design guidelines - Fireside at Desert Ridge
design guidelines - Fireside at Desert Ridge
DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR FIRESIDE AT DESERT RIDGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Revised 7/2011 Fireside at Desert Ridge Design Review Guidelines Rev. 7/2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Welcome Fireside Community Association Desert Ridge Community Association Desert Ridge Specific Plan City of Phoenix State of Arizona Capital Consultants Management Corporation Rossmar & Graham Page 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 DESERT RIDGE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE Scope And Purpose DRDRC Membership Reviewing Authority Design Theme 8 8 8 9 DESIGN SUBMITTAL AND CONTROL Obligation To Obtain Approval Accuracy Of Information Submittal and Review Procedures Review Schedule Review Fees Review-Approval And/Or Disapproval Changes After Final Review Variances Decisions Appeals To The Board Liability Inspection Violations And Monetary Penalties Fireside at Desert Ridge Design Review Guidelines Rev. 7/2011 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONT. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES Headers Irrigation Front Yard Landscape Plant Materials And Turf Rear Yard Landscape Corner Lots Courtyards Fine Grading And Mounding Rock Ground Cover and Boulders Maintenance Page 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 18 ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES Additional Sidewalks Ancillary Structures Amplifiers Antennas And Satellite Dishes Awnings And Canopies Barbecues Basketball Equipment Building Materials Clothes Drying Facilities Color Scheme Decorative Items Dog Runs And Pet Shelters Driveway Extensions And Sidewalks Fences Fireplaces And Chimneys Flagpoles And Flags Garages Garbage Storage Gates Gazebos And Ramadas Fireside at Desert Ridge Design Review Guidelines Rev. 7/2011 19 19 19 20 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONT. Page Guest Houses/Habitable Structures Gutters And Downspouts Holiday Items And Lighting Lighting Machinery And Equipment Ornamentation Paint Colors Patio And Decks Roofs And Covers Parking Play Equipment Pools And Spas Roof, Covers, Fabric, Structures and Umbrellas Roofs And Roof Top Equipment Screening Screen And Security Doors Signs Solar Equipment Sport Courts Storage Sheds Utility And Service Lines Walls Water Features Window Coverings 27 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 38 38 38 38 39 APPENDIX DRDRC Request For Architectural Approval Pool And Spa Request For Approval Approved Plant List (Front Yard) Approved Plant List (Rear Yard/Visible) Approved Plant List (Rear Yard/Private) Prohibited Plant List Fireside at Desert Ridge Design Review Guidelines Rev. 7/2011 (form) (form) 40 42 45 48 Page Community Rules and Regulations Condominium Specific Design Guidelines Use and Occupancy Restrictions Initial Landscape Installation Submittal Instructions and Forms 50 Supplement Fireside at Desert Ridge Design Review Guidelines Rev. 7/2011 INTRODUCTION WELCOME Welcome to Fireside at Desert Ridge by Del Webb. The information in these Residential Design Guidelines is intended to familiarize you with the rules and standards that regulate and control the appearance of your community and home. The rules and regulations described are intended to assure the quality and desirability of Fireside at Desert Ridge living for current and future residents. You have made a special choice in becoming a part of this community and we wish you many years of happiness. Thank you. Board of Directors Fireside at Desert Ridge Community Association FIRESIDE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Fireside at Desert Ridge is a development of Del Webb. This is a master planned community on a 276-acre area consisting of a community center, park and 911 lots. This consists of 629 single-family homes, 204 Single Family Homes in a 6-Plex configuration that are gated and 78 Triplex Condominium Units that are gated. Fireside at Desert Ridge is its own community association with its own Membership, Board of Directors, CC&R’s, Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Community Rules and Design Guidelines. The Condominium Units (78 Triplex’s) are a sub-association with their own Membership, Board of Directors, CC&R’s, Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Community Rules and Design Guidelines. The Desert Ridge Design Review Committee (DRDRC) reviews only exterior (visible) changes to the condominium units. DESERT RIDGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION By purchasing property at Desert Ridge, you became a member of the Desert Ridge Community Association. The Desert Ridge Community Association Board of Directors and Master Developer oversees all activity within the Desert Ridge Master Planned Community. The Board is also responsible for appointing the DRDRC. The DRDRC’s role is to assure the high quality of living and maintain high property values at Desert Ridge through conformance to the Design Guidelines. DESERT RIDGE SPECIFIC PLAN Desert Ridge is a 5,700-acre Master Planned Community. It is the first of its kind in the State of Arizona in that it is the first development to fall under a “Specific Plan”. The Desert Ridge Specific Plan has been prepared as the result of a unique public/private relationship created through a planning permit issued under the State of Arizona’s Urban Land Act. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 6 Northeast Phoenix Partners, the Master Developer, has undertaken the planning effort subject to the direct supervision of the Arizona State Land Department. The Desert Ridge Specific Plan seeks to create and implement a desert community through the sensitive integration into the existing Sonoran Desert by controlling all aspects of development. Strict design review standards governing site design, vegetation preservation, grading, architecture, landscape architecture, signage, etc. will ensure a quality of development that will establish the standards of Desert Ridge. CITY OF PHOENIX The Specific Plan is the governing land use document of the City of Phoenix for Desert Ridge. It provides the underlying zoning controls of the Village Center and resort areas, establishes the future planning framework and subsequent zoning processes for the balance of the project and specifies the phasing and construction of infrastructure necessary to serve the area. STATE OF ARIZONA All buildings and structures erected within the Fireside at Desert Ridge, and the use and appearance of all land within Fireside at Desert Ridge, shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, County and City of Phoenix Zoning and Code requirements as well as the CC&R’s effective June 14, 2006 and all Amendments therein. AAM, LLC AAM, LLC is the management company for Fireside at Desert Ridge. Rossmar & Graham is the management company for the Desert Ridge (Master) Community Association.: Fireside at Desert Ridge c/o AAM, LLC 1600 W. Broadway Rd., Ste 200 Tempe, AZ 85282 Office: 602-957-9191 Fax: 602-870-8231 Please forward all correspondence, questions, comments and/or concerns regarding design submittals to the Desert Ridge Design Review Manager as listed below: Design Review Manager Desert Ridge c/o Rossmar & Graham 20860 N Tatum Blvd., Ste 360 Phoenix, AZ 85050 Office: 480-551-4300 Fax: 480-551-6000 FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 7 DESERT RIDGE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE SCOPE AND PURPOSE In accordance with the Desert Ridge CC&R’s, a DRDRC (also referred to as the Reviewing Authority within the CC&R’s) shall be established and shall perform the duties set forth in the CC&R’s. In addition to other duties outlined in the CC&R’s, the DRDRC shall adopt guidelines and procedures for the preparation, submission and determination of the application for any approvals required for the construction of any structures, landscaping, or other improvements within Fireside at Desert Ridge. The Design Review Guidelines, as set forth in this document, shall interpret and implement procedures for the DRDRC’s review of, and the standards for the development of single family homes within Fireside at Desert Ridge, including, but not limited to, architectural design, placement of buildings, landscaping, plant selection, color schemes, exterior finish and materials, signage, wall design and similar matters. DRDRC MEMBERSHIP The current DRDRC consists of: 1) Desert Ridge Community Association Board of Directors Member 2) A Landscape Architect 3) An Architect REVIEWING AUTHORITY Mandatory Submittal of Plans and Specifications except as otherwise expressly provided in this Declaration or the Design Review Guidelines or any applicable Tract Declaration or Neighborhood Declaration, without the prior written approval by the Reviewing Authority of plans and specifications submitted in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration and, if applicable, the Design Review Guidelines: 1) No improvements, alterations, repairs, excavation, grading, landscaping or other work shall be done which in any way alters the exterior appearance of the Covered Property or Improvements thereon from their natural or improved state; 2) No building, fence, exterior wall, pool, roadway, driveway or other improvement or grading shall at any time be commenced, erected, maintained, altered, changed or made on any Lot or Parcel; and FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 8 3) No exterior trees, bushes, shrubs, plants or other landscaping shall be planted or placed upon the Covered Property except for replacements of plants previously approved and which remain acceptable in accordance with the then current Design Review Guidelines, if applicable. DESIGN THEME Desert Ridge is designed to be compatible with the spectacular Sonoran Desert setting of Northeast Phoenix. Building design, material and color as well as the palette of landscape material have been carefully chosen to achieve the design theme, and these elements are controlled by Design Guidelines. This booklet summarizes some of the important parts of the Fireside at Desert Ridge and the Desert Ridge Master Association Residential Design Guidelines controlled by the Master Developer. For more information pertaining to the Design Guidelines contact the Association Management team at (480) 551-4300. DESIGN SUBMITTAL AND CONTROL OBLIGATION TO OBTAIN APPROVAL Homeowners must obtain DRDRC approval for all work, construction, or changes to the exterior of their lots. All landscaping whether installed by a builder or the homeowner, must be selected from the Approved Plant List included in the Appendix and shall be approved by the DRDRC prior to installation. For initial front and rear yard installation and initial pool installation please refer to the initial landscape installation submittal instructions located as a supplement in the last section of these guidelines. Should an owner fail to obtain DRDRC approval prior to installation, the work is subject to removal at the owner's expense and a "Monetary Fine" as outlined herein. ACCURACY OF INFORMATION Anyone submitting plans to the DRDRC shall be responsible for verification and accuracy of all components of such submissions, including without limitation, all site dimensions, grades, elevations, utility locations, easements and other pertinent features of the site or plans. SUBMITTAL AND REVIEW PROCEDURES Two (2) sets of plans detailing any improvements or changes to a lot or dwelling unit thereon shall be submitted to the DRDRC for approval based on the schedule described below. All plans shall be to scale, where appropriate, and sheet size should not exceed 30" x 42". FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 9 The plan submittal shall include the following information: A) DRDRC Application (see Sample in Appendix) B) Site development plan indicating: 1) Lot boundary and dimensions; 2) Location of any existing buildings, landscaping, walls and fences or other improvements; 3) Location of any easements, right-of-ways, setbacks or site visibility triangles; 4) Location of any and all proposed improvements including, but not limited to, buildings and other structures, walls and fences, grading, hardscape, landscape, irrigation, Ramadas, barbecues, fireplaces, pools/spas, pool/spa equipment, pool/spa equipment enclosures, exterior lighting and basketball goals; C) Elevations indicating any architectural improvements; D) Separate lists of plant materials for front and rear yards selected from the Approved Plant Lists in the Appendix; E) Samples of exterior building materials and colors (where appropriate); please include LRV for all paint colors F) Any other information as may be requested by the DRDRC or its designee. REVIEW SCHEDULES All plans submitted to the DRDRC for approval will be reviewed by the DRDRC, or its designee, within thirty (30) days from the date received at the management office. Currently the DRDRC meets twice per month. REVIEW FEES After the initial landscape and architectural approval has been completed, some fees may be required for Design Review Submittals. A reasonable fee may be charged for the review process, and fees can be incurred for an Architect, Landscape Architect or Consultant if the DRDRC so deems it is necessary. The homeowner would be responsible for any fees incurred in relation to the Design Review Submittal. Note: A seventy five hundred ($7,500.00) dollar fee may be collected at close of escrow and held by the title company until all required initial landscaping has been submitted, installed, inspected and approved. There is a two hundred dollar ($200.00) fee required at time of submittal for pre and post installation inspection by an independent landscape company. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 10 REVIEW-APPROVAL AND/OR DISAPPROVAL The DRDRC shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of plans to approve or disapprove plans. If the DRDRC fails to approve or disapprove a submittal within thirty (30) days after the application, together with all supporting information, plans and specifications requested by the DRDRC has been received and accepted by the DRDRC, the applicant shall contact the DRDRC in writing to request an expedited review of applicant’s application (the “Follow-up Request”), in which event DRDRC shall either approve or disapprove of such application within fifteen (15) days of such Follow-up Request. No verbal approvals/disapprovals will be given by the management company. All decisions will be in written form mailed via US Mail. Review will include, but is not limited to, consideration of material, quality of workmanship, colors, and consistency with the external design and color of existing structures on the lot and impact on neighboring lots. The location of the improvement with respect to topography and finished grade elevation is also considered. Neither the DRDRC, nor the Board of Directors, nor the Declarant shall have any liability in connection with or related to approved plans, specifications, or improvements. The approval of the plans does not mean that judgment is passed on the structural soundness of the improvement nor its effect upon existing or future drainage. The review of the plans is for aesthetic purposes only. Approval Expiration: Other than initial Landscape installation, construction must be started within 90 days of the date of the DRDRC’s approval of the application, or the DRDRC’s approval shall be deemed withdrawn and plans must be resubmitted in accordance with these Rules. Construction Period: Once started, construction (other than landscape installation) shall be pursued diligently in order to assure prompt completion thereof. Absent a different deadline for completion of construction (which may be shorter or longer, at the DRDRC’s discretion), such construction shall be completed within six (6) months of the date of the DRDRC’s approval of the application. CHANGES AFTER FINAL REVIEW There may be occasions when an Owner desires to make a change that affects the exterior of the building or the site after construction documents are reviewed. When an applicant wishes to make a change which deviates from the plans as approved by the DRDRC, the applicant must submit a written request to the DRDRC along with a set of plans clearly delineating the proposed change. The DRDRC shall respond to such request within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt. No changes will be allowed unless approved by the DRDRC. The DRDRC reserves the right to charge an additional fee to complete this review process. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 11 VARIANCES The DRDRC may grant variances from these guidelines for the following extenuating circumstances. If strict conformance to the requirements would create an unreasonable hardship or burden; would not have a substantially adverse effect on the Owners or Occupants of Neighboring Property; and are consistent with the high quality of life intended for Desert Ridge. A majority of the members of the DRDRC must vote in favor of a variance in order for the variance to be granted. DECISIONS The DRDRC shall review all submitted applications and shall furnish a written decision to the applicant setting forth the reasons for its decision, including the nature of any objections it has to the application. If the DRDRC fails to review an application within the thirty (30) days of receipt by the managing agent, then the application shall be deemed approved; however this does not remove the obligation of the applicant to follow and comply with all the guidelines for the community. The DRDRC shall determine whether an application is in conformance with the guidelines. In addition, the DRDRC may disapprove any application if the DRDRC, in its discretion, believes the applicant has not supplied sufficient or accurate information or has not complied with the intent of these Guidelines. APPEALS TO THE BOARD Any Owner aggrieved by a decision of the DRDRC may appeal the decision in writing. Such appeal must be made within thirty (30) days after the decision of the DRDRC and must be accompanied by the written decision of the DRDRC, copies of the application and all items submitted to the DRDRC or any other relevant evidence previously submitted to the DRDRC. If a decision of the DRDRC is overruled on any issue in question, the prior decision of the DRDRC shall be deemed modified to the extent specified. Please submit Appeals to: Fireside at Desert Ridge Community Association C/O Rossmar & Graham 20860 N. Tatum Blvd., Suite 360 Phoenix, AZ 85050 LIABILITY Any approval of plans, specifications or proposed construction given by the DRDRC, or its designee, shall be only for the purpose of permitting construction of proposed improvements within Desert Ridge and shall not constitute compliance with city, county, state and federal laws. Such approval shall not constitute an approval, ratification, or endorsement of the quality of architectural or engineering soundness of the proposed improvement. Neither the DRDRC, the Board, the Association or its designee, the Master, the Master Board, nor the Declarant shall have any liability in connection with or related to approved plans, specifications, or improvements. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 12 INSPECTION The DRDRC or Management Company reserves the right to inspect the finished project(s). VIOLATIONS AND MONETARY PENALTIES A. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Association’s Rules & Regulations (hereinafter “Rules”) to the contrary, the following provisions apply regarding the imposition of fines and penalties. Each Owner is encouraged to become familiar with the Association’s policy regarding fines and penalties and to ensure that all residents, family members, tenants, guests, invitees, licensees and agents are familiar with the same. B. Any infraction of the Rules, or of the Articles, Bylaws or Declaration (collectively “Governing Documents”) by an Owner, resident, family member, tenant, guest, invitee, licensee or agent shall result in a fine against the applicable Owner and further penalties as follows (in addition to any other penalties, disabilities or remedies available to the Association): (1) First Offense: Optional Warning with property manager, employee or Board member notifying of violation; or minimum $25.00 fine and/or suspension of Owner’s membership rights. (2) Second and Additional Offenses: Minimum $50.00 fine and/or suspension of Owner’s membership rights. (3) Unless otherwise indicated in any notice of an offense, a continuing offense shall be deemed to be an additional offense every ten (10) days, until remedied. C. Vandalism will involve a fine as outlined above, plus reimbursement to the Association for actual replacement or repair costs, and for such other amounts as more fully set forth in the Declaration or these Rules. D. Any charge or fine not paid by its due date, as set forth in the other operative documents or as set by the Board, will be handled in the same manner as any other assessment as permitted by law. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 13 E. With the exception of charges imposed for the late payment of annual or special assessments, all other monetary charges, penalties, or fines imposed upon an Owner for violation of the Declaration, Bylaws, Articles or Rules, shall allow notice and an opportunity to be heard, unless notice was supplied to an Owner prior to incurring or imposition of any charges, penalties, or fines and no action was taken in response to said notice. The notice requirement is satisfied by mailing a copy of the amount due and payable, postage prepaid to the applicable Owner, to the Owner’s address last appearing on the books and records of the Association, or supplied by such Owner to the Association for such notices, or to the extent otherwise provided in the Declaration. The hearing requirement is satisfied by allowing an opportunity for the Owner to be heard at the next meeting of the Board of Directors. Unless the meeting date and time is provided in the notice or the notice sets forth requirements for a hearing, such as a written request for a hearing, the Owner so notified has the obligation to find out when and where the next scheduled Board of Directors’ meeting will be held as more fully set forth above. Failure to attend said meeting will constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing by the Owner. In the event of a hearing, any determination by the Board shall be conclusive. F. In accordance with A.R.S. 33-1242 or 33-1803, in the event the infraction of the Governing Documents pertains to the condition of the owner’s property, the owner may provide the Association with a written response to the notice of violation by sending the response via certified mail to the Association in accordance with the relevant statutes. Upon receipt of such a response, the Association shall thereafter refrain from taking any enforcement action until such time as the Association secures an emergency order from a court of competent jurisdiction and/or provides the owner with the following information: (1) The provision(s) of the Governing Documents that has allegedly been violated; (2) The date of the violation or the date the violation was observed; and (3) The first and last name of the person or persons who observed the violation. If the Association has provided the foregoing information to an owner in a notice of violation prior to receiving the written response from the owner, then the Association will be deemed to have complied with A.R.S. 33-1242 or 33-1803, and the Association may proceed immediately with enforcement action. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 14 LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES HEADERS (flush curb or edging) Headers may not exceed 8 inches in width and shall be flush where they abut other paved areas. Acceptable materials are poured or extruded concrete, pre-cast concrete, brick or mortared stone. No railroad ties, plastic, steel, aluminum or redwood header board will be approved by the DRDRC. IRRIGATION All landscape irrigation shall be low water use, drip systems, except for turf or flowerbed areas which may use spray systems. Overspray onto public sidewalks or streets are not allowed. FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE Landscape designs for front yards, including hardscape improvements, shall be approved by the DRDRC prior to installation. Earth mounding is encouraged to add visual interest. Turf is prohibited in front yards. Plant species shall be from the appropriate “front yard” plant list in the Appendix. No bollards, chain, rope, artificial turf or other synthetic groundcover will be allowed as part of the front yard landscaping. No synthetic “faux finish” material such as coatings that resemble rock or pavers will be permitted. Trees must be set back at least 3 feet from the property line. At least one tree shall be located between the street and front building setback. PLANT MATERIALS AND TURF The minimum requirements per front yard for the Splendor (3500 Series) (Lot Size 45’x115’) shall be: (1) 36” box tree and (1) 6-foot Ocotillo, Saguaro, or 15-gallon tree (1) 5-gallon shrub/cacti/succulent per 100 square feet (1.5) 1-gallon ground cover per 100 square feet The minimum requirements per front yard for the Monument (4500 Series) (Lot Size 55’ (1) 36” box tree and (1) 6 foot Ocotillo, Saguaro, or 15-gallon tree FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 15 (1) 5-gallon shrub/cacti/succulent per 100 square feet (1.5) 1-gallon ground cover per 100 square feet The minimum requirements per front yard for the Majesty (5500 Series) (Lot Size 65’ x 120’) shall be: (1) 36” box tree and (1) 24” box tree (1) 5-gallon shrub/cacti/succulent per 100 square feet (1.5) 1-gallon ground cover per 100 square feet REAR YARD LANDSCAPE Private Yards Yards enclosed with solid walls, or partial view fences consisting of a minimum of 48” of block wall, or more if required by the City of Phoenix, and up to 18” of view fence, not visible by others, may choose low-water use plants provided in the Approved Plant List for Rear Yards (private) in the Appendix. No minimum quantities and sizes of trees and shrubs are required. Lawn is restricted to a maximum of 10% of the total lot in order to promote water conservation. Lawns must be set back 48 inches from party and lot walls. Trees must be setback a minimum of five (5) foot setback from any wall. Visible Yards Yards with any view fence, visible by Wash Corridors, golf courses or open spaces, must maintain a plant palette similar to those adjacent use areas in order to promote visual continuity, avoiding high contrasts in plant materials. Lawn is restricted to a maximum of 10% of the gross lot area in order to promote water conservation. Lawns must be set back 48 inches from party and lot walls. Plants must be chosen from the Residential Rear Yard (Visible) Plant List in the Appendix. Trees must have a minimum 5’ setback from any wall. No bollards, chain, rope artificial plants, or other synthetic groundcover will be allowed as part of a visible rear yard’s landscaping. No synthetic “faux finish” material such as coatings that resemble rock or pavers will be permitted “if visible from a view lot”. Partial view fences (solid part 54 inches high) may be regulated as a solid wall at the DRDRC’s discretion. CORNER LOTS Landscape areas between the Homeowners’ perimeter wall and a local or collector street are the Homeowner's responsibility to landscape and maintain. Homeowners shall install irrigation, vegetation from the appropriate plant list and rock ground cover. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 16 A minimum of one (1) gallon shrub per forty (40) square feet along the length of the wall shall be required. Required planting shall be informal masses rather than linear screening of the wall. COURTYARDS Courtyards will be reviewed on a case by case basis when applicable. FINE GRADING AND MOUNDING The owner must not change the engineered yard grades abutting adjacent properties. Pool construction, landscape work, etc., must be carried out so as to preserve positive drainage pattern of the lot to the front, and to prevent the diversion of water onto adjacent lots, and standing water on the property. Grades along party walls and fences must be maintained unless grade changes are approved by the DRDRC. Fine grading is a critical aspect of landscaping. Each lot has been graded such that all storm water will drain away from the house. It is important that this drainage pattern is maintained when preparing the landscape design, especially if mounding or berming is proposed. In all cases, the installation must comply with the City approved grading and drainage plan. Every effort should be made to make mounding appear natural. Mounding and berming within an area measured seven (7) feet behind the back of the curb along the entire lot is discouraged. No mounding having a slope greater than 3:1 horizontal to vertical will be accepted. All mounding, berming and grading should appear natural. Mounding or bermed areas must be covered with groundcover (i.e. granite or ground cover plants). ROCK GROUND COVER AND BOULDERS DECOMPOSED GRANITE/MULCH All granite/mulch Visible from Neighboring Property shall be Madison Gold. Acceptable size is ½” or ¾” screened. BOULDERS/ROCK Boulders shall be of naturally weathered granite and a color similar to indigenous Sonoran Desert granite and selected to match or complement decomposed granite. Boulders should be used as an accent. Boulders or any other coarse landscape rock may not cover more than 10% of the landscape and large massings are discouraged. Visible rip-rap (heavy cracked stone used for erosion control) is not allowed in front or visible yards, but “coarse landscape rock” may be allowed based on the submittal of a sample for approval. Coarse landscape rock may be used in front yards for drainage purposes only. Acceptable colors are: Autumn Gold, Palomino Gold, or Desert Brown. Size shall be 3” – 6”. Native rock, pit run rock, or river run rock may be allowed. Color samples shall be submitted to the DRDRC for approval. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 17 MAINTENANCE Each Owner, at Owner’s sole cost, shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of all landscaping on the Owner’s Lot or Parcel. This includes the area between the street curb and right-of-way line on the Owner’s Lot or Parcel, except those areas owned by the Association. All landscaping shall be maintained in good condition, including but not limited to irrigation, mowing, fertilization, shrub and tree pruning, pest and disease control and trash removal. Dead, damaged or dying plant materials and damaged or deteriorating structural elements shall be replaced as soon as possible when an unsightly or potentially hazardous condition becomes apparent. If such maintenance is not performed by the Owner, the DRDRC may enforce these guidelines using the procedures described in Article 13.4 of the CC&R's. Owners are responsible for dust, erosion, and weed control of their Lots or Parcels. This will ensure the highest quality of life for all Desert Ridge residents and visitors. The DRDRC and/or the Property Management Company shall have the right to inspect the DRDRC-approved improvement during and after construction to monitor compliance with the approved plans and conditions. The owner shall grant access to rear yard areas within one (1) week of request by the DRDRC or Property Management Company. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES DEFINITIONS Private Rear Yard - Yards enclosed with solid walls, or partial view fences consisting of a minimum of 48” of block wall, or more if required by the City of Phoenix, and up to 18” of view fence. Visible Rear Yard - Yards with full view fence, visible by Wash Corridors, golf courses or open spaces. Courtyard - Front courtyard walls are intended to accentuate the home and yard, but must maintain the architectural theme. 6’ walls may be allowed no closer to the street than the most extended footprint element of the originally constructed home (excluding side load garages or casitas, as applicable). All walls that lie closer to the street may not exceed 30”, as measured from the outside toe of wall. 6’ walls, including the gate, may not comprise more than 40% of the home width and must provide for a minimum 2’ offset. Please see Figures A.1 and A.2 (pg 69) for clarification. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 18 ADDITIONAL SIDEWALKS The additional sidewalk is three (3) feet or less in width, is one foot or more from the property line, and is one foot or more from the home. The area between the home and the sidewalk addition must have groundcover installed per the landscaping guidelines or to match the existing front yard ground cover (i.e., decomposed granite). The material and colors of the additional sidewalk must match the existing or adjacent driveway. “No Faux finishes are permitted for any walkway in visible yards.” 1. The DRDRC reserves the right to review and request changes to the addition per these requirements. 2. Additional sidewalks in any other location must be submitted for approval. ANCILLARY STRUCTURES The DRDRC will review each application in detail regarding proposed pergolas, Ramadas, fountains, statues, art/sculpture, arbors, entry/security gates, etc. Entry features shall relate to the architecture utilizing like materials, similar scale and extensions of the architecture. Any structure or landscape addition may not in any manner allow encroachment of any type on the privacy of neighboring property. The DRDRC shall consider the impacts of noise, lighting and visual privacy and impairment of neighbor’s view on adjacent properties in review of applications, especially in multifamily developments. The architecture of all ancillary structures shall be consistent with the architecture of the dwelling unit, avoiding contrasting independent features without relationship to the architecture. Ancillary/landscape structures which may include but are not limited to greenhouses, gazebos, Ramadas, enclosures and similar structures are allowed in rear yards only and require DRDRC approval. Structures may not exceed 300 square feet. All structures are limited to ten (10) feet in height and must be set back five (5) feet from any property line or view fence. All ancillary structures visible from neighboring property or through visible fencing shall be painted to match the color of the dwelling unit for that lot or have a natural wood or other natural finish and shall have roofing material which match the roofing of the dwelling unit. Consideration will be observed in regards to any structure’s impact on neighboring property. Ornamentation such as color blocking, murals, or signage on architectural elements is prohibited. Plastic bubbles and air structures are prohibited. AMPLIFIERS AND EXTERIOR SPEAKERS No radio, stereo, television, broadcast, loudspeaker unit, amplifier of any kind, may be placed upon or outside, or be directed to the outside of any building without prior written approval from the DRDRC. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 19 ANTENNAS AND SATELLITE DISHES “No television, radio, or other electronic towers, aerials, antennae, satellite dishes or device of any type for the reception or transmission of radio or television broadcasts or other means of communication shall hereafter be erected, constructed, placed or permitted to remain on any Lot or upon any improvements thereon, except that this prohibition shall not apply to those antennae specifically covered by 47 CFR Part 1, Subpart S, Section 1.4000 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (or any successor statute), as amended from time to time. The Association shall be empowered to adopt Association Rules governing the types of antennae that are permissible hereunder, and to establish reasonable, non-discriminatory restrictions relating to location and safety of antennae structures. To the extent that reception of an acceptable signal would not be impaired, an antenna permissible pursuant to Association Rules may only be installed in a side or rear yard location, not Visible From Neighboring Property, or integrated with the Dwelling Unit and surrounding landscaping to prevent or limit such visibility. Antennae shall be installed in compliance with all Applicable Laws and regulations.” 