Television Fiction - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Television Fiction - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Portuguese television fiction and historical narratives 2000-2010: a decade under review Catarina Duff Burnay 24th November 2011 Universidad Complutense de Madrid RTP: the first years of television fiction TELETEATRO (television plays) Monólogo do Vaqueiro, 1957 FILM Fado, a história de uma cantadeira, 1957 RTP: the first years of television fiction FEUILLETON Histórias simples de gente cá do bairro FOREIGN SERIES Os Vingadores RTP: the first years of television fiction MARCELLO CAETANO Conversas em Família RTP: the first years of television fiction TELENOVELA (Brazilian) Gabriela, 1977 TELENOVELA (Portuguese) Vila Faia, 1982 From monopoly to market SIC , 1992 Sociedade Independente de Comunicação TVI, 1993 Televisão Independente From monopoly to market 1995: SIC and TV Globo Ranking SIC / RTP1 / TVI Television Fiction Until 2000: RTP1 telenovelas / pre-prime time series / inspired by national moments Television Fiction Until 2000: SIC Brazilian telenovelas / prime time series / imported formats SIC Filmes (telemovies) Television Fiction Until 2000: TVI Venezuelan telenovelas / day time Portuguese telenovela: Telhados de Vidro American series / prime time Television Fiction From 2000: TVI Information Entertainment Fiction Television Fiction 2000-2010: Better demand/supply relationship Production standards: Diversification of formats Diversification of themes Television Fiction 2000-2010: Production standards Diversification of formats and themes Telenovelas for prime time Face: boom of US series Migration for other platforms Television Fiction 2000-2010: Diversification of formats series (13, 26, 52 episodes) miniseries (2-6 episodes) Diversification of themes International trends (police, thriller, vampires) National historical moments Television Fiction 2000-2010: National historical moments Collective memory Idealized and traumatic memories Exercise of cultural proximity (Laffond, 2011) Television Fiction 2000-2010: Liquid modernity (Bauman, 2001) Places, non-places (Augé, 1994) New places (Monteiro, 2003) Strengthen bonds of IDENTITY Television Fiction 2000-2010: Strengthen bonds of IDENTITY Work of memory (Martins, 2007) Active element of identity (Almeida, 2001) Collective Activity Television Fiction 2000-2010: Work of Memory - Collective Activity (...) no memory, no matter how personal it is (...) is related to a whole set of notions that manny of us have with people, places, dates and forms of language, that is, with all moral and material life of societies to which we belong or that we were part of. (Halbwachs, 1944 [1925]) Television Fiction 2000-2010: Identity, Nation, Nationalism 1) Popular sovereignty 2) Spread of rights 3) Developed of media Television Fiction 2000-2010: “National cases” Common principles Trace of affection The nation is a soul, a spiritual principle. (...) The nation, like the individual, is the culmination of a long past of endeavors, sacrifice, and devotion. (...) To have common glories in the past and to have a common will in the present; to have performed great deeds, together, to wish to perform still more – these are the essential conditions for Being a people. (Renan, 1987) Television Fiction 2000-2010: Exercise of Memory Media as mnemonic devices (Sobral, 2006) Television Fiction 2000-2010: Televisivon and Fiction content • Presentation, production and reproduction of identity (Lopes, 2004, 2009) • Popular narrative about indigenization (Appadurai, 2004) the nation; Television Fiction 2000-2010: Televisivon and Fiction content • Cultural validity of television fiction – – – – Thematiztion Ritualization Belonging Participation • (Lopes, 2004) Television Fiction 2000-2010: Televisivon and Fiction content Ethnic category (Appadurai, 2004) Cultural Matrix (Martin-Barbero, 1998) Cultural Form (Williams, 1975) Television Fiction 2000-2010: Televisivon and Fiction content • Process of depresentification (Castellò, 2005, 2007, 2009) • Structure of collective sentiments (Buonanno, 2007) • Agent of the national cause (O’Donnell et al, 2009) Television Fiction 2000-2010: Historical productions RTP1 19 SIC 1 TVI 2 2000 A raia dos medos A febre do ouro negro Conde D’Abranhos Alves dos Reis 2001 O Processo dos Távoras 2002 Jóia de África 2004 A Ferreirinha 2005 João Semana Pedro e Inês 2006 Quando os lobos uivam Bocage Os mistérios da estrada de sintra 2007 Regresso a Sizalinda Paixões Proibidas Conta-me como foi 2008 O Dia do Regicídio Equador 2009 A vida privada de Salazar 2010 O Segredo de Miguel Zuzarte República Noite Sangrenta A noite do fim do mundo Television Fiction 2000-2010: Historical productions 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total RTP1 4 1 - - 1 2 3 3 1 - 4 19 SIC - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 TVI - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - 2 Total 4 1 1 - 1 2 3 3 1 2 4 22 Television Fiction 2001, Africa 2008, Africa 2002, Venezuela 2007, India 2010, Uruguay Television Fiction 2000-2010: Temporal displacement (Booth, 2011) Maintain the public (nostalgic memories) Reach the younger Television Fiction 2011: Hybrid solution Telenovela (evocation of collective memory) Historical content (happening) Television Fiction 2011: Television Fiction FUTURE? Portuguese television fiction and historical narratives 2000-2010: a decade under review Catarina Duff Burnay 24th November 2011 Universidad Complutense de Madrid