22. Enjinier Jun2015 - school of materials and mineral resources
22. Enjinier Jun2015 - school of materials and mineral resources
Buletin Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber Mineral Bulletin for the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering Universiti Sains Malaysia ENJINIER JIL. 17 BIL. 01 No. ISSN: 1511-5275 http://www.usm.my Pembentangan Pembangunan PTJ USM 2014 PEMBENTANGAN PEMBANGUNAN PTJ USM 2014 23 Mac 2015 - Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber Mineral (PPKBSM) telah meraih markah yang amat memberangsangkan dalam pembentangan pembangunan PTJ 2014. PPKBSM telah berjaya mendapat kedudukan pertama berdasarkan MyRA2 untuk keseluruhan pusat tanggungjawab (PTJ) USM dan tempat ketiga berdasarkan perkiraan MyRA1. Peningkatan markah indeks petunjuk prestasi (KPI) dari 67.8 pada tahun 2013 kepada 98 untuk tahun 2014 telah meletakkan PPKBSM dalam senarai PTJ Unggul di samping Pusat Pengajian Sains Kajihayat. Antara faktor penyumbang kepada kejayaan ini adalah kecemerlangan warga PPKBSM di dalam bidang penyelidikan dan pembangunan. Bagi tahun 2014 PPKBSM telah menghasilkan lebih 200 penerbitan berimpak tinggi di samping berjaya memperolehi lebih RM3 juta geran penyelidikan dalam dan luar negara. Syabas diucapkan kepada warga PPKBSM dan semoga kecemerlangan ini dapat diteruskan di masa hadapan. ROMBONGAN AKADEMIK PPKBSM KEMALANGAN DI ACHEH 12 Mac 2015 - Seorang penuntut Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) maut manakala tujuh yang lain cedera apabila bas yang membawa 24 anggota rombongan akademik dari Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral (PPKBSM) ke Acheh, Indonesia terlibat dalam kemalangan. Penuntut yang maut dalam JUN 2015 kemalangan pada 7 malam waktu Acheh itu ialah Allahyarham Sdr. Muhamad Izzamir Nabihan A. Majid, 23, pelajar tahun akhir Program Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral. Muhamad Izzamir Nabihan meninggal dunia ketika menerima rawatan di Pusat Kesihatan Masyarakat Geumpang, Acheh. Rombongan itu membawa 24 orang yang terdiri daripada 18 penuntut dan enam kakitangan termasuk pensyarah PKBSM. Bas yang mereka naiki terbabas ke kawasan curam ketika dalam perjalanan pulang dari kawasan lawatan lombong arang batu di Geumpang PD Acheh. Dua daripada tujuh orang yang cedera ringan itu dimasukkan ke rumah sakit dan pusat kesihatan masyarakat berhampiran lokasi kejadian. Jenazah Allahyarham Muhamad Izzamir Nabihan telah selamat disemadikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Masjid Jamiul Badawi, Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang selepas solat Jumaat. Majlis pengkebumian turut dihadiri oleh sejumlah kakitangan dan pelajar USM. Alfatihah disedekahkan kepada Allahyarham Muhamad Izzamir Nabihan dan semoga roh beliau ditempatkan bersama-sama orang-orang beriman dan beramal soleh. Amin. Gambar kenangan rombongan akademik PPKBSM ke Acheh. Allahyarham Muhamad Izzamir Nabihan (berdiri 2 dari kanan) Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 1 Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad (Advisor) Dr. Shah Rizal Kasim (Chief Editor) Short Course “One Dimensional Materials towards A New Dimension of Nanotechnology World” Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Syed Fuad Saiyid Hashim SHORT COURSE ON “ONE DIMENSIONAL MATERIALS TOWARDS A NEW DIMENSION OF NANOTECHNOLOGY WORLD.” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azura A. Rashid Dr. Arjulizan Rusli Dr. Pung Swee Yong Dr. Mohamad Hazizan Mohamad Hashim Ms. Habsah Haliman 22 - 24 April 2015 - A short course entitled “One Dimensional Materials Towards A New Dimension of Nanotechnology World” was successfully organized by School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering under the umbrella of NanoMaterials Initiative Group (NanoMIG). This short course has been conducted as an effort to elucidate a brief overview and scientific perspective on the synthesis and characterization of one dimensional nanomaterials. The important properties and applications of one dimensional materials have also included in the appropriate context of this short course, to create an awareness among the participants about the unique features of one dimensional materials. In this short course, hands on training section has included the basic concepts of the synthesis, characterization and application of one dimensional materials. According to the Chairman of the Nano Short Course, Assoc. Prof, Ir. Dr. Srimala Sreekantan, this short course offered participants an opportunity to explore the world of science through hands-on experiences. Assistant Editor AKREDITASI PROGRAM AKADEMIK PUSAT PENGAJIAN KEJURUTERAAN BAHAN DAN SUMBER MINERAL Ms. Hasnah Awang 4 - 6 Mac 2015 – Program ijazah yang ditawarkan oleh Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber Mineral (PPKSBM) iaitu Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Bahan, Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral dan Ijazah Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Polimer telah melalui proses akreditasi oleh pihak Majlis Akreditasi Kejuruteraan (EAC), Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia. Objektif akreditasi adalah untuk memastikan program ijazah sarjana muda yang ditawarkan oleh PPKBSM mempunyai keperluan akademik minimum bagi membolehkan graduan untuk mendaftar sebagai jurutera siswazah dengan Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia (BEM). Untuk proses akreditasi kali ini, program Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral memohon untuk pelanjutan manakala program Kejuruteraan Polimer memohon untuk kitaran baru. Panel yang hadir untuk menilai ketiga-tiga program terdiri dari tiga orang untuk program Kejuruteraan Polimer dan masing-masing seorang untuk program Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral dan Kejuruteraan Bahan. Aktiviti akreditasi termasuk penyemakan dokumen-dokumen berkaitan, sesi temuduga bersama warga PPKBSM termasuk pelajar serta lawatan ke makmal dan kemudahan di kampus kejuruteraan seperti perpustakaan dan sebagainya. Proses akreditasi telah berjalan lancar dan secara umumnya panel berpuas hati dengan program yang ditawarkan oleh PPKBSM. Kerjasama yang diberikan oleh semua warga PPKBSM telah memastikan kejayaan proses akreditasi pada kali ini. 2 BELANGSUNGKAWA: ALLAHYARHAM MUHAMAD IZZAMIR NABIHAN BIN A. MAJID Muhamad Izzamir Nabihan Bin A. Majid dilahirkan pada 8 Oktober 1992 di Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur. Anak kedua daripada lima orang adik beradik ini adalah seorang anak yang sentiasa menanam impian untuk menjadi anak sulung lelaki yang bekerjaya bagi membantu keluarganya. Hal ini disebabkan bapanya, En. A. Majid Bin Abd Gaffor yang kini berumur 55 tahun akan bersara daripada berkhidmat sebagai anggota polis tidak lama lagi. Hasrat ini telah dikhabarkan berulang kali kepada ibunya, Suria Binti Omar dan adik-beradiknya yang lain. Beliau menjadi harapan keluarga kerana beliau merupakan anak lelaki sulung dan bakal menamatkan pengajian di dalam jurusan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Sumber Mineral di Universiti Sains Malaysia. Sejak kecil lagi, beliau berhajat untuk melanjutkan pelajarannya di Universiti Sains Malaysia. Hal ini kerana USM adalah tempat yang akan dilihatnya terlebih dahulu setelah melalui Jambatan Pulau Pinang setiap kali keluarganya pulang ke kampung ayahnya di Gelugor. Perkara ini diberitahu oleh ibu bapanya