European adventure - The Sherando Times
European adventure - The Sherando Times
The Sherando Times Volume II, Issue 17 Stephens City • Middletown • Kernstown Stephens City gets a new mayor FREE European adventure 11 year old becomes student ambassador April 28 - May 4, 2010 8 but she’s a familiar face 2 School budget approved. 4 Page • The Sherando Times • April 28 - May 4, 2010 Stephens City Read all issues in their entirety FREE on To advertise in The Sherando Times please contact Angie Buterakos: [email protected] • 540-683-9197 or Alison Duvall: [email protected] • 540-551-2072 Meet Stephens City’s next mayor Unopposed, Joy Shull will be town’s first female leader Unchallenged candidate Joy Shull will soon become Stephens City’s first female mayor. By Brandon Davis The Sherando Time After serving 16 years as the Mayor of Stephens City, Ray Ewing will step down after the town elections, held on May 4th. Taking his place will be unopposed mayor candidate Joy Shull, who will be the first woman mayor of Stephens City. Shull lived in Winchester prior to moving to Stephens City in 1972, where she taught at Handley High school for 33 years as an Earth Science teacher before retiring in 2000. Not a new face at town meetings, Shull has served as Councilwoman for 30 years. According to her this is the longest anyone has ever severed on a town council in the state of Virginia. Joy Shull sat down with The Sherando Times to share a little about herself and her future as the town’s mayor. Davis: Why do you think you’re qualified to be Mayor of Stephens City? Shull: Well, I have been Vice Mayor for most of those years (as a Councilwoman) and I’m pretty familiar with the routine and what is going on. And that’s one of the things that I think is important for continuity. We have so many projects going on right now for someone to walk in who hasn’t at least served on Town Council or have been part of the workings of the town it would be very difficult. Davis: What do you see as the town’s biggest issues it faces? Shull: I don’t think we have any major issue that’s facing us. We have some ongoing projects of course the one that is close to my heart because I have been Chairman of Water and Sewer all these years is expanding and upgrading our system. We have development going into the north of us that we need to provide the infrastructure for, so that’s a major thing. Davis: So, on the flipside what do you see as the positives or the strengths of the town? Shull: The town itself and its citizens. I think we have a nice community here where the citizens seem to enjoy living in this environment. They are supportive, interested in the town, and I think they want to keep that small town atmosphere but yet they want to have some of the modern conveniences too. Davis: What would be your top two or three goals as mayor or in Shull: I’d like to have a smooth transition because we will have a new council member because Mike Grim is not running for council. We’ll have a replacement for me and I’ll be the new mayor, so there will be some transition there and I would like it to go smoothly. Without any major interruptions to anything that is going on. Of course we have a very good staff and they keep us straight when need be. Then I’d like to see the major projects are completed the way they should be and not just haphazardly. I’d like to have good relations with our neighbors and I think that’s important. I have lived here for over 40 years now and we have people that were here before I was but then there are also people who move in and move out. I’d like to have perhaps more contact with the citizens and the town and get feedback and information for them. I hope that they always feel like my door is open and that they can always come and talk. To me that is important. Davis: I know you’re going to start your first four year term but do you think you will run again as Mayor? Shull: I’ll consider it when the time comes. Let me get through the fist term. I have found that each time I came up for reelection for council that I was in the mist of some big project or the other words what would you like to have finished or at least have gotten started? SNEAKERS EDUCATIONAL CHILDCARE Ages 6 weeks to 12 years Full Time & Part Time Monday thru Friday 6:30 am - 6 pm SNEAKERS SUMMER CAMP DATES June 14-18, 21-25, 28-7/2 July 5-9, 12-16, 19-23, 26-30 August 2-6, 9-13, 16-20 Call (540) 869-2750 for information and to schedule a tour Read all issues in their entirety FREE on April 28 - May 4, 2010 • The Sherando Times • Page To advertise in The Sherando Times please contact Angie Buterakos: [email protected] • 540-683-9197 or Alison Duvall: [email protected] • 540-551-2072 The Sherando Times Stephens City Kernstown Middletown town was and I wanted to see it through to the end. So, I’d say ok I’ll stick around for another four years. Davis: Are you in favor of raising town taxes to provide more services for locals or are you in favor of maintaining tax levels and pro- Stephens City viding the core services? Shull: We have always tried to maintain our taxes and keep Touching Life: SHEDDING WEIGHT. SHEDDING MEDICINE. Press releases should be emailed to: [email protected] Publisher & Editor Daniel P. McDermott (540) 692-9636 [email protected] Davis: This is my last question and it should be an easy one. What’s your favorite hobby or interest? News Reporters: Shull: I give a great deal of my time to my church. I’m an elder in the church and a treasurer at the church. I take a Bible study that’s there, so a good bit of my free time is donated to the church. Brandon Davis [email protected] Sharon Hinkle (540) 336-7872 [email protected] Advertising Sales Representatives: Angie Buterakos (540) 683-9197 [email protected] Alison Duvall (540) 551-2072 [email protected] Sandy Larrick [email protected] Layout and Ad Design Jeff Richmond Terri Schuyler them low. Stephens City is very conservative and we have been extremely lucky with our finances. We are in a lot better position than a lot of small towns our size. So, hopefully we can keep them low. I think maybe only once or twice since I have been on council have we had to raise taxes and its been a very small amount. The Council has always been very conservative and has watched their money. Water and sewer have gone up a number of times simply in response to higher regulations from the state. When we joined with Frederick County their increases affect us and we have to pass it on. Just to raise them? No, we don’t. Every time we have had to raise we felt that we we’re definitely justified in that increase. Davis: What church is it? Weight was their opponent. Don and Lori Johnson fought it. With the help of the Bariatric Program at Winchester Medical Center they lost 300 pounds and opened doors that had been closed. The Martinsburg couple goes to movies again, and sporting events. They take long walks. And thanks to diet and exercise there is an added bonus. Their prescriptions for high blood pressure and type II diabetes are no longer needed. If weight is your opponent, see if we can touch your life too. Lori tells her story at Billing Coordinator: [email protected] Cartoonist: Ryan Koch (540) 536-0010 If you are interested in contributing articles to our paper, please e-mail: [email protected] Winchester Medial Center Bariatric Program A Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence™ Shull: The Sherando Presbyterian Church. I also have dog I devote the rest of my time to. She demands that she goes for a walk twice a day. Davis: What kind of dog is it? Shull: A mutt. Davis: Hey, that’s the best kind of dog. Shull: Their the only kind according to my father. But, I lost my husband two years ago so I’m kind of reconnecting my energies. And that was one of the reasons I decided to run for mayor. I no longer had the obligations at home and responsibilities I had in the past. I feel like I have the time to devote to whatever needs to be done. Davis: Thanks for chatting with us today. [email protected] Page • The Sherando Times • April 28 - May 4, 2010 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on To advertise in The Sherando Times please contact Angie Buterakos: [email protected] • 540-683-9197 or Alison Duvall: [email protected] • 540-551-2072 Schools Struggle against a $3 million shortfall ends 2010-2011 school year budget is approved supplies and a $700,000 cut in technology equipment. It was also proposed to raise high school parking fees, require ‘pay