change - United Way


change - United Way
United Way of the Big Bend’s Leadership Giving Society was created to acknowledge the generosity of our investors
who share a commitment to our community, its people, and its future.
Leadership Givers are leaders and investors in our community. An annual investment of $1,000 truly makes a difference
in helping the people in our community who most need our support.
“In this world it is not what we take up,
but what we give up, that makes us rich.”
By being a leadership giver, you are leading the way to create real, lasting change in our community. Your investment
in United Way of the Big Bend helps provide the building blocks for a better life: education, job stability, and a safety
net of health and human services for all of us.
When you contribute to United Way of the Big Bend, you are doing more than helping one person at a time. You are
changing systems to help us all. When you reach out a hand to one, you influence the condition of all.
Thank you for your investment,
Henry Ward Beecher
U.S. Congregational minister.
One of the most influential Protestant spokesmen of his time.
Katrina Rolle,
President & CEO
Leadership Givers
UWBB’s Leadership Givers are a prestigious group of community leaders who set the
standard for philanthropic giving in the Big Bend area. Leadership Givers are critical partners
in UWBB’s efforts to solve problems, create positive lasting change, and make our community
a better place to work and live.
Leadership Givers make an annual, personal contribution of $1,000 or more and are
recognized in this annual Leadership Giving Roster.
“Every good act is charity.
A man’s true wealth hereafter is the good
that he does in this world to his fellows.”
Benefits of Membership:
Opportunities to engage with like-minded
community supporters
Involvement in community volunteer and
advocacy efforts
Special recognition events
Recognition in UWBB publications
Leadership updates and invitations to
campaign events
Recognition of gift levels
Current Leadership Outreach Areas:
• W
omen United (WU) – Creates a forum for women who want
to significantly improve the quality of life in the Big Bend
through leadership giving, advocacy and volunteerism. WU
honors the vital role women play in our community and
provides even more opportunities for women to participate
fully as active philanthropists.
• Y
oung Philanthropists Circle (YPC) – Recognizes Leadership
Givers under the age of 40 who have the capability and
interest in pursuing philanthropy at a young age.
Tocqueville Society
Gifts of $10,000 and above
United Way established this society to recognize outstanding volunteerism,
to involve new and influential leadership, and to encourage personal major
gifts by high-wealth individuals. The society’s name was chosen because
of Alexis de Tocqueville’s admiration for the spirit of voluntary association
and voluntary effort for the common good, a spirit he noted in America and
about which he wrote enthusiastically.
Gifts of $15,000 – $19,999
“I cannot help fearing that men
may reach a point where they look
on every new theory as a danger,
every innovation as a toilsome
trouble, every social advance as
a first step toward revolution,
and that they may absolutely
refuse to move at all.” Alexis de Tocqueville
Ordre de Liberté
Gifts of $25,000 – $49,999
Member wishes to remain anonymous.
Gifts of $20,000 – $24,999
Ron Sachs and Gay Webster-Sachs
Charles J. Hall
Marge and John Hogan
Mark O’Bryant
Barry and Tiffanie Webster
Barry Webster
Gifts of $10,000 – $14,999
Sallie and Duby Ausley
Rick Kearney
Bates Family Foundation
Russ and Genie Morcom
Talbot D’Alemberte and Patsy Palmer
Jim and Betty Ann Rodgers
Marilynn and Cantey Higdon
Paula and Bill Smith
Yvonne and Winston Howell
Nancy Van Vessem, M.D.
John R. Hugill and Kiki L. Dunton
Drs. Dennis and Barbara Williams
Andie and Dean Jerger
The Community Society
United Way acknowledges that there are individuals in the Big Bend
who are prepared to move to a major gift level. By establishing the
Gifts of $5,000 through $9,999
Lyn and Fred Baggett
Dr. Mark D. Bird
Ken and Jean Boutwell
Susan and Bill Clark
Chris and Beth Corum
Community Society, we are able to recognize these extraordinarily
Beth Corum
generous contributors to our community.
2015-2016 Campaign Chair
“You must be the change
you wish to see in the
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
Harry Detwiler
Laurie and Kelly Dozier
Ann Everitt Drew Living Trust
Doris and Doug Dunlap
Gail and Chris Eldred
Steve and Linda Evans & Family
Michael M. and Martha A. Fields
David and Debby Fonvielle
Virginia Glass, Realtor
Paul Hamilton
Kin and Jackie Johnson
Geir and Sharon Kjellevold
Dean and Lina Knox
Cecilia and Peter Loeb, MD
Patrick and Susan Love
Cliff and Mary Madsen
Greg and Anne Martin
Coach and Mrs. Mike Martin
Mark and Heather Mitchell
Laura and Tim Murray
Scott Pilman
Society for Reasonable Gun Regulation
Sherrill and Jimmy Ragans
Mike and Marty Sittig
David and Kathleen Smith
Eric M. Smith
Brian Snow
Tripp Transou and Susie Busch-Transou
Walter and Victoria Tschinkel
Leonard and Amy Tung
David and Tanya Wilkins
Don and Jeanette Yaeger
L e a d e rs S o c i e t y
Live Oak Circle
The United Way Leaders Society features four distinct giving levels.
Gifts of $4,000 through $4,999
“The life of a man consists
not in seeing visions and in
dreaming dreams, but in active
charity and in willing service. “
J. Kent and Flora Caruthers
Dr. Tom DeLopez and Sandy DeLopez
Darrin K. and Sabrina Holloman
Bob and Janis Inzer
David and Tana Oglesby
Sharon and Mark Sawicki
Lewis and Linda Shelley
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
One member wishes to remain anonymous.
Magnolia Circle
Steve and Vicki Auger
Debbie and Bobby Bacon
Bobby* and Demory Boeneke
Richard Budell and Kathleen McLeskey
Sam Rogers
Bonnie Butler
Dominic and Debbie Calabro
Marydell and Grant Capelouto
Wendy and Raymond Capelouto
Gifts of $3,000 through $3,999
Berneice Cox
Marjorie and Bob Feagin
James Giacobbe
Benson T. and Judy Green
Kathleen M. Grobe
Bart D. Gunter
Rhoda and Joe Icerman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kugelmann
Dr. Elmira Mangum
Fount and Beth May
Rick and Cindy McAllister
Patty and Chuck Mitchell
Paul and Beverly Moore
Drs. Janet Lenz and Robert Reardon
Laura and Sam Rogers, Jr.
Chip and Tricia Seale
Jayne M. Standley and Fred L. Standley*
Garnett Stokes
Tanya Tatum
Bret D. Whissel
Polly and David White
Two members wish to remain anonymous. *Deceased
L e a d e rs S o c i e t y
Dogwood Circle
Gifts of $2,000 through $2,999
Clara Louise Augustine
Martha and Rick Barnett
Paul A. Bawek
Ray and Jann Bellamy
Boden Family
Don and Eileen Bourassa
Carolyn Herrington and Bob Bradley
Christine Brubaker
Sheriff Larry Campbell* and Machelle Campbell
Kerri Cloud
Bobby and Sue Dick
Don and Sue Everett, Sr.
John and Diane Fogarty
Don and Kyung-Ae Gibson
Tom and Renee Glennon
Mark and Jennie Grant
Steve and Fay Grimes
Dr. Henry and Susan Gunter
Amy and John Guthrie
Glenda G. Hamby
Scott Hamilton
Linda Hudson
Myra Hurt
Chris and Melanie Jensen
Dr. David and Dorothy Jones
Johnny and Barbie Jordan
Claire B. Kelly
Lawton and Beth Langford
Debie and Irvine Leonard
Theodore Littlewood, Jr.
Patricia McCray
Jean and Frank McGoogan
Earl and Rosemary McKenzie
Arwena and Leslie A. McLean, II
Edward and Beth Meggs
Norma M. Meier
Joan Merschman
Jimmy Miller
Bill and Jane Montford
Bill and Mary Moor
Jason and Vivian Moore
Rob and Robin Moss
Nancy Muller
Jim and Sara Murdaugh
Joyce A. Nelson
Irene Padavic
Joyce and Dick Peters
Paul Phipps
Jeremy & Heather Puckett
Scott and Cindy Rawls
Benjie D. Read
Jay Reeve and Katharine Lyon
Brenda Landrum and Andrew Reid
Laura and Douglas Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Garrison Anthony Rolle
Scott and Paula Schroeder
Johnny Sirmans
Jill and Doug Smith
Mike and Lori Swanson
Kyle Touchstone
Joseph and Kathryn Travis
D. J. and Gayle Underwood
Dr. Leonard Van Dommelen
John and Marcia Van Wingen
Sam Varn
David and Jane Watson
Alisha Wetherell
Three members wish to remain anonymous.
Azalea Circle
Holly G. Bailey
Jeffrey and Emily Barbacci
Kathy and Gary Bartlett
Mai and Paul Beaumont
Donna E. Blanton
Johnnie Blount
Randy and Cindi Owen Briley
Robert and Carmella Bugbee
John Buss
Anthony John Carrano
Lori Clemmons
Gloria and Jesse Colvin
Glenda and James Conley
James D. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Fulton N. Davenport
Gifts of $1,500 through $1,999
Rami Deeb and Sarah Barnett Deeb
Greg and Carla DeLoach
Margaret Lynn and Tom Duggar
Brian M. Duncan
Jan and Robert Estevez
Ms. Anita R. Favors Thompson
Bill and Nancy Ferguson
Amy M. Finley
Bonnie and Robert Fisher
Paula Saunders and Roy Forman
Bill and Debbie Giudice
Christopher J. Gorsuch
Andy and Faith Gray
Brooke and Paul Hallock
Patti Hilaman
L e a d e rs S o c i e t y
Azalea Circle
Gifts of $1,500 through $1,999
“Even a minor event in the
life of a child is an event
of that child’s world and
thus a world event.”
Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962)
Glenn R. Hosken
Erwin D. Jackson, Ph.D. and
Stephanie Jackson
Jimmy and Susan Joiner
Stephen and Phyllis Kalifeh
Mary Carol Kaney
Frank and Elizabeth Langston
Nico Lauw
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Lazar
Rick and Cherie McCraw
Casey and James McQuaig
Sarah and Mark Meleney
Nancy Miller
Dewitt Miller
Maureen and Mark Mitchell
Susie and Ed Murray
David and Donna Nichols
Kim Norgren and the Loretta &
Leigh Norgren Foundation
Dr. Adekunle Omotayo
Greg Parker and Pam Rigoni-Parker
Russell L. Perkins
Casey and Canita Peterson
Howard Phillips
Judy Pickle
Wendy Poole
Dylan Rivers
Matt and Nita Sherer
Michael Sole
Jodi and Todd Sperry
Terry Steaple
Paul and Cindy Sullivan
Patti Swann
Arthur Wiedinger, Jr.