sendiri. Menjadi seorang mahasiswa USM merupakan kebanggaannya dan juga keluarga. Cita-citanya untuk menjadi seorang Jurutera Pemprosesan Mineral di Rahman Hydraulic Tin Sdn. Bhd. iaitu tempat beliau menjalani latihan industri selama 10 minggu (semasa di tahun tiga) juga sering diceritakan kepada sahabat-sahabatnya di universiti. Minatnya begitu mendalam di dalam aktiviti perlombongan bermula sejak tahun pertama berada di universiti. Buku ensiklopedia kecil mengenai batuan dan mineral yang disimpan dalam beg beliau sentiasa dibawanya ke mana sahaja bagi dijadikan rujukan. Beliau dikenali sebagai seorang yang mudah didekati dan disenangi oleh orang ramai terutamanya pensyarah-pensyarah dan rakan-rakan di universiti. Sikapnya yang ramah dan terbuka juga membuatkan semua selesa untuk bergaul dengannya. Di kampus, beliau sangat aktif di dalam aktiviti kokurikulum, badan persatuan dan juga khidmat masyarakat. Sukan yang sangat digemarinya ialah ragbi. Beliau menyertai banyak perlawanan di peringkat universiti dan juga negeri. Sukan ini menjadi sukan kegemarannya setelah beliau memasuki universiti. Dorongan jurulatih dan rakan-rakan membuatkan beliau bersemangat untuk menceburi sukan ini. Beliau telah dilantik sebagai pengerusi bagi kelab ragbi di universiti. Kejohanan Ragbi 10 Sebelah USM kali ke 10 merupakan jasa terbesar beliau dalam usaha mempromosikan sukan ragbi di universiti dan negara. Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 Perjalanan terakhir Allahyarham Muhamad Izzamir Nabihan Kebolehannya dalam pengurusan sesuatu acara atau program membuatkan kejohanan tersebut berjaya dilaksana dengan jayanya. Di kampus, beliau merupakan ketua exco desasiswa yang didiaminya iaitu Desasiswa Jaya. Sifat kepimpinan yang dimiliki membuatkan beliau ditawarkan jawatan tersebut. Pada awal tahun 2015, beliau pernah melibatkan diri dalam misi bantuan banjir di Temerloh, Pahang. Hal ini disebabkan sikapnya suka membantu orang di dalam kesusahan. Perkara ini dapat dilihat di dalam aktiviti harian di kampus. Beliau sedia memberi khidmat bantuan kepada rakan tanpa mengira waktu dan sebarang alasan. Sikapnya ini turut dikhabarkan oleh ibunya ketika mana beliau berada di rumah. Oleh sebab itu, beliau mendapat perhatian ramai dalam kalangan pelajar di universiti. Sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t. lebih menyayangi beliau setelah terlibat di dalam kemalangan ketika mengikuti lawatan akademik ke Acheh, Indonesia pada 11 Mac 2015 yang lalu. Kehilangan beliau amat dirasai oleh keluarga, handai taulan dan universiti. Semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat dan mendapat pengampunan daripada Allah s.w.t. KEJOHANAN BADMINTON TERTUTUP PPKBSM 2015 9 Mei 2015 - Sempena Pesaraan En. Abdul Razak bin Embi, Kelab Sukan & Rekreasi (KSR) PPKBSM telah mengadakan satu Kejohanan Badminton Beregu Tertutup PPKBSM 2015 bertempat di Kompleks Sukan USM Kejuruteraan. Kejohanan yang julung-julung kalinya dapat diadakan ini mendapat sambutan yang menggalakkan di mana seramai dua belas beregu telah berentap dan telah dibahagikan kepada empat kumpulan. Keputusan penuh perlawanan adalah seperti berikut: Johan - pasangan beregu En. Razak/En. Mior Zulbahri, Naik Johan pasangan beregu En. Zulkarnain/En. Faizal, Tempat Ketiga - pasangan beregu En. Suharudin/En. Junaidi dan Tempat Keempat – pasangan beregu Prof. Madya Dr. Azhar/En. Hasnor. Selain tujuan riadah dan rekreasi, kejohanan ini turut dapat merapatkan hubungan kekeluargaan sesama warga PPKBSM. Syabas dan tahniah kepada para pemenang. Kejohanan Badminton Tertutup PPKBSM 2015 3 PERTANDINGAN SUDOKU 2015: TROFI PROF. DR. ZAINAL ARIFIN AHMAD 25 Mac 2015 - Pertandingan Sudoku 2015: Trofi Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad telah dianjurkan oleh Kelab Pelajar Ijazah Tinggi (PGSC) sesi 2014/2015 dan telah diadakan di Dewan Seminar, Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber Mineral, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Pertandingan sudoku ini adalah antara program tahunan anjuran PGSC yang mana kali ini ia merupakan tahun ke-8 sejak pertama kali pertandingan ini dianjurkan pada tahun 2007. Pertandingan sudoku ini adalah salah satu pentas untuk mengetengahkan kreativiti dan daya fikir kritis di kalangan mahasiswa dan juga staf. Pertandingan sudoku ini juga dapat melatih peserta untuk berfikir dengan pantas dan logik untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Pada tahun ini, seramai 99 orang peserta telah menyertai pertandingan ini. Para peserta terdiri dari 17 orang staf, 40 orang pasca-siswazah dan 42 orang pelajar siswazah. Pertandingan sudoku ini juga turut menarik minat pelajar antarabangsa daripada Libya, Iraq, Indonesia, Thailand dan Kemboja. Setiap peserta dikehendaki menyelesaikan 2 set sudoku dalam masa 40 minit. Peserta dibahagikan kepada tiga kategori; kategori staf, kategori pelajar pasca-siswazah dan kategori pelajar siswazah. Pemenang adalah peserta yang dapat menyelesaikan sudoku dalam masa yang paling singkat tanpa sebarang kesalahan. Pemenang keseluruhan menerima sebuah trofi, sijil penyertaan serta hamper dan telah dimenangi oleh saudara Wong Liang Chern dari Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Mekanik. SEMINAR AKADEMIK “VIVA: DEFENDING YOUR THESIS” 16 Jun 2015 - Seminar Akademik bertajuk “Viva: Defending Your Thesis” telah dianjurkan oleh Kelab Pelajar Ijazah Tinggi (PGSC) dan telah diadakan di Dewan Seminar, Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber Mineral, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Ia adalah program seminar akademik ketiga yang dianjurkan pada PGSC sesi 2014/2015. Prof. Madya Dr. Khairunisak Bt. Abdul Razak telah dijemput sebagai penceramah pada seminar tersebut. Sebanyak 67 orang pelajar pasca-siswazah telah menyertai seminar berkenaan. Seminar ini bertujuan untuk memberi panduan kepada para pelajar untuk mempersiapkan diri bagi menempuhi “Viva Voce”. Terdapat banyak perkara yang diberi perhatian dalam seminar tersebut antaranya adalah; kesilapan yang selalu dilakukan oleh pelajar ketika viva, kaedah menjawab soalan pemeriksa dengan yakin dan cara menyediakan pembentangan yang mudah difahami oleh pemeriksa. Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 Pertandingan Sudoku 2015: Trofi Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad KEJOHANAN FUTSAL TERBUKA PGSC 2015 6 Mei 2015 - Kejohanan Futsal Terbuka PGSC 2015 merupakan kejohanan tahunan anjuran Kelab Pelajar Ijazah Tinggi (PGSC), Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber Mineral, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Kejohanan ini telah berlangsung di padang kompleks sukan USM Kampus Kejuruteraan. Tujuan utama kejohanan ini diadakan adalah untuk mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim antara ahli-ahli kelab dengan pelajar dan staf yang lain. 8 pasukan telah berdaftar untuk kejohanan ini di mana ia telah disertai oleh pelajar siswazah, pelajar pascasiswazah dan staf USM. Kejohanan ini menggunakan format liga yang mana setiap pasukan perlu bermain dalam 7 perlawanan. Pasukan yang memperolehi mata yang tertinggi akan diisytiharkan sebagai pemenang. Pendaftaran bermula dari pukul 8.30 pagi dan sepak mula per- lawanan pertama bermula pada pukul 9.00 pagi. Kejohanan diakhiri dengan ucapan ringkas oleh presiden PGSC, Mohd. Fariz Ab. Rahman dan diikuti upacara penyampaian hadiah dan sijil untuk pemenang dan semua peserta. Pasukan Banana FC telah dinobatkan sebagai juara