July 3, 2013-Benicia Torchlight Parade


July 3, 2013-Benicia Torchlight Parade
P.O. Box 6125, Concord, CA
MAFCA 2012 Certificate of Merit
General Membership
Meetings held Third Friday of the month,
at Faith Christian Fellowship Church, 860
Bancroft Rd., Walnut Creek, doors open
at 7:00 PM, meeting at 8:00 PM
Guests are welcome.
 August 16—45th Anniversary Celebration with Cake & Honored Guests
Doors open at 7:00 PM, meeting at
8:00 PM,
 September 20-Autumn Potluck &
Food Drive-Doors open at 6:00 PM,
Potluck at 7:00 PM. (see page 5 for
 October 18— Lady’s Auction - Doors
open at 7:00 PM, meeting at 8:00 PM
 November 15-Pie Social-Doors open
at 6:30 PM, Pie Social at 7:00 PM (see
page 5 for assignments)
The southern contingent met at Harbor
to meet the northern group at Pizza Pirate.
July 3, 2013-Benicia Torchlight Parade
Pete thought he would be able to handle going to
Although the weather had been very hot all the Pizza Pirate for dinner but we weren't sure if
week, the night of the parade was not too bad.
we would actually be able to join everyone in the
We also were the front of the parade, which made parade. We threw his walker in the back of Willie
it easier on our old cars. As usual, the crowds
just in case. After dinner he decided he wanted to
were enthusiastic. Our daughter Jo and granddo the parade so we joined the other 11 cars and
daughter Madelyn were guests in Wayne English's we all migrated down to the waterfront to decocar and commented on what a different perspecrate the cars.
tive you get being in the parade instead of observing it -- but they loved it. Thank you Wayne for
I would also like to thank Bob Estrella for
letting them join you.
attending the required meeting when I couldn't.
Without his help we would not have been able to
We took 2nd in our category. I might have
be in the parade at all.
actually signed us up for the wrong group -things have been a little goofy around our place
Hope to see a good group again next year.
lately -- sorry.
Pete & Marianne Goodson
Inside Insights
Tour Report
1, 2
Presidents Column
Sunshine Report & Classified
Upcoming Tours & Events
Odds & Ends
Meeting Minutes
7, 8
Technical Tips
9, 10
Precious Moments
Caught In The Headlights
Show N Shine & Very, Very
Last Laugh
Mystery Tour Registration &
Release Form
From the Mailbox
MAFFI Museum Tour
Registration & Release Form
Concord 4th of July Parade
Antioch 4th of July Parade
Support our advertisers because they support us!
The Tire Dealer — Doug Freeman
Well, I have to keep these rambling for this month to 543 words so it
will fit on one page, according to our Editor-in-Chief. I guess last
month’s column was a little too wordy. Ahh, it is hard when you are so
gifted and the words just pour out of you………..
At the next board meeting (it will have already been held when you
read this) we will be discussing the adoption of “MAFCA Waiver,
Indemnification Release Agreement” for members to sign to attend
driving tours. It has been suggested by MAFCA to use this form and
according to the National President, it will be mandatory for all chapters
in 2014. Yes, we all signed a “Liability Release” that came with our dues
renewal notice at the first of this year, but the MAFCA one was yet to be
created. Details at the next regular meeting on how this will all work….I
This issue of the Moto-meter should be in your hands/
computer before the August 7 , which is the due date of the
number of members going on the Anniversary Tour to Rossmoor. Call me if you want to go: 925-682-6819.
Speaking of your board, we must find at least three members to fill the
board vacancies for next year. We will be looking for a treasurer, a secretary and a vice president. Now, for the last few years, it has been like
pulling teeth to get a full slate to run. Yes, you’re suppose to attend
board meeting each month, but the “goodies” at the end of the
meetings are sure worth it! The treasurer does most of the banking stuff
on the computer; the secretary takes minutes at both the board and
general meeting, but there is an agenda that he/she keeps notes on;
and the vice president has the camera and keeps the photo gallery up
dated. A Jolly good time is had by all. Let’s have some willing
volunteer’s this season and not go right up to the dead line!
Eight little words……….”Let’s clean her up and get her running.” Those
eight little words are so easy to say and they just slide right off your
tongue and they sound so simple.
A couple of years ago I received a call from a longtime friend who I
hadn’t heard from in a while. We had retired and got up in the retirement process; he was selling his house and moving to an adult
community and I finishing front yard landscaping, shed building and a
whole house renovation.
Reyanne and I had just finished the renovations and my good friend
wanted me to go look at one of his Model A’s that had some storage
fees building up against it. The car had been given to a family member,
but the 2008 economic down turn had force the abandonment of the
car at a tire shop.
A few days later we went to look at the car and see if it was worth
salvaging or letting it go for storage. We met the owner of the tire shop
and as we walked toward the car he said “you know that it was in a fire
a couple of years ago and it has a blown head gasket.”
(To be continued to September)
Elected Officials 2013
Board of Directors
Doug Freeman (925) 682-6819
Barry Callister (925) 754-5366
Marilyn Neumann (925)687-4691
Michelle Webber (925) 830-1599
Tour Coordinator
Ron Wolfman (925) 287-1766
Past President
Ed James (925) 837-0851
June Rosploch
(925) 864-4323
[email protected]
Appointed Services
ACCC Representative
Herb Neumann
Refreshments Co-Coordinator
Ceil Callister
NCRG Representative
Bill Pugh
Alicia Watson & Bill Truesdell
Advertising/Public Relations
Marilyn Neumann, Bob Grady/Bob Rigor
Sunshine Reporter / Club Vests
Elsie Boarman / Marge Tait
Roster Manager
Bill Pugh
Video Coordinator
Bill Truesdell
Steve Mick
The Moto-Meter: The Moto-Meter is the official publication of the Diablo A’s Chapter of the Model A
Ford Club of America. The Moto-Meter is published
once a month and is sent to each member in good
standing and other Model A Ford Clubs in exchange
for their publication. The Moto-Meter takes no responsibility for the accuracy of materials, dates,
places, etc. of its contents. The Moto-Meter welcomes any article, artwork or suggestions. Please
submit all materials by the first Tuesday of the month.
