was available for review and indicated the location of such


was available for review and indicated the location of such
The Mayor and Council of the City of Blair, Nebraska, met in regular session in the City Council
2015 at 7: 00 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Realph, Council
Members: Wolff, Stewart, Jensen, Hall, Hansen, Willis, Andersen and Shepard; City Administrator Storm,
Assistant City Administrator Green, Director of Public Works Schoemaker, City Treasurer Frahm, City
Attorney Tripp, Pat Long and Chief Lager. Absent: None.
Chambers on the 13th of October,
The Mayor publicly stated to all in attendance that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act
was available for review and indicated the location of such copy posted in the room where the meeting was
being held. Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Enterprise or the Pilot Tribune as shown by the affidavit of publication filed in the City Clerk' s office. Notice of the meeting was
simultaneously given to the Mayor and all members of the City Council and a copy of their acknowledgement
of receipt of notice and the agenda is filed in the City Clerk' s office. Availability of the agenda was
communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Mayor and Council of this meeting. All
proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
Agenda Item #3 —
Motion by Hall, second by Andersen to approve the consent agenda for the following:
Clerk report on Mayoral action and minutes from the September 22, 2015 meetings, and department reports and
claims for September, 2015.
All Council members present voted Aye. Mayor Realph declared the motion
Agenda Item #4 — Motion
Equalization at 7:04 p.m.
Mayor Realph
by Andersen, second by Wolff to recess as a Council and meet as a Board of
All Council members present voted Aye. Mayor Realph declared the motion carried.
a Public Hearing to levy special assessments against 1909 Front Street. City
Administrator Storm stated this Resolution is procedural and would levy the special assessments for mowing.
An administration fee has been charged for the mowing and the last known property owners have been
No payment has been received. There were no comments from the floor or in writing. Mayor
Realph closed the Public Hearing. Council member Hall introduced Resolution No. 2015- 32 to levy Special
Assessments against the person owning, occupying or interested in parcels of land described as Part of Lot 1
and E51' Lot 2, Block 40, Blair City, Washington County, Nebraska ( 1909 Front St) for mowing. Motion by
Andersen, second by Jensen to adopt Resolution 2015- 32 as presented. All Council members present voted
Aye. Mayor Realph declared the motion carried. Motion by Andersen, second by Willis to adjourn as a Board
of Equalization and reconvene as a Council to proceed with the meeting at 7: 06 p.m. All Council members
present voted Aye. Mayor Realph declared the motion carried.
Agenda Item # 5 —
Mayor Realph opened a public hearing to consider a Conditional Use Permit
application submitted by John R. Henton, 9505 Co Rd 29, Blair, NE, to allow for a contractors yard on Tax Lot
16, Section 27, Township 18, Range 11, Washington County, Nebraska ( 13045 US Hwy 30) for twenty ( 20)
Assistant City Administrator Green stated the zoning is AGG — General Agricultural District. A
Contractor yard" is an Excepted Use, requiring a Conditional Use Permit. The site has been the location of
several contractor yards for decades and these uses are grandfathered. The applicant now desires to construct an
additional building on the site. Prior to approving a building permit for a new building, a Conditional Use
Permit is required. Section 501. 12 of the Zoning Ordinance says the following regarding off-street parking: ( 1)
501. 12 OFF- STREET PARKING: In granting a conditional use permit, the City Council may require that any
or all of the proposed off-street parking be hard surfaced with either portland cement, concrete, or asphalt. Due
to the location, staff recommends no requirement for hard surfaced parking. The request is for twenty (20) years
and the Planning Commission recommended approval for twenty ( 20) years. The applicant was not present.
There were no comments from the floor or in writing. Mayor Realph closed the public hearing. Motion by
October 13, 2015
Hall, second by Andersen to approve the Conditional Use Permit submitted by John R. Henton as presented for
twenty (20) years. All Council members present voted aye. Mayor Realph declared the motion carried.
Agenda Item 46 —
application submitted
Mayor Realph opened a public hearing to consider a Conditional Use Permit
by Troy McCandless,
207 S 16th St, Blair,
nonconforming garage on Tax Lot 20 & Part Of Vacated Street,
Nebraska ( 1616 Grant St.),
NE to allow an addition to an existing
Blair City, Washington County,
Block 57,
for the life of the structure. Assistant City Administrator Green stated the zoning is
RMH — Residential
Multi -Family High Density District. The applicant desires to expand a nonconforming
accessory structure existing on the property. To expand a nonconforming structure, a Conditional Use Permit is
required. The accessory structure is nonconforming because it is located too close to the alley property line. The
expansion will be on the opposite side of the structure. Therefore, the nonconforming aspect of the structure
will not be expanded. A 24 ft x 24 ft concrete parking pad will be added next to the accessory structure. The
request is for the life of the structure and the Planning Commission recommended approval. Troy McCandless
was present to answer any questions. There were no other comments from the floor or in writing. Mayor Realph
closed the public hearing.
