June 2013 Newsletter - California Society of Tax Consultants
June 2013 Newsletter - California Society of Tax Consultants
CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF TAX CONSULTANTS e t t e z a G x a T re i p m E d n a l n I T he Newsletter of the Inland Empire Chapter of the California Society of Tax Consultants. Published monthly May through December. Editor: Hilde Morrow June 2013 PRESIDENT ’S COLUMN W elcome to June! It’s almost summer and the temperatures are already getting high! This year’s Summer Symposium is in Las Vegas. Many of the Board members are attending. We hope to see you here. There’s also a filing deadline in June—don’t forget! The filing deadline is Monday, June 17, 2013, for U.S. citizens and resident aliens living overseas, or serving in the military outside the U.S. on the regular due date of their tax return. Eligible taxpayers get two additional days because the normal June 15 extended due date falls on Saturday this year. Are you done? EDUCATION REPORT Our monthly meeting has been scrambled a bit from the normal 3rd Wednesday of each month. Several meetings have been moved from the 3rd Wednesday to the 2nd Wednesday. One of our monthly meetings will also be a 3 hour session on health care reform rather than our normal 2 hours of education. Be sure to look at the bulletin for the scheduling each month. Your Board meets at 4:00 at the Claremont Doubletree just before our monthly dinner. Feel free to join us! Inside this issue: President’s Column 1 Dinner Meeting Info. 2 Speaker Information 3 4 Calendar Member Anniversaries Member Benefits Classified Ads 5, 6 2013 Board From the Tax Front 7, 8 IRS Webinars Society Calendar 9 Officers President Barbara Feliciano 909-896-1452 1st VP Tina Garcia 909-626-7706 2nd VP Clint Young 951-682-4848 Secretary Janice Coleman 909-941-7939 Treasurer Ann Mills 909-983-3716 Past President Priscilla Lerma Barbara Barbara Feliciano, C.P.A., President Inland Empire Chapter 909-983-3716 Directors Membership Hilde Morrow 909-624-9366 Asst Treasurer Ann R. Esquivel CSTC MISSION STATEMENT To promote professionalism by providing quality educational events for tax pro‐ fessionals, creating and encouraging networking opportunities for members, and advocating professional standards and positions within the tax industry. Member-at-Large Frank Medrano Newsletter Editor Hilde Morrow [email protected] 909 -624-9366 Volunteer Photographer Annette Finnerty PAGE 2 THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE June 2013 DINNER MEETING DoubleTree Hotel Claremont == MENU == 555 West Foothill Blvd, Claremont, CA 91711 House Salad with Ranch and Italian dressings Fresh Rolls and Butter Phone: 909.626.2411 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Beef Bourguignon Dinner at 6:00 pm —– Sign in at 5:30 pm with burgundy wine sauce For Reservations and Menu Preference: Garlic Mashed Potatoes Fresh Steamed Vegetables Phone 1‐888‐853‐9670 on or before Saturday, June 15, 2013, 11:59 pm OR Pasta Primavera Fusilli Pasta in Rich Cream Sauce and MEETING COST (dinner and 2 hours of education) $35 for members on the permanent dinner list & members with timely reservations. Fresh Vegetables Coffee, Ice Tea & Chef’s Choice House Dessert $50 for non‐members, walk‐ins and late registrations. Cancellation Policy: If you are on the permanent dinner list or have made a reservation and are unable to attend, you must cancel your reservation by Saturday, June 15, 2013 , 11:59 pm, otherwise you will be billed for the dinner. Note to all members: Please check the permanent dinner list below for accuracy. Are you on the list and should not be, or should you be on the list and your name does not appear? If you wish to be added to or deleted from the permanent dinner list please inform Ann Mills, 909‐983‐3716, Email: [email protected]. Alternatively, you may call our message phone 1‐888‐853‐9670 and leave a message. O ur next Board Meeting will be on June 19, 2013 at 4:00 pm. All members are welcome to attend. The meeting will be at the DoubleTree Hotel in the same room as our dinner meeting. PERMANENT DINNER LIST* Emma Barrows Russel Bisgaard Phillip Brown Mary Carlos Ted Caruthers III Corina Christiansen Janice Coleman Susan Cook Richard Doyle Ron Drake David Eastis Dotte Egbert T Ann Esquivel Barbara Feliciano Annette Finnerty Elvia Flores Wayne Franck Tina Garcia Rosemary Genovese Ruth Godfrey Wayne Hardesty Sharon Hardy Eric Johnson Don Klotz Priscilla Lerma