javad tavassoli


javad tavassoli
In the name of God
No.12 February 2011
The12 English Bulletin of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran
Dr. Ahmadinejad:
Our look toward science is
different from that of monopolists. Iranian
P resident of the IR of Iran
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad referred
only path to reach prosperity.
He made the remark on the
science to a ship which moves
in darkness and gloom. He
added that our look toward
science is different from that
of monopolists. From our point
of view, science is at the services
of human and humanity, he said.
He pointed out that the Iranian
nation has a message for the world
to return to human values, human
dignity, and serving humans.
sidelines of the inauguration of
This is a different look with
annular and ocular bioimplants, those who use the word humanwhich are being produced for ity hundreds of time per day, but
contd on p.2
He resembled human lacking
organization in
near future
Powerful Consortium Established to
In the opening ceremony of
annular and ocular bioimplants
production line, Ali-Akbar Mehrabian referred to the project
as a national and international
achievement which has been
gained through the cooperation
between industry and academic
Ocular bioimplants are
produced for the first time
in the world in large scale,
he said, adding, the technology is highly welcomed,
so that saving human’s life
and improving human living
contd on p.4
No.12 February 2011
in fact have targeted smashing humanity.
We aim to reach human values to its peaks.
To this end, we follow a different path and
circumstances, he added.
Ahmadinejad referred to the Iranian science
which is serving people and is progressing
and self-trust in the society.
Thanks God a science-based viewpoint
dominates the country and that is why we
Of course, in doing daily responsibilities,
we may also consider income. But, saving
life of a person and restoring health of a
person is the highest achievement for a researcher and specialist, he said.
Today, science and technology both are
at the service of human development and
progress, he added. As the chairman of the
Cultural Revolution Higher Council,
Ahmadinejad invited all the domestic
industrialists and masters to cooperate
In this line, he pointed out to the initiative
of the Iranian nation in delimiting borders
achievement in the world and added: “Why
others with inhuman thoughts should sit
global universities as we have done this in
hundreds of years ago.
Today, we should move toward this and
future is in the hands of the Iranian nations
and all other nations.”
Before the President’s speech the bio-
High-Tech Industries Organization to
T he industries and mines minister has
stated that through cooperating with seven
under the title of the high-tech industries
organization can be launched in the ministry
of industries and mines to be responsible for
On the sidelines of the opening ceremony
of ocular and annular bioimplants production
line, Mr. Ali-Akbar Mehrabian expressed the
hope that approving the government’s proposed bill would pave the way for supporting
researchers more than the past. He referred
to some advantages of using bioimplants
as seeing the peak of science and industry
inside the country, saving human’s life, and
improving living conditions of patients,
exporting and earning incomes as well as
breaking the U.S. monopoly in production
and supply of such products.
The minister of industries and mines then
referred to the inauguration of ocular and
annular bioimplants production line in large
and added that the consumer prices of such
ade similar products.
phasizing on the expanded dooreign markets for bioimplants,
he added that hundreds of millions of
Mehrabian pointed out to meeting needs of
Islamic countries to bioimplants as another
advantage of the Iranian-made products,
adding that observing Islamic regulations for
manufacturing the products based on Sharia
has been welcomed by Islamic countries to
import Iranian made products. It has been
planned to establish eight equipped industrial
bioimplants centers across the country, of
which one center will exclusively export its
products, he said.
The industries and mines minister also
informed of launching a vaccine and
plasma production center in Shiraz, adding
that many patients had lost their lives on the
way to be transported to hospitals due to
blood pressure fall.
Launching the center in the near future
and injecting plasma to patients while being
transported will save lives of some seven
production line for ocular and annular
bioimplants in the world was inaugurated in
Shams Abad Industrial Estate. The President,
the ministers of industry and health, and a
number of parliament members attended
the inauguration ceremony.
The12 English Bulletin of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran
IDRO director emphasizes,
Hedayat added.