Jacquelyn M. Williams
Darryl G. Worrell
Rodner B. and Clarise Wright
Three members wish to remain anonymous.
Azalea Circle
Gifts of $1,000 through $1,499
Ken Abele
Chad D. Abrams
Nathan A. Adams
Marissa N. Adamson
Gregg and Barbara Alexander
W. Frank and Margaret Allen
Tom and Leslie Allen
Brett Allen
John and Willa Almlof
Fred Anderson, Jr.
Damon Anderson
Susie Andrews
James and Josephine Ang
Cedric and Latasha Anthony
Jeanie and Ken Armstrong
Fay and Brian Armstrong
Marta Arrington
Rhett Bagwell
Kathryn & Dennis Bailey
John E. Baker
Meg Baldwin
Ryan Banfill
Cynthia and Tony Barber
Jeff & Cathi Barineau
Craig Barkve
Stan and Tenley Barnes
Joseph and Wendy Barnett
Jane and Tom Barron
David Barwick
Sabin and Michele Bass
Ann Beach
Darryl Beadle
Bill and Liz Beaty
Mark and Teresa Beaudoin
Barbara and Billy Beggs
Leslie Beitsch
Gail R. Bellamy
David Andrew Bellamy
Lynn Bennett
Drs. Christian Berg and Valerie Lazzell
Alan and Lisa Bethancourt
Stu Bevis
Dawna Bicknell
Kent and Kathy Bishop
Claudia Blackburn
Joann and Carl Blackwell
Thomas and Jeanine Blomberg
Greg and Karen Boebinger
Rayne Boggs
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks Borom
Myles C. Bradley
Flecia Braswell and Fred McCord*
Shelley and Bill Brimacombe
Melanie Brock
Tom and J. Leigh Brooks
Michele Ceci and Clay Brower
Rita L. Brown
Tim and Charlotte Brown
Kim W. Brown
J. C. Brown
Cynthia and Charlie Brown
Beverly and Matthew G. Brown
Fred and Patti Brownstein
Sharita O. Bryant
Carleen Burchfield
Christopher Burdette
Rick and Lois Burnette
Gwendolyn Burney
Lewis O. Burnside , Jr.
Loren Bussey
Hugh and Melinda Butler
Ronny Butler
Ray and Kathy Bye
Dr. James W. Cade
Justin A. Caines
Randall Calhoun
Kenneth and Pamela Campbell
Ellen Campbell
Charles Campbell
Dr. Natosha D. Canty
Lisa and Ed Canup
Elizabeth Carlton
David P. Carnes
Synthia L. Carroll
Meaghan Carroll
Devon H. Case
James O. Catron
Hugh Catts
Mathieu L. Cavell
Amy and Tim Center
Joshua Chansler
Corey, Anita & Aaliyah Chapman
Diane and David Chapman
Richard Chastain
Goldie Chaves
Azalea Circle
Joseph B. Cheatham
Rita A. Cheatham
Diane and John Ching
Lewis Christmas, II
Charles and Tammy Cicchetti
Amanda Clark
Seth C. Clark
Kyle and Amanda Clark
Sandra Clary
Jessie J. Close
William and Phyllis Clutter
Tracey Cohen
Bill and Suzi Colledge
Dr. Russell C. Collins
Dr. Walter and Mary Colon
Donna Conyers
Sachiko Cook
Lisa A. Cook
Jim and Pam Cooke
Kristen Coons
Brant and Alexandra Copeland
Matthew Costigan
Amanda Couchman
Ben A. Cowart
L. Thomas and Lynn W. Cox
Erin Crane
Robert E. Crew, Jr. and
Nancy Wideman
Doug and Dianne Croley
Timothy Cross
Gifts of $1,000 through $1,499
Diana and Michael Cureton
Steven Currieo
Al Curry
Jeanne and Larry Curtin
Pat Curtis
Walker H. Cutts
John and Virginia Dailey
Dick and Jean D’Alemberte
Dr. Dean Dalrymple
Daniel Darity , Jr.
Kim and Connie Davis
Pamela and Robert Davis
Erik D. Davis
Valerie C. Dawkins
Moritz and Penny Dehler
Mark and Ginger Delegal
Don and Anja DeLoach
Larry and Elaine Dennis
Henry and Judith Depew
Tom and Stephanie Derzypolski
Joshua DeSha
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Dienger
Jack and Alice Diestelhorst
Sammie and Kim Dixon
Pamala Doffek
Jay Dominey
Kenneth S. Donalson
Ian C. Donkin
Carol and Walt Dover
Kristin Dozier
John S. Dozier, D.M.D.
Frederick and Kimberley Dressel
Tiffany Dubois
Paul DuBose
C. Scott Dudley
Susan C. Dunlap
Darren Edmonds
Carolyn Egan
Charles and Judy Ehrhardt
Ross & Kris Ellington
John P. Elliott
Mitch and Judi Englert
Karl A. Ericsson
Rosemary Evans
Louwanda Fadden
Dr. Mark E. Fahey
Garrie Farrow
Wade M. Faulkner
Suzanne and Kevin Fenton
Rick and Ami Fernandez
Pamela L. Perrewé and
Gerald R. Ferris
Linda Figg and Richard Drew
Thomas B. Fletcher , III
Margie Fletcher
Patricia Flowers
Jim Floyd
Lucia Fontela
Claudia Foreman
Skip Foster
Traci Franklin
Carlton and Regina Franklin
James M. Freeman
Brenda L. French
Shawnta Friday-Stroud
Shawn Fulton
Gloria J. Futch
Mike and Bobbie Futrell
Brenda Garner
Samuel L. Garner, III
Tercell Gaston
Patrick Gaver
William Gay
Pamela E. Gay
Amy Geiger
Katherine Giddings
Keith and Taunya Gilbert
Robert and Athena
David Ging
James & Jeri Glunt
Reese and Christen Goad
Mary Goble
Leon Golden
Robert S. Goldman and LuAnn Snider
Mark Goldman and Carol Chenoweth
Kayla Gordon
Benita Gordon
Anessa Gosha
Tawana P. Goston
Dr. Mimi Graham
Ellen and Ted Granger
Lisa Granville
Ben and Laurie Graybar
Cecka Rose and Marvin Green Jr.
Kathy Greene
Bill Gunter and Kathy Atkins-Gunter
Matthew Guse
Dr. Aaron Guyer
Meg and Charles Guyton
Dr. Stanley Gwock
Julius Hackett
Kristen Hagen
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Haley
Walt and Carolyn Haley
Kimberly D. Hankerson
Randy and Jerri Hanna
Henry G. Hanson
Elizabeth H. Harper
Allison Harrell
Phil Harrison
Ronald W. Harrison
Myron and Tammy Harrison
Kenneth Hart
Jason Hartmann
Chip and Laurie Hartung
Robbie Haruben
Gary and Mary Heald
Judith Hefren
Eric and Susan Hellstrom
Marvin Henderson
Rob and Leslie Henderson
Francine Hern
Kenneth A. Heron
Karl Hicks
Jonathan W. Higgins
Jacqueline D. Hightower
Mart P. Hill
Cliff and Lee Hinkle
Donald M. Hinkle
Linda Hinnant
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hinson
Matt Hoffman
Cay Hohmeister
Mark E. Holcomb and Susan L. Kelsey
Bob and Suzanne Hollar
Zinnah Holmes, M.D.
Nathalie R. Hood
Charles and Suzanne Hopkins
Cinda and David Hortin
Mrs. Sydell Houston
Patsy L. Howard
Christopher Howell
Brenda Hubbard
Elaine M. Hull
Thomas Hull
Todd and Jeri Hunter
Patrick Hurley
Dr. Hank Hutchinson
Joyce Ingram
Eric Irons
Catherine Iscrupe
Lila A. Jaber
Gail Jack
Michael C. Jackman
Cassandra Jackson
Cynthia B. Jackson
Dr. Edward R. Jackson, II
Dr. Floyd R. Jaggears
Anthony R. James
George C. Jarrell, Jr.
Joel and Diane Jarrett
Hope Jenkins
Rick and Melanie Jernigan
Paul D. and Helen M. Jess
Paul E. Johnson
Josephine Johnson
Levi Johnson, Jr.
Brent M. Johnson
Ray and Donna Johnson
William and Danielle Jones
Warren and Faith Jones
Dr. Lynn S. Jones
Danny D. Jordan
Dr. Steve E. Jordan
Josh and Georgia Jordan
Kathleen and Richard Jugenheimer
Karen M. Jumonville
Shajil K. Kalathil
Michael Kalifeh
Shaun Keeney
Annie and Joe Kelley
Jonathon B. Kemper
Jennifer Kennedy
Jeanne Kimball
Dr. Ann Wead Kimbrough
Fred & Abby Kinch
Timothy Kinney
Kirsten Kinsley
David Kirby
Douglas B. Kirk
Dr. Janet A. Kistner
Gary D. Kleck Ph.D.
Gordon Klein
Christine Fuhrman
The Koegel Family
Kevin and Stacey Kolka
Gertrude and Michael Ladd
David and Karen Larbalestier
Jep Larkin
Dr. Stephen and Mrs. Katherine LaRosa
Jay and Jennifer LaVia
Raoul Lavin
Kirk and Tammy Lavine
Drs. Matthew and Stephanie Lee
Mike and Eliza LePorin
Mary Edna Lewis
Cheryl A. Lewis
Tony Lightfoot
Mary Ann Lindley
In memory of Edith Rabin Linn
Tao Liu and Ying Wang
Donald C. Long
Vincent and Julann Long
Dr. Gordon J. Low
Matthew and Rebeccah Lutz
Scott and Sha Maddox
Cheri and Mike Madsen
Crystal Mahoney
Barbara and John Mahoney
Eric Manfre
Azalea Circle
Richard K. Mann
Roxanne M. Manning
Robert Marsh
Tony and Janet Marshall
Darryl Marshall
Nathan A. Matthews
William T. and Lori Mattice
Autumn and Emory Mayfield, Jr.
