table of contents
table of contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS 2014-15 VHSL Calendar ................................................................................................ 2-3 VHSL Office Staff................................................................................................................5 VHSL Executive Committee ........................................................................................... 8-9 Schools and Officers by Classification Regions and Conferences ................................................................................... 10-20 Districts................................................................................................................ 21-27 Regional Awards Chairmen ..............................................................................................28 Officials’ Associations Baseball.....................................................................................................................29 Basketball ..................................................................................................................30 Cheer.........................................................................................................................32 Field Hockey..............................................................................................................32 Football......................................................................................................................33 Golf ............................................................................................................................34 Gymnastics................................................................................................................34 Lacrosse ....................................................................................................................35 Soccer .......................................................................................................................35 Softball ......................................................................................................................37 Swim & Dive ..............................................................................................................38 Track .........................................................................................................................38 Volleyball ...................................................................................................................39 Wrestling ...................................................................................................................40 Appendix Nonpublic Secondary Schools ..................................................................................42 State and National Organizations .....................................................................................47 Advertisements .................................................................................................................50 The main body of this Directory lists all state accredited public high schools. Group, region, conference and district affiliation and number of students in grades 9-12 are shown as well as additional information listed for each school. All information in the Directory is the best data available at the time of publication. In some cases when current information was not available, the information was taken from the previous year’s Directory. Each school was sent a School Information Sheet to be completed and returned to the League office and that data is the basis for entries. We greatly appreciate the schools which took the time and effort to fill out the sheets completely so that we might produce a book of this magnitude. The League wishes to thank those patrons whose advertisements appear in this Directory. We encourage member schools’ support of these educationally concerned businesses and invite other organizations to contribute advertisements. The Virginia High School League encourages equity awareness and supports compliance with Title IX among its member schools. -1- VIRGINIA HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE, INC. 2014-15 ACTIVITIES CALENDAR This calendar lists major events only. Consult the League Wall Calendar for details and dates of other activities. The date listed below for each event is the deadline date in each group. All classifications share the same conference, regional and state deadline dates, except Theatre. GOLF Conference Regional State GOLF (Girls Individual Championship) Zone Qualifiers State GROUP BOARD MEETINGS MEMBERSHIP MEETING CHEER Conference Regional State CROSS COUNTRY Conference Regional State FIELD HOCKEY (AAA and Unclassified) Conference Regional State THEATRE FESTIVAL (A and AA) Conference Regional State VOLLEYBALL Conference Regional State FOOTBALL District Regional State GYMNASTICS (AAA Girls and Open) Conference Regional State WRESTLING Conference Regional State INDOOR TRACK (AA and AAA - Boys & Girls) Conference Regional State BASKETBALL Conference Regional State (Semis & Finals) -2- Sept. 24-30 Oct. 1-7 Oct. 13-14 Oct. 20-23 Oct. 27-28 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 14-15 Nov. 1 Nov. 15 Dec. 1-2 Nov. 3-8 Nov. 15 Nov. 19-22 Nov. 8 Nov. 29 Dec. 13 Feb. 2-7 Feb. 14 Feb. 20-21 Feb. 2-7 Feb. 14 Feb. 20-21 Feb. 9-14 Feb. 21 Feb. 27-28 Feb. 16-21 Mar. 3 Mar. 6-7 & Mar. 12-14 SWIMMING (AA and AAA - Boys & Girls) Conference Regional State SCHOLASTIC BOWL Conference Regional State THEATRE FESTIVAL (AAA) Conference Regional State FORENSICS Conference Regional State DEBATE Conference Regional State GROUP BOARD MEETINGS MEMBERSHIP MEETING CREATIVE WRITING: STATE LACROSSE Conference Regional State OUTDOOR TRACK Conference Regional State SOCCER Conference Regional State SOFTBALL Conference Regional State BASEBALL Conference Regional State TENNIS Conference Regional State PUBLICATIONS: STATE Registration and Receipt of Broadcast, Magazines, Newsmagazines, Newspapers Registration and Receipt of Yearbooks Spring Delivery Fall Delivery Sept. 30 Registration and Receipt of Online News REGIONAL PUBLICATIONS CHAMPIONSHIPS -3- Feb. 2-7 Feb. 14 Feb. 19-21 Jan. 31 Feb. 14 Feb. 28 Feb. 7 Feb. 21 Mar. 7 Feb. 21 Mar. 7 Mar. 28 Mar. 28 Apr. 11 Apr. 24-25 Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 15 May 25-30 June 6 June 9-13 May 18-23 May 30 June 5-6 May 25-30 June 6 June 10-13 May 25-30 June 6 June 10-13 May 250-30 June 6 June 10-13 May 18-30 June 6 June 11-13 June 15 Registration and Book, June 15 Registration, June 15; Book, Oct. 15 Oct. 6, 8, 10 DIRECTIONS FOR VISITING THE VHSL OFFICE From the north: Take 29 south into Charlottesville to the 250-East Bypass toward Richmond. It is about four miles, over a river, past the Pantops shopping center and over Pantops mountain to State Farm Blvd. There is an BP gas station at the top of the mountain, pass the station and take the second right at a large white Union Bank. VHSL is the fourth building on the right. From the east: Take the first Charlottesville exit off I-64 (Exit 124), the Shadwell exit, and turn right on 250 about three-quarters of a mile to State Farm Blvd. (a large white Union Bank on the corner). Turn left and VHSL is the fourth building on the right. From the west or south: Take I-64 east to last Charlottesville exit off I-64 (Exit 124), the Shadwell exit, and turn left on 250 about three-quarters of a mile to State Farm Blvd. (a large white Union Bank on the corner). Turn left and VHSL is the fourth building on the right. PUBLISHED BY: Virginia High School League, Inc. August 2014 VHSL STREET AND MAILING ADDRESS: Virginia High School League 1642 State Farm Boulevard Charlottesville, VA 22911 434-977-8475 (office) 434-977-5943 (fax) -4- DIRECTIONS FOR CONTACTING THE VHSL OFFICE The following guidelines have been prepared to assist member schools and the VHSL office to expedite matters by telephone. Each of our staff members handles certain general responsibilities, and you will save time by asking for that person when placing a call which involves any of the areas listed below. STAFF MEMBERS, POSITIONS, AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY 434-977-8475 (main) 434-977-5943 (fax) KEN TILLEY ([email protected]) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Over-all VHSL Administration Finances VHSL Foundation MIKE MCCALL ([email protected]) INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST VHSL Publications, Information and Communication Services, Media and Public Relations Virginia High School Hall of Fame Special Events and Programs, Webmaster TOM DOLAN ([email protected]) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COMPLIANCE Interpretations of VHSL Rules and Regulations Eligibility Cases and Appeals Sportsmanship Violations/Programs Protests Against Schools, Coaches Pass Officials Program (Football, Wrestling, Lacrosse) Rules Interpreter (Golf, Wrestling, Lacrosse) Football Rating System Sports Medicine and Wrestling Weight Control STATE EVENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR: Football, Wrestling, Lacrosse LORA BICKLEY ([email protected]) OFFICE MANAGER/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO MR. TILLEY Executive Committee Agenda & Minutes Sanctions, Certificates of Insurance Football Rating System, ADM Figures Directory of District, Regional & State Events Meeting Arrangements FAUSTINA LEE ([email protected]) ATHLETIC PROGRAM ASSISTANT Master Eligibility Lists Officials’ Registration and Clinics for: Basketball, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Softball, Gymnastics, Soccer, Cheer Mailings and Assistance with Sports Above and Tennis and Golf Sports Participation Survey New Athletic Director’s Workshop Regional and State Awards JOYCE SISSON ([email protected]) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ATHLETICS Officials Program (General Oversight) Officials Handbook Officials Program (Basketball, Field Hockey, Gymnastics, Soccer, Volleyball) Rules Interpreter (Sports Above and Tennis) Calendar, IT Systems VIAAA Liaison STATE EVENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR: Basketball, Field Hockey, Gymnastics, Tennis, Soccer, Volleyball CAROLYN SHIFFLETT ([email protected]) ATHLETIC PROGRAM ASSISTANT Officials’ Registration and Clinics for: Football, Lacrosse, Swim & Dive, Wrestling, Track and Cross Country, Baseball Mailings and Assistance with Sports Above Coaches Education Sports Medicine, Wrestling Weight Control and Association Fee Survey SHAWN KNIGHT ([email protected]) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ATHLETICS Officials’ Program (Baseball, Cheer, Softball, Swimming, Track) Rules Interpreter (Cross Country and Sports Above) Coaches Education VHSCA Liaison STATE EVENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR: Baseball, Cheer, Cross Country, Golf, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Softball, Swim & Dive SHARON CONDOULIS ([email protected]) ACTIVITIES PROGRAM ASSISTANT Student Publications Activities, Evaluations & Workshops Information on Forensics, Drama & Debate Information on Creative Writing & Scholastic Bowl League Publications Virginia High School Hall of Fame Wells Fargo Cup Webmaster LISA GILES ([email protected]) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ACTIVITIES Student Publications Evaluations & Workshops Academic Activities Student Services STATE EVENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR: Forensics, Debate, Drama, Creative Writing, Scholastic Bowl DENISE MARSHALL ([email protected]) BOOKKEEPER Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, LLC, Team Travel and 1099 Processing JIM GARMAN ([email protected]) DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE Chief Financial Officer Accounting, Audit, Budget, Finance, Membership, Insurance Administrator, Human Resources, Property Manager, Benefit Game Administration HANNAH CATHERINE MUNRO ([email protected]) DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Corporate Sponsorship Marketing and Special Promotions Fundraising, Endowment, VHSL Foundation TERESA MAY ([email protected]) SUPPORT STAFF ASSISTANT Telephone Receptionist Mail Processing, Clerical Assistant Sportsmanship/Incident Reports, Fundraising and Foundation Support -5- VHSL CENTRAL OFFICE STAFF Kenneth G. Tilley Executive Director Mike McCall Director/Communications James Garman Director/Finance Tom Dolan Director/Compliance Lora Bickley Administrative Assistant Hannah nah Catherine Munro Munr Director/Development Joyce Sisson Director/Athletics Faustina Lee Senior Secretary Marilyn Williamson Bookkeeper Shawn Knight Director/Athletics Carolyn Shifflett Senior Secretary Denise Marshall Bookkeeper Lisa Giles Director/Activities Di /A i i i Sharon Condoulis Senior Secretary Teresa May Support Staff Assistant -6- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mark