Faith Undone - Intermountain Christian News
Faith Undone - Intermountain Christian News
FREE Donations Appreciated SEND DONATIONS TO: Treasure Valley Christian News P.O. Box 1829, Boise, ID 83701 Serving Southern Idaho and Southeastern Oregon. Available by Subscription and at Christian Bookstores and local churches. (208) 377-3568 INSIDE Faith Undone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ten Commandments Update . . . 1 Pastor Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Emerging Church Statement. . . . 3 Call for Artists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Book Review “The Shack”. . . . . 4 Idaho Values Alliance News. . . . . 6 Ministry Spotlights . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Genesis World Mission . . . . . . . 8 Transformational Seminars . . . . . 9 Foundations in Genesis of ID. . . 10 African Gospel Concert . . . . . . . 11 Parenting Conference . . . . . . . . 11 Family Life Weekend . . . . . . . . . 11 Youth Pray To End Abortion . . . 12 Home School Conference . . . . . 12 Church Impotence in America. . 17 Idaho Trafficking of Humans. . . 18 No More Christian Nice Guy . . . 19 Idaho State Prayer Breakfast . . . 19 Bible Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 May/June/July/August Events . . . 23 Resources & Events Guide . . 21-25 The Oprahfication of America . . 25 Christian Media Guide . . . . . . . . 26 WEBSITE Please visit the TVCNews website often and submit your events, comments, classifieds ads, letters to the Editor, etc. You can also download a PDF file of the current issue, read national and international news, visit our many links and resources, and access the Church Website Directory for the Greater Treasure Valley. We encourage you to visit our business partners by clicking on their links. MISSIONS Have you or someone from your church been on a recent missions trip? Please send us a photo with the details about the trip, and we’ll publish it in our Mission Feature. DEADLINE The deadline for submissions of Calendar of Events, Resource information and Display advertising is the 1st of each month. CONTACT US Here’s how you can reach us! Phone: (208) 377-3568 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: 2309 N. Mountain View Dr. Boise, Idaho 83706 Uniting Christians in Service to our Communities Volume 6 Number 3 05-07.2008 Faith Undone: The emerging church – a new reformation by Roger Oakland or an end-time deception? In the not-too-distant future, most evangelical pastors will have to decide whether to support or reject the spirituality behind the emerging church. If this movement continues unfolding at the present pace, mainstream Christianity will be completely restructured, and the biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ will be considered obsolete. If I believed for one minute that this movement was just another passing whim or the discontent rumblings that so often occur with young people as they search for answers to life, I would never have written this book. But sad to say, the emerging church is far more than a fleeting fad and much more than the complaints of a group of young leaders. It is indeed a new way of being Christian and its objective is to usher in a new reformation throughout the world. Those who refuse to embrace this direction will be considered spiritual oddballs that are hindering a unified one-world spirituality that is promoted as the answer for peace and that is prophesied about in the Bible. I know these sound like preposterous concerns. How could a movement that seems so unorganized and mismanaged do so much damage? The answer to that is the reason I wrote this book. For behind this new kind of worship, this new kind of church, is a strategic apostasy and maneuver by the prince of this world, the enemy of our souls, to literally take apart the faith of millions – it will be nothing less than faith undone. Some of the issues Faith Undone addresses: • Ancient rituals and practices brought back to life • The Eucharistic Evangelization • The emerging road to Rome • Contemplative spirituality and mysticism • The emerging church’s view of Hell and the Atonement • How the emerging church considers biblical prophecy and the future of planet Earth • The key catalysts of the emergent church • Purpose Driven ecumenism: part of the emerging church’s new reformation • How emerging spirituality is altering missions and evangelism • Understanding the emerging church in light of Bible prophecy For more information, visit the website Supreme Court agrees to hear historic Ten Commandments case. As told to TVCNews Ten Commandment monument supporters Monday, March 31, in Julia Davis Park where the monument used to be. The Case, Pleasant Grove v. Summum, will determine if government bodies can exclude certain monuments and displays from public forums like parks and municipal buildings. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that government bodies cannot exclude displays from the public square. If the city of Pleasant Grove were to win this case, the Ten Commandments could be returned back to Julia Davis Park. The reason would be that Rev. Fred Phelps’ threats of lawsuit will no longer apply because the City of Boise would be able to determine without threat of lawsuit what displays were in the park. Brandi Swindell, co-director of the Keep the Commandments Coalition, comments, “We applaud the United States Supreme Court for taking the historic case. The Keep the Commandments Coalition always maintained the City of Boise and the parks and recreation department had the authority to determine what kind of displays and monuments can be in public parks. If we win the case, which will be argued this fall, it will pave the way to the Ten Commandments to be returned back to it’s home in Julia Davis park.” For more information call Elysse Barrett at (208) 890-0086 or Brandi Swindell at (208) 867-1307 or visit 2 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News Pastor Profile... by TVCNews Intern Nick Wynkoop Jim Kirby is senior preaching pastor at University Christian Church in Boise, a growing church right across the street from BSU's student union building, which is slowly being surrounded by Boise State campus properties. His loving and open congregation is striving to take advantage of their location, planning their first intentional college ministry. The urban congregation is well primed for this mission, with an environment that is used to accepting diverse members from Sudanese and Burmese refuges, to the Sonshine Sunday school class for special-needs adults. Pastor Jim is strongly convicted that churches need to use active disciple-making practices. His church is currently undergoing a few years of change, as they attempt to involve the whole congregation in being and making dis- ciples according to the Biblical descriptions of what a disciple is. Pastor Jim was raised in Oregon, where he attended a Roman Catholic Church until it made major changes he did not agree with when he was 15. This included relocating a youth minister who was working well with his congregation. At that point, Jim walked away from service as an altar boy and activity in the church to a life of disbelief in God. He even went so far to the opposite, as to fight and argue against the church and Christians he met. That began to change when he started college at age 18 at Portland State University. He came in contact with a group of committed, loving, young Christians. They lived their faith and accepted Jim honestly and openly despite his arrogance and self-absorption as an atheist and a college athlete. They genuinely accepted him as a real person, and in this, Jim saw something that he wanted. At that point he began his walk with Christ, and began to change his life in big ways. When Josh McDowell visited Portland State, Jim responded to Romans 5:8 which says “God demonstrat- ed His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us,” by praying to accept Christ to change his life. After becoming very involved in Campus Crusade, he then went to Christian college, and eventually to pastoral studies, getting his graduate degree in North Carolina. Pastor Jim's wife and three sons are all active in the Church. Pastor's three sons are grown and live in the Willamette Valley in Oregon, so most of pastor's time is dedicated to his ministry here at UCC. He especially focuses on the process of disciple-making. He and a leadership team of 30-40 people have spent time studying and defining the Biblical idea of disciple-making, and are now building the infrastructure and doing the training needed for an intentional ministry of cultivating Christians’ faith as disciples of Christ. The church has doubled in size in the past few years of his pastorship and this process. Pastor Jim and the University Christian Church can be contacted through their website, Sunday school is at 9:45 AM, and the Sunday worship service begins at 10:45 a.m. Email: [email protected] A Call for Artists: Bless the Mission! Jessie Nilo (third from left) in downtown Boise with her church’s art ministry leaders. River. Life. Powerful metaphors of hope and transformation, as experienced by many who enter the River of Life Rescue Mission. As the Mission celebrates its 50th Anniversary, God has put it on Jessie Nilo’s heart to translate those metaphors into murals. She is asking the Christian community to join her in painting “color-by-number” designs on a few walls of the Rescue Mission. Color by number? Yes! In organizing community murals, Jessie welcomes both artists and non-artists. Artists can help her plan and design the mural beforehand, and non-artists can just show up, grab a paper cup, and look for all the number 4’s on the wall to fill in with that color of paint. It’s that easy. All Jessie asks is that you RSVP and tell her which day or days you plan to help. Then she will know what size and complexity to design the murals, according to the size of the work force they will have. If 7 workers respond, they will plan a small mural in the hallway leading to the new kitchen. If 50 workers respond, they will design murals for the hallway and part of the stairwell landing, and a stylized “mosaic” painting on the exterior entrance to the building. As told to TVCNews If you’d like to donate paint, brushes, or the use of scaffolding, Jessie will be overjoyed to hear from you! Again, the amount