding flank on the herd.
“Good News” page 7
Cont’d from page 1…..
night. What happened to that little girl from yesterday? Where has the time gone?
When was the last time you put a worm on a hook,
sat back against a tree with a cold drink and waited
for the fish to bite? When was the last time you sat
on the porch and watched the sun set or fell asleep
to the night sounds through an open window?
Have you had the pleasure of a bowl of home
made ice cream from the old freezer lately? You
know, the one with the wooden bucket and the
crank handle. I wonder if anyone has taken the
time for a picnic or game of horseshoes.
When I deliver the “Good News” I sometimes take
a road past a familiar place from days gone by. I
have visited the jail in Matador where Ed D Smith
has shared some interesting history. I am intrigued
by the hanging gallows inside the jail which were
never actually used according to the former Judge.
Here in February of 2016, we will soon be entering
into Spring on March 20th. Where did the winter
go? It came and went like the trains passing
through the little town of Panhandle, Texas. Here
one moment and gone the next. We can not put
the days of our lives on hold. We can not change
the past but we can decide to change our priorities
and make some simple and wonderful memories
in our lives. Sitting in the sun, I was amazed at
how good it felt to soak up those rays. I could not
remember how long it had been since I just relaxed
and felt the warmth of such a beautiful gift from
Sometimes we just need to ask ourselves, “What’s
the hurry?” Go to the park and push someone in
the swing or even fix a picnic lunch. Then there is
supper. That is what mama called it and it is good
enough for me.
We need to realize that the people in our lives are
our greatest treasures. We must remember that
life, love and kindness are the most valuable gifts
we can experience and cost nothing monetary to
give away.
When was the last time you stopped at a park and
rode the merry go round? Did you try the swing?
Simplicity. It is the stuff that happiness is made of.
It is not money nor prestige that makes people happy. Of course we all need enough to pay our bills,
etc, but there are many who had wealth and died
with a broken heart. It is the simple things in life
that make a man wealthy. We just have to get our
priorities adjusted and be honest with ourselves.
What do I love to do? I love time with people sipping tea and laughing, looking at old pictures and
hearing tall tales.
When was the last time you took a drive on a summer night outside the city with the window down?
There is a little senior citizen place on Main Street
in Hedley, Texas where you can drive down for
lunch and get a home cooked meal while visiting
with authentic country folks.
In a hurry up world, we spend our days scheduled
to the max and racing from one appointment to another. We have so many errands and obligations
sometimes, we become fuzzy minded. We can not
change progress and the fast paced way of life that
has captured mankind. However we can change
things a little here and there and individually find
simple moments of pleasure in a hurried world.
As February fades into the past and March brings
us closer to the days of Spring, it is my hope that
you, my reader, will make the effort to find joy in
the simple things in life. I know that after all these
years of trying to make life happen and get where I
need to be, I looked up one day and saw these
valuable truths. The “Hurry Up” is not what my
heart calls me to, but the priority in life that will
bring happiness is to catch those laid back moments and let the sunshine warm the heart and
soul. The sound of a train whistle now and then
doesn't hurt. Stop and just listen. You have time if
you choose to take it. Blessings to all my wonderful readers.
Come on Folks!
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Sharing Good
If we never learn to love one another with
the love of God we will have missed our
purpose in this life….cg
If I Had No
By Cheryl Stegall Gipson
If I had No tomorrows, what would
I say to you today?
I would tell you how I loved you and
linger on my way…
I would want to hold you close to me
and never let you go..
If I had no tomorrows I’d want you
to surely know…
That you have meant the world to me; my
heart belongs to you,
And you were my tomorrows, every day that
I walked through.
If I had no tomorrows I would live on
through each of you,
For others would be reminded by the little
things you do.
Through you someone would see my smile or
catch a glimpse of me;
Or hear me in your laughter that brings
forth a memory.
If I had no tomorrows here, I‘d be just
a breath away,
And yet in you I would live on in memories
of yesterday.
If I had no tomorrows I would want to spend
that day with you,
And tell you that I love you with lots of
hugs and kisses too.
I’d want to plan what we would do when
we all meet up there.
If I had no tomorrows, I want my last
day with you to share.