Meetings: Meetings are held on the third Friday of
the month at 8:00 PM at Faith Christian Fellowship
Church at 860 Bancroft Rd., in Walnut Creek unless
otherwise indicated in the Calendar of Events.
Membership: Membership in the Model A Ford Club
is not a prerequisite to join The Diablo A’s. Both
MAFCA and The Diablo A’s membership commence on January 1st, and expire on December
31st. MAFCA dues are $40.00 (MAFCA, 250 Cypress
Ave., La Habra, CA 90631, www.MAFCA.com ). The
Diablo A’s dues of $45.00 per family is payable to
the treasurer. Subscriptions to the Moto-Meter are
$15.00 per year.
Diablo A’s Model A Ford Club mailing address:
P.O. Box 6125
Concord, CA 94524
We thank the various clubs for the use of the many
articles, jokes, fashion and technical advice that we
have used. Permission to reproduce items in The
Moto-Meter is hereby granted provided credit is
given to The Moto-Meter.
Elsie Boarman
The ice Cream “social” meeting was a huge success.
Mike Ferre brought his “soon to be 14” grandson Clayton Runyon
and Adell Kirk brought her two grandchildren, visiting her from
Georgia. Ed James made special cookies with “Hub Caps” made of
chocolate frosting with “Ford” printed on them. Ed has a new
vocation in his “spare” time, he is make jewelry. Silver earrings
and charms on a necklace charm with Model A parts as design. I
recognized step plates and what looked like a crank, maybe not.
I went to our Pleasant Hill 4th of July parade and was happy
to see Charlie Piazza driving his Sedan and Harold Hall and
Imogene driving his green pickup truck. In spite of Pete’s back
pain, he and Marianne were able to attend their 10th “3rd of July”
Benicia parade with the Diablo A’s.
At the ice cream meeting Bill showed a film of the Lakeport
meet, all the entertainment and dancing. Because we were all
socializing & eating ice cream & cookies we could not hear much
of the tape. I hope it can be shown either before or after a regular
meeting so we can all enjoy watching Diablo A’ers doing the
chicken dance since many of the participants were not at the meeting.
Ladies, check your cupboards & closets for sale items for the
“Ladies Auction” night October 18 meeting.
Pam Lee is home after her knee surgery
July 17. She is recuperating slowly.
Pete Goodson had spinal surgery July 22. He
is home now recuperating. Please keep Pam &
Pete in your prayers and thoughts. Cards and
calls are very much appreciated.
Looking forward to the Presidents Picnic Saturday August 17.
See you at the August Meeting.
Happy A’ing, Elsie
Mike Garfinkle, Owner
FOR SALE: From the Ford Ranch  If you collect Model A tools this might be one
for you; Jack A-17080-B1 supplied November
1929 to August 1930. $25.
 Rear Motor Mounts A-5090. $25 a pair.
 A-10000-B 6V Generator $40
- Contact Ron Accornero if interested.
Very good condition. Asking $250
Contact Hal Granquist. 925-935-0231
Fair condition, asking $100.
Contact Hal Granquist. 925-935-0231
Ed James is stocking cast Iron brake drums in the
bay area for Mel Gross. These are quality, proven
drums. You can pick them up and save the freight
from Los Angeles. Full set (front and rear) for
$270 plus studs for $20 set.
Call Ed James, 925-837-0851.
3 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps 6. Close to South Lake,
Meeks Bay and Sugar Pine Park. Two blocks from
the lake. Attractive rates for Diablo A’s.
Call Pam Lee 925-689-9226.
August 17—Wolfman’s and A-Ford
45th Anniversary Tour, Rossmoor
****** Sign-up deadline is August 7th ******
Friendly Reminders
 Meeting in the CVS parking lot on the
corner of Olympic Blvd. & North California
Blvd. at 9:30 AM, leaving promptly at 9:45
 $20.00 for non-members—club picks up the
tab for club members and children under 18
 For those going directly to the picnic Enter
through the visitor gate. Tell the guard you’re a guest of the
Wolfman Diablo A’s anniversary event. Proceed down Rossmoor Parkway, (golf course will be on the right side). Turn
right on Stanley Dollar Dr. Go one block and turn left at the
Dollar Clubhouse. Club members will show you where to
park. Preferred parking for Model A’s
 Suggested to bring—Sun Hats, Beverage of choice (water &
ice tea provided) and your appetites.
We will have an old fashioned catered picnic with all the
I urge each of you to attend as it is the oldest tradition the
club has and it commemorates the first outing of the club in
For more information contact Doug & Reyanne Freeman
August 16- 45 th Anniversary Celebration
with Cake and Honored Guests
Doors open at 7:00 PM, meeting at 8:00 PM.
September 20-Autumn Potluck & Food Drive
Doors open at 6:00 PM, Potluck at 7:00 PM.
Assignments: A-G Dessert, H-P Salad, Q-Z Main Dish
October 18- Lady’s Auction
Doors open at 7:00 PM, meeting at 8:00 PM
Please donate an item for the auction.
November 15-Pie Social
Doors open at 6:30 PM, Pie Social at 7:00 PM.
Assignments: K—W Pie
August 17—Wolfman’s and A-Ford 45th Anniversary Tour ,
Rossmoor *August 7th Sign-up Deadline *
Doug & Reyanne Freeman
August 21-Antioch Historical Society's Community Night
Bob & Sandi Rigor
Sept, 3-8— 2013 Northwest Regional Meet, Bend, OR
Alex & Ruth Janke
Sept. 8—Fun Ford Sunday & Picnic, Antioch
Bob & Sandi Rigor
Sept. 14—Walnut Festival Parade, Walnut Creek
Wayne & Peggy English (more details on pg. 6)
Sept. 27-29 —Apple Hill Meet, By Hangtown A’s
Herb & Marilyn Neumann (more details on pg. 6)
Sept.28—International Model A Day
(more details on pg. 6)
Oct. 12—Western Railway Museum/Pumpkin Festival,
Wayne & Peggy English (more details on pg. 6)
Oct. 19-20—Mystery Tour—Ken & Elaine Matheson, Tom &
Barbara Sharman, Bob & Lynn Grady (registration
form on pg. 15 & 16, more details on pg. 6)
Nov.16—Enduring A’s Indoor Swap Meet, Albany, Oregon
Nov.30 — Christmas Banquet-Oakhurst Country Club
Herb & Marilyn Neumann
Dec, 4-8-MAFCA National Banquet, San Antonio, TX
August 21-Antioch Historical Society's
Community Night
Only 2 car clubs are invited to be part of the Car show for
the benefit of the museum. Meet at the Old Schoolhouse,
(1500 W. Fourth Street, Antioch) at 6:15 PM, for FREE ICE
CREAM tours and family fun.