keseluruhan untuk kejohanan futsal kali ini. Syabas dan jutaan terima kasih diucapkan pada semua pihak yang menjayakan Kejohanan Futsal Terbuka PGSC 2015. Mutiara kata: Nabi Muhammad s.a.w pernah bersabda: "Tidak akan masuk syurga orang yang jirannya tidak aman dari gangguangangguannya" (Riwayat Muslim) Kejohanan Futsal Terbuka PGSC 2015 4 TRIZ LEVEL 1 PRACTITIONER WORKSHOP 25 - 26 April 2015 - Innovation is an important skill much needed in the new economy. With competition becoming increasingly intense, innovation is no longer a “nice-to-have” skill but a “musthave”. There is a way to learn “INNOVATION” in a systematic approach. The approach is called TRIZ or Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. TRIZ is a Russian methodology discovered about 66 years ago but has remained a wellkept secret. This open-secret has finally reached you through the MyTRIZ Level 1+ Workshop (© MYTRIZ). This workshop was organize by School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering (SMMRE) in collaboration with the Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association (MYTRIZ) and Multimedia & Development Corporation (MDeC). The aim of this workshop is to bridge the gap in understanding complex problem solving from the academia and industries perspectives. Complex problem solving is a multifaceted skill that is required among 21st Century Graduates. This attribute is also an essential outcome for accreditation of engineering programmes. Therefore, learning and exploring on a systematic inventive problem solving is important in meaningfully preparing and developing our future engineers. This workshop was attended by 49 students including undergraduate and post graduate students; participation not only comes from SMMRE but also School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. A Certified Trainer for TRIZ Level 1, Dr. Zuratul Ain Abdul Hamid has conducted and delivered TRIZ Level 1 syllabus throughout the two days workshop. The certification was endorsed and certified by MDeC and MYTRIZ and recognized Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 TRIZ Level 1 Practitioner Workshop worldwide as the workshop followed the TRIZ International syllabus. The workshop is hopeful to initiate the creativity and provide a systematic inventive problem solving that can be used by the students in any problem or research works. The success of this workshop will not be realized without the help of organizing committee lead by Ms. Nor Ezza Sofiah, 3rd Year Polymer Engineering student. Their enthusiasm and hard works have resulted in the smooth and success of the workshop. It is important SMMRE support more similar workshop to be organized to enhance and value add our students in problem solving skill, communication skill and also build up their confident level whenever facing any problem in their studies. Science and Engineering Research Centre(SERC), USM Engineering Campus, Penang, Malaysia | 27th−29th January 2016 Website: http://ignite.eng.usm.my Contact: +6045996153/6101 Dr. Zuratul Ain Abdul Hamid [email protected] 5 MAJLIS SANJUNGAN BUDI STAF PPKBSM 8 Mei 2015 – Majlis sanjungan budi untuk staf bersara wajib dan bertukar tempat bertugas telah diadakan di Dewan Seminar, PPKBSM. Prof. Dr. Azizan bin Aziz dan En. Abdul Razak bin Embi bersara wajib pada umur 60 tahun sementara Dr. Julie Juliewatty bt. Mohamad telah bertukar tempat bertugas ke Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Majlis dimulai dengan ucapan aluan oleh Dekan pusat pengajian, Prof. Dr. Hanafi bin Ismail, diikuti ucapan dari staf yang diraikan. Beberapa orang staf telah dijemput untuk berkongsi pengalaman bersama dengan mereka. Prof. Dr. Azizan Bin Aziz dan En. Abdul Razak bin Embi merupakan antara staf perintis ketika PPKBSM ditubuhkan di Bandaraya Ipoh hampir 30 tahun lalu. Majlis turut dimeriahkan dengan tayangan multimedia bagi mengimbau kenangan, suka duka semasa mereka bertiga bertugas di PPKBSM. Majlis diakhiri dengan penyampaian cenderahati dan jamuan makan tengahari di Dewan Seri Ilham. Bak kata pepatah, harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama. Jasa dan pengorbanan mereka selama berkhidmat di PPKBSM amat dihargai dan akan senantiasa dikenang. Majlis sanjungan budi staf PPKBSM CERAMAH KERJAYA OLEH GUOCERA HOLDINGS SDN. BHD 27 Mei 2015 – Pihak Guocera Holdings Sdn. Bhd. telah mengadakan ceramah kerjaya bersama pelajar tahun tiga dan juga tahun akhir Program Kejuruteraan Bahan. Program telah diadakan di Dewan Seminar Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan dan Sumber Mineral (PPKBSM). Pihak Guocera diwakili oleh Encik Murugahia Tiruganasambathan selaku Pengurus Sumber Manusia dan Encik Sow Sew Seng, Pengurus Kanan Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan (R&D). Guocera Holdings Sdn. Bhd. adalah antara pengeluar utama jubin di Malaysia dan juga merupakan salah satu entiti konglomerat Kumpulan Hong Leong. Ceramah kerjaya ini juga merupakan kesinambungan dari lawatan pihak Guocera ke PPKBSM pada tahun 2014. Program ini bertujuan memberi kefahaman yang lebih mendalam kepada bakal graduan terutama sekali dari Program Kejuruteraan Bahan untuk memasuki dunia pekerjaan khususnya bersama Guocera Holdings. Program seperti ini adalah selaras dengan agenda pihak universiti untuk mewujudkan rangkaian kerjasama dengan pihak industri. Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 Ceramah kerjaya oleh Guocera Holdings Sdn. Bhd 8th International Conference On Geological and Geo-Resources Engineering IC-GeoE 2015 CITITEL HOTEL, PENANG, MALAYSIA | September, 29th - 30th, 2015 6 List of SMMRE Postgraduate Students Viva from January - June 2015 No. Student Nama / Date Degree Title of Thesis Name of Supervisor 1 Afikah binti Rahim 26 January 2015 M.Sc The Effect of the Rockmass Properties and Groundwater Inflow Related to Dr. Hareyani Zabidi Performance of Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) at Pahang – Selangor Raw Prof. Madya Dr. Kamar Shah Ariffin Water Transfer Tunnel Project (PSRWT) 2 Nurhaswani binti Alias 27 January 2015 M.Sc Synthesis and Electrochemical Behavior of LiFePO4/C With Air-Electrode for Aqueous Lithium Ion Battery Prof. Madya Dr. Ahmad Azmin Mohamad 3 G Ambarasan a/l Govindasamy 28 January 2015 M.Sc Studies on Antimicrobial Agent Incorporated Polypropylene for Antimicrobial Application Prof. Madya Ir. Dr. Srimala a/p Sreekantan Prof. Dr. Hazizan Md Akil 4 Ng Chai Yan 2 February 2015 Ph.D Synthesis and Characterization of Tungsten Oxide (WO3) Nanostructures for Electrochromic Application Prof. Madya Dr. Khairunisak Abdul Razak Prof. Madya Dr. Zainovia Lockman 5 Em Sereiratana 5 February 2015 M.Sc Characterization and Synthesis of Soda-Lime-Silicate Glass Produced From Cambodian Silica Sand Dr. Sheikh Abdul Rezan S. Abdul Hamid Prof. Dr. Radzali Othman 6 Nik Akmar bin Rejab 12 February 2015 Ph.D Toughness Improvement of Zirconia Toughnened Alumina (ZTA) Through The Addition of CeO2 and MgO Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad Prof. Dr. Mani Maran a/l Ratnam 7 Siti Rohana binti Yahya 16 February 2015 Ph.D Prof. Madya Dr. Azura A. Rashid Prof. Madya Dr. Baharin Azahari 8 Maslinda binti Kamarudin 24 February 2015 M.Sc Studies on the Effect of Mechanical and Chemical Treatments on Rheological, Mechanical and Biodegradation Properties of Sago Starch Filled Natural Rubber Latex (NRL) Films Effect of AI Addition to IMC Formation, Mechanical and Wetting Properties of Low-Ag SAC