to participate’ fees for middle and high school sports, change the kindergarten program to an alternating full day schedule and eliminate freshman sports. The General Assembly revised the state budget however and the county’s public schools would only face a $3 million short fall. At the Board’s meeting on March 26th, Schools Superintendent Patricia Taylor said, “The budget approved by the General Assembly significantly reduced our budget short fall primarily by reducing the contributions school divi- See BUDGET, pg 6 1911 Valley Ave. • Winchester, VA 22601 The cut of freshman sports will reduce the chance of play time for many young high school athletes who will battle upperclassmen for the opportunity. It is also plausible to assume that competitiveness in Junior Varsity and Varsity sports could dwindle due to a lack of experience on the field or court. By Brandon Davis The Sherando Time On April 20th the School Board unanimously approved the 2010- 2011 fiscal school year budget for Frederick County Public Schools. Battling what the board thought was a $7.1 million budget short fall, many unpopular proposals 540-667-4434 800-572-2506 were made earlier this year to close in the gap. This included a loss of 39 full time employee positions, a 1.5 percent pay reduction, a 10 percent cut in instructional F-150 Spring Time garden CenTer 815 Warren Ave, Front Royal, VA (Across From Wendy’s) 540-635-8765 Now Open 7 days a Week! Field Grown Trees: Every Day Low Prices on Scott’s SoilProducts Dogwoods: White-Pink-Red Starting at $39.95 Flowering Plums Miracle-Gro Garden Soil and Miracle-grow Starting at $49.95 Moisture Control Grow Soil Get $2.00 Back on Purchase of Either Product Flowering Cleveland Pears 6’ -7’ $39.95 Limit 5 Offer from 4-1-10 thru 5-31-10 1 1/2” caliper $59.95 2” caliper $99.95 Grow Your Own Vegetables Maples-Oaks Vegetable Plants 3 or 4 pack $1.25 6’ tall to 3” caliper Japanese 3 gallon Maples Herbs $1.25 each in a terra cotta pot $39.95 Strawberry Plants 3 pack $1.80 and Bulk Mulch Perennials starting at $1.25 each Bagged Pick up or Delivery Save!! Enter our drawing Our Goal Is to Offer The BEST to Win an Amish Swing necessary ($159 value) Quality Plants at the No purchase One entry per person Valley’s BEST Prices!! Drawing to be held May 8th We Encourage You to Name Shop and Compare. :H·UH&RQÀGHQW<RX Address Will Make Us Your Last Stop! We Accept- Phone Read all issues in their entirety FREE on April 28 - May 4, 2010 • The Sherando Times • Page “Serving The Valley with High-tech Dentistry and Old-fashioned Service” Thomas Family Dentistry, PC General Dentistry Offering: Come See Our New Office Beside Denny’s • Student Classroom • Behind-the-Wheel • Re-Examinations Rt. 11 North, Strasburg Next Driving School Beginning June 21 (Accelerated Course: Finish in 9 days) Call for more info Dr. Stephen J. Thomas DDS Dr. Kenneth J. Thomas DDS NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! 540-622-6900 ZZZ9$3,672/FRP &RXUVH5HJLVWUDWLRQ2QOLQHRUDW2XU6WRUH 6WRUH2SHQ0RQ:HG)UL6DW6XQ30WR30 2IILFH6WRUH %X\*XQVDW2XU6WRUHRU21/,1(DWZZZ)521752<$/*816FRP See Our Website for Monthly Promotions Party Supply Store 7UDLQLQJDQG$UPLQJ9LUJLQLDQV -RKQ0DUVKDOO+Z\5W/LQGHQ9$ HOURS: Monday through Thursday 7am - 5pm 33820 Old Valley Pike (Rt. 11) • Strasburg, VA 22657 ),5($50675$,1,1* 9,5*,1,$3,672///& Patient Friendly Payment Plans Available 540-465-3980 214 East Jackson Street • Front Royal, VA &RQFHDOHG&DUU\&RXUVHV *XQV$PPR$FFHVVRULHV All Phases of Dentistry Including: • Cleanings And Exams • Invisalign • Orthodontics • Extractions • Partials And Dentures • Implants Dino’s LAWNMOWING & ODD JOBS NOW ACCEPTING NEW CUSTOMERS! (540) 622-2509 502 Rolling Valley Lane Front Royal, VA [email protected] Party Supplies for all occasions! Your Party Supply Store for all your Apple Blossom Party Supplies! Senior Citizen Saturday SAVE 10% Largest Retailer of Toys in the Area! Martins Shopping Center ~ Stephens City Teacher Tuesday SAVE 10% 540-869-1629 Celebrating 10 Years of Ministry SUNDAY, MAY 2, 10:30 a.m. TUESDAY, MAY 11, 7:00 P.M. Special Service with Guest Speaker Tedd Manning Love Offering Event • Seating Pass Required $10 advance, $20 at door Dynamic Life Praise & Worship Center 1600 John Marshall Highway • Front Royal • (540) 636-9595 • Page • The Sherando Times • April 28 - May 4, 2010 To advertise in The Sherando Times please contact Angie Buterakos: [email protected] • 540-683-9197 or Alison Duvall: [email protected] • 540-551-2072 Schools BUDGET from pg 4 sions will be required to make to the Virginia Retirement System.” FCPS Coordinator of Policy, Records Management, and Communication Steve Edwards explained that, “In the current fiscal year, we spent approximately $10.5 million on VRS contributions in the School Operating Fund. In FY11, the contribution will be reduced by just over $3 million due to the reduction in the VRS rates approved by the General Assembly.” With this cost relief on the schools’ budget the proposed reduction of 39 full time employees was revised to cut down to just eight positions along with the elimination of a salary decrease. The pay to participate fee was also altered to charge not middle school but high school athletes with a fee of $75 per sport, a student cost that the board’s press release stated would contribute to coaching salaries. The elimination of freshman sports however was finalized in the budget last Tuesday. Edwards said that, “$53,912 is being saved in the School Operating Fund. Each high school also will realize savings in their School Activity Fund.” He later wrote that, “it is important to note that freshmen will still be able to participate in athletics at the JV level STAR BEAUTY SCHOOL START WITH A NEW CAREER! • Easy Monthly Payments Plan • Hands-On Training •All Equipment Supplied • Full-Time & Part-Time Classes Walk-Ins Welcome Read all issues in their entirety FREE on Tues.-Fri. 9-8pm; Sat. 9-2pm 540-723-0725 25% OFF Tuition w/Coupon 219 MILLWOOD AVE. • WINCHESTER, VA (We Are Not Affiliated With Any Other School) New Students Always Welcome although the freshman sports are being eliminated.” Still the cut of freshman sports will reduce the chance of play time for many young high school athletes who will battle upperclassmen for the opportunity. It is also plausible to assume that competitiveness in Junior Varsity and Varsity sports could dwindle due to a lack of experience on the field or court. Will the School Board eventually bring back freshman sports if given the chance? Edwards said that, “This is a question the school board would have to answer.” It is also important to note that the School Board did not go along with the proposal to change the kindergarten program into an alternating full day schedule. Instead, after hearing a strong voice of dislike by parents at a public hearing session in February, the Board decided to keep the current half day kindergarten program for now. The Board is still looking at other options for kindergarten and is committed to eventually establishing a full day schedule. Although the budget shortfall was closed this will be the second consecutive year that school operating costs have been cut. The total funding for this budget is roughly $153.6 million. The school operating fund will require $123.7 million of that total alone. In 2010 the school operating costs were reduced by $3.9 million and an additional $7.6 million reduction will be dealt in 2011. On top of that the county schools are still facing increases in student enrollment with 250 more students expected next year than in 2009. LAND SURVEYING & PLANNING Land is our most important tangible asset and investment. The services provided by Haynes Adams Associates enhance the marketability, value and security of that investment. LAND SERVICES COMPANY 303 S. LOUDOUN ST. WINCHESTER, VA. Mortgage Surveys, Deck Surveys, Boundary Surveys, Rural & Commercial Subdivisions, Site Inspections, Boundary Disputes, Easements. 