Gangsters hit streets of quiet market


Gangsters hit streets of quiet market
Wymondham High FEB/MAR 2010
Gangsters hit streets
of quiet market
EDP 11th February 2010
Bugsy Report centre pages
For the EDP article on Bugsy go to and enter: Bugsy in the
SEARCH box – that should give you a link
to the article. You will find a write up of the
production and some video of the car chase
through Wymondham Town Centre.
The Venice Carnival page 4
and 11
The Venice Carnival considered one of the
best events in the world...
The EDP and Pensthorpe
NatureWatch photography
competition page 12
Six year 9 Art Fast-Track Photography
students have had their digital photographs
Last day of school details
Term finishes on Thursday 1st April at 1.10
– students who have free school meals can
pick up packed lunches at first break.
c a l e n d a r
A L e v e l A r t Tr i p t o L o n d o n
apr i l
L A S T D AY O F S C H O O L s e e p a g e 1 f o r d e t a i l s
B e r l i n Tr i p
S k i Tr i p A u s t r i a
B e r l i n Tr i p
S k i Tr i p A u s t r i a
B e r l i n Tr i p
S k i Tr i p A u s t r i a
B e r l i n Tr i p
S k i Tr i p A u s t r i a
D i s n e y l a n d Pa r i s
B e r l i n Tr i p
S k i Tr i p A u s t r i a
D i s n e y l a n d Pa r i s
S k i Tr i p A u s t r i a
D i s n e y l a n d Pa r i s
S k i Tr i p A u s t r i a
S k i Tr i p A u s t r i a
Ye a r 1 1 P o e t r y L i v e ,
Norwich (English)
Pa r e n t s ’ E v e n i n g 9 T / 9 Y
Pa r e n t s ’ E v e n i n g 9 W
D r a m a Ye a r 1 2 L o n d o n
1 0 S k i Tr i p A u s t r i a
G C S E A r t Tr i p t o L o n d o n
1 1 Apollo Theatre London AS Drama
1 3 G 2 O Tr i p t o E a t o n Va l e
1 6 Maths in Physics Workshop, Cambridge
17 Multi-media, Norwich
18 A2 German Activity Day
1 9 I N S E T D AY
20 German Exchange
Stopwatch Theatre Y8
21 German Exchange
22 German Exchange
23 German Exchange
24 German Exchange
25 German Exchange
26 German Exchange
27 German Exchange
2 8 Armed Forces Event
2 9 Armed Forces Event
30 Media Studies Production Showcase
Wymondham High, Folly Road, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0QT (t): 01953 602078 (f): 01953 605518
(e): [email protected]. (w):www.wymondhamhigh.norfolk.
To obtain a larger type version of this newsletter,
please contact the school office on 01953 602078
From the Head,
Victoria Musgrave
FEB/MAR 2010
FEB/MAR 2010
Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome to the February/March edition of WyHigh. Yet again, the term is
full and busy with almost too many things going on to mention. However,
Bugsy Malone has to be the highlight of this term. The cast, the team and
the sheer numbers of students and staff involved has been breathtaking
and the production itself was sold out. Packed houses enjoyed superb
performances and we got some incredible press coverage. More of
that in our newsletter later but I wanted an opportunity to thank all the
Drama team, the Musicians, the Artists and members of the Technology Department team who gave their time
and expertise to this superb piece of theatre. Well done to everyone and thanks for parental support. Finally, I
especially want to thank Mrs Haythorpe for all the work she put into the production – they did you proud!
Senior Staff, Departmental Heads and Governors have now completed the Ofsted Action Plan in response to
their visit in December 2009 and parents who are interested to see this plan may access it via the school’s
website under the news section. We are working very hard to address some of the issues highlighted and feel
the school is now firmly on course to become the outstanding institution it has the potential to be.
This period of the academic year is the time when the school is focussed almost entirely on preparing students
for examinations and in this regard we are working with Year 9s to help them choose the options at GCSE
that will best suit them. Also we are interviewing all year 11s to discuss examination strategies and holding
assemblies, giving information to them about appropriate methods of study and how to access web sites which
will help them plan revision timetables. The Sixth Form both Lower and Upper Sixth are busy preparing for
examinations and we value, very much, the support of parents at this time.
