A highway cut failure in Cretaceous sediments at Maymont
A highway cut failure in Cretaceous sediments at Maymont
A highway cut failure in Cretaceous sediments at Maymont, Saskatchewan J. KRAHN Departmer~tof Civil Er~gineerirzg,University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoott, Sask., Carmda S7N 0 WO R. F. JOHNSON Clifton Associates Ltd., Saskatootz, Sask., Carlada S7L 5 W5 D. G. FREDLUND Departnwtt of Civil Erzgineering, Urziversily of Saskcitclze~vat~, Saskatootz, Sask., Car~adaS7N 0 WO AND A. W . CLIFTON Cliftort Associates Ltd., Regirla, Sask., Camda S4P OK5 Received March 26, 1979 Accepted July 4, 1979 In 1973 the Saskatchewan Department of Highways began construction of a crossing over the North Saskatchewan River at Maymont, Saskatchewan. The south approach to the river required a cut some 20 m in depth at the top edge of the valley and when the excavation reached the design elevation a massive failure occurred on one of the backslopes. The major portion of the slip surface followed a slickensided clay shale zone. An analysis of the failure indicates residual angles of shearing resistance were being mobilized. The reason for mobilizing only the residual strength is attributed to previous shearing arising from glacial ice-thrusting. The sliding occurred entirely within the sediments of the nonmarine Upper Cretaceous Judith River Formation, but the strengths mobilized were essentially the same as those mobilized by slides in the marine Upper Cretaceous Bearpaw and Lea Park Formations. Negative water pressures arising from the stress change due to excavating did not appear to influence the stability. Direct shear box tests on natural slickensided surfaces gave strengths higher than required for a safety factor of unity. The testing of pxecut surfaces gave results that seem t o correlate more closely with the field residual strengths. Furthermore, the Maymont case history clearly illustrates the need for identifying geological details and demonstrates the engineering significance of glacial ice-thrusting. En 1973 le Ministkre de Ia Voirie de Ia Saskatchewan a commencC ?I construire un pont au dessus de la rivikre North Saskatchewan B Maymont, Saskatchewan. L'approche sud ?I la rivikre exigeait une excavation de quelques 20 m de profondeur en cr&tedu talus de la rive. Lorsque l'excavation a atteint la profondeur projetke, une rupture de masse s'est produite d a m I'un des talus. Une grande partie de la surface de glissement passait d a m une zone de schiste argileux B surfaces miroitantes. Une analyse de la rupture indique que l'angle de frottement residue1 a ktk mobilisk. La cause de la mobilisation seulement de la resistance rksiduelle est attribuke B un cisaillement prialable rksultant des mouvements de glaciers. Le glissement s'est produit entikrement dans les sCdiments non marins de la formation Judith River du cretack supirieur, mais les rksistances mobilisCes Ctaient essentiellernent identiques B celles mobilisCes d a m des glissements dans les formations marines Bearpaw et Lea Park du crCtacC supCrieur. Des pressions interstitielles negatives resultant des variations de contraintes produites par l'excavation ne semblent pas avoir affect6 la stabiliti. Des essais B la boite de cisaillement direct sur surfaces rniroitantes naturelles ont donnC des risistances supirieures B celles requises pour obtenir un facteur de sCcuritC de 1.0. Les essais sur kchantillons pr6-decoupes semblent conduire B une meilleure corrdation avec les rksistances rCsiduelles it1 situ. D'autre part, le cas type de Maymont illustre clairernent le besoin d'identifier les dktails gCologiques et dkmontre la signification pratique des effets des mouvements des glaciers. [Traduit par la revue] Can. Geotech. J., 16, 703-715 (1979) Introduction In 1973, the Saskatchewan Department of Highways undertook the construction of a bridge crossing over the North Saskatchewan River approximately 5 km south of Maymont, Saskatchewan. Maymont is located on the Yellowhead Highway 64 km northwest of Saskatoon, as shown in Fig. 1. The south approach to the river required a cut of approximately 0008-3674/79/040703-13$01.00/0 @ 1979 National Research Council of Canada/Conseil national de recherches du Canada CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 16, 1979 ALBERT TRANS - - , & W CANADA-HIGE CURRENT ~ N I P A W ~ NBRlDGE ,- YELLOWHEAD , - ,/HIGHWAY . WOSE 2AW , / , - FIG. 1. Location of the Maymont bridge. 