of supplies will depend on the number of people who commit to paint. Here are the dates you can join Jessie at the Rescue Mission. Please RSVP ASAP! Design Planning Team: Sat. May 31, 2-4 PM Grunt Work (painting color-by-number): • Saturday, June 21, 10 AM - 3 PM • Tuesday, June 24, 4 PM - 8 PM • Thursday, June 26, 4 PM - 8 PM • Saturday, June 28, 10 AM - 3 PM Please tell Jessie: • the names of all workers in your party (must be age 12+) • what job you want (“designer” or “grunt”) • what day or days you can help The Calvary Chapel Statement on the Emergent Church Edited with permission from Calvary Chapel Outreach Fellowships Reference: We realize that the Scriptures warn us of aberrant doctrines that would come into the church, even going so far as to deny our Lord Jesus. Second Peter chapter 2, verse 1 tells us, "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privately shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction." Likewise in Jude, chapter 1, verse 4 we read, "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." We see a tendency toward this in what is commonly called the "Emergent Church" teachings. Some of the concerns that we have are with the speculations and positions that they are suggesting: 1. That Jesus is not the only way by which one might be saved. It seems that they are postulating a broader gate and a broader path to heaven, a sort of "all roads lead to heaven." That good people by every religious persuasion may be received into heaven. We feel that this goes against the plain teaching of the Scriptures and negates the need of the cross for the expiation of our sins. Paul wrote of those men in his letter to the Philippians and called them enemies of the cross of Christ. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man can come to the Father but by Me." This is not relative truth, but absolute truth. 2. The soft peddling of hell as the destiny for those who reject the salvation offered through Jesus Christ. There are suggestions of universalism in their teaching, that all will ultimately be saved. 3. We have difficulty in their touchy-feely relating to God. Where the experience of certain feelings become the criteria for truth rather than the word of God. 4. We have great problems with the use of icons to give them a sense of God or the presence of God. If they want to have a tie with the historicity of the church, why not go back to the church in Acts, which seems to be devoid of incense, candles, robes etc., but was filled with the Spirit. 5. We do not believe that we should seek to make sinners feel safe and comfortable in church. Is it right for me to speak comfortable words to a man who is going to hell unless he turns from his sin? If I fail to warn him of the consequences of his sin, and he dies and goes to hell, will God require his blood at my hand? When is godly sorrow and conviction of sin such a wrong thing? 6. Should we seek to condone what God has condemned, such as the homosexual lifestyle? Should we tell them that their problem is a genetic disorder rather than a blatant sin that God condemns over and over in the Bible? How long before they tell us that they have discovered that rapists, pedophiles, and adulterers have a genetic disorder and need to be understood rather than condemned? 7. Should we look to Eastern religions with their practices of meditation through Yoga and special breathing techniques or repeating a mantra to hear God speak to us? If this is needed to enhance our communication with God, why do you suppose that God did not give us implicit instructions in the Scriptures to give us methods to hear His voice? Is it the position of my body or my heart that helps me to communicate with Him? 8. The great confusion that exists in the divergent positions of the Emergent Church results from their challenging the final authority of the Scriptures. When you no longer have a final authority, then everyone's ideas become as valid as the next person's, and it cannot help but end in total confusion and contradictions. There are those who say that the Emergent movement has some good points, but so does a porcupine. You are better off if you don't get too close! So, let us not turn to our own understanding, but rather return to our own first love; and teach that the Bible is indeed the true word of God; and teach it in its entirety; nothing less and nothing more. Calvary Chapel Outreach Fellowships 3232 W. MacArthur Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92704 Phone (714) 540-4155 E-mail [email protected] Contact Jessie at 377-1477 ext. 154, or e-mail [email protected]. This is a wonderful opportunity to unite the artists of your church! Jessie suggests putting an ad in your church’s bulletin to see how many people will join you. See article inside on page 25: ‘Oprah Winfrey: The Oprahfication of America’ Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 3 Summer of Hope to bring Filipino orphans hope for their futures 5K run/walk celebrates orphans who will visit in July by Laura Bauer, Meridian B O O K RE V I E W The Shack by Berit Kjos (edited by permission) Nampa Christian Schools Country Fair and Auction a Complete Success by Sandy Skogsburg, Nampa A great Big Thank you to the community, businesses and individuals throughout the Treasure Valley and beyond for their generous donations and support of our schools! Your generous donations and spirited bidding made for a fun-filled and very successful two days. Thank you for helping to keep quality Christian education affordable for children in the Treasure Valley. We met our goal of $150,000.00! A special thank you goes out to Corbett Auctioneers for making this year’s auction so much fun. You are a blessing to us. God Bless and thank you all! For more information about Nampa Christian Schools, call (208) 466-8451 or visit Vol. 6 No. 3 – May/June/July 2008 “Uniting Christians in Service to our Communities” 2309 N. Mountain View Drive, #220 Boise, Idaho 83706 (208) 377-3568 [email protected] • BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rev. Anthony Harper, Executive Director Brandi Swindell Robert Hoover Glen Liberty Allen Marsh TVCNews Intern Nick Wynkoop Art Director Larry A. Patrick [email protected] The Treasure Valley Christian News informs Christians and the public with news and observations from a deliberately evangelical Christian perspective. With a circulation each issue of 12,000 copies, the Treasure Valley Christian News is free at hundreds of churches, bookstores, businesses and public sites in Southern Idaho and Southeastern Oregon. Mail subscriptions are also available at $36 per year in the United States, $45 elsewhere. Send payment to: 2309 N. Mountain View Drive, #220, Boise, ID 83706. Viewpoints expressed in the Treasure Valley Christian News are those of their respective writers and are not necessarily those held by the newspaper’s management. We welcome articles, columns, manuscripts, Letters to the Editor, and information on activities and events. All will be reviewed for publication. We reserve the right to edit and select from materials provided. While some effort is made to screen advertisers in this newspaper, no endorsement by the Treasure Valley Christian News is implied nor responsibility accepted. Readers are advised to exercise normal caution when dealing with advertisers. The Treasure Valley Christian News solicits advertising that is relevant to our readers. Treasure Valley Christian News reserves the right to refuse any advertising. An advertising rate sheet is available online at, or by contacting the office. Distribution is targeted for the first Sunday after printing. Subscriber to The Case family (Boise): Gena, James and Doug on the top row, Ethan and Isaac on the bottom row (left to right). Doug and Gena adopted James as a result of Summer of Hope last summer. This family picture was taken in the Boise Airport when Doug brought James home from the Philippines in March of 2008. In some ways, it’s a welcome party held a little too soon. It has all the right elements: food, music, dancing, friends. Only the guests of honor will be missing. The 2008 Hope Run/Walk and the celebration that follows will be held while the orphans being celebrated remain half a world away. The 2008 Hope Run/Walk will fund Boise Summer of Hope, a ministry bringing nearly a dozen Filipino orphans to the Treasure Valley in July. The 5K run/walk will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 7, at Boise’s Julia Davis Park – three weeks before the orphans are scheduled to arrive. A celebration picnic, including a silent auction, children’s carnival, Christian band and Filipino entertainment, will immediately follow the run/walk. The public is welcome to attend. While they are here, the orphans will experience four weeks of fun and relaxation while staying with carefully selected Christian host families. Meanwhile, volunteers will work behind the scenes to help Christian families meet the kids who, as part of a sibling group or because of their age, some consider unlikely to be adopted. The orphans all must return to the Philippines after their visit in July, but nine months later some will return to families they met through the program. They will return not as orphans, but as sons and daughters by adoption. Introducing the orphans to Christian families who may later choose to adopt them is a program goal, said Beth McDonald, Boise Summer of Hope co-coordinator. So is introducing them to Christ. “They’re here for a month, but we try to impact them for eternity,” McDonald said. Summer of Hope is part of Montana-based Christian ministry Sacred Portion, which is dedicated to providing for needy children of the world who are without homes and families. Last year, Summer of Hope’s first year in Boise, four orphans participated. Three are being adopted. Since it began six years ago, Summer of Hope has seen 85 percent, a total of 66, of the orphans involved being adopted in the four cities where it has operated. To make a donation, form a run/walk team, or learn more about Summer of Hope, contact co-coordinators Debbi Busack at 250-3994 or Beth McDonald at 672-8560. Individual walkers or runners may register online at www.sum Participants who register before May 20th will receive a free T-shirt. Statement of Faith Treasure Valley Christian News, Inc. is nondenominational in attitude and emphasis. We believe the Bible to be the only inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God. We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons, - FATHER, Son (JESUS), and The HOLY SPIRIT. The Bible is the totally sufficient resource for learning how to live a Godly life. We believe in the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, His sinless life, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of God the Father, and His personal return in power and glory. We believe that only God The Son (Jesus) is the mediator between man and God The Father and The Holy Spirit. Jesus alone can save us from our sins, permit people entrance into Heaven, and is the only Savior and hope. Only a personal relationship with Jesus will bring true healing to people. We believe that only Jesus is to be regarded as our spiritual Teacher and Father. We do not look to ungodly counselors for wisdom. We believe our salvation is by grace through faith, in His shed blood, which is evident through our works. We believe that Humans are a special creation of God and not as a result of evolution. We believe in the sanctity of life and therefore oppose abortion and euthanasia. We believe only in the Biblical view of marriage which is between one man and one woman. We trust in JESUS to give us wisdom, courage, strength and protection from evil. We believe that it is our Christian duty to express our faith as a witness for Jesus in all matters public and private. 