Multipor Underground garage and basement ceiling insulation
Multipor Underground garage and basement ceiling insulation
Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards Underground garage and basement ceiling insulation Underground garage/basement ceiling insulation Large parking garage below Westphalia Hall B3 in Dortmund Ytong Multipor: The insulation system for basement and underground parking facilities Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards are ideal for a light and friendly atmosphere a dark "bunker appearance" is out. Underground garage ceilings and The monolithic and mineral Ytong driveways are frequently insulated Multipor insulating system is par- poorly if at all. Valuable heating en- ticularly well suited for large area ergy escapes through walls and ceil- insulation work as well as for base- ings. This results in a cold, unpleas- ment or underground garage ceil- ant room climate in the residential ings with many angles and subdi- and office rooms above. Buildings visions. for the future require maximum thermal insulation and energy efficient construction methods. This applies for renovation as well as new construction of underground garages and basements. In addition to thermal insulation, fire protection plays an increasingly important role for basements and underground garages; and this fire protection does not apply only to escape and rescue routes. Non-combustible insulating materials which do not develop smoke or toxic gases in a fire are being used more and more frequently due to experience in the past. 2 Underground garage/basement ceiling insulation "Tradesmen don't like using unfamiliar materials ..." Prejudices and advantages Common underground garage insulation materials such as excelsior insulating boards and mineral wool have been available for many years. Isn't it about time to try something new? ... new, unfamiliar and no ... not approved ... and disposal experience Simply request! No problem! Not entirely true! The Ytong Multipor Mineral Insula- Ytong Multipor is not classified as The Ytong Multipor insulating sys- tion Boards are a silicate insulating special or hazardous waste. Ytong tem has proven itself well over a material and have a European Tech- Multipor insulation boards do not decade on ceiling and walls. Our nical Approval ETA-05/ 0093 as well contain any pollutants. This elimi- experienced demonstration as a General Construction Supervi- nates the usual disposal problems consultants are available for sup- sory Approval Z-23.11-1501. for insulating materials. port for your next project with Ytong More on Page 5 More on Page 5 Multipor. ... what about fire protection? ... complicated to use Very simple! Not at all! The Ytong Multipor Insulating Sy- These solid non-deforming insulati- stem consisting of mineral insulati- on boards can be glued on quickly on boards in fire classification A1, and reliably right down to the and the light mortar, is non-com- smallest angle – without any dril- bustible. In the event of a fire, the ling, anchors or screws whatsoever. system components do not form More on Pages 8 – 9 any toxic gases and are therefore exceptionally ... certainly too expensive suitable for all garages and as fire On the contrary! protection renovation method for In addition to the material costs, "old" concrete ceilings ABP minimum processing times also P-3383/4785-MPA BS. provide clear cost advantages for More on Page 6 complicated details. Underground garage/basement ceiling insulation 3 Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulating System Their extraordinary mineral properties and simple processing make Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards the optimum insulating material for basements and underground garages. Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulating ■ good stability Plates ■ high yield (30 l/20 kg) Minerally and ecologically Ytong ■ water repellent Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards ■ open for vapour diffusion offer a new quality for thermal in- ■ frost-resistant sulation: ■ non-combustible ■ homogeneous ■ high thermal insulation factor Delivery and processing instruc- ■ non-combustible tions: ■ stable shape, non-compressible ■ Storage: Store dry on pallet, up ■ open for vapour diffusion to 12 months ■ water repellent ■ Delivery form: 20 kg/Sack ■ ecological ■ Processing time: approx. 1.5 h ■ Ambient temperature: ≥ 5 °C ■ Consumption2): approx. 3–4 kg/m2 Production Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards are produced in an ecologi- Ytong Multipor repair mortar cal and energy-saving process For repairs and filling damaged using the raw minerals lime, sand, points (< 140 mm board thickness =10 mm, for board thickness greater than 160 mm =12 mm) cement and water under steam ■ Electric drill with mixer Accessories pressure. ■ Toothed trowel Ytong Multipor measuring bucket Ytong Multipor light mortar ■ to ensure optimum processing for gluing, reinforcement and consistency of light mortar plastering ■ Hand saw ■ Ytong Multipor sanding board Installation aids ■ Wall connection channel, L ■ natural white Processing tools ■ easy processing ■ Ytong Multipor reveal board ■ high adhesive force ■ Ytong Multipor insulating wedge channel ■ Battens Slip protection for wall insulation Board formats1)/quantities Technical Data Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards Approval European Technical Approval ETA-05/0093 General Construction Supervisory Approval Z-23.11-1501 Areas of application Top and bottom ceiling insulating system: Underground garages, basements, driveways (DI, DEO, DZ) Density approx. 