540-931-8130 [email protected] Auto - Home - Boat - Motorcycle - Renters ** IMMEDIATE SR 22 & FR 44** EXTENDED HOURS FOR THE COMMUTERS!! MONDAY & FRIDAY 9am TIL 8pm Wednesday & Thursday 9am til 5pm Saturday 9am til 3pm CLOSED Tuesday & Sunday Call or email today for a “FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE” and ask about our referral program [email protected] 377 Fairfax Pike Ste 3 Stephens City, VA 22655 Chuck Whitacre Owner/Agent 540-869-4366 “ WE BUY OLD GOLD ” In the K-Mart Shopping Center Next to Radio Shack Ample Parking • Modern Showroom “The Chain Reaction” Bring us your unwanted jewelry, old gold, broken gold, vintage watches and coins, and we will turn them into CASH!!! “Bill Tanner / Jeweler / Gemologist / Your Friend In The Jewelry Industry” On-Site Jewelry Repair and Engraving. Open Mon. - Sat. 10 til 6 Many Repairs Done The Same Day. Stop by and see our fabulous selection of “Mother’s Rings” 60 styles to choose from! 540-636-7210 540-636-7210 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on April 28 - May 4, 2010 • The Sherando Times • Page To advertise in The Sherando Times please contact Angie Buterakos: [email protected] • 540-683-9197 or Alison Duvall: [email protected] • 540-551-2072 Send your brief news items to: [email protected] Middletown Resident Promoted to Sergeant The Fairfax County Sheriff ’s Office is proud to announce the promotion of James A. Santmyers to Sergeant. Santmyers of Middletown, Virginia received his Certificate of Promotion from Sheriff Stan Barry at a ceremony on April 20, 2010 in the Fairfax County Courthouse. Santmyers is a twelve-year veteran of the Sheriff ’s Office and is currently assigned to the Pre-Release Center . He is also a member of the Sheriff ’s Intelligence Unit and Project Lifesaver team. The Sheriff ’s Office is committed to the highest standards of excellence to protect the safety and well being of its employees, inmates and all who live in, do business with, or visit Fairfax County . The Sheriff ’s Office is accredited by the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission, the National Commission on Correctional Health Care and the American Correctional Association. Parents Encouraged to Discuss Dangerous Game with Their Children The Frederick County Public Schools Student Support Services Department has become aware of a growing issue that is posing a great risk to area students. Over the past week, school staff has become aware of an increasing number of students playing a dangerous game known by a number of names including California High, Pass Out, Tap Out and Knock Out. This activity is truly a “game” to kids as it produces a euphoric high like drugs. Frederick County Public Schools Health Services Coordinator Pam Unhoch says, “The game is a serious health concern because individuals who play and pass out could be injured as a result of a fall. In addition, the game can cause seizures, brain damage and possibly cause the heart to stop beating. Those who have played the game may exhibit symptoms including dizziness, blood shot eyes, disorientation or headaches.” Frederick County Public Schools Director of Student Support Services Mitch Peeling says, “This is a community issue. Parents need to speak with their children about the dangers of playing this game. Anyone who needs additional in- TheSkincare Black Rose Studio & Gift Gallery Olde Town Mall 15 S. Loudoun Street 540-542-6160 10% OFF With this coupon! Professional Skincare. Jewelry, Houseware and Clothing. The news formation should contact their child’s school nurse or Mrs. Unhoch at 540-662-3889 x88131.” Additional information on the game can be found online at http://www.healthleader. Newtown Local Market The Stephens City ‘farmers’ market’ opens on Saturday, May 29, from 7 am - noon during the Newtown Heritage Festival and then goes through the season until October every Thursday, 4-7 pm at The Commons. The NLM is different from other markets: vendors must live within 20 miles of Stephens City, all products must be grown/raised/ made locally by the vendor, nothing is cooked on site, and there is no vendor fee to set up. We are local people supporting local people. Please call if you have questions Angela Mohr 869-8529 or Kate Fravel at The Flower Center 8694494. And shop! Continued pg 11 A Newtown Heritage Festival New Commemorative Wagon Bank Only $20.00. Made in America. A must have for collectors, is available for purchase NOW at Stephens City Town Hall. The festival is on Saturday May 29th opening at 10 am and will have Artisans, Crafts and Food Vendors, Live Music, FREE Tractor Rides to tour Town, Shops, Museums and Newtown Local Market. A Parade at 2 pm and Fireworks at close approx. 9 pm. Free Admission and Parking Goldizen, Riley & Co. Real Estate James A. Santmyers of Middletown has been promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office! The Sherando Times $5.00 OFF HAIRDRESSER Any Service NEEDED Angie Buterakos Advertising Sales Cell: (540) 683-9197 [email protected] Electric Guitar, Bass Setup and Repair “THE SETUP” Guitar lessons, Band and Equipment Consultation 540-539-6142 “Don’t get fed up, Get Setup!” Sandy Larrick [email protected] The Sherando Times Alison Duvall Advertising Sales Cell: (540) 551-2072 [email protected] Page • The Sherando Times • April 28 - May 4, 2010 Stephens City Read all issues in their entirety FREE on “I’m really excited about going to art museums because I’ve done oil painting before and I really want to see the Louvre. “ – Devyn Drago 11 year-old headed to Europe Aylor Middle School student selected as People to People ambassador many parents left after hearing the price of the trip. “One day we got something in the mail that said I was nominated to be a part of People to People and to come to a meeting to find out more information,” states Devyn. When she had her personal interviews in the fall when she was 10, family members recall that the questioners were amazed at her maturity for her age. The application process was extensive, but after a one-on-one personal interview and three recommendations from teachers Devyn, also know as DeeDee, received the good news last December. Since then she has been participating in monthly project meetings where all candidates are required to meet with their age group to connect locally with the other students to build friendships and create projects on all three countries prior to traveling abroad. “None of the children knew each other prior to meeting through the program,” says Shelley. The next meeting will be at Skyline Drive for a hiking experience. The leader wants Natural Art Garden Center Annuals ~ Vegetables ~ Perennials ~ Fruit trees & bushes ~ Natives Evergreens ~ the Unusual ~ Gardening supplies PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGNER & CONSULTANT ON STAFF! (540) 436-3130 11 year-old Aylor Middle School student Devyn Drago was accepted into the People to People Student Ambassador program and will be headed to Europe. By Sharon Hinkle The Sherando Times The student ambassador program for this summer’s trip to France, Greece and Italy will include 11 year old Devyn Denise Drago from Robert E. Aylor Mid- dle School. She was excited be chosen as a representative. Devyn was nominated by a teacher for the program. Her parents Shelley and Marty Drago were invited to James Wood Middle School to hear of the opportunity. Shelley states that Blake & Co. Hair Spa The 24th Annual Virginia Wine and Craft Festival will be held Saturday, May 15, 2010 in historic downtown Front Royal, Virginia The festival hours are 10 a.m. – 6 p.m 540.635.4033 • 1201 Shenandoah Ave. Front Royal, VA 27358 Old Valley Pike, Toms Brook, VA 22660 Spring Hours: Mon-Sat 8am to 6pm ~ Sunday 10am to 4pm Mother’s Day Special $5 off 12” Combo Hanging Baskets (regular $34.95) Good thru May 9th Mention coupon Ask about our free workshops I-81(exit 291), Toms Brook. Turn east on Mt Olive Rd., to stop sign at Rt 11. Turn right on Rt 11, take immediate left by Wymer’s Auto Repair. Parking at greenhouse. Lucky Star Lounge Open Monday through Friday at 11 AM Saturday at 1 Lunch and Dinner Specials and Live Entertainment Patio Dining Front Royal’s FAVORITE MUSIC VENUE Monday Night Apr 28 - John Landes Apr 29 - Ralph Fortune Apr 30 - Dry Mill Road Trivia NighT at 8pm Check out our Patio Special on TACO TUESDAYS May 1 - Concrete Blues May 3 - Dave Pepper May 4 *Election Night* With Shae Parker Join us every THURSDAY for CRABCAKES! 