20 m at the top edge of the valley. The approach crossed numerous old landslides along the valley wall. The gradeline of this approach was set so that the net effect of the construction over the old landslides was an unloading of the scarp and a loading of the toe. When the excavation at the scarp was completed, a massive failure occurred rather suddenly in the east backslope. Figure 2 shows an oblique aerial view of the failure. This failure is of interest for several reasons. First, the shear strength mobilized at failure by this slide, which occurred within Cretaceous nonmarine sediments of the Judith River Formation, was close to strengths typically mobilized in the Upper Cretaceous marine sediments of the Bearpaw and Lea Park Formations. This is of interest because it suggests that for engineering purposes it is not crucial to identify the different Cretaceous formations, an identification that is often difficult to make on the basis of engineering site investigations. Second, the slide only mobilized the residual strength at failure. Since this was a newly constructed slope, it becomes important to determine how the strength was reduced from its peak to residual value. Third, there was no delay in the failures as is often the case with cut slopes in stiff fissured clays. This paper presents the details and implications of the Maymont case history. Site Description The location selected for the bridge crossing is about 915 m upstream from an old ferry crossing as shown in Fig. 3. At this point the river valley is about 2.4 km wide with a rise in elevation of 68 m from river level to the upland. The river is flowing in a southeasterly direction. The north shore of the river is flanked by an alluvial floodplain about 305 m wide, and north of this floodplain, the landform is as an eroded till plain that rises to the upland at a slope of about thirteen horizontal to one vertical (4.4'). Land-slun~ping topography extends southward from the south riverbank for about 610 m. For the first 280 m the natural slope rises at about 3", for the next 320 m this increases to about 5.7', and for the last 10 m, just before the scarp, the slope rises very sharply. South of the scarp the upland landform is a ground moraine. Immediately landward from the south valley crest there are some linear features, evident on the vertical. air photograph (Fig. 3), which are due to icethrusting. Slope Design During the design stages it was realized from the site investigation data that the base of the proposed approach cut would intercept a layer of slickensided, brecciated clay shale. Because of the slickensiding, relatively low strength parameters (i.e., +' between 10 and 15' with c' = 4.8 kPa) were selected for design. With these relatively low strength parameters, fairly flat slopes were required to achieve a safety factor of 1.3. The Saskatchewan Department of Highways analyzed the risk and economics involved in a failure and concluded that there would be no great risk involved to the road user if a failure were to occur and that there would be little added cost to flatten the slope after a failure. On the other hand, substantial economic savings c o ~ ~ be l d realized if the failure did not occur. On the basis of this rationale the backslopes were designed at a factor of safety of unity with the lower portion at a slope of three horizontal to one vertical and the upper portion at four horizontal to one vertical. Excavation was just completed on the south approach when the east backslope failed, the result of which is shown in Fig. 2. The failure occurred sometime between 6:00 p.m. Friday evening and Saturday morning. A block of soil 270 m long and 120 m wide broke out of the backslope and moved toward the highway centerline. A crack developed some 33 m landward from the crest of the backslope, and it varied in width from a few centimeters to 6 m. The photographs in Figs. 2, and 4-6 show these features. KRAHN ET AL. FIG. 2. An oblique aerial view of the Maymont slide. Slide Investigation immediately following the backslope failure, a detailed investigation was undertaken. Arrangements were made for aerial photographic coverage from which a contour map with intervals of 0.6 m (2 ft) was prepared (Fig. 7). In addition, ground surveys were performed to obtain cross sections of the failed cut. A drilling program was carried out to augment the subsurface information obtained during the initial investigation. Drilling was done using a truckmounted rotary drill and the holes were advanced using wet drilling techniques. Locations of the test holes are shown in Fig. 7. Undisturbed samples were collected during the drilling using thin-walled steel tubes at selected locations and all the test holes were electrically logged. Open standpipe piezometers were installed in test holes 8-75,9-75, and 201A-73. A slope indicator tube was installed on the east slope to monitor any further movements, and another slope indicator t ~ ~ bwas e installed near the crest of the west inf failed backslope to detect any impending failure. The locations of these are also shown in Fig. 7, as test holes S.I.10 and S.I.11. Geology and Stratigraphy Except for a randomly located thin veneer of glacial drift, the sediments consist of Cretaceous bedrock materials belonging to the Judith River and Lea Park Formations. The Judith River Formation overlies the Lea Park Formation but the exact boundary between them is difficult to