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DIPL NEW eng_corr_1 - bez PV phorum.indd
International Eco Forum
b2b Events for South-East Europe
28–30 March 2012: IEC, Sofia, Bulgaria
Gold Sponsor
of ‘Save the Planet’:
Focus Country of
‘Save the Planet’:
Silver Sponsor:
Media Sponsor:
JCS Solar的Logo由图形和文字组成。图形
文字部分为JCS Solar,清晰表明品牌与产
Pioneer of Green Energy(绿色能源的先行
基本视觉系统 | Logo设计理念
With the Patronage of:
Ministry of Economy,
Energy and Tourism
Ministry of Environment
and Water
Ministry of Regional Development
and Public Works
With the Support of:
Ministry of
Agriculture and Food
Official Hotel:
council for an
energy efficient
b2b Events for South-East Europe
28 – 30 March 2012: IEC, Sofia, Bulgaria
International Eco Forum
Join Our South-East European b2b Events to Learn about
Key Financial and Economic Forces Driving the Region’s Green Markets!
Connect with Leading Companies in Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Waste Management!
Take advantage of unique opportunities to meet key decision-makers from South-East Europe’s booming renewable energy
market. Join industry leaders to discuss future environmental developments in this upcoming forum, hear more than 80
top-level speakers give their perspectives on the region’s rapidly evolving green economy.
The Bulgarian Eco Municipality Award
It will be announced at the official opening of the event – 28th March, 9.00, Vitosha Hall. Collaborative partners for
the Bulgarian Eco Municipality Competition are the Association of Ecologists of Municipalities in Bulgaria, the National
Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, the Foundation for Local Government Reform and Via Expo.
Over 50% of this year’s exhibition will include foreign companies representing more than 16 countries. The exhibition will take
place in 4 halls – Hall 1, Hall 2, Hall 5 and Hall 6. Within Hall 6 there will be a Seminar Zone for the side events and a Catering
Zone. We cordially invite all delegates and exhibitors to a friendly get-together party on March 28th March at 19.30. Enjoy exclusive access to our VIP speakers at this evening event. Be sure to register in advance to reserve your spot (www.viaexpo.com).
Mingle with more than 7 000 industry professionals, including leading experts, top investors, key decision-makers and innovative
researchers. No other event in the region offers comparable access to such a large and influential network of green energy stakeholders.
Italian Workshop on Integrated Waste Management – 28th March, 12.10 Organizer: Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
U.S. Showcase on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – 28th March, 14.00 Organizers: U.S. Commercial Service
in Bulgaria; American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
Round table with municipal representatives – 28th March, 14.00
Announcement of the Bulgarian Eco Municipality Competition Winner
Austria Showcase ‘Environmental Technologies’ – 29th March, 13.30 Organizer: Austrian Embassy – Commercial Section
Waste-to-Energy Forum – 29th March, 9.15
On-line Environmental Job Fair
Delegate and exhibitor reception – 28th March, 19.30
Free Attendance at the Seminar Zone in Hall 6:
28th March 10.00 – 18.00 European b2b Matchmaking Event in the Field of Waste Management, Recycling & Environment
29th March 14.30 – 15.00
15.00 – 15.30
15.30 – 16.00
16.00 – 16.30
16.30 –17.00
30th March 14.00 – 14.30
15.00 – 18.00
REC Presentation
Alukönigstahl Presentation
Refusol GmbH – Cost and loss effective solutions thanks to the latest REFUsol technology
Solvey – Solar Impulse: Inventing the future
Solarezo Europa – Presentation of Solarezo Europa, the subsidiary company of the French Solarezo,
in Bulgaria: PV modules manufacturing and solar plant construction
Smart Solar: Methods for Project & Installation of maximum capacity PV Parks.
New Generation PV Modules
Info Day about the EU Project Install+RES – Sofia Vocational High School of Electronics
John Atanasov
Environmental Job Fair
All exhibitors may post jobs by completing the online form on the events’ homepages. By attending the Exhibition you can find
new partners or job opportunities in SE Europe.
Organizer: www.viaexpo.com
b2b Events for South-East Europe
28 – 30 March 2012: IEC, Sofia, Bulgaria
International Eco Forum
Sponsorship is a conscious investment in your company image
and an efficient way to increase your brand awareness. Via Expo
invites you to become a SPONSOR of the most influential forum
for South-East Europe on Solar, EE, RES and Waste Management.
Sponsor packages are shaped to meet your budget and marketing
objectives. Except our standard packages, we would be very
delighted to customize a special package for you.
construction industry, power engineering, energy saving technologies
and products, waste management and recycling, ecology and
investment sector. Also representatives of state, regional and local
authorities will be present.
Use your sponsorship as an integrated communication tool which
will enable you to reach an exclusive group of participants with
lasting effect.
Over 7 000 trade visitors are expected at the Exhibition - from the
Take advantage of the event sponsorship opportunities and present
your company products and services to a highly specialized
international audience on site and during the whole 2012 through
the event web site!