Uniform and Coats still continue to be an issue as do MOBILE PHONES AND IPODS. Can you please ensure that
you and your child are aware that if they are seen using a mobile phone or an IPOD during the school day, it will
immediately be confiscated by a member of staff and stored in the school safe until further notice.
New Coats
New school coats have arrived now and are on display on a model in the main window of the school. These
coats are chosen and designed by our students and are waterproof, windproof and suitable for use outside
of school. Not only this but they can be squashed into a bag or locker very easily and, whilst they are not
protection from ice and snow conditions, they are very warm indeed. Our PE staff will be wearing them during
their outdoor teaching and we hope as many of our current students as possible will purchase them from school
at a reasonable price of £20. From September all new students joining the school will be expected to purchase
these items of uniform. Please Please if you purchase a school coat can you ensure that your child’s name is
clearly marked on it. Lost property can be a big problem here.
Tr a i n e r s a n d f o o t w e a r
Make up and Piercing
Gentle reminder please that makeup should not be ‘night club’ standard but subtle only and piercings are only
allowed in the earlobe and one single stud earring is allowed. No other jewellery is permitted apart from a wrist
watch. Thanks for your help on this. Standards are important.
Mrs J Franklin, Head of
Abbey House
We are saying farewell to a much loved
member of staff who is leaving us at
Easter. Mrs Franklin has been at the
school for 10 years and she will be
sorely missed by us all. She is moving to
a promoted post working for the local
authority as an advisory teacher. Her
smiles, care and consideration coupled
with her professionalism will be missed
at Wymondham High. We wish her well in
her future.
Mr N Scoggins, Acting
Deputy Head
We wish Mr Scoggins well for the
future after 8 very successful years
at Wymondham High. He has been
extremely effective in his roles as both
Head of English and more recently
Assistant Headteacher/Acting Deputy
Headteacher. He is a consummate
professional and we thank him for his
unstinting support of students and staff at
Wymondham High. Nigel and his family
are emigrating to Australia.
Mrs C Woods, Deputy Head
Mrs Woods has been ‘on loan’ to us from
the local authority on a seconded basis
and we are sad to be saying farewell to
her at Easter when she returns to her post
as an Advisor. She has worked very closely
with lots of our students and I know she
will be missed particularly by those in
Year 11 she has supported. My thanks to
her for all her work in helping us prepare
data for Ofsted.
All students should be wearing black school shoes (no high heels for girls) and not trainers which ‘pretend’ to
be shoes. If your child comes to school in trainers (even with a note) they will be expected to report to main
reception and be given a pair of black plimsolls to wear around school. These are quite suitable for those with
foot problems and have been treated with a disinfectant (in the same way as bowling alley shoes are), so do not
present a health risk to your child.
Farewells at Easter
FEB/MAR 2010
i n s hort
Im end i g n i s no s to e l u l l aor i l i t ac i d u i s i t
no s to do l ore con s e tet ve l u l l an
ve l en i s mod e x end i t non s e m i n hen i t
i n i s c i d u i p ea fe u g i am i r i u rem q u at i n er i t
i u s c i nc i n et n u m vero s do l ore e l u tatem
Biology Field Trips
All Year 12 Biology students wanting to go
on the A level Biology Field Trip to Holt Hall in
June should return their cheques to the Finance
Department by the end of March please.
A reminder that all students going on the
Biology Fieldtrek to South Africa in July have an
important predeparture meeting at 6pm on 13th
May in the school hall. Kit bags and important
information will be given out.
Daryn Park writes about his
swimming achievements
I have recently represented Norfolk in Multi
County swimming galas such as Sheffield in
October 2009 and the County was placed 19th
out of 30. In December 2009 I participated in
another gala in Thetford. The County came
second out of three. In order to qualify for this,
I had to complete in the County Championships,
which are held annually in Thetford during two
consecutive weekends in March.
At this gala I have to obtain the fastest time for
my stroke, competing against others in my age
group. My best stroke is 50 metres breaststroke,
with a time of 35.10 seconds. This time makes
me currently the fastest for my age.