ascertain at this site. The landslide is interpreted as having occurred CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 16, 1979 FIG.3. A vertical airphoto of the Maymont bridge site prior to construction entirely within the sediments belonging to the Judith River Formation. The Upper Cretaceous Judith River Formation comprises layers of clays, silts, and sands, which were deposited in a nonmarine environment (McLean 1971). At the south approach cut the sediments consist primarily of a very dense silty sand overlying a zone of alternating layers of silt, sand, and clay shale. The clay shales are highly brecciated and slickensided. A stratigraphic interpretation of the subsurface soils is given by the cross section in Fig. 8. (The location of the section is given in Fig. 7.) As may be seen in Fig. 8, the slickensided zone dips toward the base of the cut beneath the east cut slope. Whether this dip does or does not continue on beneath the west cut slope is not certain. N o samples were taken during the drilling of test hole S.I.10 and as a result no information is available on the extent of the slickensiding in this area. The stratigraphic sequence shown in Fig. 8 for test hole S.l.10 is based on the electric log alone. It is thought that beneath the west slope the slickensided zone is horizontal or dips slightly into the slope. The base of the slickensided zone within the landslide was assumed to be at a depth below which slickensided surfaces were no longer evident in the undisturbed test hole samples. It appears that the bedrock materials at this site have been disturbed by glacial ice movement to a depth of about 45 m. The jointing, brecciation, and slickensiding noted in the samples are believed to be due to these disturbances. The disturbance became visibly evident in the backslopes as the excavation proceeded. The bedding was folded and truncated as illustrated in Figs. 9 and 10. The piezometric levels were not high in the sliding mass; however, there were minor amounts of ground- KRAHN ET AL. FIG. 4. A vertical airphoto of the Maymont bridge site at thc time of the backslope failure. water seepage to the north of the northern extremity of the landslide. The piezometers installed in test holes 8-75 and 9-75 within the slickensided zone indicated a piezometric level slightly above the top of this zone. Three piezometers were installed in test hole 20112-73, and the one with the highest tip elevation indicated the lowest water pressure. Generally, these piezometers seem to indicate that this is an area of groundwater recharge in a downward gradient and that within the slickensided zone the groundwater levels are close to its upper boundary. Laboratory Testing During the postslide investigation, soil samples were obtained for the purpose of evaluating the shear strength of the backslope material. Some thin-walled tube samples were taken in the upper silty sand zone but the majority of the samples were taken in the slickensided brecciated zones. Direct shear tests were performed on the lower slickensided clay shale material. The tests were performed by applying a normal load in one increment, submerging the sample in distilled water, and CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 16, 1979 FIG. 5. The headscarp towards the south end of the slide. FIG. 6. The headscarp towards the north end of the slide. The fencepost gives an indication of the vertical drop. then allowing the sample to consolidate. After consolidation (or swelling), the samples were sheared in the forward direction at a rate of 2.5 X 10-3 cm/min until a displacement of about 0.6 cm was reached. Then the samples were manually sheared back to their initial position. This procedure was repeated until the shearing resistance had essentially reached a constant value, which required about 5 cm displacement. Grain-size analysis on the upper sedinlents indicated that the material can be classified as a nonplastic silty fine sand. The samples tested consisted of about 50% sand size, 40% silt size, and 10% clay size particles. 709 KRAHN ET AL. are given in Table 1 and show that the samples were very silty with clay contents varying between 10 and 24%. The liquid limits varied between 44 and 51% and the plastic limits varied between 24 and 33%. The natural water contents were slightly below the plastic limits. Results of the direct shear tests are shown in Fig. 11. Both the peak and residual values are shown and the data points for each test are joined by a vertical line. The samples (1, 2, 3) that were brecciated and fissured showed a distinct drop-off from peak to residual conditions. Sample 5, which was also brecciated and fissured, but softer than the other three, exhibited little difference between peak and residual conditions. Of the samples with slickensided surfaces (4, 6), one exhibited a significant drop from peak t o residual and the other did not. Three tests were also performed on remolded