1. No exterior television, radio, or other antennas or dishes of any kind may be placed, allowed, or maintained upon any lot or parcel without prior written approval from the DRDRC; 2. Concealment of antennas will be required and where practical as determined by the DRDRC; 3. Ham, citizen band, or other similar antennas will not be allowed; 4. Satellite Dish – Homeowners may install one 18 inch satellite dish. The dish may not be visible from the street, except with DRDRC approval. The preferred installation locations are as follows in descending order of preference: a. A location in the back yard of the Lot where the Receiver will be screened from view by landscaping or other improvements; b. An unscreened location in the backyard of the Lot; c. A location in the side yard of the Lot where the Receiver and any pole or mast will be screened from view by landscaping or other improvements; d. An unscreened location in the side yard; e. A location in the front yard of the Lot where the Receiver will be screened from view by landscaping or other improvements; f. On the rear roof completely below the peak of the roof. g. No satellite dish or other communication device may be attached to a common lot wall or perimeter wall. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 20 5. If ground-mount is not possible, the owner must contact the Association to arrange an acceptable timetable for site inspection and schedule a meeting to discuss possible installations in manners that would conform to the Desert Ridge Design Guidelines and these guidelines. AWNINGS AND CANOPIES Awnings and canopies provide an effective means for controlling glare and excessive heat build-up on windows and door openings, which help in reducing energy consumption and utility costs. The manner in which sun shading is provided has considerable effect on the exterior appearance of a house. All awnings must be submitted for approval prior to installation and must include a drawing with the location of the proposed awning installation, sample of material, color of awning and design of awning. 1. Awnings and canopies shall be placed in rear and side yards only; 2. Awnings and canopies should be compatible with the architectural character of the Dwelling Unit in terms of style, materials, color and visual scale; 3. The color of the awning or canopy shall match the trim or dominant color of the Dwelling Unit. Exceptions must be approved by the DRDRC; 4. The location of any awning or canopy shall not adversely affect views, sunlight, or natural ventilation of adjacent properties; 5. If Visible from Neighboring Property metal or wood frames for awnings shall be painted to match the trim or dominant color of the Dwelling Unit; 6. Plastic or rigid metal awnings are not permitted. Shade material must be canvas (or other woven material) of a color, which is complementary to the house as approved by the DRDRC. Shade screens which are not an integral part of a window system are not permitted; 7. Shade sail fabric shade structures with metal posts will be allowed subject to DRDRC approval. Colors for the sail fabric shall match the trim or dominant color of the Dwelling Unit. Exceptions must be approved by the DRDRC. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 21 BARBECUES Natural or propane gas barbecues are allowed in rear yard and courtyards only. Barbecues in courtyards may not be visible from front yard or street. Permanent barbecues six (6) feet or less in height shall be located three (3) feet, as measured from edge of the grilling surface, from non-view property lines, and fully screened from view from the adjacent common area when located in full-view rear yards. Barbecues greater than six (6) feet in height, and/or using heating materials other than natural or propane gas, must be located fifteen (15) feet from a property line and are limited to ten (10) feet in height. Standard manufactured barbeque units (moveable) that have no chimneys must be set back two (2) feet from any wall. BASKETBALL GOALS Portable basketball goals are prohibited. Basketball goals mounted on the dwelling unit are prohibited. Rear and side yard goals are prohibited. Permanent basketball backboards shall be installed on permanent pole structures only. The backboard color shall be white, clear plastic, or painted to match the color schemes of the dwelling unit. No logos shall be added beyond the manufacturer's logo. All backboards, mounting hardware and pole must be painted to match the color scheme of the dwelling unit. All backboards, located in the front yard shall be on the interior side of the driveway (the side closest to the front door). Goals shall not be located to allow basketball playing from within public streets. All equipment must be constantly maintained. Broken backboards, disfigured or bent rims, ripped or torn nets, chipped and/or peeling paint, etc. must be promptly removed, repaired and replaced. Only nylon or similar cord nets are acceptable. prohibited. Metal or chain nets are expressly Painting of “keys” on driveways is prohibited. Lighting of basketball equipment for night play is expressly prohibited. BUILDING MATERIALS All exterior-building materials must be approved by the DRDRC prior to submittal to the City or commencement of any exterior alteration. Finished building materials must be applied to all exterior sides of buildings and structures. Each material will be used to express its characteristics in an appropriate manner with color and textures compatible with the natural surroundings and other buildings and structures in the general vicinity. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 22 Permitted exterior finished materials included stucco, plastered unit masonry and adobe. Other materials may be approved by the DRDRC. Accent veneer panels of brick or stone may be utilized if approved by the DRDRC. CLOTHES DRYING FACILITIES Outdoor clothes lines and all appurtenances are not allowed where visible from neighboring property or through view fences. COLOR SCHEME All exterior paint colors visible from neighboring property must be selected from the color palette originally approved for the neighborhood (available from the DRDRC). Other compatible colors may be approved by the DRDRC. All fabric, tile and masonry colors must match or complement the color scheme of the house for which they are being used. DECORATIVE ITEMS Holiday decorative items, such as seasonal lighting, displays and holiday flags, do not require approval; however, such decorative items shall not be displayed more than 30 days prior to the actual holiday with which they are associated or more than 10 days after the actual holiday. 1. Seasonal and Decorative Flags: Flags must be maintained in a good condition at all times. Torn, ripped, faded, etc. constitute grounds for removal. Flags may not be offensive to neighbors or the Association. The Board of Directors, at its sole discretion, shall make this determination on a case by case basis. 2. Decorative and Seasonal Items: The Board of Directors of the Fireside at Desert Ridge Community Association reserves the right to require removal of decorative items in front yards based on size, quantity, color, location and any other criteria. The Board of Directors, at its sole discretion, shall make its determination on a case by case basis. 3. Benches will be considered in the front yard or courtyard area as long as they are located within four feet (4’) of the front door and are made of materials that will last in the Arizona climate. Plastic benches and furniture will never be allowed or approved for front yards. 4. Artwork, sculpture and ornamental items are prohibited. DOG RUNS AND PET SHELTERS Dog runs shall not be placed in front yards or where they create a nuisance to neighbors. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 23 No structure for housing pets shall be visible from neighboring property or through view fences. DRIVEWAY EXTENSIONS/WALKWAY EXTENSIONS/SIDEWALKS Due to the size of the lots within the community, driveways shall not exceed the width of the garage door opening for the constructed dwelling. Driveway extensions are intended to facilitate pedestrian access to vehicles, not to add additional parking width for vehicles that do not fit in the garage. Acceptable material for extensions include concrete to match the existing driveway, earth toned unit pavers (concrete or brick) held in place by an outer retainer (curb or hidden paver edge-anchor) and set on a load bearing base such as compacted gravel or concrete; and exposed aggregate concrete, all subject to DRDRC approval. Driveway extensions may be on both sides of the driveway and shall not exceed 2 feet in width. Driveway extensions and pullouts to allow access to rear yards are prohibited. Walkway extensions to the driveway will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Submittals must include a plot plan with the following noted thereon: a) the location and proposed dimensions of the extension, b) the existing driveway dimensions, and c) the total linear feet of the lot frontage. Painting of paved surfaces is prohibited. Masonry stains may be used subject to review and approval. No faux finishes meant to resemble stone, brick, tile, etc. are allowed. FENCES Prior to the construction of any fence or wall, plans indicating materials to be used and location shall be submitted to the DRDRC for approval. Property lines shall be verified by the Owner prior to construction. In the event of a dispute between Owners with respect to the construction, repair or rebuilding of a party wall or party fence or with respect to the sharing of the cost thereof such adjoining owners shall submit the dispute to the DRDRC. The decision of the DRDRC shall be binding, subject to the right of appeal to the Board of Directors of the Association. Any fences or walls installed by the Declarant will not be removed, altered, or painted without the DRDRC’s prior written approval. All front side walls must be painted to match the home. Perimeter walls on lots bordering common areas may not be torn down to allow access to rear yards. AN ASSESSMENT OF THE GREATER OF $2,000.00 OR THE ACTUAL COST OF THE WALL REPAIR AND/OR REPLACEMENT WILL BE APPLIED TO A LOT IN WHICH A COMMON WALL HAS BEEN REMOVED WITHOUT DRDRC APPROVAL. Access must be gained through the front wall on the side of the home, FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 24 repairs to this wall must be completed in a timely fashion and include repairing the wall to match the texture and color of the remaining wall. All Lots with perimeter view fencing, and all theme walls, cannot be painted any other color than the installation color or altered in any way, unless the DRDRC, at its sole discretion, changes the color scheme or orientation for the entire community. Backyard Steel Pool Fencing: The specifications for backyard pool fencing installation on a Lot with view fencing shall be of a color to match or blend with the exterior body or trim color of the home. FIREPLACES, FIRE PITS AND CHIMNEYS a. Gas fireplaces 6 ft. high or under may be 5 ft. from a view fence if they back to the view fence and no flames are visible from the adjacent open space (may be 4 feet for a private rear yard). If they face the O.S. or are visible from it they must be set back 15 feet from a full view fence. b. Gas fireplaces 6 ft. high or under may be 4 ft. from a lot wall in an enclosed courtyard. c. Gas firepit flames must be at least 5 ft. from the rear wall for a private rear yard and may be 5 ft. from a full view fence if fully screened from view by a wall or other structure so that flames are not visible from the adjacent common area. d. Fireplaces greater than six feet in height, and/or using heating materials other than natural or propane gas, must be located at least fifteen feet (15) from any property line and are limited to ten feet in height. Chimneys shall be constructed of the same materials and textures as utilized elsewhere on the exterior of the home and must have spark arrester. Exposed flues are prohibited. Chimneys not to exceed ten (10) feet in height. FLAGPOLES AND FLAGS One flagpole per lot is allowed at a height not to exceed twenty (20) feet. This is an exception to the 10’ height rule. The color of the flagpole shall match the dominant or trim color of the house. Placement, consistent with the approved Desert Ridge Flag Policy, on a residential lot requires DRDRC approval. Contact the Management Company for the full Desert Ridge policy on the proper display of the flag of the United States Flag display requirements*: 1. Only the flag of the United States and either the Arizona State flag or a nationally recognized Military Unit Flag, POW/MIA flag, Arizona Indian Nation flag, Gadsden flag may be displayed. 2. The maximum size of any flag shall be three feet by five feet (3’ x 5’). 3. Flags must be made of fabric; flags cannot be plastic, colored lights, painted objects, etc. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 25 4. The maximum height of a permanent, removable or freestanding pole 5. 6. 7. 8. shall be twenty feet (20’) or the height of the roof peak, whichever is less and must be submitted for approval by the DRDRC. Wall mounted flag poles shall be a maximum of five feet (5’) long with attaching brackets painted to match the attachment area and will not require prior approval. All poles and flags must be maintained in excellent condition according to the United States Flag Code, Title 36, U.S.C., and Chapter 10. Only one (1) permanent, removable, wall mounted or freestanding pole will be permitted per residence or lot. It will be the responsibility of the homeowner or resident of the lot on which a flag is displayed to do so with proper respect and flag etiquette. *These requirements are within the context ARS 33-1261 (Condos) and ARS 331808 (Planned Communities). Pole must have “internal halyards” if more than ten (10) feet in height. DECORATIVE FLAGS – “SEE DECORATIVE AND HOLIDAY ITEMS” GARAGES Garages shall be used only for the parking of vehicles and the storage of normal household supplies and materials and shall not be used for or converted to living quarters. Garage doors shall be left open only as needed for ingress and egress. Garage must be kept in a manner that will allow two vehicles to park inside at all times. Garage additions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. No more than three streetfacing garage doors will ever be permitted on a single lot. GARBAGE STORAGE No garbage or trash may be placed on any lot or parcel except in covered containers meeting the specifications of the City of Phoenix or of a type, size and style which are approved in writing by the applicable DRDRC. In no event shall such container be maintained so as to be visible from neighboring property except to make the same available for collection. Container may be placed at curb for collection purposes no earlier than 6:00 p.m. the day before collection and must be returned to a location not visible from neighboring property no later than 6:00 a.m. the day after collection. Rubbish, debris, and garbage shall not be allowed to accumulate. Each owner shall be responsible for removal of rubbish, debris, and garbage not only from his lot or parcel but also from all public right of ways either fronting or siding his lot or parcel, excluding (a) public roadway improvements, and (b) those areas specified on a Tract Declaration or subdivision plat to be maintained by the Fireside at Desert Ridge Community Association. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 26 GATES Gates are to be constructed of a metal/wood combination conforming to the design details available from the Association. Wood slats are to be painted to match the dominant or trim color of the house or natural wood stain as approved by the DRDRC. All metal parts and hardware are to be painted black or to match the color scheme of the house. Double gates are allowed when approved by the DRDRC. The DRDRC may allow all metal or mixed-material gates where the gate has significant artistic value and is considered suitable as a “sculpture or ornament”. All requests for additional gates or gates other than those which were offered by the original developer/builder of the lot/home must be submitted for DRDRC approval. Placement of gate(s) must be approved by the DRDRC. Double gates may be installed to allow wider access to rear yards. All gates (double or single) should be of the same material, design and color as the originally installed single gates, unless approved by the DRDRC. Gates may be painted to match the fence with approval from the DRDRC. GAZEBOS/RAMADAS Gazebos/Ramadas are allowed in rear yards only and are limited to 300 square feet. Gazebos/Ramadas must be located five (5) feet from a property line and are limited to ten (10) feet in height. Gazebos/Ramadas must be painted to match the dominant or trim color of the house or have a natural wood finish. GUEST HOUSES AND OTHER HABITABLE STRUCTURES A guest house (herein defined as any habitable* structure separated from the main building) shall meet the same criteria as the main building and shall match the main building in architectural style, materials, colors, and roof material and window type. It must be within the building setbacks required by the City of Phoenix and the owner must show proof of the approved City of Phoenix building permit PRIOR to “FINAL DRDRC APPROVAL”. The DRDRC shall take the following factors into account when approving or disapproving a proposed guesthouse: 1) Blockage or impairment of neighbor’s views 2) Impacts on neighboring yards and structures 3) Overall aesthetics of the proposed structure and compatibility with surrounding homes and yards * Habitable: Not open to the weather; having heating and/or cooling equipment; intended for use as a guest house, play house, pool house, office or other indoor use. Height for guesthouses and other habitable structure may not exceed 25’. BUILDING ADDITIONS, EXPANSIONS AND NEW ENCLOSURES A building addition, expansion or new enclosure (herein defined as any habitable* structure attached to the main building) shall meet the same design criteria as the main building in architectural style materials, colors, roof material and window-type. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 27 It must be within the building setbacks required by the City of Phoenix and the owner must show proof of the approved City of Phoenix building permit PRIOR to “FINAL DRDRC APPROVAL”. The DRDRC shall take the following factors into account when approving or disapproving a proposed building addition: 1) Blockage or impairment of neighbor’s views 2) Impacts on neighboring yards and structures 3) Overall aesthetics of the proposed structure and compatibility with surrounding homes and yards * Habitable: Not open to the weather; having heating and/or cooling equipment; intended for indoor uses. Building additions can include new rooms, room additions, or the enclosure of an existing porch, balcony, or other covered area. NEW OR EXPANDED GARAGES No residence shall have more than three (3) street-facing garage spaces. The third space shall be offset from the other two spaces. Single garage doors are preferred over double garage doors. Up to four (4) garage spaces may be allowed on custom homes or homes with unusually large lots, as determined by the DRDRC, where no more than three (3) spaces are facing the street. A new or expanded garage shall meet the same design criteria as the main building and shall match the main building in architectural style, materials, colors, roof material, garage door design (where there are existing garages) and window-type. It must be within building setbacks required by the City of Phoenix and the owner must show proof of the approved City of Phoenix building permit PRIOR to “FINAL DRDRC APPROVAL”. In some cases Desert Ridge Design Guidelines may provide for greater setback from the street – verify with the management company. The DRDRC shall take the following factors into account when approving or disapproving a proposed or expanded garage: 1) Blockage of neighbor’s views 2) Impacts on “streetscape” of the neighborhood 3) Overall aesthetics of the proposed garage and its compatibility with both the main structure and with surrounding homes and yards. All attached and detached structures shall meet the same criteria for the main structure. Such structures shall be single level only, less than twenty-five (25) feet in height, and be located within the setbacks as specified. They shall be visually connected to the main building with walls, courtyards, trellis, or other major landscape elements, and shall be architecturally integrated with the use of the same exterior building forms, materials, and colors as the main house. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 28 No guesthouse, addition, or other habitable dwelling shall be leased, separate, or apart from the lease or ownership of the main house. Additional garages or parking spaces for guesthouses are prohibited. Due to the extent of these types of changes, more detailed plans and specifications may be required. Please contact the Desert Ridge (Master) Community Association before proceeding. GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS Gutters and downspouts will be considered for approval if the finish coordinates with the exterior body, trim or roof tile color of the home. The Association strongly recommends use of high quality materials that offer long life, as the gutters must be maintained in good condition. Downspouts must be situated so as not to drain onto the neighboring properties or common areas. HOLIDAY ITEMS AND LIGHTING Holiday lighting/decorations shall not become nuisances to neighbors. Holiday lighting/decorations may only be displayed thirty (30) days before and ten (10) days after the holiday. (See also Decorative Items) LIGHTING Landscape lighting can be highly effective as an accent statement. Landscape lighting for residential Lots may also be used for accenting landscape features, sidewalks, or driveways. All landscape lighting is to be low voltage and to be of a high quality architectural design, less than four (4) feet in height and shielded so as to prevent glare into neighboring lots. Ornamental light poles (lights over four (4) feet high) are prohibited. All exterior light fixtures attached to dwelling units shall be either: (a) of the type with the light source shielded from street and neighbor’s view, e.g., a shielded sconce light; or (b) of a type with “smoked” or “pearled” glass in a neutral color, e.g., a carriage light with milk-glass panels; or (c) equipped with a low-impact light source, such as incandescent or quartz-halogen bulb with a wattage of 25W, or one color-corrected compact-fluorescent lamp with a maximum wattage of 15W. In no event is the wattage to exceed 40 watts for incandescent or fluorescent of equivalent brightness. Security or "dusk to dawn" type lighting installed on a dwelling unit shall be concealed from street view by locating it under eaves or in other niches and painted to match the structure. Exposed bulb floodlights are not permitted at any location on a dwelling unit. No lighting shall be allowed that produces excessive glare or that shines on another residential Lot. The use of other than white or yellow exterior lights shall be prohibited except for colored lighting used as holiday decoration. Other than seasonal decorative lighting, no outside lighting, other than indirect lighting, may be placed, allowed, or maintained on any lot or parcel without the DRDRC’s prior written approval and authorization. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 29 Exterior lighting must be soft and indirect, with no light sources visible directly to neighboring properties or common area tracts. Tennis court, sport court, and other similar lighting shall be reviewed and approved on an individual basis. Approval is subject to light type, orientation, site plan, use brightness, and other factors which the DRDRC considers in the best interest of the owners, tenants, and residents of Fireside at Desert Ridge. Additional lighting for porches and garages, including sconces and carriage (garage) lights, must receive DRDRC approval prior to installation. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT No machinery, fixtures, or equipment of any Type, including but not limited to heating, cooling, air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment, and clotheslines (visible), may not be placed on any lot without the prior approval of the DRDRC. Approval shall be conditioned upon screening or concealment from view of neighboring or public property. The screening or concealment should be solid and integrated architecturally with the design of the building or structure. It should not have the appearance of a separate piece of machinery, fixture or equipment. It should be structurally stable in accordance with sound engineering principles. Ground mounted air conditioning units will be concealed by a solid enclosure on all sides visible to neighboring property. Location and screening will be approved by the DRDRC prior to installation. Wall mount or window mount air conditioning units are prohibited. Wind Turbines are not allowed. Lawn and garden equipment may be kept on a Lot provided such equipment is stored so as not to be visible from neighboring property. ORNAMENTATION Sculpture or art objects in front yard, or a visible rear yard, and in street-visible front and side windows are subject to DRDRC approval, and setbacks or other conditions may be imposed. A rear-yard (private) sculpture or art object with a height of more then six feet is subject to setbacks, height limits, and approval of the DRDRC. Sculpture and art objects visible from the street, common area or above a party-wall must be executed in muted tones; must not be garish, light-reflective, noise-producing (except for common wind chimes), internally-lit, offensive to the morals of the community, or predominantly intended as satire or as a political statement. Art/sculpture visible from neighboring property shall be muted tones chosen to blend rather than contrast with the Dwelling Unit and surroundings. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 30 PAINT COLORS The paint colors used by the original developer/builder are highly recommended for use in all instances. In the case of any variation from the original colors, the preferred colors are earth tones. Trim colors shall not dominate the exterior appearance and shall be of the same color range as the base color. The DRDRC must approve colors prior to painting. Homes may not be painted the same color scheme as the immediately adjacent homes. In any case, base colors or any colors used in large areas of wall surface must have reflective value of 50% or less. Trim colors may have a reflective value of 65% or less and must compliment the base color. PATIO AND DECKS Patios and decks may be constructed of wood, masonry, stone, or concrete. The design must be compatible with the dwelling unit. Paint where used, shall be either the dominant or trim color of the dwelling unit. Stains, where used, shall compliment the color-scheme of the dwelling unit. Deck design shall minimize unsightly support structures. Wood or metal posts shall be enclosed with a one-foot by one-foot minimum footprint with stucco finishes painted to match the dwelling unit. Paint and stains for decks must match the colors of the Dwelling. Deck design shall avoid unsightly support structure and tall posts. Decks shall not exceed the main floorfinished –floor elevation by more than six inches. All front yard and visible rear yard pavements are subject to approval by the DRDRC. Pavements must use one of the following materials, unless other material is approved by the DRDRC. Plain (un-tinted) concrete with salt-cast, exposed aggregate or broomed finish, integrally-colored concrete using an earth tone colorant; natural stone “flagstone,“ pre-cast concrete paver brick in an earth tone or fired brick in an earth or neutral tone. No synthetic finishes shall be used, such as thin veneers and patterned coatings except on pool deck or part of pool. Concrete acid-based permanent staining or synthetic concrete resurfacing that does not mimic stone tile or other artificial pattern in earth tones may be allowed subject to DRDRC approval. Any deck, patio, or pavement must be set back a minimum of three feet from any view fence. Any additional pavement areas in the form of concrete, brick, tile or wood decking must complement the color and finish of the adjacent hardscape and be approved by the DRDRC. No bollards, chains, or rope will be allowed as part of the front yard landscaping. Decks visible from neighboring property shall not be used as storage areas. Above ground deck height shall not exceed six inches in height, measured from the primary finish floor level of the dwelling unit. Landscaping between the hardscape and view fence is encouraged. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 31 PARKING On-street parking by residents and tenants is prohibited except for forty-eight (48) hour temporary guest parking in the immediate vicinity of the hosts' home. The Board may establish Monetary Penalties and assessments for repeated violations. All parking at Desert Ridge must be on paved surfaces. No vehicle, trailer, boat, etc. may be parked behind gates where visible from neighboring property. Resident parking is prohibited on major thoroughfares. Temporary street parking is permitted; however, overnight street parking is prohibited except for 48 hour temporary guest parking. Parking is prohibited in front or front side yards except on driveways. Parking in rear or rear side yards of view fencings lots will require that the parked/stored vehicle, boat, camper, trailer, etc. be screened from the view through the rear view fence. The method of screening requires submittal to the DRDRC for approval. Parking of boats, campers, trailers, etc., is not permitted within public or private view except as specifically permitted by the CC&R’s Declaration. Garage must be kept in a manner that will allow two vehicles to park inside at all times. PLAY EQUIPMENT All playground equipment, including, but not limited to play houses, forts, trampolines, or swing sets, visible from the neighboring properties will require review and approval by the DRDRC prior to installation. Every attempt must be made to insure the playground equipment is not visible from neighboring property, to the greatest extent possible. Play equipment, except for previously approved permanent mounted basketball goals, are not permitted in front yards. Children's play equipment must be located at least fifteen (15) feet from adjacent lots unless the required setback is reduced by the Desert Ridge DRDRC to ten (10) feet due to special circumstances, as determined by the DRDRC, such as equipment bordering an unoccupied open space, a street, or equipment that does not permit climbing to a deck or otherwise viewing into a neighbor’s yard and not exceed 10 feet in height from ground level. Equipment visible from neighboring property shall be painted to match the dominant or trim color of the house or have a natural wood finish or be earth-toned subject to DRDRC approval. Any canvas or other awning material shall match the dominant or trim color of the house (see COLOR SCHEME for restrictions on light reflectance) unless an alternative color fabric is approved by the DRDRC. No decorative flags are allowed. Trampolines with or without raised side-safety netting must be set back a MINIMUM of fifteen (15) feet from ALL property lines. ALL PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 32 POOLS AND SPAS Swimming pools and spas shall be located three feet from the property line and must conform to City code. Please see Pool And Spa Submittal in Appendix. Swimming pools, spas and hot tubs are not allowed in a front yard or on a second story roof or balcony. Above ground spas are prohibited in visible rear yard view lots, unless a masonry wall/structure painted to match the dwelling surrounds the raised spa on three sides so as to conceal it from view from the adjacent property. Temporary or above-ground pools (other than children's portable wading pools of less than eight (8) feet in diameter and eighteen (18) inches in height) are prohibited. Entry for pool/spa construction will not be granted across a common area or through the Association's walls. Pool equipment, where visible from neighboring property or common area, shall be screened. Such screening shall consist of a stucco finished block wall and painted to match the adjacent wall. Pool/spa equipment must be at least five (5) feet from a view fence. Furthermore, the homeowner may be subject to a monetary fine for non-compliance. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 33 A pool/spa may not be backwashed into the washes, common landscaped areas, drainage ways, or streets. All backwash water shall be retained on the owner's lot. If necessary, a hole shall be dug and filled with rocks to provide for the needed capacity. In the event a hole is made in a wall to backwash into prohibited areas, the Association may repair the wall at the homeowner's expense. Fencing for safety and security must comply with the City of Phoenix Code Requirements. Any additional walls shall match the color of the existing view fence wall or match the dominant house color. Additional metal fencing shall be painted black or to match the color of the view fence for visible rear yards, or to match the dominant house color. Chain link fence is prohibited. Covered and enclosed pools and spas require DRDRC approval. Design, materials, and colors shall be consistent and compatible with the Dwelling Unit. Swimming pool slides less than six (6) feet in height shall be located at least ten (10) feet from a property line and fifteen (15) feet from any view fence. Swimming pool slides greater than six (6) feet in height must be located fifteen (15) feet from a property line and are limited to ten (10) feet in height. The edge of the diving board or diving platform must be placed a minimum of ten (10) feet away from neighboring property line and diving boards may not exceed eighteen(18) inches above the primary finish floor level of the dwelling unit. Rock or water features associated with pools and spas, greater than six feet high or higher than the fence are not allowed. Rock or water features integrated with the pool and spa must be setback a minimum of three feet from any property line and must not be designed for recreational access (i.e., part of a water slide). Raised hardscapes (decks, patios, platforms, etc.) may not exceed six (6) inches in height, as measured from the primary finish floor level of the dwelling unit. The outer edge of pool decking must be at least three (3) feet from a property line wall or view fence. Where no pool decking is provided, the pool edge (outer edge of pool structure) must be at least three feet from a property line. ROOFS, COVERS, FABRIC STRUCTURES AND UMBRELLAS Patio Covers must be constructed of materials that match and complement the home. Patio columns must be of sufficient mass and scale relative to the roof they support and must be stuccoed and painted to match the color of the home. All patio roofs, shade structures, and trellises shall be a visual extension of the architecture and main roof structure. Flat roofs shall have parapets with materials and colors to match the dwelling unit. The roof of any appurtenances, which are visible from neighboring property shall be of tile or other “built up” roof material and shall be approved by the DRDRC. Wood posts shall be enclosed with a one-foot by one-foot minimum footprint with finishes and colors to match the Dwelling Unit. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 34 Patio roofs will also be reviewed for setback and potential impairment of neighbor’s views. ROOFS AND ROOF TOP EQUIPMENT In order to maintain a clean roofline character, the installation of any roof-mounted equipment is not permitted, except solar collectors and television reception equipment as provided herein. Equipment that is not permitted includes, but is not limited to, air conditioning and heat pump units, evaporative coolers, non-integrated solar collectors, and wind turbine ventilators. All roof types, designs, covering color, and material must be approved by the DRDRC before submittal to the City of the commencement of any alteration. “Built up” type roof covering materials shall not be visible from view as determined by the DRDRC. Generally acceptable roof covering materials are as follows: 1. Concrete or clay tile that must match the color of the tile installed on the home; 2. Other materials must be approved by the DRDRC. Overhead screens, shade covers, patio roofs, and other similar structures will be constructed of materials and color to match or complement the main roof. Skylights must be bronze or dark colored, not white or light colored. All vent pipe stacks and any equipment protruding above the plane of the roof visible from the neighboring property must be painted and/or screened to match the roof as approved by the DRDRC. SCREENING All ground mounted equipment such as air conditioning units, satellite dishes, pool or fountain equipment and electrical boxes, shall be screened so they are not visible from neighboring property or through visible rear yards. Design of wall shall fully screen equipment visible from neighboring property and through visible rear or side yards. Enclosures shall be located at least five (5) feet from any view fence with plant material between the view fence and enclosure. If trash cans are to be stored outside of an enclosed garage or shed, a screened enclosure must be large enough for two containers. All screening shall be a logical extension of the architecture of the residence in color, materials, and texture. Changes in material from the main house or freestanding screens are not permitted. Visible rear yards shall screen pool/spa equipment or other permanent equipment with a cement block (CMU) wall to match adjacent wall texture, color, and height. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 35 SCREEN AND SECURITY DOORS AND WINDOWS Screen doors and window screens have an open mesh designed to provide partial shading, to prevent access and allow airflow. Screening must be black or dark brown fabric mesh that allows at least 20% light penetration and must be of a simple, artistic design, matching the color of the dwelling. Roll-down window screening must have the storage box and the fixtures mounted inside the window opening so as not to project beyond the building wall surface or window framing. Screen frames, supports, and tracts must be painted to match the dwelling wall color or the window frame color, depending on the design. Decorative Ironwork Accents over small windows or wall niches is only permitted when approved by the DRDRC. Solid metal and louvered security doors, other security doors, and door-coverings are prohibited. Exterior security window coverings, including solid or louvered metal coverings, bars or security mesh, and other heavy closures are prohibited. ALSO SEE “WINDOW COVERINGS”. SIGNS Signs are not allowed on any lot where visible from neighboring property except: (a) Signs required by legal proceedings; (b) A maximum of two (2) street address identification signs for each individual Lot or dwelling unit, each with a maximum face area of 72 square inches; (c) A maximum of one "For Sale Sign" and/or one "For Lease" sign at a maximum size of 18-inches by 24-inches, to be located in the front yard only, the sign must be professionally painted, constructed and lettered;an owner may put up a “For Sale Sign”, “For Rent Sign” or “For Lease Sign” or any combination of the three. (d) Subdivision, condominium and apartment identification signs, the nature, number, location, content and design of which shall be approved in advance and in writing by the DRDRC; (e) One political sign, not to exceed 18-inches x 24-inches, may be erected no earlier than seventy -one (71) days prior to an election and removed within fifteen (15) days after the election. (f) No signs of any nature shall be placed on any lots or parcels which are visible from golf courses or wash corridors or displayed over arterial or collector street perimeter walls. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 36 (g) Signs of Developer Owner relating to construction of sales activities, which shall be subject to approval solely by Declarant or relating to construction or sales activities. (h) Such other signs as the DRDRC shall permit. (i) Signs of Declarant relating to the construction or sales activities. (j) Signs and notices erected or posted in connection with the provision of building security if approved by the DRDRC. (k) No signs may be attached to public light posts or street signs. Signs advertising contractors, etc. must be removed within forty-eight (48) hours of substantial completion of work. SOLAR EQUIPMENT Solar Collector panels must lie parallel to the roof surface and be attached directly to it. Panels must match roof color as closely as possible if such a color option is available. In other cases, panels must be located in as unobtrusive location as possible while still providing solar access. Panel framing, hardware, and piping must be painted to match roof or wall color, as applicable. All storage tanks and control equipment must be screened from view from neighboring property or through view fencing. Panels visible from front yards are prohibited. Those having a visual impact on neighboring property are subject to DRDRC review on a case-by-case basis. No solar heating equipment or device is permitted outside the dwelling unit except such devices whose installation and use is protected by Applicable Law. Notwithstanding such protection, an application for such equipment or device must be submitted for approval to the DRDRC prior to installation and approval will be granted only if (a) such equipment or devices are designed for minimal visual intrusion when installed (i.e., is located in a manner which minimizes visibility from the street or an adjacent Lot) and (b) the equipment or device complies with the Design Review Guidelines, within the confines of the Applicable Laws and governmental regulations. a. Roof mounted solar panels and equipment must match the roof material. To the greatest extent possible, panels mounted directly to the roof plane. Solar units must not break the roof high line, visibility must be minimized from public view, and must be screened from neighboring property in a manner approved by the DRDRC. Roof mounted hot water storage systems are not permitted. Any tubing associated with the installation of the solar equipment must be painted to match the surface to which it is mounted. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 37 b. The criteria for screening set forth in the Section Machinery and Equipment, shall apply to solar panels and equipment. SPORTS COURTS Sports courts, including Badminton, Volleyball, Lawn Tennis, Bocci, and Shuffleboard must be set back at least five (5) feet from all property lines. Any outdoor lighting of these courts must be identified and approved in advance by the DRDRC. Excessive lighting and noise, impacting neighboring property will not be permitted. Sports courts are not permitted in front or side yards. Courts may be allowed, provided their setting, visual appearance, lighting, noise generation, construction, and landscaping do not detract from the enjoyment of neighboring property as determined by the DRDRC. Each proposed installation will be judged on a case-by-case basis. STORAGE SHEDS Storage sheds or similar structures are allowed in side and rear yards only. They shall be painted to match the dominant or trim color of the house if visible from Neighboring Property. The color and roofing material shall match the roof of the dwelling. Sheds shall be located a minimum of five feet from the property line unless they are below the height of the yard wall. Metal sheds are prohibited. Sheds may not exceed fifty (50) square feet in size and six (6) feet in height. UTILITY AND SERVICE LINES No gas, electric, power, telephone, water/sewer, cable television, or other utility or service lines of any nature or kind may be placed, allowed, or maintained upon or above the ground on any lot or parcel except to the extent, if any, underground placement may be prohibited by law or would prevent the subject line from being functional. Provided, however, above ground service pedestals, splice boxes, switch cabinets, and transformers will be permitted where required for public utilities or the landscaping of Common Areas. WALLS All walls, which are visible from neighboring property must be finished and painted to match the color scheme of the house or the adjacent wall. Walls and fencing in front yards are not allowed, except for courtyard entries, in which case walls shall not exceed six (6) feet in height and shall match the building architecture and color. Additional pavement or garden walls other than those offered by the builder are discouraged. WATER FEATURES a. In visible rear yards, a water feature may be 5 ft. from a full view fence if it is a “water wall” with the water not visible from the adjacent open space, and the design has been submitted and approved. If water is visible from outside the lot, the water feature must be 15 feet from the view fence. b. All water features must be 6 ft. or less in height. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 38 c. d. e. Water features are allowed in enclosed courtyards if they are not visible from the street and have been submitted and approved. In non-visible (Private) rear yards, water features may be 5 ft. from a lot wall if they are below the height of the adjacent lot/yard wall (for partial view yards, below the height of the solid masonry wall). In enclosed courtyards and non-visible rear yards, ornamental water features under 5 ft. in height can have a zero (0) setback as long as the party wall is not part of the fountain structure and the fountain is designed as a sconce-type wall fountain and not visible per item c above. In partial view rear yards the fountain must be no higher than the solid masonry wall. Water features or fountains must be of a re-circulating type (pumped system) and be structurally separated from any party or common area wall (i.e., not use a party wall as part of the water-containment structure, hold or spray water against a party wall). Wastewater must not be discharged into a city street, wash corridor or other common area. It is recommended that water features be chlorinated. WINDOW COVERINGS Permanent draperies or suitable window coverings/treatments must be installed within sixty (60) days after the close of escrow. Reflective glass or window film with a visible light reflection rate of 20% or greater is not allowed for any window or skylight. Applied films must be interior only and require approval of the DRDRC. Non-reflective glass of bronze or similar color may be used. In no event shall the interior or exterior of any window be covered with reflective material such as foil, or with paper, bed sheets, or other temporary coverings. Newspaper, sheets or reflective materials including but not limited to, aluminum foil, reflective screens, or glass, mirrors or similar type material, shall not be installed or placed upon the outside or inside of any windows. Exterior window coverings or treatments used to shelf or decorate openings must be compatible, with respect to materials and color, with the style and color of the home. Window bars are not permitted. Metal frame windows or skylights must have a factory-applied color finish similar to the house color. Wood frames shall be painted to match the dominant or trim color of the house. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 39 APPROVED PLANT LIST (FRONT YARD) All plant materials installed at Desert Ridge shall be selected from the following appropriate plant lists approved by the City of Phoenix. Exceptions must be approved by the DRDRC. Approved plants for the installation within Residential Front Yards are listed below. Botanical Name TREES Acacia aneura Acacia berlandieri Acacia constricta Acacia craspedocarpa Acacia farnesiana or minuta Acacia pennatula Acacia salicina Acacia saligna Acacia schaffneri Acacia stenophylla Acacia willardiana Caesalpinia cacalaco Chilopsis linearis Leucantha retusa Lysiloma thornberi Olneya tesota Parkinsonia "Desert Musium Hybrid" Parkinsonia floridum Parkinsonia microphyllurn Parkinsonia praecox Pithecellobium flexicaule Prosopsis juliflora Prosposis pubescens Sophora secundiflora Ungnadia speciosa Common Name Mulga Guajillo Acacia White Thorn Acacia Leather-Leaf Acacia Sweet Acacia Fern-Leaf Acacia Willow Acacia Blue Leaf Wattle Twisted Acacia Shoestring Acacia Palo Blanco Cascalote Desert Willow Golden Ball Lead Tree Desert Fern Ironwood Desert Museum Hybrid Blue Palo Verde Foothill Palo Verde Palo Brea Texas Ebony Honey Mesquite Screwbean Mesquite Mescal Bean Mexican Buckeye Tall Shrubs Bougainvillea (shrub-type e.g. "La Jolla") Buddleia marrubifolia Caesalpinia gilliesi Caesalpinia mexicana Calliandra californica Calliandra peninsularis Celtis pallida Cordia boissieri Cordia parvifolia Dodonaea viscosa Eremophila “Valentine “ Haplopappus laricifoliua Hyptis emoryii Larrea tridentata Leucophyllurn candidurn var. 'Silver Cloud' Leucophyllum frutescens Leucophyllum frutescens var. 'Compactum' Leucophyllum frutescens 'White Cloud' Leucophyllum laevigatum Bougainvillea Wooly Butterfly Bush Yellow Bird of Paradise Mexican Bird of Paradise Baja Fairy Duster Pink Fairy Duster Desert Hackberry Anachuita Little Leaf Cordia Green Hopbush Emu Bush Turpentine Bush Desert Lavender Creosote Bush Big Bend Silver Leaf Texas Sage Compact Texas Sage White Cloud Sage Chihuahuan Sage FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 40 Leucophyllum zygophyllum Blue Ranger Lycium brevipes Senna artemisioides Senna nemophila Senna, wislizenii Simmondsia chinensis Tecoma Stans Vauquelinia californica Ziziphus obtusifolia Thorn Bush Feathery Cassia Desert Cassia Shrubby Cassia Jojoba Yellow Bells Arizona Rosewood Graythorn Small Shrubs Ambrosia deltoidea Ambrosia dumosa Anisacanthus thurberi Asclepias subulata Calliandra eriophylla Convolvulus cneorurn Dalea frutescens Dalea pulchra Dietes bicolor Encelia farinosa Ephedra trifurca Eremophila maculate Eriogonum fasciculatum var. 'Poliofolium' Jasminium mesnyi Justicia branegeeana Justicia californica Justicia candicans Justicia spicigera Lantana species Muhlenbergia (species) Perovskia atriplicifolia Ruellia All Species Salvia chamaedryoides Salvia clevelandii Salvia coccinea Salvia farinacea Salvia greggii Salvia leucantha Salvia leucophylla Triangle-Leaf Bursage White Bursage Desert Honeysuckle Desert Milkweed Pink Fairy Duster Bush Morning Glory Black Dalea Indigo Bush Bi-color, Evergreen, or African Iris Brittle Bush Mormon Tea Valentine Emu Bush California Buckwheat Primrose Jasmine Shrimp Plant Chuparosa Red Justicia Mexican Honeysuckle Lantana Deer grass Russian Sage Ruellia All Species Mexan Blue Sage Blue Sage Cherry Sage Mealy Cup Sage Autumn Sage Mexican Bush Sage Purple Sage Cacti and Succulents Agave (species) Aloe (species) Carnegiea gigantea Dasylirion acrotriche Dasylirion longissimum Dasylirion wheeleri Euchinocactus grusonii Ferocactus acanthodes Ferocactus wislizenii Fouquieria splendens Hesperaloe funifera Hesperaloe parvifolia Lophocereus schottii Mammillaria (species) Muhlenbergia capillaries Nolina microcarpa Opuntia (species) Stenocereus marginatus Agave Aloe Saguaro Green Desert Spoon Grass Tree Desert Spoon or Sotol Golden Barrel Compass Barrel Fish Hook Barrel Ocotillo Mexican Yucca Red or Yellow Hesperaloe Senita Mammillaria Cactus Regal Mist Deergrass Beargrass Prickly Pear Mexican Organ Pipe FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 41 Yucca species Yucca Groundcovers Acacia redolens Baccharis (dwarf) Dalea greggii Gazania (species) Lantana (species) Myoporum parvifoliurn Oenothera (species) Verbena (Species) Malephora lutea Rosemarinus officinalis Ruellia brittoniana „katie‟ Trailing Acacia Trailing Baccharis Trailing Dalea Gazania Trailing Lantana Trailing Myoporum Mexican Primrose Verbena Rocky Point Ice Plant Dwarf Rosemary Dwarf Ruellia Vines Antigonon leptopus Gelsemium sempervirens Merremia aurea Podranea ricasoliana Salanum rantonnetii Solanum Jasminoides Vigna caracala Others by approval only Coral Vine Carolina Jasmine Yucca Vine Bower/Trumpet (species) Grandiflorum Potato Vine Snail Vine Perennial Wildflowers Baileya multiradiata Dyssodia pentachaeta Eschscholtzia mexicana Lupinus (species) Melarnpodium leucanthum Pensternon (species) Psilotrophe cooperi Sphaeralcea ambigua Tagetes lemmoni Zinnia acerosa Zinnia grandiflora Others by approval only Desert Marigold Dyssodia Mexican Gold Poppy Lupine Blackfoot Daisy Penstemon Paper Flower Globe Mallow Mt. Lernmon Marigold Desert Zinnia Rocky Mountain Zinnia Annuals (Seasonal Varieties not to exceed 50 square feet) APPROVED PLANT LIST (REAR YARD/VISIBLE) Yards with any view fence, visible by wash corridors or open spaces must maintain the plant palette below. Lawn areas in the rear yard are restricted to a maximum of 10% of the gross lot area. Botanical Name Common Name Trees Acacia aneura Acacia minuta or farnesiana Acacia salicina Acacia stenophylla Canotia holacantha Chilopsis linearis Lysiloma thornberi Olea europaea `Swan Hill` Mulga Sweet Acacia Willow Acacia Shoestring Acacia Crucifixion Thorn Desert Willow Desert Fern `Swan Hill`Fruitless Olive FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 42 Olneya tesota Parkinsonia "Desert Museum Hybrid" Parkinsonia floridum Parkinsonia microphyllum Parkinsonia praecox Pithecellobium flexicaule Prosopsis juliflora Prosopsis pubescens Ironwood Desert Musium Hybrid Blue Palo Verde Foothill Palo Verde Palo Brea Texas Ebony Honey Mesquite Screwbean Mesquite Tall Shrubs Acacia greggii Aloysia lycoides Buddleia marrubifolia Caesalpinia gilliesi Caesalpinia mexicana Caesalpinia pulcherrima Calliandra californica Celtis pallida Cordia parvifolia Dalea pulchra Haplopappus laricifolia Hyptis emoryi Larrea tridentata Leucophyllum frutescens Leucophyllum frutescens var. 'Compacta' Leucophyllum frutescens var. 'White Cloud' or „silver cloud‟ Leucophyllum laevigatum Lycium andersonii Lycium fremontii Senna wislizenii Simmondsia chinensis Tecoma stans and varieties Zizphus obtusifolia Cat Claw Acacia Bee Bush Wooly Butterfly Bush Yellow Bird of Paradise Mexican Bird of Paradise Red Bird of Paradise Baja Red Fairy Duster Desert Hackberry Little Leaf Cordia Bush Dalea Turpentine Bush Desert Lavender Creosote Bush Texas Sage Compact Texas Sage White Cloud Sage Chihuahuan Sage Anderson Lycium Fremont Lycium Shrubby Cassia Jojoba Yellow Bells Greythorn Small Shrubs Ambrosia ambrosioides Ambrosia deltoidea Ambrosia dumosa Anisacanthus andersonii Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. 'Wrightii' Anisacanthus thurberi Asclepias linaria Asclepias subulata Calliandra californica Calliandra eriophylla, Calliandra peninsularis Callistemon viminalis `Little John` Convolvulus cneorurn Dalea pulchra Dalea frutescens Dietes bicolor Encelia farinosa Ephedra viridis Eremophila maculate Eriogonum fasciculatum var. 