2010 Annual Report
2010 Annual Report
The Salvation Army Greater Houston Area Command 2010 Annual Report Laying the foundation for better days ahead Through its daily service in the greater Houston area, The Salvation Army is upholding its mission to meet human needs without discrimination. 2010 was a year of tremendous growth for The Salvation Army. The need for social services increased and shelters were at capacity. More families needed help and the Army stepped forward to assist with immediate and long-term needs. There were momentous objectives achieved in the capital campaign which will allow for expanded programs and for the Army to evolve and meet the ever-changing needs of its clients. The Salvation Army helps people to aspire and achieve significant milestones in their personal development while inspiring long-term progress in their unique, Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me... Psalm 43:3 individual journeys to triumph. Today’s donors and volunteers make our future work possible. Thank you. Area Commander Board Chairman Dear Friends, Dear Army Friends: Reflecting on The Salvation Army’s work in the greater Houston area in 2010, a quote from Chris Ault, head coach for the University of Nevada, comes to mind. “When you connect the past with the present, you illuminate the future.” It has been a tremendous honor to serve as Chairman of The Salvation Army’s Advisory Board during 2010. I have been privileged to participate in the Army’s work in a year that saw important milestones in our $21.6 million Giving for Living Capital Campaign, and increased provision of services the Army provides to the neediest among us. These milestones could not have been achieved without your support, and I thank you for enabling the Army to accomplish so much this year. I am grateful for the support this community has provided us in the past and for the resourceful volunteers who have helped us to make so many visions reality. You have brought us to where we are now and it gives us great hope for the future. We realize that the work that the Army is doing in Harris, Montgomery and Fort Bend counties is laying a foundation for the future of this organization and the clients we so humbly serve each day. The Giving for Living Capital Campaign was a focus of our efforts during the year and I am happy to report a number of important developments that occurred: We have had a tremendous response to our Giving for Living Capital Campaign that focuses on six key objectives. As we lay the foundation for expanded service and programs, I am confident that we will look back at these days and know they are historic ones. A few notable milestones are: • Ground was broken on a new Garden City Boys & Girls Club, a facility in the Acres Home section of Houston that serves youth age 8 to 16 with such activities as tutoring, computer training, mentoring, and sports. The reopening of the Garden City Boys & Girls Club program in fall 2010: Our site was destroyed by Hurricane Ike, but we operated the afterschool program out of Caraway Middle School because the children we serve daily needed us. The groundbreaking of the new facility in the fall will allow us to open the doors just in time for summer 2011. • Sally’s House, our home for troubled and addicted women, progressed in its plans to renovate our existing structure and expand the number of women served. For the first time, we will provide overnight accommodations to transient women. A new beginning at Sally’s House: We have expanded our service at Sally’s House allowing us to address the needs of Houston’s transient female population. Last year, we received funding for the new wing at the facility – construction will begin this year. Further development of plans for the International Corps that will address the needs of an underserved population in southwest Houston: Our new facility promises to triple the number of people we currently assist. We hope to complete funding for the project this year. Expanded social services: The spike in emergency assistance this summer led to $1 million in spending compared to roughly $250,000 the year before. We are especially grateful to the overwhelming response from the community when they heard of our increased need for funds. Also, we are able to provide intensive, long-term support to several working families through the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program. We continue to expand our Christmas program, as well as provide scholarships to the youth in our Boys & Girls Club programs. We are thankful for the opportunity to illuminate the future of better days for our community. Thank you for your support. God bless each of you! Major Chris Flanagan Greater Houston Area Commander • Our International Corps developed detailed plans for a new facility in southwest Houston that will meet the needs of indigent children, adults and seniors from two dozen different nationalities. The Corps has seen remarkable success in its mission, including the establishment of a church that is frequently the largest in the Army’s Southern Territory. • These projects have been made possible by a very successful fundraising year, with an amount raised in 2010 that approaches half of our goal. Work remains for the final three projects of the campaign, the Conroe Emergency Shelter, the Adult Rehabilitation Center, and the Disaster Response, Social Services and Christmas Operating Center, but with the foundation we laid in 2010 we are optimistic for 2011. 