Genealogy Material List 4-03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Genealogy Material List 4-03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Title B Author C Call No. D Vols E CTGS F Color 1753 History of Allegheny County, PA, Illustrations, Descriptive Scenery, Palatial Residences NO BARCODE 1810 Monroe County, Virginia, Census 1820 - 1830 - 1840 Monroe County, Ohio Federal Census G Bar Code Monroe County Chapter, OGS REF LH lt green REF LH 929.3 OHI ltgreen NO BARCODE 1820 Athens County, Ohio Census REF LH CENSUS, OHIO, ATH CO green 1794332 1820 Belmont County, Ohio Federal Census REF LH 929.377 X ltgreen NO BARCODE 1820 Ohio Federal Census Records Index REF LH 929.3 OHIO INDEX X ltgreen 1830 Athens County Ohio Census REF LH CENSUS, OHIO, ATH CO green REF LH 929.377 ltgreen 1830 Belmont County, Ohio Federal Census CTGS 1830 Ohio Federal Census Records Index REF LH 929.3 OHIO 1840 & 1850 Licking County, Ohio, Census Fallsbury Township REF LH 2 COPIES ltgreen 1840 Ohio Federal Census Records Index REF LH 929.3 OHIO ltgreen ltgreen v. 1- v. 2 1840 Tyler County, Virginia Census Douthat, James REF LH CENSUS,WV TYLER CO 1847 History of Washington County, Greene County, Pennsylvania Rupp, I. D. REF LH RUP 1850 Belmont County, Ohio Census REF LH 317.9 BEL ltgreen X lt green NO BARCODE ltgreen NO BARCODE 1850 Brooke County, West Virginia, United States Census Wayne, Audra Rickey REF LH BRO 1850 Charlotte County, Virginia Census Evans, transcribed Ref LH Va Charolette Co Va 1850 Hancock County, Virginia / West Virginia Census Olash, Freida B. REF LH VA WVA HANCOCK CO 1850 Jefferson County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1850 Mecklenburg County, Virginia Census Simmons Ref LH Va Mecklenburg Co Va X ltgreen 1850 Monroe County, Ohio Census Cochran, Wes REF LH 977.1 COC X ltgreen 1850 Monroe County, Ohio Federal Census Davis, Wilma S. REF LH 977.196 DAV X ltgreen 1850 Muskingum County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X vol 1-2 1794290 ltgreen ltgreen NO BARCODE X 1850 Ohio County, West Virginia Census REF LH X ltgreen 1850 Ohio Federal Census Records Index REF LH 929.3 OHIO X lt green 1850 Washington County, Ohio Census REF LH 929.3 COC 1850, 1860 & 1870 Wetzel County, (West) Virginia Census REF LH WET 1860 Belmont County, Ohio Census REF LH 317.9 BEL X ltgreen ltgreen NO BARCODE X ltgreen NO BARCODE X ltgreen NO BARCODE ltgreen ltgreen 1860 Hancock County, (West) Virginia Federal Census Waite, Janet & Ryan, Bonnie REF LH WVA HANCOCK CO X 1860 Jefferson County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1860 Licking County, Ohio Census Licking County Genealogical Society REF LH LIC 1860 Monroe County, Ohio Federal Census Monroe County Historical Society REF LH 929.3 OH MONROE 1860 Muskingum County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD 1860 Noble County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD 1860 Noble County, Ohio Census 1860 Ohio County, Census Johnson, Charles 1860 Washington County, Ohio Census v. 1 - v. 6 vol 1-2 NO BARCODE X REF LH NOBLE COUNTY X ltgreen REF LH CENSUS 1860 WVAv 1 & v 2 X ltgreen REF LH 929.3 COC X ltgreen 1553357 1869 Landowners Map of Monroe County, Ohio Kopp, Rita Bone REF LH OHIO MONROE CO. 1870 Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Census Index Precision Indexing REF LH X ltgreen NO BARCODE 1870 Armstrong County, Crawford County, Fayette County, Pennsylvania Census Index Precision Indexing REF LH X ltgreen NO BARCODE 1870 Beaver County, Bedford County, Butler County, Pennsylvania Census Index Precision Indexing REF LH X ltgreen NO BARCODE 1870 Belmont County, Ohio Census Index Local Patron REF LH 929.3 OHIO X ltgreen 1870 Green County, Lawrence County, Mercer County, Pennsylvania Census Index Precision Indexing REF LH X ltgreen NO BARCODE 1870 Hancock County, West Virginia Federal Census Waite, Janet REF LH WVA HANCOCK CO ltgreen NO BARCODE 1870 Jefferson County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD 1870 Monroe County, Ohio Census v. 1 - v. 2 vol 1-2 REF LH 929.3 COC NO BARCODE X X 1870 Muskingum County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD 1870 Noble County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X REF LH NOBLE COUNTY X 1870 Noble County, Ohio Census vol 1-2 ltgreen X ltgreen 1870 Ohio County, West Virginia Census, Vol 2 Johnson REF LH CENSUS W VA OHIO VOL CO2 ltgreen NO BARCODE 1870 Ohio County, West Virginia Census, Vol. 1 Johnson, Clarence REF LH CENSUS W.VA OHOVOL CO 1 X ltgreen NO BARCODE 1870 Somerset County and Venango County, Pennsylvania Census Index Precision Indexing Inc. REF LH X ltgreen 1870 Washington County and Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Census Index Precision Indexing REF LH ltgreen 1870 Washington County, Ohio Census REF LH 929.3 COC X ltgreen 1870 Wood County, West Virginia Census REF LH WVA WOOD CO X ltgreen Page 1 NO BARCODE 1316060 K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 B C 1880 Muskingum County, Noble County, Ottawa County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD 1880 Belmont County, Ohio, Census Index Local Patron REF LH 929.3 OHIO 1880 Carroll County, Ohio Census D E F G X v. 1 & v. 3 REF LH 929.377167 CEN X ltgreen X ltgreen v. 2 missing 1880 Carroll County, Ohio Federal Census Index Cumberland Trail Genealogical Society REF LH 929.377167 CEN ltgreen NO BARCODE 1880 Cherokee Nation Census Benge, Barbara REF LH CENSUS ltgreen NO BARCODE 1880 Jackson (part) and Jefferson County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD 1880 Monroe County, Ohio Federal Census Monroe County Chapter, OGS REF LH MONROE COUNTY 1880 Muskingum County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X ltgreen X 1880 Noble County, Ohio Census REF LH 977.195 NOB 1880 Ohio Federal Census Index REF LH 929.2 OHIO 1880 Washington County, Ohio Census REF LH 929.3 COC 1880 West Virginia Census REF LH 929.375 MAR 1880 West Virginia Census Volume 3 Corrections REF LH WV X ltgreen NO BARCODE REF LH OHIO JEFFERSON CO X ltgreen 1375967 1890 Ohio Federal Census Records Index - Civil War Veterans and Widows Only REF LH 929.3 OHIO X ltgreen 1895 Ohio County West Virginia Tax Book REF LH WV, Ohio Co Navy 1900 Belmont County Census Vol XI REF LH Census Belmont Co vol XI lt green 1750474 lt green NO BARCODE 1890 Jefferson County, Ohio - Veterans and Widows Census Indexed by JCGS v. 1 - v. 3 X ltgreen X ltgreen X ltgreen v. 1 - v.3, v. 7 & v. 12 ltgreen NO BARCODE 1900 Belmont County Census - Vol I Somerset and Wayne Townships Belmont County Chapter, OGS REF LH Belmont CO Census Vol I 1900 Belmont County Census - Vol II Warren Township Belmont County Chapter, OGS REF LH Belmont CO Census vol II lt green NO BARCODE 1900 Belmont County Census - Vol III Colerain Township Belmont County Chapter, OGS REF LH Belmont CO Census vol III lt green NO BARCODE 1900 Belmont County Census - Vol IV Mead and York Townships Belmont County Chapter, OGS REF LH Belmont CO Census Vol IV lt green NO BARCODE 1900 Belmont County Census - Vol V Washington and Smith Townships Belmont County Chapter, OGS REF LH Belmont CO Census Vol V x lt green NO BARCODE 1900 Belmont County Census - Vol VI Goshen & Kirkwood Townships Belmont County Chapter, OGS REF LH Belmont CO Census Vol VI x lt green NO BARCODE 1900 Belmont County Census - Vol VII Richland Township Including St Clairsville Belmont County Chapter, OGS REF LH Belmont CO Census vol VIII x lt green NO BARCODE 1900 Belmont County Census - Vol VIII Flushing and Wheeling Townships Belmont County Chapter, OGS REF LH Belmont CO Census vol VIII lt green NO BARCODE 1900 Belmont County, Ohio Census Index REF LH 929.3 OHIO v. 1 - v. 2 x x lt green x green NO BARCODE green NO BARCODE 1900 Federal Census of Monroe Co. OH - Vol 1 Center, Seneca, Summit, Wayne Townships Monroe Co Gen Ref LH Census 1900 Federal Census of Monroe Co. OH - Vol 2 Green, Jackson, Lee & Ohio Townships Monroe Co. Chapter of The OGS Ref LH Census Monroe Co vol2 1900 Federal Census of Monroe Co. OH - Vol 3 Benton, Bethel, Franklin, Perry & Washington Monroe County Chapter of OGS REF LH Census vol 3 x green NO BARCODE 1900 Federal Census of Monroe Co. OH - Vol 4 Adams Malaga, Salem, Sunsbury & Switzerland Monroe County Chapter of OGS REF LH Census vol4 x green NO BARCODE 1900 Jackson & Jefferson Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD x 1900 Jefferson & Knox Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD x ltgreen 1900 Jefferson County, Ohio, Federal Census Index Jefferson County Chapter, OGS REF LH 929.3 ROE X ltgreen 1900 Marshall County, West Virginia, Cameron District, Census Cochrane, Wes REF LH 929.375416 CEN X ltgreen 1900 Marshall County, West Virginia, Clay District, Census Cochrane, Wes REF LH 929.375416 CEN X ltgreen 1900 Muskingum County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1900 Noble & Ottawa Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X REF LH 977.195 NOB X 1900 Noble County, Ohio Census 1910 Geagua, Green & Guernsey Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1910 Guernsey & Hancock Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1910 Jefferson & Lawrence Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1910 Jefferson County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1910 Monongalia, Nichols & Ohio Counties, West Virginia Census Heritage Quest Ref Lh CD X 1910 Muskingum County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1910 Muskingum, Noble & Perry Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1910 Ohio County, West Virginia Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1920 Greene & Guernsey Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1920 Hardin, Harrison & Huron Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1920 Jackson & Jefferson Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1920 Jefferson County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1920 Morrow, Noble & Ottawa Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1920 Muskingum County, Ohio Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1920 Ohio & Tucker Counties, West Virginia Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1920 Putman, Wyoming & Ohio Counties, West Virginia Census Heritage Quest Ref LH CD X 1923 Atlas of the World and Gazetteer Funk & Wagnall REF LH 912.193 ATLAS X Page 2 ltgreen sm blue dot 1058407 K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 C D E Heritage Quest REF LH CD 1930 Belmont, Carroll & Auglaize Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest REF LH CD 1930 Green & Guernsy Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest REF LH CD X 1930 Guernsey & Hamilton Counties & Cincinnati, Ohio Census Heritage Quest REF LH CD X 1930 Hardin, Harrison & Henry Counties, Ohio census Heritage Quest REF LH CD X 1930 Huron & Jefferson Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest REF LH CD X 1930 Jefferson & Knox Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest REF LH CD X 1930 Monroe & Montgomery Counties & Dayton, Ohio Census Heritage Quest REF LH CD X 1930 Muskingum & Noble Counties, Ohio Census Heritage Quest REF LH CD X REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO X X 1967 Supplement to Belmont County History of Facts and Traditions Martins Ferry Area Historical Society n/a A Country Music Legend Doc Williams Looking Back Smik, Barbara D. REF LH WV OHIO CO. A Family of Soundex B-426 In America Blazer, John Allison Ref LH Blazer Family A Guide to IRISH Churches and Graveyards Mitchell, Brian REF LH Irish Mit A history of Middle New River Settlements and Contiguous Territory Johnsten, David E. REF LH 929.375 JOHNSTON A History of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston 1850-2000 F G X 1973 Yearbook Martins Ferry Area Historical Society NO BARCODE NO BARCODE Navy VOL 1&2 NO BARCODE x sm green star 1793540 1830730 REF LH WV, Ohio Co Navy NO BARCODE A Living History of Southeastern Ohio Lasley, Bob REF LH OHIO 977.104 HOM x gold 1808884 A Pictorial History Of Wheeling and Ohio River Steamboats Bowman, John REF LH WV OHIO CO. X Blue 1879257 A Study of the Origin of Place Names of Belmont County, Ohio With Some Early History Laughlin, Emma E. REF LH Ohio Belmont Lau orange 1750573 A to Zax A comprehensive dictionar for Genealogist & Historians Evans, Barbara Jean REF LH 929.1 Eva Abridged Compendum of American Genealogy Virkus, Fredrick A. REF LH 920 ARB Abstract of North Carolina Wills Grimes, J. Bryan Ref LH North Carolinia Abstracts from the Diary of the Reverend John Cuthbertson 1751-1790 Heckethorn, Paul Ref LH Pa forest green Abstracts of Deed Book 1 1779-1789 Ohio County (W)Va REF LH WV, Ohio Co Navy 1794811 Abstracts of Deed Book 2 1789-1794 Ohio County (W)Va REF LH WV, Ohio Co Navy 1794803 Abstracts of Deed Book 3 1789-1795 Ohio County (W) Va REF LH WV, Ohio Co Navy 1794829 WHITE 1683329 x v. 1 - v. 7 1591225 x x 1620834 NO BARCODE Abstracts of Early Kentucky Wills and Inventories King, Estelle Stewart REF LH KY Abstracts of Obituaries in the Western Christian Advocate 1834-1850 Waters, Margret R. REF LH 287 ABS Abstracts of Washington County Pennsylvania Willbooks 1-5 1776-1841 Closson, Bob & Mary - Compiled by REF LH Pa Washington Co forest green 1312945 Abstracts Of Wills And inventories, Fairfax County, Virginia 1742-1801 Adams, Brookfield, Cambridge, Center, Jackson, Knox, Madison, Millwood, Richland, Spencer, Valley, Washington, Westland, Wheeling and Wills Township King, J. Estelle Stewart REF LH FAIRFAX CO. VA. BLACK 1849607 141 142 Address Book for Germanic Genealogy 143 Affair At Captina Creek 144 AGLL--- no longer have 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 B 1930 Belmont County, Ohio Census Albrechts, Wehmans, and Unterzubers from Germany to America and Their Ancestors & Decendants 1667 1989 1825748 REF LH Ohio, Guernsey NO BARCODE Thode, Ernest REF LH Tho Guides Enoch, Harry G. REF LH Ohio gold Church of the Latter Day Saints REF LH lt green Kirkland, Margaret Louise REF LH 929.2 KIR Alexander - "Descendants of James Alexander 1706 - 1771 and Related Families" J Rogers lg orange star NO BARCODE 2 copies REF LH ALE NO BARCODE Allied - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY Along the Allegheny Garbarino, William REF LH 970.03 Gar X Along the Monongahela Garbarino, William REF LH 970.03 Gar X 1691892 Alt - " Descendancy Chart of Valentine Alt" Reeser, Nellie Wallace REF LH B ALT x NO BARCODE Alt - "Valentin Alt His Children and His Grandchildren Reeser, Nellie Wallace REF LH B ALT x Amazing Ohio Vonada, Damaine REF LH 977.1 VON America The Beautiful (London, Phillips, Scott & Mitchell families) London, J. Phillip REF LH LON American and British Genealogy & Heraldry Filby, P. William REF LH 929.01 FIL American Heritage Guide Historic Houses of America NO BARCODE 1691603 NO BARCODE gold REF LH 728.0973 Ame American Legacy, The Oglebay Story Flores, Isaac M. REF LH 929.2 FLO American Marriage Records before 1699 Clemens, William Ref LH 973.02 American Militia in the Frontier Wars 1790-1796 Clark, Murtie June Ref LH Wars American Naturalization Records 1790 - 1990 Newman, John J. REF LH American Population: Before The Federal Census of 1790 Greene, Evarts B. American Railroad Portrait Frizzi, Daniel L. American Vital Records from the Gentlemans's Magazine 1731-1868 Dobson, David REF LH 973.004 AME Ames - " Ira Ames' Journal 1824 - 1858" 1532146 yellow 1486483 REF LH CENSUS PRE 1790 LIGHT GREEN 1830003 REF LH Ohio Belmont Co orange REF LH AME Page 3 199129 navy NO BARCODE K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 B C D Amos - "Our Amos Family" Amos, Sara McFadden REF LH AMO Ancestor Charts of the Belmont County Chapter Ohio Genealogical Society Volume II Belmont County Chapter Ohio Genealogical Society REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO Ancestor Charts of the Belmont County Chapter, Ohio Geneological Society E F G NO BARCODE X orange REF LH 929.3 ANC Ancestor Charts of the Monroe County Chapter, Ohio Genealogical Society Romick, Karen REF LH 977.1 ANC X Ancestors and Decendants of Jan Lucken Hurd, Jill J Ref Lh Lucken X Ancestor's Red Book Eichholz, Alice REF LH Guide ANC X Ancestral Trails Herber, Mark REF LH GUIDES HER Ancestry Family Historians Address Book Smith, Juliana Szuchs REF LH Guides Szu Ancestry of Anthony Morris Johnson Johnson, Robert Leland REF LH 929.2 JOH v. 3 - v. 9 x Ancestry of Anthony Morris Johnson Johnson, Robert Leland REF LH 929.3 JOH VOL X J Rogers Ancestry of Anthony Morris Johnson Johnson, Robert Leland REF LH Family Johnson book/cd vol XII Ancestry of Anthony Morris Johnson Robert Leland Johnson REF LH Family Johnson XI X Ancestry of Jane Baldridge and Catherine McDonald Grove, Jean Rusk REF LH BALDRIDGE Ankrom - "Ankrom Genealogy USA 1659 - 1988" Ankrom, Donsel REF LH ANK Anne Arundel Gentry Newman Ref LH Maryland, Ann Arundel Applegarth Family Rothert, Kathy M. Yoker REF LH APP Archives Szucs, Loretto Dennis REF LH Guides Szu x Army Bratt... My Story Wurster, Dorothy Devine REF LH WURSTER X NO BARCODE lg/orange/star 558274 lg orange star 1726268 lg orange star 1347362 NO BARCODE 1512882 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE red NO BARCODE NO BARCODE lg orange star NO BARCODE Arnold - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" REF LH BRI Art and Advertising of Bloch Bros. Tobacco Co. REF LH WV OHIO CO. Navy 1819964 145007 NO BARCODE Arthur St Clair Wilson, Frazer E Rer LH Bio Ohio gold Arthur St. Clair, Rugged Ruler of the Old Northwest Wilson, Frazier E. REF LH BIO STC gold Athens Township Cemeteries REF LH Ohio, Harrison Co Atlantic Canada Research Punch, Terrance Ref LH 016 Atlas of Athens Co. Ohio Titus,Simmons & Titus REF LH Ohio, ATLAS Athens Atlas of Belmont County, Ohio, 1888 Atlas of German Migration and American 152935 sm purple REF LH 912.193 LAT Eldridge, Carrie X 1620743 Ref LH Ohio Noble Co Atlas of Ohio Collins, Charles W. REF LH 977.912 COL Atlas of the Appalachian Trails to the Ohio River Eldridge, Carrie REF LH 911 Atlas of the World and Gazetteer 1794142 orange REF LH 911 ELD Atlas of Noble County, Ohio 1876 1478951 X 1622699 REF LH 912.193 ATL Atlas of Westmoreland County, Pennnsylvania, 1867 Atlas of World History 1750508 REF LH Rand McNally X REF 911 Atlas RAN Ault Family History ltgreen sm blue dot REF LH AULT Aumam - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" 213367 NO BARCODE REF LH BRI NO BARCODE Awsome Almanac of Ohio Benson, Marjorie REF LH 977.1 BEN Backward Glances - Bridgeport Area Martins Ferry Area Historical Society REF LH 977.193 TAN Backward Glances - Martins Ferry Area Martins Ferry Area Historical Society REF LH 977.193 Tan Baker - "Baker Family also Yates & Gatts of Baker Station, Marshall County, West Virginia" Stanley, Clarice REF LH BAK X NO BARCODE Baker - "Descendants of Captain John Baker" Kramer, Valerie Jean REF LH BAK X NO BARCODE REF LH BAN` X Bane - "John Bane of Short Creek, Brooke County, (W)VA Barbados and Scotland Links 1627-1877 Dobson, David orange REF LH 977.1 BARKER Barnesville For Barnesville, Hanlons Illustrated Year Book of Barnesville The Watt Center for History & The Arts REF LH BELMONT CO Barton - "Mulvaney Linking Barton, McIlvain(e) and Kirker" Osthermis, Anthony McIlvain REF LH MUL Barton VFD Golden Anniversary x REF LH BRI Beaver County Farm Directory 1917 REF LH 630 NIN orange 1750383 orange 1777451 orange REF LH 289.6 TAB Beasley - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" 1746662 NO BARCODE Ref LH Belmont Co, Barton Taber, WIlliam P. NO BARCODE rose Star X REF LH Ohio Belmont Han Barnesville's 200 Years A Pictorial History gold orange REF LH England/ UK Dob Barker - "Joseph Barker Recollections of the First Settlement of Ohio" Be Gentle, Be Plain J Rogers X gold NO BARCODE Bedford County in the American Revolution Whisker, James B. REF LH 974.871 WHI Bellaire (Images of America) Bruno, Holly REF LH BELMONT CO orange 1792377 REF LH BELMONT CO orange NO BARCODE Bellaire Directory 1871-72 Bellaire, Barnesville, Bridgeport, Martins Ferry, St. Clairsville & Belmont Co. Directory1892-93 Mathews, J.H. Compilier REF LH BELMONT CO Belmont County Census for 1900 Johnson, Charles A Jr Ref LH Census Page 4 X book 1 orange 1672272 lt green NO BARCODE K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 B C D E F G Belmont County Census for 1900 Johnson, Charles A Jr Ref LH Census book 2 lt green NO BARCODE Belmont County Census for 1900 Johnson, Charles A Jr Ref LH Census book 3 lt green NO BARCODE Belmont County and the Civil War Michaels, C Richard "Mike" REF LH CIVIL WAR yellow NO BARCODE Belmont County Barnes of 1820 Guide McElfresh, Melvin Philip Ref LH McElfresh Belmont County Bible Records NO BARCODE REF LH NO BARCODE Belmont County Bicentennial 1801-2001 Times Leader Ref LH Belmont Co Ohio Belmont County Bicentennial 1801-2001 Pub of Times Leader REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO Belmont County Cemetery Histories copy 2 Ref LH Ohio, Belmont Co X orange 1510860 orange NO BARCODE orange NO BARCODE lt green NO BARCODE lt green NO BARCODE Belmont County Census for 1860 Johnson, Charles A. Jr Ref LH Census Belmont County Census for 1860 Johnson, Charles A. Jr Ref LH Census Belmont County Census for 1870 Johnson, Charles A. Jr Ref LH Census book 1 lt green NO BARCODE Belmont County Census for 1870 Johnson, Charles A. Jr Ref LH Census book 2 lt green NO BARCODE Belmont County Census for 1880 Johnson, Charles A. Jr Ref LH Census book 1 lt green NO BARCODE Belmont County Census for 1880 Johnson, Charles A. Jr Ref LH Census book 2 lt green NO BARCODE Belmont County Census for 1880 Johnson, Charles A. Jr Ref LH Census book 3 lt green NO BARCODE book 1 Belmont County History 1988 REF LH 977.193 BEL orange (2 copies) Belmont County History of Fact and Traditions 1971 supplement REF LH OHIO Belmont Co orange 1720618 Belmont County History of Fact and Traditions 1975 