 Diablo A’s Concord/Central County group will meet
at 5:30 at Dana Plaza Subway or Starbucks,.
 The event ends at 9:00 PM. Sign up at the meeting.
For more information contact Bob & Sandi Rigor .
Sept, 3-8— 2013 Northwest Regional Meet,
Bend, OR
For more information contact Tour Leaders, Alex &
Ruth Janke — Alex will be leading a group on Sept. 1,
leaving from Harbor Freight promptly at 8:00 a.m. and
returning on Sept. 11. The High Desert A’s of Central Oregon invite you to the 2013 Northwest Regional Meet, September 3-8, 2013, at the Riverhouse Hotel & Convention
Center in Bend, Oregon.
Sept. 8—The 17th Annual Fun Ford Sunday, Antioch
For more information contact Tour Leaders, Bob &
Sandi Rigor — Visit www.FunFordSunday.com for PreRegistration (Sept. 1) $30.00, day of event $35.00. We are
planning to have a group picnic this year but no BBQ’s,
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Contra Costa Fairgrounds, Antioch. Vendors, Prizes, Dash Plaques, Music and Fords!
This is a Non-Judged Show.
2013 Board Meetings Schedule
Tuesday, Sep. 3—Herb & Marilyn Neumann
Monday, Oct. 7—Barry & Ceil Callister
Monday, Nov. 4—Ron & Kathie Wolfman
Monday, Dec. 2—Ed James
Board meetings at 7:00 p.m. unless specified otherwise.
Save the Date:
Sept. 14—Walnut Festival Parade, Walnut Creek
A final signup will be available at the August general meeting. For more information contact Tour Leaders, Wayne & Peggy
English. We have again been honored with the request to transport the Pearl Harbor Survivors group. Our initial gathering location
will be at Best Buy in Pleasant Hill at 4:15 p.m., from there we will proceed promptly at 4:30 p.m. to Walnut Creek. It is expected we
will be near the front of the parade, as in past years. Anyone with room for a Pearl Harbor Survivor will stage up at the front of our
Sept. 27-29 —Apple Hill Meet, By Hangtown A’s
For more information contact Tour Leaders, Herb & Marilyn Neumann— If you joined the Diablo A's in the past 2 years and
haven't taken your car on an overnight tour yet: now that you have had your car checked out and its roadworthy, you should look
into the Hangtown A's event the end of Sept. It's a great event with tours in the Placerville area with lots of things to see and do. The
end of Sept is a few weeks ahead of the Apple Hill pie season so the roads shouldn't be too crowded and the weather is still mild. The
Hangtown A's have lots of things planned for the weekend. For more information on the weekend event, Steve has posted the entry
form on the Diablo A's website. Give this some thought. I'm sure you'll have a great time. The best part is
you can get there by driving some great back roads.
Sept. 28—International Model A Day
This day is simply a DRIVE YOU MODEL "A" this day, with friends, clubs, or whomever to enjoy the day
and remember to send Bruce Adams (PO Box 45 Northport, NY 11768) photos to have posted. .Iron-on
patches are available for $3.50 apiece, includes mailing to lower 48, minimum order of ten. All profits will go
to "Model A Youth" program. Order from Bruce Adams PO Box 45 Northport, NY 11768
Oct. 12—Western Railway Museum and Pumpkin Festival
For more information contact Tour Leaders—Wayne & Peggy English — This tour is in the planning
stage, stay tune for tour logistics.
Oct. 19-20—32nd Annual Diablo A’s Mystery Tour
For more information contact Tour Leaders—Ken & Elaine Matheson, Tom & Barbara Sharman, or Bob & Lynn Grady—
Registration form on page 13 & 14. The registration deadline is September 25th. This is a club over-night adventure you
certainly do not want to miss.
A Post Card From Nick & Peggy Houmis
Hi Folks,
As some of you know we have sold our home in Danville and
decided to come to our home in Greece, where Nick grew up. Upon
our return we will be looking in the North Bay for our dream home
(1 bedroom, 17 car garage)! Miss you all, Nick & Peggy
32nd Annual Mystery Tour
October 19-20, 2013
Destination Clues
Ron Dinsen, car coordinator for the Clint
Eastwood movie
J. Edgar, is looking for a 1962, 1963 or
1964 convertible
Cadillac. (presumably for a movie). He is
also looking to buy a 1946 to 1948
coupe, preferably a Cadillac, but would
be interested in other coupes.
If anyone can help him
contact Ron at 661-510-7598
(he's in Southern California)
Clue #1
The Bible gives us direction.
Clue #2
Leo 4:4
Diablo A’s General Membership Meeting
July 19, 2013
Meeting was called to order by President Doug Freeman at 7:40pm.
We enjoyed the delicious assortment of ice cream, toppings, and
cookies before the meeting. We especially enjoyed Ed James’ delicious homemade sugar cookies dipped in chocolate and formed to
resemble the Model A Ford hubcap, complete with the Ford logo.
And Bob Grady’s homemade peach ice cream was a huge hit as always. During the ice cream social, we also enjoyed seeing the video
of the “Diablo A’s Diamonds” performing their big act at the Lake
County A’s 19th Spring Opener held in Upper Lake in May.
 Membership, Visitors and Guests – Membership Coordinator
Ed James welcomed our newest member, Roger Munoz. He also
welcomed guests Scott and Kate, Adele Kirk’s grandkids from
Atlanta, Georgia, AND Mike Ferré‘s grandson Clayton. Doug
acknowledged Charter Member Jim Disney who was here tonight
and told a brief story of how he and Reyanne first met him so
many years ago.
 Secretary’s Report – The minutes from the June, 2013 General
Meeting were approved as posted in the Moto-Meter.
