Technical Report PDF
Technical Report PDF
Public Health Information and Research Branch (PHIRB) Northern Ireland Drug Prevalence Survey 2010/2011 Technical Report November 2011 2 Contents 1. 1.1. 1.2. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 6. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. A. B. C. D. E. F. Introduction……………………………………………………….... 5 Background Research Objectives 5 6 Questionnaire Design…………………………........................... 7 Questionnaire Development Questionnaire Testing 7 7 Survey Design.……………………………………………………... 8 Target Population Selection of sample Administration of Questionnaire 8 8 9 Fieldwork….………………………………………......................... 11 Fieldwork Period Response Rate Non-response and ineligibles Representativeness of the achieved sample 11 11 11 12 Weighting..…………………………………………….................... 14 Weighting Calculation of NI and HSCT Weights 14 14 Statistical Methods...………………………………………........... 17 Design Effects and Confidence Intervals Statistical Reliability and Sampling Tolerances Statistical Significance: Comparisons between 2002/03, 2006/07 and2010/11 17 17 17 Appendices………………………………………………….……… 18 Questionnaire Show cards Interviewer Instructions Advance Letter to Households Parental Permission Form Design Effects and Confidence Intervals: Julia Sevtsenko. 19 73 142 159 163 162 3 4 1. Introduction This report provides details of the methodology used in the third Drug Prevalence Survey in Northern Ireland. A separate report is available for the concurrent survey that was carried out in Ireland. 1.1 Background The Drug Prevalence Survey 2010/11 in Northern Ireland and Ireland was jointly commissioned by the Public Health Information and Research Branch (PHIRB) within the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) in Northern Ireland and the National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD) in Ireland. The Central Survey Unit (CSU) of the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) conducted the survey in Northern Ireland on behalf of PHIRB. This was the third time this survey had been carried out in both Northern Ireland and Ireland. The previous surveys were conducted in 2002/03 and 2006/07. The extent and pattern of drug use in the general population is one of the five key indicators produced by the EMCDDA, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (, and adopted by EU Member States. The survey was carried out in accordance with EMCDDA guidelines “Handbook for Surveys on Drug Use Among the General Population.” Consequently, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 15-64 year olds using a pre-prepared questionnaire on drug use. Research Advisory Group A Research Advisory Group (RAG) was formed to ensure the survey was carried out to the EMCDDA standard. Membership of the RAG comprised of the following representatives, mainly from PHIRB and the NACD: Mr Kieron Moore (PHIRB) Ms Moira McKee (PHIRB, until February 2011) Ms Caroline Hickey (PHIRB) Dr Des Corrigan (NASD) Ms Susan Scally, (NACD, until December 2010) Dr Justine Horgan (NACD) Ms Joan O‟Flynn (NACD) Ms Deirdre Mongan (HRB) Dr Jean Long (HRB) Ms Marion Rackard (HSE) Ms Dairearca Ní Néill (Drugs Policy Unit, Department of Health) 5 1.2 Research Objectives The key objective of the research was to provide robust estimates of the prevalence of drug use (licit and illicit) in the population of Northern Ireland (and Ireland) and allow comparison between the results of the first and second surveys carried out in 2002/03 and 2006/07. The findings of the 2010/11 survey will also contribute towards one of the EMCDDA‟s five key indicators on drug use. The questionnaire and methodology used in the survey were based on the guidelines produced by the EMCDDA and the main focus was to obtain prevalence rates for key illegal drugs, such as cannabis, ecstasy, LSD etc, on a lifetime (ever used), last year (recent use) and last month (current use) basis. Similar prevalence rates would also be calculated for alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (e.g. tranquillisers). The collection of demographic information (e.g. age, gender) would allow analysis of the findings by different subgroups. In order to meet the objectives of the research in Northern Ireland, 2,500 interviews were required to be completed with respondents across the five Health and Social Care Trust (HSCT) areas: Belfast (BHSCT), South Eastern (SEHSCT), Northern (NHSCT), Southern (SHSCT) and Western (WHSCT). 6 2. Questionnaire Design 2.1 Questionnaire Development The questionnaire used in the 2010/11 survey was broadly similar to those used in 2002/03 and 2006/07 which were based on the EMCDDA model questionnaire. Some modifications were required as appropriate to the Northern Ireland context, but it was essential that it remained comparable with the questionnaire used in the survey in Ireland. 2.2 Questionnaire Testing As the 2010/11 questionnaire was based on the EMCDDA model and only relatively minor revisions had been made to the questionnaire used in 2006/07, it was decided that it was not necessary to conduct a pilot study in Northern Ireland. However, extensive in-house testing of the questionnaire was carried out by CSU. This ensured that any inconsistencies, routing problems, issues with question wording, instructions etc were identified and corrected in advance of the fieldwork. (The Final Questionnaire, Show cards & Interviewer Instructions used in the Northern Ireland survey are provided in Appendices A, B & C) 7 3. Survey Design 3.1 Target Population As in 2002/03 and 2006/07, the population for the 2010/11 survey was defined as all adults, aged 15 to 64 years (inclusive), living in private households in Northern Ireland and Ireland. Household surveys do not include people living in institutions such as prisons (unless they live in private households in such institutions) or those who are homeless. This report relates to the Northern Ireland survey only. 3.2 Selection of Sample Sampling Frame The POINTER list of domestic addresses was used as the sampling frame as it is the most comprehensive and up-to-date listing of private households in Northern Ireland and is available to the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) for research purposes. Sample Size & Design (a) Households The sample size was determined by the need to be able to provide robust data which could be analysed by age, gender and Health and Social Care Trust (HSCT) area. Budget and timing restrictions were also factors in deciding the sample size and design. The POINTER list of addresses was therefore stratified by HSCT area and a disproportionate random sample of private households was selected in each stratum – the „over-sampling‟ in relation to population proportions in some strata would allow prevalence estimates to be produced for people living in the smaller HSCT areas, where sample size might be too small for meaningful analysis under a proportionate stratification. CSU recommended an achieved sample of 2,500 individuals, evenly distributed across the five HSCT areas in Northern Ireland. In order to achieve 500 interviews, 1100 addresses were randomly selected from each HSCT: this allowed for 88% of addresses to be eligible (e.g. occupied, residential etc), 80% of eligible households to contain an eligible adult (aged 15-64) and a 65% completion rate. Advance letters were then sent to all selected households asking for participation in the survey (See Appendix D for Advance Letter to Households). Sampled addresses 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 5,500 Health & Social Care Trust (HSCT) Belfast Northern South Eastern Southern Western Northern Ireland 8 (b) Individuals The POINTER list of addresses contains no information about the number of people living at an address. Further selection stages were therefore required to convert the listing of addresses to a listing of individuals. CSU Interviewers were instructed to call at each address issued in their assignments. Once contact was made at an address, the first stage was to identify the number of households resident at the address and, where necessary, select one using the following selection table. Household Selection Table Number of 1 2 3 households Household 1 1 2 selected 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 4 2 7 6 8 6 6 The next stage involved the collection of demographic details about each member at the selected household. A computerised random selection procedure based on the Kish grid technique was then run to choose one respondent eligible to take part in the survey (i.e. aged 15 to 64 years and living at the address). Only the selected respondent was allowed to complete the interview and could not be replaced with any other members of the household. 3.3 Administration of Questionnaire The interview Interviewers were required to try to persuade selected respondents to take part in the survey. Once co-operation was achieved, information was collected using Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), which is CSU‟s standard method of data collection for household surveys. CAPI is also the preferred method under EMCDDA guidelines. In this mode of interviewing, questionnaires were administered by CSU interviewers in a face-to-face setting in the privacy of the respondents‟ own home. Respondents were asked questions on their use of all drug types including tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, some prescribed drugs and „legal highs‟. In addition, respondents were asked about their attitudes and opinions to drug use and where they had confirmed use of drugs, they were asked if they had ever tried to stop and what influenced this decision. The length of the interview was approximately 25 minutes. However, this obviously varied depending on the extent of the respondent‟s awareness and use of drugs. At the outset, the survey did not make specific provision for interviews to be conducted in languages other than English, although translation and interpreter services were available as necessary. During the course of the fieldwork period, CSU interviewers encountered several households where these services were required. The advance letter to households and an appointment card were translated into the following languages: Polish, Czech, Russian, Portuguese and Slovakian. However, only a small number of interviews were conducted in Polish, Portuguese and Slovakian with the aid of an interpreter? (Copies of the English version of the advance letter to households and appointment card are provided in Appendix E). 9 Age As in the 2002/03 and 2006/07 surveys, two sections of the population were deliberately excluded from participating in the survey because of their age. The first of these were those under 15 years of age, who were excluded in accordance with EMCDDA guidelines: 15-year-olds are included in the survey as first use of illicit drugs has often started by this age. When interviewing anyone under the age of 16, it is a requirement to obtain full written consent of a parent or guardian: therefore, as this survey included those aged 15, such consent was sought and obtained (See Appendix G for Parental Permission Form). It should be noted that the parent or guardian also had the right to sit in on the interview, if they so wished. As this had the potential to influence the responses given by the respondent, interviewers were instructed to explain the importance of conducting the interview in private. The table below shows the proportion of 15-year-old respondents, who completed the interview in the presence of a parent or guardian. 15-year-old respondents Parent / guardian present Parent / guardian not present Total 68% 32% 100% The second age group which was excluded were people aged 65 and over. The EMCDDA suggests that responses from respondents in this age group may be less reliable due to potential difficulties in being able to recall activities. There is also an expectation that lifetime drug prevalence rates are not likely to be very high1 among this age group. 1 EMCDDA Handbook for Surveys on Drug Use among the General Population (2002) page 79 10 4. Fieldwork 4.1 Fieldwork Period The survey fieldwork was conducted in two phases: from 25th October 2010 to 17th December 2010 and from 10th January 2011 to 30th April 2011, across all HSCT areas. This was to allow a spread of interviews before and after Christmas 2010. There were no differences in the questionnaires used or in sampling and interviewing techniques used during either period. 4.2 Response Rate A target response rate of 65% was set for the Northern Ireland Survey which would result in a total of approximately 2,500 achieved interviews evenly distributed across the five Health and Social Care Trusts. The final response rate was 67%, with a total of 2,535 completed interviews. Details of the overall response rate for Northern Ireland, along with rates for Health and Social Care Trusts, are shown below. Health & Social Care Trusts Belfast Northern SouthEastern Southern Western Total 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 5,500 Ineligible addresses/persons 337 336 351 348 323 1,695 Eligible sample* 763 764 749 752 777 3,805 Non-contact 60 43 49 41 53 246 Refusal 213 178 185 155 164 895 28 26 20 18 37 129 462 517 495 538 523 2,535 61% 68% 66% 72% 67% 67% Gross sample Other nonresponse Completed Interviews Response rate *Eligible sample = Gross sample – (Ineligible addresses/persons) 4.3 Non-response and ineligibles CSU interviewers encountered three different circumstances where they were unable to complete an interview at a selected address: non-contacts, refusals and ineligibles. Non-contacts are where the interviewer cannot make contact with anyone at the selected address after 4 calls (in person) are made at different times of the day and on different days of the week. Refusals are where the interviewer makes contact at the address but all information about the members of household the household is refused or where the selected respondent declines to take part in the interview. In 11 any survey, non-contacts and refusals constitute non-response. In the Drug Prevalence Survey, ineligibles refer to both addresses and persons: i.e. where the property was vacant, derelict, demolished, non-residential (e.g. business premises) or where no-one in the selected household was in the specified age range to participate in the survey. The table overleaf shows the distribution of non-response and ineligible addresses/persons across the five HSCT areas. Health & Social Care Trusts Belfast Northern SouthEastern Southern Western Total Gross sample 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Ineligible addresses/persons 31% 31% 32% 32% 29% 31% Eligible sample* 69% 69% 68% 68% 71% 69% 27% 22% 23% 19% 23% 23% 42% 47% 45% 49% 48% 46% Non-contact / Refusal / nonresponse Completed Interviews Non-response accounted for nearly one quarter (23%) of all addresses in the gross sample. There was some variation in the extent of non-response across the HSCTs, with the highest proportion (27%) found in Belfast HSCT and the lowest proportion in the Southern Trust. Ineligible addresses accounted for three in ten addresses from the gross sample. There was little variation in the proportion of ineligible addresses across the HSCTs. 4.4 Representativeness of the achieved sample In any survey there is a possibility of non-response bias. Non-response bias arises if the characteristics of non-respondents differ from those of respondents in such a way that they are reflected in the responses given in the survey. Accurate estimates of non-response bias can be obtained by comparing characteristics of the achieved sample with the distribution of the same characteristics in the population at the time of sampling. The following table compares the characteristics of the achieved sample for the survey with the characteristics of the Northern Ireland population (based on the 2009 mid-year population estimates) for those aged 15 – 64 years with regard to gender, age and HSCT. 12 Population % Population Achieved Sample % Achieved sample 1,177,207 100% 2,535 100% Male 585,965 50% 1,163 46% Female 591,242 50% 1,372 54% 15-24 257,631 22% 346 14% 25-34 239,439 20% 509 20% 35-44 254,721 22% 608 24% 45-54 236,085 20% 546 22% 55-64 189,331 16% 524 21% - - 2 < 0.5% 222,571 19% 462 18% 298,885 25% 495 20% 225,526 19% 517 20% 232,588 20% 538 21% 197,637 17% 523 21% Northern Ireland Gender Age 55-64 2 Unknown Belfast Northern Health & South Social Eastern Care Trust Southern Western 2 Two respondents refused to disclose their age. 13 5. Weighting 5.1 Weighting A survey collects information from only part (a sample) of the total population being studied, in this case 15-64 year olds who live in Northern Ireland. The results are then used to draw conclusions about the whole population but it is important to note that the results achieved are only estimators of population values. It is common practice, when a survey sample is not fully representative (because there are too many respondents from one group and not enough from another), to weight the results. The main purpose of this weighting is to reduce bias in population estimates by up-weighting population sub-groups that are under-represented and down-weighting those that are over-represented in the sample. This process ensures that the results more accurately represent the target population. A less desirable byproduct of weighting however is that it can, when the variance of the weights is large, result in standard errors that are larger than they would be for unweighted estimates. In this survey, the sample proportions were weighted back to those found in the general population with regard to age, gender and HSCT area (based on the 2009 mid-year population estimates) for those aged 15 – 64 years. The net effect of stratification and weighting is that the standard errors of the complex sample design used in Northern Ireland are larger than those of a simple random sample. The difference in the precision of estimates produced by a complex design relative to a simple random sample is known as the design effect and this is also incorporated in calculations for survey. (See Appendix H for Technical Details on Design Effects and Confidence Intervals) 5.2 Calculation of NI and HSCT Weights The achieved sample for the survey was subdivided into cells according to the respondent‟s age group, gender and HSCT area (e.g. 15-24 year old males in the Belfast HSCT area). Weights for each cell were then calculated by firstly establishing the proportion of the overall achieved sample in each cell (the response ratio) and the proportion of the overall population represented by the cell (the population ratio). The weights for each cell could then be calculated by dividing the population ratio by the response ratio. The weights used for reporting the findings of the survey for Northern Ireland and each HSCT area are found in the tables overleaf. 14 HSCT Belfast Gender Age Population % Population s Achieved sample Male 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 27,956 23,601 21,033 20,247 15,617 27,818 23,593 22,728 23,192 16,786 32,051 28,835 33,276 30,221 24,769 30,457 29,046 33,928 30,897 25,405 23,356 21,582 24,132 23,098 19,747 21,780 21,859 25,302 24,062 20,608 26,715 24,913 25,325 22,852 17,484 24,875 24,819 25,245 22,512 17,848 21,739 20,644 21,677 19,533 15,562 20,884 20,547 22,075 19,471 15,505 2.374773511 2.004830077 1.786686624 1.719918417 1.326614606 2.363050848 2.004150502 1.930671496 1.970086824 1.425917447 2.722630769 2.449441772 2.826690633 2.567178075 2.104047971 2.587225526 2.467365553 2.882075965 2.62460213 2.158074153 1.984018104 1.833322432 2.049936842 1.962101822 1.677445003 1.850141904 1.856852703 2.14932463 2.043990564 1.750584222 2.269354498 2.116280314 2.151278407 1.941204903 1.485210333 2.113052335 2.108295313 2.144482661 1.912322981 1.516130978 1.846659084 1.753642308 1.84139238 1.659266382 1.32194253 1.774029546 1.745402465 1.875201218 1.653999679 1.317100561 30 51 40 47 25 38 68 62 61 39 29 43 61 62 50 33 56 69 35 56 28 45 59 50 60 36 36 70 64 69 38 52 52 57 46 43 62 69 58 61 34 45 54 53 50 37 51 72 59 68 All 1,177,207 100% 2,533 Female Male Northern Female Male South Eastern Female Male Southern Female Male Western N Ireland Female All 3 % Achieved sample 1.184366364 2.013422819 1.579155152 1.855507304 0.98697197 1.500197394 2.684563758 2.447690486 2.408211607 1.539676273 1.144887485 1.697591788 2.408211607 2.447690486 1.97394394 1.302803 2.210817213 2.724042637 1.381760758 2.210817213 1.105408606 1.776549546 2.329253849 1.97394394 2.368732728 1.421239637 1.421239637 2.763521516 2.526648243 2.724042637 1.500197394 2.052901698 2.052901698 2.250296092 1.816028425 1.697591788 2.447690486 2.724042637 2.28977497 2.408211607 1.342281879 1.776549546 2.131859455 2.092380576 1.97394394 1.460718516 2.013422819 2.842479274 2.329253849 2.684563758 2.00510043 0.99573227 1.1314193 0.92692624 1.34412592 1.57515995 0.74654606 0.78877273 0.81807048 0.9261151 2.37807715 1.44289209 1.1737717 1.04881646 1.0659107 1.98589159 1.11604231 1.05801426 1.89946206 0.97614318 1.79482781 1.03195683 0.88008305 0.99400078 0.70816137 1.3017804 1.30650219 0.77774847 0.80897314 0.642642 1.51270393 1.0308727 1.04792081 0.86264421 0.8178343 1.24473525 0.86134065 0.78724269 0.83515761 0.62956717 1.37576102 0.98710577 0.86374943 0.7930041 0.66969609 1.21449104 0.86688322 0.65970621 0.71009851 0.49061996 100% - Two respondents refused to disclose their ages and thus cannot be included in the weight calculations. They have each been given a weight of 1. 