supplement REF LH OHIO Belmont Co orange 1720402 Belmont County History of Fact and Traditions 1979 supplement REF LH OHIO Belmont Co orange 1720501 Belmont County History of Fact and Traditions 1985 general index REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO orange 1720410 Belmont County History of Fact and Traditions 1985 supplement REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO orange 1720519 Belmont County History of Fact and Traditions 1987 supplement REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO orange 1720428 Belmont County History of Facts and Traditions REF LH OHIO Belmont co orange Belmont County History of Facts and Traditions Ref LH Ohio Belmont Co Belmont County History of Facts and Traditions 1969 supplement Belmont County History of Facts and Traditions 1991 Belmont County Extension Homemakers Belmont County History of Facts and Traditions 1993 REF LH OHIO Belmont Co orange REF LH 977.4 BEL 1991 orange REF LH Ohio Belmont Co Belmont County History of Facts and Traditions 1995 Belmont County Extension Homemakers REF LH 977.4 BEL 1995 Belmont County History of Facts and Traditions 1997 Belmont County Extension Homemakers REF LH 977.1 BEL 1997 Belmont County History of Facts and Traditions 1999 Belmont County Extension Homemakers REF LH 977.4 BEL 1999 1720600 NO BARCODE X orange 1720717 1720394 orange orange X orange Belmont County History of Facts and Traditions 2001 REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO. 2001 orange 1865215 Belmont County History of Facts and Traditions 2003 REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO. 2003 orange 1865223 Belmont County History of Facts and Traditions 2005 REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO. 2005 orange 1865314 Belmont County House Numbering Department REF LH Oh Belmont Co orange 1733769 REF LH BELMONT CO yellow NO BARCODE Belmont County Inscriptions Wegee Cemetery, Mead Township, Ohio REF LH OHIO BELMONT orange NO BARCODE Belmont County Marriages 1805, 1806, 1825 and Wills and Estates 1804 - 1989 REF LH Ohio Belmont orange NO BARCODE Belmont County, Ohio 1853 Business Directory REF LH BELMONT CO orange NO BARCODE Belmont County in World War I Belmont County, Ohio, Before 1830 Michael, C. Richard - Compiled by Ochsenbein, Irene M. X X REF LH 977.1 OCH orange Belmont County, Ohio, Marriages 1803 - 1849 REF LH 929.3 COC Belmont County, Ohio, Marriages 1850 - 1870 REF LH 929.3 COC Belmont County, Ohio, Marriages 1871 - 1890 REF LH 929.3 COC Belmont County, Ohio, Marriages 1891 - 1902 REF LH 929.3 COC Belmont County, Ohio, Marriages 1903 - 1910 REF LH 929.3 COC Belmont County, Ohio, Marriages 1911 - 1917 REF LH COC X orange X orange orange X orange orange orange Belmont County, Ohio, Plat Directory 1980 Engineering Dept. & Ohio State University Extension REF LH 912.377193 BEL 1980 X orange Belmont County, Ohio, Plat Directory 1997 Engineering Dept. & Ohio State University Extension REF LH 912.377193 BEL 1997 X orange Belmont County, Ohio, Plat Directory 2002 Engineering Dept. & Ohio State University Extension REF LH 912 BEL 2002 X orange Belmont County, Ohio, Plat Directory 2002 Engineering Dept. & Ohio State University Extension REF LH 912 BEL 2002 X orange 1901838 REF LH OHIO BELMONT X orange NO BARCODE Belmont Presbyterian Church / Cemitary at Key Ridge Benjamin Lundy and the Struggle for Negro Freedom Dillon, Merton Lynn REF LH B Lundy gold Bent, Zig Zag and Crooked Byers, Arley REF LH 977.1 BEN gold Ref LH WV Berekely navy Berkeley Journal Back Creek Valley Part III Bern Township Cemeteries Athens County, Ohio Shellman, Robert & Eurless REF LH CEMETERY OHIO ATHENS Bethany Years, The Story of Old Bethany Woolery, William K. REF LH 378 WOO Page 5 1901846 NO BARCODE no barcode navy K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 B Bethel - "Bethel Genealogy" C D REF LH BET Betler / Yoker Family Rothert, Kathy M. Yoker REF LH BET Beverly Cemetery, Washington Co, Ohio Washington Co Chapter of OGS Ref LH Ohio Washington Co Beyond the Rangeland Conflict Dagget, Dan REF LH 333.74 DAG E F no barcode 1495203 X Biographical Annals of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Ref LH Pa Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania Ref LH Pa Franklin Co vol II Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania Ref LH Pa Franklin Co vol I x for green NO BARCODE for green NO BARCODE for green NO BARCODE Biographical History of Greene County, Pennsylvania Bates, Samuel P. REF LH 920.0748 BAT Pa X for green Biographical History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Harris, Alex Ref LH Pa Lancaster Co X for green REF LH 977.167 BIO X Biographical Record of Carroll County, Ohio Biographical Sketch of the Honorable David A. Hollingsworth 1476732 REF LH B HOLLINGSWORTH Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution Sabine, Lorenzo REF LH 973.3 SAB Birth Book #1 Belmont County, Ohio 1867-1875 prepared by R. E. Harrington REF LH CD Birth Records 186-1879 Jefferson County, Ohio Roe, R. Compiled REF LH OHIO JEFFERSON CO Birth Records of Midwife Anna Teresie Zastudil, Bellaire, Ohio v. 1 & v. 2 X X REF LH OHIO Belmont Co Cumberland Trail Genealogical Society Ref LH Ohio Belmont Co Birthplace of the Northwest Territory, Marietta, Ohio Commissioners of Ohio REF LH 977.1 MAR Births, Marriages Deaths (1896-1897) Medina County Gazette, Medina, Ohio Kraynek, Sharon L.D. REF LH OHIO Medina Co Births, Marriages, and Deaths of Armstrong, Indiana and Westmoreland Co Pa 1852-1854 Mc Farland, K.T. J/ REF LH PA WASHINGTON CO Births, Marriages, and Deaths of Bedford and Somerset Counties Pa 1852-1854 Mc Farland, K.T. J/ Ref LH Bedford and Somerset Births, Marriages, Deaths (1886-1887) Medina County Gazette, Medina, Oh Kraynek, Sharon L.D. REF LH OHIO Medina Co Births, Marriages, Deaths (1892-1893) Medina County Gazette, Medina, Oh Kraynek, Sharon L.D. REF LH OHIO Medina Co Black and Mulatto Records Black Indian Genealogy Research Walton-Raji, Angela Y. REF LH Am Indian WAL Black Roots Burroughs, Tony REF LH Guide Bur Black Sheep and Kissing Cousins: How Our Family Stories Shape Us Stone, Elizabeth REF LH 306.85 STO Black Union Soldiers in the Civil War Hargrove, Hondon B. REF LH 973.7415 HAR NO BARCODE orange 1521628 x x NO BARCODE for gr NO BARCODE for gr NO BARCODE NO BARCODE NO BARCODE x REF LH 929.1 BLO 1375975 orange gold x Blockson, Charles Blaine Bridge Grand Opening Bel. Co vol 1 REF LH Black Genealogy yellow NO BARCODE Birth Records transcribed from the Bellaire Health Dep. Bellaire, Belmont,Oh Vol 1 1919-1920 no barcode Bronze X lg orange star X yellow REF CD Blockson, Charles L. REF LH 929.1 BLO X Blood Royal Tudor Roll Marquis of Ruvigny REF LH England/UK Ruv X rose star Blood, Tears, & Glory, How Ohioans Won the Civil War Bissland, James REF LH CIVIL WAR x yellow Boggs Familey Slack, Irene REF LH Boggs Family Bonnie Belmont Cockran, Judge John S. REF LH 818 COC Border Wars of The Upper Ohio Valley (1769-1794) Hintzen, William REF LH 973.04 HIN Bosley - "Bosley, Old Times Scrap Book of Family Genealogy" Bosley, Walt & Tom REF LH BOS Bounty and Donation Land Grants in British Colonial America Bockstruck, Lloyd Dewitt REF LH 929.373 BOC Boutell's Heraldly Boutell Charles REF LH 929.6 Bowman - "History of the Bowman Family" Bradford - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" Brand, Franklin Marion 1208275 NO BC CD 110 Bloch Genealogy Bradford - "Wade Family, Monongalia County, Virginia, Now West Virginia" G J ROGERS 1793425 NO BARCODE x orange (3 copies) v. 1 - v. 2 X 1709652 REF LH BOW X no barcode REF LH BRI X no barcode 236921 REF LH WAD no barcode Brief History of Clan McBain REF LH MCB no barcode Brill - "Brill, Cook Etc. Families" REF LH BRI Bristol Registers of Servants Sent to Foreign Plantations 1654-1686 British and German Deserter, Discharges, and Prisoners of War Who May HaveRemained in Canada and the United States, 1774-1783 part 1-2 Coldham, Peter Wilson Brook Cemetery Established 1875 Elliot REF LH England/ UK Col no barcode X rose star REF LH WAR SMI yellow REF LH WV Brooke Co navy Brooke County Personal Property Tax Records 1797-1851 REF LH VA WV Brooke Co Brooke County WV Deaths 1889-1896 & 1889-1905 REF LH WV Brooke Co x Navy Brooke County WV Marriages 1797-1874 REF LH VA WV Brooke Co X Navy 1683451 1794787 NO BARCODE Navy 1434905 Brooke County, Virginia / West Virginia, Licenses and Marriages 1797 - 1874 Sherman Renee Britt REF LH 975.41 SHE X Brown - "The Townson and Brown Family Tree" Brown, Darrell R. REF LH TOW X no barcode Brown County, Indiana, Historical and Biographical Goodspeed, Weston A. REF LH X no barcode Brown Family History Bruny - "Christian Bruny" REF LH BROWN Roth, Etta REF LH BRU Page 6 no barcode X no barcode K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 Buckeye Country B Hatcher, Harlan C D REF LH 977.1 HAT E J Rogers F orange Buckeye Country Magazine 1973 - 1976 REF LH orange Buckeye Country Magazine 1977 - 1981 REF LH orange Buckeye Country Magazine 1982 - 1990 REF LH Buckeye Hill Country, A Journal of Regional History University of Rio Grande REF LH 977.1 BUC Buckeye Hill, A Journal of Regional History Tribe, Ivan M. REF LH 977.1 BUC Bulletin Of The Historical Society OF Montgomery County, Pa. REF LH PA Bulletin Of The Historical Society OF Montgomery County, Pa. REF LH PA Bulletin of the Polish Geneological Society of America (1998) REF LH G copy also in circulation orange v. 3 vol 5 no1 forest green NO BARCODE forest green NO BARCODE no barcode Burial Records for Greenwood Cemetary, Bellaire, Ohio Rushman, Brenda REF LH 929.3 RUS orange Burials in the Upper Ten Mile Church Cemetery Dunn, Greg REF LH PA WASHINGTON CO for green NO BARCODE Caldwell REF LH CAL no barcode Caldwell - "James Caldwell" REF LH CAL no barcode Caldwell's Atlas of Harrison County, Ohio Caldwell, J.A. REF LH 912.771 CAL HARR Caldwell's Illustrated Historical Atlas of Washington County, PA 1876 REF LH CALDWELL CD X CD NO BARCODE x yellow NO BARCODE Caldwell's Illustrated Historical Centennial Atlas of Greene County, Pennsylvania Caldwell, J. A. REF LH 974.8 CAL Carlin's Wheeling Battery Fluharty, Linda REF LH Civil War Carmack's Guide to Copyright & Contracts Carmack, Sharon REF LH 929.1 Car Carmack's Guide to Copyright & Contracts White, Miles Jr. REF LH Quaker EAR Carpenter Genealogy, A Compilation of Data on John Carpenter ca 1736 - 1796 and descendants Sharp, Lyle C. REF LH 929.1 SHA X Carr - "Life and Confession of Thomas D. Carr" 1746704 lg flor red star 1746738 REF LH B CAR X 3 copies Catholic Journey Through Ohio Hamilton, Albert REF LH 282.977 HAM X a copy also in circulation Catholic Trails West. The Founding Catholic Families of Pennsylvania Adams, Edmund REF LH PA. V.1 green Cemeteries in Flushing Township, Ohio Moore, Richard V. REF LH 929.5 MOO gold Cemeteries of Belmont County, Ohio, Bk 3 twp Warren, Washington, York & Cem in other Co CTGS REF LH BELMONT CO vol 3 gold NO BARCODE Cemeteries of Belmont County, Ohio:BK 2 twp, Pul, Rich, Smith, Somerset, Union CTGS REF LH BELMONT CO vol 2 X gold NO BARCODE Cemeteries of Belmont County,Ohio: twp Colerain, Flushing, Goshen, Kirkwood,Mead, Pease CTGS Ref LH Belmont Co vol 1 x gold NO BARCODE Cemeteries of Grandview Twp, Washington County 1804917 Ref LH Oho Washington Co x 1495146 x 1316011 Cemeteries of Guernsey County, Ohio Madison Twp Vol 9 Tostenson, Kurt REFLH CEMETERY OH GUEVOL CO 9 Cemeteries of Guernsey County, Oxford Twp Vol 8 Harmon, Shirley A. REF LH CEMETERY OH GUER VOL CO 8 Cemeteries of Ohio County, West Virginia Dillon, Glenna A. REF LH WVA.OHIO CO. Cemetery Documentation Project Belmont County, Ohio Harmon, Shirley A. REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO Cemetery Inscriptions of Monroe County, Ohio: Salem Township and Malaga Township Romick, Karen REF LH Ohio Monroe Cty Cemetery Records of Lancaster County, Pa Vol I Harmon, Shirley A. Ref LH Pa Lancaster Co x fr green NO BARCODE Cemetery Records of Lancaster County, Pa Vol II Harmon, Shirley Ref LH Pa Lancaster Co x fr green NO BARCODE Cemetery Records of Lancaster County, Pa Vol III Harmon, Shirley A. Ref LH Pa Lancaster Co joan rogers fr green NO BARCODE Cemetery Records of Lancaster County, Pa Vol IV Harmon, Shirley A. Ref LH Pa Lancaster Co x fr green NO BARCODE Cemetery Records of Lancaster County, Pa Vol V Harmon, Shirley A. Ref LH Pa Lancaster Co X fr green NO BARCODE Cemetery Records of Lancaster County, Pa Vol VI Harmon, Shirley A. Ref LH Pa Lancaster Co x fr green NO BARCODE Census of the Blackfeet, Montana, 1897-1898 Bowen, Jeff Ref LH Am Indian Bow x Bronze NO BARCODE Centennial 1888-1988 St. Stanislaus Church REF LH 977.193 CEN x orange Centennial Celebration of the First Presbyterian Church 1798 - 1898, St. Clairsville, Ohio REF LH 285.1 STC orange Centennial Celebration of the First Presbyterian Church 1798-1898 Ref LH Ohio Belmont co orange Centennial Celebration of the United Presbyterian Church 1316003 NO BARCODE J ROGERS gold NO BARCODE REF LH orange Centennial History of Belmont County and Representative Citizens 1801 - 1901 McKelvey, Honorable A.T. REF LH 977.1 MCK Central Pennsylvania Marriages 1700-1896 Fisher, Charles REF LH PA Central Pennsylvania Marriages 1700-1896 Fisher, Charles A. REF LH Pa Fis Chaney - "Some Chaney Families, Southeastern Ohio" McCourt, Delma C. REF LH 929.2 MCC Charnock - "Charnock, Being a Pictorial Account of One Branch of Charnock Family in America Krmaer, Valerie Jean REF LH CHA Cherokee Connections Gormley Myra Vanderpool REF LH American Indian Gor Cherokee Roots Vol. 1 Eastern Blankenship, Bob REF LH Am Indian BLA Cherokee Roots Vol. 2 Western Blankenship, Bob REF LH Am Indian Bla Chickasaw by Blood Enrollment cards 1898-1914 Vol 1 Bowen, Jeff REF LH NATIVE AMERICANS BOW Chips, Shavings, Splinters Nalley, Hazel White REF LH 920 NEL Chronicles of Border Warfare Withers, Alexander REF LH WV WIT Page 7 NO BARCODE v. 1 - v. 2 no barcode no barcode orange X forest green 1776875 forest green 1733660 x no barcode bronze circle 1746621 Vol 1 Bronze 1117823 Vol 2 Bronze BROWN X 1117864 NO BARCODE no barcode navy 1793441 K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 B C D Cincinnati Mirror And Ladies' Parterre 1831-1833 Immel, Paul REF LH OHIO HAMILTON CO Cite Your Sources, A Manual For Documenting Family Histories and Genealogical Records Lackey, Richard S. REF LH Guides Lac Civil War Justice Alotta, Robert I. REF LH 973.741 ALO Civil War Letter of James Ewing Ramage Ramage REF LH Civil War Civil War Letters of James Ewing Ramage Ramage REF LH CIVIL WAR Civil War Mustering Volunteer Units 6th through 12th Cavalry Civil War Records of Frederick Kuenzi/Kinzy of Monroe County, Ohio F G lg orange star X 1117724 1347396 1347396 X MICRFILM NO BARCODE REF LH 929.3 KIN Civil War Soldiers of Ohio Co. WV. VA REF LH WV, Ohio Co Clan MacBean in North America Register REF LH MAC Clarion County And The Clarion River REF LH PA. CLARION CO. Green NO BARCODE REF LH PA. CLARION CO. Green NO BARCODE Clarion Pictoral History x NO BARCODE no barcode Clark Famiily of Belmont County Clark, Michael & Conley, Kim Sutway REF LH Clark Family Clay - "The William Clay Family" Crawford, William D. REF LH CLA Clements - "Descendants of Hans & Susanna Irwin Wiley" Wiley, James Ross REF LH WIL Coal Miner's Son Mattone, John G. REF LH B MATTONE Collected Cemetery Records from Dauphin County, Pennsylvania Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776 Collected by Schwalm, G. REF LH PA CAUPHIN CO Rupp, I. Daniel REF LH 929.374 RUP Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 - 1776 Rupp, Prof. I. Daniel REF LH 929.374 RUP Collins Scottish Clan and Family Encyclopedia Way, George REF LH 929.2 WAY Colonial Families of Delaware Vol I Wright, Edward REF LH Delaware vol I x red/navy NO BARCODE Colonial Families of Delaware Vol II Wright, Edward REF LH Delaware Vol II x red/navy NO BARCODE Colonial Families of Delaware Vol III Wright, Edward REF LH Delaware Vol III x red/navy NO BARCODE Colonial Families of Delaware Vol IV Wright, Edward REF LH Delaware Vol III red/navy NO BARCODE Colonial Families of Delaware Vol V Wright, Edward REF LH Delaware Vol V red/navy NO BARCODE Colonial Families of the United States of America Vol I Mackenzie, George REF LH 929 Mac vol 1 Colonial Families of the United States of America Vol II Mackenzie, George REF LH 929 Mac vol 2 Colonial Families of the United States of America Vol IV Mackenzie, George REF LH 929 vol 4 x 1466287 Colonial Families of the United States of America Vol VI Mackenzie, George REF LH 929 vol 6 x 1467194 Colonial Families of the United States of America Vol VI Mackenzie, George REF LH 929 vol 5 1466295 Colonial Families of the United States of America Vol VII Mackenzie, George REF LH 929 Mac vol 7 1467202 Colonial Families of the United States of America Vol III Mackenzie, George REF LH 929 Mac vol 3 Colonial Surry Boddie, John B Ref LH Virginia, Surry County Colorado Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Bill of Rights Day Address Johnson, Robert Lee REF LH JOH Columbiana County, Ohio, Marriages (and Surrounding Area) Brides & Grooms REF LH Combined History and Atlas of Monroe County, Ohio, and Caldwell's Atlas of Monroe County Atlas Publishing Company REF LH 977.77196 ATL Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania Beers, J.H. REF LH 974.882 COM Comprehensive History of the West Virginia State Society NSDAR REF LH War Conard Ancestry of John Nixon Conard and Rebecca Iredell REF LH CONARD Conaway - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" REF LH BRI Confederate Cemeteries in Ohio REF LH CIVIL WAR FRA Conroy Chronicles REF LH CONROY Contents and Addresses of Hungarian Archives Brandt, Edward Reimer NO BARCODE X no barcode For gr X 1467186 1467178 1467160 BLACK v. 1 v. 1 - v. 2 yellow VOL 1,2,3,4 REF LH FRY Colman, Penny REF LH 393.09 COL Country Between, The Upper Ohio Valley and Its Peoples 1724 - 1774 McConnell, Michael N. 977.101 MCC NO BARCODE Wkinsey no barcode YELLOW J Rogers 1833320 no barcode lg orange star 1830011 1840010 regular circulation REF LH 016.977 OHI X REF LH OHIO GUERNSEY CO Ref LH Guides Sou County Courthouse Book Bentley, Elizabeth P. REF LH 347.02 BEN County Courthouse Book Bentley Elizabeth Ref LH Guides Ben Crab Apple Church 1853-1866,and Teachers Institiue of Belmont Co Ohio 1907-1924 Vincent, Wm Ref LH Belmont Co Crawford - "One Crawford Family in America, A Brief History" Crawford, William D. REF LH CRA Creamer - "Famlies of McKelvey, Fulton, Neff, Dent, Workman, Creamer Families" Peters, Jean REF LH MCK Page 8 NO BARCODE no barcode Fry, Eloise Latham County Court Records 1532237 no barcode no barcode Corpses, Coffins, and Crypts: A History of Burial Montrose, Carol 1362270 REF LH BRI Corbin - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" County by County In Ohio Genealogy 1992 no barcode Signed Copy & additional circulation copy REF LH GUIDES BRA Cook - "Brill, Cook Etc. Families" County Commissioner's Records Guernsey County Ohio 1810-1816 K 1824733 x MICROFILM Kinsey, Walter E 1824659 X lg orange star lg orange star vik 1&2 gold X 953103 959720 31882001903578 no barcode no barcode M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 B C Creamer - "Kinsey Family History" Kinsey, Marjorie Blocher REF LH KIN Crow - "History of the Jacob Crow Family In Green County, PA and Marshall County, WV Crow, James Homer REF LH CROW CTGS - Trail Blazer Newsletter REF LH D Cumberland Trail Genealogical Society REF LH CTG Belmont County Cumberland Trail Genealogical Society REF LH Culp - "Descendants of Hans & Susanna Irwin Wiley" Wiley, James Ross REF LH WIL NO BARCODE orange no barcode no barcode REF LH WAR REVOLUTIONARY Dallas - "Families of Dallas, Lourens, Rogers" REF LH 929.2 DAL NO BARCODE v. 1 - v. 4 REF LH RAM Jones, Alexander G no barcode VOL 5-6 CTGS Trail Blazer Newsletters 1995 - 1996 CYMRY of 76 or The Welshmen and Their Decendants of the American Revolution F no barcode CTGS Pedigree Charts Cunningham - "Ramage Cuunningham Family" E yellow v. 1 - v. 4 1794845 Includes Index - no barcodes DAR Patriot Index National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution REF LH 369.135 SUL DAR Patriot Index Centennial Edition National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution REF LH 973.3 DAR Dating Old Photographs 1840-1929 Family Chronicle Publishing REF LH Guide Fam Deady - "Pharisee Among Philistines, The Diary of Judge Matthew P. Deady" Clark, Malcolm REF LH DEA Death Book #1 Belmont County, Ohio 1867-1884 Harrington, R.E. prepared by REF LH CD X Death Records 1867 - 1908 Probate Court, Washington County, Ohio Bain, Benjamin F. REF LH 929.3771 BAI X Death Records For Belmont Co. Ohio Form 11904-1908 Price, Marla REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO. orange NO BARCODE Death Records For Belmont Co. Ohio Form 1867-1884 Price, Marla REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO. orange NO BARCODE Death Records For Belmont Co. Ohio Form 1884-1893 Price, Marla REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO. orange NO BARCODE Death Records For Belmont Co. Ohio Form 1894-1904 Price, Marla REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO. orange NO BARCODE REF LH OH BELMONT BELLAIRE v. 1 orange REF LH OH BELMONT BELLAIRE v. 2 orange REF LH WVA Navy Death Records Transcribed From Bellaire Health Department, Vol 1 1904 - 1935 Death Records Transcribed from the Bellaire Health Department Vol 2 1936 - 1975 Cumberland Trail Genealogical Society Death Records, Ohio County, West Virginia 1853-1864 v. 1 - v. 3 X yellow yellow yellow lg orange star v. 1 - v. 2 1347404 no barcode NO BARCODE no barcode 1238751 Deaths Recorded in Jefferson County, Ohio 1888 - 1898 Francy, Leila S. REF LH 929.377 FRA Decendants of Moses Hall, John Doudna and Benjamin Hall Hartley,Elizabeth Hall REF LH HALL Decendants of Valentine Ault Price, Marla REF LH