205A East Main Street, Front Royal 540-635-5297 Visit us online at or Read all issues in their entirety FREE on April 28 - May 4, 2010 • The Sherando Times • Page Stephens City “We are very proud that she has been chosen to have this opportunity. This is something she will never forget.” – Joyce Yancy Largent the children to start walking on a regular basis to prepare them for the amount of walking to various locations abroad. Parents are not allowed to attend the trip; however, teachers and other education providers are escorting them to ensure it Graduation Catering Specials Available “Ain’t Nothin’ as Sweet as Big Daddy’s Meat!” Call For Details! Visit us on Facebook! BigDaddysBBQRestaurant 181-A Warrior Dr., Stephens City, VA (540) 868-9866 • will be a total learning experience. Their agenda is packed with various learning activities including museums, Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Coliseum in Italy, and other historical landmarks. “I’m excited for her, but also nervous. She has never been away from home and certainly not for 20 days. It is a wonderful opportunity for her and we support her all the way,” states Shelley. According to the the program involves “Traveling to the South Pacific, Asia, Europe and many other destinations, People to People Student Ambassador Programs offer students in grades 5-12 life- changing educational journeys that foster friendship, build the foundation for personal success, and offer unique access to people, places, and activities. Program delegations are built around local communities, so students make friends locally before they travel globally.” Before Student Ambassadors embark on their program, students and families will join us for orientation meetings that prepare them for the journey. Students participate in four three- Anthony’s Pizza Dine In - Carry Out - Delivery 5460 Main St. Stephens City 869-9055 FREE Medium Pizza when you purchase any large pizza at regular price Specials Stephens City Only Now Serving Taco Salads 'SPOU3PZBM I-66 & Rt 522 North of Front Royal ENRICHING CREATIVE We Deliver! 540.636.2901 Great Deals at EXCITING Digital Arts Camps Designed for Ages 7 to 17 Weekly from end of June to mid August 2007 MAZDA CX-7 SPORT 2008 FORD FOCUS S 30K, AUTO, MOONROOF, BOSE 26K, 5 SPD, 1 OWNER LOCAL TRADE #1006A WAS $14,995 #R1008 NOW $9,580 Movie Making Clay Animation Video Game Animation Audio Production 2-D & 3-D Video Games Robotics WAS $22,995 NOW $16,950 Nails • Tans • White Smiles! Salon Cesura Experience...time for You! Apple Blossom Special! Register Today! For full details visit: or contact us at: 540-868-7021 / 540-351-1524 Get your smile 2-7 shades WHITER less than 1 hour! 30 Min. Treatment $125 and receive 10 Level 3 Tans FREE! (Reg. $50) Call Now! 540.869.7653 X Stephens City, VA Page 10 • The Sherando Times • April 28 - May 4, 2010 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on To advertise in The Sherando Times please contact Angie Buterakos: [email protected] • 540-683-9197 or Alison Duvall: [email protected] • 540-551-2072 Stephens City Devyn Drago works on a Greek culture project required for the People to People Ambassador program in order to prepare her for the trip abroad. hour or six two-hour orientation meetings to introduce them and their parents to their local delegation. The orientation meetings also teach families about the program’s mission which includes: the importance of Ambassadorial behavior abroad, educates students and families about the culture and history of destination countries, provide students and parents with detailed information about what program participants need to pack, gives delegates and their families the opportunity to review all air, land, and/or sea travel details, allow everyone to review and discuss safety policies and procedures and provides an opportunity to ask any other questions participants and their families may have about the journey. Joyce Yancy Largent, Devyn’s grandmother, highly regards the program and states, “The program has astounded me.” The People to People website educates the community in the academic portion of the program which includes academic recognition available to delegates as GOLD Turn AND SILVER PRICES ARE UP! your gold into green! Sell your Unwanted 18K paying up to $660.00 ozt or Broken Jewelry! 14K paying up to $500.00 ozt We buy old gold and silver 10K paying up to $300.00 ozt everyday in$13.00 anyoztcondition! Sterling Silver paying Newtown Antiques and Pawn (540) 869-2669 5441 Main Street Stephens City, VA BUY, SELL LOAN Here! part of their program that varies with the students’ age. Devyn qualifies in grades 5-8 which earn a Certificate of Completion from the Washington School of World Studies. This can be attached to a student’s educational portfolio to help add credibility on scholarship and university applications and may be presented to classroom teachers for possible extra credit. Students in grades 9-12 earn one semester elective social studies credit and 10 service-learning hours from the Washington School of World Studies for completion of a community service project while on the program. Also, athletes in grades 9-12 earn one semester elective physical education credit, as well as one semester elective social studies credit. Students in grades 7-12 have the option of enrolling with Eastern Washington University (EWU) to complete additional work and earn 1-5 college credits on a wide range of topics at a reasonable cost. It is suggested that getting a head start on a college education shows admissions officers an impressive independence and interest in the world. The students are required to fund their own trip so fundraising began right away. Since DeeDee will be travelling for 20 days abroad in Europe the cost is $7,000. The family did not want to just take money from those willing to help; they decided to sell tickets for a chance at a prize. The first one proved to be difficult trying to raffle a 32” flat screen television, but the second fundraiser for a chance to win a Vera Bradley 3 piece set was most successful. The family purchases the prize themselves and takes a picture so that ticket buyers know exactly what they have a chance in winning. The family continues its efforts on a monthly basis to bring funds to each meeting. A possible host family in one country will provide lodging during the travels, otherwise students will stay in five-star hotels. Grandma Largent reflects on the entire selection process and preparations saying, “It has been a huge honor, not that other students haven’t been able to do this, but we are honored to have been chosen. [The family] will probably never be able to go to these countries, but we have asked DeeDee to take pictures so that we can live this experience with her. We are very proud that she has been chosen to have this opportunity. This is something she will never forget.” “One reason I am so proud of my granddaughter is because she is a year ahead in school. She started her education in private school early and continued in the advanced grade in public school and is an honor student. It is amazing to me, and we have great aspirations for her. She is in youth group at church and is very ambitious. We keep her busy so that she doesn’t sway the wrong way. We hope this will work. There is so much this day and age where children do things you don’t expect them to do,” states Grandma Largent. When asked about her favorite part of the upcoming trip Devyn eagerly stated, “I’m really excited about going to art museums because I’ve done oil painting before and I really want to see the Louvre. I’ve taken class with Jacqueline Bray in Stephens City through Artistically Framed.” She also admits that her favorite classes in school are art and U.S. history. The family is working to help prepare DeeDee for trip including grandparents Bradley and Joyce Largent, Ken and Pam Fahnestock and Dona Dewitt. For more information about the People to People program visit To help with fundraising opportunities contact Shelley Drago at 540-868-2329. Vantel Pearls representative Anita McGill will be working with Shelley for the next fundraiser on May 22 at 7:00. Please call to reserve a spot for the showcase event. All profit will be donated to the Dragos. A booth will also be set up at the Newtown Heritage Festival on May 29-30. [email protected] Read all issues in their entirety FREE on April 28 - May 4, 2010 • The Sherando Times • Page 11 To advertise in The Sherando Times please contact Angie Buterakos: [email protected] • 540-683-9197 or Alison Duvall: [email protected] • 540-551-2072 The news Annual Award Night for the Sherando Band on May 6th. The doors will open at 5:30 p.m., with dinner at 6:00 p.m. The night’s festivities will include our scholarship awards, presentation of senior certificates, and general acknowledgement of gratitude for a great year in band. Our evening will finish with a slideshow prepared by a band student, Matt Staton. Fire Truck Pull The Two Seeds The Rise of Islam America was founded on Christian principles which are being destroyed on all fronts. God warned that if we abandoned His righteous ways that evil would come up in our midst. On May 8th, 1:30pm at the Ashburn library you’ll have a chance to learn why this is happening and how it has reached into many of our institutions. We are the Northern Va. Church of God, part of the Churches of God and for over 70 years have warned of these last days. We teach God’s laws, His Sabbaths & Holy days, keeping them as the early Church and Apostles did. Glenn Douglas Williams - Church of God Ministries International Northern Virginia Church of God We do not take collections or solicit for money. 