Leonor Maher Cecilia Martinez Francisco Medrano Renee McClellan Ann Mills Hilde Morrow J.M. Olchawa Michael Olden Robert Rego Michael Richeson Janine Rodriguez Leticia Scanlan Randi Stern Margarita Varela Jessica Vasquez Norman Wing Dee Wonders Clint Young *current to May 2013 he California Society of Tax Consultants was born in Southern California in 1966. Today we have 17 Chapters in California. CSTC’s emphasis on high‐quality education and its atmosphere of friendly sharing make it an ideal or‐ ganization for the tax professional. PAGE 3 THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE J u n e 2 0 1 3 t o p i c & S P E A K E R I N F O R M AT I O N Roundtable Tax Issue Resolutions—Tax Season Potpourri CTEC # 1000-CE-3517—IRS Program # 18QC1-T-00006-13-I 2 hours Federal Tax Law Credit Ruth would like attendees to come prepared to share key issues that gave them problems during the tax season and/or practice tips that could help others. You may also wish to email these to Ruth before the meeting at [email protected] so that she can incorporate them into the presentation. Speaker: Ruth Godfrey, EA R uth Godfrey, EA has been an Enrolled Agent since 1984 and has a tax practice in Upland, CA serving both individuals and small businesses. Prior to becoming an EA, Ruth was a licensed real estate agent and she has kept her contacts with the real estate market. During this ever‐changing financial period Ruth has kept on top of the most recent developments in the foreclosure world. Knowledgeable and entertaining, she is a frequent speaker to professionals throughout California. Ruth is a Past President of the California Society of Tax Consultants, Inc and the Inland Empire CSTC Chapter as well as a Past‐Chairman of the California Tax Education Council (CTEC). She is currently serving CSTC as Parliamentarian and as co‐chair of the Fundamentals Class. Ruth is a Fellow of the National Tax Practice Institute of NAEA. This presentation has been designed to meet the requirements of the Director of Practice of the Internal Revenue Service; the California State Board of Accountancy; and the California Tax Education Council including code 31 of Federal Regulations 10.6(g). This does not constitute an endorsement by these groups. A listing of additional requirements to renew taxpreparer registration may be obtained by contacting CTEC at PO Box 2890, Sacramento, CA 95812-2890, or phone CTEC at 1-877-850-2832, or on the Internet at www.ctec.org. This is our 2013 Meeting Location . PAGE 4 THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE 2013 CSTC INLAND EMPIRE CHAPTER MEETING CALENDAR All our meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month, except the September meeting, which will be on the second Wednesday of the month. Date May 15, 2013 June 19, 2013 Topic Speakers Identity Theft & Voluntary Classification Settlement Program. Roundtable Tax Issue Resolutions ‐ Tax Season Potpourri Amy Smith, Sr. Stakeholder Liaison, IRS Ruth Godfrey, EA July 17, 2013 Affordable Health Care Act Paul H. Payne III, CPA Aug 21, 2013 Sept 11, 2013 Special Occupations Business Entities David E. Du Val, EA Linda Dong, EA Schedule C Anthony Bustos, EA Net Operating Losses Cindy Price, EA (2nd Wednesday) Oct 9, 2013 (2nd Wednesday) Nov 20, 2013 2014 Board Elections Dec 18, 2013 TBA TBA Annual Meeting; Installation of 2014 Board Topics are tentative and subject to change without prior notice. May through November: 2 hours education credit, July: 3 hours education credit December: 1 hour education credit. Annual Update and Review Workshop January 11, 2014 ‐ 8 hours CPE credit Where: DoubleTree Hotel, Claremont Federal Speaker: Claudia Stanley, EA,CPA California Speaker: TBA Cost: TBA These presentations have been designed to meet the requirements of the Director of Practice of the Internal Revenue Service; the California State Board of Accountancy; and the California Tax Education Council including code 31 of Federal Regulations 10.6(g). This does not constitute an endorsement by these groups. A listing of additional requirements to renew taxpreparer registration may be obtained by contacting CTEC at PO Box 2890, Sacramento, CA 95812-2890, or phone CTEC at 1-877-850-2832, or on the Internet at www.ctec.org. From the Tax Front Management Veterans Selected to Assist New IRS Acting Commissioner Werfel; Maloy, Grams, Fisher Named to Senior Posts The Internal Revenue Service announced the selection of several senior leaders