The chairman of the board of directors
of IDRO went on to say that the successful
delivery of Iran Arak containership ocean
liner has led to the transfer and indigenizaMr. Hedayat added that in addition to tion of ship building technology in the
seriously following up of the adopted country, educating and training specialized
SROLFLHV LQ WKH ¿HOG RI VKLS EXLOGLQJ WKH and skilled manpower and setting up powerful
Industrial Development and Renovation and capable contracting companies in the
Organization has placed cooperation with ¿HOGRIPDULWLPHLQGXVWULHV
other related organizations and responsible
The issue will certainly have positive effects
bodies in its agenda. Serious and constant in reducing time and costs as well as increasing
pursuing for implementing the law to support quality of building vessels, he stressed.
T aking necessary measures for expediting DQGGHYHORSPDULWLPHLQGXVWULHVIRUWKHEHQH¿W Elsewhere in his remarks, Mr. Hedayat
the development trend of the ship building of domestic manufacturers from its advan- emphasized on paying special attention
industry is beyond potentials of a single tages, cooperating with the study center of to maritime industries, particularly ship
company or organization and it requires the industries and mines ministry to outline EXLOGLQJ LQGXVWU\ LQ WKH ¿IWK QDWLRQDO
national determination as well as coordination WKH VWDWXV RI PDULWLPH LQGXVWULHV LQ WKH ¿IWK development plan and the 2025 Outlook
and cooperation among all related bodies, national development plan and collaborating Plan, as well and stressed on speeding up
RI¿FLDOV RUJDQL]DWLRQV DQG FRPSDQLHV LQ with the secretariat of the higher council of the full implementation of the law to support
r and develop maritime industries and presidmaritime industries, Mr. Majid Hedayat, maritime industries toward carrying out curthe chairman of the board of directors of rent activities can be referred to in this regard. ing over its proper implementation, setting
In addition to the abovementioned policies, up and operating the maritime industries
the Industrial Development and Renovation
IDRO is a shareholder of three large compaa development fund and preparing the maritime
Organization (IDRO) stated.
He made the remarks in the 12th national nies active in the ship building industry, industries strategic plan as among the apconference on maritime industries. According namely ISOICO, Arvandan and Sadr Omid proaches to expedite the development trend of
to the public relations department of IDRO, Chabahar, and has taken drastic measures to maritime industries.
Development of ship - building
industry requires national determination
In cooperation with high-tech industries and university professors,
High-tech products to be manufactured
M anagers of high-tech industrial plans
and research directors at universities and
research centers in a joint meeting discussed possible ways to enhance bilateral
According to the public relations
department of the Industrial Development
and Renovation Organization (IDRO), Eng.
Sabbaghi, the IDRO’s director for high-tech
industries referred to the role of research
units at universities to boost the link with
the industry sector, saying that through
following medical sciences universities as
patterns, masters of industry should attend
factories and industrial units to become
acquainted with problems and predicaments
facing industries.
Sabbaghi pointed out to the fact that
the projects.
Dr. Saeivar, the deputy director for hightech projects referred to the strategic policy
of the center, adding that prior to this time,
most of the plans were research ones which
did not led to manufacturing a product. But,
we are currently after changing approaches
IDRO is in cooperation with 46
and research centers in the fram
plans. To this end, 270 billion r
allocated for the current year t
2011, he added.
He called research deputies o
pay special attention to gain bet
No.12 February 2011
Industry Ministry Invests Rls. 1,700b in
High-Tech Industries
T he Deputy of Directoriate for hightech industries stated that the ministry has
invested over 1,700 billion rials in four
past 11 years.
Mr. Esmaeil Saeivar added that the
high-tech projects of the industries and
mines ministry are followed in the four
in leading industries, helping improvement
of technology in modern and electronic
industries, helping promotion of hightech industries and establishing high-tech
industries special zones in the vicinity of
high-tech sector have been specially supported.
innovations in leading industries which
was launched in 2007, some 195 billion
rials has been invested in 118 projects by
the end of the past Iranian year (March
2010). Four projects have been so far
completed, he added.