703-268-4201 Dresses For All Occasions and Price Ranges Bride • Bridesmaid • Flower Girl Baptism • First Communion 15th Birthday (Wedding and 15th Birthday must be ordered) Mexiguanaca Dresses 2022 S. Loudoun St. •Winchester, VA (Across from Norvac Lock) Hours: 10am - 8pm • 7 Days a week 540.722.0177 Area 13 Special Olympics 4th Annual Fire Truck Pull is Saturday, May 15th at McCoy’s Dairy Bar, 320 Fairfax Pike, Stephens City. Registration at 10:30am. Competition at 12:00pm. Registration is open to the public. Truck Pull is for registered teams only. Ten person teams. Visit or email [email protected]. Free Admission. Antique Tractor & Gasoline Engine Club Show 21st Annual Massanutten Antique Tractor & Gasoline Engine Club Show. June 11, 12 & 13. Open 9 am. Woodstock, Va Shenandoah County Fair Grounds. I81 exit 283 Bohlman’s Cleaning Service Weekly or Bi Weekly Commercial or Residential Over 10 years experience Free Estimates No Job Too Big or Small Any Area $20.00 Off a first time clean $25.00 Off a spring clean Licensed & Insured Laura Bohlman More Info. Contact 540 333-6834. 2010 Feature Tractor “Ford.” Feature Engine “Fairbanks Morse.” PIA auction Annual PIA auction at Shenandoah Valley Christian Academy. May 22. Silent Auction starts at 3 pm until 6 pm, Main auction starts at 5:00 until finished. Concessions will be available. Benefits the PIA/Teachers’ wish lists. Open to the public “We want all to come and bid on items, get something to eat and have a great time.” Newtown Heritage Festival May 28th- May 30, 2010. Canning Workshop Are you canning safely? Is it time to update your methods? Join other experienced canners to discuss the latest updates and share your secret recipes at The Experienced Canner’s Workshop. May 27th and June 3rd, Noon – 1 pm. Bowman Library – Meeting Room. Register today by calling – (540) 665-5699. $10 for both sessions (fee paid at 1st session for materials.) Spay Today Spay Today is the local low-cost, non-profit spay and neuter program for cats and dogs in this Springfield Computers • PC & Mac • New & Used Sales • In-Home Repairs • In-Shop Repairs (540) 325-0590 Fax (540) 477-4326 510 N. Royal Ave. • Front Royal A Star Performance Everytime! [email protected] 540-622-8055 On the Road Driving School, LLC Garland T. Williams, Owner 5336 Water Street, Stephens City, VA 22655 Ph: (540) 869-6105 Cell: (540) 247-3197 [email protected] Driver Education Class April 6 - May 15 Classes at 153 Narrow Ln. Mt. View Christian Academy Stephens City, VA WE HAVE ONLINE DRIVER IMPROVEMENT CLASSES area. Spay Today works with local vets to obtain lower prices for spaying and neutering cats and dogs + initial tests and shots at the time of surgery. To find out more, please call: 304-728-8330 or go on-line at United Healthcare Children’s Foundation grants The United Healthcare Children’s Foundation is accepting applications for the 2010 grant program. Did you know that there are medical grants available for families struggling with child health-related expenses? The grants are available to help families who need financial assistance to pay for their child’s health care treatments, services or equipment not covered or not fully covered by their commercial health insurance plans. Parents and legal guardians may apply for grants of up to $5,000 for child medical services. For eligibility guidelines or to apply go online to Antique Car Show Shenandoah Region of the Antique Automobile Club of American 52nd Annual Apple Blossom Antique Car Show. The show will be held at Jim Barnett Memorial Park on May 8th from 8am to 4pm and is open to all antique cars, motorcycles and trucks 25 years old or older. There is no charge for walk in spectators. There will also be an antique car parts flea market and antique calliope. Food and drinks also available. Special awards for automobiles, trucks & motorcycles will be presented on the show field at 3pm. Read to a dog Read to a dog at the Bowman Library! Come to Bowman Library and read your favorite story to a willing listener--a specially trained dog! Our dogs love to listen to stories. The program is every other Saturday beginning June 12th through July 24th. Hours are 1 to 2:15 p.m. Contact: Donna Hughes. 540-869-9000 ext. 21 Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity of Winchester-Frederick County is constructing three houses simultaneously this summer for InterFaith Build, the Blue Ridge Association of Realtors, and Women Build. They need an exceptional number Page 12 • The Sherando Times • April 28 - May 4, 2010 TANTASTIC TANNING $10.00 OFF 6 month or 1 year Tanning Package 6 month reg price $69.95 1 year reg price $89.95 1855 Senseny Road Suite 5 Winchester 540-667-5937 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on Shenandoah Florist Del. Clifford L. “Clay” Athey, Jr. 18th District House of Delegates Serving Fauquier, Frederick, and Warren County Pamela Jordan Henshaw Owner / Designer $5.00 off any Prom order or $5.00 off delivery charge for up coming Mother’s Day bouquets with this ad 383 Fairfax Pike Stephens City, VA 22655 540-869-2424 • 800-744-9660 Bring in coupon or mention ad. Eaton Motor Sales Family-Owned Since 1971 Buy - Sell - Trade In House Financing Stacey & I thank you for the opportunity to serve. If I can be of any help, please contact me at (540) 635-7917, in Richmond at: (804) 698-1018, by E-Mail at:[email protected], or by mail at: PO Box 406, Room 510 Richmond, VA 23218 Spacious home 3 bed, 2 bath home on 5 acres. Fenced yard, barn with lean to. Home only 6 years old! New Price $324,900 2008 Pontiac Vibe - 4cyl, Auto, A/C, Power locks, Power windows, Cruise, CD, Factory Warranty 2007 Dodge Nitro - V6, Auto, 4x4, Power Locks, Power Windows, AM/FM/CD Underwater on your mortgage? A short sale may be the answer. Call an experienced short sale agent to find out more. Search like the Realtors do! Sheila Pack 540-247-1438 Cell RE/MAX Team Realty, 440 W. Jubal Early Drive, #200 Winchester, VA 22601 • 540-667-2400 Office, Each Office Independently Owned And Operated 2009 Chevrolet Impala LT - V6, Auto, Power Locks, Power Windows, AM/FM/ CD 2008 Ford Mustang- V6, Auto, Power Locks, Power Windows, AM/FM/CD THE APPLE HOUSE OF LINDEN, VA SINCE 1963 NEW Friday Night Fish Fry! All you can eat fish with side dishes Only $9.99! 2008 Ford Fusion - V6, Auto, Power Locks, Power Windows, AM/FM/CD 2003 Saturn Vue - 4cyl, Auto, AWD, Manual Locks, Manual Windows, AM/ FM/CD 38 Andrews Rd. • Front Royal, VA Call Gary or Andrew: 540-635-3561 After the delicious dinner try a sundae at the Ice Cream Stand! Great and affordable for families! 540-636-6329 • 4675 John Marshall Hwy EXIT 13 OFF I-66• 7 Days a Week [email protected] Read all issues in their entirety FREE on April 28 - May 4, 2010 • The Sherando Times • Page 13 To advertise in The Sherando Times please contact Angie Buterakos: [email protected] • 540-683-9197 or Alison Duvall: [email protected] • 540-551-2072 of volunteers to sign up online to build. If you’re age 14 or older, and interested in joining Habitat for one or more build days, go to, click “Volunteer Now” and sign up. No skills are necessary, but you must sign-up in advance. If you have questions, you do not have a computer, or you are a corporate group call 540-662-7066. Corvette Car Show The 2010 Matt Miller Corvette Car Show to Benefit Blue Ridge Hospice is May 8th on the Old Town Walking Mall in Winchester from 10am to 3pm. Hosted by the Shenandoah Valley Corvette Club & sponsored in part by Jim Stutzman Chevrolet. Old and new Corvettes, balloons, face painting, music and more! PRESENTED BY SHENANDOAH APPLE BLOSSOM FESTIVAL SEE THE WORLD’S LARGEST CIRCUS UNDER THE BIG TOP! C S TARS CIRCUS G OTOTHEC IRCUS.COM The news CHURCH BRIEFS Community yard sale Saturday, May 8th from 8 am to noon at Kernstown United Methodist Church, 3239 Valley Pike, Winchester. 