samples. These tests were carried out in the same manner as for the undisturbed specimens except they were cut along the shear surface prior to testing. The direct shear results show a large variation in the residual strength between samples. If the cohesion intercept is taken as zero, &.' for the natural samples varies between a high of 28" and a low of 13". Moreover, they are all higher than the residual +,' of 8" obtained on the remolded precut samples. It is possible that the samples should have been sheared to larger strains even though the stress-strain curves had essentially levelled off. To some extent, however, a variation in residual strengths from laboratory direct shear tests appears to be characteristic of these overconsolidated sediments. Insley et al. (1977), for example, obtained a variation of 8.5-15.0" in residual angles of friction from tests on Upper Cretaceous METRES FIG. 7. A contour map of the slide area showing the locations of the boreholes and section analyzed. Six 5 cm X 5 cm direct shear box samples were prepared from the thin-walled steel tube samples. Three of these samples contained primarily brecciated and fissured material, whereas another similar sample was much softer. Another two samples had natural slickensided surfaces along the shear plane. Atterberg limits, water contents, and grain-size analyses performed on cuttings from these samples TABLE1. Properties of samples tested in direct shear Test series 1 2 3 4 5 6 Liquid limit Plastic limit Water Sand size +0.074 mm content (beforelafter) (%) Silt size Clay size -0.002 mm (%l Description (Cj,) (5) Brecciated fissured Brecciated fissured Brecciated fissured Natural slickensided Brecciated Natural slickensided Remolded and precut 44.3 31.7 26.5134.7 19.8 70.2 10.0 47.8 29.2 29.7133.9 21.5 64.0 14.5 47.4 30.5 30.0134.6 7.0 76.6 16.4 50.9 32.1 30.9134.6 3 .8 72.1 24.1 44.8 50.7 24.4 33.7 29.9/32.1 32.5/37.7 4.8 1.3 78.6 75.2 16.5 23.5 - - - 4.0 66.0 30.0 (96) CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 16, 1979 SL-E 310H IS31 KRAHN ET AL. FIG.9. Contortions in the bedrock sedirnents in the west backslope (after Sauer 1978). FIG. 10. Folding in the bedrock sedirnents in the east backslopes (after Sauer 1978). sediments of the Lea Park Formation from the Maidstone bridge site on the North Saskatchewan River. Analysis A back-analysis of the cut slope failure was performed to ascertain the shear strength mobilized at the time of failure. Most of the analyses were run using the simplified Bishop method as extended for a composite failure surface (Fredlund and Krahn 1977). A few checks were made using the Morgeostern-Price method but the computed factors of safety were essentially unchanged from those obtained using the simplified Bishop method. The compu- CAN. GEOTECH. .l. VOL. 16, 1979 I 1,2,3,5 4,6 NATURAL l l FISSURED AND I ' I BRECCIATED SLICKENSIOEO / / N O R M A L STRESS - k P o FIG. 11. Shear strength envelopes from direct shear tests on clay shale samples. tations were performed using the SLOPE computer program at the University of Saskatchewan (Fredlund 1975). For analysis purposes, the sliding mass was divided into two soil types as shown in Fig. 12. No conclusive evidence became available during the investigation of the exact location of the slip surface except near the crest and at the toe. It is reasonable, however, that the slip surface was located within the slickensided zone and for this reason the trial slip surfaces were not permitted to penetrate below this zone. The piezometric level was taken to be slightly above the slickensided clay shale zone as indicated in Fig. 12. A large number of slip surfaces were analyzed, each one passing through the two known end points. The one found to have the lowest safety factor was the composite failure surface illustrated in Fig. 12. In the analysis it was considered inappropriate to use a cohesion intercept for the nonplastic upper silty sand and therefore the cohesion was set equal to zero. The influence of varying +' was investigated, and the results indicated that the factor of safety was insensitive to changes in the angle of internal friction. Subsequently, all analyses were performed with c' = 0 and +' = 30" for the upper unit consisting of the very dense silty sand. Several combinations of c' and +' were computed that resulted in a factor of safety of unity. These are given in Fig. 13 and indicate that when the cohesion is equal to zero the friction angle required for a factor of safety of unity is only 8.2". Inclusion of a cohesion value reduces the friction angle required for a factor of safety of unity according to the relationship shown in Fig. 13. These low friction angles indicate that the residual strength was mobilized at failure. Raising or lowering the piezometric level by about 3 m altered the factor of safety by only about 10%. With a lowering of the water level, the friction angle required, with cohesion equal to zero