If I had no tomorrows, I’d want you to
know I’m waiting there…
“Good News” Page 8
“The Consignment Company”
2821 Civic Circle
Amarillo, Texas
Home Furnishings & Accessories
2823 Civic Circle
The Smallpox
4106 S Georgia Amarillo, TX 79110
P.O. Box 8088
5754 Canyon Drive
Amarillo, TX 79114-8088
KJRT-88.3 Amarillo
KWAS– 88.7 Borger
KPDR-90.3 Wheeler/Pampa
KVED-88.5 Vernon
KJDR 88.1 Guymon
KIJN FM 92.3 Farwell
KUCH 90.1 Clayton,
(A Matador Incident)
By Cheryl Stegall Gipson
From “My Greatest Moments Of Yesterday”
It has been a long time since I ran this story
and therefore I decided to reprint it for this issue. I gain new readers throughout the months
and wanted to share it again. Hopefully the humor in this tragic episode will bring you some
laughter. It is a true experience and I promise
you little has been exaggerated. I hope you can
picture this incident and perhaps the result will
be that laughter will occur which means you
will be healthier….since laughter is “good medicine” says the Lord in His Word.
Everybody knows that within the brain, there is a
“memory vault” where all the past events of our
lives are stored for future recall. Now some of
these memories are sad, some are happy, some
are just mediocre and then there are those that are
downright terrifying! Such is the one that I am
about to share with you.
I was only a child, so surely it is understandable that what happened that day was not
that unusual, or was it? Never-the-less what occurred is something I am sure that the doctor, his
receptionist, and his nurse at the small hospital
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never forgot. I would be willing to bet that I left a
certain impression with them that was discussed
around their table for years to come. If those
people were still alive today, I feel sure I could
visit them after all these sixty-four years and just
the sight of my face or the sound of my voice
would stir the memory of the little girl who went
wild on that day so long ago.
You see smallpox was still a threat
around the time I was six years old. It seems
that we children had to be subjected to a
“vaccination” and that was not debatable although I heartily attempted to do so. We were
just “forced” to submit to what the imagination
would call a removal of the skin off the top of
your arm! I had no idea how to call CPS to report the mistreatment I was forced to undergo at
the hands of healthcare professional who tried to
convince me what they were up to was “best for
me.” Actually I was totally uninformed until the
last minute. I wonder why.
Now I was a kid who had to be held
down on my back on the kitchen cabinet to wash
my hair! I just knew they were going to purposely
drown me and throw me in the root cellar, so
when I walked into Traweek hospital in Matador,
Texas with my mother on this day in history, I
had no idea what diabolical scheme was ahead
for me. That was because mom knew better
than to tell me in advance. She knew that I
would make tracks down the dusty road into Mr.
Daffern’s pasture in back of the house and they
would not find me for a week or two! So, she
tricked me and I fell for it.
I marched right up those stairs at the
hospital like a sweet child and sat myself down in
a chair. I am amazed today to think how easily a
smart kid like me was fooled by my mother. By
this this time she had a lot of experience and
knew what it was going to take to get me
“inoculated!” You have to understand that this
was the time of polio and the iron lung. I had
seen pictures of those things and the whole idea
of doctors was just as it still is today in my mind.
They were scary creatures with their little headbands and that mirror in the middle that made it
possible to see the terror in my own eyes as they
bent down to make me “open my mouth” so they
could poke a stick down my throat. You know
that the only purpose for that mirror was to distract kids so they could get a leg up on us and
therefore when caught by surprise, it was all over
quick except the crying...and I was so good at
that part!
Well, on this day which made history in
the halls of Traweek Hospital, it was my fate to
get a smallpox vaccination. I do not know if that
is suppose to be capitalized or not but I do not
care. Now in my own defense, when I was told
my destiny on that sunny day, I thought it was a
shot! You know, the kind where the needle is
about six and a-half inches long and they ram it
straight into your tiny little girl arm and it comes
all the way through and out the other side. Some
say that I have always over reacted and have a
vivid imagination, but I feel God gave me a builtin radar to protect myself from those who want to
tell me something that hurts like thunder is good
for me…..that is a lie and that is just wrong!
