Using Streptomyces Bacteria to Produce Renewable
Using Streptomyces Bacteria to Produce Renewable
Towards Sustainable Living: Using Streptomyces Bacteria to Produce Renewable Energy and Commodity Chemicals from Plant Biomass Prof. Jason K. Sello Department of Chemistry Brown U niversity [email protected] Sources of Renewable Energy WIND SOLAR BIOMASS HYDRO GEOTHERMAL Increasing World Biofuels Production • 15.9 billion gallons of biofuels were produced domestically in 2010 – 13.2 billion gallons of ethanol – 2.7 billion gallons of biodiesel • 138.6 billion gallons of gasoline was consumed in the US during 2010 BP Statistical Review of Energy June 2011. Biotechnology for Conversion of Plant Biomass to Biofuels Rubin E. Genomics of cellulosic biofuels. Nature 454: 841-845, 2008. Energy Crops (switch grass) Agricultural Residue Plant Biomass Feedstocks Organic Trash Forestry Waste Biotechnology for Conversion of Plant Biomass to Biofuels Rubin E. Genomics of cellulosic biofuels. Nature 454: 841-845, 2008. Structural Components of Plant Biomass Lignin Hemicellulose Cellulose Rubin E. Genomics of cellulosic biofuels. Nature 454: 841-845, 2008. Structural Components of Plant Biomass Lignin Hemicellulose Cellulose Rubin E. Genomics of cellulosic biofuels. Nature 454: 841-845, 2008. Using Microorganisms for Biofuel Production Fermentation of yeast on plant sugars is currently used to produce bioethanol Engineered bacteria are being developed for the production of biodiesel by fermentation of plant sugars (Steen, Nature, 2010) Image by Marcin Zemla and Manfred Auer, JBEI. Synthetic Biology in Production of Biofuels Keasling and co-workers have engineered E. coli to convert hemicellulose into biofuels. Steen. Nature 463, 559-564, 2010. Structural Components of Plant Biomass Lignin Hemicellulose Cellulose Rubin E. Genomics of cellulosic biofuels. Nature 454: 841-845, 2008. Lignin Component of Plant Biomass • Lignin constitute up to 30% of plant biomass • Highly stable and heterogeneous polymer consisting of aromatic building blocks • Lignin interferes with utilization of cellulose for the production of biofuels • Lignin can be enzymatically depolymerized by some bacteria and fungi Bugg TD, Ahmad M, Hardiman EM & R Singh. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 22:394–400, 2011. Phanerochaete chrysosporium P. chryosporium (white rot fungus) can consume lignin. Lignin Depolymerization Bugg TD, Ahmad M, Hardiman EM & R Singh. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 22:394–400, 2011. What is the fate of depolymerized lignin? Catabolism of Depolymerized Lignin (e.g., Sphingomonas) Masai E, Katayama Y, Fukuda M. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 71(1) 1-15, 2007. Catabolism of Depolymerized Lignin (e.g., Sphingomonas) Masai E, Katayama Y, Fukuda M. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 71(1) 1-15, 2007. Commodity Chemicals from TCA Cycle Triglycerides K. N. Timmis (ed.), Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology, 2010 Biodiesel O R O Alkyl ester R is methyl, ethyl, or propyl. Conversion of Triglycerides into Biodiesel 01.