4 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News The Shack has suddenly grabbed public attention and captured the hearts of multitudes. The Shack is a fictional testimony full of tear-jerking dialogue with a subtle message that has been widely accepted in postmodern churches. Countless pastors and church leaders are delighting in its message. By ignoring (or redefining) sin and guilt, they embrace an inclusive but counterfeit “Christianity” that draws crowds but distorts the Bible. Discounting Satan as well, they weaken God’s warnings about deception. No wonder His armor for today’s spiritual war became an early victim of this spreading assault on Truth. The Shack is written as a personal testimony that draws readers into virtual dialogues with a playful, culturally relevant “God.” The Shack leads readers into vicarious experiences in a world of revelations and sensations. The only sinlike issue here is independence. Unhindered by Biblical guidelines, The Shack offers no standard for right or wrong, so there’s no real need for Biblical repentance. It fits right into the popular vision of a unifying, non-judgmental church. In The Shack, readers meet a permissive “God” that “submits” to their human ways. They look through the veil between life and death, see the joy beyond, and communicate with loved ones – subtle examples of “calling up the dead,” which the Bible bans (Deut. 18:11). Mack, the main character in The Shack, “sees” the colorful “auras” that show spiritual maturity among the dead-butalive. He even practices astral travel – what The Shack calls “flying” – a word popularized by Maharishi Yogi long ago. Here the boundaries of the church are broadened to include almost everyone. The only exception seems to be “independent” folk who refuse to “come” to this universal “God.” This isn’t Christianity – and this false “Jesus” would agree. The Shack opens in the context of tragedy. Four years have passed since the cruel murder of Missy, Mack’s precious sixyear-old daughter. Enveloped in grief, he receives a strange invitation. “I’ve missed you,” it says. “I’ll be at the shack next weekend if you want to get together. Papa.” What could it mean? Doubtful, but drawn to the meeting, Mack heads for the Oregon wilderness and finds the dilapidated old shack. “God” miraculously transforms it into a cozy cottage, and Mack meets his supposed maker. The ongoing dialogues in the story reinforce a new view of God. Mack is immersed in spiritual re-education, for each comment contradicts his previous understanding of God. Unlike the true God, the false trinity of The Shack exercises no authority over man. That should please today’s postmodern church leaders! They seem to shun words such as “sovereignty” and “authority.” After all, a reigning God who sets the moral standard for all time could cause division. He could impede their main purpose: inclusive relationships and “authentic community.” In this new story, sin no longer separates unholy people from our holy God. It fits right into postmodern churches that ignore Biblical commands such as “Do not be conformed to the world” and “Abhor evil” (Romans 12:2,9). Chipping away at the reality of sin, guilt and God’s just judgments, this transformational process undermines any real understanding of our need for discernment, repentance or the cross. Even God’s amazing grace becomes meaningless! Like other virtual experiences, reading The Shack stirs the imaginations of the gullible. It plants perceptions that shape new beliefs in “open” minds. What few realize is that the end of this process will be a bit like Pinocchio’s experience. The cruel tempter had promised Pinocchio all kinds of fun and food on “Pleasure Island.” But when he arrived, he changed into a donkey and became a slave. For further information and documentation on The Shack, visit: Why Am I Here? How Do I Beat This Loneliness? What Makes My Life So Hard? Where is That One Special Relationship? Who is Jesus? Lizard Butte Sunrise Service TREASURE VALLEY – Local folks celebrated Easter in many ways Sunday, March 23rd, from church services to egg hunts to special meals with loved ones. Between 150 and 200 people gathered for the traditional Lizard Butte Sunrise Service near Marsing, despite high winds and frigid temperatures that cut the observance short by almost an hour. JESUS is GOD the SON (CREATOR of the Universe and all Life!) Hebrews 1:2-3 NIV 2 these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. Hebrews 3:3-4 NIV 3. Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor than Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself. 4. For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything. THE SAVIOR (GOD in human form) born of the Virgin Mary Matthew 1:23 NIV “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” – which means, “God with us.” Isaiah 9:6 NIV “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” John 8:23-24 NIV 23. But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. 24. I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am [the one I claim to be], you will indeed die in your sins.” John 14:6 NIV Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” No other person can save you or give you hope and eternal life. How to know JESUS as your personal Savior: If you would like to know JESUS as your personal Savior from sin, pray the following prayer followed by studying The Holy Bible and get involved with a local Christian church. Pray this sincere prayer, meaning it with all your heart, and God will give you eternal life, right now! Indoors, thousands attended services at churches throughout the valley on a holiday that historically draws larger-thanusual crowds of worshippers. This article, originally published March 24, is reprinted with permission of the Idaho Press-Tribune, S C R I P T U R E A couple of visitors huddle under a blanket as heavy winds blow on the hill at Lizard Butte during the 71st Annual Easter Sunrise Service, Sunday morning near Marsing. (Idaho Press-Tribune photo by Charlie Litchfield) [Earnestly] remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy (withdrawn from common employment and dedicated to God). – Exodus 20:8 Amplified Bible Ustick Baptist Centennial by Nick Wynkoop, TVCNews Intern On Sunday April 20th, I had the pleasure of attending Ustick Baptist Church’s 100-year Anniversary Celebration service in Boise, Idaho. The special two-hourlong service was a mix of praise, special music presentations, church history, skits, Scripture and special speakers. The congregation was celebrating a church history which began with a Sunday School teacher named Mrs. Pease who held classes in a fruit-packing warehouse owned by Dr. H.P. Ustick. Despite the name, Ustick Baptist was never located on Ustick Road, but was named so because it began in “Ustick Village,” where the congregation built their first building in 1908. During this time, the church struggled, and pastors rarely lasted more than a couple of years. At one point during World War II, only two men remained in the whole congregation. The struggles culminated when the building burned in 1951. However, when the church rebuilt in 1952, membership increased, leaders rose up, and pastors began to stay. Growth continued until in 2002 a new facility was dedicated to serve the large congregation, and to celebrate the outreach and volunteerism of the congregation. The April 20th service sought to commemorate this history with song, including The Faithful Men singing group help Ustick Baptist Church celebrate their 100-year anniversary. a saxophone ensemble, and a member singing “Thank you for giving to the Lord, I am a life that was changed.” Senior pastor Rev. Greg Reider gave a presentation of church history and fun facts based on his research, and introduced special guests visiting for the service. One of these guests was pastor Dr. Bob Garcia who once worked with Ustick Baptist and has since become renowned for his preaching across the nation. He delivered a special mes- sage mixing his personal testimony, stories from his ministry around the country, experiences from his work at Ustick Baptist, and truths from God’s word. We pray that Ustick Baptist will continue as Paul says, “abounding in the work of the Lord” (1 Cor 15:58b). For more information, call Ustick Baptist Church at (208) 938-2121 and view their website at: www.ustick Article e-mail contact: [email protected] VISIT “Dear Lord, I am a sinful person who needs You. I turn from my sins and surrender my heart and life to You, right now. Save me dear God and make me Your child. Thank You for coming to Bethlehem, and for dying for me to pay for my sins. Help me to live for You all the rest of my life.” Amen If you would like to talk to someone further about how to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please call toll free 1-888-NeedHim and view the website: Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 5 Idaho Values Alliance