Result Gazette - Controller of Examination
Result Gazette - Controller of Examination
University of Jammu Result Gazette B.A./B.Sc./B.Com/B.B.A/B.C.A (Part I) Three Year Degree (General) Course Separate Annual Examination, 2014 held for Govt. Degree College, Marwah, Kishtwar (Errors & Omissions Excepted) Published by the Controller of Examinations University of Jammu Jammu Date : 6th August, 2014 Result also available on Website : & ATTENTION Candidates wishing to apply for Re-evaluation are advised to conscientiously peruse the Statutes before doing so because the marks to be awarded by the Re-evaluators shall be the best of the two scores obtained by the student after re-evaluation / original evaluation and that no further re-evaluation is permissible thereafter. Consequently, the result of re-evaluation which may be either FAVOURABLE OR UNFAVOURABLE shall be binding on the candidates seeking re-evaluation. Applicants shall submit their Application Forms alongwith prescribed fee by 21.08.2014 and with a late fee upto 26.08.2014. Failure / Re-appear candidates applying for re-evaluation may also fill up their Examination Forms for the Bi-annual Examination 2014. Re-evaluation forms can also be downloaded from our website www. ______________________________________________________ Application forms for the Bi-Annual Examination 2014 alongwith the prescribed fee, must be submitted within 15 days from the date of the declaration of the result. With the Best Compliments from The Controller of Examinations 5*^fc? • • UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU Date-Sheet of Phones!. Three Year B.A./B.Sc./B.Sc. Home Science./B.Com./B.B.A./B.C.A. C-A- «•> C.E: ,, .-, ... _ _. - ,_, . A.R. f Exams.) 24328*5 2435243 Degree (GeBeral) Course Part-I (Private) & A.R. (Conduct) 2439990 Govt. Degree College, Marwah, (Regular) Annual Exainination-2014 j FACULTY OF ARTS / SCIENCE / COMMERCE & MANAGEMENT Time: 10.00am ARTS AMP CA3L& SOCIAL DAIi SCIENCE Thursday 08.05.2014 Tuesday 13.05.2014 Friday 16.05.2014 1. Political Science- A 2. Indian Music-A 3. Statistics-A General English-A SCIENCE INCLUDING HOME SCIENCE CROUP OF SUBJECTS 1 . Statistics-A 2. Sericulture-A 3. Industrial Fish & Fisheries-A 4. Introduction to Fabric & Apparel Science Practical (C. No. 11 8) 5. Applied Electronics-A General English-A 1 . Home Science-A 2. Psychology-A (New/Old) 3. History- A 4. Islamic Study-A Fundamentals of Resource Management Practical (C. No. 11 9) Saturday 17.05.2014 1. Computer Application-A (Old/New) 2. Philosophy-A Computer Application -A (Old/New) Tuesday 20.05.2014 1. Education-A 2. Marketing Mgt-A B. COM 1. Business Economics (Paper-Ill) 2. Management Perspectives (C.No.101) General English-A Financial Accounting (C.No.101) 1 . Sociology-A 2. English Literature-A 3. Mathematics- A 4. Business