Halltech Venom Corvette C5 2001-2004 Installation Instructions By


Halltech Venom Corvette C5 2001-2004 Installation Instructions By
1) Completely remove your stock airbox assembly.
Remove the gray security clip from the MAF connector with a small
screwdriver. You must press down on the small, raised part of the clip
before pulling it off the connector.
Remove the connector by pressing down on its center and then pulling it
off. Tape the connector to the radiator shroud so that it is up and out of
the way.
Remove the 90 degree elbow (AIR hose) and hose from your existing OEM intake. Leave the 90 degree elbow
on the hose for now (not shown correctly in picture, picture shows hose disconnected from elbow to aid in
2) Loosen the 8mm hose clamp that holds the accordion bellows to the
throttle body.
Pop-off the air bridge retainer from the rubber grommets at each side of
the OEM airbridge. See below
3) Remove the air filter and its frame from the airbox. This will allow you to
see the grommets that are keeping the airbox attached to the front part of
the car.
4) Now that you can see the attachment points, reach down near one of the
grommets and pull the front of the airbox toward the engine. Watch the
retaining pin slip through the grommet. Now repeat for the other side’s
Pull the accordion bellows away from the throttle body and remove the
OEM airbox and bridge assembly. You’re halfway there!
Below is a picture of the entire stock airbox assembly removed from the car.
5) Remove the airbox hose end and the airbridge end from the MAF sensor by first
loosening the band clamps and then twisting and pulling. The airbox end will slip
out rather easily, but the airbridge end may take a bit of muscle to disconnect.
6) Take the stock MAF and place it in the freezer. Grab your new Halltech airbridge and a hairdryer. Using the
hairdryer, warm the MAF end of the airbridge (end that does not have the rubber coupling on it). See below.
7) After a minute of warming, pull the MAF out of the freezer and attach the rubber coupling that came with
the Halltech to the back side of the MAF (notice the airflow direction arrow on the MAF) The rubber coupling
goes on the side that the arrow points too. Also make sure you line up the notch on the rubber coupling to
the notch on the MAF. Lay it on a countertop or flat surface, rubber coupling down and front of the MAF
facing up. (see below)
8) Take the warmed airbridge and slide it over the MAF, pressing down firmly until it is seated in place. You
might need to warm the plastic some more with the hairdryer. The finished product should look like below.
Now to install in the car. Place your new filter (plastic removed) into the engine bay where the old filter
assembly was.
9) Grab the entire airbrdge assembly and connect the MAF end to your intake manifold.
10) Using the band clamps, tighten the rubber coupling to the intake manifold.
11) Next, go to the front of the car and reaching in from under the hood, slide the filter into the other end of
the airbidge and tighten the airbridge and filter together until they are snug.
12) Disconnect the clip that holds the MAF cable to the shroud, can be a little tricky as it has a little latch on
You should now be able to get some slack in the MAF plug and be able to plug it back into the MAF, do not
forget to put the little grey locking piece back into the plug.
13) Last but not least, *****Updated 1/31/08**** There is now two versions of the Venom in the marketplace.
Please pull out your air filter from the box and check on the bottom of the filter for a small hole. If you have
the hole on the bottom of your filter skip this section and jump all the way to step 13A, if not continue on to
step 13 skipping steps 13a and b..
13) Next remove the plastic elbow from the A.I.R hose (one you left on in step 1). You can set it aside as you
will not need it anymore. Reusing the clamp that was on the hose. Insert the small filter that came with your
Halltech into the A.I.R. hose and clamp into place. You can just lay the hose with the filter down by the
Halltech filter.
13A) Only use step (13a and b) if you have a hole in the bottom of your air filter. Skip this step if you intake
filter does not have a small hole in the bottom of the filter and came with a small air filter and one large one.
13B) Insert the elbow of your AIR hose (the one you left on in step one) into the bottom of your filter so that it
looks like below.
14) That is it, clean up and enjoy the power of your new Halltech Intake.
Finished product