Dorseyy M Principal JJohn ohn Gordon Principal Tim Thomas Principal Paul Joseph Principal Sal al Colangelo Athletic Director Pete Koste Principal Thomas Nichols Principal Marc Cole Athletic Director E. G. Bradshaw Principal Tracie Omohundro Principal Ken Wright Athletic Director Anita Swinton Principal Rhonda Stegall Principal Steve Heon Athletic Director Mike Davidson Principal Eric Baylor Principal Tom Horn Athletic Director Danny Knott Principal Mark Dorsey Principal Jimmy Swindler Athletic Director Vanessa Wigand Dept. of Education David Clark Superintendent James Roberts Superintendent Gregory Killough Superintendent David avid Jeck Superintendent Carol Fenn Superintendent Kevin Harris Superintendent John Ferguson Superintendent Cecil Snead Superintendent Ruth Larson School Board F Felicia elicia Baileyy Citizen Richard “Dickie” Bell Thomas Garrett, Jr. House of Delegates Senate -7- Ken Tilley Executive Director EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Mark Dorsey Principal West Point H. S. West Point 804-843-3630 PAST CHAIRMAN John Gordon Principal Fredericksburg City Schs. Fredericksburg 540-372-1130 GROUP 6A BOARD OFFICERS: Chairman Tim Thomas Principal Vice-Chairman Paul Joseph Principal Secretary Sal Colangelo Director of Athletics Westfield H. S. Chantilly Oscar Smith H. S. Chesapeake C. D. Hylton H. S. Woodbridge 703-488-6300 GROUP 5A BOARD OFFICERS: Chairman Pete Koste Principal Vice-Chairman Thomas Nichols Principal Secretary Marc Cole Director of Athletics Manchester H. S. Midlothian North Stafford H. S. Stafford Orange County H. S. Orange GROUP 4A BOARD OFFICERS: Chairman E. G. Bradshaw Principal Vice-Chairman Tracie Omohundro Principal Secretary Ken Wright Director of Athletics Eastern View H. S. Culpeper Powhatan H. S. Powhatan Loudoun County H. S. Coeburn GROUP 3A BOARD OFFICERS: Chairman Anita Swinton Principal Vice-Chairman Rhonda Stegall Principal Secretary Steve Heon Director of Athletics Lafayette H. S. Williamsburg Hidden Valley H. S. Roanoke Western Albemarle H. S. Crozet GROUP 2A BOARD OFFICERS: Chairman Mike Davidson Principal Vice-Chairman Eric Baylor Principal Secretary Tom Horn Director of Athletics Marion Senior H. S. Marion East Rockingham H. S. Elkton George Mason H. S. Falls Church GROUP 1A BOARD OFFICERS: Chairman Danny Knott Principal Vice-Chairman Mark Dorsey Principal Secretary Jimmy Swindler Director of Athletics Eastern Montgomery H. S. 540-268-3010 Elliston West Point H. S. 804-843-3630 West Point Rappahannock Co. H. S. 540-671-1686 Washington -8- 757-548-0696 703-580-4076 804-739-6275 540-658-6150 540-661-4300 540-825-0621 804-598-5710 571-252-2010 757-565-0373 540-776-7320 434-823-8705 276-783-4731 540-298-7450 703-248-5598 MEMBERS-AT-LARGE: State Dept. of Education Vanessa Wigand State Dept. of Education 804-225-3300 Division Superintendents Supt. Region 1 Supt. Region 2 Supt. Region 3 Supt. Region 4 Supt. Region 5 Supt. Region 6 Supt. Region 7 Supt. Region 8 David Clark James Roberts Gregory Killough David Jeck Carol Fenn Kevin Harris John Ferguson Cecil Snead Dinwiddie County Schools Chesapeake City Schools Caroline County Schools Fauquier County Schools Rockingham Co. Schools Floyd County Schools Scott County Schools Buckingham Co. Schools 804-469-4190 757-547-0165 804-633-5088 540-422-7000 540-564-3230 540-745-9403 276-386-6118 434-969-6100 School Boards Assoc. Ruth Larson Williamsburg/James City Schools 757-345-8010 Virginia Citizen Felicia Bailey Virginia Beach City 757-502-4970 General Assembly Richard “Dickie” Bell Thomas Garrett, Jr. House of Delegates Senate 540-448-3999 434-944-7770 VA High Sch. League 434-977-8475 Exec. Director (non-voting) Ken Tilley -9- LISTING OF SCHOOLS BY REGIONS AND CONFERENCES GROUP BOARD OFFICERS, REGION OFFICERS AND CONFERENCE OFFICERS GROUP 6A — 52 SCHOOLS Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Tim Thomas, Westfield High School Paul Joseph, Oscar Smith High School Sal Colangelo, C. D. Hylton High School 6A SOUTH Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Paul Joseph, Oscar Smith High School Nancy Farrell, First Colonial High School Pam Lumsden, Thomas Dale High School David Cassady, C. D. Hylton High School COASTAL CONFERENCE 1 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Bayside First Colonial Frank W. Cox Granby Landstown MONITOR MERRIMAC CONFERENCE 2 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Bethel Grassfield Kecoughtan Oscar Smith CONFERENCE 3 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Cosby Thomas Dale Franklin County Patrick Henry-Roanoke CONFERENCE 4 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Colonial Forge Forest Park Gar-Field Senior C. D. Hylton Riverbend -10- Nancy Farrell, First Colonial High School Cheryl Woodhouse, Tallwood High School Randi Riesbeck, Frank W. Cox High Sch. James Miller, Bayside High School Ocean Lakes Tallwood Jonathan Hochman, Woodside High Sch. Paul Joseph, Oscar Smith High School Mike Perez, Grassfield High School Ralph Saunders, Bethel High School Western Branch Woodside Joe Jablonski, Patrick Henry High School Jeff Ellick, James River High School Pam Lunsden, Thomas Dale High School Brenda Mayo, Cosby High School James River-Midlothian Varina Cherif Sadki, Gar-Field Senior High School Joseph Lewis, Stafford High School Gregory Daniel, Colonial Forge High Sch. David Cassady, C. D. Hylton High School Stafford Woodbridge Senior 6A NORTH Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Martin Grimm, Centreville High School Vince Randazzo, Annandale High School Michael Bishop, Patriot High School Teresa Johnson, Chantilly High School CONFERENCE 5 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Centreville Chantilly Herndon Oakton CONFERENCE 6 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Fairfax Hayfield Langley James Madison McLean South Lakes PATRIOT CONFERENCE 7 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Annandale Lake Braddock South County West Potomac West Springfield CEDAR RUN CONFERENCE 8 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Battlefield Stonewall Jackson-Manassas Osbourn Osbourn Park John Banbury, Oakton High School Martin Grimm, Centreville High School William Bates, Herndon High School Teresa Johnson, Chantilly High School James W. Robinson Westfield Gregg Robertson, Washington-Lee HS Ellyn Reilly, McLean High School TBD, Hayfield Secondary Sch. Dave Goldfarb, Fairfax High School Washington-Lee Yorktown To Be Determined Jane Lipp, South County High School Vincent Randazzo, Annandale High School Abe Jeffers, R. E. Lee High School-Spring. T. C. Williams W. T. Woodson Cathy Benner, Osbourn High School Neil Beech, Osbourn Park High School Amy Conti, Battlefield High School Michael Bishop, Patriot High School Patriot GROUP 5A — 52 SCHOOLS Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Pete Koste, Manchester High School Thomas Nichols, North Stafford High School Marc Cole, Orange County High School -11- 5A SOUTH Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Daniel Keever, Salem High School Andy Armstrong, Hermitage High School Andrew Mey, Meadowbrook High School Elizabeth Armbruster, Mills Godwin High School ATLANTIC CONFERENCE 9 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Green Run Floyd E. Kellam Kempsville Maury Norview PENSOUTH CONFERENCE 10 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Gloucester Great Bridge Hampton Hickory Indian River CONFERENCE 11 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Atlee Deep Run Douglas Freeman Mills Godwin Henrico Hermitage CONFERENCE 12 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurers Lloyd C. Bird Clover Hill Manchester Matoaca Daniel Keever, Salem High School Bill Harris, Kempsville High School Daniel Smith, Princess Anne High School Marjorie Stealey, Norview High School Princess Anne Salem-Virginia Beach Alfredia Turner, Hickory High School Jeff Johnson, Great Bridge High School Naomi Dunbar, Indian River High School Bob Surry, Menchville High School Menchville Warwick Jennifer Cohodas, Atlee High School Elizabeth Armbruster, Mills Godwin HS Carol Moore, Lee-Davis High School Lenny Pritchard, Deep Run High School Highland Springs Lee-Davis Laura Hebert, Lloyd C. Bird High School Pete Koste, Manchester High School Andrew Mey, Meadowbrook High School Peter Fisher, Prince George High School Meadowbrook Prince George 5A NORTH Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Jim Stemple, Mountain View High School To Be Determined Jay Person, George C. Marshall High School Mike Wright, Potomac Senior High School -12- CAPITOL CONFERENCE 13 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Prosperanta Calhoun, JEB Stuart HS Pamela Brumfeld, Thomas Edison HS Evan Glazer, Thomas Jefferson HS for S/T Michael Yohe, Falls Church High School Thomas Edison Falls Church Thomas Jefferson for S/T R. E. Lee-Springfield George C. Marshall Mount Vernon CONFERENCE 14 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Briar Woods Broad Run Freedom-South Riding Potomac Falls CONFERENCE 15 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Brooke Point Freedom-Woodbridge Massaponax Mountain View CONFERENCE 16 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Albemarle Halifax County Patrick Henry-Ashland JEB Stuart Wakefield Elizabeth Noto, Potomac Falls High School David Spage, Broad Run High School Doug Fulton, Freedom High School Pamela Paul-Jacobs, Tuscarora High Sch. Stone Bridge Tuscarora Jim Stemple, Mountain View High School Mike Wright, Freedom High School Joe Pisani, Massaponax High School Scott McClellen, Brooke Point High School North Stafford Potomac Senior Albert Randolph, Halifax County High Sch. Wanda Bibb, Patrick Henry High School Jay Thomas, Albemarle High School Doug Duncan, Orange County High Sch. Orange County GROUP 4A — 52 SCHOOLS Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary E. G. Bradshaw, Eastern View High School Tracie Omohundro, Powhatan High School Ken Wright, Loudoun County High School 4A SOUTH Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Robert Lowerre, J. R. Tucker High School Angela Seiders, Tabb High School Michael Nichols, Heritage High School-Newport News Kevin Monrow, B. T. Washington High School CONFERENCE 17 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Churchland Deep Creek Lake Taylor I. C. Norcom -13- Timothy Johnson, Woodrow Wilson HS J. Page Pagely, Deep Creek High School To Be Determined Reba Jacobs, Lake Taylor High School Booker T. Washington Woodrow Wilson IRONCLAD CONFERENCE 18 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Denbigh Heritage-Newport News King’s Fork Lakeland CONFERENCE 19 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Grafton Jamestown Powhatan Smithfield CONFERENCE 20 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Caroline Dinwiddie Glen Allen Hanover Midlothian Thomas McLemore, Nansemond River HS Anthony Viadu, Denbigh High School Michael Nichols, Heritage High School Douglas Wagner, Lakeland High School Nansemond River Phoebus Royce Hart, Grafton High School To Be Determined Cathy Worley, Jamestown High School Angela Seiders, Tabb High School Tabb Tracie Weston, Glen Allen High School To Be Determined Jeff Wick, Caroline High School Dana Gresham, Hanover High School Monacan J. R. Tucker 4A NORTH Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer John Brewer, Dominion High School Tony Francis, Jefferson Forest High School E. G. Bradshaw, Eastern View High School Cynthia Prieto, Harrisonburg High School CONFERENCE 21 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Dominion Heritage-Leesburg Loudoun County Millbrook Park View-Sterling Sherando CONFERENCE 22 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Chancellor Courtland Eastern View Fauquier -14- Joseph Salyer, James Wood High School Virginia Minshew, Park View High School William Shipp, Woodgrove High School Michelle Luttrell, Loudoun County HS James Wood Woodgrove E. G. Bradshaw, Eastern View High School Cliff Conway, King George High School Tripp Burton, Fauquier High School Jackie Bass-Fortune, Chancellor High Sch. King George Liberty-Bealeton CONFERENCE 23 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Jessie Dingle, John Handley High School Lee Downey, Louisa County High School James Barlow, Fluvanna County High Sch. Cynthia Pieto, Harrisonburg High School Amherst County Charlottesville Fluvanna County John Handley CONFERENCE 24 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Bassett Carroll County William Fleming E. C. Glass Jefferson Forest Pulaski County Harrisonburg Louisa County Archie Freeman, William Fleming HS Lee Ann Calvert, Jefferson Forest HS Tracy Richardson, E. C. Glass High School Withers Jackson, George Washington HS Salem-Salem George Washington GROUP 3A — 53 SCHOOLS Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Anita Swinton, Lafayette High School Rhonda