Motion by Hall, second by Shepard, to approve the Conditional Use Permit
submitted by Troy McCandless as presented for the life of the structure. All Council members present voting
aye. Mayor Realph declared the motion carried.
Agenda Item # 7 —
Mayor Realph opened a public hearing to consider a Conditional Use Permit
application submitted by Woodhouse Auto Family, P O Box 546, Blair, NE to allow a repair garage ( body
shop) on Lot 7 & 8, Pleasant Valley II, Blair City, Washington County, Nebraska, for the life of the structure.
Assistant City Administrator Green stated the zoning is A/CH —Agricultural / Commercial Highway District.
Woodhouse Ford would like to construct a new body shop. The work performed in a body shop is included in
the definition of " repair
a "
Repair garage" use requires a Conditional Use Permit. Additiona
Screening Requirements are established in zoning by Section:
801. 12 Repair Garage Requirement as follows.
In addition to all other restrictions and requirements as provided herein, in the circumstance of a repair garage,,
all vehicles or motorized equipment awaiting repair, under repair, and all parts and materials shall be screened
on all sides by a solid fence or a masonry wall or compact growth or natural plant materials not less than eight
feet in height. Such screened area shall be limited to an area behind the rear line of any building or structure
used as a repair garage on the premises. Both Lot 7 and Lot 8 are included in this request and some vehicle
parking may occur on Lot 8. The Planning Commission recommended to approve the request as presented for
the life of the structure with the stipulation that any parking on Lot 8 be hard surfaced or covered with asphalt
millings. There were no other comments from the floor or in writing. Mayor Realph closed the public hearing.
Motion by Wolff, second by Hansen, to approve a Conditional Use Permit submitted by Woodhouse Auto
Family as presented with the stipulation that any parking on Lot 8 be hard surfaced or covered with asphalt
millings. All Council members present voted Aye. Mayor Realph declared the motion carried.
Agenda Item # 8 —
Mayor Realph opened a public hearing to consider a Preliminary Plat application for
Blair Community Schools, 2232 Washington St, Blair, NE for a plat of Arbor Park, a platting of Tax Lot 628,
located in the Northeast 1/ 4 of the Northeast 1/ 4 of Section 11, Township 18 North, Range 11 East of the 6th P. M.,
Blair City, Washington County, Nebraska. Assistant City Administrator Green stated the zoning is RMH —
Residential Multi -Family High Density District. No zoning change is being proposed and any zoning use
would be allowed ( pending lot area requirements). The existing lot ( Tax Lot 628) would be split into three ( 3)
separate lots as follows: Lot 1 — 17. 90 acres ( lot with Arbor Park Middle School), Lot 2 — 6. 38 acres ( located
along 18th Avenue) and Lot 3 — 3. 51 acres ( located north of Park Street). No grading changes are being
proposed and additional platting and grading may be requested by future owners. If approved this item is,
approved, the
applicant will be required to follow up with a Final Plat. The Planning Commission
recommended to approve as presented with the stipulation the city implement an easement to encompass the
creek to protect the waterway.
Nielsen, 1750 Park St.,
Bob Warrick, 633 Skyline Dr., Chad Johnson, 1740 Park St., and Chuck
expressed concerns regarding the possibility of Lot 3 being developed in the future due
October 13, 2015
to the high water table on the property and any water diversion it might cause. Discussion was held regarding
any safeguards the city might have to protect water from being diverted to someone else' s property. City
Administrator Storm stated this would be a buildable lot.
It might not be conducive for construction of a
basement but whatever is allowed by zoning could be constructed there. Motion by Jensen, second by Shepard
to postpone consideration of a Preliminary Plat application for Blair Community Schools for further review.
All Council members present voted Aye. Mayor Realph declared the motion carried.