Mgt-A 5. Applied Mathematics-A Friday 23.05.2014 1 . Economics-A 2. Oriental Classical Languages-A i) Sanskrit ii) Arabic (Old/New) iii) Persian Geography-A Saturday 24.05.2014 Wednesday 28.05.2014 Friday 30.05.2014 B.C.A 1. Computer Fundamentals Programming Language (Paper-A) 2. Computer Fundamentals (C.No.l 03-A) General English-A 1. Business Communication (Paper-II) 2. Managerial Skill Development (C.No.102) 1 Computer Application-A (Old/New) 2. Computer Application-A (C.No.108) 1. Software Engineering System Analysis (Paper-B) 2. Computer Network & Internet Technologies (104-A) 1 Business Organization and Management (Paper-I) 2. Business Ethics (C.No.107) 1 . Geology- A 2. Food Science & Quality Control-A 3. Bio-technology-A . Wednesday 21.05.2014 B.BJV 1 . ZooIogy-A 2. English Literature-A 3. Mathematics-A 4 Applied Mathematics-A 5. Fundamentals of Communication and Extension Practical (C.No.120) 1 . Botany-A 2. Physics- A 3. Foundations of Human Development and Family Dynamics Practical (C.No.117) Geography-A Business Regulatory and Frame Work (C.No.102) 1. Functional English-A 2. Modern Indian Languages-A i) Urdu ii)Dogri iii) Punjabi iv) Hindi 1 . Functional English-A 2. Chemistry-A Indian Tax System (C.NO.107) 1 . Sociology-B 2. English Literature-B 3. Mathematics-B 4. Business Mgt-B 5. Applied Mathematics-B 1 . Zoology-B 2. English Literature-B 3. Mathematics-B 4. Applied Mathematics-B Business Communication (C.No.106) 1. Mathematics-A 2. Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science (C.No.l 02-A) 1 . Fundamental of Accounting (Paper-V) 2. Fundamental of Accounting (C.No.104) 1 Windows Operating System & PC Software Programming (Paper-A) 2._ Programming in ' C. Language (103-B) 1. Introduction to Computers (Paper-VII) 2. Introduction to Computers (C.No.l • SOCIAL SCIENCE General Eng!ish-B Tuesday I Wednesday 3 . History-B 04,W«@14 2. Psychology-B 3. Home Science-B 4. Islamic Study-B ?rsdav, 06.06.2014 !.Education-B 2. Marketing Mgt-B l.Economics-B 2. Oriental Classical Languages-B i) Sanskrit ii) Arabic (Old/New) iii) Persian 1. Computer Tuesday Application-B 10.06.2014 (Old/New) 2. Philosophy-B Wednesday 1. Political Science-B 11.06.2014 2. Indian Music-B 3. Statistics-B Monday. 09,06.2014 Friday 13.06.2014 Saturday 14.06.2014 Geography-B 1. Functional English-B 2. Modem Indian Languages-B i) Urdu , ii) Dogri iii) Punjabi iv) Hindi SCIENCE. INCLUDING HOME SCIENCE GROUP OF SUBJECTS General English-B 1. Chemistry-C 2. Related Courses (a) Computer Basics (b) Personal Empowerment (C.No.116) 1. Geology- B 2, Food Science & Quality Control-B 3. Bio-technology-B l.Botany-B 2. Physics-B 3. Basics of Human Physiology & Nutrition Practical (C.No.121) Computer Application-B (Old/New) 1. Applied Electronics-B 2. Sericulture-B 3. Industrial Fish & Fisheries-B 4, Statistics-B B. COM