 Treasurer’s Report –Treasurer Michelle Webber reported the
June month end balances in the checking and savings accounts
 Tour Coordinator - Ron W. asked the Tour Leaders of the upcoming tours to talk about them. Herb talked about the Oakhurst
Country Club Hot August Nights on Friday, August 2. Ron W.
talked about this year’s President’s Tour (Club Picnic), which is
being called the Wolfman’s and A-Ford Anniversary Tour because it is being held at Rossmoor and it also happens to be Ron
and Katie’s wedding anniversary. There will be no cost for
Members for this event; however, there will be a charge of $20pp
for non-member guests. The last day to sign up for the tour is
August 7. Bob Rigor talked about the Fun Ford Sunday event in
Antioch on September 8 and the Walnut Festival Parade in Walnut Creek on September 14. Alex Janke talked about the tour
that he will be leading in September for anyone interested in attending the 2013 MAFCA Northwest Regional Meet in Bend,
Oregon on Sept. 3-8. Herb encouraged everyone to sign up for
the Apple Hill Meet in Placerville on Sept. 27-29. Ron W. reminded us that the dates for this year’s Mystery Tour are October
19-20. Ron W. talked about the tour to the Western Railway
Museum/Pumpkin Festival on October 12 which will be led by
Wayne and Peggy English. Ron W. reminded everyone to mark
their calendars for November 30 which is the date for this year’s
Christmas Party at the Oakhurst Country Club.
 Editor – No report.
 Vice President – Barry welcomed the Club’s newest member,
Roger Munoz, and asked Roger to meet him following the meeting tonight to get his picture taken for the club’s Picture Roster
on our Website.
Appointed Services:
 Sunshine – Elsie reported that Pam Lee had knee replacement
surgery last week and encouraged all of us to sign the card that is
being circulated tonight sending her good wishes. Elsie also told
us that Pete Goodson will be going into John Muir Hospital in
Walnut Creek for back surgery next Monday, June 22. He will
be in the hospital for two days, and cards and phone calls (once
he is home) would be appreciated.
 Advertising – Marilyn reported that all of the advertisers are
current with their renewals.
 Video Report – Bill T. gave the June DVD Sales Report. He
also talked about the newest Technical Seminar DVDs that are
now for sale. We are getting close to a total of 20 DVDs in our
 ACCC – no report.
 Refreshments – Doug thanked Refreshments Coordinator, Ceil
Callister, for the great job she did organizing tonight’s Ice Cream
Social. Donna Truesdell and Loretta Whitehurst were a big help
in setting everything up.
Old Business –
 Ed reported that we still do not have someone who is willing to
take over the sales of our DVDS since Bill Truesdell is committed to a long term project related to his personal business and
simply does not have the time to continue this function.
 The Board has tallied up the Nomination Forms for the MAFCA
Service Award, and Marilyn will submit the Winner’s Nomination Form to MAFCA. The deadline for submitting our nomination is October 15.
 Bob Rigor thanked everyone who participated in Concord’s
Fourth of July Parade this year and read a nice note from, thanking us for allowing them to ride in our Model A’s, honoring them
for their service in WWII.
New Business –
 Ed James told us about the handmade sterling silver jewelry he is
making to sell to Model A enthusiasts, including beautiful earrings and pendants in the shape of quails, radiators, steering
wheels and more. These were on display on a table near the entrance to our meeting room, and Ed invited us to check them out
and place orders if desired.
 Bob Rigor encouraged all members to consider wearing hats and
shirts which display our Club’s Logo and is a great way to advertise our hobby.
 Doug thanked Bob Grady and Bill Truesdell for handling the AV
duties tonight for Wayne English who is on vacation.
Loud Mouth Classifieds – None.
Ron and Melinda read another great For the Good of the Order tonight (“from the Internet”): They read excerpts from the monologues of some of the Jewish Comedians who have entertained us
so well over the years.
Alex Janke presided over an energetic Auction tonight with another
great supply of items to auction off.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was moved, seconded and passed.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.The next General Meeting will
be on August 16, 2013. The next Board Meeting will be on August
5th, 2013 at the home of Bob and Sandy Rigor at 7:00pm. There
will be a barbeque prior to the meeting. Anyone who would like to
attend this Board Meeting should call Bob and Sandy to let them
know and find out what they can bring.
Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Neumann, Secretary
Sunshine – Wayne mentioned that Pete Goodson is recovering nicely from recent back surgery.
Diablo A’s Board of Director’s Meeting
August 5, 2013
Public Relations – Bob Rigor reported that he is hoping to get
more people to attend both the Fun Ford Sunday event in September and the Antioch Historical Society event in September.
It was suggested that he make phone calls to club members to
get more people to attend these events.
Location: the home of Bob & Sandi Rigor.
Board Members present: Doug Freeman, President; Barry
Callister, Vice President; Marilyn Neumann, Secretary; June
Rosploch, Editor; Ron Wolfman, Tour Coordinator; and Ed
James, Past President.
Technical Seminars – Herb Neumann and Ed James will be
conducting a technical seminar called Headlights 101 which
will cover the basic headlight adjustments that need to be
made. Date to be determined.
Guests: Herb Neumann, Bill & Donna Truesdell, John Rosploch, Wayne & Peggy English, Lloyd Harrich, Ceil Callister,
Reyanne Freeman, Alex & Ruth Janke, Tom & Barbara Sharman, Ron Accornero, Katie Wolfman, Bob & Sandy Rigor.
Old Business – Doug reviewed which Board Members will be
helping with the President’s Anniversary Tour; i.e., parking
cars, horseshoe games, bringing ice and enough drinks for
Meeting was called to order by President Doug Freeman at
7:40pm. Doug thanked the Rigors for the delicious barbeque.
New Business – Doug led a discussion about the MAFCA
Waiver Indemnification Release Agreement as it pertains to its
use for the club’s Mystery Tour this year and future tours of our
club. A motion was made, seconded and passed with one no
vote to use the MAFCA form for our Mystery Tour. The Board
will revisit the question of whether to adopt it to use for future
tours in place of the form that was approved by the Club in
January of this year.
Approve July BOD Minutes as written and posted in the
Moto-Meter – Approved.
Vice President – Barry reported that he continues to take pictures of new members as well as retakes as requested for the
Club’s Picture Roster on the Website. Barry told us that Irline
Van Ardenne has agreed to make the 45th Anniversary Cake
for the August General Meeting. We have invited three Charter
Members to this meeting and will pick up any club members
who do need a ride to the meeting that night.
