2015/2016 New Releases Catalogue is here!


2015/2016 New Releases Catalogue is here!
Video & Streaming Catalogue
2016 New Releases
Featuring over 200 NEW titles
tel: 800-565-3036
What’s NEW! These and lots more...
Benefits of Exercising, p. 31
Sports Lab Series, p. 22
Malala: The Power of
One Voice, p. 13
Science Max, Experiments
at Large, p. 21
Planet Echo, Season 4,
p. 16
How to End Unhealthy
Rela onships, p. 30
Caffeine: How Much is Too
Much?, p. 35
The Ebola Plague, p. 23
Food Safety: It’s In Your
Hands, p. 33
Pothead, p. 35
Body Works,
p. 26
Ge ng Into Grammar,
p. 45
Cell Biology, p. 24
Canada Over the Edge,
Season 4, p. 18
Abusive Care: W5, p. 37
Escaping ISIS, p. 15
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Table of Contents
McIntyre Streaming Services .................... 4-5
Core Curriculum Streaming Pla orm ....... 6-7
Playlist Package Collec ons ..................... 8-9
First Na ons, Me s & Inuit Studies ......... 10-12
Social Studies/History & Geography ......... 12-20
Science ...................................................... 16-25
Anthropology ............................................ 25
Canadiana ................................................. 26
Mathema cs ............................................. 27-28
Health & Guidance ................................... 29-38
Family Studies & Home Economics .......... 39
Business ................................................... 40
Career ...................................................... 40
Social Media ............................................ 40
Communica on Skills ............................... 41-42
Manners.................................................... 41
English ..................................................... 42
Workplace Safety ..................................... 43
Technology ............................................... 44
Teacher Educa on .................................... 45
Index ........................................................ 46-47
CC - Closed Cap oning is available where indicated.
FREE ONLINE PREVIEWS for many tles - visit
www.mcintyre.ca and create your account.
Short 2 - 3 minute clips or full-length previews are
Streaming Rights are available for most of our
programs. For more informa on, please contact us.
Format - all tles will be sent to you in DVD format
or a specified digital format.
Shipping & Prices
All prices are in CDN $. Taxes and S/H are extra.
S/H can be es mated at 8% of the purchase price.
Minimum shipping and handling is $10 per order.
Like us on Facebook. Get the latest
informaƟon on new producƟons; special
promoƟons; sneak previews, and lots more.
Playlist Package Collec ons
Each of our PLAYLISTS is a package of programs that is hosted by McIntyre Media and streamed directly to your
ins tu on. They are HIGHLY DISCOUNTED selec ons of some of our most popular programs. Each fits a par cular
theme/curriculum unit. Call for informa on.
Custom Playlist Packages
You create your own playlist. It’s simple! You select the tles you want. Call us and we will set it up .
Within a short me, you, your ins tu on, faculty and students will have access to the programs you
have purchased.
Hos ng
Let us host the content for hassle-free any me, anywhere delivery. We can also host 3rd party content.
Or if you have produced content and want to access it in an easy to use interface, this is a great op on
for you.
Indicates product produced in Canada.
We are developing a Core streaming plaƞorm for each province. Look for the CORE logo to
see if programs are included in the plaƞorm and contact us to ask about correlaƟons for your
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
McIntyre Streaming Services offers an
easy to use hosted streaming pla orm
that takes the hassle (or headaches) out
of managing local streaming servers. We
have been providing hosted streaming
to Colleges, Universi es, School Boards
and Districts, Health Agencies and
Government ins tu ons for many years.
Don’t get ed up in aging and expensive
infrastructure! Let us host your content
for you.
Our streaming service offers you many
different services to choose from. You
can pick the basic hos ng service that
will allow you to stream content 24/7
and is mobile device friendly.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
ng Services
The basic service also includes the following features:
Your ins tu on logo at the top of the hos ng page.
Chapters (where available) with searchable descrip ons
Unique URLs per tle which can be integrated into your catalogue for easy access.
Metadata for cataloguing and the ability to export metadata by date range.
Administra on Portal to view usage stats.
Embed Code to easily integrate content in a Learning Management System.
Additional Services:
We also offer addi onal services such as closed cap oning and transcript crea on.
McIntyre Streaming Services provides a stable environment for you to host videos and documents
with new features being added on a regular basis.
Call today for pricing.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Specifically designe
Thousands of segments and full programs correlated to provincial curriculum.
Engage students in INQUIRY-BASED learning!
Accommodate individual LEARNING differences & styles!
Subject-specific COLLECTIONS!
Call today for your
FREE 30-day TRIAL!
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
signed for the Ontario curriculum
Correlated to provincial curriculum
100% Canadian content.
Closed Cap oning.
Downloadable content with expiry dates.
Usage data and administra ve console to manage your users.
Transcripts, Teachers’ Guides, Student Ac vi es & Infographics where available.
Unique URLs per tle which can be integrated into your catalogue for easy access.
Advanced Keyword Search.
Segments with searchable descrip ons.
Mobile device friendly.
Create a “favourites” list.
New product added regularly.
Content correlated/segmented by subject, grade, course & strand.
Embed codes for easy integra on into a LMS.
Both segments and full-length programs are searchable.
Correla ons updated as new curriculum released.
Poli cs, current events, local, regional, na onal and world
news at your finger ps. Foster global awareness and an
understanding of other cultures. Students gain knowledge of
key issues impac ng their lives. Content added regularly.
We are developing a Core streaming plaƞorm for
each province. Look for the CORE logo to see if
programs are included in the plaƞorm and contact
us to ask about correlaƟons for your province.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Playlist Package Collec ons
Each of our PLAYLISTS is a package of programs that is hosted by McIntyre Media and streamed directly to your
ins tu on. They are HIGHLY DISCOUNTED selec ons of some of our most popular programs. Each fits a par cular
theme/curriculum unit. Call for informa on.
Custom Playlist Packages
You create your own playlist. It’s simple! You select the tles you want. Call us and we will set it up . Within a short
me, you, your ins tu on, faculty and students will have access to the programs you have purchased.
Elder Abuse Awareness Playlist
A Park for All Seasons Playlist
This Canadian collec on of programs uncovers the
horrifying abuse that takes place to our most
vulnerable ci zens.
Go behind the scenes of Canada’s most spectacular Na onal
Parks, and learn the history, explore the diversity and soak in
the beauty of some of the planet’s most compelling natural
Killarney Provincial Park
Point Pelee Na onal Park
Banff Na onal Park
Bruce Peninsula and Fathom Five Na onal Park
Pacific Rim Na onal Park
Cape Breton Na onal Park
Torngat Na onal Park
Riding Mountain Na onal Park
Fundy Na onal Park
Terra Nova Na onal Park
Qui nirpaaq Na onal Park
La Mauricie Na onal Park
Gulf Islands Na onal Park
Sleeping Giant Provincial Park
Que co Provincial Park
Algonquin Provincial Park
Garibaldi Provincial Park
Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park
Grasslands Na onal Park
Auyui uq Na onal Park
Gwaii Haanas Na onal Park
Waterton Lakes Na onal Park
Wapusk Na onal Park
Nahanni Na onal Park
St. Lawrence Islands Na onal Park
Yoho Na onal Park
Tuktut Nogait Na onal Park
Kejimikujik Na onal Park
Wood Buffalo Na onal Park
Pukaskwa Na onal Park
Mingan Archipelago Na onal Park
Crisis in Care: W5
Help Me: Elder Abuse: W5
Deadly Care: W5
Seniors Moments: W5
Abusive Care: W5
#MCI730PL 3 years: $750
Mental Health Playlist
A completely Canadian-produced
selec on of tles suitable for your Grade 7-12
Offside: Coming Out as a Gay Teen: W5
Let’s Talk Day 2014
Unsinkable Silken: W5
Purple Hearts
1,2,3…Depression & Suicide
Clara’s Big Ride
Darkness and Hope
Speak Out on Suicide
The Obsession: W5
#MCI710PL 3 years: $750
#MCI757PL 3 years: $950
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Canada Over the Edge is an aerial-documentary series exploring the
features that define Caanda. It’s a never-before-seen view of Canada
- rising up and bearing witness to our na on’s natural diversity and
beauty. The mee ng place of the ocean and land is the birthplace
of this country’s history, and the frontline of climate change. Our
borders separate us from our neighbours, but also reveal how
closely intertwined our histories and futures are. From the air, we
have the rare opportunity to explore the world’s top wildlife and
nature reserves from viewpoints never imagined. On the ground, we
explore the cultural and historical secrets locked in the contours of
this coastline.
Season 1: Atlan c Canada
Best of Nova Sco a
South Shore, Nova Sco a
Eastern Shore, Nova Sco a
Bay of Fundy, Nova Sco a
Cape Breton Island
Northumberland Strait
Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick
Gaspe Peninsula
Eastern Shore, New Brunswick
Magdalene Islands
Newfoundland West
Newfoundland’s North
St. John’s to St. Pierre
Season 2: Bri sh Columbia
Canada’s Southern Boundary
Vancouver Island’s Eastern Coastline
Vancouver Island North
Vancouver Island’s Western Coastline
Lower Mainland
Sea to Sky
Sunshine Coast
End of the Road
Beyond the Sunshine Coast
BC’s North Coast
BC Meets Alaska
Haida Gwaii North
Haida Gwaii South
#MCI758PL 3 years: $750
#MCI759PL 3 years: $750
Season 3: The 49th Parallel
Season 4: Northern Canada
Pacific Fron er
Kootenay Border Region
Con nental Divide
Foothills to the Badlands
Saskatchewan Prairie
Manitoba Lakes
Superior Country
Huron Boundary
Ontario South
Lake Ontario
Interna onal Seaway
Lower Canada
Atlan c Fron er
#MCI760PL 3 years: $750
Baffin Island North
High Arc c
Northwest Passage
Corona on Gulf
Western Nunavut
Northwest Territories Arc c Coast
Mackenzie Delta: Canada Over the Edge
Beaufort Sea: Canada Over the Edge
Dempster Highway North
Dempster Highway South
Klondike Trail
Yukon Southern Fron er
Yukon Western Fron er
#MCI761PL 3 years: $750
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
An Overview of Residen al Schools in Canada
(Elementary Version)
Grades 5-8 2015 CC 15 min McIntyre Media Inc.
First Na ons people have lived in this country for many
thousands of years. They were here long before anyone else.
In the 16th century, European explorers and missionaries
began making their way to Canada. Life would begin to
change dras cally for many aboriginal people. Disease, loss
of culture, loss of land, and unkept promises. As the Canadian
government looked for a way to expand westward, a series of
trea es set in mo on a system of residen al schools.
Educa on was a way to “assimilate” the children – to make
them behave and think more like the Europeans who were
taking over Canada.
Residen al schools had a las ng impact on First Na ons
individuals, families and communi es. The children who
returned home brought with them the various abuses they
That h
has aff
d Th
d their
h i ffamilies
ili and communi es for genera ons. Children came home
lonely, depressed and scared. Many had died without ever seeing their parents again.
This program gives students an overview of the residen al school system in Canada. Combining archival
footage with residen al school survivor interviews, students will learn why and how the schools
were established, the effect of trea es on aboriginal life, the impact of residen al schools on future
genera ons, what life was like for children in these schools, and an apprecia on of aboriginal culture and
Correlates to the following subject areas:
History, Geography, Social Studies, FNMI Studies,
Your purchasing opƟons:
Treaty Educa on classes.
1. DVD Only - #MCI082 $119 DVD
Streaming Rights: 3 years - Single Site (K-12) - $119
2. Educator’s Package - #MCI085 $179 DVD
Includes DVD plus 32-page Teacher’s Resource Guide, complete with vocabulary list, viewing
sugges ons, numerous student ac vity sheets, and event meline; 4 BONUS segments (21 min) Nunavut: Food and Supplies, The Witness Blanket, Chief Robert Joseph, and Shannen’s Dream.
Streaming Rights: 3 years - Single Site (K-12) - MCI085-ST - $179
Note: For Educator’s Package, Teacher’s Resource Guide will be sent as a PDF.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
ial Schools
Residen al Schools: Truth and Reconcilia on in Canada
(Secondary Version)
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 18 min McIntyre Media Inc.
Indian Residen al Schools are a part of our shared history in
Canada. Prior to European contact, First Na ons people had
their own educa on system, governing system, beliefs and
customs. While some posi ve alliances were established, the
arrival of missionaries and others kicked off a systema c a ack
on the tradi onal customs and culture of na ve communi es.
In 1883, as a result of treaty nego a ons and government
proclama ons, Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald
authorized the crea on of three “industrial schools.” Thus
began the misguided a empt “to kill the Indian in the child.”
Between 1879 and 1986, at least 150,000 aboriginal children
in Canada - almost a third of aboriginal children - were forcibly
removed and placed into Indian Residen al Schools. The
assault on Aboriginal iden ty began the moment children
took their first step across the school’s threshold. Their unique
culture was stripped away to be replaced with a foreign European iden ty. Their family es were cut,
clothes replaced, and children were prevented from returning home.
The telling of Canada’s history is not complete without this story. Some refer to it as a “cultural genocide.”
Genera ons upon genera ons of aboriginal people have been affected by the abuse and horrors
experienced in these schools. The Truth and Reconcilia on Summary that was undertaken as an element
of the Indian Residen al Schools Se lement Agreement outlines 94 recommenda ons for achieving a full
reconcilia on between Canada’s na ve and non-na ve peoples.
Your purchasing opƟons:
Correlates to the following subject areas:
History, Geography, Social Sciences, FNMI Studies,
Treaty Educa on, Civics, English and Law classes.
1. DVD Only - #MCI083 $119 DVD
Streaming Rights: 3 years - Single Site (K-12) - $119
2. Educator’s Package - #MCI086 $179 DVD
Includes DVD plus 32-page Teacher’s Resource Guide, complete with vocabulary list, viewing
sugges ons, numerous student ac vity sheets, and event meline; 4 BONUS segments (29 min) Jus ce Murray Sinclair: Survivors Speak Out; Paul Mar n: Power Play; Marie Wilson: Healing
Decades-Old Wounds; and The 60’s Scoop.
Streaming Rights: 3 years - Single Site (K-12) - MCI083-ST - $179
Note: For Educator’s Package, Teacher’s Resource Guide will be sent as a PDF.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Social Studies
An Introduc on to First Na ons Culture
& Tradi ons
Grades 3-8 2015 CC 27 min McIntyre Media Inc.
Before early European se lers arrived in what is Canada today, there
were already many Aboriginal peoples living here. They lived right
across this country and developed a rich and storied existence relying
on the land and nature for food, shelter and clothing. Canada’s First
Peoples developed complex cultures and lived in harmony with their
environment. Each cultural group was made up of several na ons
with similari es in language and social structure. Each group also had
their own stories, ceremonies and interpreta ons of the world around
In An Introduc on to First Na ons: Culture & Tradi ons, students are
provided with a broad overview of First Na ons life and culture. Your
host, Cedar Smoke introduces students to some important aspects
of First Na ons life – regalia and dance, food, drumming, powwows,
and the importance of the environment. Elders share their wisdom
regarding cultural prac ces, laws and tradi onal values. A must have
for elementary social studies and art classes.