Gold Sponsor:
Silver Sponsor:
For details on sponsorship packages, please contact Nelly Vlaykova:
[email protected], tel.: +359/32 945 459.
Via Expo thanks to its sponsors
JCS Solar的Logo由图形和文字组成。图形
文字部分为JCS Solar,清晰表明品牌与产
Pioneer of Green Energy(绿色能源的先行
as per 28th February:
Register now at www.viaexpo.com!
基本视觉系统 | Logo设计理念
Want to get an early start on your networking? To help you pre-arrange private B2B meetings with
important contacts, you will have an access to the list of all speakers, exhibitors, registered attendees,
and VIP guests 7 days before the event takes place. We offer also free access to a designated B2B
meeting area in hall 6 of the inter Expo center.
Register now at www.viaexpo.com and pay till 22nd of March!
Aſter this date the on-line registration is closed.
Meet AnD heAr toP-level inDustrY sPeAKers
On-site Registration on 27th March from 10.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m. at iEc – congress center, 1st floor and at Metropolitan Hotel
28th March from 8.00 a.m. – 9.00 a.m. at iEc – congress center, 1st floor
Musalla hall
08.00 – 09.00
09.15 - 10.00
10.20 - 13.00
14.00 - 15.00
15.30 - 17.30
Halls 1, 2, 5, 6
Vitosha hall
28 MARCh 09.15 - 18.00
On-site Registration
Official Opening
EE & RES Financing - Arranging
Waste Management & Italian Workshop
Construction & Development Project
for Integrated Waste Management
Financing (Debt and Equity)
Round Table with Municipality
EE & RES Financing - Arranging Debt
and Equity for Operational Projects
and Assets such as Existing Buildings
10.00 - 19.00
Exhibition Working Hours
29 MARCh
09.15 - 12.30
13.30 - 15.30
Halls 1, 2, 5, 6
10.00 - 19.00
Energy Recovery
Austria Showcase
Exhibition Working Hours
30 MARCh
09.15 - 11.00
11.30 - 13.30
Halls 1, 2, 5, 6
10.00 - 19.00
09.15 - 18.00
Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency
Waste Prevention
09.00 - 18.00
Biomass Resources; Bioenergy
Biomass Resources; Bioenergy
Exhibition Working Hours
Organizer: www.viaexpo.com
b2b Events for South-East Europe
28 – 30 March 2012: IEC, Sofia, Bulgaria
International Eco Forum
PROGRAM Updated as of 25 February 2012
S u p p ort
28 March – Vitosha Hall
Lilyana Pavlova – Minister of Regional Development and Public Works
Miroslav Naydenov – Minister of Agriculture and Food
Evdokia Maneva – Deputy Minister of Environment and Water
James Warlick – U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria
Michael Angerer – Commercial Counsellor, Austrian Embassy in Bulgaria
German high level representative
Ginka Tchavdarova – Executive Director, National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Financing
Keynote speaker: Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes – European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF), Belgium – Framework Conditions
Necessary for Renewables and Efficiency
Kai Schlegelmilch – Green Budget Europe (GBE), Germany – Fiscal Incentives Working against and for Resource Efficiency
Arranging Construction & Development Project Financing (Debt and Equity)
Moderator: Adam Pool – European Investment & Partners, Poland
Timothy C. Kim – US Export-Import Bank – US Export-Import Bank: Renewable Energy & Environmental Program
Dean Marcelja – NEO Technologies Unlimited, Austria – Are PV Installation Already Feasible Without FIT?
Martin M. Mayr – UniCredit Leasing S.p.A., Austria
Ivan Gerginov – RenVision, Bulgaria
Georg Urban – pvXchange International AG, Germany
Filipe Viana – EFACEC, Portugal
Velizar Kiryakov – Association of Producers of Ecological Energy, Bulgaria
Theodore Tsacheff – Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association, Bulgaria
Sebastian Noethlichs, Bulgarian Wind Energy Association
1. Debt and equity available to development companies in the Balkans.
2. How can public markets satisfy demand some of the need for construction debt and equity?
3. What impact has the Sovereign debt crisis had on bank project financing and lending?
4. Trade finance answers many early stage project finance issues – what is available?
5. How has China’s entrance into the market affected financial landscape?
Oded Ben-Horin (Vocal) and Ugo Santangello (guitar) – The Science Fair, Norway – Music inspired by the sun, wind and water
14.00Arranging Debt and Equity for Operational Projects and Assets such as Existing Buildings
Moderator: Martin Mayr – UniCredit Leasing S.p.A., Austria
Rob P. Kool – NL Agency – Improving Energy Efficiency in Industry by Long Term Agreements, a Collaborative Approach
Ingrid Holmes – Low Carbon Finance, E3G Third Generation Environmentalism Ltd, UK – Financing Energy Efficiency in Buildings: the
Role of Governments in Scaling Markets
Nigel Mattravers – Grant Thornton UK – Finance for Waste to Energy Infrastructure
Dimitar Dukov – Bulgarian Energy Efficiency Fund
Martin Gikov* – Real Estate Finance, UniCredit Bulbank, Bulgaria
Krasimir Naydenov* – Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA), Bulgaria
1. How can one utilize existing cash flow to modernize assets? How much leverage is possible and what
is the maximum term?