In order to gain this level of competition I have
to train 5 days a week, Monday to Friday,
with an average time of ten and a half hours
per week. There are normally galas once or
twice a month in various locations throughout
East Anglia. In these galas I represent my cub
and myself. I currently swim with UEA City of
Norwich and Norwich Swans. My goal for this
year is to try and obtain a national swimming
The End of Year ‘SHOWCASE
#2’ exhibition and view
This year, the Art department is pleased and
delighted to announce that we have acquired
Wymondham Arts Centre from Monday 12th
July until Friday 16th July 2010. The exhibition
in July 2009 at Norwich University College of
the Arts was a huge success and proved to
be very popular with the general public. We
are hoping to invite another quest speaker to
formally open the exhibition. More details to
follow later in the year.
Media Studies Production
Director of Norwich Film Festival, Kellan
Playford, will be the guest speaker at the A
level Media Studies Production Showcase
on Tuesday, March 30th. Talented AS and A2
students will present their final production
pieces which include film openings, short
films and music videos. If you are interested in
Media Studies at A level come along and see
what students have achieved this year - it will
inspire you!
The showcase will start at 7.30pm in the
drama studio. Entry is free.
ParentMail is working!
ParentMail has already saved the school £750
by reducing the cost of printing – so thank you
to everyone who has registered.
Sainsbury and Tesco Vouchers
We are collecting Sainsbury Active Kids and
Tesco for Schools vouchers – if you have any you
would like to give us, they can be put into one
of the voucher boxes at either the north or south
A tennis star in the making
– Maddie Brooks Year 8
In response to our ‘we want to hear from you’
snippet we have had a letter from the parent
of Maddie Brooks.
Last weekend she represented Norfolk at both
U14 & U16 girls team events held at Easton.
At U14 she played at No.1 winning both her
singles and partnering the No.2 player from
Norfolk they won both of their doubles ties
winning the event beating Bedfordshire.
It was back to Easton on the Sunday to
play up an age group at U16 where she
played at No.4, again winning both of her
single matches, one of the doubles ties and
unfortunately narrowly losing the final doubles
but the Norfolk Team were the overall winners
beating Suffolk.
I would also like to take the opportunity of
thanking you for your letters of support, the
last one being Maddies victories at Christmas
and her selection for U18 County training. Also
thank you for allowing her time away from
school for coaching and to play in tournaments
during term time, without the support of the
school she would not be able to make the
promising progress she continues to achieve.
The Venice Carnival
Over half term Mrs Francis travelled to Venice
to take part in the Venice Carnival considered
one of the best events in the world. This is
where all participants dress up in amazing
costumes and ‘dive into the past to live the
magic of an opulent time’. The Venice Carnival
is the most internationally known festival
celebrated in Venice, Italy, as well as being
one of the oldest. This congregation of masked
people, called Venice Carnival, began in the
15th century, but the tradition can be traced
back to the beginning of the 14th Century.
Using her experience as a costumier, Mrs
Francis made some parts of the Venetian rat
costumes that her group dressed up in. We are
delighted to report that Mrs Francis and her
group were successful and won the carnival!
This is a huge accolade for Mrs Francis and I
am sure all staff and students will join me in
congratulating her! Pictures are on page 11.
Neil Moulton
We want to hear from you...
If your child has done something that you think we should know about, then do let us
know. You can write to us at [email protected], giving us details
about whatever it is your child has done. It doesn’t have to be a great academic or
sporting achievement, it can be about anything that says something positive about your
son or daughter.
FEB/MAR 2010
what is a creative learning coordinator?
duncan joseph
At the start of this term I took on a
new role in the school as Creative
Learning Coordinator. The aim of
this role is to support the delivery
of our Specialist Arts provision
by developing and coordinating
creative learning practices across
the curriculum. It is important
that as part of a specialism,
achievement is raised in all
subject areas, not just those of the
specialism but that those subjects
are used in dynamic and creative
ways to enhance the experiences
of students across the school.
Since becoming an Arts College
in September 2004, significant
improvements have taken place within
the Arts: new A Level courses in Art
Multi-Media, Art Textiles, Theatre
Studies, Media Studies and Music
Technology, as well as the Level 2
Creative and Media Diploma, have
been introduced and achievement has
improved in the Arts subjects.
Study of the arts helps to create
independent, creative, confident,
collaborative and communicative
learners with skills that help them in
all their school life. These qualities
are very similar to the 5R’s that are
recognised in the ‘Learning to Learn’
initiative. These have been introduced
in PSHE and the Arts this year and
been successfully promoted across the
curriculum by a number of subjects.
The arts are not the only subjects
with such important transferable
skills, indeed all curriculum areas and
teaching in the school lends itself to
the development of the whole child,
but it is recognized that the arts in
particular can play a vital role in this
holistic development.