News by Bryan Fischer, Executive Director - Idaho Values Alliance, Boise E-mail: [email protected] March 26 Coercion Bill Passes Senate Committee On an 8-1 voice vote (Sen. Kate Kelly, a Democrat from Boise, was the lone “No” vote), the Senate State Affairs Committee sent the anti-coercion bill (H654) to the full Senate floor this morning. This bill will protect Idaho’s women from being coerced into having abortions against their will through the threat or actual infliction of physical injury. Supporters are optimistic that the bill will pass the Senate, as it passed the House yesterday on a 55-11 vote, with only Republican - Tom Trail of Moscow - voting against it. The bill was crafted by Idaho Chooses Life (ICL) and its executive director, David Ripley, and ably sponsored by Rep. Bob Nonini of Coeur d’Alene. Ripley testified that this bill is likely to be the first in the nation to codify criminal penalties for coerced abortions, and thus represents groundbreaking legislation. As Rep. Nonini pointed out yesterday, there are dozens of protections in law for a woman’s right to choose an abortion, but none to protect her right not to choose one. The ICL’s legal counsel, Christ Troupis (an announced candidate for the state senate in Boise’s District 16) also testified, demonstrating the clear constitutionality of the bill. I gave testimony on behalf of all of us in the IVA, presenting research that shows that a sobering 64% of all abortions involve some kind of coercion. In addition, medical journals have published findings that reveal that pregnant women are at an elevated risk of physical assault, and, astonishingly, that homicide is the leading cause of death among pregnant women. In addition, Jason Herring of Idaho Right to Life and Julie Lynde of The Cornerstone Institute also gave persuasive testimony. No organizations - not Planned Parenthood, not the ACLU, not the Idaho Women’s Network - testified against this bill, perhaps recognizing that to oppose this bill is essentially to support allowing the use of physical force to coerce a woman into making a medical decision that may harm her for the rest of her life and will end the life of her baby. March 11 Big Win for Idaho Families: Porn Books Pulled off Nampa Library Shelves The Nampa Library Board yesterday voted 3-2 to pull two books off library shelves and sequester them in the library director’s office, a move which will make the library safer for Nampa families and their children. One book, “The Joy of Gay Sex,” featured profanity, vivid visual depictions of virtually every variety of homosexual sex, and included a chapter entitled “Daddy-Son Sex Fantasies.” Naturally, the librarian, Karen Ganske, wanted to be sure this book was available to young children because of its educational value. However, library staff admitted during questioning from the board that only two other libraries in the state even carry this book, so it’s not exactly a must-have for community libraries. Plus, the “Gay Sex” book has only been checked out seven times since it’s been on the shelves, so it’s not exactly a mustread for Nampans. One adult who testified in favor of keeping the book available to young children said that when she herself looked at the book, it “turned her stomach.” She did not comment on how such content might affect an impressionable young child. Others who argued for keeping gay porn within reach of young kids argued we must do so to protect freedom of choice, apparently oblivious that, by their own argument, the Nampa Library Board ought to be able to exercise its same freedom of choice to remove the books. Some likened removal of the books to book burning, heedless of the fact that the book is available to any adult through inter-library loans, at multiple Treasure Valley Bookstores, and for purchase through for less than two bucks. This is not a matter of censorship, but a matter of selection, moral decency, and making the library a safe environment for young children. In fact, the library staff member who testified in favor of keeping gay porn on the shelves was representing the “Library Selection Team,” the name itself a tacit admission that the library rejects books every single day for the simple reason that space is limited. This means that the shelf space occupied by “The Joy of Gay Sex” is not available to another book which might actually have some educational value and not represent a danger to young children. Kudos to Randy Jackson, the Nampa father who filed the complaint, to Nampa Mayor Tom Dale, who has appointed family-friendly members to the library board, and to library board member Bruce Skaug, who was the lone board member to vote for removal of this book in 2006, and who made the motion to sequester the book yesterday. As Mr. Jackson said, “This is a huge victory for our community.” And, we might add, a huge victory for all Idaho families who care about the moral climate of the Gem State. by Robbie Robinson, Boise The Bible in Public Schools The Question of the Time Will the political leaders of the State of Idaho, who should represent the will of the people, meet their responsibilities in clearing an antiquated, confusing and debated provision in the Idaho State Code? Here is the problem. Some interpretations of Idaho Code 33-1604 deny the students in the public schools of Idaho the elective chance to compete, on an equal basis, with scholars in over forty of the other states in our nation on the knowledge required to understand the primary basis of history, art, literature and law in the United States of America. It is critical for Idaho to produce thoroughly educated graduates for life in the 21st Century. For this reason, we the people must put pressure on the lawmakers in the State of Idaho to clarify or amend, Idaho Code 33-1604, in such a way that the students in the State of Idaho will no longer be denied the fundamentals of their needed educational experience. Download the Bible in the Public Schools petition from the Treasure Valley Christian News website by clicking on the Bible in the Public Schools Update banner ad at and mail your petition to Dr. Seldon whose name and address are at the bottom of the petition. He invites your calls to his telephone in Boise at (208) 830-6165. 6 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News M I N I S T R Y S H O R T S RAGS, INC. T.H.U.G. (Through His Undying Grace) Ministries As told to TVCNews As told to TVCNews The RAGS INC Ministry Team Random Acts of Grace and Services In the Name of Christ, is a fellowship of men and women who are serving Christ in the Boise valley simply by reaching out to those in need. More than five years ago RAGS, INC was just an idea of making the world a better place by starting locally. In the beginning this idea came from a man that was totally self-absorbed and addicted to all sorts of drugs and bad behaviors. It was only through the grace of God that he saw how he and so many others were just taking from society with no thoughts of giving back. Then, with the unction of the Holy Spirit, this idea began to take form; “instead of taking from society, why not give back something that will have a lasting effect?” Yet, due to his addictions, it turned out to be nothing more than an idea. It would not be long before this man had a spiritual awakening and turned his life over to Christ. This would not be an easy road due to the damage that 27 years of drug addiction can L cause. After becoming a Christian and beginning to sort through the wreckage of his life, Steve Cram was sent to prison. This did not deter him from this idea of giving back. In fact, it strengthened it. Although he was incarcerated, he was now a free man in Christ. After two years, Steve was released from prison a new man with an overwhelming desire to help spread the message of the good news of Christ Jesus and His love for all men. The foundation of RAGS, INC is to express to the unbeliever grace in the name of Christ and to encourage the believer to reach out to those around them. Steve Cram described it best when he said, “the idea is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comforted.” Active Christian-ity is about reaching people for Christ in a way that is effective. There is a great need in the valley and Christians should be reaching out beyond the walls of the church. We can make an impact. RAGS, INC is not a program that you sign up for. It is about random giving and meeting real needs. It is a call to action. Many of the volunteers of RAGS, INC are from difficult backgrounds and are now serving the Lord. A recipient is chosen by one of the volunteers when a need presents itself. It is a simple process. There have been a variety of people that we have reached out to. We assisted a 77 year old man in winterizing his pool. We assisted an elderly woman who needed her swamp cooler covered for the winter. There was a single mother of three children who had no furniture or beds; RAGS, INC was able to help her as well. These are just a few examples of those we have been able to help. Through RAGS, INC, we are reaching people in the community to demonstrate Christ’s love – and all at no cost to them. RAGS, INC is a great way to get involved. If you are looking for the opportunity to serve, please contact Mike Freeman at the Boise Vineyard, (208) 377-1477 or Justin Strickland, (208) 8412185. E T T E R S Treasure Valley Christian Connection It has become clear to me that the churches are not only silent but they seem to be divided. It also seems to me that there are so many Christian organizations throughout the Treasure Valley are all so busy that no one has time to return a phone call, answer an email much less eat, I say this with no disrespect intended, I assure you. The reason for this letter is to suggest a unification of the various organizations by means of a monthly networking meeting and/or luncheon to pray, discuss upcoming events, where help is needed, and what we may do as a group to help each other to become more productive and also consider putting people, who want to become active in their communities in various positions that are needed within the different organizations. The idea came to me when I realized the importance of getting involved and how difficult is was to try to find out where I fit in and how. I know many of you have been involved in your communities for many years and I would still like