15 3 Weight HSCT Belfast Gender Age Population % Population Male 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 All 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 All 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 All 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 All 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 All 27,956 23,601 21,033 20,247 15,617 27,818 23,593 22,728 23,192 16,786 222,571 32,051 28,835 33,276 30,221 24,769 30,457 29,046 33,928 30,897 25,405 298,885 23,356 21,582 24,132 23,098 19,747 21,780 21,859 25,302 24,062 20,608 225,526 26715 24913 25325 22852 17484 24875 24819 25245 22512 17848 232588 21739 20644 21677 19533 15562 20884 20547 22075 19471 15505 197637 12.56048632 10.60380732 9.450018196 9.096872459 7.016637388 12.49848363 10.60021297 10.21157294 10.42004574 7.541863046 100 10.72352243 9.647523295 11.13337906 10.1112468 8.287133847 10.19020694 9.718119009 11.35152316 10.33742075 8.49992472 100 10.35623387 9.569628336 10.70031837 10.24183464 8.755974921 9.657423091 9.692452311 11.21910556 10.66927982 9.137749084 100 11.4859752 10.71121468 10.88835194 9.825098457 7.517154797 10.69487678 10.67079987 10.85395635 9.678917227 7.673654703 100 10.9994586 10.44541255 10.96808796 9.883270845 7.874031684 10.5668473 10.39633267 11.16946726 9.851900201 7.845190931 100 Female All Male Northern Female All Male South Eastern Female All Male Southern Female All Male Western Female All 16 Achieved sample % Achieved sample 30 51 40 47 25 38 68 62 61 39 6.507592191 11.06290672 8.676789588 10.19522777 5.422993492 8.242950108 14.7505423 13.44902386 13.23210412 8.459869848 461 100 29 43 61 62 50 33 56 69 35 56 494 28 45 59 50 60 36 36 70 64 69 517 38 52 52 57 46 43 62 69 58 61 5.870445344 8.704453441 12.34817814 12.55060729 10.12145749 6.680161943 11.33603239 13.96761134 7.085020243 11.33603239 100 5.415860735 8.704061896 11.41199226 9.671179884 11.60541586 6.963249516 6.963249516 13.53965184 12.37911025 13.34622824 100 7.063197026 9.665427509 9.665427509 10.59479554 8.550185874 7.992565056 11.52416357 12.82527881 10.78066914 11.33828996 34 45 54 53 50 37 51 72 59 68 523 6.500956023 8.604206501 10.3250478 10.13384321 9.560229446 7.07456979 9.751434034 13.7667304 11.28107075 13.00191205 100 Weight 1.930128064 0.958501015 1.089114597 0.892267703 1.293867934 1.516263409 0.718632085 0.759279859 0.787482145 0.891486888 10.8370237 1.826696579 1.108343374 0.901621189 0.805638052 0.818768824 1.525443099 0.857276927 0.812703252 1.4590531 0.749814788 10.86535918 1.912204611 1.099443967 0.937638067 1.059005702 0.754473172 1.386913261 1.391943846 0.828611082 0.86187776 0.684669026 10.91678049 1.626172278 1.10819875 1.126525643 0.927351398 0.879180278 1.338103188 0.925950053 0.846293988 0.897803012 0.676791185 10.35236977 1.691975544 1.213989059 1.06227963 0.975273708 0.823623714 1.493638145 1.066133723 0.811337691 0.873312509 0.603387479 10.6149512 6. Statistical methods 6.1 Design Effects and Confidence Intervals Background information and a detailed description of the methodology used to incorporate survey design effects into the calculation of confidence intervals around the prevalence rates can be found in Appendix H (Author: J Sevtsenko). 6.2 Statistical Reliability and Sampling Tolerances Assuming no design effect, the following table shows statistical reliability at the 95% confidence level, for each of the achieved sample sizes within the five HSCT areas in Northern Ireland Range of Error (+/-) for a range of Confidence Levels by sample sizes (Assuming a simple random sample) HSCT Belfast Northern South Eastern Southern Western Northern Ireland Sample size 5% or 95% 10% or 90% 20% or 80% 30% or 70% 50% 462 517 495 538 523 2,535 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.9 0.8 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.6 1.2 3.6 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.4 1.6 4.2 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.9 1.8 4.6 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.3 1.9 For example, with a total sample size of 2,535 and 10% of respondents gave a particular answer, we can be 95% certain that the population value would fall within the range of +/- 0.8 percentage points of the sample result. 6.3 Statistical Significance: Comparisons between 2002/03, 2006/07 and 2010/11 Statistical tests have been carried out to test for significant differences between the 2002/03, 2006/07 and 2010/11 drug prevalence rates. These tests are used to establish the degree of confidence with which it can be inferred that the observed changes in drug prevalence rates between the surveys are not due to sampling error. Only results that are statistically significant at least at the 5% level are reported which means that the likelihood that sampling error accounts for the observed changes is less than 5%. 17 Appendices A. Questionnaire B. Showcards C. Interviewer Instructions D. Advance Letter to Households E. Advance Letter to Households (Polish version) F. Appointment Card (Polish version) G. Parental Permission Form H. Design Effects and Confidence Intervals: Julia Sevtsenko 18 A. Questionnaire Drug Prevalence Survey 2010/11 Northern Ireland Questionnaire 19 TOBACCO QUESTIONS Ask all Introtob First of all I'm going to ask a few questions about tobacco : (Continue "Press <1> to continue") Ask all Q1 "Do you smoke tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars or a pipe?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q1 = no (Does not smoke) Q2 "Have you ever smoked tobacco products in the past?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q1 = yes (Smokes) OR (Q1 = no (does not smoke) AND Q2 = yes (Smoked in the past)) Q3 "At what age did you smoke tobacco products for the first time?" : 0..64 Ask if Q1 = yes (Smokes) OR Q2 = yes (Smoked in the past) Q4 "During the last 12 months have you smoked tobacco products?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if (Q1 = yes (Smokes) OR Q2 = yes (Smoked in the past)) AND Q4 = yes (has smoked in past 12 months) Q5 "During the last 30 days have you smoked tobacco products?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if (Q1 = yes (Smokes) OR Q2 = yes (Smoked in the past)) AND Q4 = yes (has smoked in past 12 months) AND Q5 = yes (has smoked in past 30 days) Q6 "During the last 30 days on how many days have you smoked?" : 1..30 Ask if (Q1 = yes (Smokes) OR Q2 = yes (Smoked in the past)) AND Q4 = yes (has smoked in past 12 months) AND Q5 = yes (has smoked in past 30 days) Q7 "What type of tobacco product do you most commonly use? READ OUT - CODE ONE ONLY" : (brand "Branded cigarettes", rollies "Hand rolled cigarettes", cigars "Cigars", pipe "Pipe") 20 Ask if (Q1 = yes (Smokes) OR Q2 = yes (Smoked in the past)) AND Q4 = yes (has smoked in past 12 months) AND Q5 = yes (has smoked in past 30 days) AND Q7 = brand OR rollies (Smokes cigarettes) Q8 "During the last 30 days how many cigarettes have you smoked on an average day? READ OUT" : (perwk "Less than 1 cigarette per week", perday "Less than 1 cigarette per day", five "1-5 cigarettes per day", ten "6-10 cigarettes per day", twenty "11-20 cigarettes per day", more "More than 20 cigarettes per day") ALCOHOL QUESTIONS Ask all Introalc "Now I'm going to ask a few questions about alcohol" : (Continue "Press <1> to continue") Ask all Q9 "Do you drink alcohol?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q9 = no (Does not drink) Q10 "Have you ever drunk alcohol?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q9 = yes (Drinks) OR Q10 = yes (Has drunk alcohol before) Q11 "At what age did you first drink alcohol?" : 0..64 Ask if Q9 = yes (Drinks) OR Q10 = yes (Has drunk alcohol before) Q12 "During the last 12 months, have you drunk any alcohol?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if (Q9 = yes (Drinks) OR Q10 = yes (Has drunk alcohol before)) AND Q12 = yes (Has drunk alcohol in the past 12 months) Q13 "During the last 30 days, have you drunk any alcohol?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if (Q9 = yes (Drinks) OR Q10 = yes (Has drunk alcohol before)) AND (Q12 = yes (Has drunk alcohol in the past 12 months) AND Q13= yes (Has drunk alcohol in the past 30 days)) Q14 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you drunk alcohol?" :1..30 21 MEDICINE QUESTIONS SEDATIVES OR TRANQUILISERS Ask all Intromed "Now I'm going to ask a few questions about drugs that are sometimes used as medicines" : (Continue "Press <1> to continue") Ask all Q16 "SHOWCARD 16 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q16 = yes (Has heard of sedatives or tranquilisers) Q17 "SHOWCARD 16 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for sedatives or tranquilisers. Do you personally know people who take sedatives or tranquillisers?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q16 = yes (Has heard of sedatives or tranquilisers) Q18 "Have you ever taken sedatives or tranquillisers?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q16 = yes (Has heard of sedatives or tranquilisers) AND Q18 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers) Q19 "At what age did you first take sedatives or tranquillisers?" : 0..64 Ask if Q16 = yes (Has heard of sedatives or tranquilisers) AND Q18 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers) Q20 "During the last 12 months have you taken sedatives or tranquillisers?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q16 = yes (Has heard of sedatives or tranquilisers) AND Q18 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers) AND Q20 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers in the past 12 months) Q21 "During the last 30 days have you taken sedatives or tranquillisers?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") 22 Ask if Q16 = yes (Has heard of sedatives or tranquilisers) AND Q18 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers) AND Q20 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers in the past 12 months) AND Q21 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers in the past 30 days) Q22 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken sedatives or tranquillisers?" :1..30 Ask if Q16 = yes (Has heard of sedatives or tranquillisers) AND Q18 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers) AND Q20 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers in the past 12 months) AND Q21 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers in the past 30 days) Q23 "SHOWCARD 23 What method do you most commonly use to take sedatives or tranquillisers? Just call me out the number from the card CODE ONE ONLY" : (oral "Oral (Tablets or syrup)", needle "Injection with a needle", other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q16 = yes (Has heard of sedatives or tranquilisers) AND Q18 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers) AND Q20 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers in the past 12 months) AND Q21 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers in the past 30 days) AND Q23 = Other (Uses another method to take sedatives or tranquillisers) Spec23 "What is the other method that you most commonly use to take sedatives or tranquillisers?" : STRING [255] Ask if Q16 = yes (Has heard of sedatives or tranquilisers) AND Q18 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers) AND Q20 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers in the past 12 months) AND Q21 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers in the past 30 days) Q24 "SHOWCARD 24 On the last occasion you took sedatives or tranquillisers how had you obtained them? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" (pre "I got them on a prescription", know "I got them from someone I know", chem "I bought them without a prescription in a chemist", innet "I bought them over the internet", other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q16 = yes (Has heard of sedatives or tranquilisers) AND Q18 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers) AND Q20 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers in the past 12 months) AND Q21 = yes (Has taken sedatives or tranquillisers in the past 30 days) AND Q24 = Other (Obtained sedatives or tranquillisers another way) Spec24 "What was the other way you had obtained the sedatives or tranquillisers?" : STRING [255] 23 ANTI-DEPRESSANTS Ask all Q25 "SHOWCARD 25 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask IF Q25 = yes (Has heard of anti-depressants) Q26 "SHOWCARD 25 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for anti-depressants. Do you personally know people who take anti-depressants?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask IF Q25 = yes (Has heard of anti-depressants) Q27 "Have you ever taken anti-depressants?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask IF Q25 = yes (Has heard of anti-depressants) AND Q27 = yes (Has taken antidepressants) Q28 "At what age did you first take anti-depressants?" : 0..64 Ask IF Q25 = yes (Has heard of anti-depressants) AND Q27 = yes (Has taken antidepressants) Q29 "During the last 12 months have you taken anti-depressants?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask IF (Q25 = yes (Has heard of anti-depressants) AND Q27 = yes (Has taken antidepressants)) AND Q29 = yes (Has taken anti-depressants in the past 12 months) Q30 "During the last 30 days have you taken anti-depressants?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask IF (Q25 = yes (Has heard of anti-depressants) AND Q27 = yes (Has taken antidepressants)) AND Q29 = yes (Has taken anti-depressants in the past 12 months) AND Q30 = yes (Has taken anti-depressants in the past 30 days) Q31 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken anti-depressants?" : 0..30 Ask IF (Q25 = yes (Has heard of anti-depressants) AND Q27 = yes (Has taken antidepressants)) AND Q29 = yes (Has taken anti-depressants in the past 12 months) AND Q30 = yes (Has taken anti-depressants in the past 30 days) Q32 "SHOWCARD 32 What method do you most commonly use to take anti-depressants? Just call me out the number from the card CODE ONE ONLY" : (tab "Oral (tablets or syrup)", needle "Injection with a needle", other "Other (Please specify)") 24 Ask IF (Q25 = yes (Has heard of anti-depressants) AND Q27 = yes (Has taken antidepressants)) AND Q29 = yes (Has taken anti-depressants in the past 12 months) AND Q30 = yes (Has taken anti-depressants in the past 30 days) AND Q32 = Other (Uses another method to take anti-depressants) Spec32 "What is the other method that you most commonly use to take antidepressants?" : STRING [255] Ask IF (Q25 = yes (Has heard of anti-depressants) AND Q27 = yes (Has taken antidepressants)) AND Q29 = yes (Has taken anti-depressants in the past 12 months) AND Q30 = yes (Has taken anti-depressants in the past 30 days) Q33 “SHOWCARD 33 On the last occasion you took anti-depressants how had you obtained them? Just call me out the number from the card CODE ONE ONLY" : (pre "I got them on a prescription", know "I got them from someone I know", chem "I bought them without a prescription in a chemist", innet "I bought them over the internet", other "Other (Please specify)") Ask IF (Q25 = yes (Has heard of anti-depressants) AND Q27 = yes (Has taken antidepressants)) AND Q29 = yes (Has taken anti-depressants in the past 12 months) AND Q30 = yes (Has taken anti-depressants in the past 30 days) AND Q33 = Other (Obtained antidepressants by another method) Spec33 "What was the other way you had obtained the anti-depressants?" : STRING [255] 25 ILLEGAL DRUGS QUESTIONS CANNABIS QUESTIONS Ask all Introdru "Now I'm going to ask a few questions about other drugs" : (Continue "Press <1> to continue") Ask all Q34 "SHOWCARD 34 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q34 = yes (has heard of cannabis) Q35 "SHOWCARD 34 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for cannabis. Do you personally know people who take cannabis?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q34 = yes (has heard of cannabis) Q36 "Have you ever taken cannabis?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q34 = yes (has heard of cannabis) AND Q36 = yes (has taken cannabis) Q37 "At what age did you first take cannabis?" : 0..64 Ask if Q34 = yes (has heard of cannabis) Q38 “SHOWCARD 38 How many times have you been offered cannabis either free of charge or to buy in the last 12 months? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (non "None", once "Once or twice", three "3 to 5 times", six "6 to 9 times", ten "10 to 19 times", twenty "20 times or more") Ask if Q34 = yes (has heard of cannabis) AND Q36 = yes (has taken cannabis) Q39 "During the last 12 months have you taken cannabis?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q34 = yes (has heard of cannabis) AND Q36 = yes (has taken cannabis) AND Q39 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 12 months) Q40 "During the last 30 days have you taken cannabis?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") 26 Ask if Q34 = yes (has heard of cannabis) AND Q36 = yes (has taken cannabis) AND Q39 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 12 months) AND Q40 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 30 days) Q41 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken cannabis?" :1..30 Ask if Q34 = yes (has heard of cannabis) AND Q36 = yes (has taken cannabis) AND Q39 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 12 months) AND Q40 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 30 days) Q42 "SHOWCARD 42 What type of cannabis do you most commonly use? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (Grass, Weed, Skunk, Hash Oil, Herb, Hash, Resin, Other (Please specify)) Ask if Q34 = yes (has heard of cannabis) AND Q36 = yes (has taken cannabis) AND Q39 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 12 months) AND Q40 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 30 days) AND (Q42 = grass OR weed OR herb) (most commonly uses another type of cannabis) Spec42 "What is the other type of cannabis that you most commonly use?" : STRING [255] Ask if Q34 = yes (has heard of cannabis) AND Q36 = yes (has taken cannabis) AND Q39 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 12 months) AND Q40 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 30 days) AND (Q42 = grass OR weed OR herb OR skunk (most commonly uses grass, weed, herb or skunk)) Q43 "Is it grown in Northern Ireland? CODE ONE ONLY" : Yndk Ask if Q34 = yes (has heard of cannabis) AND Q36 = yes (has taken cannabis) AND Q39 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 12 months) AND Q40 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 30 days) Q44 "SHOWCARD 44 What method do you most commonly use to take cannabis? Just call me out the number from the card CODE ONE ONLY" : (Joint, Pipe, Bong, Eat, Other (Please specify)) Ask if Q34 = yes (has heard of cannabis) AND Q36 = yes (has taken cannabis) AND Q39 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 12 months) AND Q40 = yes (has taken cannabis in the last 30 days) AND Q44 = Other (Uses another method to take cannabis) Spec44 "What is the other method that you most commonly use to take cannabis?" : STRING [255] 27 ECSTASY QUESTIONS Ask all Q45 "SHOWCARD 45 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q45 = yes (Has heard of ecstasy) Q46 "SHOWCARD 45 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for ecstasy. Do you personally know people who take ecstasy?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q45 = yes (Has heard of ecstasy) Q47 "Have you ever taken ecstasy?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q45 = yes (Has heard of ecstasy) AND Q47 = yes (Has taken ecstasy) Q48 "At what age did you first take ecstasy?" : 0..64 Ask if Q45 = yes (Has heard of ecstasy) Q49 "SHOWCARD 49 How many times have you been offered ecstasy either free of charge or to buy in the last 12 months? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (non "None", once "Once or twice", three "3 to 5 times", six "6 to 9 times", ten "10 to 19 times", twenty "20 times or more") Ask if Q45 = yes (Has heard of ecstasy) AND Q47 = yes (Has taken ecstasy) Q50 "During the last 12 months have you taken ecstasy?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q45 = yes (Has heard of ecstasy) AND Q47 = yes (Has taken ecstasy) AND Q50 = yes (Has taken ecstasy in the past 12 months) Q51 "During the last 30 days have you taken ecstasy?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q45 = yes (Has heard of ecstasy) AND Q47 = yes (Has taken ecstasy) AND Q50 = yes (Has taken ecstasy in the past 12 months) AND Q51 = yes (Has taken ecstasy in the past 30 days) Q52 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken ecstasy?" :1..30 28 AMPHETAMINES QUESTIONS Ask all Q53 "SHOWCARD 53 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q53 = yes (Has heard of amphetamines) Q54 "SHOWCARD 53 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for amphetamines. Do you personally know people who take amphetamines?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q53 = yes (Has heard of amphetamines) Q55 "Have you ever taken amphetamines?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q53 = yes (Has heard of amphetamines) AND Q55 = yes (Has taken amphetamines) Q56 "At what age did you first take amphetamines?" : 0..64 Ask if Q53 = yes (Has heard of amphetamines) Q57 "SHOWCARD 57 How many times have you been offered amphetamines either free of charge or to buy in the last 12 months? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (non "None", once "Once or twice", three "3 to 5 times", six "6 to 9 times", ten "10 to 19 times", twenty "20 times or more") Ask if Q53 = yes (Has heard of amphetamines) And Q55 = yes (Has taken amphetamines) Q58 "During the last 12 months have you taken amphetamines?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q53 = yes (Has heard of amphetamines) And Q55 = yes (Has taken amphetamines) AND Q58 = yes (Has taken amphetamines during the last 12 months) Q59 "During the last 30 days have you taken amphetamines?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q53 = yes (Has heard of amphetamines) And Q55 = yes (Has taken amphetamines) AND Q58 = yes (Has taken amphetamines during the last 12 months) AND Q59 = yes (Has taken amphetamines in the last 30 days) Q60 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken amphetamines?" :1..30 29 CRACK QUESTIONS Ask all Q62 "SHOWCARD 62 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q62 = yes (Has heard of crack) Q63 "SHOWCARD 62 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for crack. Do you personally know people who take crack?