Solder Alloy 9 Wan Fahmin Faiz bin Wan Ali 16 March 2015 Ph.D Optimizing The Formation of Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) Via Response Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad Surface Method (RSM) for Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) Application Dr. Norazharuddin Shah Abdullah Prof. Dr. Mohd Fadzil Ain 10 Muhammad Razlan bin Zakaria 25 March 2015 M.Sc Enhancement of Mechanical, Thermal and Dielectric Properties of Epoxy Nanocomposites Through Chemical Hybridization of Carbon Nanotubes and Alumina 11 Mohd Saidina bin Dandan Satia 6 April 2015 M.Sc Preparation and Characterization of Calcium Copper Titanate Filled Epoxy Prof. Ir. Dr. Mariatti Jaafar Composites 12 Poh Chen Ling 7 April 2015 M.Sc Characterization of Dielectric Materials Based on Filler Material Filled Epoxy Thin Film Composites Prof. Ir. Dr. Mariatti Jaafar Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Noor 13 Tham Cho Yin 16 April 2015 M.Sc Synthesis of Poly(Lactic Acid)(PLA) Microspheres for Drug Delivery System Dr. Zuratul Ain Abdul Hamid Prof. Dr. Hanafi Ismail Prof. Madya Dr. Zulkifli Ahmad 14 Phan Chee Hong 29 April 2015 M.Sc Fabrication and Properties of Electromagnetic Interferences Shielding Polymer Composites for Electronic Packaging Application Prof. Ir. Dr. Mariatti Jaafar 15 Norshahida binti Sarifuddin 6 May 2015 Ph.D Mechanical, Physical, Thermal and Biodegradability Studies of Low Density Polyethylene/Thermoplastic Sago Starch/Kenaf Core Flour Biocomposites Prof. Dr. Hanafi Ismail 16 Nor Fatin Khairah binti Bahanurddin 15 May 2015 M.Sc Optimization of PZT Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties Via La2O3 and SrCO3 Additions Without Calcinations Step Dr. Julie Juliewatty Mohamed Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Ahmad 17 Farah Diana Mohd Daud 5 June 2015 Ph.D Synthesis and Characterization of Calcium Based Material for Carbon Dioxide Adsorbent Prof. Madya Ir. Dr. Srimala a/p Sreekantan Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamed 18 Nor Azaniza Abdul Mutalib 8 June 2015 M.Sc Innovative Approach for Production of Two-Phase Epoxy Syntactic Foams Consisting Epoxy Hollow Sphere Prof. Madya Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad Ariff Prof. Madya Dr. Nurulakmal Mohd Sharif Dr. Anasyida Abu Seman Dr. Sivakumar a/l Ramakrishnan Prof. Dr. Hazizan Md Akil ANUGERAH PERKHIDMATAN CEMERLANG USM 2014 BIL NAMA JAWATAN KATEGORI 1 PROF. DR. ZAINAL ARIFIN AHMAD PENSYARAH UNIVERSITI VK6 AKADEMIK 2 PROF. DR. AZIZAN BIN AZIZ PENSYARAH UNIVERSITI VK7 AKADEMIK 3 PROF. MADYA DR. AHMAD AZMIN MOHAMAD PENSYARAH UNIVERSITI DS54 AKADEMIK 4 PROF. MADYA DR. CHOW WEN SHYANG PENSYARAH UNIVERSITI DS54 AKADEMIK 5 EN. MOHD. FARID ABD. RAHIM PENOLONG JURUTERA JA29 TEKNIKAL 6 EN. MOHAMAD SHAFIQ MUSTAPA SUKRI PENOLONG JURUTERA JA29 TEKNIKAL 7 EN. SHARUL AMI ZAINAL ABIDIN PENOLONG JURUTERA JA29 TEKNIKAL 8 PN. NURSHALYDAH SALLEH PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) N22 (KUP) Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 PENTADBIRAN 7 SIJIL DEKAN SENARAI PENERIMA SIJIL DEKAN SEMESTER II, SIDANG AKADEMIK 2014/2015 KEJURUTERAAN BAHAN TAHUN 1 CHAI SHIR YING KONG CHEE XIAN SEOW PEK YING WONG CHEE LEONG WONG JIA YING YEW LIH WEI TAHUN 2 CHEAH WEI KIAN KHOR YONG LING LEE ANGIE LIM ZE EN ONG YEE CHIN OOI CHIA YING SOO SOCK KUAN TAN JIA SHENG TAN PENG PHIN TEH JIN JIAN THOR JIN ANN WONG KAE YUAN TAHUN 3 CHAN JI KIT CH'NG MUN SUNN CHONG SU FANG FOONG SUET KAY HOO XIAO FEN LAI CHAI MEI LAW HON KIN LEE WEI KEAN LEONG QIAO LIN LEONG TENG TENG LIM SHI HONG LOH YAN PIN LOO FOONG LING LOW JIONG XIONG LOW SU YEIAN TAN ZHI QIN TANG CHIN WUI TENG JIN WEN WONG PHUI JIN WONG SI MIN YONG XUAN HUI TAHUN 4 `AQILAH BINTI GHAZALI ATIQAH BT. AHMAD CHIM JIA ERN CHUA PEI CHING CHUAH WEI HOONG FATIN AINA MARDIA BINTI MOHD PUZI GOH THENG TYNG KET XIANG JIE LEE CHEE KEAT LEE JIN LING LIANG SHU YI LIEW XUE MING LIM CHI YANG LIM CHUI NING LOOK HONG JUN LOY LIANG SOON MABEL DE CUNHA MAZATUL NAJWA BINTI MUHAMMAD KHIR MOHAMMAD FARID BIN MOHD SAAD MOHD NAZIM BIN BIRKIMSIN MUHAMMAD AWALUDIN BIN MOHAMMAD SAMAN NEOH SOO HUAN NG ZI SHIN NOOR HIJRAH BT MISHAD NOR SAKINAH BINTI MANSOR NUR BASYIRA BT ABU BAKAR NURUL ATIQAH BT ABDUL MANAF Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 NURUL SHAZWANI BINTI MOHD ZAIN ONG XIANG QI QUAH WEI LUN SITI AMINAH BINTI HELL MEE SITI LAILATUL MUNIRAH BINTI AHMAD TERMIZI SYARIFAH MARIAM NORAINI BT SAYED AHMAD TAI LEE SIN TAN YONG DAR TUAN NUR IZZAH BINTI TUAN AB RASHID YEAP CHEOK KUANG ZULFA AIZA BINTI ZULKIFLI KEJURUTERAAN SUMBER MINERAL TAHUN 1 AISYAH SHAHIRAH BINTI JUHARI NORFATEHA BINTI AB HAN NURUL FARAH DYANA BINTI ZAIZAMSHIMI SUCHITRA A/P PERUMAL TAHUN 2 KIMBERLY TAY SHU YEN TAHUN 3 KHONG LING HAN YAO BENJAMIN TAHUN 4 AMANINA MARISSA BINTI JAAFAR AYU ROHAIZA BINTI SUDIRMAN FATHIN DALILAH BINTI SUPRI HAZIRAH HANIM BINTI ZAHARUDDIN INTAN MUNIRAH BINTI ROSLI MARIA ULFAH BINTI KHIDER NABILAHMAHIR BINTI SUFIANMAHIR NOR ADILA BINTI ANUAR NOR FARHANA BINTI MUHAMAD NOR NORAINI BINTI ZAINUDDIN NUR IZZATI BINTI MUSTAPA NUR KHUZAIMA BINTI AZMAN NURHANIS BT ABD HAMID NURHAYA LAMING BINTI RAMIN NURHIDAYAH BINTI ABDUL MUTHALIB NURUL NAZIEHA BINTI YAAKOP RASYIFAH RUSHDA BINTI ABDUL MUTALIB SHAIK ABDUL RAHMAN BIN SHAIK ABDUL WAHAB SITI HAWA BINTI ELIAS SITI NORHIDAYU BT MOHAMED SOONG YEE CHEN SYAMIMI NADIRA BINTI MOHD NOR WAN NUR SYAFIQAH BINTI HAIRUL ANUAR WAN NURUL AISYAH BT CHE WAN DZULKANAIN NURUL AMIRA IZZATIE BINTI ROSLLY TAHUN 3 CHUA LIAN TATT FAHZIMRAN AFNOR BIN AFENDI JOYCE A/P MICHAEL RETNASINGAM KUWN MOEI TING LEE CHEE KEONG LIM WEE KIAN SIN YIN TIN TAN WAI KEAT TAHUN 4 AMIRUL AZFAR BIN KAMARUZZAMAN AMRAN BIN SAHIRON BEH KAH BOON FARRAH AMIERA BINTI MOHD KHAIRUDDIN KHAIRUL ZAMAN BIN ZAKARIA LEONG HUI THENG LIM KAR WAI LIM WEY SONG MAK SOK YEE MOHAMAD SHAFIQ BIN MOHAMAD SUFIAN MOHAMMAD ZAKWAN BIN MOHAMMAD MOHD KHAIRUL RAZIKIN BIN NORJAN MUHAMMAD HAZWAN BIN MUHAMMAD HISHAM NADIA BINTI WAN AZMAN NAFEESA BINTI MOHAMAD SHUKRI NIK NUR ASMA' NABILAH BINTI NIK MUHAMMAD SHUKRI NOOR FARAHIN BINTI MOHD IBRAHIM NUR AIMAN BIN TENGAH NUR FAZREEN BINTI ALIAS NUR HAYATI BINTI ESZER NUR SHUHADA BINTI MOHAMAD RAFFI NUR SYAZWANA BINTI HAMIZI NUR YASMIN BINTI MOHAMAD RAHMAN SAHFIKAH BINTI SOFIAN KRISHNAN TEO ZU XIAN TEOH ZHIXUAN KEJURUTERAAN POLIMER TAHUN 1 CHOW LI CHIN CHUA JING TING NG CHI LOON ONG MUN YEE SIEW TUCK SEONG YAP CIA LING YAP SOON YOU TAHUN 2 GAN IVY JONG CHENG KIAT LAW YEONG SHYANG LOH LEH HEE NEO EN PEI 8 SENARAI STAF KENAIKAN PANGKAT BIL NAMA JAWATAN TARIKH KUATKUASA 1 PN. HABSAH BINTI HALIMAN PEGAWAI PENYELIDIK Q48 01.01.2015 2 EN. MOHD. NAZRI BIN IDRIS PEGAWAI PENYELIDIK Q48 01.01.2015 3 PN. NOR ASMAH BINTI MD. NOR PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) N22-KUP 01.01.2015 4 EN. MOHD. ALI BIN MAY PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) N22-KUP 15.01.2015 SENARAI STAF BERSARA WAJIB BIL NAMA JAWATAN TARIKH KUATKUASA 1 PROF. DR. AZIZAN BIN AZIZ PENSYARAH UNIVERSITI VK7 27.05.2015 2 EN. ABDUL RAZAK BIN EMBI PENOLONG JURUTERA JA29 24.05.2015 STAF BERTUKAR TEMPAT BERTUGAS BIL 1 NAMA JAWATAN DR. JULIE JULIEWATTY MOHAMED TARIKH KUATKUASA PENSYARAH UNIVERSITI DS51 15.04.2015 Visitors to the SMMRE (January to June 2015) No. Date 1. 19.01.2015 2. 29.01.2015 3. Name Organization Purpose Umet Lokman Abdul Mazlan Izwan Hadi Zainol Rashid Mohd. Firdaus bin Abu Bakar Ang K.H Janice Lee Hasibah Che Ali Ahmad Sukri Jarkasi MPA-PRPG Research Collaboration SMK Bakti, Tasik Gelugor, SPU Research Collaboration 16.02.2015 Adam Rylski Institute of Materials Sc. and Eng., Lodz University of Technology, Poland Research Collaboration 4. 