Stegall, Hidden Valley High School Steve Heon, Western Albemarle High School 3A EAST Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer John Gabriel, John Champe High School Major Warner, Kettle Run High School To Be Determined Anita Swinton, Lafayette High School CONFERENCE 25 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Colonial Heights Lafayette New Kent Park View-South Hill Poquoson Southampton CONFERENCE 26 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Armstrong Huguenot Hopewell Th. Jefferson-Richmond Petersburg John Marshall George Wythe-Richmond -15- Jeff Carroll, Warhill High School Kendra Crump, York High School Anita Swinton, Lafayette High School Paige Kindley, Park View High School Warhill York Reva Green, George Wythe High School Jafar Barakat, Huguenot High School April Hawkins, Armstrong High School Alicia Fields, Petersburg High School CONFERENCE 27 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Brentsville District Culpeper County Kettle Run Manassas Park CONFERENCE 28 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Central-Woodstock John Champe Loudoun Valley William Monroe Major Warner, Kettle Run High School Russell Davis, Spotsylvania High School Katherine Meints, Brentsville Distict HS Jeff Dietz, Culpeper County High School James Monroe Spotsylvania John Gabriel, John Champe High School Andrew Keller, Skyline High School Sue Ross, Loudoun Valley High School Melissa Hensley, Central High School Skyline Warren County 3A WEST Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Rhonda Stegall, Hidden Valley High School Bryan Huber, Broadway High School Frank Dent, Northside High School Clayton Stanley, Rustburg High School CONFERENCE 29 Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Broadway Fort Defiance Monticello Spotswood Stuarts Draft Turner Ashby CONFERENCE 30 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Brookville Heritage-Lynchburg Liberty-Bedford Rustburg CONFERENCE 31 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Alleghany William Byrd Lord Botetourt Magna Vista Northside -16- Tim Teachey, Waynesboro High School Bryan Huber, Broadway High School Donna Abernathy, Stuarts Draft High Sch. Steve Heon, Western Albemarle HS Waynesboro Western Albemarle Barbara Brown, Tunstall High School To Be Determined To Be Determined Tom Cole, Brookville High School Tunstall Haywood Hand, Rockbridge County HS Michelle Morgan, Staunton River HS Frank Dent, Northside High School Haywood Hand, Rockbridge County HS Rockbridge County Staunton River CONFERENCE 32 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Abingdon Blacksburg Cave Spring Christiansburg Rhonda Stegall, Hidden Valley High Sch. Kevin Siers, Christiansburg High School Chad Wallace, Abingdon High School Steve Spangler, Cave Spring High School Hidden Valley Patrick County GROUP 2A — 50 SCHOOLS Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Mike Davidson, Marion Senior High School Eric Baylor, East Rockingham High School Tom Horn, George Mason High School 2A EAST Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Stan Waskiewicz, King William High School Max Lowe, Riverheads High School Dan Soderholm, Windsor High School Phil Warren, Madison County High School CONFERENCE 33 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Arcadia Bruton King William Nandua QUAD RIVERS CONFERENCE 34 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Amelia County Bluestone Brunswick Greensville County Goochland CONFERENCE 35 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Clarke County Stonewall Jackson-Quicksburg Luray Madison County George Mason CONFERENCE 36 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Buffalo Gap East Rockingham R. E. Lee-Staunton Nelson County -17- Brian Patterson, Nandua High School Stanley Waskiewicz, King William HS Daniel Soderholm, Windsor High School Jeff McGee, Mag. Walker Gov. Sch. Maggie Walker Windsor Chris Coleman, Bluestone High School Mike Newman, Goochland High School Anne Stinson, Nottoway High School Zoltan Kresley, Prince Edward County HS Nottoway Prince Edward County Mike Sisler, Madison County High School Jeff Jackson, Clarke County High School Mike Dorman, Stonewall Jackson HS Phil Warren, Madison County High School Page County Strasburg Doug Shifflett, Wilson Memorial High Sch. Max Lowe, Riverheads High School Eric Baylor, East Rockingham High School William Deardorff, Buffalo Gap High Sch. Riverheads Wilson Memorial 2A WEST Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Ronnie Collins, Virginia High School Steven Mayhew, Dan River High School Mike Davidson, Marion Senior High School Jamie Talbott, James River High School-Buchanan COURTHOUSE CONFERENCE 37 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Appomattox County Buckingham County Chatham Dan River RIVER RUN CONFERENCE 38 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Floyd County Giles Glenvar James River-Buchanan SOUTHERN EMPIRE CONFERENCE 39 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Graham Grayson County Grundy Marion Senior CLINCH MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE 40 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer John S. Battle Central-Wise Gate City Lebanon Lee Steven Mayhew, Dan River High School Rudy Roethel, Buckingham County HS Kenyon Scott, Gretna High School Martha Eagle, Appomattox County HS Gretna Randolph-Henry Jamie Talbott, James River High School Joe Hafey, Glenvar High School Jason Mills, Giles High School Toby Deibler, Floyd County High School Martinsville Mike Davidson, Marion Senior High School John O’Neal, Graham High School Kim Ringstaff, Richlands High School Rodney Reid, Tazewell High School Richlands Tazewell Charles Collins, Central High School Dan Roop, Union High School Brian Hooker, Lebanon High School Barry Reed, Virginia High School Union Virginia GROUP 1A — 54 SCHOOLS Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Danny Knott, Eastern Montgomery High School Mark Dorsey, West Point High School Jimmy Swindler, Rappahannock County High School 1A EAST Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Ty Gafford, Altavista High School Travis Felts, Franklin High School Travis Burns, Northumberland High School Rita Holmes, Surry County High School -18- CONFERENCE 41 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Travis Felts, Franklin High School Julius Hamlin, Sussex Central High School James Victory, Appomattox Reg. Gov. Sch. Rita Holmes, Surry County High School Appomattox Reg. Gov. Chincoteague Franklin Northampton CONFERENCE 42 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Charles City County Chesterfield Community King & Queen Central Mathews RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER CONFERENCE 43 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Mike Tupper, Rappahannock County HS Jesse Boyd, Rappahannock High School Holly Wargo, Lancaster High School Andrea Roane, Washington & Lee HS Colonial Beach Essex Lancaster Northumberland Rappahannock Rappahannock County Washington & Lee CONFERENCE 44 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Altavista William Campbell Central-Victoria Cumberland Galileo Magnet Surry County Sussex Central Jeannie Duke, Middlesex High School Mark Dorsey, West Point High School Albert Green, Mathews High School Jeannie Duke, Middlesex High School Middlesex West Point James Rinella, William Campbell HS Frances Ball, Central High School Ty Gafford, Altavista High School Jeff Scales, Cumberland HS Highland Parry McCluer 1A WEST Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Jeff Smith, Radford High School Kendra Honaker, Holston High School Robbie Patton, Fort Chiswell High School Dante Lee, Eastside High School WESTERN GATE CONFERENCE 45 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Auburn Bath County Bland/Rocky Gap Craig County Covington Eastern Montgomery -19- Robert Stump, Craig County High School Shannon Furhman, Covington High School Paul Dominy, Auburn High School Jeff Smith, Radford High School Narrows Radford MOUNTAIN WEST CONFERENCE 46 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Mike Sturgill, Chilhowie High School Andrew Hockett, Patrick Henry High Sch. Robbie Patton, Fort Chiswell High School Dante Lee, George Wythe High School Chilhowie Fort Chiswell Galax Rural Retreat Patrick Henry-Glade Sp. George Wythe-Wytheville CROOKED ROAD CONFERENCE 47 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Council Haysi Holston Honaker Hurley CONFERENCE 48 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer John I. Burton Castlewood Clintwood Eastside Rye Cove Stan Dunham, Northwood High School Tony Bush, Honaker High School Kendra Addison, Holston High School Chris Hagerman, Council High School Northwood Twin Valley -20- Aaron Williams, John I. Burton High Sch. Nathan Breeding, Castlewood High School Bryan Crutchfield, Eastside High School Rodney Compton, Clintwood High School Thomas Walker Twin Springs DISTRICTS LISTED ALPHABETICALLY BATTLEFIELD Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Caroline Chancellor Courtland King George BAY RIVERS Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Bruton Grafton Jamestown Lafayette New Kent Poquoson Smithfield BEACH Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Bayside Frank W. Cox First Colonial Green Run Floyd Kellam Kempsville Landstown Ocean Lakes BLACK DIAMOND Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Council Grundy Senior Haysi Honaker BLUE RIDGE Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Alleghany William Byrd William Fleming Lord Botetourt Northside BULL RUN Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Central-Woodstock Clarke County Madison County Manassas Park George Mason William Monroe Clifton Conway, King George High School Larry Marks, Courtland High School Rusty Davis, Spotsylvania High School Charles Stevens, Caroline High School James Monroe Spotsylvania Angela Seiders, Tabb High School Cathy Worley, Jamestown High School Brandon Ratliff, Poquoson High School Anita Swinton, Lafayette High School Tabb Warhill York Nancy Farrell, First Colonial High School Cheryl Woodhouse, Tallwood High School Randi Riesbeck, Frank Cox High School James Miller, Bayside High School Princess Anne Salem-Virginia Beach Tallwood Tony Bush, Honaker High School Leslie Horne, Grundy Senior High School Karen Taylor, Council High School Larry Compton, Haysi High School Hurley Twin Valley -21- Haywood Hand, Rockbridge County HS Michelle Morgan, Staunton River HS Frank Dent, Northside High School Fred Vaughan, Alleghany High School Rockbridge County Staunton River Mike Sisler, Madison County High School Jeff Jackson, Clarke County High School Mike Tupper, Rappahannock County HS Phil Warren, Madison County High School Rappahannock County Strasburg Warren County CAPITAL Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Ann Marie Seely, Varina High School Jennifer Cohodas, Atlee High School April Hawkins, Armstrong High School Tinkhani Hargrove, Highland Springs HS Armstrong Atlee Glen Allen Hanover Henrico Highland Springs CARDINAL Chairman: Dave Cassady, C. D. Hylton High School Vice-Chairman: Mike Wright, Potomac Senior High School Secretary: Michael Bishop, Patriot High School Battlefield Forest Park Freedom-Woodbridge Gar-Field Senior C. D. Hylton Stonewall Jackson-Man. Osbourn Osbourn Park CENTRAL Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Appomattox Reg. Gov. Colonial Heights Thomas Dale Dinwiddie Hopewell Matoaca COLONIAL Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Deep Run Douglas S. Freeman Mills Godwin Patrick Henry-Ashland John Marshall Hermitage J. R. Tucker Thomas Jefferson-Richmond Maggie Walker Gov. CONCORDE Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Centreville Chantilly Herndon Oakton COMMONWEALTH Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Brooke Point Colonial Forge Massaponax Mountain View North Stafford Lee-Davis Varina Patriot Potomac Senior Woodbridge Senior Steve Cunningham, Matoaca High School Randy Johnson, Dinwiddie High School Kristin Janssen, Colonial Heights HS Peter Fisher, Prince George High School Meadowbrook Petersburg Prince George Anne Poates, Douglas Freeman High Sch. To Be Determined Elizabeth Ambruster, Mills Godwin HS Lenny Pritchard, Deep Run High School John Banbury, Oakton High School Martin Grimm, Centreville High School William Bates, Herndon High School Teresa Johnson, Chantilly High School James W. Robinson Westfield -22- Troy Wright, Riverbend High School Jim Stemple, Mountain View High School Joseph Pisani, Massaponax High School Scott McClellen, Brooke Point High School Riverbend Stafford CUMBERLAND Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Aaron Williams, John I. Burton High Sch. Nathan Breeding, Castlewood High School Bryan Crutchfield, Eastside High School Rodney Compton, Clintwood High School John I. Burton Clintwood Castlewood