Catalogue hydraulic equipments
Catalogue hydraulic equipments
HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENTS Flow controllers, penstocks, flap valves Edition 03/2008 W a t e r m a n a g e m e n t Flow controllers HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENTS Flow controllers, penstocks and flap valves A c o m p l e t e p ro d u c t r a n g e fo r w a s t e w a t e r a n d r a i n w a t e r General description The flow controller is a device designed to provide a constant outflow regardless of the water level upstream of the outlet.The penstock is designed for water seepage. The flap valve installed at the outlet prevents the water from returning into the system. These devices are used in waste water and rain water regulation networks. Generally, they are integrated in constructions such as: • Storm basins, Rain water seepage basins • Storm overflow holes • Settle solids interceptors and/or oil interceptors • Sewage treatment plants Contents Penstocks Flow controllers principles ............................................................................................................... 2 • Operating Product ranges ....................................................................................................................... 3 • Model selection and installation ........................................................................................... 4 • HydroRégul range: • Flow controllers with front arm, RDM, RDMV, RDF & RDFV ................................................. 5 • • • Flow controllers with side arm, RDL, RDLV, RDT & RDTV .................................................... 7 Reference tables ..................................................................................................................... 9 HydroVortex range: Vortex flow controllers, CY ....................................................................................................... 11 Vortex flow controllers, CEV ..................................................................................................... 12 Vortex flow controllers, CYDX .................................................................................................. 13 HydroDB range: Dual-diaphragm flow controllers.................................................................................... 14 HydroSurf range: Flow controllers with water intake at the surface, RDEA & RDSA ........................................... 15 Penstocks Flap valves Tailor-made manufacture, and stock ...................................................................... 17 • Service, and product ranges............................................................................................ 18 • Description Configurations • With stud bolt ............................................................................................................................ 19 • • • • With rack ................................................................................................................................... 20 Penstocks with stud bolt, VE & VM ...................................................................................... 21 Penstocks with rack, VEC & VMC ......................................................................................... 23 Motorisation VE series penstocks ................................................................................... 25 Penstocks with PEHD Disk, VML .......................................................................................... 27 Flap valves mounted Hydroclap range ............................................................................................ 29 • Wall Hydroclap range, mounted on PVC pipes ............................................................................ 30 • 1 Contents Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow controllers Flow controllers Operating principles Product ranges optimized to meet your needs Why a flow controller for a storm basin? The graph to the right shows the flow rate curves of a flow nozzle with a 45-mm diameter and a RDM1020 controller (see page 5) for a maximum flow rate of 8 l/s and a water height of 2 m. We see that for a water height of 80 cm, the flow nozzle discharges only 5.2 l/s, i.e. 35% less than the desired flow rate whereas a flow controller would ensure a maximum flow rate of 8 l/s. Consequence: with simply a flow nozzle: • We must increase the size of the storage tank by about 30% • Because of the reduced outlet, there is a risk of clogging. Extract from document 77-284 – [translated: Technical instruction regarding sanitation networks in urban areas 7.2.1 Calculation of the effective volume of a rain water retention system]: Remark: The flow rate can be considered constant if it does not vary by more than 10% at all heights There are 2 operating principles to ensure a constant flow rate: 1• The outlet cross-section is calibrated according to the water height and the outlet is located at the bottom of the basin: HydroRégul, HydroVortex and HydroDB* ranges. 2• The water intake is made at the surface and follows the water level: HydroSurf range. Water height H (cm) Curve with Ø 45 mm flow nozzle Surplus water volume to be stored Curve with controller Flow rate Q (l/s) A float connected to an arm moves in accordance with the water height. The arm controls a ‘guillotine’ that reduces or increases the outlet. This device operates on the hydraulic Vortex principle: an increase of the rotating speed in the regulation cone creates a load loss that in turn causes a reduction of the hydraulic cross-section. * See page 12 for HydroDB-range dual-diaphragm flow controllers The water is continuously taken in at the surface by means of 2 floats. The overflow blade staying at the same level, the outlet flow is linear. Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail : [email protected] - Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 2 Flow controllers Flow controllers Product ranges Ranges adjusted to flow rates and water heights Regulation curves Because of its operating principle, the HydroRégul flow controller is a highly precise device that ensures a virtually constant flow rate (within 5%) at any height (see curve to the right). The outlet cross-section adjusts at the slightest float movement. It can regulate flow rates from 4 to 360 l/s and it can be installed on outlets with a cross-section from 100 to 500 mm for water heights from 0.4 to 3 m (for larger flow rates and heights, please consult our design office). It is not recommended for very heavy waste water. T h e H y d r o Vo r t e x f l o w controller allows control of the flow rate at a given height as shown on the regulation curve (vortex effect) to the right. It can regulate flow rates from 5 to 500 l/s even with significant water heights (> 6 m). It is very suitable for waste water, even very heavy waste water. The HydroDB range models allow control of flow rates up to 1000 l/s. The HydroSurf flow controller combines two operations, regulation and skimming. The water intake at the surface allows highly precise regulation (+ or – 5%) (see curve to the right). It can regulate flow rates from 5 to 170 l/s for a maximum water height of 2 m and it can be installed on outlets with a cross-section from 100 to 350 mm. It is very suitable for installation in a basin before an oil interceptor. 3 Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Selection and installation P ro d u c t s s u i t a b l e fo r a ny k i n d o f i n s t a l l a t i o n Several criteria govern the choice of a flow controller water to be regulated: • TypeLightof waste waste water Waste water Rain water rate =................................................................................................................................l/s • Flow Maximum water height = ....................................................................................................... m • Required regulation precision: • Between 5 and 10% More than 10% type (see below): • Installation Open-air in a basin In a chamber • Upstream (immerged device) Recovery of the floating substances: Yes Downstream (device in dry pit) No Open-air installation Example with an RDL model from the HydroRégul range Provide a construction of the height of the device body to fit the controller vertically to the basin wall. Open-air installation Example with a CY model from the HydroVortex range Provide a construction with sill to install the device at the bottom of the basin Open-air installation Example with a RDEA model from the HydroSurf range This device needs a construction with protective wall and access stairway. Installation in chamber Example with a RDM model from the HydroRégul range The device is installed directly on the chamber wall. If the wall is cylindrical, make a small masonry construction to place the device against a flat surface. Installation in chamber Example with a CY model from the HydroVortex range The device is placed at the bottom of the chamber and integrated in the sill. A small recipient must be made to carry the waste water to the controller inlet. Installation in chamber Example with a CYDX model from the HydroVortex range The device is installed directly on the chamber wall. Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 4 Flow controllers Flow controllers Flow controllers HydroRégul Flow rate 4 -> 360 l/s Maximum water height: 3 m Installation : upstream Flow controller Models with front arm RDM or RDF & guillotine closing valve RDMV or RDFV For light waste water & rain water Dn 100 to 500 Manufacture stainless steel frame with drilled holes • 304L for wall fastening and lifting rings RDM 100 to Dn 350 (RDM or RDMV): • Dn Removable plate to adjust flow rate and polythylene calibrated float 400 to Dn 500 (RDF or RDFV): • Dn Removable plate to adjust flow rate and 304L RDF stainless steel calibrated float with fastening kit • Supplied Silicone and stainless steel fasteners Specific equipment for the RDMV and RDFV models valve • Closing with stainless steel RDMV operating rod and polyethylene guillotine RDFV dimension on page 9 • Check • The flow rate of all models can be changed after installation; please consult our design office 5 Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow controller Models with front arm RDM, RDMV, RDF & RDFV Dn 100 to 500 Product selection is • HydroRégul not recommended for use with heavy waste water. Example of a curve for model RDM1520 (precision ± 5%) flow controller is • Adetermined in accordance with the flow rate to be regulated (Q) in l/s, and the maximum water level height (H) in meters. table below enables a model to be selected according • The to these criteria: Flow Rate From 4 to 9 l/s Dn 100 Height From 10 to 24 l/s From 25 to 39 l/s From 40 to 55 l/s From 56 to 90 l/s From 91 to 140 l/s From 141 to 200 l/s From 201 to 275 l/s From 276 to 360 l/s Dn 150 Dn 200 Dn 250 Dn300 Dn 350 Dn 400 Dn 450 Dn 500 1m RDM / RDMV 1010 RDM / RDMV 1510 RDM / RDMV 2010 RDM / RDMV 2510 RDM / RDMV 3010 RDM / RDMV 3510 RDF / RDFV 4010 - - 1.5 m RDM / RDMV 1015 RDM / RDMV 1515 RDM / RDMV 2015 RDM / RDMV 2515 RDM / RDMV 3015 RDM / RDMV 3515 RDF / RDFV 4015 RDF / RDFV 4515 RDF / RDFV 5015 2m RDM / RDMV 1020 RDM / RDMV 1520 RDM / RDMV 2020 RDM / RDMV 2520 RDM / RDMV 3020 RDM / RDMV 3520 RDF / RDFV 4020 RDF / RDFV 4520 RDF / RDFV 5020 2.5 m RDM / RDMV 1025 RDM / RDMV 1525 RDM / RDMV 2025 RDM / RDMV 2525 RDM / RDMV 3025 RDM / RDMV 3525 RDF / RDFV 4025 RDF / RDFV 4525 RDF / RDFV 5025 3m RDM / RDMV 1030 RDM / RDMV 1530 RDM / RDMV 2030 RDM / RDMV 2530 RDM / RDMV 3030 RDM / RDMV 3530 RDF / RDFV 4030 RDF / RDFV 4530 RDF / RDFV 5030 If requested, a precise regulation curve will be supplied with each device. Option • ARD plate to install the device with a different Dn Reference ARD1030 ARD1530 ARD2040 ARD2540 ARD3050 Flow controller Dn 100 150 200 250 300 ARD3550 350 Civil work Dn 150 ≤ Dn ≤ 300 200 ≤ Dn ≤ 300 250 ≤ Dn ≤ 400 300 ≤ Dn ≤ 400 350 ≤ Dn ≤ 500 400 ≤ Dn ≤ 500 For example, the civil work is Dn 200 and the flow controller is Dn150, then choose the option ARD1530 Installation must be placed • HydroRégul against a perfectly smooth, vertical concrete wall. fitted to the wall with • Ittheis fasteners supplied Installation in a chamber with the device • Attention: Check minimum dimensions A and H from the table on page 9. Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 6 Flow controllers HydroRégul Flow controllers HydroRégul Flow rate 4 -> 360 l/s Maximum water height: 3 m Installation: upstream Flow controller Models with side arm RDL or RDT & guillotine closing valve RDLV or RDTV For light waste water & rain water Dn 100 to 500 Manufacture stainless steel frame with drilled holes • 304L for wall fastening and lifting rings • RDL Dn 100 to Dn 350 (RDL or RDLV): Removable plate to adjust flow rate and polythylene calibrated float RDT 400 to Dn 500 (RDT or RDTV): • Dn Removable plate to adjust flow rate and 304L stainless steel calibrated float with fastening kit • Supplied Silicone and stainless steel fasteners Specific equipment for the RDLV and RDTV valve • Closing with stainless steel operating rod and polyethylene guillotine RDLV RDTV dimensions on page 10 • Check • The flow rate of all models can be changed after installation; please consult our design office 7 Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel. : +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax : +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow controller Models with side arm RDL, RDLV, RDT & RDTV Dn 100 to 500 Product selection is • HydroRégul not recommended for use with heavy waste water. Example of a curve for model RDL1520 (precision ± 5%) flow controller is • Adetermined in accordance with the flow rate to be regulated (Q) in l/s, and the maximum water level height (H) in meters. table below enables a model to be selected according • The to these criteria: Flow Rate From 4 to 9 l/s From 10 to 24 l/s From 25 to 39 l/s From 40 to 55 l/s From 56 to 90 l/s From 91 to 140 l/s From 141 to 200 l/s From 201 to 275 l/s From 276 to 360 l/s Dn 100 Dn 150 Dn 200 Dn 250 Dn300 Dn 350 Dn 400 Dn 450 Dn 500 Height 1m RDL / RDLV 1010 RDL / RDLV 1510 RDL / RDLV 2010 RDL / RDLV 2510 RDL / RDLV 3010 RDL / RDLV 3510 RDT / RDTV 4010 - - 1.5 m RDL / RDLV 1015 RDL / RDLV 1515 RDL / RDLV 2015 RDL / RDLV 2515 RDL / RDLV 3015 RDL / RDLV 3515 RDT / RDTV 4015 RDT / RDTV 4515 RDT / RDTV 5015 2m RDL / RDLV 1020 RDL / RDLV 1520 RDL / RDLV 2020 RDL / RDLV 2520 RDL / RDLV 3020 RDL / RDLV 3520 RDT / RDTV 4020 RDT / RDTV 4520 RDT / RDTV 5020 2.5 m RDL / RDLV 1025 RDL / RDLV 1525 RDL / RDLV 2025 RDL / RDLV 2525 RDL / RDLV 3025 RDL / RDLV 3525 RDT / RDTV 4025 RDT / RDTV 4525 RDT / RDTV 5025 3m RDL / RDLV 1030 RDL / RDLV 1530 RDL / RDLV 2030 RDL / RDLV 2530 RDL / RDLV 3030 RDL / RDLV 3530 RDT / RDTV 4030 RDT / RDTV 4530 RDT / RDTV 5030 If requested, a precise regulation curve will be supplied with each device. Option • ARD plate to install the device with a different Dn Reference ARD1030 ARD1530 ARD2040 ARD2540 ARD3050 Flow controller Dn 100 150 200 250 300 ARD3550 350 Civil work Dn 150 ≤ Dn ≤ 300 200 ≤ Dn ≤ 300 250 ≤ Dn ≤ 400 300 ≤ Dn ≤ 400 350 ≤ Dn ≤ 500 400 ≤ Dn ≤ 500 For example, the civil work is Dn 200 and the flow controller is Dn150, then choose the option ARD1530 Installation must be placed against a perfectly smooth, vertical concrete • HydroRégul wall; it is fitted to the wall with the fasteners supplied with the device Intake Basin Maximum water height Concrete wall Controller Regulated flow dge settlement Reverse slope for slu Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Open-air installation Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 8 Flow controllers HydroRégul Flow controllers HydroRégul Flow controller Models with front arm RDM, RDMV, RDF & RDFV References RDM / RDMV RDM / RDMV 1010 RDM / RDMV 1015 RDM / RDMV 1020 RDM / RDMV 1025 RDM / RDMV 1030 RDM / RDMV 1510 RDM / RDMV 1515 RDM / RDMV 1520 RDM / RDMV 1525 RDM / RDMV 1530 RDM / RDMV 2010 RDM / RDMV 2015 RDM / RDMV 2020 RDM / RDMV 2025 RDM / RDMV 2030 RDM / RDMV 2510 RDM / RDMV 2515 RDM / RDMV 2520 RDM / RDMV 2525 RDM / RDMV 2530 RDM / RDMV 3010 RDM / RDMV 3015 RDM / RDMV 3020 RDM / RDMV 3025 RDM / RDMV 3030 RDM / RDMV 3510 RDM / RDMV 3515 RDM / RDMV 3520 RDM / RDMV 3525 RDM / RDMV 3530 RDF / RDFV RDF / RDFV 4010 RDF / RDFV 4015 RDF / RDFV 4020 RDF / RDFV 4025 RDF / RDFV 4030 RDF / RDFV 4515 RDF / RDFV 4520 RDF / RDFV 4525 RDF / RDFV 4530 RDF / RDFV 5015 RDF / RDFV 5020 RDF / RDFV 5025 RDF / RDFV 5030 Dn 100 to 500 A 837 1050 1530 1877 2223 837 1050 1530 1877 2223 870 1216 1562 1909 2255 870 1216 1562 1909 2255 1030 1238 1585 1931 2278 1030 1238 1585 1931 2278 A 980 1330 1680 2017 2364 1321 1667 2013 2360 1317 1663 2010 2356 B 750 1050 1350 1650 1950 750 1050 1350 1650 1950 780 1080 1380 1680 1980 780 1080 1380 1680 1980 930 1110 1410 1710 2010 930 1110 1410 1710 2010 B 820 1120 1420 1720 2020 1120 1420 1720 2020 1120 1420 1720 2020 C 549 722 895 1068 1241 549 722 895 1068 1241 606 783 956 1129 1303 606 783 956 1129 1303 930 1110 1410 1710 2010 930 1110 1410 1710 2010 C 875 962 1164 1224 1404 910 1296 1296 1416 1116 1308 1260 1428 D 360 360 440 440 560 560 D 630 680 730 H 1130 1630 2130 2630 3130 1080 1580 2080 2580 3080 1130 1630 2130 2630 3130 1080 1580 2080 2580 3080 1130 1630 2130 2630 3130 1080 1580 2080 2580 3080 H 1080 1580 2080 2580 3080 1580 2080 2580 3080 1580 2080 2580 3080 C1 45 45 45 45 45 45 C1 45 45 45 Weight RDM Weight RDMV 28 34 33.6 39.6 38.2 44.2 43.5 49.5 47.5 53.5 28 34 33.6 39.6 38.2 44.2 43.5 49.5 47.5 53.5 39.1 46.1 45.5 52.5 51.8 58.8 58.3 65.3 63.3 70.3 39.1 46.1 45.5 52.5 51.8 58.8 58.3 65.3 63.3 70.3 55 69 59.7 73.7 67 81 74 88 83.1 97.1 55 69 59.7 73.7 67 81 74 88 83.1 97.1 Weight RDF Weight RDFV 98 114 99 115 116 132 124.5 140.5 141.4 157.4 98 132 117 151 149 183 149 183 99 135 124 160 140 176 162 198 Dimensions in mm, weights in Kgs 9 Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow controller Models with side arm RDL, RDLV, RDT & RDTV References RDL / RDLV RDL / RDLV 1010 RDL / RDLV 1015 RDL / RDLV 1020 RDL / RDLV 1025 RDL / RDLV 1030 RDL / RDLV 1510 RDL / RDLV 1515 RDL / RDLV 1520 RDL / RDLV 1525 RDL / RDLV 1530 RDL / RDLV 2010 RDL / RDLV 2015 RDL / RDLV 2020 RDL / RDLV 2025 RDL / RDLV 2030 RDL / RDLV 2510 RDL / RDLV 2515 RDL / RDLV 2520 RDL / RDLV 2525 RDL / RDLV 2530 RDL / RDLV 3010 RDL / RDLV 3015 RDL / RDLV 3020 RDL / RDLV 3025 RDL / RDLV 3030 RDL / RDLV 3510 RDL / RDLV 3515 RDL / RDLV 3520 RDL / RDLV 3525 RDL / RDLV 3530 RDT / RDTV RDT / RDTV 4010 RDT / RDTV 4015 RDT / RDTV 4020 RDT / RDTV 4025 RDT / RDTV 4030 RDT / RDTV 4515 RDT / RDTV 4520 RDT / RDTV 4525 RDT / RDTV 4530 RDT / RDTV 5015 RDT / RDTV 5020 RDT / RDTV 5025 RDT / RDTV 5030 Dn 100 to 500 A 835 1115 1406 1700 1997 835 1115 1406 1700 1997 928 1189 1471 1760 2053 928 1189 1471 1760 2053 1161 1307 1572 1852 2139 1161 1307 1572 1852 2139 A 1285 1418 1670 1941 2222 1481 1723 1981 2265 1538 1755 2059 2331 B 750 1050 1350 1650 1950 750 1050 1350 1650 1950 780 1080 1380 1680 1980 780 1080 1380 1680 1980 930 1110 1410 1710 2010 930 1110 1410 1710 2010 B 940 1070 1390 1691 1940 1169 1470 1769 2069 1169 1421 1720 2020 C D 281 360 281 360 231 440 231 440 216 