'Poliofolium' Jasminium mesnyi Justicia brandegeeana Giant Bursage Triangle-Leaf Bursage White Bursage Anderson's Honeysuckle Flame Anisacanthus Desert Honeysuckle Pine-Leaf Milkweed Desert Milkweed Baja Red Fairy Duster Pink Fairy Duster Baja Red Fairy Duster „little john‟ Bottle brush Bush Morning Glory Indigo Bush Black Dalea Bi-color, Evergreen, or African Iris Brittle Bush Mormon Tea Valentine Emu Bush Flattop Buckwheat Primrose Jasmine Shrimp Plant FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 43 Justicia californica Justicia candicans Justicia spicigera Lotus rigidus Ruellia All Species Salvia species Senna armata Senna covesii Senna lindheimeriana Senna purpusii Sphaeralcea ambigua Zephuranthes Grabdiflora Chuparosa Red Justicia Mexican Honeysuckle Deer Vetch Ruellia All Species Salvia Spiny Senna Coves Cassia Lindheimer Senna Senna Purpusii Desert Mallow Pink Rain Lily Cacti and Succulents Agave species Aloe species Carnegiea gigantea Dasylirion species Echinocerus engelmannii Ferocactus acanthodes Ferocactus wislizenii Fouquieria splendens Hesperaloe parvifolia Muhlenbergia capillaries Opuntia species Yucca (species) Agave Aloe Saguaro Desert Spoons Hedgehog Cactus Compass Barrel Fish Hook Barrel Ocotillo Red Hesperaloe Regal Mist Deergrass Prickly Pear Yucca Groundcovers Baccharis (dwarf) Bulbine frusteseens Cynodon dactylos (seedless hybrids) Dalea greggii Eupatorium greggii „boothill‟ Hymenoxys acaulis Lantana (species) Lolium multiflorum Malephora lutea Oenothera (species) Rosemarinus officinalis Ruellia brittoniana „katie‟ Verbena (species) Others by approval only Trailing Baccaris Shrubby bulbine Hybrid Bermuda Grass Trailing Dalea Gregg‟s Mistflower Angelita Daisy Lantana Winter Rye Grass Rocky Point Ice Plant Mexican Primrose Dwarf Rosemary Dwarf Ruellia Verbena Vines Podranea ricasoliana Gelsemium sempervirens Herbaceous Plants/Grasses Boutelova gracilis Eschsolzia mexicana Lupinus sparsiflorus Penstemon Others by approval only Bower/Trumpet (species) Carolina Jasmine Blue Grama Mexican Gold Poppy Lupine Penstemon Perennial Wildflowers Baileya multiradiata Dyssodia pentachaeta Linum grandiflorum var. 'Rubrum' Melampodium leucanthum Phacelia campanularia Lupinus densiflorus Desert Marigold Dyssodia Scarlet Flax Blackfoot Daisy Desert Bluebells Lupine FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 44 Lupinus succulentus Penstemon (species) Psilotrophe cooperi Tagetes lemmoni Zinnia acerosa Others by approval only Arroyo Lupine Penstemon Paper Flower Mt. Lemmon Marigold Desert Zinnia Annuals: Seasonal variety not to exceed 100 square feet. APPROVED PLANT LIST (REAR YARD/PRIVATE) Yards enclosed with solid walls, not visible by neighboring property may choose lowwater use plants as provided below. No minimum quantities and sizes of trees and shrubs are required. Any plant material visible above the wall must adhere to the plant palette as detailed below. To promote water conservation, lawn areas are restricted to a maximum of 10% of the gross area. Botanical Name Common Name Trees Acacia aneura Acacia berlandieri Acacia constricta Acacia craspedocarpa Acacia smallii or farnesiana Acacia pennatula Acacia salicina Acacia saligna Acacia schaffneri Acacia stenophylla Acacia willardiana Caesalpinia cacalaco Chitalpa taskentensis Chilopsis linearis Citrus (Dwarf-under 15' mature ht.) Cordia boissieri Fraxinus geggii Jacaranda mmosifolia Leucaena retusa Lysiloma candida, Lysiloma thornberi Olea europaea `Swan Hill` Olneya tesota Parkinsonia floridum Parkinsonia microphyllum Parkinsonia Hybrid Parkinsonia praecox Pithecellobium flexicaule Pittosporum (species) Prosopis pubescents Prosopsis juliflora, Sophora secundiflora Vitex agnus-castus Mulga Guajillo Acacia White Thom Acacia Leather-Leaf Acacia Sweet Acacia Fem-Leaf Acacia Willow Acacia Blue Leaf Wattle Twisted Acacia Shoestdng Acacia Palo Blanco Cascalote, Chitalpa Desert Willow Dwarf Citrus Anahuita Littleleaf Ash Jacaranda Golden Ball Lead Tree Palo Blanco Desert Fern `Swan Hill`Fruitless Olive Ironwood Blue Palo Verde Foothill Palo Verde “Desert Museum” Hybrid Palo Brea Texas Ebony Pittosporum Screwbean Mesquite Honey Mesquite Mescal Bean Chaste Tree Tall Shrubs Buddleia marrubifolia Bougainvillea (shrub-type, e.g. La Jolla) Caesalpinia gilliesi Caesalpinia pulcherrima Wooly Butterfly Bush Desert Bird of Paradise Red Bird of Paradise FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 45 Caesalpinia mexicana Calliandra californica Calliandra eriophylla Celtis pallida Duranta erecta „sweet memory‟ Cordia boissieri Cordia parvifolia Dodonaea viscosa Haplopappus laricifolia Hibiscus rosa sinensis Hyptis emoryii Larrea tridentata Leucophyllurn candidum 'Silver Cloud' Leucophyllum frutescens Leucophyllum frutescens var. 'Compactum' Leucophyllum frutescens 'White Cloud' Leucuphyllum langmanide „lynn‟s legacy‟ Leucophyllum laevigatum Leucophyllum zygophyllurn Lycium brevipes Senna artemisioides Senna biflora Senna circinnata Senna nemophila Senna wislizenii Simmondsia chinensis Tecoma stans and varieties Vauquelinia californica Ziziphus obtusifolia Mexican Bird of Paradise Baja Fairy Duster Native Fairy Duster Desert Hackberry Duranta Anachuita Little Leaf Cordia Green Hopbush Turpentine Bush Hibiscus Desert Lavender Creosote Bush Big Bend Silver Leaf Texas Sage Compact Texas Sage White Cloud Sage Lynn‟s Everblooming Chihuahuan Sage Blue Ranger Thorn Bush Feathery Cassia Twin Flower Cassia Coil Pod Cassia Desert Cassia Shrubby Cassia Jojoba Yellow Bells Arizona Rosewood Greythorn Small Shrubs Ambrosia deltoidea Anisacanthus andersonii Anisacanthus thurberi Aquilegia chrysantha Asclepias linaria Bulbine frutescens Bougainvillea (species) Calliandra eriophylla Callistemon viminalis `Little John` Convolvulus cneorurn Dalea pulchra Dalea (species) Dietes bicolor Encelia farinosa Ephedra trifurca Eremophila maculate Eriogonum fasciculaturn var. 'Poliofolium' Euphorum Gavra lindheimeri Jasminium mesnyi Justicia californica Justicia brandegeeana Justicia candicans Justicia spicigera Lantana camara Malpighia glabra „mariquita‟ Triangle-Leaf Bursage Anderson's Honeysuckle Desert Honeysuckle Golden Colmbine Pine-Leaf Milkweed Shrubby Bulbine Bougainvillea Pink Fairy Duster „little john‟ Bottle brush Bush Morning Glory Indigo Brush Dalea Bi-color, Evergreen, or African Iris Brittle Bush Mormon Tea Valentine Emu Bush California Buckwheat Gopher Plant Gavra Primrose Jasmine Chuparosa Shrimp Plant Red Justicia Mexican Honeysuckle Bush Lantana Barbados Cherry FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 46 Nerium oleander „petite pink‟ Plumbago auriculata Ruillia brittoniana (ALL Species) Ruillia brittoniana Reullia californica Reullia, peninsularis Rosa (species) except climbing roses Salvia chamaedryoides Salvia clevelandii Salvia coccinea Salvia farinacea Salvia greggii Salvia leucantha Salvia leucophylla Others by approval only Dwarf Oleander Cape Plumbago Brittish Ruellia Spreading Ruellia Ruellia Ruellia Rose Mexican Blue Sage Cleveland Sage Cherry Sage Mealy Cup Sage Autumn Sage Mexican Bush Sage Purple Sage Cacti and Succulents Agave species Aloe (species) Carnegiea gigantea Cereus hildmannianus Dasylirion acrotriche Dasylirion wheeled Euchinocactus grusonii Ferocactus acanthodes Ferocactus wislizenii Fouquieria splendens Hesperaloe funifera Hesperaloe parvifolia Lophocereus schottii Nolina microcarpa Mammillaria (species) Muhlenbergia capillaries Opuntia (species) Stenocereus marginatus Yucca species Agave Aloe Saguaro Night Blooming Cereus Green Desert Spoon Sotol Golden Barrel Compass Barrel Fish Hook Barrel Ocotillo Samandoque Red Hesperaloe Senita Beargrass Mammillaria Regal Mist Deergrass Prickly Pear Mexican Organ Pipe Yucca Groundcovers Acacia redolens Baccharis 'Centennial' Cynodon dactylon (Hybrids) Daleacapitata „sierra gold‟ Dalea greggii Gazania (species) Lantana (species) Lolium multiflorum Malephora lutea Myoporum Oenothera berlandieri Oenothera (species) Rosemarinus officinalis Ruellia brittoniana „katie‟ Verbena (species) Zauschneria california Trailing Acacia Trailing Baccharis Hybrid Bermuda Grass Sierra Gold Dalea Trailing Dalea Gazania Lantana Winter Rye Grass Rocky Point Ice Plant Myoporum Mexican Evening Primrose Saltillo Primrose Dwarf Rosemary Dwarf Ruellia Verbena California Fuchsia Vines Antigonon leptopris Gelsemium sempervirens Jasminium mesnyi Lonicera japonica Merremia aurea Coral Vine Carolina Jasmine Primrose Jasmine Hal‟s Honeysuckle Yucca Vine FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 47 Podranea ricasoliana Podranea ricasoliana Pyracantha coccinea Solarium rantonnetti Vigna caracalla Others by approval only Bower/Trumpet (species) Pink Trumpet Firethorn Purple Potato Vine Snail Vine Perennial Wildflowers Baileya multiradiata Dyssodia pentachaeta Eschscholtzia mexicana Lupinus sparsiflorus Boutelova gracilis Melamnpodiun leucanthum Lupinus densiflorus Pensternon (species) Psilotrophe cooperi Sphaeralcea ambigua Tagetes lemmoni Zinnia acerosa Zinnia grandiflora Others by approval only Desert Marigold Dyssodia Mexican Gold Poppy Lupine Blue Grama Blackfoot Daisy Arroyo Lupine Pensternon Paper Flower Globe Mallow Mt. Lernmon Marigold Desert Zinnia Rocky Mountain Zinnia Annuals: Seasonal Varieties not to exceed 100 square feet. PROHIBITED PLANT LIST The approved plant lists provided were carefully chosen for their appropriateness and availability. Certain plants are frequently requested which are not on the residential plant list. The plants on the following list are specifically prohibited in the residential areas because of their size at maturity, high water use, invasive roots, or inappropriateness to the Sonoran Desert. ▪All Palm species (Washingtonia, Phoenix, Chamaerops, ▪Syagrus, Raphis, Brahea, Butia, etc.) ▪Pigmy Date Palms in pots will be allowed in non visible rear yards or courtyards. ▪Eucalyptus species ▪Pinus species ▪Quercus species ▪All pines (Pinus), Cypress (Cupressus), False Cypress (Chamaecypans), Juniper or Cedar (Juniperus). ▪Olive Trees (Olea europaea), all flowering/fruiting varieties are prohibited, and olives are not allowed in Front Yards. ▪Oleanders (Nerium oleander), all varieties except for Dwarf Oleander in Private Rear Yards ▪Fountain grass (Pennesethus setaceum) or Pampas grass (Cortanderia selloana). FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 48 COMMUNITY RULES AND REGULATIONS CONDOMINIUM SPECIFIC ADDITIONAL DESIGN GUIDELINES USE AND OCCUPANCY RESTRICTIONS USE The provisions of this supplement are intended to restrict certain uses that may be harmful or affect the ambience or aesthetic appeal of the Condominiums at Fireside. IMPROVEMENTS AND ALTERATIONS No Owner, Lessee or Occupant shall make any structural additions, alterations, improvements or modifications within a Unit, or remove, construct, install or modify any wall, partition, flooring (other than carpet) ceiling, fixture or other Improvement situated with a Unit unless prior to the commencement of each addition, alteration, improvement, construction or modification, the Owner Lessee or Occupant receives the prior written approval of the DRDRC and, in the case of structural changes, an architect or engineer, licensed in Arizona, certifies that such addition, alteration, improvement or modification will not impair the structural integrity or the mechanical systems of a Building or lessen the support of any portion of the Condominium. No Owner shall make any addition, alteration, improvement or modification to the Common Elements without the prior written approval of the DRDRC. Prior to commencement of work, you must have the approval of DRDRC, acquire any permits or documentation as necessary to present to DRDRC for a full review. The Owner of the Unit shall be responsible for any damage to other Units and to the Common Elements which results from any alterations, additions, improvements, modifications and construction by or on behalf of such Owner. No Owner, Lessee or Occupant of a Unit shall overload the electric wiring in the Building, or operate machines, appliances, accessories or equipment in such manner as to cause, in the judgment of the DRDRC, an unreasonable disturbance to others or connect any machines, appliances, accessories or equipment to the heating or plumbing system, without the prior consent of the DRDRC. No Owner, Lessee or Occupant of a Unit on a second floor shall overload the floors of such Unit. Any additions, alterations, improvements and modifications to a Unit or the Common Elements shall be made in compliance with all laws, rules, ordinances and regulations of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction, may only be made once all required permits have been obtained and must be in compliance with any conditions imposed by the Association with respect to design, structural integrity, sound attenuation, waterproofing, construction details, lien protection or otherwise. The Owner of a Unit to which additions, alterations or improvements are made shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Association, DRDRC and all other Owners, FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 49 Lessees or Occupants for, from and against any and all liability, loss or damage resulting from such additions, alterations, improvements or modifications and shall be solely responsible for the maintenance, repair and insurance of such additions, alterations and improvements from and after their date of installation or construction as may be required by the Association & DRDRC. The approval required of the DRDRC pursuant to this submittal shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any approvals or permits which may be required under any federal, state or local law, statute, ordinance, rule or regulation, or approvals required under the Master Association Documents. GARAGES Garage shall be used as the primary parking space for the Owners and Occupants of each respective Unit. A Garage shall not be used or converted for living or business use, and shall not be used for storage in lieu of parking an Owner’s or Occupant’s car(s) or truck(s) within the Garage. It is permissible to store items, including but not limited to, a boat or other recreational vehicle, in a Garage provided such storage does not displace the Unit Owner’s car(s) or truck(s) that otherwise would have parked in such Garage. Garage doors shall remain closed except when opening of the Garage is necessary for ingress, egress or cleaning. TRASH CONTAINERS AND COLLECTION All rubbish, trash and garbage shall be regularly removed from the Units by the Owners, Lessees or Occupants thereof. All trash, garbage or rubbish must be kept in sanitary containers of a type, size and style which are approved by the DRDRC or the City and all trash, garbage and rubbish shall be made available for pickup and disposal in accordance with the Rules. In addition, Owner shall comply with any and all recycling regulations that are promulgated by the DRDRC or the City, and all recyclable materials shall be disposed of in containers designated as appropriate by the DRDRC or the City. ANIMALS Except as expressly permitted by this Section no animals, birds, reptiles, fish, fowl, poultry or livestock shall be maintained or kept in any Unit or on any other portion of the condominium. Subject to the limitations that may be set forth in the Rules, Permitted Pets may be kept or maintained in a Unit if they are kept, bred or raised solely as domestic pets and not for commercial purposes. For purposes of this Section, a “Permitted Pet” shall mean a dog, cat, fish or bird of a variety commonly kept as a household pet. No Permitted Pet shall be allowed to make an unreasonable amount of noise, cause an odor which is detectable outside the Unit, or be an annoyance to a person of ordinary sensibilities. All dogs and cats shall be kept on a leash when outside a Unit and all dogs and cats shall be directly under the Unit Owner’s control at all times. Any person bringing a dog or cat onto the Common Elements shall immediately remove any feces deposited on the Common Elements by the dog or cat. Any Unit where a Permitted Pet is kept or maintained shall at all times be kept in a neat and clean condition. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 50 No structure for the care, housing, confinement, or training of any Permitted Pet shall be maintained on any portion of the Common Elements or in any Unit so as to be visible from the exterior of the Building or any other Unit. Upon the written request of any Owner, the DRDRC shall determine whether, for the purposes of this Section, a Permitted Pet makes an unreasonable amount of noise, causes an odor which is detectable outside the Unit or is an annoyance to a person of ordinary sensibilities. The DRDRC shall have the right to adopt, amend and repeal rules and regulations governing the keeping of Permitted Pets in the Condominium, and such rules and regulations may include limitations on the height and/or weight of Permitted Pets provided, however, that any rule placing limitations on the height and/or weight of a Permitted Pet must be approved by the affirmative vote of Members having more than (50%) of the votes cast with respect to such proposed rule at a meeting of the Members. ANTENNAS This guideline applies only to the following three types of antennas listed in the FCC Rule. 1. Direct Broadcast Satellite (“DBS”) antennas one meter or less in diameter. 2. Multi-point Distribution Service (“MDS”) antennas less than one meter in diameter. 3. Antennas designed to receive television broadcasts signals. I. Location and Installation If the antenna is one of three types now allowed by the FCC Rule, the antenna must still comply with the following regulations: A. Antennas must be installed in the unit or on a limited common element appurtenant to the Unit. No antenna may encroach upon the common elements or property of another owner. To comply with the requirement, the antenna must be located totally within the unit or the balcony or patio that serves the unit. The antenna cannot be placed on a balcony ledge, but must be contained totally within the balcony, patio, or unit. B. An antenna must be placed inside the unit if an acceptable signal quality may be received from any place within the unit. C. The antenna must be shielded from view from the property and neighboring units to the maximum extent possible as long as an acceptable signal quality may be received. If necessary to shield the antenna from view, the Association may require that the antenna be shielded by reasonably priced plants or screening that complies with the Residential Design Guidelines requirements. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 51 II. Maintenance A. The owner is responsible for all costs associated with the installation and maintenance of an antenna . B. The owner is responsible for all damage caused by or connected with the antenna. C. The owner shall hold the Association harmless and indemnify the Association in the event that someone is injured by the antenna. D. The owner shall keep the antenna in good repair so that it does not violate any portion of this policy. E. At time of removal, the owner must restore the installation location to its original condition. F. If maintenance requires the temporary removal of antennas, the Association shall provide owners with 10 days written notice. Owners shall be responsible for removing or relocating antennas before maintenance begins and replacing antennas afterward. IF they are not removed in the required time, then the Association may do so, at the owner’s expense. The Association is not liable for any damages to antennas caused by Association removal. G. If antenna is within view, it must be painted to match the stucco or other appurtenances. III. Notification A. An owner must complete the notification form attached (as Exhibit A) and submit a copy of the completed form to the Association within five business days after installing an antenna allowed pursuant to this policy. B. If requested by the Association, the owner must establish a mutually convenient time to meet with a representative of the Association to review and discuss the antenna. IV. Enforcement A. In the event of a violation of this Resolution and Policy, the Association may bring an action for declaratory relief of the FCC or the Maricopa County Superior Court after notice and an opportunity to be heard. If the FCC or Court determines that the Association Rules is enforceable, the owner shall pay a $50.00 fine to the Association for each violation. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 52 If the violation is not corrected within a reasonable length of time, additional fines of $10.00 per day will be imposed for each day that the violation continues. B. If an antenna poses a serious, immediate safety hazard, the Association may seek injunctive relief to compel the removal of the antenna. C. The Association shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney’s fees, costs and expenses incurred in the enforcement of this Policy. V. Severability A. If any provision of this Resolution and Policy is ruled invalid, the remainder of these rules shall remain in full force and effect. DISEASES AND INSECTS No owner, Lessee or Occupant shall permit any thing or condition to exist upon the Condominium which could induce, breed or harbor infectious plant diseases or noxious insects. In addition to such pest control services as may be provided by the Association, each Owner shall perform such pest control activities in its Unit as may be necessary to prevent insects, rodents and other pests from being present in the Unit. MOTOR VECHICLES Except for emergency repairs, no automobile, motorcycle, motorbike or other motor vehicle shall be constructed, reconstructed, serviced or repaired on any portion of the Condominium, and not inoperable vehicle may be stored or parked on any portion of the Condominium. No automobile, motorcycle, motorbike or other motor vehicle shall be parked upon any part of the Condominium, except in the Garages. No Owner, Lessee or Occupant may park any automobile, motorcycle, motorbike or other motor vehicle does not block ingress and egress to and from other Units served by the Motor Court. An Owner is responsible for notifying Occupants (which includes Lessees), family members and Invitees of this provision and any such violation will be enforced against the Owner whose Occupants (which includes Lessees), family or Invitees violate this provision. The Fireside HOA shall have the right to have any vehicle or other item of equipment parked, maintained, kept, reconstructed or repaired in violation of this towed away at the sole expense of the owner of the vehicle or equipment. Any expense incurred by the Association in connection with the towing of any vehicle or equipment shall be paid to the Association by the owner of the vehicle or equipment or the Owner of the applicable Unit. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 53 TOWING OF VEHICLES The Fireside HOA shall have the right to have any automobile, sport utility vehicle, van truck, recreational vehicle, motorcycle, motorbike, or other motor vehicle parked, kept, maintained, constructed, reconstructed or repaired in violation of the Condominium Documents towed away at the sole cost and expense of the owner of the vehicle or the Owner of the applicable Unit. Any expense incurred by the Association in connection with the towing of any vehicle shall be paid to the Association upon demand by the owner of the vehicle. SIGNS No signs (including, but not limited to, “For Sale” or “For Rent” signs), banners, flags, billboards or advertisements of any kind shall be permitted on the exterior of a Building or in the interior of a Unit if the same would be visible from the exterior of the Building, or on any other portion of the Condominium without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors. If approval is granted, the DRDRC reserves the right to restrict the size, shape, color, lettering, heights, materials and location of any such sign, banner, flag, bill board or advertisement. LAWFUL USE No immoral, improper, offensive, or unlawful use shall be made of any part of the Condominium. All valid laws, zoning ordinances, and regulations of all governmental bodies having jurisdiction over the Condominium shall be observed. Any violation of such laws, zoning ordinances or regulations shall be a violation of these guidelines. NUISANCES AND OFFENSIVE ACTIVITY No nuisance shall be permitted to exist or operate upon the Condominium, and no activity shall be conducted upon the Condominium which is offensive or detrimental, or is an annoyance, to any portion of the Condominium or any Owner, Lessee or Occupant or which interferes with quiet enjoyment of a Unit by the Owner, Lessee or Occupant thereof. No exterior speakers, horns, whistles, bells or other sound devices (except security or other emergency devices used exclusively for security or emergency purposes or such exterior noise abatement systems as Fireside HOA or the DRDRC may install) shall be located, used or placed on the Condominium without the prior written approval of the DRDRC. WINDOW COVERINGS No reflective materials, including, but without limitation, aluminum foil, reflective screens or glass, mirrors or similar items (other than window glass as originally installed or similar glass replacement thereof), shall be installed or placed upon the outside or inside of any windows of a Unit without the prior written approval of the DRDRC. Enclosures, drapes, blinds, shades, screens or other items affecting the exterior appearance of a Unit shall be constructed or installed only in compliance with the Rules. Except for tinting which is part of the original construction of the Building, window tinting is prohibited. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 54 PATIOS AND BALCONIES Furniture, furnishings and umbrellas kept and maintained on any Patio or Balcony shall be of a neutral color harmonious with and not in conflict with the color scheme of the exterior walls of the Building in which the Unit is located and must be approved in writing by the DRDRC unless expressly permitted by the Rules. No astro turf, carpet or other floor covering shall be installed in any Patio or Balcony without the prior written approval of the DRDRC. No Patio or Balcony shall be used as a storage area for items or materials that are not customarily intended for use on a Patio or Balcony, such as but not limited to, bicycles or exercise equipment. No linens, blankets, rugs, swimsuits or similar articles may be hung from any Deck. No barbeque grills, hibachis, fire pits or other similar items (Whether charcoal, electric or gas) shall be stored, used or operated on any Patio or Balcony. No Christmas lights or other decorative lights may be installed on any Patio or Balcony. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT No machinery or equipment of any kind shall be placed, operated or maintained upon the Condominium except such machinery or equipment as is usual and customary in connection with the use, maintenance or construction of buildings, improvements or structures which are within the uses permitted by this Declaration, and except that which Declarant or the Association may require for the construction, operation and maintenance of the Common Elements. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS No Owner, Lessee or Occupant shall use or keep in a Unit or any Limited Common Element allocated to the Unit any kerosene, gasoline, or inflammable or combustible fluid or material or other hazardous materials, other than those required, in limited quantities, for normal cleaning or landscaping work. NOISE REDUCTION No Owner, Lessee or Occupant (other than Fireside HOA) shall install any hard and/or heavy surface floor coverings (including, without limitation, tile, marble, wood and the like) in a second floor Unit without the prior written approval of the DRDRC. Any flooring to be installed in such a Unit must use a sound control underlayment system. Installation of such sound control underlayment system shall include provisions for a perimeter insulation material which will ensure that impact noises are not transmitted into the Unit below the floor either directly through the floor or by going around the floor and through the surrounding walls. In order to maintain the highest level of acoustical privacy possible, the DRDRC may, from time to time, adopt Rules to reduce levels of noise emission from Units. Additionally, no loudspeakers shall be affixed to any wall, ceiling, shelving or cabinets so as to cause vibrations discernable between Units. The use of stereo equipment, televisions and musical instruments shall be subject to and must be used in accordance with the Rules. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 55 All Owners, Lessees and Occupants shall take all reasonable precautions to lower noise transference between Units and to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association and any noise reduction ordinance of the City. SPRINKLER SYSTEM Each Building is equipped with a sprinkler system. All pipes, heads and other parts of the sprinkler system (whether located within or outside of the Unit) shall be part of the Common Elements and shall be maintained, repaired and replaced by the Association. If an Owner, Lessee or Occupant or their Invitees causes the sprinkler system to be activated (except in the case of a fire) or damages or destroys any part of the sprinkler system, the Owner of the Unit shall be responsible for the cost of any repairs to the sprinkler system made by the Association and for all other losses or damages resulting from such actions. If any Unit in a Building contains a fire user room containing equipment pertaining to the operation of the sprinkler system for the Building, the City Fire Department and the Association shall have the right to enter the Unit in which the fire user room is located to insert and make any necessary repair, maintenance or replacement of such equipment. Except in the case of an emergency, such entry shall only be made during reasonable hours and upon reasonable notice to the Unit Owner and the Occupants of the Unit. STORAGE To the extent storage of materials is permitted pursuant to the Condominium Documents, such storage must be in accordance with building, fire, health and safety, and environmental requirements of the Association’s insurance carriers, the City, Maricopa County, and any State or Federal agency or governmental entity having jurisdiction over any stored materials. CLOTHES DRYING FACILITIES Outside clotheslines or other outside facilities for drying or airing clothes shall not be erected, placed or maintained on the condominium. TRAILERS, CAMPERS AND BOATS No mobile home, travel trailer, tent trailer, trailer, camper shell, detached camper, recreational vehicle, boat, boat trailer, or other similar equipment or vehicle may be parked, kept, maintained, constructed, reconstructed or repaired on any part of the Condominium; provided, however, such equipment or vehicles may be parked in the Garage of any Unit solely for the purpose of storing (and not to construct, reconstruct or repair) such equipment or vehicles. LANDSCAPING All landscaping of Patio areas included as part of the Limited Common Elements of a Unit shall be subject to the provisions of these guidelines. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 56 RELIEF AND VARIANCES The Association may, at its option and in extenuating circumstances and for good cause, grant variances from the restriction set fort if the Association determines in its reasonable discretion that: (i) a restriction would create an unreasonable hardship or burden on an Owner or Occupant or a change of circumstances since the Recordation of this Declaration has rendered such restrictions obsolete; or (ii) that the activity permitted under the variance will not have any substantial adverse effect on the Owners or Occupants of the Condominium or the quality of life intended for Owners and Occupants of the Condominium. PRESERVATION AND WASH AREA The preservation area located along the western boundary of the Condominium is subject to a Deed Restriction recorded May 23, 2003 as Instrument Number 20030658897, records of Maricopa County, Arizona. Among other things, the Deed Restriction imposes certain prohibited activities on and uses of the Preservation Area, including but not limited to (a) unseasonal watering, use of herbicides, rodenticides, or weed abatement activities; (b) use of off-road vehicles (other than over permitted road crossings); (c) grazing; (d) erecting of any building, billboard, or sign; (e) depositing of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, bio-solids or any other material; (f) excavating, dredging or removing of loam, gravel, soil, rock, sand or other material; (g) removing, destroying, or cutting of trees, shrubs or other vegetation, except as required by law for (1) fire breaks, (2) maintenance of existing foot trails or roads, (3) prevention of treatment of disease; or (4) removal of non-native species; (h) establishing any easement or making dedications; or (i) surface entry for exploration or extraction of minerals. FOLLOWING THESE GUIDELINES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED TO SUBMIT TO THE DRDRC PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MODIFICATION 57 INITIAL LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS LANDSCAPE DESIGN REVIEW GUIDELINES In view of the landscaping goals and objectives as outlined herein, it is strongly recommended that each Owner obtain the assistance of a qualified landscape professional thoroughly familiar with all aspects of site and landscape design in the region, and preferably familiar with the “Fireside at Desert Ridge Design Guidelines.” Landscape planning shall show sensitivity to existing adjacent landscapes in terms of species, design concept and views. This is not to suggest that repetitive landscape treatments are required or encouraged. Timing of Residential Landscape Improvements Front Yard and side and rear yard landscape improvements, which are visible from neighboring property, shall be submitted within thirty (30) days and completed within ninety (90) days after close of escrow. Rear yards, which are not visible from neighboring property, shall be submitted within thirty (30) days and completed within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of the close of escrow. Each Owner shall be responsible for dust control and prevention of erosion or sedimentation before, during and after installation of landscape. All disturbed areas not subject to immediate building and landscape construction shall have appropriate erosion prevention measures (such as seeding, etc.) implemented as specified by the DRDRC. The DRDRC may permit phasing of landscape improvements subject to approval. Landscape plans shall clearly indicate immediate and future improvements. The DRDRC may require a definitive timetable for the installation of such future improvements. 1. All Owners shall submit Landscape Plans to the Desert Ridge Community Association (Master) DRDRC, Rossmar & Graham Community Association, 20860 N. Tatum Blvd,. Suite, 360, Phoenix, AZ, 85050 for specific review and approval within 30 days of start of pool and landscape construction. LANDSCAPE PLAN SUBMITTAL Submissions/Fees 1. Each resident shall supply the Desert Ridge Community Association with two (2) complete sets of Front, Side and Rear yard Plans (refer to Residential Landscaping Section) and a completed Design Review Application (Appendix B), along with a completed Landscape Submittal Worksheet (Appendix C), prior to initiating landscape related work,, unless resident chooses pre-approved front or backyard landscape plan from Pulte Homes. If pre-approved plan is used, Pulte Homes will forward confirmation of plans to the Master for record. 2. Plan requirements (plans may be combined if legible): All plans must show lot lines, building setbacks, Use and Benefit Easements (if applicable), footprint of house, and any adjacent streets. Minimum drawing scale is 1”=10‟-0” and a graphic scale must be shown in addition to a verbal scale. Layout Plan: showing any existing or new wall and paving locations, including pools, pool equipment screening, turf locations, headers, and any other structural items such as fireplaces and barbeques. All items must be dimensioned and any necessary City of Phoenix, and Desert Ridge setbacks are to be noted on plans. Any grade changes or mounding is to be noted on plans for location, size and elevation. Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 1 Planting Plan: showing all tree and shrub locations as well as species and size information as well as decomposed granite color and size. If boulders are used, size and location must be noted on plan. Low-voltage Lighting Plan (if applicable): showing fixture and transformer locations and fixture type and wattage. Hardscape and all other items outside of front/rear yard landscape and pools must be submitted to the (DRDRC) for Approval using the form on Appendix D. Hardscape Details: any vertical structural elements such as walls, gates, fireplaces, and barbeques must have details submitted with the drawings including, scale, materials, and finishes and colors. Hardscape and all other items outside of front/rear yard landscape and pools must be submitted to the (DRDRC) for Approval using the form on Appendix D. 3. Front, Side and Rear yard (refer to Residential Landscaping Section) Submissions shall be accompanied by a $200.00 review fee and submitted to the DRCA. Review fees cover professional design review and installation inspections. 4. Separate Front yard and Rear yard submissions are discouraged, but will be provided with an additional review fee of $200.00, payable with second submittal. 5. Appendices G and H are intended to be examples and checklists of what the reviewers will look for in the submittals. Refer to these prior to submitting plan for review to ensure an expedient turn-around. Review Process 1. The Desert Ridge Community Association will distribute a copy of the plans to the DRCA landscape plan reviewer. 2. The Desert Ridge Community Association DRC will issue a written response within thirty (30) days upon receipt of a submission and review fee. The response will include a summary of comments per the Landscape Submittal Worksheet. 3. No reviews will occur without all the required design elements and payment included with the first review. 4. Plans may require a second submittal for review if noted on the first review. The Homeowner must submit two (2) revised copies to the plan reviewer to receive final approval. 5. Failure to obtain approval within two reviews, resulting in additional submissions, will require the applicant to pay an additional review fee of $100.00. 6. If a pre-approved Pulte Homes Front and/or Backyard is chosen, and it has already been approved by the Master no further action is required. Construction Review 1. The DRCA landscape plan reviewer may review work in progress and give notice of noncompliance. Absence of such reviews and notifications during construction does not constitute either approval by the plan reviewer of work in progress or compliance with the Fireside at Desert Ridge Supplement. Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 2 2. Final Review. Upon completion of the work, the Owner must submit a completed Request for Landscape Installation Form (Appendix E) to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Community Association. The plan reviewer will then conduct a review within fifteen (15) business days and will issue a written notice of approval or conditional approval, based on compliance with the final approved plan on file with the Fireside at Desert Ridge Community Association 3. If the work is not in compliance with the Approved Final Submittal and all Design Guidelines and Supplements, a written notice will be issued to the Owner within ten (10) business days of the review. The Owner shall have thirty (30) calendar days to remedy non-compliance. When corrections are complete, the landscape will be re-inspected for compliance. If the landscape is not in compliance, the applicant will be required to pay $150.00 for each additional inspection, until the landscape is approved. 4. Enclosed/private rear yard landscape will only be reviewed as it relates to outside visibility, screening impact, and setback restrictions. In visible lots, rear yards will be inspected based on all conditions set forth in the guidelines and supplements. The Homeowner assumes responsibility for hardscape, pool enclosures and planting installation consistent with the City of Phoenix requirements. Variances, Changes and Appeals Any requests for variances, changes and appeals to the board must be submitted to the Desert Ridge Community Association, DRDRC, in writing, including a detailed description. The DRDRC landscape plan reviewer will review these items. The procedures for each of these are as described in the “Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines” Address Applications and plans shall be sent to: Desert Ridge Community Association Rossmar & Graham Community Association Management 20860 N. Tatum Blvd., Suite 360 Phoenix, AZ 85050 (480) 551-4300 Office (480) 551-6000 Fax Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 3 APPENDIX A: FIRESIDE AT DESERT RIDGE SUBMITTAL GUIDELINES FOR LANDSCAPING, POOLS, ETC. 1. Completely fill out the Design Review Application located in Appendix B of this Supplement. 2. A pool checklist must be filled out, signed and attached for any and all pool, spa, and water feature installations. 3. Include a physical and mailing address to receive correspondence. 4. Include phone numbers that you or your landscaper/pool company can be reached at 5. All submittal forms must be signed by the homeowner 6. Make checks payable to Fireside at Desert Ridge Community Association in the amount of $200.00 7. Submit two (2) sets of your plans, your check, and a completed architectural form to the following address: Desert Ridge Community Association Rossmar & Graham Community Association Management 20860 N. Tatum Blvd., Suite 360 Phoenix, AZ 85050 (480) 551-4300 Office (480) 551-6000 Fax NOTE: For prompt processing, submittals should be turned in no later than 5:00 PM each Thursday of the week Submittals will be mailed no later than thirty (30) working days following the Thursday submittal. Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 4 APPENDIX B: Design Review Application for Fireside at Desert Ridge review Name Building Address Mailing Address Phone Lot # Non-View Lot [ (Check One) ] Full View Lot [ ] Partial View Lot [ ] Please provide a description of the request in detail; use additional pages as necessary. Please provide drawings, types of materials to be used, color(s), dimensions of improvement and location on lot. Two sets of plans should be submitted. Plans must include a statement that the design is in compliance with the design guidelines. Work to be performed by: Phone: The Homeowner agrees to maintain the improvement if the Fireside landscape plan reviewer grants approval. The Homeowner further agrees to comply with all city, county and state laws and to obtain all necessary permits. It is the right of the plan reviewer or DRDRC to inspect completed work. Homeowners Signature Only Date ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ ▪ (This area to be completed by the reviewer) The request as submitted above is: [ ] Approved [ ] Disapproved Signature – DRCA plan reviewer [ ] Approved subject to the following conditions: Date Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 5 APPENDIX C: (Applications and Plans shall be sent to: Desert Ridge Community Association c/o Rossmar & Graham Community Association Management 20860 N. Tatum Blvd., Suite 360, Phoenix, AZ 85050 (480) 551-4300 Office (480) 551-6000 Fax) LANDSCAPE SUBMITTAL WORKSHEET Lot # _________________ Homeowner: Date: _________________ Landscape Designer: Address: Address: ______________________________ Phone: Phone: Contact: ______________________________ Note: Check box for contact The following checklist is intended to serve as a guide for Landscape Submission for Fireside at Desert Ridge Community Association Review. This worksheet must be completed and submitted with a $200.00 review fee upon first review. Incomplete worksheets will not be reviewed. 3500 Series Plan Submittal Worksheet (Lot Size45’x115’) Approved Incomplete * Front yard Landscape Area = Sq. Ft. 1 – 36” Box Tree 1 – 6 foot Octillo, Saguaro or15 Gallon Tree 1– 5 Gallon Shrub/Cacti/Succulents per 100 sq. feet 1.5 – 1 Gallon Ground cover per 100 sq. feet Grading plans or notes Hardscape upgrades/lighting Rear yard landscape Area = Sq. ft. Total number of plants provided = Rear yard turf area = 4500 Series Plan Submittal Worksheet (Lot Size 55’x120’) Approved Incomplete * Front yard Landscape Area = Sq. Ft. 1 – 36” Box Tree 1 –6 foot Octillo, Saquaro or 15” Gallon Tree 1 – 5 Gallon Shrub/Cacti/Succulents per 100 sq. feet 1.5 – 1 Gallon Ground cover per 100 sq. feet Grading plans or notes Hardscape upgrades/lighting Rear yard landscape Area = Sq. ft. Total number of plants provided = Rear yard turf area = Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 6 5500 Series Plan Submittal Worksheet (Lot Size 65’x120’) Approved Incomplete * Front yard Landscape Area = Sq. Ft. 1 – 36” Box Tree 1 – 24” Box Tree 1 – 5 Gallon Shrub/Cacti/Succulents per 100 sq.ft. 1.5 – 1 Gallon Ground cover Shrub per 100 sq. ft. Grading plans or notes Hardscape upgrades/lighting Total number of plants provided = Rear yard turf area = Plan Review Checklist Approved * Incomplete Base Information Complete Graphic Scale, property line, use and benefit easement (if applicable), building envelope Hardscape (Non-Builder) Dimension, detail, finishes, elevation Grading (Shaping) Plan Flow lines, contours, spot elevation, native Planting Plan Layout, top dressing, plant legend Irrigation Plan Point of connection, controller, backflow, valves, labels Lighting Plan Layout, equipment, details, spec sheets Total lot area State total lot area on plans for purposes of calculating allowable turf area Note: “Positive drainage is required, grades at the base of party walls must remain unchanged, and no drainage may be discharged to another lot or common area tract.” Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 7 APPENDIX D Desert Ridge Design Review Application DESERT RIDGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Request for Architectural Approval NAME: PARCEL: ADDRESS: LOT: ZIP CODE: VIEW LOT: YES NO PHONE NO: (PLEASE PROVIDE) Provide a description of the request in detail and use additional pages and drawings as necessary. Please include type of materials to be used, color(s), dimensions of structure and location on lot, if applicable. Work to be performed by: Submit to: Desert Ridge Community Association Rossmar & Graham Community Association Management 20860 N. Tatum Blvd., Suite 360 Phoenix, AZ 85050 Telephone: (480) 551-4300 Fax: (480) 551-6000 The Homeowner agrees to maintain the improvement if approved by the Board of Directors or their duly appointed representative. If, in the view of the Board of Directors, the improvement is not being maintained, the Association has the right to remove or maintain the improvement with the Homeowner bearing all costs. The Homeowner agrees to comply with all city, county and state laws and to obtain all necessary permits. Signature of Homeowner Date The above-described architectural change is: Approved Disapproved Association Representative Approved subject to the following conditions: Date (e:\hfacc request form\7/27/11 Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 1 APPENDIX E REQUEST FOR INSTALLATION APPROVAL Applications and Plans shall be sent to: Desert Ridge Community Association c/o Rossmar & Graham Community Association Management 20860 N. Tatum Blvd., Suite 360, Phoenix, AZ 85050 (480) 551-4300 Office (480) 551-6000 Fax) Please Note: This form must be completed in its entirety in order to be considered by the Fireside landscape plan reviewer. Incomplete forms will be returned to the property owner. Name ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________ Lot Number _____________________ The project was completed on_____________ per the plan reviewer approved design dated____________ Inspection request 1st___________ 2nd_____________ 3rd_____________ An inspection was done on The request is: _________________ [ ] Approved [ ] Disapproved/Incomplete (resubmit for inspection) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Signature- DRCA landscape plan reviewer ____________________________ Date Please note you have two opportunities to meet the Final Inspection conditions. Failure to do so will result in the need for a third inspection and as such is subject to an additional $150.00 fee. Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 2 APPENDIX F: (Applications and Plans shall be sent to: Desert Ridge Community Association c/o Rossmar & Graham Community Association Management 20860 N. Tatum Blvd., Suite 360, Phoenix, AZ 85050 (480) 551-4300 Office (480) 551-6000 Fax) DESERT RIDGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION ADDENDUM TO REQUEST FOR ARCHITECTURAL APPROVAL Architectural Guidelines For Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, Water Features NAME: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: LOT: The following is a list of design guidelines, which must be adhered to when installing a swimming pool, spa, hot tub, or water feature. These items are not allowed in any front yard. Please provide these guidelines to your contractor to help insure compliance with the Desert Ridge Community Association Architectural and Community Guidelines. Please check each box below to indicate compliance: Swimming pools and spas shall be located three feet from any view fence and must conform to City code. Above ground spas are prohibited in rear yard view lots. Entry for pool or spa construction will not be granted across a common area or through the Association‟s walls. Pool/spa equipment, where visible from neighboring property must be screened by a block wall, finished and painted to match the adjacent wall. Pool/spa equipment must be at least five (5) feet from a view fence. Swimming pool slides less than six (6) feet in height must be located at least five (5) feet from the property line and fifteen (15) feet from any view fence. Swimming pool slides greater than six (6) feet in height must be located at least fifteen (15) feet from the property line and fifteen (15) feet from any view fence. Swimming pool slides may not be higher than ten (10) feet. Rock or water features associated with pools and spas may not be greater than six (6) feet in height, or higher than the fence. Rock or water features integrated with a pool or spa must be setback a minimum of three (3) feet from any property line. Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 3 Raised hardscapes (deck, patios, platforms, etc.) may not exceed six (6) inches in height. Backwash water must be retained on owner‟s lot. A backwash hole filled with rocks may be dug, but must not drain off owner‟s property. All pool plans must specify plans for pool drainage. Screening and fencing for safety and security must comply with the City of Phoenix Code Requirements. Chain link fences are prohibited. Safety/security fences on lots with view fences must be painted to match the color of the view fence pickets. Additional walls must match the color of the view fence wall. Covered and enclosed pools and spas require DRDRC approval. Design, materials and colors must be consistent and compatible with the Dwelling Unit. If applicable to your property, pool, hot tubs and spas and/or their equipment are not allowed in a Use and Benefit Easement. See Page 11 of the Supplement to the Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines book-8-2-2004. Signature of Homeowner Date THIS ADDENDUM MUST BE SIGNED BY HOMEOWNER AND ATTACHED TO REQUEST FOR ARCHITECTURAL APPROVAL Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 4 APPENDIX G-1: LANDSCAPE SUBMITTAL EXAMPLE Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 5 APPENDIX G-2: LANDSCAPE SUBMITTAL EXAMPLE Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 6 APPENDIX G-3: LANDSCAPE SUBMITTAL EXAMPLE Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 7 APPENDIX H: PLAN REVIEWER CHECKLIST (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) Lot #________________ Owner_________________ Company______________ LANDSCAPE SUBMITTAL APPROVED DISAPPROVED- REVISE DRAWINGS AND RESUBMIT TWO SETS Please address: Please separate plant legends- for different zones- front yard/court yard/rear yard. Different areas have different plant lists. Some plants listed are not on the approved plant list. See plan for plant substitution/re-location requirements. Provide botanical names for plant material. Identify/clarify irrigation controller location- cannot be visible from street. Identify/clarify lighting transformer location. Trees are to be located 5’-0” from the property wall. Property walls are not indicated on plans. Mound elevations must be shown on the plan. Boulder type should be specified on plan. BBQ will need to be submitted separately or detailed with paint colors, stucco textures, dimensions and construction materials called out in resubmittal. Paving materials for the driveway should be clearly labeled. Palms are not allowed in partial view lots or full view lots. Lawn area exceeds maximum allowable for rear yard square footage. Provide lawn area percentage (10% of total lot area max). Sod type needs to be called out in the plant legend. Lawn areas too close to property walls (4’ minimum). Granite type/size needs revision. Water Feature will need to be submitted separately or detailed with paint colors, stucco textures, dimensions and construction materials called out in resubmittal. Show and label the use and benefit easement. Plant quantities are lower than required. Other: Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 8 Lot #________________ Owner_________________ Company______________ POOL SUBMITTAL APPROVED DISAPPROVED- REVISE DRAWINGS AND RESUBMIT TWO SETS Please address: Please note: access for pool construction will not be allowed from rear or side yard common area/wall. Side yard return walls may be removed for pool construction, but must be replaced with same wall type at completion of construction. Rear and side walls should be labeled and heights shown. Pool flush drainage must be indicated. Need more information, dimensions, heights, labels, and materials. If spa is raised, it can’t exceed 20” max. Pool equipment must be located at least 5’ from view fence and screened from view. Pools/Pool equipment is not allowed in a use and benefit easement. Pool checklist must be filled out and submitted. Other: Supplement to the Fireside at Desert Ridge Architectural and Community Guidelines 7/2011 9