Saeivar referred to helping improvement
of technology in modern and electronic
industries as another plan of the ministry
of industries and mines for developing
high-tech industries, saying that the plan
is named “promotion” plan and is the
oldest plan of the industries and mines
From 1998 to March 2010, some 712 bil-
lion rials has been invested in 224 hightech projects, he noted.
The third plan of the industries and mines
is helping promotion of high-tech industries
which was launched in 2002.
According to the deputy industries and
mines minister for high-tech industries
some 555 billion rials has been invested by
the end of the past year in 110 projects, of
which 73 projects have been accomplished.
He went on saying that the plan for
establishing high-tech industries special
hubs of the country started in 2005. Nearly
292 billion rials has been allocated to 13
projects in this regard, he said.
He concluded with saying that around
three thousand research and academic plans
have been referred to the center of hightech industries at the ministry of industries
and mines, of which some 1,000 projects
have been approved. Some of the projects,
such as bone and heart bioimplants, have
been supported and are being produced in
large scale. But, a majority of the projects
have remained in research and sample production stages.
The industries and mines minister has
vested Mr. Hedayat, the chairman of the
board of directors of the Industrial
Development and Renovation Organization,
with implementing the high-tech plans of
the ministry of industries and mines.
Mehrabian pointed out that the foreign-made product is comparable in price with its
Iranian similar.Arrogant powers export such products at huge prices to a limited number of
countries, Mehrabian said.
The12 English Bulletin of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran
responsible for
tions such as IDRO are responsible for
industrial units and transfer them to the
Gholamreza Keramati in this regard.
According to law, can IDRO run an
No. The organization follows the policy
toward industrial development through
generating income in underdeveloped
regions. This issue needs the government’s
cooperation in a number of industries to be
accomplished. IDRO launches industries
and after three years when the industries
H[SHULHQFHG SUR¿WDELOLW\ WKH\ DUH WUDQVferred to the private sector. IDRO cooperates
with the private sector to invest and establish
industrial companies.
Then the company starts trial production
and at most three years later it will be transferred to the private sector. Of course, in
some cases companies have been transferred to the private sector ahead of the
schedule. Even more than 10 companies have
been transferred before being inaugurated.
Since we aim at industrial development, we
will welcome transferring companies if the
private sector announces full preparedness.
Policy making is one of the objectives of the
Industrial Development and Renovation
Organization. The organization is engaged
in sectors in which the private sector can not
operate individually. In this line, the packaging industry can be mentioned, in which the
private sector has invested in it individually
and has managed to run it successfully.
You pointed out to the issue of inGXVWULDOL]HG EXLOGLQJ :KDW DFWLYLWLHV
has IDRO taken in this regard?
The Industrial Development and
Renovation Organization embarked
on improving the building sector from
traditional to industrial methods. In
this line, the organization constructed
a number of buildings in Parand new
WRZQEHQH¿WLQJIURPGLIIHUHQWWHFKQRORgies in order to make university students,
professors and architects acquainted with
new building construction technologies.
We also established companies in cooperr
What was the aim behind establishing ation with the private sector and the public, as
well, aiming to supply the market with
this department in IDRO?
The department has been established modern construction materials. Presently,
with the aim of investing by the govern- FRPSDQLHV DUH DFWLYH LQ WKH ¿HOG RI
ment and the private sector. The industrial high-tech building projects, of which
investments department in IDRO has so 25 companies have been established
far concluded some 400 memorandums through direct investment by the private
of understanding with the private sector. sector. Some 20 plans, in different secTo realize joint investment objectives, the tors such as building foundation, concrete
private and the state-run sectors invest walls, dual layer walls, plaster and concrete,
in the projects and plans with 51 percent are underway jointly with the private sector.
We can construct lighter buildings using
share and 49 percent share, respectively.
these techniques faster and with less
:KDW DUH \RXU FULWHULD WR LQYHVW LQ construction materials waste.
