Congress Committee ISNIP ECNS ISBET
Congress Committee ISNIP ECNS ISBET
It is a great pleasure for us to invite you to the 14th conference of the International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry jointly organized with the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society and the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography. The main topic this year will be: NEUROIMAGING THROUGH THE LIFESPAN: Brain development and brain diseases from adolescence to senescence. Using neuroimaging techniques different aspects of cerebral structure and functioning can be visualized. With the advent of new technologies and tools for image analyses the respective parameters can be monitored with great accuracy. However, little is known about the physiological changes of the brain through the lifespan and their interactions with agerelated diseases (e.g. schizophrenia in adolescence and early adulthood or dementias in advanced age). The Heidelberg ISNIP conference aims at stimulating systematic research in these fields and to facilitate clinical application. Hence, researchers from all areas of neuroimaging are cordially invited. The conference is hosted by the Heidelberg Ruprecht-Karls-University within the framework of the 625 years anniversary and will be held at the traditional university building situated in the heart of the old town. N. Andreasen (Iowa),M. Bendszus (Heidelberg), I. Bodis-Wollner (New York), N. Boutros (Detroit) M. Buchsbaum (San Diego), R. Chan (Hong Kong), P. Dazzan (London), B. Desgranges (Caen), K. Erickson (Pittsburgh), M. Essig (Heidelberg), A. Fallgatter (Tübingen), W. Fleischhacker (Innsbruck), H. Flor (Mannheim) H. Förstl (München), J. Foucher (Strassbourg) L. Frölich (Mannheim), J. Funke (Heidelberg) S. Galderisi (Naples), U. Haberkorn (Heidelberg) A. Heinz (Berlin), S. Herpertz (Heidelberg) T. Kircher (Marburg), V. Magnotta (Iowa) H. Markowitsch (Bielefeld), A. Meyer-Lindenberg (Mannheim), F. Ortuno (Pamplona), J. Pantel (Frankfurt), P. Piolino (Paris) O. Pogarell (Munich), N. Ramsey (Utrecht) L. Schad (Mannheim), H-P. Schlemmer (Heidelberg), F. Schneider (Düsseldorf), P. Schönknecht (Leipzig), W. Skrandies (Gießen), J. Suvisaari (Helsinki), B. Taneli (Bursa), P. Toro (Santiago de Chile), J. Touchon (Montpellier), M. Weißbrod (Heidelberg) We are looking forward to an inspiring conference. Congress Secretary J. Schröder T. Dierks Congress Committee ISNIP Congress Presidents President Thomas Dierks (Bern) J. Schröder (Heidelberg) T. Dierks (Bern) Scientific Committee Organising Committee J. Schröder (Heidelberg) T. Dierks (Bern) M.M. Lässer (Heidelberg) O. Pogarell (Munich) C. Sattler (Heidelberg) W. Skrandies (Giessen) B. Wendelstein (Heidelberg) R. Drokur (Heidelberg) President elect Johannes Schröder (Heidelberg) Past President Konrad Maurer (Frankfurt) Treasurer Oliver Pogarell (Munich) Secretary Vinzent Magnotta (Iowa City) Journal Liason Officer Monte S. Buchsbaum (San Diego) ECNS President Silvana Galderisi (Naples) President elect Dean Salisbury (Boston) Secretary Dean Salisbury (Boston) Treasurer Norman Moore (Johnson City) ISBET Co-Chairmen Wolfgang Skrandies (Giessen) Silvana Galderisi (Naples) Secretary Koichi Hirata (Tochigi) Secretary-Treasurer Thomas Dierks (Bern) Honorary Emeritus Chairman Dietrich Lehmann (Zurich) Honorary Founding Chairman Konrad Maurer (Frankfurt) Call for Abstracts Registration We would like to invite you to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations as well as research symposia sessions. Submission is possible via the conference website. Deadline: May 20, 2011 Registration fees: Topics of Interest include: • brain changes in early life • age related brain changes • training related brain changes • pathological brain changes • clinical application of neuroimaging • new methodological developments of neuroimaging techniques • methods of obtaining images and computer processing of the images • clinical and experimental neuroimaging studies • postprocessing and image analysis • others Publication: Accepted abstracts will be published in a Book of Abstracts which will be distributed at the Conference. Authors of outstanding contributions will be invited to submit a paper on their topic to “Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging”. Poster / Young scientist award A best poster / young scientist award will be awarded for the three best contributions each one sponsored by ISNIP, ISBET, and ECNS, respectively. Members ISNIP/ECNS/ISBET Non-members Student fee Until March 18 2011 200 € Until August 31 2011 250 € 250 € 150 € 300 € 200 € Full registration includes: • Admission to scientific sessions • Congress material including Book of Abstracts • Refreshments during coffee breaks • Lunch on September 8 & 9 • Welcome Reception on September 7 • Get-together on September 9 ISNIP 2011 Joint meeting INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR NEUROIMAGING IN PSYCHIATRY ---------INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR BRAIN ELECTROMAGNETIC TOPOGRAPHY ---------EEG & CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE SOCIETY Neuroimaging through the lifespan: Brain development and brain diseases from adolescence to senescence Student registration: The number of places is limited and early application is recommended. An evidence of affiliation and status must be attached to the application. Registration and Abstract submission via Congress homepage: Congress Secretariat: +49 6221 56 36200 Fax: +49 6221 56 5327 [email protected] September 7 – 10, 2011 University of Heidelberg Germany Announcement & Call for Abstracts