2010 saw great demand for our services, and the Army rose to the challenge. Mirroring national trends, Houston experienced rising homelessness and more resources were needed to get households back on their feet. By June 2010, the Army had already spent more than we did in all of 2009. Nonetheless, we had a 90% success rate in keeping families housed for six months after entering our program and 80% of those we served experienced increased income as a result. Before I close, I must thank the remarkable staff and leadership of the Army that makes all the good work possible. Army leaders perform their work out of Christian faith for modest compensation, and enable the Army to devote almost 90 cents of every dollar to programming. Their devotion is truly remarkable and amounts to a subsidy to donors by allowing our donations to go farther. I also must thank my predecessor as Chairman, Marcus Watts, who performed outstanding service and served until May 2010. Thank you for your generosity and kind support in 2010. Sincerely, Charles L. Roff Advisory Board Chariman “On the first day of school, the kids teased and bullied me because I smelled and talked different. The Salvation Army taught me to keep my head up.” Boys & Girls Clubs The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Clubs operates six programs in the greater Houston area for youth ages 5 to 18. After-school programs, summer day camps, sports activities and teen programming are available. Members are offered tutoring, drug and alcohol prevention programs, computer labs and indoor and outdoor recreational activities - all within a fun, safe environment. Grand opening of the new Garden City Boys & Girls Club will be summer 2011. Esteli Nyampundu I was born in Africa during a time of war. My skin was the color of charcoal; I was diseased, fatherless, and heartbroken. Unthinkable events have caused me to see life differently and appreciate simple things. In my world, peace was nonexistent. The soldiers in Rwanda preyed upon little children, inspiring them to hate, kill, and steal instead of loving and caring for themselves and others. When my family tried desperately to escape the impoverished area of Rwanda and the genocide, my father was executed in front of us. At that moment, my life was forever changed. With fear in her heart, my mom was now left to raise six children alone. It was no longer safe for my family to remain in Rwanda; we had to find a better way of life. America loomed with its promise of safety and opportunity, both of which we so desperately needed. The journey to the United States was very hard. I remember one night we had traveled for forty days with me on my mom’s neck and my sister on her back walking without shoes, food, clothes or supplies. We were starving to death. My life is not a story of a typical kid, but rather one of determination and perseverance. Arriving in a new world that spoke an unfamiliar language was frightening. I was afraid and wanted so badly to fit in. It was difficult for me starting out, coupled with my mother’s desire for us to succeed, the pressure was unbearable. Obtaining an American education was the best thing to happen to me. Although I appeared different from the other students, I was able to live the dream. When I entered high school it was time for me to focus on the next phase of my life. I was introduced to The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club Upward Bound Program. I fell in love with Upward Bound and how the staff took a genuine interest in me, a little girl from Rwanda. They would tell me that I was special and that my journey was a story that needed to be told. They inspired me to move forward and keep my head up no matter what obstacles I faced. They saw my potential and encouraged me to go to school and get an education. Over the last four years, I have had the chance to visit colleges in various states. They encouraged me to look outside the box which offered a world of endless possibilities. The support to stay strong and believe in myself is only a portion of what The Salvation Army has given to me. The staff has inspired me to want to teach children that are less fortunate and to open their eyes to see a world they deem impossible. Maria Walsh I was born and raised in Houston and was sexually molested by my stepfather since I was six years old. He molested all of my siblings but I tried my best to protect them. I told them they had to get dressed in the closet and keep their doors locked at night, but he would still get to them. When I finally told my mom at age 15, she didn’t believe me. I had to get out of that house so I married my first boyfriend when I turned 17. There were signs that he was abusive but I was in a desperate situation. I stayed married for seven years and had two daughters. My marriage was going downhill and I began drinking; he abused me and almost beat me to death. By the time of our divorce, I had become a full-blown alcoholic. From alcohol, I moved on to marijuana and began partying all the time. I eventually became addicted to crack and my ex-husband took the children away from me. I was going downhill fast when, one day, I had a spiritual experience at church and managed to stay clean and sober for five years. I was seeing my girls every other weekend and thought I was getting my life together. I began going to happy hours with my colleagues after work, but because I didn’t know enough about my addiction, this put me back on the road I came from. Within six months, my life was spiraling out of control again. I was in and out of jail and this pattern continued for several years. My girls eventually had their kids but I never made time to see my grandchildren because I didn’t want anything to do with them. At one point, there was no one left who would bail me out of jail. Upon release, I sat on the steps in front of the jail for hours. A police officer realized no one was coming to get me and she told me about The Salvation Army Sally’s House. I had never been through a program like Sally’s House before. I was emotionally unstable when I entered that place and didn’t trust anyone. They taught me to take responsibility for my actions. I learned about my addiction and how to defeat it. They taught me how to make a resume and I secured the accounting job I have now while I was at Sally’s House. Because the drug use had destroyed my teeth, they helped me get my teeth fixed and I got the glasses that I so badly needed. I stayed at Sally’s House for two years and have been clean and sober since the day I walked into the program in 2008. I am thankful to God that my family is a part of my life and that I am number one on the babysitter list for my grandkids. “I had nowhere else to go when I went to Sally’s House. I learned about myself and how to overcome my addiction. They were my guardian angels.” Sally’s House Sally’s House is a