Eastside Rye Cove DOGWOOD Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Altavista Appomattox County William Campbell Chatham Dan River Galileo Magnet DOMINION Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Lloyd C. Bird Clover Hill Cosby Huguenot James River-Midlothian Manchester DULLES Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: John Champe Dominion Heritage-Leesburg Loudoun County Loudoun Valley EASTERN Chairman: Not Reported Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Churchland Granby Lake Taylor Maury I. C. Norcom Norview EASTERN SHORE Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Arcadia Chincoteague Nandua Twin Springs Thomas Walker Randy Foster, Chatham High School Steve Mayhew, Dan River High School Dabney Hanson, William Campbell HS Martha Eagle, Appomattox County HS Gretna Nelson County Pete Koste, Manchester High School Jeff Ellick, James River High School Laura Hebert, Lloyd C. Bird High School Bill Broyles, Monacan High School Midlothian Monacan George Wythe-Richmond John Gabriel, John Champe High School Sue Ross, Loudoun Valley High School Jeff Adam, Heritage High School Michelle Lutrell, Loudoun County HS Park View-Sterling Woodgrove Booker T. Washington Woodrow Wilson Brian Patterson, Nandua High School Chris Holland, Chincoteague High School Alvin Coleman, Northampton High School Rose Taylor, Arcadia High School Northampton -23- EVERGREEN Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Jeff Dietz, Culpeper County High School E. G. Bradshaw, Eastern View High School Katherine Meints, Brentsville District HS Roger Lee, Liberty High School Brentsville District Culpeper County Eastern View Fauquier HOGOHEEGEE Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Chilhowie Patrick Henry-Glade Spring Holston Marion Senior Northwood JAMES RIVER Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Amelia County Bluestone Senior Buckingham County Central-Victoria Cumberland Goochland Nottoway Prince Edward County Randolph-Henry JEFFERSON Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: James Barlow, Fluvanna County High Sch. Lee Downey, Louisa County High School Jay Thomas, Albemarle High School John Werner, Western Albemarle HS Albemarle Charlottesville Fluvanna County Louisa County Monticello Orange County LIBERTY Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Fairfax Thomas Jefferson S/T Langley James Madison George C. Marshall McLean MOUNTAIN Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: John S. Battle Central-Woodstock Gate City Lee Kettle Run Liberty-Bealeton Stan Dunham, Northwood High School Mike Sturgill, Chilhowie High School Mike Davidson, Marion Senior High Sch. Kendra Addison, Holston High School Rural Retreat George Wythe-Wytheville Frances Ball, Central High School Mike Newman, Goochland High School Anne Stinson, Nottoway High School Jeff Scales, Cumberland High School Powhatan Western Albemarle Kim Retzer, South Lakes High School Matt Ragone, Langley High School Ellen Reilly, McLean High School Dave Hembach, Stone Bridge High School South Lakes Stone Bridge Charles Collins, Central High School Mike Lane, Gate City High School Michelle Warner, Lee High School Dan Roop, Union High School Union -24- MOUNTAIN EMPIRE Chairman: Not Reported Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Bland/Rocky Gap Fort Chiswell Galax Graham NATIONAL Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Thomas Edison Falls Church Hayfield Mount Vernon JEB Stuart Wakefield NORTHERN NECK Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Colonial Beach Essex Lancaster Northumberland NORTHWESTERN Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: John Handley Millbrook Sherando Skyline PATRIOT Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Annandale Lake Braddock R. E. Lee-Springfield South County West Potomac West Springfield PENINSULA Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Bethel Denbigh Gloucester Hampton Heritage-Newport News Kecoughtan Menchville Grayson County Narrows Nardos King, Mount Vernon High School Pamela Brumfield, Edison High School David Tremaine, Hayfield High School Michael Yohe, Falls Church High School Washington-Lee Yorktown Jessie Boyd, Rappahannock High School Travis Burns, Northumberland High School Angela Mosely, Essex High School Andrea Roane, Washington & Lee HS Rappahannock Washington & Lee John Nelson, Sherando High School Andrew Keller, Skyline High School Joseph Salyer, James Wood High School Jessee Dingle, John Handley High School James Wood -25- To Be Determined Jane Lipp, South County High School Vincent Randazzo, Annandale High School Abe Jeffers, R. E. Lee High School T. C. Williams W. T. Woodson Sean Callender, Woodside High School William Beverly, Phoebus High School Rory Stapleton, Warwick High School Anthony Vladu, Denbigh High School Phoebus Warwick Woodside PIONEER Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Bath County Covington Craig County Highland PIEDMONT Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Bassett Franklin County Halifax County Magna Vista Martinsville Patrick County POTOMAC Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Briar Woods Broad Run Freedom-South Riding Potomac Falls RIVER RIDGE Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Blacksburg Carroll County Cave Spring Christiansburg Patrick Henry-Roanoke Hidden Valley SEMINOLE Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Amherst County Brookville E. C. Glass Heritage-Lynchburg Jefferson Forest SHENANDOAH Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Buffalo Gap East Rockingham Stonewall Jackson-Quicksburg Luray Page County Riverheads -26- Anna Graham, Parry McCluer High School Robert Stump, Craig County High School April Goff, Highland High School Jamie Talbott, James River High School James River-Buchanan Parry McCluer Trey Cox, Patrick County High School Deb Decker, Franklin County High School Deloris East, Piedmont Governor’s School Deloris East, Piedmont Governor’s School Tunstall George Washington Elizabeth Noto, Potomac Falls High School David Spage, Broad Run High School Doug Fulton, Freedom High School Pamela Paul-Jacobs, Tuscarora High Sch. Tuscarora Kevin Siers, Christiansburg High School Brian Kitts, Blacksburg High School Joseph Jablonski, Patrick Henry High Sch. Scott Habeeb, Salem High School Pulaski County Salem-Salem To Be Determined To Be Determined To Be Determined Tom Cole, Brookville High Scho Liberty-Bedford Rustburg Donna Abernathy, Stuarts Draft High Sch. Kelly Troxell, Wilson Memorial High School Eric Benson, Page County High School Mike Dorman, Stonewall Jackson HS Stuarts Draft Wilson Memorial SOUTHEASTERN Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Deep Creek Grassfield Great Bridge Hickory Indian River King’s Fork Lakeland SOUTHWEST Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Abingdon Lebanon Richlands Tazewell THREE RIVERS Chairman: Not Reported Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Auburn Eastern Montgomery Floyd County Giles TIDEWATER Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Chesterfield Community Charles City King & Queen Central King William Mathews TRI-RIVERS Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Appomattox Reg. Gov. Brunswick Franklin Greensville County Park View-South Hill Southampton VALLEY Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Broadway Fort Defiance Harrisonburg R. E. Lee-Staunton Spotswood -27- Page Bagley, Deep Run High School Douglas Wagoner, Lakeland High School Thomas McLemore, Nansemond River HS Naomi Dunbar, Indian River High School Nansemond River Oscar Smith Western Branch Ronnie Collins, Virginia High School Jimmy King, Abingdon High School Kim Ringstaff, Richlands High School Brian Hooker, Lebanon High School Virginia Glenvar Radford Mark Dorsey, West Point High School Stan Waskiewicz, King William High Sch. Albert Green, Mathews High School Jeannie Duke, Middlesex High School Middlesex West Point Allene Atkinson, Southampton High School Travis Felts, Franklin High School Danny Soderholm, Windsor High School Rita Holmes, Surry County High School Surry County Sussex Central Windsor Bryan Huber, Broadway High School Mark Rowicki, R. E. Lee High School Larry Landes, Fort Defiance High School Tracy Shaver, Harrisonburg High School Turner Ashby Waynesboro 2014-15 REGIONAL AWARDS CHAIRMEN Region Region 6A South Name Paul Joseph Address and Phone Number Oscar Smith HS, 757-548-0696 [email protected] Region 6A North Jonathan Frohm Herndon HS, 703-810-2275 [email protected] Region 5A South Rudy Ward Highland Springs HS, 804-737-5761 [email protected] Region 5A North Bill Stearns Potomac Senior HS, 703-441-4200 [email protected] Region 4A South Tripp Metzger J. R. Tucker HS, 804-527-4615 [email protected] Region 4A North John Brewer Dominion HS, 571-434-4400 [email protected] Region 3A East Marshall Parker Hopewell HS, 804-541-6402 [email protected] Region 3A West Michael Minter Magna Vista HS, 276-956-3147 [email protected] Region 2A East Ruby Allen Greensville County HS, 434-634-6749 [email protected] Region 2A West Steven Mayhew Dan River HS, 434-822-7081 [email protected] Region 1A East Mark Redden West Point HS, 804-843-3630 [email protected] Region 1A West Danny Kott Eastern Montgomery HS, 540-268-3010 [email protected] 2014-15 Trophies/Cups Supplier Chris Trinite Bunkie Trinite Trophies 12 East Grace Street Richmond, VA 23219 800-698-4077 / 804-648-2416 2014-15 Medals Supplier Robert Erffmeyer Erffmeyer & Son 5300 W. Clinton Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53223 800-852-4266 / 414-364-7800 -28- OFFICIALS’ ASSOCIATIONS COMMISSIONERS BASEBALL Appalachian Joel Wyatt, P.O. Box 2371, 248 Little League Rd., P.O. Box 2371, Coeburn, VA 24230 Home: 276-395-5456 Business: 276-220-9569 Email: [email protected] Central Steve Sheridan, 6188 Cross Country Road, Mineral, VA 23117 Home: 804-556-2725 Business: 540-972-8084 Email: [email protected] Colonial Jason Morgan, 1274 Silver Creek Drive, Lynchburg, VA 24503 Home: 434-384-6001 Business: 434-522-5272 Cell: 434-665-1279 Email: [email protected] Danville Jimmy Floyd, 385 Samuel Bend, Danville, VA 24540 Home: 434-724-6598 Business: 434-799-5214 Alternate Business: 434-429-6538 Fax: 434-799-8896 Email: [email protected] Alternate Email: [email protected] Eastern Jim Smith, 5401 Challedon Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Home: 757-499-2666 Fax: 757-499-4929 Email: [email protected] Eastern Shore Brooks Wallace, 35128 Meadow Lane, P.O. Box 475, Belle Haven, VA 23306 Home: 757-442-7211 Business: 757-442-7211 Email: [email protected] Fredericksburg Jeremy T. Bullock, 11801 Berwick Court, Fredericksburg, VA 22408 Home: 540-408-3789 Business: 540-710-1228 Fax: 540-710-7007 Email: [email protected] Alternate Email: [email protected] Harrisonburg Tim Comer, 709 US Highway 340, Luray, VA 22835 Home: 540-743-2544 Cell: 540-421-2178 Email: [email protected] Northern John Porter, 8805 Southlea Court, Fairfax, VA 22031 Home: 703-978-3601 Business: 703-978-3601 Email: [email protected] Website: Old Dominion (Richmond) Greg Walls, 9606 Waterfall Cove Drive, Chesterfield, VA 23832 Business: 804-229-5894 Business: 804-229-5894 Fax: 866-392-7250 Email: [email protected] Website: -29- Peninsula Gerald Compton, 311 Kanawah Run, Yorktown, VA 23693 Home: 757-223-7620 Business: 757-643-7797 Cell: 757-592-4322 Email: [email protected] Piedmont Wayne Sprouse, 4714 Mechunk Road, Keswick, VA 22547 Home: 434-760-2909 Business: 434-962-6896 Email: [email protected] Richmond Milton Simmons, 4310 Okehampton Drive, Richmond, VA 23237 Home: 804-743-1336 Business: 800-235-1333 Fax: 804-275-2585 Email: [email protected] Roanoke Steve Fleshman, 3344 Woodland Drive, Roanoke, VA 24015 Home: 540-774-1144 Business: 540-989-7054 Fax: 540-989-7054 Email: [email protected] Valley Donald Keith Fitzgerald, 6185 Lee Jackson Hwy, Raphine, VA 24472 Home: 540-292-8401 Email: [email protected] Winchester James Franklin Fritts, 609 Bittersweet Court, Winchester, VA 22601 Home: 540-667-2537 Business: 703-374-4174 Cell: 540-336-5345 Email: [email protected] Interpreter Robert (Bob) Leader, 519 Harold’s Drive, Manakin Sabot, VA 23103 Home: 804-749-4216 Business: 804-749-4216 Cell: 804-441-3811 Email: [email protected] BASKETBALL Appalachian Joel Wyatt, P.O. Box 2371, 248 Little League Rd., P.O. Box 2371, Coeburn, VA 24230 Home: 276-395-5456 Business: 276-220-9569 Email: [email protected] Battlefield Randy Bockenstedt, 40 Scotts Ford Lane, Fredericksburg, VA 22406 Home: 540-372-4303 Business: 571-296-8169 Cell: 571-296-8169 Email: [email protected] Bull Run Edward Ehrmantraut, 1165 Harbor View Circle, Colonial Beach, VA 22443 Home: 804-224-9468 Cell: 703-927-5302 Fax: 866-875-5262 Email: [email protected] Cardinal Cecil Hurst, 108 Woodlawn Trail, Locust Grove, VA 22508-5238 Home: 540-972-8863 Business: 540-842-9966 Email: [email protected] -30- Central (Richmond) Aaron Lewis, 10301 Brightstone Drive, Midlothian, VA 23112 Home: 804-938-4479 Business: 804-639-0929 Fax: 888-849-1503 Email: [email protected] Alternate Email: [email protected] Web: Colonial (Girls) Donny Turner, 125 Woodmont Lane, Forest, VA 24551 Home: 434-525-8266 Business: 434-455-0891 Fax: 434-455-0893 Cell: 434-942-6505 Email: [email protected] Colonial (Boys) Bobby Walker, 88 Viking Drive, Lynchburg, VA 24502 Home: 434-237-3927 Business: 434-522-5341 Fax: 434-522-5316 Email: [email protected] Danville Reid Taylor, 316 Wheatley Road, Danville, VA 24540-1206 Home: 434-836-0748 Cell: 434-548-9090 Hampton Roads Chuck Shumate, 4517 Andrea Lynne Court, Chesapeake, VA 23321 Home: 757-646-3338 Business: 757-627-4595 Fax: 757-966-9150 Email: [email protected] Northwest Robert Freund, 4202 Gene Hemp Road, Jefferson, MD 21755 Home: 301-834-3899 Business: 540-662-3899 Email: [email protected] Peninsula Robert “Sam” Tanguy, 1107 Dare Road, Yorktown, VA 23692 Home: 757-872-0501 Business: 757-869-2397 Email: [email protected] Piedmont Louis (Lou) D. Farina, Jr., 5680 Longmont Drive, Crozet, VA 22932 Home: 434-823-1240 Business: 434-975-2661 Fax: 434-975-2471 Cell: 434-806-8700 Home Email: [email protected] Shenandoah Gary Leake, 440 Shenwood Avenue, Woodstock, VA 22664 Home: 540-459-2522 Cell: 540-335-1933 Email: [email protected] Southwest Lewis Foreman, 14011 Stone Drive, Bristol, VA 24202 Home: 423-968-7151 Cell: 423-646-6903 Email: [email protected] Tidewater Steve Whitley, 18491 Oliver Drive, Smithfield, VA 23430 Home/Cell: 757-641-9126 Business: 757-688-1630 Fax: 757-688-1298 Email: [email protected] Tri-City Milton Simmons, 4310 Okehampton Drive, Richmond, VA 23237 Home: 804-743-1336 Business: 800-235-1333 Fax: 804-275-2585 Email: [email protected] -31- Valley John Almarode, 2232 Monroe Street, Waynesboro, VA 22980 Home: 540-943-7718 Business: 540-255-1359 Email: [email protected] Western Virginia Jerry Spangler, 1336 North Mill Road, Salem, VA 24153 Home: 540-816-0575 Email: [email protected] Interpreter Joyce Sisson, Virginia High School League, 1642 State Farm Blvd., Charlottesville, VA 22911 Business: 434-977-8475 Fax: 434-977-5943 Email: [email protected] CHEER Central Virginia Wisneski, 8315 Houghton Place, Chesterfield, VA 23832 Home: 804-639-0195 Email: [email protected] Cell: 804-691-0476 Eastern Debbie Ealey-Bristow, 302 Wythe Creek Road, Poquoson, VA 23662 Home: 757-880-6964 Business: 757-880-6964 Email: [email protected] Harrisonburg Debra Norton, 4298 Highway 340, Shenandoah, VA 22849 Home: 540-652-1075 Business: 540-652-8712 Email: [email protected] Northern Lance Logan, 7204 Flower Tuft Court, Springfield, VA 22153 Home: 540-420-3419 Business: 202-408-3942 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Northwest Amy Acors, 17218 Edwards Shop Road, Remington, VA 22734 Home: 540-423-1550 Business: 540-439-6300 Email: [email protected] Southwest Dee-Anne Dillon, 1468 Wolf Creek Drive, Vinton, VA 24179 Home: 540-293-8496 Business: 540-890-3090 Email: [email protected] Interpreter Bill Ahern Business: 800-238-0286, ext. 4307 Email: [email protected] FIELD HOCKEY Blue Ridge Chip Rogers, 100 North Ridge Drive, Suite 8, Oxford, OH 45056 Home: 434-825-2082 Business: 513-529-8062 Email: [email protected] Central Anne Freund, 13441 Kingsmill Road, Midlothian, VA 23113 Home: 804-794-5308 Business: 804-794-5308 Email: [email protected] -32- Fredericksburg Angela Harding, 634 Belle Plains Road, Falmouth, VA 22401 Home: 540-226-6920 Business: 540-658-6420 Email: [email protected] Metropolitan Tim Vaughan, 10645 Ashby Place, Fairfax, VA 22030 Cell: 703-282-6195 Email: [email protected] Peninsula Judi Ragan, 800 Darden Drive, Newport News, VA 23608 Home: 757-874-0443 Business: 757-874-0443 Cell: 757-286-7398 Email: [email protected] Tidewater Terri Sawyer, 1957 East Bay Blvd., Norfolk, VA 23503 Cell: 757-288-5625 Interpreter J. Taylor Smallwood, P.O. Box 877, Sterling, VA 20167 Home: 703-403-7016 Work: 703-435-6033 (cell) Email: [email protected] FOOTBALL Appalachian Barry Yost, 535 North Street, Richlands, VA 24641 Cell: 276-971-1712 Email: [email protected] Central Meade Shore, 326 Glenpark Lane, Midlothian, VA 23114 Home: 804-379-3013 Business: 804-594-0071 Cell: 804-339-1109 Email: [email protected] Web: Colonial Wade Martin, 110 Brook Ridge Place, Forest, VA 24551 Home: 434-525-6484 Business: 434-522-6021 Cell: 434-610-6484 Email: [email protected] Northern Dennis Hall, Sr., 104 Greenway Avenue North, Boyce, VA 22620 Home: 540-837-2970 Business: 540-837-1316 Web: Email: [email protected] Peninsula Charles Mikula, 2521 Nathaniell Powell Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185 Home: 757-564-8006 Fax: 757-564-3370 Cell: 757-870-8465 Email: [email protected] Piedmont/Valley David Moore, 23 Long Leaf Lane, Palmyra, VA 22963 Home: 434-825-2744 Business: 434-825-2744 Email: [email protected] Rappahannock Valley Eric Barnes, 1010 Rensselaer Court, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Home: 540-786-7992 Business: 540-785-2106 Cell: 540-847-0472 Email: [email protected] Web: -33- Southeastern Phil Stenstrum, 501 Babbtown Road, Suffolk, VA 23434-8798 Home: 757-923-7833 Business: 757-374-7066 Cell: 757-880-9077 Email: [email protected] Website: Western Virginia Steve Fleshman, 3344 Woodland Drive, Roanoke, VA 24015 Home: 540-774-1144 Business: 540-989-7054 Fax: 540-989-7054 Email: [email protected] Winchester Neal Riemenschneider, 310 Payne Road, Winchester, VA 22603 Home: 540-667-2605 Business: 540-247-8094 (cell) Email: [email protected] Interpreter Tom Zimorski Email: [email protected] GOLF Interpreter Tom Dolan, Virginia High School League, 1642 State Farm Blvd., Charlottesville, VA 22911 Business: 434-977-8475 Fax: 434-977-5943 Email: [email protected] GYMNASTICS Central Dana L. Crawford, 10601 Spurlock Court, Glen Allen, VA 23059 Home: 804-266-0677 Business: 804-266-0677 Email: [email protected] Chesapeake Julie Fraim, 909 Verano Court, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Home: 757-469-9090 Email: [email protected] Harrisonburg Noelle Zook, 1800 Marigold Circle, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Home: 540-746-0756 Email: [email protected] Northern Joann G. Sevel, 6312 arnesdale Path, Centreville, VA 20120 Home: 703-631-1074 Cell: 703-282-9054 Prince William Pam Moody, 8219 Warfield Street, Manassas, VA 20110-3007 Home: 703-368-8964 Cell: 703-361-3444 Fax: 703-361-8795 Email: [email protected] Stafford Sue Evans, 408 Fern Court, Fredericksburg, VA 22408 Home: 540-898-2569 Business: 540-371-1415 Fax: 540-371-1447 Email: [email protected] Virginia Beach Becky Johnson, 305 Bridlewood Lane, Suffolk, VA 23434 Home: 757-538-0914 Business: 757-285-9342 Email: [email protected] Interpreter Debbie Turlip, 1628 Grey Friars Chase, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Home: 757-471-7388 Cell: 757-373-8572 Email: [email protected] -34- LACROSSE Blue Ridge (Girls) Chip Rogers, 100 North Ridge Drive, Suite 8, Oxford, OH 45056 Home: 434-825-2082 Business: 513-529-8062 Email: [email protected] Central VA (Boys) CVLOA Tim Spivey, 633 Brighton Drive, North Chesterfield, VA 23235 Business: 804-543-0265 Email: [email protected] Central VA (Girls) CVWLA Bonny Hajek, 13625 Riverton Drive, Midlothian, VA 23113 Home: 804-513-2161 Business: 804-513-2161 Email: [email protected] Alternate email: [email protected] Sandell (Boys) Dave Wyant, P.O. Box 237, White Hall, VA 22987 Business: 434-531-8462 Email: [email protected] Southwest Mark Johnston, 2727 Crab Orchard Road, Huddleston, VA 24104 Business: 434-429-5047 Email: [email protected] Washington (Boys) Marty Joyner, 525 Belmont Bay Drive, #202, Woodbridge, VA 22191 Home: 703-475-8144 Business: 703-568-4213 (cell) Fax: 703-563-9529 Email: [email protected] Washington (WLUA) (Girls) Pamela Shea, 21 Nickelby Court, Damascus, MD 20872 Home: 240-888-4642 Business: 240-888-4642 Email: [email protected] Boys Interpreter John Titus, 2525 Lochness Road, Richmond, VA 23235 Home: 804-323-0534 Cell: 804-432-3832 Email: [email protected] Girls Interpreter Bonny Hajek, 13625 Riverton Drive, Midlothian, VA 23113 Home: 804-513-2161 Business: 804-513-2161 Email: [email protected] SOCCER Appalachian Jim Angove, P.O. Box 1146, Bluefield, VA 24605 Home: 276-326-2909 Cell: 304-320-8990 Email: [email protected] Blue Ridge Mort Sajadan, 2415 Link Road, Lynchburg, VA 24503 Business: 434-845-1888 Fax: 434-845-5221 Cell: 434-426-1888 Email: [email protected] Central Virginia James B. Starling, 2308 Krossridge Court, North Chesterfield, VA 23236 Home: 804-745-0803 Business: 804-257-4874 Email: [email protected] Alternate Email: [email protected] -35- Commonwealth Pete Stenner, P.O. Box 448, Washington, VA 22747 Home: 540-675-1036 Email: [email protected] DARK Associates Anita Hood, 8114 Cooper Street, Alexandria, VA 22309-1008 Home: 703-780-4542 Business: 703-780-4542 Fax: 703-360-1026 Email: [email protected] Alternate Email: [email protected] Web: Eastern Shore Michael Purvis, 16311 Courthouse Road, Eastville, VA 23347 Home: 757-678-7816 Business: 757-620-4346 Fax: 757-620-4346 Business Email: [email protected] Home Email: [email protected] Peninsula Don Reese, 124 Winders Lane, Yorktown, VA 23692 Home: 757-989-5485 Business: 757-764-2742 Email: [email protected] Piedmont - Valley Lecky Stone, 1006 Rugby Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Home: 434-979-6488 Business: 434-962-0115 Fax: 434-979-8186 Cell: 434-962-0115 Email: [email protected] Rappahannock Keith S. Armstrong, 10514 Chatham Ridge Way, Spotsylvania, VA 22551 Home: 540-972-1578 Business: 540-373-2374 Cell: 540-220-7754 Business Email: [email protected] Home Email: [email protected] Website: Roanoke Valley Mark Ingvaldsen, 113 Par Drive, Salem, VA 24153 Business: 540-353-6325 Email: [email protected] Shenandoah Mark Heisel, 287 Horseshoe Circle, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 Home: 540-578-0768 Email: [email protected] Southside William B. Oxenham, 25520 Front Road, Petersburg, VA 23803 Home: 804-861-4733 Business: 804-731-7179 Email: [email protected] Tidewater Bob Fischer, 9662 25th Bay Street, Norfolk, VA 23518 Home: 757-362-0125 Business: 757-494-5151 Fax: 757-494-0009 Cell: 757-567-9344 Email: [email protected] Interpreter George Grzenda, 232 Shaker Lane, Forest, VA 24551 Business: 434-544-8497 Cell: 434-221-1135 Email: [email protected] -36- SOFTBALL Appalachian Joel Wyatt, P.O. Box 2371, 248 Little League Rd., P.O. Box 2371, Coeburn, VA 24230 Home: 276-395-5456 Business: 276-220-9569 Email: [email protected] Bull Run Rich Mecke, 3501 James Madison Highway, Haymarket, VA 20169 Home: 703-753-2349 Fax: 703-753-2349 Cell: 703-507-8579 Email: [email protected] Champion Randy Sprouse, 20949 Soringwater Court, Ashburn, VA 20147 Home: 703-723-1676 Business: 571-256-2055 Email: [email protected] Chesterfield Milton Simmons, 4310 Okehampton Drive, Richmond, VA 23237 Home: 804-743-1336 Business: 800-235-1333 Fax: 804-275-2585 Colonial Steve Huskin, 618 Woodland Drive, Madison Heights, VA 24572 Home: 434-941-2601 Business: 434-933-8864 Fax: 434-933-8363 Email: [email protected] DanMar Don Hogg, 1079 B Spruce Street, Martinsville, VA 24112 Home: 540-420-7412 Business: 276-638-3904 Fax: 276-638-7664 Email: [email protected] Eastern David Baker, 4249 Buckeye Court, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Cell: 757-580-6314 Email: [email protected] Eastern Shore Floyd Nedab, P.O. Box 551, Accomac, VA 23301 Home: 757-787-8522 Cell: 757-442-1343 Email: [email protected] Fredericksburg Jeremy T. Bullock, 11801 Berwick Court, Fredericksburg, VA 22408 Home: 540-710-6865 Business: 540-710-1228 Fax: 540-710-7007 Email: [email protected] Website: Harrisonburg Tim Comer, 709 US Highway 340, Luray, VA 22835 Home: 540-743-2544 Cell: 540-421-2178 Email: [email protected] Metro Richmond Allen F. Gravatt, 7420 Hill View Drive, Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Home: 804-746-7676 Business: 804-338-6168 Email: [email protected] New River Valley To Be Determined Northern Elaine Knobloch, 7214 Bettendorf Court, Rockville, MD 20855 Home: 301-294-8983 Cell: 301-873-5440 Email: [email protected] -37- Peninsula Ross Phillips, 403 Terry Court, Hampton, VA 23666 Home: 757-826-9329 Email: [email protected] Piedmont Joe Hicks, 2707 Brookmere Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 Home: 434-973-6077 Business: 434-973-6077 Potomac Valley Billy Fisher, 302 Belmont Drive, SW, Leesburg, VA 20175 Home: 703-777-3156 Email: [email protected] Roanoke Steve Fleshman, 3344 Woodland Drive, Roanoke, VA 24015 Home: 540-774-1144 Business: 540-989-7054 Fax: 540-989-7054 Email: [email protected] Tidewater Charles Moss, 14600 Stage Road, Lanexa, VA 23081 Home: 804-966-2829 Business: 804-966-2829 Valley David Wingfield, 1306 Ladd Road, Waynesboro, VA 22980 Home: 540-943-7206 Cell: 540-569-0458 Email: [email