Doug asked the Board Members to think about and approach
club members who might be a good replacement for our open
positions for Secretary, Vice President, Treasurer and Tour
Treasurer’s Report – Michelle presented the July month end
balances in the checking and savings accounts. Doug thanked Coordinator.
Michelle for following up with MAFFI and subsequently finding
Ron Accornero suggested that we think about bringing back
out that they did indeed already have the Diablo A’s Brick for
Hobby Night to our General Meetings which could be a fun adthe MAFFI Museum.
dition to our meetings and a way for members to share their
hobbies which could be very entertaining too.
Membership – Ed reported that we have a new member,
Roger Munoz. Ed has received his new member paperwork
Motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed. The
and has placed the order for Roger’s name badge.
meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.Next Board Meeting is Tuesday,
September 3rd at the home of Herb and Marilyn Neumann.
Tour Report – Ron Wolfman reviewed the list of upcoming
tours: The President’s Anniversary Tour will be on Aug. 17th in Next General Meeting: August 16th.
Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Neumann
Rossmoor; Doug gave an update on the Anniversary Tour.
After brief discussion, a motion was made, seconded and
passed to allow children under the age of 18 to attend the
Anniversary Tour free.
"Do you recognize this long-time
Chapter Member"? See page 14 to see
if you got it right.
Apple Hill is the big tour in September and additional tours in
September include Fun Ford Sunday, the Walnut Festival Parade and the Antioch Historical Museum. Alex will be leading
those going to the 2013 MAFCA Regional Meet in Bend, Oregon Sept. 3-8. The Mystery Tour is scheduled for October 1920.
Editor – June reported that we received a letter from the Acorn
A’s who hosted the 2013 NCRG Roundup thanking us for our
donation to their Raffle.
Video Report – Bill Truesdell presented the July Video Sales
Report. Bill told us that no one has offered to take over the
DVD sales.
Advertising – Marilyn reported that the renewals for our advertisers are up to date.
Cals’ Garage
with Alex and Bob
under the point rubbing block to open the points fully.
Carefully measure the point gap and adjust to .020". Now
rotate the engine 180° with the crank, rotating the cam to
the next lobe. Carefully measure the point gap and note
and variance from your original setting. Repeat the process
twice more until all four lobes have been checked. They
should all be identical but often vary. If they vary, readjust
the points to average .020" until proper repairs can be
Be certain the point contacts are properly aligned
and square. Remove the breaker plate and adjust if required.
Timing Pin and Timing Gear - One problem
often encountered is difficulty locating TDC (top dead cenDistributor Rotor Position - The rotor position ter) of piston number one by use of the timing pin. This is
due to modern replacement timing gears having a small
shown above is the proper position with the timing pin in
the gear depression and piston #1 at TDC. The dashed line dimple unlike the one shown below. Any time prior to enshows the position of the rotor when #1 fires with the spark gine assembly this can be corrected carefully with a 1/4"
twist drill. Drill just deep enough to enlarge the depression
lever fully advanced (down). NOTE: This is for reference
to 1/4" diameter.
only and not a suitable method for final adjustment of the
Introduction - Timing the Model 'A' Ford is a
subject frequently covered over the years. Every version
I've read is either more complex than necessary, or too inaccurate. The following method is not only quick and simple, but probably more accurate than Ford expected.
Preliminaries - Before adjusting the timing some
basic distributor checks are in order. With everything assembled check the travel of the spark advance relative to
the opening in the side of the distributor body. The protruding lever should be against one wall of the opening
with the lever down and against the other wall with the
lever up. Adjust or bend the linkages as required. This will
insure full use of the advance for maximum performance.
Prepare to adjust the points by removing the distributor cap, body, and rotor. Grasp the distributor cam
with your thumb and forefinger, and attempt to rock or
move the shaft back and forth. There should be no discerniOriginal timing gear - Model 'A' Timing Pin
ble movement laterally. Any movement indicates worn
bushings and/or shaft. The distributor will still function,
Original timing gears had a deep depression which
but the point gap will vary by a corresponding amount.
with the original timing pin. Modern replaceKeep in mind the recommended point gap is .018"-.022",
either correction or creative modification of
not .013"-.027"!
to locate the timing mark.
Perform a similar check of the upper "Breaker"
engine rebuilder was too rushed to take care
plate. Grasp the plate by the protruding arm. Move the
the timing pin can be modified. Assuming
plate fore and aft. Again, the point gap will fluctuate by a
lathe in your garage you can chuck the
corresponding amount. Add the two amounts together and
pin into a 3/8" drill. While running the
see the potential problem! Any play can generally be cordrill,
the timing pin by lightly grinding
rected at this time without replacement of the breaker
Position the drill so the rotaplate. See Rebuilding the Model 'A' Distributor
90° to the rotation of the
The last check is for cam uniformity. Turn the engrinding
it will not retain it’s cengine with the hand crank and position one of the cam lobes
Cont. on Page 6
Model 'A' Ignition Timing - Making It Right
Cals’ Garage—Continued
with Alex and Bob
The tip should not be so sharp as to scribe the timing gear
while locating the mark.
Adjusting the breaker points - If you've followed
the guidelines above you are ready to move on. If not, adjust the points now. The points must always be adjusted
prior to the ignition timing! Reducing the point gap subsequent to timing adjustment (or any other time) retards the
timing. Conversely, enlarging the gap will advance the timing.
Setting the Timing -Finally to the heart of the
1.Use the timing pin to locate TDC of number one.
This is the only accurate method short of a long drawn out
process with a dial indicator. Other methods will only get
you within 5-10 degrees without some extra luck.
2.With the distributor body installed, raise or retard the spark lever on the steering column to the top of it's
travel. This is done in case the distributor body limits the
rotation of the breaker plate.
3.Loosen the cam screw and rotate the cam into
position ready to open the points for #1 as shown in the
following illustration. If the cam seems excessively sticky
on the shaft then use the rotor to turn it.