540-667-7298. Hot Dogs and Sodas for sale. (All proceeds go to help the Youth’s Mission trip.) A fun day of shopping! Science and the Bible Seminar Irina’s Gift Shop Authentic Russian/East European Gifts & Food Mon. - Sat. 10:30 - 6:00 • 3349 Valley Pike Winchester, VA 22602 • 540.450.8600 10% off Any item in the store with this coupon! The Church of Christ at Mountain View FREE Science and the Bible Seminar May 19, 20 & 21. “Knee Deep In Proof ” May 19, 7-8 pm and May 20 & 21, 6:308:30 pm, with guest speaker, Dr. Patrick Mead. We are located on Rt 11 in Winchester, VA, next to the DMV. For more information contact the church office at 540869-2244. Bluegrass/Gospel Open Mic/ Jam Session at Fairview United Methodist Church May 7th. 1136 Double Church Road, Stephens City from 7-10 pm. Concessions available at 6 pm. For more information call 869-5156. Send your brief news items to: [email protected] FOLTZ LAND SURVEYING, INC 24 Years Experience Subdivisions and Drainfield Location, Mortgage Surveys, Boundary Surveys, Property Lines [email protected] Licensed in VA and WV (540) 323-1497 • FURNITURE • LOW PRICES • MATTRESSES • LOW PRICES • BUNK BEDS • LOW PRICES • RECLINERS • LOW PRICES • DAYBEDS • LOW PRICES • CURIOS • LOW PRICES • DINETTES • LOW PRICES WE WILL SAVE YOU • LAMPS • LOW PRICES FRONT ROYAL, VA (540) 636-2888 $$ WINCHESTER, VA (540) 869-0009 Warren County Fair in APPLE BLOSSOM MALL FRI. APR. 30 4:30 PM 8:00 PM SEE 1 SAT. SUN. MAY MAY 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 8:00 PM 2 1:30 PM 4:30 PM TIGERS • ELEPHANTS • CAMELS • ZEBRAS FREESTYLE MOTORSHOW • GLOBE OF DEATH FLYING TRAPEZE • CLOUDSWING • CLOWNS THE HUMAN CANNONBALL AND MUCH MORE! BUY ADVANCE TICKETS THRU 4/29 AT •APPLE BLOSSOM MALL GUEST SERVICES •FESTIVAL TICKET OUTLET 2625 VALLEY AVE. ADJ. HANDY MART/DUNKIN DONUTS •TICKETS.COM & 1.888.332-5200 Front royal Presents amateur Dirt Drag raCing 2010 FriDay aPril 30th Front Royal, VA TICKETS FOR KIDS AT Registration opens at 4pm - Show begins at 7pm Admission - Adults $10 - Kids 12 & under $5 Additional fee for Rider Registration INFO 1.800.796.5672 M-F 9-5 [email protected] FREE FREEKIDSTICKETS.COM 635-5827 Page 14 • The Sherando Times • April 28 - May 4, 2010 Diversions Read all issues in their entirety FREE on To advertise in The Sherando Times please contact Angie Buterakos: [email protected] • 540-683-9197 or Alison Duvall: [email protected] • 540-551-2072 KFWS • MindGym April 26, 2010 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A seemingly stalled romantic situation could benefit from your reassurance that you want this relationship to work. And if you do, use a tad more of that irresistible Aries charm. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Going to new places and meeting new people appeals to both the Taurean’s romantic and practical side. After all, you never can tell where those new contacts can take you. Right? GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) That career-change opportunity that didn’t work out when you first considered it could come up again. But this time, remember that you have more to offer and should act accordingly. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) There could be some tensions in relationships — domestic or workaday. But a calm approach that doesn’t raise the anger levels and a frank discussion soon will resolve the problem. LEO (July 23 to August 22) It’s a good idea to begin preparing for that career change you’ve been thinking about for a while. Start to sharpen your skills and expand your background to be ready when it calls. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Bless that Virgo skepticism that has kept you from falling into traps others seem to rush into. But you might want to give a new possibility the benefit of the doubt, at least on a trial basis. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Traveling and career are strong in your aspect. Perhaps your job will take you to someplace exotic. Or you might be setting up meetings with potential clients or employers. Whatever it is, good luck. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Someone might use deception to try to push you into making a decision you’re not fully comfortable with. But those keen Scorpio senses should keep you alert to any such attempt. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Romance dominates this week when Cupid spears the Archer, for a change. Positive things also are happening in the workplace. Expect important news to arrive by the week’s end. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Anyone trying to bully the Sea Goat — whether it involves a personal or a professional matter — will learn a painful lesson. Others will also benefit from the Goat’s strong example. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Congratulations. With things going the way they are, you should be able to spare some time and take a break from your hectic schedule for some well-earned fun and games. PISCES (February 19 to March 21) Your sharp Piscean intuition should be able to uncover the true agendas of those who might be trying to catch the Fish in one of their schemes. BORN THIS WEEK: Your flair for innovative art and design keeps you at least a step ahead of most everyone else. © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc. • On M an Eng the wo ventive tists fo oped n such a measle • On Rutherf House’ mansio embrac he rare White H • On M tion he found, was k Hopew was ma math of • On Goodri announ tire. Wh from th less tir testing. less tir automo • On will tri Preside attacke overtur Read all issues in their entirety FREE on April 28 - May 4, 2010 • The Sherando Times • Page 15 To advertise in The Sherando Times please contact Angie Buterakos: [email protected] • 540-683-9197 or Alison Duvall: [email protected] • 540-551-2072 It’s been claimed that 19th-century English naturalist Charles Darwin devoted eight years to studying the lowly barnacle. ••• —1— We all know that the day after Thanksgiving is commonly known as Black Friday, thanks to all the crowds seeking out deals on Christmas gifts, but have you ever wondered how it got that name? It seems that the moniker originated back in 1965 when the Philadelphia police department came up with the name after having to deal with the traffic jams and shopping crowds. ••• Thought for the Day: “Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that they believe in something, use that something to support their own existence.” -- Frank Zappa (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc. King Features Weekly Service • —21— The term “bric-a-brac,” usually © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc. used to refer to a collection of tawdry © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc. January 11, 2010 the Billboard HotFeatures 100. This © 2010 King Synd., continued Inc. the pop-music trend of pairing successful duos, such as Barbra Streisand and Neil Diamond, and Diana Ross and Lionel Richie. King Features Weekly Service © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc. 1. Name the Sheena Easton release • On May 12, 1932, the body of aviathat was Charles the theme song to a baby Jamesis tion hero Lindbergh’s Bond film. found, more than two months after he 2. The E Street Band bestfamily’s known was kidnapped from ishis for its recording and touring work Hopewell, N.J., mansion. Kidnapping withmade whicha artist? was federal crime in the aftermath of this high-profile 3. How many No. 1 chartcrime. toppers has Journey had over the years? • On May 11, 1947, the B.F. 4. NameCompany the two “answer songs” to Goodrich of Akron, Ohio, “Work With Me, Annie” (1954) by announces it has developed a tubeless Hank Ballard and theawaited Midnighters. tire. While Goodrich approval 5. Name thePatent band that released the from the U.S. Office, the tube—37— less tires underwent high-speed road “Toys in the Attic” album. What year? testing. Within three the tube6. Which group was years, responsible for less tire came standard onTears”? most new the garage-rock classic “96 automobiles. Answers •1.On May 1958, during a good“For Your13,Eyes Only” (1981) will through Latin America, Vice 2. trip Bruce Springsteen. The E Street President Nixon’s car is Band also Richard has worked with artists attacked an angryand crowd nearly such as by Meatloaf Theand Grateful overturned while traveling through Dead. Caracas, Venezuela. President Eisen3. That depends on which charttoyou hower dispatched U.S. troops the look toat.rescue Journey had and a Billboard area Nixon, the vice MainstreamleftRock Tracks No. 1 forof president Venezuela ahead “Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)” in schedule. 