»Next month we’ll be looking
at the new Youth Theatre
So what
is actually
The first key event is taking place in the next
two weeks involving the Year 7 History team,
in particular Mr Rowe. Year 7 students are
currently studying the reign of Richard III,
and looking at how different perspectives
colour our understanding of historical events
and characters. Students will participate in a
theatrical event bringing Richard III to life in
the form of a ‘Question Time’ style discussion.
The King of England from 1483 to 1485 will be
paying a Royal visit to the Drama studio to be
interviewed by Mr Joseph in front of half the
year group at a time. In their History lessons
students will have written questions they
are keen to put to this significant historical
(and literary) figure and several will have the
opportunity to challenge the King in a live
debate. This will also provide an opportunity to
meet two ‘different’ Richards, each portraying
a different interpretation of this sometimes
misrepresented character. ‘Richard the Hero’ and
‘Richard the Villain’ will be challenged to explain
themselves in turn.
Later in the year a number of other projects will
be delivered. The RE department are currently
rewriting a Year 7 Topic of Work. The Maths and
Art departments are also looking to work closely
on two initial projects. We are also planning a
combined Sixth Form trip to visit famous modern
and classical buildings in London, which will look
at form and function in architecture and explore
the links between Art and Mathematics.
We have developed the role of
Creative Learning Coordinator to look
specifically at how we can incorporate
arts based learning into other areas of
the curriculum. A three year Creative
Learning development plan is being
written which ties closely with the
latest Arts Plan published last term.
This work builds on the creative
foundations laid by past creative
initiatives. The new work that is
beginning to take place in school will
go beyond drama and make use of all
the arts subjects in a range of different
subject areas.
I have begun liaising and working with
a number of departments, including
Maths, RE, History and Technology,
to set up new projects. In addition, a
number of subjects including Science,
History and English recently made links
between their subject areas and the
very successful production of ‘Bugsy
Malone’. During the two weeks leading
up to the performances, students in
KS4 and 5 studied topics within their
lessons that tied into 1920s Prohibition
era America and some of the themes
within the play. More performance
related links were also explored within
Drama and Music. These links not only
raised awareness of the production
and worked to bring the school closer
together, but also made explicit for
students that subjects need not be
studied in isolation and that creative
ideas from their arts lessons can also
be applied to all areas of their studies.
FEB/MAR 2010
We started work on Bugsy in September of
last year. Auditions started after the Summer
holidays and we saw almost 200 students
audition for the show. Every year we are
astounded by the talent we have in school and
every year we have to make difficult decisions
regarding casting.
The cast were amazing, they have worked so hard
on bringing the play to life. They have worked solidly
through their lunch times, after school, weekends
and in half term. Taking on a role in the school play
is a huge commitment and I thank the students and
their parents for their support.
This is one of the most difficult plays I’ve ever
directed, the script is so complicated and the
number of characters incredible. The students have
been wonderful as ever and just got on with what’s
been thrown at them (not just the custard pies!).
You may have seen the press coverage in the EDP
of the day we took over Wymondham Town Centre.
This was the day I realised we had something
special. We certainly gave Wymondham shoppers
something to talk about. The smiles, comments
and support were tremendous. Mark Cole did a
wonderful job of transforming two cars into one.
What an amazing job the Technology Department
have done on the car.
y Dan
672 Dand
n Tutt
aka Warre
New York State PD
42311 Tallulah
aka Aimee Shingfield
New York State PD
All of the actors have done a wonderful job of juggling their
studies as well as turning up to rehearsals; we have had
students doing Homework one minute, singing the next…
I do hope that all the cast have enjoyed the process and have
learnt a lot about what it takes to produce a show like Bugsy.
Congratulations to you all.
As ever we would not have a production at all if it weren’t
for the dedicated staff we have in the background and on the
stage. A special thanks to Mark Horner and Lloyd Jones for
their work with the Orchestra, singers and sound, Claire-Marie
O’Hare for lighting, Duncan Joseph for props and set and the
Technology and Art Department for cars, guns, splurge, set
and art work.
Gail Haythorpe
I am particularly proud of the dancers and the
work our Year 11 students have produced. Harriet
May, Chris Gregory and Rachel Plumb have
choreographed the dances; they’ve taken an idea
and just gone with it. I’m sure you will agree the
dancers look stunning and the choreography is
Flute: Jocelyn Carter and Anna Flaherty.