Direction of Rotation
ing the screwdriver at the cam screw, turn it clockwise as if tightening the screw. The SLIGHTEST movement of the screwdriver and
cam in the opposite (counter clockwise) direction should clearly
spark the points. If the points won't spark the setting is too tight and
too advanced and the points aren't closing. If there is any noticeable
movement of the cam before the spark then the setting is too far retarded. Don't forget to turn off the ignition. Leaving it on with the
points closed may result in a dead battery or burned out coil!
The actual timing sequence is short and simple. With a little practice the points can be changed and set, and the timing set accurately
in two to five minutes.
Additional Tips
1.If the car has been running, locate TDC with the timing pin
before loosening the cam or removing the rotor. This will allow the
use of the rotor to let you know you are approaching #1.
2.Eliminate the problem of cylinder compression turning the
engine past the timing mark. As you feel the compression build
while approaching #1, pause and let the pressure bleed out of the
3.The installed total length of the spark control rod (linkage) is
17-7/16". With a two tooth Gemmer steering box you may need to
adjust the linkage by loosening the lower column tube clamp and
upper support clamp and twisting the column tube in the appropriate
4.Get a large "stubby" screwdriver that fits snug in the cam
screw. This will improve sensitivity for checking the motion and
5.FORGET ABOUT DWELL. If your cam is bad enough that
it won't provide adequate dwell, it will likely show problems in
other areas such as different size lobes. You may have your distributor fine tuned in every other way and want to experiment. Try timing
the car with the points set at .018". This will increase the dwell and
coil saturation time. See if there is any noticeable difference at high
speeds. It won't make any difference at low and moderate speeds.
But remember you will need to check for wear on the point block
more frequently!
6.Once the timing is accurately set it doesn't need to done again
until the distributor is serviced and the cam removed such as required when changing original points.
7.Always oil the distributor when checking the points or performing any other service.
This image shows the distributor cam in position ready for
the points to break on #1. Tightening the screw to lock the
cam removes the backlash in the gears and shafts, and prepares the cam to open or break the points at the slightest
rotational move of the crankshaft.
4.Begin tightening the screw. This removes the backlash in the
system and the cam should remain as close to touching the rubbing
block on the points as possible without opening the points. This may
require multiple efforts to get it ideally positioned.
5.The final check is to simply turn on the ignition switch. Us-
Future Seminars:
Headlights 101
Suggestions Are Welcomed
With — Alex Janke, Bob Grady,& Herb Neumann
Her colors are: Bonnie Grey, Chelsea Blue, with
Straw Trim and Black Fenders. And at 84-yearsold she still runs and looks great!
1929 Model “A” Ford –
Briggs Town Deluxe Sedan
By Owner, Larry Anderson
Charter Docent Blackhawk Automobile Museum
I acquired this wonderful car in 1954, when I
was a young 17-year-old and a senior at Acalanes High School in Lafayette. One day I spotted the car behind a local gas station. It was
painted black, filthy and in mud up to its axles.
(My parents had a Model “A” when I was
younger and that was the car I learned to drive
on. So having my own Model “A” meant a lot
to me.)
I asked the
service station
owner if the
car was for
sale and he
said, no! But I
persisted and
kept going
back and
eventually he
agreed to sell
me the car.
Then I got really nervous as I was afraid to ask
the price - I had no money to spend on a car! I
then asked, “How much? He thought awhile
then said he wanted $25.
Unfortunately, I did not have $25, so I asked a
friend to go in with me for $12.50 each. We
bought the car and drove it out of the mud
and away. (I bought my friend out later for the
$12.50 he originally paid.) And I am proud to
say I have had the car ever since. I fondly call
her “Daisy.” She is a 1929 Briggs Town, Deluxe
Four-Door Sedan.
Restoration: During 1976-1977 I restored the
car to original specifications including color
choices available in 1929 for this model.
The Model “A” originally sold new for approximately $695. The car has a 200 cubic inch
4 cylinder engine – 40 horsepower – 3 speed
standard manual transmission – non synchromesh – 4 wheel mechanical brakes, 6 volt
battery – 21 inch tires and mohair upholstery,
with rear pull-down tasseled shades.
The Model “A” was built in 1928 until 1931.
Almost 5 million were produced during these
four years and more people collect and own
more Model “A”s than any other car in the
world. The survival rate is the highest of any car
ever produced.
Many thanks to Henry Ford. I love this car!
Pen and Pencil Sets
By Judy Lewis
As advertised in Art Needlework, Fall and Winter 1930-31, Catalog No. 37
Source: http://www.mafca.com/downloads/Fashions/Pen_and_Pencil_Sets.pdf
Pen and pencil sets are great items to use as an accessory and are easy to find in most antique shops, flea markets,
estate sales and the like. Most of the sets I have seen are in very good condition and can fit easily in a handbag or
the inside pocket of a suit or sport coat. The following are quite typical of all 4 years of the model A era.
No.1402: Ladies non-breakable pen and pencil set. 14K gold fittings. Red or green with gold marbleized effect.
Leatherette case. Per set, postpaid $1.25
No. 1405: Combination pen and pencil. When not in use it is carried like a pencil. Pen has gold nib with iridium tip
and gold trimmings. Triple action pencil. Guaranteed unbreakable. Mother-of Pearl and black. Price, postpaid $2.75
No. 1406: Jumbo size pen and pencil set with pocket clips. 14K gold trimmings. Pen has gold nib and iridium tip. Triple
action pencil. Guaranteed for 5 years. Gold and black marbleized effect. Per set, postpaid $2.95
No. 1408: Ladies’ pen and pencil set. Pearl and black; gold trimming. 14K gold nib and iridium tip on pen. Triple action pencil. Per pair, postpaid $2.75
No. 1402
No. 1405
No. 1406
August 7th
For August 17th
Wolfman’s & A-Ford
45th Anniversary Tour
No. 1408
Roland is a native Californian who spent
most of his earlier years in the Los Angeles area and
Caught in the Headlights
went to school at Occidental college. Roland reBy Ed James
tired in 2006 as a CPA but he added that does not
mean he has nothing to do. Roland does many
things for community service using his accounting
I think I told you before what a delight it is
background. He also enjoyed photography procwriting this column. This issue is no exception. Last essing before the digital age. Another hobby for
evening I spent over two hours and was served a
him is trap shooting. Together they both like to
delicious Chinese dinner at the home of Roland
travel. They try to make an international trip once
and Xiu Smith (pronounced, Shoe).
