CSA FARM - Bayard Cutting Arboretum


CSA FARM - Bayard Cutting Arboretum
Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter
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a publication of the Bayard Cutting Arboretum
Volume 3 Issue 2
March 25, 2014
Farmers Corner
2014 Registration
CSA Children's Education Program
Farmers Corner
Jen Campbell-CSA Farm Manager
It's the end of March! Welcome spring! (Well, at least we can
welcome the thought of spring!) Those few, glorious spring-like
Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter
days this past month have been enough to keep our spirits up
as we move toward our growing season. So, don't give up
hope! Spring is near, even if the weather forecast calls for
continued chilly days!
Seeds 'a Plenty
Notwithstanding the cool days, and colder evenings, the
seeds have been ordered and we have been busy in the hoop
house. So far we have seeded onions, leeks, scallions, beets,
lettuce, Napa cabbage, celery and herbs. This week we will seed
kale, collards, bok choy, eggplant, and spinach.
Fields of Change
Composted manure was turned into the main field with the
tractor and the brand new tractor rototiller. We bought the
compost from Silver Oak Stable, a beautiful boarding, riding
and training facility in Nissequogue. For a closer look, visit their
website: www.silveroakstable.com. Silver Oak makes tons of
compost very quickly using a system that was designed by
Peter Moon from Washington State www.o2compost.com. (It's a
very interesting process of aeration that can make finished,
usable compost in as quickly as thirty days without turning.)
Our field is soft and deep and almost ready for planting. Jen is
sending a soil sample to Timberleaf Soil Testing in California to
determine what amendments we might need to add before
planting www.timberleafsoiltesting.com. It generally takes two
to three weeks to receive a report, so we are in good shape
with respect to our planting timetable.
Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter
The next time you visit the farm, you'll notice that we turned
over an additional acre. As time goes on, it's our hope to
gradually expand the farm to include more members. This
season, our strategy will be to use a combination of cover crops
on that acre in order to add nutrients to the soil before we
actually "plant". However, we intend to plant winter squash
and pumpkins in about 25 percent of the new acre in June.
Finally, we expanded the herb bed another twenty feet. This
will give us more room to grow a greater variety of herbs,
including lime, thai, and cinnamon basils, savory, bay leaf and a
few other varieties.
Chickens and Eggs
Our chickens are thriving and peacefully living together in the
chicken house after being integrated over the cold, dark winter.
Jen is pleased to announce that member Terry LaFrance has
agreed to be the new Chicken Manager! Terry will be making
sure there is enough feed, making up the daily schedule,
scheduling work days to clean out the coop, and updating the
chicken committee on procedures for keeping our chickens safe
and happy. Now that the days are longer, the chickens have
been laying more eggs. The eggs are in the cooler hanging in
the main room of the chicken house and are $5 a dozen. We
could use a few more people on the chicken committee. If you
are interested in helping to care for our chickens, please contact
Terry at [email protected].
Membership to Grow
This season, we plan to have seventy-five full shares. Many
members from last year have paired up, thereby allowing us to
take names from the wait list. If you are on the wait list, we ask
for your patience as we contact each person in the order their
name was placed on the list. Unfortunately, we are not going to
Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter
be able to offer membership to everyone on the list this year.
However, many of our workshops and events as well as our
education program are open to non- members so that a greater
number of people will be able to be a part of our farm
Events at the Farm
Our first event of the year was a success! Sixty-three people
attended a screening of the award winning short film, Growing
Farmers,http://vimeo.com/50160202. This provocative
seventeen-minute documentary highlights the new generation
of farmers on Long Island and the struggles and triumphs of the
east end farming community.
A panel discussion, moderated by Edible Long Island Magazine
editor, Betsy Davidson, followed the screening. The panel
members included John V.H. Halsey, President of the Peconic
Land Trust, farmers Sean Pilger and Jill Garrick of Hamlet
Organic Farm, John Condzella, a third generation farmer, Chris
Browder, owner of Browder's Birds, and Jen Campbell. After
the discussion, attendees lingered in the historic carriage house
for light refreshments. A big thank-you to member Carol
Saporito for planning and organizing the event.
