October 2011 - Equal-i


October 2011 - Equal-i
October 2011
Trailer Products
• Good, Better, Best.
Good, Better, Best.
e have all heard this before, but what
does it mean? We often think this
is just a nicer way of saying “up sell the
customer”. Up selling the customer has its
short term financial benefits (more margin
and more revenue). But more importantly
the good, better, best selling approach
increases customer satisfaction. Increased
customer satisfaction is better; it gives you
long term financial benefits (even more
margin and even more revenue from a loyal
customer base).
Does this story sound familiar? A new
customer comes to the dealership to buy a
toy hauler, to take his family to the dunes.
A “chain-style” weight distribution hitch is
part of the deal. No discussion of trailer
sway control happens. The customer heads
out to the dunes for the first time. On his
way there the heavy trailer sways. He is
concerned, and his wife threatens to never
go to the dunes again because of the sway.
Upon returning from his vacation he returns
to the dealer and says, “The trailer swayed
badly, and it scared my family – do you have
anything for sway control?” The dealership
says, “I have this add-on sway bar that is
about $100 installed.” At this point money
is of no concern, because he just wants the
dream of taking his family to the dunes. That
dream is slipping away if he doesn’t fix it.
So he drops the $100 and leaves. Next trip
to the dunes he has sway again, because
the add-on sway bar is only so effective at
reducing the movement of the big toy hauler.
The trailer owner is still frustrated and
decides to go ask a different dealership if
there is a better option. The other dealership
offers him solutions, and his problem is
solved. He wonders to himself, “Why didn’t
the other dealership tell me about these
solutions? Maybe they don’t know what
they are talking about?” And the dealership
thinks, “Problem solved – we didn’t see that
customer again.” Exactly. You won’t see
that customer again, because you had two
chances to fix his problem and didn’t. He is
now buying from the other dealer and will
most likely look there first the next time he
gets a new RV.
Let’s rewind. A new customer buys a
toy hauler to take his family to the dunes.
nline Highlight:
Towing Glossary.
ow To Video:
Quick Fixes for Irritating
ustomer Comment.
The dealership offers a good, better, best
scenario of hitch options. The customer
selects the good option of a “chain-style”
hitch and no sway control. On his way to
the dunes the heavy trailer sways. He is
concerned and his wife threatens to never
go to the dunes again because of the
sway. Upon returning from his vacation he
returns to the dealership and works out a
deal to get the better (e2™ brand hitch)
or best (Equal-i-zer® Sway Control
Hitch) option. He apologizes to the dealer
for not listening to him the first time he
was told about sway control. So instead
of questioning the dealer’s credibility, his
perception of the dealer has increased even
though he didn’t have the best experience
with the product. Imagine that – customer
continued on page 2
Good, Better, Best.
page 2
continued from page 1
has a bad experience with a product and
he likes your dealership more. Amazing!
It’s because he knew that the decision
was his and the dealer gave him options
and didn’t “withhold” any information.
Giving the customer a good, better,
best offering increases their satisfaction
regardless of the performance level they
choose. We have also discovered over
the years that the customer rarely settles
for the good option when presented with
better and best options. So up selling to
better and best options truly is a win-win
situation for everyone involved. Profit is
made for the dealership, the customer
is safe, and the likelihood that they will
remain your customer has increased
So next time that guy wants to take his
family to the dunes, share the benefits
of 2-point sway control found in the e2™
brand hitch (better) and the unmatched
performance of 4-point sway control
found ONLY in the Original Equal-i-zer®
Sway Control Hitch (best).
Quick Fixes for Irritating
Installs: Some trailer styles
make it difficult to install weight
distribution hitches. Thanks to
The Original Equal-i-zer® Sway
Control Hitch it is not only
possible, but easy! This short
video shows how the Equal-izer hitch makes it easy to have
weight distribution (and sway
control) on some trailers where
common hitches struggle.
Those trailers include; V-nose
trailers, BAL-norco trailer
frames, inverted couplers, and
trailers with cargo/generator
Made in USA
FAQ: Will the Equal-i-zer hitch
work with a V-Nose trailer?
Answer: Yes, it will in most
The TOWING GLOSSARY found on the Equal-i-zer website is a list of
common terms when working with a trailer, tow vehicle, and an Equali-zer hitch. If you aren’t exactly sure what a term is referring to visit the
Towing Glossary. It will give you a quick and simple definition of the term
in question. http://www.equalizerhitch.com/support/glossary.php
Trailer Products
cases. Sometimes customers have
to make some minor adjustments to
the installation process. Review the
V-Nose Trailer Installation Guide. If
you still have questions, Contact Us.
We’re happy to help anytime to make
sure your experience with the Equal-izer hitch is a success..
Customer Comment: ““Just a comment on your
ONEstep Chock. I have two which I use on each set of wheels. They provide
great stability and reduce trailer movement to nil. … Bottom line...excellent
product! Works much better than all the other gadgets on the market.”–
James A. from Georgia.
We’re here to help.
Give us a call.
(800) 478-5578