a year. Needless to say one of the favorite hobbies
for Roland is cars. He owns seven and half of them
and Xiu have
are sports cars. Ask him about his racecar driving
been married
school at Sears Point.
for over five
On one of their trips while in Vail Colorado
years and
Xiu spotted a Model A and to Roland’s surprise she
have lived in
made an offer to buy it on the spot and have it
their home in
shipped home. Well the negotiation process left
Dublin for all
Xiu without a Model A but as soon as they got
that time. In
home the eBay search began. Soon they were the
fact they were
proud owners of a 1930 Coupe. The first thing they
married at
did was join MAFCA and began searching for a lohome. I asked
cal chapter. Diablo A’s was not their first visit but it
how they met
was their last. I am happy to tell you while visiting
and they told
Diablo A’s they were greeted with enthusiasm and
me it was
felt very comfortable so decided to join our chapthrough
“Match .com”. The match was right and the courtAs many of you have discovered, this is a
ship was brief. They both knew it was a perfect
very engaging and delightful couple and a good
match. Each of them has one grown daughter.
addition to the Diablo A family. Please take time to
Xiu was born and schooled in Dalian China
talk more with them when you can. That should be
(near Beijing) and 1994 she moved to the US while easy because they both like the many activities of
at the time only spoke Chinese. She spent some
the club and try to make as many outings as possitime in Alabama so if it is hard to understand her,
you now know the reason for that. Chinese with a
southern accent?? Xiu was determined to learn
the language and get a job to support her self.
There she worked in the restaurant business while
learning to speak English. Xiu also went to school to
earn her nurses assistant license. She now teaches
Mandarin at a school in Pleasanton.
One of Xiu’s hobbies is sewing. She loves to
take existing (sometimes used) clothes and refashions them into very fashionable wearable’s,
She told me the story of a recent purchase she
made from China and when it arrived the ladies
tops she purchased were horrible. Instead of sending them back or trashing them she decided to
transform them into handbags. She said although
she did not make a profit, she also did not take a
Time for me to sign off again so thanks for
loss. If you are into sewing you might like to talk to reading. Oh did I mention, Xiu makes a super
her about her new sewing machine.
Chinese supper!!!!
By Bob Rigor
Recurring Shows
Skipolini’s Pizza
1033 Diablo Street
Clayton (Downtown Clayton)
1st, 3rd, Fridays
Dickey’s Barbecue Pit
5434 Ygnacio Valley Road
(Clayton Valley Center)
Thursdays –8/8, 22, 9/12, 26
Old Town Pittsburg
Railroad Avenue between 3rd St. & 6th
St. Car show & live performance 5:00
pm to 8:00 pm. Free to attend, entrance fee for cars participating in
show $10.
2013 ACCC Informational Tour will be attending several major car shows & events in our area.
• Hot August Nights – August 6th through August 11th in Reno, NV.
• Goodguys - August 23—25 in Pleasanton.
West Coast Nationals, Pleasanton Fairgrounds,
Register your vehicle or purchase tickets at
GOOD-GUYS.COM / 925-838-9876
Wednesday, August 21—
Antioch Historical Society's Community
(More details on page 5)
Sunday, September 8—
Last Tuesday of the Month-May to Annual Fun Ford Sunday, Antioch
(More details on page 5)
Rosie’s Café
2 , 4 Fridays
3001 Bayshore Rd.
Kinders Custom Meats
Please let Bob know of other local shows in your
1820 Arnold Industrial Way
— We make every effort to ensure the
(Off Highway 4, East of SolanoWay) Dinner Specials, Live Music
accuracy of this information. —
(From page 8) Mystery Photo Answer — Ron Accornero
"This is the Fall of 1954 at the Emeryville Railroad Station - newly commissioned 2nd Lieutenant Ron
Accornero, just graduated from Cal in Berkeley and surrounded by family, is heading back to report to the
Army Counter Intelligence Corps Headquarters at Fort Holabird, Maryland".
The driving instructor was giving lessons to an extremely nervous student who
panicked whenever another car approached
on a particular two-lane road. One day, however, they got to the same stretch of road, and
she remained completely calm.
“This time you’re doing fine!” exclaimed the instructor.
“Yes” the novice driver agreed. “Now
when I see another car coming, I shut my
Source: M. Herbrink, Reader Digest
[email protected]
Page 1 of 2
Page 2 of 2
From the Mailbox
MAFFI Communications
MAFCA Communications
- Source: http://ww.mafca.com/
July 1 - For the last several
years, MAFCA has looked for
companies that will give our
members a discount on their
products or services. The first
company agreement was with
Motel 6 in 2009. Since then,
three more companies have "signed up”.
The list is on the MAFCA website, select MAFCA
INFO and then DISCOUNTS from the menus on the
left side of any MAFCA web page, it will take you
to the new page.
The table below lists participating companies:
Use your
MAFCA membership number
Model A Ford
Club of America
Show Membership Card
JoAnn Fabrics
Motel 6
NCRG Communication
-Source: http://
NCRG Meeting, May 26,
2013-Excerps from minutes.
 Newsletter Editor ReportTom Jeanes. Discussion of paper vs. email distribution. Decision to continue paper copy to
NCRG Reps. Send electronic copy to Presidents. Continue posting copy to NCRG Website for clubs.
 Santa Clara Valley A’s-2014 Roundup-Dave
Jones. Early registration available this fall. Host
hotel: Embassy Suites in Milpitas; located off
I-680,150 rooms blocked, 370 for banquet.
 Need club or clubs to host 2016 Roundup.
- Source: http://ww.maffi.com/
To Our Model A Liaison Friends:
Please announce MODEL A DAY
AT GILMORE will give your members a chance to "casually" view
the Model A Ford Museum and the
other buildings on the Gilmore campus. Hotel
reservations are available in Kalamazoo and a
Saturday evening Banquet is scheduled.
Both registration forms can be found on page 19
and also available on MAFFI web site;
ACCC Communications
- Source: http://
Stated vs. Agreed Value: The Insurance Trap Owners Must Learn
to Avoid
Owners of classic or collectible cars often find themselves in something of an
adversarial relationship with their insurance companies. Many new owners of specialty cars simply
tack the vehicle on their regular coverage only to
find out, generally when they file a claim, that to
their insurer that beloved beauty is just an old car
with a low Blue Book value.