Agenda Item # 8 -
Mayor Realph opened a public hearing to consider adoption of the City of Blair
Comprehensive Plan. Assistant City Administrator Green stated a Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee,
consisting of approximately 24 members, met every 4 — 6 weeks since January to provide input and guidance
for this Plan. The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee consisted of five City Council members, three
Planning Commission members, nine dedicated citizens, three community leaders, and four city staff. JEO
Consulting Group is the Planning Consultant and Kevin Andersen is the Planner -in -charge. Planning
Commission recommended approval of the Blair Comprehensive Plan as presented with minor spelling
Green stated the plans last update was in 2005. Kevin Andersen reviewed the proposed plan. He
noted the Council is not required to follow the guidelines, which are suggested as possible goals to be
prioritized based on city data and public input but it develops the road map for the future. The city's continual
population growth and the future completion of the state Highway 133 expansion project were factored into the
document. The city is at a 1 % growth rate and that has not changed much through the years. The plan
identifies potential annexation areas which are mostly along transportation corridors and the need for more
housing options. The city solicited resident's opinions through the Build Blair Mind Mixer website. Build Blair
participants strongly supported making downtown a destination, more affordable housing options, more
shopping, establishing a college on Dana campus, workforce development in schools and additional cultural,
family and recreational amenities. In the two town hall meetings held in February, attendees said they value the
city's proximity to the Omaha metro, the schools, housing stability, security and safety, availability of the
workforce and community involvement. They perceived the city's weaknesses to be topography, downtown
truck traffic, entry-level employees, slow residential internet speed, a lack of affordable housing, public transit,
downtown parking and youth activities. Magic want goals were a college on the Dana campus, a completed
bypass and an additional major employer. City Administrator Storm stated this document provides the Council
with goals to work towards and the ability to change the plan as needed.
floor or in writing. Mayor Realph closed the public hearing.
2293 adopting the City of Blair Comprehensive Plan.
There were no comments from the
Council member Wolff introduced Ordinance No.
Council member Wolff moved that the statutory rule requiring reading on three different days be
Council member Hall seconded the motion to suspend the rules and upon roll call vote the
following Council members voted Aye: Stewart, Shepard, Hansen, Jensen, Hall, Willis and Wolff. The
following voted Nay: Andersen. The motion to suspend the rules was adopted by three- fourths of the Council
and the statutory rule was declared suspended for consideration of said Ordinance.
Said Ordinance was then read by title and thereafter Council member Stewart moved for final passage of
the Ordinance, which motion was seconded by Council member Hall. The Mayor then stated the question was
Shall Ordinance No. 2293 be passed and adopted?" Upon roll call vote, the following Council members voted
Aye: Andersen, Stewart, Shepard, Jensen, Hall, Willis, Hansen and Wolff. The following voted Nay: None.
The passage of said Ordinance having been concurred in by a majority of all members of the Council, the
October 13, 2015
Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted.
A true, correct and complete copy of said Ordinance can be found in
the Ordinance Record Book.
Agenda Item # 10 —
Mayor Realph opened a public hearing to consider a Redevelopment Plan as
recommended by the Planning Commission and the Community Redevelopment Agency for Area 3, Project # 1
Lots 7 &
8 Pleasant Valley II Subdivision) in the City of Blair, Nebraska and consider its conformity with the
general plan for the development of the City as a whole. Assistant City Administrator Green stated the
proposed area has been an eyesore for several years. This project would clean up the area and make it a viable
piece of property for the Woodhouse project to construct the repair garage that was approved by the Conditional
Use Permit previously. Staff believes this is a good use of TIF funds. There were no comments from the floor
or in writing. Mayor Realph closed the public hearing.
Agenda Item # 11 —
Assistant City Administrator Green stated the proposed Tax Increment Financing ( TIF)
It calls for a fifteen year period that will start in January 2016. Any taxes that
project meets all state requirements.
are: generated from any tax increases will be captured for the fifteen years and allocated to this project for payment
of the costs of the Redevelopment project.
Council member Wolff introduced Resolution No. 2015- 33 approving a
Redevelopment Plan as recommended by the Planning Commission and the Community Development Agency
for Area 3, Project # 1 ( Lots 7 &
8 Pleasant Valley II Subdivision) in the City of Blair, Nebraska and consider its
conformity with the general plan for the development of the City as a whole. Motion by Hall, second by Willis
to adopt Resolution No. 2015- 33 as presented.
All Council members present voted Aye.
Mayor Realph
declared the motion carried.
Agenda Item # 12 —
Assistant City Administrator Green stated the proposed Developer' s Agreement is
for improvements for paving and storm sewer for Lots 7 and 8 in Pleasant Valley II.