B.B.A General English-B Principal of Management (C.No.104) Business Mathematics (C.No.105) BjCjA General English-B 1 Office Organization & Management (Paper-VI) 2. Managerial Economics (C.No.106) 1 Business Statistics (Paper-IV) 2. Business Statistics (C.No.103) 1 Mathematics -B 2. System Analysis & Design (102-B) 1 Introduction to WEB Designing (Paper-B) 2. DOS Windows & MS-Office (104-B) Computer Application-B (Old/New) Business Economics (C.No.103) Geography-B 1 . Functional English-B 2. Chemistry-B Note;1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The students shall not be allowed to carry Mobile Phones or any other electronic device in the Examination Hall. No student shall be allowed to appear in the Examination Hall without the Roll No. Slip. All the students are advised, in case of non-receipt of their Roll No. slip by post to download the same from the website w.e.f. the 2nd of May 2014 onwards. In that case the student shall affix a photograph on the downloaded Roll No. slip and get it attested from the Principal of the College/Gazetted Officer. If any student faces any problem in downloading his/her Roll No. Slip from the website, may contact the Assistant Registrar (Exams-U/G). The candidates are further advised to use only BLUE INK PEN OR BALL PEN. In case of clash of any paper on the same date, the students are advised to contact the undersigned on Phone No.0191-2435243 and send a written application to the undersigned for the purpose. The candidates are also advised not to disclose their identity by writing name or put any other identification mark in the Answer Book which shall tantamount to use of unfair means and will be punishable under the University Statutes. All the candidates who have opted Examination Centres other than Jammu are required to collect their Roll No. Slips from the office of the Principal Govt. Degree College near their locality where the Examination Centres have been constituted. As such. Principals of these Degree Colleges are requested to depute their representatives to collect the Roll No. Slips and attendance sheets etc. on any working day from the Undergraduate Examination Section at least seven days before the commencement of the examination. All the students appearing in the Examination are advised to remain in touch with the Assistant Registrar (Examination Undergraduate) for the dates of the Practical Examination to be got conducted by the University. All the candidates are advised to visit the University Website for updated information. No.Exams/BP-I/Pvt./Annual/2014/3701-3804 Dated 22.04.2014 M^ Assistant Registrar (Exams-UG) University of Jammu * B.A.,B.Sc.,B.Com.,B.B.A.,B.C.A. General Course (Part - I ) Annual 2014 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Appear Pass% R e g u l a r P r i v a t e --------------------------------------------Arts--Comm--Scnc--BCA---BBA----Arts--Comm--Scnc--BCA---BBA--Passed (Addl Subj) Passed Full Exam 3 3 3 Re-appear 32 33 32 Failed 55 57 55 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disputed Eligibility 6 6 6 Not Registered Notified Pass/Revl.Pass Fees Due Illness Cases Result Later (Practicals) Result Later on Unfair Means Disqualified Admission Cancelled Examination Cancelled Shortage Case --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Enrolled 96 96 Total Passed 3 3 Pass Percentage 3 3 -----------------------------------------------------3----------------------------------====================================================================================================== Minumum Pass Marks T h e o r y Practicals ---------------------------------aggregate --int---ext-- --int---ext-Gen English & Commerce subjects 33/100 7/20 26/80 Home Science subjects 36/100 5/14 20/56 5/15 5/15 Science subjects & Arts(Home Sc) 54/150 7/20 29/80 9/25 9/25 Arts (Indian Music) 54/150 4/12 17/48 16/45 16/45 Other Science & Arts subjects 54/150 11/30 43/120 Comp Science Appln I & II (B.C.A.) 60/150 8/20 32/80 10/25 10/25 All B.B.A. Subjects 40/100 8/20 32/80 Tax Procedure & Practice (Commerce) 54/150 11/30 43/120 Computer Application (Sci.& Comm.) 54/150 3/07 19/53 9/25 23/65 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- University of Jammu * B.A.,B.Sc.,B.Com. General Course (Part - I ) Annual 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Code Subjects Appear Pass% R e g u l a r P r i v a t e --------------------------------------------Arts--Comm---Sci----Arts--Comm---Sci AA GENERAL ENGLISH 83 4 4 EC ECONOMICS 3 ED EDUCATION 82 6 6 HI HINDI 4 PE PERSIAN 55 33 33 PS POLTICAL SCIENCE 29 10 10 UR URDU 76 46 46 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- University of Jammu The Result of B.A/B.Sc/B.Com /B.B.A/B.C.A Three Year Degree (General) Course Annual Examination,2014 Part -I is declared as under:ROLL NO REGD.NO NAME / FATHER'S NAME SUBJECT WISE MARKS BREAKUP RESULT Govt. Degree College, Marwah, Kishtwar 111210001 1GDCMA13 HUMIRA HASSAN / AA(03,08,10=021) ED(05,15,25=045) UR(26,22,26=074) PE(09,25,25=059) R-AA ED PE AA(03,08,15=026) ED(16,11,27=054) UR(32,25,26=083) PE(37,38,28=103) R-AA ED AA(04,10,10=024) ED(15,08,26=049) UR(25,22,27=074) PE(22,40,26=088) R-AA ED GH.HASSAN JAMAL 111210002 2GDCMA13 NASIMA AKHTER / GH.NABI SHAN 111210003 3GDCMA13 AALAM ARA LONE / GH.MOHI UD DIN LONE 111210004 4GDCMA13 TAHMEERA IQBAL / MOHD. AA(04,AB,12=016) ED(AB,AB,24=024) UR(AB,AB,29=029) PE(AB,AB,26=026) Fail IQBAL MALIK 111210005 5GDCMA13 IFAT ARA / GH. MOHI UD AA(05,09,08=022) ED(03,08,24=035) UR(22,17,28=067) PE(00,34,26=060) Fail AA(04,05,09=018) ED(00,15,22=037) UR(22,14,25=061) PE(12,29,22=063) Fail DIN LONE 111210006 6GDCMA13 ASIF BASHIR / BASHIR