25.02.2015 Prof. Sutomu Sato Faculty of Eng., Hokkaido University Research Collaboration 5. 31.03.2015 Leopold Somulo Daniel Chan Khoon Gark N-Park, Gelugor Research Collaboration 6. 06.04.2015 Norihide Emomoto Midori Anzem Research Collaboration 7. 21.04.2015 RHT Research Collaboration 8. 22.05.2015 Amran Mohd. Sani Kamarudin Abd. Karim Atiqah Mohamad Sarrin Lutfee Bakar Mohammad Hafiz Zakaria S.C. Chow Wong Weng On Lion Tin Sdn. Bhd. Research Collaboration 9. 27.05.2015 AUN/SEED-net Secretariat 10. 27.05.2015 Murugahia Tiruganasambathan Guocera Holdings Sdn. Bhd. Sow Sew Seng bersambung dari m/s 15.. 6.0 Mine Tours Students and staff at the mine conduct guided tours for the general public throughout the year. Tours generally last one hour, but can be tailored to accommodate some special requests. More than one-half mile of underground workings representing over 100 years of mine development are covered on the tour. Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 Lighted displays showing drilling, blasting, and mucking equipment are displayed on the mine tour and items of discussion include mining practice, mining economics, and the role of the mining industry in modern society. The mine is usually relatively dry and a constant 54 degrees Fahrenheit, year-round. CSM provides hard hats for tour members, but guests are asked to wear warm clothing and sturdy walking shoes. Sorry, but the mine is not wheelchair accessible. Research Collaboration Career Talk 7.0 Summary Edgar Mine is the experimental mine of Colorado School of Mines. The experimental mine can be a good example of how mining engineering education being delivered in U.S.A. It can be a very good lesson to be learned of becoming an engineer that proof the real life experiences are the best mentor the students can get during their study period. 9 Article 1 EFFECT OF EXCITATION SOURCES ON THE PHOTODEGRADATION OF RHB SOLUTION USING NI EMBEDDED ZnO NANORODS AS PHOTOCATALYST Myo Thuya Thein1, Swee-Yong Pung1, Azizan Aziz1, Mitsuru Itoh2 1Science and Engineering of Nanomaterials Team, School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, 14300 NibongTebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia 2Materials and Structures Laboratory Tokyo Institute of Technology 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan Abstract Ni embedded ZnO nanorods were synthesized by two step solution precipitation method followed by reduction in H2 atmosphere at 500oC for 2 hours. The XRD analysis shows that the as-synthesized particles were ZnO that well crystallized in hexagonal wurtzite structure. There is no Ni (or NiO) diffraction peaks could be found in the XRD analysis.The SEM image confirmed that the morphology of ZnO nanorods did not change with Ni loading on its surface. The EDX analysis shows the present of Ni beside Zn and O elements. The photocatalytic activity in removal of RhB dye by Ni embedded ZnO nanorods was greatly enhanced when using a smaller UV excitation source. The photodegradation efficiency using UV light with wavelength of 254 nm almost completely removed RhB, i.e. 98% within 75 min as compared to 58% when using UV light with wavelength of 352 nm. It is worth mentioning that the rate constant of using 254 nm UV light is 0.048 min-1, which is four times larger than using 352 nm UV light. 1.0 Introduction Semiconductor photocatalysts have been attracting research focus recently because of its great potential as remedy to solve environmental problems [1]. These semiconductor photocatalysts could be used to remove organic pollutants by degrading them into less harmful byproducts such as water and carbon dioxide under sunlight [2]. In addition, their other applications as environmental remedy are to inactivate microbial [3]and remove heavy metals [4]. Amongst the semiconductors, wide band gap TiO2 (3.2 eV) is the most studied pho- Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 tocatalyst as it has high photochemical efficiency and stability [5-7].A suitable alternative to TiO2 is ZnO [8] as it possesses a similar bandgap (3.3 eV), low cost and non-toxic nature. Studies have shown that ZnO demonstrated a better photocatalytic efficiency than TiO2 in removal of 2-phenylphenol [9], Reactive blue [10], Rhodamine 6G [11], Acid Red 14 [12] and Acid Red 18 [13] in aqueous solution. Many attempts have been made to improve photocatalytic efficiency of ZnO photocatalyst in degradation of organic compounds. One of the approaches is to modify the surface of ZnO by coupling of another metal oxide semiconductor to achieve a higher light adsorption capacity by shifting the absorbance to visible light region [14, 15]. Another way of improving the photodegradation efficiency is by means of restricting the electron-hole recombination rate of ZnO. This could be achieved by embedding metals such as Au [16] and Ag [17] onto the surface ZnO particles. In this work, Ni embedded ZnO nanorods were prepared by two-step solution precipitation. Since ZnO is capable of absorbing irradiation in UV wavelength attributed to its wide band gap, the effect of UV excitation sources on the photodegradation efficiency of Ni embedded ZnO nanorods in removal of RhB dye was studied. 2.0 Experimental Stacked ZnO nanorods were synthesized by solution precipitation method as described in our previous paper [18]. Subsequently, the Ni embedded ZnO nanorods were synthesized by immersing the ZnO nanorods into 0.03 M of Ni(NO3)2 aqueous solution. The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 24 hours to allow the deposition of nickel particles onto the surface of ZnO nanorods. The white precipitate was filtered and dried in the oven for 12 hours at 120oC. The product was calcined at 500oC for 1 hour and reduced under hydrogen atmosphere at 500oC for 2 hours. The photocatalytic study on the Ni embedded ZnO nanorods in removal of Rhodamine (RhB) dye was conducted using different UV excitation sources (254 nm and 352 nm). The photocatalytic activity of Ni embedded ZnO nanorods was achieved by irradiating mixture of 20 mg ZnO Ni embedded ZnO nanorods and 30 ml RhB (1x10-5 M) by UV light. Then, photodegradation of RhB solution was determined by monitoring the decay of its 553 characteristic absorption peak using UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Cary 5). tion peaks could be indexed to wurtzite ZnO crystal structure (JCPDS No. 01-0792205) with lattice constant of a = 3.250 nm and c = 5.207 nm, regardless ZnO particles or Ni embedded ZnO particles. The diffraction peaks at 31.74o, 34.40º, 36.26º, 47.52º, 56.54º, 62.84º, 66.26º, 67.92º and 68.98º are corresponded to (100), (002), (101), (102), (110), (103), (200), (112) and (201) crystal planes of hexagonal ZnO. Their strong and sharp features suggest that the samples were well crystalline. No impurity peaks were observed for both types of particles. This result indicates that only a small amount of Ni particles was deposited onto the surface of ZnO nanorods, which was below the XRD detection limit. Figure 1: XRD patterns of ZnO nanorods and Ni embedded ZnO nanorods. Figure 2 (a) shows the field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) image of as-synthesized ZnO nanorods. It could be clearly seen that the nanorods have hexagonal tips. As shown in Figure 2 (b), the morphology of Ni embedded ZnO nanorods did not change with Ni loading on its surface. However, as shown in Figure 2 (c), small particles could be found on the surface of ZnO nanorods. These particles were homogeneously distributed on the surface of ZnO nanorods. The EDX elemental analysis was performed on the Ni embedded ZnO nanorods. As shown in Figure 3, the analysis indicates that Ni embedded ZnO nanorods compose of Zn, O and Ni elements. 