Clarinet: Emily Madle,
Annie Mcgee, Ellie Nicholls, Bethany
Nicholls. Saxophone: Sophie Freedman,
Sophie Schutzë, Rebecca Greef, Henry
Wright, Sam Clarke,
Ben Durston. Trumpet: Joshua Plail,
Alasdair Trench, Chloe Bevan, Sam
Forsdick, Sophie Bradshaw. Cornet: Rob
Davis. Trombone: Olivir Haylett and Tom
Bevan. Guitar: Flynn Green. Bass Guitar:
Adam Dougall and Mr Cushion. Drums:
Mr Jones
Singer: Ali Chadwick
Bugsy Malone: Haydn Leeds
Bronx Charlie: Sadie Scharff
Blousey: Tilly Howe-Abram
Doodle: Glenn Gridley
Knuckles: Paul Banham
Fat Sam: Duncan Macdonell
Fizzy: Michael Gukas
Louis: Sam Dart
Snake Eyes: Bethan Hall
Roxy Robinson: Ellen Lupin
Flash Frankie: Laura Frosdick
Seymour Scoop: Frankie Mapes
Pop Becker: Danielle Greaves
Barber: Sofia Morana
Tallulah: Aimee Shingfield
O’Dreary: Jasmine Hall
Captain Smolsky: Amy Tyler
Ritzy: Holly Bray
Dandy Dan: Warren Tutt
Leroy: Esme Southgate
Laughing Boy: Fraser Ellis
Benny Lee: Holly Bray
Undertakers: Isaac Gukas
Baby Face: Fraser Ellis
Paper Boy: Ellen Lupin
Radio Announcer: Frankie Mapes
Waitress: Anna Wyatt
English Reporter: Eloise Hare
Louella, Dandy Dan’s Moll: Lizzie
Tillie: Anna Wyatt
Loretta: Eloise Hare
Dotty: Frankie Mapes
Bangles and Lena (another sassy lady):
Eve Silver
Velma: Rachel Plumb
Viking Singer: Maddie Ewer
Oscar De Velt and Companion: Esme
Southgate and Eloise Hare
Marbini Bad Magician: Sofia Morana
Ventriloquist and dummy: Paul Banham
and Tessa Maidman
Sound Man: Paul Banham
Shady: Bethan Hall
Loony Bergonzi: Bethan Hall
Pickett: Frankie Mapes
Eve Silver, Frankie Mapes, Anna Wyatt,
Eloise Hare, Rachel Plumb, Maddie
Ewer, Alice Marler, Mikala Woodall,
Danielle Greaves, Harriett Brown, Tessa
Maidman, Amy Tyler, Jasmine Hall,
Holly Bray, Paul Banham, Fraser Ellis
Bethan Hall, Glenn Gridley, Laura
Frosdick, Rebecca Latham, Alice Marler,
Maddie Ewer, Sofia Marana, Bethan
Hall, Glenn Gridley, Laura Frosdick,
Rebecca Latham, Shantelle Melton,
Ellen Lupin, Naomi Nicolaou, Rachel
Matthews and Chloe Marjot. A Violinist:
Beth Barwick. Gerlinde Diehl, Sylvie
Chatenet, Eleanor Song
FEB/MAR 2010
FEB/MAR 2010
Languages Day
On the Friday before half-term Year 9 pupils had
a whole day of foreign languages! The day began
with an assembly on the importance of learning
languages. Some of our Key Stage 4 pupils (Frankie
Mapes, Viv Sharma, Stanley Chege, Njeri Chege
and Evie Callaby) gave a convincing presentation.
This was followed by a play in German ‘Auf
dem Campingplatz’ performed by a professional
theatre company. It was a comedy aimed at
teenagers learning German. Then pupils attended
three sessions of different languages presented
by international teachers from the University of
East Anglia. As well as practising some Chinese,
Vietnamese, Arabic, Spanish, Hindi, Russian
and French they learnt about the cultures of the
respective countries. Chinese writing, singing and
Russian dancing went down well. The day finished
with quizzes and competitions about different
The teachers were impressed by our pupils:
CHINESE: Thank you so much and very happy
your pupils like it. As an international student I
really appreciate such opportunity that I could
introduce our language and culture. That day in
which spending with lovely pupils was great and
unforgetable. I really miss my lovely ‘students’
:).Hope I could help you next time when you need.