2. To which extent can energy efficiency projects be financed on the basis of future savings? Which
collateral structures are feasible?
3. What can go wrong in an operating asset and how to solve those problems?
4. Do bank credit lines from IFIs and governments work or not – some practical examples.
5. Is energy efficiency a failure globally, or is there substantial progress in certain parts of the world?
28 March – Mussala Hall
Waste Management
Moderator: Peter Hodecek* – AVE Energie AG Umwelt, Austria
Rachael Williams – International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), Austria – Financing of Waste Management – Various Options to
Cover Operational Costs
Peter Hodecek – AVE Energie AG Umwelt, Austria – Public Private Partnerships: Eastern Europe
Andy Whiteman – Wasteaware, UK – Comparing Solid Waste Management in the World’s Cities
Stefan Stefanov – Ministry of Environment and Water, Bulgaria – The New Moments Proposed in the New Bulgarian Waste
Management Law
Dimitar Brankov – Bulgarian Industrial Association – Legislation & Main Issues in Waste Management in Bulgaria
Questions & Answers
Organizer: www.viaexpo.com
b2b Events for South-East Europe
28 – 30 March 2012: IEC, Sofia, Bulgaria
International Eco Forum
Workshop: Italian Integrated Waste Management Experience – organized by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
Round Table with Municipal Representatives 16.00
Moderator: Stefan Bayer – Fuhrungsakademie der Bundeswehr Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften, Germany
Christia Meidiana – TU Graz – Austria – The Role of Policies in GHG Emission Reduction from Waste Case Study of Developed and
Developing Country
Stefan Bayer – Fuhrungsakademie der Bundeswehr Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften, Germany – Sustainability Gaps in MSW-landfills
Rene Rosendal – RenoSam, Denmark – Landfilling in Denmark – Legal Framework and Good Practices
David Laner – Vienna University of Technology, Austria – Environmental Compatibility of Landfills – a Method to Evaluate Landfill
Long-term Management
Derek Greedy – Landfill Working Group, International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), UK – Sustainable Landfilling within the
Parameters Prescribed by the EU Landfill Directive
Thomas Peters – Peters Consulting, Germany – Economical Viable and Environmental Sustainable Purification of Landfill Leachate
Based on Membrane Technology and Controlled Infiltration of Retentate
Questions & Answers
29 March – Vitosha Hall
Energy Efficiency
Moderator: Nils Borg – European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Sweden
Gergana Miladinova – European Commission, Belgium – What New European Policies to Reach the 20% Energy Efficiency Target?
Jan Geiss – European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources (EUFORES), Belgium – What is Energy Efficiency Watch 2 (EEW2)?
Daniel Becker – Ecofys Germany – Energy Efficiency: How to Trigger Best Practice Policies?
Anselmo Caporossi – Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
Coffee Break
Moderator: Rob P. Kool – NL Agency, Netherland
Rob P. Kool – NL Agency – Energy Efficiency in the Dutch Built Environment
Nils Borg – European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Sweden – Understanding People Rather than Barriers: the Key to Sound
Energy Policies
David Sweet – World Alliance for Decentralized Energy (WADE), USA – The Benefits of RES DE and the Best Practices for its Effective
Birger Lauersen – Euroheat & Power, Belgium – District Heating and Cooling (DHC) as a Way to Achieve Higher Energy Efficiency
Krasimir Naydenov – Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA), Bulgaria – Current Status and Future Perspectives of the
Bulgarian Energy Efficiency
Todor Lefterov – Bulgarian Construction Chamber – Engineering for Reduction of Energy Costs, Released through a Contract with
Guaranteed Result (ESCO) – Anti-crisis Measure
Moderator: Guenter Pauritsch – Austrian Energy Agency
Guenter Pauritsch – Austrian Energy Agency – Austrian Energy Efficiency Policy and Programmes with a Focus on SME
Christian Oberleitner – Kommunalkredit Public Consulting, Austria – Austrian Experience in Energy Efficiency Implementation in
Industry – Results
Energy Retrofitting of Multifamily Houses and the EU Program Regional Development
Desislava Yordanova – Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Bulgaria – Main Issues and Requirements
Denitza Nikolova – Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Bulgaria – Financial Engineering and
the Program Implementation
Lucinda MacLagan – NL Agency – Good Practices and Lessons Learned from the Concerted Action on the Implementation of the
Energy Services Directive
Zigor Lizuain – TECNALIA, Spain – Renewable Energy Sources Manager In Buildings: Control and Monitoring
29 March – Mussala Hall
Energy Recovery
Moderator: Aleksandra Rybczynska, Bloomberg New Energy Finance, UK
Marta Gurin – Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP), Belgium – The Role of Waste-to-Energy Plants in
Sustainable Waste Management and Energy Supply