They took me into a room and sat me on
There is no greater peace than to have the assurance that you are perfectly loved by God
“Good News” Page 9
a table covered with “the white sheet!” Then mom
tells me I am about to get a smallpox vaccination.
She may as well have told me I was going to have
my stomach removed without any anesthesia. I
asked if it involved a needle and she said yes! The
rest is just a wild blur from which I will try to piece
the truth together as best I can.
Dr. Traweek walks in about that time with
“THE NEEDLE!” I go into a wild protest in which I
begin to kick my legs and wave my arms, screaming at the top of my lungs, trying to run from the
room. I figure that he can’t hit a moving object with
that foot long needle and so I fight as if my life were
at stake. By the way, I thought it might be before
this was over and was not too sure if I would live
through the night when I left there with my mom.
My mother immediately grabs me and holds me
down and the doctor calls for reinforcements because he and mom can not get the job done. I am
only six years old!
In comes the troops, which included the
nurse and the receptionist. I know that there were
four grown people trying to subdue a six-year-old
child and it was kickin’ their behinds! I screamed
and yelled and twisted and turned until I was
hoarse. They sat on me and I want the world to
know “that I was forcefully vaccinated.”
Now a smallpox vaccination is really not a
shot but try telling that to a kid who can see the
humongous thing in your hand.
You scratch the
skin and make a little place about the size of a
dime. Then it scabs over and after a few days
(seemed like months) the scab falls off and your
good to go.
Once this attack was over, I sobbed for a
quite a while. I was tired and though I had fought a
good fight, I had lost. My mom was a little irritated,
but she gave me mercy. I do not know what the
rest of the battalion thought of me and I really did
not care. If someone had explained the procedure
a little clearer, perhaps I could have co-operated
better but I doubt it! I hate shots to this day and if
there is a needle involved, I still call it a shot and
that just can not be God’s will for a kid to get poked
with something so hideous! I am grateful for the
kindness from Dr. Traweek. I know he never forgot me.
Today that hospital is a museum . The first
time I entered the building as a grown-up, I carefully searched for any evidence of that day. There
are lots of wonderful things from the past. Saddles,
pictures, etc, but there is no evidence of the incident I endured documented any where in that
building. Somehow I feel that is just not right. All
important battles of history are recorded and preserved. Why not mine? I wonder if they would be
interested in a copy of this paper?
Then there was the night the tornado was
coming down on top of us and I was not going into
that damp, crowded, dark cellar with seventy-five
neighbors shoulder to shoulder, but that is another
story from the pages of “My Greatest Moments
from Yesterday.”
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Amarillo, Texas 79106
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A Father’s
Unconditional Love
By Cheryl Stegall Gipson
There was a man who had been blessed with two sons. As
any father would be, he was proud of his boys. Undoubtedly,
he had watched them as they grew and played in the fields,
planning for their future with great care.
He had hopes and dreams for his children as most parents
do….but one day the youngest came to his father.
“Father, I want my inheritance,” he said. The father decided
to give the boy his desire and so he divided to both boys their
Shortly thereafter, the younger son packed his belongings
and took a trip to a faraway place. There away from his family with the money he had inherited, the son began to waste
his possessions. He had no wisdom and soon he found himself in want.
There was a famine in the land and the son went to a pig
farmer to find a job. He was to feed the pigs. He was so
hungry he would have eaten with the pigs. But no one made
provision for him.
Finally he asked himself, “Why am I here? My father’s servants have more than enough bread and here I am starving
with hunger. I’m going home and repent to my father for my
waste and wild ways. I will admit I am not worthy to be called
his son and ask him to make me a servant.”
So the young man did just that….but when his father saw the
figure of the young man on the horizon, his heart began to
beat faster!
Could it be ? He shaded his eyes from the sun with his hand.
He strained to get a closer look! Yes! It must be, the walk
was the same. The shoulders were slumped a bit, there was
no mistaking it. It was his boy, and he was coming home!
The father was elated! Joy flooded his soul. All the nights of
wondering where his son was and the prayers for his safe
return home were over. Thankfulness filled his heart.
As the son approached his father’s house, he heard the
sound of a familiar voice.