Emory and Cathy Mayfield
Monte McFarland
Robert McGarrah
Daniel L. McGee
Dan A. McGrew
Willie McNeil
John and Renee McNeil
Vice President Sally McRorie
Jim McShane
Hector Mejia, M.D.
Marcus R. Melesko
Gabriel Menendez
Nancy Messer
Payne H. Midyette, Jr.
William A. Milazzo
Travis and Karena Miller
Randy and Wendy Miller
Wanda Milton-Whitehead
Natasha Mitchell
Barry Moline and June Wiaz
Kimberly A. Moore
John E. Morris
Gifts of $1,000 through $1,499
Deborah V. Morris
Leighanne Martiniz
Jon and Serena Moyle
Joseph Frank Munroe
Amy Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Neely
Sharon and Richard Neiert
Lee and Lisa Nichols
Howard & Jana Nishimoto
Louis and Carolyn Norvell
Richard Nowakowski and
Nancy Hayes
Victor Nunez
Charles Nuzzo and Mary Ann Lindley
Debbie and Gary Oberschlake
Dr. D. Jason Oberste
Reginald and Sharon Ofuani
Kent Olson
Dr. Gary K. and Frances K. Ostrander
Dr. Joseph F. Owens III
Beverly Owens
Donald and Sonya Pace
John and Amanda Padgett
Tony Park
Dr. Thomas M. Park
Michael and Kimberly Parker
Jennifer Boutwell Patty and
Jimmy Patty
Stephen Paulhus
Donna and Patrick Peacock
Heather B. Peeples
Jana and Thomas Pennekamp
Tom Pentecost
Tom and Jackie Perrin
Suzanne and Brian Peschl
Kyle Phelps
Jim Philippou
Dr. James E. Pitts and Martha Pitts
David Pollard
Drs. Bill and Alice Pomidor
John E. Pompey
Kay and Jackie Pons
Angela M. Poole
Amanda Porterfield
Byron Potter
Laura F. Powell
Jill and David Quadagno
Dr. Anne E. Hogan and
Dr. Herbert C. Quay
Tom Quillin
Penny A. Ralston
David and Nancy Ramsay
Krista Rankin
David W. Rasmussen
Donald Read
Nickie and Sheila Reddick
Barbara Reker
Janet Renfroe
Amy B. Rentz
DeeAnn Rich
Koren Rideout
Ken Rigg
Kimberly A. Rivers
Shawn and Courtney Roberts
Ronnie Roberts
Justin Robertson
Larry and Sharon Robinson
Kelvin E. Robinson
Kristin Rocco
James S. Roddenberry
Michael & Jo Anna Rosciam
Joseph Rose
Alan and Jennifer Rosenzweig
Scott Ross
Shane Sadler
Melanie Salsgiver
April Salter
Deanna and Charles Samaha
Mark Sampson and
Lyn Lemme-Sampson
Alex Sanchez
Frank Savoldy
Jim and Susan Scarboro
Charles and Pamela Schilling
Randy Schmeckenbecher
Ricardo Schneider
Clay and Kay Schnitker
Debra Sears
Robert Seaton
Larry and Cathy Sellers
Mika and Cici Seppala
Kathleen Sexton
David and Karen Shafer
Jamie Shakar
Dr. Mark and Missy Shamis
Randall Sharpton
Debra Shelfer
Sarah and Terry Sherraden
Linda G. Shuffler
J. P. Sinclair
Hardeep Singh
Ed Skinner
Barbara Sloan
Kimberly Smiley
J. Vereen Smith
Sophie and William Smith, III
Elizabeth and Mike Smith
Lynn and Sam Solomon
Beverly B. Spencer
Chad Spoon
Edward St. Laurent
Dale K. Starke
Jeff Starling
Dr. Robert L. Steele
W. Brad Stephens, M.D.
Mike and Kay Stephenson
Kenneth and Connie Stevenson
Anthony and Mitchie Stewart
Jonathan M. Stewart
David T. Stewart, M.D.
John and Barbara Stott
Dr. and Mrs. Kris Stowers
Marty and Nicole Strickland
John Stroup and Robin Phillips
Lin Sun
Christopher Suris
Mike and Teresa Tadros
Michelle M. Taylor
Rita Taylor
Wayne Tedder
Noddie Teegen
Priscilla Tharpe
David & Kelly Thomas
Debra Thomas
John Thomas
John Charles Thomas
John and Toots Thomas
Tod and Frances Thomas
Verian D. Thomas
Michael Thompson
Andrea and Darrell Thompson
Cheryl Thompson
Dr. William H. Thompson
Dr. Robert Lee and Marcia Thornberry
Glenda L. Thornton
John E. Thrasher
Donna M. Tornillo
Marjorie Turnbull
Raymond Tynan
Michelle and Matt Ubben
Steve Uhlfelder
R. Michael and Zilpha P. Underwood
Dr. Daniel and Pat Van Durme
Mark Van Hoeij
James A. VanRiper
Loretta Varner
David Vickers
James B. Wadsworth , Jr.
Kris and Jeff Wahlen
Karen Walker
Kareem R. Walker
Buford D. Walker
Fran Ward
Larry and Patricia Ware
Paul T. Watson
JerriAnn and Matthew G. Webb
Brig. Gen. and Mrs. William B. Webb
Michele and Peter Webster
Julie and Rick Weidner
Scott A. Weisman
Amy K. Weiss
Ed and Debra West
Joe & Sheila White
Bradley L. White
Angela Whitley
Robert Wigen and Jennifer Tibbitts
Stanley Wilcox
Mary A. Wilkes
Michael S. Williams
Teasha Williams
J. Vern Williams
Mayda and Kim Williams
Michael O. Willis
Calvin J. and Iris C. Wilson
Mark and Denise Wilson
Justin Wimberly
Murray and Kathy Winebrenner
Richard and Sherri Wise
Mary Wisner
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Wong
Ulysses Woodfaulk
Marthine V. Woodward
Dr. and Mrs. Pat M. Woodward
Norman R. Wyckoff, II
Kyle J. Yates
David and Mary Jean Yon
Nancy Linnan and Jim York
Nine members wish to remain
“You have not
lived today
until you
have done
for someone
who can never
repay you.”
John Bunyan
wo m e n u n it e d
Women UNITED (WU) creates a forum for women who want to
significantly improve the quality of life in the Big Bend through
leadership giving, advocacy, and volunteerism. WU recognizes the
vital role women play in our community and provides even more
opportunities for women to participate fully as active philanthropists.
Each member contributes an annual gift of $1,000 or more.
“If you Get, Give.
If you Learn, Teach.”
Maya Angelou
Susie B. Andrews
Marta A. Arrington
Vicki Auger
Clara Louise Augustine
Sallie Ausley
Debbie Bacon
Lyn Baggett
Holly G. Bailey
Meg A. Baldwin
Cynthia S. Barber
Martha Walters Barnett
Kathy B. Bartlett
Ann E. Beach
Beverly Elizabeth Beaty
Caryn L. Beck-Dudley
Leslie M. Beitsch
Jann Bellamy
Lynn A. Bennett
Dawna G. Bicknell
Joann C. Blackwell
Donna E. Blanton
Johnnie M. Blount
Pamela O. Boden
Demory Boeneke
Rayne C. Boggs
Eileen Bourassa
Jean Y. Boutwell
Jennifer Boutwell Patty
Flecia L. Braswell McCord
Melanie M. Brock
Jacquelyn C. Brown
Kimberley W. Brown
Rita L. Brown
Christine Brubaker
Sharita O. Bryant
Gwendolyn D. Burney
Susie Busch-Transou
Bonnie Butler
Debbie Calabro
Ellen S. Campbell
Machelle Campbell
Natosha D. Canty
Marydell Capelouto
Wendy Capelouto
Elizabeth Carlton
Synthia L. Carroll
Flora A. Caruthers
Michele E. Ceci
Anita R. Chapman
Leslie Chapman-Henderson
Deborah G. Chaves
Rita Anjie Cheatham
Diane D. Ching
Amanda Clark
Susan F. Clark
Sandra G. Clary
Lori M. Clemmons
Kerri S. Cloud
Marybeth W. Colon
Glenda Fulmer Conley
Lisa A. Cook
Kristen Coons
Bethany Harding Corum
Amanda J. Couchman
Berneice Cox
Erin D. Crane
Diana L. Cureton
Patricia A. Curtis
Virginia C. Dailey
Pamela B. Davis
Valerie C. Dawkins
Sarah B. Deeb
Sandra G. DeLopez
Stephanie M. Derzypolski
Carolyn M. Detwiler
Suzanne M. Dick
Carol B. Dover
Kelly S. Dozier
Kristin E. Dozier
Kimberley C. Dressel
Tiffany P. DuBois
Doris Dunlap
Susan C. Dunlap
Kiki L. Dunton
Carolyn A. Egan
Gail Eldred
Janet J. Estevez
Linda Evans
Sue Everett
Louwanda Fadden
wo m e n u n it e d
Garrie A. Farrow
Anita R. Favors Thompson
Marjorie Feagin
Martha A. Fields
Amy M. Finley
Patricia J. Flowers
Diane Fogarty
Lucia Fontela
Debby Fonvielle
Claudia Foreman
Brenda Lee French
Gloria J. Futch
Brenda D. Garner
Pamela Edwards Gay
Amy L. Geiger
Lisa N. Giacobbe
Kyung-Ae Gibson
Katherine E. Giddings
Virginia A. Glass
Renee Glennon
Mary A. Goble
Benita Gordon
Kayla N. Gordon
Anessa Gosha
Tawana P. Goston
Mimi A. Graham
Jennie Grant
Lisa Granville
Cecka Rose Green
Judy W. Green
Fay Grimes
Kathleen M. Grobe
Susan C. Gunter
Amy Guthrie
Kristen K. Hagen
Brooke Hallock
Glenda G. Hamby
Elizabeth H Harper
Allison J. Harrell
Francine L. Hern
Carolyn D. Herrington
Marilynn Higdon
Patti A. Hilaman
Mart P. Hill
Lee F. Hinkle
Linda Hinnant
Marge Hogan
Catherine G. Hohmeister
Suzanne M. Hollar
Sabrina M. Holloman
Zinnah Holmes
Nathalie R. Hood
Sydell B. Houston
Patsy L. Howard
Yvonne J. Howell
Linda R. Hudson
Elaine M. Hull
Jeri K. Hunter
Myra M. Hurt
Rhoda C. Icerman
Joyce A. Ingram
Janis M. Inzer
Catherine A. Iscrupe
Cassandra K. Jackson
Cynthia B. Jackson
Melanie Jensen
Andrea H. Jerger
Jackie Johnson
Josephine Johnson
Susan R. Joiner
Dorothy Jones
Lynn S. Jones
Barbie S. Jordan
Kathleen A. Jugenheimer
Karen M. Jumonville
Phyllis K. Kalifeh
Mary Carol Kaney
Claire B. Kelly
Jennifer Kennedy
Jeanne Kimball
Kirsten M. Kinsley
Janet A. Kistner
Sharon Kjellevold
Christine J. Knepper
Lina Knox
Kimberly A. Koegel
Stacey T. Kolka
Karen Kugelmann
Gertrude E. Ladd
Brenda Landrum
Beth Langford
Karen L. Laughlin
Jennifer P. LaVia
Janet G. Lenz
Deborah L. Leonard
Cheryl Lewis
Mary Edna Lewis
Mary Ann Lindley
Helene Linn
Nancy G. Linnan
Sue M. Littlewood
Cecilia D. Loeb
Susan Love
Rebeccah R. Lutz
Katharine V. Lyon
Mary Madsen
Crystal W. Mahoney
Dr. Elmira Mangum
Roxanne M. Manning
Anne Martin
Carol Martin
Beth May
Cindy McAllister
Patricia B. McCray
Jean P. McGoogan
Rosemary McKenzie
Arwena McLean
Kathleen L. McLeskey
Sally E. McRorie
Beth Meggs
Norma M. Meier
Sarah M. Meleney
Joan Merschman
Nancy L. Messer
Wanda M. Milton-Whitehead
Heather R. Mitchell
Maureen M. Mitchell
Patty Mitchell
Jane Montford
Mary Moor
Beverly Moore
Kimberly A. Moore
Vivian Moore
Genie Morcom
Deborah V. Morris
Leighanne Mortimer
Robin Moss
Nancy A. Muller
Sara B. Murdaugh
Laura Murray
Amy Neal
Joyce A. Nelson
Donna S. Nichols
Kim Norgren and the
Loretta and Leigh
Norgren Foundation
Angela O’Bryant
Tana L. Oglesby
Beverly Owens
Irene Padavic
Patsy Palmer
Jacqueline B. Perrin
Suzanne L. Peschl
Joyce Peters
Canita G. Peterson
Judy C. Pickle
Alice K. Pomidor
Wendy M. Poole
Amanda Porterfield
Laura F. Powell
Heather Puckett
Jill B. Quadagno
Kathleen Radey
Sherrill W. Ragans
Penny A. Ralston
Krista Rankin
Cindy L. Rawls
Barbara Reker
Janet L. Renfroe
Amy B. Rentz
DeeAnn S. Rich
Laura Roberts
Kristin E. Rocco
Betty Ann Rodgers
Laura K. Rogers
Katrina D. Rolle
April K. Salter
Deanna E. Samaha
Sharon L. Sawicki
Kay Schnitker
Paula Schroeder
Tricia Seale
Kathleen A. Sexton
Linda Loomis Shelley
Marty G. Sittig
Barbara R. Sloan
Kimberly M. Smiley
Jill Smith
Kathleen E. M. Smith
Paula P. Smith
Beverly B. Spencer
Jayne M. Standley
Kay L. Stephenson
Garnett S. Stokes
Lori Swanson
Tanya Tatum
Rita Taylor
Ronotta F. Teegen
Debra Thomas
Verian D. Thomas
Glenda L. Thornton
Donna M. Tornillo
Kathryn Travis
Victoria Tschinkel
Amy F. Tung
Marjorie R. Turnbull
Michelle L. Ubben
Gayle Underwood
Nancy Van Vessem
Marcia S. Van Wingen
Nancy C. Varn
Loretta O. Varner
Karen D. Walker
Ying Wang
Jane Watson
Tiffanie Webster
Gay Webster-Sachs
Amy K. Weiss
Alisha Wetherell
Polly A. White
Angela Whitley
Mary A. Wilkes
Tanya Wilkins
Barbara Williams
Jacquelyn M. Williams
Denise A. Wilson
Iris C. Wilson
Kathy Winebrenner
Marthine V. Woodward
Mary Jane M. Woodward
Jeanette W. Yaeger
Thirteen members wish to remain
Young Philanthropists Circle
Young Philanthropists Circle (YPC) recognizes individuals and/
or couples under the age of 40 who contribute an annual gift of
$1,000 or more through United Way. YPC has two membership
levels. YPC Leaders are donors who contribute $1,000 or more and
YPC Emerging Leaders are donors who commit to a 3-year “stepup” program to reach the $1,000 leadership level. YPC provides
opportunities for young professionals to become more engaged in
our community through philanthropy and volunteer activities. YPC’s
focus is to connect young professionals, provide service opportunities
to young professionals, and establish young professional leaders in
our community.
Rhett Bagwell
Myles C. Bradley
Mathieu L. Cavell
Amanda Couchman
John and Virginia Dailey
Rami Deeb and Sarah Barnett Deeb
Tom and Stephanie Derzypolski
Joshua DeSha
Kristin Dozier
Rosemary Evans
Tercell Gaston
Mayor Andrew and R.Jai Gillum
Allison Harrell
Stephen and Phyllis Kalifeh
Mike and Eliza LePorin
Matthew and Rebeccah Lutz
Autumn and Emory Mayfield, Jr.
Shane and Alexis Phillips
Dylan Rivers
Justin Robertson
J. P. Sinclair
Kimberly Smiley
Sophie and William Smith, III
Kyle Touchstone
Alisha Wetherell
Don and Jeanette Yaeger
Leadership Giving in Organizations
Top Leadership Organizations
Florida State University (1)................126
Publix Super Markets Charities ............ 118
City of Tallahassee.................................. 69
Capital Health Plan (4).......................47
Capital City Bank (1)...........................46
State of Florida....................................... 30
Most of the leadership givers in our community donate through
a United Way workplace campaign. We gratefully acknowledge
these organizations which reported 10 or more leadership givers.
In bold face are companies with one or more members in UWBB’s
Tocqueville Society. (Number of members noted in parentheses)
“No act of kindness,
no matter how small,
is ever wasted.”
Leon County Government....................... 30
Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic ................ 21
Leon County Schools: ............................ 19
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare (1)....18
Florida A&M University .......................... 15
Thomas Howell Ferguson (1)................15
Syn-Tech Systems ................................. 12
Holland & Knight ................................... 10
Organizations with Outstanding Support
As part of the 2014 Community
Campaign, 189 companies and state
agencies had leadership givers who
made contributions of $1,000 or more.
UWBB acknowledges and thanks
the following companies and their
employees for their generosity and
community leadership.
In bold face are companies with one or
more members in UWBB’s Tocqueville
Society. (Number of members noted
in parentheses)
Accenture ......................................................................................................... 6