FAMILY AULT Declaration of Naturalization Ohio County, West Virginia 1854-1855-1856,1861-1865 Wheeling Area Genealogical Society REF LH WV X navy NO BARCODE Declaration of Naturalization Ohio County, West Virginia 1876 Vol I Wheeling Area Genealogical Society REF LH WV X navy NO BARCODE Declaration of Naturalization Ohio County, West Virginia 1876 Vol II Wheeling Area Genealogical Society REF LH WV X navy NO BARCODE Declaration of Naturalization Ohio County, West Virginia 1877-1880 Wheeling Area Genealogical Society REF LH WV X navy NO BARCODE Declaration of Naturalization Ohio County, West Virginia 1881-1885 Wheeling Area Genealogical Society REF LH WV X navy NO BARCODE Declaration of Naturalization Ohio County, West Virginia 1886 Wheeling Area Genealogical Society REF LH WV X navy NO BARCODE Declaration of Naturalization Ohio County, West Virginia 1889-1896 Wheeling Area Genealogical Society REF LH WV X navy NO BARCODE Declaration of Naturalization Ohio County, West Virginia 1897-1904 Wheeling Area Genealogical Society REF LH WV X navy NO BARCODE Declaration of Naturalization Ohio County, West Virginia 1905-1907 Wheeling Area Genealogical Society REF LH WV navy NO BARCODE Deed Abstracts Belmont County, Ohio, Volume G (1817 - 1820) Quillon, Lorraine Indermill Ref LH Ohio, Belmont Co Deed Abstracts, Belmont County, Ohio Vol G Quillon, Lorraine Indermill REF LH OHIO BELMONT VOL G Dements Through the Ages A Family History and Migration Holmes, Marillyn Ref LH Dements 929.1 Hol vol 2 Dements Through the Ages A Family History and Migration Holmes, Marilyn Ref LH Dements 929.1 Hol vol 1 Denham - "Denham Family" Denham, Virginia REF LH DEN x Dent - "Famlies of McKelvey, Fulton, Neff, Dent, Workman, Creamer Families Peters, Jean REF LH MCK x Descendants of Frederick Shrake, Baron John Conaway, Jeremiah Willison & J Aichele Shrake, Donald F Ref LH Shrake Familly Descendants of Jacob & Jane Loy 1316029 NO BARCODE x orange X orange 1683345 1501034 1501026 no barcode no barcode NO BARCODE REF LH LOY FAMILY Descendants of John Mitchell Vol I Brannon, Warren Ref LH Family Mitchell Descendants of John Mitchell Vol II Brannon, Warren Ref LH Family Mitchell Design Guideline manual For Wheeling's Downtown Historic Area Dew - "Dew Family Record" X REF LH WV OHIO CO. Dew, Robert M. 1566581 1566573 X Blue REF LH DEW Diamond Jubilee Sacred Heart Church, Neffs, 1905-1980 REF LH 977.1 Ohio Belmont Co Dickerson Methodist Church near Cadiz, Harrison County, Ohio 1802-1965 REF LH 977.168 Harrison Co. Dickerson Methodist Church of Harrison County 1802-1960 NO BARCODE no barcode orange REF LH 977.168 DIC Harrison Co. no barcode no barcode Dictionary of American Family Names Snmith, Elsdon Ref LH 929.4 X 1293368 Dillon Family HistoryY J ROGERS REF LH DILLON X no barcode Directory of Bedford County Pa. Ling, Dorsey & Blackburn, Howard REF LH PA Directory of Family Associations Bentley, Elizabeth P. REF LH Guide Ben J Rogers Directory of Historical Organizations in Ohio 1986 - 1987 Ohio Association of Historical Societies & Museums REF LH 977.1 DIR x Do fr gr X Page 9 lg orange star NO BARCODE 923270 K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 B C D E F G Documentation of the History of the James Kinney Farmstead Simpson, Floyd REF LH KIN Doddridge County, West Virginia, Marriages 1845-1937 Cochran, Wes REF LH WV DODDRIDGE, WV navy Domesday Book England's Heritage, Then and Now Hinde, Thomas - Edited by REF LH England/ UK rose star REF LH OHIO BEL CO orange NO BARCODE for gr NO BARCODE Donated by Cumberland Trail Genealogical Society Donated by Cumberland Trail Genealogical Society Geibel, DMV Ref LH Pa Butler Co Doty - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY Doty - "Edward Doty of the Mayflower and His Descendants for 4 Generations" no barcode no barcode Down by the Riverside Morgan, Rebecca S. REF LH OHIO X gold Drums Along The Antietam Schildt, John REF LH CIVIL WAR X yellow Ref LH Dunn Family History X Dysart - "Luther Emerson Robinson" Robinson, Anna Dysart REF LH ROB Dysart Family History Keener, Everett REF LH Dysart Family Early Births, Ohio County, West Virginia, 1853-1857 989834 no barcode REF LH DOT Dunn Family Information no barcode 1376007 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE no barcode NO BARCODE REF LH WV X navy Early Charles County, Maryland, Settlers Bates, Marlene Strawser REF LH MARYLAND Early Chester County, In Stone, Brick & Wood Wood, Hope M Ref LH Pa Chester Co Early Church Records of Chester Couonty Pennsylvania, Vol 2 Meldrum, Charolett Ref LH Pa Butler Co Early Days Of Oil Giddens, Paul H. REF LH 665.5 GID Early Estate Administrations Jefferson County, Ohio, to 1818 DiThomas, Mary E. REF LH 929.377 DIT Early Families of Somerset and Fayette Counties Pennsylvania Dull, Keith A REF LH PA Early Families of Southern Maryland Winkelman, Mrs. Horace REF LH Maryland v2 red NO BARCODE Early Families of Southern Maryland Winkelman, Mrs. Horace REF LH Maryland v. 2 red no barcode Early Landowners of Pa: Atlas of Township Warrantee Maps of Fayette County, Pa MacInnes, Sharon Ph.D. REF LH Pa. Fayette Co book/cd forest green 1735319 Early Landowners of Pa: Atlas of Township Warrantee Maps of Green County, Pa MacInnes, Sharon Ph.D. REF LH Pa Greene Co book/cd forest green 1735236 Early Landowners of Pa: Atlas of Township Warrantee Maps of Washington County, Pa MacInnes, Sharon Ph.D. REF LH PA WASHINGTON CO book/cd forest green 1734296 Early Landowners of Pa: Atlas of Township Warrantee Maps of Westmoreland County, Pa MacInnes, Sharon Ph.D. REF LH Pa Westmoreland Cobook/cd forest green NO BARCODE Early Marriages, Wills, and Some Revolutionary War Records Botetourt Co. Virginia REF LH VIRGINIA BOTETOURT CO BLACK Early Noble County, Ohio, Marriages 185 - 1865 REF LH 977.195 EAR red X forrest green no barcode 1683337 1848807 forrest green fr green 1683444 1829989 Early Ohio Census Records Jackson, R.V. REF LH 929.3 EAR Early Ohio County, West Virginia Marriages 1790-1835 Slater, Phyllis REF LH WVA OHIO CO Early Ohio Settlers Berry, Ellen T. and David H. REF LH 929.377Ohio Early Ohio Settlers, Purchasers of land in Southwestern Ohio, 1800-1840 Berry, David and Ellen Ref LH 929.377 Early Ohio Tax Records Powell, Esther W. REF LH 929.377 POW Ohio gold Early Pa Reformed Church & Cemetery Records, Bucks, Co Pa Allen, Ruth - Compiled by REF LH PA FR GR Early Pennsylvania Births: 1675-1875 Fisher, Charles A. REF LH 929.1 Pa For gr Early Quaker Records in Virginia White, Miles Jr. REF LH Quaker, Miles flor red 1746738 Early Records Hampshire County Virginia, Now West Virginia Sage & Jones - Compiled by Ref LH Va X black 1486491 Early Records Hampshire County Virginia, Now West Virginia McCormack, Clara REF LH WV HAMPSHIRE CO x navy 1776891 Early Residences Stated In Jefferson County, Ohio, Deed Entries 1788-1812 DiThomas, Mary E. REF LH JEFFERSON CO X Early virgina families Along the James River Their Deep Roots and Tangled Branches Louise Pledge Heath Foley REF LH VA. FOL V.1 black 1794860 Early virgina families Along the James River Their Deep Roots and Tangled Branches Louise Pledge Heath Foley REF LH VA. FOL V.2 black 1794860 Early virgina families Along the James River Their Deep Roots and Tangled Branches Louise Pledge Heath Foley REF LH VA. FOL V.3 black 1794860 Early West Virginia Wills Vol 1 McFarland, K. T. H. Ref LH WV navy NO BARCODE Easrern Cherokee by Blood 1906-1910 V XII Bowen, Jeff REF AMERICAN INDIAN BOW V. XII East Liverpool Biennial City and County Directory 1891-1892 X v. 1- v. 2 Navy X vol 1 gold bronze REF LH Columbiana Co. Ohio Eastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910 Vol I Dowen, Jeff REF LH AMERICAN INDIAN vol 1 Eastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910 Vol III Bowen, J.B. REF LH AMERICAN INDIAN BOW VOL 3 Eastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910 Vol IV Bowen, J.B. Eastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910 Vol IX Bowen, J.B. Eastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910 Vol V Dowen, Jeff REF LH AMERICAN INDIAN vol 5 Eastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910 Vol VI Bowen, J.B. REF LH AMERICAN INDIAN BOW VOL 6 Eastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910 Vol VII Bowen, J.B. Eastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910 Vol VIII Bowen, J.B. Eastern Cherokee by Blood 1906-1910 Vol. II Brown, Jeff REF LH Am Indian Hen Eastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910 Vol. X Bowen, J.B. REF LH AMERICAN INDIAN BOW VOL 10 Eastern Cherokee By Blood 1906-1910 Vol. XI Bowen, J.B. REF LH AMERICAN INDIAN BOW Vol 11 Page 10 no barcode gold 1532229 NO BARCODE 1794852 1238777 Bronze 1804883 X Bronze NO BARCODE REF LH AMERICAN INDIAN BOW VOL 4 X Bronze NO BARCODE REF LH AMERICAN INDIAN BOW VOL 9 X Bronze NO BARCODE Bronze 1804891 X Bronze NO BARCODE REF LH AMERICAN INDIAN BOW VOL 7 X Bronze NO BARCODE REF LH AMERICAN INDIAN BOW VOL 8 X Bronze NO BARCODE Bronze NO BARCODE X Bronze NO BARCODE X Bronze NO BARCODE vol 2 K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 B C D E F G Eastern Cherokee Census, Cherokee N. Carolina 1915-1922 Vol I taken by J. Henderson, Trans J Bowen REF LH Am Indian Hen Vol I Bronze 1620768 Eastern Cherokee Census, Cherokee N. Carolina 1915-1922 Vol II taken by J. Henderson, Trans J Bowen REF LH Am Indian Hen vol II Bronze 1620776 Eastern Cherokee Census, Cherokee N. Carolina 1915-1922 Vol III taken by J. Henderson, Trans J Bowen REF LH Am Indian Hen vol III Bronze 1620784 Eastern Cherokee Census, Cherokee N. Carolina 1915-1922 Vol IV taken by J. Henderson, Trans J Bowen REF LH Am Indian Hen vol.IV Bronze 1620792 Eastern Ohio's Pictoral Past The Times Leader REF LH 977.1 Belmont Co Ohio gold Ebenezer Cemetery Records REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO Orange NO BARCODE Echos Of Glory: Illustrated Atlas Of The Civil War REF LH WAR CIVIL Yellow 1820228 Eliza and the House that Jack Built Wass, Albert REF LH F WAS Ellis Island, Gateway to America Szucs, Loretto Dennis REF 325.1 SZU Elm Grove a history in Pictures Maynard, Jack & Barbara Ref LH WVA Emigrants from Derry Port, 1847-1849 Baker, Dessie, editor REF LH Irish Bak Ems - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM Emson - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy Hinshaw, William Wade REF LH Quaker Hin v1 flor red 1293293 Encyclopedia Of American Quaker Genealogy Vol IV Ohio Hinshaw, William Wade REF LH Quaker Hin vol IV flor red 1182330 Encyclopedia Of American Quaker Genealogy Vol V Ohio Hinshaw, William Wade REF LH Quaker Hin Vol V flor red 861983 Encyclopedia Of American Quaker Genealogy Vol VI Virginia Hinshaw, William Wade REF LH Quaker Hin Vol VI flor red 835730 Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, vol II Pennsylvania, New Jersey Hinshaw, William Wade REF LH Quaker Hin Vol II flor red 1240005 Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, vol III New York Hinshaw, William Wade REF LH Quaker Hin Vol III flor red 835748 Encyclopedia of Colonial and Revolutionary America Faragher, John Mach REF LH 973.30 ENC Encyclopedia of Ohio REF LH 977.1 ENC Engelmeir's General Store 1915 Ledger REF LH BELMONT CO Evans - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" REF LH BRI Navy X sm green star 2 copies - signed v. 1 - v. 2 X gold X orange no barcode Nogay, Michael Edward REF LH OHIO NOG X gold Every Name Index for the 2 Vol of History of Frederick County Maryland Williams, TJC & McKinsey Ref LH Maryland, Frederick Co X red Every Name Index to Esther Powell's Tombstone Inscriptions & Family Records Jefferson Co. Dobzoynski, J. REF LH OHIO JEFFERSON CO Every Name Index to the 1900 Census of Jefferson County, Ohio Roe, Richard REF LH 929.3 ROE Every Name Index to the 1910 Census of Jefferson County, Ohio Roe Richard, Compiled by REF LH CENSUS, OHIO, JEFF CO Every Name Index to the 1920 Census of Jefferson County, OhioO Roe, Richard, Compiled by REF LH CENSUS OHIOJEFF CO Evidence Citation and Analysis for the Family Historian Mills, Elizabeth Shown REF LH 929.1 MIL Excerps of the Dickerson Familiy Manuscripts of maryland, S.W. Pennsylvania and Ohio Rutherford, Dolores Crumrine REF LH FAMILY DICKERSON Eyans - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM X Eye of Faith Taber, William REF LH 289.6 TAB X Eyeams - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM Eyoms - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM Faith in the Mountains: A History of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston 1850-2000 Pyne, Tricia REF LH WV Ohio County navy Ref LH 929.1 Guide Fam lg orange star Family History Bundle, CT, NJ, PA, RI, VA Family Tree Maker 1793342 1476757 NO BARCODE 1377245 1377179 X NO BARCODE 2 copies - signed 2 copies - signed 2 copies - signed Ref LH CD Family History Library Center NO BARCODE 2 copies - signed Every Home a Fort, Every man a Warrior Familly Tree Guide Book to Europe NO BARCODE NO BARCODE 1495211 NO BARCODE REF LH X no barcode Family History of Charles Wheeler Lewis Gomez, Jane Ref LH Lewis Family X NO BARCODE Family Maps of Monroe County, Ohio Boyde, Gregory A., J.D. REF LH OHIO MONROE CO. MAPS Family of William Bruce and Sara Jane Kirkland Robinson Robinson-Blankinship, Norma Lee Ref LH Bruce & Robinson Family of William Bruce and Sara Jane Kirkland Robinson Robinson-Blankinship, Norma Lee Ref LH Bruce & Robinson Family Pride, The Complete Guide to Tracing African-American Genealogy Beasley, Donna REF LH 929.1 Guide Bea Family Research in Monroe County, Ohio Vol VIII Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker Ref LH Ohio, Monroe County viii Family Research in Monroe County, Ohio, Vol II, Part I Fedorchak, Catherine Foreaker REF LH 929.309 FED v. 1 - v. 2 Family Research in Monroe County, Ohio, Vol II, Part II Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker REF LH 977.309 FED v. II v. II X Family Research in Monroe County, Ohio, Vol III Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker REF LH 977.309 FED v. III v. III X Family Research in Monroe County, Ohio, Vol IV Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker REF LH 929.309 FED v. IV v. IV Family Research in Monroe County, Ohio, Vol IX Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker Ref LH Ohio Monroe vol IX Family Research in Monroe County, Ohio, Vol VI Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker REF LH 929.309 FED MONROE V Family Research in Monroe County, Ohio, Vol VI Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker Ref LH Monroe County, Ohio vol VI Family Research in Monroe County, Ohio, Vol X Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker Ref LH Ohio, Monroe County Family Tree Resource Book for Genealogists Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo REF LH GUIDE FAM Famine Immigrants 1846-1851 List of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York Glazier, Ira & Tepper, Michael REF LH Irish Fam Page 11 1805096 X lg orange star x 1478886 X 1486269 X 1339757 1398605 10 X vol 3 1498967 X lg orange star 1808850 X sm green star 1709603 K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 B C D Famine Immigrants 1846-1851 List of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York Glazier, Ira & Tepper, Michael REF LH Irish Fam vol 4 Famine Immigrants 1846-1851 List of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York Glazier, Ira & Tepper, Michael REF LH Irish Fam vol 5 E x F G sm green star 1709702 sm green star 1709801 Famine Immigrants Vol I Jan. 1846-June 1847 REF LH Irish Fam x sm green star 1733736 Famine Immigrants Vol VII April 1851-Dec 1851 Part 1 REF LH Irish Fam x sm green star 1733645 Famine Immigrants Vol VII April 1851-Dec 1851 Part 2 REF LH Irish Fam sm green star 1733728 Faris - "Faris Family of Washington County, Indiana" Faris, David REF LH FAR Fayette Co (W) Virginia Marriages 1832-1853 and 1865-1903 Shuck, Larry G Compiled by Ref LH WVA Fayette Co Navy 1510670 Federal Land Series Vol 1 Smith, Clifford Neal REF LH OHIO VOL 1 GOLD 1667215 Federal Land Series Vol 2 Smith, Clifford Neal REF LH OHIO VOL 2 GOLD 1667223 Federal Land Series Vol 3 Smith, Clifford Neal REF LH Ohio Vol 3 X GOLD 1667322 Federal Land Series Vol 4 Smith, Clifford Neal REF LH OHIO VOL 4 X GOLD 1667330 Fifty Stories From Ohio History Martzolff, Clement REF LH 977.1 MAR X gold Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the 5 Civilized Tribes in the Indian Territory Commission to the 5 Tribes REF LH 970.5 Fin Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the 5 Civilized Tribes in the Indian Territory Commission to the 5 Tribes REF LH 970.5 Fin Finding Italian Roots Colletta, John P. REF LH GUIDES COL X lg orange star 1776868 Finding Your People Jamison, Sandra Lee REF LH Guides JAM x orange star 1357262 First Census of the U.S. 1790 Ohio Northwest Territory Jackson, R.V. REF LH 929.3 FIR x First Families Of Ohio Roster 1964-2000 REF LH OHIO FIR First Landowners of Pa: Colonial and State Warrant Registers in the Pa Archives REF LH CD First Ownership of Ohio Lands Dyer, Abion Morris no barcode 1554231 1554231 Gold X REF LH 977.102 DYE 1794225 NO BARCODE gold In Memory of Stella Antoinette Sonk - Balk by Julie Perry First Presbyterian Church of St. Clairsville 1798 - 1984 REF LH 852.1 STC First Presbyterian Church St. Clairsville, Ohio Bicentennial History 1798-1998 REF LH OHIO BELMONT X First Presbyterian Church, Mt. Pleasant, Ohio REF LH 917.193 FIR X First United Presbyterian Church of St. Clairsville 1830 - 1955 REF LH 285.1 STC Five Generation Charts of Noble County Ohio Volume I REF LH 977.195 NOB Five Generations in Washington County, Ohio, vol 1 Ref LH Ohio Washingto Co vol 1 1495120 Five Generations in Washington County, Ohio, vol 2 Ref LH Ohio Washington Co vol 2 1495195 Five Generations In Guernsey County, Ohio REF LH 929.377 GUE orange 2 copies Pickenpaugh, Roger REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO. Wolf, Dr, Edward&Brennen, Margaret REF LH WVA For the Union, Ohio Leaders in the Civil War Wheeler Ref LH 973.7 Whe orange X gold Bennett, Emerson REF LH Ohio Ben gold Fort Laurens 1778-9 Pictorial Record of Excavations Gramly, R. M. REF LH REV WAR yellow REF LH Williams, Gary S. Ref Lh 977.1Wil Williams, Gary S. Ref LH 977.1 Will Foundation Stones of Thoburn Memorial Methodist Church 1799-1961 Foundation Stones of Thoburn United Methodist Church 1799 - 1999, 200 Anniversary Edition Founders ad Patriots of early American Families Colket, Meredith Jr Frederick Douglass 1347537 yellow 1520042 yellow 1520042 REF LH STC x orange no barcode REF LH OHIO BELMONT STC X orange no barcode 1554132 no barcode REF LH B DOUGLASS Freeport Towhship Cemeteries, Harrison County French Colonists and Exiles in the United States X REF LH FOX McFeely, William S. 1760705 no barcode REF LH 929.2 Col Fox - "Josiah Fox, Gentleman, Quaker, Shipbuilder" 331573 no barcode Forest Rose Forts of Oho 1824667 NO BARCODE REF LH BRI Forts Of Ohio no barcode v. 1 For the Love of Music,A 75 Year History of the Wheeling Symphony, Fort Ticonderoga and General St. Clair no barcode NO BARCODE orange Flood of Tears: Wegee Creek, Pipe Creek, And Beyond, June 14, 1990 Foraker - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" REF LH Ohio, Harrison Co Rosengarten, J. G. 1750417 REF LH FRANCE ROSENGARTEN Frontier defense on the upper ohio, 1777-1778 REF LH 977.102 FRO Red White Strip 1830722 1827926 Frontiersmen April 1990 - April 1992 Martins Ferry Genealogical Society n/a FTM'S Family Archives - Family History: Colonial Families of Maryland 1600-1900s Family Tree Maker LH CD CD # 184 NO BARCODE FTM'S Family Archives - Genealogical Records: Pennsylvania Wills 1682-1834 Family Tree Maker LH CD CD # 206 NO BARCODE FTM'S Family Archives - Land Records: AL, AR, FL, LA, MI, MN, OH, WI 1790-1907 Family Tree Maker LH CD CD # 255 NO BARCODE FTM'S Family Archives - Maine & New Hampshire Settlers 1600-1900s Gen. Records Family Tree Maker LH CD CD # 523 NO BARCODE FTM'S Family Archives - Military Records: Civil War Confederate Pension Applications Family Tree Maker LH CD CD # 155 NO BARCODE FTM'S Family Archives - Military Records: Virginia in the Revolution and War of 1812 Family Tree Maker LH CD CD # 121 NO BARCODE FTM'S Family Archives - Ohio Soldiers in World War I Military Records Family Tree Maker LH CD CD # 549 NO BARCODE FTM'S Family Archives - Pennsylvania German Church Records 1729-1870 Family Tree Maker LH CD CD # 130 NO BARCODE FTM'S Family Archives - Revolutionary War Pensions Lists Military Records Family Tree Maker LH CD CD # 145 NO BARCODE Page 12 K no barcode M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 B C Fuerchtenicht - "History of Johann Christoph Fuerchtenicht & Marie Elizabeth Lenz & Their Descendants" Fortney, Charles W. REF LH FUE Fulton - "Famlies of McKelvey, Fulton, Neff, Dent, Workman, Creamer Families Peters, Jean REF LH MCK Fulton County, Ohio, A Collection of Historical Sketches Gabel - "Peter Gabel Sr." D E F G NO BARCODE REF LH 977.1 FUL Gabel, Elmer REF LH GAB Gancos - "Gancos Lineage" NO BARCODE REF LH GAN Garvin Family History REF LH GARVIN NO BARCODE Gates - "Records of the Gates Families of America From the Colonial Period to 1860 Gates, Robert Cady REF LH GAT NO BARCODE Gateway to the West Newsletters Belmont County Chapter OGS REF LH CD Gateway to the West Vol 1 com by R Bowers & Short, A REF LH 929.1 Bow vol 1 J Rogers Gateway to the West Vol 2 com by R Bowers & Short, A REF LH 929.1 Bow vol 2 X 1061081 Gavin - "Pryor, Reed & Gavin Family of Belmont County, Ohio" Alker, Vera Pryor REF LH PRY x NO BARCODE Genalogical and Local History Books in Print Yantis, Netti Schreiner REF LH 016.929 GEN 1985 v. 1 - v. 3 x Genealogical abstracts of Princess Anne Co. VA. Walter, Alice Granbery REF LH VA. PRINCESS ANNE CO. Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files White, Virgil D. REF LH 973.34 v. 1 - v. 4 Genealogical and Personal History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania Jordan, John W. REF LH 974.884 GEN v. 1 & v. 2 Genealogical Dictionary of New England Vol 1 A-C Savage, James REF LH 929.174 Sav Vol 1 X 1611312 Genealogical Dictionary of New England Vol 2 D-J Savage, James REF LH 929.174 Sav vol 2 X 1611486 Genealogical Dictionary of New England Vol 3 K-R Savage, James REF LH 929.174 Sav vol 3 Genealogical Dictionary of New England Vol 4 S-Z Savage, James REF LH 929.174 Sav vol 4 NO BARCODE 1601099 black NO BARCODE 1611304 1611395 Genealogical Name index To The Ohio Supreme Court Records Franklin County, Vol 1-4 REF LH OHIO, FRANKLIN CO. GOLD 1833296 Genealogical Records in Belmont Co, Ohio Vol 3 REF LH OHIO BELMONT COvol 3 orange 1750565 orange 1312861 orange 1312952 Genealogical Records in Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Chapter, OGS REF LH 977.193 GEN v. 1 & v. 5 Genealogical Records in Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Chapter, OGS Ref LH Ohio Belmont Co vol 9 Genealogical Records in Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Chapter, OGS Ref Lh Ohio, Belmont Co vol 7 Genealogical Records in Belmont County, Ohio Belmont County Chapter, OGS Ref LH Ohio, Belmont Co Vol 8 orange 1312879 Genealogical Records in Belmont County, Ohio Vol 2 REF LH Ohio Belmont Co vol 2 orange 1750391 Genealogical Records in Belmont County, Ohio Vol 4 REF LH OHIO BELMONT COvol 4 orange 1750482 Genealogical Records in Belmont County, Ohio, Vol Six REF LH OHIO BELMONT COvol 6 orange 1750409 Genealogical Records in Belmont County, Ohio, Vol Ten REF LH Ohio Bemont Co, orange 1750672 Genealogical Records: Pennsylvania Wills 1682-1834 Family Tree Maker Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families J Rogers vol 10 Ref LH CD J Rogers REF LH 929.102 BEN J Rogers Genealogical Research In Ohio Sperry, Kip REF LH OHIO Spe x Genealogist Question and Answer Book Melnyk,Marcia Yannizze REF LH Guide Mel Genealogist's Address Book REF LH Guide BEN NO BARCODE gold 1776883 lg orange star 1482524 x lg orange star Genealogist's Dictionary Larson, Frances Dunfee REF 929.103 LAR PPB Genealogist's Encyclopedia Pine, L.S. REF LH Guide Pin X lg orange star Missing Genealogist's Guide to Discovering Your African-American Ancestors Smith, Franklin Carter REF LH GUIDES SMI X lg orange star 1782865 Genealogist's Guide to Discovering Your Female Ancestors Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo REF LH Guide Car lg orange star 1238017 Genealogist's Question and Answer book Melnyk,Marcia Yannizze Ref 929.1 mel Genealogy Notes Gallaher, D.C. REF LH WVA Genealogy of Haught Family of America Ref LH Haught Genealogy of Pennsylvania Families REF LH 929.2 GEN 1482524 Navy x NO BARCODE NO BARCODE Genealogy Online - Researching Your Roots Crowe, Elizabeth 929.1 CRO Geneaology: Helping You Climb Your Faimly Tree (Occasional Paper) State Library of Ohio REF LH Guide Sta Generals of Belmont County, Ohio Fry, Charles E. REF LH 977.1 FRY Genin - "Thomas Hedges Genin: Early Ohio Abolitionist" Clark, Kenneth Alton REF LH B GEN Genisis of Western Culture, The Upper Ohio Valley, 1800 - 1825 Miller, James McDonald REF LH 917.7 MIL George Cline, Senior Cline, Floyd D Ref Family History Gerald Newbanks Morrow & Ruby Jane White Family Tree Morrow, Curtis Wayne REF LH WHI 1894686 REF LH WHITE 1894686 Gerald Newbanks Morrow & Ruby Jane White Family Tree X yellow bio 588735 NO BARCODE Gerlach - "Homer & Lillie Gerlach and Their Ancestry Gerlach, Elmer K. REF LH 920 GER German American Genealogical Research No. 1,2,5, German Mercenary Expatriates in the US Smith, Clifford REF LH German German Regiment amoung the French Auxiliary Troops of the American Revolutionary War Tolzmann, Don Heinrich - Edited By REF LH Rev War yellow 1600240 German-American Names Jones, George F. REF LH GERMAN JON sm black star 1794894 Page 13 v1,2,5,1-3 black star K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 B C D E F G German-English Genealogical Dictionary Thode, Ernest REF LH German Tho Giffen - "Descendents of Robert Giffen" + Supplement Giffin, J.W. REF LH FAMILY GIFFEN x NO BARCODE Giffen - "Home at Last, Robert & Mary Giffen" Giffen, Sara REF LH GIF x NO BARCODE Giffen - "The Clan McBane, Giffen Castle Pedigree of the Denhams" black star REF LH MCB 1726276 NO BARCODE Giffen - "The Descendants of Alexander & Mary (Hinkle) Giffen" Alban, Janet Nellie Hinkle REF LH GIF X NO BARCODE Gillogly - "The Story of Our Family" Gilloghy, Nancy REF LH GIL X NO BARCODE Gitchell - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" Glass - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" REF LH BRI Fry, Eloise Latham NO BARCODE REF LH FRY Glencoe Methodist Church NO BARCODE REF LH Oho Belmont Co orage NO BARCODE Gliding To A Better Place, Profiles From Ohio's Territorial Era Williams, Gary S. REF LH 977.103 OHIO WIL Glimpses of Ohio's Counties, A Bicentennial Commemorative Ed Ohio Society, DAR Ref LH Ohio 977.1 Go, and Do Thou Likewise, A Historty of Vance Memorial Church 1897-1972 Judy, David REF LH WHG.WVA OHIO CO X Good Green Pool of the Eastern Shore of Virginia and Maryland Johnson, Robert Leland REF LH 929.2 DAR Graveyard Preservation Primer Strangstad, Lynette REF LH Guide Str lg orange star Great Hunger, The Woodham-Smith, Cecil REF LH Irish Woo green star 521652 Great Maps of the Civil War Miller, William REF LH Atlas Mil sm blue dot 1614332 Green Township Gleanings and Cemetery Inscriptions Monroe County, Ohio Monroe County Chapter, OGS REF LH OHIO MONROE Greetings From Steubenville: Historic Postcards Thorton, James H. REF LH OHIO JEFFERSON CO JEFFERSON Greetings From Washington: Historic Postcards Thorton, James H. REF LH PA WASHINGTON CO Green Greetings From Wheeling: Historic Postcards Thorton, James H. REF LH WV OHIO CO. Navy Grimes - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" Groves - "The Groves" Groves - "Valley Home Farm, Orban Horace Groves" Groves, Elden R. X x gold 1491988 navy NO BARCODE 1623366 1096324 NO BARCODE 1819972 NO BARCODE 1820186 REF LH BRI NO BARCODE REF LH GRO NO BARCODE REF LH GRO NO BARCODE Grubb - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" REF LH BRI Guernsey County Community & Family History Book Ref LH Guernsey Co NO BARCODE x 1777469 Guernsey County, Ohio 1850 Federal Population Census Guernsey County Chapter, OGS REF LH 1850 CENSUS OH GUE CO green 1316102 Guide To The Draper Manuscripts Harper, Josephine L. REF LH GUIDES HAR lg orange star 1827934 Guide to Tracing Your African Ameripean Civil War Ancestor Secret, Jeanette Braxton REF LH 973 Guide Bra lg orange star Gunsmiths of Western Virginia and West Virginia Whisker, James Biser REF LH WV Haines - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" X navy X yellow REF LH BRI Haller's Polish Army in France Valasek, Paul REF LH War Val Hallett - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY Hammond History NO BARCODE NO BARCODE REF LH HAM Hampshire & Hardy Counties, (W)Va Abstracts Shuck, Larry G. Compiled by Ref LH W VA Hampshire & Hardy Hancock County West Virginia Births 1857-1896, Deaths 1865-1899 Thayer, M. Compiled by REF LH W VA HANCOCK CO Hancock County, West Virginia Cemeteries REF LH WVA HANCOCK CO NO BARCODE X X Hancock County, WV Probate Record Extracts Wills, Estates & Inventories 1848-1899 Waite, Janet Compiled by REF LH WVA HANCOCK Handbook for Genealogical Research, Marietta, Ohio Zimmer, Louise REF LH GUIDE HANDBOOK X Handy Book for Genealogists Everton, Sr., George B. REF LH Guide Eve X Hanna Coal Riot Hannum - "Henry and Jane Hannum" REF LH BELMONT CO Pfeiffer, Karl F. Hardesty - "Descendants of Hans & Susanna Irwin Wiley" Navy 1510639 navy 1375918 navy 1375991 navy 1378409 lg orange star orange REF LH HAN Hardenty's Biographical Atlas of Wood County, West Virginia 1882 navy REF LH WIL Harris Pedigree Chart Starting With John Quincy Harris REF LH HAR Harrison County 1784 Heritage 1995 REF LH WVA HARRISON CO Harrison County Home Records From 1824-1876 REF LH Ohio, Harrison Co Harrison County Home Records Vol 2 1876-1900 REF LH Ohio, Harrison Co Harrison County, Ohio Sesquicentennial Celebration 1813-1963 June 23-29 Ref LH Ohio Harrison Co NO BARCODE NO BARCODE REF LH WVA WOOD CO Wiley, James Ross NO BARCODE 1316110 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE j rogers navy NO BARCODE 1750490 1750581 NO BARCODE Harrison County, Ohio, 1862 Land Ownership Map Jarvis, Jacob REF LH 912.77 JAR Hawley - "Descendants of Hans & Susanna Irwin Wiley" Wiley, James Ross REF LH WIL NO BARCODE Hays - "Family History and Genealogy of John Pollock & Nancy Hayes of Belmont County, Ohio Anderson, James E. REF LH POL NO BARCODE Hazzard - "The Okey Family: Delaware to Monroe County, Ohio" Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker REF LH OKE Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790: Maryland. United States. Bureau of the Census REF LH CENSUS 1790 MD green 1888688 Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790: New York. United States. Bureau of the Census REF LH CENSUS 1790 NY green 1888704 Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790: Pennsylvania. United States. Bureau of the Census. 1st census, 1790. REF LH CENSUS 1790 PA green 1888670 Page 14 X NO BARCODE K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A B C D E F G 766 767 768 769 770 771 Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790: Virginia. United States. Bureau of the Census REF LH CENSUS 1790 VA Heath - "Riley Manuscripts" Alban, Mrs. William R. REF LH RIL NO BARCODE REF LH NO BARCODE 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 Heatherington and Rodefer Families of Belmont County, Ohio, and surrounding Areas green 1888712 Hendershot - "Genealogy of The Hendershot Family in America 1710 - 1960" Hendershot, Alfred E. REF LH HEN Hendershot - "Hendershot Ancestors Genealogy Revised 1988" Hendershott, William E. REF LH HEN Henke - "Gone But Not Forgotten, Karl Ernest Ludwig Henke" Henke, Charles REF LH HEN Henry - "John Stewart and His Wife Elizabeth (Henry) of York County, PA & Descendants of Their Children Stewart, Cecil REF LH STE X NO BARCODE Henry - "Whittlings of the Whites" Nalley, Hazel White REF LH WHI X NO BARCODE Heraldic Designs and Engravings Berglinger, J M Ref LH 929.8 Ber 404719 Hereditary Register of the United States of America 1972 Roundtree, John REF LH 920 Rou 404693 Heroic Age, Tales of Wheeling's Frontier Era Hintzen, William REF LH 975.402 HIN WVA Hidden half of the Family A source Book For Women's Genealogy Schaefer, Christina Kassabain REF LH GUIDE SCH Hidden in Plain View: A Secret Story Of Quilts Tobin, Jacqueline L. REF LH 973.7 TOB Highlight of Ohio History Highlights In The History Of The First Methodist Church Of Woodsfield, Ohio NO BARCODE X NO BARCODE lg orange star Ogden, elizabeth 1794795 1849599 REF LH OHIO gold REF LH OHIO MONROE CO. Hilton Family History NO BARCODE REF LH HILTON MONROE X NO BARCODE 1820277 NO BARCODE Hinds Family Hinds, Dalton REF LH HIN Hinkle - "Christopher Hinkle Jr. and His Wife Margaret Allen Hinkle" Alban, Janet Nellie Hinkle REF LH HIN Hinkle - "The Descendants of John and Elizabeth (Wilson) Hinkle" Alban, Janet Nellie Hinkle REF LH HIN Hinkle - "The Descendants of William and Sarah (Giffen) Hinkle" Alban, Janet Nellie Hinkle REF LH HIN Hioms - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM Historic 20th Century Front Pages from the Plain Dealer Cleveland Plain Dealer Ref LH Ohio gold 1553274 Historic Elm Grove, an oustanding American Community Maynard, Jack & Barbara REF LH WVA OHIO CO Navy NO BARCODE Historical Account B&O Rail Lines Winegardner, Carl REF LH OHIO WIN VOL 3 VOL 3 gold 1357346 Historical Account B&O Rail Lines Winegardner, Carl REF LH OHIO WIN VOL 4 VOL 4 gold 1357653 Historical Account B&O Rail Lines 1830 - 1989 Winegardner, Carl T. REF LH OHIO WIN Historical Account B&O Rail Lines 1830 - 1989 Volume II Winegardner, Carl T. REF LH OHIO WIN Historical and Biographical Cyclopedia of the State of Ohio Historical Atlas REF LH 920 BIO Ohio Sheppard, William R. NO BARCODE J Rogers NO BARCODE NO BARCODE 2 copies - signed x gold gold v. 2 - v. 4 gold REF 911 Atlas SHE Historical Buildings Found in Wheeling, WV NO BARCODE sm blue dot Ref CD 101 Historical Collections of Harrison County, Ohio 1900 Hanna, Charles A. REF LH Ohio, Harrison Co Historical Collections of Ohio Howe, Henry REF LH 977.1 HOW Historical National Road in Ohio Harper, Glenn & Smith, Doug REF LH OHIO Historical Notes, Belmont County, Ohio 2000 National Trail Questers International REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO Historical Sketch of the Caldwell Family Porter, William A Ref LH Caldwell Historical Southern Families Bodie, John Bennett REF LH 929.2 BOD Historical Views And Maps of Guernsey County Ohio 213375 NO BARCODE v. 1 - v. 2 gold X gold NO BARCODE orange NO BARCODE NO BARCODE REF LH OHIO ATLAS GUECO sm purple Historty of Washington Co Maryland Williams Ref LH Maryland red History and Geography of Ohio Gregory and Guitteau REF LH OHIO X gold 1726342 History and Progress of the County of Marion West Virginia Dunnington, Geore REF LH WV Marion Co x navy NO BARCODE History of Adams County Pa vol 1 Ref LH Pa Adams Co 1794217 NO BARCODE For gr NO BARCODE History of Allegany County Maryland Thomas & Williams Ref LH Maryland vol 1 X red NO BARCODE History of Allegany County Maryland Thomas & Williams Ref LH Maryland vol II X red NO BARCODE History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Durant, Samuel W. REF LH Pa Allegheny Co x For gr History of Augusta County Virginia Peyton, J. Lewis REF LH VA x black 1620826 History of Baltimore City and County Scharf Ref LH Maryland X red 1554108 History of Beaver County, Pennsylvania 1888 Press, Clossom REF LH Pa Beaver Co History of Beaver County, Pennsylvania Index 1888 A. Warner & Co. Publishers Ref LH Pa Beaver Co x for gr Ref LH Pa X for gr History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties Pennsylvania 2nd ed For gr NO BARCODE History of Belmont & Jefferson Counties Caldwell, James REF LH 977.1 CAL History of Belmont & Jefferson Counties (1983 Reprint of 1880 Edition) Caldwell, J.A. REF LH 977.1 CAL History of Booke County Caldwell, Nancy L Ref LH W VA Brooke co navy 1315989 History of Braxton County and Central West Virginia Sutton, John Davidson REF LH WV Braxton Co navy 1600257 History of Bucks Co Pennsylvania Battle Ref LH Pa Bucks Co forest gr 139231 Page 15 orange X (2 copies) orange K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 B C D E F G History of Burlingtgon ad Mercer Counties, New Jersey Woodward and Hageman REF LH New Jersey x gr/white History of Butler County, Pennsylvania Brown Ref LH Pa Butler Co X for gr 1510530 History of Butler County, Pennsylvania Brown Ref LH Pa Butler Co x for gr 1510522 History of Carroll and Harrison Counties, Ohio Eckley, Harvey J. REF LH HARRISSON CO OHv. 1 & v. 2 vol II History of Chester County, Pennsylvania Futhey & Cope Refr LH Pa, Chester Co X forest green 1478969 Green 1848799 History Of Clarion Co. Pennsylvania REF LH 974.869 NO BARCODE History of Columbiana County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens McCord, William B. REF LH 977.163 HIS vvol I HISTORY OF COSHOCTON COUNTY OHIO Hill,N.N. jr REF LH OHIO COSHOCTON CO X History of Coshocton County, Ohio Bahmer, William REF LH COSHOCTON CO OH v. 1 & v. 2 History of Delaware Index Scharf,Thomas REF LH Delaware X red/navy NO BARCODE History of Delaware County Pennsylvania Smith, George Ref LH Pa X For Gr NO BARCODE History of Delaware Vol I Scharf,Thomas REF LH Delaware vol I x red/navy NO BARCODE History of Delaware Vol I Scharf,Thomas REF LH Delaware Vol II x red/navy NO BARCODE History of Essex and Hudson Counties, New Jersey Vol I Shaw, William REF LH New Jersey vol I x gr/white NO BARCODE History of Essex and Hudson Counties, New Jersey Vol II Shaw, William REF LH New Jersey Vol II x gr/white NO BARCODE History of Fairpoint, Ohio Leonard, Thomas REF LH Ohio Belmont Co x orange NO BARCODE History of Fairpoint, Ohio Leonard, Thomas REF LH,Ohio Belmont County x orange NO BARCODE History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania Ellis, Franklin REF LH FAYETTE CO PA History of Frederick County Maryland Williams, TJC & McKinsey Ref LH Maryland, Frederick Co Vol II History of Frederick County Maryland Williams, TJC & McKinsey Ref LH Maryland, Frederick Co vol l History of Greater Wheeling and Vicinity Wingerter, Charles A. REF LH WV Ohio Co Wheeling v. 1 - v. 2 History Of Greene County Pennsylvania Smith, G. Wayne REF LH PA GREENE CO. VOL1-2 History of Greene County, Pennsylvania 1888 Bates, Samuel P. REF LH 974.883 PA History of Grundy County Ford, James Everett REF LH Grundy, Missouri History of Guernsey County, Ohio Sarchet, Cyrus B. P. REF LH 977.192 SAR History of Hancock County (Virginia & West Virginia) Welch, Jack REF LH WV For gr v. 1 & v. 2 Ref LH Ohio vol I History of Hocking Valley Ohio 1883 Ref LH Ohio vol II Snell, James History of Jacobsburg United Methodist Church and Community X X 1476831 red 1476823 navy green X X NO BARCODE For gr or/nbl NO BARCODE navy 1591159 gold 1475668 gold 1475650 REF LH New Jersey X gr/white NO BARCODE orange NO BARCODE REF LH OHIO BELMNOT CO. X History of Johann Christoph Fuerchtenicht and Marie Elisabeth Lenz Fortney, Charles W. REF LH 929 FOR x History of Kanawha County Atkinson, Geo Ref LH WV Kanawha Co History of Knox County, Ohio red X History of Hocking Valley Ohio 1883 History of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties, New Jersey 1361280 navy REF LH OHIO, KNOX 1496938 1625494 History of Marshall County From Forest to Field Powell, Scott REF LH 975.75416 POW History of Middlesex County, New Jersery Vol I Wall & Pickersgill REF LH New Jersey Vol I gr/white NO BARCODE History of Middlesex County, New Jersery Vol II Wall & Pickersgill REF LH New Jersey Vol II gr/white NO BARCODE History of Monmouth County, New Jersey 1664-1920 Vol II-III REF LH New Jersey Vol II-III x gr/white NO BARCODE History of Monmouth County, New Jersey 1664-1920 Vol I REF LH New Jersey Vol I x gr/white NO BARCODE History of Monongalia County, West Virginia REF LH WVA MONONGALIA CO x navy x History of Monroe County, Ohio, 1813 Woodsfield Chamber of Commerce REF LH 977.1 WOO History of Morgan County, Ohio Robertson, Charles REF LH MORGAN CO OH x X History of Morris County, New Jersey Vol I REF LH New Jersey vol l History of Morris County, New Jersey Vol II REF LH New Jersey vol II History of Muskingum County, Ohio REF LH OHIO MUSKINGUM CO x X gr/white NO BARCODE gr/white NO BARCODE NO BARCODE 1361298 History of New Milton Community, Doddridge County, West Virginia Randolph, Roy F. REF LH WV DODDRIDGE x navy History of Newell and Vicinity Henthorne, Ruth REF LH WV Newell X navy X navy History of Noble County, Ohio 1361306 REF LH 977.195 NOB History of Noble County, Ohio, 1904 Martin Ref LH Ohio Noble Co History of Nutter's Fork Community, Doddridge County, West Virginia Corathers, Lily Smith REF LH WV DODDRIDGE History of Ohio Galbreath, Charles B. REF LH 977.1 GAL History of Ohio Roseboom, Eugene H. REF LH 977.1 ROS History of Ohio Galbreath, Charles B Ref LH Ohio History of Ohio Fairs Ohio Fair Managers Association REF LH Ohio gold History of Philadelphia (3 Volumes) Scharf & Westcott Ref LH Pa for green HIstory of Pleasants County, West Virginia Pemberton, Robert Ref LH WV Pleasants Co navy Page 16 1478878 NO BARCODE v. 1 - v. 5 gold X gold 1315997 NO BARCODE 1357296 K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 B C D E History of Ritchie County, West Virginia Lowther, Minnie Kendall REF LH WV, RICHIE CO x History of Rogers' Rangers Vol I - The Beginnings January 1755- April 6, 1758 Loescher, Burt Garfield REF LH 973.2 Loe X History of Seventh Day Baptist in West Virginia Randolph, Corliss Fitz REF LH WV x History of Southeastern Ohio and the Muskingum Valley 1788 - 1928 REF LH 977.1 LEW F navy G 1591282 NO BARCODE navy NO BARCODE v. 1 - v. 3 History of the 9th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry Michael, C Richard REF LH CIVIL WAR History of the County of Westmoreland, Pennsylvannia with Biographical Sketches Albert, George Dallas REF LH 974.881 ALB X History Of The Early Setlement and Indian Wars Of West Virginia DeHass, Wills REF LH WV DeH x navy History of the Great Kanawa Valley Hale, John REF LH WV x navy 1602402 History of the Indian Villages and Place Names in Pennsylvania Donehoo, Dr. George REF LH PA fo gr NO BARCODE History of the Jacob Crow Family In Green County, PA and Marshall County, WV Crow, James Homer REF LH CROW History of The Lower Shenandoah Vally Vol 1 Noriss, J. E. REF LH VA V.1 VOL 1 BLACK 1849029 History of The Lower Shenandoah Vally Vol 2 Noriss, J. E. REF LH VA V.2 VOL 2 BLACK 1849037 History of the Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs 1924 - 1954 Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs REF LH 369 OHI History of the Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs 1954 - 1974 Ohio Federation of Womens Clubs REF LH 369 OHI History of the Pan-Handle, West Virginia 1879 Newton, J. H. REF LH 975.41 NEW History of the United States Postal Service 1775 - 1984 History of the Upper Ohio Valley NO BARCODE NO BARCODE X REF LH Brant and Fuller REF LH 977.1 BRA History of Tuscarawas County, Ohio 1793417 NO BARCODE v. 1 - v. 2 X Gold REF LH 977.166 HIS HISTORY OF VIRGINIA'S NAVY OF THE REVOLUTION Stewart, Robert A. REF LH WAR History of Washington County Ohio 1788-1889 Howe, Henry Ref LH Ohio Washington, Co History of Washington County, Maryland Williams Ref LH Maryland History of Washington County, Maryland Williams, Thomas REF LH Maryland, Wash CO vol I History of Washington County, Ohio 1378334 X vol II X 1495138 red 1554116 red 1554082 REF LH 977.195 WASH History of Washington County, Ohio 1788-1881 Ref LH Ohio, Washington Co x 1496565 History of