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“Son, son, welcome home.” The boy raised his eyes and saw
his father running with arms out-stretched. Grabbing his son,
the father began to kiss him as the two almost fell to the
ground. Tears ran down the cheeks of both father and son.
As the son asked his father’s forgiveness, the father was calling to his servants to bring the best robe and sandals for his
son. He ordered a ring for his hand. The very best was given
to the son who had returned home.
There was no mention of the fortune he had squandered nor
the riotous living and rebellion.
“Kill the best calf, let’s party and celebrate for my son who
was lost has now returned home…..He forgave and blessed
his son…who had thought that it would be wonderful if his
father would just let him be a servant. What a wonderful example of the unconditional love of a father. Jesus taught this
parable in Luke 15 beginning in verse 11. It is a beautiful
picture of the Heavenly Father’s love for you and me, His
God’s heart is always turned toward us. When a child strays,
His eye is ever on the horizon of the heart, watching for that
wandering one to come home. His love and grace will never
be exhausted….He gave it all at the cross and He longs for
His children to come to Him. His gift of redemption has no
expiration date. His mercy will endure forever and there is a
celebration scheduled for the time that each lost child returns
What a wonderful thing! God’s unconditional love belongs to
us the way this son’s father’s love belonged to him. It is a gift
that the heart almost can’t understand because it is so good!
Thank you today Father for that love. In a world that sometimes seems hard and unloving, You are always there. Your
love will hold steady when all else fails. You are faithful. You
are Father to those who will receive You through Jesus and
His death and resurrection.
“Good News” Page 10
J. Henry on the Barton Place:
By Robert Robin Brown
After breakfast on Sunday morning Al informed
Hughes that he had to get back to the Quitaque
ranch. Wilburn however, would be staying and Al
said, "I'll be checking on you boys at every opportunity, but if any problems arise don't fail to alert
me!" He then told J. Henry that he had opened a
charge account at Lynch's store in White Flat. "If
you need some extra supplies just go there and
charge'em," Al said, "but don't buy snuff, tobacco
or candy on my account!" Hughes agreed to these
terms and Al added, "If I need to send you a message or your pay," I will send it to you 'general delivery' through the White Flat post office. So, each
time you go into town be sure and check for mail!"
Henry agreed to these orders from Al Barton and
then Al bid farewell to Wilburn and Hughes and
departed the homestead camp on the North Pease
On Sunday J. Henry welcomed having Wilburn
Barton for company. Hughes had found that the
Lord's day is always the longest and most lonesome day of the week when you're alone. With the
teenager to chat with, this particular Sunday went
rather fast and pleasant. After reading a verse or
two in the bible, the teenager opened a sack of
western novels and shared one with Henry. He
spent several hours reading one titled, "Buffalo Bill
After both grew tired of reading J. Henry asked, "I
know your daddy is a good foreman, but what experience got him this job on the Quitaque ranch
any how? Had he done a lot of different jobs tending cattle and ranching before?" Al's teenage son
stated that his father had gotten interested in cattle
down in South Texas some years after the family
had migrated from South Carolina. He was just five
going on six when the Barton family came West in
a wagon train (1854). Alfred 'Al' had grown up in
Burnett county and in 1870 at age 22 the Snyder
brothers had hired him to lead 20 hands and drive
2,200 steers from the Austin area to California. The
cattle arrived safely and Al made it back to Denver
with the payment in double eagles where he delivered the 'gold coins' to Dudley Snyder. From then
on his reputation of reliability and honesty were
established. Al worked as a drover for several more
years and he accumulated a small herd of his own.