Advanced Business Systems ............................................................................ 1
Akerman Senterfitt ........................................................................................... 1
Anchors Smith Grimsley ................................................................................... 1
Apalachee Center for Human Services ............................................................. 1
Atkins ............................................................................................................... 2
Ausley & McMullen (1)..................................................................................... 6
Awards 4U ........................................................................................................ 2
Bank of America ............................................................................................... 3
Barnes Capital Group Investment Advisors ...................................................... 2
Barnett, Fronczak & Barlowe Architects .......................................................... 1
Bates Family Foundation (1)............................................................................ 1
BB&T ................................................................................................................ 2
Beach Builder Consulting and Investments ..................................................... 1
Beggs Funeral Home Madison Chapel .............................................................. 1
Benson Heating & Air Conditioning .................................................................. 1
Berger Singerman ............................................................................................ 1
Big Top Manufacturing ..................................................................................... 1
Blue Cross Blue Shield ..................................................................................... 2
Brandt Information Services ............................................................................ 2
Bryant Miller & Olive ........................................................................................ 1
Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney ......................................................................... 2
Buckeye Community Federal Credit Union ........................................................ 1
Capelouto Termite & Pest Control ..................................................................... 4
Capital Area Community Action Agency ........................................................... 1
Capital City Bank (1)...................................................................................... 46
Capital City Harley-Davidson ........................................................................... 1
Capital Health Plan (4)................................................................................... 47
Capital Regional Medical Center ...................................................................... 3
CareerSource Capital Region ........................................................................... 3
Carlton Fields ................................................................................................... 2
Carr, Riggs & Ingram ....................................................................................... 3
Cedars Office Park ........................................................................................... 1
Centennial Bank .............................................................................................. 1
CenturyLink ...................................................................................................... 1
Children’s Forum .............................................................................................. 2
City of Tallahassee.......................................................................................... 69
Coldwell Banker Hartung & Noblin (1)............................................................. 6
Comcast Cable of Tallahassee ......................................................................... 1
Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet ............................................................................. 2
Danfoss Turbocor ............................................................................................. 2
Datamaxx Applied Technologies ....................................................................... 1
Davis, Schnitker, Reeves & Browning P.A. ........................................................ 1
Deloitte (1)....................................................................................................... 5
Dermatology Associates of Tallahassee ............................................................ 1
Digestive Disease Clinic ................................................................................... 1
Disc Village ...................................................................................................... 1
Douglas M. Croley Insurance, Nationwide Agent .............................................. 1
Dutko Poole McKinley ....................................................................................... 1
Earl Bacon Agency ........................................................................................... 4
Early Learning Coalition of the Big Bend .......................................................... 2
Elder Care Services .......................................................................................... 1
Envision Credit Union ....................................................................................... 1
Epilepsy Association of the Big Bend ............................................................... 1
Farmers & Merchants Bank .............................................................................. 2
Federal Alliance for Safe Homes ....................................................................... 1
Federal Campaign: U.S. Postal Service ............................................................ 1
Figg Engineering Group .................................................................................... 1
First Presbyterian Church of Tallahassee ......................................................... 2
Flagler College ................................................................................................. 1
Flagler Holdings, Inc. ....................................................................................... 1
Flightline Group, Inc. ........................................................................................ 1
Florida A&M University ................................................................................... 15
Florida Association of Counties ........................................................................ 1
Florida Association of District School Superintendents .................................... 1
Florida Bankers Association ............................................................................. 1
Florida Bar ....................................................................................................... 3
Florida Health Care Association ....................................................................... 1
Florida Housing Finance Corporation ............................................................... 3
Florida Institute of CPAS .................................................................................. 1
Florida Justice Association ............................................................................... 1
Florida League of Cities ................................................................................... 6
Florida Municipal Electric Association ............................................................. 1
Florida Power & Light ....................................................................................... 3
Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association .................................................... 1
Florida Retail Federation .................................................................................. 2
Florida State University (1).......................................................................... 126
Florida TaxWatch .............................................................................................. 2
Florida Trucking Association ............................................................................ 1
Foley Timber & Land Co. ................................................................................... 1
Fonvielle Family Foundation ............................................................................. 1
Forms Management ......................................................................................... 1
Franklin Insurance Agency ............................................................................... 2
Frito-Lay ........................................................................................................... 1
Georgia-Pacific (fka Buckeye) .......................................................................... 7
Governance, Inc................................................................................................ 1
Graphateria ...................................................................................................... 1
Gray Robinson .................................................................................................. 1
Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce ..................................................... 3
Greenberg Traurig, PA ....................................................................................... 3
GTO .................................................................................................................. 3
Gunster Yoakley & Stewart, P.A. ........................................................................ 2
Hancock Bank .................................................................................................. 7
HCA Eastern Group (1)..................................................................................... 1
HealthSouth Rehabilitation .............................................................................. 1
Hinkle & Foran ................................................................................................. 1
Hinson Oil Company ......................................................................................... 1
Holland & Knight ............................................................................................ 10
Hopping Green & Sams, P.A. ............................................................................. 2
Hunter & Harp Holdings ................................................................................... 1
IBM .................................................................................................................. 1
J. Smith Lanier & Co. ........................................................................................ 4
Jackson Properties ........................................................................................... 1
Jefferson County Schools................................................................................... 1
John S. Dozier & Joseph D. Barnett Dental Practice .......................................... 2
Johnson & Johnson, Inc. Madison Co. ............................................................... 1
Ketchum, Wood & Burgert Pathology ................................................................ 2
Kids Incorporated of the Big Bend .................................................................... 1
Leon County Government................................................................................. 30
Leon County Schools: ..................................................................................... 19
Life Connectors ................................................................................................ 2
M of Tallahassee .............................................................................................. 2
Mad Dog Construction ...................................................................................... 3
Madison County Community Bank .................................................................... 2
Madison County Schools .................................................................................. 1
Madison Realty Group, LLC .............................................................................. 1
Madison Rotary Club ........................................................................................ 1
Madsen Goldman & Holcomb LLP ..................................................................... 4
Mainline Information Systems (1)................................................................... 2
Margaret Lynn Duggar & Associates ................................................................ 1
Marpan Supply ................................................................................................. 2
May Nursery ..................................................................................................... 2