3.0 Results and discussion 3.1 Structural and optical properties of Ni embedded ZnO nanorods XRD patterns of as-synthesized particles are represented in Figure 1. The diffrac- 10 Figure 4: (a) TEM and (b) HRTEM image of Ni embedded ZnO nanorod. Figure 2: FESEM images of (a) ZnO nanorods (b) Ni embedded ZnO nanorodsand (c) Ni embedded ZnO nanorods at high magnification. Figure 3: EDX spectrum of Ni embedded ZnO nanorods. Figure 4(a) shows the TEM image of Ni embedded ZnO nanorods. Very fine Ni particles with size below 9 nm were deposited uniformly onto the surface of ZnO nanorods. The HRTEM image of Ni embedded ZnO nanorod is shown in Figure 4 (b). The d spacing of 0.26 nm and 0.20 nm are corresponded to the (002) planes in the ZnO crystal lattice and (111) plane planes of face-centered cubic (fcc) Ni[19]. The optical band gap of ZnO nanorods and Ni embedded ZnO nanorods were investigated using UV-Vis absorption spectra [20]. The band gap energy was calculated by extrapolation of the linear portion of the plot with respect to hv at α = 0 as shown in Figure 5. The optical band gap for both ZnO nanorods and Ni embedded ZnO nanorods is 3.09 eV, indicating that the small amount of Ni loading was not sufficient to cause red shift of the absorption edge of Ni embedded ZnO nanorods [21, 22]. Figure 5: Optical band gap energy of (a) ZnO nanorods and (b) Ni embedded ZnO nanorods. 3.2 Photocatalytic Study The effectiveness of Ni embedded ZnO nanorods to degrade RhB solution using UV light with different wavelengths was studied. Figure 6 shows the degradation of RhB solution over a period of time using Ni embedded ZnO nanorods as photocatalyst. The RhB solution decolorized gradually when exposed to UV radiation for 0 min, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 60 min and 75 min. Figure 6 (a) shows the absorption spectra of photocatalytically degraded RhB aqueous solutions in the presence of Ni embedded ZnO nanorods under 352 nm of UV light. The absorbance peak of RhB significantly decreased to 0.5354 a.u. after 45 min of UV irritation, then continued down to 0.4030 a.u. upon prolonging the irritation time to 75 min. Figure 6 (b) shows the absorption spectra of photocatalytically degraded RhB aqueous solutions in the presence of Ni embedded ZnO nanorods under 254 nm of UV light. The absorbance peak of RhB significantly decreased to 0.1512 a.u. after 45 min of UV irritation, and then down to 0.0200 a.u. upon prolonging the irritation time to 75 min. It could be clearly observed that the degradation of RhB solution was faster when using UV light with 254 nm than UV light with 352 nm wavelength. As shown in Figure 7 (a), Ni embedded ZnO nanorods achieved a higher photodegradation efficiency when using UV light with wavelength of 254 nm (98%) as compared to 352 nm (58%) after 75 min irradiation. By plotting the data as ln (Co/C) of the time-dependent normalized dye concentrations (which is the ratio between the initial concentration and the concentration upon reaction) in Figure 7 (b), linear plots are obtained. This indicates that the decomposition of RhB followed first order kinetic regardless the optical excitation wavelength. The rate constants, which determined from the slopes of Figure 7 (b), is increased almost four times, i.e. from 0.012 to 0.048 min─1 when the UV wavelength was changed from 352 nm to 254 nm. This result indicates that a smaller wavelength of excitation source (254 nm) supplied more energetic photons which could pro- Figure 6: Absorbance spectra of degraded RhB solution by Niembedded ZnO nanorods under UV irradiationof (a) 352 nm and (b) 254 nm. Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 11 duce more electron hole pairs that were needed to form free radicals for more effective degradation of RhB dyes. constant was increased from 0.012 min−1 to 0.048 min−1 by changing UV excitation source from 352 nm to 254 nm. The more energetic photons from the 254 nm UV source generated more charge carriers that were needed for the formation of free radicals. As a result, the RhB dye degraded faster when 254 nm excitation source was used in this study. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank AUN/SEED-Net under Collaborative Research Program (CR) (304/PBAHAN/6050277/A119) and USM Research University Grant (RU) (1001/ PBAHAN/ 814200) for providing the research funding to conduct this project. Figure 7: (a) Photodegradation efficiency (b) pseudo first-order kinetic of time evolution and (c) degradation rate constant of Ni embedded ZnO nanorods under different UV excitation sources (254 nm and 352 nm). 4.0 Conclusions Ni embedded ZnO nanorods were successfully synthesized via two step solution precipitation, followed by reduction in H2 atmosphere at 500oC for 2 hours. The Ni particles (<9 nm) were deposited uniformly onto the surface of ZnO nanorods, without changing the morphology and hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure of ZnO. The EDX analysis shows the present of Ni beside Zn and O elements. The photocatalytic activity in removal of RhB dye by Ni embedded ZnO nanorods was greatly enhanced when using a smaller UV excitation source. It is noted that the photodegradation efficiency after 75 min was improved from 58% to 98%, and rate Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 5.0 References 1. Bhatkhande, D.S., V.G. Pangarkar, and A.A. 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Maldonado, C., et al., Photocatalytic degradation of trichloroethylene over silver nanoparticles supported on TiO2. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 2010. 55(3): p. 404-407. 12 Article 2 EVALUATION OF EMULSIFIED ACRYLATE POLYMER AND IT’S POUR POINT DEPRESSANT PERFORMANCE A. Admiral, K. Z. Zakaria, M. R. H. Rosdi, M. A. A. Razali, A. Ariffin School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Abstract A traditional pour point depressant (PPD) of acrylate polymer is in solid form at room temperature. The costing for preheating is a prerequisite to be considered for its utilization in a crude oil industry. The PPD was improvised as an emulsion system in order to increase its flow ability. Evaluation of the emulsion system has been elucidated and its pour point depressant performance has also been studied. The emulsified product could flow as low as -20oC. The viscosity of emulsified product is much lower than traditional PPD, which is about 16 CP. The particle size of the sample becomes increased by freeze thawed activities, but does not affect the stability of the emulsion. The zeta potential is about -43 MV showing that the emulsion is in the stable range. The pour point performance of emulsified product is better compared to traditional PPD. The increasing trends of performance by increasing the injection showing that the polymer content is the most influenced factor that increased pour point performance of emulsified product. Keywords: Emulsified PPD, emulsion evaluation, PPD performance 1.0 Introduction A traditional pour point depressant of acrylate polymer (Trade name: PD90) has higher polymer-solvent interaction and low glass transition temperature. It will cause the PD90 to solidify at room temperature. To resolve this problem, emulsion technique was used to create emulsified PD90 to form fine droplets in a mixture. The emulsion has two different phases in which the water-based will form a continuous phase to act as a carrier for the oil polymer-based hence give a better flow ability to PD90[1]. However, the knowledge on the emulsion state of the acrylate polymer after being emulsified is still scarce in the literature. Hence, the present study aims to investigate emul- Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 sion behavior such as freezing point, viscosity at room temperature, particle size and zeta potential of the emulsified products and to evaluate its performance as pour point depressants towards synthetic crude oil/paraffin wax solution after being emulsified. 