#MCI084 $119: DVD + PDF teacher’s resource guide and student
ac vity sheets.
Streaming Rights (3 year) - Single Site (K-12) $119
The Libera on of Auschwitz
Grades 9-Adult 2015 CC 11 min McIntyre Media Inc.
On January 27, 1945, Auschwitz was liberated by Soviet soldiers.
Auschwitz was a network of concentra on camps built and
operated in occupied Poland by Nazi Germany during the Second
World War. Auschwitz I and nearby Auschwitz II-Birkenau were the
extermina on camps where an es mated 1.1 million people—mostly
Jews from across Europe, but also poli cal opponents, prisoners of
war, homosexuals, and Roma—were killed in gas chambers or by
systema c starva on, forced labor, disease, or medical experiments.
Combining historic footage and interviews with Auschwitz survivors,
this Canadian produc on examines the events that led to the crea on
of extermina on camps across Europe. Survivors speak of the horrors
they endured and the need for the modern-day world to prevent
similar events from re-occurring.
This program contains graphic footage which may not be suitable for
all viewers.
#MCI079 $129.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School-K-12: $129.95
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Social Studies
Malala: The Power of One Voice
Grades 6-12 2015 CC 15 min McIntyre Media Inc.
An assassina on a empt was not enough to curtail the human-rights
work of teenage ac vist Malala Yousafzai. “One child, one teacher,
one book and one pen can change the world,” she told the United
Na ons in a s rring speech.
Around the world an es mated 66 million girls are being denied the
right to an educa on. Girls make up more than 54% of the nonschooled popula on in the world. Recent global es mates indicate
that more than 100 million girls are involved in child labour. Fix that,
scholars have long said, and you could change the course of human
history. Educated girls are safer from sexual assault and childhood
marriage. They go on to raise more educated children themselves.
This is what Malala is trying to change. Educa on is a basic human
right. This wonderfully inspiring Canadian produc on can be used for
discussions on human rights, gender/women’s rights, ac vism and
poli cs, comparison of educa on in the Middle East and Canada, the
importance of educa on and examining the barriers that keep girls
out of school.
#MCI076 $129.95: DVD
Streaming Rights (3 year) - Single Site (K-12) $119
The Diary of Anne Frank: A Tale of Two Sisters
Grades 6-Post-Sec 2015 CC 46 min Films Media Group
This film tells the stories of Anne Frank and Eva Schloss, whose young
lives paralleled each other and whose surviving parents, O o Frank
and Elfriede Geiringer, eventually married. It features extensive interviews with Eva Schloss to help tell the story of her and Anne’s brief
friendship, their lives in hiding, and O o’s thinking a er Auschwitz’s
libera on and learning of Anne’s diary. The film examines who Anne
Frank was as a person, O o’s decision to publish the diary, and the
way his efforts promoted Anne Frank’s ideals and her important
legacy. Eva would be one of the first people to hear O o read extracts
from Anne’s diary, a feat which he couldn’t manage to do without crying. Eva witnessed the publica on and drama za on of the Diary of
Anne Frank and became involved in the Anne Frank Founda on set up
by O o in 1963. In 1989 she created the Anne Frank Trust UK which
aimed to share the message of the Anne Frank founda on to challenge prejudice and hatred.
#394689 $237.95: DVD
Streaming Rights (3 year) - Single Site (K-12) $237.95
PREVIEW FREE at www.mcintyre.ca
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Social Studies & History
Design By Decade Series
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2011 CC 6 x 30 min each Blue Ant Media
From the post-war Modern style to the diversity of the new millennium – explore six decades of Canadian design. Featuring
the collec on of the Design Exchange- Canada’s Na onal Design Museum, Design by Decade reveals the excep onal stories
behind the objects of everyday life. These are the symbols of our cultural past and present. Excellent resource for Canadian
History, Family Studies and Home Economics, Art, and Industrial Design courses.
SPECIAL SERIES PRICE: ONLY $750 (6 discs) Series Product #BAM076-NR16
Individual programs: $139 each
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $139 per individual tle
Episode 1: Post-War Design
Design by Decade explores the period from the Second
World War un l the end of the 1950s in Canada, examining
some of the most interes ng modern design objects that
represent this flourishing era. Includes: Fred Moffa : Post
War Industrial Design, the Modernist Movement: The
Canadian Wooden Aircra Company, and Jacques Guillon The Cord Chair.
#BAM077 $139 DVD
Episode 2: 1960s
Design by Decade looks back to the 1960s to examine
some of the most intriguing and original Canadian designs
that represent this magical and intriguing era in Caandian
poli cs and lifestyle. Includes: Mid Century Modernism - The
Project G Stereo; Expo 67 - Habitat 67 Housing Complex; The
Contempra Telephone - An Icon of Contemporary Canadian
#BAM078 $139 DVD
Episode 3: 1970s
In the 1970’s, North America was drowning in economic
malaise. Against this backdrop, however, crea vity
con nued to flourish in Canada. Design by Decade examines
some of the most fascina ng and dis nc ve Canadian
designs that represent this diverse era. Includes: The K700
Stool - Stylis c Experimenta on; The Systems Furniture
Trend; Industrial Design - The Iconic Steamer Collec on.
#BAM079 $139 DVD
Episode 4: 1980s
Throughout the decade - many design companies prospered
in Canada, as awareness of pres gious design was on the
rise. Despite various economic changes during this period,
design from the 1980s was dynamic, original and o en
audacious. Design by Decade revisits some of the most vital
and expressive designs of this era. Includes: A ache Case - A
Decade’s Preoccupa on with Power; Post-Modernism - The
Nexus Chair; Design-Driven Studios.
#BAM080 $139 DVD
Episode 5: 1990s
In the early 90s, Canada found itself in a recession that
affected much of the Western world. But, as the decade
progressed, North America experienced economic
expansion. The introduc on of the NAFTA meant that
Canadian industry had to learn to compete. And in the world
furniture this meant a stronger focus on design itself. Design
by Decade revisits the 1990s to examine some of the most
dis nc ve and cu ng edge Canadian designs that represent
this revolu onary era. Includes: Douglas Ball - Workspace
Design; Karim Rashid - A Global Approach to Design;
Sophis cated Canadian Design.
#BAM081 $139 DVD
Episode 6: 2000s
Design by Decade takes a look at the Canadian design
landscape from the turn of the new Century un l today,
examining the wide array of design prac ces that make
Canada unique. Includes: Teknion - Large Scale Produc on;
Contemporary Canadian Design; Sustainable Design.
#BAM082 $139 DVD
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Social Studies & History
Klansville U.S.A.: American Experience
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 60 min PBS
Inves gate the reasons North Carolina, long seen as the
most progressive state in the South, became home to the
largest Klan organiza on in the country, with more members
than all the other Southern states combined, during the
#041778 $79.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
All About Tom: W5
Grades 9-Post -Sec 2015 CC 20 min CTV
W5 gets an exclusive look at how NDP Leader Tom Mulcair
and his NDP staff cra their plan of a ack in prepara on for
the daily ques on period. Mulcair also opens up about how
his family helps him stay grounded whether he is in the thick
of a campaign, or in the wilderness of Quebec.
#CTV657 $99.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School-K-12: $149.95
Visit www.mcintyre.ca to see our Federal ElecƟon 2015
Playlist. Includes W5: All About Tom; W5: Trudeau II;
Na onal Leaders Debate #1; Debate Follow-Up; & Votes
Escaping ISIS: Frontline
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 60 min PBS
The gripping, first - hand accounts of women who escaped
the brutal reign of ISIS. This hard-hi ng film explores the
lives of women who were held as sex slaves, the people who
saved them, and women who endured, and also enforced
ISIS’ harsh rules.
This program contains graphic imagery and descripƟons of
violence. Viewer discreƟon is advised.
#041810 $79.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
The Italian Americans
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2014 CC 240 min/2 discs PBS
The Italian Americans reveals the
unique and dis nc ve quali es of one
immigrant group’s experience, and
how these quali es, over me, have
shaped and challenged America. At
the turn of the 20th century, many
Italians immigrants came to work,
earn money to support their families,
and eventually return home. Nearly
half of the first genera on Italian
immigrants did return to Italy, but for
those that made America home, their
struggle to maintain a dis nct Italian culture was guided by
remarkably powerful ideals of family that had always been
at the center of their lives.
#041784 $74.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
1913: Seeds of Conflict
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2014 CC 60 min PBS
1913 explores the crumbling of
O oman rule and the rise of Jewish
and Pales nian na onalism through
the words of those who helped shape
history: Albert Antébi, a Sephardic Jew
known as the Jewish ‘pasha’; Ruhi alKhalidi, the scion of a Pales ne family
and Jerusalem’s elected representa ve
to the O oman parliament, Khalil
Sakakini, a Chris an schoolmaster and
voice for Pales nian cultural autonomy;
and Arthur Ruppin, a German Zionist
who opens the Pales ne Office to strategize the shape of a
Jewish homeland to come.
#041801 $79.99 DVD
Call for streaming price.
Coming Soon: The Syrian Refugee Crisis has made
headlines around the world. To escape from the violence
of the Syrian Civil War, millions of refugees have fled the
country. Watch for our upcoming produc on on refugees:
who they are, why they flee their countries, and how the
world reacts.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Social Studies/Science
Grades 2-8 2014 CC 13 episodes x 23 min each Posi ve Produc ons Inc. and Media Rendezvous
Special Series Price: ONLY $1169.35 - a saving of $130 (Series Product #PE0400)
Individual tles: $99.95
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $99.95 per individual tle
Planet Echo is an environmental based mash-up of the colourful stories about people, places and things from the natural
world infused with high adventure, cool factoids and working science. It’s fun, entertaining and uses completely posi ve
storytelling to showcase cu ng edge environmental technologies along with old-school tradi onal Aboriginal knowledge.
Ocean in the Prairie (Episode 401) - Watersheds
Chuck and Andy explore Lake Winnipeg, one of the largest
watersheds in the world.
#PE0401 $99.95: DVD
The Power of Electricity (Episode 402)
Chuck and Andy set out to discover how electricity works.
#PE0402 $99.95 DVD
The Enchanted Forest (Episode 403) - Forest Ecosystems
Chuck and Andy discover the similari es and differences
between the Amazon Jungle and the Boreal forest.
#PE0403 $99.95 DVD
Green Trains and Ham (Episode 404) - Transporta on
Chuck and Andy discover trains. They visit an elevated green
space in NYC and the Prairie Dog Trains in Manitoba.
#PE0404 $99.95 DVD
Earth Rangers (Episode 405)
The Earth Rangers is a hugely successful non-profit
organiza on that reaches out to kids all across the country.
#PE0405 $99.95 DVD
Roo op Gardens (Episode 406)
The boys travel to NYC to find out how to start a roof top
garden in the middle of a big city.
#PE0406 $99.95 DVD
Gone Fishin’ (Episode 407) - River Systems
Chuck and Andy discover that rivers are vitally important to
the health of the planet.
#PE0407 $99.95 DVD
Green Acres (Episode 408) - Organic Gardening
City boys Chuck and Andy leave city life behind and head
down to the farm. It’s not pre y when the boys learn that
looking a er “Organic” farm animals is a lot of hard work.
But it is worth it!
#PE0408 $99.95 DVD
Power Brothers (Episode 409) - Energy
Fed up with being ed to the grid…Chuck and Andy go in
search of a new, greener clubhouse.
#PE0409 $99.95 DVD
Wildcare Birds (Episode 410) - Flight & Responsibility
Chuck and Andy spend a day learning ER procedures at the
Nepean Wild Bird Sanctuary.
#PE0410 $99.95 DVD
Duck! (Episode 411) - Wetlands & Clean Water
Chuck and Andy find out just how important the wetlands
are and what’s being done to preserve them.
#PE0411 $99.95 DVD
A Day in the Life of a Lake (Episode 412) - Glacia on
Chuck and Andy visit the Great Lakes, home to 1/5 of the
world’s fresh water.
#PE0412 $99.95 DVD
Save the World! The Game Show (Episode 413)
Chuck and Andy set out to save the world by using their
brains. The ques ons and answers cover everything from
the environment, and animal habitats, to endangered
species and some really amazing people.
#PE0413 $99.95 DVD
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Social Studies/Science
Canada Over the Edge Series, Season 3 - Explore the 49th Parallel
Grades 6-Post-Sec 2015 13 episodes x 52 min ea Blue Ant Media
Special Series Price: ONLY $1027 - a saving of $130 (Series Product #BAM167)
Individual tles: $89
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $89 per individual tle
Travel 6,000 kms of the world’s longest, undefended border – from the Pacific to the Atlan c. Canada Over the Edge is an
aerial-documentary series exploring the natural, and man-made boundaries that define Canada – blazing an aerial fron er
along the world’s longest, undefended border. While these borders separate us from our neighbours – they also reveal
how closely intertwined our histories – and futures are. In Canada Over the Edge Season III, we explore the winding rivers,
mountain ranges – and 49th parallel – that mark Canada’s boundary with its southern neighbour. This man-made fron er
boasts 119 official crossings – handling more than 59 million travelers, and more than $500 billion dollars in trade each year.
Pacific Fron er
From the San Juan Islands of Washington State - to the
Kootenays in the east - we explore the pris ne, Pacific
border region separa ng Canada and the United States.
#BAM168 $89.00 DVD
Kootenay Border Region
Heading east from the town of Osoyoos, we soar high
above the incredible landscapes along BC’s Kootenay border
#BAM169 $89.00 DVD
Con nental Divide
Beginning at the US border, we explore the wonders of the
con nental divide, from Akamina-Kishinena Provincial Park
on the BC/Alberta border, to the soaring summits of Banff
Na onal Park.
#BAM170 $89.00 DVD
Foothills to the Badlands
From the city of Calgary - south to the border region, - and
finally, to the town of Drumheller, we explore the unique
landscape and archaeology of Alberta’s foothills and
#BAM171 $89.00 DVD
Huron Boundary
From high above the city of Sault Ste. Marie, we explore the
rugged Lake Huron coastline – including Manitoulin Island,
Bruce Peninsula Na onal Park, and the scenic lakeside
communi es beyond.
#BAM175 $89.00 DVD
Ontario South
We explore the rich history and landscape of the Lake Erie
region from Windsor/Detroit to the town of Port Dover and
#BAM176 $89.00 DVD
Lake Ontario
From high above the roar of Niagara Falls, we begin an aerial
journey east, above the waters of Lake Ontario – the ci es
of Toronto and Kingston, and the wonders of Thousand
Islands Na onal park.
#BAM177 $89.00 DVD
Interna onal Seaway
From the Great Lakes, to the historic city of Quebec - we
head east on an aerial explora on of the St. Lawrence
#BAM178 $89.00 DVD
Saskatchewan Prairie
We explore the fron er region of Saskatchewan – from
the vast plateaus of Cypress Hills Provincial Park, to the
incredible, undefended open prairie lining the 49th parallel.
#BAM172 $89.00 DVD
Lower Canada
From the ci es of O awa and Montreal we head south,
exploring a maze of interna onal boundary that divides the
province of Quebec from the United States.