MGT of America ................................................................................................ 2
Miller Glass ...................................................................................................... 1
Moyle Law Firm ................................................................................................ 1
Municode ......................................................................................................... 2
Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson .............................................................................. 1
NAI TALCOR Commercial Real Estate ............................................................... 4
Organizations with Outstanding Support
Nestle Waters ................................................................................................... 6
North Florida Sports Medicine & Orthopedic Center .................................. 1
North Highland Company ......................................................................... 1
Notary Public Underwriters ...................................................................... 1
OliverSperry Renovation .......................................................................... 1
One Eighty Consulting ............................................................................. 5
Owen Title Company ................................................................................ 1
Pennington, P.A. ...................................................................................... 1
Periodontal Associates of North Florida .................................................... 1
Premium Assignment Corporation ............................................................ 5
Prime Meridian Bank ............................................................................... 3
Publix Super Markets Charities ............................................................ 118
Radey Law Firm ....................................................................................... 4
RAM Construction and Development ........................................................ 1
RE Max Professional Realty ..................................................................... 1
Redwire .................................................................................................. 2
Refuge House .......................................................................................... 1
Regions Bank .......................................................................................... 2
Residential Elevators............................................................................... 1
Riley Palmer Construction ................................................................................ 1
Rogers Gunter Vaughn Insurance ..................................................................... 6
Sachs Media Group (2)..................................................................................... 5
Salter Mitchell .................................................................................................. 1
Smith, Thompson, Shaw, Minacci & Colón ....................................................... 1
Solomon Construction Company of Quincy ....................................................... 1
Southern Medical Group ................................................................................... 1
State Farm - Glenda Conley ............................................................................. 1
State of Florida............................................................................................... 30
SunTrust Bank .................................................................................................. 9
Syn-Tech Systems .......................................................................................... 12
Tallahassee Community College ....................................................................... 7
Tallahassee Democrat ...................................................................................... 5
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare (1)........................................................... 18
Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic ........................................................................ 21
Tallahassee State Bank .................................................................................... 2
Target Copy ...................................................................................................... 1
Technology Services Group ............................................................................... 1
TeligentEMS, LLC .............................................................................................. 2
The Bacall Group .............................................................................................. 1
Thomas Howell Ferguson (1)......................................................................... 15
Timber Harvesters, LLC .................................................................................... 1
Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. ................................................................ 1
Tri-Eagle Sales Leon ......................................................................................... 5
Trinity Materials, LLC. ...................................................................................... 1
Twin Oaks Juvenile Development ...................................................................... 2
Uhlfelder & Associates, P.A. ............................................................................. 1
United Parcel Service ....................................................................................... 3
United Services Automobile Association (USAA) ............................................... 1
United Solutions ............................................................................................... 1
United Way of Florida ....................................................................................... 1
United Way of the Big Bend .............................................................................. 4
Visit Florida ...................................................................................................... 2
Volunteer Florida .............................................................................................. 1
VR Systems ...................................................................................................... 1
Wadsworth, Humphress, Hollar & Konrad ......................................................... 2
Wakulla County Schools ................................................................................... 1
Ware Oil & Supply Co., Inc. ............................................................................... 1
WCTV ................................................................................................................ 1
Wells Fargo ....................................................................................................... 2
Yates – Foley Mill ............................................................................................. 1
Young Van Assenderp ....................................................................................... 1
One Company Wishes to Remain anonymous.................................................... 1
Leadership Organizations
United Way of the Big Bend is honored to have such
strong investors in our community and we want to
recognize the individuals in each business who
support the campaign with a leadership gift.
“We make a living by what
we get, but we make a life
by what we give.”
Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Accenture ........................................................................................ 6
Michael Jackman, Kim Koegel, Greg Martin,
Kathleen McLeskey, Paul Moore, Tim Murray
Advanced Business Systems........................................................... 1
Brian Snow
Akerman Senterfitt ........................................................................ 1
Katherine Giddings
Anchors Smith Grimsley ................................................................ 1
Susan L. Kelsey
Apalachee Center for Human Services....................................... 1
Jay Reeve
Atkins................................................................................................. 2
William Jones, Danielle Jones
Ausley & McMullen.......................................................................... 6
Ken Abele, Duby Ausley, Jann Bellamy, Kenneth Hart,
Dylan Rivers, Jeff Wahlen
Awards 4U......................................................................................... 2
Nancy Varn, Sam Varn
Bank of America .............................................................................. 3
Bobby Dick, Michael M. Fields, Deborah V. Morris
Barnes Capital Group Investment Advisors............................... 2
Stan Barnes, Kimberly Dixon
Barnett, Fronczak & Barlowe Architects........................................... 1
Rick Barnett
Bates Family Foundation................................................................. 1
Bates Family Foundation
BB&T.................................................................................................... 2
Byron Potter, Paul Sullivan
Beach Builder Consulting and Investments............................... 1
Leslie Allen
Beggs Funeral Home Madison Chapel........................................... 1
Billy Beggs
Benson Heating & Air Conditioning.............................................. 1
Benson Green
Berger Singerman........................................................................... 1
Member wishes to remain anonymous
Big Top Manufacturing................................................................... 1
Joan Merschman
Blue Cross Blue Shield................................................................... 2
John Padgett, Terry Steaple
Brandt Information Services........................................................ 2
John Thomas, Richard Wise
Bryant Miller & Olive........................................................................... 1
Randy Hanna
Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney...................................................... 2
Linda Shelley, R. Michael Underwood
Buckeye Community Federal Credit Union.................................. 1
Pamela Rigoni-Parker
Capelouto Termite & Pest Control............................................... 4
Grant Capelouto, Raymond Capelouto, Wendy Capelouto, Marydell
Capital Area Community Action Agency....................................... 1
Tim Center
Capital City Bank............................................................................ 45
Thomas Allen, Susie Andrews, Tom Barron, Liz Beaty, Kent Bishop,
Myles C. Bradley, Bill Brimacombe, Ed Canup, Lisa Canup, Seth Clark,
Bill Colledge, Beth Corum, Erin Crane, Tony Davenport, Kim Davis,
Tiffany DuBois, Mitchell Englert , Sr., Patrick Gaver, Pamela Gay,
Brooke Hallock, Jeri Hunter, Ray Johnson, Susan Joiner, Jimmy Joiner,
Jep Larkin, Nancy Messer, Bill Moor , Jr., Lee Nichols, Suzanne Peschl,
Kyle Phelps, James Philippou, Cindy Rawls, Sheila Reddick,
Jim Scarboro, Charles Schilling, Sr., Pamela Schilling, Randall
Sharpton, William Smith, lll, J. Vereen Smith, Bill Smith, Jr.,
Cheryl Thompson, Edwin West , Jr., Denise Wilson
Two members wish to remain anonymous
Capital City Bank - Wakulla County.............................................. 1
Amy Geiger
Capital City Harley-Davidson....................................................... 1
Scott Pilman
Capital Health Plan....................................................................... 46
Marissa Adamson, Sabin Bass, Paul A. Bawek, Bonnie Butler,
Dr. James W. Cade, Dr. Natosha D. Canty, Lori Clemmons,
Dr. Russell Collins, Dr. Lisa Cook, Dr. Steven Currieo,
Dr. Dean Dalrymple, Dr. Moritz Dehler, Garrie Farrow, Claudia Foreman,
Dr. Roy Forman, Brenda Garner, Thomas Glennon, Mary Goble,
Dr. Henry Gunter, Dr. Stanley Gwock, Dr. Stephen Haley, Ronald
Harrison, John Hogan, Dr. Zinnah Holmes, Nathalie R. Hood,
Catherine Iscrupe, Anthony James, Dr. David Jones, Dr. Lynn S. Jones,
Kathleen Jugenheimer, Gertrude Ladd, Dr. Stephen LaRosa,
Dr. Daniel Lazar, Amy Neal, Dr. Adekunle Omotayo, Folayemi Omotayo,
Krista Rankin, Ken Rigg, Dr. David Shafer, Dr. Mark Shamis,
Eric M. Smith, Dr. Damon Underwood, Dr. Nancy Van Vessem,
Polly White, Dr. Dennis Williams, Dr. Barbara Williams
One member wishes to remain anonymous
Capital Regional Medical Center.................................................. 3
Ann Beach, Fred Brownstein, Melanie Salsgiver
CareerSource Capital Region....................................................... 3
Charlotte Brown, Dan McGrew, James McShane
Carlton Fields.................................................................................. 2
Nancy Linnan, Peter Webster
Carr, Riggs & Ingram...................................................................... 3
Thomas Cox, Jr., Rick Weidner, J. Vern Williams
Centennial Bank............................................................................... 1
Kimberly Smiley
CenturyLink....................................................................................... 1
Thomas Duggar, Jr.