to think that this may be something that would allow us to help each other while plugging new people in, knowing that “many hands make light work.” If this appeals to anyone or anything like this already exists, please contact me either to organize it or just to include me in it. Thank you and God Bless, – Tom Munds, Caldwell, Idaho 208-454-3184 208-861-6405 [email protected] Pastor Dave Stone Director Ken Solts T.H.U.G. (Through His Undying Grace) Ministries® was an idea that God gave to Dave Stone about a ministry that would train them for ministry. Thanks to the generous support of the likes of Ten Mile Christian Church, Prison Fellowship, and others, these dreams are becoming a reality. When Dave Stone told Ken Solts of his vision a little over a year ago, Ken felt that God wanted him to be involved in this endeavor. Since that time, a lot has happened. T.H.U.G. Ministries is now a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, whose name and logo are registered trademarks. Margo Stone is now the president, Ken Solts the director, and Dave Stone the ordained pastor. Darrell Taylor is head of training volunteers. Judy Carroll is head of the prayer warriors and Cindi Elerick is the ordained chaplain and has worked for years in jail and prison ministries. In the past year, T.H.U.G. Ministries has placed over 30 Volunteer Mentors at the Idaho Maximum Security Institution, where Ken Solts is the chaplain. T.H.U.G. is gearing up to work with Pure Word Ministries at Calvary Chapel Boise to help with their teenagers. “We need to be wherever God wants us to be and do whatever He wants us to do. This is His ministry, not ours,” said Ken Solts. Ken, Cindi, and Pastor Dave visit teenagers and adults on the outside too that need a little guidance. “T.H.U.G. Ministries will reach those who are on the edge; those who don’t feel comfortable with religion or churches because of who they are, what they’ve done, or what they look like,” says Pastor Dave. With a past lifestyle of drugs, women, and criminal behavior, Ken and Pastor Dave can effectively share the new life they have found in Jesus Christ. God has spared them and brought them to this day so that they can speak to others with a similar profile and understand exactly where they are coming from. “You would not have liked the guy I used to be,” says Ken. “All he cared about was living on the edge and doing whatever he wanted, no matter whom it hurt. Today, I have WAY more fun than I ever did in those days, and now it’s all legal,” he shares with a smile. Pastor Dave shares, too, from his past. He says, “After years of getting everything I Cordell R. Chigbrow, CPA Joan Antoine Becky Dahle Brenda Cronin Shelly McLaughlin wanted and doing everything I wanted, I realized that there was something missing; that life wasn’t just about possessions and getting your own way. It had to be more than that. That’s when I found Jesus.” T.H.U.G. is looking for those who want to be involved in ministry and outreach. You can find out all about them at You can view testimony videos, make a taxdeductible donation, or even buy a t-shirt or beanie. They are looking for the funding to stretch out and make ministry happen that is desperately needed in our community, and would appreciate your help very much. About T.H.U.G. Ministries: Through His Undying Grace Ministries is made up of exoffenders, ex-criminals, and just ordinary people who have given their lives to Jesus Christ. These people are trained in ministry so that they can go out into the world and bring the Message to the spiritually dead. These men and women are chosen and anointed by God. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming involved in any of our ministries. You can email us at: [email protected]. Brad A. Ryan, CPA Amy Gallegos Michele Weber Wendy Duncan Cassie Broome Dear Tom, Thank you for sharing your frustration regarding the lack of communication between various Christian ministries, organizations and businesses. This is a frustration for me as well. I'm all for more Christian networking. As Christians, we need to pray for and with each other more often, take time to learn from each other and share each other's burdens. Our LORD JESUS’ desire is for us to be one as HE is one with The FATHER and The HOLY SPIRIT (John 17:11). Think of what we can do as Christians united in service to our communities! – Dr. Anthony Harper, Publisher/Editor Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 7 Genesis World Mission’s Faith Hope & Charity Dinner by Monica Hyde Genesis World Mission President and Founder Dr. Karl Watts with retiring nurse Lorrie Apel, Director of Clinical Operations at the Garden City Community Clinic. James Cook Testimony by TVCNews Intern Nick Wynkoop The 2008 Faith Hope and Charity Dinner at the Garden City DoubleTree Riverside was the place to be on February 22. With help from an army of volunteers, the grand ballroom was transformed with interactive displays, wall-sized photos of the work Genesis performs, and simple, elegant decorations. Almost 270 guests attended the event, which featured live band Mobius Trip playing jazz to warm up a cold, snowy evening. More than 80 silent and live auction items helped raise $62,000 for Genesis World Mission’s ongoing operations. Lorrie Apel, outgoing Director of Clinical Operations, received the Compassionate Career award for her service at Genesis from 2003-2008. David Wong, who has spent the past year programming a pharmaceutical inventory database for the clinic, was recognized as the 2007 Volunteer of the Year. Dr. Mickey Myhre of IDX Pathology was recognized for his contributions to the working poor through donated laboratory services. We are grateful for our 2008 Dinner sponsors: Genesis Medical Center, Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, St. Luke’s Regional Medical Center, Hawkins Medical/Legal Consulting, and Emergency Medicine of Idaho. Thank you to all our auction item donors and volunteers who contributed to a wonderful evening! For more information regarding Genesis World Mission, call (208) 384-5200 and visit the website: www.genesis For God so loved YOU that He gave His only Son, that YOU might not perish, but have eternal life! 8 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News James accepted Christ as his Savior when he was 11 years old. Because he was young, he doesn’t remember much before that. But from age eleven till into college, his life was a lot of ups and downs, with some mistakes along the way, as he tried to survive high school and then college. He was on a journey of testing and growing his faith, and a journey that would eventually include coming to a place of brokenness before God. Along the way, James began to devalue himself, compromising himself as a part of a life of doing his own thing. “I’m kind of an escape artist... with that comes sort of devaluing people, devaluing even myself, and everything around me.” After starting college, meeting new friends, and beginning to enjoy his new life, James experienced a time where what he had built up began to crumble. Friends moved on, leaving him alone, with God further on the back bench than ever. On top of this, James had begun to mess around with drugs, which eventually dropped him to a rock bottom. Soon, however, James “realized that the only thing I could do was live an obsession”. In the past drugs had offered him adventure without having to deal with people or problems. But soon, not in an instant miraculous change, but over time, God began to change James’ mind and heart, giving him a new passion about life and a drive to be a follower of God. Now James is beginning to use the voice God has given him, and to value people more. It wasn’t an emotional change for James, but a realization that something just wasn’t right. After calling his mom one day and just pouring out his heart, he began to turn in a new direction. Now James is learning to live a God-centered life, and to come to God consistently. There are some things that words can’t describe, but James said of his contentment with God, “It’s awesome.” Fred Meyer stores and Boise Rescue Mission unite to “March Against Hunger” by Jason Billester, Boise Through the months of March and April, every donation to Boise Rescue Mission Ministries of food or cash counts even more! For the second year, Fred Meyer stores have generously donated $10,000 in an effort to help Boise Rescue Mission provide 800 meals per day to the homeless and hungry. All of the value of the Mission’s donations for those two months will be added up, and will earn part of $1 million dollars for BRMM! The Alan Shawn Feinstein Foundation donates this money every year to agencies around the nation who fight hunger – so make your donation and help End Hunger right here in the Treasure Valley! Your gifts go to put food on the plates of folks in need who come to the Mission. With you, we can provide them with a hot, nutritious meal, a safe place to sleep for the night, help finding a job, and much, much more – most importantly, the love of Jesus. The Mission served over 230,000 meals in 2007, and this year, the numbers are still going up. We will need your help to continue feeding this many people in need! Donations can be dropped off in Ada County to the Mission Warehouse at 1417 W. Jefferson St., Boise, 83702, or in Canyon County to the Lighthouse Rescue Mission at 472 Caldwell Blvd., Nampa, 83651. For more information or to find out how you can hold a food drive for the Mission, call Jason at 921-2514, or send an email to [email protected]. Share Your Testimony Transformational Seminars – The Loss of Mental Health Edited with permission - for full article, go to: by Russ Wise Transformational seminars are more commonly referred to as Large Group Awareness Trainings. Werner Erhard the founder of est - was one of the first on the scene. He had been involved with Mind Dynamics in the early seventies and quickly became the one to imitate. John Hanley, a training associate of Erhard’s, developed Lifespring and quickly became known on the training circuit as one who had mastered the process of self-discovery, peak performance, and success. His non-traditional techniques and exercises were meant to literally transform one’s life. Hanley’s program was developed to help an individual realize who he really is through non-traditional thinking and learning. Large Group Awareness