academic english high school preparation
academic english high school preparation
Academic English for High School Preparation Secondary Senior High Schools, Colleges & Campus Perth Western Australia Phoenix Academy English Preparation & Government School Programs The partnership between Phoenix Academy and the West Australian Department of Education provides international students with an opportunity to develop their Academic English skills, preparing them to enter secondary education in Australia. With over 20 years expertise in providing quality English language training, Phoenix Academy is renowned for its wide range of services, especially for younger students. Phoenix Academy is able to coordinate student enrolments, high school placement, provide guardianship, accommodation, counselling and much more. The West Australian Department of Education aims to ensure all students in the government schools system are able to achieve at the highest standards of learning possible so that students are equipped to deal effectively with opportunities and challenges they encounter in a changing world. The Department strives to ensure students are motivated and engaged in learning, in a safe and supportive learning environment. PERTH CITY Pre-University Pathways Primary School Yr 1 - 7 Phoenix Young Learners Program Junior Secondary School Yr 8 Yr 9 Phoenix High School Preparation Program Perth City is the capital of Western Australia situated on the banks of the Swan River by the Indian Ocean. Perth has over one million people and is said to be one of the most beautiful cities in World. • Warm Mediterranean climate • Clean, modern city • Safe, friendly multicultural environment • Low cost of living • Efficient, modern and affordable public transport • Perfect city for young people • Rated in the top 20 most liveable cities in the world Perth Metro Government High Schools Woodvale SHS Yr 10 Padbury SHS Greenwood SHS Carine SHS Senior Secondary School University Foundation Program 20km Morley SHS Yr 11 15km John Forrest SHS Yr 12 Mt Lawley SHS 10km Churchland SHS PHOENIX ACADEMY Perth City 5km Kelmscott SHS Kent Street SHS University Como SHS PHOENIX ACADEMY Fremantle campus Applecross SHS Melville SHS John Curtin College of Arts Leeming SHS School Term Dates Sem 1 Sem 2 2011 2012 2013 Term 1 2 Feb - 21 Apr 1 Feb - 5 Apr 4 Feb - 19 Apr Mid Sem Break 22 Apr - 8 May 6 Apr - 22 Apr 20 Apr - 5 May Term 2 9 May - 8 Jul 23 Apr - 6 Jul 6 May - 5 Jul Mid Year Break 9 Jul - 24 Jul 7 Jul - 22 Jul 6 Jul - 21 Jul Term 3 25 Jul - 30 Sep 23 Jul - 28 Sep 22 Jul - 27 Sep Mid Sem Break 1 Oct - 16 Oct 29 Sep - 14 Oct 28 Sep - 13 Oct Term 4 17 Oct - 15 Dec 15 Oct - 18 Dec 14 Oct - 19 Dec Central Business Area 1 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS The Department of Education aims to ensure that all students in the government schools system achieve the highest standards of learning possible so that they are equipped to deal effectively with opportunities and challenges they encounter in a changing world. We want them to be motivated and engaged in learning, in a safe and supportive learning environment. We seek to ensure that all students are able to develop the values articulated within the Curriculum Framework. The core-shared values in the Framework are broadly described as: • a pursuit of knowledge and a commitment to the achievement of potential • self acceptance and respect of self • respect and concern for others and their rights • social and civic responsibility • environmental responsibility Years 8 - 10 Junior Secondary “International student programs enrich the educational experiences of both the local students and overseas students. The programs provide cultural diversity, which in turn leads to a greater understanding and tolerance in the world. The Department also hopes that life long friendships will develop between local and overseas students.” 2011 Tuition Fees All students study English, Mathematics, Science, Technology & Enterprise, the Arts, Society & the Environment, Health & Physical Education and a language other than English. They have a different teacher for each subject. They may then choose from a list of other subjects such as Sport, Music, Art, Foreign Languages, Home Economics etc. PRIMARY A$8,000 per annum LOWER SECONDARY Years 8 - 10 A$9,500 per annum Years 11 - 12 Senior Secondary UPPER SECONDARY Year 11 & 12 Here students select subject options with their future career in mind. They usually choose five or six Tertiary Entrance Ranking (TER) subjects from a wide choice such as English, English Literature, Music, Geography, History, Economics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Calculus, Computing, Accounting, Art and many foreign languages etc. A$10,500 per annum Plus curriculum annual fee: Year 11: $176 Year 12: $423 Examinations At the end of year 12 students wishing to continue to University sit the WACE examinations (Western Australian Certificate of Education). The Curriculum Council