AHMED 111210007 7GDCMA13 TANVEER AHMED / MOHD AA(02,AB,04=006) ED(AB,AB,06=006) UR(AB,AB,24=024) PE(AB,AB,20=020) Fail IQBAL LONE 111210008 8GDCMA13 AROUSA ABASS / MOHD AA(00,07,07=014) ED(05,AB,23=028) UR(17,AB,26=043) PE(22,AB,25=047) Fail AA(08,06,08=022) ED(07,09,24=040) UR(24,29,25=078) PE(25,31,24=080) R-AA ED AA(03,03,17=023) ED(13,11,27=051) UR(30,25,28=083) PE(26,22,27=075) R-AA ED ABASS LONE 111210009 9GDCMA13 TANVEER AHMED / AB. RAHIM MALIK 111210010 10GDCMA13 KIRAN BALA / KRISHAN LAL KOUL 111210011 11GDCMA13 MUDASAR NAZAR / MOHD AA(07,05,17=029) ED(00,05,22=027) UR(22,22,25=069) PE(18,23,24=065) R-AA ED PE SULTAN MALIK 111210012 12GDCMA13 RANJIT KUMAR KOUL / AA(08,07,17=032) ED(24,17,27=068) UR(28,23,29=080) PE(27,27,24=078) R-AA ED AA(04,05,16=025) ED(05,10,27=042) UR(28,22,29=079) PE(22,27,25=074) R-AA ED AA(03,06,09=018) ED(16,03,27=046) UR(31,26,26=083) PE(24,29,28=081) R-AA ED AA(AB,AB,01) ED(AB,AB,06) UR(AB,AB,25) PE(AB,AB,08) Absent AA(06,05,06=017) ED(04,06,23=033) UR(30,29,26=085) PE(22,23,23=068) R-AA ED RAGHU NATH KOUL 111210013 13GDCMA13 MUZAMIL IQBAL / MOHD IQBAL WANI 111210014 14GDCMA13 MOHD ILEYASS WANI / BHADUR WANI 111210015 15GDCMA13 IRFAN HUSSAIN LONE / GH.ALI LONE 111210016 16GDCMA13 IMTIYAZ AHMED / AB.FATEH RATHER 111210017 17GDCMA13 FIRDOOS AHMAD SHEIKH / AA(AB,06,06=012) ED(00,04,23=027) UR(24,22,24=070) PE(11,14,20=045) R-AA ED PE AB. SUBHAN SHEIKH 111210018 18GDCMA13 SHAFIQ AHMAD / GH. AA(AB,AB,AB) ED(AB,AB,AB) UR(AB,AB,AB) PE(AB,AB,06) Absent AA(05,04,10=019) ED(05,02,27=034) UR(22,15,27=064) PE(15,22,26=063) Fail AA(02,04,09=015) ED(01,01,25=027) UR(23,13,26=062) PE(06,14,25=045) Fail AA(AB,AB,AB) ED(AB,AB,AB) UR(AB,AB,AB) PE(AB,AB,06) Absent MODI UD DIN MALIK 111210019 19GDCMA13 RUQAYA BANOO / GH. HAIDER GARI 111210020 20GDCMA13 PERVIZA BANOO / ALI MALIK 111210021 21GDCMA13 SANDEEP KUMAR / MANGAT RAM 111210022 22GDCMA13 AAMINA BANOO / SHABIR AA(09,08,16=033) ED(22,11,27=060) UR(27,25,28=080) PE(29,29,28=086) R-AA ED AHMED MAGRAY 111210023 23GDCMA13 AA(05,03,11=019) ED(12,09,27=048) UR(23,28,23=074) PE(13,31,26=070) R-AA ED AA(02,03,08=013) ED(03,01,24=028) UR(16,15,27=058) PE(03,14,25=042) Fail AA(07,05,09=021) ED(00,01,26=027) UR(18,19,25=062) PE(05,00,22=027) Fail MUSHTAQ AHMED SHEIKH AA(03,05,08=016) ED(03,01,14=018) UR(16,15,27=058) PE(17,24,20=061) Fail SAYMA BANOO / HAFIZ AHMED SHEIKH 111210024 24GDCMA13 PARDEEP KUMAR / GOPI NATH 111210025 25GDCMA13 FAROOZ AHMED MALIK / GH.AHMED MALIK 111210026 26GDCMA13 / AB.FATAH SHEIKH 111210027 27GDCMA13 MASHKOOR AHMED / AA(02,02,07=011) ED(00,01,23=024) UR(16,22,23=061) PE(12,11,23=046) GH.MOHD MALIK 1 Fail 111210028 28GDCMA13 ASHEQ RASHID / AA(05,02,09=016) ED(13,07,23=043) UR(24,26,23=073) PE(17,26,22=065) R-AA ED AB.RASHID SHAH 111210029 29GDCMA13 TARIQ HUSSAIN MATOO / AA(10,01,11=022) ED(03,07,24=034) UR(29,23,23=075) PE(10,30,23=063) R-AA ED PE MOHD RAMZAN MATTOO 111210030 30GDCMA13 RUKSANA BANOO / GH.ALI AA(01,03,10=014) ED(07,10,26=043) UR(22,16,27=065) PE(11,22,28=061) Fail LONE 111210031 31GDCMA13 RUBBINA BANOO / HAFIZ AA(01,03,10=014) ED(00,06,27=033) UR(22,17,26=065) PE(06,22,28=056) Fail AHMAD 111210032 32GDCMA13 SHAISTA BANOO / SHABIR AA(02,02,10=014) ED(10,03,25=038) UR(16,19,24=059) PE(13,07,22=042) Fail AHMAD 111210033 33GDCMA13 SHAHNAZA BANOO / AA(AB,AB,01) ED(AB,AB,06) UR(AB,AB,25) PE(AB,AB,06) Absent AA(02,01,09=012) ED(04,01,23=028) UR(12,11,25=048) PE(00,00,20=020) Fail GH.HASSAN LONE 111210034 34GDCMA13 FEHMIDA BANOO / GH.AHMAD BUTT 111210035 35GDCMA13 RAJNI DEVI / JODH RAM AA(04,08,17=029) ED(17,07,27=051) UR(35,29,27=091) PE(22,25,28=075) 111210036 36GDCMA13 RAFIA MAJEED / ABDUL AA(AB,AB,01) ED(AB,AB,06) UR(AB,AB,25) PE(AB,AB,08) R-AA ED Absent AA(01,02,11=014) ED(01,03,25=029) UR(23,22,25=070) PE(12,22,21=055) R-AA ED PE MAJEED MALIK 111210037 37GDCMA13 TARIK HUSSAIN WANI / MOHD.AMIN WANI 111210038 38GDCMA13 ZAKIR HUSSAIN MAGRAY / AA(01,04,09=014) ED(11,02,25=038) UR(29,27,26=082) PE(29,36,28=093) R-AA ED AB.GAFFAR MAGRAY 111210039 39GDCMA13 TASLEEMA KOUSAR / AA(AB,AB,01) ED(AB,AB,06) UR(AB,AB,24) PE(AB,AB,06) Absent MUKHTAR AHMAD MALIK 111210040 40GDCMA13 ASHAQ HUSSAIN CHOPAN / AA(AB,01,07=008) ED(00,02,21=023) UR(22,10,25=057) PE(07,00,06=013) Fail GH.QADIR CHOPAN 111210041 41GDCMA13 HILAL AHMAD MALIK / GH. AA(03,04,08=015) ED(04,AB,24=028) UR(19,AB,23=042) PE(11,AB,26=037) Fail MOHI UD DIN MALIK 111210042 42GDCMA13 DILSHADA BANOO / AA(01,00,13=014) ED(02,05,26=033) UR(23,14,25=062) PE(07,12,26=045) Fail GH.RASOOL LONE 111210043 43GDCMA13 GHULAM MOHD AHANGER AA(02,05,13=020) UR(25,25,23=073) ED(01,04,25=030) PE(16,29,27=072) R-AA ED / ABDUL FATEH AHANGER 111210044 44GDCMA13 ABDUL MAJID MALIK / AA(07,07,07=021) UR(35,35,26=096) ED(04,09,12=025) PE(13,32,26=071) R-AA ED AA(08,04,11=023) ED(01,04,12=017) UR(24,22,23=069) PE(02,17,22=041) R-AA ED PE AA(AB,AB,09) ED(AB,AB,23) UR(AB,AB,26) PE(AB,AB,21) Absent GHULAM AHMAD MALIK 111210045 45GDCMA13 MANSOOR AHMAD / GH. MOHD RATHER 111210046 46GDCMA13 JAVED IQBAL / ABDUL RASHID MALIK 111210047 47GDCMA13 NIRA DEVI / RAGHUNATH AA(01,02,17=020) ED(15,07,27=049) UR(22,24,28=074) PE(06,18,27=051) 111210048 48GDCMA13 AADIL HUSSAIN SHEIKH / AA(08,04,13=025) ED(05,13,23=041) UR(25,22,26=073) PE(14,23,28=065) R-AA ED PE R-AA ED PE GH. MUSTAFA SHEIKH 111210049 49GDCMA13 JAVID IQBAL / AB.GAFFAR AA(00,00,08=008) ED(00,01,23=024) UR(22,10,25=057) PE(09,17,21=047) Fail BUTT 111210050 50GDCMA13 VIJAY KUMAR / NARAYAN AA(14,14,17=045) ED(26,19,28=073) UR(39,35,29=103) PE(40,26,22=088) Passed 309 DASS 111210051 51GDCMA13 NASEEMA AKHTAR AA(AB,AB,03) ED(AB,AB,06) UR(AB,AB,25) PE(AB,AB,06) Absent DANAK / MOHD RAMZAN DANAK 111210052 52GDCMA13 