The Developer
participate in and fund approximately 20%
The city will execute all contracts for the design. The
remaining cost will be assessed against the lots with 60% against Lot 7 and 40% against Lot 8. There will be a
ten year pay back. The Finance Committee recommended approval of the agreement. Council member Hansen
introduced Resolution No. 2015- 34 approving a Developer's Agreement for public improvements for Lots 7 &
8, Pleasant Valley II, an addition to the City of Blair, Washington County, Nebraska. Motion by Andersen,
second by Jensen to adopt Resolution No. 2015- 34 as presented. All Council members present voted Aye.
of the cost.
Mayor Realph declared the motion carried.
Agenda. Item # 13 —
City Administrator Storm stated at the last meeting the Council voted to
Discussion was also held regarding the installation of
speed bumps and a gate to the entrance of the park. The Police Committee is recommending the installation of
speed bumps in two locations and a camera that can be used at multiple locations. Motion by Wolff, second by
close Black -Elk Neihardt Park from sunset to sunrise.
Hansen to receive and place on file a letter received from Jane Heinrich, 1019 Stone Creek Dr, Blair. All
Council members present voted Aye. Mayor Realph declared the motion carried. Dale Hagedorn, 3304 Adams
expressed his concerns regarding the noise, safety and activities that are happening at the park and stopping
him and his family from using the park. Assistant City Administrator Green stated the Park Board would like
the Council to consider closing all the parks from sunset to sunrise. Motion by Andersen, second by Shepard to
amend Ordinance 2289 stating the closing hours for Black -Elk Neihardt Park to be closed daily from thirty (30)
minutes after sunset to thirty '(30) minutes before sunrise, except by parties that reserve the use of Black -Elk
Neihardt Park facilities. All Council members present voted Aye. Mayor Realph declared the motion carried.
Council member Andersen introduced amended Ordinance 2289 amending Blair Municipal Code Chapter 8,
Section 8- 106 changing the closing hours for Black -Elk Neihardt Park.
Article 1,
1 .,
ill, '•'
October 13, 2015
Said Ordinance was then read by title and thereafter Council member Wolff moved for final passage of
the Ordinance, which motion was seconded by Council member Shepherd. The Mayor then stated the question
was " Shall Ordinance No. 2289 be passed and adopted on Second Reading as amended?" Upon roll call vote,
the following Council members voted Aye: Andersen, Hall, Jensen, Stewart, Shepard, Willis, Hansen and
Wolff. The following voted Nay: None. The passage of said Ordinance having been concurred in by a majority
of all members of the Council, the Mayor declared the Ordinance passed on Second Reading as amended.
Agenda Item # 14 — Kent
Nicholson, Fire Chief, appeared before the Mayor and City Council to discuss
fire pits and the possibility of banning floating lanterns within Blair's city limits. Nicholson stated Bob Tichota
from the Blair Volunteer Fire Department ( BVFD) has been working with the state regarding floating lanterns.
The state plans to ban them in 2017 and the BVFD would like to have the lanterns banned as soon as possible.
Secondly, the BVFD has checked with several communities in the area regarding their regulations for fire pits.
The BVFD would like to see an ordinance drafted to regulate and control fire pits in Blair. Regulations would
include the location of pits and the material used in the construction of pits. Mayor Realph stated these issues
will be referred to the Police and Fire Committee to further review and discussion.
Agenda Item # 15 —
Assistant City Administrator Green state that one of the property owners along
Street is in need of repairing a retaining wall on their property and a portion of the wall is on city right of way.
Usually these types of things on right of way are allowed by an easement. The property owners did not like that
option because it allowed the city to remove the wall if necessary at the homeowner' s expense. Staff is
proposing vacating 15' on each side of the street reducing the 80' right of way down to 50'. This would allow
them to construct the wall on their property. Council member Hall introduced Ordinance No. 2294 vacating 15'
of excess city right of way on both sides of 23rd St between Washington and Lincoln Streets.
Council member Hall moved that the statutory rule requiring reading on three different days be
Council member Willis seconded the motion to suspend the rules and upon roll call vote the
following Council members voted Aye: Stewart, Shepard, Hansen, Jensen, Hall, Willis, Wolff and Andersen.
The following voted Nay: None. The motion to suspend the rules was adopted by three- fourths of the Council
and the statutory rule was declared suspended for consideration of said Ordinance.
Said Ordinance was then read by title and thereafter Council member Hall moved for final passage of
the Ordinance, which motion was seconded by Council member Wolff. The Mayor then stated the question was
Shall Ordinance No. 2294 be passed and adopted?" Upon roll call vote, the following Council members voted
Aye: Andersen, Stewart, Shepard, Jensen, Hall, Willis, Hansen and Wolff. The following voted Nay: None.