Washington County, Pennsylvania Crumrine, Boyd, edited by REF LH CD X NO BARCODE History of Watauga County North Carolina Arthur, John Preston Ref LH North Carolinia Art History of Wayne Township, Montgomery County, Ohio, 1810 - 1976 light blue circle REF LH WAY 1746712 NO BARCODE History of Weirton West Virginia Javersak, David T. REF LH WV HONCOCK CO History of Wetzel County, West Virginia McEldowney, John C. REF LH975.418 WET History of Wheeling City and Ohio County, West Virginia, and Representative Citizens Cranmer, Gibson L. REF LH 975.415 CRA X History of Wheeling Fire Department Plummer & Handlan Ref LH WV Wheeling X navy History of York Co Pennsylvania Prowell Ref LH Pa, York Co X navy History of York County, Pennsylvania Prowell Ref LH Pa, York Co X navy Hobbs - "John Hobbs, A Genealogy of the Hobbs Family In Ohio" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH HOB X NO BARCODE Holloway - "Howard and Edith Holloway Family History" Barton, Lois REF LH HOL x NO BARCODE Holloway - "Rachael Holloway" Holloway, Ollin REF LH HOL Holloway Old Timers Reminisc 1776 - 1976 Bicentennial X X Holly Memorial Gardens Cemetery Hodorowski, Frank/Holly Memoria Ref LH Ohio Belmont County Holly Memorial Gardens Cemetery Index Hodorowski, Frank/Holly Memoria Ref LH CD Homer and Lillie Gerlach and their Gerlach Click, Little & Hempfield Ancestry Gerlach, Elmer K. REF LH 920 GER Honoring our Father Frizzi, Daniel Jr Ref LH Ohio 1399223 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE signed gold Orange REF LH HOUSE 1492267 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE How Justice Grew Hiden, Martha REF LH Virginia x black How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role Cahill, Thomas REF LH Irish Cah J Rogers sm green star How They Linger Little, Rosalie Delaney Ref LH Delaney Family x How to Obtain Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce and Adoption Records Ferraro, Eugene REF LH Guides Fer lg orange star How to Trace Your African-American Roots Howell, Barbara T. REF LH Guide How lg orange star How to Trace Your Family Tree in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales Chater, Ka thy Ref LH Guide Cha Howells of New Jersey, Virginia, Ohio and Points West Wallace, Richard E. REF LH Howell X Huff - "Michael Huff" McCord, John REF LH HUF x Hughes - "The Story of Our Family" Gilloghy, Nancy REF LH GIL Huguenot Emigration to America Baird, Charles REF LH Huguenot BAI Huguenot Society of New England 1924 - 1949 Roster Members and Ancestors Finnell, Arthur Louis REF LH Huguenots: Their settlements, churches & industries in England & Ireland Smiles, Samuel Ref LH Hugeuenots Page 17 1399082 NO BARCODE orange REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO. House Family History 1879265 NO BARCODE REF LH Hope Cemetary 1880 - 1940 Blue 1554298 NO BARCODE 1357270 1499890 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE VOL 1&2 sm green dot 1357361 NO BARCODE X sm green dot no barcode K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 B C Huguenots:Their settlements, Churches, & Industeries in England & Ireland Smiles, Samuel Ref LH Hugeuenots Hunt Heritage History Hunt, Gary REF LH HUN Hupp - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY Hurd - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" D E F G NO BARCODE v. 2 1553365 NO BARCODE REF LH BRI X NO BARCODE Iames - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM X 2 copies - signed Iams - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D., M.D. REF LH 929.2 IAM 2 copies - signed Iiames - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM 2 copies - signed Iiams - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM 2 copies - signed Iimes - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM 2 copies - signed Iioms - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM 2 coipes - signed Ijames - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM 2 copies - signed Ijams - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM 2 copies - signed Ijemes - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM Illistrated Atlas Of The Civile War 2 copies - signed REF LH CIVIL WAR yellow 1820228 Illustrations From The Pan-Handle Of The West Virginia Historical Collections Newton, J.H. REF LH WV Navy NO BARCODE Images of america Moundsville Schramm, Robert W. REF LH WV MARSHALL CO BLUE 1849060 Images of america West Virginia Penitentiary Clemins, Johnathan D. REF LH WV OHIO BLUE Imes - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM Immigrants to New England 1700-1775 Bolton, Ethel Stanwood REF LH 929 BOL Immigrants to the Middle Colonies 1849052 2 copies - signed 1591308 REF LH 929.37 IMM Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania Myers, Albert Cook REF LH Pa x Ims - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM X In Coal Country Hendershot, Judith REF LH F HEN In Search Of Your Canadian Roots Baxter, Angus REF LH GUIDES Bax x lg orange star In Their Own Words: Native-American Voices from the American Revolution Fitzpatrick, Alan REF LH AMERICAN INDIANS FIT x bronze NO BARCODE REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO. CEMETERIES orange NO BARCODE gold NO BARCODE Index Hope Cemetery Original Record By Date 1880 To 1940 Index of the Rolls of Honor(ancestor's Index) in the lineage books of the N.S.D.A.R vol I&ll index Ref LH 929.373 Index of Women From Early Years in Southeast Ohio Index Probate Records Belmont County, Ohio 1802-1990 Davis, Glenn and Carolyn REF LH 929.1 BEL vol I&II v. 1 & v. 2 Schumacher & Levering, compiled by REF LH Ohio, Athens Index to Bent, Zig-Zag & Crooked Byers, Arley REF LH 977.1 BEN Index to Centennial History of Belmont County McKelvey, Alexander T. REF LH MCK Index to Civil War Veterans War In Southern Ohio, 1890 Federal Census Vol. 1 x x 1553282 1505373 x REF LH CIVIL WAR FRA VOL. 1 no barcode YELLOW Index to Early Marriages of Jefferson County, Ohio Jan 1798- Dec 1820 Jefferson County Chapter, OGS REF LH OHIO JEFFERSON CO Index to Early Wills and Estates of Jefferson County, Ohio Up to 1853 Daily, L. Compiled By REF LH OHIO JEFFERSON CO Index to Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the 5 Civilized Tribes in the Indian Territory Commission to the 5 Tribes REF LH Am Indian Fin Bronze Index to Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the 5 Civilized Tribes in the Indian Territory Commission to the 5 Tribes REF LH Am Indian Fin Bronze Index to Genealogical and Family History of Eastern Ohio Simon, B. REF LH OHIO x Index to Green County, Pennsylvannia Wills 1796-1900 Closson. Bob REF LH 929.374 CLO x Index to Guernsey County Wills 1812-1850 1776909 2.19E+11 x REF LH CENSUS 1850 Index to Athens County, Ohio Death records 1867-1908 1683535 2 copies - signed (2 copies in JF Hen 1-3) Ref LH Ohio Southeast Index to 1850 U.S. Census of wood County, Ohio fr gr 1833288 NO BARCODE 1376197 1554157 1554157 NO BARCODE Ref LH Guernsey Co Index to Historical Collections of Ohio Howe, Henry REF LH 977.1 DAY Index to McKelvey's Centennial History Of Belmont County, Ohio Cumberland Trail Gen Soc, compiled by REF LH OHIO BELMONT COPaperback Index to Ohio Tax Lists 1800 - 1810 Jackson, Ronald Vern REF LH 929.3 IND Index to Pension Applications for Indian Wars Service Between 1817-1898 White, Virgil REF LH WAR INDIAN X Index to Probate Records Washington County, Ohio 1851-1900 Cottle, Elizabeth, compiled by Ref LH Ohio Washington, Co X X 1553209 yellow 1776859 1553340 Index To the Atlasses of Athens County, Ohio 1875-1905 REF LH OHIO ATLAS ATHENS CO sm purple Index to the most Common Names in the CTGS Pub.,Your Guide to the Cemeteries of Bel Co REF LH Belmont Co orange 1794282 NO BARCODE Index to the Obituaries & Death Notices Appearing in the Dziennik Chicagoski 1910-1919 Hollowak, Thomas L. REF LH Poland Hol sm orange star 1184351 Index to the Obituaries & Death Notices Appearing in the Dziennik Chicagoski 1920-1929 Hollowak, Thomas L. REF LH Poland HOL Part 2 sm orange star 1189566 Index to the Obituaries and Death Notices Appearing in the Dziennik Chicagoski 1920-1929 Hollowak, Thomas L. REF LH Poland HOL Part 1 sm orange star Index to the Rolls of Honor (Ancestor's Index) in the Lineage Books of the N.S.D.A.R. vol III&IV Index Ref LH 929.373 vol III & IV Index to Washington County, Pennsylvania Wills 1781-1900 Closson,Bob & Mary REF LH PA WASHINGTON CO Indian Blood Pangburn, Richard REF LH Am Indian Pan I Indian Blood II Pangburn, Richard REF LH Am Indian Pan II Page 18 1184344 2.19E+13 NO BARCODE J Rogers Bronze 1357379 Bronze 1357387 K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 B C D E F G Indian Eve and her Descendants Replogle, Emma Ref LH Pa Bedford Co X Indian Tribes of North America Swanton, John Rq REF LH Am Indian Pan X Bronze 1481666 Indian Villages of Pennsylvania Garbarino, William REF LH Am Indian Pan J Rogers Bronze NO BARCODE Indian Wars along the Upper Ohio Valley Garbarino, William REF LH Am Indian Gar X Bronze 1691793 Indian Wills, 1911-1921 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Book #1 Bowen, Jeff REF LH Am Indian Bow Bronze 1701451 Indian Wills, 1911-1921 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Book #2 Bowen, Jeff REF LH Am Indian BOW Bronze 1726235 Indian Wills, 1911-1921 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Book #3 Bowen, Jeff REF LH Am Indian Bow X Bronze 1701550 Indian Wills, 1911-1921 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Book #4 Bowen, Jeff REF LH Am Indian Bow x Bronze 1701352 Indian Wills, 1911-1921 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Book #5 Bowen, Jeff REF LH Am Indian Bow x Bronze 1701345 Indian Wills, 1911-1921 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Book #6 Bowen, Jeff REF LH Am Indian Bow Bronze 1701253 Indian Wills, 1911-1921 Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Book #7 Bowen, Jeff REF LH Am Indian Bow Bronze 1701246 International Vital Records Handbook Kemp, Thomas Jay REF LH Guides Kem lg orange star 1117880 Inventory of the County Archives of Belmont County REF LH 622.334 CRO Invitation to Visit Harrison County, Ohio REF LH Ireland Listings of Catholic Parishes, Civil Parishes, Townlands (Maps) Poor Law Unions REF LH 941.5 IRE Irish Family Names Grenham, John REF LH Irish Gre Irish Immigrants in Nineteenth Century Ohio Wolfe, Donna M. REF LH 929.3 WOL Irish Immigrants in Nineteenth Century Ohio Naturalizations Selected Years Wolf, Donna Irish Immigrants in Nineteenth Century Ohio: A Data Base Wolf, Donna Irish Information NO BARCODE X NO BARCODE sm green star 1184179 Ref LH Ohio gold 1510621 REF LH Irish sm green star 1362197 REF LH Irish sm green star NO BARCODE sm green star 1259005 Irish Passenger Lists 1803 - 1806 Mitchell, Brian REF LH IRISH Mit Iron & Steel in Wheeling Scott, Henry Dickerson REF LH 669.1 SCO Iron, Industry and Independance Jonovic, Donald J. REF LH BIO BURTON Irwin - "Descendants of Hans & Susanna Irwin Wiley" Wiley, James Ross REF LH WIL Israel Family Israel, J. Robert REF LH ISRAEL It Happened Round North Bend: A History Of Miami Township and Its Borders Burress, Marjorie Byrnside REF LH OHIO MIAMI Jackson - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY Jamacian Ancestry: How To Find Out More Mitchell, Madeline E. REF LH James Long Family 1999 Fowler, Julie Ref LH LOng Jams - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM 2 copies - signed Jennings Heritage Project Hollis, Nicholas REF LH Jennings NO BARCODE REF LH JEW NO BARCODE Jewett - "Hugh J. Jewett" X NO BARCODE NO BARCODE X Gold 1879380 NO BARCODE X NO BARCODE Jews in the Twentieth Century Gilbert, Martin REF LH 909.4 Gil 1737513 Jiames - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM 2 copies - signed Jiams - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM 2 copies - signed Jiemes - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM Johnson - "The Ancestry of Anthony Morris Johnson Johnson, Robert Leland REF LH JOH Johnston - "Nathan & Mary (Black) Johnston Stewart, D. Fuller REF LH FUL Jones - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY Joseph, William and Barentt Groves Juniata, River of Sorrows 2 copies - signed v. 3 - v. 8 NO BARCODE REF LH JOS McIlnay, Dennis Ref LH McI Pa Kadesh Chapel, United Methodist Church 1785-1985 REF LH Kagg - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" REF LH BRI Kelly-Kemp Latham Sells Funeral Home Records REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO Kelsey - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" REF LH BRI Kentucky Colonization in Texas, a History of Peters Colony Supplement included - no barcodes Connor, Seymour X for green 1493141 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE Orange NO BARCODE NO BARCODE REF LH Kentucky, Con white circle Kershaw County, South Carolina Cemetery Survey Vol. 1 REF LH S. CAROLINA KERSHAW CO. V.1 aqua star NO BARCODE Kershaw County, South Carolina Cemetery Survey Vol. 2 REF LH S. CAROLINA KERSHAW CO. V.2 aqua star NO BARCODE Kershaw County, South Carolina Cemetery Survey Vol. 3 REF LH S. CAROLINA KERSHAW CO. V.3 aqua star NO BARCODE Keyser - "Riley Manuscripts" Alban, Mrs. William R. REF LH RIL Kindalls, Ancestory & Descendants of John W Kendalls & E F Bate Kindall, Mollie Ref LH Pa, York Co King & Queens of Britain Phillips, Charles REF LH England/ UK Kinney - "Documentation and History of the James Kinney Farmstead: Country Mile Farm" Simpson, Floyd REF LH KIN X Kinsey Family History Kinsey, Marjorie Blocher REF LH KIN x Kinsman School History Ref LH Belmont Co Ohio Ref LH Pa York Co Page 19 1746647 NO BARCODE navy rose star NO BARCODE NO BARCODE NO BARCODE orange K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 B C Kinzy - "Civil War Recoords of Frederick Kuenzi / Kinzy of Monroe County, Ohio Kinsey, Walter REF LH 929.3 KIN Kirker - "Mulvaney Linking Barton, McIlvain(e) and Kirker" Osthermis, Anthony McIlvain REF LH MUL Kirkwood Township Cemetery Inscriptions Vol 1 & 2 CTGS REF LH CD D E F G NO BARCODE VOL 1&2 NO BARCODE Kith and Kin of Boon County, West Virginia V.1 REF LH WV BOONE CO. V.1vol 1 blue NO BARCODE Kith and Kin of Boon County, West Virginia V.2 REF LH WV BOONE CO. V.2vol 2 blue NO BARCODE Kith and Kin of Boon County, West Virginia V.3 REF LH WV BOONE CO. V.3vol 3 blue NO BARCODE Kith and Kin of Boon County, West Virginia V.4 REF LH WV BOONE CO. V.4vol 4 blue NO BARCODE Kith and Kin of Boon County, West Virginia V.5 REF LH WV BOONE CO. V.5vol 5 blue NO BARCODE Kith and Kin of Boone County, WV Vol VI REF LH WV BOONE CO. Navy NO BARCODE Knouff - "Kinsey Family History" Kinsey, Marjorie Blocher REF LH KIN X Korzenie Polskie Polish Roots Chorzempa, Rosemary A. REF LH 929.109 x Kuenzi - "Civil War Records of Frederick Kuenzi / Kinzy of Monroe County, Ohio Kinsey, Walter REF LH 929.3 KIN Lake Erie, The American Lakes Series Hatcher, Harlan REF LH 977.1 HAT Lambert - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" NO BARCODE REF LH BRI NO BARCODE Lancaster County, SC Cemetery Data. Vol. 1 Ellis, Joanne REF LH S. Carolina Lancaster Co. V.1 aqua star NO BARCODE Lancaster County, SC Cemetery Data. Vol. 2 Ellis, Evelyn and Joanne REF LH S. Carolina Lancaster Co. V,2 aqua star NO BARCODE Land and Property Research in the United States Hone, E. Wade REF LH Guide Hon lg orange star Land Patents - Marietta Land Office 1801-1820 Landmarks of Old Wheeling and Surrounding Country REF LH OHIO Milton, Charles . REF LH 977.1 MIL X Lansing, Ohio REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO JROGERS Lantz - "John and Elizabeth (Finney) Lantz" REF LH LAN Latham - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY Law and You Swisher, Thomas R. REF LH 977.031 SWI LDS Emigrant Roster and Voyage History 1840-1869 Huffman, James Wylie REF LH 977.1 Library (LDS) Cerny, Johni REF LH Guide LIB Library Research in Pennsylvania Morris, Jean S. REF LH MOR Licking County, Ohio, July 1998 Kent, Lena J. REF LH 929.377154 KEN Licking Couty, Ohio, Marriages 1808 - 1875 Life Along the Ohio Canal NO BARCODE X lg orange star NO BARCODE X REF LH Ohio 386.4 Mey Life and Confession of Thomas Carr ... One Notorious Belmont County Resident Life and Times of Lewis Wetzel NO BARCODE REF LH 977.154 LIC Meyer, David NO BARCODE X Ref LH CD Legend of Duncan Falls 1667694 REF LH 977.1 CARR Allman, C.B. X REF LH B WETZEL Lillie Porter Collection of Harrison County, Ohio REF LH 929 POR Lingenfelter - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" REF LH BRI Linwood Cemetery and Kinsey Cemetery REF LH Ohio Belmont Co 1117849 NO BARCODE (2 copies) v. 1 - v. 2 NO BARCODE orange NO BARCODE Linwood Cemetery, Headstone transcriptions Kocher, L. Richard REF LH CD List of Occupations Kocher, L. Richard REF LH 670 LIS Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Athens County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard Ref LH Ohio Athens Co Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Belmont County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard REF LH 929.309 koc Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Columbiana County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard REF LH Ohio, Columbiana Co x 1706377 Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Coshocton County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard REF LH OHIO COSHOCTON CO X NO BARCODE Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Guernsey County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard REF LH OHIO GUERNSEY CO x 1899289 Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Harrison County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard REF LH Ohio, Harrison Co x NO BARCODE Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Holmes County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard Ref LH Ohio, Holmes x NO BARCODE Listing of Entrymen on Lands In Jefferson County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard REF LH 929.309 KOC x Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Licking County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard Ref LH Ohio, Licking Co x Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Monroe County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard REF LH 929.309 KOC X Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Morgan County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard REF LH 929.3771 KOC X Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Morgan County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard Ref LH Ohio, Morgan x NO BARCODE Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Muskingum County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard Ref LH Ohio, Muskingum x NO BARCODE Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Noble County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard REF LH 929.377195 LIS Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Stark County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard Ref LH Ohio Stark Cl x 1706468 Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Tuscarawas County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard REF LH OHIO TUSCARAWAS X NO BARCODE Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Washington County, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard REF LH 929.377198 LIS x Ref LH Ohio Wayne x Listing of Entrymen on Lands in Wayne County, Ohio Page 20 2cds NO BARCODE x NO BARCODE NO BARCODE NO BARCODE K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 B C D E F G Listing of Entrymen on Lands South of the Connecticut Wester Reserve in Summit Co, Ohio Kocher, L. Richard REF LH Ohio, Summit Co X NO BARCODE Listing of Inhabitants in 1781 Washington County, Pennsylvania Iscrupe, Shirley G.M. REF LH WASH x 1553373 Little Home Histories In Our Early Homes, Belmont County, Ohio McDonald, Robert D. REF LH 977.1 MCD x Little Known Facts About Ohio Whitacre, Donald REF LH 977.1 WHI X Living Each New Day In HIS Service Flushing Christian Church Ref LH OH Belmont Co Local Government Records at Ohio University McConnell, Edward REF LH 015.771 MCC Local History of Greene County and Southwestern Pennsylvannia Wychoff, Andrew J. REF LH 974.892 WYC Locating Your French and Indian Ancestor Morris, Jean S. REF LH London - "America The Beautiful: London, Phillips, Scott & Mitchell Famlies" London, J. Phillip REF LH LON X REF LH BRI X Long - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" orange NO BARCODE 1554041 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE NO BARCODE Long Island Genealogies Bunker, Mary P, Compiled by Ref LH NY Long Island blue 1489560 Long Branch, A Plantation House in Clarke County, Virginia Fordney, Christopher REF LH Va black NO BARCODE Long Family History Longest Raid of the Civil War REF LH LONG Horwitz, Lester NO BARCODE REF LH WAR Hor Lourens - "Families of Dallas, Lourens, Rogers" yellow REF LH 929.2 DAL x J Rogers Loyalist of Massachusetts and toher side of the American Revolution Stark, James H. REF LH MASS Lucas ROGERS, JOAN CONRAD REF LH LUCAS FAMILY Lucas - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY Lucas Genealogy 1964 Kemp, Annabelle REF LH LUC JRogers Luke Family of Belmont County and Southern Illinois Conley, Kim red/bl 1770191 1651102 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE REF LH LUK X MacBean - "Clan MacBean in North America Register" REF LH MAC X NO BARCODE Magazine of Jefferson County Historical Society Ref LH WV LXV X navy no barcode Magazine of Jefferson County Historical Society Ref LH WV LXVII X navy NO BARCODE NO BARCODE Magna Charta Sureties 1215 Weis, Frederucj K Ref LH 927.7 Ada Maine Biographies Vol I Coe, Harrie B Ref LH Maine vol I Navy/white NO BARCODE Maine Biographies Vol II Coe, Harrie B Ref LH Maine vol II Navy/white NO BARCODE Malabar Farm Bromfield, Louis REF LH 630.1 BRO Mann - "Mann Family" REF LH MANN Mann Family History REF LH MANN 1532070 x NO