and for a safety factor of unity, is 7.5" and with a 3 m rise in water level the friction angle required for the point of limiting equilibrium is still within the range of residual strength values. Analysis of the postslide geometry, using a similar slip surface and similar strength parameters as for the back-analysis, results in a safety factor of 1.07. This 7% increase in the factor of safety from unity is thought to be the result of the rapid failure: its momentum probably carried the sliding mass into a stable position. The slope indicator installed in the slide (S.I.ll in Fig. 7) confirmed that the sliding mass reached a stable position. Remedial work at the slide consisted of raising the gradeline of the roadway to load the toe and landscaping the slope to unload the crest and to provide drainage off the slope. All crevices and cracks were filled and compacted to prevent surface runoff from infiltrating the sliding mass. The final slope geometry is shown in Fig. 12 and an analysis of this configuration indicates a factor of safety of 1.36. Discussion The mobilized angle of friction (i.e., 8.2") at the CENTER OF 3 FAILED FINAL CROSS X Y 499.7 12 13 14 15 16 321.6 347.6 396.3 321.6 347.6 498.7 498.2 491.5 494.2 492.7 499.2 493.3 17 18 396.3 457.3 485.4 485.4 X 3 4 5 6 350.6 393.9 426.2 4573 517.4 506.4 495.7 495.7 7 321.6 8 9 347.6 396.3 ROTATION X = 393.3 Y = 582.9 R = 99.4 ', FOlNT Y - POINT CROSS SECTION NOTE SECTION : DIMENSION ARE IN METRES \ \ 7 c--=-\ \ 8 7 =l95 k ~ / r n ~ c' = 0 12 15 18 17 FIG. 12. The section analyzed in the stability analyses. CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 16, 1979 12.5 I 75 ' l"\ 100 - I "\ - "\ 5 0 FACTOR OF SAFETY 2.5 - 0 4 EFFECTIVE = 1.0 + I l l 5 6 7 ANGLE OF FRICTION FIG. 13. The r e q u i r e d effective s t r e n g t h for a factor o f safety o f unity. - - 8 - DEGREES parameters re- quired Maymont slide is close to that obtained from the back-analysis of other slides in Upper Cretaceous sediments. A landslide on the Qu'Appelle River Valley near Lumsden, Saskatchewan, in the Upper Cretaceous clay shales of the Bearpaw Formation, mobilized a friction angle of 9" when cohesion was taken as zero (Johnson 1978). At the Maidstone bridge site on the North Saskatchewan River, Insley et al. (1977) found that the stability of the landslide situated in the Lea Park Formation was governed by residual strength parameters of +,' = 10 and c,' = 0. Back-analyses of failures in the Bearpaw Formation at the Gardiner Dam in Saskatchewan have shown that with c,' = 0, the 4,' mobilized was between 7.0 and 10.5" (Ringheim 1964). The reason for the similarity in the shear strengths mobilized by landslides is that the three Cretaceous formations all contain layers of low-strength material such as bentonitic zones. These are usually associated with the marine Bearpaw and Lea Park Formations but the nonmarine Judith River Formations also contain local bentonitic zones (Whitaker and Pearson 1972) because of the tremendous interfingering of the sediments of the two depositional environments. This is significant because it means that for engineering purposes it is not crucial to identify the different formations, a task often difficult to perform on the basis of engineering investigations. What is crucial, however, is the identification of geological details, such as bentonitic zones, regardless of which formation they belong to. The strength mobilized by the Maymont slide was essentially equal to the residual strengths measured in the laboratory on the remolded precut samples. With cohesion equal to zero, the friction angle mobilized by the slide was 8.2", whereas the residual friction angle measured in the laboratory on precut and remolded samples was 8.0". Considerably higher and variable residual strengths were exhibited by the direct shear tests on the natural samples. Insley et al. (1977), Weisner (1969), and Thomson and Hayley (1975) also measured the lowest residual strength parameters for Cretaceous clay shales on surfaces that had been precut. The close agreement between the strength mobilized by the Maymont slide and strength obtained in the laboratory from precut samples suggests that testing precut samples gives the most representative value of the residual field strength. whenever an excavated slope fails at a shear strength corresponding to the residual friction conditions, it is important to ascertain how the strength was reduced from peak to residual. For the Maymont slide a logical explanation for the shear strength having been reduced to residual is that it occurred during the shearing resulting from glacial ice-thrusting. The linear surface features on the vertical air photograph in Fig. 3 and the folds, brecciations, and slickensides all indicate that the material has been moved about through glaciation. It has been recently shown by Sauer (1978) that this type of icethrusting is a fairly widespread phenomenon in glaciated