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q62 = yes (Has heard of crack) Q64 "Have you ever taken crack?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q62 = yes (Has heard of crack) AND Q64 = yes (Has taken crack) Q65 "At what age did you first take crack?" : 0..64 Ask if Q62 = yes (Has heard of crack) Q66 "SHOWCARD 66 How many times have you been offered crack either free of charge or to buy in the last 12 months? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" :(non "None", once "Once or twice", three "3 to 5 times", six "6 to 9 times", ten "10 to 19 times", twenty "20 times or more") Ask if Q62 = yes (Has heard of crack) AND Q64 = yes (Has taken crack) Q67 "During the last 12 months have you taken crack?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q62 = yes (Has heard of crack) AND Q64 = yes (Has taken crack) AND Q67 = yes (Has taken crack in the past 12 months) Q68 "During the last 30 days have you taken crack?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q62 = yes (Has heard of crack) AND Q64 = yes (Has taken crack) AND Q67 = yes (Has taken crack in the past 12 months) AND Q68 = yes (Has taken crack in the past 30 days) Q69 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken crack?" :1..30 30 COCAINE QUESTIONS Ask all Q70 "SHOWCARD70 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q70 = yes (Has heard of cocaine) Q71 "SHOWCARD 70 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for cocaine. Do you personally know people who take cocaine?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q70 = yes (Has heard of cocaine) Q72 "Have you ever taken cocaine?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q70 = yes (Has heard of cocaine) AND Q72 = yes (Has taken cocaine) Q73 "At what age did you first take cocaine?" : 0..64 Ask if Q70 = yes (Has heard of cocaine) Q74 "SHOWCARD 74 How many times have you been offered cocaine either free of charge or to buy in the last 12 months? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" :(non "None", once "Once or twice", three "3 to 5 times", six "6 to 9 times", ten "10 to 19 times", twenty "20 times or more") Ask if Q70 = yes (Has heard of cocaine) AND Q72 = yes (Has taken cocaine) Q75 "During the last 12 months have you taken cocaine?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q70 = yes (Has heard of cocaine) AND Q72 = yes (Has taken cocaine) AND Q75 = yes (Has taken cocaine during the last 12 months) Q76 "During the last 30 days have you taken cocaine?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q70 = yes (Has heard of cocaine) AND Q72 = yes (Has taken cocaine) AND Q75 = yes (Has taken cocaine during the last 12 months) AND Q76 = yes (Has taken cocaine in the last 30 days) Q77 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken cocaine?" :1..30 31 Ask if Q70 = yes (Has heard of cocaine) AND Q72 = yes (Has taken cocaine) AND Q75 = yes (Has taken cocaine during the last 12 months) AND Q76 = yes (Has taken cocaine in the last 30 days) Q78 "SHOWCARD 78 What method do you most commonly use to take cocaine? Just call me out the number from the card CODE ONE ONLY" : (snort "Doing a line / snort", inject "Injection with a needle", smoke "Smoke", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q70 = yes (Has heard of cocaine) AND Q72 = yes (Has taken cocaine) AND Q75 = yes (Has taken cocaine during the last 12 months) AND Q76 = yes (Has taken cocaine in the last 30 days) AND Q78 = yes (Uses another method to take cocaine) Spec78 "What is the other method that you most commonly use to take cocaine?" : STRING [255] 32 HEROIN QUESTIONS Ask all Q79 "SHOWCARD 79 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask If Q79 = yes (Has heard of heroin) Q80 "SHOWCARD 79 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for heroin. Do you personally know people who take heroin?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask If Q79 = yes (Has heard of heroin) Q81 "Have you ever taken heroin?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask If Q79 = yes (Has heard of heroin) And Q81 = yes (Has taken heroin) Q82 "At what age did you first take heroin?" : 0..64 Ask If Q79 = yes (Has heard of heroin) Q83 "SHOWCARD 83 How many times have you been offered heroin either free of charge or to buy in the last 12 months? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : ( non "None", once "Once or twice", Three "3 to 5 times", Six "6 to 9 times", ten "10 to 19 times", twenty "20 times or more") Ask If Q79 = yes (Has heard of heroin) And Q81 = yes (Has taken heroin) Q84 "During the last 12 months have you taken heroin?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask If Q79 = yes (Has heard of heroin) And Q81 = yes (Has taken heroin) AND Q84 = yes (Has taken heroin during the last 12 months) Q85 "During the last 30 days have you taken heroin?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask If Q79 = yes (Has heard of heroin) And Q81 = yes (Has taken heroin) AND Q84 = yes (Has taken heroin during the last 12 months) AND Q85 = yes (Has taken heroin during the last 30 days) Q86 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken heroin?" : 1..30 33 Ask If Q79 = yes (Has heard of heroin) And Q81 = yes (Has taken heroin) AND Q84 = yes (Has taken heroin during the last 12 months) AND Q85 = yes (Has taken heroin during the last 30 days) Q87 "SHOWCARD 87 What method do you most commonly use to take heroin? Just call me out the number from the card CODE ONE ONLY" :(Smoke "Smoke", inject "Injection with a needle", dragon "Chasing the dragon", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask If Q79 = yes (Has heard of heroin) And Q81 = yes (Has taken heroin) AND Q84 = yes (Has taken heroin during the last 12 months) AND Q85 = yes (Has taken heroin during the last 30 days) AND Q87 = Other (Uses another method to take heroin) Spec87 "What is the other method that you most commonly use to take heroin?" : STRING [255] 34 LSD QUESTIONS Ask all Q88 "SHOWCARD 88 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q88 = yes (Has heard of LSD) Q89 "SHOWCARD 88 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for LSD. Do you personally know people who take LSD?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q88 = yes (Has heard of LSD) Q90 "Have you ever taken LSD?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q88 = yes (Has heard of LSD) AND Q90 = yes (Has taken LSD) Q91 "At what age did you first take LSD?" : 0..64 Ask if Q88 = yes (Has heard of LSD) Q92 "SHOWCARD 92 How many times have you been offered LSD either free of charge or to buy in the last 12 months? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" :( non "None", once "Once or twice", Three "3 to 5 times", Six "6 to 9 times", ten "10 to 19 times", twenty "20 times or more") Ask if Q88 = yes (Has heard of LSD) AND Q90 = yes (Has taken LSD) Q93 "During the last 12 months have you taken LSD?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q88 = yes (Has heard of LSD) AND Q90 = yes (Has taken LSD) AND Q93 = yes (Has taken LSD in the past 12 months) Q94 "During the last 30 days have you taken LSD?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q88 = yes (Has heard of LSD) AND Q90 = yes (Has taken LSD) AND Q93 = yes (Has taken LSD in the past 12 months) AND Q94 = yes (Has taken LSD in the past 30 days) Q95 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken LSD?" :1..30 35 SOLVENTS QUESTIONS Ask all Q96 "SHOWCARD 96 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q96 = yes (Has heard of solvents) Q97 "SHOWCARD 96 All of the things listed on this card are solvents. Do you personally know people who take solvents?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q96 = yes (Has heard of solvents) Q98 "Have you ever taken solvents?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q96 = yes (Has heard of solvents) AND Q98 = yes (Has taken solvents) Q99 "At what age did you first take solvents?" : 0..64 Ask if Q96 = yes (Has heard of solvents) Q100 "SHOWCARD 100 How many times have you been offered solvents either free of charge or to buy in the last 12 months? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" :( non "None", once "Once or twice", Three "3 to 5 times", Six "6 to 9 times", ten "10 to 19 times", twenty "20 times or more") Ask if Q96 = yes (Has heard of solvents) AND Q98 = yes (Has taken solvents) Q101 "During the last 12 months have you taken solvents?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q96 = yes (Has heard of solvents) AND Q98 = yes (Has taken solvents) AND Q101 = yes (Has taken solvents in the last 12 months) Q102 "During the last 30 days have you taken solvents?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q96 = yes (Has heard of solvents) AND Q98 = yes (Has taken solvents) AND Q101 = yes (Has taken solvents in the last 12 months) AND Q102 = yes (Has taken solvents in the past 30 days) Q103 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken solvents?" : 1..30 36 POPPERS QUESTIONS Ask all Q104 "SHOWCARD 104 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask Q104 = yes (Has heard of poppers) Q105 "SHOWCARD 104 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for poppers. Do you personally know people who take poppers?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask Q104 = yes (Has heard of poppers) Q106 "Have you ever taken poppers?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask Q104 = yes (Has heard of poppers) AND Q106 = yes (Has taken poppers) Q107 "At what age did you first take poppers?" : 0..64 Ask Q104 = yes (Has heard of poppers) Q108 "SHOWCARD 108 How many times have you been offered poppers either free of charge or to buy in the last 12 months? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : ( non "None", once "Once or twice", Three "3 to 5 times", Six "6 to 9 times", ten "10 to 19 times", twenty "20 times or more") Ask Q104 = yes (Has heard of poppers) AND Q106 = yes (Has taken poppers) Q109 "During the last 12 months have you taken poppers?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask Q104 = yes (Has heard of poppers) AND Q106 = yes (Has taken poppers) AND Q109 = yes (Has taken poppers in the past 12 months) Q110 "During the last 30 days have you taken poppers?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask Q104 = yes (Has heard of poppers) AND Q106 = yes (Has taken poppers) AND Q109 = yes (Has taken poppers in the past 12 months) AND Q110 = yes (Has taken poppers in the past 30 days) Q111 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken poppers?" : 1..30 37 MAGIC MUSHROOMS QUESTIONS Ask all Q112 "SHOWCARD 112 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q112 = yes (Has heard of magic mushrooms) Q113 "SHOWCARD 112 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for magic mushrooms. Do you personally know people who take magic mushrooms?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q112 = yes (Has heard of magic mushrooms) Q114 "Have you ever taken magic mushrooms?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q112 = yes (Has heard of magic mushrooms) AND Q114 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms) Q115 "At what age did you first take magic mushrooms?" : 0..64 Ask if Q112 = yes (Has heard of magic mushrooms) Q116 "SHOWCARD 116 How many times have you been offered magic mushrooms either free of charge or to buy in the last 12 months? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" :( non "None", once "Once or twice", Three "3 to 5 times", Six "6 to 9 times", ten "10 to 19 times", twenty "20 times or more") Ask if Q112 = yes (Has heard of magic mushrooms) AND Q114 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms) Q117 "During the last 12 months have you taken magic mushrooms?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q112 = yes (Has heard of magic mushrooms) AND Q114 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms) AND Q117 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms in the past 12 months) Q118 "During the last 30 days have you taken magic mushrooms?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q112 = yes (Has heard of magic mushrooms) AND Q114 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms) AND Q117 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms in the past 12 months) AND Q118 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms in the past 30 days) Q119 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken magic mushrooms?" :1..30 38 Ask if Q112 = yes (Has heard of magic mushrooms) AND Q114 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms) AND Q117 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms in the past 12 months) AND Q118 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms in the past 30 days) Q120 "SHOWCARD 120 On the last occasion you took magic mushrooms how had you obtained them? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (Pick "I picked them myself", someone "I got them from someone I know", inter "I bought them off the Internet", shop "I bought them in a shop/market", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q112 = yes (Has heard of magic mushrooms) AND Q114 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms) AND Q117 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms in the past 12 months) AND Q118 = yes (Has taken magic mushrooms in the past 30 days) AND Q120 = other (Obtained the magic mushrooms in another way) spec120 "What is the other way you obtained them?" : STRING [255] 39 METHADONE QUESTIONS Ask all Q121 "SHOWCARD 121 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q121 = yes (Has heard of methadone) Q122 "SHOWCARD 121 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for methadone. Do you personally know people who take methadone?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q121 = yes (Has heard of methadone) Q123 "Have you ever taken methadone?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q121 = yes (Has heard of methadone) AND Q123 = yes (Has taken methadone) Q124 "At what age did you first take methadone?" : 0..64 Ask if Q121 = yes (Has heard of methadone) AND Q123 = yes (Has taken methadone) Q125 "During the last 12 months have you taken methadone?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q121 = yes (Has heard of methadone) AND Q123 = yes (Has taken methadone) AND Q125 = yes (Has taken methadone in the past 12 months) Q126 "During the last 30 days have you taken methadone?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q121 = yes (Has heard of methadone) AND Q123 = yes (Has taken methadone) AND Q125 = yes (Has taken methadone in the past 12 months) AND Q126 = yes (Has taken methadone in the past 30 days) Q127 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken methadone?" : 1..30 Ask if Q121 = yes (Has heard of methadone) AND Q123 = yes (Has taken methadone) AND Q125 = yes (Has taken methadone in the past 12 months) AND Q126 = yes (Has taken methadone in the past 30 days) Q128 "SHOWCARD 128 On the last occasion you took methadone how had you obtained it? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : ( Prescrip "I got it on a prescription", someone "I got it from someone I know", chem "I bought it without a prescription in a chemist", inter "I bought it over the Internet", Other "Other (Please specify)") 40 Ask if Q121 = yes (Has heard of methadone) AND Q123 = yes (Has taken methadone) AND Q125 = yes (Has taken methadone in the past 12 months) AND Q126 = yes (Has taken methadone in the past 30 days) AND Q128 = other (obtained methadone another way) Spec128 "What is the other way you obtained methadone?" :STRING [255] 41 OTHER OPIATES QUESTIONS Ask all Q138 "SHOWCARD 138 I would now like to ask you about other opiates excluding heroin and methadone which I have previously asked you about. Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q138 = yes (Has heard of other opiates) Q139 "SHOWCARD 138 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for other opiates excluding heroin and methadone. Do you personally know people who take other opiates?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q138 = yes (Has heard of other opiates) Q140 "Have you ever taken other opiates?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q138 = yes (Has heard of other opiates) AND Q140 = yes (Has taken other opiates) Q141 "At what age did you first take other opiates?" : 0..64 Ask if Q138 = yes (Has heard of other opiates) AND Q140 = yes (Has taken other opiates) Q142 "During the last 12 months have you taken other opiates?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q138 = yes (Has heard of other opiates) AND Q140 = yes (Has taken other opiates) AND Q142 = yes (Has taken other opiates in the past 12 months) Q143 "During the last 30 days have you taken other opiates?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q138 = yes (Has heard of other opiates) AND Q140 = yes (Has taken other opiates) AND Q142 = yes (Has taken other opiates in the past 12 months) AND Q143 = yes (Has taken other opiates in the past 30 days) Q144 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken other opiates?" : 1..30 Ask if Q138 = yes (Has heard of other opiates) AND Q140 = yes (Has taken other opiates) AND Q142 = yes (Has taken other opiates in the past 12 months) AND Q143 = yes (Has taken other opiates in the past 30 days) Q145 "SHOWCARD 145 On the last occasion you took other opiates how had you obtained them? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (Prescr "I got them on a prescription", someone "I got them from someone I know", chem "I bought them without a prescription in a chemist", inter "I bought them over the Internet", Other "Other (Please specify)") 42 Ask if Q138 = yes (Has heard of other opiates) AND Q140 = yes (Has taken other opiates) AND Q142 = yes (Has taken other opiates in the past 12 months) AND Q143 = yes (Has taken other opiates in the past 30 days) AND Q145 = other (obtained the other opiates in another way) Spec145 "What is the other way you obtained other opiates?" : STRING [255] 43 ANABOLIC STEROIDS QUESTIONS Ask all Q146 "SHOWCARD 146 Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q146 = yes (Has heard of anabolic steroids) Q147 "SHOWCARD 146 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for anabolic steroids. Do you personally know people who take anabolic steroids?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q146 = yes (Has heard of anabolic steroids) Q148 "Have you ever taken anabolic steroids?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q146 = yes (Has heard of anabolic steroids) AND Q148 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids) Q149 "At what age did you first take anabolic steroids?" : 0..64 Ask if Q146 = yes (Has heard of anabolic steroids) AND Q148 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids) Q150 "During the last 12 months have you taken anabolic steroids?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q146 = yes (Has heard of anabolic steroids) AND Q148 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids) AND Q150 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids in the past 12 months) Q151 "During the last 30 days have you taken anabolic steroids?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q146 = yes (Has heard of anabolic steroids) AND Q148 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids) AND Q150 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids in the past 12 months) AND Q151 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids in the past 30 days) Q152 "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken anabolic steroids?" : 1..30 Ask if Q146 = yes (Has heard of anabolic steroids) AND Q148 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids) AND Q150 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids in the past 12 months) AND Q151 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids in the past 30 days) Q153 "SHOWCARD 153 On the last occasion you took anabolic steroids how had you obtained them? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (Prescr "I got them on a prescription", someone "I got them from someone I know", chem "I bought them without a prescription in a chemist", inter "I bought them over the Internet", Other "Other (Please specify)") 44 Ask if Q146 = yes (Has heard of anabolic steroids) AND Q148 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids) AND Q150 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids in the past 12 months) AND Q151 = yes (Has taken anabolic steroids in the past 30 days) AND Q153 = Other (Obtained anabolic steroids in another way) Spec153 "What is the other way you obtained anabolic steroids?" : STRING [255] 45 MEPHEDRONE QUESTIONS Ask all Q153a "SHOWCARD 153a Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q153a = yes (Has heard of mephedrone) Q153b "SHOWCARD 153a All of the substances listed on this card are names for mephedrone (formerly known as a legal high until 16 April 2010). Do you personally know people who take mephedrone?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q153a = yes (Has heard of mephedrone) Q153c "Have you ever taken mephedrone?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q153a = yes (Has heard of mephedrone) AND Q153c= yes (Has taken mephedrone) Q153d "At what age did you first take mephedrone?" : 0..64 Ask if Q153a = yes (Has heard of mephedrone) AND Q153c = yes (Has taken mephedrone) Q153e "During the last 12 months have you taken mephedrone?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q153a = yes (Has heard of mephedrone) AND Q153c = yes (Has taken mephedrone) AND Q153e = yes (Has taken mephedrone in the past 12 months) Q153f "During the last 30 days have you taken mephedrone?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q153a = yes (Has heard of mephedrone) AND Q153c = yes (Has taken mephedrone) AND Q153e = yes (Has taken mephedrone in the past 12 months) AND Q153f = yes (Has taken mephedrone in the past 30 days) Q153g "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken mephedrone?" : 1..30 Ask if Q153a = yes (Has heard of mephedrone) AND Q153c = yes (Has taken mephedrone) AND Q153e = yes (Has taken mephedrone in the past 12 months) AND Q153f = yes (Has taken mephedrone in the past 30 days) Q153h "SHOWCARD 153h On the last occasion you took mephedrone how had you obtained it? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (someone "I got it from someone I know", inter "I bought it over the Internet", shop "I bought it in a headshop", market "I bought it in a market", Other "Other (Please specify)") 46 Ask if Q153a = yes (Has heard of mephedrone) AND Q153c = yes (Has taken mephedrone) AND Q153e= yes (Has taken mephedrone in the past 12 months) AND Q153f = yes (Has taken mephedrone in the past 30 days) AND Q153h = Other (Obtained mephedrone in another way) Spec153h "What is the other way you obtained mephedrone?" : STRING [255] 47 LEGAL HIGH QUESTIONS Ask all Q153i "SHOWCARD 153i Have you ever heard of any of these?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q153i = yes (Has heard of legal highs) Q153j "SHOWCARD 153i All of the substances listed on this card are names for legal highs (excluding mephedrone which I have previously asked you about). Do you personally know people who take legal highs?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q153i = yes (Has heard of legal highs) Q153k "Have you ever taken legal highs (excluding mephedrone)?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q153i = yes (Has heard of legal highs) AND Q153k = yes (Has taken legal highs) Q153l "SHOWCARD 153i Which of the legal highs listed on this card have you ever taken? Just call me out the number(s) from the card. CODE AS MANY AS APPLY" : (HH “Party pills or Herbal Highs”, PP “Party Powders” KR “Kratom”, SD “Salvia Divinorum”) Ask if Q153i= yes (Has heard of legal highs) AND Q153k= yes (Has taken legal highs) Q153m "At what age did you first take legal highs?" : 0..64 Ask if Q153i = yes (Has heard of legal highs) AND Q153k = yes (Has taken legal highs) Q153n "During the last 12 months have you taken legal highs?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q153i = yes (Has heard of legal highs) AND Q153k = yes (Has taken legal highs) AND Q153n = yes (Has taken legal highs in the past 12 months) Q153o "During the last 30 days have you taken legal highs?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q153i = yes (Has heard of legal highs) AND Q153k = yes (Has taken legal highs) AND Q153n = yes (Has taken legal highs in the past 12 months) AND Q153o = yes (Has taken legal highs in the past 30 days) Q153p "During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken legal highs?" : 1..30 48 Ask if Q153i = yes (Has heard of legal highs) AND Q153k = yes (Has taken legal highs) AND Q153n = yes (Has taken legal highs in the past 12 months) AND Q153o = yes (Has taken legal highs in the past 30 days) Q153q "SHOWCARD 153i On the last occasion you took legal highs, which one of the substances listed on this card did you take? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (HH “Party pills or Herbal Highs”, PP “Party Powders” KR “Kratom”, SD “Salvia Divinorum”) Ask if Q153i = yes (Has heard of legal highs) AND Q153k = yes (Has taken legal highs) AND Q153n = yes (Has taken legal highs in the past 12 months) AND Q153o = yes (Has taken legal highs in the past 30 days) Q153r "SHOWCARD 153r On the last occasion you took [name of legal high], how had you obtained it/them? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (Someone "I got it/them from someone I know", inter "I bought it/them over the Internet", shop "I bought it/them in a headshop", market "I bought it/them in a market", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q153i = yes (Has heard of legal highs) AND Q153k= yes (Has taken legal highs) AND Q153n= yes (Has taken legal highs in the past 12 months) AND Q153o = yes (Has taken other legal highs in the past 30 days) AND Q153r = Other (Obtained legal highs in another way) Spec153r "What is the other way you obtained [name of legal high]?" : STRING [255] 49 OPINION QUESTIONS Ask all introopi "I'd like to ask you for your opinions on different matters relating to drugs." : (Continue "Press <1> to continue") Ask all Q154 "SHOWCARD 154 Do you perceive a drug addict more as a criminal or more as a patient?" : (Crim "More as a criminal", pat "More as a patient", nei "Neither a criminal nor a patient", both "Both a criminal and a patient", dontk "Don't know, cannot decide") Ask if Q34 = Yes (Has heard of Cannabis) Q155a "SHOWCARD 155 To what extent do you agree with the following statements: People should be permitted to take cannabis for medical reasons" : (fa "Fully agree", La "Largely agree", Ne "Neither", Ld "Largely disagree", Fd "Fully disagree") Ask if Q34 = Yes (Has heard of Cannabis) Q155b "SHOWCARD 155 (To what extent do you agree with the following statements:) People should be permitted to take cannabis for recreational reasons" : (fa "Fully agree", La "Largely agree", Ne "Neither", Ld "Largely disagree", Fd "Fully disagree") Ask if Q79 = Yes (Has heard of heroin) Q155c "SHOWCARD 155 (To what extent do you agree with the following statements:) People should be permitted to take heroin" : (fa "Fully agree", La "Largely agree", Ne "Neither", Ld "Largely disagree", Fd "Fully disagree") Ask if Q45 = Yes (Has heard of ecstasy) Q156a "SHOWCARD 156 Individuals differ in whether or not they disapprove of people doing certain things. I will mention a few things, which some people might do. Can you tell me if you would not disapprove, disapprove or strongly disapprove when people do any of these things: Trying ecstasy once or twice?" : (dnd "Do not disapprove", dis "Disapprove", sdis "Strongly disapprove") Ask if Q79 = Yes (Has heard of heroin) Q156b "SHOWCARD 156 (Individuals differ in whether or not they disapprove of people doing certain things. I will mention a few things, which some people might do. Can you tell me if you would not disapprove, disapprove or strongly disapprove when people do any of these things:) Trying heroin once or twice?" : (dnd "Do not disapprove", dis "Disapprove", sdis "Strongly disapprove") 50 Ask all Q156c "SHOWCARD 156 (Individuals differ in whether or not they disapprove of people doing certain things. I will mention a few things, which some people might do. Can you tell me if you would not disapprove, disapprove or strongly disapprove when people do any of these things:) Smoking 10 cigarettes a day?" : (dnd "Do not disapprove", dis "Disapprove", sdis "Strongly disapprove") Ask all Q156d "SHOWCARD 156 (Individuals differ in whether or not they disapprove of people doing certain things. I will mention a few things, which some people might do. Can you tell me if you would not disapprove, disapprove or strongly disapprove when people do any of these things:) Having one or two drinks several times a week?" : (dnd "Do not disapprove", dis "Disapprove", sdis "Strongly disapprove") Ask if Q34 = Yes (Has heard of cannabis) Q156e "SHOWCARD 156 (Individuals differ in whether or not they disapprove of people doing certain things. I will mention a few things, which some people might do. Can you tell me if you would not disapprove, disapprove or strongly disapprove when people do any of these things:) Smoking cannabis occasionally?" : (dnd "Do not disapprove", dis "Disapprove", sdis "Strongly disapprove") Ask all Q157a "SHOWCARD 157 Now I would like to know how much do you think that people risk harming themselves, physically or in other ways, if they do certain things. I will again mention a few things some people might do. Please tell me if you consider it to be no risk, a slight risk, a moderate risk or a great risk, if people do such things: Smoke one or more packs of cigarettes a day?" : (nr "No risk", Sr "Slight risk", Mr "Moderate risk", Gr "Great risk") Ask all Q157b "SHOWCARD 157 (Now I would like to know how much do you think that people risk harming themselves, physically or in other ways, if they do certain things. I will again mention a few things some people might do. Please tell me if you consider it to be no risk, a slight risk, a moderate risk or a great risk, if people do such things:) Have five or more drinks at the weekend?" : (nr "No risk", Sr "Slight risk", Mr "Moderate risk", Gr "Great risk") Ask if Q34 = Yes (Has heard of cannabis) Q157c "SHOWCARD 157 (Now I would like to know how much do you think that people risk harming themselves, physically or in other ways, if they do certain things. I will again mention a few things some people might do. Please tell me if you consider it to be no risk, a slight risk, a moderate risk or a great risk, if people do such things:) 51 Smoke cannabis regularly?" : (nr "No risk", Sr "Slight risk", Mr "Moderate risk", Gr "Great risk") Ask if Q45 = Yes (Has heard of ecstasy) Q157d "SHOWCARD 157 (Now I would like to know how much do you think that people risk harming themselves, physically or in other ways, if they do certain things. I will again mention a few things some people might do. Please tell me if you consider it to be no risk, a slight risk, a moderate risk or a great risk, if people do such things:) Try ecstasy once or twice?" : (nr "No risk", Sr "Slight risk", Mr "Moderate risk", Gr "Great risk") Ask if Q62 = Yes (Has heard of crack) Q157e "SHOWCARD 157 (Now I would like to know how much do you think that people risk harming themselves, physically or in other ways, if they do certain things. I will again mention a few things some people might do. Please tell me if you consider it to be no risk, a slight risk, a moderate risk or a great risk, if people do such things:) Try crack once or twice?" : (nr "No risk", Sr "Slight risk", Mr "Moderate risk", Gr "Great risk") Ask if Q70 = Yes (Has heard of cocaine) Q157f "SHOWCARD 157 (Now I would like to know how much do you think that people risk harming themselves, physically or in other ways, if they do certain things. I will again mention a few things some people might do. Please tell me if you consider it to be no risk, a slight risk, a moderate risk or a great risk, if people do such things:) Try cocaine once or twice?" : (nr "No risk", Sr "Slight risk", Mr "Moderate risk", Gr "Great risk") 52 EXTRA DRUGS QUESTIONS Ask if Q9 = yes (Drinks alcohol) OR Q10 = yes (Has ever drunk alcohol) OR Q36 = yes (Has taken cannabis) OR Q47 = yes (Has taken Ecstasy) OR Q72 = yes (Has taken cocaine) OR Q153c = yes Int158 "I'd like to ask you a few more questions about some of the substances you said earlier that you had used" : (Continue "Press <1> to continue") Ask if Q9 = yes (Drinks alcohol) OR Q10 = yes (Has ever drunk alcohol) Q158 "Earlier in the study you stated that you have drunk alcohol, have you ever drunk alcohol regularly?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if (Q9 = yes (Drinks alcohol) OR Q10 = yes (Has ever drunk alcohol)) AND Q158 = yes (has drunk alcohol regularly) Q159 "Earlier in the study you stated the age when you first drank alcohol, ( age appears on screen), can you tell us at what age you first drank alcohol regularly?" :0..64 Ask if Q36 = yes (Has taken cannabis) Q160 "Earlier in the study you stated that you have taken cannabis, have you ever taken cannabis regularly?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q36 = yes (Has taken cannabis) AND Q160 = yes (Has taken cannabis regularly) Q161 "Earlier in the study you stated the age when you first took cannabis, (age appears on screen), can you tell us at what age did you first take cannabis regularly?" : 0..64 Ask if Q36 = yes (Has taken cannabis) AND Q160 = yes (Has taken cannabis regularly) Q162 "SHOWCARD 162 Have you ever tried to stop taking cannabis" : (ys "Yes - tried to and stopped", yns "Yes - tried to but not stopped", No) Ask if Q36 = yes (Has taken cannabis) AND Q160 = yes (Has taken cannabis regularly) AND (Q162 = ys OR yns (Tried to stop taking cannabis)) Q163 "SHOWCARD 163 What was the main reason for (textfill – if Q162 = ys “stopping”, if Q162 = yns “trying to stop”) taking cannabis? Just call me out the number from the card CODE ONE ONLY" :( Cost "Cost/could not afford it", family "Persuaded by friends/family", impact "Impact on job/friends/family", social "No longer part of social life", health "Concern about health/health reasons", pregnancy "Pregnancy", supply "Less available supply", rehab "Put on rehabilitation programme", 53 nowant "Did not want to take anymore", effects "Did not enjoy after effects", pros "The pros of taking did not outweigh the cons", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q36 = yes (Has taken cannabis) AND Q160 = yes (Has taken cannabis regularly) AND (Q162 = ys OR yns (Tried to stop taking cannabis)) AND Q163 = other (another main reason for stopping/trying to stop taking cannabis) Spec163 "What was the other reason for (textfill – if Q162 = ys “stopping”, if Q162 = yns “trying to stop”) taking cannabis?" : STRING [255] Ask if Q47 = yes (Has taken Ecstasy) Q164 "Earlier in the study you stated that you have taken ecstasy, have you ever taken ecstasy regularly?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q47 = yes (Has taken Ecstasy) AND Q164 = yes (Has taken ecstasy regularly) Q165 "Earlier in the study you stated the age when you first took ecstasy, ( age appears on screen), can you tell us at what age did you first take ecstasy regularly?" : 0..64 Ask if Q47 = yes (Has taken Ecstasy) AND Q164 = yes (Has taken ecstasy regularly) Q166 "SHOWCARD 166 Have you ever tried to stop taking ecstasy?" :(ys "Yes - tried to and stopped", yns "Yes - tried to but not stopped", No) Ask if Q47 = yes (Has taken Ecstasy) AND Q164 = yes (Has taken ecstasy regularly) AND (Q166 = ys OR yns (Has tried to stop taking ecstasy)) Q167 "SHOWCARD 167 What was the main reason for (textfill – if Q166 = ys “stopping”, if Q166 = yns “trying to stop”) taking ecstasy? Just call me out the number from the card CODE ONE ONLY" :( Cost "Cost/could not afford it", family "Persuaded by friends/family", impact "Impact on job/friends/family", social "No longer part of social life", health "Concern about health/health reasons", pregnancy "Pregnancy", supply "Less available supply", rehab "Put on rehabilitation programme", nowant "Did not want to take anymore", effects "Did not enjoy after effects", pros "The pros of taking did not outweigh the cons", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q47 = yes (Has taken Ecstasy) AND Q164 = yes (Has taken ecstasy regularly) AND (Q166 = ys OR yns (Has tried to stop taking ecstasy)) AND Q167 = other (another reason for stopping/trying to stop taking ecstasy) Spec167 "What was the other reason for (textfill – if Q166 = ys “stopping”, if Q166 = yns “trying to stop”) taking ecstasy?" 54 : STRING [255] Ask if Q72 = yes (Has taken cocaine) Q168 "Earlier in the study you stated that you have taken cocaine, have you ever taken cocaine regularly?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q72 = yes (Has taken cocaine) AND Q168 = yes (Has taken cocaine regularly) Q169 "Earlier in the study you stated the age when you first took cocaine, ( age appears on screen), can you tell us at what age did you first take cocaine regularly?" : 0..64 Ask if Q72 = yes (Has taken cocaine) AND Q168 = yes (Has taken cocaine regularly) Q170 "SHOWCARD 170 Have you ever tried to stop taking cocaine?" : (ys "Yes - tried to and stopped", yns "Yes - tried to but not stopped", No) Ask if Q72 = yes (Has taken cocaine) AND Q168 = yes (Has taken cocaine regularly) AND (Q170 = ys OR yns (Has tried to stop taking cocaine)) Q171 "SHOWCARD 171 What was the main reason for (textfill – if Q170 = ys “stopping”, if Q170 = yns “trying to stop”) taking cocaine? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" :( Cost "Cost/could not afford it", family "Persuaded by friends/family", impact "Impact on job/friends/family", social "No longer part of social life", health "Concern about health/health reasons", pregnancy "Pregnancy", supply "Less available supply", rehab "Put on rehabilitation programme", nowant "Did not want to take anymore", effects "Did not enjoy after effects", pros "The pros of taking did not outweigh the cons", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q72 = yes (Has taken cocaine) AND Q168 = yes (Has taken cocaine regularly) AND (Q170 = ys OR yns (Has tried to stop taking cocaine)) AND Q171 = other (Another main reason for stopping/trying to stop taking cocaine) Spec171 "What was the other reason for (textfill – if Q170 = ys “stopping”, if Q170 = yns “trying to stop”) taking cocaine?" : STRING [255] Ask if Q153c = yes (Has taken mephedrone) Q171a "Earlier in the study you stated that you have taken mephedrone, have you ever taken mephedrone regularly?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q153c= yes (Has taken mephedrone) AND Q171a = yes (Has taken mephedrone regularly) 55 Q171b "SHOWCARD 171b Have you ever tried to stop taking mephedrone" : (ys "Yes - tried to and stopped", yns "Yes - tried to but not stopped", No) Ask if Q153c = yes (Has taken mephedrone) AND Q171a = yes (Has taken mephedrone regularly) AND (Q171b = ys (Stopped) OR yns (Tried to stop taking mephedrone)) Q171c "Did you (textfill – if Q171b = ys “stop”,) or (textfill - if Q171b = yns “try to stop”) taking mephedrone because it was made illegal?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Q39 = yes (Has taken cannabis in the past 12 months) Q172 "SHOWCARD 172 How did you get the cannabis on the last occasion you used it? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (family "Given by family/friend", contact "Given by a contact I did not know personally", stranger "Given by a stranger", friends "Shared amongst group of friends", bought "Bought from a friend", bcon "Bought from a contact I did not know personally", bstra "Bought from a stranger", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q39 = yes (Has taken cannabis in the past 12 months) AND Q172 = other (got cannabis another way last occasion used it) Spec172 "What was the other way you got the cannabis on the last occasion you used it?" : STRING [255] Ask if Q39 = yes (Has taken cannabis in the past 12 months) Q173 "SHOWCARD 173 In which of the following places did you obtain the cannabis on the last occasion you used it? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (Street "Street/park", Disco "Disco/bar/club", Office "Office/workplace", School "School/college", dealer "House of a dealer", friend "House of a friend", phone "Ordered by phone for collection/delivery", inter "Internet", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q39 = yes (Has taken cannabis in the past 12 months) AND Q173 = other (obtained cannabis from another place on last occasion used it) Spec173 "What was the other place you obtained the cannabis from on the last occasion you used it?" : STRING [255] Ask if Q39 = yes (Has taken cannabis in the past 12 months) 56 Q174 "SHOWCARD 174 How easy or difficult is to obtain cannabis in a 24-hour period? Just call me out the number from the card" : ( ve "Very easy", fe "Fairly easy" Nend "Neither easy nor difficult", Fd "Fairly difficult", Vd "Very difficult") Ask if Q50 = yes (Has taken ecstasy in the past 12 months) Q175 "SHOWCARD 175 How did you get the ecstasy on the last occasion you used it? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" : (family "Given by family/friend", contact "Given by a contact I did not know personally", stranger "Given by a stranger", friends "Shared amongst group of friends", bought "Bought from a friend", bcon "Bought from a contact I did not know personally", bstra "Bought from a stranger", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q50 = yes (Has taken ecstasy in the past 12 months) AND Q175 = other (Another way of getting ecstasy on the last occasion used it) Spec175 "What was the other way you got the ecstasy on the last occasion you used it?" : STRING [255] Ask if Q50 = yes (Has taken ecstasy in the past 12 months) Q176 "SHOWCARD 176 In which of the following places did you obtain the ecstasy on the last occasion you used it? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" :(Street "Street/park", Disco "Disco/bar/club", Office "Office/workplace",School "School/college", dealer "House of a dealer", friend "House of a friend", phone "Ordered by phone for collection/delivery", inter "Internet", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q50 = yes (Has taken ecstasy in the past 12 months) AND Q176 = other (obtained ecstasy in another place on the last occasion used it) Spec176 "What was the other place you obtained the ecstasy from on the last occasion you used it?" : STRING [255] Ask if Q50 = yes (Has taken ecstasy in the past 12 months) Q177 "SHOWCARD 177 How easy or difficult is to obtain ecstasy in a 24-hour period? Just call me out the number from the card" : ( ve "Very easy", fe "Fairly easy" Nend "Neither easy nor difficult", Fd "Fairly difficult", 57 Vd "Very difficult") Ask if Q75 = yes (Has taken cocaine in the past 12 months) Q178 "SHOWCARD 178 How did you get the cocaine on the last occasion you used it? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" :(family "Given by family/friend", contact "Given by a contact I did not know personally", stranger "Given by a stranger", friends "Shared amongst group of friends", bought "Bought from a friend", bcon "Bought from a contact I did not know personally", bstra "Bought from a stranger", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q75 = yes (Has taken cocaine in the past 12 months) AND Q178 = other (Another way of getting cocaine on last occasion used it) Spec178 "What was the other way you got the cocaine on the last occasion you used it?" : STRING [255] Ask if Q75 = yes (Has taken cocaine in the past 12 months) Q179 "SHOWCARD 179 In which of the following places did you obtain the cocaine on the last occasion you used it? Just call me out the number from the card. CODE ONE ONLY" :(Street "Street/park", Disco "Disco/bar/club", Office "Office/workplace", School "School/college", dealer "House of a dealer", friend "House of a friend", phone "Ordered by phone for collection/delivery", inter "Internet", Other "Other (Please specify)") Ask if Q75 = yes (Has taken cocaine in the past 12 months) AND Q179 = Other (Obtained cocaine in another place on last occasion) Spec179 "What was the other place you obtained the cocaine from on the last occasion you used it?" : STRING [255] Ask if Q75 = yes (Has taken cocaine in the past 12 months) Q180 "SHOWCARD 180 How easy or difficult is to obtain cocaine in a 24-hour period? Just call me out the number from the card" : ( ve "Very easy", fe "Fairly easy" Nend "Neither easy nor difficult", Fd "Fairly difficult", Vd "Very difficult") 58 CLASSIFICATORY QUESTIONS Ask all MarStt "Are you/is ^Name RUNNING PROMPT - CODE FIRST THAT APPLIES" "Ask as a running prompt and keep strictly to the order indicated. : (single "Single, that is never married", married "Married and living with husband\wife", civilpa "a civil partner in a legally-recognised Civil Partnership", sep "Married and separated from husband\wife", divorced "Divorced", widowed "Widowed", cpsep "Spontaneous only - In a legally-recognised Civil Partnership and separated from his/her civil partner", cpdis "Spontaneous only - Formerly a civil partner, the Civil Partnership now legally dissolved", cpwid "Spontaneous only - A surviving civil partner: his/her partner having since died") Ask if Marstt <> married (not married) OR Marstt <> civilpa (not civil partner) AND 16 years old or over AND there is more than 1 adult in the household. LivTog "ASK OR RECORD May I just check, are you currently living with someone in this household as a couple? : (Y "Yes", N "No", SamSex "same sex couple (but not in a formal registered Civil Partnership)") Ask all Relhrp ASK OR RECORD Relationship of <name> TO Household Reference Person NOTE THAT PERSON 1 SHOULD ALWAYS BE HRP "The HOUSEHOLD REFERENCE PERSON must by definition be a member of the household, and is the person (in order of precedence) who owns the household accommodation OR is legally responsible for the rent OR has the responsibility for the accommodation. If none of the above apply (e.g. a separated woman or joint owners), the HRP is the person whom the adults agree to be the HRP. Generally it is the husband, or the elder of 2 persons of the same sex. In the case of a single person sharing (eg students, unmarried employees, etc.), it is the person who is legally responsible for the accommodation/rent/contract/etc." : (HRP "Household Reference Person", Spouse, Cohab "Cohabiting partner", child "Son/daughter (incl.adopted)", stepsd "Step-son/daughter", fostch "Foster child", soninl "Son-in-law/Daughter-in-law", parg "Parent/guardian", stepp "Step-parent", fostp "Foster Parent", parinl "Parent-in-law", broths "Brother/sister (incl. adopted)", stepbs "Step-brother/sister", fostbs "Foster brother/sister", brotsi "Brother/sister-in-law", grandc "Grand-child", grandp "Grand-parent", 59 othrel "Other relative", othnre "Other non-relative", CPartner "Civil Partner") Ask all HousTen "SHOW CARD 1 (TENURE) In which of these ways do you occupy this accommodation?" : (ownout "Own it outright", mortloan "Buying it with the help of a mortgage or loan", coown "Pay part rent and part mortgage (co-ownership)", housexec "Rented from Housing Executive", housasst "Rented from a housing association", private "Rented privately", rentfree "Live here rent free", squattin "Squatting") Ask if housten = private (rents privately) Rent "Is your rent collected by the landlord or an agent? AN AGENT IS A THIRD PARTY PAID TO COLLECT RENT FROM TENANTS : (landlrd "the landlord", agent "an agent") ; Ask if housten = private (rents privately) OR housten = rentfree (Lives rent free) landlord "Who is your landord? RUNNING PROMPT - CODE FIRST THAT APPLIES" : (employ "employer (organisation) of a household member", othorg "another organisation", relat "relative/friend (before you lived here) of a household member", empli "employer (individual) of a household member", othind "another individual private landlord?" Ask if ((Rent = landlrd (Landlord collects the rent)) OR (Rent = agent (agent collects the rent)) OR (Rent = DONTKNOW (doesn’t know who collects the rent)) OR (HousTen = HousExec (rents from housing executive)) OR (HousTen = HousAsst (rents from a housing association))) Scheme "Is this property part of a sheltered accommodation scheme?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if ((HousTen = Rentfree (Lives rent free)) OR (Scheme = Yes (part of a sheltered accommodation scheme)) OR (Scheme = No (not part of sheltered accommodation scheme)) Furnish "Is the accommodation provided: furnished, partly furnished, or unfurnished?” CODE 2 IF SOME FURNITURE PROVIDED BUT NOT THE BASIC NECESSITIES" "Rented furnished or unfurnished?" : (Furnsh "furnished", Unpart "partly furnished", unfurn "Unfurnished"); Ask if ((HousTen = Rentfree (Lives rent free)) OR (Scheme = Yes (Part of a sheltered accommodation scheme)) OR (Scheme = No (not part of a sheltered accommodation scheme)) AND ((Furnish = Furnsh (accommodation is furnished)) OR (Furnish = Unpart (accommodation is partly furnished))) or (Furnish = Unfurn(accommodation is unfurnished))) Business "Are any business premises included in the rent for this accommodation (in the accommodation provided)? INCLUDE FARM" 60 : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if ((HousTen = HousAsst (rents from a housing association)) OR (HousTen = Private (rents privately)) OR (HousTen =Rentfree (Lives rent free))) Accjob "Can I just check, does the accommodation go with the job of anyone in the household?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask all Child “How many children, including children aged 16-18 in full time education, are dependent on you?" :0..50 Ask if Child > 0 (more than one dependent child) Childage "What is the age of your youngest dependent child? STATE EXACT AGE" :0..18 Ask all Dep "In this household, do you care for an adult who requires substantial assistance with the activities of daily living?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Dep = no (does not care for an adult in the household) Carer "ASK OR RECORD Do you look after or give any help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of long-term physical or mental health or disability or problems related to old age?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if Dep = yes (cares for an adult in the household) OR carer = yes (looks after others) Hours "How may hours a week would you say you spend doing this..." : (ONE "1-19 hours a week", TWE "20-49 hours a week", FIF "Fifty hours or more per week?") Ask all disab "And may I just ask, do you have any long-term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work you can do?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if respondent is not HRP Hrpjob "Does the household reference person, <textfill – name of HRP>, have a paid job full-time or part-time?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if respondent is not HRP AND HRPJob = no (HRP does not have a paid job full-time or part-time) C14 "SHOWCARD H3 Looking at this card, please tell me the statement that best describes the HRP, <textfill – name of HRP>. Just read out the letter of the one that best applies" 61 : (A "A-Retired, gets pension from previous job", B "B-Unemployed less than 2 months", C "C-Sick, still receiving pay or statutory pay from job", D "D-widowed, receiving pension from spouse's previous job", E "E-Divorced/separated, receiving maintenance", F "Full-time student", G "Not working, private means", H "Unemployed - longer than 2 months", I "Sick - only receiving Income Support or Invalidity Benefit", J "Receiving State Pension only") Ask if respondent is not HRP AND (C14 = A (HRP is retired, gets pension from previous job) OR C14 = B (HRP is unemployed for less than 2 months) OR C14 = C (HRP is sick, still receiving pay or statutory pay from job) OR C14 = D (HRP is widowed, receiving pension from spouse’s previous job) OR C14 = E (HRP is divorced/separated, receiving maintenance) OR HRPjob = YES (HRP has a paid job full-time or part-time)) C15a "What type of firm/organisation does/did <textfill – name of HRP or HRP‟s spouse> work for?" : STRING Ask if respondent is not HRP AND (C14 = A (HRP is retired, gets pension from previous job) OR C14 = B (HRP is unemployed for less than 2 months) OR C14 = C (HRP is sick, still receiving pay or statutory pay from job) OR C14 = D (HRP is widowed, receiving pension from spouse’s previous job) OR C14 = E (HRP is divorced/separated, receiving maintenance) OR HRPjob = YES (HRP has a paid job full-time or part-time)) C15b "What job does/did <textfill, name of HRP or HRP‟s spouse> do?" :STRING Ask if respondent is not HRP AND ( C14 = A (HRP is retired, gets pension from previous job) OR C14 = B (HRP is unemployed for less than 2 months) OR C14 = C (HRP is sick, still receiving pay or statutory pay from job) OR C14 = D (HRP is widowed, receiving pension from spouse’s previous job) OR C14 = E (HRP is divorced/separated, receiving maintenance) OR HRPjob = YES (HRP has a paid job full-time or part-time)) C15c "Does/Did <textfill, name of HRP or HRP‟s spouse> have any position/rank/grade in the organisation (i.e., responsible for the work of other people)?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if respondent is not HRP AND (C14 = A (HRP is retired, gets pension from previous job) OR C14 = B (HRP is unemployed for less than 2 months) OR C14 = C (HRP is sick, still receiving pay or statutory pay from job) OR C14 = D (HRP is widowed, receiving pension from spouse’s previous job) OR C14 = E (HRP is divorced/separated, receiving maintenance) OR HRPjob = YES (HRP has a paid job full-time or part-time)) AND C15c = yes (HRP OR HRP’s spouse was responsible for the work of other people) C15d "What position/rank/grade did <textfill, name of HRP or HRP‟s spouse> have in the organisation? INTERVIEWER: PROMPT AS APPROPRIATE (FOREMAN, SERGEANT, OFFICE MANAGER, EXECUTIVE, OFFICER ETC)" :STRING Ask if respondent is not HRP AND (C14 = A (HRP is retired, gets pension from previous job) OR C14 = B (HRP is unemployed for less than 2 months) OR C14 = C (HRP is sick, still receiving pay or statutory pay from job) OR C14 = D (HRP is widowed, receiving pension from spouse’s previous job) OR C14 = E (HRP is divorced/separated, receiving maintenance) 62 OR HRPjob = YES (HRP has a paid job full-time or part-time)) AND C15c = yes (HRP OR HRP’s spouse was responsible for the work of other people) C15E "How many people is/was <textfill, name of HRP or HRP‟s spouse> responsible for?" :0..1000000 Ask if respondent is not HRP AND ( C14 = A (HRP is retired, gets pension from previous job) OR C14 = B (HRP is unemployed for less than 2 months) OR C14 = C (HRP is sick, still receiving pay or statutory pay from job) OR C14 = D (HRP is widowed, receiving pension from spouse’s previous job) OR C14 = E (HRP is divorced/separated, receiving maintenance OR C14 = refused OR C14 = Don’t Know) OR HRPjob = YES (HRP has a paid job full-time or part-time)) C15F "Does/Did <textfill, name of HRP or HRP‟s spouse> have any qualifications?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") Ask if respondent is not HRP AND ( C14 = A (HRP is retired, gets pension from previous job) OR C14 = B (HRP is unemployed for less than 2 months) OR C14 = C (HRP is sick, still receiving pay or statutory pay from job) OR C14 = D (HRP is widowed, receiving pension from spouse’s previous job) OR C14 = E (HRP is divorced/separated, receiving maintenance OR C14 = refused OR C14 = Don’t Know) OR HRPjob = YES (HRP has a paid job full-time or part-time)) AND C15F = yes (HRP or HRP’s spouse does have qualifications) C15g "SHOWCARD C15g What qualifications does/did <textfill, name of HRP or HRP‟s spouse> have?" : SET [10] OF ( CSEG1 "CSE - Grade 1", CSEG2_5 "CSE - Grade 2-5", CSE_ug "CSE - ungraded\DK grade", Junior "Junior certificate", GCSEa_c "GCSE - Grades A-C\GNVQ Intermediate", GCSEd_g "GCSE - Grades D-G\GNVQ Foundation", GCEO1_6 "GCE O-level 1-6 (pre-1975)", GCEOa_c "GCE O-level A-C (1975 or after)", AS "AS - level", GCEA "GCE A-level or equivalent\GNVQ Advanced or equivalent", Senior "Senior Certificate", Apprent "Recognised apprenticeship completed", Clercom "Clerical and commercial quals", NCVQI "National Council for Vocational Qualifications award - level one", NCVQII "National Council for Vocational Qualifications award - level two", NCVQIII "National Council for Vocational Qualifications award - level three", NCVQIV "National Council for Vocational Qualifications award - level four", NCVQV "National Council for Vocational Qualifications award - level five", VCE "Vocational Certificate in Education", AVCE "Advanced Vocational Certificate in Education", CityGI "City and Guilds Cert Part I", CityGII "City and Guilds Cert Part II", CityGIII "City and Guilds Cert Part III", ONCD_BEC "ONC\OND, BEC\TEC general cert", HNCD_BEC "HNC\HND, BEC\TEC higher cert", Nursing "Nursing quals eg SEN, SRN, SCM", Nursdeg "Nursing degree", Teach "Teaching qualifications", Unidip "University\Polytechnic diploma", Degree "University or CNAA First Degree (eg BA BSc)", Hideg "University or CNAA Higher Degree (eg MSc PhD)", 63 other NONE "Other qualification (inc other school exams and membership of professional institutions)", "NONE OF THESE") stillsch “I would like to ask you a few questions about your education. ASK OR RECORD IF CERTAIN - Is respondent still at school? (Elementary, Secondary or Grammar)”: (still “Still at school”, left “left school”, never “never went to school”) Ask if stillsch=left C16b “At what age did you finish your full time education?” : 0..100 Introa "Introduction to Income Section We're now onto the last few questions. I would like to as you about YOUR income. This will help ensure the survey is representative of all households across Northern Ireland." :(CONTINUE) Ask if empst = atwork (worked last week) OR empst = awaywork (was away from work last week) grossper "SHOWCARD C1 Which of the following numbers represents YOUR own annual gross or total EARNINGS before deduction of income tax and National Insurance contributions?" : (A "Less than £520 per year, say less than £10 per week", B "£520 less than £1,040 per year, say £10 less than £20 per week", C "£1,040 less than £1,560 per year, say £20 less than £30 per week", D "£1,560 less than £2,080 per year, say £30 less than £40 per week", E "£2,080 less than £2,600 per year, say £40 less than £50 per week", F "£2,600 less than £3,120 per year, say £50 less than £60 per week", G "£3,120 less than £3,640 per year, say £60 less than £70 per week", H "£3,640 less than £4,160 per year, say £70 less than £80 per week", I "£4,160 less than £4,680 per year, say £80 less than £90 per week", J "£4,680 less than £5,200 per year, say £90 less than £100 per week", K "£5,200 less than £6,240 per year, say £100 less than £120 per week", L "£6,240 less than £7,280 per year, say £120 less than £140 per week", M "£7,280 less than £8,320 per year, say £140 less than £160 per week", N "£8,320 less than £9,360 per year, say £160 less than £180 per week", O "£9,360 less than £10,400 per year, say £180 less than £200 per week", P "£10,400 less than £11,440 per year, say £200 less than £220 per week", Q "£11,440 less than £12,480 per year, say £220 less than £240 per week", R "£12,480 less than £13,520 per year, say £240 less than £260 per week", S "£13,520 less than £14,560 per year, say £260 less than £280 per week", T "£14,560 less than £15,600 per year, say £280 less than £300 per week", U "£15,600 less than £16,640 per year, say £300 less than £320 per week", V "£16,640 less than £17,680 per year, say £320 less than £340 per week", W "£17,680 less than £18,720 per year, say £340 less than £360 per week", X "£18,720 less than £19,760 per year, say £360 less than £380 per week", Y "£19,760 less than £20,800 per year, say £380 less than £400 per week", Z "£20,800 less than £23,400 per year, say £400 less than £450 per week", AA"£23,400 less than £26,000 per year, say £450 less than £500 per week", BB"£26,000 less than £28,600 per year, say £500 less than £550 per week", CC"£28,600 less than £31,200 per year, say £550 less than £600 per week", DD"£31,200 less than £33,800 per year, say £600 less than £650 per week", EE"£33,800 less than £36,400 per year, say £650 less than £700 per week", FF"£36,400 or more per year, say £700 per week or more") 64 Ask if ( empst = atwork (worked last week) OR empst = awaywork (was away from work last week)) AND grossper = FF (own annual gross or total EARNINGS before deduction of income tax and National Insurance contributions £36,400 or more per year) grosper SHOWCARD C2 SHOW RESPONDENT ADDITIONAL SHOWCARD AND ASK THEM AGAIN IF THEY CAN SPECIFY THEIR GROSS EARNINGS" : (A "£36,400 less than £37,000", B "£37,000 less than £38,000", C "£38,000 less than £39,000", D "£39,000 less than £40,000", E "£40,000 less than £41,000", F "£41,000 less than £42,000", G "£42,000 less than £43,000", H "£43,000 less than £44,000", I "£44,000 less than £45,000", J "£45,000 less than £46,000", K "£46,000 less than £47,000", L "£47,000 less than £48,000", M "£48,000 less than £49,000", N "£49,000 less than £50,000", O "£50,000 less than £55,000", P "£55,000 less than £60,000", Q "£60,000 less than £65,000", R "£65,000 less than £70,000", S "£70,000 less than £75,000", U "£75,000 less than £80,000", V "£80,000 less than £85,000", W "£85,000 less than £90,000", X "£90,000 less than £95,000", Y "£95,000 less than £100,000", Z "£100,000 less than £105,000", AA"£105,000 less than £110,000", BB"£110,000 less than £115,000", CC"£115,000 less than £120,000", DD"£120,000 less than £125,000", EE"£125,000 less than £130,000", FF"£130,000 less than £135,000", GG"£135,000 less than £140,000", HH"£140,000 less than £145,000", II"£145,000 less than £150,000", JJ"£150,000 less than £155,000", KK"£155,000 less than £160,000", LL"£160,000 less than £165,000", MM"£165,000 less than £170,000", NN"£170,000 less than £175,000", OO"£175,000 less than £180,000", PP"£180,000 less than £185,000", QQ"£185,000 less than £190,000", RR"£190,000 less than £195,000", SS"£195,000 less than £200,000", TT"£200,000 less than £210,000", UU"£210,000 less than £220,000", VV"£220,000 less than £230,000", WW"£230,000 less than £240,000", XX"£240,000 less than £250,000", YY"£250,000 less than £260,000", 65 ZZ"£260,000 less than £270,000", AB"£270,000 less than £280,000", BC"£280,000 less than £290,000", CD"£290,000 less than £300,000", EF"£300,000 less than £320,000", FG"£320,000 less than £340,000", GH"£340,000 less than £360,000", HI"£360,000 less than £380,000", IJ"£380,000 less than £400,000", JK"£400,000 or more") Ask all grosspir "SHOWCARD C1 Which of the following numbers represents YOUR own annual gross or total income FROM ALL SOURCES before deduction of income tax and National Insurance contributions?" : (A "Less than £520 per year, say less than £10 per week", B "£520 less than £1,040 per year, say £10 less than £20 per week", C "£1,040 less than £1,560 per year, say £20 less than £30 per week", D "£1,560 less than £2,080 per year, say £30 less than £40 per week", E "£2,080 less than £2,600 per year, say £40 less than £50 per week", F "£2,600 less than £3,120 per year, say £50 less than £60 per week", G "£3,120 less than £3,640 per year, say £60 less than £70 per week", H "£3,640 less than £4,160 per year, say £70 less than £80 per week", I "£4,160 less than £4,680 per year, say £80 less than £90 per week", J "£4,680 less than £5,200 per year, say £90 less than £100 per week", K "£5,200 less than £6,240 per year, say £100 less than £120 per week", L "£6,240 less than £7,280 per year, say £120 less than £140 per week", M "£7,280 less than £8,320 per year, say £140 less than £160 per week", N "£8,320 less than £9,360 per year, say £160 less than £180 per week", O "£9,360 less than £10,400 per year, say £180 less than £200 per week", P "£10,400 less than £11,440 per year, say £200 less than £220 per week", Q "£11,440 less than £12,480 per year, say £220 less than £240 per week", R "£12,480 less than £13,520 per year, say £240 less than £260 per week", S "£13,520 less than £14,560 per year, say £260 less than £280 per week", T "£14,560 less than £15,600 per year, say £280 less than £300 per week", U "£15,600 less than £16,640 per year, say £300 less than £320 per week", V "£16,640 less than £17,680 per year, say £320 less than £340 per week", W "£17,680 less than £18,720 per year, say £340 less than £360 per week", X "£18,720 less than £19,760 per year, say £360 less than £380 per week", Y "£19,760 less than £20,800 per year, say £380 less than £400 per week", Z "£20,800 less than £23,400 per year, say £400 less than £450 per week", AA"£23,400 less than £26,000 per year, say £450 less than £500 per week", BB"£26,000 less than £28,600 per year, say £500 less than £550 per week", CC"£28,600 less than £31,200 per year, say £550 less than £600 per week", DD"£31,200 less than £33,800 per year, say £600 less than £650 per week", EE"£33,800 less than £36,400 per year, say £650 less than £700 per week", FF"£36,400 or more per year, say £700 per week or more") Ask if grosspir = FF (YOUR own annual gross or total income FROM ALL SOURCES before deduction of income tax and National Insurance contributions is £36,400 or more per year) grospir "SHOWCARD C2 SHOW RESPONDENT ADDITIONAL SHOWCARD AND ASK THEM AGAIN IF THEY CAN SPECIFY THEIR GROSS INCOME FROM ALL SOURCES" : (A "£36,400 less than £37,000", 66 B "£37,000 less than £38,000", C "£38,000 less than £39,000", D "£39,000 less than £40,000", E "£40,000 less than £41,000", F "£41,000 less than £42,000", G "£42,000 less than £43,000", H "£43,000 less than £44,000", I "£44,000 less than £45,000", J "£45,000 less than £46,000", K "£46,000 less than £47,000", L "£47,000 less than £48,000", M "£48,000 less than £49,000", N "£49,000 less than £50,000", O "£50,000 less than £55,000", P "£55,000 less than £60,000", Q "£60,000 less than £65,000", R "£65,000 less than £70,000", S "£70,000 less than £75,000", U "£75,000 less than £80,000", V "£80,000 less than £85,000", W "£85,000 less than £90,000", X "£90,000 less than £95,000", Y "£95,000 less than £100,000", Z "£100,000 less than £105,000", AA"£105,000 less than £110,000", BB"£110,000 less than £115,000", CC"£115,000 