protected] Winchester James Franklin Fritts, 609 Bittersweet Court, Winchester, VA 22601 Home: 540-667-2537 Business: 703-374-4174 Pager: 877-226-7615 Cell: 540-336-5345 Email: [email protected] Interpreter Sonya Clark, 3026 Mine Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22408 Home: 540-898-8265 Business: 703-791-7445 Email: [email protected] SWIM & DIVE Interpreter George Homewood, 133 Stanley Drive, Williamsburg, VA 22485 Home: 757-229-2688 Business: 757-229-2688 Email: [email protected] TRACK Interpreter Jim Holdren, Maggie Walker Governor’s School, 1000 North Lombardy Street, Richmond, VA 23220 or 1541 Westshire Lane, Richmond, VA 23233 Home: 804-740-1193 Business: 804-358-7159 Fax: 804-358-8397 Interpreter Bill Long, 1702 Chadwick Drive, Richmond, VA 23229 Home: 804-282-3894 Business: 804-282-3894 Interpreter Bill Boyd, 2529 Burrows Court, Williamsburg, VA 23185 Home: 757-253-6573 Fax: 757-253-6574 Email: [email protected] -38- VOLLEYBALL Appalachian John Wayne Martin, 37363 Loves Mill Road, Chilhowie, VA 24312 Home: 276-429-1044 Cell: 276-492-9592 Email: [email protected] Bay Rivers Brian M. Randall, 123 Low Ridge Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185 Home: 757-753-2032 Business: 757-221-3600 Cell: 757-753-2032 Email: [email protected] Central Virginia Bruce Frye, 4264 Market Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Home: 804-737-3793 Business: 804-262-6900 ext. 115 Fax: 804-226-3530 Cell: 804-439-3793 Email: [email protected] Web: Chesterfield Milton Simmons, 4310 Okehampton Drive, Richmond, VA 23237 Home: 804-743-1336 Business: 800-235-1333 Fax: 804-275-2585 Email: [email protected] Colonial Greg Howard, 136 Cape Charles Square, Lynchburg, VA 24502 Home: 434-609-6040 Email: [email protected] DanMar Don Hogg, 1079 Spruce Street, Martinsville, VA 24112 Home: 540-420-7412 Business: 276-638-3904 Fax: 276-632-6974 Email: [email protected] Eastern Bob Kyle, 1696 Whitlow Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23464-8125 Home: 757-479-9732 Business: 757-479-9732 Email: [email protected] Eastern Shore Donald Parish, 28127 Turkey Run Road, Bloxom, VA 23308 Home: 757-824-5831 Business: 757-824-4862 Fredericksburg Nina Brown, 5 Frantz Court, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 Home: 540-373-5304 Fax: 540-373-2583 Email: [email protected] Northern (Mid Atlantic) John Porter, 8805 Southlea Court, Fairfax, VA 22031 Home: 703-978-3601 Business: 703-978-3601 Fax: 703-978-5872 Email: [email protected] Northern Neck Terry Bain, 141 Laurel Lane, Warsaw, VA 22572 Home: 804-761-1625 Business: 804-761-1625 Email: [email protected] Piedmont Joe Hicks, 2707 Brookmere Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 Home: 434-973-6077 Business: 434-973-6077 Quantico George Hayn, 15317 Iris Lane, Montclair, VA 22025-1015 Cell: 703-405-9006 Business: 703-897-9366 Fax: 703-677-4607 Email: [email protected] -39- Roanoke Valley Greg Irby, 1440 Blackwood Drive, Salem, VA 24153 Home: 540-389-7240 Business: 540-798-7240 Fax: 413-793-6361 Email: [email protected] Web: Valley Mike Campbell, 728 Mount Torrey Road, Lyndhurst, VA 22952 Home: 540-943-6197 Cell: 540-649-1611 Email: [email protected] Western Richard Myers, 644 Montrose Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24013 Home: 540-982-7578 Cell: 540-520-8411 Email: [email protected] Winchester Mary T. Donnellan, 257 Sports Run Road, Inwood, WV 25428 Home: 540 398-6059 Email: [email protected] Alternate Email: [email protected] Interpreter Mary T. Donnellan, 257 Sports Run Road, Inwood, WV 25428 Home: 540 398-6059 Email: [email protected] Alternate Email: [email protected] WRESTLING Appalachian John Blevins, 766 Chatham Hill Road, Marion, VA 24354 Home: 276-783-6377 Business: 276-783-6940 Fax: 276-783-6653 Cell: 276-378-4296 Email: [email protected] Blue Ridge George Buzzard, 759 Cattle Scales Road, Waynesboro, VA 22980 Home: 540-943-2773 Cell: 540-280-0225 (cell) Email: [email protected] Central Virginia James C. Giles (Chris), 8200 Hampton Bluff Terrace, Chesterfield, VA 22832 Home: 804-739-8818 Business: 804-343-1010, ext. 3198 Fax: 804-343-0909 Cell: 804-914-4385 Email: [email protected] Colonial Tim Hoden, 167 Jane Terrace, Madison Heights, VA 24572 Home: 434-841-4680 Business: 434-332-8203 Cell: 434-841-0374 Email: [email protected] Northern Dave Sisson, 4500 East Marcia Court, Alexandria, VA 22309 Home: 703-360-6924 Business: 703-360-6924 Fax: 703-360-1607 Cell: 703-298-8153 Email: [email protected] Peninsula Chris Groman, 416 Musket Drive, Williamsburg, VA 23185 Home: 757-220-0724 Business: 757-879-3785 Email: [email protected] Roanoke Valley Pete Minton, 506 Highfield Road, Salem, VA 24153 Home: 540-353-7898 Email: [email protected] -40- Southeastern Nelson Woodhouse, 1307 Baffy Loop, Chesapeake, VA 23320 Home: 757-771-7598 Business: 757-771-7598 Cell: 757-771-7598 Email: [email protected] Winchester Darren Thomas, 101 Camaruge Court, Stephens City, VA 22655 Home: 540-869-0814 Business: 540-662-2289 Fax: 540-723-8903 Cell: 540-686-2816 Email: [email protected] Interpreter Mike Ingrao, 901 N. Monroe Street #1306, Arlington, VA 22201 Home: 703-528-7251 Fax: 703-528-7954 Cell: 202-256-3384 Email: [email protected] -41- APPENDIX VIRGINIA NONPUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS Since the Virginia High School League restricts its membership to state public high schools, the following non-public secondary schools and state public institutions are not eligible for League membership. They are listed alphabetically and further subdivided under the following headings which specify the eligibility rules they will observe in competition with VHSL schools. These conditions only apply to competition between a VHSL member school and a school not eligible for League membership. CATEGORY I Schools which follow Virginia High School League Individual Eligibility Regulations (Appendix B, Handbook) when engaging in any contest. CATEGORY II Schools which follow Virginia High School League Individual Eligibility Regulations (Appendix B, Handbook) when engaging in contests with VHSL member schools. CATEGORY III Schools which DO NOT follow Virginia High School League Individual Eligibility Regulations (Appendix B, Handbook). Virginia High School League member schools are eligible to play Virginia non-public secondary schools and state public institutions following the regulations given in Categories I and II above. NOTE: The Virginia High School League Executive Committee has interpreted that in 1998-99 the League’s member schools may determine individually whether they will play non-member schools in Category III. CATEGORY I Schools which follow Virginia High School League Individual Eligibility Regulations (Appendix B, Handbook) when engaging in any contest. ALLIANCE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY: 5809 Portsmouth Boulevard, Portsmouth, VA 23701, 757-488-5552, ext. 107; Kimberly Johnson, School Administrator; Lizzy Christian, Athletic Director. BISHOP IRETON HIGH SCHOOL: 201 Cambridge Road, Alexandria, VA 22314, 703-2125169; Dr. Thomas Curry, Head of School; W. W. Simons, Athletic Director. BISHOP O’CONNELL HIGH SCHOOL: 6600 Little Falls Road, Arlington, VA 22213, 703-2371455; Dr. Joseph Vorbach, Head of School; Joe Wootten, Athletic Director. BLESSED SACRAMENT HUGUENOT SCHOOL: 2501 Academy Road, Powhatan, VA 23139, 804-598-4211; Dr. Tracy Bonday de Leon, Chief School Administrator; Luke Bobbitt, Athletic Director. GREENBRIER CHRISTIAN ACADEMY: 311 Kempsville Road, Chesapeake, VA 23320, 757547-9595; H. Ron White, Superintendent; Daniel Moore, Athletic Director. MASSANUTTEN MILITARY ACADEMY: 614 S. Main Street, Woodstock, VA 22664, 540-4592167; Dr. David Skipper, Interim Head of School; Chris Gilliland, Athletic Director. -42- RICHMOND CHRISTIAN SCHOOL: 6511 Belmont Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832, 804-2763193; Trevor Collazo, Administrator; John Scorsone, Athletic Director. CATEGORY II Schools which follow Virginia High School League Individual Eligibility Regulations (Appendix B, Handbook) when engaging in contests with VHSL member schools. BROADWATER ACADEMY: 3500 Broadwater Road, P.O. Box 546, Exmore, VA 23350, 757442-9041; Jeremy McLean, Headmaster; Ron Anson and Christy Kellam, Athletic Directors. EPISCOPAL HIGH SCHOOL: 1200 North Quaker Lane, Alexandria, VA 22302, 703-933-4034; Rob Hershey, Headmaster; Jim Fitzpatrick and Jen Fitzpatrick, Athletic Directors. CHRIS CHAPEL ACADEMY: 13909 Smoketown Road, Woodbridge, VA 22192, 703-6703822; Paul Miklich, Head of School; John Green, Athletic Director. FLINT HILL SCHOOL: 3320 Jermantown Road, Oakton, VA 22124, 703-584-2322; John Thomas, Head Master; Tom Herman, Athletic Director. HAMPTON CHRISTIAN ACADEMY: 2419 North Armistead Avenue, Hampton, VA 23666, 757-838-7427; Tyler Ashworth, Principal; Dave Highlander, Athletic Director. HOLY CROSS REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL: 2125 Langhorne Road, Lynchburg, VA 24501, 434-847-5436; Patti Culbreth, Headmaster; Tony Mitchell, Athletic Director. KENSTON FOREST SCHOOL: 75 Ridge Road, Blackstone, VA 23824, 434-292-7218; John Colby, Jr., Head of School; Debra Hood, Athletic Director. THE MADEIRA SCHOOL: 8328 Georgetown Pike, McLean, A 22102, 703-556-8251; Pilar Cabeza de Vaca, Head of School; Kathryn Lamade, Athletic Director. MIDDLEBURG ACADEMY: 35321 Notre Dame Lane, Middleburg, VA 20117, 540-687-5581; Colley Bell, Head of School; Carla Adgate, Athletic Director. PAUL VI CATHOLIC SCHOOL: 10675 Fairfax Blvd., Fairfax, VA 22030, 703-352-0925; Virginia Colwell, Principal; Billy Emerson, Athletic Director. PENINSULA CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL: 600 Harpersville Road, Newport News, VA 23601, 757-596-7247; Jenny Franklin, Principal; John Jackowski, Athletic Director. POTOMAC SCHOOL: 1301 Potomac School Road, McLean, VA 22101, 703-749-6345; John Kowalik, Head of School; Cas Blanchard and Rob Lee, Athletic Directors. ST. PAUL THE GREAT CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL: 17700 Dominican Drive, Dumfries, VA 22026, 703-445-0300; Sister Mary Jordan Hoover, Principal; Mike Peters, Athletic Director. ST. STEPHEN’S & ST. AGNES SCHOOL: 1000 St. Stephen’s Road, Alexandria, VA 22304, 703-751-2700; Kirsten Adams, Head of School; Andy Taibl and Stephanie Koroma, Athletic Directors. ST. GERTRUDE HIGH SCHOOL: 3215 Stuart Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221, 804-822-3956; Susan Walker, President; Missy Ackerman, Athletic Director. -43- STONEBRIDGE SCHOOL: 1629 A Jolliff Road, Chesapeake, VA 23321, 757-488-2214; Kathy Radar, Head of School; Josue Vazquez, Athletic Director. TANDEM FRIENDS SCHOOL: 279 Tandem Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22902, 434-296-1303; Andy Jones-Wilkins, Head of School; Jackie Rose, Athletic Director. TRINITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL: 11204 Braddock Road, Fairfax, VA 22033, 703-273-8787, ext. 115; Dr. David Vanderpoel, Headmaster; Cheryl King, Athletic Director. TRINITY SCHOOL AT MEADOW VIEW: 2849 Meadow View Road, Falls Church, VA 22042, 703-876-1920; Andrew Zwerneman, Headmaster; Rick Schoof, Athletic Director. VIRGINIA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF AND BLIND: East Beverley Street, P.O. Box 2069, Staunton, VA 24402, 540-332-9000; Dr. Nancy Armstrong, Superintendent; Jim Kiser, Athletic Director. WAKEFIELD COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL: P. O. Box 739, 1059 Zachary Taylor Highway, Flint Hill, VA 22627, 540-635-8555, ext. 224; Jessica Lindstrom, Head of School; Michael Costello, Athletic Director. CATEGORY III Schools which DO NOT follow Virginia High School League Individual Eligibility Regulations (Appendix B, Handbook) ATLANTIC SHORES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL: 1217 N. Centreville Turnpike, Chesapeake, VA 23455, 757-479-9598; Gary Carlson, Head of School; Mike Hudgins, Athletic Director. BANNER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL: 1501 S. Providence Road, Richmond, VA 23236, 804-2765200; Dr. Thomas Burkett, Head of School; Paul Iuill, Athletic Director. BENEDICTINE COLLEGE PREPARATORY: 12829 River Road, Richmond, VA 23238, 804708-9500; Jesse Grapes, Headmaster; Ryan Hall, Athletic Director. BISHOP SULLIVAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL: 4552 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462, 757-467-2768; Dennis Price, Principal; Corey Mistretta, Athletic Director. BLUE RIDGE SCHOOL: 273 Mayo Drive, St. George, VA 22935, 434-985-2811; William Darrin, III, Headmaster; Bill Ramsey, Athletic Director. THE CARMEL SCHOOL: 9020 Jericho Road, Ruther Glen, VA 22546, 804-448-3288; Brent Miller, Headmaster; Michael Bolt, Athletic Director. CARLISLE SCHOOL: 300 Carlisle Road, Axton, VA 24054, 276-632-7288; Thomas Hudgins, Jr., Head of School; Keith Dallas, Athletic Director. CHATHAM HALL: 800 Chatham