Wish you every success in the year of tiger(2010).
Chen Xin
VIETNAMESE: The time working in your school
is so exciting and memorising to me. I really am
happy to have a chance to share my culture and
language to students in Wymondham High School.
They are so cute and intelligent. Hien Le
Some student comments:
‘I enjoyed saying the different sounds of Chinese
and Russian’,
‘The Russian dancing was fun’ ‘I didn’t know that
Arabic was written from right to left!’
We, as psychology students in Year 13 are studying Clinical Psychology
as part of our A2 course; as a part of the course, we are studying
Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a chronic mental health condition
that causes a range of different psychological symptoms including:
Hallucinations - hearing or seeing things that do not exist, and Delusions believing in things that are untrue.
Hallucinations and delusions are often referred to as psychotic symptoms
or symptoms of psychosis. Psychosis is when somebody is unable to
distinguish between reality and their imagination.
We met, listened and talked to a man diagnosed as a Psychotic
Schizophrenic with Bipolar Affective Disorder, Delusions of Grandeur
with a multiple personality disorder, Julien Bareham.
Julien writes on his Facebook page that he is, ‘In other words totally nuts.
In reality, I am Father Time, Lord of All Eternity, the Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the end, The Old Man Himself, incarnate in the flesh
who brings his son and comes with Angels’.
Speaking to Julien about his experiences that he’s been through in his
schizophrenic episodes were a definite eye opener for us all; not knowing
whether to believe the ramblings of a diagnosed schizophrenic or listening
to the knowledge shown to us by a philosopher.
Julien is a schizophrenic who experiences ‘positive’ symptoms of the
disorder, hallucinations and delusions for example. These are called
‘positive’ symptoms as they are additions to normal behaviour, rather than
‘negative’ symptoms which are a lack of normal behavioural functions.
He sees himself as a Spiritual Emergency Survivor as he feels he has the
power to bring other schizophrenics out of their schizophrenic episodes by
talking them down through the levels of consciousness until they are back
to reality. (Something which NHS professionals do not see as being useful
or necessary.)
Julien doesn’t believe that there is anything mentally wrong with him and
that the NHS professionals have labelled him with a tag that he does not
deserve. He spoke as though each and every one of us were just like him;
we just hadn’t opened our ‘third eye’ and let ourselves become open to
experiencing what he has.
I truly believe we all valued listening to Julien over the two hours he
came in and spoke to us; it was definitely valuable to meet an actual
schizophrenic to compare with what we’d already learnt about the
Amy Morris, Sixth Form
european youth parliament
regional debate
FEB/MAR 2010
four other teams consisted of Bedford
Tutt began the debate with his three
 The
 Warren
High School For Girls, who were the
minute opening speech, in which he spoke
 Committee on Budget, King Edwards VII  flawlessly, and left the opposition with little
 school from Kings Lynn (the Committee  ammunition. A heated 20 minutes resulted
 on Foreign Affairs) two teams from
 ourselves leaving with arguably the
 Kimbolton School (Committee on Regional  inupper
hand, and some almost completely
 Development and Committee on Climate  irrelevant
from the Committee on
 Change) and finally ourselves forming the  Budget (notpoints
bitter), as myself
 Committee on Constitutional Affairs. Our  and a member onwetheareBudget
 debate would be last, but each debate had  made summation speeches. WeCommittee
 a twenty minute period for the debate to be  spent the rest of the afternoon having
We subsequently entered a team of 8
students to take part in the Regional
 off quietly, it wasn’t long before the entire  lead by the chairperson, as the judges
European Youth Parliament Debating
 spent the next hour deciding who would
Competition in Kimbolton, Cambridgeshire.  team was debating, with Kingsley White
As in the previous year, Mr Harley ‘coached’  leading the way most of the time with some  win the competition, and go on to Durham
and accompanied the team. Although we
ferocious debating skills, often leaving  in autumn to represent the region in 3
 truly
did not win, it took the jury more than an
the opposition lost for words. All team
 days of debating. It was decided that the
hour to decide between the frontrunners.
mates contributed many times throughout
 Committee on Budget would go through
Well done the team! They were a credit to
 all debates, with special mentions to
 to the next round, a decision that seemed
WHS. And again, many thanks to Mr Harley  Ellie Hyam who had prepared some great
 to shock most of the room, but the
for giving up so much of his spare time to
 statistics for all debates, and Hannah Pye  Wymondham High team can pat themselves
prepare and enthuse the participants.
 who chaired our committee brilliantly.
 on the back for a fantastic effort in a close
 fought competition.