The passage of said Ordinance having been concurred in by a majority of all members of the Council, the
Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. A true, correct and complete copy of said Ordinance can be found in
the Ordinance Record Book.
Agenda Item # 16 — Chief Lager reviewed the proposed changes to the Blair Police Department Policies and
Procedures that include changes to Policy #204 — Sworn Part -Time Officers, Policy # 514 — In -Car & Body Worn
October 13, 2015
Video Recorders and Policy # 606 - Police Chaplain Program. These changes keep the department up to date on
certain issues and clarify several policies for the officers. Motion by Willis, second by Hall to approve the
amendments to the Blair Policies and Procedures Manual. Council members present voting Aye: Shepard,;
Stewart, Hansen, Willis, Wolff, Jensen and Hall. Council member Andersen voted Nay. Mayor Realph
declared the motion carried.
Agenda Item # 17 -
City Administrator Storm stated the proposed starburst tree is being proposed to
replace the hail damaged tree that was removed recently in front of city hall. The tree is a suggestion for the
Council to consider to be installed in front of city hall for the official tree lighting at the Sugarplum festival.
Some Council members questioned why a real tree could not be planted there instead. Storm stated that
conifers are not included in the city' s street tree list of approved trees allowed to be planted on city right of way.
If the city does not allow other citizens to plant this type of tree on city right of way in front of their property,
the city should not plant this type of tree either. Bob Warrick, 633 Skyline Dr., suggested planting a 15' to 20'
tree because he did not think there were would be a lot of criticism from the public. Jordan Rishel, Executive
Director of the Blair Chamber, stated a resident has offered to donate a 15'- 20' conifer but the city would need
to dig it up and relocate it. The proposed starburst tree would allow the festival to have a tree this year and it
could be relocated b next year if a real tree is eventually planted in front of city hall. Council members
Andersen and Hall both indicated they did not like the starburst tree. Storm stated the tree would be paid for out
of hotel tax revenue. Motion by Stewart, second by Wolff to approve the purchase of a starburst tree from Brite
Ideas Decorating in the amount of $5843 for placement in front of city hall. Council members present voting
Aye: Stewart, Shepard, Hansen, Willis, Wolff and Jensen. Council members present voting Nay: Hall and
Andersen. Mayor Realph declared the motion carried.
Agenda Item # 18 -
City Administrator Storm stated Registered Warrants are needed to pay
associated with the construction of Civic Drive until permanent financing is obtained.
This is expenses
procedure on projects like this. The Finance Committee recommended the use of Registered Warrants.
by Wolff, second by Jensen to authorize the use of registered warrants to pay expenses associated with the
construction of Civic Drive until permanent financing is obtained. All Council members present voted Aye.
Mayor Realph declared the motion carried.
Agenda Item # 19 -
City Administrator Storm updated the Council on the Jackson/ Blaine project, Street
Department crack sealing, Quiet Zone, Library grading, Luxa paving of Civic Drive for the new library, Fish
Creek paving and the trail connector project. Kent Nicholson, Fire Chief, addressed the Council regarding the
need for new air packs for the BVFD at an approximate cost of $220, 000.
The Rural Volunteer Fire
Department would pay half of the cost and the city could issue public safety bonds to pay the remaining portion.
These air packs are needed to provide additional safety for the volunteers.