Trainings have not only become popular, but they have also grown exponentially. There are literally hundreds of such programs available. Some are blatantly new age in their approach while others attempt to mask their underlying philosophy and draw upon a Christian label for credibility. The challenge for the Christian, or for that matter, anyone secular or otherwise, is to determine whether a given seminar would be psychologically healthy for them to pursue. In this author’s opinion, after twenty-eight years of observation, there is not one seminar that would meet the criteria needed to allow any degree of peace. The Training Experience A potential recruit to the seminar is met with the non-telling phrase, I can’t tell you about it. You’ll just have to come and experience it for yourself. It changed my life. I just can’t describe it! The methodology of the seminar staff and recent graduates of the training is simply to get you to an exploratory meeting. Once there, the sales pitch begins! The majority of those in attendance are seminar graduates. Their job is to sell you on the seminar without actually telling you anything about the seminar - at all! They give testimony of the positive changes in their lives and how they know that you would benefit from the training. Once the testimonials have concluded the high pressure is applied. The force is so strong it is difficult for anyone to stand against. So! What’s Really Going on in There? Transformational seminars are sold as an adventure, a mystery! It’s a mystery that can only be discovered by experiencing it personally. In one sense, the mysterious adventure becomes a hook that snares the unsuspecting. However, the hook is used to ensnare the trainee in a way that, in many cases, causes long-lasting mental and emotional problems. These programs are said to offer breakthroughs for the participant, to cut through the psychological defenses an individual has used to protect themselves. The training is also said to help the trainee take charge of his or her life in a way that leads to authenticity. Whatever that means! Another price to be paid for “transformation” is paid by the trainee’s family. “Relationships end when one partner gets involved in training while the other shuns it. Family members come under bitter, unrelenting attack for ‘abuses,’ such as a lack of love or concern, that the convert has discovered during his or her training.”13 Real Transformation For Christians, transformation is achieved not by self-actualization (a selfish motivation) but by allowing God to renew our minds with His thoughts. Isaiah tells us that our thoughts are at enmity with God’s thoughts and that His ways are different from our ways. Our self-understanding is lacking unless we see ourselves as God sees us. For the Christian life is a series of transformations. The question that we must answer for ourselves is - Who is my Master? Do I continue on the road to “self-mastery” by utilizing New Age techniques of meditation, visualization, affirmation, guided imagery, and hypnosis? Or do I surrender myself to God and allow Him to lovingly renew my mind as I depend on Him? Christians are to have a different perspective. We are to build up one another and work for the common good as we recognize that our labor has eternal value. We work for Christ, not for people. Therefore, success takes on a whole new definition. True transformation begins and ends with Christ. We must submit ourselves to His anvil as He smoothes out the rough places and transforms us into His image. Only then can we echo the Apostle Paul’s words, “it is no longer I who live, but Christ (who) lives in me.” Transformational Seminars have become a growing threat to the Christian church in that they have made significant inroads into the church body. Christians need to become aware of the seductive nature of these seminars and their ability to cause dissension within the body of believers. It is not uncommon for those who have been through such seminars to develop an elitist attitude toward others and thereby undermine the spiritual climate within the fellowship. If you or you know of someone that has experienced one of these transformational groups, please contact me and share your experience via phone at: (214) 497-5565 or e-mail me at: [email protected]. Christian Information Ministries 1801 Gateway Blvd., Suite 113, Richardson, Texas 75080 Endnotes: 13. Dirk Mathison, They Want Your Mind, Self Magazine, Feb. 1993, , p.155. Further reading: 1. Margaret Thaler Singer, Cults In Our Midst, Jossey-Bass Publishers. 2. John Ankerberg, John Weldon, Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Harvest House Publishers Websites of interest: 2. 1. 3. 4. Would you like to share your testimony of how JESUS has saved you and given you hope? There is an opportunity for you to share your video testimony or print testimony! For more information, contact our Treasure Valley Christian News office in Boise, Idaho at (208) 377-3568 or send an E-mail to [email protected] Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 9 T R E A S U R E VA L L E Y Foundations Academy and St. Ambrose Christian High School Annual Open House N E W S by Maddie Troyer On February 28, Foundations Academy and St. Ambrose Christian High School held its annual Open House. The Open House provides an opportunity for prospective new families to get a glimpse into the inner workings, purpose, and ideas of the school. The gymnasium was transformed into a scholastic museum of sorts. Tables were set up with the curriculum for each grade as well as samples of the students’ work, and examples of athletic and extra curricular activities. Additionally, there were renderings of the new building that is expected to be completed by the fall of 2009. A number of students were on hand who have completed many grades at the two schools. These students gave their input and shared their own experiences at the school with the families that attended. The evening began with tours given to the parents and families by students who have attended Foundations Academy and SACHS for a number of years. The families were then encour- aged to examine the curriculum for their child’s grades more closely and talk with the teachers of all different grades. Headmaster, David Goodwin, ended the evening with a presentation and a video featuring the grammar school principal, Mr. William Stutzman. Mr. Goodwin informed the audience of the purpose of the two schools and acquainted them with classical education. In the video, Mr. Stutzman leads the viewer through the history of education and explains why classical Christian education is so important, showing how it can change and shape the worldviews and lifestyles of the students who attend the two schools. All of the administrators and many of the teachers were available to answer questions, and engage in conversation with the prospective students and their parents. The open house is an effective way to get a deeper understanding of Foundations Academy and SACHS and was a valuable benefit for many families that were able to attend. For more information, call (208) 323-3888 and view their website: Exciting Presentations from Foundations in Genesis of Idaho/Oregon Speakers by Brent H. Carter, Boise Dr. Thomas Kindell February 2008 “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;” Acts 17:26. Our speaker for February was Dr. Thomas Kindell who presented the topic, “Can the Bible Explain the Origin of the Different Races?” Dr. Kindell was once an ardent believer in the “fact” of evolution. However, through his exposure to the scientific case for Biblical Creation, he became a zealous creationist. He has been privileged to study under several of the world’s most prominent creationist scientists. He received his M.A. in Biblical Studies and holds a Doctorate in Philosophy of Theology, majoring in philosophy of Biblical Apologetics. Dr. Kindell emphasized that slime (complex bags of chemicals) plus time = you, based on the evolutionary model of “uniformatarianism,” is not scientific based, but is selling a godless universe of doom and despair. Rather, a loving God of the Bible has created man and women for the purpose of glorifying Him and spending eternity with Him. The Bible cannot explain the different races, because there is only one race, the Human Race! God, the author of the information system gave both dominate and recessive skin color, called Melanin, to each person, just different concentrations; thus, varied skin colors throughout the world. Mr. Art Manning March 2008 “Petrified Wood: Hard Evidence for Noah’s Flood” was the topic of the Seminar given by Mr. Arthur Manning in March. Art teaches science at the Christian Heritage High School in Salt Lake City, UT. He has a B.A. in Biology, a B.S. in secondary science education and an M.S. in Biology, and has taught science from a creation perspective for 30 years. Mr. Manning’s presentations were a visual tour of 10 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News petrified wood sites all over the United States based on “Remembering now thy Creator…”(Ecclesiastes 12:1). Some of the sites contained enormous numbers of fascinating fossil trees. Among these fossils, some were extraordinarily large and exceptionally beautiful. Many of them gave evidence of having been formed as a result of the catastrophic Flood of the Bible. The empirical evidences that trees when they die soon decay and disintegrate are well understood. However, when the dead trees are quickly buried and saturated with mineralized waters, petrification can occur very rapidly, as determined by modern laboratory tests. Art Manning pointed out that the numerous fossil forests in the geologic record, world-wide in occurrence, are not forming now, and that the world-wide Flood of Noah’s day is the best scientific explanation. For more information, call (208) 375-9592 or (208) 642-9207 and view the website: Founded in 2000, Foundations In Genesis of Idaho (FIGI) is a non-profit organization staffed by volunteers, both scientists and laypeople. Unique volunteer opportunities are available. All contributions are tax deductible. Cole Valley Christian senior Ben Evans and Brad Carr, Cole Valley Christian Superintendent. Cole Valley Christian Schools’ Legacy Auction – A Success! As told to TVCNews This year’s Legacy Auction showcased powerful ways God is working in students at