Hall Circle, Chatham, VA 24531, 434-432-2941; Suzanne Buck, Rector; Catherine LaDuke (RAA), Athletic Director. COLLEGIATE SCHOOL: 103 N. Mooreland Road, Richmond, VA 23229, 804-740-7077; Steve Hickman, Head of School; Karen Doxey, Athletic Director. THE COVENANT SCHOOL: 175 Hickory Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902, 434-220-7329; George Sanker, Head of School; Brooks Berry, Athletic Director. -44- EASTERN MENNONITE SCHOOL: 801 Parkwood Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802, 540-2366000; Paul Lehman, Head of School; Dave Bechler, Athletic Director. FAITH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL: 3585 Buck Mountain Road, Roanoke, VA 24018, 540-7695200, ext. 7; To Be Determined, Headmaster; Jeffery S. Garner, Athletic Director. FISHBURNE MILITARY SCHOOL: 225 South Wayne Avenue, Waynesboro, VA 22980, 540946-7700; Gary Morrison, Superintendent; Bryan Greene, Athletic Director. FORK UNION MILITARY SCHOOL: P.O. Box 278, 4744 James Madison Highway, Fork Union, VA 23055, 434-842-4212; Todd Giszack, Dean; Micky Sullivan, Athletic Director. FREDERICKSBURG ACADEMY: 10800 Academy Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22408, 540-8980020; Karen Moschetto, Head of School; Eyal Fierst, Athletic Director. FREDERICKSBURG CHRISTIAN SHOOL: 9400 Thornton Rolling Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22408, 540-373-5355; Rick Yost, Superintendent; Chris Mandell, Athletic Director. FUQUA SCHOOL: 605 Fuqua Drive, P.O. Drawer 328, Farmville, VA 23901, 434-392-4131; Ruth Murphy, President; Marcus Gregory, Athletic Director. HAMPTON ROADS ACADEMY: 739 Academy Lane, Newport News, VA 23602, 757-8849100; Peter Mertz, Headmaster; Max Gillespie, Athletic Director. LIBERTY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY: 100 Mountain View Road, Lynchburg, VA 24502, 434-8322000; John Patterson, Superintendent; Frank Rocco, Athletic Director. MILLER SCHOOL OF ALBEMARLE: 1000 Samuel Miller Loop, Charlottesville, VA 22903, 434-823-4805; Rick France, Headmaster; James Braxton, Athletic Director. NANSEMOND-SUFFOLK ACADEMY: 3373 Pruden Blvd., Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-539-8789; Deborah Russell, Head of School; Betty Jean Riddick (CAA) and T.W. Johnson, Athletic Directors. NORFOLK ACADEMY: 1585 Wesleyan Drive, Unit A, Norfolk, VA 23502, 757-461-6236; Dennis Manning, Headmaster; Aubrey Shinefield, Athletic Director. NORFOLK CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL: 255 Thole Street, Norfolk, VA 23505, 757-423-5770; Patrick McCarty, Head of School; Michael Allen, Athletic Director. NORFOLK COLLEGIATE SCHOOL: 7336 Granby Street, Norfolk, VA 23505, 757-480-2885; Scott Kennedy, Headmaster; Mary Peccie, Athletic Director. QUANTICO MIDDLE HIGH SCHOOL: 3307 Purvis Road, Quantico, VA 22134, 703-432-1380; Michael Johnson, Principal; Paul Roy, Athletic Director. RANDOLPH-MACON ACADEMY: 200 Academy Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630, 540-6365200; Major General Maury Forsyth, President; Frank Sullivan, Athletic Director. ROANOKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL: 621 N. Jefferson Street, Roanoke, VA 24016, 540-9823532; Patrick Patterson, Principal; Matt Peck, Athletic Director. ST. ANNE’S-BELFIELD SCHOOL: 2132 Ivy Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903, 434-296-5106; David Lourie, Head of School; Rich Mazzola, Athletic Director. -45- ST. CATHERINE’S SCHOOL: 6001 Grove Avenue, Richmond, VA 23226, 804-288-2804; Dr. Terrie Scheckelhoff, Head of School; Julie Dayton (CAA), Athletic Director. ST. CHRISTOPHER’S SCHOOL: 711 St. Christopher’s Road, Richmond, VA 23226, 804-2823185, ext. 5333; Charley Stillwell, Headmaster; John Gordon, Athletic Director. ST. MARGARET’S SCHOOL: P.O. Box 158, 444 Water Lane, Tappahannock, VA 22560, 804443-3357; Lindy Williams, Head of School; Cynthia Walker, Athletic Director. SOUTHAMPTON ACADEMY: 26495 Old Plank Road, Courtland, VA 23837, 757-653-9484; Scott Wasdin, Headmaster; Dale Marks, Athletic Director. THE STEWARD SCHOOL: 11600 Gayton Road, Richmond, VA 23238, 804-565-2305; Dan Frank, Interim Headmaster; Robert Stratton, Athletic Director. TIDEWATER ACADEMY: P.O. Box 1000, 217 Church Street, Wakefield, VA 23888, 757-8995401; Frances Joyner, Head of School; Walter Westbrook, Athletic Director. TIMBERLAKE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS: 202 Horizon Drive, Forest, VA 24551, 434-237-5943; Jeff Abbett, Administrator; Charlie Williams, Athletic Director. TRINITY EPISCOPAL SCHOOL: 3850 Pittaway Drive, Richmond, VA 23235, 804-272-5864; Dr. Thomas Aycock, Headmaster; Eric Gobble, Athletic Director. VICTORY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL: 8491 Chamberlayne Road, Richmond, VA 23227, 804-2628256; Andrea Cassidy, Principal; Steve Ferrell, Athletic Director. VIRGINIA EPISCOPAL SCHOOL: 400 VES Road, Lynchburg, VA 24503, 434-385-3600; Tommy Battle, Headmaster; Bob Leake, Athletic Director. WAKEFIELD SCHOOL: P.O. Box 107, 4439 Old Tavern Road, The Plains, VA 22630, 540253-7500; Dr. David Colon, Headmaster; Paul Sipes, Athletic Director. WALSINGHAM ACADEMY: 110 Jamestown Road, Williamsburg, VA 23188, 757-259-1425; Sister Mary Jeanne Osterlin, President; Neil Bailey, Athletic Director. WESTOVER CHRISTIAN ACADEMY: 5665 Riverside Drive, Danville, VA 24541, 434-8220800; Shawn Weeks, Administrator; Caleb Reynolds, Athletic Director. WILLIAMSBURG CHRISTIAN ACADEMY: 101 School House Lane, Williamsburg, VA 23188, 757-220-1978; Gwen Martin, Head of School; David Clark, Athletic Director. WOODBERRY FOREST SCHOOL: 898 Woodberry Forest Road, Woodberry Forest, VA 22989, 540-672-6000; Byron Hulsey, Head of School; Brian Hemming, Athletic Director. -46- STATE AND NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ASSOCIATED PRESS: Hank Kurz, 600 E. Main Street, Suite 1250, Richmond, VA 23219, 800-552-9935, 804-643-6223 (fax), 804-320-3437 (home), 804-564-4404 (cell), [email protected]. ASSOCIATED PRESS: 818 W. Riverside Avenue, Suite 500, Spokane, WA 99201, 800-3008340, 888-832-0338 (fax), 801-252-6046 (text), [email protected] (email). ATLANTIC COAST CONFERENCE (ACC): 4512 Weybridge Lane, Greensboro, NC 27407, 336-854-8787, 336-854-8797 (media/video services fax), 336-851-6074 (basketball fax), 336369-1203 (Olympic sports fax), 336-316-6097 (administration and business office fax), 336-3691212 (football fax). COLUMBIA SCHOLASTIC PRESS ASSOCIATION: Edmund Sullivan, Executive Director, Columbia University, Mail Code 5711, New York, NY 10027-6902, 212-854-9400, 212-854-9401 (fax), [email protected] (email). DOW JONES NEWSPAPER FUND: Richard S. Holden, Executive Director, P. O. Box 300, Princeton, NJ 08543-0300, 609-452-2820, 609-520-5804 (fax), [email protected] (email), (web). JOURNALISM EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: Kansas State University, 105 Kedzie Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-1505, 785-532-5532, 866-532-5532 (toll-free), 785-532-5563 (fax), jea@ (email), (web). NASSP: 1904 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191, 703-860-0200, 703-476-5432 (fax). NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (NCAA): 700 W. Washington Street, P.O. Box 6222, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222, 317-917-6222, 317-917-6982 (fax), www.ncaa. org (web). NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: P.O. Box 690, Indianapolis, IN 46206 (mailing), 1802 Alonzo Watford Sr. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46202 (shipping), 317-972-6900, 317-822-5700 (fax). NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE: J. Scott Wunn, Executive Director, P. O. Box 38, Ripon, WI 54971-0038, 920-748-6206, 920-748-5348 (current Lincoln-Douglas topics), [email protected] (email), (web). NATIONAL SCHOLASTIC PRESS ASSOCIATION: Diana Mitsu Klos, Executive Director, 2221 University Avenue, SE, Suite 121, Minneapolis, MN 55414, 612-625-8335, 612-626-0720 (fax), [email protected] (email), (web). OKLAHOMA SCHOLASTIC MEDIA: Kathryn Jenson White, University of Oklahoma, Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, Oklahoma Scholastic Media, 395 W. Lindsey Street, Norman, OK 73019, 405-325-2453, 405-325-7384 (fax), [email protected] (email), (web). QUILL AND SCROLL, THE INTERNATIONAL HONORARY SOCIETY FOR HIGH SCHOOL JOURNALISTS: Vanessa Shelton, Executive Director, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Iowa, 100 Adler Journalism Bldg., Room E346, Iowa City, IA 522422004, e-mail: [email protected], homepage:, 319-335-3457, 319-3353989 (fax). -47- SOUTHEASTERN THEATRE CONFERENCE, INC.: Elizabeth N. Horth, Executive Director, 1175 Revolution Mill Drive, Studio 14, Greensboro, NC 27405, 336-272-3645, 336-272-8810 (fax), [email protected] (email), (web). SOUTHERN INTERSCHOLASTIC PRESS ASSOCIATION (SIPA): Karen H. Flowers, Executive Director, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, 803-777-6284, 803-777-4103 (fax), [email protected] (email), (web). STUDENT PRESS LAW CENTER: Frank LoMonte, 1101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1100, Arlington, VA 22209-2275, 703-807-1904, [email protected] (email), (web). VHSL MEDAL SUPPLIER: Wendy Braatz, Erffmeyer & Son Company, Inc., P.O. Box 240047, Milwaukee, WI 53224-9002 (mailing), 5300 W. Clinton Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53223-9002 (shipping), 414-354-7800, 800-852-4266, 414-362-7287 (fax), [email protected] (email), www. (web). VHSL MERCHANDISER: MSP Group, LLC, 3490 E. Virginia Beach Blvd., Norfolk, VA 23502, 757-855-5416, 800-899-5416, 757-853-2800 (fax), [email protected] (email), www. (web). VHSL TROPHY SUPPLIER: Chris Trinite, Bunkie Trinite Trophies, 12 East Grace Street, Richmond, VA 23219, 800-698-4077, 804-648-2416, 804-788-4756 (fax), chris.bunkie@globalweb. net (email). VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNICATION ARTS AND SCIENCES: Bette Thomas, VACAS Secretary/Treasurer, Thomas Nelson Community College, 99 Thomas Nelson Drive, P.O. Box 9407, Hampton, VA 23670, 757-825-2874, [email protected] (email). VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF JOURNALISM TEACHERS AND ADVISERS: Gregory Bartley, Director, R. E. Lee High School, 6540 Franconia Rd., Springfield, VA 22150, [email protected] (email). VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS: Dr. Alfred R. Butler, IV, Executive Director, 405 Emmet Street, P.O. Box 400265, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4265, 434-9240538, 434-982-2942 (fax), (web). VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS: Randy Barrack, Executive Director, 4909 Cutshaw Avenue, Richmond, VA 23230, 804-355-2777. VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF SPEECH AND DEBATE COACHES: Mary Sue Crommelin, 1725 Ashley Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23454, 757-481-7976 (home), 757-496-6719 (fax), 757496-6711 (school), [email protected] (email). VIRGINIA ATHLETIC TRAINERS’ ASSOCIATION: John Reynolds, ATC, President, VATA, George C. Marshall High School, 7731 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043, 703-714-5492, [email protected]. VIRGINIA COUNCIL FOR PRIVATE EDUCATION: George J. McVey, President, 1901 Huguenot Road, Suite 301, Richmond, VA 23235, 804-423-6435, 866-846-4004 (fax), (web). -48- VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: P. O. Box 2120, Richmond, VA 23218-2120, 800292-3820. VIRGINIA EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: 116 South Third Street, Richmond, VA 23219, 804648-5801, 804-775-8379 (fax). VIRGINIA HIGH SCHOOL COACHES ASSOCIATION: Mike Smith, Executive Director; Laurie Keane, Office Manager; Trish Mitchell, Financial Assistant; Shelley Blumenthal, President; Phil Robbins, Clinic Director; Tasha Williams-Brown, Website Director; 38 Wine Street, Hampton, VA 23669, 757-723-3330 (office), 757-325-9700 (fax), 757-303-1172 (cell). VIRGINIA INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION: Dick Kemper (CMAA), Executive Director, P.O. Box 324, Midlothian, VA 23114, 804-347-3238, [email protected]. VIRGINIA INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC ADMINISTRATORS ASSOCIATION: Bruce Bowen (CMAA), Executive Director, 8004 Strawhorn Drive, Mechanicsville, VA 23116, 804-3873188, [email protected]; Scott Morris, President, Fluvanna County High School, 1918 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra, VA 22963, 434-510-1913. VIRGINIA MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSOCIATION: Gayle C. Sutton, President, Matoaca Middle School, 20300 Halloway Avenue, South Chesterfield, VA 23803, 804-590-3130, 804-590-3136 (fax), [email protected]. VIRGINIA MUSIC EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION, INC.: Moe Turrentine, State Executive, 398 Snow Bird Lane, Swanton, MD 21561, 301-387-2239 (phone and fax), [email protected]. VIRGINIA PRESS ASSOCIATION: Ginger Stanley, Executive Director, 11529 Nuckols