These he drove into the Texas Panhandle where
he settled in a dugout on Wolf Creek in the northern Panhandle. He and his brother Doc soon had
cattle grazing in both Ochiltree and Lipscomb counties. By 1877 three friends from Burnett county had
joined them in west Texas (Dee Eubanks, Tom
Connell and a negro named Pickett). Eventually the
Barton brothers including Al, Clay and Doc accumulated a herd of 12,000 cattle and were freegrazing a strip of land that reached into the Oklahoma
At this point J. Henry asked, "If your Pa once
owned 1/3 of twelve thousand cattle (as you claim)
why in Jehosofat is he working for Hank Cresswell
and Tony Day today?" Wilburn then told a sad story which his father had often told the family. In early 1886 a blizzard hit southern Kansas & the Texas
Panhandle. This legendary storm had decimated
cattle all across the region including the herd that
the Barton brothers owned. "At one time my father
(and uncles) had made claim to the old trading post
that Ed Jones and Joe Plummer had built in the
northern Texas panhandle, that's up on the famous
Jones-Plummer Trail. Usually in the fall of the year
Daddy, Doc and Clay would bring the herd off the
Kansas range to winter here in Texas, in the Lipscomb county area where winters are usually much
warmer. The winter of 1885-86 struck hard, trapping the cattle in Kansas. Of twelve thousand head
only 500 survived," Wilburn said with a regretful
tone. He then added, "This forced Daddy & his two
brothers to part company and go their separate
ways. Doc stayed in Kansas, Clay returned to Burnett county and my Pa became a drover once again
and wound up in
West Texas working for Mister Charles Goodnight!"
"So, that's the circumstances that brought Al Barton
to the Texas Panhandle and his going to work on
the Lazy F," Henry said with a sympathetic tone.
Goodnight and L.R. Moore had taken over the
Quitaque ranch in 1887-88 and then Goodnight
knowing Al's experience, he named Barton wagon
boss. Later, he became the manager of the
Quitaque ranch. By the the early nineties Goodnight had sold his 1/2 interest in the ranch to Moore
of Kansas City and he became the sole owner.
Moore seems to have been a businessman and
didn't want to move to Texas and run the ranch.
Therefore Hank Cresswell and Tony Day had
leased the ranch. They
were Al Barton's current employers (in c.1896.)
"Me and pa lost a lot more than just cattle in Kansas however. My sweet mother (the first Mollie Barton) went to meet the Lord there also. Then as a
final deprivation, my brothers and sisters were sent
back to Burnett county to live. Oh how I miss them,"
In the days that followed J. Henry and Wilburn finished building the corral that Henry had started and
a small, holding pen was also built. A lot of the cedar post they used weren't real straight and the corral was not a picture of perfection but it seemed
adequate. After they had finished Wilburn asked
naively, "Say! We should have built this here corral
closer to the dugout so we wouldn't have to walk so
far in the wintertime?" J. Henry just grinned at the
youth and said, "First time one of them shoe-tail
flies bites you, you'll wish the corral was in Amariller!"
Since Al wasn't scheduled to be back at the homestead for another week, on Saturday they hitched
the the team to the wagon and drove over to White
Flat. They needed some groceries and also needed
to pickup a horse trough at Steward's blacksmith
shop. The trail was a little rough but they arrived in
about an hour. As they were loading the square,
metal tank the smithie had built he said, "I put a
plug in her, so you can flush'er out when the silt
builds up." Henry agreed that this was a good idea
then he signed the bill and thanked the man. Then
he asked Wilburn to step across the dusty street
and check for mail at the post office.
The post mistress, Mrs. Cox was at the window
when he entered and asked, "Ma'am...Have you
got any mail for me or J. Henry Hughes?" The matron asked, "Son, what is your name and what is
your box number?" The teenager said shyly,
"I....I'm Wilburn Barton and I ain't got no mail box
number." She answered back, "Then I can also
assume you have no mail box either, one moment
Mrs. Cox began thumbing through the letters
marked 'general delivery'. After a moment she said,
"Looks like there's a couple for you and Mr.
Hughes, is he a relative?" He pointed out the window and said, "That's J. Henry Hughes over yonder
and he's no relative just my dad's cow hand." With
this revelation she handed him the letters and he
thanked her cordially and hurried out the door with
the mail in hand.
"I got something for ya," he said as he re-joined
Hughes. One of the letters bore Henry's name and
the return address was: Alfred H. Barton, Quitaque
Ranch. Thinking the letter might be important, he
tore it open immediately and read it. The letter advised Henry that Al had purchased a small herd of
cattle from a ranch at Guthrie, TX. He had arranged
for the seller (Burk Burnett of the 6666 Ranch) to
have the cattle driven to the confluence of the Middle Pease and Tee-Pee creek. Here J. Henry, Wilburn and another drover were to pickup the herd
and move them on to Barton's fledgling spread on
the N. Pease. This was to occur on the 7th of April.