The following claims were approved: Abes Portables, Serv, 370. 00; Abe' s Trash Service Inc, Serv, 1643. 40;
Absolute Roofing, Ref, 50. 00; Acco, Chem, 1470. 75; Accurate Testing, Ser, 1303. 05; Advance Design &
Construction, Ref, 50. 00; Advantage Fencing, Ref, 50. 00; Allen Schoemaker, Mileage, 401. 06; American
Underground Supply, Prod, 1409. 79; Andrea Madsen, Ref, 50.00; Andrew Schank, Mileage, 34.50; Apwa, Fall
Conf. Reg. A. Schoemaker, 180. 00; Aramark Uniform Services, Serv, 1160.94; Arcosanti Inc, Ref, 50. 00; Arps
Concrete Co Inc, Prod, 7090. 63; Asi Contracting, Ref, 50. 00; Associated Fire Protection, Serv, 116. 00;
Automatic Systems Co, Serv, 14881. 45; B & G Enterprise, Ref, 50.00; Babkel Mechanical, Serv, 772.77; Baird,
Holm & Mceachen, Sw Bonds 2015, 3607. 50; Baker & Taylor Books, Bks, 1981. 62; Battery Zone, Sup, 88. 95;
Beebe Refrigeration, Serv, 70. 00; Benjamin Hansen, Mat, 41. 04; Bennett Construction, Ref, 300.00; Berens -
Tate Consulting Group, 2010 Sewer Bond Rebate, 2500.00; Berens -Tate Consulting Group, Serv, 750. 00;
Bi -
State Motor Parts, Pts, 482. 15; Black Bison Contracting, Ref, 200. 00; Black Hills Energy, 6745 6887 74, 24. 50;
Black Hills Energy, 8439 1574 61, 305. 78; Blair Small Animal Clinic, Serv, 125. 68; Blair Telephone Co, Util,
1833. 89; Bomgaars Supply, Prod, 1021. 22; Book Page, Mat, 300.00; Boyd Jones Construction Co, Ref, 500.00;
October 13, 2015
Brenda Wheeler, League Conference 9/ 24- 25/ 15, 138. 93; Brian & Debra Lunn, Ref, 500. 00; Brincks Exteriors
Inc, Ref, 50. 00; Burns & Mcdonnell, Serv, 5788. 44; C & R Automotive, Serv, 50. 00; C America Siding Co,
Ref, 100. 00; Calvin Poulsen, Serv, 615. 00; Carnes Paint & Decorating, Prod, 270.47; Carquest Auto Parts, Pts,
412. 52;
Carroll Distributing,
Prod, 177. 55; Cash, Postage, 154. 68; Cash, Po, 137. 37; Cash, Postage, Parts,
Supplies, 173. 65; Cb Construction, Ref, 50. 00;
Fund, Pr, 121031. 79;
Cdw Government Inc, Equip,
10723. 70;
City Of Blair Payroll
City Of Blair Payroll Fund, Pr, 125496. 04; City Of Blair Payroll Fund, Ss, 9098.79; City
City Of Blair Payroll Fund, Pen, 7122. 35; City Of Blair Payroll Fund, Pen,
Of Blair Payroll Fund, Ss, 9440.93;
6900. 82; City Of Blair Utilities, Util, 3149. 84; Clyde L Rothfuss, Serv, 52. 00; Complete Exteriors, Ref, 50.00;
Complete Industries Inc, Ref, 150. 00; Connie Hagedorn, C. Hagedorn Mileage, 8. 63; Core Bank, Hsa City
Depostit To Emp Acct, 966.67; Counsel Office & Document, Serv, 849. 99; Country Tire Inc, Serv, 102. 86; Cr
Home Exteriors Llc, Ref, 50. 00; Csc Towing Llc, Serv, 300. 00; Cummins Central Power Llc, Serv, 163. 79; D
M Construction, Ref, 100.00; D P C Industires Inc, Chem, 4513. 00; Dave's Auto Upholstery, Serv, 165. 00;
Deborah Wood, Serv, 250. 00; Dept 77983, Serv, 6117. 10; Dhhs, Kent Nicholson Grade Iv Water, 178. 00;
Diamond Homes, Ref, 500.00; Diane & Roland Foster, Ref, 500.00; Dick's Electric Co, Serv, 5017. 73; Dj' s
Repair Inc, Serv, 100. 00; Donald Andersen &
Family, Ref, 50. 00; Douglas County Landfill, Serv, 45. 76; Duane
Luella Brunton, Ref, 50. 00; Duane Collins, Reim For Fuel, 20. 00; Dultmeier Sales, Prod, 174. 09; Eakes
Office Plus, Sup, 221. 82; Eastside Auto Llc, Serv, 110. 50; Eco -R -Consulting, Serv, 4785. 00; Electronic
Engineering, Prod, 414.00; Elite Exteriors, Ref, 100.00; Emerald Roofing, Ref, 50. 00; Enterprise Publishing Co
1584. 48;
Eric Adams Contracting, Ref, 100. 00; Eriksen Const - Fema, Generators Pmt 35