regions. The suddenness with which the failure took place is of interest. Generally there is a time delay, which is attributed to the time necessary for equalization of negative pore pressures resulting from the unloading (Vaughan and Walbancke 1973; Eigenbrod 1975 ; Skempton 1977). It does not appear that the Maymont slide was influenced by negative pore water pressures since this would mean that the shear strength parameters would be even lower. It should be noted that the west cut, which was as high as the east cut, did not fail. The slope indicator installed at the crest of this slope (S.I. 10 in Fig. 7) has not shown any movement to date, which indicates that the slope is still stable. There may be two possible explanations. First, the slickensided clay shale zone beneath the west slope does not appear to dip toward the base of the cut as it does beneath the' failed slope. This stratigraphic difference has a stabilizing effect. Second, there may very well be negative pore water pressures acting in the more intact soils below the west cut. If this is the case, it is possible that this slope could fail as the negative water pressures relax. Regardless of the reason, the KRAHN ET AL. Maymont slide shows how localized geological details can influence stability. Had the cut been shifted perhaps 30 n~ either direction, the situation could have been considerably different. It is becoming more apparent that stability problems in complex sedimentary bedrock deposits are invariably controlled by geological details. A thin presheared bentonitic layer controlled the stability of a slide in Cretaceous bedrock at Devon, Alberta (Eigenbrod and M-orgenstern 1972). The same feature controlled the stability of landslides at the Nipawin bridge in Saskatchewan, at the Maidstone bridge in Saskatchewan, and at the Smoky 2 bridge in Alberta (Insley et d.1977). The Maymont failure has once again illustrated the importance of the geological details in slope stability. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Mr. W. A. Sheard, Chief Engineer, and to Mr. D. G . Metz, Principal Geotechnical Engineer, of the Department of Transportation, Government of Saskatchewan, for permission to publish this case history. Special thanks are also due to Mr. H. Eley and his Materials Testing Branch for the field investigations and instrumentation installations. This work was in part supported by financial assistance received from the National Research Council of Canada and the Saskatchewan Research Council. EIGENBROD, K. D. 1975. Analysis of the pore pressure changes following the excavation of a slope. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 12, pp. 429-440. 715 K. D., and MORGENSTERN, N. R . 1972. A slide in EIGENBROD, Cretaceous bedrock, Devon, Alberta. Itr Geotechnical ~ r a c t i c efor stability in open pit mining. Edited by C. 0. Brawner and V. Milligan. American Institute of Mining Engineers, pp. 223-238. FREDLUND, D. G. 1975. A comprehensive and flexible slope stability program. Presented at the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada Meeting, Calgary, Alta. J. 1977. Comparison of slope FREDLUND, D. G., and KRAHN, stability methods of analysis. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 14, pp. 429-439. P. K., and SMITH,L. B. 1977. Use of INSLEY, A. E., CHATTERJI, residual strength for stability analyses of embankment foundations containing preexisting failure surfaces. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 14, pp. 408-428. JOHNSON, R. F. 1978. The Maymont bridge landslides: A case history study. M S c . thesis, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, Sask. 220 p. MCLEAN,J. R. 1971. Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Judith River Formation in the Canadian Great Plains. Geology Division, Saskatchewan Research Council,- Report NO. 11.96 p. RINGHEIM. A. S. 1964. Ex~erienceswith the B e a r ~ a wshales a t the ~ o i t h~ a s k a t c h e d a n River Dam. 8th international Congress on Large Dams, Vol. 7, p. 529. SAUER,E. K. 1978. The engineering significance of glacier ice-thrusting. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 15, pp. 457-472. SKEMPTON, A. W. 1977. Slope stability of cuttings in brown London clay. 9th International Congress of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Lectures Vol., - Tokyo, . Special pp. 25-34. THOMSON. S.. and HAYLEY.D. W. 1975. The Little Smoky ~andslide.'canadianGeotechnical Journal, 12, pp. 379-392. H. J. 1973. Pore pressure VAUGHAN, P. R., and WALBANCKE, changes and the delayed failure of cutting slopes in overconsolidated clay. Geotechnique, 23(4), pp. 531-539. WEISNER,W. R. 1969. Residual shear strength of overconsolidation clay shales. M.Sc. thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask. 168 p. D. E. 1972. Geological map of WHITAKER, S. H., and PEARSON, Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Research and Department of Mineral Resources.