#BAM179 $89.00 DVD
Manitoba Lakes
Along the Manitoba US border, we reveal incredible
landscapes – from open prairie, to the harsh Canadian
Shield – and, we explore stories of human migra on along
this wide-open fron er.
#BAM173 $89.00 DVD
Atlan c Fron er
From the remote border town of Pohegemanook, we trace
the Quebec, Maine and New Brunswick borders - a unique,
cultural journey – ending at the open waters of the Atlan c.
Superior Country
We begin an aerial journey east, along the shores of Lake
Superior – exploring the city of Thunder Bay, and the vast,
natural wonders of the world’s largest freshwater lake.
#BAM174 $89.00 DVD
Also Available:
Canada Over the Edge, Season 1 (Atlan c Canada)
Canada: Over the Edge, Season 2 (Bri sh Columbia)
Canada Over the Edge, Season 4 (Northern Canada)
See our Canada Over the Edge Streaming Playlists
on page 9.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Social Studies/Science
Canada Over the Edge, Season 4 - Explore Canada’s North
Grades 6-Post-Sec 2015 13 episodes x 52 min ea Blue Ant Media
Special Series Price: ONLY $1027 - a saving of $130 (Series Product #BAM181)
Individual tles: $89
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $89 per individual tle
In Season 4, explore one of the most remote - and rarely seen tracts of land on the planet - the vast, unexplored reaches of
Northern Canada. The boreal forest, barren landscape, and ice-covered peaks cover nearly 4 million square kilometers, and
represent 40% of the country. From the air, we have the rare opportunity to explore the abundance of awe-inspiring vistas
this region has to offer. On the ground, we reveal the unique cultural, and historical aspects of this region – from residents
Baffin Island North
From high above Baffin Island, we see incredible Arc c
wonders – from Eclipse Sound to Sirmilik Na onal Park.
People have lived in Pond Inlet for thousands of years and
today they work to preserve this history.
#BAM182 $89.00 DVD
High Arc c
From the hamlet of Arc c Bay we round the northernmost
point of Baffin Island and the desert community of Gjoa
Haven where descendants of ancient Thule people live.
#BAM183 $89.00 DVD
MacKenzie Delta
From the small community of Tuktoyaktuk, we explore
the MacKenzie River Delta, home to Inuvialuit people for
thousands of years. Pingos, mounds of earth covered ice,
were used for naviga on as vantage points for hun ng.
#BAM188 $89.00 DVD
Beaufort Sea
Tradi onal territory for Inuvialuit and Gwich’in people, the
waters of the Beaufort Sea are an Arc c gem, and whaling
has been important to aboriginal life.
#BAM189 $89.00 DVD
Northwest Passage
We explore the Nunavut community of Gjoa Haven, where
Inuit people helped explorers survive. In Cambridge Bay the
Ki kmeot Heritage Society strives to integrate tradi onal
knowledge and language into the society.
#BAM184 $89.00 DVD
Dempster Highway North
The Gwich’in, “people of the flat lands”, one of the
northernmost aboriginal people in North America, relied
on reindeer for survival. The Midway Lake Fes val is one of
their a empts to maintain the culture of Gwich’in people.
#BAM190 $89.00 DVD
Corona on Gulf
West of Cambridge Bay, we explore Nunavut’s remote,
northern waterways – from Dease Strait to Corona on
Gulf, and the community of Kugluktuk, home for aboriginal
people for thousands of years.
#BAM185 $89.00 DVD
Dempster Highway South
From the Arc c Circle we follow the Dempster Highway
south over remote geological wonders to Dawson City,
ancestral home of Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in of the Hän people
who came here for centuries for seasonal salmon fishing.
#BAM191 $89.00 DVD
Western Nunavut
The Western Nunavut region is one of the most seldomseen landscapes on Earth. We explore Tukut Nogait
Na onal Park home to Thule and Copper peoples for many
genera ons.
#BAM186 $89.00 DVD
Klondike Trail
From historic Dawson City, we head southeast, tracing a
route that has become known as the Klondike Trail. Before
the gold rush, the Chilkoot Trail was used by First Na ons
#BAM192 $89.00 DVD
Northwest Territories Arc c Coast
The Northern mainland coast of the Northwest Territories
is a stunning contrast in landscapes. The mayor of Paulatuk
describes the importance of hun ng and fishing for survival
#BAM187 $89.00 DVD
Yukon Southern Fron er
On the Southern edge of the Yukon, we head into Bri sh
Columbia - Alaska – and back again - exploring Carcross
desert, Tatshenshini-Alsek Provincial Park - and the eastern
edge of Kluane Na onal Park.
#BAM193 $89.00 DVD
Yukon Western Fron er
The Tutchone people tradi onally lived in the land between
Whitehorse and Kluane Lake. Now, Kluane Na onal Park is
working to reconnect First Na ons people to this land which
was taken from them by treaty agreements.
#BAM194 $89.00 DVD
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Social Studies/Science
A Park for All Seasons Series
Grades 6-Post-Sec 2014 CC 12 episodes x 25 min each Blue Ant Media
Individual tles: $89
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $89 per individual tle
Go behind the scenes of Canada’s most spectacular Na onal Parks, and learn the history, explore the diversity and soak
in the beauty of some of the planet’s most compelling natural playgrounds. Follow us to the most remote corners of the
parks and uncover both the iconic and obscure and see how park authori es sustain several million acres of wilderness for
adventure seekers. Immerse yourself in the beauty of our country’s most breathtaking parks.
Auyui uq Na onal Park
‘Auyui uq’ means ‘The Land That Never Melts’ in Inu tuk,
the language of the Inuit. However, research reports rising
temperatures and this once frozen landscape is changing.
#BAM155 $89.00 DVD
Gwaii Haanas Na onal Park
Known as the ‘Canadian Galapagos’ Gwaii Haanas Na onal
Park Reserve shelters some of the most lush and remote
landscapes in the con nent.
#BAM156 $89.00 DVD
Waterton Lakes Na onal Park
The untamed nature of the park’s predators has caused
deadly confronta ons on ca le ranches neighbouring
Waterton’s borders. Now the park must work with its
neighbors to ensure protec on on both sides of the fence.
#BAM157 $89.00 DVD
Wapusk Na onal Park
One of the world’s largest polar bear denning sites, Wapusk
means “white bear” in the na ve Cree language. The park is
a unique ecological zone bordering the arc c, hos ng both
tundra and coastal marine environments.
#BAM158 $89.00 DVD
Nahanni Na onal Park
Now the third largest park in Canada, the management of
this immense and wild environment faces a whole new set
of challenges.
#BAM159 $89.00 DVD
St. Lawrence Islands Na onal Park
Balance between maintaining natural areas and migra on
routes with encroaching human development is a delicate
challenge facing this fragmented environment.
#BAM160 $89.00 DVD
Yoho Na onal Park
On the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains is Yoho
Na onal Park. The park’s 28 mountain peaks are carved by
picturesque waterfalls and more than 250 miles of hiking
trails. Some of the world’s most significant fossils rest in
Yoho’s steep rocks.
#BAM161 $89.00 DVD
Tuktut Nogait Na onal Park
This hidden wonder of the arc c is one of the great secrets
of the Parks system. Tuktut Nogait (“young caribou”) offers
a tradi onal land where caribou, bears and wolves roam
among spectacular canyon vistas.
#BAM162 $89.00 DVD
Kejimikujik Na onal Park
The only inland park in the Canadian Mari mes, the history
of Kejimikujik history is visible within the petroglyphs
carved into the landscape, represen ng a me when the
park’s lakes and rivers were prime canoe routes for tribal
communi es of Mi’kmaq.
#BAM163 $89.00 DVD
Wood Buffalo Na onal Park
Populated by one of the biggest free-roaming bison herds
on the planet, and home to one of the last nes ng areas in
the world for endangered whooping cranes, this vast boreal
wilderness expands over unique salt plains.
#BAM164 $89.00 DVD
Pukaskwa Na onal Park
Pukaskwa Na onal Park features unpredictable boreal
forests and iron rich plutonic rocks, and on cobbled beaches
overlooking Lake Superior, one can spot rare arc c plants
due to the cooling effect of the lake.
#BAM165 $89.00 DVD
Mingan Archipelago Na onal Park
This park’s ecosystem protects a world of diversity from
huge monoliths created during the last Ice Age, to Minke
whales and the rare Mingan thistle.
#BAM166 $89.00 DVD
Also Available:
Killarney/ Point Pelee/ Banff/ Bruce Peninsula and Fathom
Five/ Pacific Rim Reserve/ Cape Breton/ Torngat / Riding
Mountain/ Fundy/ Terra Nova / Qui nirpaaq / La Mauricie
/ Gulf Islands / Sleeping Giant / Que co / Algonquin/
Garibaldi / Liard River Hot Springs/ Grasslands
See our Park for All Seasons Streaming Playlist on page 8.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Social Studies/Geography/Science
STAND: An Environmental Documentary
Grades 9-Post Sec 2013 CC 60 min Breakthrough Entertainment
Best Film- Vancouver Fes val of Ocean Films 2013
Stand takes viewers on a journey through the waters of Bri sh
Columbia’s stunning west coast. Under threat by a proposed Gateway
pipeline and tanker route is a coastline of immense beauty, pris ne
ecosystems and a way of life rich in culture and history. Through the
efforts of expedi on stand-up paddler Norm Hann, a high school
class building their own paddleboards as a form of protest, and iconic
west coast surfer Raph Bruhilwer, the people, landscape and
wildlife that would be affected by an oil spill are spotlighted and the
consequences are dire.
#BTE078 $159: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $159
Sand Wars
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 74 min PBS
Sand Wars is a surprising inves ga on into one of the most
consumed natural resources on the planet. Three-quarters of
the world’s beaches are in decline as vic ms of erosion or “sand
mafias”. But what will be the consequences of sand extrac on on the
environment and life on the planet? Sand Wars takes us around the
world to witness this new gold rush firsthand.
#041796 $79.99 DVD
Call for streaming price.
Paradise Island
Grades 6-Post-Sec 2014 CC 20 min CTV
A rare journey to Canada’s newest NaƟonal Park
Sable Island, a secluded sandbar 300 kilometres southeast of Nova
Sco a, is an almost magical place few Canadians will ever see in
person. A fragile strip of sand populated by seals and wild horses
grazing on windswept beaches. Todd Ba s explains the constant
threats to Sable Island’s delicate ecosystem, and the strong legisla on
in place to protect it. The island is under constant threat: ravaged by
the thrashing Atlan c Ocean on its northern side, the en re island is
suffering the effects of climate change.
#CTV647 $129.95 DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $129.95
America by the Numbers with Maria Hinojosa
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2014 CC 240 min/2 discs PBS
America by the Numbers with Maria Hinojosa reveals how drama c
demographic changes are playing out in the United States today. This
is the first na onal series to explore the impact of the new American
mainstream - the growing numbers of Asians, La nos, African
Americans, persons of mixed race, immigrants, women, youth, and
LGBTs whose influence over culture, commerce, and the outcome of
elec ons is affec ng every aspect of contemporary life.
#041785 $79.99 DVD
Call for streaming price.
The Li le Scien st Series
Grades JK - 2 2013 CC 4-10 mins each
Film Ideas
SPECIAL SERIES PRICE: ONLY $1399 (12 programs)
Series Product #FI0000-NR16
Individual tles: $119
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School K-12:
$119 per individual tle
Li le Scien st helps children develop scien fic
reasoning by exploring the world of science that
surrounds them. The unique structure of each
program combines a short story with scien fic
informa on, enabling children to easily and
naturally become interested and engaged. While
focusing on the story, children will naturally
absorb the science that is presented in various
“fun” formats. Science is fun!
Titles include:
1. Our Magic Clothes: The Skin
#FI0001 $119 DVD
2. The Secret of Colors: All About Colors
#FI0002 $119 DVD
3. Where Is The Air?: Air & Wind
#FI0003 $119 DVD
4. To Catch The Red Fox: The Food Chain
#FI0004 $119 DVD
5. Here I Am!: Camouflage
#FI0005 $119 DVD
6. Please Visit My Secret Garden: Leaves
#FI0006 $119 DVD
7. Who Ate The Fly?: Carnivorous Plants
#FI0007 $119 DVD
8. The Magic Time Machine: Fossils
#FI0008 $119 DVD
9. Will It Rain or Will It Snow?: Weather
#FI0009 $119 DVD
10. Who Is The Janitor?: Scavengers &
#FI0010 $119 DVD
11. Shhh! It’s Earth’s Secret: Gravity
#FI0011 $119 DVD
12. I Can See It!: Convex & Concave Lenses
#FI0012 $119 DVD
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Science Max: Experiments at Large
Grades 2-8 2015 CC 13 x 22 min each Breakthrough Entertainment
Have you ever conducted a science experiment and wondered “What would this be like if it were HUGE?” With fun li le
science facts, humorously re-enacted moments of science history and wacky takes on the most mundane subjects, SCIENCE
MAX will conduct experiments on a supersized level that our viewers can’t do at home. Host Phil McCordic starts by
demonstra ng experiments on a small scale then SUPER-SIZES them.
SPECIAL SERIES PRICE: ONLY $1548 - a saving of $129 (Series Product # BTE079)
Individual programs: $129 each
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $129 per individual tle
Rocket Car
Phil builds a balloon powered car in the lab. Then he tries
to make one big enough to ride. Can the Science Max build
team find a big enough balloon? Or are balloons the way to
go? Plus, Newton’s Cradle out of bowling balls, how Guinea
Pigs got their name and Newton’s 3rd Law.
#BTE080 $129: DVD
Elas c Energy
Phil builds a catapult that hurls pumpkins out of pencils and
elas cs. Includes a historical re-enactment (sort of) of how
catapults were used in medieval days.
#BTE081 $129: DVD
Fric on
Phil examines fric on by building a balloon-powered hover
disc. Phil also tries to use the power of fric on to climb the
walls and even to fly!
#BTE082 $129: DVD
Pasta Bridge
Ever wanted to build a bridge out of pasta? What about one
strong and big enough for Phil to walk across? Plus, learn
how to build a sandcastle you can stand on!
#BTE083 $129: DVD
Magne c Levita on
Magnets have poles – when you put opposite ones together,
they a ract. But when you but the same ones together,
they repel. Could we find magnets powerful enough to
repel each other and float Phil off the ground?
#BTE084 $129: DVD
Tinfoil Boat (Flota on)
What makes boats float? Tinfoil doesn’t float, but a boat
made of nfoil does. It’s all about how you build it. Watch
as Phil builds his human-sized nfoil boat wrong several
mes before he figures it out.
#BTE085 $129: DVD
The old ‘vinegar and baking soda volcano’ needs an
overhaul. What happens if we use 60 mes as much? What
about using 100% acid? What about even more reac ve
#BTE086 $129: DVD
Air Pressure
Learn how to use air pressure
to make your own, home-made
rocket out of a plas c water
bo le.
#BTE087 $129: DVD
Simple Machines
What good is Science if you can’t
use it to give you super strength?
Phil does just that using the
power of simple machines to
move, li and roll a machine he
could barely budge otherwise.
#BTE088 $129: DVD
States of Ma er
Solid, Liquid, Gas and all the things in-between. What’s in
between? Cornstarch mud. Some mes it’s a liquid, but
some mes a solid. Phil fills a giant trough with it to see if
it’s solid enough to run across.