2.0 Methodology PD90, emulsifier (MWV) and Solvesso 150 were supplied by ACME Chemicals (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Xylene and ethylene glycol were purchased from Merck Sdn. Bhd. PD90 consist of 40 to 60 wt. % of acrylic polymer in xylene. Emulsified PD90 was prepared by mixing all chemical at 50 oC and stirred at 500 rpm for 1 hour. The mixture was sonicated at 70 Hz until the mixture reach 60oC. The thermal properties were determined by using Mettler Toledo DSC1-Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), United States system 3.0 Results and Discussion Flow ability of emulsified PD90 Solvent based PD90 has a low melting point of around 45oC which will make it solidify at room temperature. To utilize this chemical additive in crude oil’s well, preheating is required to make sure that this material is pump able. The introduction of an emulsion system to PD90 would produce a flow able material at room temperature so that the preheating cost would be discarded. Figure 1 shows the DSC curve for the solvent based PD90 and emulsified PD90. From the figure, it shows that the emulsified PD90 has the melting point of -20oC while solvent based PD90 is 45oC. This is due to the emulsion state that allowing the water-based to act as a medium without forming any direct interaction between the polymer. In the system, polymer would be encapsulating Figure 1: DSC curve for PPD before and after emulsified apparatus with nitrogen as purge gas. Starting from -60oC, each sample below 10 mg was first heated until reaching 120 oC , held isothermally and then cooled to -60oC at a pre-defined rate of 5oC /minute. Viscosity of PD90 after emulsified were measured by using Brookfield viscometer. Viscometer was loaded with samples and sheared by using spindle set no 04. Particle size and zeta potential were measured on a Malvern Instruments Nano ZS Zetasizer, using a flow through cell with a Malvern Instruments MPT-2 Multi Purpose Titrator. Freeze thawed test was conducted by freezing the samples in chiller at temperature -10oC for 20 hours. Then the samples were taken out and heated in water bath at 50oC for about 4 hours. Samples are then being cooled down at ambient temperature before observations had been made. The cycles has been made until week 4 which equally to 4 cycles. The pour point performance testing has been made according to ASTM-D97 method. The method involves periodically tilting a tube containing sample of crude oil at decreasing temperatures, to find the temperature where there is no movement of the crude. by emulsifier to present as small droplet or particle inside the water-based. Unlikely, the polymer in solvent based PD90 had directly coiled with the solvent so that solution tends to solidified at low temperature. Viscosity of emulsified PD90 The viscosity is the most important parameter that would be considered for achieving a good flowability of pour point depressant. After being emulsified, the emulsion viscosity is only 16 cP at room temperature as shown in Table 1. The resulted value of emulsified product is sufficiently low and suitable for application as the traditional PPD with the range of <300 cP [2]. Low viscosity would reduce the cost for pumping during appliTable 1: The viscosity of pour point depressants at room temperature Type of PPD Viscosity at room temperature, cP Solvent based PD90 Solidified Emulsified PD90 16 Traditional PPD <300 13 cation. The viscosity of the solvent based PD90 was not able to be measured as it solidify at room temperature. Particle size and zeta potential of emulsified PD90 Particle size is the most important parameter that indicates the stability of an emulsion [3]. As an emulsion system is being introduced for this PD90, it has a tendency to break and the solution becomes separated at elevated temperature. In considering that factor, freeze thaw test has been conducted for emulsified product. Figure 2 below shows the trend of particle size for the sample after being freeze-thawed for 4 cycles within 20 days. The particle size increases by the number of freeze-thaw cycles applied to the samples. However, this trend would not affect the stability of the emulsion as there is no separation observed during the test as shown in Figure 3 below. In order to confirm the stability of the emulsion, zeta potential of emulsified PD90 is also determined. The zeta potential value of emulsified PD90 is about -43 mV. For such a situation the colloid will be more stable, the further away it is formulated from the isoelectric point. The value is in the range (±40 to ±60 mV) for good stability of emulsion [4]. The electrostatic repulsion of the particles become main contributor that will lead to a stable dispersion. The stable emulsion would make improve storage capability. Applied test, ASTM D97 A pour point depressant performance test was conducted to study the emulsified PD90 response or performance towards synthetic crude oil after being emulsified. From Figure 3, emulsified PD90 showing excellent pour point reduction as compared to solvent based PD90 conducted at 50oC. This is due to ability of emulsified PD90 to flow at low temperature as compared to solvent based PD90. The flow ability of emulsified PD90 provides higher energy so that it could efficiently propagate in order to inhibit the crystallization growth of paraffin wax. Furthermore, micron size of polymer producing from emulsified product could provide higher surface area so that the interaction between polymer and paraffin wax would be higher. Increase of additive dosage could also increase the pour point reduction of paraffin wax. This is attributed to high active content of the polymer which efficiently inhibits the formation of crystallization growth of wax. Figure 3: Emulsified PD90 before (left) and after (right) being freeze thawed for 20 days sure that it would be able to use in an extreme condition as well as could Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 5.0 References 1. Chen, G., & Tao, D. (2005). An experimental study of stability of oil–water emulsion. Fuel Processing Technology, 86(5), 499–508 2. Li, Y. & Zhang, J. (2005). Prediction of viscosity variation for waxy crude oils beneficiated by pour point depressants during pipelining. Petroleum Science and Technology, 23(7-8), 915-930 3. Kokal, S. &Al-Juraid, J. (1999). Quantification of various factors affecting emulsion stability: watercut, temperature, shear, asphaltene content, demulsifier dosage and mixing different crudes. Presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, 3-6 October 1999. SPE-56641-MS 4. Hunter, R. J. (2013). Zeta potential in colloid science: principles and applications (Vol. 2). Academic press. Article 3 EDGAR EXPERIMENTAL MINE: THE REAL LIFE MINING ENGINEERING STUDENT’S EXPERIENCE Figure 3:Pour point depressant performance for solvent based PD90 and emulsified PD90. Figure 2: Particle size trends by number of cycles towards synthetic crude oil after being emulsified has been successfully evaluated. The performance as pour point depressant for emulsified PD90 is better than solvent based PD90. The performance also increased as the active content of polymer increased. 