-‐ 0.5% Sodium or Potassium Hydroxide Or Sodium Methoxide O O O O + 3 MeOH O O Triglyceride (Triacylglycerols) Methanol Me 80° Celsius OH O O Biodiesel (FaLy Acid Methyl Ester) Chemical reacVon is a “trans-‐esterificaVon”. + OH OH Glycerin (Glycerol) Bioconversion of Lignin to Biofuels Lignin AromaPc Compounds Acetyl-‐CoA Succinyl-‐CoA Triacyglycerols And FaLy Acids An organism that can convert all the components of plant biomass into biofuels would be an efficient “biorefinery”. Complete Conversion of Lignocellulose to Biofuels Cellulose Lignin Hemicellulose AromaPc Compounds Acetyl-‐CoA Succinyl-‐CoA Triacyglycerols And FaLy Acids Prospecting for Plant Biomass Degraders “An antibiotic is a chemical substance produced by microbes that inhibits the growth of or even destroys other microbes” Selman Waksman (1888-1973) Timeline of Antibiotic Discovery Antibiotics in use as Anti-Bacterial Agents Antibiotics in use as Anti-Tumor Agents Antibiotics in Use as Immunosuppresants Diverse Morphologies and Colors of Streptomyces Species Image courtesy of T. Kieser Two Evolutionary Oddities Streptomycetes Duckbill platypus Streptomyces: An Unconventional Genus of Bacteria Multi-cellular Hyphal morphology and mode of growth like fungi Complex life cycle Linear chromosomes and plasmids >8 Mb chromosomes are common Ubiquitous in terrestrial environments, easily cultured More than 500 species described Non-pathogenic relative of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Prodigious producers of antibiotics The Majority of Antibiotics are Produced by Streptomycetes Waksman screened soil samples in search of microorganisms that produce an8bio8cs. How can we iden2fy microorganisms that degrade plant biomass? IdenVficaVon of LigninolyVc Streptomyces Strains S. lividans S. griseus S. coelicolor S. avermi8lis S. natalensis S. cha<anoogensis S. setonii S. badius S. viridosporus LigininolyPc Streptomyces species can decolorize the aromaPc dye, Azure B. Streptomyces viridosporus S. viridosporus is a bona fide ligninolyVc streptomycete. It also is capable of consuming cellulose and hemicellulose. D.L. Crawford, Appl. Environ. Microbiol, 53: 2754-‐2760, 1987 D.L. Crawford, Appl. Environ. Microbiol, 41: 442-‐448, 1981 R L. Crawford, Appl. Environ. Microbiol, 45: 898-‐904, 1983 Metagenomic-based Enzyme Discovery in Lignocellulolytic Microbial Communities DeAngelis, A. Bioengineering Research, 3, 146-158 (2010) Richness (Number of Taxa Biodiversity in Tropical Forest Soil from Puerto Rico DeAngelis,A. Bioeng. Res., 3, 146-158 (2010) Richness (Number of Taxa Biodiversity in Tropical Forest Soil from Puerto Rico DeAngelis,A. Bioeng. Res., 3, 146-158 (2010) Richness (Number of Taxa Biodiversity in Lignin-Enriched Compost Compost Compost + Alkali Lignin DeAngelis,A. Bioeng. Res., 3, 146-158 (2010) Richness (Number of Taxa Biodiversity in Lignin-Enriched Compost Compost Compost + Alkali Lignin Actinobacteria are Populous Soil Bacteria Mahidul University-‐ Osaka University - Large group of terrestrial bacteria with high G+C content genomes (e.g., Streptomyces, Corynebacteria, Nocardia, Actinoplanes, and Mycobacteria). - Many are filamentous like fungi - Play a critical role in the decomposition of organic matter in soil - Important organisms in biotechnology source of enzymes and medicinal antibiotics Actinobacteria Produce Two-Thirds of the 23,000 Known Antibiotics Streptomyces derived compounds in red boxes Sir David A. Hopwood Overview of Research