1190124. 02; Eriksen Construction Co Inc, Serv, 391058. 47; Exteriors Plus Inc, Ref, 50. 00;
F/ S Contracting,
Ref, 150. 00; Fastenal Company, Prod, 100. 99; Federated Mutual Insurance Co, August 2015 City, 63402.45;
First National Bank, Achievement Products, 5578. 58; First National Bank, Charge Card Fees, 930.98; First
Wireless Inc, Serv, 786.00; Foundation Partners Llc, Ref, 50. 00; Frahm Services, Serv, 2595. 00; Frank Gabby
Siding &
Windows, Ref, 1050. 00; Game Time, Prod, 28987. 14; Gayle Roberts, Reimburse Expenses, 96. 40;
Gerhold Concrete, Prod, 2411. 13;
Getzschman Heating Llc,
Serv, 1141. 10; Global R& C Llc, Ref, 100. 00;
Grace Construction, Ref, 500. 00; Graham Construction Inc-Fema, Ser, 100996. 55; Graham Construction IncFema, Mitigation Phase 1 Pmt 11, 76268. 09; Grainger, Prod, 557. 80; Grandel's Roofing & Const, Ref, 50. 00;
Great Plains Uniforms Llc, Prod, 2000.00; Grogan Construction, Ref, 50. 00; H G M Assoc, Serv, 11101. 86;
Hach Co, Prod, 919.27;
Hansen Agency,
Serv, 3988. 29; Harris Computer Systems, Ser, 8000. 00; Harris
Computer Systems, Prod, 6803. 42; Hayes & Associates Llc Cpa, Audit, 1250. 00; Hd Supply Waterworks Ltd,
Prod, 163. 92;
Henry J Sudbeck Builders Inc, Wetlands Mitigation Pmt 1, 60720. 30; Hireright Solutions Inc,
Serv, 77. 35; Hoffman Weber Construction Inc, Ref, 200. 00; Home Pride Contractors Inc, Ref, 250. 00; Home
Renovators Inc, Ref, 50. 00; Hometown Roofing Inc, Ref, 50. 00; Huntel Communications Inc, Serv, 441. 00;
Husker Roofing Siding Gutters, Ref, 50.00; 11 M C, Dues B Wheeler, 250.00; Ingersoll Rand Company, Serv,
350.49; Interstate Battery, Prod, 200. 00; Jackson Enterprises, Ref, 50.00; Jeff Beiermann, Sept. Mileage, 83. 95;
Jensen Lawn Solutions, Serv, 2067.00; Jensen Well Company Inc, Serv, 47.06; Jeo Consulting Group Inc, Serv,
382. 50; Jetter's Plumbing Inc, Serv, 3229.40; Jim La Hood Construction Inc, Ref, 50. 00; John Crane Inc, Serv,
3418. 16; John E Reid & Associates Inc, Trn, 1100. 00; Jones Automotive Inc, Serv, 131. 76; Jones Construction,
Ref, 50. 00; Jonesy's Towing, Serv, 400. 00; Josh Madsen, Grade 3 Water Class Norfolk, 301. 30; Josiah Stangl,
September Mileage, 113. 85; Justin Meader, Prod, 1456. 50; Kelly Medlin, Ref, 500.00; Kelly Ryan Equipment
Co Inc, Serv, 1698. 98; Kjs Cleaning Service, Serv, 1085. 00; League Of Municipalities, Rodney A. Storm,
2640.00; Linde Llc, Chem, 10680. 27; Long's Ok Tire Stores, Serv, 100. 00; Lutz Technology, Serv, 442. 95;
Masloskie Const Inc, Ref, 50.00; Matt Wolff s Jewelry Repair, Serv, 1170. 00; Matthew & Christina Marcellus,
Ref, 50. 00; Matzen Construction, Ref, 50. 00; Mccaig Construction, Ref, 100. 00; Mckinnis Roofing & Sheet
Metal, Phase 11 Group A Pmt 2, 52436. 30; Memorial Community Hospital, Serv, 325. 80; Menards, Prod,
37. 55; Michael Todd & Company Inc, Prod, 498. 87; Micro Marketing Llc, Mat, 174. 95; Microfilm Imaging
Systems Inc, Serv, 3909. 46; Midwest Automatic Fire, Serv, 202. 00; Midwest Laboratories, Serv, 507.00;
Midwest Mudjacking Inc, Serv, 1340. 00; Mississippi Lime Co, Chem, 43759. 10; Mj Builders, Ref, 50. 00;
Municipal Emergency Services,
Serv, 30. 19; Nebraska Dept Of Revenue, State Sales Tax August, 10994. 19;
Nebraska Environmental, Prod, 62783. 38; Nebraska Methodist Hospital, Serv, 350. 00; Nebraska Public Health,
October 13, 2015