Our next event is our Opening Breakfast on
Saturday, April 12th beginning at 8:00
am. The breakfast is a wonderful opportunity to
meet other CSA members, look at our fields, barn,
hoop house and expanded herb garden, and visit
the chickens. Jen will distribute the farmer's
handbook and the events calendar, as well as talk
about the season and answer questions.
It has been fun to see members from last season stopping by
the farm. I look forward to seeing more of you in the coming
weeks and at the opening breakfast. And, I look forward to
welcoming our new members to our CSA. It is going to be a
great year!
2014 Registration
2014 registration is well under way, and we are very pleased
that most of our members are returning for another growing
season. Those that were unable to return, we hope that you
stay active in the farm's activities by attending events and
joining us in the field. As you are well aware, we can always
use a helping hand keeping the garden tidy-a.k.a. weeding.
In addition to our returning members, we have been able to
offer memberships to a few people on our wait list, many of
whom have been patiently waiting for an opening. We are very
Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter
happy to welcome these new members into our CSA
We are aware that there are still many eager people on our
wait list, but please do not give up hope for future seasons.
Many of the farm's events are open to non-members, and we
hope that you will join us whenever possible.
We would like to remind members that the balance of
your CSA membership fee is due on April 1st. Please
make your checks payable to the Natural Heritage Trust
and send to the Bayard Cutting Arboretum P.O. 907, 440
Montauk Highway, Great River, N.Y. 11739
Please direct any questions pertaining to registration to
[email protected]
We look forward to seeing you all at the farm!
2014 CSA Education Program
Karen Valdini-CSA Education
We will once again be offering our
Children's Program at the CSA this
season. Children of members and nonmembers are welcomed to join us.
Session I, an after school program, will
run from May 14th to June 25th on
Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00. Session II,
the summer program, will run from July 2
to July 30th on Wednesdays from 3:004:30. Classes will alternate weekly between two age groups;
children in grades K-3 and 4-8.
Several popular topics will be covered over the course of the
spring and summer months. Participating children will learn
about many aspects of the CSA and its farming techniques.
Topics touch upon the history of our CSA barn and field;
organic farming methods used at the CSA; the care and
maintenance of our strawberry patch and herb garden;
meeting and caring for our happy flock of foul; and cooking with
fresh organic local vegetables.
Registration has begun for both sessions. For your
convenience, the full class descriptions and registration forms
are posted below and may be downloaded. You may sign your
child up for individual classes or for as many classes as you
would like. Don't miss out on this exciting experience!
Classes will max out at 15 students per class and it is first
come first served. Please note that fees vary from Session I
Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter
and II due to longer classes during the summer (Session II).
Fees for members and non-members differ. Contact me at
[email protected] to reserve a place in a class.
Registrations forms and payment should be mailed directly to
the arboretum. The address is listed on the registration forms.
I hope that you find these topics interesting and that you
encourage your children to participate. Our CSA provides a
wonderful opportunity to learn and play.
A quick note. I'd like to thank the "CSA Education
Committee" for all their input and efforts in helping to develop
this program. Our members are our greatest asset and
resource, and we have a great team of educators that bring
many years of teaching experience and knowledge to this
program. Thank you Dona, Regina, Lynn, Barbara, Eileen,
Gina, Marilyn and Jeri.
We can always use chaperones or helping hands for these
classes, so if you are interested, let me know.
Click Here to Download the Class Descriptions
Click Here to Download K-3 Registration Form
Click Here to Download 4-8 Registation Form
Contact Information:
CSA Farm
Jen Campbell Farm Manager:
[email protected]
Farm Office:
Arboretum Office:
Bayard Cutting Arboretum CSA Newsletter
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Bayard Cutting Arboretum | 440 Montauk Highway | Great River | NY | 11739