transitional shelter for single women who have already completed an alcohol/drug detoxification program. It provides a safe and compassionate environment for the next phase of their recovery. During a year’s stay, residents must work or attend school and participate in support services designed to restore mental and physical health, upgrade professional skills and encourage independent living. “I have learned not to look down at people with problems. We all have problems. Offer them help and a way out. If I can do it, you can do it too.” Harbor Light Center The Salvation Army Harbor Light Center and Red Shield Lodge provides a comprehensive response to the increasing needs of Houston’s homeless and addicted men. Each individual is offered access to immediate and long-term shelter, medical screening and referral, and a spiritual approach to recovery and self-sufficiency. Many men celebrate their joy and restored faith in God by performing in The Salvation Army Harbor Light Choir. Danny Grant I started getting involved with the wrong crowd when I was in high school. When I started college, I was out partying every weekend and before I knew it, I was an alcoholic. I started living on the streets in my early twenties, and drugs and alcohol consumed me. My brother found me one day and told me he had been through the recovery program at The Salvation Army Harbor Light Center and told me to go there for help. I had nothing to my name except the clothes on my back and the shoes on my feet. But, I was determined to get help, so I asked the guys at a crack house if I could use their shower to get cleaned up before turning my life around. I entered the Harbor Light Center in 1993 when I was 34 years old. I was used to sleeping on concrete and waking up with mangy dogs by me, but they gave me a bunk with a mattress and a warm meal to eat. This place was like heaven and I was extremely grateful. The program changed my life. I wanted to be saved from the streets and was determined that when I went back out into the world, I was going to be a different man. I never felt alone here. When the men shared their stories, there was always someone who had already been through what I was going through so I knew there was hope. Being part of the Harbor Light Choir gave me opportunities to share my testimony with so many people. I learned that there are people out there who don’t drink or do drugs and still have problems. Knowing what we had gone through gave them hope that better days were ahead. After completing the program, I was blessed with a job and was able to save enough money to open my first bank account. I eventually moved out into my own apartment and was able to buy a car. It had been my goal to be able to support myself and I had finally done it. My future is bright – bright as a shining star. My life today is focused on getting men off the street and letting them know there are ways out. When I see men under the bridge, I give them my card and tell them to call me when they are ready for help and I’ll give them a ride to Harbor Light. My wife Mary and I are newlyweds, and seven of my groomsmen were in the program with me. They have become my closest friends, and we encourage and support each other. I am proud to have come from the Harbor Light program, and this place will always be a part of my life. Debbie Smiley When my mom left us, my brothers were adopted by relatives and my twin sister and I were placed in foster care at ten years old. For this reason, I was distraught and had a very unstable childhood. I graduated high school in 2002 and went to college to study criminal justice. I stayed in school for only one semester before I quit and began searching for my mother. I was looking for answers and wanted to know more about her. I found her in Florida and then things went downhill from there. She was a dancer and was going from city to city to support her drug addiction. When we were younger, she lost the rights to my siblings and me because she was on crack and could no longer care for us. I was curious about drugs and how they could possibly be more important to her than her own children. My mother introduced me to drugs and I immediately became addicted to crack. She stole all my money and abandoned me again. I ended up getting pregnant but continued my drug use anyway. I was turning tricks to support my addiction, but dealers stopped selling to me because they started to notice I was pregnant. I kept trying to push the knot in my stomach back in until I realized I was killing the only person that may ever love me. I entered a recovery program where I stayed clean until delivering my son. I moved to Houston, found a job and was taking care of my son. His father eventually found us and I allowed him to move in because I needed the support. One day, he left with my son and never came back. Over the course of the next three years, I began using again and got four felonies and 13 misdemeanors. I was in and out of jail – using drugs and prostituting. I found out I was pregnant by my pimp. To avoid giving up my child to foster care, I had to stop using drugs. I entered a nine-month recovery program and got clean. I needed help to transition back into society, so I went to The Salvation Army Family Residence. In that program, I learned about career development, was able to attend AA meetings and parenting classes so I could raise my kids right. I proved that my life was getting back on track, and the courts granted me the rights to my son who I hadn’t seen since he was three years old. I had always dreamed of having my own family and being a good mother to my children. I now am able to do that. For so many years, I was running from reality but I don’t anymore because I am happy. I left Family Residence a year ago and am in my own apartment. I am enrolled in school and things are looking good for me. “My mother got me addicted to crack. I am grateful I went through this while I was young because I have time to get my life back.” Family Residence The Salvation Army Family Residence is much more than a shelter. In addition to meeting practical needs, such as food, clothing and toiletries, it offers sanctuary and a life-changing