Chindarat Taylor – Resource Efficiency Pathway UK – Development of Waste to Energy Infrastructure in the UK – Opportunities and
Mario Grosso – European Network of Environmental Professionals (ENEP), Belgium – Recent Trends and Future Challenges in the
Control of Flue Gas Emissions and Residues Management in WTE Plants
Franz Neubacher – UV&P Environmental Management & Engineering, Austria – Recycling and Recovery of Energy from Municipal
Wastes – Recommendations Based on 50 years of Experience in Austria
Stefan Stamenov – Recycling Bulgaria – SMARTFERMR – Decentralized Recovery of Energy from Biogenic Waste for Small and
Medium-sized Municipalities and Industries
Mariusz Grabda – Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials (IMRAM) of Tohoku University, Japan – WtE
technologies in Japan
Questions & Answers
Organizer: www.viaexpo.com
b2b Events for South-East Europe
28 – 30 March 2012: IEC, Sofia, Bulgaria
International Eco Forum
The Experience of the European Suppliers of Waste to Energy Technology (ESWET)
ESWET Secretariat, Belgium – Introduction to ESWET and Comparison of Grate-firing Technology with Other Options
Joerg Eckardt – Standardkessel Baumgarte, Germany – Waste-to-Energy in the Light of Waste Framework Directive: The Efficient
Thermal Treatment Process of Waste Materials, Based on the EU Waste Directive Norbert Eickhoff – Martin GmbH, Germany – Waste-to-Energy Emissions and Air Quality
Angelo Sinisi – Termomeccanica Ecologia, Italy – Waste-to-Energy and District Heating: Case Study of Bologna
Questions & Answers
Austria Showcase ‘Environmental Technologies’
30 March – Vitosha Hall
Biomass Resources; Bioenergy
Moderator: Boyan Kavalov, European Integration & Regional Competitiveness Foundation (EIRC), Bulgaria
Calliope Panoutsou – Imperial College London, United Kingdom – The Role of Biomass in EU27 to Meet the 2020 Targets for Heat,
Electricity & Transport
Thomas Zeng – German Biomass Research Centre, Leipzig, Germany – Enhancing the Market Relevance of Alternative (mixed)
Biomass Pellets in Europe
Andrea Haas – German Society for Sustainable Bioenergy and Biogas Utilisation (GERBIO), Germany – Ecological and Economic
Optimization of Future Biogas Plants
Nora Szarka – Deutsches BiomasseForschungsZentrum, Germany – Modelling Approach of Bioenergy Development in Germany under
Sebastian Wache – Amandus Kahl GmbH & Co. KG, Germany – Pelleting of Biomass, Fuel from Waste and Coal. Grinding of Tyres and
Woodchips. Recent Projects of Amandus Kahl, Outlook and Impact on the Balkan Market
Coffee Break
Branko Glavonjic – Belgrade University, Serbia – Biomass Potential for Future Investments in Serbia, Slovenia & Croatia
Tomas Cvengros – Chemoprojekt, Slovakia – The Growth of Biodiesel Production in Central and Eastern Europe
Patrick de Jamblinne – Tuzetka, Belgium – Agropellets Potential
Najib Altawell – University of Dundee, Scotland, UK – Energy Crops Optimization Selection Process for the Commercial Production of
Rita Ehrig* – Bioenergy2020+, Austria – Biomass Mobilization for Industrial-Scale Bioenergy Plants
Matthias Ploechl* – Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Germany – European Biogas Initiative 30 March – Mussala Hall
Waste Prevention
Moderator: Olivier De Clercq – Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and sustainable Resource management (ACR+), Belgium
Olivier De Clercq – ACR+ , Belgium – European Overview of Waste Prevention: Global Challenges of Waste Prevention, European Legal
Sophie Dagnaud – Nantes Mйtropole, France - Integrated Approach for Waste Prevention in Nantes Dimitra Rappou – North London Waste Authority, UK – Strategies and Campaigns for Food Waste Prevention in North London
Vincent Magri – WasteServ Malta – Waste Prevention and Sustainable Consumption Katya Valkova – Sofia Municipality, Bulgaria - Elaborating a Waste Prevention Plan for Sofia City
Questions & Answers
Moderator: Jean-Pierre Hannequart – ACR +, Belgium
Jean-Pierre Hannequart – ACR+ , Belgium – Legal Instruments to Push Forward Recycling
Christoph Bach – Titech, Germany – Fully Automated Municipal Solid Waste Sorting
Chrysa Baltzaki – European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services (FEAD), Belgium – The Role of the Private
Waste Management Sector towards a Resource Efficient Europe
Martin Car – Austrian Construction Materials Recycling Association – Overview about Mineral Recycling and Construction Industry
Walter Kletzmayr, Klewa Umwelttechnik, Austria – Recycling and Metal Scrap Processing in Austria: Challenges for Europe towards
Improvement in Energy and Resource Efficiency
Stanka Nedeva – Pulp & Paper Institute, Bulgaria – Recovered Paper – Main Raw Material for the Paper Industry
Joachim Quoden – PRO Europe, Belgium – PRO Europe Experience in the Packages Recycling Sector – Legislation and Good Practices
Questions & Answers
* Invited
Organizer: www.viaexpo.com
b2b Events for South-East Europe
28 – 30 March 2012: IEC, Sofia, Bulgaria
International Eco Forum
The Registration is only on-line at www.viaexpo.com! Deadline for registration & payment by bank: 22nd March 2012.