We invest in each province considering VRXUFHV" ,V ¿QDQFLDO GH¿FLW DQ REVWDFOH
its potentials. There are various fields RQWKHZD\"
IDRO is a state-run organization and
for investment such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, energy-related industries, its budget is approved by the parliament.
high-tech industries, road, rail, sea and air We are in interaction with the parliament
transportation, car making and the like. In and representatives are positively active
WKLVOLQHZHEHQH¿WIURPFRRSHUDWLRQZLWK to ratify laws to invest in underdeveloped
the Bank of Industry and Mine which se- regions.
cures some 70 percent of the investment.
So, the private sector and the government
invest by 18 percent and 12 percent, respectively. EDQVDIIHFWHG\RXUDFWLYLW\"
We have got a will of iron facing sancWe should invest in underdeveloped regions according to law and avoid focusing tions. During the past, sanctions have been
RQ VSHFL¿F DUHDV 7KLV LV ZKLOH WKDW EX\- regarded as hindrances. Although sanctions
ing lands and establishing buildings and KDYHIDFHGXV ZLWKVRPHGLI¿FXOWLHVEXW
creating jobs in underdeveloped regions WKH ¿QDO UHVXOW KDV EHHQ DOZD\V SRVLWLYH
are less expensive. In this line, some 400 for us, so that we have become enable to
agreements worth around 170 billion rials thread the path toward development faster
have been signed in the past eight years and than the past. We are not s worried about
numerous studies have been conducted in sanctions, because enemies can not shout
contd on p.6
different provinces.
No.12 February 2011
of ID
Spare-Part makers, auto makers should cooperate
to develop new platforms
are designed and then part makers manufacture parts to meet demands. This is while
part makers should be in close relation with
car makers and be active from the beginning of developing new platforms, he said.
Domestic car production rose by 22 percent
the chairman of the board of directors of the
Industrial Development and Renovation
Organization said, adding, more than 1,800
car part makers are active nationwide, over
90 percent of them are run by the private
Hedayat pointed out to the car part making
T he chairman of the board of directors of industry as effective industry in the country
the Industrial Development and Renovation and said that quality of some domesticallyOrganization (IDRO) stated that devel- made parts is comparable with those of the
oping new platforms is one of the main best foreign producers. Through boosting
needs of car makers. He emphasized on cooperation among car makers and prethe enhanced cooperation between part paring plans by car makers, the quality of
makers and car makers to develop new products will be increased, he noted.
Part makers should invest in cooperation
According to IDRO’s public relations with car makers to manufacture some imdepartment, Mr. Majid Hedayat made the ported parts and components which account
remarks on the sidelines of the opening for a major portion of imports, he added.
Hedayat went on to say that the global car
exhibition on car parts, components and making industry worth over 2,000 billion
accessories. One of the major problems in dollars and the part making industry worth
contd from p.5
every door on us. Our industrialists have
become more dependent on their capabilities
and they have given momentum to their
The Industrial Development and Renovation
Organization is ready to make joint investment according to current laws with the
private sector in different industrial projects
in underdeveloped regions base don 49
percent share by the government and 51
percent by the private sector.
When we launch a joint plan with the
private sector, we start studies in order to
implemented inside the country and how
much outside the country. Also, how many
jobs it will create, how much of the required
raw materials can be procured, and what
are the potential markets for supplying
products. Eventually, we transfer the whole
work to the private sector. We allocate 51
percent share to the private sector because
we want to see the private sector more active
and take on management of the plans.
1,000 billion dollars. If we have a two
percent share of the industry, it will amount
to some 20 billion dollars.
He added that by 2015, we should export
one third of domestically-made cars to world
markets, so part makers should actively
cooperate and make new investments in
The chairman of the board of directors of
the Industrial Development and Renovation
Organization referred to the domestic production of car parts, saying that in some of
cars which have been producing for a long
time, some 95-98 percent the parts are
produced domestically, but on the average
over 60 percent of the car industry parts
are produced inside the country.