MALAYAM SINGH / BADRI AA(09,05,14=028) ED(06,16,26=048) UR(29,27,28=084) PE(22,26,27=075) R-AA ED NATH 111210053 53GDCMA13 RAKESH KUMAR / BRIJ AA(AB,AB,05) ED(AB,AB,05) UR(AB,AB,12) PE(AB,AB,21) Absent AA(02,04,10=016) ED(01,02,25=028) UR(22,14,25=061) PE(00,05,22=027) Fail NATH 111210054 54GDCMA13 RAYAZ AHMAD / GH.AHMAD MALIK 111210055 55GDCMA13 ZAKIR HUSSAIN MAGRAY / AA(07,13,17=037) ED(12,12,27=051) UR(30,31,28=089) PE(35,31,28=094) R-AA ED GH MOHD UD DIN MAGRAY 111210056 56GDCMA13 SANDEEP KUMAR KOUL / AA(01,02,17=020) ED(04,01,26=031) UR(08,09,24=041) PE(00,05,26=031) Fail NARAYAN DASS KOUL 111210057 57GDCMA13 KHALIDA PARVEEN / GH AA(01,00,09=010) ED(07,01,22=030) UR(22,12,25=059) PE(06,AB,20=026) Fail AA(01,01,09=011) ED(12,07,26=045) UR(22,16,28=066) PE(08,09,27=044) Fail RASOOL MALIK 111210058 58GDCMA13 SHAFIA BANOO / GH MUSTAFA 111210059 59GDCMA13 111210060 60GDCMA13 BABU LAL / MANGAT RAM AA(AB,AB,AB) ED(AB,AB,AB) UR(AB,AB,AB) PE(AB,AB,06) AA(02,05,13=020) ED(04,03,26=033) UR(22,16,25=063) PE(09,11,23=043) RAFIA BANOO / GH Absent Disp eligibility RASOOL SHEIKH 111210061 61GDCMA13 MOHD YASEEN SHEIKH / AA(05,04,11=020) ED(12,14,26=052) UR(32,22,28=082) PE(00,10,26=036) GH MOHD SHEIKH 2 Disp eligibility 111210062 62GDCMA13 AIDYA RASOOL / MOHD AA(05,06,13=024) ED(12,13,27=052) UR(29,22,25=076) PS(05,13,16=034) R-AA ED PS AA(03,02,11=016) ED(06,08,25=039) UR(06,11,27=044) PS(04,00,14=018) Fail RAFI LONE 111210063 63GDCMA13 NAJMA SHABAN / MOHD SHABAN SHEIKH 111210064 64GDCMA13 BURHAN UD DIN MALIK / AA(07,16,14=037) ED(18,19,25=062) UR(37,30,28=095) PS(13,15,14=042) R-AA ED PS IRSHAD AHMAD MALIK 111210065 65GDCMA13 AA(10,13,17=043) ED(23,22,27=072) UR(35,24,27=086) PS(22,19,26=069) Passed 270 AA(02,02,10=014) ED(02,01,24=027) UR(07,08,22=037) PS(00,00,07=007) Fail RUKAYA KOUSAR / MOHD AA(02,04,09=015) ED(04,05,25=034) UR(17,14,25=056) PS(04,02,12=018) Fail SHABROZA NABI / GH. NABI MAGRAY 111210066 66GDCMA13 BASIT ALTAF LONE / ALTAF HUSSAIN LONE 111210067 67GDCMA13 SHABAN SHEIKH 111210068 68GDCMA13 SAIMA NABI / GHULAM AA(08,AB,13=021) ED(AB,AB,23=023) UR(AB,AB,27=027) PS(11,AB,12=023) Fail AA(06,05,14=025) ED(14,10,25=049) UR(27,19,26=072) PS(11,06,18=035) R-AA ED PS AA(AB,AB,08) ED(AB,AB,23) UR(AB,AB,24) PS(AB,AB,14) Absent NABI LONE 111210069 69GDCMA13 GAZALA NAZIR / NAZIR AHMED LONE 111210070 70GDCMA13 SADAM HUSSAIN / GH. MOHD TAK 111210071 71GDCMA13 BILAL AHMAD / GH MOHD AA(02,03,09=014) ED(03,07,25=035) UR(11,14,25=050) PS(01,00,15=016) Fail LONE 111210072 72GDCMA13 JAGDISH RAJ / PREM NATH AA(AB,AB,05=005) ED(AB,00,15=015) UR(AB,AB,27=027) PS(AB,AB,03=003) Fail THAKUR 111210073 73GDCMA13 ASHFAQ HUSSAIN / AB AA(04,05,14=023) ED(17,18,25=060) UR(33,22,28=083) PS(19,19,20=058) R-AA ED PS RASHID RATHER 111210074 74GDCMA13 NAVISHTA NABI / GH.NABI AA(02,02,11=015) ED(08,11,26=045) UR(27,15,25=067) PS(11,13,22=046) Fail