Children’s Forum............................................................................. 2
Kerri Cloud, Phyllis Kalifeh
City of Tallahassee: Economic and Community Development.3
Lewis Burnside, Jr., Wanda Milton-Whitehead, Michael Parker
City of Tallahassee: Auditor’s Office.......................................... 1
Thomas Fletcher, III
City of Tallahassee: City Attorney’s Office............................... 8
Kristen Coons, Jim Floyd, Linda Hudson, Patrick Hurley, Cassandra
Jackson, Louis Norvell, Lewis Shelley,
One member wishes to remain anonymous
City of Tallahassee: City Commission/ Office of the Mayor... 1
Nancy Miller
City of Tallahassee: City Manager’s Office................................ 2
Ms. Anita R. Favors Thompson, Rick Fernandez
City of Tallahassee: Community Redevelopment Agency.......... 2
Roxanne Manning, Rick McCraw, Jr.
City of Tallahassee: Consolidated Dispatch Agency................. 1
Kathryn McQuaig
City of Tallahassee: Electric Utility........................................... 3
Ben A. Cowart, Robert McGarrah, Robert Wigen
City of Tallahassee: Energy Services.......................................... 1
Anja DeLoach
City of Tallahassee: Environmental Policy & Energy Resources....2
John E. Baker,Cynthia Barber
City of Tallahassee: Equity & Workforce Development........... 1
Sharon Ofuani
City of Tallahassee: Growth Management................................... 3
Tony Barber, Craig Barkve, Karen M. Jumonville
City of Tallahassee: Management & Admin/Budget & Policy.... 2
Fred Anderson Jr., Raoul Lavin
City of Tallahassee: Management & Administration,
Accounting/ISS/ Procurement....................................................... 2
Sabrina Holloman, James A. VanRiper
City of Tallahassee: Police Department...................................... 2
Melissa Ging One member wishes to remain anonymous
City of Tallahassee: Public Works............................................... 3
Gabriel Menendez, Teresa Tadros, Alisha Wetherell
City of Tallahassee: Retiree Program......................................... 5
David Chapman, Daniel Darity , Jr., Jeanne Kimball, Gary Oberschlake,
Donna Peacock
City of Tallahassee: Solid Waste Services.................................. 2
Reginald Ofuani, Rita Taylor
City of Tallahassee: Tallahassee Planning Department........... 2
Wayne Tedder, Debra Thomas
City of Tallahassee: Tallahassee Regional Airport.................. 1
David Pollard
City of Tallahassee: Treasurer & Clerk’s Office...................... 6
Mark Beaudoin, James Cooke, Matthew Lutz, Kent Olson,
Linda Shuffler, Darrell Thompson
City of Tallahassee: Underground Utility................................ 10
John Buss, David P. Carnes, Joseph B. Cheatham, Gordon Klein,
Nico Lauw, Kirk Lavine, David Nichols, Donna Nichols, Jamie Shakar,
Mike Tadros
City of Tallahassee: Utility Business and Customer Service........ 6
Ronny Butler, Donna Conyers, David Ging, Christopher Goad,
Patricia McCray, Robert Seaton
Coldwell Banker Hartung & Noblin............................................. 6
Jennifer Patty, Virginia Glass, Renee Glennon, Lawrence Hartung, Jr.,
Yvonne Howell, Priscilla Tharpe
Comcast Cable of Tallahassee...................................................... 1
DeeAnn Rich
Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet....................................................... 2
Michael Futrell, Barbie Jordan
Danfoss Turbocor........................................................................... 2
Ricardo Schneider, Lin Sun
Datamaxx Applied Technologies.................................................... 1
Kay Stephenson
Davis, Schnitker, Reeves & Browning P.A..................................... 1
Clay Schnitker*
Deloitte............................................................................................. 5
Christine Brubaker, John Hugill, Gail Jack, Shajil Kalathil, Patti Swann
Dermatology Associates of Tallahassee..................................... 1
Dr. Gordon Low.
Digestive Disease Clinic................................................................. 1
Dr. Hardeep Singh
Disc Village....................................................................................... 1
Brenda Landrum
Douglas M. Croley Insurance, Nationwide Agent....................... 1
Douglas Croley
Dutko Poole McKinley..................................................................... 1
Sophie Smith
Earl Bacon Agency........................................................................... 4
Bobby Bacon, Debbie Bacon, Kenneth Stevenson
One member wishes to remain anonymous
Early Learning Coalition of the Big Bend of the
Big Bend Region................................................................................ 2
Lisa Bethancourt, Matthew Guse
Leadership Organizations
Elder Care Services........................................................................ 1
Lisa N. Giacobbe
Envision Credit Union................................................................... 1
Darryl Worrell
Epilepsy Association of the Big Bend......................................... 1
Marthine V. Woodward
Farmers & Merchant Bank - Leon Co............................................. 1
Renee McNeill
Farmers & Merchants Bank-Jefferson Co................................... 1
Ian Donkin
Federal Alliance for Safe Homes................................................. 1
Leslie Chapman-Henderson
Federal Campaign: U.S. Postal Service........................................ 1
Robert Davis
Figg Engineering Group................................................................. 1
Linda Figg
First Presbyterian Church of Tallahassee................................ 2
Brant Copeland, Alexandra Copeland
Flagler College............................................................................... 1
Melanie Jensen
Flagler Holdings, Inc..................................................................... 1
Cliff Hinkle
Flightline Group, Inc...................................................................... 1
Tom Pentecost
Florida A&M University................................................................ 15
Ellen Campbell, Shawnta Friday-Stroud, Jacqueline Hightower,
Joyce Ingram, Dr. Ann Wead Kimbrough, Dr. Elmira Mangum,
Janet Marshall, Jimmy Miller, Angela Poole, Larry Robinson,
Tanya Tatum, Verian D. Thomas, Michael Thompson, Rodner B. Wright
One member wishes to remain anonymous
Florida Association of Counties.................................................. 1
Virginia Delegal
Florida Association of District School Superintendents...... 1
William Montford , III
Florida Bankers Association......................................................... 1
Alex Sanchez
Florida Bar....................................................................................... 3
Dawna Bicknell, Cynthia B. Jackson, Theodore Littlewood , Jr.
Florida Health Care Association.................................................. 1
Tony Marshall
Florida Housing Finance Corporation........................................ 3
Steve Auger, Cecka Green, Nancy Muller
Florida Institute of CPAS............................................................... 1
Brenda Hubbard
Florida Justice Association........................................................... 1
Paul D. Jess
Florida League of Cities................................................................. 6
C. Scott Dudley, Scott Hamilton, Patti Hilaman, Kathleen Sexton,
Mike Sittig, John Charles Thomas
Florida Municipal Electric Association..................................... 1
Barry Moline
Florida Power & Light................................................................... 3
Paul Hamilton, Christine Fuhrman, Michael Sole
Florida Restaurant and Lodging Assoc....................................... 1
Carol B. Dover
Florida Retail Federation.............................................................. 2
Rick McAllister, Randy Miller
Florida State University............................................................ 118
W. Frank Allen, Margaret Allen, James Ang, Dennis Bailey,
Kathryn Bailey, Paul Beaumont, Leslie Beitsch, Gail Bellamy,
Dr. Mark D. Bird, Claudia Blackburn, Thomas Blomberg,
Gregory Boebinger , Ph.D., Bob Bradley, Timothy Brown,
Richard Burnette, Raymond Bye, Hugh Catts, Michele E. Ceci,
Kyle Clark, Phyllis Clutter, William Clutter, Jesse Colvin,
Gloria Colvin, Robert Crew , Jr., Timothy Cross , Ph.D., Jeanne Curtin,
Talbot D’Alemberte, Larry Dennis, Clayton Depew, Pamala Doffek,
Carolyn Egan, Charles Ehrhardt, Judy Ehrhardt, Ross Ellington,
Karl A. Ericsson, Janet Estevez, Kevin Fenton, Gerald Ferris,
Amy M. Finley, Patricia Flowers, John Fogarty, Samuel L. Garner, III,
Don Gibson Jr., Mimi Graham, Ellen Granger, Lisa Granville, Ph.D.,
Kristen Hagen, Barbara Hamby, Kimberly Hankerson, Nancy Hayes,
Gary Heald, Judith Hefren, Eric Hellstrom, Susan Hellstrom, Carolyn
Herrington, Karl Hicks, Dr. Anne E. Hogan, Elaine M. Hull, Myra Hurt,
Dr. Rhoda Icerman, Joe Icerman, Georgia Jordan, Jonathon Kemper,
Timothy Kinney, Kirsten Kinsley, David Kirby, Dr. Janet A. Kistner,
Dr. Gary D. Kleck, David Larbalestier, Jennifer LaVia, Tammy Lavine,
Dr. Janet Lenz, Tao Liu, Cliff Madsen, Darryl Marshall,
Coach Mike Martin, Daniel L. McGee, Sally McRorie, Mark Meleney,
Richard Nowakowski, Victor Nunez, Dr. Gary K. Ostrander,
Joseph Owens,III, Donald Pace, Irene Padavic, Pamela Perrewé,
Dr. James E. Pitts, Dr. Alice Pomidor, Amanda Porterfield,
Laura F. Powell, Jill Quadagno, David Quadagno, Dr. Herbert C. Quay,
Penny A. Ralston, David W. Rasmussen, Dr. Robert Reardon,
Mark Sawicki, Mika Seppala, Michael Smith, Mike Smith,
Jayne M. Standley, Garnett Stokes, John Thrasher, Joseph Travis,
Walter Tschinkel, Leonard Tung, Dr., Leonard Van Dommelen,
Daniel Van Durme, M.D., Mark Van Hoeij, John Van Wingen,
Amy K. Weiss, Bret D. Whissel, Arthur Wiedinger , Jr., Stanley Wilcox,
Mary A. Wilkes, Michael S. Williams, Norman R. Wyckoff, II
One member wishes to remain anonymous
Florida State University Retirees................................................ 6
Joann Blackwell, Judith Depew, Leon Golden, Sherrill Ragans, Beverly
Spencer, Fred Standley*
One member wishes to remain anonymous *Deceased
Florida State University Seminole Boosters............................ 1
John Sinclair
Florida TaxWatch............................................................................. 2
Dominic Calabro, Steve Evans
Florida Trucking Association....................................................... 1
Kenneth Armstrong, Ph.D.