Regular Fee
till 22 March
Financing - Arranging Construction & Development
Project Financing (Debt and Equity)
28 March
150 €
200 €
Financing - Arranging Debt and Equity for Operational
Projects and Assets such as Existing Buildings
28 March
150 €
200 €
For both panels:
28 March
280 €
360 €
Energy Efficiency /Vitosha Hall/
29 March
100 €
120 €
Energy Recovery /Mussala Hall/
29 March
100 €
120 €
30 March
120 €
140 €
3 days Fee
28-30 March
480 €
580 €
Regular Fee
till 22 March
Waste Management
28 March
80 €
100 €
28 March
70 €
90 €
Energy Recovery
29 March
100 €
120 €
Austria Showcase
29 March
Waste Prevention & Recycling
3 days Fee
In addition to free access to all exhibition halls, your
registration fee includes:
1Conference proceedings (CD)
2 Simultaneous translations
3Complimentary refreshments during breaks
4 Exhibition catalogue and brochures
5Access to b2b appointment module
We offer the following registration discounts for
attendees – note that these discounts can not be
10% Group Discounts – After paying full price for the first
attendee, all other attendees from the same organization
receive 10% off.
Buy 3, Get 1 Free - Register 3 attendees from the same
organization and receive a 4th pass for free.
Government & Academic Discounts – Through March 22,
2012, all governmental, municipal, academic, and student
attendees receive 40% off the registration fee. After March
22, registration will be at normal price.
Note that students must provide copies of ID cards and
personalized letters from their universities to prove fulltime status. Students under 28 are eligible only. For
30 March
80 €
90 €
28-30 March
290 €
350 €
verification, please send scanned copies of these materials
to [email protected].
Cocktail invitation, 28 March, 7.30 p.m. (for participant) 18€
Cocktail invitation for accompanying person
All registration fees must be paid via bank transfer in
advance. We provide complete banking details once you
All cancellations must be in writing - sent to [email protected].
We charge a €50 non-refundable administrative fee for any
cancellations prior to March 10, 2012. Cancellations after this
deadline will not result in a refund. However, it is possible to
transfer your event pass to another attendee.
We will not share your contact details with any third parties.
However, we may send you occasional administrative
information via email. If you prefer not to receive this
correspondence, please contact us directly after completing
your registration ([email protected]).
20% VAT is applicable to the above quoted prices except
for VAT registered companies from EU countries, outside
Organizer: www.viaexpo.com
b2b Events for South-East Europe
28 – 30 March 2012: IEC, Sofia, Bulgaria
International Eco Forum
Please complete the invitation bellow or attach your business card and present it at the Visitor Registration Desk to be admitted
to the Exhibition area and receive a free copy of the exhibiton catalogue. Visitor Opening Hours: 10.00 – 18.30
Post Code
Tel. Fax
Job Position
□ Executive level
□ Technical Manager
□ Financial Manager
□ R & D Dept.
□ Marketing and Sales
□ Supplier
□ Expert, Consultant
□ Other ..................................................
Company Activity
□ Manufacture
□ Import
□ Export
□ Trade
□ Services
□ Other ..................................................
Activity Sector
□ Agriculture
□ Architecture
□ Automation, Electronics
□ Branch Association/NGO
□ Chemical Industry
□ Construction
□ Consulting
□ Ecology
□ Energy Saving Technologies
□ Engineering / Installation
□ Financing
□ Food Industry
□ Fuels
□ Furniture & Wood Industry
□ Heating and Air Conditioning
□ Hospital
□ Hotel
□ Hyper- and Supermarkets
□ Landfill Operator
□ Lighting
□ Logistic
□ Machine-Building
□ Media
□ Municipality Purification
□ Packaging Industry
□ Paper Industry
□ Pharmacy
□ Power Engineering
□ Private & Corporative
□ Recycling
□ Recycling Plant
Seminar &
Catering Zone
Austria Showcase
“Environmental Technologies”
Austrian companies will present know-how and products related to many projects in
Bulgaria in the field of
• waste collection, treatment and recycling,
• environmental and climate protection, etc.
Bilateral meetings will be held with interested Bulgarian companies and public authorities.