in the Sello Group O N O O NH O O O N N O N H HN O Chemical Synthesis and Drug Discovery Renewable Energy Streptomyces Bacteria HO NH2 O HO HO HO O O O Chemical Ecology O O NH2 N OH NH3 OH O H N H N OH OH trpRS1 v cmlR Antibacterial Drug Resistance O Biosynthesis and Metabolomics NH Overview of Research in the Sello Group O N O O O NH O O N N O N H HN O Chemical Synthesis and Drug Discovery Okandeji, JOC, 2008 Okandeji, JOC, 2009 Socha, BMC, 2010 Okandeji, BMC, 2011 Carney, JOC, 2012 Compton, ACS Chem. Biol. 2013 Nelson, mBio. 2013 Carney, JACS, 2014 trpRS1 v cmlR Renewable Energy Streptomyces Bacteria HO H N H N Vecchione, J. Bacteriol., 2008 Vecchione, AAC, 2009 Vecchione, AAC, 2009 Vecchione, J. Bacteriol., 2010 NH3 HO HO O O O NH2 O HO N OH Antibacterial Drug Resistance Socha, Energy & Fuels, 2010 Socha, OBC, 2010 Davis, AMB, 2010 Davis, J. Bacteriol., 2012 Davis, NAR, 2013 Davis, Genome Ann. 2013 O OH OH NH2 OH O NH O O Biosynthesis and Metabolomics Chemical Ecology Sello, J. Bacteriol., 2008 Badu-Nkansah, FEMS Lett., 2010 Totaro, ChemBioChem, 2012 Davis, Org. Lett., 2009 Morin, Org. Lett., 2010 Morin, OBC, 2012 Actinobacteria are Potential “Lignocellulose Biorefineries” • Gram-positive soil-dwelling bacteria • Degrade all components of plant biomass – Cellulose – Hemicellulose – Lignin • Naturally accumulate triacylglycerols, the precursors of biodiesel, and make commodity chemicals • Long history in industrial-scale fermentation for the production of antibiotics E. Wellington Plant Biomass-Degrading Actinobacteria Amycolatopsis setonii Streptomyces viridosporus A. setonii and S. viridosporus are bona fide ligninolytic bacteria. They also consume cellulose and hemicellulose. D.L. Crawford, Appl. Environ. Microbiol, 53: 2754-2760, 1987 D.L. Crawford, Appl. Environ. Microbiol, 41: 442-448, 1981 R L. Crawford, Appl. Environ. Microbiol, 45: 898-904, 1983 The first bacterial lignin peroxidase was isolated from Streptomyces viridosporus Ramachandran et al. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 53(12): 2754-2760, 1987. Lignin Depolymerization Bugg TD, Ahmad M, Hardiman EM & R Singh. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 22:394–400, 2011. Genomics Approaches in Bioenergy Technology In collaboration with the Joint Genome Institute (JGI), the genomes of A. setonii and S. viridosporus has been sequenced. 2012 2013 Global Genome Comparisons of Four Actinomycetes A. setonii S. viridosporus S. coelicolor A3(2) A. mediterranei U32 8,442,518 8,292,505 9,054,847 10,236,715 % GC 71.9 72.5 72.0 71.3 Total Genes 8,328 7,648 8,325 9,292 Protein Coding Genes 8,264 7,553 8,210 9,228 Proteins with Predicted FuncVons 6,446 5,653 5,226 6,431 Predicted Secreted Enzymes 1,750 1,618 1,949 3,019 Genome Size Data are from JGI (DOE JOINT GENOME INSTITUTE) Numbers of Genes in Certain COG Functional Categories A. setonii DescripPon S. viridosporus Gene # % of Genome Gene # % of Genome Amino Acid Transport and Metabolism 539 8.4 452 8.5 Carbohydrate Transport and Metabolism 587 9.2 503 9.4 Coenzyme Transport and Metabolism 303 4.7 238 4.5 Energy ProducVon and Conversion 584 9.1 340 6.4 Lipid Metabolism 448 6.9 310 5.82 Secondary Metabolism 397 6.2 288 5.4 Signal TransducVon 1018 15.86 689 12.93 PosdranslaVonal ModificaVon, Protein turnover, chaperones 