program to homeless single women and families. Adults and children participate in a full schedule of classes and counseling designed to address the underlying causes of homelessness and facilitate healing, thereby providing the necessary tools to return to independence. “Volunteering here gives us a chance to pursue our passions. It may seem like the Church relies on us a lot, but the Church saved our family.” International Corps The Salvation Army Corps Community Centers, located throughout the greater Houston area, bring the organization’s ministry directly to those who need it most. In addition to social outreach, the ministry is realized through Sunday worship services, weekly Bible studies and outreach to the sick and ailing. Through the Capital Campaign, the International Corps’ new facility will expand services and replace the current 10,000 square foot rental facility on a 10-acre site. Raymond Slater My family and I had been living down the street from The Salvation Army International Corps for four years before ever stopping by. One evening, someone knocked at our door and told us about the Corps. We had been visiting various churches and looking for a church home, so we decided to give it a try that week and have been coming every Sunday since. What we experienced there was different than anything we had ever experienced before. There were so many different types of people – every color and walk of life – it was exactly the setting we had hoped for but were never able to find. We connected well with the Corps Officer, Captain Na, who asked during his sermon one week, “How much time are you spending at the Church?” We took that question as a personal charge to become more involved and began volunteering a year ago. After finally becoming involved with all aspects of the ministry, we felt that we were needed and belonged. Now, as a family, we spend almost every day of the week at the Corps. My daughter Kiya and I head up the afterschool program Monday through Friday. My wife Benita and daughter Maria are active in the music and arts programs on Saturday. We all come to church on Sunday and teach Sunday School. Kiya teaches for vacation Bible school and Maria goes to music camp at The Salvation Army’s facility near Dallas for three weeks each summer. She is also in the children’s choir called Jesus’ Little Notes. We are looking forward to the new facility so our programs can be expanded, and we can serve the various groups of people who need these programs. This was our first year volunteering with the Christmas program and we were blown away by the number of people that were assisted. We helped to register needy families, distribute items from the food pantry and we even volunteered at Red Kettles. I can see first-hand where the donations go. I have put a food bag in someone’s hand to feed their hungry family and seen the gratefulness on their face. That’s where the money’s going – to help people that need our help the most. My wife and I used to work in social services but more recently having been working in sales and retail. Volunteering here gives us a chance to work with our passion. It may seem like the Corps relies on us a lot, but the Corps saved our family. Before we joined, the kids were doing so-so at school and my wife and I argued a lot. After we started coming here, everything started falling into place. God has truly blessed my family. Shane Baughn I come from a good family. I grew up in Houston and was very involved in church and sports while growing up. In junior high school, I started hanging out with the wrong crowd and became very rebellious. I started drinking and using drugs and by the time I was a senior at Jersey Village High School, I was arrested for selling drugs. My dad hired one of the best attorneys in town and I only had to stay in jail for ten days. I was placed immediately in a Christian boys home where I stayed for eight months. When I got out, I started using and selling again and began moving from state to state. At age 25, I wound up in Virginia with a pregnant girlfriend. I was there for the delivery of our twin sons, but she would not let me see them again after that. I became very depressed because I love kids and was not able to see my own. The depression led to more drug use and I finally hit rock bottom with nowhere to go. I was homeless and living on the streets for three months when I was hit in the head with a brick and had everything stolen from me. I entered a detox program and stayed sober for six months but started smoking weed again. When I returned to Houston to be closer to my family, I got caught up with the old crowd and got hooked on cocaine. I told my dad I was finally ready to change, and he took me to The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center to get help. I had previously entered detox programs to please family members and girlfriends, but this time, I was doing it for myself. I learned about my addiction, took anger management classes, stopped smoking cigarettes, went through the recovery program and now sponsor others who are going through the program. I have been sober for 15 months – that’s the longest stretch since I started using at 12 years old. I wake up in the mornings and I’m actually happy – I take each day at a time and thank God for what he has done in my life. I used to be a manipulator, a liar, a con-artist and a cheater. I’m a new person, and God is leading me down the right path. I have restored the relationship with my family and have a full-time job. I lead a recovery class, and I’m a sponsor to men who are currently trying to get their lives free of addiction. I am praying for the opportunity to be reunited with my sons. They are 12 years old now and I am ready to be a good father and role model to them. I really owe The Salvation Army for giving me the chance to get my life together – they never gave up on me. “I had smoked weed, taken crack and shot heroin, but it was finally time to get my life back on track. The Salvation Army never gave up on me.” ARC The Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) repairs broken lives of men who are addicted to alcohol and drugs through a program that includes