BARCODE Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses 1790 - 1920 Thorndale, William & William Dollarhide REF LH Guide HAR Maps Showing The Development of Pennsylvania Department of Internal Affairs REF LH 929.3748 PEN Marietta Washington County Northwest Territory Immel, Paul REF LH OHIO WASHINGTON CO Marietta, Washington County, Ohio, Official Visitors Guide lg orange star 1824642 REF LH MAR X X Mariners of the American Revolution KAMINKOW, MARION AND JACK REF LH WAR Marks - "Rev. John Marks: His Descendants and Relating Family" Colombatto, Doris Hoover REF LH MAR Marriage and Death Notices of Wheeling, West Virginia & Tri State Area 1818-1857 Scott, Carol A. REF LH 929.375 SCO Marriage Book #1 Belmont County, Ohio 1822-1825 Harrington, R. E., prepared by REF LH CD X Marriage Book A & B Belmont County, Ohio 1801-1825 Harrington, R. E., prepared by REF LH CD X Marriage License, State of Ohio Guernsey Co 1831-1844 1117955 J ROGERS NO BARCODE 1378326 NO BARCODE v. 1 - v. 3 2 copies of v. 1 REF LH OHIO GUERNSEY CO c NO BARCODE NO BARCODE Guernsey 1316094 Marriage License, State of Ohio Guernsey Co vol a 1810-1832 index REF LH OHIO GUERNSEY CO VOL A Marriage License, State of Ohio Guernsey Co vol c 1831-1844 Index REF LH OHIO GUERNSEY CO VOL C Marriage Notices 1785-1794 for the whole United States Bolton, Charles REF LH 973.004 AME Marriage Records 1805 - 1866 Athens County, Ohio Fletcher, Marvin REF LH 306.81 FLE X Marriage Records of Berkeley County Virginia, 1781-1854 Keesecker, Guy Ref LH VA X black 1486509 Marriage Records of Squires Isaac and Joseph F Mayes compiled by Harris, Wall & Petrich Ref LH Pa forest green 1520927 Marriages and Death from the MarylandGazette 1727-1839 Barnes, Robert REF LH MARYLAND BAR red 1794761 REF LH VIRGINA LOUDOUN CO. BLACK 1829997 BLACK NO BARCODE forest green NO BARCODE blue NO BARCODE Marriages of Loudoun County, Virginia 1757-1853 1316086 X 1316094 1746720 Marriages of Orange County, Virginia 1757-1880 Fisher, Therese, A. REF LH VA. ORANGE CO. Marriages of Pittsylania County, Virginia 1767-1850 Campbell, Jeffrey Ref LH Va Pittsylvnia Marriages of Rowan County, North Carolina 1762-1850 Campbell, Jeffrey Ref LH North Carolinia Marriages, Deaths, Divorces (1870-1872-1875) Medina County Kaynek, Sharon L. D. REF LH OHIO Medina Co Married Well and Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia 1649-1800 Headley, Robert K. Jr. REF LH VA. HEA black 1794779 Marshall County Patriots And Heroes Rider, Gary L. REF LH WV MARSHALL CO BLUE NO BARCODE Marshall County, West Virginia, Marriages 1835 - 1889 Marshall County,WV History Of the Twentieth Century X NO BARCODE REF LH Parriott, Joseph REF LH WV Marshall Co Page 21 NO BARCODE x navy NO BARCODE K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 B C D Martin Genealogy, Tied to the History of Germanna, Virginia Martin, William REF LH VA Maryland Record, Colonial Revolutionary County Church Brumbaugh Ref LH Maryland vol I Maryland Record, Colonial Revolutionary County Church Brumbaugh Ref LH Maryland vol II Maryland Troops in the American Revolution 1775-1783 Archives of Maryland REF LH REV WAR MARYLAND Master Plan for the Restoration of the Harrison County Courthouse, Cadiz, Ohio Schooley Caldwell Associates REF LH 725.15 SCH Masters - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" Mathew & Lena Their Story "A Biographical History REF LH BRI F black X red red yellow X G NO BARCODE 1486251 12/10/5969 1378359 NO BARCODE REF LH FAMILY HAMMOND NO BARCODE Maurer - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" REF LH BRI NO BARCODE Mayflower Families Through Five Generations REF LH 939.207 MAY McBain - "Brief History of Clan McBain" REF LH MCB McBane - "The Clan McBane, Giffen Castle Pedigree of the Denhams" REF LH MCB McConnell - "The Story of Our Family" McFarland, Barbara E x Gilloghy, Nancy McCormick - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" NO BARCODE NO BARCODE REF LH GIL X NO BARCODE REF LH BRI X NO BARCODE McElfresh - "Henry W. McElfresh Family History" McElfresh, Melvin Philip REF LH MCE 1553381 McElfresh - "The Third Generation Richard McElfresh: Beginnings of the Westward Migration Moylan, Charles E. REF LH MCE NO BARCODE McFarland Family REF LH FAMILY MCFARLAND NO BARCODE McFarland-Hunter - "The Story of Our Family Gilloghy, Nancy REF LH GIL McHenry - "Descendants of Hans & Susanna Irwin Wiley" Wiley, James Ross REF LH WIL NO BARCODE McIlvain (e) - "Mulvaney Linking Barton, McIlvain(e) and Kirker" Osthermis, Anthony McIlvain REF LH MUL NO BARCODE McKelvey - "Famlies of McKelvey, Fulton, Neff, Dent, Workman, Creamer Families" Peters, Jean REF LH MCK McMahon Family Klee, Frances L. McMahon REF LH MCM McMechan - "History of John McMechan Family" Blair, N.D. REF LH MCM McMechan Farm, Belmont County, Ohio Blair, N.D. REF LH MCM Mellott Horton, Mike J. REF LH MEL Memoirs of the early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio Hildreth, S. P. REF LH Ohio Hil gold 1733744 Memorial Cards of Loved Ones Jefferson, June Altherr W REF LH WV navy NO BARCODE Memorial HIstory of the Powell Family 1880 Powell,Rev John Ref LH Powell x NO BARCODE Merryman - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY X NO BARCODE X NO BARCODE Methodism In Shadyside, Ohio 1843 - 1967 X X NO BARCODE NO BARCODE 2 Vols. NO BARCODE REF LH METHODISM Methodism in Western Pennsylvania 1784-1968 Smeltzer, Wallace Guy Ed. Ref LH Methodism Western Pa Methodism: Ohio Area 1812-1962 Versteeg, John REF LH 287 VER Meyers - "Riley Manuscripts" Alban, Mrs. William R. REF LH RIL Military Graves in Belmont County Cash, Don Ref LH Rev War Military Records: War of 1812 Muster Rolls Ref LH CD Military Records: Civil War Service Records Ref LH CD Military Records: Revolutionary War Muster Rolls Ref LH CD Military Records: W W II & Korean Conflict Overseas Interments Ref LH CD Military Service Records at the National Arachives REF LH Guide Mil Miller - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" REF LH BRI Miller - "Jacob Miller and Jane Scarborough Kith N' Kin'" NO BARCODE Miller, Flavil Copy in circ. NO BARCODE Yellow lg orange star NO BARCODE NO BARCODE REF LH 929 MIL x NO BARCODE Mine Desasters REF LH 904.7 UNI NO BARCODE Miskimmins / Miskimen / Meskimen REF LH MIS NO BARCODE NO BARCODE Mitchell - "America The Beautiful: London, Phillips, Scott & Mitchell Famlies" London, J. Phillip REF LH LON Mitchell - "The Story of Our Family" Gilloghy, Nancy REF LH GIL Monroe Copunty, Ohio Genealogical Records Fedorchak, Catharine REF LH Ohio/ Monroe vol 5 1719222 Monroe Copunty, Ohio Genealogical Records Fedorchak, Catharine REF LH Ohio/Monroe vol 6 1719321 NO BARCODE Monroe County Ohio Plat Directory 1989 REF LH ATLAS, OHIO MONROE Monroe County Plat Directory - Ohio Monroe County, Oh Church Records: Parish Records of St. Paul's German Evangelical Protestand Church, Woodsfield, Oh REF LH OHIO ATLASMONROE CO. x Harmon, Shirley REF LH Ohio,Monroe Co x Monroe County, Ohio Kopp, Rita A. Bone REF LH 929.3 KOP Monroe County, Ohio Church Records,(Zion & Hannibal) Marty & Liechti Ref LH Ohio, Monroe County x Monroe Monroe County, Ohio Cemetery Inscriptions Ref LH Ohio, Monroe County X Monroe Monroe County, Ohio Cemetery Inscriptions Ref LH Ohio, Monroe County Monroe County, Ohio Cemetery Inscriptions Adams, Franklin & Switerland Twp REF LH OHIO MONROE CO. Page 22 1794340 sm purple 1702749 NO BARCODE v. 1 - v. 2 Monroe x NO BARCODE K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 Monroe County, Ohio Cemetery Inscriptions, Summit Township B Monroe County Chapter, OGS Monroe County, Ohio Cemetery Inscriptions,Wayne Township Cemetery Inscript.& Glean C D Ref LH Ohio Monroe E F G X NO BARCODE REF LH OHIO MONROE CO. x 1749666 Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records Vol 7 Fedorchak, Catharine REF LH OHIO Monrow x 1765290 Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records V. 9 Fedorchak, Catharine F. REF LH OHIO MONROE CO.vol V.99 Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records Vol 1 Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker Ref LH Ohio Monroe Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records Vol 10 Fedorchak, Catharine F. REF LH OHIO MONROE CO. Vol 10 MONROE 1280269 Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records Vol 11 Fedorchak, Catharine F. REF LH OHIO MONROE CO. Vol 11 MONROE 1834450 Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records Vol 12 Catharine F. Fredorchak REF LH OHIO MONROE CO. X 1869019 Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records Vol 13 Fedorchak, Catharine F. REF LH OHIO MONROE V13 X 1879398 Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records Vol 14 Fedorchak, Catharine F. REF LH OHIO MONROE V14 X 1879240 Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records Vol 15 Fedorchak, Catharine F. REF LH OHIO MONROE V.15 Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records Vol 15 Fedorchak, Catharine F. REF LH OHIO MONROE V15 X 1887870 Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records Vol 3 Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker REF LH OHIO MONROE VOL 3 X 1667512 Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records Vol 4 Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker Ref LH Ohio Monroe VOL 4 X 1667504 Monroe County, Ohio Genealogical Records Vol.2 Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker REF LH OHIO MONROE VOL2 X 1667413 Monroe County, Ohio, Families Monroe County Chapter, OGS REF LH 977.196 MON Monroe County, Ohio, Marriages 1867 - 1917 vol 7 VOL 1 Kopp, Anita A. Bone REF LH 929.377 KOP Moore - "Descendants of Hans & Susanna Irwin Wiley" Wiley, James Ross REF LH WIL Moorefield & Nottingham Townships, Harrison County, Ohio 1591142 1887870 X REF LH 977.196 COC Monroe County, Ohio, Newspaper Abstracts 1804909 X X v. 1 - v. 4 X X NO BARCODE REF LH Ohio, Harrison Co 1750599 Mother Bedford and the American Revolution Smith, Larry Ref LH Smith Mother Cumberland Tracing Your Ancestors in South-Central Pennsylvania Bell, Raymond M. REF LH PA BEL forest gr. NO BARCODE Mother Cumberland-A Harvest of Memories X 1312853 Ref LH PA Cumberland Co forest gr NO BARCODE Mother Cumberland-A Harvest of Memories Reunion 2003 Wilms, Jocelyn Fox REF LH PA WIL forest gr. NO BARCODE Moundsville's Mammoth Mound Norona, Delf Ref LH WV J Rogers Mount Pleasant and The Early Quakers of Ohio Burke, James REF LH OHIO JEFFERSON CO X 1782881 Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Bellaire Ohio - transcriptions Cumberland Trail Genealogical Society REF LH CD 2009 x NO BARCODE Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Wheeling, West Virginia Wheeling Area Genealogical Society REF LH WV OHIO, WHEELING Mt. Zion Cemetery Records, Fairmont Ave. Wheeling WV WAGS REF LH WV Ohio Co Mulvaney Linking Barton, McIlvain (e) and Kirker Ostheimis, Anthony McIlvain REF LH MUL Murphy Clan CD 2009 Navy 326128 NO BARCODE x navy NO BARCODE NO BARCODE REF LH MUR X NO BARCODE X NO BARCODE My Beck Connection Rothert, Kathy M. Yoker REF LH ROT My Boggs, Prisbrey, Prince, & Maudsley Ancestors & their Descendants Slack, Irene REF LH BOGGS FAMILY My Melungeon Heritage Johnson, Mattie Ruth REF LH My Ohio Home, Little Journeys to Homes of Famous Ohioans Keeley, Irene Thomas REF LH 977.1 KEE My State, Ohio Crow, George H. REF LH 977.1 CRO Mysteries of Ohio's Underground Railroads Siebert, Wilber H. REF LH 973.715 SIE National Road Jordan, Phillip Ref LH Ohio gold 242069 National Road, Main Street of America Schneider, Norris F. REF LH Ohio gold 1668155 National Trail and Old Forty White, Paul E. REF LH 388.1 WHI Native American wills and probate records 1911-1921 Bowen, Jeff REF LH NATIVE AMERICANS BOW BROWN 1829963 Naturalization Records Index Columbiana County, Ohio Poole, Velma Jean REF LH Naval History, Officers of the Continental Navy and Marine Corp Naval History Center REF LH Rev WAR Neff - "Famlies of McKelvey, Fulton, Neff, Dent, Workman, Creamer Families Peters, Jean REF LH MCK Nerver To Be Forgotten McClure, James REF LH PENNSYLVANIA YORK CO. Netting Your Ancestors - Genealogical Research on the Internet Howells, Cyndi 929.1 HOW New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland Mitchell, Brian REF LH Irish Mit New Jersey Biographical and Genealogical Notes Nelson, William REF LH New Jersey New Loyalist Index Bunnell, Paul REF LH Rev. War New Loyalist Index Vol I Bunnell, Paul REF LH REV WAR VOL I 1378250 New Loyalist Index Vol II Bunnell, Paul REF LH REV WAR VOL II 1378268 New Loyalist Index Vol III Bunnell, Paul REF LH REV WAR VOL III New Philadelphia Ohio Democrat Obituary Exerps 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907 Shonk, Gray, Glaizer REF LH OH TUSCARAWAS New Philadelphia Ohio Democrat Obituary Exerps 1908, 1909, 1910 Shonk, Gray, Glaizer REF LH OH TUSCARAWAS New York Colonial Muster Rolls 1664-1775 Vol I Ref LH War Revolutionary Page 23 NO BARCODE X NO BARCODE NO BARCODE green NO BARCODE Regular Circ sm green star X X 1153547 NO BARCODE yellow 1378250 1378284 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE vol I x yellow NO BARCODE K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 B New York Colonial Muster Rolls 1664-1775 Vol II New York Founding Hospital: An Index to Its Federal, State, and Local Records 1870-1925 Inskeep, Carolee R. D vol II E X REF LH NEW YORK INS New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 1994 REF LH NY New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 1994 Vol 125 index New York in the Revolution As a Colony and State C Ref LH War Revolutionary v. 1 - v. 4 Ref LH N Y Roberts and Mather Ref LH New York Nichol - "The Genealogy of the Nichol Family" blue 1804875 blue NO BARCODE blue NO BARCODE BLUE NO BARCODE Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY Rose, Christine REF LH 929.4 ROS NO BARCODE Ref LH Ohio Noble Co X North Carolina Genealogical Research Schweitzer, George REF LH 975.6072 Sch X Notes On The Settlement And Indian Wars Doddridge, Joseph REF LH WV DOD x Now and Then Wheeling Duffy, Sean 1683543 navy 1793433 REF LH WV OHIO CO BLUE 1849045 Ref LH Washington Co Washington fr/gr Oak Grove Cemetery, Fayette County Pa Yaniga, Rose & Yanik, John Compilers REF LH PA OBITUARIES FROM BELMONT CHRONICLE 1837-1846 Knowlton, Vera, compiled by REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO X Obituaries from Belmont County Newspapers Wallace, Helen REF LH 929.377 WAL x Ref LH Ohio Monroe X Monroe lg orange star Obituaries of Monroe County, Ohio Observations of the American Backcountry 1728-1836 Edited by Retig, Donald R. Jr 1522451 NO BARCODE Nicknames Past and Present 2nd Edition Revised and Enlarged Oak Grove Cemetery Marietta, Ohio (Washington Co) G NO BARCODE REF LH NIC Nicholson - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Noble County Cemeteries (partial list) 2 vol in 1 F yellow NO BARCODE REF LH 977.1 OBS Ref LH Guides Sta X Occupation Names and Definitions REF LH 670 OCC x Official Guide to Colonial Williamsburg Olmert, Michael REF LH VA WILLIAMSBURG Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War Stryker, William S. REF LH REVOLUTIONARY WAR Official Roster fo Soldiers fo the War of the Rebellion 1861-1866 Roster Commission REF LH 920 OFF REF LH 920 OHI Official Roster of the Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in the State of Ohio REF LH 920 OFF Official Roster of the Soldiers of the American Revolution Who Lived in the State of Ohio Daughters of the American Revolution REF LH 920 OHI Official Roster, Federal, State, County Officers and Departmental Information Secretary of State REF LH 352 OHI Official World War I, 1917-1918 Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors, Marines Roster Commission REF LH 920 OFF Ohio 1800 - 1810 Jackson, R.V. REF LH 977.198 OHI 1398613 1726243 Occasional Paper Official Roster III, Soldiers of the American Revolution who Lived in the State of Ohio 1434913 NO BARCODE 1042559 1377161 v.2 - v.11 1357247 JROGERS X v. 2 v. 1 - v. 23 Ohio 1870 Census Index Ref LH Census 1870 vol 1Aa-col green 1494602 Ohio 1870 Census Index Ref LH Census 1870 vol II com-goo green 1494123 Ohio 1870 Census Index Ref LH Census 1870 vol III gop-kri green 1494206 Ohio 1870 Census Index Ref LH Census 1870 vol IV kro-orc green 1494289 Ohio 1870 Census Index Ref LH Census 1870 vo lv ord-sni green 1494297 Ohio 1870 Census Index Ref LH Census 1870 vol snio-z green 1494214 Ohio Almanac 1670 - 1977 REF LH 977.1 OHI Ohio Almanac 1980 REF LH 977.1 OHI yellow 1503956 Ohio Almanac 1992 - 1993 REF LH 977.1 OHI Ohio At Shiloh Lindsey, T. J. Ref LH OH War Ohio Before 1850 Chaddock Ref LH 977.1 Cha Ohio Builds A Nation Stille, Samuel Harden REF LH 977.1 STI Ohio Canal Era Scheiber, Harry REF LH Ohio Sch gold 1760697 REF LH OHIO CEMETERIES Gold 1825730 Ohio Cemeteries Addendum 332985 Ohio Cemeteries: 1803-2003 Troutman, K Roger Ref LH Ohio gold 1496946 Ohio Cemetery Records Extracted from"Old Northwest" Gen Q Ref LH Ohio gold 1489578 Ohio Centennial Anniversary Celebration Randall, E.O. REF LH 977.1 OHI Ohio Collective Bargaining Law Lewis, John F. REF LH 977 LEW Ohio County (WV) Index 1826-1836 Craft, Ken F Jr Ref LH WV vol 9 Ohio County (WV) Index Vol 11 1842-1851 Craft, Kenneth REF LH WV vol 11 Ohio County (WV) Index Vol 12 1852 -1856 Craft, Kenneth REF LH WV VOL 12 X Ohio County (WV) Index Vol 2 1777-1881 Plus Gazetteer & Map Book Craft Jr., Kenneth F. REF LH W VA OHIO CO VOL 2 X 1321698 Ohio County (WV) Index Vol 3 1777-1881 Craft Jr, Kenneth F REF LH W VA OHIO CO VOL 3 x 1321623 Ohio County (WV) Index Vol 4 1777-1881 Craft Jr, Kenneth F REF LH W VA OHIO CO VOL 4 Ohio County (WV) Index Vol 5 1777-1881 Craft Jr. Kenneth F. REF LH W VA OHIO CO VOL 5 X 1321706 Ohio County (WV) Index Vol 6 1777-1881 Craft Jr. Kenneth F. REF LH W VA OHIO CO VOL 6 X 1321714 Page 24 x X Navy navy 1673296 navy 1673395 1321631 K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 B C Ohio County (WV) Index Vol 7 CRAFT, Kenneth fishcer Jr REF LH OHIO COUNTY Ohio County (WV) Index Vol 7C Craft, ken Ref LH WVA Ohio Co Ohio County (WV) Index Vol 8 Craft Jr., Kenneth F. REF LH WVA OHIO CO Ohio County, WV Index to County Court Order Books (Part 1) 1777-1881 Craft, Kenneth Fischer, Jr. REF LH 975.4103 CRA Ohio Election Statistics 1997 - 1998 Clements, John REF LH 977.1 OHI Ohio Genealogical Periodical Index: A County Guide Bell, Carol Willsey REF LH 977.1 BEL Ohio Government Digest The American Legion Auxilliary REF LH 977.34 BUC Ohio Historic Bridge Inventory Evalluation & Preservation Plan ODOT Ref LH Ohio Ohio Historic Inventory 1979 E F 3.19E+13 7C X 1357288 VOL 8 X 1378391 v. 1 X X NO BARCODE gold REF LH 728.09 Ohio Historical Review Featuring Belmont County Ohio Historical Society REF LH OHIO Ohio Hundred Year Book Gilkey, Elliot REF LH 977.1 GIL Ohio In Homespun and Calico Frary, I. T. REF LH 977.1 FRA Ohio in the Civil War Standard Oil Company REF LH CIVIL WAR Ohio in the Civil War NO BARCODE v 81 n. 2 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE REF LH CIVIL WAR Ohio Lands Burke, Thomas A. REF LH Ohio Municipal, Township and School Board Roster 2000-2001 J Kenneth Blackwell Sec of State Ref LH 352 Ohio Ohio Municipal,Township, and School Board Roster 1998-1999 Bob Taft, Sec of State Ref LH 352 Ohio Ohio Photographers 1839-1900 Gagel, Diane VanSkiver REF LH Ohio Ohio Roster of Municipal and Township Officers and Members of Boards of Education Secretary of State REF LH 352 OHI Ohio Society History of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Volume III Buell, Gertrude Landphair REF LH 369.135 Bue Ohio Society Sons of the American Revolution, Membership register 2000 yellow NO BARCODE 1315013 1258650 v. 3 gold 1704794 gold NO BARCODE x REF LH OHIO Messenger, Amanda Long 197610 NO BARCODE REF LH BELMONT CO Ohio History G X REF LH 977.1 Ohio Facts A Comprehensive look at Ohio today County by County Ohio State History of the Daughters of American Revolution D REF LH 369.135 MES Ohio the Cross Road of Our Nation REF LH OHIO VOL XIX--2 Ohio the Cross Road of Our Nation Powell, Esther Weygant REF LH OHIO NO. 2 XXV gold 1808991 Ohio the Cross Road of Our Nation Powell, Esther Weygant REF LH OHIO NO. 3 XXXVI gold 1808983 Ohio Towns and Townships to 1900: A Location Guide Overton, Julie Minot REF LH OHIO OVERTON Ohio Trivia Couch, Ernie & Jill REF LH 977.1 COU jc rogers Ohio Valley Genealogies Hanna, Charles A. REF LH 929.4 HAN X Ohio Valley in Colonial Days Fernow, Berthold REF LH 977.1 Fer Ohio Valley Memories Intel & News Register Ref LH WV Ohio Valley Ohio Valley, Your Guide to America's Heartland Laycock, George & Ellen REF LH 917.69 LAY Ohio Wills and Estates to 1850: An Index Bell, Carol Willsey REF LH 929.3 BEL Ohio's Founding Fathers Milligan, Fred J Ref LH Ohio Ohio's Wildlife Resources Cochran, Rod REF LH 977.1 COC Okey - "The Okey Family, Delaware to Monroe County" Fedorchak, Catharine Foreaker REF LH OKE Old and New Westmoreland Boucher, John, REF LH CD Old Churaches, Ministers and Families of Virginia vol I Meade, Bishop William REF LH VA vol I black 1682925 Old Churaches, Ministers and Families of Virginia vol II Meade, Bishop William REF LH VA vol II black 1683121 Old Grave Yard In Cambridge, Ohio, Founders Cemetery Davis, Mary L. REF LH 929.309 DAV Old Pike Searight, Thomas B. REF LH 388.1 SEA Old Westmoreland: A History of Western Pennsylvania during the Reolution Hassler, Edgar Ref LH Pa,Westmoreland for gr 1510605 Oldstone's Guide to Creative Rubbings Marks, Glen Ref LH Guides Mar lg orange star 1375983 Omitted Chapters from Hotten's Original Lists of Persons of Quality… Brandow, James REF LH England/ Uk Omi lg rose Star On the Way Home, West Virginia Soldiers on the Sultana Com & Ed by Linda C. Fluharty REF LH WV NAVYH One Hundred Years County Commissioners' Assoc. of Ohio REF LH 977.1 COU One Hundred Years (1880 - 1980) County Commissioners Assoc. of Ohio REF LH 977.1 COU