Warnings and Errors
Warnings and Errors
Warning Message Inverter LED Flashing Warning Message - Creole Inverter continues to operate. OutBack Power Systems Meaning Solution 68 Hz OutBack V DC V AC Power Systems STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 AC In acin freq too high DOWN YES STATUS INV acin freq too high DOWN PORT YES STATUS ON Delco OFF COM STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 DOWN YES UP TOP INV PORT acin freq too low DOWN YES Delco UP TOP PORT OFF COM AC Source is under 54 Hz (lower limit and will be dropped if frequency gets much lower UP YES TOP INV acin voltage too high DOWN PORT UP YES Delco TOP PORT A DC OFF COM UP YES TOP OFF Delco AC source’s voltage is over 140 VAC (default limit ) and risks loss of Check and Adjust generator voltage FX connection V DC V AC STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 INV acin voltage too low DOWN PORT UP YES Delco TOP PORT A AC ON A DC OFF COM Power Systems acin current exceeds max DOWN UP TOP YES INV acin current exceeds max DOWN PORT UP TOP OFF Delco Check and Adjust generator voltage FX Inverter STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 ON + AC source’s voltage is over 108 VAC (default limit ) and risks loss of FX connection OutBack AC In ON + 110 V STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 DOWN Check and Adjust generator frequency A AC ON Power Systems acin voltage too low OFF Delco V DC V AC STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 OutBack AC In ON 142 V STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 DOWN Check and Adjust generator frequency A AC A DC Hz + Hz ON Power Systems AC In OFF Delco V DC V AC STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 OutBack acin voltage too high ON 50 Hz Power Systems acin freq too low A AC A DC Hz + Hz PORT AC source is above 66 Hz (upper limit) and will be disconnected if frequency gets much higher OutBack AC In (c) 2011 Carol Weis and Laura Walters FX Inverter ERROR STATUS INVERTER AC IN www.poweringhealth.org LOW BATTERY FULL OK FX Warning Messages on the Mate ON YES OutBack Power Systems OFF PORT AC loads are drawing more current than the rating of the FX allows Reduce loads OutBack FX Inverter Power Systems STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 AC In temperature sensor fail DOWN UP YES TOP STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 INV PORT temperature sensor fail DOWN UP YES TOP PORT OutBack STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 internal comm error detected DOWN UP TOP Power Systems YES STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 INV PORT internal comm error detected DOWN UP TOP YES OutBack Power Systems OutBack Power Systems AC In internal fan failure detected DOWN UP TOP YES STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 PORT INV internal fan failure detected DOWN UP TOP Power Systems FX Inverter OutBack Power Systems PORT There is an internal communication problem STATUS/FX/WARN ----P00 OutBack YES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # * 0 An internal FX temperature sensor Inverter circuit board needs replacement. is malfunctioning Contact Outback distributor FX Inverter Power Systems AC In OutBack FX Inverter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # * 0 Inverter circuit board needs replacement. Contact Outback distributor FX Inverter OutBack Power Systems PORT The FX’s internal cooling fan is not operating properly Replace fan in inverter FX Error Messages on the Mate (c) 2011 Carol Weis and Laura Walters ERROR FX Inverter AC IN STATUS INVERTER LOW BATTERY FULL OK www.poweringhealth.org Inverter stops working OutBack AC In Reboot inverter Error Message - Creole Press: 1st 2nd ON INV OK 3rd Solution FX Inverter STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 STATUS OFF SRCH Meaning Power Systems DOWN INVERTER CONTROL Currently: ON AC In SUM STATUS SETUP ADV OutBack low ac output voltage INV Power Systems Error Message AC In MAIN--------------------1:30:04p YES INV low ac output voltage DOWN PORT ON YES OutBack Power Systems OFF STATUS PORT Inverter could not supply enough AC voltage to meet demand Reduce loads OutBack Power Systems Power Systems STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 AC In stacking error detected DOWN UP YES INV AC In OutBack STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 INV TOP PORT stacking error detected DOWN UP YES OutBack Power Systems HUB OutBack Power Systems TOP PORT Communication problem among stacked FXs 1. Reprogram Mate 2. Check Hub and cables for problems OutBack Power Systems STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 AC In inverter overtemp DOWN YES UP TOP INV inverter overtemp DOWN PORT UP FX Inverter YES TOP ON OutBack Power Systems PORT OFF 1. Reduce loads 2. Improve air circulation around inverter FX has reached its maximum allowed operating temperature ON FX Inverter OutBack Power Systems STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 AC In low battery voltage DOWN UP YES TOP INV INV low battery voltage DOWN PORT UP YES TOP OFF OutBack Power Systems 1. Reduce loads 2. Charge batteries with generator PORT _ Battery voltage is below the LOW BATTERY CUT-OUT VOLTAGE setpoint. OutBack STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 AC In DOWN UP YES TOP INV high battery voltage DOWN PORT UP V DC V AC YES TOP A DC COM PORT + OutBack Power Systems OutBack STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 DOWN YES UP TOP Check charge controller from PV or other sources FX Inverter Power Systems AC In INV AC In A AC Battery voltage rose above the safe high battery voltage level for 10 seconds ac output shorted OFF Delco V Power Systems high battery voltage + ON STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 INV PORT ac output shorted DOWN UP ON YES OutBack Power Systems OFF TOP PORT Inverter reached its maximum current and shutdown 1. Reduce loads 2. Check wiring for a short circuit OutBack Power Systems STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 STATUS/FX/ERROR ----P00 AC In ac output backfeed DOWN UP YES TOP PORT INV ac output backfeed DOWN UP YES ON Delco OFF AC Out FX Inverter FX Inverter AC Out OutBack Power Systems TOP PORT AC In OutBack Power Systems AC In Usually indicates another AC power source was connected to the FX’s AC output ON Delco OFF Check wiring