less than £120,000", DD"£120,000 less than £125,000", EE"£125,000 less than £130,000", FF"£130,000 less than £135,000", GG"£135,000 less than £140,000", HH"£140,000 less than £145,000", II"£145,000 less than £150,000", JJ"£150,000 less than £155,000", KK"£155,000 less than £160,000", LL"£160,000 less than £165,000", MM"£165,000 less than £170,000", NN"£170,000 less than £175,000", OO"£175,000 less than £180,000", PP"£180,000 less than £185,000", QQ"£185,000 less than £190,000", RR"£190,000 less than £195,000", SS"£195,000 less than £200,000", TT"£200,000 less than £210,000", UU"£210,000 less than £220,000", VV"£220,000 less than £230,000", WW"£230,000 less than £240,000", XX"£240,000 less than £250,000", YY"£250,000 less than £260,000", ZZ"£260,000 less than £270,000", AB"£270,000 less than £280,000", BC"£280,000 less than £290,000", CD"£290,000 less than £300,000", EF"£300,000 less than £320,000", FG"£320,000 less than £340,000", GH"£340,000 less than £360,000", HI"£360,000 less than £380,000", IJ"£380,000 less than £400,000", 67 JK"£400,000 or more") benefits "Are you at present receiving any State Benefits?" :yesno typeben "SHOW CARD C3 (BENEFITS) CODE ALL THAT APPLY Which of the following benefits do you receive…" : SET OF (childben "Child Benefit", retire "Retirement Pension or Old Age Pension", pencrd "Pension Credit", incsupp "Income support", jsa "Job Seekers Allowance (INCOME BASED)", unempben "Job Seekers Allowance (CONTRIBUTORY) (was Unemployment Benefit)", esa “Employment & Support Allowance”, sickben "Incapacity Benefit / Youth Incapacity Benefit", attall "Attendance Allowance", dlacare "Disability Living Allowance (Care Component)", dlamob “Disability Living Allowance (Mobility Component), Invalid "Carer's Allowance (was Invalid Care Allowance)", widows "Widow's Pension, War Widow's Pension, Bereavement Benefit (includes Bereavement Allowance and/or Bereavement Payment) or Widowed Parent's (Widowed Mother's Allowance)", matern "Maternity Allowance", sevdis "Severe Disablement Allowance", socfund "Social Fund Loan", iib "Industrial Injuries Benefit (i.e. Industrial Death Benefit, Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit or Reduced Earnings Allowance)", none "None of above"); Ask if more than one person in the household grosshh "SHOWCARD C1 Which number represents the TOTAL gross annual income FROM ALL SOURCES of your HOUSEHOLD?" "Total income is obtained by summing the components of earnings, benefits, pensions, dividends, interest, and other regular payments" : (A "Less than £520 per year, say less than £10 per week", B "£520 less than £1,040 per year, say £10 less than £20 per week", C "£1,040 less than £1,560 per year, say £20 less than £30 per week", D "£1,560 less than £2,080 per year, say £30 less than £40 per week", E "£2,080 less than £2,600 per year, say £40 less than £50 per week", F "£2,600 less than £3,120 per year, say £50 less than £60 per week", G "£3,120 less than £3,640 per year, say £60 less than £70 per week", H "£3,640 less than £4,160 per year, say £70 less than £80 per week", I "£4,160 less than £4,680 per year, say £80 less than £90 per week", J "£4,680 less than £5,200 per year, say £90 less than £100 per week", K "£5,200 less than £6,240 per year, say £100 less than £120 per week", L "£6,240 less than £7,280 per year, say £120 less than £140 per week", M "£7,280 less than £8,320 per year, say £140 less than £160 per week", N "£8,320 less than £9,360 per year, say £160 less than £180 per week", O "£9,360 less than £10,400 per year, say £180 less than £200 per week", P "£10,400 less than £11,440 per year, say £200 less than £220 per week", Q "£11,440 less than £12,480 per year, say £220 less than £240 per week", R "£12,480 less than £13,520 per year, say £240 less than £260 per week", 68 S "£13,520 less than £14,560 per year, say £260 less than £280 per week", T "£14,560 less than £15,600 per year, say £280 less than £300 per week", U "£15,600 less than £16,640 per year, say £300 less than £320 per week", V "£16,640 less than £17,680 per year, say £320 less than £340 per week", W "£17,680 less than £18,720 per year, say £340 less than £360 per week", X "£18,720 less than £19,760 per year, say £360 less than £380 per week", Y "£19,760 less than £20,800 per year, say £380 less than £400 per week", Z "£20,800 less than £23,400 per year, say £400 less than £450 per week", AA"£23,400 less than £26,000 per year, say £450 less than £500 per week", BB"£26,000 less than £28,600 per year, say £500 less than £550 per week", CC"£28,600 less than £31,200 per year, say £550 less than £600 per week", DD"£31,200 less than £33,800 per year, say £600 less than £650 per week", EE"£33,800 less than £36,400 per year, say £650 less than £700 per week", FF"£36,400 or more per year, say £700 per week or more") Ask if more than one person in the household and grosshh = FF (the TOTAL gross annual income FROM ALL SOURCES of HOUSEHOLD £36,400 or more per year) groshh "SHOWCARD C2 SHOW RESPONDENT ADDITIONAL SHOWCARD AND ASK THEM AGAIN IF THEY CAN SPECIFY THEIR HOUSEHOLD INCOME FROM ALL SOURCES" : (A "£36,400 less than £37,000", B "£37,000 less than £38,000", C "£38,000 less than £39,000", D "£39,000 less than £40,000", E "£40,000 less than £41,000", F "£41,000 less than £42,000", G "£42,000 less than £43,000", H "£43,000 less than £44,000", I "£44,000 less than £45,000", J "£45,000 less than £46,000", K "£46,000 less than £47,000", L "£47,000 less than £48,000", M "£48,000 less than £49,000", N "£49,000 less than £50,000", O "£50,000 less than £55,000", P "£55,000 less than £60,000", Q "£60,000 less than £65,000", R "£65,000 less than £70,000", S "£70,000 less than £75,000", U "£75,000 less than £80,000", V "£80,000 less than £85,000", W "£85,000 less than £90,000", X "£90,000 less than £95,000", Y "£95,000 less than £100,000", Z "£100,000 less than £105,000", AA"£105,000 less than £110,000", BB"£110,000 less than £115,000", CC"£115,000 less than £120,000", DD"£120,000 less than £125,000", EE"£125,000 less than £130,000", FF"£130,000 less than £135,000", GG"£135,000 less than £140,000", HH"£140,000 less than £145,000", II"£145,000 less than £150,000", JJ"£150,000 less than £155,000", KK"£155,000 less than £160,000", LL"£160,000 less than £165,000", 69 MM"£165,000 less than £170,000", NN"£170,000 less than £175,000", OO"£175,000 less than £180,000", PP"£180,000 less than £185,000", QQ"£185,000 less than £190,000", RR"£190,000 less than £195,000", SS"£195,000 less than £200,000", TT"£200,000 less than £210,000", UU"£210,000 less than £220,000", VV"£220,000 less than £230,000", WW"£230,000 less than £240,000", XX"£240,000 less than £250,000", YY"£250,000 less than £260,000", ZZ"£260,000 less than £270,000", AB"£270,000 less than £280,000", BC"£280,000 less than £290,000", CD"£290,000 less than £300,000", EF"£300,000 less than £320,000", FG"£320,000 less than £340,000", GH"£340,000 less than £360,000", HI"£360,000 less than £380,000", IJ"£380,000 less than £400,000", JK"£400,000 or more") Ask all AgeDob "May I just check.. What is your date of birth? IF DAY IS NOT KNOWN OR REFUSED, ENTER 15 FOR DAY IF MONTH IS NOT KNOWN OR REFUSED, ENTER 6 FOR MONTH IF YEAR IS NOT KNOWN OR REFUSED, ENTER DK OR REF: :DATETYPE Ask all denomin "INTRODUCE - I would like to ask you now about religion. What is your religion, even if you are not currently practising?" : (Cath "Catholic", Pres "Presbyterian", CoI "Church of Ireland", Meth "Methodist" Bapt "Baptist", FreeP "Free Presbyterian", Breth "Brethren", ProtNS "Protestant - not specified", OtherC "Other Christian", Budd "Buddhist" Hindu "Hindu" Jew "Jewish", Mus "Muslim" Sikh "Sikh", Other "Any other religion (please describe)", none "No Religion"); IF denomin = other othdenom "Please describe this other religion" : string[100] 70 IF Denomin <> None relpract "Do you consider that you are actively practising your religion?" : (Y "Yes", N "No") IF Denomin <> None attend "And how often do attend your place of worship?" (Morewk "More than once a week", Leastwk "At least once a week", Leastfn "At least once a fortnight", Leastmth "At least once a month", twomon "At least once every few months", Leastyr "At least once a year", Less "Less often", Never "Never", Unable "Unable to attend"); Ask all ethnic "SHOWCARD C4 To which one of these ethnic groups do you consider you belong?" :( WhtBrit "White", IrishTrv "Irish Traveller", WhtOth "Any other white background (please describe)", MixedWBC "Mixed - White and Black Caribbean", MixedWBA "Mixed - White and Black African", MixedWAs "Mixed - White and Asian", MixedOth "Any other mixed background (please describe)", Indian "Asian - Indian", Pakistan "Asian - Pakistani", Bngldesh "Asian - Bangladeshi", AsianOth "Any other Asian background (please describe)", BlackCrb "Black - Caribbean", BlackAfr "Black - African", BlackOth "Any other Black background (please describe)", Chinese, Other "Any other (please describe)") Ask if ethnic = WhtOth or AsianOth or BlackOth or Other EthOth "Please can you describe your ethnic group. INTERVIEWER: Enter description of ethnic group." : STRING[100] 71 Ask all Tele "A few interviews in any survey are checked by Head Office to make sure that people like yourself are satisfied with the way the interview was carried out. Just in case yours is one of the interviews that is checked, it would be helpful if we could have your telephone number.” INTERVIEWER: If given, type the telephone number here including the area code. If not given just press ENTER to continue. PLEASE NOTE: If respondent is not the HRP or spouse please ask the respondent to double-check with them that it is ok to provide us with their landline telephone number" :STRING[20],EMPTY Telename ASK OR RECORD “And who should Head Office ask for?” INTERVIEWER: If you have the respondents name from the household grid then just record this. If not, can you ask the respondents for their first name. If telephone number not given just press ENTER to continue" : STRING [50],EMPTY NoTelep "Head Office may contact you in writing or face-to-face to make sure that you were satisfied with the way the interview was carried out." : (CONTINUE) Ask all Thanks "Thank you very much for your time and for agreeing to take part in this survey." : (Continue "Press <1> to continue") Ask if respondent is under 16 parpres "INTERVIEWER Was there a parent or guardian present during the interview" : (Y "Yes", Fs "Yes, for some of the interview", N "No") 72 B. SHOWCARDS Drug Prevalence Survey 2010/11 SHOW CARDS 73 SHOW CARD „H1‟ 1 Own it outright 2 Buying it with the help of a mortgage or loan 3 Pay part rent and part mortgage (co-ownership) 4 Rented from Housing Executive 5 Rented from a Housing Association 6 Rented privately 7 Live here rent free 8 Squatting 74 SHOW CARD „H2‟ 1 CSE - Grade 1 2 CSE - Grade 2-5 3 CSE - ungraded/DK Grade 4 Junior Certificate 5 GCSE - Grades A-C/GNVQ Intermediate 6 GCSE - Grades D-G/GNVQ Foundation 7 GCE O-Level 1-6 (pre 1975) 8 GCE O-Level A-C (1975 or after) 9 AS Level 10 GCE A-Level or equivalent/GNVQ Advanced or Equivalent 11 Senior Certificate 12 Recognised apprenticeship completed 13 Clerical and commercial quals 14 National Council for Vocational Qualifications award - level one 15 National Council for Vocational Qualifications award - level two 16 National Council for Vocational Qualifications award - level three 17 National Council for Vocational Qualifications award - level four 18 National Council for Vocational Qualifications award - level five 19 Vocational Certificate in Education 20 Advanced Vocational Certificate in Education 21 City and Guilds Cert Part I 22 City and Guilds Cert Part II 23 City and Guilds Cert Part III 24 ONC/OND, BEC/TEC General Cert 25 HNC/HND, BEC/TEC Higher Cert 26 Nursing quals, eg SEN, SRN, SCM 27 Nursing Degree 28 Teaching Qualifications 29 University/Polytechnic Diploma 30 University or CNAA First Degree (eg BA, BSc) 31 University or CNAA Higher Degree (eg MSc, PhD) 32 Other qualifications (including other school exams and membership of professional institutions) 33 NONE OF THESE 75 SHOW CARD „H3‟ 1 2 Retired, gets pension from previous job Unemployed less than 2 months 3 Sick, still receiving pay or statutory pay from job 4 Widowed, receiving pension from spouse‟s previous job 5 Divorced/separated, receiving maintenance 6 Full-time student 7 Not working, private means 8 Unemployed – longer than 2 months 9 Sick – only receiving Income Support or Invalidity Benefit 10 Receiving State Pension only 76 SHOW CARD „16‟ 1 Sedatives 2 Sleeping pills 3 Rohypnol® 4 Roofies 5 Row rows 6 Dalmane®, Flurazepam 7 Mogadon®, (Moggies), Nitrazepam 8 Phenobarbitone 9 Tranquillisers 10 Tranks 11 Downers 12 Benzos 13 Roches 14 Librium® 15 Valium®, (Diazepam) 16 Normison®, (Duck eggs), Temazepam 17 Ativan® 18 Halcion®, Triazolam 19 Xanax® 20 Stilnoct®, Zolpidem 21 Zimovane®, Zopiclone 77 SHOW CARD „23‟ 1 Oral (Tablets or Syrup) 2 Injection with a needle 3 Other (please tell me) 78 SHOW CARD „24‟ 1 I got them on a prescription 2 I got them from someone I know 3 I bought them without a prescription in a chemist 4 I bought them over the internet 5 Other (please tell me) 79 SHOW CARD „25‟ 1 Anti depressants 2 Prozac® 3 Seroxat® 4 Prothiaden® 5 Effexor® 6 Lustral® 7 Molipaxin® 8 Zispin® 9 Olanzapine (Zyprexa®) 80 SHOW CARD „32‟ 1 Oral (Tablets or Syrup) 2 Injection with a needle 3 Other (please tell me) 81 SHOW CARD „33‟ 1 I got them on a prescription 2 I got them from someone I know 3 I bought them without a prescription in a chemist 4 I bought them over the internet 5 Other (please tell me) 82 SHOW CARD „34‟ 1 Cannabis 2 Marijuana 3 Dope 4 Grass 5 Pot 6 Hash(ish) 7 Ganja 8 Shit 9 Blow 10 Weed 11 Draw 12 Puff 13 Whacky Backy 14 Skunk 15 Resin 83 SHOW CARD „38‟ 1 None 2 Once or twice 3 3 to 5 times 4 6 to 9 times 5 10 to 19 times 6 20 times or more 84 SHOW CARD „42‟ 1 Grass 2 Weed 3 Skunk 4 Hash Oil 5 Herb 6 Hash 7 Resin 8 Other (please tell me) 85 SHOW CARD „44‟ 1 Joint 2 Pipe 3 Bong 4 Eat 5 Other (please tell me) 86 SHOW CARD „45‟ 1 Ecstasy 2 Pills 3 E 4 XTC 5 Doves 6 Mitsubishi 7 Shamrocks 8 MDMA 9 Yokes 87 SHOW CARD „49‟ 1 None 2 Once or twice 3 3 to 5 times 4 6 to 9 times 5 10 to 19 times 6 20 times or more 88 SHOW CARD „53‟ 1 Amphetamines 2 Speed 3 Billy 4 Whizz 5 Base 6 Sulphate 7 Ice 8 Crystal 9 Bennies 10 Uppers 11 Dexies 12 Purple hearts 89 SHOW CARD „57‟ 1 None 2 Once or twice 3 3 to 5 times 4 6 to 9 times 5 10 to 19 times 6 20 times or more 90 SHOW CARD „62‟ 1 Crack 2 Rock 3 Stones 4 Freebase 91 SHOW CARD „66‟ 1 None 2 Once or twice 3 3 to 5 times 4 6 to 9 times 5 10 to 19 times 6 20 times or more 92 SHOW CARD „70‟ 1 Cocaine 2 Charlie 3 Coke 4 Snow 5 Nose candy 6 Blow 93 SHOW CARD „74‟ 1 None 2 Once or twice 3 3 to 5 times 4 6 to 9 times 5 10 to 19 times 6 20 times or more 94 SHOW CARD „78‟ 1 Doing a line/Snort 2 Injection with a needle 3 Smoke 4 Other (please tell me) 95 SHOW CARD „79‟ 1 Heroin 2 Smack 3 Gear 4 H 5 Junk 6 Skag 7 Brown 8 Horse 96 SHOW CARD „83‟ 1 None 2 Once or twice 3 3 to 5 times 4 6 to 9 times 5 10 to 19 times 6 20 times or more 97 SHOW CARD „87‟ 1 Smoke 2 Injection with a needle 3 “Chasing the dragon” 4 Other (please tell me) 98 SHOW CARD „88‟ 1 LSD 2 Acid 3 Trips 4 Tabs 99 SHOW CARD „92‟ 1 None 2 Once or twice 3 3 to 5 times 4 6 to 9 times 5 10 to 19 times 6 20 times or more 100 SHOW CARD „96‟ 1 Solvents 2 Glues 3 Dry-cleaning fluids 4 Aerosols 5 Paint stripper 6 Petrol 7 Nail varnish remover 8 Correction fluids, e.g. Tipp-Ex® 9 Gas lighter fuel 101 SHOW CARD „100‟ 1 None 2 Once or twice 3 3 to 5 times 4 6 to 9 times 5 10 to 19 times 6 20 times or more 102 SHOW CARD „104‟ 1 Poppers 2 Amyl Nitrate 3 Rush 4 Liquid gold 5 Locker room 103 SHOW CARD „108‟ 1 None 2 Once or twice 3 3 to 5 times 4 6 to 9 times 5 10 to 19 times 6 20 times or more 104 SHOW CARD „112‟ 1 Magic Mushrooms 2 Psilocybin 3 Mushies 105 SHOW CARD „116‟ 1 None 2 Once or twice 3 3 to 5 times 4 6 to 9 times 5 10 to 19 times 6 20 times or more 106 SHOW CARD „120‟ 1 I picked them myself 2 I got them from someone I know 3 I bought them off the internet 4 I bought them in a shop/market 5 Other (please tell me) 107 SHOW CARD „121‟ 1 Methadone 2 Physeptone® 3 Phy 4 Brown (Phy) 5 Green (Phy) 108 SHOW CARD „128‟ 1 I got it on a prescription 2 I got it from someone I know 3 I bought it without a prescription in a chemist 4 I bought it over the internet 5 Other (please tell me) 109 SHOW CARD „138‟ 1 Opiates (excluding Heroin & Methadone) 2 Temgesic® 3 Codeine 4 Kapake® 5 Morphine 6 Opium 7 DF118® (DF‟s) 8 Diffs 9 Dikes 10 Peach 11 12 Fentanyl (Durogesic® & Sublimaze® & Actiq®) Oxycodone (Oxycontin® & Oxynorm®) 13 MST® (MST‟s) 14 Buprenorphine (Subutex®) 15 Diconal® 16 Pethidine 17 Napps 110 SHOW CARD „145‟ 1 I got them on a prescription 2 I got them from someone I know 3 I bought them without a prescription in a chemist 4 I bought them over the internet 5 Other (please tell me) 111 SHOW CARD „146‟ Anabolic Steroids 1 (This does not include steroids taken for the treatment of respiratory ailments e.g. Asthma, Arthritis and other inflammatory conditions) 2 Dianabol 3 Deca-Durabolin®/Durabolin® 4 Nandrolone 5 Stanozolol 6 DHEA 7 Winstrol® 8 British Dragon, Primobol® (Primo) 9 Clenbuterol 10 Methandranone 11 Stanolone 112 SHOW CARD „153‟ 1 I got them on a prescription 2 I got them from someone I know 3 I bought them without a prescription in a chemist 4 I bought them over the internet 5 Other (please tell me) 113 SHOW CARD „153a‟ 1 Mephedrone 2 Meph 3 MC 4 MCAT 5 m-cat 6 4-MMC 7 Miaow 8 Meow Meow 9 Bubbles 10 Bounce 11 Charge 12 Drone 13 White Magic 114 SHOW CARD „153h‟ 1 I got it from someone I know 2 I bought it over the internet 3 I bought it in a headshop 4 I bought it in a market 5 Other (please tell me) 115 SHOW CARD „153i‟ Party pills or Herbal highs 1 (Doves, Summer Daze, Mint Mania, Rocket Fuel, Dyamite NRG, Exotix Super, Space E, Groov-e, Xtacy, Myster-e, Go-e, Blottercaps, Space Trips, Kryptonite, Hibena, Trip-e, Hypnotic, Flying Dragons, Purple Ohms, Blu-e, Flower Power, Final-e, Punkys, Bliss Bomb, Beans, Till Dawn, U4e, Dr Feelgood, Space-e Pink Champagnes, Vegas Nights, Moonwalk, Crazy Jacks, Red Rockets, Green Envy, Road Runner, Red Roosters, Hummer) Party Powders 2 (Magic, Dust, Raz, Snow Blow, Snoberry, Blowout, Ivory Wave) 3 Kratom 4 Salvia Divinorum (Salvia) 116 SHOW CARD „153r‟ 1 I got it/them from someone I know 2 I bought it/them over the internet 3 I bought it/them in a headshop 4 I bought it/them in a market 5 Other (please tell me) 117 SHOW CARD „154‟ 1 More as a criminal 2 More as a patient 3 Neither a criminal nor a patient 4 Both a criminal and a patient 118 SHOW CARD „155‟ 1 Fully agree 2 Largely agree 3 Neither 4 Largely disagree 5 Fully disagree 119 SHOW CARD „156‟ 1 Do not disapprove 2 Disapprove 3 Strongly disapprove 120 SHOW CARD „157‟ 1 No risk 2 Slight risk 3 Moderate risk 4 Great risk 121 SHOW CARD „162‟ 1 Yes - tried to and stopped 2 Yes - tried to but not stopped 3 No 122 SHOW CARD „163‟ 1 Cost/could no longer afford it 2 Persuaded by friends/family 3 Impact on job/friends/family 4 No longer part of social life 5 Concern about health/health reasons 6 Pregnancy 7 Less available supply 8 Put on rehabilitation programme 9 Did not want to take anymore 10 Did not enjoy after effects 11 The pros of taking did not outweigh the cons 12 Other (please tell me) 123 SHOW CARD „166‟ 1 Yes - tried to and stopped 2 Yes - tried to but not stopped 3 No 124 SHOW CARD „167‟ 1 Cost/could no longer afford it 2 Persuaded by friends/family 3 Impact on job/friends/family 4 No longer part of social life 5 Concern about health/health reasons 6 Pregnancy 7 Less available supply 8 Put on rehabilitation programme 9 Did not want to take anymore 10 Did not enjoy after effects 11 The pros of taking did not outweigh the cons 12 Other (please tell me) 125 SHOW CARD „170‟ 1 Yes - tried to and stopped 2 Yes - tried to but not stopped 3 No 126 SHOW CARD „171‟ 1 Cost/could no longer afford it 2 Persuaded by friends/family 3 Impact on job/friends/family 4 No longer part of social life 5 Concern about health/health reasons 6 Pregnancy 7 Less available supply 8 Put on rehabilitation programme 9 Did not want to take anymore 10 Did not enjoy after effects 11 The pros of taking did not outweigh the cons 12 Other (please tell me) 127 SHOW CARD „171b‟ 1 Yes - tried to and stopped 2 Yes - tried to but not stopped 3 No 128 SHOW CARD „172‟ 1 Given by family/friend 2 Given by a contact I did not know personally 3 Given by a stranger 4 Shared amongst group of friends 5 Bought from a friend 6 Bought from a contact I did not know personally 7 Bought from a stranger 8 Other (please tell me) 129 SHOW CARD „173‟ 1 Street/park 2 Disco/bar/club 3 Office/workplace 4 School/college 5 House of a dealer 6 House of a friend 7 Ordered by phone for collection/delivery 8 Internet 9 Other (please tell me) 130 SHOW CARD „174‟ 1 Very easy 2 Fairly easy 3 Neither easy nor difficult 4 Fairly difficult 5 Very difficult 131 SHOW CARD „175‟ 1 Given by family/friend 2 Given by a contact I did not know personally 3 Given by a stranger 4 Shared amongst group of friends 5 Bought from a friend 6 Bought from a contact I did not know personally 7 Bought from a stranger 8 Other (please tell me) 132 SHOW CARD „176‟ 1 Street/park 2 Disco/bar/club 3 Office/workplace 4 School/college 5 House of a dealer 6 House of a friend 7 Ordered by phone for collection/delivery 8 Internet 9 Other (please tell me) 133 SHOW CARD „177‟ 1 Very easy 2 Fairly easy 3 Neither easy nor difficult 4 Fairly difficult 5 Very difficult 134 SHOW CARD „178‟ 1 Given by family/friend 2 Given by a contact I did not know personally 3 Given by a stranger 4 Shared amongst group of friends 5 Bought from a friend 6 Bought from a contact I did not know personally 7 Bought from a stranger 8 Other (please tell me) 135 SHOW CARD „179‟ 1 Street/park 2 Disco/bar/club 3 Office/workplace 4 School/college 5 House of a dealer 6 House of a friend 7 Ordered by phone for collection/delivery 8 Internet 9 Other (please tell me) 136 SHOW CARD „180‟ 1 Very easy 2 Fairly easy 3 Neither easy nor difficult 4 Fairly difficult 5 Very difficult 137 SHOW CARD „C1‟ 1 Less than £520 