Foley Timber & Land Co................................................................... 1
John E. Morris
Fonvielle Family Foundation......................................................... 1
David Fonvielle
Forms Management......................................................................... 1
Walter Haley
Franklin Insurance Agency........................................................... 2
Regina Franklin, Carlton Franklin
Frito-Lay............................................................................................ 1
Jimmy Patty
Georgia-Pacific (fka Buckeye)...................................................... 7
Johnnie Blount, Diane Ching, John Ching, Richard Neiert
Andrew Reid, Johnny Sirmans, Ulysses Woodfaulk
Governance, Inc............................................................................... 1
Scott Maddox
Graphateria...................................................................................... 1
Hugh Butler
Gray Robinson.................................................................................. 1
One Member wishes to remain anonymous
Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce.............................. 3
Stu Bevis, Jr., Sue Dick, Laura Rogers
Greenberg Traurig, PA.................................................................... 3
Fred Baggett, Anne Bevis One member wishes to remain anonymous
GTO...................................................................................................... 3
Darryl Beadle, Robert Gill, Shaun Keeney
Gunster Yoakley & Stewart, P.A..................................................... 2
Charles Guyton, Lila Jaber
Hancock Bank................................................................................... 7
Charles Cicchetti, Diana Cureton, Joshua DeSha, Ben Graybar,
Joel Jarrett, Emory Mayfield Jr., David Ramsay
HCA Eastern Group.......................................................................... 1
Charles J. Hall
HealthSouth Rehabilitation........................................................... 1
Dale Neely
Hinkle & Foran.................................................................................. 1
Donald M. Hinkle
Hinson Oil Company......................................................................... 1
Wilson Hinson
Holland & Knight............................................................................ 10
Nathan Adams, Martha Barnett, Elizabeth Carlton, Larry Curtin,
Mark Delegal, Harry Detwiler, Robert Feagin , III, Steve Grimes,
Lawrence Sellers, Jr., Karen Walker
Hopping Green & Sams, P.A............................................................. 2
Virginia Dailey, Douglas Roberts
Hunter & Harp Holdings................................................................. 1
Kim Rivers
IBM...................................................................................................... 1
Aaron Dienger
J. Smith Lanier & Co.......................................................................... 4
Don Bourassa, Greg and Carla DeLoach, Payne Midyette, Jr.,
Mike Swanson
Jackson Properties......................................................................... 1
Erwin Jackson, Ph.D.
Jefferson County Schools............................................................. 1
Nancy Wideman
John S. Dozier & Joseph D. Barnett Dental Practice................. 2
Joseph Barnett, D.D.S., John Dozier, D.M.D.
Johnson & Johnson, Inc. Madison Co............................................. 1
Jackie Johnson
Ketchum, Wood & Burgert Pathology.......................................... 2
John Mahoney, David Stewart, M.D.
Kids Incorporated of the Big Bend.............................................. 1
Pamela B. Davis
Leon County Government: Administration................................. 2
Vincent Long, Alan Rosenzweig
Leon County Government: Board of County Commissioner..... 3
John Dailey, Kristin Dozier, Mary Ann Lindley
Leon County Government: Clerk of Court.................................. 3
Bob Inzer, John Stott One member wishes to remain anonymous
Leon County Government: Emergency Medical Service........... 3
Chad Abrams, Tom Quillin, Ed Skinner
Leon County Government: Financial Stewardship
Risk & OMB......................................................................................... 1
Scott Ross
Leon County Government: Human Services & Community
Partnerships.................................................................................... 2
Mathieu Cavell, Rosemary Evans
Leon County Government: Administration.................................. 1
Kimberley Dressel
Leon County Government: Management Information
Systems/ GIS............................................................................................5
Pat Curtis, Michelle Taylor, Frances Ward, Scott Weisman,
Teasha Williams
Leon County Government: Property Appraiser......................... 1
Maureen Mitchell
Leon County Government: Public Library.................................. 4
Tercell Gaston, Christopher Gorsuch, Catherine Hohmeister,
Debra Sears
Leon County Government: Public Works, Community
Development & Parks and Rec....................................................... 3
Tony Park, John Pompey, Buford Walker
Leon County Government: Sheriff’s Office.............................. 2
Larry Campbell*, James McQuaig, Jr.*Deceased
Leon County Schools: Adult & Community Education............... 1
Patti Brownstein
Leon County Schools: Apalachee Elementary School.............. 1
Iris Wilson
Leon County Schools: Chiles High School................................. 1
Emily Barbacci
Leon County Schools: Cost Center.............................................. 1
Jean McGoogan
Leon County Schools: Fairview Middle School.......................... 1
Francine Hern
Leon County Schools: Gilchrist Elementary School............... 1
Jane Montford
Leon County Schools: Hawks Rise Elementary School............. 1
Robin Floyd
Leon County Schools: Leon County School Board.................... 1
Jackie Pons
Leon County Schools: Lincoln High School............................... 2
Christen Goad, Jennifer Tibbitts
Leon County Schools: Nims Middle School................................ 1
Janet Renfroe
Leon County Schools: Nutrition Services.................................. 1
Pamela R. Campbell
Leon County Schools: Professional and Community
Standards.......................................................................................... 1
Kay Pons
Leon County Schools: RAA Middle School.................................. 1
Janis Inzer
Leon County Schools: Roberts Elementary School.................. 1
Lois Burnette
Leadership Organizations
Leon County Schools: Staffing Services.................................... 1
Beverly Owens
Leon County Schools: Superintendent’s Office....................... 1
Marvin Henderson
Leon County Schools: Swift Creek Middle School................... 1
Sandra Clary
Leon County Schools: User Services.......................................... 1
Kathy Winebrenner
Life Connectors............................................................................... 2
David Wilkins, Tanya Wilkins
M of Tallahassee.............................................................................. 2
Emory Mayfield, Cathy Mayfield
Mad Dog Construction.................................................................... 3
Laurie Dozier, Kelly Dozier, Shawn Roberts
Madison County Community Bank.................................................. 2
Edward Meggs Sr., Howard Phillips
Madison County Schools................................................................ 1
Lewis Christmas, II
Madison Realty Group, LLC.............................................................. 1
Beth Meggs
Madison Rotary Club....................................................................... 1
James Catron
Madsen Goldman & Holcomb LLP.................................................... 4
Robert S. Goldman, Mark E. Holcomb, Mike Madsen, Cheri Madsen
Mainline Information Systems...................................................... 2
Kathy Greene, Rick Kearney
Margaret Lynn Duggar & Associates........................................... 1
Margaret Lynn Duggar
Marpan Supply.................................................................................. 2
Kim Williams, Mayda Williams
May Nursery...................................................................................... 2
Fount May, Jr., Beth May
MGT of America................................................................................. 2
Ken Boutwell One member wishes to remain anonymous
Miller Glass...................................................................................... 1
Dewitt Miller, III
Moyle Law Firm................................................................................. 1
Jon Moyle
Municode........................................................................................... 2
Kathleen Grobe, Lawton Langford
Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson........................................................... 1
Brian Armstrong
NAI TALCOR Commercial Real Estate.............................................. 4
Frank Langston, Leslie McLean, II, John McNeill, Ed Murray Jr.
Nestle Waters.................................................................................. 6
Justin Caines, Robert Fisher, Tony Lightfoot, Marcus Melesko,
Koren Rideout, Deanna Samaha
North Florida Sports Medicine & Orthopedic Center.............. 1
Peter Loeb, M.D.
North Highland Company................................................................ 1
Geir Kjellevold
Notary Public Underwriters......................................................... 1
Jack Diestelhorst
OliverSperry Renovation............................................................... 2
Todd Sperry, Norma Meier
One Eighty Consulting.................................................................... 5
Rita A. Cheatham, Don DeLoach, Danny D. Jordan, Jeanette Yaeger,
Don Yaeger
Owen Title Company......................................................................... 1
Cindi Owen-Briley
Pennington, P.A................................................................................. 1
James Roddenberry
Periodontal Associates of North Florida.................................. 1
Dr. Walter Colon, D.D.S.
Premium Assignment Corporation................................................ 5
Peter Kugelmann, Mary Lewis, Sarah Meleney, John Thomas, III,
Andrea Thompson
Prime Meridian Bank...................................................................... 3
Sammie Dixon Jr., Chris Jensen, Jr. One member wishes to remain
Publix Super Markets Charities................................................... 4
Keith Gilbert, Jr., Phil Harrison, Anthony Stewart, Marty Strickland
Publix: Oak Valley........................................................................... 8
Lynn Bennett, Jay Dominey, Brenda L. French, Tawana Goston,
Thomas Hull, Hope Jenkins, Monte McFarland, William Milazzo
Publix: Bradfordville Center....................................................... 7
Anthony John Carrano, Al Curry, Matt Hoffman, Patsy L. Howard,
Jennifer Kennedy, Frank Savoldy, David Thomas
Publix: Centerville....................................................................... 10
Holly G. Bailey, James D. Cooper, Matthew Costigan, Sydell Houston,
Willie McNeil, Jeremy Puckett, Chad Spoon, Edward St. Laurent,
Raymond Tynan, Joe White , Jr.