to assist new Acting Commissioner Danny Werfel. Heather Maloy will handle the responsibilities of Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement, W. Todd Grams will be Chief of Staff and David Fisher will serve as Senior Advisor to the Acting Commissioner and Chief Risk Officer. PAGE 5 THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE JUNE 2013 Thank you for your loyalty to our Chapter! Richard Doyle 22 years Ann Esquivel Annette Finnerty Eric Johnson Priscilla Lerma 1 years 5 years 23 years 21 years Leonar Maher Barry Middleton Randi Stern Jackie Stickels 17 years 3 years 5 years 3 years CSTC Inland Empire Chapter Benefits • • • • • • • • A free Quickfinder or TheTaxBook for members who attend at least 5 of our educational dinner meetings (December does not count), or 4 meetings and the January 2013 Workshop. Members who prepay for their 2013 dinner meetings, will be able to save $80 off the total price. The pre‐pay cost for 8 meetings is $200. The deadline to prepay is May 15, 2013. No dinners will carry over to 2014 and there will be no refunds for missed dinners. Chance to win a $15 gift card for wearing your badge to the meetings. Any member who signs up a new member gets a $15 off dinner the month after the person joins. The new member will also get $15 off (this does not apply to prior members who join again). A monthly free Newsletter. Eight educational dinner meetings (2 hrs CPE/ meeting; Dec meeting only 1 hr CPE ). See pricing options above. One Saturday all day workshop (8 hrs CPE) ‐ cost to be announced later. Non‐credit breakfast meetings during tax season provide a chance to network and get answers to difficult tax questions from other tax professionals. Progress has little to do with speed, but much to do with direction. The most important thing about a goal is having one, THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE PAGE 6 PLEASE MEET AND WELCOME OUR FOUR NEWEST MEMBERS Cecilia Martinez R obert L. Hammack of Riverside joined in May. We hope to meet him soon at one of hour monthly meetings. referred her husband Sergio Martinez of Pomona Susan Cook Cecilia Martinez of Upland of Pomona joined again after an absence. T Welcome back! he winner of our May 2013 wear your badge drawing was M ike Richeson referred Susan Cook. Mike will receive a $15 gift card for referring Susan and Susan will receive a $15 gift card for joining. Priscilla Lerma She received a $14 gift card. M ember Benefits at work! Cecilia will receive a gift card for referring Sergio and Sergio will receive a $15 off certificate towards the cost of one of our dinner meetings. CLASSIFIED ADS T here is no charge to members to advertise po‐ sitions available in their practice, equipment for sale, or similar subjects. Members looking for a new employer may also advertise. D o you prefer not to handle Audits and CP 2000s for your clients? Our long time member – Don Klotz, EA – is seeking referrals for audit representa‐ tion from other firms or tax preparers. Don will handle Personal Income Tax Au‐ dits as well as Sales Tax Audits. He will also answer and handle CP 2000s. For non‐members and for promotional advertising, there is a $15 charge for each advertisement in the newsletter, limited to business‐card size, subject to available space and the discretion of the Chapter Board. Advertising does not constitute endorsement Don has been an Enrolled Agent since 1990 and a tax pre‐ by the Inland Empire Chapter of the California Soci‐ parer for 37 years. ety of Tax Consultants. Phone: 909.717.3755 Please contact Hilde Morrow if you would like to Email: [email protected] place an ad. [email protected] THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE PAGE 7 2013 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS The term of office is one year, unless otherwise stated President Barbara Feliciano Serving 1st year of a 2 year term First Vice President Past President Tina Garcia Priscilla Lerma Not an elected position Second Vice President Director— Membership Clint Young & Newsletter Editor Hilde Morrow Treasurer Director—Asst. Treasurer Serving 2nd year of a 2 year term Ann R. Esquivel Ann Mills Secretary Member at Large Janice Coleman Frank Medrano NEWS FROM THE TAX FRONT Re f u n d s fo r c a n c e l ed re g i ste red ta x re t u r n p re pa re r test s Fee amounts collected for scheduled registered tax return preparer test appointments canceled due to the court ordered injunction are being