per year, say less than £10 per week 2 £520 less than £1,040 per year, say £10 less than £20 per week 3 £1,040 less than £1,560 per year, say £20 less than £30 per week 4 £1,560 less than £2,080 per year, say £30 less than £40 per week 5 £2,080 less than £2,600 per year, say £40 less than £50 per week 6 £2,600 less than £3,120 per year, say £50 less than £60 per week 7 £3,120 less than £3,640 per year, say £60 less than £70 per week 8 £3,640 less than £4,160 per year, say £70 less than £80 per week 9 £4,160 less than £4,680 per year, say £80 less than £90 per week 10 £4,680 less than £5,200 per year, say £90 less than £100 per week 11 £5,200 less than £6,240 per year, say £100 less than £120 per week 12 £6,240 less than £7,280 per year, say £120 less than £140 per week 13 £7,280 less than £8,320 per year, say £140 less than £160 per week 14 £8,320 less than £9,360 per year, say £160 less than £180 per week 15 £9,360 less than £10,400 per year, say £180 less than £200 per week 16 £10,400 less than £11,440 per year, say £200 less than £220 per week 17 £11,440 less than £12,480 per year, say £220 less than £240 per week 18 £12,480 less than £13,520 per year, say £240 less than £260 per week 19 £13,520 less than £14,560 per year, say £260 less than £280 per week 20 £14,560 less than £15,600 per year, say £280 less than £300 per week 21 £15,600 less than £16,640 per year, say £300 less than £320 per week 22 £16,640 less than £17,680 per year, say £320 less than £340 per week 23 £17,680 less than £18,720 per year, say £340 less than £360 per week 24 £18,720 less than £19,760 per year, say £360 less than £380 per week 25 £19,760 less than £20,800 per year, say £380 less than £400 per week 26 £20,800 less than £23,400 per year, say £400 less than £450 per week 27 £23,400 less than £26,000 per year, say £450 less than £500 per week 28 £26,000 less than £28,600 per year, say £500 less than £550 per week 29 £28,600 less than £31,200 per year, say £550 less than £600 per week 30 £31,200 less than £33,800 per year, say £600 less than £650 per week 31 £33,800 less than £36,400 per year, say £650 less than £700 per week 32 £36,400 or more per year, say £700 per week or more 138 SHOW CARD „C2‟ 1 £36,400 less than £37,000 31 £130,000 less than £135,000 2 £37,000 less than £38,000 32 £135,000 less than £140,000 3 £38,000 less than £39,000 33 £140,000 less than £145,000 4 £39,000 less than £40,000 34 £145,000 less than £150,000 5 £40,000 less than £41,000 35 £150,000 less than £155,000 6 £41,000 less than £42,000 36 £155,000 less than £160,000 7 £42,000 less than £43,000 37 £160,000 less than £165,000 8 £43,000 less than £44,000 38 £165,000 less than £170,000 9 £44,000 less than £45,000 39 £170,000 less than £175,000 10 £45,000 less than £46,000 40 £175,000 less than £180,000 11 £46,000 less than £47,000 41 £180,000 less than £185,000 12 £47,000 less than £48,000 42 £185,000 less than £190,000 13 £48,000 less than £49,000 43 £190,000 less than £195,000 14 £49,000 less than £50,000 44 £195,000 less than £200,000 15 £50,000 less than £55,000 45 £200,000 less than £210,000 16 £55,000 less than £60,000 46 £210,000 less than £220,000 17 £60,000 less than £65,000 47 £220,000 less than £230,000 18 £65,000 less than £70,000 48 £230,000 less than £240,000 19 £70,000 less than £75,000 49 £240,000 less than £250,000 20 £75,000 less than £80,000 50 £250,000 less than £260,000 21 £80,000 less than £85,000 51 £260,000 less than £270,000 22 £85,000 less than £90,000 52 £270,000 less than £280,000 23 £90,000 less than £95,000 53 £280,000 less than £290,000 24 £95,000 less than £100,000 54 £290,000 less than £300,000 25 £100,000 less than £105,000 55 £300,000 less than £320,000 26 £105,000 less than £110,000 56 £320,000 less than £340,000 27 £110,000 less than £115,000 57 £340,000 less than £360,000 28 £115,000 less than £120,000 58 £360,000 less than £380,000 29 £120,000 less than £125,000 59 £380,000 less than £400,000 30 £125,000 less than £130,000 60 £400,000 or more 139 SHOW CARD „C3‟ 1 Child Benefit 2 Retirement Pension or Old Age Pension 3 Pension Credit 4 Income Support 5 Job Seekers Allowance (INCOME BASED) 6 Job Seekers Allowance (CONTRIBUTORY) (was Unemployment Benefit) 7 Employment & Support Allowance 8 Incapacity Benefit / Youth Incapacity Benefit 9 Attendance Allowance 10 Disability Living Allowance (Care Component) 11 Disability Living Allowance (Mobility Component) 12 Carer‟s Allowance (was Invalid Care Allowance) 13 Widow‟s Pension, War Widow‟s Pension, Bereavement Benefit (includes Bereavement Allowance and/or Bereavement Payment) or Widowed Parent‟s (Widowed Mother‟s Allowance) 14 Maternity Allowance 15 Severe Disablement Allowance 16 Social Fund Loan 17 Industrial Injuries Benefit (i.e. Industrial Death Benefit, Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit or Reduces Earnings Allowance) 18 NONE OF THE ABOVE 140 SHOW CARD „C4‟ 1 White 2 Irish Traveller 3 Any other white background (please describe) 4 Mixed – White and Black Caribbean 5 Mixed – White and Black African 6 Mixed – White and Asian 7 Any other mixed background (please describe) 8 Asian - Indian 9 Asian - Pakistani 10 Asian - Bangladeshi 11 Any other Asian background (please describe) 12 Black – Caribbean 13 Black – African 14 Any other Black background (please describe) 15 Chinese 16 Any other (please describe) 141 C. Interviewer Instructions Interviewer Instructions Drug Prevalence Survey 2010 142 Background The European Union has an Action Plan on drugs to establish the prevalence of drug use in the general population of the EU member states. To enable the EU to take this forward all member countries will be carrying out population studies using a common methodology and basic questionnaire. This is the third time this survey has been carried out in Ireland. It previously ran in 2006/2007 and 2002/2003. It will provide data about the frequency of drug use (both legal and illegal) among the general population of Ireland. The Public Health Information and Research Branch of DHSSPS has commissioned Central Survey Unit to conduct the Drug Prevalence Survey in Northern Ireland. In the Republic of Ireland, the research has been commissioned by the National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD). These bodies represent an all-Ireland front in providing data and advice to various government departments about the prevalence of drug use and other related aspects. Survey aims: Main aim of the survey is to provide up-to-date data about the frequency of drug use among the general population of Ireland. It will have many uses, for example, it will: • report prevalence and continuation rates of the most common illicit drugs in the general population by gender and age groups • allow cross country assessment of relationships between general patterns of use of illicit and licit drugs • allow the assessment of relationships between particular population attributes and the use of illicit drugs Methodology 5,500 addresses randomly selected from the POINTER address database. This is a list of all the residential addresses in Northern Ireland. Occupier names are not given out, as it is the address that is sampled. An equal number of addresses have been chosen from each of the 5 Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland. 15 – 64 year olds (inclusive) will be eligible. One eligible member of the household will be randomly selected for interview. Written parental consent must be obtained before you can conduct an interview with a selected individual aged 15 (see page 5 of instructions). Households in which all members are 65 or over are ineligible. The same study is taking place in the Republic of Ireland. 143 Field Period The fieldwork for this survey will run for 4 months from 25th October 2010 to 31st March 2011 (inclusive) with a break of one month for Christmas as respondents‟ habits could be affected by the festive season. Therefore the fieldwork will be divided into two phases: Phase One: Monday 25th October – Friday 3rd December Phase Two: Monday 10th January – Thursday 31st March Allocation You will get your allocation in monthly batches: However, all your phase one allocations will be included in your November allocation which will be allocated a week early (for period Monday 25th October – Friday 3rd December). Phase two allocations will be allocated monthly. Phases one and two will be treated as two separate allocations therefore all phase one allocations must be completed by 3rd December. You cannot carry over any of phase one allocations to January. The field period ends on 31st March. There will be no fieldwork extensions. If you have any reallocations, you must phone your area manager as soon as possible, so they have time to reallocate them. Length of the interview On average the interview will take approximately 25 minutes. For some respondents the interview will be shorter if they have not taken any drugs, whilst for others who take more types of drugs the questionnaire may be longer. Survey Targets The target for the survey is 5500 achieved interviews There may be a higher rate of ineligibles as some households may not contain anyone of the required age range. Advance Letters and Bulletins Advance letters have been sent to all addresses in the sample for the first phase of fieldwork. Advance letters for phase two will be allocated in monthly batches as usual. 144 Use blank copies for households which have not received a letter. You will be provided with examples of the bulletin that was produced with the data of the 2006/07 survey. You can show these to respondents who are interested in what happens to the data. It may also help to show respondents who are worried about anonymity how the data is collated and used for statistical purposes only. You will have photocopies of the front page of the bulletin and can leave one of these with any respondent who would like further time to think about whether they will participate or with any respondent who would like one. Documents You should have the following documents: Cover letter Show cards Interviewer instructions Parental Consent Forms A5 return envelopes pre-printed and pre-paid for consents Drug use bulletin from the previous survey Extra copies of the advance letter A5 return envelopes should be used to return completed parental consent forms to the office. Wages Code When you are submitting future claims to the Wages Section, please use the code DP10. 145 Questionnaire The Questionnaire Format The questionnaire comprises two sections. These are:(1) A Household Section (2) The Selected Respondent Section The Household Section This section involves completing a household grid for the household. Household Reference Person: Establish in whose name the accommodation is owned or rented. If there is more than one person saying yes to this then the Household Reference Person is: The person with the highest income Where incomes are the same, the eldest person When filling in the household grid start with the Household Reference Person first, then list all the other people (adults and children (if applicable)) in the household, in descending order of age (i.e. youngest last) within the household. When completing the household grid you will be asked for the name of the people in the household, this is only used so that you can identify who you need to interview. It will be removed from all databases to protect confidentiality. You do not need to enter their name. If you wish you can call them by an identifier, i.e. husband, wife, daughter etc. The Selected Respondent Section The selected respondent is an adult in the household randomly chosen by the questionnaire program. Unlike other surveys the selected respondent will be an adult aged 15-64 (inclusive). Under no circumstances must anyone else in the household be substituted in place of the selected respondent. Parental Consent If your selected individual in the household is aged 15 you need to obtain written parental permission before you can conduct an interview. Ask the parent or guardian to read the parental consent form and to sign two copies if they are happy to give their consent. Then fill in your name, interviewer number, serial number and date. Let the parent or guardian keep one copy and send the other copy to the office for the attention of Anne Humphreys in the pre-paid envelopes provided. 146 It is a parent‟s right not only to know the type of questions that you are going to ask but to actually sit in on the interview if they wish. Obviously with this study that would not be ideal so try to explain the subject matter in general terms (you may already have spoken to the parent as your contact person) and show the appropriate letter. If you appear very matter-of-fact about everything, the odds are that the parent will allow you to conduct the interview alone with the 15 year old. If the parent wants to sit in you must agree. Proceed with the interview as instructed and record on the questionnaire the fact that the parent was present. If permission is not granted you cannot take an interview and you can code this on the computer. Introducing the Study When you introduce the survey you should explain: a) Who you are and who the survey is for? “I work for the Central Survey Unit of the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency and I am carrying out a survey called „Drug Prevalence Survey‟ on behalf of the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS).” Show your identity card at all addresses and to anyone who asks to see it. b) What the survey is about? Start by explaining the purpose of the survey: Say something like “The main aim of this survey is to provide the government with an up-to-date picture of the prevalence of drug use in Northern Ireland. The study is therefore all about people‟s consumption of medicines and drugs, tobacco and alcohol. c) How long will the survey take? The questionnaire will take 25 minutes on average. However, for some respondents the interview will be shorter if they have not taken any drugs, whilst for others who take more types of drugs the questionnaire may be longer. d) Will anybody be able to identify my replies? “No, nobody will know who said what. The information that you give to the interviewer will be kept in strict confidence. The results will not be used in any way in which they can be associated with you or your address. Similarly no 147 identifiable information about you or your household will be passed on to any other government department, or anyone else. The data collected in this survey is used for statistical purposes only.” e) How can I be sure you are a genuine interviewer? “I have shown you my identity card but if you are in any doubt as to whether I am a genuine caller, you can contact QUICK CHECK (a local PSNI initiative), on FREEPHONE 0800 013 22 90. I also have a copy of the advanced letter you were sent explaining the survey.” If the respondent still has concerns they can telephone Liz Graham (see back page for contact details). f) But I don‟t take drugs / know anything about drugs. My participation is pointless. “It is important that we do not overestimate the prevalence of drug use in Northern Ireland. The more people who participate the more accurate the picture of drug use in Northern Ireland will be. It is just as important that people who do not take drugs take part as those who do. The survey does not just collect information on drugs but on alcohol and tobacco use as well.” Interview Setting Make every attempt to interview in a one-to-one setting. This is desirable for most surveys: in this study it is essential. The purpose of the interview is to determine the respondent‟s use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs sometimes used as medicines and illegal drugs. While the use of illegal drugs these days is not necessarily seen as something to be embarrassed about or kept quiet by those who use them, nevertheless, many people would not freely talk about their use of these types of drugs in front of members of their family. If invited into a living room with other members of the household present, decline and say something like – “I don‟t want to disturb them, can we do the interview in the hall or the kitchen or somewhere we can be private?” As these are personal questions, the respondent will be asked to just call out a number from the show card during the interview. Thus offering the respondent a certain level of privacy if anyone else is in ear shot. Reassure respondents at the beginning of the interview about confidentiality. Their names and individual address will not be linked to their answers. Indeed the only reason for taking their names is to check that you, the interviewer, have carried out your work accurately. Explain as you usually do about backchecking and give whatever reassurance is needed as to their complete anonymity. 148 Point out if you need to that the answers of all the people interviewed on this study (5,500 in Northern Ireland) are input to a computer using codes and then the results are produced as statistics, tables of figures etc. You must ask all the questions as they are written, in the order that they appear and you must not (as in all surveys) reveal any emotion or reaction to any of the answers given to your questions. You must appear interested in what your respondent says in order to encourage him/her to keep answering but please do not engage in discussion or pass any opinion about the topic of the study or answers you have been given. If it helps secure an interview or in response to the enquiry “What‟s it for?” you may tell your respondent (or contact) that although everyone has an opinion about the prevalence of drug use in Northern Ireland, no one actually knows how widespread it is in 2010/11 or indeed any other real information. The information gathered from this study will be used by various government departments to plan resources needed for education, rehabilitation etc. Drug Prevalence Questions Content The survey will ask about a range of substances: • Tobacco products • Alcohol • Sedatives or tranquillisers • Anti-depressants • Cannabis • Ecstasy • Amphetamines • Crack • Cocaine • Heroin • LSD • Solvents • Poppers • Magic mushrooms • Methadone • Opiates • Anabolic steroids • Mephedrone • Legal highs The show cards will give a list of all the different names for each of the drugs. 149 This section of the questionnaire comprises of 3 main modules: 1. Standard questions on tobacco, alcohol, medicines and illegal drugs. The questions in this module are repeated for each substance and are in the following format: • Have you ever heard of any of these? • Do you personally know people who take X? • Have you ever taken X? • At what age did you first take X? • How many times have you been offered X either free of charge or to buy in the last 12 months? • During the last 12 months have you taken X? • During the last 30 days have you taken X? • During the last 30 days, on how many days have you taken X? • What method do you most commonly use to take X? • On the last occasion you took X how had you obtained it? 2. Opinion questions: • How they perceive drug addicts • Whether they disapprove of certain behaviours related to drugs, tobacco & alcohol • What behaviours they consider harmful 3. Additional questions. The questions in this module are repeated for some of the substances the respondent said they had used in the standard questions and are in the following format: • Have you taken X regularly? • At what age did you first take X regularly? • Have you ever tried to stop taking X? • What was the main reason for stopping taking X? • How did you get X on the last occasion you used it? • In which of the following places did you obtain X on the last occasion you used it? • How easy or difficult is it to obtain X in a 24 hour period? General points The drug prevalence questions are straightforward and clearly set out. Use the show cards where instructed. The number on the show card should correspond to the question number in the blue section of CAPI. Each section is laid out in similar fashion, as is the type of question. The exact words must be used. Do not abbreviate questions or leave any out. Do not assume that you know the answer to a particular question because of a previous answer. Where exact ages or number of days is required to be recorded and a respondent may not be sure, get them to give you their best estimate. 150 For example, if you are talking to a smoker in his mid forties and he cannot remember whether he was 14 or 15 when he first smoked tobacco products ask him just to give you the one he thinks. He needs to make the judgment not you or the editor who checks the data. So use one figure. Please try to get a figure. Don‟t knows are not very useful to anyone. If your respondent says “no, that they have never …..” (whatever the section is asking about) they will be routed to the next section. At other places in the questionnaire routing applies. Please become familiar with the routing before going out to interview. Specific Points to note (Question numbers are in the blue section of the CAPI screen) Q.3 asks “At what age did you smoke tobacco products for the first time?” If you enter an age 8 years old or younger an interviewer message will flash onto the screen. INTERVIEWER: CAN YOU CHECK YOU HAVE TYPED THE CORRECT AGE AS <whatever age you typed> SEEMS VERY YOUNG This is asking you to check you have entered the correct age. This error message is there solely to ensure you have entered the data correctly. Please do not say „this is very young to be having your first smoke. Are you sure?‟ Just check you have not mistyped. If you have mistyped touch „close‟ and enter the correct age. If you have not mistyped and the respondent did state they smoked before the age of 8 click „suppress‟ and you will be moved onto the next question. PLEASE ENSURE YOU ALWAYS READ THESE ERROR MESSAGES THAT FLASH ONTO THE SCREEN AS SOME WILL BE POINTING OUT INCONSISTENCIES IN THE DATA. FOR INSTANCE YOU MAY HAVE CODED THE RESPONDENT AS FIRST SMOKING AT AN OLDER AGE THAN THEY PRESENTLY ARE. E.G. CODING A 15 YEAR OLD AS HAVING THEIR FIRST SMOKE WHEN THEY WERE 20. Q.11 asks “At what age did you first drink alcohol?” This refers to the occasion on which the respondent had their first „real‟ drink and not just a taste or sip. At Q.16 you introduce the show cards. Only allow the respondent to look at the card relevant to the question. The card numbers match the question numbers. 