Henry said to Wilburn, "This sounds challenging
and somewhat exciting but I bet we can get'er
To be continued
“Good News” Page 11
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Ain’t nothing’ but
love Gonna
conquer this
Denver Moore
Love Is A Fruit Of the Spirit
Love Never Fails
Love Covers A Multitude Of Sin
Love Prefers Others
Love Held Jesus On the Cross
Love does Not Demand It’s own Way
By Cheryl Stegall Gipson
We ‘d drove the herd hard that day
and night was fallin’ fast’
We found a spot to set up camp and
rest a spell at last;
Cookie put on the coffee and
stirred us up some chow;
I laid back on my saddle,
my hat across my brow.
Weren’t long until I heard my name,
“Jim!…night herd, it’s yore turn!”
I saddled up and rode on out to
settle down the herd.
The stars were shining in the sky
and all seemed quiet and still,
I rolled a smoke, then lit a match as
I stood guard upon that hill.
Sometime t’ward the mornin’,
I saw a real strange thing.
The sky lit up t’ward the east like
Hillbillies Hoard
Second Hand Shop
Home of The Dumpster
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House of Lefors
Home of the Texas Free-For-All
100 No. Gray in Lefors, Texas
Mon. & Tues-8-5 Wed. Sat. 8-Dark
A different kind of shopping experience
nothin’ I ain’t seen.
I thot at first it was the sun
creepin’ up above the rise;
But soon I knew was somethin’ else;
I blinked and rubbed my eyes.
The brightest light I ever saw
filled up the whole blame sky,
I thot the herd would spook for shore,
but they never blinked an eye.
As quick as it come, it faded out
and I saw the light of day
Come peekin’ out of darkness
and I heard somebody say….
“He is risen and for you cowboy,
He lives to set you free,
He wants to ride night herd with
you and keep you company!”
“Jim!” I heard my name just then.
“Coffee’s hot, it’s done ready!”
I struggled to stop my shakin’ hands
and I strained my legs to steady.
I must of dreamed it…fell asleep,
there’s no way that it was real.
I grabbed some grub and headed out,
the day was warm and still.
I spotted high upon a hill
A wooden cross up there alone,
now I was shore that this was real.
I heard the voice again just them,
“Jim, My Blood is for you.
There’s nothin’ Jim that you can do to
make me stop lovin’ you.”
Down my weathered face
the tears began to fall;
why it’d been many years
Since this old cowboy ever thot
he could even cry a tear at all.
I left the herd and rode alone;
found me a spot to pray,
I gave my heart to the Voice
I heard on that Resurrection day.
I can’t forget what He said to me
And now I say to you,
“Cowboy, He rose and He is near,
His Blood was shed for you!”
It takes a man to let Him in
and He will always ride,
Night herd with you cowboy;
He won’t ever leave yore side.
Ain’t true that real tough men don’t
take the time to pray…
Cause Jesus was the toughest
When He gave His life that day.
Then He came on back and showed
Himself when He overcame the grave;
Yep, Jesus turned it all around on
That Resurrection Day!
“He is risen for you cowboy,
He lives to set you free;
He wants to ride night herd with you
and keep you company!”
Cowboy, His Blood is for you,
There’s nothing you can ever do to
make Him stop lovin’ you!
“Good News” Page 12
Only Jesus satisfies the soul of mankind…..
I lay down and slept: I
awoke for the Lord
sustained me. I will
not be afraid of ten
thousands of people
who have set themselves against me all
around.. Psalm 3:5 & 6
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Thank you for your patience with any editing mistakes etc. It has been a tough month with family illness and challenges along the road, but in spite of
every attack of the enemy, Jesus remains Lord and His plans for you and me is for good and not for evil. God is still on the throne, loving, healing and
empowering His children to victorious living! No weapon formed against us will prosper!! Faith remains the evidence of things not seen!!
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“Good News” Page 13
were all there was left on the face of the earth.
The music was all that was missing!
I guess I am spoiled! Debating whether to proceed with caution or leave, I made a decision to
stay, so I turned to close the door. It was gone!!