work therapy, recreation, worship, healthcare, education and counseling. Upon completion of the program, residents are ready to move into ARC Transitional Housing. In this phase of recovery, the men are preparing for return to family and community. The ARC operates six Salvation Army Family Stores in the area. “People come here for lunch because they know it’s a safe place and we don’t ask too many questions. They can have a warm meal whenever they want.” Conroe C C Corps The Salvation Army’s emergency shelter in Conroe - the Red Shield Lodge - is the only facility in the area that provides temporary, emergency housing for men, women and families. The Capital Campaign will add a new 11,000 square foot facility across the street. It will include cafeteria, residential and multi-use space and double its day and night service capacity to facilitate the growing demand for transitional shelter. Bonnie Busbee I am a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Conroe and have been volunteering with The Salvation Army’s meal program here for 23 years. As part of a community partnership, a different church comes in each day to prepare and serve a warm meal to the needy people who come to The Salvation Army for lunch. Each Wednesday, we take over the kitchen and I lead a group of parishioners involved in outreach through the St. Vincent de Paul Society at our church. The menu changes weekly and we average 150 people for lunch on Wednesdays. We start preparing at 9 a.m. and there’s a line of people waiting to get in at 11 a.m. We usually see the same faces each week – homeless men and women who need a meal and social interaction – but there are occasionally new faces as well. During Spring Break and summer time, we see their hungry children. At times, it’s heartbreaking to see but we look forward to the opportunity to provide food to them each week. This is a safe place for them to come share a meal with neighbors and feel welcome. We know that our time and effort is needed and appreciated. Most of the women in my group have been volunteering here for several years, and we return each week because we enjoy what we’re doing and seeing the fruits of our labor. I used to bring my children to volunteer with me at The Salvation Army. They are grown now and have their own families, but they teach my grandchildren the importance of volunteerism as well. The capital campaign will allow for a new building and a renovated kitchen. We are looking forward to being involved in the expansion and giving our feedback on how the kitchen and dining area can be improved in order to serve people more effectively. With a better facility and continued volunteer support, I’m sure that the outreach here can be increased. Lunch program partnering churches: Conroe First Assembly of God Christ Church United Methodist First Baptist Church First Presbyterian Church First United Methodist Church - Conroe Klein United Methodist Church Lone Star Cowboy Church Magnolia United Methodist Church Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church S.A.I. Church Sacred Heart Catholic Church: St. Vincent Depaul Society St. James the Apostle Episcopal Church Tree of Life Lutheran Church Trinity Episcopal Church Union Center AME Church United Methodist Church West Conroe Baptist Church Woodlands United Methodist Church Yahweh Street Ministries The Salvation Army Greater Houston Area Command Facilities & Programs 1. Area Command Administrative Office 9. 1500 Austin Street Houston, TX 77002 713-752-0677 Major Chris Flanagan, Area Commander Major Sandy Flanagan, Coordinator of Women’s Ministries Caesar Grantham, Director of Development Joe Scharnberg, Controller Mary V. Rodriguez, Director of Finance 10. * 2. Social Services 2208 Main St. Houston, TX 77002 713-658-9205 Gerald Eckert, Social Services Manager Aldine Westfield Corps Community Center/Boys & Girls Club 2600 Aldine Westfield Road Houston, TX 77093 713-694-5688 Majors Robert and Shannon Winters, Corps Officers Doug Smith, Boys & Girls Club Executive Director Donnie Cook, Boys & Girls Club Branch Manager Garden City Boys & Girls Club** 9601 W. Montgomery Houston, TX 77088 281-447-2733 ** Future site - Opening summer 2011 11. Upward Bound Program @ Lee High School 6529 Beverly Hill Lane Houston, TX 77057 713-787-1752 Trissi Johnson, Director + 3. Sally’s House 1717 Congress Houston, TX 77002 713-223-8889 Gay McCurdy, Director + 12. International Corps Community Center 5757 Ranchester Dr., Suite 1900 Houston, TX 77036 713-988-5201 Captains Stephen and Sujung Na, Corps Officers 4. Harbor Light Center & Corps and Red Shield Lodge 2407 North Main Houston, TX 77009 713-224-2875 Majors Richard and Barbara Branscum, Corps Officers 13. Northwest Corps Community Center/Boys & Girls Club 12507 Windfern Road Fred Smith, Director Houston, TX 77064 832-200-4620 5. Irvington Corps Community Center/Boys & Girls Club Majors Stan and Debi Carr, Corps Officers 4516 Irvington Boulevard Lieutenant Sarah Gottlich, Assistant Corps Officer Houston, TX 77009 Alesia Anderson, Boys & Girls Club Branch Manager 713-692-0522 Captains Roman and Lois Leal, Corps Officers 14. Conroe Corps Community Center Debbie Mitchell, Boys & Girls Club Branch Manager 304 Avenue E Conroe, TX 77301 6. William Booth Garden Apartments 936-760-2440 808 Frawley Lieutenants Robert & Glenis Viera, Corps Officers Houston, TX 77009 713-692-4186 Mary McElhannon, Director 15. Pasadena Corps Community Center/Boys & Girls Club 2732 Cherrybrook Lane Pasadena, TX 77502 7. Family Residence 713-378-0020 1603 McGowen Majors Edward and Delia Alonzo, Corps Officers Houston, TX 77004 Teresa Moore, Boys & Girls Club Branch Manager 713-650-6530 Charmaine Smith, Director 16. Evangeline Booth Garden Apartments 2627 Cherrybrook Lane 8. Adult Rehabilitation Center Pasadena, TX 77502 2118 Washington Avenue 713-920-1844 Houston, TX 77007 Eleanor Westbrook, Director 713-869-3551 Majors Larry and Paulette DeBerry, Administrators 17. Social Services - Fort Bend 10435 Greenbough Dr. Stafford, TX 77477 281-207-2500 Worship Center Vickie Bernal, Social Worker Financial Assistance *+ + + * * + Shelter * Serving Harris, Montgomery and Fort Bend Counties since 1889 A & C