#BTE089 $129: DVD
Paper Airplane (Flight)
Start by learning how to fold the paper airplane that won
the long distance record. Then Phil tries to make a giant
paper airplane to see if it will s ll fly. Turns out, its way
harder than you’d think.
#BTE090 $129: DVD
All About Balance
How can you balance a potato on a s ck? And, more
important, can Phil balance on a ghtrope using the same
science? What’s be er for balance, staying put or using
something that spins? Phil walks the ghtrope then designs
a gyroscopic stabiliza on backpack.
#BTE091 $129: DVD
Drag Racer (Iner a)
Phil builds a small drag racer in the lab that uses the iner a
of its wheels to move. Then he tries to max it out. The final
experiment involves a jacked up car and a large frame with
Phil riding it. Includes Newton’s laws, pulling a tablecloth
without breaking the dishes and a caveman trying to break
down a door.
#BTE092 $129: DVD
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Sports Lab Series
Grades 2-8 2015 CC 13 x 11 min each Breakthrough Entertainment
The dynamics of science behind the sports we play! A celebra on of sports
and ge ng ac ve! SPORTS LAB is a series for kids aged 6-11 that showcases
a wide range of sports. It helps kids be er understand them while
demonstra ng the scien fic elements at work. SPORTS LAB also promotes
par cipa on and ac ve play, important messages for kids surrounded by
digital distrac ons. Inclusiveness and accessibility are also key factors.
SPECIAL SERIES PRICE: ONLY $1548 - a saving of $129 (Series Product #BTE093)
Individual programs: $129 each
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $129 per individual tle
Soccer (Kine c Energy)
Legendary pro Dwayne De Rosario demonstrates his kicking
style for soccer nut Sophie. Dr. Heather explains the kine c
energy that makes Dwayne’s kick so powerful.
#BTE094 $129: DVD
Track & Field (Centre of Gravity)
Anjelina is a young sprinter looking to move faster out of the
start. She gets some great ps from guest pro Ashlea, while
Dr. Heather weighs in on the centre of gravity that helps
them tear up the track.
#BTE095 $129: DVD
Baseball (Kine c Chains)
Dr. Heather discovers that a kine c chain gives guest pro
Bryce the power to knock it out of the park, inspiring
younger brother Porter to step up to the plate against host
Nykeem’s pitching.
#BTE096 $129: DVD
Skateboarding (Thrust and Drag)
David is a young skater looking to kick his tricks up a notch.
Together with host Nykeem and guest pro Erik, David spends
a dynamic day in the park learning about power of thrust
and drag.
#BTE097 $129: DVD
Cricket (Airflow Dynamics)
Cricket star Darius D’Souza mentors Abraham and Delaine,
two friends who share a keen passion for the game. Dr.
Heather breaks down Darius’ wicked swing bowl, and the
kids bring their new knowledge of airflow to the pitch.
#BTE098 $129: DVD
Tennis (The Magnus Effect - effect of spin)
Host Nykeem doubles up with Chloe, a passionate young
tennis player working to perfect her top spin game. With
ps from guest pro Daniel and some scien fic insight from
Dr. Heather in the Sports Lab, there is no stopping Chloe on
her way to stadium court.
#BTE099 $129: DVD
Dressage (Biomechanics)
Nykeem meets up with Tai-Lee and her horse pal Gerald to
explore the science behind dressage. Biomechanics is key.
#BTE100 $129: DVD
Table Tennis (Muscle Memory)
Brother and sister duo Antong and Anda are hoping to
sharpen their table tennis game with some help from guest
pro Jimmy. Nykeem and the kids get a chance to flex their
skills when Dr. Heather unpacks the science of muscle
#BTE101 $129: DVD
Trampoline (Hooke’s Law - elas city)
Young gymnast Nya jumps at the opportunity to learn more
about the science of trampoline. Learning about Hooke’s
Law has her ready to spring into ac on.
#BTE102 $129: DVD
Breakdancing (Centripetal Force - mo on in a curved path)
Logan discovers that centripetal force has a lot to do with
some of his wild moves.
#BTE103 $129: DVD
Curling (Fric on)
Emily wants to improve her curling game. She learns that
fric on can be a friend out on the ice.
#BTE082 $129: DVD
Volleyball (Newton’s Laws of Mo on - iner a, accelera on,
ac on/reac on)
Guest pro Kira joins host Nykeem and up-and-coming
powerhouse Megan to dig into the science of the float
serve. Dr. Heather sheds some light on Isaac Newton’s Laws
of Mo on and the team serves it up on the court.
#BTE105 $129: DVD
Hockey (Elas c Collisions)
Host Nykeem assists young Chase in an ac on-packed day
on the ice. The gang learns about the science of the slap
shot when Dr. Heather briefs them on elas c collisions.
#BTE106 $129: DVD
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
History of Life Series: A Study of Evolu on Series
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2013 CC 45-50 min each Film Ideas
Explore the history of life from its humble beginnings as single-celled
organisms, to its great blossoming and prolifera on, which took place
over the course of eons. With the help of state of the art computer
graphics and excellent cinematography, the world’s foremost
paleontologists and biologists help unravel the greatest mysteries of
SERIES PRICE: $975 (Series Product #FI0013)
Individual tles: $195
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $195 per
individual tle
Plants: Earth’s Quiet Rulers
Plants, the oldest form of life on earth hold many mysteries. While
plants are o en thought of as passive, we will see how many
species have adopted aggressive strategies that have allowed for
their survival. It is these “quiet rulers” of earth that are not only the
founda on of the global ecology, but also the spring from which all
life flows.
#FI0014 $195: DVD
The Story of the Feather
Feathers play an important role in evolu on. Originally providing
insula on they eventually led to flight. In The Story of the Feather
we chronicle how the fossil discovery of the Chinese rep lian wing,
a four-winged dinosaur with primi ve wings, has provided evidence
that dinosaurs gradually evolved winged feathers, ul mately
becoming the birds that we are familiar with today.
#FI0015 $195: DVD
The Landing
Life, which first inhabited the seas and then land, is an amazing story.
Through inves ga on of ancient trailblazers such as Tiktaalik, we
learn the gradual process by which lungs and legs evolved, and how
the creatures of the seas eventually conquered the land. Reverse
evolu on, from land to sea, is also presented.
#FI0016 $195: DVD
Ma ng – The Search for the Other Half
One of the most profound mysteries in the world, love between
males and females, is explored. What was the evolu onary impetus
which gave rise to love? Through an experiment involving the
chlamydomonas, we recreate the fateful moment 25 billion years ago
when genders first appeared.
#FI0017 $195: DVD
The Ebola Plague: W5
Grades 10-Post-Sec 2014 CC 20 min CTV
W5 Correspondent Tom Kennedy tracks the
rapidly spreading and deadly Ebola virus in West
Africa, which has now infected thousands in
Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Nigeria, with
an es mated 50% death rate. With governments
and health agencies desperately seeking to stop
the epidemic, W5 looks at the work being done
by Canadians to fight the disease and inves gates
what would happen if the Ebola outbreak spreads
to Canada.
#CTV638 $129.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12:
Outbreak: Frontline
Grades 10-Post-Sec 2015 CC 60 min PBS
Award-winning journalist Dan Edge (The Wounded
Platoon) and his team spent four months in West
Africa tracing Ebola’s path, interweaving material
filmed inside the Ebola zone with the meline
of the world’s response to lay out the turning
points of how this tragedy might have been
avoided. Outbreak raises ques ons about whether
governments and global health organiza ons have
the capacity to respond at the right scale the next
me the world faces a major infec ous epidemic.
#041798 $79.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
Ex nc on – An End and a New Beginning
Mass ex nc ons have shaped and reshaped the landscape of life on
earth throughout its history. In this program we chronicle the history
of mass ex nc ons and their effect on evolu on. We learn that these
events not only destroy life, but also create the fer le ground from
which life can take root again.
#FI0018 $195: DVD
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Volcanic Odyssey Series
Cell Biology: Structure, Func on, and Processes
Grades 9-Post Sec 2014 CC 20 min each Films Media Group
They are the basic building blocks of life, but in reality there’s nothing
“basic” about cells - the complex, versa le units of ma er that make
up all life on Earth. In this four-part video series, rich anima on brings
the intricate inner workings of cells to life, while a congenial host
guides viewers through the essen als of cell biology.
SPECIAL SERIES PRICE: ONLY $687.80 - a saving of $40
Series Product #394525
Individual tles: $181.95 DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $181.95 per tle
Titles include:
Cell Structure and Func on
This program explores the basic structure of both animal and plant
cells and the specific func ons that different cell components serve.
#394521 $181.95: DVD
Cell Metabolism and Respira on
All living organisms need energy to perform day-to-day tasks. Using
straigh orward, vibrant anima on to anchor otherwise complex
ideas, this program shows how that energy is created through the
metabolic processes of catabolism, aerobic cellular respira on, and
#394522 $181.95: DVD
Cell Division and Growth
The cell cycle is a series of developmental and growth events that
chart the normal life of a cell. This program uses easy-to-follow
anima on to illustrate the growth phases of the cell cycle and the
processes of mitosis and cytokinesis that follow.
#394523 $181.95: DVD
Stem Cells and Cellular Differen a on
That a ny collec on of cells can divide, mul ply, and transform into
the proper combina on of lung cells, brain cells, bone, muscle, and
more—eventually becoming a fully formed human being—is o en
referred to as the miracle of life. But at the cellular level, this is the
story of stem cells, cellular differen a on, and gene expression. This
program explores these topics.
#394524 $181.95 DVD
Grades 7-Post-Sec CC 30 min ea Blue Ant Media
Volcanologist Thomas Pfeiffer, together with his
team of local experts, cater to the adventurous
and volcano curious and take guests on exci ng
journeys around the world to the most erup ve
volcanoes. From the notorious and deadly
Krakatoa, to the remote and inhospitable heat
of the Danakill Depression of Ethiopia, Volcano
Discovery will follow Thomas and his crew as they
take viewers into world of beauty and awe of this
somewhat misunderstood spectacle.
Series Product #BAM098
Individual tles: $175 DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School K-12: $175 per individual tle
Crossing the Danakil
German volcanologist Tom Pfeiffer takes a group
of volcano climbers on an adventure across the
Danakil, and then on to the summit of the Erte Ale
volcano to see one of the world’s few ac ve lava
#BAM099 $175: DVD
The Child of Fire
When Tom Pfeiffer hears that Anak appears to
be going into a violent phase, he hops on a plane
to Indonesia to see if the Child of Fire is ready to
repeat the pa ern of its ancestor.
#BAM100 $175: DVD
The Gates of Hell
Tom Pfeffier and a group of volcano climbers head
to Mount Etna to see if they will get lucky to catch
a paroxysmal erup on.
#BAM101 $175: DVD
The Fires of Pelee
A sudden collapse of the crater floor and a
massive erup on drains Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano
of lava, making it possible to explore.
#BAM102 $175: DVD
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Archeology and Anthropology
Mass Ex nc on:
Life on the Brink
Grades 9-Adult 2015 CC
60 min PBS
Mass Ex nc on: Life at the
Brink joins scien sts around
the globe as they unravel the
mysteries of two of the most
drama c mass ex nc ons -the
“K/T Ex nc on” that wiped
out the dinosaurs, and “The
Great Dying,” which obliterated
nearly 90% of all Earth’s
#041782 $79.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
Nature: Owl Power
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 60 min PBS
Using the latest in camera technology, computer graphics,
x-rays and super-sensi ve microphones, we can take a brand
new look at owls in more detail than ever before. The real
stories behind how they hunt, how their vision and hearing
works, and how they fly so silently are influencing 21st
century technology and design.
#041780 $79.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
The Physics of Light
Grades 10-Post -Sec 2015 CC 300 min/2 discs PBS
This intriguing 6-part documentary series explores the
concepts of physics from familiar theories, such as Newton’s
Law of Gravity, to the latest in scien fic research, like string
theory and M-theory. By connec ng all of this research with
the medium of light, we can gain a deeper understanding
not only of our immediate reality, but of the unseen reali es
that are hidden beyond our percep on. Star ng with
Einstein’s Theory of Rela vity, Physics of Light explores the
true nature of light, peers inside the atom, and looks ahead
to the most cu ng edge theories in physics.
Episodes include:
Light and Time - The Special Theory of Rela vity
Light and Space - The Theory of General Rela vity
In Pursuit of Light
Light and Atoms
Light and Quantum Physics
Light and Strings
#041790 $79.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
First Peoples
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 300 mins/2 discs PBS
200,000 years ago we took our first steps in Africa. Today
there are 7 billion of us living across the planet. How did
our ancestors spread from con nent to con nent? This is
a global detec ve story, featuring the latest archaeological
discoveries and gene c research. On each con nent, we
track down the earliest members of our species, Homo
sapiens. Who were these First Peoples? What drove them to
the ends of the earth? Episodes include: Americans; Africa;
Asia; Australia; Europe.
#041795 $74.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
King of the Dinosaurs: W5
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 20 min CTV
Phil Currie has devoted much of his 65 years to digging up
dinosaur bones and studying them. By piecing together
clues buried for millions of years, Currie has helped to
uncover how birds and dinosaurs are related, and how
dinosaurs lived together in groups. He’s discovered dozens
of dinosaur species and named 25 of his finds. There have
been at least seven dinosaurs named in his honour; but
he’s so modest, he’s not quite sure of the precise number.
Currie’s research has led him to dig in sites around the
world, but much of his work has been carried out right here
in Canada. More specifically, in Alberta’s Dinosaur Provincial
Park, a place that Currie told W5 is one of the richest sites in
the world for dinosaur fossils.
#CTV649 $99.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $99.95
Language Ma ers with Bob Holman
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 120 min PBS
What do we lose when a language dies? What does it take
to save a language? Language Ma ers was filmed around
the world: on a remote island off the coast of Australia,
where 400 Aboriginal people speak 10 different languages,
all at risk; in Wales, where Welsh, once in danger, is today
making a comeback; and in Hawaii, where a group of
Hawaiian ac vists are figh ng to save their na ve tongue.
#041779 $74.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Walrus TV Series
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2012 CC approx 24 min each Blue Ant Media
Award-winning magazine, The Walrus, provides the inspira on for engaging and diverse stories. From new approaches to
mental healthcare to the historic roots of Canada’s na onal sport, host Laurie Brown shines a spotlight on current affairs.
SPECIAL SERIES PRICE: $975 (Series Product #BAM106)
Individual tles: $139 (2/3 programs per tle)
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $39 per individual tle
Episode 101 - Body Works (2 programs)
Episode 104 - I Am Canadian (3 programs)
AIDS: Life A er Death
Thirty years a er HIV/AIDS was first iden fied—a er it
decimated gay communi es across the country—a new
genera on comes of age in its long shadow.
I Am Canadian: The Meaning of Hockey
Our game is like no other. Nor is its history.
The Race Against Time
How far can we push ourselves? What happens when we
reach our extreme limit? What is the threshold of our
physical abili es? Exercise Physiologist Dr. Greg Wells and
Psychologist Dr. Kate Hays examine the role our brain plays
in endurance events.