Apart from the Austria Showcase “Environmental Technologies” there will be an Austrian Pavilion in the exhibition area covering renewable energies, energy efficiency and
environmental technologies.
Organizer: www.viaexpo.com
□ Renewable Energy:
□ Solar
□ Wind
□ Bioenergy
□ Water
□ Geothermal
□ Restaurant
□ State and Municipal
□ Telecommunication
□ Transport
□ University,
□ Waste Collection
□ Waste Treatment
□ Water Management
□ Other ..................................................
Hotel Accommodation
Via Expo has the best price
for the event participants:
Metropolitan Hotel
Sofia was opened in the
Official Hotel
beginning of 2008 and
has been awarded “Building of the year
2008”. It is strategically located close
to Sofia Airport, Business Park Sofia, The
Mall and International Expo Center. The
hotel is officially categorized as a 4-star
business hotel.
Single Rooms - €79/night (9% VAT)
Double Rooms - €100/night (9% VAT)
All rates include breakfast, free
transfers between the hotel and
conference, mini-bar, and tourist
insurance. Transfers between the hotel
and airport are €2 per person each way.
To book your
hotel reservation
and receive our
special discount,
use our online
form located at
b2b Events for South-East Europe
28 – 30 March 2012: IEC, Sofia, Bulgaria
International Eco Forum
THE EXHIBITION Exhibitors by Countries and represented companies
Albania – EU Energy Efficiency Centre
(Comune Di Potenza)
Austropressen (Brothers Pashev)
Austrian Embassy – Commercial Section
AUWA Umwelttechnik & Recycling e.U.
Biogest (Ekosist Ltd)
Biogest Energie– und Wassertechnik
Distand Vienna (Ecoconcept)
E.U.T. Anlagenbau GmbH
Erema Engineering Recycling Maschinen
und Anlagen GmbH
Fronius International GmbH
Heat Bioenergy GmbH
Herz Armaturen GmbH
IFE Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH
Kioto Photovoltaics (KPV Solar
Bulgaria OOD)
KPV Solar GmbH (KPV Solar
Bulgaria OOD)
MAS Maschinen– und Anlagenbau
Schulz GmbH (Brothers Pashev)
Polytechnik Luft– und Feuerungstechnik
Susinoil – Biogenic Fuels
Untha Shredding Technology (AUWA
Umwelttechnik & Recycling e.U.)
Windhager (Ecoconcept)
AJK N.V. (Alders International Ltd.)
Betafence (Rossima EOOD)
Solvey (Solvey Sody AD)
Sweco Europe SA (AUWA
Umwelttechnik & Recycling e.U.)
Wallonia Foreign Trade and Investment
Agency (AWEX) – Sofia
Regional Education and Information
Center for Sustainable Development
in South-East Europe (REIC) (Comune
di Potenza)
A1 Limited Ltd.
ABC Wind Farm ltd. (Long Man
Holding AD)
AE Solar Bulgaria Ltd.
Alders International Ltd.
Alliance of the Producers of Ecological
Energy – BG
Apex Solar Ltd.
Association of Producer of Ecological
Axiia Ltd.
Balbok Engineering Co.
Best Italian Quality Ltd.
Black Sea Regional Energy Centre
(BSREC) (Comune Di Potenza)
Brothers Pashev Ltd.
Bulgarian Association of Municipal
Environmental Experts
Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association
Bulgarian Wind Energy Association
Bulgasun Energy Ltd.
Charger Decor Ltd.
Chepakov Ltd.
Coeler Legal Consulting Ltd.
Crane Ltd.
Crest Group
Day Energy
DP Energy
Еcoel BG Ltd.
Egnatia Bulgaria
Ekosist Ltd.
Ecosol Bulgaria
Electris Ltd.
Electrogetz Ltd.
Elektro-Solar Systems Ltd.
Ellon Ltd.
Elprom Trafo CH Plc.
Eltrak Bulgaria
Ecology & Infrastructure
Energia Magazine
Energy Review Magazine
Entel – TTT Plc.
ES-3 Ltd.
Etem S.A.
Eurodesign BG Ltd.
Filkab JSCo.
Global Wind Power Bulgaria EOOD
Greentech Engineering Solutions
Herz Armatura EOOD
Hill & Smith Limited
Woodward IDS Bulgaria Ltd.
Infrastructure Construction Magazine
IRES Bulgaria Ltd.
Jupiter Holding
juwi solar GmbH, Permanent
Establishment Bulgaria
K.A. Technology Ltd.
Kris 94 Ltd.
KPV Solar BG3 (KPV Solar Bulgaria OOD)
KPV Solar BG4 (KPV Solar Bulgaria OOD)
KPV Solar Bulgaria OOD
kWenergy Ltd.
Long Man Holding AD
LVH – Montage Service Ltd.
Mat Ltd.
Metix Ltd.
Meva Bulgaria Ltd.
Mittelstandsburo Balkan
ML-Bulgaria AD
Motto Engineering Ltd.