Plastics A3IM, Inc. Abby Office Centers Accenture Acergy Alamo Tamale Factory Alley Theater Alphi Chi Omega Amegy Bank of Texas American Eagle Airlines, Inc. American Express American General Life Companies American International Group American Red Cross Americas Styrenics, LLC AmeriCorps AMLI Residential APPH APX Alarms Arcodoro Archon Hospitality Arena Energy, LLC Asbury United Methodist Church Ascension Episcopal Church Ascension Episcopal School Atlas Copco Compressors LLC Atlas Engineering, Inc. Austin High School National Honor Society AutoTrader Avondale House Axys Industrial Solutions Baker Concrete Construction, Inc. Baker Hughes Banana Republic Factory Store #6267 Bank of New York Mellon Barbara Jordan High School Key Club Baylor Alumni Association Bayou Bend Towers Bayshore Medical Center Bear Creek Baptist Behringer Harvard - Briarlake Plaza BG Group BHP Billiton Petroleum BHP Joint Venture Group Bicycle World of Houston Bilingual Education Student Association Booker T. Washington High School JROTC Boy Scouts of America BP Briar Grove Pharmacy Brookfield Properties Brookshire Brothers Brown & Associates Brown & Gay Engineers Burnett & Company, Inc. Burnett Staffing Burns BBQ & Catering Cambridge Court Apartments Canyon Gate Communities Capital Bank Capital One Bank Capstar Commercial Real Estate Services Caring Angel Home Health Carnegie High School Catherine’s Plus Sizes CB & I CB Richard Ellis CDM CECO Celebration Foods Center at River Oaks CenterPoint Energy Century 21 Stockwell & Associates Chase Bank Chavez High School Chevron Chik-Fil-A Chili’s Grill & Bar Christ Evangelical Church Christians In Action Church at the Bridgelands Church’s Chicken CITGO City of Deer Park City of Houston City of Pasadena - Clean Streets City of Sugar Land Clear Channel Radio Club GEC Coalition for the Homeless Coalition of Labor Union Women Comfort Systems USA Comsys Connect One Security ConocoPhillips Conroe First Assembly of God Conroe Regional Medical Center Constellation Energy Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. Continental Airlines Cool Smiles Dental Cracker Barrel Credit Suiss Private Banking USA Crescent Properties Cricket Communications, Inc. Crimson Exploration CSM (Center for Student Missions) CultureMap Houston CyFair College Ambassadors Cypress High School National Honor Society Cy-Ridge High School National Honor Society Cy-Woods High School Interact Club Dance Praise of Houston DataCert Daughters of Divine Promise Davis Petroleum Corp. Deer Park High School Delta Phi Epsilon at Prairie View University Deltek Houston DeMontrond Automotive Group DePelchin Children’s Center Devon Energy Corporation DHL Direct Energy Doubletree Downtown Dow Chemical Company Dow Halterman Custom Processing Dress for Success Dresser, Inc Du Pont Powder Coatings Dulles High School Dynegy, Inc. East Fort Bend Human Ministries, Inc. El Shaddai Church Ministries Eli Henry Consulting Elsik High School LEO Club Emergency Health Centre at Willowbrook Emmanuel CSIU Enbridge Energy Partners Enventure Global Technology Episcopal High School Ernst & Young Esperson Buildings, LLC. ExxonMobil Fairview United Methodist Church Faithbridge United Methodist Church Faith Tabernacle Church Faith West Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc. Faust Distributing Company FCCLA Organization FDC Houston (Federal Detention Center) FedEX Fidelity Investments First Baptist Church First Christian Church First Colony Christian Church First Presbyterian Church First Service Credit Union First United Methodist Church First United Methodist Church - La Porte Fiserv, Inc Five Post Oak Park FMC Technologies Fountain of Faith Baptist Church Friendswood Community Church Frost Bank Fulcrum Power Gap Outlet #7938 GC Services L.P. GE Gasification GEMSA Loan Services, LP Genesis Energy, Inc. Girl Scout Troop #12635 Global Force USA Golden Acres United Methodist Church Goldman, Sachs & Co. Good Tidings Grace Episcopal Church Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church Grand Lux Café Gravitas Gray Properties Graybar Electric Grubb & Ellis Company Halff Associates, Inc. Halliburton Haltermann Custom Processing Hanbit Church of Houston Harris County Hospital District Harris County Senior Program HCC American Society of Interior Designers HCCS Corporation Health & Human Services H-E-B Heritage Baptist Church Heritage Student Council Hess Corporation Hewlett Packard Highland Resources Inc Highmount Exploration & Production LLC Hilton Americas - Houston Hitachi Consulting Hobby Lobby Hoffman Middle School Home Depot Horizon Wind Energy Hospitality USA House of Blues Houston Area Hyundai Dealers Houston Area Urban League Houston Association of Black Journalists Houston Baptist University Houston Chinese Church Houston Christian Assembly Houston Chronicle Houston Clearlake Civitan Club Houston Community College Houston Community Newspapers Houston Elvis Meetup Houston Food Bank Houston Independent School District Houston Modern Luxury Houston Police Department Houston Public Library Houston Symphony Houston Wire and Cable Company Huffman High School Hyatt Regency Houston IAAP Greenspoint Area Chapter IBC Bank I-CERV IHOP Ikon - Customer Care Center Ikon Office Solutions Imagine Arts Studio IMS Insurance Market Solutions Infovine Printing Innovative Senior Care Inspectorate America Corporation Interfaith Manor InterMoor, Inc. International Facility Management Association (IFMA) Invesco Aim Management Group, Inc. J. Haltermann Jackson & Ryan Architects Jacobs Technology JC Penney Johann Haltermann JPMorgan Chase Katy Mills Mall KBME 790 AM The Salvation Army would like to thank and recognize the 2010 community partners for their invaluable contributions of service and in-kind gifts. The Army depends on the compassionate support of partners like these to fulfill its mission in the greater Houston area. Put your creative and physical resources to work and become a community partner! For the latest volunteer opportunities, please call 713-752-0677 or visit www.SalvationArmyHouston.org. KBXX 97.9 FM Keais Records Service, Inc. Keller Williams Kelman Technologies, Inc. Key Energy Services KGLK 107.5 The Eagle KHCW Channel 39 KHMX 96.5 FM