1983, and a Hot Adult Contemporary • On May 16, 1968, Donald E. BalTracks No. 1 for “When You Love a lard, U.S. Navy Corpsman, is awarded Woman” the Medalin 1996. of Honor for action in 4. Answer songs are writtenWhile “in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam. answer” to a previous song. “Annie directing the removal of a wounded Had Aan Baby” and “Annie’s Fan-a man, enemy soldier Aunt tossed nie” were by group. the Ballard Midnighters, grenade into the vaulted over the“answers” stretcher and the although werepulled usually grenade his body. The grenade done by under other artists. did5. Aerosmith, not go off. Nevertheless, in 1975. The albumhe received the Medal of Honoroutforofhis cover showed toys crawling a selfless act of courage. toy box. Question Mark and the Mysteri•6.On May 15, 1982, “Ebony And Ivory,” a duet Paul McCartney and ans. The 1966by release sold more than Stevie Wonder, 1 million copies.takes the top spot in April 26, 2010 7. LEGAL: If someone dies “intestate,” whatKing does that mean? © 2010 Features Synd., Inc. 8. CHEMISTRY: What is the symbol for the element tungsten? 9. CHILDREN’S STORIES: How many trips does Jack make to the Giant’s castle in “Jack and the Beanstalk”? 10. DISCOVERIES: What did 17thcentury scientist William Harvey discover about the human body? Answers 1. “As Good as it Gets” 2. Eight legs 3. Crime against a ruler 4. Edna Garrett 5. Robert Frost 6. Mulberry leaves 7. Without a will 8. W 9. Three 10. The role of arteries and veins in the circulation of blood House’s first telephone installed in the mansion’s telegraph room. Hayes embraced the new technology, though he rarely received phone calls. The White House phone number was “1.” KFWS • MindGym week’s end. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Anyone trying to bully the Sea Goat 1. — whether it involves a personal MOVIES: What 1997 movie or astarred professional will and learnJack a actorsmatter Helen—Hunt painful lesson. Others will also benefit Nicholson? from 2. theMYTHOLOGY: Goat’s strong example. What was the AQUARIUS (January 20 to Februunusual feature possessed by Sleipnir, ary 18) Congratulations. With things the horse belonging to the chief going the way they are, you shouldNorse be ablegod to Odin? spare some time and take a LANGUAGE: What is meant break3.from your hectic schedule forby thewell-earned French termfun “lèse-majesté”? some and games. PISCES (February 19 to March 4. TELEVISION: What was21)the Yourname sharpofPiscean intuition should be the headmistress in “The ableFacts to uncover of Life”?the true agendas of those5.who might beWho trying to catch the POETRY: wrote the poem Fish“Nothing in one ofGold theirCan schemes. Stay”? BORN THIS WEEK: Your flair for 6. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is innovative art and design keeps you at of food that everyone a silkworm leastthea only step kind ahead of most will eat? else. Vaz-Oxlade takes things beyond the typical “get out of debt” book. Not only are debts written down and categorized, they’re critiqued and analyzed for what they really cost. There is plenty of hands-on help. Focus on long-term goals. Decide what you really want, because with debt control, it matters. Write down your core values, prioritize and set a goal. Find friends who are compatible with that goal (spending less to have fun). Swap bad habits for good ones. “Debt-Free Forever” explains how to get a handle on disappearing money (what happens when the pocket monster eats all the change when you break a $20), 401(k) plans, insurance, credit cards and more. There are worksheets, guidelines, instructions on how to make a budget — everything you need to become debt free, except for a pencil, piece of paper and a calculator. Vaz-Oxlade has a television show called “Til Debt Do Us Part” (about couples in debt) on CNBC and has written 11 books on finances. As she says on her blog: “Money is only a tool. You can use it to your advantage or you can misuse it to your detriment. You decide.” David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Write to him in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to [email protected]. April 26, 2010 GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) That career-change opportunity that didn’t work out when you first considered it could come up again. But this time, remember that you have more to offer and should act accordingly. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) There could be some tensions in relationships — domestic or workaday. But a calm approach that doesn’t raise the anger levels and a frank discussion soon will resolve the problem. LEO (July 23 to August 22) It’s a good idea to begin preparing for that career change you’ve been thinking about for a while. Start to sharpen your skills and expand your background to be ready when it calls. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Bless that Virgo skepticism that has kept you from falling into traps others seem to rush into. But you might want to give a new possibility the benefit of the doubt, at least on a trial basis. Anytime somebody talks about having a “strategy” to get out of debt, it pays to be leery. There are scams galore, including those that promise (for a fee) to take your payments and make arrangements with lenders to accept a smaller amount each month. (Unless you send the check yourself, you really don’t know where it’s going.) However, there’s a new book out that talks about strategy, and it’s one you can trust: “Debt-Free Forever (Take Control of Your Money and Your Life)” by Gail Vaz-Oxlade (Collins, $14.95). There’s a lot of no-nonsense tough love in Vaz-Oxlade’s plans, and there should be if a strategy to reduce debt is going to succeed. After all, the average consumer has $16,000 in creditcard debt. But under the humor (yes, there’s that, too) is a sound plan. She tells you upfront that it’s going to be 1.hard Name the last pitcher to lead work, right in the first the line of American in ERA for quickly the sea- into ChapterLeague One, then moves sonthe with a mark of 2.00first or less. all-important step: Find out 2.where Whichyour major-league had money’s pitcher going (spreadthesheets most are losses during in thethedecade provided book).of the 1990s? Step two, facing your debt, is where 3. In 2009, Greg Schiano became the fourth person to coach 100 football games at Rutgers. Name any of the first three to do it. 4. Since it became an official stat in 1973-74, who have been the shortest players to lead the NBA in blocked shots per game for a season? 5. Name the only current NHLWeaver head By Samantha coach (at the end of the 2009-10 season) to havewas been with his teamcartoonist, longer American It•wasItPulitzer Prize-winning American humorist and journalist Kin Hubbard than Nashville’s Barry Trotz (11 sea- for author John Steinbeck, best known who made the following sage obsersons). “The Grapes of Wrath” and “Of Mice and “There’s no following secret about Men, ” who madeDidier the sage ob6.vation: In 2010, Defago ofsuccess. Did“The you writer ever know successful servation: musta believe that Switzerland became the oldest man to manhe who youmost aboutimportant it?” what is didn’t doing tell is the win thein the Olympic downhill skiingyouto thing’re And he • Next time in must Iowa,hold event. Howwant old wasstop he?byhethe this illusion even when knows is not might to ruralittown true. ”Riverside, 7.ofEarlier in 2010, Tommy whichgolfer touts itself as the futureIII birthplace of Captain James T. Armour tied a ••• Champions Tour Kirk. If you’re planning a summer trip Itto Yep, thescore future birthplace. record for lowest intorelation tostunMaine, you won’t want miss the seems that his “Star Trek” creator Gene par. What was score? ning tourist attraction to be found on Roddenberry asserted that the characPeaks Island. There you’ll find an entire Answers ter of James Tiberius Kirk was born in museum devoted to housing a rather exbut he didn’t specify exactly 1.Iowa, Pedro Martinez a 1.74covers. ERA tensive collection ofhad umbrella In 2000. 