560 216 560 C D 261 670 250 680 212 800 H 1130 1630 2130 2630 3130 1080 1580 2080 2580 3080 1130 1630 2130 2630 3130 1080 1580 2080 2580 3080 1130 1630 2130 2630 3130 1080 1580 2080 2580 3080 H 1080 1580 2080 2580 3080 1550 2050 2550 3050 1550 2050 2550 3050 C1 45 45 45 45 45 45 C1 45 45 45 Weight RDL 19.7 25.2 30.1 35.1 40.6 19.7 25.2 30.1 35.1 40.6 26 32.4 38.4 44.6 50.5 26 32.4 38.4 44.6 50.5 38.1 43.2 50.9 58.5 64 38.1 43.2 50.9 58.5 60 Weight RDT 68 69 85 103.5 122 103 113 116 124 108 131 149 168 Weight RDLV 25.7 31.2 36.1 41.1 46.6 25.7 31.2 36.1 41.1 46.6 33 39.4 45.4 51.6 57.5 33 39.4 45.4 51.6 57.5 49.1 54.2 61.9 69.5 75 49.1 54.2 61.9 69.5 75 Weight RDTV 84 85 101 120 138 137 147 150 158 144 167 185 204 Dimensions in mm, weights in Kgs Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 10 Flow controllers HydroRégul Flow rate 5 -> 500 l/s Maximum water height: 6 m Installation: upstream Flow controller Vortex effect models For regular waste water & rain water CY Manufacture • The HydroVortex range is made of 316L stainless steel Construction channel with fine adjustment plate • Intake Main vortex chamber • Pipe for connection to the outlet • Options • By-pass • Inspection hole Ref. CY005__ CY010__ CY015__ CY020__ CY030__ CY050__ CY080__ CY100__ A 400 500 550 600 800 900 1000 1100 B 500 600 650 700 900 1000 1100 1200 C 300 400 450 500 700 800 900 1000 Option: by-pass or ventilation if outlet not vented Water height Flow controllers HydroVortex These data are given for information only, in order to define maximum required clearances Selection is determined in accordance • Awithflowthecontroller flow rate to be regulated (Q) in l/s, and the maximum water level height (H) in meters. S-shaped pipe for proper flow 5 to 100 l/s models Flow rate Height 5 l/s (for flow rates > 100 l/s, please consult our design office) From 6 From 11 From 16 From 21 From 31 From 51 From 81 to 10 l/s to 15 l/s to 20 l/s to 30 l/s to 50 l/s to 80 l/s to 100 l/s 1m CY00510 CY01010 CY01510 CY02010 CY03010 CY05010 CY08010 CY10010 1,5 m CY00515 CY01015 CY01515 CY02015 CY03015 CY05015 CY08015 CY10015 2m CY00520 CY01020 CY01520 CY02020 CY03020 CY05020 CY08020 CY10020 2,5 m CY00525 CY01025 CY01525 CY02025 CY03025 CY05025 CY08025 CY10025 3m CY00530 CY01030 CY01530 CY02030 CY03030 CY05030 CY08030 CY10030 Installation CY must be integrated in the • HydroVortex concrete sill of the chamber. An S-shaped channel must be provided to feed the controller. 11 Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow rate 1 -> 100 l/s Maximum water height: 6 m Installation: upstream Flow controller Vortex models CEV For rain water Manufacture • The HydroVortex range is made of 316L stainless steel Construction support to attach the device • Wall Main vortex chamber • Installation tube with lifting handle • Fastener for wall mounting • Ref. CEV030__ CEV060__ CEV100__ CEV150__ CEV200__ A 300 350 400 450 500 B 150 150 200 200 250 These data are given for information only, in order to define maximum required clearances is determined in accordance • Awithflowthecontroller flow rate to be regulated (Q) in l/s, and Min. 40 cm the maximum water level height (H) in meters. Water height Selection 1 to 20 l/s models (For flow rates > 20 l/s, please consult our design office) Flow rate Height From 1 From 4 From 7 From 11 From 16 to 3 l/s to 6 l/s to 10 l/s to 15 l/s to 20 l/s 0.5 m CEV03005 CEV06005 CEV10005 CEV15005 CEV20005 1m CEV03010 CEV06010 CEV10010 CEV15010 CEV20010 1.5 m CEV03015 CEV06015 CEV10015 CEV15015 CEV20015 2m CEV03020 CEV06020 CEV10020 CEV15020 CEV20020 2.5 m CEV03025 CEV06025 CEV10025 CEV15025 CEV20025 3m CEV03030 CEV06030 CEV10030 CEV15030 CEV20030 Installation HydroVortex CEV is placed directly on a perfectly • smooth, vertical concrete wall. The device is attached to a support that is first fitted to the wall with fasteners. The height of the lowest part of the outlet must be at least 40 cm from the bottom. Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 12 Flow controllers HydroVortex Flow rate 10 -> 350 l/s Maximum water height: 6 m Installation: downstream Flow controller Vortex models For heavy waste water and rain water CYDX Manufacture • The HydroVortex range is made of 316L stainless steel Construction with rotating flange • Intake Main vortex chamber • Outlet support lug • Ref. CYDX015__ CYDX025__ CYDX030__ CYDX050__ CYDX080__ A 500 550 680 800 900 B 520 580 720 840 980 C 480 500 620 750 850 These data are given for information only, in order to define the maximum required clearances Selection is determined in accordance • Awithflowthecontroller flow rate to be regulated (Q) in l/s, and the maximum water level height (H) in meters. Water height Flow controllers HydroVortex . 10 to 80 l/s models (For flow rates > 80 l/s, please consult our design office) Flow rate Height From 10 From 16 From 26 From 31 From 51 to 15 l/s to 25 l/s to 30 l/s to 50 l/s to 80 l/s 1m CYDX01510 CYDX02510 CYDX03010 CYDX05010 CYDX08010 1.5 m CYDX01515 CYDX02515 CYDX03015 CYDX05015 CYDX08015 2m CYDX01520 CYDX02520 CYDX03020 CYDX05020 CYDX08020 2.5 m CYDX01525 CYDX02525 CYDX03025 CYDX05025 CYDX08025 3m CYDX01530 CYDX02530 CYDX03030 CYDX05030 CYDX08030 Installation • Optional: Inspection hole on the main vortex chamber. Basin The HydroVortex CYDX is placed directly on a perfectly smooth, vertical concrete wall. The support of the device is attached to the wall with fasteners. The height of the lowest part of the outlet must be at least 25 cm from the outlet bottom. 13 Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow controller Flow rate 30 -> 1,000 l/s Maximum water height: 6 m Installation: upstream For heavy waste water & rain water Dual diaphragm models Manufacture • The HydroDB range is made of 316L stainless steel Description device does not allow the same degree of • This regulation precision as a vortex system, but it is perfectly suitable for control of significant flow rates with low water height. Selection type of device requires a particular design • This for each model. Please contact our design office and stipulate the height (H) and flow rate (Q) desired. Half-pipe shaped channel for proper flow Installation HydroDB is placed at the bottom of a • The chamber and incorporated in the sill partly embedded in the concrete to ensure its stability. The waste water is carried to the controller by a half-pipe channel shaped in the chamber bottom. Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 14 Flow controllers HydroDB Flow controllers HydroSurf Flow rate 5 -> 170 l/s Maximum water height: 2 m Installation: upstream Flow controller Models with water intake at the surface RDEA & RDSA For light waste water & rain water Dn 100 to 350 Manufacture HydroSurf range • isThemade of hot galvanized steel • 2 floats (factory calibrated) intake with overflow • Water protected by a stainless steel screen (model RDEA) • Straight pipe with lifting ring • Articulation by rotating flange to be embedded • Plate in the concrete with mounting flange Ref. Flow rate RDE10020A From 5 to 15 l/s RDE20020A From 16 to 35 l/s RDE25020A From 36 to 60 l/s RDE30020A From 61 to 110 l/s RDE35020A From 111 to 170 l/s DN 100 200 250 300 350 Lo 4244 4419 4510 4640 4640 La 1301 1818 1956 2036 2131 Lr 3662 3695 3715 3845 3842 Da 599 966 979 979 979 Lf 1064 1314 1514 1614 1714 Tn 150 150 150 150 150 Weight 207 281 368 528 659 Specific equipment for model RDSA stainless steel screen • The is replaced by a diving plate Ref. Flow rate RDS10020A From 5 to 15 l/s RDS20020A From 16 to 35 l/s RDS25020A From 36 to 60 l/s RDS30020A From 61 to 110 l/s RDS35020A From 111 to 150 l/s 15 Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved DN 100 200 250 300 350 Lo 4244 4428 4510 4640 4640 Lt 42 148 233 95 80 La 1301 1818 1931 2031 2131 Lr 3662 3695 3715 3845 3842 Da 599 966 979 979 979 Lf 1064 1314 1464 1614 1714 Tn 200 220 300 300 300 Weight 202 271 348 501 629 Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow controller Models with water intake at the surface RDEA & RDSA Dn 100 to 350 Product selection HydroSurf is not recommended for use with heavy waste water. • The controller is determined in accordance with the flow rate to be regulated (Q) in l/s, and • Atheflowmaximum water level height (H) in meters. The table below enables a model to be selected according to these criteria: Ref. Flow rate Dn RDE10020A 5 to 15 l/s 100 RDE20020A 16 to 35 l/s 200 RDE25020A 36 to 60 l/s 250 RDE30020A 61 to 110 l/s 300 RDE35020A 111 to 170 l/s 350 1 • Maximum water height: 2 m. For larger flow rates or water heights, please consult our design office. 2 • If requested, a precise regulation curve will be supplied with each device.. Installation basin. A masonry structure Screen wall with a small protective wall must be provided. The sealing flange is placed on a small vertical wall. The controller is then connected to the flange. valve option: • Gate A concrete block must 120 mm is generally • HydroSurf installed in an open-air Stairway Gate valve with extension (optional) Reserve for total emptying Fixed screen be installed to fasten the vertical extension of the gate valve and to allow its operation (see opposite drawing). Protective wall : • Orientation 4 possible orientations in relation to the wall. Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Flow controllers Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 16 Flow controllers HydroSurf Penstocks Penstocks Introduction Te c h n e a u d e s i g n o f f i c e , w o r k s h o p s , a n d s t o r a g e a r e a s a r e o n t h e s a m e s i t e Service Techneau and their teams commit themselves to give you within 24 hours a technical proposal including all the necessary data for your project to be initiated Tailor-made Manufacture Our design office at your service will be able to design a galvanised or stainless steel penstock that is perfectly suitable for your project. Stock Thanks to their permanent stock, Techneau will provide you with the required penstock within 24 hours. 17 Penstocks Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Penstocks Our product ranges Te c h n e a u i n n o v a t i v e p r o d u c t s General description Our penstocks are designed especially for waste water and rain water retention. They are generally integrated in constructions such as: Sewage treatment plants Storm basins or Rain water see page basins Inspection devices Settle solids interceptors and/or oil interceptors • • • • Three product ranges are available: DOWNSTREAM Installation UPSTREAM Installation Flow direction Flow direction Penstocks HydroVE & VEC UPSTREAM / DOWNSTREAM Watertight* penstocks Penstock diameter (mm) 200 to 500 600 to 1200 Maximum water head UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM 4m 2m 2m 2m HydroVM & VMC UPSTREAM / DOWNSTREAM Watertight* penstocks (Dn200 to Dn500) UPSTREAM Watertight* penstocks (Dn600 to Dn1200) Penstock diameter (mm) 200 to 500 600 to 1200 Maximum water head UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM 4m 2m 2m - HydroVML UPSTREAM watertight* penstocks with PEHD disk Penstock diameter (mm) 150 to 600 Maximum water head DOWNSTREAM UPSTREAM 1m - *Admissible leakage rate: 0.005 l/s per metre of joint length. Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Penstocks Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 18 Penstock Configurations Dimensions marked with 1 must be defined in accordance with your installation VE or VM series only (cf pages 21 and 22) Servomotor Hand Crank wheel Penstocks Control unit Casing and base OPEN AIR Operating tee Post ø100 cable guide Rod guide Rod extension Equipment required: Valve Dn = ........1 Rod extension Valve (guide included) H = ......1 Post + or Hand wheel + or Crank + or Servomotor and Control Unit Servomotor Hand Crank wheel Control unit Casing and base OPEN AIR Post 30 x 30 square If h < 600 mm: no extension Valve INSTALLED UNDER SECLUDED AREA ø100 cable guide Rod guide Operating tee If h < 600 mm: no extension Front view Equipment required: Rod extension Valve Dn = ........1 Rod extension Valve (guide included) H = ......1 Post + or Hand wheel + or Crank + or Servomotor and Control Unit INSTALLED UNDER ROAD Control unit Casing and base DN100 Guide (2) Réservation dans la paroi béton pour certains modèles Valve 19 Penstocks Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved INSTALLED UNDER ROAD OR IN SECLUDED AREA ø100 guide 30 x 30 square Valve Front view Equipment required: Valve DN = ........1 Rod extension (guide included) H = ......1 Operating tee INSTALLED UNDER ROAD Control unit Casing and base Front view DN100 Guide Servomotor Servomotor Universal support Equipment required: Valve DN = ........1 Rod extension (guide included) H = ......1 Operating tee Equipment required: Valve DN = ........1 Servomotor Universal support Control unit Universal