The best avenue for owners of truly special machines is to go with one of the classic car insurance companies like Hagerty, Grundy, or American Collectors Insurance. Regardless of the insurer
used, however, the owner must be prepared to
negotiate from a position of knowledge, both
about the automobile itself and about to types of
insurance coverage, "stated value" and "agreed
value." Both carry distinct advantages and disadvantages.
Stated Value Policies
Stated value coverage pays the cost of repair
to the car or the stated value of the car, whichever
is less, at the time that a claim is filed. There are a
number of problems with this type of policy:
 The stated value is actually used only to determine the premium level. The higher the stated
value, the higher the premium.
 In the event of a claim, the language of the
contract allows the insurer to set an actual cash
value instead of paying the stated amount as
the insured party was given to believe.
Continued on page 18
Continued—From the Mailbox
Essentially, the company accepts the owner's
stated value at the time the policy is issued, but
does not issue any formal agreement with that
value in the event of a claim. This gives them considerable leeway in honoring the benefits of the
coverage. It's a rule of thumb in insurance that the
company will always pay the least amount possible.
 1931 Phaeton body, with doors, top bows, front
fenders and repo running boards. Have 5 rear
fenders, all pretty rough. No hood. All body work
has been done by Jim Hendriks and primered. Is
ready to reassemble. Was originally a RHD Argentine car, converted to LHD. $7,000 OBO. Pat Coyle
707 578-3797 or email [email protected]
 1931 Briggs Town Sedan—$22,000. Shep Shepard,
(707) 762-2605, Petaluma, CA
Agreed Value Policies
Agreed value guarantees a set amount of
coverage agreed upon at the time the policy was
issued and is generally accepted as the best position for the owners of classics, unique, or highly
modified vehicles. It carries a number of advantages:
 Allows the driver to secure and present a professional appraisal of the vehicle that they accept as a valid representation of its worth.
 Unlike standard insurance, the value of your
car does no depreciate over the life of the
 Is the only type of coverage that guarantees
the owners will be paid in full in the event of a
Obviously agreed value is the prime position.
By going with a classic or specialty car insurer, the
driver may have to accept some limitation on
driving time, but most of these companies are
generous with their leisure driving allowances, especially if the car is well-protected and maintained. Insurance companies like to know a car is
securely garaged and protected by anti-theft devices.
By being a knowledgeable negotiator and
getting at least three comparison quotes, classic
and specialty car owners can find coverage that
is both comprehensive and affordable. The trick is
to go with a company that appreciates the vehicle's intrinsic value from the start and that specializes in writing unique insurance product.
For Sale:
 Rebuilt distributor, water pump, and Zenith carburetor for sale; I can rebuild your core, or sell out-right.
(Brentwood Bob). Bob La Follette P. O. Box 46 Livermore, CA 94551
 1930 Model A Ford Pickup-excellent condition,
older restoration, show quality. Asking $20,000 OBO.
Call Phil @ 714-264-1921
 1930-1931 used steering wheel, good original condition, no cracks. Phil Joujon-Roche @ 714-747-0163
 1930 or 1931 Fordor or Town Sedan—Must be
driveable. Bob Locander (303)427-5901
 Looking for a pair of 28/29 rear bumpers. The nicer
the better. Contact Floyd (Solvang, CA) at 805686-9234 or [email protected]
Food Bank of Contra Costa & Solano
Dear Diablo A’s,
The Food Bank is very
thankful for your dedication to helping us raise money. Thank you for
your time and effort. We greatly appreciate the
attention you have brought to the issue of hunger
in our community with your help, we are able to
make strides in getting nutritious food on the table of those in our community. A heartfelt thank
you to you , your families and everyone who participated.
Sincerely, Michael and Food Bank Staff
2013 NCRG Roundup
Dear Diablo A’s,
Thank you so much for your
generous donation(s) to the 2013
NCRG Roundup this past May. The
event was a tremendous success
in no small part because of your assistance and
support. Everyone who attended had a great
time and the $2500 we received from raffle proceeds helped immensely with meeting the unforeseen financial obligations incurred as the host
It was our pleasure to advertise your donation
(s) which were highly desired and eagerly bid
upon by many participants. We hope that the
generosity you extended to us will be returned to
you many times over in fortune and goodwill.
Thank you again.
Sincerely, Amanda “Mandy” De Simdt, Acorn A’s
NCRG Raffle Chair
MAFFI Museum Tour Registration & Release Form
MAFFI Communications - Source: http://www.maffi.org/index.htm
August 2013
Hot August
Nights@ Oakhurst Country
Board Meeting
@ Rigor’s
Wolfman’s &
A-Ford 45th
Dee Desmond
Marilyn Neumann
Brigitte Nicolai
Elsie Goines
Larry Lee
Troy Whitehurst
Jerry Belden
Roger Staggs
Marianne Goodson
Marty & Nancy Larsen
Pete & Marianne Goodson
Delbert & Pat Uhland
Steve Mick & Alicia Watson
Lanny & Kathy Bright
Ken & Shay Kurzt
Bill & Donna Truesdell
Doug & Reyanne Freeman
August 16 - 45th Anniversary Celebration
with Cake and Honored Guests Doors open
at 7:00 PM, meeting at 8:00 PM.
September 2013
Labor Day
Board Meeting
@ Neumann’s
Apple Hill Tour
Apple Hill Tour
Autumn Potluck & Food Drive-Doors
open at 6:00 PM, Potluck at 7:00 PM.
Assignments: A-G Dessert,
H-P Salad, Q-Z Main Dish
Elsie Boarman
Larry Anderson
Brad Johnson
Hal Granquist
Bob Estrella
Delbert Uhland
Ed James
Mike Phelan
David Bentley
Lanny Bright
Troy Carlock
Barbara Riggio
Martin Van Ardenne
Sue Olson
Barbara Hollinger
Ray Derby
Diane Trimpey
8 Troy & Terri Carlock
23 Paul & Mary Kraintz
28 James & Sara Conley
28 Morton & Audrey Mitchell
29 Paul & Pat Woerner
30 Stewart & Joyce Bowers
30 Daryl & Barbara Werner