sets the WACE examination and students from across the state sit the course examination the same day and at the same time. For students wishing to be considered for university their school marks (50%) and final examination marks (50%) will be used to calculate scaled scores which are used to calculate a Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER). The TER allows universities to compare students across Australia for available university places. English Language Requirements: All high school students are expected to prove their current English level (eg Cambridge ‘O’ or ‘A’ Level; IELTS; TOEFL etc). Students unable to do so must complete the PEPT English Assessment which is available through this office or through selected Education Agents. If an English level is not provided to ETI then a mandatory thirty weeks of English will be recommended prior to entering formal studies at High School. All students having completed a pre-cursor English course (and Direct entry students) must meet mandatory English levels as per the table below. Student progress will vary depending on individual circumstances, eg. commencing language level; home environment; commitment to learning; age and cultual differences. English Level Pre-Intermediate B Intermediate A Intermediate B Upper Intermediate Pre-Advanced Advanced A Pongsakorn Boonvarametee - Thailand “I love studying in Perth because it’s a very safe and quiet city. Phoenix has prepared me well to enter High School in Western Australia. I look forward to making many more friends when I start school next year. My English has improved a lot as I study very hard and practice with my friends all the time. Education in Western Australia is very good and will give me a better future in Thailand. PEPT Level CEFR Expected progress approx. IELTS Band Score Equivalents* 35% 40% 50% 55% 60% 65% A2+ B1 B1+ B2 B2+ C1 6 wks 12 wks 6 wks 6 wks 6 wks 6 wks 3.5 4.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 High School Year Year 7 Year 8 - 9 Year 10 Year 11 - 12 / Foundation University * These approximate IELTS scores are only estimates and do not represent true IELTS results which can only be ascertained and awarded as a result of a student undertaking an IELTS test (academic module) at an official IELTS test centre. PEPT = Phoenix English Proficiency test CEFR = Common European Framework of Reference: Global Scale 2 Western Australia has many choices of excellent Government schools for Overseas Fee Paying Students. Each school has its own unique strengths, differentiating it from other schools in Perth. APPLECROSS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Applecross Senior High School has established and sustained a reputation for high academic, sporting and cultural achievements, winning many academic exhibitions, awards and competitions, and is often placed among the highest performing public high schools. CARINE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Carine Senior High School is renowned for its wide range of extracurricular activities and strong academic reputation. The pursuit of excellence is fostered in all fields of endeavour. CHURCHLANDS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Churchlands Senior High School is a school of distinction and has an impressive history in the academic, sporting and musical areas. Two students have won the Beazley Medal for academic performance and two students went on to become Rhodes Scholars. KENT STREET SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Kent Street Senior High School is well known for its Specialist Courses and Academic Programs. The school offers a complete range of curriculum for students wishing to pursue many different careers. LEEMING SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Leeming Senior High School students have received numerous subject exhibition awards and distinction certificates over the school’s history. The students consistently perform above the state average in both TEE and WSA courses. In 2003 LSHS was ranked, for many subjects, in the top ten schools in WA on the basis of ‘A’ grades achieved by our students. Melville Senior High School A school where all students are provided with the opportunity to excel and are supported in the process of defining themselves as they prepare to find their place in the contemporary world. COMO SECONDARY COLLEGE Como Secondary College has a strong record of success in placing students into university. The college offers over 20 university entry courses. The college also offers a golf program. MORLEY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Morley Senior High School has a fine tradition of academic achievement and pastoral care. The school also has a long involvement with exchange students from Italy, China and Japan. GREENWOOD SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Greenwood Senior High School offers a full range of academic and vocational subjects to all year levels, and students are encouraged to select