Road, Glen Allen, VA 23059, 804-521-7570, 804-521-7590 (fax). VIRGINIA PTA STATE OFFICE: Brenda L. Sheridan, President, 1027 Wilmer Avenue, Richmond, VA 23227-2419, 804-264-1234, 804-264-4014 (fax), [email protected] (email), www.vapta. org (web). VIRGINIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION: Gina G. Patterson, Executive Director, 200 Hansen Road, Suite 2, Charlottesville, VA 22911-7931, 434-295-8722. VIRGINIA THEATRE ASSOCIATION: Mary K. Molineu, Executive Director, 147 Warsaw Avenue, MSC 5601, Harrisonburg, VA 22807, 540-568-6038, 540-568-7858 (fax), www.vtasite. org (web). VIRGINIA STATE THESPIAN SOCIETY: Nancy Curtis, Director, First Colonial High School, 1272 Mill Dam Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-2322, 757-648-5300, 757-496-6719 (fax), [email protected] (email), (web). -49- HELLO FUTURE We Believe in You, Just Like You Believe in Them. Contact Your Local Herff Jones Representative: Central CHRIS HUTTO 804.598.0971 THOMAS MACDONALD 804.598.0971 DENISE MILLER 804.405.0809 JAY ROUDABUSH 804.598.0971 North Central CHRISSY BROWN 804.512.5581 LISA HEISER 540.937.2688 GREGG MILLER 540.665.5292 Northern CHUCK MCCANN 703.594.3982 KARA PETERSON 703.447.5041 PAM TRIPP 703.297.6508 Southeastern VALERIE LEBLANC 757.871.8673 ALISON RUMLEY 757.897.1229 Southwestern JOE ASSAID 540.444.7373 STEVE KENT 540.589.2222 Western CORY CLARK 540.221.4669 BRIAN HUNTER 434.242.1773 -50- -51- -52- -53- -54- Sharing information on how to plan for your education If you’re wondering how to prepare and pay for college — you’re not alone. Many students have the same questions when planning their education, which is why we’re here to help. Wells Fargo has the resources to connect you with others going through similar experiences, encouraging you to share your own tips and recommendations. We’ll also provide tools and information to help you find what you need to successfully plan and budget for college. The CollegeSTEPS® Program is our resource to provide you the information you need, when you need it. We’ll send you personalized tips and tools based on your year in school, plus we’ll provide details on Wells Fargo student loans and other products and services. Parents can sign up too! The Student LoanDown blog is a place for you to check out conversations focused on the entire college experience. We’ll cover a variety of topics, from campus tours and applying for college to making the most of your time at school — including how to finance it. Our bloggers even share some of their own experiences to let you know what they’ve learned along the way. Wells Fargo Community is an open forum for you to get your college questions answered — while providing helpful information to others. By asking questions, sharing knowledge, and learning from the community — we’ll journey through your education planning adventure together. © 2014 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. (1199237_12399) -55- -56- Live well and thrive. Kaiser Permanente is proud to salute the 2014 Virginia High School League Spring Jubilee and their mission of Building Better Citizens. Visit Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States, Inc. 2101 East Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20852 140393_VHSLSpringJubileeProgram_A_ad 5/22/2014–12/31/2014 -57- When quality takes root, amazing things happen! In 1993, Warren Memorial Hospital and Winchester Medical Center teamed up as Valley Health. The partnership blossomed. Today Valley Health is six hospitals in two states, with over 5,000 employees, and national recognition for patient safety and leading-edge care. Like a close family, Valley Health hospitals and facilities work together to deliver what individuals and businesses look for: exceptional care — with a personal touch — close to home. >PUJOLZ[LY4LKPJHS*LU[LY>HYYLU4LTVYPHS/VZWP[HS :OLUHUKVHO4LTVYPHS/VZWP[HS7HNL4LTVYPHS/VZWP[HS /HTWZOPYL4LTVYPHS/VZWP[HS>HY4LTVYPHS/VZWP[HS >PUJOLZ[LY9LOHIPSP[H[PVU*LU[LY<YNLU[*HYL=HSSL`/VTL*HYL =HSSL`4LKPJHS;YHUZWVY[=HSSL`7OHYTHJ` WWW.VALLEYHEALTHLINK.COM -58- THE ALLSTATE FOUNDATION PARENT-TEEN DRIVING AGREEMENT Car crashes are the number one killer of American teens. It’s really not surprising when you consider that 16-year-old drivers have crash rates two-times greater than 18-to-19-year-old drivers and three times that of older drivers. This Parent-Teen Driving Agreement can help you and your teens make safer decisions when they get behind the wheel and when they ride as passengers with their friends. Start the conversation. Each state has different teen driving laws, so you and your teen should become familiar with Virginia‘s laws. Talking to your teen about the rules of the road isn’t necessarily easy, but it is important. Especially when you consider that approximately four out of five teens said their parents are the best influence in getting them to be safer drivers. As a way to get started, The Allstate Foundation has created this Parent-Teen Driving Agreement. Virginia laws include: • A nighttime driving restriction between 12 a.m. and 4 a.m. unless your teen is accompanied by a parent/legal guardian. Additionally, teens are exempt from this restriction if they are travelling due to employment, a school activity, or an emergency. It can help you: • Discuss your teen’s responsibilities when driving a car or riding as a passenger in a car driven by another teen. • Decide on the consequences when those responsibilities aren’t met. • Passenger restrictions for the first year of licensure and through age 18. During the first year of licensure, your teen may have only one passenger under the age of 18. After that year and if they are under age 18, they may carry up to three passengers under 18. Once you talk over each issue and come to an agreement, fill out the rules and consequences in the space provided. Then sign and date it. Be sure to keep it in a prominent place, like the front of your refrigerator, so you can re-examine it often and make changes as your teen becomes a more experienced driver. • Cell phone use and texting is prohibited except for emergencies. Remember these laws are minimum standards to keep your teen safer on the road. The more you get involved and monitor your teen’s driving experience, the more likely your teen will be a safer driver and passenger. Learn More. To learn about your state’s teen driving laws, better understand teens’ attitudes about driving, or to get tips for talking with your teen about safer driving, visit: ©2012 The Allstate Foundation, Northbrook, IL. -59- Cell Phones & Texting Seatbelts Cell phone calls and texting increase crash risk significantly, and teens are particularly affected. Research shows that texting while driving can take your eyes off the road for an average of almost five seconds. At 55 mph, that’s like driving the length of a football field—completely blind. Using lap/shoulder belts can reduce the risk of dying in a car crash by 45%. AGREEMENT Speeding CONSEQUENCES In 2009, speed-related crashes accounted for 34% of fatalities among 16-to-19-year-olds. AGREEMENT CONSEQUENCES Music, Food & Other Distractions In 2009, 16 percent of all fatal crashes for people under the age of 20 were reported to involve distracted driving. AGREEMENT AGREEMENT Drinking, Driving & Drugs CONSEQUENCES Thirteen percent of high school seniors reported driving under the influence of marijuana, a number nearly equivalent to those who reported driving under the influence of alcohol. CONSEQUENCES Time of Day Nearly half the teens that died in car crashes in 2009 were killed between 3 p.m. and midnight. Check your local teen driving curfews. AGREEMENT CONSEQUENCES Grades AGREEMENT Good grades aren’t just important for your teen’s future career, they are also indicative of safe driving behavior. Studies have shown a strong correlation between getting good grades and being safe on the road. CONSEQUENCES Number of Passengers The presence of even one passenger increases the chance of a fatal crash, and the presence of just one male passenger nearly doubles those odds. AGREEMENT CONSEQUENCES AGREEMENT CONSEQUENCES When riding as a passenger in a car driven by a teen, help the driver get to your destination safely by: Sixty percent of teen passenger deaths in 2009 occurred in vehicles driven by another teen. • • • • Being a Safe Passenger & Friend When you see your peers texting, talking on a cell phone, or doing risky things—speak up. It’s not just themselves they are putting at risk; it’s your life too. Not having more people in the car than is allowed under the law. Discourage cell phone use and texting while driving. Refuse to get into the car when the driver is drunk or drugged. Avoid situations and teen drivers that you feel could place your safety at risk. AGREEMENT CONSEQUENCES Teen Driver or Passenger Parent/Guardian I promise to abide by the agreement outlined above. If I break any part of this agreement, I will accept the consequences. During any time that I cannot drive, I will be responsible for making other arrangements to get around. I promise to do what I can to help my teen succeed in following this agreement. I promise to make time to help my child become a safe and responsible driver. I understand this is an evolving agreement and promise to make myself available to discuss these rules and their consequences when necessary. SIGNATURE OF TEEN SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN DATE -60- DATE -61- -62- -63- -64- -65- e presenting ® th — s nt ra au st Re AY BW SU onshipp Series sponsor of the VHSL Champi ESSTT!! GAME DAYS DESERVE THE BE offers piled-high SUBWAY FRESH CATERING™ which are sure to sandwich and cookie platters roaring. Order keep friends fueled and crowds today and take SUBWAY FRESH CATERING™ your game to the next level. AY.COM (877) 360-CATER | SUBW Catering orders must be placed 24 hours in advance. ©2014 Doctor’s Associates Inc. SUBWAY® is a registered trademark of Doctor’s Associates Inc. -66- Responsible financial behavior starts early. There is a critical need to improve the financial literacy of today’s youth. PwC’s Earn Your Future is a five-year $160 million commitment to help students learn healthy financial habits. We’re harnessing the collective power of our bSHRSOHWRVKDUHWKHLUWDOHQWVWRPDNHDVXVWDLQDEOH impact on the next generation of business leaders. To learn more about our efforts and educator resources, visit © 2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. All rights reserved. -67- game on Any second can be a game-changer. That’s what makes it so exciting. At AT&T, we also like to push the limits of what’s possible. Because your chance to win can come at any time. And the AT&T network will be there with the assist. AT&T is a proud supporter of organizations like the Virginia High School League for its commitment to Virginia’s student athletes. © 2014 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. -68- -69- Virginia HIgh School League Through sports and acvies, students learn how to deal with success and failure, the value of teamwork, perseverance, respect for others - experiences that will serve them for a lifeme. So much is riding on maintaining those experiences, and the League’s 200,000 student parcipants need your help. VHSL programs, including more than 100 state championships, cost nearly $4 million each year. Rising costs to administer these programs and playoff events threatens their future existence. You can help by making a gi to the VHSL Foundaon. Your gi strengthens the League’s ability to connue offering interscholasc sports and acvies for all who wish to play and compete at a high level. As a non-profit organizaon, all gis to the VHSL Foundaon are tax deducble. To give on-line go to hp:// The VHSL Foundaon supports the programs and acvies of Virginia’s public high schools. -70- Hampton Inn wishes all VHSL member schools the best of success during 2014-15 100% Smoke-Free Property Complimentary On The House Hot Breakfast Free Local Telephone Calls Children 18 & Under Stay Free (Must share a room with parent(s).) Free HBO, ESPN, TNN Outdoor Pool Free Transportation to Airport, UVa and Hospitals In-Room Amenities Include: Voice Mail, Coffee Maker, Iron & Board, Refrigerator Free Hi-Speed wireless internet access (434) 978-7888 (434) 973-0436 (fax) 2035 India Road Seminole Square Shopping Center Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 -71- Proud Platinum Sponsors of the VHSL since 2005 Rings & Graduation Steve Dodd Sarah Dunn Tom Orme Eric Harvell Holly Sidwell Jeff Leach Byron Thorne Scott Miller Kenneth Yaeger Yearbooks Jason Baranowski Joe Boocks Hayley Elliott Jay Hollis Danny Boring Jeff & Kelly Carns Jen Massey Hank Whitaker “The League could not ask for a better partner than Jostens.” - Lisa Giles, VHSL Director of Activities and Student Services -72-
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