4.0 Conclusion Emulsion behavior such as freezing point, viscosity at room temperature, particle size and zeta potential of the emulsified products has been studied. Emulsified PD90 could flow at room temperature while solvent based PD90 become solidified. Emulsified PD90 could flow at colder temperature as the freezing point of the solvent is around -20oC. It would ensure that emulsified PD90 could be stored in a cold environment as well. The viscosity of emulsified PD90 at room temperature was much lower than traditional PPD results of an ease handling and storage. The particle size trends have been evaluated after the emulsified PD90 undergo freeze thawed testing. The trend shows the increment but do not affect the stability of emulsion. The zeta potential data had confirmed the stability of the emulsion. The good stability of emulsified PD90 would allow them to store at any condition without any separation. The performance as pour point depressants Teuku Andika Rama Putra, School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia 1.0 Introduction The mountains above Idaho Springs and the nearby communities of Black Hawk, Central City and Georgetown show the abandoned mine openings and remnants of a romantic past: the "Rush to the Rockies" and feverish mining for silver and gold. The Edgar mine, the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) Experimental Mine, is a contemporary to that era. In the 1870s, it produced high-grade silver, gold, lead and copper. Today, as an underground laboratory for future engineers, it produces valuable experience for those who are being trained to find, develop, and process the world's natural resources.The Edgar mine is located in Idaho Springs, approximately 40 miles west of Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. It can be reached by Interstate 70 or U.S. 6. The CSM Mining Engineering Department is proud of the Edgar Experimental Mine and the purposes it serves: educational 14 tours for the public and school groups; cooperation with industry, state, and federal organizations in research; and training of the manpower needed to maintain the nation's leadership in the field of mineral engineering. Industry is highly supportive of the research and educational programs at the mine. In fact, most of the equipment used at the mine is donated by individual businesses and corporations. 2.0 An Underground Classroom The Edgar Experimental Mine (Figure 1) provides CSM students in Mining Engineering and other disciplines with a unique environment for research and practical training in mining techniques and systems. In this underground laboratory, CSM students gain hands-on experience in underground mine surveying, geological mapping, rock fragmentation and blasting practice, mine ventilation field studies, rock mechanics instrumentation practice, underground mine unit operations, and mine safety. Through a course in the practical use of mining equipment, students can apply classroom exercises to real situations in a realistic mining environment. other disciplines have the opportunity to interact with the mine through projects in both EPICS and Senior Design. Examples in recent years includes: Documentation and Design of a Mine Water Distribution Network for the Edgar Experimental Mine, Design of a Power Distribution Network of the Edgar Experimental Mine Army Adit, Modifications to the Surface Drainage Network for the Edgar Experimental Mine, Design of a Compressor Installation for the Edgar Experimental Mine Army Adit. 3.0 Research Research is carried out on a continuing basis at the Edgar Experimental Mine. Numerous academic, government, and industry groups, including the CSM Mining Engineering Department, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the U.S. Army, MainNet, Vital Alert and others participate in cooperative research ventures at the facility. Studies include tunnel detection, blasting, rock mechanics, communications and development of new mining equipment and methods. The Mining Engineering Department – Mine Safety and Health Program (Figure 2) operates a full function mine rescue training facility for use by the mining industry. Mine rescue training can be developed and tailored to the specific needs of any mining operation. Special training can be conducted for mine operators to address the individual needs of virtually any mine. The rescue training includes: • Incident Command for Mine/Underground emergencies • Comprehensive Mine and Underground Search and Rescue • Computer rescue simulation training • General Heavy Lifting and Rescue using air bags • Confined space rescue training • Rope rescue training • Mine firefighting Figure 2. Mine safety, health and rescue training program at Edgar Mine Figure 1. A. Edgar Mine tunnel gate, B. Tunnel with railroad, C. Training class conducted inside Edgar Mine, D. Jet drilling activity in the Edgar Mine. The course runs the full cycle of underground mining operations, and includes hands-on experience with drilling, blasting, and mucking (loading blasted rock) using both rail mounted and rubber-tired mining equipment. By the completion of the course students have earned safety credentials in underground mining from an MSHA certified mine safety training instructor. Although the Edgar Experimental Mine is managed and operated by the Mining Engineering Department, students from Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 4.0 Industrial Outreach Programs The CSM Mining Engineering Department conducts a comprehensive industrial outreach program, including mine rescue training, for the mining industry. Collaborators include the Colorado Division of Minerals and Geology (CDMG) and the Western Mining Resource Center (WMRC). 5.0 Edgar Mine Rescue Training Program Courses can be conducted either on-site at the Edgar Mine or at mine sites anywhere within the United States. The Mining Engineering Department (MSHP) collaborates with the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety to conduct Mine Emergency Response Development exercises, mine rescue contests, and other training. bersambung ke m/s 9... Mutiara kata: Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. katanya, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w pernah bersabda: "Orang Mukmin yang paling sempurna imannya ialah mereka yang paling baik akhlaknya... "(Riwayat Al-Bukhari & Muslim) 15 FOTO AKTIVITI STAF DAN PELAJAR PPKBSM (JAN - JUN 2015) Majlis bacaan Yaasin, tahlil dan doa selamat Hari keluarga Kelab Pelajar Ijazah Tinggi Kejohanan Bowling Piala Prof. Dr. Hazizan Md. Akil Lawatan pelajar Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) Nanomaterials short course Buletin Enjinier, Jun 2015 Ceramah industri bersama pelajar tahun tiga kejuruteraan bahan 16