Hedayat also said that the parts which are
used by car makers and authorized agencies
are completely standardized. A major porr
tion of low-quality parts are supplied to
the market in the after-sale section. The
quality improvement bylaw and the after-sale
services quality improvement bylaw have
stipulated that the main manufacturers and
importers to be used for providing required
parts from suppliers.
The director of the board of directors of
the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization said that the Institute of
Standards and Industrial Research of Iran
attempts to remove low-quality parts. The
use of low-quality parts in main components which are related to safety of cars will
never happen, he stressed.
Powerful manufacturers are active inside
the country, he said, adding, the supply
The12 English Bulletin of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran
Bioimplants development
roadmap prepared,
Iran Plans to Enter $25 Billion
Bioimplants Market
T he director of the Industrial Development and Renovation
Organization (IDRO) has announced that a roadmap for
developing bioimplants to enter international market has been
prepared. Before producing and manufacturing bioimplants in
Iran some 500 million dollars were expended annually t global
non-oil products, a suitable ground has been provided for supplying
this high added-value product. In a ceremony to honor industrialists
active in manufacturing bioimplants, Hedayat said that the worth of bioimplants global
trade and medical equipments hit 25 billion dollars and 116 billion dollars in 2009, respectively. Reducing the gap between science productions and commercializing products
as well as entering international markets are among objectives of the sector.
Hedayat also stated that seven large bioimplants
production centers and a research center will be established
in different parts of the country. We are planning to
establish the centers in seven points which enjoy
necessary infrastructures and required laboratories,
he said.
Islamic states, export
destinations of Iranian bioimplants
T e advisor to the chairman of the board of
directors of the Industrial Development and
Renovation Organization (IDRO) stated that
Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Middle
East countries, as well, are the export
markets of Iranian-made bioimplants.
“Considering that bioimplants are made in
Iran observing Sharia obligations, so Islamic
countries prefer to buy such products from
Iran,” Mr. Ramezan-Ali Sadeqzadeh added.
Bioimplants are produced using both
animal-based and human-based materials,
he said, adding that in Iran bioimplants are
manufactured using human-based materials,
but in the U.S. bioimplants are made using
animal-based (pig) materials, which is not
allowed by the Islamic Sharia. Of course,
producing bioimplants is also possible using
animal-based materials observing Sharia
obligations, he noted.
Ocular and annular bioimplants are being
time in the world, Sadeqzadeh said. The
process is currently in the research phase
in the U.S. and has yet to reach large scale
production, he added.
The IDRO’s advisor for high-tech industries went on saying that Iranian-made
bioimplants are also exported to European
markets. According to agreements, 9 research
and study centers related to bioimplants are
to be established in different parts of the
country, he said.It is better to establish the
centers in the vicinity of airports or free trade
zones in order to pave the way for exporting
the products, Sadeqzadeh observed.
It should be mentioned that kinds of bioimplants, including bone, heart, tendon and
ligament, ocular and annular ones, are being
produced in large scale under the support of
the Industrial Development and Renovation
Organization.In a conference which was
attended by the minister of industries and
mines, his deputies, a number of university
Magfa hits online car
selling record high
T he national comprehensive car portal
accounted for one fourth of the total online
trading volume in the current year in an
unprecedented electronic sale.
Mr. Javad Tavassoli-Mehr, the managing
director of Magfa ITDC (Information Technology Development Center), a subsidiary of
the Industrial Development and Renovation
Organization (IDRO), stated that the national
comprehensive car portal, which is run by
Magfa, the responsible body for online selling of domestically-made cars, sold as much
as one fourth of total worth of electronic sale
in the country in an advance selling of car
in a day.
All the offered cars were sold in less than
3 hours via internet, he said, adding that
the move can be regarded as a notable
in line with the policy of promoting the egovernment across the country.According to
him, such way of offering goods has many
advantages for people, including equitable
conditions nationwide, reducing referral
times and costs across cities, and so on.