By lunchtime we had left ourselves in a
James Diaper writes
 strong position, but all felt nervous as we 
 prepared to propose our own debate on the  Congratulations to the full team of Joel Matthews,
At 7am on a snowy Thursday morning, 8
 UK’s involvement in the EU, a subject that  James Draper, Warren Tutt, Kingsley White, Adam
year 12’s shuffled onto a minibus with Mr
 could be easily scrutinized.
 Dougall, Hannah Marriott, Ellie Hyam and Hannah Pye,
Harley, ready for the regional stage of the
 and a thank you to Mr Harley and Mrs Diehl, with Mr
European Youth Parliament competition.
 Harley being a great mentor on the day, and with help
During the two and a half hour trip to
 from Mrs Diehl preparing us in the weeks running up
Kimbolton School in Cambridge, all of us just 
 to the competition.
wanted to go back to bed, but Mr Harley
rallied the troops with motivational speeches
and a bag of croissants, so that by the time 
we reached the school, we were all ready
and eager to begin. The day was spent in
Kimbolton castle, situated in the middle of
the school grounds, which all seemed a little 
different from the North Block surrounded
by the boggy mud of Wymondham!
The day consisted of four debates, all
on current issues involving the EU with
each participating school having a chance
to either propose or oppose one of the
We were very pleased to welcome,
for the second time, two alumni from
Cambridge University on the 1st of
February to run two workshops for
our Sixth formers. Approximately
160 students took part in discussing
a Motion for a Resolution for
Committees, and learnt more about the
basic institutions of the EU.
FEB/MAR 2010
A Laura McDonald
Laura McDonald has featured in previous newsletters; her
latest exploits were recorded in an article from Athletics Weekly
‘Javelin thrower Laura McDonald was unbeaten in her event in the under-15 age group
last year. This included wins in the English Schools, English Athletics and Southern
The 15-year-old finished the season top of the age-group ranking and second on the
all-time list with a best of 43.13m. Such is her versatility, the talented all-rounder also
topped the UK triple jump lists in 2009 and was in the top 20 in 60m hurdles and 75m
hurdles. What’s more, she started 2010 by improving her triple jump PB by half a metre
when winning the Southern Indoor title.
The Norwich athlete’s javelin success is undoubtedly partly due to being coached by
newly appointed England Javelin coach mentor Tim Newenham. He also coaches the UK’s
top-ranked under-15 boy Olvier Bradfield and Stephanie Burt, ranked fifth in the under-17
age group in 2009.
Laura is keen to credit her coach for her achievement in 2009. She says, ‘Tim did a
brilliant job preparing me mentally and physically for the big competitions. The English
Schools was my proudest moment, as it was there that I threw my personal best.’
Currently training five or six times a week, Laura only does one or two javelin sessions a
week, preferring to spend the remainder of her time on circuit work and training for her
other events. She explains: ‘I have been advised not to specialise yet, but I will see how
my season goes on this year. At the moment I am just having fun. I like to keep variety in
what I do and I don’t really have a favourite event.’
Laura believes her big improvement in javelin in 2009 was due to increased fitness,
enabling her to increase speed in her run-up. She also started working with heavier
medicine balls and power bags to develop core strength.
She is keen to praise the support she has received from her school and county.
Newenham began working with her school, Wymondham High, to get some extra training
time in the week, something which she has found very useful. She has also been linked
with a mentor to help balance her academic and sporting commitments.
In addition, the Norfolk Sports and Cultural Foundation and Norse Group have awarded
Laura a grant to help cover training and equipment costs. Her father Ian says: ‘It certainly
is a model that other regions could follow in trying to support their athletes. Both
the arrangement with the school and the grant play an indispensible role and it does
demonstrate what can be achieved if all parties are willing to cooperate together.’
Now Laura plans to race some 60m sprints this winter and compete in more indoor triple
jump competitions. She hopes to keep improving and gain an international vest.