115 kg/m³ Thermal conductivity λ = 0.045 W/mK Water vapour diffusion μ = 3 resistance coefficient open for vapour diffusion Fire classification Non-combustible - fire classification A1 according to DIN EN 13501-1 Compressive strength Average ≥ 300 kPa Ytong Multipor leightweight mortar Length x Width 600 x 390 mm Thicknesses ≥ 80 kPa Water absorption coefficient for short-term immersion to DIN EN 1609 wp = 2.0 kg/m2 W2 for long-term immersion to DIN EN 12087 wLp = 3.0 kg/m2 4 Underground garage/basement ceiling insulation 50 mm 33,70 60 mm 28,08 80 mm 21,06 100 mm 16,85 λ10, dry = 0.18 W/mK 120 mm 14,04 μ = ≤ 10 140 mm 11,23 160 mm 9,83 180 mm 8,42 200 mm 8,42 A2 – non-combustible CS II – 1.5 – 5.0 N/mm² 1) Bending strength m2/pallet Special dimensions available on request/>2) depending on subsurface and teeth The top class for underground garages Advantages Quick adhesion Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation boards were undamaged, the bond Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards can be left as a visible sur- held and the full insulation function Boards can be installed quickly and face or finished with a standard was restored after a few days of air easily by simply gluing them to the commercial silicate facade paint drying. In such circumstances, other walls and ceilings with Ytong Multi- which allows vapour diffusion. To insulating systems require expen- por light mortar. The quick adhesion obtain a joint-free surface, apply an sive replacement and disposal. installation is particularly advanta- approx. 2 mm thick coat of Ytong Safe during carcass construction geous on highly structured ceilings Multipor light mortar as filler pla- or on joists. Experienced workmen ster. Ecologically perfect achieve high installation rates on Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation large surfaces. Aesthetic Boards have been awarded the In contrast to many conventional in- Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation certificate EPD-XEL-2009212-D sulating solutions, our system elimi- Boards give underground garages a ( by the In- nates annoying and time-consuming light, friendly atmosphere. stitut für Bauen und Umwelt [Ger- drilling, anchoring and screwing. Mi- man Construction and Environmen- nimum processing times provide Simple repair tal Institute] (IBU), previously known clear time advantages. Minor damaged spots in the homo- as "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Umwelt- Lower wage costs genous Ytong Multipor Mineral In- verträgliches Bauprodukt e.V." clas- sulation Boards can be repaired very sifying them as biologically unobjec- Easy to process easily with Ytong Multipor repair tionable and recommendable for The handy format and low weight of mortar. Time-intensive replacement biological construction. Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation of entire insulating boards is elimi- Moreover, wastes and residues can Boards makes them easy to install nated. be disposed of easily as construction overhead on underground garage Low subsequent costs rubble. ceilings. Fitted pieces and cut-outs Simple to dispose of around pipe passages can be cut ea- Water repellent sily and precisely. Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Sustainable product for long-term Easy handling Boards are treated to ensure that use they are water repellent inside and Clean surface out. Rain storms during the Minor irregularities in the subsur- construction phase are no problem face can be compensated easily at all. using Ytong Multipor light mortar. The following test was performed for Projections at joints can be easily an underground garage in a flooding sanded down flat with a sanding area: An Ytong Multipor mineral in- board. sulation board was bonded to a con- Spick and span crete ceiling element and immersed in water for three days. The impressive result was that the Natureplus quality symbol Underground garage/basement ceiling insulation 5 Stable shape, noncombustible, water repellent, quick and economical Thermal and acoustic insulation, fire protection Building physics Thermal insulation Protection against moisture Acoustic insulation Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Solid Ytong Multipor Mineral Insu- Running engines, squeeling tires Boards consist of 100 % homogene- lation Boards not only provide ex- and driving noises from cars enter- ous material with a thermal con- cellent thermal insulation, they are ing and exiting frequently lead to ductivity of λ = 0.45 W/mK over the also open for vapour diffusion. annoying noise levels in under- entire board thickness. Excellent This ensures that the Ytong Multi- ground garages. values can be achieved in this man- por light mortar hardens quickly In comparison to concrete, which ner. allowing the concrete ceiling to reflects nearly all sound, Ytong continue curing. Multipor absorbs a portion of the System open for vapour diffusion acoustic energy (acoustic absorber Thermal resistance R (m2K)/W Thickness (m2K)/W 50 mm class D) according to DIN EN 11654 1,11 60 mm 1,33 80 mm 1,78 100 mm 2,22 120 mm 2,67 140 mm 3,11 160 mm 3,56 180 mm 4,00 200 mm 4,44 Fire protection and its porous material structure The non-combustible Ytong Multipor provides for effective reduction of mineral insulating boards and as- noise in parking building facilities. sociated light mortar ensure abso- Noise absorbing lute safety for basement ceilings, driveways and below ceilings in Fire resistant classes underground garages. Ytong Multi- In underground garages high re- por does not develop any toxic va- quirements are placed on ceilings pours or smoke even at the highest and walls in terms of fire protec- The gluing system prevents thermal temperatures - a true advantage tion. If supporting solid ceilings, do bridges such as frequently occur when trying to find the escape route not provide the