#BAM106 $139: DVD
Reign Maker: The Governor General of Canada
David Johnston, Canada’s twenty-eighth Governor General,
is the government’s secret weapon in restoring the power of
the monarchy.
Manufacturing Taste: The (Un)natural History of Kra
The (un)natural history of Kra Dinner—a dish that has
shaped not only what we eat, but also who we are.
#BAM109 $139: DVD
Episode 102 - Ba les and Struggles (3 programs)
Episode 105 - Our Spaces (2 programs)
The War of 1812: The Time We Beat the Americans
A misunderstood moment, now 200 years old, defines us as
Canadians. A ci zens’ guide to the War of 1812.
Of Culture and Condos: The Garrison Mentality
Shortly before he died, the literary cri c Northrop Frye
foresaw an insidious cultural phenomenon: Canada’s
“condominium mentality”.
The War of 1812: Oh Canada! Remembering the Fallen
Remembering the Canadians lost in the Afghanistan war.
Robert Fowler: Prisoner of War
In December 2008, al Qaeda captured two Canadian
diplomats and their driver in Niger. Robert Fowler recalls
130 days trapped in the Sahara.
#BAM107 $139: DVD
The New Normal
Canada’s largest mental health facility, CAMH is undergoing
a mul million-dollar faceli that reflects a greater cultural
shi , the mainstreaming of mental illness.
#BAM110 $139: DVD
Episode 106 - Art of the City (3 programs)
Episode 103 - Diversity (2 programs)
Arrival of the Fi est
Canada’s crime rate is dropping as immigra on increases. Is
there a connec on?
Mosque Makeovers: Reimagining a Sacred Space
Many Canadians have a hard me nego a ng the
intersec on of modern culture with the tradi onal tenets of
their home culture and religion. Gender equality is one of
the most prevalent of these nego a ons.
#BAM108 $139: DVD
The Art of the City: Crea ng and Nourishing Urban Life
CBC Radio host and Toronto luminary Ma Galloway has
par cular love for the city he lives in. In this segment,
Galloway delves into the “art of inclusion” in the City of
The Art of History: Aritha van Herk
With a richness in oratory flare and an array of archival
imagery, author Aritha van Herk presents the art of history
as it relates to her beloved Calgary.
Ci es and the Art of the Narra ve: Lisa Moore
Acclaimed Canadian novelist Lisa Moore picks apart the
complex and forma ve role that her hometown of St.
John’s, Newfoundland has played in the story of her life.
#BAM111 $139: DVD
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Li le Math Whiz Series
Grades JK - 2 2013 CC 5-10 mins each Film Ideas
With the help of exci ng math fairy tales, children are
introduced to abstract mathema cal concepts such as
coun ng, categorizing, shapes and colors. Each program in
the series will familiarize students with a different aspect
of math by using familiar living environments as its theme.
At the end of each program a fun math song repeats and
reviews the contents of the fairy tale and its lesson.
SPECIAL SERIES PRICE: $952 (8 programs)
Series Product #FI0019
Individual tles: $119
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12:
$119 per individual tle
Titles include:
The Great Math Mystery:
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 60 mins
Astrophysicist Mario Livio, along with
a colourful cast of mathema cians,
physicists, and engineers, follow
math from Pythagoras to Einstein and
beyond, all leading to the ul mate
riddle: Is math an inven on or a
discovery? Humankind’s clever trick, or
the language of the universe? Join NOVA for a mathema cal
mystery tour--a provoca ve explora on of math’s
astonishing power across the centuries.
#041800 $79.99: DVD
Call for stremaing price.
1. What’s Going On? Pa erns & Sequence
#FI0020 $119: DVD
2. Utata Treasure Hunt: Problem Solving
#FI0021 $119: DVD
3. The Messy Store: Sor ng & Classifying
#FI0022 $119: DVD
4. Up, Up, Up! The Cable Car Goes Up!: Coun ng
#FI0023 $119: DVD
5. Choose One, Choose Them All: Iden fying Shapes &
#FI0024 $119: DVD
6. Hide & Seek Math: Adding & Subtrac ng
#FI0025 $119: DVD
7. Half & Half: Dividing & Measuring
#FI0026 $119: DVD
8. Gummy & Yummy’s Playground: Analyzing & Comparing
#FI0027 $119: DVD
Streaming Services
McIntyre Streaming Services offers an
easy to use hosted streaming pla orm
that takes the hassle (or headaches) out
of managing local streaming servers. We
have been providing hosted streaming to
Colleges, Universi es, School Boards and
Districts, Health Agencies and Government
ins tu ons for many years.
Don’t get ed up in aging and expensive
infrastructure! Let us host your content for
Our streaming service offers you many
different services to choose from. You can
pick the basic hos ng service that will
allow you to stream content 24/7 and is
mobile device friendly.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Enhance Math Skills and Higher Order Thinking Skills! Developed by Math Teachers and ClassroomTested! Use as a Review or Culminating Project! Great for At-Risk Students and those who suffer from
math anxiety! Includes Video Intros and Interviews; Hands-on Manipulatives, Step-by-Step Teacher’s
Resource Book; Student Investigation Book; and a Complete Case File.
Math Mystery Series: Crimes, Capers and Whodunits
Grades 5-8 2015 CC 11 min each/5 programs Human Rela ons Media
Winner of the Summer
2015 Academics’ Choice
Smart Media Award
SERIES PRICE: $445 - a saving of $50 (Series Product #600657)
Individual tles: $99
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $99 per individual tle
Math Mysteries: Crimes, Capers and Whodunits is a series of five interac ve
mysteries designed to integrate the math curricula with engaging mysteries
for students to unravel. Because each mystery incorporates a range of
appealing skills applica ons, it is ideal for review, skills recovery, and
enrichment purposes.
Let your students apply their math skills to real world problems as they solve
intriguing mysteries and whodunits. Super sleuths from the Pi Detec ve
Agency have gathered data and clues from unsolved cases. Your students will
need to si through wri en case files, dissect video interviews with possible
suspects, test theories and more as they apply their content knowledge to a variety of engaging mathema cal challenges.
The student ac vi es and the workbook help scaffold learners towards solving the crime, grabbing the reward, catching
the crook and finding the treasure!
The Treasure of Pirate’s Cove (Targeted Area: Geometry)
Captain Jack has buried a treasure on Bell Harbor Island. There’s a map (but what does it mean?) and other clues,
including a stolen sextant, shi y stories from old- me treasure hunters, and a talking parrot. Students need to apply their
geometry skills to bring this case to a close.
#600658 $99: DVD, Teacher’s Resource Guide, Student Inves ga on Workbook and Case File.
The Cookie Factory Mystery (Targeted Area: Ra os and Propor onal Rela onships)
Someone has sabotaged Charlene Strawberry’s secret cookie recipe and made the cookies taste like dog food! Students
need to understand ra os and propor onal rela onships to be able to solve this mystery.
#600659 $99: DVD, Teacher’s Resource Guide, Student Inves ga on Workbook and Case File.
Peterson’s Last Challenge (Targeted Area: Number System)
When Gabe Peterson died, he le videotaped instruc ons promising gobs of money to the first person to correctly
iden fy the name of Peterson’s favorite dog. Student sleuths need to unravel tricky clues using the number system if they
want a shot at his Peterson’s millions.
#600660 $99: DVD, Teacher’s Resource Guide, Student Inves ga on Workbook and Case File.
Lord Symington’s Castle (Targeted Area: Expressions and Equa ons)
Lord Symington hid a fortune in diamonds and gold somewhere in his huge castle. He le clues to the whereabouts of his
fortune in the form of mathema cal riddles. Students must apply their knowledge of expressions and equa ons to get
straight to the heart of the ma er and find the goods.
#600661 $99: DVD, Teacher’s Resource Guide, Student Inves ga on Workbook and Case File.
The Clown Capers (Targeted Area: Sta s cs and Probability)
Someone cleverly disguised as a clown has been covering the city in graffi and making a mess. Security cameras have
caught the culprit on video, but it’s awfully hard to make a posi ve ID of someone in a clown costume. To unravel the
clues and catch that clown, they need to u lize sta s cs and probability, plus their cri cal thinking skills.
#600662 $99: DVD, Teacher’s Resource Guide, Student Inves ga on Workbook and Case File.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Health & Guidance
Say No to Nega ve Peer Pressure
Grades 3-5 2015 CC 29 min Human Rela ons Media
This three-part series shows young students how and when to say, “No!” Viewers follow along with three narra ve
scenarios as the protagonist decides what to do and how he/she will resolve the problem by saying “No.” These trueto-life scenarios pertain to peer pressure, sibling trouble, and bullying. Hosts introduce each sec on and emphasize key
informa on. A er watching, students will be able to demonstrate various ways to say “no” in any appropriate scenario.
PART 1: When To Say No
In this introductory sec on, viewers learn the key phrase: If someone asks you to do something that makes you feel
uncomfortable or unsafe, you can say “No.” This phrase is demonstrated through three drama c scenarios that play
out through each part of the program. First, students meet Derek who catches his sister drinking in the garage with her
friend. Next, viewers meet Miguel whose friends try to coerce into doing a skateboard trick he isn’t comfortable with;
and lastly viewers meet Ariella who struggles with being a bully bystander. The program ends with hosts recapping the
stories and se ng up what viewers will see next in Part 2.
PART 2: How To Say No
In part two, viewers learn how the protagonists will say “no” in each scenario. Viewers also recognize the reasons why
it can be difficult to say no. Rejec on is when you’re worried someone will stop being your friend, reasoning is when
the person tries to convince you otherwise by giving excuses, bullying is when someone picks on you either physically or
verbally. Hosts demonstrate how young people can say “no” firmly and asser vely and by making “I” statements. Then,
viewers see the characters use these tac cs in the scenarios.
PART 3: A er You Say No
In this final sec on, viewers learn what to do a er you say no. In Miguel’s story, Miguel suggested another trick that he
felt comfortable trying in front of his friends. Similarly, Ariella made a sugges on to include everyone in the game of 4
square. Even when her suggest was rebuffed, Ariella stuck to her ins nct and walked away. Lastly, Derek followed through
with saying “no” to his sister by talking with an adult about the drinking. Telling an adult is an important part of saying no,
because adults can o en help. Hosts recap all of the key phrases, vocabulary and sum up the program for students, who
are now well-equipped to say “no” and mean it!
#600644 $189: includes DVD (3 parts), teacher’s resource book, student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
PREVIEW FREE at www.mcintyre.ca
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Health & Guidance
Highs, Lows, and In-Betweens of Puberty
Grades 4-6 2015 CC 20 min Human Rela ons Media
Puberty is a me of emo onal change as well as physical change. With the insight
of kids going through puberty, a psychologist, and a pediatrician, this program
helps students understand that their changing emo ons may be confusing and
intense, but are absolutely normal. Viewers examine the many elements of
emo onal growth in puberty: what causes mood swings; the role of hormones in
how you feel; the need for extra sleep; how new responsibili es can create stress
at home and at school; the impact of new friendships, including roman c crushes;
the quest for independence from parents; and the desire to fit in with peers. The kids and doctors talk about how kids in
puberty can learn to cope, communicate, and compromise to make a smooth transi on to young adulthood.
#600649 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book, student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
How to End Unhealthy Rela onships
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 CC 20 min Human Rela ons Media
This program offers teens insight on how to honestly assess the health of
rela onships, par cularly roman c rela onships and intense friendships, and
then presents concrete steps to help viewers end unhealthy rela onships. Teens
share their experiences covering a broad spectrum of unhealthy rela onships
from a once good friendship that has gone bad, to a roman c rela onship that
has become abusive. Social workers Amy Edelstein and Eri Kim offer insight
on how to end a rela onship safely and effec vely. The experts also present a
model for students to use to help evaluate their current rela onships and discuss what to do if a friend is in an unhealthy
rela onship.
#600648 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book, student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
s C: Causes, Symptoms, Preven on, Treatment
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 CC 20 min Human Rela ons Media
Hepa s C is on of the most common blood-borne infec ons in North America.
Many young people are pu ng themselves at risk for this poten ally fatal
disease, primarily as a result of intravenous drug use but also because of ta oos
performed by unlicensed ar sts, unprotected sex, and the sharing of razors and
tooth brushes. Students learn that there is no vaccine that can protect them
from the virus. The program describes how many people are not aware that
they are infected but are at risk for serious liver disease and cancer later in life. A
former intravenous drug user describes how she was infected and how a cousin died from the disease. The program details
measures to prevent being infected and urges those who have put themselves at risk get tested. A doctor emphasizes that
there is now a very effec ve treatment for the disease.
#600642 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book, student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
McIntyre Streaming Services offers an easy to use hosted streaming pla orm
that takes the hassle (or headaches) out of managing local streaming servers. We
have been providing hosted streaming to Colleges, Universi es, School Boards and
Districts, Health Agencies and Government ins tu ons for many years. See pages 4 &
5 for more informa on.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Health & Guidance
What is Sexual Assault, What is Consent? Series (3 parts)
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 CC 3 x 13 min Human Rela ons Media
Part I: Three Survivors
Defines terminology including sexual assault, sexual violence, rape culture, and consent. Defines who is able and unable
to legally give consent. Gives sta s cs for who is at the greatest risk for sexual assault, who is likely to be a perpetrator of
sexual assault, and which groups of people underreport sexual assault. Hear stories of sexual assault as told by survivors.
Part II: Choices A er an Assault
Breaks down your op ons as a survivor of sexual assault, including medical interven on, forensic exams, filing a police
report, prosecu ng a perpetrator, seeking counseling and other services, vic m’s rights, and rights as a minor. Also
examines the best methods of suppor ng a friend or rela ve who has experienced sexual assault and how you might
help them a er an assault.
Part III: Preven on Techniques: Risk Reduc on & Bystander Interven on
This sec on examines two important methods for preven on of sexual assault and explains that sexual assault can never
be 100% preventable. Experts explain methods of risk reduc on such as going out in numbers, staying together, and
keeping tabs on friends. Guides students through a step-by-step explana on of bystander interven on techniques, in
which people work together to intervene before, during or a er an assault occurs.
#600650 $239.95: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book, student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $239.95
Benefits of Exercise
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 CC 20 min Human Rela ons Media
This program focuses on the posi ve effects of exercise for both physical
and emo onal health. An expert on exercise physiology discusses the
importance of different elements of fitness. Teenagers and young adults
share personal stories about how exercise helped them achieve and
maintain a healthy weight, build strength, develop endurance, improve
agility, boost self-confidence, and help them connect socially.
John Ratey, a professor of psychiatry, describes the growing evidence
that aerobic exercise remodels our brains, making us sharper mentally and providing protec on against mood disorders.
Teens describe how exercise helped them deal with depression, anxiety, and stress.
The program concludes with concrete sugges ons from the exercise physiology expert on establishing an exercise rou ne
that students can enjoy and s ck with.