The managing director of Magfa emphasized
that the national comprehensive car portal
has been developed and launched based
on the article 37 of the law for developing electronic trade which has been approved
by the cabinet. It is considered as a reliable
website for selling cars by large Iranian car
makers such as Iran Khodro, Saipa, Pars
Khodro, Saipa Diesel and Bahman Group.
professors and physicians, to honor industrialists
16 superior industrialists were honored with
offering them plaques of honor.
License Holder: IDRO
Managing Director: Seyed Majid Hedayat
Vice Managing Director:Mojtaba Rezaee
Editor in chief:Yousof Gh.Gharavi
Administerative Affairs: R. Zavarikia
A. Damavandi
Graphic Designer:M.Farzad
Print Manager: R.farzad
The12 English Bulletin of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran
IDRO Director Emphasizes on Investing
to Develop High-Tech Industries
information technology festival, the director
of the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization (IDRO) expounded on
high-tech industries.
Mr. Majid Hedayat told reporters that
identifying industrial and technological processes and selecting appropriate
grounds for investment are among the main
subjects of activity of IDRO. Creating
and preparing plans, developing technical knowledge, providing and managing
capital resources and investing to establish
high-tech industries as well as technology
WUDQVIHU DUH DPRQJ WKH RWKHU ¿HOGV RI DFtivity in the Industrial Development and
Renovation Organization, he added.
The deputy industries and mines minister referred to the fact that mechanization
been greatly welcomed in the past two decades. Indigenizing imported software in
industries as well as establishing science and
technology parks and incubation centers was
among other cases which were welcomed,
he noted.
The head of the Industrial Development
and Renovation Organization emphasized:
It is predicted that in the next decade large
information technology companies to be
established and macro projects to be imple-
According to him, in the next decade, the
information technology sector will account
for a notable share of the industrial addedvalue products. Also, products and services
related to information technology will be
exported, he added.
Referring to the organization’s policies
said: Providing infrastructures for creating and developing new innovative ideas,
implementing industrial research plans
to develop technical knowledge and sampling, promoting technical knowledge with
the aim of launching new businesses, continuous development of existing industrial
processes, supporting technology-based
businesses through offering them entrep
neurship facilities, investing in high-te
industries in cooperation with the priv
sector and also utilizing domestic expert
to enter to international markets will be
main targets of the organization towa
developing high-tech industries.
Setting up a risk taking investment fu
adopting an approach to promote functio
ality of information technology in industr
and supporting transferring, creating a
commercializing technologies are amo
other programs of the organization, Heda
Tractor Manufacturing
Strategy Prepared to
Meet African Market
T he chairman of the board of directors
of the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization (IDRO) in a visit from
Tabriz Tractor Manufacturing Company
referred to the need for having an exportoriented policy in production, saying that to
develop exports at the tractor manufacturing
company, it is necessary to devise a comprehensive strategy for meeting food industry
needs of Africa.
Mr. Majid Hedayat in his recent visit to
East Azarbaijan Province, as the deputy
industries and mines minister in East
Azarbaijan Province, said that Tabriz Tractor
Manufacturing Company is the motive engine
for job creation and income generation in the
province. To boost cooperation with this
company to meet African market needs,
using Iran Khodro’s production line in Senegal to manufacture tractor has been proposed
to the company, he said, the IDRO public
relations unit reported.
The Industrial Development and Renovation Organization is ready to cooperate
with the tractor manufacturing company in
developing products and securing research
costs to jointly obtain intellectual property
and license, Hedayat stressed.
Some senior managers of the tractor
manufacturing company will be invited to
IDRO for membership and directorship of
the specialized working group of agricultural industries, he added.
The chairman of the board of directors of
the Industrial Development and Renovation
Organization as well as the deputy industries and mines minister in East Azarbaijan
Province pointed out that at least 600,000
tons of rice is annually imported into the
country. The lack of appropriate equipment
preparation is among the reasons of rice
yield loss in the country, he noted.