Neon Energy Bulgaria EAD
NES – New Energy Systems Ltd.
Neven-Sig Solar OOD
Nune Ecoenergy
Passat Bulgaria Jsc.
Pavel & Sons Electric Ltd. (NES – New
Energy Systems Ltd.)
Pestim Energia Ltd.
Photovoltaics Karlovo (KPV Solar
Bulgaria OOD)
Photovoltaics Tervel (KPV Solar
Bulgaria OOD)
Powerscreen Bulgaria Ltd.
Rossima EOOD
Rittbul EOOD
Systems Integrator Bulgaria Ltd.
Recycling Bulgaria Ltd.
Sky Solar Bulgaria Co Ltd.
Slanchatka Ltd.
Smart Solar
Sofia Vocational High School of
Electronics John Atanasoff
Solar Enterprise Ltd.
Solarezo Europa
Solarity BG Ltd.
Solarmax (by Sputnik Engineering)
Solarmia Ltd.
Solarpro Holding AD
Solectris EOOD (Solarmia Ltd.)
Solvey Sodi
Sputnik Engineering International AG –
Branch Office Bulgaria
STS Solar AD
Technoplast EOOD
Vatkom Ltd.
Velboy Ltd.
Versoley Ltd.
Verea Plast AD
Vestas Bulgaria EOOD
VJF Ltd.
Chinaland Solar Energy CO., Ltd.
China Sunergy (Nanjing) CO., Ltd.
CNPV Solar Power SA
Hanwha SolarOne Co., Ltd.
JCS Solar CO., Ltd.
Jiangsu Runner PV
Technology CO., Ltd.
Jiangsu Sinski PV CO., Ltd.
(STS Solar AD)
Juli New Energy CO., Ltd.
Light Way Solar (Elias SK, S.R.O.)
Muyang Group (Feed Tec D.O.O)
Ningbo Qixin Solar Electrical
Appliance CO., Ltd.
Ningbo Ulica Solar Science&
Technology CO., Ltd.
Phono Solar Technology Co. (Verea
Plast AD)
Sunbe Electric (Solar) Ind CO., Ltd.
Znshine PV-Tech CO., Ltd.
Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar (EIHP)
(Comune Di Potenza)
Energy Warden (FP7 European R&D
CNE Technology (Energy Warden)
Cink Hydro – Energy k.s.
Enervis s.r.o.
Multi-Contact Czech
Pouelk Solar (Enervis, s.r.o)
SMA Central & Eastern Europe
Global Wind Power
Danfos Solar Inverters (Solarmia Ltd.)
Silo (Balbok Engineering Co.)
Cross Wrap Oy (Auwa Umwelttechnik &
Recycling E.U.)
SARP Industries (Veolia Environmental
Solarezo (Solarezo Europa)
Amandus Kahl GmbH & Co. KG
Binowa GmbH
Canadian Solar EMEA GmbH
Centre for Sustainable Energy
Technology (Zafh.Net) (BadenWurttemberg International GmbH)
Degerenergie (Neon Energy EAD)
Diehl AKO Stiftung & Co. Kg
E.S.C.H. Engineering Service Center und
Handel GmbH
Egerrsmann Anlagenbau (Recycling
Erdwich GmbH (Crest Group)
Eurec Technology (Powerscreen
Bulgaria Ltd.)
Gruene Energie Systeme GmbH (Neon
Energy EAD)
juwi Solar GmbH
juwi Wind GmbH –
Repowering dept.
Hanwha Solar
Haticon Germany GmbH
Husmann Umwelt – Technik GmbH (K.A.
Technology Ltd.)
Ideematec Deutschland GmbH
Kaco New Energy GmbH (Motto
Engineering Ltd.)
Kaco New Energy GmbH (Neon
Energy EAD)
Kreyenborg Group (Brothers Pashev Ltd.)
Kuettner GmbH & Co. KG
LCS Solarstrom AG
LVH-Montage Service Bundes-und
Europaweit GmbH & Co. KG (LVH
Montage & Service Ltd.)
MWM GmbH (Ekosist Ltd.)
Power-One (Lintec)
Powerwind GmbH
PRO2 Anlagentechnik GmbH
Phocos (Chepakov Ltd.)
REC Solar Germany GmbH
Refusol (AE Solar)
Samil Power GmbH
Schuco (Alukonigstahl)
SIG Solar GmbH / SIG Solar Germany
(Neven-SIG Solar OOD)
SMA Solar Technology AG (SMA Central
& Eastern Europe)
SMA Solar Technology AG (Neon
Energy EAD)
Solare Datensystm GmbH (EnerVis s.r.o)
Solarzentrum Allgau GmbH & Co. KG
Solea AG
Steinert (Recycling Bulgaria)
Sutco Recyclingtechnik GmbH & Co. KG
(AUWA Umwelttechnik &
Recycling e.U.)