149 2.32 169 3.17 Global Genome Comparisons of Four Actinomycetes Number of Genes with (or without) a homolog in: Comparison Organism A. setonii S. viridosporus S. coelicolor A3(2) A. mediterranei U32 -‐ (3,730) (2,300) (3,545) (3,522) -‐ (3,441) (1,719) -‐ 4,534 5,964 4,719 4,030 1,618 1,949 3,019 Comparisons for Unique Genes A. setonii S. viridosprous Comparisons for Common genes A. setonii S. viridosporus Number of genes without a homolog in the organism being compared are indicated in parenthesis. Predicted Carbohydrate Degrading Genes in A. setonii and S. viridosporus A. setonii S. viridosporus Gene # Gene # Glyco_hydro 36 71 Carbohydrate Binding Module 1 18 Polysacc_deac 5 9 α-‐amylase 9 15 Pectate Lyase 0 3 51 116 Pfam DescripPon Total # Predicted Lignin Degrading Genes in A. setonii and S. viridosporus A. setonii S. viridosporus Gene # Gene # An_Peroxidase 2 1 Catalase 1 4 CMD* 5 6 Cu-‐oxidase 3 2 Dyp_perox 3 1 GSHPx 1 1 Mn_catalase 2 1 peroxidase 1 1 18 17 Pfam DescripPon Total # *(CMD) Carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase Both species have a comparable number of genes encoding enzymes with potential activity against lignin. Pathways for Catabolism of Depolymerized Lignin in Sphingomonas Masai E, Katayama Y, Fukuda M. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 71(1) 1-‐15, 2007. Homologs of Sphingomonas Lignin Catabolism Pathway Genes in Amycolatopsis setonii PCA 3,4- cleavage pathway! Masai E, Katayama Y, Fukuda M. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 71(1) 1-15, 2007. Homologs of Sphingomonas Lignin Catabolism Pathway Genes in Streptomyces viridosporus PCA 3,4- cleavage pathway! Masai E, Katayama Y, Fukuda M. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 71, 1-15 (2007) Complete Conversion of Lignocellulose to Biofuels Cellulose Lignin Hemicellulose AromaPc Compounds Acetyl-‐CoA Succinyl-‐CoA Triacyglycerols And FaLy Acids Streptomyces viridosporus as a Model for Catabolism of Lignin-Derived Aromatic Compounds Catabolism of a Lignin-Derived Aromatic Compound via the β-Ketoadipate Pathway in S. viridosporus O S-CoA HOOC OH PcaHG OH Protocatechuate HOOC COOH COOH β-hydroxy muconate PcaB COOH O HOOC PcaL O β-hydroxy muconolactone COOH O PcaL O β-ketoadipate enol-lactone PcaI, J, and F O acetyl coenzme A COOH COOH O HO β-ketoadipate S-CoA O Succinyl coenzyme A pcaL pcaB pcaG pcaH pcaF pcaJ pcaI β-ketoadipate enol-lactone hydrolase/decarboxylase β-carboxymuconate cycloisomerase protocatechuate 3,4 dioxygenase, α-subunit protocatechuate 3,4 dioxygenase, β-subunit β-ketoadipyl CoA thiolase β-ketoadipate succinyl-CoA transferase, β-subunit β-ketoadipate succinyl-CoA transferase, α-subunit Commodity Chemicals from TCA Cycle Triglycerides K. N. Timmis (ed.), Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology, 2010 Lignin Derived Aromatics to Commodity Chemicals O ACC Carboxylase CoA-S Tet O CoA-S HO OH N H OH O NH 2 OH OH Malonyl CoA Acetyl-CoA H OH OH O O O Tetracycline O O HO MMA Mutase S-CoA -O O O MMA Epimerase S-CoA -O O DEBS O OH HO OH S-CoA O Succinyl-CoA (S)-methyl Malonyl CoA (R)-methyl Malonyl CoA HO O O O O O NMe2 O OMe OH Complete Conversion of Lignocellulose to Biofuels Cellulose Lignin Hemicellulose AromaPc Compounds Acetyl-‐CoA Succinyl-‐CoA Triacyglycerols And FaLy Acids