MAGRAY 111210075 75GDCMA13 SHAHNAZA BANOO / AA(00,02,11=013) ED(07,06,26=039) UR(14,22,25=061) PS(02,00,15=017) Fail AA(14,13,17=044) ED(29,25,27=081) UR(34,28,28=090) PS(22,18,25=068) Passed 283 MOHD YASEEN WANI 111210076 76GDCMA13 SHAHNAWAZ HASSAN LONE / GHULAM HASSAN LONE 111210077 77GDCMA13 JAVAID IQBAL / GH. MOHD AA(00,04,12=016) ED(05,02,26=033) UR(26,11,26=063) PS(04,00,14=018) Fail SHEIKH 111210078 78GDCMA13 HASSINA BANOO / AHMED AA(07,08,12=027) ED(10,11,27=048) UR(34,15,27=076) PS(08,00,17=025) R-AA ED PS DANAK 111210079 79GDCMA13 MUDASAR AHMED / GH. AA(AB,AB,01) ED(AB,AB,06) UR(AB,AB,08) PS(AB,AB,12) Absent AA(06,01,11=018) ED(04,03,26=033) UR(22,14,26=062) PS(04,00,12=016) Fail AA(00,04,12=016) ED(06,02,26=034) UR(14,11,23=048) PS(02,AB,12=014) Fail AA(08,05,15=028) ED(14,22,25=061) UR(24,19,23=066) PS(09,08,24=041) Disp eligibility AA(06,04,09=019) ED(05,17,24=046) UR(15,17,23=055) PS(05,08,15=028) Disp eligibility AA(00,02,11=013) ED(00,00,27=027) UR(06,07,23=036) PS(01,00,10=011) Disp eligibility AHMAD MALIK 111210080 80GDCMA13 DANISH ABASS / MOHD ABASS MALIK 111210081 81GDCMA13 SHAYSTA BANOO / GH.AHMED LONE 111210082 82GDCMA13 HASIBAH HAIDER / GH.HAIDER SHEIKH 111210083 83GDCMA13 ASMA BASHIR / BASHIR AHMAD 111210084 84GDCMA13 KOUSER IQBAL / MOHD IQBAL LONE 111210085 85GDCMA13 RASHID HUSSAIN / ABDUL AA(00,AB,09=009) ED(01,AB,25=026) UR(AB,AB,24=024) PE(AB,AB,21=021) Disp eligibility RASHEED MALIK 111210086 86GDCMA13 AJEET KUMAR / JAGDISH AA(13,07,19=039) ED(23,33,28=084) HI(15,15,28=058) PS(25,23,25=073) R-AA HI KUMAR 111210087 87GDCMA13 111210088 88GDCMA13 USHA DEVI / BAL KRISHAN AA(09,10,17=036) ED(24,11,27=062) HI(16,11,27=054) PS(06,04,25=035) AA(09,10,18=037) ED(28,22,28=078) HI(14,16,28=058) PS(27,15,26=068) INDERJEET KUMAR / Fail R-AA HI PS PRAKASH CHAND 111210089 89GDCMA13 MOHD ASHRAF / MOHD AA(AB,AB,AB) ED(AB,AB,AB) HI(AB,AB,AB) PS(AB,AB,AB) Absent MUNWAR GANAIE 111210090 90GDCMA13 BABITA DEVI / SHEV LAL AA(05,06,11=022) ED(16,11,26=053) HI(23,08,27=058) PS(09,08,14=031) 111210091 91GDCMA13 REHANA GULZAR / AA(02,05,11=018) UR(12,12,24=048) PS(01,03,12=016) PE(05,22,20=047) Fail Fail IKHLAQ HUSSAIN / MOHD AA(02,07,12=021) ED(17,05,26=048) PS(04,02,16=022) EC(10,13,19=042) Fail GULZAR AHMED WANI 111210092 92GDCMA13 IQBAL LONE 111210093 93GDCMA13 AA(01,04,14=019) ED(04,09,25=038) PS(03,08,13=024) EC(06,16,24=046) Fail ZAHOOR AHMED MALIK / AA(01,05,09=015) ED(05,09,24=038) PS(07,13,13=033) EC(08,09,14=031) Fail BILAL AHMAD SHEIKH / MOHD ASHRAF SHEIKH 111210094 94GDCMA13 GHULAM RASOOL MALIK 111210095 95GDCMA13 CHASHMEEDA HANEEF / AA(00,AB,17=017) ED(03,AB,27=030) UR(AB,AB,28=028) PE(07,AB,23=030) GH. AHMAD LONE 3 Fail 111210096 96GDCMA13 NAJMA FAROOQ / FAROOQ AA(00,AB,09=009) ED(AB,AB,25=025) UR(AB,AB,27=027) PE(AB,AB,21=021) AHMAD LONE 4 Fail