thickness required with rail or anchor systems. while performing vital rescue mea- for covering the reinforcement in Minimum energy loss sures during a fire. compliance with DIN 4102-4 for fire Absolutely non combustible protection, they can be upgraded to the appropriate fire resistance class by covering on the bottom with Multipor mineral insulation boards (glued with Ytong Multipor light mortar) even in minimum thicknesses. Completely safe fire protection 6 Underground garage/basement ceiling insulation Details are important and so simple Ytong Multipor Ytong Multipor Installation Instructions installation sequence Before starting installation check to ensure that the surfaces are at right angles to one another and mark with a marking line. Lay with boards offset, glue crosswise to the running direction, joints offset. Fastening connection – Version 1 Corner connection – Version 2 No light mortar on board protrusion. Tip: Optimum insulation on lintels! ➊ Insulation on bottom of lintel ➋ Insulation on side of lintel ➌ Insulation on ceiling Corner connection– Version 3 Hammer-set anchor e.g. Hilti HKD-S Compact anchor Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards Threaded rod Disk, dia. 30 mm Nut Ytong Multipor light mortar Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards e.g. pipe clamp e.g. resilient connection (acrylic joint, compression tape) Ytong Multipor light mortar Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards e.g. resilient connection (acrylic joint, compression tape) Impact anchor Connection channel, L-profile Corner layout – Version 1 Ytong Multipor light mortar Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards Mortar-free joint Corner layout – Version 2 Ytong Multipor light mortar Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards Impact anchor Terminal channel Underground garage/basement ceiling insulation 7 In no time at all: ready to use! Processing Mix light mortar … and apply no drilling or anchoring 20 kg of light mortar mixed with 8 l of water (mark on measuring bucket) yields approx. 30 l of adhesive mortar. Apply over full surface and comb through with toothed trowel (10 mm or 12 mm teeth). Thermal bridges at least 70 %. Base height of light mortar approx. 8–10 mm. This allows irregularities up to 3 mm in the subsurface to be compensated. Position board on ceiling … press down … slide into position. Finished! Position mineral insulation board with light mortar applied immediately on ceiling at interval of approx. 2 cm from adjacent board. Press against ceiling surface with appropriate pressure. Press with palm of hand and slide against previously glued board. Remove any mortar pressed out and thereby ensure that butt joints are free of mortar. PROFESSIONAL TIP: We recommend wearing eye protection when working overhead and performing sanding work. Sand down if necessary And one more thing! It is not necessary to support the boards while the mortar hardens. On walls insulated over the entire area with Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards, we recommend applying reinforcement plaster consisting of Ytong Multipor reinforcement mesh + Ytong Multipor light mortar to protect against mechani- Offset points in the insulating surface can be levelled quickly and easily with a sanding board after setting. 8 Underground garage/basement ceiling insulation cal loads. Ytong Multipor underground garage insulation: nothing is simpler Fitted pieces Levelling cut edges Rational mortar application Simple to cut exactly with hand saw. Perfectly flush with a sanding board. Layout a number of boards next to one another and apply light mortar. Wall insulation With terminal channel Without terminal channel Fasten terminal channel to wall with impact anchors. Position insulation board with light mortar applied in channel and press down. Roof lath as installation aid (5 to 10 minutes). Insulating joists Surface treatment The Ytong Multipor Mineral Insulation Boards can be finished with a common commercial silicate facade paint. The surface can also be filled with Ytong Multipor light mortar with a layer thickness of approx. 3 mm and promptly floated with a felt float. If a final coat of plaster is planned, it is necessary to anchor the boards previously (one anchor per board) and apply an approx. 5 mm thick reinforcement layer consisting of Ytong Multipor light mortar and Ytong Multipor reinforcement mesh. Connections Connection insulation on adjacent walls: Bottom first. Important: No Light mortar on board protrusion. ■ Use form-fitted connection if possible ■ Resilient joint seal (e.g. acrylic filler) ■ Swelling tape Underground garage/basement ceiling insulation 9 A picture is worth a thousand words The Ytong Multipor insulating system has proven itself on more than 1 million square metres on ceiling and wall surfaces. And naturally we also have references. Forum Duisburg Ceiling insulation above entrance to large garage University of Leipzig Lintel covering with wall connection Easy adaptation to all types of supports 10 Underground garage/basement ceiling insulation Ytong Multipor – aesthetic, light and friendly Underground garage/basement ceiling insulation 11 Since legal rules and regulations are subject to change, this information is not legally binding. Edition 09/2009 Note: This brochure was published by Xella Deutschland GmbH. Our publications provide advise and information according to the best of our knowledge and the state of the art at the time of publication. Xella Customer Information Telephone: 08 432 909 080 Telefax: 08 432 909 081 12 Underground garage/basement ceiling insulation Ytong and Multipor are registered trademarks of the Xella Group It is necessary to check the applicable regulations in each individual case.