courses which suit and challenge their own abilities, interests and future vocations. MT LAWLEY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Mt Lawley Senior High School has a proud academic record and is located next to Edith Cowan University in Mt Lawley. In fostering a close relationship with ECU, students are also able to complete courses at tertiary level. Mt Lawley is also renowned as a Chinese language specialist school. JOHN CURTIN COLLEGE OF THE ARTS John Curtin College of the Arts places great emphasis on the academic achievement of all students and offers programs for gifted students in Mathematics, Science and Humanities and the Arts. It also has an approved specialist football program. Kelmscott Senior High School Kelmscott Senior High School stands for and promotes achievement; a safe and disciplined learning environment; the value of courtesy, consideration and cooperation; and pride in the repulation, uniform and traditions of the school. PADBURY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Padbury Senior High School is located close to the city and has a long standing reputation of academic excellence and consistently achieves well above the state level in university entrance standards. A unique Marine Studies course is a special program offered at Padbury. WOODVALE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Woodvale Senior High School’s campus wide information technology networks provide a wide range of digital media capabilities and professional level software, comparing favourably with the best equipped schools in Australia. Tan Luan Nguyen, Vietnam “I would like to study at Churchlands Senior High School in Year 10. Churchlands is a very good school with lots of facilities and an excellent support group for overseas students. I have made many friends from Perth and all over the world at Phoenix. I hope to study Commerce after my TEE, and with Churchlands academic history I believe I can achieve my goals.” 3 ACADEMIC ENGLISH ... HIGH SCHOOL PREPARATION CRICOS Course Code: 011044G “The objective of the Phoenix High School Preparation Program is to prepare students to enter secondary education in Australia.” Phoenix ACADEMY The experience: The High School Preparation Program is run from the Academy’s Perth city campus in a peaceful garden setting, located only 10 minutes from the city centre. The city campus also includes Beatty Lodge (self-catering on-campus accommodation) should parents and families decide to visit from overseas. Students come from all over the world to study in the Academy’s High School Preparation Program, and this nationality mix ensures a culturally sensitive and safe environment for young people. • Intensive study of English Language - grammar and language functions THE CURRICULUM - Certificate III in English Proficiency • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills The High School Preparation Course follows a national accredited course which under the AQTF is at Certificate 3 level. The course is designed to focus on the skills needed to improve further study. The four skills of writing, reading, speaking and listening are taught within the context of learning about Australian and Global systems and societies. • Essay Writing Skills • Oral Communication and Listening Skills • IT Studies, Media Studies , Drama • Australian History & Culture • Study skills, research skills, speed reading, writing reports and assignments • Small classes • Full recreation program A range of sporting/cultural excursions are organised by the school society, and prepare them for integration into an Australian secondary Students can study from between 2 and 48 weeks at Phoenix Academy. The length of their preparation course is determined by their level of English, as indicated in the table below. Pre-Intermediate B Intermediate A Intermediate B School subjects • Reading and Note Taking strategies and skills during class-time to facilitate students’ understanding of Australian The length of study: English Level • English language training in secondary school skill areas related to High CEFR Expected progress* PEPT Level approx. IELTS Band Score Equivalents* A2+ B1 B1+ 6 wks 12 wks 6 wks 35% 40% 50% 3.5 4.0 5.0 Upper Intermediate B2 6 wks 55% 5.5 Pre-Advanced Advanced A B2+ C1 6 wks 6 wks 60% 65% 6.0 6.5 High School Year Year 7 Year 8 - 9 Year 10 Year 11/12 Foundation University school environment. The Pathway: As students approach the end of their High School Preparation program, they are tested by the Phoenix Academy Senior Academic Staff. Students are assessed at either meeting the English requirements for their year of study or recommended to extend their English. A formal recommendation is made to the high school. Liaison takes places between Phoenix Academy and the chosen high school as to the best time for entry to High School studies. The cost 2011 English Language Requirement for Entry to West Australian Government High School * These approximate IELTS scores are