KHOU Channel 11 KIAH Channel 39 Kinder Morgan King & Spalding Kinsmen Lutheran Church Kiwanis Club of East Fort Bend County KKBQ 93Q KKHH Hot 95-7 KKHT 100.7 FM KKRW 93.7 FM Klein Collins High School Klein United Methodist Church KLOL 101.1 FM Knust SBO KPMG KPRC 950 AM KPRC Channel 2 KPTY 104.9 FM Kraftsmen Baking Kraton Polymers KRIV Channel 26 Kroger KSBJ 89.3 FM KTBU Channel 55 KTBZ 94.5 FM KTRH 740 AM KTRK Channel 13 KXLN Channel 45 La Porte Rotary Club LabCorp Lady Deer Basketball Team Lakewood Church Lazard Frered & Co. LLC LCC Student Ambassadors LEAD (Letting Everyone Achieve Dreams) Lee High School Lee Wayne Corporation Legacy Support Houston Legends Storage Leo Club Liberty International Underwriters LifePoint Fellowship Church Lloyd’s Register Americas Lockheed Martin Corporation Lone Star College Lopez Negrete Communications Loyalty #5, Order of the Eastern Star LR Americas LR Americas, Inc. Luby’s, Inc. Lutheran South Academy Mac Haik Ford Macy’s Mademoiselles at Barbara Jordan High School Mahoney & Associates Malcolm Pirnie, Inc Margolis Phipps & Wright Market Street Marsh, Inc. Martin Diagnostic Clinic Mary Kay Matrix Structural Engineers, Inc. Maxim Health Care Maxwell Adult Center MBCI McCoy Solutions McDonalds McMoran Oil & Gas Meader Staffing Services Inc. Medical Bridges Memorial Hermann Memorial High School Men of Distinction Men’s Warehouse Mercer, LLC Metro MMOB (Memorial Mustang Outreach Bunch) Montgomery County Emergency Assistance Montgomery County Food Bank Moody National Companies Morgan Stanley Motiva Enterprises, LLC Mount Carmel Academy Sport Program Mt. Olive Lutheran Church NAI Houston National Business Services Alliance National Oilwell Varco National Youth Leadership Forum Navigant Neal Hamil Modeling Agency Neighborhood Centers, Inc. New Direction Fellowship Church New Hope Church New Life Church New Life Fitness NHSC Noble Energy, Inc. Northbrooke Apartments Northshore High School Band Oceaneering Space Systems, Inc. Off the Field - NFL Player’s Wives Association Office Pavilion Oil & Gas Solutions Optimist Club Order of the Easter Star, Loyalty #5 O’Reilly Auto Parts P & N Machine Co. P&N Machine Parkway Properties Parkway Realty Services Pasadena Bretheren Church Pasadena High School Pasadena Independent School District Pasadena Kiwanis Pasadena Memorial High School - FCCLA Pasadena Memorial High School - TAFE Pasadena Memorial Student Council Pasadena Retired School Employees Pasadena Rotary Club Pasadena Town Square Mall Payless Shoesource Peterson & Peterson Petrolink Services, Inc. Phi Beta Lambda Pi Kappa Alpha Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church PM Realty Group Poolsin Post Office Women for Equal Rights Prarie View A&M Premier Pipe, LLC PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Primrose School of Lake Houston Progressive County Mutual Insurance Quilt Guild of Houston Rain CII Carbon Randalls Food Markets Ranger American REFLEX Gymnastics Ranch Hand Reggae Hut Reliant Energy Residence Inn by Marriott Rice University - Facilities Engineering and Planning Rice University - Public Affairs Richfield Investments Corporation Rotary Club of Cypress Fairbanks Rotary Club of Highlands Royal Beauty Career Ryan, Inc SABGC Keystone Club SAIC Saint Clare of Assisi Catholic Church Saint Laurence Catholic Church Saint Timothy’s Episcopal Church Safelite Auto Glass Sam Rayburn High School Success Program Sam’s Club Sasol North America, Inc. Schwann’s Home Service SEARCH Homeless Services Second Baptist High Altitude Youth Seniors on Service Seoul Baptist Church Severn Trent De Nora, LLC SGS North America, Inc Sharps Compliance Inc. Sharpstown High School Shaw Group Shell Oil Company Sherlock’s/Baker Street Pub & Grill Shipley Do-Nuts Shorenstein Realty Siemens Corporation Sienna Plantation Residential Association SMC Technologies Snappy Printing Solomon Temple COGIC Solvay America Southern Petroleum Laboratories, Inc. Southern Union Energy Southmore International - 21st Century Club Students Space Center Houston Spark Energy Spindletop Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church SportsTalk 790 SPT, Inc St. Edwards Alumni St. James Episcopal - Woodlands St. Luke’s United Methodist Church St. Michael’s High School St. Thomas High School St. Thomas University Stafford High School Junior ROTC Stage Stores, Inc. Stargel Office Solutions Sterling Bank Stewart & Stevenson Stone’s Fitness Center Stor-A-Way Storage Stotts/Lee Wayne Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strawberry Family Drug & Pharmacy Stream Realty Partner, LP Sunny 99.1 FM Sunset United Methodist Church Suntron Corporation Taco Cabana Tagan Executive Suites Target Taylor Morrison Homes TechTrans International, Inc. Texas Agricultural Extension Agency Texas Army National Guard Texas Barber College Texas Bookkeepers Texas Buddhist Association, Inc. Texas Children’s Hospital Texas Chiropractic College Texas Christian University Texas Direct Auto Texas Litho The Ark Family Church The Art Institute of Houston The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Corporation The Breakfast Klub The Bridge at Second Baptist Church The Cheesecake Factory The Foundry Methodist Church Youth The Galleria Mall The Hobby Center The Houston Aeros The Houston Astros The Houston Ballet The Houston Dynamo The Houston Rockets The Island of Hope Singles Ministry The Junior League The Lighthouse at Willowbrook Apartments The Men’s Warehouse The Methodist Hospital The Monarch School The Shaw Group The Source for Women The Sunshine Band The Vaccine Clinic Partners The Westbury Mademoiselles The Woodlands Mall The Woodlands Parks and Recreation Department The Woodlands United Methodist Church The Working Connection Thomas and Betts Corporation Thomas Properties Group, Inc. Tiffany & Co. Tomball United Methodist Church Total Dance Ministries Transwestern Trelleborg Offshore US, Inc. Trinity Episcopal Church Triten Corporation Triyar Cannon Group TSC Empowerment Outreach Center TXU Energy U.S. Public Health United Methodist Church of Sugar Land United States Army Reserve United Way of Greater Houston Unity Church of Christianity Unity Fellowship Universal Ensco, Inc. University Baptist Church University of Houston - APICS University of Houston - Clear Lake University of Houston - Clear Lake Intercultural & International Student Services University of Houston - Main Campus University of Houston Conrad Hilton School University of Houston Downtown University of Houston Finance Association University of Texas Health Science Center Houston / Dept. of Pediatric Surgery Univision Utex Industries V & M Tube Alloy LLC Valvtechnologies, Inc. Van Kampen Investments Varel International Vativ Recovery Vestas Technology R&D Vic & Anthony’s Steakhouse Vincent DePaul Catholic Church Vinmar International Visible Changes Volunteer Houston Wainwright Dental & Associates Waldemar S. Nelson and Company, Inc. Walden Country Club Walgreens Wal-Mart Way Holding LTD Weaver & Tidwell, L.L.P. Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Advisors Wells Fargo Plaza Wells Real Estate West Conroe Baptist Church West Houston Chinese Church Westbury Mademoiselles Willie’s Restaurant Willowbrook Mall W-Industries, Inc. Windwood Presbyterian Church Womack Machine Supply Co. Women Empowering Others Women of Peace Lutheran Church Women’s Business Enterprise Alliance Woodridge Baptist Church Woodway Square Apartments Work Force Solutions YAG Yahweh Streets Ministries YES Prep Public Schools YMCA Houston YPO-EA YWAM (Youth With a Mission) Board & Councils Greater Houston Advisory Board Giving for Living Capital Campaign Giving for Living is Area Command’s largest building effort to date—a $21.6 million capital campaign that addresses the needs of today and tomorrow. Concentrating on the greatest opportunities to positively impact the “living” fabric of our community, it allows the development and upgraded services of six vital centers: Garden City Boys & Girls Club; Sally’s House; International Corps Community Center; Conroe Emergency Shelter; Social Services, Disaster Response and Christmas Operations Center; and the Adult Rehabilitation Center. To learn more and help, please call 832-201-8016. Charles L. Roff Chairman William A. Van Wie Vice Chairman Robert F. Bland Jr. Secretary Judy G. Chong Treasurer Marcus A. Watts Immediate Past Chairman William W. Akers Lori Allen Lilly Kucera Andress Kirby Atwood Jack S. Blanton Jr. James G. Bogues Ann Bookout Neil Mallon Bush Penny Hess Butler Terence S. Cheng Robert E. Conklin Phil Conway Marilyn DeMontrond Jeffrey B. Early James A. Elkins III † Sidney Faust Don L. Fitch D. V. “Sonny” Flores Dan Gualtieri Micheal Helm Terry Hill Margaret Love ** Judi A. McGee Linda McReynolds Dorothy T. Nicholson George A. Rizzo J. Hugh Roff Jr. Tom Ryan Lisa Shumate David Taylor William T. Slick Jr. ** C. Richard Stasney, M.D. Elissa P. Sterry Margaret Vaughan Robinson Vicki West Jim P. Wise ** Ronald W. Woliver Merele Yarborough **Life Member † Lone Star Legend Women’s Auxiliary Executive Committee Adult Rehabilitation Center Advisory Council Boys & Girls Club Advisory Council Brenda DeVore, President Lilly Kucera Andress Ann Bookout Diana Brown Penny Butler Betty Chandler Kathryn Coleman Suzie Conway Marcy Cooper Joann Crassas Jessie S. Davis Leslie Devillier Deborah Dunkum Gayle Eury Eleanor Evans Sidney Faust Jeannie Grady Maureen Higdon Susan Howie Betty Hrncir Rhonda Jones Lilly King Kathryn Lee Debby Leighton Lucy Lewis Cora Sue Mach Carolyn Mann Mary Maxey Judi A. McGee Linda McReynolds Dorothy T. Nicholson Mary Jane Pizzitola Cathy Rentfrow Ann Roff Debbie Rogers Jeanne Ruberti Billie Selke Carol Sharpe Kathryn Smith Cindy Sprague Joyce Standish Carolyn Stubbs Leslie Ann Taylor Vicki West Jane Wise Merele Yarborough J. Hugh Roff Jr., Chair Jack Abercia H. Kirby Atwood Kirk Blackard Mike Blackburn Jack S. Blanton Jr. Richard Brown Scott Dozier Mike Grimes Henry Hill Robert A. Longmire Mary Milloy George Rizzo Bill Sherwood William T. Slick Jr. Robert C. Watson Forrest Henson, Chair Kristin Anderson Tim Bates Sharon Bush Theresa Casas Kelly J. Coghlan Chuck Finnell Adrian Garcia Brad Greer Dan Gualtieri Christy Lara Ellie Malavis Christopher P. McConn Judi A. McGee Bud Scherr Roland B. Smith Jr., ED.D. Roy Smith Brian H. Teichman Jorge Vargas Conroe Advisory Council Alice Coker, Chair Peggy Apple Chris Baughman Steve Bergstrom Wayne Bergstrom Betty Chandler Sam Damico Gale Eason Jim Freeman Tara Garcia Gene Geyer Dan Gualtieri Hon. Martha Gustavsen Rick Hamm Leo Hewett Bill Jackson Judge Claudia Laird Joe Mixon Alan Moore, D.D.S. Janna Patrick John Pfeiffer Susie Pokorski Marla J. Porter Marisa Rummell Walter Wilkerson, M.D. Pasadena Advisory Council James Guthrie, Chair Jim Barker Virgil Cammack Jr. Theresa Casas Melvin E. Cowart Helen Crowder State Rep. John Davis Mark Fifield James Godbe Rick Guerrero Pam Guthrie Darla Haygood Pat Jones Jeffrey S. Kerner State Rep. Ken Legler Horace Leopard Trixie Spires Bill Stapelfeldt III Ken Unfried Jackie Welch Financial Report Our Mission October 1, 2009 - September 30, 2010 EXPENSES Program/Services Management Fundraising TOTAL $24,883,423 $1,439,708 $1,768,586 $28,091,717 REVENUE 88.6% 5.1% 6.3% 100% Statistics Calendar Year 2010 Donor Contributions ARC/Family Store Government Grants/Fees United Way $14,526,787 $8,745,401 $2,882,140 $1,689,182 52.2% 31.4% 10.4% 6.1% TOTAL $27,843,510 100% Total Individuals Served 96,555 Centers of Operation Family Stores Residential Services Total Nights Lodging Total Meals Served Social Services Families Receiving Financial Assistance 16 6 290,116 815,681 12,202 Corps Programs Total Attendance for Corps Spiritual and Character-Building Programs 198,627 Youth Programs The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club Programs Boys & Girls Club Members Boys & Girls Club Attendance 6 4,352 278,129 Christmas Total Individuals Assisted Gifts Distributed Families Receiving Food Vouchers Total Volunteer Hours 34,472 112,624 760 91,420 The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. The Salvation Army Greater Houston Area Command Serving Harris, Montgomery and Fort Bend Counties 1500 Austin Street • Houston, TX 77002 713-752-0677/phone • 713-752-0688/fax • 1-800-725-2769/donation line www.SalvationArmyHouston.org www.facebook.com/SalvationArmyHouston www.twitter.com/SalArmyHouston A United Way Agency