There I was, me, the fixtures, the dirt, and an open
doorway facing the two-lane road I had just exited
from. How on earth was a lady suppose to powder her nose in a place like this! I had to chuckle
and reconsider.
A Blast into the Past!!!
Several years ago I made a trip to Columbus, Texas to see my daughter who was enrolled in Bible
School. I returned by traveling west of Fort Worth
to pick up several cases of the most wonderful
scented candles which I sold at wholesale prices
by the case. Somewhere south of Paducah, I
found myself in a stretch of land that looked like
maybe I had driven into the past. The wind was
blowing like a hurricane and red dirt swirled from
the ground upward like small tornadoes dancing
across the pasture land.
There was no one in sight. Miles of lonely road
loomed endlessly before me. Rarely did I see another vehicle enjoying the same scenic route. Being a person who gets sleepy while driving, I always indulge in sunflower seeds to stay awake.
That of course requires water, coke, etc. In turn
that calls for frequent “rest stops.”
Anxiously anticipating the next “town,” my eyes
searched the horizon for the sign of a water tower
that would indicate civilization. There were none!
Just, wind, dirt, and lots of two lane highway
stretching out into eternity.
Suddenly around the curve, I found myself approaching what appeared to be a convenience
store in an old west style building. No place to eat,
but at least I could have a “rest stop.” I climbed out
of the car and went inside. A couple of teenagers
were filling coke cups. There was a nice lady at
the counter where they went to pay for the drinks.
Asking where the bathroom was she pointed to the
back of the store.
“They are out back,” she said. This concerned me
as I remembered my Grandma’s bathroom which
was in her day, “out back.” That was not exactly
what I had hoped for. I quickly recalled the spiders
from those days along with the heat and the outdated catalogues with their pages moving in the
breeze as you entered the “facility.”
I proceeded to walk the distance around the side of
the store to the back of the building. Then I saw
“them!” They weren’t actually wood with a half
moon on the door and it appeared that this might
As I stepped inside I was thankful to find that the
fixtures were modern though covered with red dirt.
The wind whipped around my face. It reminded me
of an old Clint Eastwood movie where just the man,
the dusty prairie, and a seemingly deserted town
Being in such a deserted little spot, I decided to try
the room next door marked “HIS”. There was a
door on that one! I could powder my nose, be
gone, the hens could lay a few eggs, and the
cows come home before anyone saw me in the
wrong “outhouse.”
I slowly stepped inside. This could work! Or so I
thought until I turned to shut the door and the
thing fell off the hinges!! I busted out laughing!
Where in the Sam Hill was I? Did the Lord even
know where this place was? I decided to cancel
my “plans” and wait for a better opportunity once I
reached civilization.
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Back inside the store I told the clerk my story.
She then informed me that if I broke down in the
area, there would be no one to call for help. I
believed her! Guess that is why the doors are off,
there is no one around to fix them!!
I have a heart for the vintage era. I love old places
and antiques along with the stories of the old
west. Occasionally we are fortunate enough to
come across a piece of yesterday and I have discovered that we need to relish that moment. It
was absolutely an addition to my little journey that
left me laughing every time my mind wandered
back to the incident.
You just have to love Texas and all the wonderful
little out of the way places that have a quaint sort
of charm. The last time I was out that way again,
the place had been remodeled with an up to date
convenience store. The ladies room was nice. I
am just glad I got to see the original before the
new store went up.
We all need a good blast from the past now and
then to keep the memories alive.
Dewayne Colson
Home Park
400 S. E. 58th
Amarillo, Texas
Canyon School District
All Covered Parking
“Good News” Page 14
Why Would I?
"The servant came back and reported this to his master.
Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered
his servant, `Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of
the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind
and the lame.' Luke 14:21
Driving through a neighboring town the other day I saw
the electronic marquee of a church that was advertising
their worship service times. As the times of service past
it announced that everyone was welcome to join them in
the worship services.
Now the church was big and beautiful with all of its
brick and stained glass windows. I would almost guarantee that the inside was very fancy and clean. Now I am
not saying that you should not give to the Lord your best
in the place the church gathers to worship. But when the
building is so nice that some would not even enter it
because they have nothing compared to it of their own.