#600645 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book, student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Health & Guidance
The Mind/Body Connec on:
How Your Emo ons Affect Your Health
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 CC 20 min Human Rela ons Media
In this program students learn how their emo onal health affects their physical
health and vice-versa. The program describes how many physical ailments have
a mental component and are precipitated by factors such as stress, anxiety,
and depression. Researchers and clinicians talk about how improvements in
psychological func oning can mi gate and even prevent the symptoms of many
Young people profiled in the program describe how mindfulness techniques such as medita on and yoga have helped them
deal with emo onal problems. They also talk about how physical exercise can help li mood, sharpen thinking, and ease
stress. One young woman describes how exercise helped her deal with depression. Viewers come away with the message
that emo onal health promotes physical health, and a healthy body leads to a healthier, happier mind.
#600646 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book, student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
Dead End Diets: Why Fad Diets Don’t Work
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 CC 20 min Human Rela ons Media
There are dozens of quick-fix diets from ea ng only grapefruit, to detox cleanses,
to chili pepper concoc ons, to ea ng the way some celebrity recommends
for instant weight loss. These fad diets do not work and may be harmful to a
teenager’s health. This program looks at the science of weight loss and die ng
and contrasts it with the billions of dollars spent by the fad diet industry to hook
you on one scheme or another. Katrina Schroeder, a nutri onist for adolescents,
explains how teens get fooled into thinking a fad diet is good, only to find out that
it has bad health consequences. She warns teens, “don’t get trapped by all the hype!” and gives ps for healthy food prep
and healthy ea ng habits.
#600647 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book, student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
Nutri on Starts Here: Smart Ea ng on a Budget
Grades 6-12 2015 CC 19 min LearningZoneXpress
Develop healthy ea ng habits that will last a life me and join Chef Marshall
O’Brien as he shares nutri ous food choices and healthy ea ng strategies in
Nutri on Starts Here: Smart Ea ng on a Budget. Chef Marshall demonstrates and
explains how cooking and ea ng healthy food can be both fun and delicious while
saving money. Short video segments include:
• Simple, Tasty Slow Cooker Meals 10:06
• Understanding Por on Sizes 3:42
• Label Reading 2:13
• Tasty Whole Grains 2:59
#430200 $99.95 DVD
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $99.95
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Health & Guidance
Food Safety: It’s In Your Hands
Grades 6-12 2015 CC 21 min LearningZoneXpress
Ever get sick from something you ate? An es mated 1 in 6 people
contract a foodborne illness each year, so what can you do to stay safe?
Discover the steps to keeping food safe from foodborne illness by joining
a chef in the kitchen along with a microbiologist to learn what you need
to know for clean and safe food storage and prepara on.
#430197 $99.95: DVD
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $99.95
The Trouble with Chicken: Frontline
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 60 min PBS
Every year, Salmonella causes more hospitaliza ons and deaths than
any other foodborne illness, with about one in four pieces of raw
chicken contaminated with Salmonella today. Why isn’t the U.S. food
safety system stopping the threat? Correspondent David E. Hoffman
inves gates how and why the standards and laws around Salmonella
have failed to keep up with the increasing danger posed by some strains
of the bacteria.
#041797 $79.99 DVD
Call for streaming price.
Feeding Hope: W5
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 20 min CTV
A ground-breaking experimental treatment undertaken by Toronto
doctors may be giving pa ents suffering from extreme forms of anorexia
nervosa their last chance to live a long and healthy life. The debilita ng
ea ng disorder causes pa ents to develop a distorted view of their own
bodies and become obsessed with being thin, typically drama cally
limi ng the amount of food they eat. The treatment, called deep brain
s mula on, or DBS, has been used to treat a number of other condi ons
but never before anorexia. The findings of this innova ve study are
being revealed as part of this CTV W5 documentary which chronicled the
treatment of two pa ents over the past 18 months. W5’s Dr. Marla Shapiro also inves gates the toll that anorexia
nervosa takes on pa ents and their families’ lives.
#CTV658 $99.95 DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School-K-12: $99.95
Sweet Revenge
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2014 CC 60 min PBS
For years we have been told that type 2 diabetes, liver and heart disease
are caused by ea ng too much—it’s all our fault. Dr. Robert H. Lus g
explains that the problem is the quality and not the quan ty of the food
we eat. The real culprit is processed food, loaded with added sugar and
stripped of its natural fiber and nutrients. Robert H. Lus g, MD, MSL is
a pediatric endocrinologist and author of the New York Times bestseller
Fat Chance – Bea ng the Odds against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity
and Disease. He is leading the groundswell to expose the high sugar
content in processed food, and the dangers and costs to our health.
#041783 $79.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Health & Guidance
Toxic Vapors: Teen inhalant Abuse Preven on
Edible Marijuana: Is It Safe?
Grades 5-10 2015 min CC Human Rela ons Media
This gripping program shares unforge able real stories
of teens figh ng their abuse of inhalants, as well as two
families who
lost children to
inhalant abuse.
One interview
segment involves
a police officer
whose son died
a er a brief
experiment with
inhalants. Another recounts a recovering user who learned
first-hand that huffing inhalants is not only perilous, but
can quickly lead to other types of drug abuse. In between
the real stories, a group of teens talk directly to viewers
addressing the addic ve nature of inhalants and clearly
outlining the damage these toxic chemicals cause to the
brain, heart and lungs.
#600663 $189: includes DVD (3 parts), teacher’s resource
book, student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 min CC Human Rela ons Media
While many teens may think that ea ng marijuana is an
okay way to get high, it is in fact dangerous, illegal and risky.
This program
helps teens
understand the
science of why
the THC in edible
marijuana causes
unpredictable and
dangerous highs.
edible marijuana produces a different response than
smoking it, so the risks of underes ma ng the potency of
eaten marijuana can lead to intoxica on, paranoia, high
anxiety and tolerance. The program stresses that teens
are more suscep ble than adults to brain damage from
marijuana use of any kind. There are no 100% accurate
uniform standards for THC content. As edibles become more
and more easily available, teens need to understand the
risks and dangers, including DUI.
#600654 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book,
student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
The Hookah Hoax
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 min CC Human Rela ons Media
Hookahs, also known as water pipes, are at least as popular
as cigare es among high school students. This fact-based
program refutes
the widely
believed myth
that hookahs are
a safe alterna ve
to cigare e
smoking. Using
graphics, the
program shows how in a rou ne hookah session smokers
typically inhale 100 mes the amount of smoke inhaled
smoking a cigare e. A leading scien st describes his
research that shows that smoke from a hookah contains
many of the same toxins found in cigare e smoke. Viewers
learn that shisha, the flavoured tobacco used in hookahs,
contains nico ne and is just as addic ve as other forms
of tobacco use. The program also debunks the myth that
herbal or tobacco-free shisha is a healthy alterna ve.
Students learn that it contains most of the disease-causing
toxins that are present in tobacco shisha.
#600655 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book,
student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
Top Ten Reasons Not to Drink Alcohol
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 min CC Human Rela ons Media
Teen viewers will be riveted by the facts and informa on
on this 10-point
countdown. Just
let the facts speak
for themselves to
understand the
impact of alcohol
on teen lives:
#10 Impaired
#9 Vision Impairment; #8 Memory Loss; #7 Long-Term
Brain Damage; #6 No Safe Amount for Teens; #5 Drinking to
Get Wasted; #4 Legal Issues; #3 Addic on; #2 DUI; and #1
Death. The countdown is support by the latest science and
data, with an extensive student/teacher resource book.
#600653 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book,
student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Health & Guidance
Caffeine Overdose: How Much Is Too Much?
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 min CC Human Rela ons Media
Many teens readily consume caffeinated drinks: coffee, tea, colas, energy
boosters, caffeinated sports drinks, and more. Many teens also use powdered
caffeine or energy shots to boost energy for all-nighters, performances,
compe ons, or exams. However, most teens do not know that caffeine is
a neuro-s mulant that can cause overdose poisoning or even death. This
program takes a look at the pros and cons of caffeine use and teaches viewers to
understand whether or not they are in the danger zone for caffeine overuse or
even dangerous overdose.
#600651 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book, student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
Toxic Life Cycle of A Cigare e
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 17 min CC Human Rela ons Media
Most people know that smoking is bad for your health, but what about the lesser
known effects of cigare e manufacturing, consump on and disposal? In this
program, students hear from teenage farm workers who describe being exposed
to harmful pes cides and nico ne poisoning. It details how around 600 chemical
addi ves are added to tobacco and that the purpose of many of these chemicals
is to make the experience of smoking more addic ve. A leading scien st describes
the hazards of secondhand smoke to nonsmokers and how they, too, are put
at risk for cancer and heart disease. Students also learn how cigare e smoke
can leave a toxic residue called third-hand smoke that coats furniture, carpets,
drapery and clothing and poses a lingering health risk long a er smoking has stopped. Finally they see how cigare e bu s
make up a large part of the world’s li er and that the poisonous chemicals remaining in this li er threaten wildlife and our
own health.
#600643 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book, student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
Grades 7-12 2014 20 min CC Human Rela ons Media
Pothead tells the fic onal story of Trevor, a teen becoming gradually addicted
to marijuana as his grades slip, his rela onships with his parents and friends
become strained, and his mo va on to do things other than smoking marijuana
As Trevor’s downward spiral plays out, the program weaves in interviews with
teens who were potheads, but managed to turn their lives around. Their stories
provide a thought-provoking counterpoint to Trevor’s story, underscoring the
message that addicted teens can change their lives for the be er.
#600640 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book, student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Health & Guidance
Whispers of Life
Grades 7-Post Sec 2013 11 mins Turbid Lake Pictures
“This film has tremendous value as a tool of educaƟon, awareness, and
prevenƟon related to suicide among LGBTQ youth. Whispers of Life should
be a resource in schools of all levels (i.e., elementary, high school, middle
school or junior high, and post-secondary), community seƫngs, and in healthrelated programs aimed to promote educaƟon about sexual and gender
diversity.” - Treena Orchard, Faculty of Health Sciences, Western University
In this magical story about the interdependence of imagina on and survival,
Tom, a gay teenager, is threatened by a bully’s homophobic words. As Tom
sits with angst on his park bench, a stranger named Charles suddenly appears
next to him. Charles strikes up a conversa on with Tom that forever alters the
course of his future and life.
Whispers of Life is inspired by the onslaught of publicized gay, teen suicides.
This short film works as an ar s c interven on to challenge the societal taboo
of suicide, the pervasive and damaging effects of an -gay bullying and the fact
that these issues are not discussed openly.
#TLP000 $129.95 DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $129.95
Growing Up Trans: Frontline
Grades 9-Post Sec 2015 CC 90 min PBS
Just a genera on ago, it was adults, not
kids, who changed genders. But today, many
children are transi oning, too - with new
medical op ons, and at younger and younger
ages. Growing Up Trans takes viewers on an
in mate and eye-opening journey inside this
new fron er - where it’s now possible for kids
who feel they were born in the wrong body to
never have to go through the puberty of their
biological sex.
Told from the perspec ve of parents, doctors,
and, most revealing of all, eight transgender
kids themselves, ranging in ages from 9 to 19, FRONTLINE takes a powerful look at this new genera on, exploring the
medical possibili es, struggles, and choices transgender kids and their families face today. With extraordinary access
to the gender program at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, filmmakers Miri Navasky and Karen
O’Connor examine the complicated and o en controversial treatments now available to gender non-conforming and
transgender kids, and explore the deeply personal emo onal issues many parents and families face.
#041805 $79.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Health & Guidance/Aging
Cyber-Seniors: Connec ng Genera ons
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2013 Best Part Produc ons
“Must-see.” - The Huffington Post
“Inspira onal...Downright funny!” - Film Journal
A humorous and heartwarming documentary feature, which chronicles the
extraordinary journey of a group of colourful senior ci zens, as they discover
the world of the Internet, through the guidance of teenage mentors. Their
explora on of cyber-space is catapulted to another level when 89 year-old
Shura decides to create a YouTube cooking video. A spirited video compe on
for the most “views” evolves as the cyber-seniors’ hidden talents and
compe ve spirits are revealed. CYBER-SENIORS provides insight into the
wonderful things that can happen when genera on gaps are bridged, proving
you are never too old to get ‘connected’.
#BPP000 $169.95 (2-disc educa onal collec on)
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $169.95
Caring for Mom & Dad
Abusive Care: W5
Grades 11-Post-Sec 2015 CC 40 min CTV
Over the course of a one year inves ga on, W5 uncovered
at least 1,500 cases of staff-to-resident abuse and
neglect in nursing homes across Canada. Behind the sad
sta s cs are the stories that become sadder when they’re
inves gated and the details become known. W5 takes a
look at the epidemic of abuse at homes meant to care for
the elderly and how front-line workers walk away without
repercussions. Ill treatment o en goes underreported and
abusive workers are protected by secrecy and a lack of
regula on.
#CTV660 $129.95 DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School-K-12: $129.95
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 60 min PBS
Caring for Mom & Dad offers an in mate look at the issues
facing family caregivers who are out on the front lines,
struggling to balance work, families, and caring for their
parents. Families share their stories as the film examines the
physical, emo onal, and financial tradeoffs facing working
caregivers and their employers. The film also highlights
innova ve ideas and community-based programs that are
suppor ng family caregivers by asking, “How can we adapt
to this changing reality?”
#041802 $79.99 DVD
Call or streaming price.
Living with Alzheimer’s
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 18 min McIntyre Media Inc.
Alzheimer’s is a disease of the brain. The most common
form of demen a, Alzheimer’s disease affects men
and women of all races, religions and socio-economic
backgrounds. It is an irreversible, progressive and
degenera ve disease that destroys brain cells. It is the most
common form of demen a, accoun ng for 64 per cent of
all demen as in Canada. In this short program comprised of
startling sta s cs and interview footage from Canada AM,
we learn how Alzheimer’s impacts not only the person with
the disease but also their caregivers. We meet people with
Alzheimer’s who discuss their struggles and lives. As well,
singer Jann Arden, poli cian Olivia Chow and others discuss
their roles as caregivers. Medical experts and social workers
discuss what we know about the disease, who it impacts,
music therapy, and the importance of physical fitness.
#MCI078 $129.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School-K-12: $129.95
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Health & Guidance
Gordie’s Comeback: W5
Grades 11-Post-Sec 2015 CC 40 min CTV
It’s a ques on that has cap vated sports fans and scien sts.
Did a radical stem cell treatment help Gordie Howe recover
from a stroke that le him paralyzed on his right side and
almost ended his life last year? A W5 documentary crew
teamed up with a top Canadian scien st to find out - taking
cameras inside the San Diego company that made Gordie’s
stem cells and the Mexican clinic where he received
#CTV661 $129.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School-K-12: $129.95
Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies
A Ken Burns Special
Grades 11-Post-Sec 2015 CC 360 min/3 discs PBS
Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies, based on the Pulitzer
Prize-winning book by Siddhartha Mukherjee, tells the
complete story of cancer, from its first descrip on in an
ancient Egyp an scroll to the gleaming laboratories of
modern research ins tu ons. The film interweaves a
sweeping historical narra ve; with in mate stories about
contemporary pa ents; and an inves ga on into the latest
scien fic breakthroughs that may have brought us, at long
last, to the brink of las ng cures.
This program contains mature subject ma er which may not
be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discre on is advised.