Sunset Energietechnik GmbH
Terra Select (Recycling Bulgaria)
Titech (Recycling Bulgaria)
Trustec – Energy GmbH
Vecoplan AG (Brothers Pashev Ltd.)
Willibald GmbH (Crest Group)
AENAOS Energy Systems
Applied Industrial Technologies (Energy
Center of Renewable Energy Sources
and Savings (CRES) (Comune Di
Daedalus Informatics (Energy Warden)
Rama S.A (Neon Energy EAD)
Center for Environmental Studies
(Comune Di Potenza)
Aurora Invest Ltd. (Best Italian Quality Ltd.)
Best Italian Quality
Centre for Studies and Experimental
Research in Geotechnologies
(Comune Di Potenza)
Contact Italia Srl
Comune di Potenza
D’appolonia (Energy Warden)
Ecotrend Group Srl (Solarmia Ltd.)
Energyzero Srl.
General Membrane (VJF Ltd.)
GreenEco Srl.
Guidetti Srl, (Crest Group)
Ing. Bonfiglioli S.p.A.
Iset Di Tessitore Filippo (Best Italian
Quality Ltd.)
Italian Chamber of Commerce in
kWpower Srl.
Labiotest Srl.
Matec (Powerscreen Bulgaria Ltd.)
Orion Power Srl.
Power One (EnerVis s.r.o)
Satrind S.A. (Crest Group)
Sierra Europe Srl. (Crest Group)
S.I.L. Srl.
Solartis – Altavisio Srl.
Spark Energy Srl.
Sunerg Solar Srl.
Tegola Canadese (VJF Ltd.)
Tenax (Rossima EOOD)
Turboden (IRES Bulgaria Ltd.)
Uniconfort (IRES Bulgaria Ltd.)
Universita Politecnica Delle Marche
(Comune Di Potenza)
VP Solar Srl.
Powerscreen International (Powerscreen
Bulgaria Ltd.)
Kiverco (Powerscreen Bulgaria Ltd.)
LSM (Powerscreen Bulgaria Ltd.)
Hanwha Solar (Hanwha Solar –
Hanwha Solar (Elias Sk, S.R.O.)
ASM Centrum Badan I Analiz Rynku SP.
ZOO (Energy Warden)
Sarpi Dabrowa (SARP Industries (Veolia
Environmental Services)
Trade and Investment Promotion Section
to the Embassy of the Republic of
Organizer: www.viaexpo.com
Last update 25th February
Poland (TIPS) in Sofia
Energy Agency of the Republic of
Macedonia (EARM) (Comune Di
Center For Promotion of Clean and
Efficient Energy in Romania (ENERO)
(Comune Di Potenza)
Farkas-Ro-Trans (S.C. Vivani
Salubritate S.A.)
InfoMediu Europa – Romanian
Environmental Magazine
Pro Air Clean (S.C. Vivani
Salubritate S.A.)
Romanian Association of Solid Waste
RO Ecologic (S.C. Vivani Salubritate S.A.)
S.C. Vivani Salubritate S.A.
Feed Tec d.o.o
Institut Mihajlo Pupin (Energy Warden)
University of Novi Sad (Comune Di
Delta Electronics Slovakia (Solarity
BG Ltd.)
Elias SK, S.R.O.
Faculty of Business Economy.
University of Economics
(Comune Di Potenza)
Topeko S.R.O. (Auwa Umwelttechnik &
Recycling e.U.)
Ekopartner d.o.o
ETI Elektroelement D.D. (Electris Ltd.)
Evropski Center d.o.o
HIS d.o.o.
H2O group Ltd.
Intra Lighting d.o.o.
Iskra Zascite d.o.o.
Jelovica Okna d.o.o.
Robotina d.o.o.
SL Consult d.o.o.
Temaconsult d.o.o.
Acciona Infraestructuras S.A (Energy
Gamesa Electric
Masias S.A. (Crest Group)
Tecnalia (Energy Warden)
Jansen (Alukonigstahl)
Multi-Contact AG (Multi-Contact Czech)
Sputnik Engineering AG
Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce
Aritherm (IRES Bulgaria Ltd.)
Orwak (Recycling Bulgaria)
Presona (Recycling Bulgaria)
Presona (Auwa Umwelttechnik &
Recycling e.U.)
Scandinavian Green Energy
(Solarmia Ltd.)
Victron (Chepakov Ltd.)
Caterpillar (Eltrak Bulgaria)
Cummins Power Generation (Lintec)
Morningstar (Chepakov Ltd.)
Power-One (Lintec)
Building Research Establishment
(Energy Warden)
Cummins Power Generation (Lintec)
Hill & Smith Limited
International Field Services (SARP
Industries (Veolia Environmental
b2b Events for South-East Europe
28 – 30 March 2012: IEC, Sofia, Bulgaria
International Eco Forum
via Expo
3 anton chehov Sq.
4003 plovdiv
Media Partners:
EU - Recycling
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Organizer: www.viaexpo.com