Publix: Forest Village, Capital Circle SW................................. 12
Latasha Anthony, Rhett Bagwell, J. C. Brown, Meaghan Carroll,
Devon Case, Anita Chapman, Amanda Couchman, Paul DuBose,
Eric Irons, Natasha Mitchell, Ronnie Roberts, Mary Wisner
Publix: Governors Crossing.......................................................... 8
Rita Brown, Gwendolyn Burney, Loren Bussey, Charles Campbell, Jr.,
Brian Duncan, James Freeman, Angela Whitley
One member wishes to remain anonymous
Publix: Lake Ella............................................................................ 17
Jeffery Barineau, Boden Family, Christopher Burdette,
Synthia L. Carroll, Joshua Chansler, Kayla Gordon, Elizabeth H. Harper,
Robert Haruben, Douglas Kirk, Cheryl A. Lewis, Eric Manfre,
Richard K. Mann, Robert Marsh, Howard Nishimoto, Scott Rawls,
Chip Seale,III, Larry Ware
Publix: Mahan Village..................................................................... 6
James Glunt, Myron Harrison, George Jarrell, Jr., Leighanne Mortimer,
Kelvin E. Robinson, Kristin Rocco
Publix: Ocala Corners................................................................. 13
Damon Anderson, Alan Bethancourt, Melanie Brock, Darren Edmonds,
Louwanda Fadden, Traci Franklin, Mark Grant, Jason Hartmann,
Kenneth Heron, Jeff Starling, Christopher Suris, Loretta Varner,
Paul Watson
Publix: Southwood Village............................................................ 8
Rayne Boggs, Shawn Fulton, Gloria J. Futch, Richard Jernigan,III,
Joseph Rose, Randy Schmeckenbecher, Noddie Teegen, Kareem Walker
Publix: Village Square................................................................. 12
David Barwick, Kimberley Brown, Jessie J. Close, Jonathan Higgins,
Linda Hinnant, Josephine Johnson, Levi Johnson Jr., Frederick Kinch,III,
Damien Sadler, Scott Schroeder, Jonathan Stewart, Kyle Yates
Publix: Vineyard Center............................................................... 13
Sharita O. Bryant, Richard Chastain, Amanda Clark, Benita Gordon,
Anessa Gosha, Eddie Houston, Brent Johnson, Crystal Mahoney,
Stephen Paulhus, Judy Pickle, Mark Sampson, David Vickers,
Jacquelyn Williams
Radey Law Firm................................................................................. 4
Donna E. Blanton, Susan F. Clark, Travis Miller, David Yon
RAM Construction and Development............................................ 1
William Mattice
RE Max Professional Realty........................................................... 1
Josephine Ang
Redwire............................................................................................. 2
Lucia Fontela, Doug Smith
Refuge House................................................................................... 1
Meg Baldwin
Regions Bank..................................................................................... 2
Carleen Burchfield, Darrin K. Holloman
Residential Elevators..................................................................... 1
Bobby Boeneke* *Deceased
Riley Palmer Construction-Jefferson....................................... 1
Member wishes to remain anonymous
Rogers Gunter Vaughn Insurance................................................ 6
Kathy Atkins-Gunter, Teresa Beaudoin, Walker H. Cutts, Bart Gunter,
Bill Gunter, Samuel Rogers, Jr.
Sachs Media Group.......................................................................... 5
Ryan Banfill, Ronald Sachs, Michelle Ubben, Gay Webster-Sachs
One member wishes to remain anonymous
Salter Mitchell................................................................................ 1
April Salter
Smith, Thompson, Shaw, Minacci & Colón.................................... 1
Marybeth Colon
Solomon Construction Company of Quincy................................ 1
Sam Solomon
Southern Medical Group................................................................ 1
David Smith
State Farm - Glenda Conley............................................................ 1
Glenda Conley
State of Florida: Agriculture & Consumer Services................ 2
Richard Budell, Walt Dover
State of Florida: Children & Families Central Office.............. 3
Diane Gomez, Katharine Lyon, John Slye
State of Florida: Education........................................................... 6
Carl Blackwell, Jeanine Blomberg, Kristen Ellington, Judy Green,
Robin Phillips, Calvin J. Wilson
State of Florida: Environmental Protection............................. 3
Kenneth Campbell, Sharon Sawicki, Mary Jean Yon
State of Florida: Financial Services........................................... 2
Melinda Butler, Richard Jugenheimer
State of Florida: Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles.................. 4
Cynthia Brown, Sara Murdaugh, Charles Nuzzo,
Lawrence Winebrenner,III
State of Florida: Public Defender............................................... 1
Paula Saunders
State of Florida: Retirees.............................................................. 4
Flora A. Caruthers, Glenn R. Hosken
Two members wish to remain anonymous
State of Florida: Revenue.............................................................. 2
Clay Brower, Sonya Pace
State of Florida: Second Judicial Circuit Court....................... 1
Member wishes to remain anonymous
State of Florida: Senate................................................................. 1
John Guthrie
State of Florida: Transportation................................................. 1
Connie Davis
SunTrust Bank................................................................................. 9
Brett Allen, Kathy Bartlett, Goldie Chaves, Kenneth Donalson,
Charles Hopkins, Jr., Thomas Pennekamp, Connie Stevenson,
Bradley White, Justin Wimberly
Syn-Tech Systems........................................................................... 12
Doug Dunlap, Paul E. Johnson, Nathan A. Matthews, Franklin McGoogan
, Jr., Joyce A. Nelson, David Oglesby, Tana Oglesby, Patrick Peacock,
Wendy Poole, Barbara Reker, Justin Robertson, John Stroup
Tallahassee Community College................................................... 7
Carol A. Chenoweth, Mark Goldman, Cheryl McCraw, Heather R.
Mitchell, Kimberly A. Moore, James Murdaugh , Ph.D., Barbara Sloan
Tallahassee Democrat..................................................................... 5
Skip Foster, Eliza LePorin, Rebeccah Lutz, Serena Moyle,
Zilpha Underwood
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare.............................................. 18
Stephanie Derzypolski, John Elliott, Roberta Futrell, Bill Giudice,
Paul Hallock, Henry Hanson Jr., Mary Heald, Suzanne Hollar, Warren Jones,
Faith Jones, Sue M. Littlewood, Jason Moore, Rob Moss, Mark O’Bryant,
Amy B. Rentz, Sharon Robinson, Matt Sherer, Michael O. Willis
Leadership Organizations
Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic................................................... 21
Dr. Gregg Alexander, Dr. Raymond Bellamy, Dr. David Bellamy,
Dr. David Berg, Dr. Andrew Borom, Dr. Mark Fahey, Dr. Aaron Guyer,
Dr. Hank Hutchinson, Dr. Edward R. Jackson, II, Dr. Floyd R. Jaggears,
Dr. Steve Jordan, Dr. Matthew Lee, Dr. Hector Mejia,
Dr. D. Jason Oberste, Dr. Thomas Park, Dr. Garrison Rolle,
Dr. W. Brad Stephens, Dr. Kris Stowers, Dr. William Thompson,
Dr. Robert Thornberry, Dr. Andrew Wong
Tallahassee State Bank................................................................... 2
Matthew G. Brown, Valerie C. Dawkins
Target Copy....................................................................................... 1
Tracey Cohen
Technology Services Group.......................................................... 1
Elizabeth Smith
TeligentEMS, LLC............................................................................... 2
Christopher Eldred, Dale K. Starke
The Bacall Group............................................................................. 1
Berneice Cox
Thomas Howell Ferguson............................................................. 15
Jeffrey Barbacci, Bill Ferguson, Andy Gray, Allison Harrell,
Winston Howell, Christopher Howell, Stephen Kalifeh, Stacey Kolka,
Irvine Leonard, Deborah Leonard, Russell L. Perkins, Canita Peterson,
Jo Anna Rosciam, Michael Rosciam, Ying Wang
Timber Harvesters, LLC................................................................... 1
Matthew G. Webb
Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc......................................... 1
Julius Hackett
Tri-Eagle Sales Leon........................................................................ 5
Charlie Brown, Susie Busch-Transou, Mike LePorin, Donald C. Long,
Tripp Transou
Trinity Materials, LLC...................................................................... 1
Casey Peterson
Twin Oaks Juvenile Development................................................... 2
Benjie D. Read, Donald Read
Uhlfelder & Associates, P.A........................................................... 1
Steven Uhlfelder
United Parcel Service.................................................................... 3
Randall Calhoun, William Gay, Debra Shelfer
United Services Automobile Association (USAA)......................... 1
Rob Henderson
United Solutions.............................................................................. 1
James Giacobbe
United Way of Florida..................................................................... 1
Ted Granger
United Way of the Big Bend............................................................ 4
Sarah Barnett Deeb, Susan C. Dunlap, Glenda G. Hamby, Katrina Rolle
Visit Florida..................................................................................... 2
Sachiko Cook, Paul Phipps
Volunteer Florida........................................................................... 1
Stephen Kalifeh
VR Systems......................................................................................... 1
David Watson
Wadsworth, Humphress, Hollar & Konrad.................................. 2
Bob Hollar, James Wadsworth, Jr.
Wakulla County Schools................................................................ 1
Member wishes to remain anonymous
Ware Oil & Supply Co., Inc.............................................................. 1
Don Everett
WCTV................................................................................................... 1
Heather Peeples
Wells Fargo...................................................................................... 2
Erik D. Davis, Josh Jordan
Yates – Foley Mill............................................................................ 1
Wade M. Faulkner
Young Van Assenderp...................................................................... 1
John LaVia, III
One company wishes to remain anonymous....................................... 1
Investing in the Future
Through gift planning, donors have the opportunity to ensure that
their caring and sense of community will continue for generations to
We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals and/or couples
who have made a planned gift to United Way of the Big Bend.
Please print out/clip and
return this page to:
Katrina Rolle, President/CEO
United Way of the Big Bend
307 E. Seventh Avenue
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
Phone: 850-414-0844
Bobby and Debbie Bacon
Flecia Braswell and Fred McCord*
Dr. Tom DeLopez and Sandy DeLopez
Mark and Heather Mitchell
Patty and Chuck Mitchell
Barry and Tiffanie Webster
Mr. John Woodward*
Please contact me/us about United Way of the Big Bend’s
gift-planning opportunities.
Name ____________________________________________________
City__________________________________S tate____ Zip_________
If you wish to discuss gift planning opportunities
with United Way, or if you have already
included United Way in your will, would you
please contact us?
Thank you.
I/we have already included United Way in our will.
“No one has ever become poor
from giving.” Anne Frank
United way of the big bend
307 E. Seventh Avenue l Tallahassee, FL 32303
Ph 850.414.0844 l Fx 850.414.0852 l www.