The under-17 woman’s javelin was a competitive event last year, headed by Freya Jones’
49.66m and Laura is relishing the prospect of some fresh competition.’
Emily Moss,
Key Stage 3
All KS3 students are busy working on their three
dimensional theme. Year 7 students have focused
on the concept of sculpture as a form of making art.
Students have been using their previous learning,
knowledge and skills to look at the work of Alexander
Calder and Alberto Giacometti. Year 8 students
have been studying ‘World Masks’ and are about to
construct their 3D masks out of cardboard (kindly
supplied by the canteen!). Already students are
displaying their imagination and creativity with some
original and unique designs. Year 9 students have been
inspired by German Expressionist printmakers and are
about to produce self portrait woodcuts from MDF.
Key Stage 4
Students in year 10 have been working hard on their
first coursework project on the ‘Environment and
Natural Form.’ The department will be show casing final
pieces in an exhibition hopefully before or just after the
Easter holidays. Parents will be invited to a private view
to celebrate students’ successes. Year 11 students are
now working on their exam project entitled ‘Work, rest
and play’. Students have 8 school weeks before their 2
day exam on the 11th and 12th May. This project has
allowed students to build on their existing skills and use
a medium that they are comfortable with.
Key Stage 5
Fine Art, Art Multimedia and Art Textiles students in
year 12 and 13 are also now working on their exam
projects. The year 12 paper is entitled ‘Passion and
Obsession’. The 6th form studio is congested with
expressive and colourful paintings and prints. The
current quality of work is stunning and very eye
catching. AS students have 8 school weeks before their
2 day exam on the 13th and 14th May, A2 students
also have 8 school weeks before they embark on a 3
day exam on the 5th, 6th and 7th May.
FEB/MAR 2010
Unless otherwise stated, tickets
for all performances can be
purchased from the following
outlets: Kay Southgate 01953
713108 or from The Book
Fountain, Whartons Court,
Our theatre is regularly thrown open to the public, giving pupils, parents, staff and the wider community access to affordable arts events.
In February and March, you can check out two great new British movies, support local writers bringing new work to the stage, or enjoy
an evening of song and glamour from a well respected European company. What’s not to like?
Our popular African drumming group
welcomes participants of all ages to
informal sessions. Drums are available.
Cost £1 per session or £10 per term. Runs
from Tuesday 5th January to Tuesday
30th March.
An insightful and entertaining journey through the ups
and downs of the fascinating life of Judy Garland told
through some of the most beautiful songs ever written,
including Somewhere Over the Rainbow, The Man
That Got Away, and You Made Me Love You. This pair
of rising stars from the European cabaret scene will
tingle your spine and goose your bumps. Brought to you
in association with Creative Arts East‘s Village Stage
16 year old Jenny is studying hard for her Oxbridge exams
when she meets a sophisticated, charming older man who
introduces her to the smart set and cool places of early
sixties London. Adapted by Nick Hornby from the memoirs of
journalist Lynne Barber, this tale of a sentimental education
is told with wit and style with a stunning performance by
newcomer Carey Mulligan as Jenny. Tickets £4.
Tuesdays in term
time 7.30–9pm
Wednesday 17th
March 7.30pm
Drama: Compagnie Comme Si
present Judy and Me
Tickets £7.50/£6.50 advance;
£8.50/£7.50 door; Family
(4 tickets) £26 adv / £30 door.
Wednesday 24th
March 7.30pm
Film: An Education (12A)
The Venice Carnival pictures
The EDP and Pensthorpe NatureWatch photography competition
Six year 9 Art Fast-Track Photography students have had their digital photographs shortlisted in
The EDP and Pensthorpe NatureWatch photography competition. Sarah Brealey from the EDP
stated that ‘when we launched our NatureWatch campaign our aim was simple – to encourage
more people to step outside and explore the wonderful natural world around them – especially
youngsters...this is definitely what Wymondham High School have done!’ All students, including
Miss Bowman who has entered her own photograph in the adult category which has been
shortlisted have been invited to the NatureWatch awards evening at the Pensthorpe Nature
Reserve, near Fakenham, on Thursday March 25 from 6.30 to 8pm. We will let you know if we are
successful in the next newsletter.
Artwork top left to bottom: Leah Howells, Amy Bowman, Katrina Taylor,
(and above) Lauren Pincher, Emily Marshall-Nichols, Zoe Read,
Jake Miller

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