Orange County, Virginia- Order Book One 1734-1739 - Part One 1734-1736 Little, Barbara Vines REF LH VA. ORANGE CO. BLACK Organizing & Preserving Your Heriloom Documents Sturdevant, Katherine S Ref LH Guide Stu lg orange star 1489552 Organizing Your Family History Search Carmack, Sharon REF LH Guide Car lg orange star 1375926 Original Lists of Persons of Quality 1600-1700 Hotten, John Camden REF LH England/ Uk Ore Rose Star 1746746 Orphan Trains & Their Precious Cargo Kidder, Clark REF LH 362.734 Osage Indian Bands and Clans Burns, Louis F. REF LH Am Indian Bur Our Counties, Our Homes Colulmbus Dispatch Ref LH CD ROM Ohio History Page 25 1378417 1688419 Navy gold 1492341 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE X 1746654 NO BARCODE J,C ROGERS X NO BABCODE 1378342 X Bronze 1701535 gold 1489594` K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 B C Our Harrison Heritage Harrison County Chapter, OGS REF LH Our Town Adena 1801 - 1978 Stanwick, Nora REF LH 977.169 OUR Our Watson Heritage Mitchell, Watson,Aven Ref LH Watson Our Yesterdays, Volume II, Collection of Stories of Community History, Quaker City Our Young Family D E F G no barcode 1553332 REF LH 977.19 OUR Young,Norman Ref LH You Palantine Immigrant, Quarterly Journals of Palantines to America 1980 - 1984 J Rogers NO BARCODE REF LH NO BARCODE Pamjatky (Memories) Remberance of 33 Cousins Balog, Larry REF LH Family History Pamjatky Paradise on The Hilltop: The 10,000 Year old Fabric Of Ethnicity Watson, Mary Ann Ph. D. REF LH BELMONT CO. OHIO Paris - "Descendants of Hans & Susanna Irwin Wiley" Wiley, James Ross REF LH WIL NO BARCODE orange NO BARCODE NO BARCODE Parrish of Bieth, of Cunningham, Lordship of Giffen REF LH Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Charleston 1820-1829 REF LH Passenger Arrivals aqua 1746530 Passenger Arrivals at the Port of New York 1820-1829 REF LH Passenger Arrivals aqua 1746522 Passenger Arrivals at the Port of New York 1830-1832 REF LH Passenger Arrivals aqua 1746670 sm green star 1153539 Passenger Lists from Ireland Hackett, J. Dominick REF LH Irish Hac Passengers and Ships Prior to 1684 VoI I of Penn's Colony Sheppard Walter Lee Jr. REF LH 974 She Passports of Southeastern Pioneers 1770-1823 Potter, Dorothy Williams REF LH 929.3 Pot PASSPORTS OF SOUTHEASTERN PIONEERS 1770-1823 Potter, Dorothy Williams REF LH 929.3 POT Patrick County Virginia Land Entry Book Baughan, Barbara & Pilson, Betty REF LH VA Patriack Co Patrick County, Virginia Unrecorded Documents 1791-1920 Baughan, Barbara & Pilson, Betty REF LH VA Patriack Co Pearson - "Pearson Heritage" NO BARCODE X 1683220 1684558 1709900 black NO BARCODE X black NO BARCODE x navy NO BARCODE REF LH PEA Peninsula Cemetery, Wheeling WVA Wayne, Audra R--WAGS REF LH WV, Ohio Co Pennsylvania Beautiful (Eastern) Nutting, Wallace REF LH 917.48 NUT Pennsylvania Gazetteer of Streams U.S. Department of Interior REF LH Pennsylvania German Immigrants 1709 - 1786 NO BARCODE REF LH 929 YOD Pennsylvania German Marriages Irish R. Donna REF LH 929.374 PA Pennsylvania Line 1979 - 1980 Southwest Pennsylvania Genealogies Serv. REF LH Pennsylvania Line; Research Guide to Pennsylvania Genealogy and History X Green 1701337 NO BARCODE REF LH 974.8 PA Pennsylvania Manuscripts Volume II Draper, Lyman C. REF LH DRA PA Pennsylvania Marriages Prior to 1790 John B. Linn REF LH PA X REF LH Pa X forest green NO BARCODE X Pennsylvania Obituaries 1918 Pennsylvania Soldiers of the Rebolutionary War (living in states other than Pa) v2 REF LH REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1553290 1869324 Yellow NO BARCODE Pennsylvania vital records Pennsylvania genealogical magazine. REF LH 929.374 PA V. III green 1888647 Pennsylvania vital records Pennsylvania genealogical magazine. REF LH 929.374 PA V. II green Perkins - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY Persons Naturalized in the Province of Pennsylvania 1740 - 1773 1888654 NO BARCODE REF LH 929.3 PEN Pethtel - "Wade Family, Monongalia County, Virginia, Now West Virginia" Brand, Franklin Marion REF LH WAD X NO BARCODE Philip and Ruth Dickerson Witten and their Descendants Witten, Sally Sue REF LH Witten Family X NO BARCODE Phillips - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY Phillips - "America The Beautiful: London, Phllips, Scott & Mitchell Families" London, J. Phillip REF LH LON x NO BARCODE REF LH PHI X NO BARCODE Phillips - "John Phillips" Phillips - "Six Days In July 1944, Gordon Phillips - The Phillips Family" London, J. Phillip NO BARCODE REF LH PHI Phillips Family History REF LH PHILLIPS Phillips, John REF LH PHI Photographing Your Heritage Shull, Wilma Sadler 770.28 SHU Pickens Family Glosser, Nancy C. REF LH PIC Pickering - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" NO BARCODE VOL 1,2,3,4 Reg Circ REF LH BRI Pickett - "The Picketts of Fauquier" NO BARCODE J Rogers 1553241 X NO BARCODE REF LH PIC NO BARCODE Pilgraim Fathers, Their Church and Colony Cockshott, Winnifred REF LH 974.4 COC NO BARCODE Piney Fork Ohio Family Genealogy and Pictorial History Borkowski, John REF LH OHIO JEFFERSON CO Pioneer Cemeteries of Southeast Ohio Conner and Masters REF LH 929.5097 PIO Pioneer Collection of Jefferson County Sinclair, Dohrman REF LH OHIO JEFFERSON CO x 1715832 Pioneer Days, Early History of Jefferson County, Ohio Sinclair, Mary Donaldson REF LH OHIO, Jefferson Co X NO BARCODE Pioneer History of Meigs County, Ohio Larkin, Stillman Carter Ref LH Ohio, Meigs Co Pioneer Marriages of Guernsey County Pioneer Review 1554280 1497407 Ref LH Guernsey Co Martins Ferry Genealogical Society Page 26 Ref LH Ohio Belmont County x orange NO BARCODE K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 B C D E F G Pioneer Settlers of Grayson County, Virginia Nuckolls, Benjamin Floyd Ref LH Va Grayson County Pitfalls in Genealogical Research Rubincam, Milton 929.1 RUB Pittsburgh's Forgotten Allegheny Arsenal Wudarczyk,James Ref LH Pa Pittsylvania County, Virginia Marriage Records 1769-1805 Ridlen, Collene Allice REF LH VA Pittsylvania Pittsylvania County, Virginia Register of Free Negroes and Related Documentation Griffith, Alva H. REF LH VA PITTSYLVANIA Place Names Directory: Southeast Ohio Fitak, Madge R. REF LH OHIO PLA Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal - Clarence Volume Marquis of Ruvigny & Raieval REF LH England/ UK Ruv rose star 1559040 Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal - Exeter Volume Marquis of Ruvigny & Raieval REF LH England/ UK Ruv rose star 1558968 Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal- Essex Volume Marquis of Ruvigny & Raieval REF LH England/UK Ruv x rose star 1559115 Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal- Mortimer-Percy Volume Marquis of Ruvigny & Raieval REF LH England/ UK Ruv x rose star Planters of the Commonwealth Banks, Charles REF LH 929.1 Ban x x x sm orange star 1184419 sm orange star 1159148 Plat Book and Land Atlas Monroe County 1998 black Reg Circ forest green Pogonowski, Iwo Cyprian REF LH Poland POG Polish Roots Chorzempa, Rosemary A. REF LH Poland CHO Polk City Directory, Belmont County Polk Ref LH 917.71 Pol 2000 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE X 1378318 gold REF LH ATLAS OHIO MONROE Poland, A Historical Atlas 1489586 NO BARCODE 1559123 NO BARCODE 1794837 X 1226160 Polk City Directory, Belmont County 2010 REF 917.7 POL 2010 Polk City Directory, Moundsville, WV 1997 REF POLK 1997 NO BARCODE Polk City Directory, Moundsville-Marshall Co. WV 2000 REF POLK 2000 NO BARCODE Polk City Directory, Wheeling, WV 1999 REF POLK 1999 1830524 Polk City Directory, Wheeling, WV 2000 REF POLK 2000 1830482 Polk City Directory, Wheeling, WV 2001 REF POLK 2001 Polk City Directory, Wheeling, WV 2009 REF POLK 2009 Pollock - "Family History and Genealogy of John Pollock & Nancy Hays of Belmont County, OH" Anderson, James E. REF LH POL Popham - "Kinsey Family History" Kinsey, Marjorie Blocher REF LH KIN 1830029 1830474 X NO BARCODE Population of States and Counties of the United States 1790 - 1990 REF LH 304.609 Portrait and Biographical Record of Guernsey County Ohio REF LH OHIO GUERNSEY CO Portrait and Biographical Record of Tuscarawas County, Ohio 1895 REF LH Portrait and Biographical Record of Tuscarawas County, Ohio, 1895 REF LH OHIO TUSCARAWAS POULTON FAMILY HISTORY REF LH POULTON POWELL FAMILY HISTORY REF LH POWELL X 1398621 X NO BARCODE Powhatan Cemetery Interment and Lot Records compiled by Ellen Massey REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO JRogers Powhatan Cemetery Records, Powhatan Point, Ohio Massey, Ellen Carpenter REF LH 929.1 MAS J Rogers Powhatan Story North American Coal Ref LH Belmont Co x Preliminary Inventory of Land-Entry Papers of the General Land Office National Archives REF LH 333.16 NAT X Presbyterianism in the Upper Ohio Valley United Presbyterian Church in the USA REF LH 285.277 UNI Preview Wheeling 1879281 NO BARCODE orange 1565252 Orange REF LH NO BARCODE Price - "The Ohio Valley Price's: Descendants of John and Margaret Price" Price, J.D. REF LH PRI NO BARCODE Principio to Wheeling 1715 - 1945, A Pagent of Iron May, Earl Chapin REF LH 338.4 MAY Probasco Names On The United States Census Fuller, Carolyn Gwen REF LH PRO Pryor - "Descendants of Joshua Pryor (1824 - 1995)" Dawson, Dolores Leison REF LH PRY Pryor - "Pryor, Reed & Gavin Family of Belmont County, Ohio" Alker, Vera Pryor REF LH PRY Pryors / Priors - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" Fry, Eloise Latham REF LH FRY Psychic Roots Serendipity & Intuition In Genealogy Jones, Henry Z. REF LH 929.1 JON 1467 Quaker marriage certificates : New Garden monthly meeting, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1704-1799 Bjorkman, Gwen Boyer, 1933- REF LH 929.374 PA 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 Musilli, Max R. REF LH Family Musilli Raffaele And Cristina Musilli: Ancestors, Descendants, and Life in Italy and The upper Ohio Vally, 1772-2010 Ramage Cunningham Family Randolph County (West) Virginia Deeds & Will Abstracts Early Marriages & Sims LandGrant NO BARCODE NO BARCODE X NO BARCODE NO BARCODE lg orange star X REF LH RAM Shuck, Larry G Compiled by NO BARCODE Ref LH WV Randolph Co Rausch/ Roush Family REF LH FAMILY RAUSH/ROUSH Raven Rocks Prufer, Olaf H. REF LH 977.193 PRU Reading Early American Handwriting Sperry, Kip REF LH GUIDES Spe Recollections of the First Settlement of Ohio Barker, Joseph REF LH 977.1 BARKER Reconstructed Marriage Records of Monroe County 1803-0867 Hogue, Ruth Dougherty Ref LH Monroe County, Ohio Records of Veterans Buried in Brook County REF LH WV Brooke Co Page 27 1888696 NO BARCODE navy X x NO BARCODE NO BARCODE lg orange star 1776800 NO BARCODE Navy 1602121 K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 Reed - "Pryor, Reed & Gavin Family of Belmont County, Ohio" B Alker, Vera Pryor Regi Magyarorszag "Old Hungary" Newsletters from Hungarian AM Friendship C E X REF LH X Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors Finnell, Arthur Louis REF HuguenotLH Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors 1996 Update Finnell, Arthur Louis REF LH Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors 1997 Update Finnell, Arthur Louis REF LH Register of the Gen Society of the War of 1812 , 1972 & 1976 Bi Centenial Sup to 1972 Reg D REF LH PRY G NO BARCODE NO BARCODE sm green dot NO BARCODE NO BARCODE X Ref LH War 1812-1972 NO BARCODE yellow Register of the Inmates of Ohio County Infirmary Roe, Nancy, WAGS REF LH WV, Ohio Co Remembering…My Father and Somerton Kelley, Martha Witherspoon Ref LH Familly History Witherspoon Research in Ohio Ellicott, Wendy L. REF 959.377 ELL 1987 Restoration of Harrison County Courthouse F x navy 1476807 NO BARCODE 1553266 X Missing REF LH 725.15 SCH Revolution Messenger, Amanda Long REF LH 369.135 MES v. 2 Revolution on the Upper Ohio, 1775-1777 Thwaites, Reuben Gold REF LH OHIO THW vol 2 Revolutionary Soldiers of Warren Co Pa Cowan, Lucy REF LH PA Revolutionary War Bounty Land Grants Bockstruck, Lloyd D Ref LH War Revolutionary Revolutionary War Graves Register Ref LH CD gold 1805104 fr/gr NO BARCODE yellow 1476740 X Revolutionary War Patriots Vol 1 Ebenezer Zane Chapter of SAR REF LH REV WAR yellow NO BARCODE Revolutionary War Patriots Vol 2 Ebenezer Zane Chapter of SAR REF LH REVOLUTIONARY WAR vol 2 yellow NO BARCODE Revolutionary War Patriots Vol 3 Brooke, Hancock,Marshall & Ohio Co in WV Ebenezer Zane Chapter of SAR Ref LH War vol 3 yellow 1472806 Revolutionary War Patriots Vol 4 Coshocton, Guernesy, Holmes, Noble & Tuscarawas Co Ebenezer Zane Chapter of SAR REF LH Wars Rev vol 4 yellow 1554215 Yellow NO BARCODE Revolutionary War Patriots: Buried In Wasinton County, Pennsylvania v. 1 REF LH WAR REVOL. X Revolutionary War Veterans Who Settled in Butler County, Pennsylvania Myers, Paul Ref LH Pa Butler Co Richardson - "Whittlings of the Whites" Nalley, Hazel White REF LH WHI Riley Manuscripts Alban, Mrs. William R. REF LH RIL River View Cemetary, Martins Ferry, Ohio 1871 - 1998 Doughty, Madeline REF LH OHIO BELMONT MF Robinson - "Luther Emerson Robinson" Robinson, Anna Dysart REF LH ROB Rock Hill Horse Thief Detective Association (Pultney Township, Belmont Co., Ohio) REF LH Rodefer - "Heatherington & Rodefer Family of Belmont County and Surrounding Areas" REF LH HEA Rodeffer - "Shenandoah and Beyond: A Partial History of the Rodeffer Family" Rodeffer, Stephanie H. Rodziny The Journal of the Polish Genealogical Society of America 1998 ROGERS ROGERS,JOAN CONRAD NO BARCODE orange X NO BARCODE NO BARCODE NO BARCODE REF LH X NO BARCODE Rogers - "Families of Dallas, Lourens, Rogers" Roll of Honor : Names of Soldiers Who Died In Defense of the American Union, Interred in the National Cemeteries Numbers I - XXVII REF LH 929.2 DAL NO BARCODE NO BARCODE v. 1 - v. 4 JRogers REF LH WAR CIVIL 1O VOLUMES Romanians in the United States and Canada Wertsman, Vladimir F REF LH 929.1 Wer Romantic Story of Schoenbrunn, The First Town in Ohio Weinland, Joseph REF LH 977.166 WEI Roots for Kids, A Genealogy Guide for Young People Beller, Susan Ref LH Guide Bel Ross - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" REF LH BRI Roster of Ohio Soldiers in the war of 1812 REF LH WAR 1812 Roster of the General Society of the War of 1812 1989& Supp to the 1989 Roster Ref LH War 1812-1989 Rubel - "Rubel Family" Grubb, Farley Saint Matthew's Episcopal Church of Wheeling West Virginia 1553167 NO BARCODE REF LH ROGERS FAMILY Rothert, Kathy M. Yoker 1510631 NO BARCODE X REF LH BRi Runaway Servants, Convicts, and Apprentices Advertised in the PA Gazette 1728-1796 for gr x REF LH ROD Rogers - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" Rothert - "My Beck Connection" X NO BARCODE yellow 1560501 x lg orange star 1415870 NO BARCODE 1357254 yellow REF LH ROTHERT X REF LH RUD X REF LH PA X Ref LH WV Wheeling 1476815 NO BARCODE fr-green navy 1378292 1733802 Sayre - "Wade Family, Monongalia County, Virginia, Now West Virginia" Brand, Franklin Marion REF LH WAD Scatterday Genealogy Scatterday, Glen A. REF LH SCA SchiSchan St Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1919 orange 1650005 SchiSchan St Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1939 orange 1650500 SchiSchan St Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1958 orange 1650740 SchiSchan St Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1959 orange 1650757 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO orange 1650302 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO orange 1650203 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO orange 1650724 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1931 orange 1650419 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1932 orange 1650518 Page 28 NO BARCODE 1553324 1922-23 1929 1929-30 K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 B C D E F G SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1933 orange 1650617 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1934 orange 1650625 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1935 orange 1650716 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1937 orange 1650401 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1938 orange 1650021 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1940 orange 1650310 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1941 orange 1650104 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1942 orange 1650609 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1943 orange 1650013 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1944 orange 1650112 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1945 orange 1649999 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1947 orange 1650096 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1948 orange 1650088 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1949 orange 1650328 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1955 orange 1650534 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1954 orange 1650039 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1953 orange 1650121 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1952 orange 1650211 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1950 orange 1650187 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1956 orange 1650043 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1957 orange 1650427 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1960 orange 1650435 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1961 orange 1650658 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1962 orange 1650450 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1963 orange 1650542 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1964 orange 1650559 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1965 orange 1650450 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1966 orange 1650526 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1967 orange 1650633 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1968 orange 1650732 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1972 orange 1650294 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1973 orange 1650278 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1979 orange 1650278 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1987 orange 1650286 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1989 orange 1650195 SchiSchan St. Clairsville High School REF LH BELMONT CO 1976 orange Scoles - "Kinsey Family History" Kinsey, Marjorie Blocher REF LH KIN Scots - Irish Links 1575 - 1725 Part One and Part Two Dobson, David REF LH England/ UK Scots-Dutch Links in Europe and America 1575-1825 Dobson, David REF LH England/ UK Scott - "America the Beautiful: London, Phillips, Scott & Mitchell Families" London, J. Phillip REF LH LON X Scottish Clan Way, George REF LH England/ UK Way X rose star 1055775 Scottish Family History Moody, David REF LH GUIDES Moo x Purple Star 1776917 Searching American Military Records Carter, Fran REF LH Guide CAR Seceder Church, Mt. Pleasant Service Record Book (WW I & WW II) - Men & Women of Belmont County & Community v. 1 - v. 2 rose star rose star n/a x REF LH 973.7 SER X Rutter, Carolyn REF LH 977.193 RUT Sesquicentennial History of Royal Arch Freemasonary In Ohio Selby, Edward M. REF LH 366.1 SEL Sesquicentennial History of Royal Arch Freemasonry in Ohio Selby, Edward H. REF LH 366.1 SEL Settlement and Conflict Along the Susquehanna Garbarion, William Jr. REF LH 970.03 Gar Settlement of His Forebearers in Captina Valley Caldwell, A. B Ref LH Caldwell Settlers' Forts of Western Pennsylvania DeMay, John A. REF LH PA Seven Ranges: A Chronical of Several American Families and Their Arrival in Ohio Thomas, John R REF LH FAMILIES Thomas & Marshall Shadow Lawn Cemetery Inscriptions Williams, Vergie Irene REF LH Shahan - "Riley Manuscripts" Alban, Mrs. William R. REF LH RIL Shenandoah Valley Pioneers and their Descendants 1738-1908 Cartmell,T> K> Ref LH Va Frederick Co 1151988 1706369 NO BARCODE lg orange star Sesquicentennial History of Powhatan Point, Ohio Page 29 1828098 NO BARCODE 1184211 NO BARCODE X v. 2 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE x 1691801 1826654 x NO BARCODE Black 1496920 K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 B C D E Ships Arriving From Italian Ports to America 1820 - 1850 adn 1880 - 1910 Lener, Dewayne J. REF LH Ships From Ireland to Early America 1623-1850 Vol II Dobson, David REF LH Irish Dob Ships of our Ancestors Anuta, MIchaael J. Ref LH 623.8 Shores-Staachyra Groves Family Tree Leonard, Patricia Stachyra REF LH Shores-Stachyra x Short Creek Cemetery ( Ohio County) WV Hubbard, G. & Elliott, B. REF LH WV Brooke Co X F x sm green star 1733751 1322779 Short Creek Township Cemeteries (Harrison County) REF LH Ohio, Harrison Co SHORT HISTORY OF BRIDGEPORT REF LH OHIO BRIDGEPORT NO BARCODE navy NO BARCODE orange NO BARCODE 1750425 Short History of Ohio Land Grants Rhodes, James A. REF LH 977.1 OHI x gold Sideling Hill Primitive Baptist Congregation From 1790 Fulton County History Society Inc. REF LH SID W Kinsey fr grn Sims Index to Land Grants in West Virginia G NO BARCODE Ref LH W Va navy NO BARCODE 1478795 Sinclair - "Our Sinclair - St. Clair Family" Ellis, Kathryn Young REF LH SIN Sixty-Five Years of Iron and Steel in Wheeling Plummer, Robert L. REF LH WV OHIO CO. Navy 1807266 Slave Ancestral Research It's Something Else Fears, Mary L. Jackson REF LH Guide FEA x lg orange star 1208226 Sleuth Book for Genealogists Croom, Emily Anne REF LH Guide CRO X lg orange star Snider - "Lineage & Genealogy of George Washington Snider, Jr. 1732 - 1982" Snider, C. Woodrow REF LH SNI Some Births and Marriages From Pennsylvania 1745- 1861 X NO BARCODE v. 1 REF LH 1376031 NO BARCODE X NO BARCODE X NO BARCODE Some Descendaants of Arthur Warren Myers, James Ref LH Warren Family Some Descendants of William and Rebeckah Warnock