#041789 $95.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
The Strep Connec on: W5
Grades 11-Post-Sec 2015 CC 20 min CTV
Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated
with Streptococcus, also known as PANDAS, is a condi on
that can occur within a child with a diagnosis of ADHD,
au sm, Asperger’s syndrome, obsessive compulsive
disorder, or c disorder (such as Toure es syndrome). W5’s
episode ‘The Strep Connec on’ inves gates links between
common infec ons and neurological disorders in children.
#CTV655 $99.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $99.95
Being Mortal: Frontline
Grades 11-Post-Sec 2015 CC 60 min PBS
Death is something we will all one day face. So why is it so
hard for doctors to talk with their pa ents about dying?
How can the medical profession be er help people navigate
the final chapters of their lives with confidence, direc on,
and purpose? Renowned surgeon and New Yorker writer
Atul Gawande explored those ques ons in his bestselling
book, Being Mortal. Now, Gawande teams with FRONTLINE
to bring his personal journey--and the stories of his pa ents
and their families--to life and challenges us all to reexamine
how we think about death and dying.
This film also explores the burgeoning art and science of
pallia ve care and the ways in which having a conversa on
around the ques on “What are your priori es if your me is
limited?” can empower pa ents to live their lives fully.
#041788 $79.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
Howie’s Horrors: W5
Inside the Complicated Mind of Howie Mandel
Grades 11-Post-Sec 2015 CC 20 min CTV
He can find humour in anything, but Howie Mandel’s
comedy is also a window into his ba le with Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder. He has also been diagnosed as an
adult with A en on Deficit Hyperac vity Disorder, the
reason he has always had enormous trouble si ng s ll for
very long - and the reason his early stage performances
were so manic. Both are treated now with medica on, but
Mandel has also had to develop an extraordinary discipline
in how he thinks to be able to make it through. W5’s Kevin
Newman sits down with Howie Mandel to discuss his family,
his future, his therapy and the death of a comedian friend.
#CTV652 $99.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $99.95
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Family Studies & Home Economics/Parenting
It’s All About Me
Grades 9-Post Sec 2012 99 min Blue Ant Media
WINNER – BEST DOCUMENTARY - The Daring Independent
Film FesƟval 2013
Genera ons X, Y and Z have grown increasingly selfabsorbed from over four decades of nurturing and
educa on based upon boos ng self-esteem. It’s All About
Me reveals the consequences of a society driven by instant
gra fica on, a “Me, Me, Me” mentality and how younger
genera ons can succeed in the “real world.”
The provoca ve and inquisi ve assessments of this
documentary will look at the different genera ons, including
their history, cultural iden ty, traits and trends, and voice
the fallout on how we arrived here. We will evaluate the
Boomer legacy, for educators, parents, employers and the
society in general. It will reveal what the future risks are,
weigh the costs and benefits of radical individualism, and
seek what opportuni es exist for Gen ME to succeed in
today’s world. How do Baby Boomers reconcile their topdown management style with the collabora ve ins ncts of
the younger genera ons? How can they harness the energy
and drive of Gen ME?
#BAM112 $150: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $150
Building Strong Families
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC
52 min LearningZoneXpress
Encourage and engage parents
and children to create las ng
bonds to build stronger families.
Join paren ng experts Michelle
and David Neujahr and their
grown children as they share
their tools and ideas for helping
to build steadfast family es that
last a life me. The Neujahrs share
their experiences and explain
that taking me to think about
who you are as a family, what you believe, and what’s most
important will help your family grow and stay strong for the
long haul. Short video segments include:
• Vision (10:31)
• Define Your Family (7:00)
• Be Posi ve (8:32)
• Establish Rules (8:35)
• Spend Time Together (9:18)
• Support One Another (8:22)
#430202 $89.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $89.95
The Spanking Debate:
Hands On or Hands Off
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC
17 min Learning Seed
Does spanking work? What does it
teach? One parent contends “If it’s
good enough for my dad, it’s good
enough for me.” Another ardently
opposes spanking, believing “If
we don’t spank dogs to train
them, why do we spank our
children?” A child development
specialist explores the psychology
of spanking and suggests other discipline strategies such as
redirec on, natural and logical outcomes, demonstra ons,
and me out.
#200337 $129.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $129.95
A achment Theory
Grades 10-Post-Sec 2013 CC 26 min Films Media Group
An excellent resource for courses in both academic and
applied psychology, this comprehensive program explores
several models of a achment behavior as well as current
and historical research methods in the field. The video
focuses on John Bowlby’s “44 juvenile thieves” study
and the effects of separa on, pa erns of a achment,
behaviorism, nurturance and security, and insecure-resistant
and insecure- avoidant children. The skin-to-skin hypothesis,
operant condi oning, and social learning theory are also
discussed, along with the work of Maccoby, Konrad Lorenz,
Harry Harlow, and Mary Ainsworth.
#394626 $181.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $181.95
Aggression: Is Violence Learned
Grades 10-Post-Sec 2013 CC 23 min Films Media Group
Do children who watch violent TV shows become violent
themselves, or is anyone from any background capable of
murder? This program explores two theories of extreme
aggression: that it is learned from media and other elements
of one’s social environment, and that it can be induced by
the command of authority figures. Research into violence
is illustrated using Milgram’s conformity experiments,
Hannah Arendt’s ideas about “the banality of evil” in Nazi
concentra on camps, the Columbine shoo ngs, and the
tragic case of James Bulger, a toddler who was murdered in
1993 by two 10-year-olds from abusive households.
#394625 $181.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12: $181.95
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Business/Career/Social Media
Entrepreneurship: Be Your Own Boss
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 20 min
It is said that entrepreneurs are ordinary people who
achieve extraordinary things. How do entrepreneurs
succeed in following their dreams, while making them
profitable? Discover the struggles and successes of
four different business owners in Entrepreneurship:
Be Your Own Boss. Featuring interviews of a baker,
videographer, children’s clothing designer, and
president of a charitable running event company, the
entrepreneurs share their experiences running their
own businesses. #430199 $69.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12:
How They Did It:
Pathways to Amazing Jobs
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 CC 20 mins
Human Rela ons Media
Viewers meet four young, enthusias c professionals
who talk about their careers and the choices they
made leading to their current jobs. Students hear
from Chrissy Rutherford, a fashion editor for Harper’s
Bazaar digital magazine; Gene Back, a musician and
composer; Ted Shuey, a bond trader; and Dr. Sasha
Gaglani, a pediatrician. Each person interviewed
describes what their talents and interests were as high
school students, how they chose their colleges and the
pivotal choices they made to end up where they are
#600656 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book,
student handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12:
Nurturing Leadership
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 35 min
Films Media Group
Are leaders born, or made? This video shows that
while certain personality traits may influence
leadership abili es, there are also leadership quali es
that can be learned and nurtured. Business leaders,
poli cians, coaches and others share their percep ons
of what it takes to be a leader, rela ng to viewers that
observing certain principles and adop ng admirable
behaviours can help develop leadership a ributes.
#394690 $181.95: DVD
Streaming Price (3 year term): Single School - K-12:
Ten Ways to Stay Safe on the Internet
Grades 7-Post-Sec 2015 min CC Human Rela ons Media
Digitally smart teens need to understand and avoid the
consequences of pu ng very private personal informa on
and photos onto social networking sites, email, chat rooms,
blogs, and websites. This program encourages teens to consider
their posts before they click, protect their passwords, regularly
monitor their online profiles and privacy se ngs, check tags in
pos ngs from others, and more. Teens are encouraged to be
aware of tracking technologies abuses, the dangers of tex ng
and driving, anonymous (not!) apps, social network pla orms,
sex ng, cyber bullying, and safe surfing and downloading
prac ces.
#600652 $189: includes DVD, teacher’s resource book, student
handouts with pre/post tests in digital format.
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $189
Social Media Manners:
Polite Behavior in the Social
Media World
Grades 6-12 2015 CC 19 min
Social media is a whole new universe
when it comes to manners and
e que e. Manners used to be
something that happened in person,
but today we conduct many of
our rela onships online and the
rules and courtesies can be a li le
unclear. Social Media Manners: Polite
Behaviour in the Social Media World addresses the general
manners guidelines for cell phone use, text messaging, email,
and social media websites and apps like Facebook or Twi er.
#430201 $99.95 DVD
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $99.95
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Communication Skills/Manners
Digital Communica on Skills: Dos and Don’ts
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 29 min Films Media Group
From tex ng to email to video calls, digital technology has transformed
how we communicate with each other. But in formal situa ons like at
work or in school, which forms of communica ons are appropriate, and
when? Viewers of this video, especially digital na ves, may be surprised
to discover that communica ng isn’t just about sharing informa on - it’s
crea ng it - and that the ways in which emails, texts or voice messages
are composed and conveyed may make the difference in impressing or
disappoin ng an employer or co-worker. Even for late adopters of digital
technology, this video has important points on what you should do—and
what you don’t want to do - when it comes to email, tex ng, videoconferencing and using the phone for business calls or voice mail.
#394614 $149.95: DVD
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $149.95
Internet Research: What’s Credible?
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 29 min Films Media Group
On the Internet, it’s incredibly easy, and fast, to research a topic with a few
simple keystrokes. But it’s also incredibly easy to end up with unreliable
and non - credible informa on that makes your research efforts fruitless.
With an overwhelming abundance of op ons a er doing an Internet
search, how can you tell which results are reliable? In this video, viewers
will learn strategies for narrowing down results and honing in on credible
sources of informa on online. Experts such as college professors and
media librarians offer advice, while students share their own experiences.
A special sec on on one of today’s most popular research sites - Wikipedia - inves gates whether it’s trustworthy or not for
academic or professional use.
#394615 $181.95: DVD
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $181.95
Manners Boot Camp:
Professional Courtesy
Grades 6-12 2015 CC 18 min LearningZoneXpress
Having good manners will help you stand out from the crowd
and knowing how to act with professional courtesy can
help you land a job and succeed once you have your foot
in the door. Join Sasha and Sean in Manners Boot Camp:
Professional Courtesy as they work to get their e que e in
shape for the professional world of work.
#430198 $99.95: DVD
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $99.95
PREVIEW FREE at www.mcintyre.ca
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Barriers to Communica on and How to Overcome Them
Grades 9-Pos-Sec 2015 CC 35 min Films Media Group
A closed door, an exasperated expression, a noisy worksta on, a cultural misunderstanding - all of these are examples of
“noise,” a general term for anything that gets in the way of effec ve communica on. The key to overcoming communica on
barriers is to be able to iden fy and understand them. This program explains the various types of noise and details specific
examples of physical, organiza onal, emo onal, nonverbal, cultural, language-related or wri en barriers. Through expert
interviews and crea ve vigne es, the video offers solu ons to overcoming these common communica on barriers.
#394613 $181.95: DVD
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $181.95
Language Ma ers with Bob Holman
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 120 min PBS
There are more than 6,000 languages in the world. We lose
one every two weeks; hundreds will be lost within the next
genera on. Follow poet Bob Holman as he travels to a remote
island off the coast of Australia to visit with aboriginal people
who speak ten different languages, then follow him to Wales where Welsh is making a comeback, and on to Hawaii, where
Hawaiians are figh ng to save their na ve tongue. This documentary asks: What do we lose when a language dies? What
does it take to save a language?
#041779 $79.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
Shakespeare Uncovered Series 2
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2014 CC 360 min/2 discs PBS
Behind every Shakespeare play is a story. Shakespeare Uncovered portrays the Bard
as an impresario who, four centuries ago, defined show business in his day-drawing
on historical sources, stealing and adap ng ideas, bringing back popular characters,
wri ng prequels, and developing drama c ideas from the poli cs of the day.
In each episode, a major Shakespearean actor or director explores and reveals the
extraordinary world and works of William Shakespeare and the s ll-potent impact they
have today. The presenters have spent their lives with Shakespeare’s work and relate
not only to the stories of the plays themselves, but also how they came to be wri en,
how they have been performed, and how they have survived over 400 years.
Includes Six Films:
Taming of the Shrew, with Morgan Freeman
Romeo and Juliet, with Joseph Fiennes
Othello, with David Harewood
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, with Hugh Bonneville
Antony and Cleopatra, with Kim Ca rall
King Lear, with Christopher Plummer
#041781 $95.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
Also available: Shakespeare Uncovered Series 1
Hamlet – with David Tennant, Jude Law and Simon Russell Beale
Macbeth – with Ethan Hawke
Richard II – with Derek Jacobi, Ben Whishaw and Patrick Stewart
The Comedies: Twel h Night and As You Like It – with Joely Richardson and Vanessa Redgrave
The Histories Henry IV and Henry V – with Jeremy Irons
The Tempest – with Trevor Nunn and Helen Mirren
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Workplace Safety
Making Informed Decisions:
Workplace Safety for Young Workers
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 20 min McIntyre Media Inc.
Workplace experience is a much needed and rewarding situa on for students. With
the opportuni es that co-op placements, appren ceships, job shadows and internships
bring, students have even more chances to succeed with a compe ve edge. They
are given the opportunity to learn and show their ‘know-how’ in the real world. As a
result, the importance of preparing students to work safely, as required by the Ministry/
Department of Educa on, is greater than ever.
This new Canadian-produced program introduces students to the principles of
workplace safety and health. It is aimed at high school and post-secondary students as
a prepara on for the world of work and is par cularly relevant for those undertaking
some form of work experience. Produced in consulta on with various Canadian safety
consultants, students are given important, poten ally life-saving informa on on their
rights and responsibili es in the workplace.
Each and every worker in Canada has three rights-- the right to know, the right to par cipate, and the right to refuse
unsafe work. Every worker has responsibili es as well - the responsibility to work safely, to report hazards, and to use
or wear protec ve devices. These rights and responsibili es, along with important safety and hazard informa on, are
outlined in the program to help students make informed decisions, and learn to protect themselves and those around
them by working smart.
Includes informa on on WHMIS and GHS.
#MCI080 $175: DVD, PDF guide
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $175
Don’t Take the Fall: Working From Heights
Grades 9-Post-Sec 2015 CC 11 min McIntyre Media Inc.
Falls from heights and same-level falls can happen anywhere, at any me. Whether
falling from a roof, a ladder or a tree, falls result in a significant number of worker
injuries and deaths. These injuries and fatali es are preventable. Taking proper safety
precau ons encourages a safe work environment and protects workers from any
unnecessary injuries. It is important that all team members work together to follow
safety procedures.
In this new Canadian-produced video made in consulta on with health and safety
consultants, young workers learn the essen al steps to ensure a safe work environment.
They learn about pre-project safety checks, how to communicate poten ally hazardous
areas to a supervisor or team member, and the importance of using and wearing proper
safety equipment.
A special sec on shows a six-step guide to using a full body harness. Reinforcement of
a workers’ rights is also stressed. Workers have a right to refuse work that they reasonably believe is likely to endanger
themselves or another worker. Employers cannot take reprisal ac on against workers who have worked in compliance
with the law.
#MCI081 $135: DVD, PDF guide
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $135
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Twice Born: Stories from the Special Delivery Unit
Adult 2015 CC 180 min PBS
This three - part miniseries steps inside the groundbreaking medical
fron er of fetal surgery with an in mate look at The Special Delivery
Unit at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where a courageous
group of doctors and their pa ents take on the challenges of opera ons
done on babies s ll inside their mother’s wombs.