151 Ask the question “Have you ever heard of any of these?” showing the relevant card at the same time. If the respondent says „yes‟ they will be asked other questions about the drug. If they say „no‟ they will be routed to the next section. Use the appropriate show cards and where applicable ask the respondent just to call you out the number(s) that applies to their answer(s). At Q.17 “SHOW CARD 16 All of the drugs listed on this card are names for sedatives or tranquilisers. Do you personally know people who take sedatives or tranquillisers?” „Personally‟ is to be defined as someone the respondent knows (family member, friend etc.) rather than someone they know of (i.e. a friend of a friend). Continue for all substances. Note the wording of Q.156a-e “Individuals differ in whether or not they disapprove of people doing certain things. I will mention a few things, which some people might do. Can you tell me if you would not disapprove, disapprove or strongly disapprove when people do any of these things...” Not disapproving is not the same as approving and it may be helpful to emphasize the not disapprove slightly when reading the question. At Q.157b “(Now I would like to know how much do you think that people risk harming themselves, physically or in other ways, if they do certain things. I will again mention a few things some people might do. Please tell me if you consider it to be no risk, a slight risk or a great risk, if people do such things): Have five or more drinks at the weekend?” „Five or more drinks at the weekend‟ means having five or more drinks on any one of the days Friday, Saturday or Sunday. It does not mean 5 drinks in total across all three days. This question can also illustrate what to do with text enclosed within brackets. The preamble to Q157b is bracketed as it was already read out for Q157a and does need not be read again. It only appears on the screen in case you feel you need to read it again. For instance, the interview may have been interrupted and you need to remind the respondent of the full question. 152 Questions Q.157c, Q.158-161, Q.164, Q.165, Q.168, Q.169 and Q.171a ask the respondent whether they have taken certain things “regularly”, i.e. drunk alcohol, taken cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine and mephedrone. In this instance “regularly” should be self defined by the respondent. If asked what you mean by or how often is “regularly”, say to the respondent that it means whatever he/she considers “regularly” to mean or however often he/she considers something to be regular. 153 General Field Procedures Completing Fieldwork The following information is taken from the interviewer circular New Fieldwork Procedures which was issued on 3rd March 2008. It relates to calendar month allocations. You should start working on your allocation of work in the first couple of days of fieldwork and progress through it on a weekly basis. You should aim to have 85% of your allocation of work completed before the final week of fieldwork; You are expected to schedule your calls to productive times when people in your area are most likely to be in. Calls should be spread over the entire fieldwork period; You are expected to carry out your work efficiently by planning your route etc and be dedicating reasonable blocks of time when you carry out your interviewing duties; You are expected to update the outcome code or status of each address on an ongoing basis to make sure that the outcome status and calls details at each address are fully up to date prior to the weekly „dial up‟; All fieldwork must be completed by the end of the monthly fieldwork schedule. Return of Work You must dial up on a weekly basis. Please update the „current interview status‟ for each interview before transmission to the office. We will check the progress of the survey every Monday during the field period so it important that you dial up weekly. Dial up times are in the weekly news. If your backup fails, please contact the office on the following Monday and we will enable you to make another attempt. If you know you will be unavailable over the weekend, please contact the office beforehand and we will enable a backup during the week. 154 Weekly News Please read the Weekly News carefully after your dial up each week. It will contain important information which is often critical to the smooth running of the survey. This could include a request to undertake specific action during the following week. Use of translators If you need a translator contact Anne Humphreys on 028 9034 8255 and she will be try to arrange for a translator. You will obviously need to know the language spoken. It could take at least 5 days for this to be arranged. General Rules (a) Visit every address on the list. Addresses should not necessarily be interviewed in numerical order but grouped for economy. (b) If you are unable to find the address listed do not substitute another address but refer to the office immediately. (c) Always show your Authority Card on the doorstep and give the respondent time to view it properly. (d) Always stress that all information is confidential. (e) Give an explanation of the Survey and how the address came to be selected. (f) Do not interview on the doorstep. (g) Record all answers at the time of conducting the interview. (h) Calls, in line with field force section guidelines, at varying times of the day, must be made before an address can be classified as a non-contact. Your calls at each address should be spread across the field period and you should make morning, afternoon and evening calls to each address. (i) Notify Headquarters immediately if there is a delay in the fieldwork. Phone your Area Manager. (j) Study time of 2 hours will be paid for this survey. You will be expected to go through a questionnaire in detail in this time and to read the instructions. 155 Eligibility of Addresses We are interested only in private households; thus any address which is not a private residence, whether in whole or in part, should be disregarded:BUT NOTE (1) A house or flat with a shop is a private residence. (2) If the address is a school or business premises (eg offices) there may be a resident caretaker; if so, interview the caretaker‟s household. (3) Interview the owner/proprietor of a guesthouse/private hotel if the owner/proprietor runs it and lives on the premises. YOU SHOULD EXCLUDE (1) hostels. (2) institutions, e.g. schools, hospitals (but see (2) above). (3) business premises (but see (2) above). (4) hotels (but see (3) above). (5) demolished houses. (6) derelict and empty houses. Household Definition (a) Once you have established an eligible address and made contact it is important to establish the household who live at that address. A household is defined as a single person or group of people who have the address as their MAIN or only address and who either:(1) Share one meal a day. (This does not necessarily imply that they must always sit down to eat together, but can be that the food is bought or provided on a common basis.) OR (2) Shared living accommodation: (i) accommodation may still be regarded as shared where the address does not have an actual living room which is separate from the kitchen (ie where the main living room forms part of the same room as the kitchen); (ii) a household can be treated as one if the living room is also used as a bedroom; 156 (iii) never regard as one household solely on the basis of a shared kitchen and/or bathroom. (b) Multi-households are best defined as a group of people who reside at a dwelling but do not share living accommodation or food/eating arrangements. 157 Office Contacts for Queries Questionnaire Issues Liz Graham – 02890 348219 Admin Queries Anne Humphreys – 02890 348255 Allocation Queries Please contact your Area Manager 158 D. Advance letter to Households 159 E. Parental Permission Form 160 161 F. Design Effects & CIs Prevalence rates, design effects and confidence intervals, prepared by Julia Sevtsenko, under supervision of Dr Peter Mühlau 2011 162 Introduction The current report was submitted to PHIRB within DHSSP and includes the methodology on statistical tests performed for the analysis of data of the All Ireland Drug Prevalence Survey 2010/11. In this study, prevalence rates, design effects and confidence intervals were calculated for each drug type broken-down by the following main categories: all respondents; gender (males and females); age groups (15-24 years, 25-34 years, 35-44 years, 45-54 years, 55-64 years; young adults 15-34 years and older adults 35-64 years); and gender by age groups (each gender group was divided into the different age groups). All results were produced at both Northern Ireland and at Health and Social Care Trust (HSCT) levels. Statistical comparisons of prevalence rates were performed between three surveys: the 2002/03 survey, the 2006/07 survey and the 2010/11 survey. As a result of changes in survey design and measurement, statistical comparisons were not performed for the following categories: - the gender by age group. This category did not exist during the 2002/03 and 2006/07 surveys; - Belfast and South-Eastern HSCTs. In 2009, five HSCTs (Belfast HSCT=1; Northern HSCT=2; South Eastern HSCT=3; Southern HSCT=4; Western HSCT=5) replaced the previous four Health Boards presented in 2002/03 and 2006/07 surveys (Eastern HSSB=1; Northern HSSB=2; Southern HSSB=3; Western HSSB=4). Hence, the statistical comparison was available for three Health Boards (Northern, Southern and Western) that were not affected by the reconstruction; - mephedrone and legal highs. These types of drugs were first introduced in the 2010/11 survey; - sedatives & tranquilisers and anti-depressants. These types of drugs were first introduced in the 2006/07 survey; hence the comparison was relevant between the 2006/07 and 2010/11 surveys only. Some drug types that were included in the 2006/07 survey were then omitted from the 2010/11 survey, making it difficult to perform statistical comparisons. To effectively compare the results of all the surveys, two additional drug types, included in the 2006/07 survey, were computed and added to the 2010/11 survey: Opiates (total) (including Heroin, Methadone and Other Opiates) and STA (including Sedatives and Tranquilisers, and Anti-depressants). 163 Prevalence It is evident that the use of drugs in a population alters over time. Drug Prevalence surveys aim to discover the proportion of the population consuming particular drugs at different points of time. Lifetime prevalence, 12-month prevalence and 30-days prevalence were implemented as the ‘points of time’. At Northern Ireland and at HSCT levels, point prevalence was computed for each drug type in all subgroups: Pl kl 100% , n where k represents those who are definite drug users in the sample; n signifies the sample size derived from the Drug Prevalence survey; l denotes the prevalence measure. It is important to note that prevalence rates computed within the survey only provide an estimate of the population prevalence rate, or the point estimate. Weighting The sample size derived from the Drug Prevalence survey represents an estimate of the population from which the sample was drawn. In order to correct disproportions in the sample size and to adjust the collected data, weighting was introduced. Northern Ireland and the HSCTs have normalised weights based on gender and age group and these are calculated by dividing frequency weights by the average frequency weights within the HSCT, where frequency weights are determined by the following fraction: whga PE N hga S nhga , where N PE is the population size according to the 2009 Mid Year Population Estimate (published by NISRA); n S represents the sample size derived from the All Ireland Drug Prevalence survey; and h (= 1 to 5) means the Health and Social Care Trust (HSCT), g (= 1 to 2) denotes gender, a (= 1 to 5) is the age group. Cases with missing values for the weighting variable were automatically excluded from the analysis by the programme. Some statistical calculations, for instance where weighted samples are less accurate, do not require preliminary weighting, so weighting was not applied. The results obtained from the calculation of normalised weights for Northern Ireland and each of the HSCTs based on gender and age group proved to be identical to the results provided by PHIRB. Design effect The design effect determines the impact of design on sampling variability. For the Drug Prevalence survey, design effect was calculated by complex samples algorithm 164 in SPSS 16.0. According to Kish (1965), the design effect is the ratio of the variance under the complex sample design to the variance under the simple random sample design: Deff V ( Nˆ ) , V ( Nˆ ) srs where Vˆ ( Nˆ ) stands for the variance under the complex sample design; and Vˆsrs ( Nˆ ) signifies the variance under the simple random sample design. n In SPSS 16.0, design effects are computed only when the condition 1 is satisfied. Nˆ The variances of parameter estimates are computed in SPSS using the Taylor series expansion method, which involves the estimation of non-linear equations. This method is extensively used and considered to be the ‘gold standard’ of variance estimation. A complex sample design employed for the design effect calculations consists of two following components: Stratification and Weighting, with Health and Social Care Trusts used as Strata. While calculating the design effects for each drug type for the different HSCTs, broken-down into gender and age (5 categories) group, the results revealed no stratification, clustering or differential weighting. The design effects for this group were set to 1.000 and an effective sample size and confidence intervals were calculated. Effective sample size The effective sample size refers to the sample size that is obtained using simple random sampling and it is equivalent to the sample size under the complex sampling methods. The effective sample size is calculated using the following equation: neff n , deff where n signifies the actual sample size; and deff indicates the design effect. Design effect: Descriptives Table 1 describes the summary of the design effects for the All Ireland Drug Prevalence Surveys for 2002/03, 2006/07 and 2010/11. The table presents the mean design effect and its standard deviation for all of the estimated design effects (column DEFF). Column DEFF(LIM) refers to the design effects that have been used for the calculation of the confidence intervals and these are larger than 1 (any design effect that was less than 1 had to be set to 1). Notably, design effects for the 2010/11 survey are smaller than for the 2002/03 and 2006/07 surveys. Last year prevalence design effects were slightly larger than both lifetime and last month prevalence. In general, design effects are larger both for males than for females and for young adults (particularly 15-24 years) than for older adults. Younger females and, especially, males produce larger design effects than older males 165 and females. In addition, design effects for ecstasy, legal highs, mephedrone and amphetamines are the largest, whereas heroin, solvents and crack are the smallest of the drug types used in the study. Table 1 Total Prevalence Lifetime Last Year Last Month Subsample All Males Females 15-34 35-64 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 Males 15-34 Males 35-64 Females 15-34 Females 35-64 Males 15-24 Males 25-34 Males 35-44 Males 45-54 Males 55-64 Females 15-24 Females 25-34 Females 35-44 Females 45-54 Females 55-64 2002/03 DEFF DEFF(LIM) Mean SD Mean SD 1.26 0.25 1.27 0.22 2006/07 DEFF DEFF(LIM) Mean SD Mean SD 1.32 0.35 1.34 0.31 2010/11 DEFF DEFF(LIM) Mean SD Mean SD 1.13 0.29 1.16 0.26 1.28 1.24 1.24 0.26 0.23 0.25 1.29 1.26 1.26 0.23 0.21 0.22 1.38 1.30 1.26 0.34 0.34 0.35 1.39 1.33 1.29 0.32 0.31 0.31 1.14 1.15 1.11 0.29 0.29 0.29 1.17 1.18 1.13 0.26 0.26 0.26 1.40 1.39 1.20 1.42 1.06 1.50 1.23 0.96 1.22 0.92 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.18 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.18 0.15 1.40 1.39 1.20 1.42 1.09 1.50 1.23 1.02 1.23 1.01 0.20 0.20 0.16 0.18 0.12 0.15 0.14 0.04 0.18 0.02 1.49 1.63 1.03 1.50 1.20 1.57 1.35 1.06 1.20 0.99 0.40 0.32 0.19 0.31 0.23 0.26 0.24 0.19 0.22 0.17 1.51 1.63 1.09 1.50 1.23 1.57 1.36 1.11 1.21 1.05 0.38 0.32 0.12 0.30 0.18 0.25 0.21 0.13 0.20 0.07 1.21 1.24 1.14 1.39 0.98 1.67 1.02 0.98 0.99 0.93 1.45 1.01 1.26 0.90 1.74 1.05 1.05 0.96 0.98 1.48 0.98 0.88 1.01 0.88 0.18 0.18 0.23 0.18 0.06 0.28 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.13 0.24 0.05 0.20 0.10 0.36 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.11 0.25 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.15 1.21 1.24 1.16 1.39 1.01 1.67 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.45 1.02 1.27 1.00 1.74 1.05 1.05 1.00 1.02 1.48 1.01 1.00 1.05 1.00 0.17 0.18 0.20 0.18 0.03 0.28 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.24 0.03 0.18 0.01 0.36 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.05 0.25 0.04 0.00 0.09 0.00 166 Drug Type Alcohol Tobacco Cannabis Opiates (total) Heroin Methadone Other opiates Cocaine (including crack) Crack Cocaine powder Amphetamines Ecstasy Mephedrone LSD Magic Mushrooms STA Solvents Poppers Anabolic steroids Legal highs Any illegal drugs Sedatives & Tranquilisers Anti-depressants 1.11 1.25 1.40 1.27 1.32 1.18 1.20 0.19 0.22 0.30 0.28 0.18 0.17 0.34 1.14 1.25 1.41 1.29 1.32 1.18 1.25 0.15 0.21 0.28 0.25 0.17 0.17 0.25 1.26 1.39 1.64 1.41 1.01 1.04 1.45 0.29 0.23 0.46 0.34 0.26 0.23 0.36 1.27 1.39 1.64 1.42 1.11 1.11 1.46 0.27 0.23 0.46 0.33 0.16 0.18 0.35 1.12 1.12 1.10 1.14 0.98 1.16 1.14 0.28 0.28 0.33 0.29 0.07 0.28 0.29 1.16 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.00 1.17 1.17 0.24 0.24 0.26 0.26 0.02 0.27 0.26 1.34 0.21 1.35 0.21 1.40 0.23 1.40 0.23 1.16 0.37 1.21 0.33 1.22 1.35 1.29 1.32 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.17 1.23 1.35 1.29 1.32 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.17 1.22 1.41 1.26 1.48 0.24 0.24 0.26 0.34 1.25 1.41 1.30 1.48 0.19 0.24 0.20 0.34 1.23 1.22 1.12 1.22 1.25 0.15 0.26 0.13 0.22 0.23 1.23 1.25 1.14 1.23 1.26 0.15 0.25 0.10 0.20 0.22 1.27 1.40 1.18 1.09 1.35 1.21 0.34 0.28 0.19 0.32 0.29 0.39 1.31 1.40 1.18 1.19 1.37 1.29 0.29 0.28 0.15 0.21 0.25 0.28 1.41 0.32 1.42 0.30 1.66 0.48 1.66 0.46 1.08 1.17 1.19 1.21 1.20 1.11 1.12 1.11 1.07 1.16 1.15 1.20 1.11 0.26 0.36 0.32 0.35 0.28 0.27 0.25 0.29 0.16 0.25 0.29 0.29 0.33 1.12 1.21 1.20 1.23 1.20 1.13 1.13 1.15 1.08 1.17 1.18 1.21 1.18 0.23 0.33 0.31 0.33 0.27 0.26 0.24 0.25 0.15 0.24 0.27 0.28 0.26 1.14 0.17 1.16 0.15 1.12 0.29 1.16 0.26 1.11 0.13 1.12 0.12 1.12 0.29 1.16 0.26 167 Design effect-adjusted confidence intervals Design effect-adjusted Clopper-Pearson for determining single proportions Confidence intervals are important because they provide a range of the true population value that helps to determine the accuracy of the prevalence estimate. The width of confidence intervals depends on the standard error, which, in turn, depends on n. The standard confidence level for drug prevalence studies is 95%, meaning that 95 percent of confidence intervals are expected to include the population prevalence rates. In order to estimate confidence intervals for the 2010/11 Drug Prevalence survey, the Clopper-Pearson method was applied. This method is considered to be the classic method and provides minimum coverage probabilities of 0.975 with a non-coverage value of 0.025. As SPSS does not provide an appropriate command for the computation of Clopper-Pearson confidence intervals, such a command was designed separately and performed in SPSS. To calculate Clopper-Pearson design effect-adjusted confidence intervals, the proper estimation method for complex survey data should be performed: pˆ (1 pˆ ) n var( pˆ ) deff k ' pn' , n' where n’ is an effective sample size; p̂ represents the estimate of the proportion; var( p̂ ) refers to the sampling variance of the proportion; n indicates the actual sample size; deff signifies the design effect; and k’ is the effective sample size of all definite drug users. The Clopper-Pearson method is adjusted for complex designs (design-effect adjustment) by substituting n for n’ and k for k’: (a / 2; k '; n'k '1); (1 a / 2; k '1; n'k ' ) for 0<k<n; 0; (1 a / 2; k '1; n'k ' ) for k=0; (a / 2; k '; n'k '1);1 for k=n. 1 1 1 1 Design effect-adjusted Newcombe’s hybrid for calculating the difference between two proportions There are more than a dozen methods for establishing confidence intervals that calculate the difference between independent proportions. Newcombe developed a hybrid efficient score method based on the Wilson score method. Importantly, this hybrid method overcame problems of inefficient coverage and it was not as complex as some of the other methods. The following equations outline the design effect-adjusted Wilson score intervals for single proportions: 168 1 2 1 2 z1 a / 2 z1 a / 2 var( pˆ ) z1 a / 2 pˆ i 2n' i 4n' i Upper limit: 1 2 1 z1 a / 2 n ' i 1 2 1 2 z1 a / 2 z1 a / 2 var( pˆ ) z1 a / 2 pˆ i 2n' i 4n' i Lower limit: 1 2 1 z1 a / 2 n ' i While the following represents the derivation of Newcombe’s hybrid score confidence limits determining the difference between two proportions as developed from the lower and upper limits of the design effect-adjusted Wilson score intervals for single proportions: UL p1 (1 UL p1 ) LL p2 (1 LL p2 ) Upper limit: ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) z a / 2 n'1 n' 2 LL p1 (1 LL p1 ) UL p2 (1 UL p2 ) Lower limit: ( pˆ 1 pˆ 2 ) z a / 2 n'1 n' 2 Similar to the Clopper-Pearson method, SPSS does not provide a command for the computation of Newcombe’s hybrid score confidence intervals, thus it was necessary to design and perform an appropriate command in SPSS. 169