refunded. Additionally, fees collected from return preparers who tested on or after January 18, 2013, the date the test was enjoined, are also being refunded. No addi‐ tional refund or reimbursement requests related to registered tax return preparer regulation are being provided or considered at this time. Email notifications will be provided to those receiving refunds to explain the process. No action is necessary to receive the refund. A credit for the test fee will automati‐ cally be made to the account used to pay the fee. It is anticipated that all refunds will be processed by July 19, 2013. PAGE 8 THE INLAND EMPIRE TAX GAZETTE NEWS FROM THE TAX FRONT IR-2013-52 May 20, 2013 More taxpayers e‐file from home in 2013 WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today provided updated statistics showing continued growth in electronic filing of tax returns. So far in 2013, more than 43 million people have self‐prepared and e‐filed their tax returns from home, an increase of more than 4 percent compared to the prior year. Through May 10, the IRS received more than 43.6 million self‐prepared e‐file returns, up from 41.7 million a year earlier. E‐filed returns from tax professionals increased slightly, reaching almost 70.4 million. In all, almost 114 million tax returns came in through e‐file this year, up from 112.1 million at this point last year. Other highlights from the new filing season statistics show: • During 2013, the IRS issued more than 101 million refunds worth almost $268 billion. • Almost 80 percent of refunds used direct deposit. • More people are using IRS.gov to get answers, file their returns and resolve issues. So far in 2013, the IRS web site has been accessed more than 300 million times, up almost 25 percent compared to the same time last year. Online PTIN system enhancements The IRS has recently made improvements to online PTIN accounts. "Manage My Account" is fully functional, al‐ lowing users to self‐correct almost any field at any time. Users can now view completed continuing education programs reported by IRS‐approved providers beginning with 2013 courses. PTIN holders who plan to take a full year off may inactivate their PTIN voluntarily and then reactivate the same number when they return to work. PTIN holders will receive more secure email messages in the future coming directly from [email protected]. See the RPO Facebook page for more details. IMRS Local Issue 1813 – Entering both an EIN and SSN on Forms 2848 and 8821 The instructions for Forms 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, and 8821, Tax Informa‐ tion Authorization, indicate that users can enter both an SSN and EIN on one form for sole proprietors. Accord‐ ingly, the IRS updated the online fill able Forms 2848 and 8821 on IRS.gov so that both an SSN and an EIN may be input in the case of a sole proprietorship. U p d a t i n g o f E m p l o ye r I d e n t i f i c a t i o n N u m b e rs Final amendments to regulations require any person assigned an Employer Identification Number to provide updated information to the IRS. This will allow the IRS to ascertain the true responsible party for persons who have an EIN and prevent unnecessary delays by allowing the IRS to contact the correct persons when resolv‐ ing a tax matter related to a business with an EIN. For more information, see TD 9617. c/o Hilde Morrow 2058 N Mills Ave PMB 225 Claremont CA 91711 Address Service Requested Educational Dinner Meeting: June 19, 2013 Location: DoubleTree Hotel, Claremont 2013 SOCIETY CALENDAR UPCOMING EVENTS 8/20 Society Board Meeting 9/17‐19 IRS Forum, San Diego, CA 10/16 & 10/17 Autumn Classic, Morongo 11/20 Society Board Meeting 12/5‐6 Tax Bridge W e now offer many on‐line courses ranging from 1 to 8 CE hours. These classes are updated annually and are reasonably priced. More classes will be added. Go to: www.cstcsociety.org & click on the Education Button. CTEC CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS? The address for the Society Office is: 12419 Lewis , Ste 106 Garden Grove, CA 92840 Phone: 714‐750‐CSTC (2782) Fax: 714‐750‐2722 Twenty (20) hours of CTEC-approved continuing education (10 hours of Federal Tax Law, 3 hours Tax Updates, 2 hours Ethics and 5 hours CA). This education must be taken from a CTEC approved curriculum provider and completed by October 31 of each year. CSTC meetings and workshops are approved curriculum providers.
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