It is ironic that a place that should welcome everyone
would turn some people away but it happens.
When Jesus was about His three years of ministry from
Galilee to Jerusalem, He did not have a common building that He taught and did miracles in. Most of the time
it was a seashore or a mountain slope. We sometimes
forget that the church is not a building but a unified
body of believers that are on mission with God to continue the work of Christ. We are the physical representation of Christ in this world to go and make disciples as
Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:18-20.
you are welcome to join us then we are not acting as
Christ to seek those who are in need of Christ.
We build our big fine buildings and just expect that will
make people want to come join us. Jesus tells us that the
fields are ripe for harvest. I have not ever found a crop
growing inside the church, except the children of members. They are out in the alleys, the highways, and the
byways of this world. In verse 23 of this passage of
scripture in Luke we read that the master told the servants to make them come in, so that his house may be
How do we make them come in for the hospitality of the
Lord? It is simple! Show Christ to them on the outside
then there will be a desire to join you in your temple. It
is with the love of Christ outside the four walls of the
buildings that we call church that the hospitality of the
love of God is shared at least to begin with. Make them
desire to join you with the love you show to them in the
Blessings Eddy
When is the
last time you
told Jesus how
you love
The World’s first KNOWN power outage caused by
hackers in a cyber-attack happened on December 23,
2015. Hackers used a very destructive malware and infected 3 or more power companies in the Ukraine. This
caused blackouts in the region of Ivano-Frankivsk.
The power company, named Prykarpattyaoblenergo, was
infected by the “BlackEnergy” trojan. This trojan was
first discovered in 2007 and was updated 2 years ago to
add new features, such as making computers that were
infected unbootable.
Researchers are pin pointing the infection to employees
opening Microsoft Office files that contained malicious
According to Ukrainian news service TSN, the outage
was the result of the nasty malware that disconnected
electrical substations.
If you suspect something is awry in a received email at
work, DO NOT open it. Ask your IT personnel for help.
Do not use a personal device (Flash Drive, Phone, Tablet, Etc) plugged into a work related USB port. You cannot be sure that the device is virus free and you could be
the one responsible for causing the hacker to gain access
to your workplace computer systems.
For the home user, it is best to not use your computer if
you suspect it to have a virus. The best way to repair it is
for it to be OFFLINE. If you are not sure how to repair
viruses, bring it to us at Animal Computers and we will
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Darren Lard - Owner
6937 Bell Suite G
Amarillo, TX 79109
Yes hospitality is one of the things we are to do even as
Paul tells us in Romans 12. But that is to make them feel
comfortable and accepted no matter the location. We can
take our offerings and tithes and build some very nice
locations of worship but it is not the church. We should
be spending our time and monies on the ministry of
Christ instead of sitting back and saying everyone is
welcome to join us.
Those that need Christ to be Lord and Savior of their
lives are not in need of fine carpet, stained glass windows, and temperature control. They are not even in
need of you unless you are as Christ to them.
The point is that we must stop as the church thinking
that if people will just come to us we can change the
world. Everyone is so welcome to join us that the average Christian has seldom ever invited personally the
beggar on the street to come with them to their church.
Jesus not only welcomed the beggar but he went to him.
Christ walked through the towns and villages seeking
those in need as He saw them as a sheep without a shepherd. We want people to find Christ but when we say
Windows Sticky
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6937 Bell Suite G
Amarillo, TX 79109
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24 Hour Turn Around In Most Cases
“Good News” Page 15
Franki Robertson
3616 S. Georgia
Amarillo, TX. 79109
Email: [email protected]
Friends & Family Worship Center
1111 N. Buchanan, Amarillo, Texas
Training Disciples
Demonstrating Christ
Love Never Fails
To Love Is To
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What kind of love is this that I am
called a child of God? ! John 3:1
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Pastors Joe & Jacquie Kirkwood
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Good News
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Having been in print for many years,
it has been a joy to share testimonies,
good news, laughter, tears, stories and
encouragement along with memories
from days gone by. People from all
over have responded over the years to
tell me how much they enjoy the
paper, including the ads!
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Charlie Cox