Equipment required: support Valve DN = ........1 Rod extension Valve (guide included) H = ......1 Servomotor Universal support Control unit Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Penstock Configurations Dimensions marked with 1 must be defined in accordance with your installation VEC or VMC series only (cf pages 23 and 24) OPEN AIR Jack OPEN AIR Post Rack guide Rack extension Jack Jack Post Equipment required: Valve with rack DN = ........1 Rack extension (guide included) H = .......1 Post Valve INSTALLED UNDER SECLUDED AREA Equipment required: Valve with rack DN = ........1 Penstocks Valve OPEN AIR Jack Rack guide Rack extension Valve Equipment required: Valve with rack DN = ........1 Rack extension (guide included) H = .......1 Post Specific cases of penstock with PEHD disk VML_V models only 4 possible configurations for penstocks with PEHD disk and operating rod -> See page 28 Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Front jack support Valve Equipment required: Valve with rack DN = ........1 Front jack support (see pages 27 and 28) VML_T models only Operating rod OPEN AIR Valve Equipment required: Valve with operating rod DN = ........1 Penstocks Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 20 HydroVE or VM Pe n s to ck ø 200 -> 1,200 Galvanised or Stainless steel With stud bolt Fabrication are made of: • Allhotpenstocks galvanised steel (NF A 91121 standard) or 304 L stainless steel Parts common to both VE and VM Vannes murales x 30 galvanised steel control square • 30Clockwise direction • Bronze studclosing bolt nut • 304 L stainless steel stud bolt stop • Non-rising operating rod • Full-flow round orifice • Frame and disk • galvanised steel for the VE_A and VM_A series; • • • • • 304 L Stainless Steel for the VE_I and VM_I series Two lifting rings to facilitate handling and installation Removable EPDM seal Tightness between the valve and the structure is achieved by means of a shapeable strip supplied by Techneau with the delivery Four locking nuts mounted on the valve to adjust the disk Fasteners for mounting to the wall: Stainless Steel for stainless steel devices and Galvanised Steel for Galvanised devices Specific parts VE series L stainless steel operating rod • 304 Teflon anti-friction washers • 304 L stainless steel roller-mounted disk (for ø 600 to 1,200 mm) • Ref. VE VE0200_ VE0300_ VE0400_ VE0500_ VE0600_ VE0800_ VE1000_ VE1200_ Galvanised or Stainless Dn Steel 200 A or I 300 A or I 400 A or I 500 A or I 600 A or I 800 A or I 1000 A or I 1200 A or I H L E P h Weight 636 836 1036 1236 1527 1927 2274 2674 480 580 680 780 1045 1245 1445 1645 120 120 120 120 200 200 200 200 90 90 90 90 156 156 156 158 60 60 60 60 78 78 78 78 33 42 64 89 194 315 403 497 VM series steel operating rod for VM_A • Zinc-plated 304 L stainless steel operating rod for VM_I • Ref. VM VM0200_ VM0300_ VM0400_ VM0500_ VM0600_ VM0800_ VM1000_ VM1200_ 21 Galvanised or Stainless Dn Steel 200 A 300 A 400 A 500 A 600 A or I 800 A or I 1000 A or I 1200 A or I H L E P h Weight 636 836 1036 1236 1436 1836 2238 2638 480 580 680 780 880 1160 1340 1560 120 120 120 120 120 155 155 155 90 90 90 90 90 101 101 101 60 60 60 60 60 60 67,5 67,5 33 42 64 89 108 216 281 357 Penstocks Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - HydroVE or VM Pe n s to ck ø 200 -> 1,200 Galvanised or Stainless steel With stud bolt Manual control ACCESSORIES Hand wheel Cast iron, for 200 to 500 Dn penstocks ø 200 for 200 and 300 Dn penstocks Weight = 3 kg.............................................. Ref.: OV010 ø 300 for 400 and 500 Dn penstocks Weight = 5 kg.............................................. Ref.: OV015 • • Crank Galvanised steel, with turning handle Length = 380 mm For all series Weight = 2 kg.............................................. Ref.: OV020 • Operating tee Galvanised steel, with 30 x 30 cast iron female square. Height = 1,500 mm, weight = 4 kg ............ Ref.: OV025 Height = 1,000 mm, weight = 3.5 kg ......... Ref.: OV026 Penstocks • • Post Galvanised steel, offset and provided with 4 fitting holes. Height = 900 mm. Fasteners supplied. For all series Weight = 29 kg............................................ Ref.: OV002 Caution: An extension of at least the RV12I kind must be provided for integration in the post • Rod extension Stainless steel and galvanised steel (adjustable at the site), fitted with a galvanised steel male square at the upper part and a cast iron female square at the lower part. The extension is supplied with a set of fasteners and one or two rod guides. Ref. Extension height (mm) RV05I RV08I RV12I RV15I RV20I RV25I From 300 to 500 mm From 400 to 800 mm From 700 to 1200 mm From 1100 to 1500 mm From 1400 to 2000 mm From 1900 to 2500 mm Number of guides 1 2 Height Weight (kg) 6 8 13 14 17 18 The orifice bottom height must be stipulated when ordering. Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Penstocks Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 22 HydroVEC or VMC Pe n s to ck ø 300 -> 1,200 Galvanised or Stainless steel With rack Manufacture penstocks are made of: • The hot galvanised steel (NF A 91121 standard) or stainless steel 304 L Parts common to both VEC model and VMC model Penstocks iron Jack (see next page for complete description) • Cast 304 L Stainless Steel rack stop • S235J GR steel rising rack • Full-flow round outlet • Frame and disk • galvanised steel for the VEC_A and VMC_A series; • • • • • 304 L Stainless Steel for the VEC_I and VMC_I series Two lifting rings to facilitate handling and installation Removable EPDM seal Tightness between the valve and the structure is achieved by means of a shapeable strip supplied by Techneau with the delivery Four locking nuts mounted on the penstock to adjust the disk Fasteners for mounting to the wall: Stainless Steel for Stainless Steel devices, galvanised steel for galvanised devices Specific parts for VEC series anti-friction washers • Teflon 304 L stainless steel roller-mounted disk (for ø 600 to 1,200 mm) • Stronger Jack • Galvanised or Stainless Steel I I I A or I A or I A or I A or I Ref. VEC VEC0300_ VEC0400_ VEC0500_ VEC0600_ VEC0800_ VEC1000_ VEC1200_ Rack length 1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 1500 1500 Dn H L E Weight 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 836 1036 1236 1527 1927 2274 2674 580 680 780 1045 1245 1445 1645 120 120 120 200 200 200 200 51 73 101 213 334 422 519 