Warnock, John Edward & Mary Ref LH Warnock Familyy Some Tombstone Inspcriptions of Southwest Athens County, Ohio Bowman and Stanley REF LH OHIO ATHENS CO Somerset Sampler Batchelder, Pauline Ref LH Maryland, Somerset Co red NO BARCODE Somerset Sampler Batchelder, Pauline Ref LH Maryland, Somerset co red NO BARCODE Somerton Area Heritage, The History of Somerset & Wayne Township, Blemont Co Yarnall, Bruce REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO J Rogers orange Source, A Guidebook of American Genealogy Eakle, Arlene REF LH Guide SOU J Rogers lg orange star Southeast In Early Maps Cumming, William P. REF LH Atlas CUM( MEMORIAL FOR FLORENCE KING)sm blue dot Southeastern Ohio Local and Family History Sources in Print 1979 Adams, Marilyn REF LH ADA Southeastern Ohio Mortality schedules Michaels, C Richard "Mike" REF LH OHIO GOLD Special Schedule of the Eleventh Census of Civil War Soldiers 1890 Wheeling Area Genealogical Society REF LH Census Wva 1890 lt green St Patrick's People Irish & English Catholics in Early Ohio History Porter, Lorle Ref LH Ohio gold St. Clair - "Our Sinclair - St. Clair Family" Ellis, Kathryn Young REF LH SIN 1495104 NO BARCODE 1554223 1307523 NO BARCODE X NO BARCODE 1566128 NO BARCODE St. Clair's Bedford: The History and Genealogy of Bedford County, PA REF LH 929.3 STC St. Clairsville Alumni Association Newsletter 1992 - 1999 REF LH St. Clairsville City Charter REF LH NO BARCODE St. Clairsville City Schools Annual Reports REF LH NO BARCODE St. Clairsville Civic Directory 1970 REF LH NO BARCODE REF LH CD NO BARCODE St. Clairsville High School Graduation 1986 (Video) REF LH NO BARCODE St. Clairsville High School Schi-Schan 1916-1923 REF LH 378 St. Clairsville High School Schi-Schan 1925-1973 REF LH 378 St. Clairsville High School Schi-Schan 1975-1978 REF LH 378 St. Clairsville High School Schi-Schan 1989-1994 REF LH 378 St. Clairsville Pioneer Days - 1984 AV VIDEO LOCAL HISTORY - COPY IN CIRC St. Clairsville School District Map REF LH, ohio gold NO BARCODE St. Mary's Catholic Church, Martins Ferry , OH REF LH OHIO BELMONT orange NO BARCODE Ref LH Belmont Co orange St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Barton, Ohio - Celebrating 100 Years of God's Blessing 1911-2011 REF LH BELMONT CO orange St. Paul's Church, Trail Run Monroe County, Ohio 1838 - 1984 160th Anniversary Ref LH Monroe County, Ohio NO BARCODE NO BARCODE St. Clairsville High School Graduates St. Mary's Cemetry, Martins Ferry, Ohio Bill O'Neil Rev. Fred Kihm Starr The Quakers From Ireland Harris, Lillie Alberson REF LH STA State Census Records Lainhart Ref LH 929.3 Lai v.1 - v. 2 x X NO BARCODE NO BARCODE 1478779 State of New Jersey Indes of Wills, Inventories, Etc Vol II REF LH New Jersey vol II X green/white NO BARCODE State of New Jersey Indes of Wills, Inventories, Etc Vol I REF LH New Jersey vol I x green/white NO BARCODE State of New Jersey Indes of Wills, Inventories, Etc Vol III Stewart - "John Stewart and His Wife Elizabeth (Henry) of York County, PA & The Descendants of Their Children REF LH New Jersey vol III x green/white NO BARCODE 1637 1638 Stone Church Cemetery Interments and Readings 1709 - 1945 1639 Story of Barnesville, Ohio 1808 - 1940 Stewart, Cecil REF LH STE x Sligar, Sylvia Elaine REF LH WVA ELM GROVE x Sheppard, Dr. Dempsey O. Ref LH Barnesville,Belmont Co Page 30 NO BARCODE navy orange NO BARCODE K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 B Story of Fort Steuben Holmes, John R. C D E REF LH Jefferson Co Stratton Mill Foundation Newsletter, Flushing, Ohio F G X REF LH BELMONT CO orange Study of the Origin of Place Names of Belmont Ohio With Some Early History Laughlin, Emma E. REF LH OHIO BELMONT orange Stukey - "Family and Friends of E.E. Stukey, Belmont County, Ohio" Sulpher, Vicki REF LH STU NO BARCODE 1553175 NO BARCODE Sunset Heights Bicentennial History 1776 - 1976 REF LH 977.1 BEL Supreme Court of Ohio Annual Report 2009 REF 347.771 OHIO 2009 1825896 Supreme Court of Ohio Annual Report 2009: Selected Opinion Summaries REF 347.771 OHIO 2009 1825920 Supreme Court of Ohio Annual Report 2009: Statistical Summary 2009 REF 347.771 OHIO 2009 Suvenir Of Wheeling Circa 1905 REF LH WV OHIO CO. Navy NO BARCODE T-13 Ohio 1885-1887 Ohio Maps REF LH OHIO MAPS gold NO BARCODE Talbert/Tolbert Family REF LH Talbert/Tolbert Tales of the Buckeye Hills Green. Lonzo S. REF LH 977.1 GRE Tazewell County, Virginia Marrieage Book 3 1854-1866 Haga, P Ref LH Virginia, Tazewell Co X 1248198 1832132 NO BARCODE 3 Black Teenessee Records Bible Records and Marriage Bonds REF LH TENNESSEE TEN L Green/D Blue Telephone Directory of Bellaire, O. Wheeling WV 1932 REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO orange NO BARCODE orange NO BARCODE Telephone Directory of Bellaire, O. Wheeling WV 1934 REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO X 1830045 Tenmile Country and It's Pioneer Families Leckey, Howard L. REF LH 929.374 LEC The Ancestry and Descendants of John Neilson, SR. and Isabella Stockton Hannemann, Linda Nelson REF LH Family Nelson The Bells Rest In Peace At West Alexander Cemetery Bell, Carol J. REF LH PA. WASHINGTON The Black Presence in The Era Of The American Revolution Kaplan, Sidney REF LH OHIO WAR REVOL. The Invincibles, The Story of the 4th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Cavalry 1861-1965 Pape-Findley, Nancy REF LH CIVIL WAR The Strange Story Of Harper's Ferry Barry, Joseph REF LH 975.499 BAR Thelma's Recipe Box Brestle-Oliver, Patty REF LH FAMILY BRESTLE They Became Americans Finding Naturalization Records and Ethnic Origins Szucs, Loretto Dennis REF LH Guide SZU They Came in Ships Colleta, John REF LH Guide Col They Came in Ships, A Guide to Finding Your Immigrant Ancestor's Arrival Record Colletta, John P. REF 929.107 COL They Went Thataway Hamlin, Charles H REF LH Virginia Ham This Family Tree is Still in the Growing Stages Albasinn, Dorothy V. family history X Thoburn - "My Experiences During The Civil War by Major Thomas C. Thoburn" Thoburn, Lyle REF LH THO X Thoburn - "Thoburniana Reminiscences and Letters" Thoburn, Lyle REF LH THO Thoburn - "Whittlings of the Whites" Nalley, Hazel White REF LH WHI Thoburn United Methodist Church: Cemetery Plot Chart Phillips, Robert M. REF LH BELMONT CO. OHIO Thoburniana Reminiscences and Letters Thoburn, Lyle REF LH THO Thomas Worthington, Father of Ohio Statehood Sears, Alfred Byron REF LH B WORTHINGTON, Ohio Thompson - "Whittlings of the Whites" Nalley, Hazel White REF LH WHI NO BARCODE Thompson Family, Harrison and Belmont Counties Thayer, Henry J. REF LH THO NO BARCODE REF LH THO NO BARCODE Those Were The Days: Smith Township 1819 - 1976 X NO BARCODE Forest Green 1840689 X Yellow 1879372 X yellow 1776842 1848781 NO BARCODE X lg orange star lg orange star 1117815 X BLACK 1746753 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE NO BARCODE ORANGE NO BARCODE NO BARCODE gold Three Centuries of Thornburgs Thornburg, REF LH Thornburg Family Tidewater: Virginia Families:Generations Beyond Davis, Varginia Lee Hutcheson REF LH VA. Tilton Territory Richardson, Robert H. REF LH 977.1 RIC Ohio, Jefferson Time and Place in Ohio Richardson, Robert H. REF LH 977.1 RIC gold 925796 Time Steals Softly, revised Edition Harper, Virginia Jones REF LH WV Ohio Co Navy 1559925 Christensen, Penelope REF LH Guide Chr lg orange star 1435514 Powell, Esther W Ref LH 977.1 Powell Powell, Esther Weygandt REF LH 929.5 POW x Ref LH Ohio Washington, CoBelpre ROGERS Tips for your Genealogical Trip Abroad Tombstone Inscriptions & Family records of Jefferson County (2) Tombstone Inscriptions and Family Records of Belmont County Tombstone Inscriptions Rockland Cemetery NO BARCODE BLACK 1311921 (3 copies) 1495187 Toscape Death Freeble, Charles Jr. REF LH 921 Town of Grandeur Tanks, Annie C. REF LH 977.193 TAN Township Maps of Belmont Co. Ohio, showing farm lines & coal fields Hartley G.B. Ref LH Map Townson - "The Townson and Brown Family Tree" Brown, Darrell R. REF LH TOW Tracing Ancestors amont the 5 Civilized Tribes Lenon, Rachal REF LH Am Indian Bronze Tracing your Civil War Ancestor Groene, Bertram Hawthorne REF LH Am Indian GRO Bronze Trail Blazer Vol 11 & 12 2005-2006 CTGS REF LH newsletters Trail Blazer Vol 7 & 8 2001-2002 CTGS REF LH newsletters Trail Blazer Vol 9 & 10 2001-2002 CTGS REF LH newsletters Page 31 1849631 X NO BARCODE Orange x NO BARCODE 1554140 1554140 NO BARCODE X NO BARCODE NO BARCODE K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 B C D E F G TRAIL OF THE BLACK WALNUT Reaman, Elmore REF LH 971.3 REA 1378300 Transactions and Changes in the society of Friends` Maule Ref LH 289.6 Mau 1532153 Trans-Allegheny Pioneers Hale, John Ref LH 977.1 Hal Trouten True Stories of the Drovers Trail 1566425 REF LH TRO Simpson, Floyd NO BARCODE REF LH OHIO BELMONT True Tales Of The Clarion River 1378276 REF LH PA. CLARION CO. Green Trustees Minutes, 1826-1860 Phillips, G. Howard PhD Ref LH Ohio, Monroe County Tuscarawas County Grave Registrations of Veterans Massarelli, Gayle Low REF LH OHIO TUSCARAWAS Tuscarawas County Grave Registrations of Veterans Low, Gayle REF LH TUSC NO BARCODE NO BARCODE x 1276017 Tuscarawas County OH Probate Court Birth Records Auburn & Bucks Twp 1867-1908 REF LH OHIO TUSCARAWAS X 1602378 Tuscarawas County OH Probate Court Birth Records Lawrence Township 1867-1908 REF LH OHIO TUSCARAWAS X 1602360 Tuscarawas County, Ohio Connections REF LH OHIO TUSCARAWAS X 1602386 Tuscarawas County, Ohio Connections II REF LH OHIO TUSCARAWAS vol II X 1591209 Tuscarawas County, Ohio Connections III REF LH OHIO TUSCARAWAS VOL III X 1591316 Tuscarawas Valley In Indian Days 1750 - 1797 REF LH 977.166 TUSCARAWAS X X Twentieth Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens Doyle, Joseph B. REF LH 977.4 DOY Two Hundred Years of Public Education in St.Clairsville-Richland School District Blatnik, Dorothy Ref LH Belmont Co Two Thousand Leading Facts in Wheeling History Morninstar, Leslie E. REF LH 975.4 MOR Tyler County, West Virginia Marriages 1891 - 1932 NO BARCODE X REF LH 929.375419 TYL U.S. SUMBARINE LOSSES WORLD WAR II UNITED STATES NAVY REF LH 940.545 UNI Underground Railroad in Delaware, Maryland & West Virginia Switala, Wm REF LH 973.7 Swi Union Dead of the Florence Stockade Ledoux, Albert H. REF LH SOUTH CAROLINA United States Census Compendium Stemmons, John D. REF LH Guide STE x lg orange star United States Military Records Neagles, James C. REF LH Guide NEA X lg orange star Unity Baptist Church, Sardis, Ohio 236962 X 1591217 REF LH Frisch-Ripley, Karen 770.28 FRI Unterzuber - "Albrechts, Wehmans, Unterzubers from Germany to America" Kirkland, Margaret Louise REF LH 929 KIR Use of the Published Pennsylvania Archives in Genealogical Research Morris, Jean S. REF LH 929.3748 MOR Users Guide to the Official Records of the American Civil War Aimone, Alan C. and Barbara A. REF 973.7 AIM 1993 PPB VALLENTIN ALT; FOUR GENERATIONS OF AULT DECENDANTS KINCAID, BILL REF LH AULT Venango Co Pa Declarations of Intention & Petitions for Naturalization 1806-1868 vol I Joyce Grill Neidich, complier REF LH PA VENANGO CO VOL I Virginia Court Records in Southwestern Pennsylvania Boyde, Crumrine REF LH PA Virginia Court Records in Southwestern Pennsylvania Crumbrine, Boyd Virginia Marriages X 2 copies X NO BARCODE X forest green 16000273 REF LH Pa Cru X forest green REF LH X Ref LH Virginia VIRGINIA MILITIA IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR MCCALLISTER, J.T. REF LH REV WAR 1554066 X REF LH 929.3755 VA Virginia/West Virginia Revolutionary War Records WARDELL, PATRICK Ref LH CD VIRGINIG/WEST VIARGINIA REVOLUTIONARY WAR RECORDS VOL 1-6 WARDELL, PATRICK REF LH WAR vol 1-6 CD NO BARCODE navy Brand, Franklin Marion REF LH WAD X Wadsworth Heritage Shapiro, Eleanor Iler REF LH 977.1 WADSWORTH X Waldeck Soldiers of the American Revolutionary War Burgoyne, Bruce REF LH CD Waldschmidt: House and Family 1804 Penrod, Doris REF LH Waldschmidt Family Walk Along Main Street in St. Clairsville Martin, Martha REF LH OHIO BELMONT ST.C. Walk Through the Cemetary, Obituaries from Martins Ferry, OH, Daily Times Newspaper 1930 - 1931 Staley, Mary REF LH 929.3 STA Walking Pleasant Vally Finstein, Jeanne REF LH WV OHIO CO. Wallace, Dwight G. REF LH WAL War of 1812 Schweitzer, George REF LH War of 1812 War of the Rebellion The United States War Department REF LH 920 OFF 1623812 orange REF LH FRY Ward - "The Thomas Ward Family" Ward, Frank Anthony II REF LH WAR Page 32 NO BARCODE orange X Blue NO BARCODE orange NO BARCODE NO BARCODE Ref Lh Ohio, Belmont Co Fry, Eloise Latham 1750433 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE REF LH OHIO, BELMONT CO. Wallace - "Genealogy of the Wallace Family of Gransha, County Down, Northern Ireland" 1701436 X Wade Family, Monongalia County, Virginia, Now West Virginia Ward - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" 1347354 BLACK REF LH WVA Waranock Cemetery 1733652 NO BARCODE black REF LH Walking Tour Of Historical Churches In Martins Ferry 2010 NO BARCODE forest green Dodd, Jordan R. Voices From The Hills REG CIRC X Virginia Marriages Early to 1880 Virginia Vital Records 1117898 NO BARCODE Unlocking The Secrets in Old Photographs Virginia Genealogist 1963 - 1970 1042567 X yellow 1602410 x orange NO BARCODE NO BARCODE e.1 & e. 2 NO BARCODE K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 B C D E F G Warnock Family Warnock, J E REF LH Family History CD Warren - "Descendants of Hans & Susanna Irwin Wiley" Wiley, James Ross REF LH WIL Washington Co Pa Frontier Rangers 1781-1782 Myers, Paul REF LH Rev War 1602287 Washington Co, Ohio Index Ref LH Ohio Washington Co 1495112 Washington County Index Ref LH Ohio Washington Co Washington County, Ohio, Marriages 1789 - 1918 REF LH 929.3 COC WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA EARLY MARRIGAE INDEX GEN SOC OF SW PA Waterford Cemetery1789-1987 Washington County Fry, Eloise Latham 1495112 v. 1 - v. 2 X Ref LH Ohio Washington Co X 1495153 REF LH FRY X NO BARCODE REF LH BRI REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO NO BARCODE REF LH 929 KIR Welcome to Colerain 1800 - 1976 1376023 REF LH 929.374 WAS Weegee Creek Cemetery Kirkland, Margaret Louise orange X NO BARCODE 2 copies REF LH Welsh Ancestor List Complete File Update July 11 2002 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE Webster - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" Wehman - "Albrechts, Wehmans, Unterzubers - From Germany to America" CD REF LH PA WASHINGTON CO Washington County, Pennsylvania, Marriages 1780 - 1857 Webster - "Our Buckeye Tree, A Genealogy" X 1553316 REF LH England/ UK rose star Welsh Family History, A Guide to Research Ed by John and Sheila Rowlands REF LH GUIDES ROW Purple Star Welsh Settlement of Pennsylvania Browning, Charles Ref LH Pa X West - "Memoir of Dr. Henry West" REF LH WES X West- "Memoir of Dr. Henry West" REF LH West West Point Atlas of War The Civil War REF LH Atlas Wes sm blue dot NO BARCODE West Point Atlas of War World War I REF LH Atlas Wes sm blue dot NO BARCODE West Point Atlas of War World War II: European Theater REF LH Atlas Wes sm blue dot NO BARCODE West Point Atlas of War World War II: The Pacific REF LH Atlas Wes sm blue dot NO BARCODE forest green NO BARCODE 1726250 NO BARCODE NO BARCODE NO BARCODE West Virginia 1850 Agricultural Census Vol 1 Green, Linda REF LH Census vol 1 x lt green NO BARCODE West Virginia 1850 Agricultural Census Vol 2 Green, Linda REF LH Census vol 2 x lt green NO BARCODE West Virginia 1860 Arigultural Census Vol 3 Green, Linda REF LH Census Vol 3 x lt green NO BARCODE West Virginia 1860 Arigultural Census Vol 4 Green, Linda REF LH Census Vol 4 x lt green NO BARCODE West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia Supplemental Vol 14 ed by Jim Comstock REF LH WV HERITAGE vol 14 x navy 1600356 West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia Supplemental Vol 15 ed by Jim Comstock REF LH WV HERITAGE vol 15 x navy 1600349 West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia Supplemental vol 19 ed by Jim Comstock REF LH WV HERITAGE vol 19 x navy 1600331 West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia Supplemental vol 22 ed by Jim Comstock REF LH WV HERITAGE vol 22 x navy 1600323 West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia Supplemental Vol 24 ed by Jim Comstock REF LH WV HERITAGE Vol 24 x navy 1600430 West Virginia Heritage Encyclopedia Supplemental Vol I ed by Jim Comstock REF LH WV HERITAGE vol I x navy 1600422 Ref LH WV x navy NO BARCODE X West Virginia Independence Hall West Virginia Revolutionary Ancestors Reddy, Anne Waller Ref LH War Revolutionary YELLOW 1784994 West Virginia West Virginia Rice, Otis K. REF LH WVA Navy 1749989 West Virginia, the Mountain State Ambler, Charles Henry, 1876-1957 REF LH 975.4 AMB navy 1888662 West Virginians of 1934 - 1935 REF LH 975.4 WES x Western Migrations By River & Canal From PA and NY, A Bibliography Morris, Jean S. REF LH MOR Westlake - "Civil War Letters of George W. Westlake" Claypoole, Norma REF LH WES X Westlake - "Riley Manuscripts" Alban, Mrs. William R. REF LH RIL X Westmoreland County in the American Revolution WESTSYLVANIA PIONEERS 1774-1776 REF LH REV WAR FREDERICK H & W III Wetzel County, West Virginia, Marriages 1854 - 1893 Weyand & Reeds Wheeling Centennial Souvenir Program August 17-22, 1936 NO BARCODE yellow 1553258 x NO BARCODE REF LH WET X NO BARCODE REF LH 929.374892 WEY X REF LH Bowen, J.B. REF LH 917.5415 BOX WVA Wheeling Family: A celebration Of Immigrants And Their Neighborhoods (Circ Copy) Duffy, Sean, Thornton, Jim 975.414 DUF Wheeling Family: A celebration Of Immigrants And Their Neighborhoods (Ref Copy) Duffy, Sean, Thornton, Jim REF LH WV OHIO CO Wheeling in Ventage Postcards Carney, W & B REF LH WV Ohio Co. Wheeling Island A Photographic History Schramm, Robert W. REF LH WVA. OHIO CO. WHEELING PHOTO HISTORY CD REF LH CD Wheeling Photo History CD with Ohio Valley web links Ref LH CD Kemp, Emory L. REF LH 975.415 KEM Page 33 1602204 REF LH WET Wheeling Directory and Advertiser Wheeling Suspension Bridge NO BARCODE REF LH PA Wetzel County, West Virginia, Death Records 1854 - 1895 Weyand & Reeds Beaver County Centennial Directory NO BARCODE NO BARCODE Navy 1794209 x Navy 1820095 Navy NO BARCODE 1702632 VOL 1 X K M Genealogy Material List 4-03 A 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 Wheeling The Birth Place of The American Steamboat B Bowman, John Wheeling, West Virginia, and Vicinity Cross Referance Directory (1960 - 1998) C D E REF LH WV OHIO CO. X REF LH 317.1 HIL X Wheeling, West Virginia, During the Civil War Ault, Hewetson REF LH 975.4 AUL X Wheeling: A Brief History Fetherling, George REF LH WV OHIO CO. X Wheeling's Gambling History to 1976 Minder, Mike REF LH 364.172 MIN Whetstone - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" F Blue G 1879273 NO BARCODE REF LH BRI NO BARCODE White - "Descendants of Hans & Susanna Irwin Wiley" Wiley, James Ross REF LH WIL NO BARCODE White - "Whittlings of the Whites" Nalley, Hazel White REF LH WHI 1553191 Wiley - "Descendants of Hans & Susanna Irwin Wiley" Wiley, James Ross REF LH WIL NO BARCODE Will Abstracts Belmont County, Ohio Vol. A, B & C 1810 - 1827 Quillon, Lorraine Indermill REF LH OHIO BELMONT CO Will Abstracts Belmont County, Ohio Vols D, E & F Quillon, Lorraine Indermill REF LH OHIO Belmont Co Will Abstracts of Brooke County, West Virginia 1797 - 1847 (2) McFarland, K. T. H. REF LH Wv Wood Co William Russell Fmaily Genealogy Russell, Larry Ref LH Russell Family Willison Family of Southeast Ohio: The Descendants of John Willison Sr. of Maryland Sowinski, Robert Richard REF LH WIL Willow Grove Mine Disaster -- From Newspapers Wilson Family 1700's - 1945 orange orange X X REF LH BELMONT CO Wilson, Ray L. REF LH WIL WILSON FAMILY HISTORY NO BARCODE orange X REF LH WILSON Wiltrout - "Kinsey Family History" Kinsey, Marjorie Blocher REF LH KIN Winesburg, Oho Anderson, Sherwood REF LH Ohio And Wolford - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" REF LH BRI WOOD COUNTY WV MARRIAGES 1880-1925 mcelfresh, Melvin Philip REF LH W VA WOOD CO Workman - "Famlies of McKelvey, Fulton, Neff, Dent, Workman, Creamer Families" Peters, Jean REF LH MCK Worthington - "Thomas Worthington Father of Ohio Statehood Sears, Alfred Byron REF LH B WORTHINGTON Wright - "Brill, Cook, Etc. Families" NO BARCODE NO BARCODE gold J Rogers Schneider, Norris F. REF LH SCH Yams - "Iams of America: Landed Gentry of Maryland" Reynolds, Ralph D. REF LH 929.2 IAM Yesterday And Today Valley Grove, WV 26060 1760747 NO BARCODE navy 1316078 NO BARCODE J Rogers REF LH BRI Y Bridge City, The Story of Zanesville and Muskingum County, Ohio 1683352 navy NO BARCODE REF LH WV OHIO, CO. Navy NO BARCODE Yesterday's Schools of Belmont County, Ohio Davern, Marguerite REF LH orange NO BARCODE Yoker - "Betler/Yoker Family" Rothert, Kathy M. Yoker REF LH BET Young American Patriots (WW II), The Youth of Ohio Ohio War Historical Commission REF LH 920 YOU Your Guide to Cemetery Research Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo Ref LH Guide Car Your Guide to the Cemeteries of Belmont County, Ohio Cumberland Trail Genealogical Society REF LH Ohio Belmont Co YOUR GUIDE TO THE FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY WARREN, P & J REF LH Guide WAR lg orange star 1553183 Your Guide to The Federal Census Hinckley, Kathleen REF LH Guide Hin x` lg orange star 1396336 Your Irish Ancestors Black, J. Anderson REF LH Irish BLA X sm green star Your Scottish Ancestry: A Guide for North Americans Irvine, Sherry REF LH Guide Irv Yudasz/ Bodzioch Reunion 20004 YudAsz Ref LH Yudaxa/Bodiocch ZANE FAMILY Martin, A. Alma REF LH ZAN ZANE FAMILY AUDRA RICKEY WAYNE REF LH ZANE Page 34 2 copies, signed X lg orange star orange NO BARCODE 1482458 NO BARCODE Purple Star NO BARCODE NO BARCODE X NO BARCODE K M
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