1985,••• the Riverside City for where. Boston in votedStates, to declare their town 2.Council In the United January is the least Andy Benes, who had losses the future birthplace of 116 the character, popular month for weddings. (versus 125 wins) in the ’90s. later writing to••• Roddenberry and (1938-41, 1946his approval. In of its 3.receiving IfHarvey you’veHarman never heard of honor the quagga, newfound claim to fame, the don’t blame yourself. The creature, once 55), John Bateman (1960-72) andcity began Trekbeen Fest, found on hosting the(1973-83). plainsanofannual Africa, has exFrank Burns tinct since 1883. odd-looking creature, complete withAn a Spockapalooza battle 4.ofBen Wallace (3.5 blocks per game this subspecies the bands. of zebra was once thought into2001-02) and Andrei Kirilenko (3.3 the be half-zebra, horse. Though • If you enjoyhalf cooking, you might front of itsarebody had theat zebra’s bpg in part 2004-05) both listed 6 have heard of some of the following stripes, those stripes faded out mid-body feet 9 inches. cookbooks: “Kill It and Grill It,” “The and the rest of the equine looked remark5.Joy Lindy Ruff of Buffalo seaofa common Pickling,” “Full (12 of Beans,” ably like horse. “The Stinking ••• Cookbook” and “I sons). Believe It’s136 Notdays. Meat!” Then 6.Can’t Thirty-two years, maybe not. 7.again, Eleven-under 61. King Features Weekly Service 1993. should He was named writer of of only two have Scorpio won since And ifFenway you do, useputa Biffle tad more of that Butdrivers thosetokeen senses Roush Racing in one ventive treatment for smallpox. Scienthe year by the National Motorsports in you both alert the Nationwhat was then Aries still thecharm. Winston Cup championships irresistible keep to any such attempt. tists following Jenner’s model develHis Series back in 2003. He finished sec- wide and Camping World Truck Press Association in 2008. (April two 20 years to May 20) 22 to ThisopedWeek blog NASCAR series. (JohnnySAGITTARIUS Benson is the other.) (November ondTAURUS in the Chase standings new vaccines to fight diseases features all Biffle also was rookie of the yearRomance in ( Going toago, newthree places meeting new December 21) dominates later. A year Roushand Fenway suchmusic as polio, whooping cough, of his reporting on racing, roots both series. this He came throughCupid drivers — Biffle, CarltoEdwards and Taurean’s people appeals both the weekup when spears the measles and life on the road. E-mail Monte at and tetanus. NASCAR’s developmental system, Matt Kenseth — made the Chase. romantic and practical side. After all, for aearly change. Positive things championships in [email protected]. They could do it again, but the posi- winning trackArcher, his career Raceway in West in the workplace. youof never can tell are where new at Tri-City also are happening • On May 10, 1877, President tions Biffle and Kenseth hardlythose and Portland (Ore.) © 2009 King Features Synd., Inc. secure as thecan regular its Richland, Wash., contacts takeseason you.enters Right? Expect important news to arrive by the Rutherford B. Hayes has the White Straight Talk About Debt April 26, 2010 King Features Weekly Service Speedway. “To be in the position I’m in “Really, working hard goas we now andwe’re know whereas I’m can every to bring bestthe race ing to beweek in 2012, to the have cars we can to the track,” saidHenBiffle. opportunity with Rick “It’s important that we have the best drick everybody at Henpossibleand equipment right now. drick Motorsports, “We’re racing as hardtoasme, we it’s can. moving to Hendrick Motor- an unbelievable opportunity. I can’t wait to get that started.” sports once his contract at Beyond the announcement RPM expires at the end of the of Kahne joining Hendrick in season, but he’s not moving 2012, little is known. Martin Kasey Kahne announced there directly, or at least, that’s NASCAR THIS WEEK has declared he isn’t retirBiffle Is Racing that he will head to Henthe current spin. By Monte Dutton ing. Tony Stewart has said he drick Motorsports in 2012, as Hard as He Can Next year Kahne will drive has made no arrangements complicating a team rosThisKasey hasn’t been the season Kahne to Greg for a team not yet announced to have Kahne join him and ter that includes Jeff Biffle expected, though he certainly -- Stewart Haas Racing, a Detour on Way to Ryan Newman, and other sceGordon, Jimmie Johnson has time to pick up the pieces. Hendrick satellite of sorts, narios (JR Motorsports, also and Mark Martin. (John Hendrick The 39-year-old Biffle didn’t win is most often mentioned -Hendrick aligned, moving up Clark/NASCAR This Week during the 2008 regular season, but LIBRA (September 23 to October while Mark Martin completes FORT WORTH, Texas -Kasafter making the Chase, proceeded to from Nationwide to Cup bephoto) 22) Traveling and career are strong in ey Kahne is headed Henwin its first two races. Heto wound up his contractual commitment ing one) are similarly denied Monte Dutton has covered mothird in the Sprint Cup standings. yourKahne aspect. Perhaps willplayed take down. No torsports for The Gaston (N.C.) will not your drick Motorsports, but it’s at Hendrick. or, atjob least, For now, Biffle’s first priority is actually join Hendrick properexotic. you to someplace you might kind of complicated. oneOrknows whether or not Gazette since 1993. He was named making the Chase, but that doesn’t until 2012. be Or setting so it is currently Kahne, 30,to back hasoff. already up meetings withwill potential writer of the year by the National Kahne take his crew chief, mean he’s going assumed. driven for three in the Roush Fenway driver or Greg Biffle says his first priority making the Chase, “We’re certainly notteams racing conservclients employers. Whatever itis is, Kenny Francis, along with him Motorsports Press Association that doesn’t mean he’s from tryingthat to win atively,” said. “We’re to win, but Kahne isgood willing to going wait toaback--offwherever Sprint heCup Seriesracing -- withis.races. (Photo: in 2008. His blog NASCAR This luck. Getty Images) but not moving. going to doHe anything stu- year, Week ( apparently, in order to 23 outwe’re ever began “I’ll towork through it with 19) A SCORPIO (October Novempid.ARIES (March 21 to April join features all of his reporting on the team thatknow produced with Evernham Motorsports, Mr. Hendrick andrisks, figure We’re not taking big but, out at the racing, roots music and life on the ular season), and 21) we we’re on seemingly stalled ber Someone might use deception “We know we have to stayromantic in (the top situation • win.” On 14, 1796, Edward Jenner, thebubble, top three finishers --toJimwhich became Gillett Evernwe need to doMay same time,what we’re racing for the the so it’s important haveintoexactly 12 in order to qualify for the Chase). could benefit from your reassurance road. E-mail Monte at: to try to push you making a decian English country doctor, administers Monte Duttonthe hasmost covered motorrightMartin now.” and Jeff mie finishes Johnson, ham, became It’s tightwhich ... and we’re doingRichard all we can good that makes sense, ” [email protected] that you want this relationship toGordon work. from sion fully sportsKahne. for Thewith. Gaston (N.C.) Biffle, Vancouver, Wash., is comfortable do.” -- in lastyou’re year’s not Chase. theGazette world’s first(c) 2010 vaccination as aInc.preKing Features Synd., said Petty Motorsports. All along, Posting date August 17, 2009 Kahne final four drove races. No. 9, but he “We’re just to have to be betstarted in going a Dodge and this ter,” Biffle. “We yearsaid changed to aknow Ford.that. We’re nervous about getting in (the Chase), Considered one ...ofThere the and anything can happen. are sport’sraces more talented drivers, some we’re concerned about it’s no up surprise that Kahne is leading to the cutoff (end of the reg- Diversions Page 16 • The Sherando Times • April 28 - May 4, 2010 Read all issues in their entirety FREE on 65 YEARS IN BUSINESS! 65 YEARS IN BUSINESS! THE ONLY FULL-LINE CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP DEALERSHIP SERVICING WARREN CO. FREDERICK CO. & THE WINCHESTER AREA $10.00 High Mileage Special 15% OFF Rebate per set of 2 shocks Mopar Value Line Struts $20.00 Rebate per set of 2 struts Expires May 15, 2010 WENitro-Fill SERVICE SPECIAL ALL MAKES $ 39.95 AND MODELS! + Tax Fill All Tires with Nitrogen, Includes 12 mos. Road Side Assistance, Road Hazard Protection, FreeAdvisor Pressure (See Service Checks, Tire Replacement & Much for details) More. 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