only estimates and do not represent true IELTS results which can only be ascertained and awarded as a result of a student undertaking an IELTS test (academic module) at an official IELTS test centre. * Progress - The anticipated weeks of study at an ESL level (will vary depending on individual circumstances, eg. commencing language level; home environment; commitment to learning; age and cultual differences). PEPT = Phoenix English Proficiency test CEFR = Common European Framework of Reference: Global Scale Fees Enrolment fee: A$200 or A$210* + * A$ 210 includes Phoenix Club Card Academic Service Fee Tuition Fees A$360/wk A$355/wk A$350/wk A$345/wk A$380 (01 - 11 weeks) (12 - 23 weeks) (24 - 35 weeks) (36 - 48 weeks Note: Fees after 2011 should be confirmed with Phoenix Academy and may be subjected to change. SAMPLE WEEKLY TIMETABLE Monday 8.45 am - 10.15 am Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Productive Language Skills: Speaking and Writing Speak of a personal account - “to describe” Write a short prose text - “to describe” 10.15 am 15 min Break 10.30 am - 12.00 noon Receptive Language Skills: Listening and Reading Listen and respond to an oral description of an event Read and respond to a narrative text 12.00 noon 45 min Lunch 12.45 pm - 1.45pm Performance Lesson: In this session of the day language skills are “practised” and “performed” 1.45pm 15 min Break 2.00 pm - 3.00pm Special Focus Studies: Information Technology & Study Skills 4 STUDENT SERVICES Phoenix Academy is renowned for its wide range of services, especially for younger students. Phoenix Academy can help with High School Placements, guardianship, accommodation, the student’s welfare counselling, orientation and even offer assistance in setting up a bank account! Marie Gorman, Homestay Manager HIGH SCHOOL PLACEMENTS GUARDIANSHIP • Students and their families are counselled in order to find the right school to suit their needs • Phoenix Academy applies to the preferred school on receipt of the student’s academic transcripts • The Letter of Offer is sent to the student after Phoenix Academy receives confirmation of the School from Education and Training International Schools • Progress English reports are sent to the families and School every twelve weeks and on completion of the course • When the time comes to enter secondary education, Phoenix Academy will assist the student by arranging a visit to the school to meet the Principal and helping to select subjects, purchase text books and uniforms Students aged under 18 years old are legally required to live with an approved guardian. While studying at Phoenix Academy, the Academy together with the Homestay family will act as guardians for the student. However, once students enter mainstream education an approved guardian must be appointed. If students do not have a close friend or relative in Perth who is willing to act as a guardian, Phoenix Academy or the school can appoint a guardian for the student. ACCOMMODATION Phoenix Academy carefully selects an Australian homestay family for the student to stay with while they participate in the High School Preparation program. Once the student enters secondary education, the school will usually find a new family. Homestay accommodation is highly recommended. Immersion in the English Language and culture through staying with an Australian family will greatly enhance the student’s English language development. HOW TO ENROL & WHO TO CONTACT The Enrolment Fee and Homestay Placement Fee (if Homestay accommodation is required) together with your completed application form and translated academic transcripts should be sent to our representative in your country or directly to the contacts below. Application form can be downloaded from: OFFSHORE TESTING FACILITIES Phoenix Academy can arrange for students to sit the Phoenix English Proficiency Test (PEPT) (High School Preparation) in Australia or in their home country. (The Phoenix Test is recognised by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) as an alternative to IELTS in China). VISA PATHWAYS Packaging Phoenix Academy will manage the packaging of the English course with the student’s High School program in order to facilitate one visa for the student’s entire program. (ie. English plus length of high school course) The Registrar Phoenix Academy 223 Vincent Street, West Perth Perth, Western Australia 6005 (PO Box 256, Leederville) Perth, Western Australia 6903 Tel: +61 8 9227 5538 Fax: + 61 8 9227 5540 Email: [email protected] Web: Phoenix Academy Provider Code: 00066D Keyseq Pty Ltd t/a Phoenix Academy ABN 45 009 405 298 • Registered by the West Australian Government or fax with payment confirmation to: Education and Training International (ETI) Student Services Ground Floor, 123 Adelaide Terrace EAST PERTH, Western Australia 6004 Tel +618 9218 2100 Fax +618 9218 2160 Email [email protected] Web Department of Education and Training Western Australia Provider Code: 00020G/01723A Representative Stamp 5