Dn H L E Weight 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 836 1036 1236 1436 1836 2238 2638 580 680 780 880 1160 1340 1560 120 120 120 120 155 155 155 51 73 98 120 235 300 376 Jack type a a b c d d e VMC series Ref. VMC VMC0300_ VMC0400_ VMC0500_ VMC0600_ VMC0800_ VMC1000_ VMC1200_ 23 Galvanised or Stainless Steel A A A A or I A or I A or I A or I Rack length 1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 1500 1500 Penstocks Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Jack type a a a b c c d Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - HydroVEC or VMC Pe n s to ck ø 300 -> 1,200 Galvanised or Stainless steel With rack Parts (continued) Jack Crank type Force (Kg) Effort (Kg) on the crank Lift (mm) per turn of the crank a b c d e 500 1000 2000 3000 5000 17 17 25 10 25 6 4 13 4 4 Penstocks Cast iron structure fitted with gear reduction and threaded rod. Lifting and lowering by turning the crank in one direction or the other. The load is maintained when the crank is released, regardless of the position. Manual control ACCESSORIES Front jack support For jacks a or b • Weight = 7 kg.............................................. Ref.: OV027 For jacks c, d or e • Weight = 3,1 kg............................................Ref.: OV028 Post Galvanised steel, offset and provided with 5 fitting holes. Height = 900 mm. Fasteners supplied all series • For Weight = 29 kg............................................ Ref.: OV002 Rack extension (with post only) Hot galvanised steel S235JR G2 Ref. H (mm) RVC09A RVC12A RVC15A RVC20A 900 1200 1500 2000 H2 (mm) Weight (kg) 0 300 600 1100 5 7 9 12 Orifice bottom height / ground Caution: An extension of at least the RVC09A kind must be provided for integration in the post * The orifice bottom height must be stipulated when ordering. Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Penstocks Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 24 Motorisation fo r p e n s t o ck s VE series only Manufacture standard servomotors include a motor with thermal protection, cinematic chain, manual control, • The connection unit, torque limiter and limit switch contacts. Technical characteristics servomotors are designed to work in both extreme positions, and possibly in intermediate positions. • The The motor is designed for 360 start-up/hour in 30% operating conditions, the ambient temperature being less than 40°C. This rate reduces when the temperature increases. The unit is designed for 15 to 20 operations/day as an average. Penstocks supply: three-phase 400 VAC / 50 Hz • Power Control: torque limiter and limit switch contacts • Motor: thermal protection - class F tropicalized insulation • Heating resistor: 1self-regulating avoid internal condensation • Protection : IP68 (72 hourstosubmerged in 5 m of water) • Temperature : -25°C to +75°C • Accessory: visual revolution indicator • hand wheel for manual control Penstock ref Motor ref Speed rpm VE0400A SA05 46 VE0800A VE1000A VE1200A Torque Nm Current nominal max A A X Power X Weight Dimension kW kg mm 1’31’’ 1’57’’ F10 60 1.5 5 0.37 25 420 F10 140 3.4 24 1.5 31 450 F14 300 5.1 27 2.2 49 510 F16 700 9.2 69 4.5 76 580 2’23’’ VE0500A VE0600A Flange ref. at least 300 mm 1’05’’ VE0200A VE0300A Minimum closing time* Concrete slab SA07 46 SA10 61 SA12 92 2’23’’ 2’21’’ 2’52’’ 2’16’’ * For faster closing times or for an ADF protection, ATEX standard for servomotors, please consult our design office. CV500P: Control unit: technical characteristics • Equipment: • • • • polyester cabinet, IP 669, • protected by a circuit breaker, • padlockable main switch • key switch, local or remote position (remote control) Dimensions: H 645 x L 435 x P 250 mm - Weight: 20 kg Power supply: three-phase 400 VAC / 50 Hz with general circuit breaking supplied with 10 m cable to be installed close to the servomotor Signalling: penstock condition display: • Powered • Opening • Closing • Penstock closed • Penstock open • Disk blocked (failure signal) • Thermal protection activated (failure signal) Control: • pushbuttons • Opening/Closing/Stop, self-holding • Remote control by dry contacts (opening/closing), usually in open position Remote control voltage: 230 V _ maximum distance: 500 m 25 Penstocks Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Motorisation fo r p e n s t o ck s VE series only OPTIONS and ACCESSORIES for the electrical panel Cables Equipped with packing glands fit to their sections. Each cable wire is marked. For cable cross-sections, please consult the table below: Motor ref Current (A) SA05 1.1 SA07 3.4 SA10 5.1 SA12 9.2 0 to 50 meters 400 Volt supply cable 4g 51 to 100 meters 230 Volt control cable 12g 400 Volt supply cable 4g 230 Volt control cable 12g 101 to 500 meters 400 Volt supply cable 4g 4g2.52 & 12g1.52 OV067 4g1.52 & 12g1.52 OV065 4g1.52 & 12g1.52 OV065 230 Volt control cable 12g 4g102 & 12g1.52 OV073 4g2.52 & 12g1.52 OV067 4g42 & 12g1.52 OV069 4g162 & 12g1.52 OV075 Casing and base for outdoor installation Penstocks Polyester casing and base with double door. The outer door has a glass panel. Dimensions: H 1095 x L 450 x P 270 mm Weight = 10 kg For all series .................................................................. Ref.: OV055 • Other option for the electrical panel • Remote penstock condition display: Penstock open ..... Réf.: OV035 OPTIONS and ACCESSORIES for the motor Galvanised steel universal support To be installed either on the penstock or on the structure. Supplied with fasteners. Penstock ref. VE0200 VE0300 to 0500 VE0600 to 1000 VE1200 Support ref. OV004 OV005 OV006 OV008 Poids 4 kg 4 kg 5 kg 5 kg Initial start-up start-up of a motorised penstock......................... Ref.: PS.04 • Initial Please ask for our “Initial motorised penstock start-up” notice advantage All the motors of our motorised penstocks are mounted and tested in workshop* before delivery. *not when installed onto the structure. Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Penstocks Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 26 HydroVML ø With PEHD disk 150 -> 600 Galvanised or Stainless steel VML_V or operating rod VML_T with stud bolt Manufacture are made of: • Allhotpenstocks galvanised steel (NF A 91121 standard) or 304 L stainless steel Common parts off valve for rain water or waste water • shut upstream one-direction tightening system (1 mce) • PEHD disk, anti-UV treatment • Fasteners for mounting to the wall (stainless steel • for stainless steel devices, galvanised steel for galvanised steel devices) Penstocks Specific parts VML_V series (stud bolt) x 30 standard control square • 30Clockwise closing direction • hot galvanised Frame and sliding bracket, and • zinc-plated steelsteel screws (VML_VA) Stainless Steel frame, sliding bracket and • 304L screws (VML_VI) : manual control accessories • Options (see next page for descriptions and references) VML_V Ref. VML0150V_ VML0200V_ VML0300V_ VML0400V_ VML0500V_ VML0600V_ Galvanised or Stainless Steel A or I A or I A or I A or I A or I A or I VML_T series Dn A B C 150 200 300 400 500 600 575 675 875 1075 1275 1475 217 267 367 467 569 669 297 347 447 547 649 749 Weight Galvanised Stainless 10.4 12.9 19 24 33.3 48.9 9.5 11.8 17.3 21.9 30.4 45.4 (operating rod) adjustable in height: • Disk locking nuts for the rod L stainless steel operating rod • 304 Frame and sliding bracket: hot galvanised steel (VML_TA) • stainless steel (VML_TI) Galvanised VML_T Ref. or Stainless Steel VML0150T_ A or I VML0200T_ A or I VML0300T_ A or I VML0400T_ A or I VML0500T_ A or I VML0600T_ A or I 27 Dn A A1 B C 150 200 300 400 500 600 617 714 914 1114 1313 1513 797 944 1244 1544 1843 2143 217 267 367 467 569 669 297 347 447 547 649 749 Penstocks Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Weight Galvanised Stainless 9.1 11.6 17.5 24.4 38.9 48.4 8.3 10.4 15.7 22.1 36 44.8 Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - HydroVML ø With PEHD disk 150 -> 600 Galvanised or Stainless steel VML_V series only Configurations Hand wheel 1 : Dimensions marked with 1 must be defined in accordance with your installation OPEN AIR Crank OPEN AIR Operating tee Post ø100 cable guide 30 x 30 square If h < 600 mm: no extension Rod guide Rod extension Equipment required: Valve DN = ........1 Rod extension Valve guide included) H = .......1 Post + Hand wheel + or Crank + or Servomotor and Control Unit Crank Post Equipment required: Valve DN = ........1 Rod extension (guide included) H = ......1 Operating tee INSTALLED UNDER SECLUDED AREA ø100 cable guide Rod guide Operating tee If h < 600 mm: no extension Front view Equipment required: Rod 1 extension Valve DN = ........ Rod extension Valve (guide included) H = ......1 Post + Hand wheel + or Crank + or Servomotor and Control Unit Manual control ACCESSORIES Front view DN100 Guide 30 x 30 square Valve Equipment required: Valve DN = ........1 Rod extension (guide included) H = ......1 Operating tee (see photos page 22) Hand wheel Cast iron, for 200 to 500 Dn penstocks •• Crank • Operating tee •• ø 200 for 200 and 300 Dn penstocks, weight = 3 kg....Ref.: OV010 ø 300 for 400 and 500 Dn penstocks, weight = 5 kg....Ref.: OV015 galvanised steel, with turning handle Length = 380 mm, weight = 2 kg............................ Ref.: OV020 galvanised steel, with 30 x 30 cast iron female square Height = 1,500 mm, weight = 4 kg ........................ Ref.: OV025 Height = 1,000 mm, weight = 3,5 kg ..................... Ref.: OV026 Post galvanised steel, offset and provided with 4 fitting holes. • INSTALLED UNDER ROAD OR IN SECLUDED AREA Height = 900 mm, weight = 29 kg ........................ Ref.: OV002 Caution: an extension of at least the RVML12I kind must be provided for integration in the post Rod extension stainless steel and galvanised steel (adjustable at the site), fitted with a galvanised steel male square at the upper part and a cast iron female square at the lower part. The extension is supplied with a set of fasteners and one or two rod guides. Ref. RVML05I RVML08I RVML12I RVML15I RVML20I RVML25I Extension height Number Weight (mm) of guides (kg) 2.3 From 300 to 500 mm 3 From 400 to 800 mm 1 4.9 From 700 to 1200 mm 5.4 From 1100 to 1500 mm 5.8 From 1400 to 2000 mm 2 6.7 From 1900 to 2500 mm *The orifice bottom height must be stipulated when ordering. Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - Penstocks Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 28 Penstocks Hand wheel Valve HydroClap ø 315, 400 or 500 F l a p va l v e Polyester Wall-mounted device Description flap valve to prevent the water • polyester from returning into the network seal • EPDM 304L stainless steel bolts • Installation against a perfectly smooth, • vertical concrete wall, a fixing kit (stainless • steel and silicone fasteners) is supplied with the valve pressure resistance: 0.5 bar (5 m water head) Flap valves Uses networks • Sewage (Waste & treated water) • Basins, areas, • Careenage • Seaside piping... Reference CL10300P CL10400P CL10500P 29 Flap valves Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved Diameter discharge Dn 315 Dn 400 Dn 500 Dimension A x B 520 x 520 600 x 600 700 x 700 Weight 5.2 6.8 9.6 Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - HydroClap ø 315, 400 or 500 F l a p va l v e Polyester Mounted on PVC pipe Description flap valve to prevent the water • polyester from returning into the network seal • EPDM 304L stainless steel bolts • Installation against an horizontal pipe, • a fixing kit (stainless steel and silicone • fasteners) is supplied with the flap valve pressure resistance: 0.5 bar (5 m water head) Uses Reference CL20300P CL20400P CL20500P Diameter Dn Dn Dn Z.A. La Chevalerie - 50570 MARIGNY - France Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 - Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] - discharge 315 400 500 Dimension A x B 520 x 520 600 x 600 700 x 700 Flap valves networks • Sewage (Waste & treated water) • Basins, areas, • Careenage • Seaside piping... Weight 9.7 12.2 15.9 Flap valves Hydraulic Equipments © 2008 - All rights reserved 30 Z.A. La Chevalerie 50570 MARIGNY - France Tél.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93 E-mail: [email protected] • WATER PRE-TREATMENT Oil interceptors Grease and starch interceptors • WATER TREATMENT Lamellar particle sludge traps Sewage treatment plant • HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENTS Flow regulators and controllers Penstocks Flap valves • WATER PUMPING For small communities For communities GROUND EQUIPMENT Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 05 36 14 Fax: +33 (0)2 33 77 71 01 • Inspection covers • Siphons and channels Your distributor CLD +33 (0)2 96 35 33 20 - - Crédit photo couverture : Eric de la Garanderie WATER MANAGEMENT Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 56 62 08 Fax: +33 (0)2 33 56 61 93