With exclusive access to this elite unit, the film captures rarely-seen,
real- me footage of fetal opera ons. Meet expec ng parents as they
face gut-wrenching decisions: should they take a leap of faith to repair birth defects with prenatal surgery, even if it means
they might lose their child? And, hear firsthand from the unusual team of doctors who have defied skep cs and chosen to
pursue this high-risk yet high-reward career path.
This program contains scenes of fetal surgery. Viewer discre on is advised.
#041791 $79.99: DVD
Call for streaming price.
Streaming Services
McIntyre Streaming Services offers an easy to use hosted streaming pla orm that takes the hassle (or
headaches) out of managing local streaming servers. We have been providing hosted streaming to
Colleges, Universi es, School Boards and Districts, Health Agencies and Government ins tu ons for
many years.
Don’t get ed up in aging and expensive infrastructure! Let us host your content for you.
Our streaming service offers you many different services to choose from. You can pick the basic hos ng
service that will allow you to stream content 24/7 and is mobile device friendly.
The basic service also includes the following features:
Your ins tu on logo at the top of the hos ng page.
Chapters (where available) with searchable descrip ons
Unique URLs per tle which can be integrated into your catalogue for easy access.
Metadata for cataloguing and the ability to export metadata by date range.
Administra on Portal to view usage stats.
Embed Code to easily integrate content in a Learning Management System.
We also offer addi onal services such as closed cap oning and transcript crea on.
McIntyre Streaming Services provides a stable environment for you to host videos and documents with
new features being added on a regular basis.
Call today for pricing.
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Teacher Education
Ge ng Into Grammar
Teacher Educa on - For Grades K-6 2015 CC 90 min Stenhouse Publishers
Lynne Dorfman and Diane Dougherty
Do your students sigh at the mere men on of the word grammar? Do you struggle
with how to make teaching grammar meaningful and las ng? In this video, you’ll
follow Lynne Dorfman and Diane Dougherty into second- and fi h-grade classrooms,
where they weave the teaching of grammar into literacy instruc on in a way that
engages students and increases their understanding of essen al language skills.
Unfolding over two days, the lessons focus on both nonfic on and fic on and show
you how to bring grammar into the teaching of these two founda onal genres. Watch
as Lynne and Diane employ mentor texts to model how to use preposi onal phrases
and when to start new paragraphs. You’ll see them conferring with student writers
as well as discussing the lessons with teachers Maribeth Batcho and Dan Monaghan.
Pair with Lynne and Diane’s book Grammar Ma ers for a complete PD program on K-6
grammar instruc on.
#000170 $269: DVD, PDF resource guide
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $269
Up and Running with the Daily 5
Teacher Educa on - For Grades 3-6 2014 CC 106 min Stenhouse Publishers
“It’s the first part of the year and they’re up and running faster than I have ever seen.”
— Joan Moser
Since its publica on, teachers throughout the world have made The Daily 5 one of
the most widely read books in educa on. Through this proven structure, teachers
experience for themselves the power of students gaining independence and
monitoring their own behaviors. Join Gail and Joan as they work with third- and fi hgrade teachers in two diverse Midwest classrooms where the Daily 5 has been in place
for several years. As the popularity of the Daily 5 has grown, more and more students
have developed experience with it; teachers now have to decide how best to build
upon students’ familiarity with the Daily 5 structure while addressing new content
and learning objec ves.
This program emphasizes the importance of star ng the 10 Steps to Independence at the beginning of each year,
highlights the 2 Sisters’ newest thinking and learning, differen ates the Daily 5 tasks and structure, models support
strategies with at-risk students, demonstrates brain-compa ble lessons, and introduces and builds the link to Math
Daily 3. Whether you are new to the Daily 5 or have been using it for many years, this program will be an invaluable
accompaniment to your prac ce.
#000168 $269: DVD, PDF resource guide
Streaming Rights (3 year term): Single School – K-12: $269
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
1913: Seeds of Conflict .............................................. 15
1960s ......................................................................... 14
1970s ......................................................................... 14
1980s ......................................................................... 14
1990s ......................................................................... 14
2000s .......................................................................... 14
Abusive Care: W5 ...................................................... 37
Aggression: Is Violence Learned ................................ 39
Air Pressure ............................................................... 21
All About Balance ...................................................... 21
All About Tom: W5 ..................................................... 15
America by the Numbers with Maria
Hinojosa ................................................................ 20
Art of the City ............................................................ 26
Atlan c Fron er.......................................................... 17
A achment Theory .................................................... 39
Auyui uq Na onal Park ............................................ 19
Baffin Island North ..................................................... 18
Barriers to Communica on and How
to Overcome Them ............................................... 42
Baseball ..................................................................... 22
Ba les and Struggles .................................................. 26
Beaufort Sea .............................................................. 18
Being Mortal ............................................................... 38
Benefits of Exercise ................................................... 31
Body Works ................................................................ 26
Breakdancing ............................................................. 22
Building Strong Families ............................................ 39
Caffeine Overdose: How Much Is Too
Much? ................................................................... 35
Canada Over the Edge, Season 3 ................................ 17
Canada Over The Edge, Season 4 .............................. 18
Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies ........................ 38
Caring for Mom & Dad .............................................. 37
Cell Biology: Structure, Func on, and Processes ....... 24
Cell Division and Growth ........................................... 24
Cell Metabolism and Respira on ............................... 24
Cell Structure and Func on ....................................... 24
Chemistry .................................................................. 21
Child of Fire, The ........................................................ 24
Choose One, Choose Them All: Iden fying Shapes
& Colors .................................................................. 27
Clown Capers, The ..................................................... 28
Con nental Divide ..................................................... 17
Cookie Factory Mystery, The ..................................... 28
Corona on Gulf ......................................................... 18
Cricket ........................................................................ 22
Crossing the Danakil .................................................. 24
Curling ....................................................................... 22
Cyber-Seniors: Connec ng Genera ons .................... 37
Day in the Life of a Lake, A ......................................... 16
Dead End Diets: Why Fad Diets Don’t Work .............. 32
Dempster Highway North .......................................... 18
Dempster Highway South .......................................... 18
Design By Decade Series ............................................ 14
Diary of Anne Frank, The ........................................... 13
Digital Communica on Skills: Dos and Don’ts ........... 41
Diversity...................................................................... 26
Don’t Take the Fall: Working From Heights ............... 43
Drag Racer ................................................................. 21
Dressage .................................................................... 22
Duck! ......................................................................... 16
Earth Rangers ............................................................ 16
Ebola Plague: W5, The ............................................... 23
Edible Marijuana: Is It Safe? ...................................... 34
Elas c Energy ............................................................. 21
Enchanted Forest, The ............................................... 16
Entrepreneurship: Be Your Own Boss ........................ 40
Escaping ISIS: Frontline .............................................. 15
Ex nc on – An End and a New
Beginning .............................................................. 23
Feeding Hope: W5 ..................................................... 33
Fires of Pelee, The ..................................................... 24
First Peoples .............................................................. 25
Food Safety: It’s In Your Hands .................................. 33
Foothills to the Badlands ........................................... 17
Fric on ...................................................................... 21
Gates of Hell, The ...................................................... 24
Ge ng Into Grammar ............................................... 45
Gone Fishin’ ............................................................... 16
Gordie’s Comeback: W5 ............................................ 38
Great Math Mystery: NOVA, The . .............................. 27
Green Acres ............................................................... 16
Green Trains and Ham ............................................... 16
Growing Up Trans: Frontline ...................................... 36
Gummy & Yummy’s Playground: Analyzing &
Comparing Shapes ................................................. 27
Gwaii Haanas Na onal Park ....................................... 19
Half & Half: Dividing & Measuring.............................. 27
Hepa s C .................................................................. 30
Here I Am: Camoflage................................................. 20
Hide & Seek Math....................................................... 27
High Arc c ................................................................. 18
Highs, Lows, and In-Betweens of Puberty ................. 30
History of Life Series ................................................... 23
Hockey ....................................................................... 22
Hookah Hoax, The ..................................................... 34
How They Did It: Pathways to Amazing Jobs ............. 40
How to End Unhealthy Rela onships ........................ 30
Howie’s Horrors: W5 .................................................. 38
Huron Boundary ........................................................ 17
I Am Canadian ........................................................... 26
I Can See It!: Convex & Concave Lenses ..................... 20
Interna onal Seaway ................................................. 17
Internet Research: What’s Credible? ......................... 41
Introduc on to First Na ons Culture &
Tradi ons .............................................................. 12
It’s All About Me ........................................................ 39
Italian Americans, The ............................................... 15
Kejimikujik Na onal Park ........................................... 19
King of the Dinosaurs: W5 ......................................... 25
Klansville U.S.A.: American Experience ..................... 15
Klondike Trail ............................................................. 18
Kootenay Border Region ............................................ 17
Lake Ontario .............................................................. 17
Landing, The .............................................................. 23
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Language Ma ers with Bob Holman ................... 25, 42
Libera on of Auschwitz, The ..................................... 12
Li le Math Whiz Series .............................................. 27
Li le Scien st Series, The .......................................... 20
Living with Alzheimer’s .............................................. 37
Lord Symington’s Castle ............................................. 28
Lower Canada ............................................................ 17
MacKenzie Delta ........................................................ 18
Magic Time Machine, The: Fossils ............................. 20
Magne c Levita on ................................................... 21
Making Informed Decisions: Workplace Safety
for Young Workers ................................................. 43
Malala: The Power of One Voice ............................... 13
Manitoba Lakes ......................................................... 17
Manners Boot Camp: Professional Courtesy ............. 41
Mass Ex nc on: Life on the Brink ............................. 25
Math Mystery Series .................................................. 28
Ma ng – The Search for the Other Half .................... 23
Messy Store, The: Sor ng & Classifying ..................... 27
Mind/Body Connec on ............................................. 32
Mingan Archipelago Na onal Park ............................ 19
Nahanni Na onal Park ............................................... 19
Nature: Owl Power .................................................... 25
Northwest Passage .................................................... 18
Northwest Territories Arc c Coast ............................ 18
Nurturing Leadership ................................................. 40
Nutri on Starts Here: Smart Ea ng on a Budget ....... 32
Ocean in the Prairie ................................................... 16
Ontario South ............................................................ 17
Our Magic Clothes: The Skin ...................................... 20
Our Spaces.................................................................. 26
Outbreak: Frontline .................................................... 23
Overview of Residen al Schools in Canada, An ......... 10
Pacific Fron er ........................................................... 17
Paper Airplane (Flight) ............................................... 21
Paradise Island ........................................................... 20
Park for All Seasons, A ................................................ 19
Pasta Bridge ............................................................... 21
Peterson’s Last Challenge .......................................... 28
Physics of Light, The .................................................. 25
Planet Echo ................................................................ 16
Plants: Earth’s Quiet Rulers ....................................... 23
Please Visit My Secret Garden: Leaves ....................... 20
Post-War Design ......................................................... 14
Pothead ..................................................................... 35
Power Brothers .......................................................... 16
Power of Electricity, The ............................................ 16
Pukaskwa Na onal Park ............................................ 19
Residen al Schools: Truth and Reconcilia on
in Canada .............................................................. 11
Rocket Car .................................................................. 21
Roo op Gardens ........................................................ 16
Sand Wars .................................................................. 20
Saskatchewan Prairie ................................................. 17
Save the World! The Game Show .............................. 16
Say No to Nega ve Peer Pressure ............................. 29
Science Max: Experiments at Large ........................... 21
Secret of Colors .......................................................... 20
Shakespeare Uncovered Series 2 ............................... 42
Shhh! It’s Earth Secret: Gravity ................................... 20
Simple Machines ....................................................... 21
Skateboarding ............................................................ 22
Soccer ........................................................................ 22
Social Media Manners: Polite Behavior in
the Social Media World ......................................... 40
Spanking Debate: Hands On or Hands Off,
The ........................................................................ 39
Sports Lab Series ....................................................... 22
St. Lawrence Islands Na onal Park ............................ 19
STAND: An Environmental
Documentary ........................................................ 20
States of Ma er ......................................................... 21
Stem Cells and Cellular Differen a on ...................... 24
Story of the Feather, The ........................................... 23
Strep Connec on: W5, The ....................................... 38
Superior Country ....................................................... 17
Sweet Revenge .......................................................... 33
Table Tennis ............................................................... 22
Ten Ways to Stay Safe on the Internet ....................... 40
Tennis ........................................................................ 22
The Clown Capers ...................................................... 24
Tinfoil Boat (Flota on) ............................................... 21
To Catch the Red Fox .................................................. 20
Top Ten Reasons Not to Drink Alcohol ....................... 34
Toxic Life Cycle of A Cigare e .................................... 35
Toxic Vapors: Teen inhalant Abuse
Preven on ............................................................. 34
Track & Field .............................................................. 22
Trampoline ................................................................. 22
Treasure of Pirate’s Cove, The ................................... 28
Trouble with Chicken: Frontline, The ......................... 33
Tuktut Nogait Na onal Park ...................................... 19
Twice Born: Stories from the Special
Delivery Unit ......................................................... 44
Up and Running with the Daily 5 ............................... 45
Up, Up, Up! The Cable Car Goes Up!: Coun ng ......... 27
Utata Treaure Hunt: Problem Solving ......................... 27
Volcanic Odyssey Series ............................................. 24
Volleyball ................................................................... 22
Walrus TV Series ........................................................ 26
Wapusk Na onal Park ............................................... 19
Waterton Lakes Na onal Park ................................... 19
Western Nunavut ...................................................... 18
What is Sexual Assault, What is Consent?
........... 31
What’s Going On? Pa erns and Sequences ............... 27
Where is the Air? ........................................................ 20
Whispers of Life ......................................................... 36
Who Ate the Fly?: Carnivorous Plants ....................... 20
Who Is the Janitor?: Scavengers & Decomposers ...... 20
Wildcare Birds ........................................................... 16
Will it Rain or Will It Snow?: Weather ........................ 20
Wood Buffalo Na onal Park ...................................... 19
Yoho Na onal Park .................................................... 19
Yukon Southern Fron er ............................................ 18
Yukon Western Fron er ............................................. 18
McIntyre Media Inc. tel: 800-565-3036 fax: 519-942-8489 email: [email protected] www.mcintyre.ca
Math Mysteries Series:
for Grades 5-8
Winner of the Summer
2015 Academics’ Choice
Smart Media Award
Math Mysteries: Crimes, Capers and Whodunits is a series
of five interac ve mysteries designed for your mathema c
curriculum with engaging mysteries for students to unravel.
Because each mystery incorporates a range of appealing
skills applica ons, it is ideal for review, skills recovery, and
enrichment purposes.
Let your students apply their math skills to real world
problems as they solve intriguing mysteries and whodunits.
Super sleuths from the Pi Detec ve
Agency have gathered data and clues from
unsolved cases. Your students will need
to si through wri en case files, dissect
video interviews with possible suspects,
test theories and more as they apply their
content knowledge to a variety of engaging
mathema cal challenges.
See page 24 for more informaƟon.
Over 200 NEW programs inside...
203 - 75 First St., Orangeville, ON L9W 5B6
tel: 800-565-3036
fax: 519-942-8489
email: [email protected]