Serv, 1319. 50; Nebraska Rural Water Assoc, Dues, 275. 00; Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, Dues, 220. 00;
Nebraska -Iowa Supply, Sup, 1547.49; Nielsen Home Improvement, Ref, 50. 00; Northeast Instant Rain, Serv,
309. 15; Officenet, Sup, 1358. 67; Olson & Stewart Const Inc, Ref, 50. 00; Olsson Associates, Serv, 958. 00,`
Omaha Neon Sign Co, Ref, 50. 00; Omg National, Serv, 232. 22; One Call Concepts Inc, Serv, 177. 90; On(
Source, Serv, 15. 00; Ontrac, Serv, 141. 60; Oppd, Util, 87991. 57; O'reilly Automotive Stores Inc, Pts, 170. 49',
Ortmeier Tv & Appliance, Serv, 124. 95; Paul Davis Restoration Of, Ref, 200. 00; Petro Mart, Fuel, 3742.23;
Pettiecord Restoration Llc, Ref, 100. 00; Phil Green, League Conf 9/ 23- 24/ 15 Lincoln, 2170.51;
Telephone, Util, 56. 34; Pounds Printing Inc, Serv, 102. 00; Pyramid Roofing, Ref, 700. 00; Reavis Roofing, Ref,
50. 00; Regional Care Inc, August Admin Bill -City, 525. 50; Regional Care Inc, Dental Care, 9591. 29; Reyzlik
Ace Hardware, Sup, 607. 55; Rick & Patricia Watson, Ref, 50. 00; Robert A Olson, Ref, 50. 00; Rodney A Storm,
League Conference 9/ 22- 9/ 25/ 15, 703. 65; S & S Pumping Service Llc, Serv, 2850. 00; S E Smith & Sons, Sup,
418. 92; Sapp Bros Petroleum Inc, Fuel, 111. 15; Security Equipment Inc, Main Treatment Blg Contract,
12630. 82; Shotwell Glass, Serv, 236. 03; Sid Dillon, Prod, 7705. 74; Smitty's Auto Service, Serv, 125. 23;
Spartan Stores, Llc,
Sup, 330. 65; Strong 1, Ref, 100. 00; Superior Green Inc, Cemetery / Park, 17157. 75;
Symbolarts, Prod, 240. 00; Terry & Jenny Thompson, Ref, 50. 00; The Lincoln National Life, Ins, 3101. 12; The
Roofing Moose, Ref, 50. 00; The Sign Depot, Prod, 89. 68; Theodore & Vicki Schrick, Ref, 50. 00; Thompson
Construction Co, State St Storm Sw Final, 18354. 16; Travis Lyon, Headlight Unit 10 Rcimburscmcn, 11. 74;
Trc, Ref, 50. 00; Trevor P &
Jamie L Mcgill, Ref, 50. 00; Tripp Law Office, Serv, 4344.22; Triton Exteriors Inc,
Ref, 50. 00; Tumbleweed Press Inc, Bks, 599. 00; Two Rivers Bank, Tif 1 Interest, 35948. 96; U S Postal Service,
Po Utility Bills Due 10/ 10/ 15, 1088. 85; U S Postal Service, Po, 2000. 00; U S Saws Inc, Serv, 32.42; Universal
Roofing, Ref, 50.00; Utilities Service Group, Serv, 1092. 15; Valley Boys Inc, Ref, 150. 00; Verizon, Pd, 319. 98;
Vessco Inc, Chem, 452. 02; Warden Construction, Ref, 600. 00; Washington Co Court, Serv, 31. 00; Washington
Co Sheriff, Serv, 720. 00; Washington County Bark, Nsf Check, 60. 00; Washington County Batik, 2008 Pub
Safety Bond Int Pmnt, 8320. 00; Washington County Bank, Nsf Ach # 2038004 M Baker, 35. 47; Washington
County Bank, 2010 Sewer Rev Bond Payment, 1673518. 43; Washington County Bank, Cdars# Sew Bond
Ser 2015, 149757. 50; Washington County Bank, Cdars Wa Bond Reserve 2010, 648672. 50; Washingtotf
County Bank, Chg Back Fee Ramsey, 10. 00; Washington County Bank, 2011 Var Purp Bond Int Pmnt,
28801. 25; Washington County Bank, 2011 Various Purp Bond Pmnt, 315000. 00; Washington County Bank,
Bank & Monthly Ach Fees, 285. 41; Washington County Planning, September Inspections, 471. 75; Washington
County Register, Serv, 20. 00; Welter Construction Llc, Ref, 50. 00; Western Engineering Co Inc, Serv,
259526. 61; Woods & Aitken Llp, Serv, 2208. 25.
Agenda Item # 20 -
Motion by Hansen, second by Andersen to adjourn the meeting at 9: 16 p.m.
Council members present voted Aye.
- da-Wheeler, City Clerk
Mayor Realph declared the meeting adjourned.
es Realph, Mayor