Cole Valley Christian Schools, the largest K-12 Christian school in Idaho. The name Legacy Auction was selected to mirror the purpose of the event, which is to raise funds for Cole Valley to provide Christian education for generations to come, as well as remembering those who have left a legacy for the school. The Silent Auction featured over 100 items, including Class Baskets. Teacher Features, activities pairing students with teachers, were a big hit this year. Cheerleaders sold raffle tickets throughout the evening for jewelry, a Nintendo Wii, and an iPod. A popular tradition is the fun-spirited, competitive bidding in the Dessert Auction which included over thirty scrumptious desserts. Later, the desserts are shared around the tables. Following the Silent and Dessert Auctions, the program kicked off with lively selections by the Elementary Praise and Worship Band, and the premier of an exciting new promotional school video created by two seniors as an economics class project. One-on-one clinics with the varsity boys basketball coach, all-access field pass at Cole Valley football games, and tuition to upcoming football camps. A resort stay anywhere in the world, three-minute shopping spree at Grocery Outlet, and a 1955 Buick Special rounded out the more unusual Live Auction offerings. One of the highlights of the evening was the testimony by senior Ben Evans, a Cole Valley student since kindergarten. He recently won the AMA Sports Amateur National Championship and has signed a pro contract. Ben likened the responsibility he has to his national sponsors and the wearing of their logos to our responsibility as ambassadors of Christ. He shared how the years at Cole Valley have prepared him and is excited about what God has in store for him. A package, complete with a new motorcycle, full riding gear, $500 gift certificates from Carl’s Cycles, and a personalized riding lesson with Ben was a big hit. The evening ended on a high note with the voices of 70-plus choir members, money for the school, and accomplishing the school’s mission, which is to develop the whole person by providing a Christian education that shepherds students as they are challenged to achieve their fullest potential spiritually, academically, socially, physically, and relationally. For information about next year’s Legacy Auction or Cole Valley Christian Schools, contact Kassie Jones at 898-9003, extension 1116, or [email protected]. Enrollment packets for new students are now available at either campus for the 2008-2009 school year. For more information, call Jan at the elementary campus 375-3571 or Robin at the secondary campus 898-9003. Cole Valley Christian Schools campus locations: Elementary (K-6th): 8775 Ustick Road, Boise, ID 83704 Phone: (208) 375-3571 FAX: (208) 375-2862 Email: [email protected] Secondary (7th-12th): 200 E. Carlton, Meridian, ID 83642 Phone: (208) 898-9003 FAX: (208) 898-9016 Email: [email protected] Website: “Making disciples... impacting the world for Christ” T R E A S U R E VA L L E Y Cooperation, Consequences, and Keeping Your Sanity N by Becky Ruths, Calvary Chapel Boise More than 300 parents and 600 kids took part in the 2008 Treasure Valley Parenting Conference February 2223 with Jon Sanne at Calvary Chapel in Boise, Idaho. With parenting tips, tools, and training techniques designed for newborns to teens and even adults, this conference helped parents connect with their kids, not only to change their behavior but to change their heart. Practical instruction and helpful examples were shown and taught. A two year old that helped fold laundry, came when called, said yes and no ma’am, and followed instructions. The kids were taught the same thing as the adults in exciting ways that made them want to obey, help around the house, and honor their parents. Some of these parents had been struggling with simply not knowing what to do. They weren’t raised in Christian homes, they were yelled at as kids and yelled at their kids. This conference helped them realize the pattern and gave them practical advice for change. No longer is anger the discipline tool. The tips from the “Cooperation, Consequences and Keeping Your Sanity” Conference help resolve issues before they arise. Understanding developed between parents and kids on what is expected and why. The consequences for not obeying were excellent. Perhaps your child doesn’t want to fold his laundry when asked. The consequence, now he has to fold the whole family’s laundry, not just his own. A child who doesn’t want to load and unload the dishwasher? They get to do the dishes by hand for a week. Maybe your child doesn’t want to eat what is served at dinner. She gets only water between meals until she decides that the food you prepared for her was acceptable. Many of the ideas that were presented have been practiced at home and found successful. Some ideas for teens included a “Let Them Decide” option. They could do what was wrong, after all they will be making decisions on their own very soon. But, maybe your son chooses to get into a fight. Then he looses his cell phone and driving privileges for three months. But it was his choice. If he chooses to get into a fight, then he lives with the consequences of his actions. This conference was attended by some people who aren’t even parents yet. They learned communication tools that helped them in other areas of their life. If you didn’t get to come, you can buy a set of the CD’s at Red Letter Books and Café in Boise. E W S Boise FamilyLife Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference As told to TVCNews The 2008 Boise FamilyLife Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference Friday March 28 through Sunday March 30 was another monumental success! There were 362 couples in attendance enjoying the outstanding speakers as they shared how to build and maintain a Biblically sound marriage. Twenty five people made salvation decisions and committed their lives and their marriages to the Lord. 133 people asked the Holy Spirit to dwell in them and 182 people recommitted their lives to following Jesus Christ. Bill Howard, one of the men responsible for the FamilyLife conferences being in Boise was back as a conference speaker along with his wife, Terri. Bill Howard and Clarence Schuler led the conference attendee’s through their work books pointing out such things as, a) Why Marriages Fail; b) Building a Communication Tool Box; c) Unlocking the Mystery of Marriage; d) Marriage After Dark (Intimacy from God’s perspective); and e) God’s Purpose for Oneness. There were special sessions for the engaged (25 couples) where they enjoyed sessions with topics like, a) So you Want to get Married; b) Two Becoming One; and c) The Promise of Purity. A couple quotes from conferees, (Husband) “It has changed my life, I believe I now have a guide for living and decision making. Before this conference I had no idea of what I was doing with my marriage. All I have learned will impact our house forever! Thank you so much! (Wife) “There are NO WORDS to describe the effect other than amazing – Thank You.” Next Quote: “My husband and I have been separated for the last 6 months. We have reconciled just in the last month. This will help us come together on a team with God as our coach and not enemies with each other! I am looking forward to our future – Thank You.” If you missed the conference this year, be sure and mark your calendar for next year. The conference will be held, once again, at the DoubleTree Riverside and the dates are March 27-2829 2009. If you are interested in helping to promote the conference in your church, please call Candy Gibson at (208) 859-7370. For most people, the Weekend to Remember conference is a time of hope and encouragement. But back in the real world, your marriage faces relentless obstacles. Over time, it’s not easy to maintain the vision for oneness that was so clear at the conference. Visit HKLNnFoG&b=3204681. African Gospel Acappella Raises Support for Orphans and the Blind by Nick Wynkoop, TVCNews Intern A woman walks on stage holding the hand of the man behind her, who is holding the hand of the man behind him. Three more men follow, all holding hands. The woman extends the hand of the first man to a microphone stand, and after all four men fumble for the mics, she walks off. The first man breathes deeply, and instantly the room is filled with the exquisite, tight harmonies of the group African Gospel Acappella. All four men are blind, but all four men can sure sing. This morning, February 10th, they are singing at Hope Lutheran Church in Eagle. The choir travels the United States to raise awareness and funds for the blind, the starving, and the many orphans of their home country of Liberia. The group has released 2 CD’s of their own gospel compositions, and has toured more than 1000 churches and schools in this country alone. They love to share their testimony, and the story of their war-torn nation. This includes the miraculous recount of their escape from a military attack on the blind school they attended in Liberia. Their music mixes the rich tight harmonies of an American barber shop quartet, with the extremely sharp rhythm and skillful syncopations of African styles. They wear sunglasses and traditional African shirts, and they snap and sway together with the music. The lead singer and the other tenor trade solos, using trumpet sounds and African syllables, while the others sing rhythmic accompaniment. They sing in many different native African languages, as well as in English, the official language of Liberia. They are each from different tribes, but they came together at school in Liberia to form African Gospel Acappella. They continue to direct their energy to singing the good news of Jesus Christ, and they are helping the disabled in Africa. Their country is torn by war, rampant poverty, and hunger, so the blind usually live on the street, begging for sustainment. AGA needs help to try to change this. AGA’s first project is to construct a resource center for the blind in Monrovia, Liberia’s capitol city. They also need continued support for their ministry. They ask for prayer first and foremost. However, they also have financial need, and several parttime volunteer positions open to help the group travel in ministry. If you would like to help, you can find information at or you can call (360) 263-2951 or (360) 901-4066, or simply send an email to: [email protected]. Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 11 Wedding Announcement Lance Ogren and Tammy Ouimette will be wed in Holy Matrimony on May 18, 2008 in Rancho Mirage, CA. Lance Ogren has been a strong supporter of Treasure Valley Christian News, and is responsible for putting together our video promotion spots. Lance was also one of the first who fought to keep the Ten Commandments in Julia Davis Park. Lance was a long time Boise resident and an Honors graduate from Boise State. Tammy Ouimette is also a dedicated Christian who will be coming alongside Lance to complete a formidable team. For further information, call 310-621-8158 or e-mail at: [email protected]. Youth Pray To End Abortion As told to TVCNews Saturday April 26, Youth For Revolution, representing national pro-life organization, Bound For Life, met for prayer and proclamation at the Idaho Supreme Court at 451 W. State Street in Boise, Idaho. Christians were mobilized to gather at supreme courts in all 50 states along with the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC. Coinciding with Passover, the purpose of this day was to stand in silent prayer before the doors of our justice system and plead the blood of Jesus to pray for an end to the American Holocaust of abortion. Please join us in prayer for our nation's repentance and healing. For more information, call Randy Jackson at (208)5145962, visit www.youth4revo, www.boundfor or email: info@youth4revolution. com. Encouragement for the Home School Family Conference Steve and Teri Maxwell and family gave a wonderful seminar-style conference to a crowd of over 100 people at the Four Rivers Cultural Center and Museum in Ontario, OR on Tuesday night, March 25th. Topics included Family Devotions, Managing the Home, and avoiding harmful influences that work against the Christian home school family, such as TV, various unsupervised activities, and even potential dangers in professing Christian Youth Groups. The Maxwells con- National Day of Prayer May 1st Boise, Idaho cluded the evening by playing two Christian spiritual songs for the group. The sessions were broken into age and gender-specific groups. Steve taught the men the importance of regular family devotions. He demonstrated the great responsibility men have to shepherd the sheep of their own families using principles gleaned from Ezekiel 34. Teri taught the ladies how to manage their time by scheduling. She demonstrated an effective method of scheduling activities to make the most of each day. She also discussed the parents’ responsibility of controlling the appetites they create in their children.This includes feeding the good ones, and starving the bad ones. Christopher, the oldest Maxwell son living at home, challenged the younger men Steve encouraged families to “give ‘the beast’ some air” by putting it out on the street corner with the garbage cans. As told to TVCNews to think about the direction of their lives and make choices and decisions that will lead to spiritual success and a stable Christian and family life. Sarah Maxwell taught the young ladies to fashion themselves after godly principles and not after the world. She exhorted them to lean upon the Lord for strength. An emphasis in the sessions was ridding the home of ungodly influences, especially the TV. Steve encouraged families to “give ‘the beast’ some air” by putting it out on the street corner with the garbage cans. Another emphasis in the conference was on keeping the hearts of the children. For more information, contact: Kristy Scott at (208) 585-3982, email: [email protected] or conference.htm. Bible Crossword Solution for February/March/April By Dr. Anthony Harper, TVCNews Publisher Thursday May 1st at Boise City Hall in Boise, Idaho. The theme for this years’ National Day of Prayer is ‘Prayer! America’s Strength & Shield’ (an integral part of ‘The Global Day of Prayer’ May 1-11). Our prayer events in Boise, Idaho were a humbling experience. We sought GOD’s will for our lives and our nation in these troubled times, recognizing that only a personal relationship with JESUS our SAVIOR is our solution for peace. Now, more than ever, is our faith and family under attack by those who wish to silence our Christian voice. The seven points of prayer for our Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, Church and Family were: 1. Pray for our leaders, as well as judges in our courts. Ask GOD to grant them wisdom. 2. Pray for Divine protection and guidance for our armed forces. Intercede for military chaplains and loved ones at home. 3. Pray for truth and morality to be presented. 4. Pray that GOD will raise up His ambassadors in the workplace. 5. Pray for safe, morally sound instruction and wholesome environments. 6. Pray for unity and boldness in proclaiming GOD’s Word. 7. Pray that families will follow Godly principles. The most important prayer that we as individuals and as a nation can offer, is to acknowledge and trust in CHRIST JESUS as our only personal SAVIOR from sin before we can have true hope and eternal life. The following scripture describes what must be done: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV). “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3: 16 (KJV) To volunteer for next year’s National Day of Prayer or for more information, call Mary Ellen Stewart in Boise at (208) 375-6628 and view the website: Mothers Day, May 11 “Honor your ...mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12 (ASV). 12 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News TVCNews wishes to thank Mark Aman and his staff at OWYHEE PUBLISHING in Homedale for their outstanding customer service & quality printing! (208) 337-4866 [email protected] Schools - Youth Groups Non-Profit Associations Would you like to earn from $10,000 to $260,000 with no cost to you?* “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Proverbs 1:7 (NIV) ENHANCED FUNDRAISING SYSTEMS Intervactive “A new category of marketing & fundraising!” Our program will do all this for you and more! • Sign up volunteers • Partner with the Media • Increase enrollment • Promote your website • Pre-qualify students or players • Solicit donations, either monetary or in-kind • Print a game schedule • Promote your Sponsors • Share your mission with the community • Build excitement leading up to your season or your annual event • Have registration forms sent to your office • Sell tickets, shirts or other product • Build a database of supporters and sponsors • Promote all your other fundraising events during the year! For Larger Non-Profit Associations and Organizations Many Special Features! Visit our Website! For Schools, Youth & Sports Leagues 208.333.7711 *THERE IS NO COST TO YOU FOR THIS PROGRAM, the production costs are paid by the consumer when they purchase your books. Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 13 Main Office: 1097 N Rosario Street Meridian, ID 83642-8095 Phone 208.323.4500 Fax 208.323.4507 Specializing in Church Construction A BIG THANK YOU! A Big Thanks to our Volunteer Distribution Team! Elijah & Amanda Booth, Chad Christensen, Bob & Patty Compton, Ken Cross, Carolyn Elfring, Roy & Kathy Evans, Jim Franklin, Steve & Christine Heimbigner, Glen Miles, Robert Jackson, Gloria (Pfost) Hansen, Jon & Judy Harmon, Glen Liberty, Dan Poole, Shirley Reed, John & Michelle Ring, Chuck Seldon, Bonnie Stogdill, Clarence Tromburg, Kat Walker, Trish Maxwell and Marcia Yiapan. If a name of one of our volunteer distributors is missing from this thank you list, please contact our office. 14 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News ! T N E G R U Please help us in keeping our Christian newspaper in print! We need to hear from you! Our immediate need is $ 24,000 and our fundraising goal for fiscal year 2008 is $60,000 to cover production, distribution and general office expenses. Please partner with us by making a monthly contribution to allow us to continue our printed edition. We need your financial support at the following levels: 300 people giving $10 per month (Barnabas Family Sponsors) and 100 people giving $20 per month. (Our monthly sponsors at these level of support received a copy of our paper mailed to their home.) You can make your tax deductible donation at our website by clicking on our Barnabus Family Sponsor banner ad at Along with paid advertising, the TVCNews depends on your donations to keep this informative bi-monthly publication available throughout the Treasure Valley. Not only does TVCNews provide news articles and the Resources & Events Guide, it also supports TVTeens (a local website to provide pastoral information, local events and help lines for teens). Church leaders, would you please consider making an annual donation of $100? We’ll make sure your church gets at least 25 copies of each edition of the TVCNews. Other individuals might want to make a donation of $36; we’ll send you your Good News in the mail! Since our request for help in our last issue of TVCNews, there has been a slight increase in advertising revenue, but not enough to cover our expenses. Your tax deductible donation will provide the good base of support we need in continuing our Good News paper for the Treasure Valley. To learn more about the Treasure Valley Christian News ministry, please explore the following websites: We look forward to hearing from you. Your support is appreciated! Thank you so much and God Bless You! The TVCNews Board of Directors/Advisory Board Thank You for Your Response! Name ___________________________________ Address _________________________________ ________________________________________ City _____________________________________ State_______________________ Zip__________ Phone ___________________________________ Email ___________________________________ YES! I would like to give $_____________ a month to help support the Treasure Valley Christian News. YES! I cannot give money right now, but I can volunteer my time to help at events and with delivering the paper. YES! I would like to subscribe to the Treasure Valley Christian News. YES! I will be happy to pray for this ministry. Please return your response to: Treasure Valley Christian News P.O. Box 1829, Boise, ID 83701 (208) 377-3568 or email @ [email protected] All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 15 For Emotionally Troubled Kids Help us Build this Hospital to get Kids off Methamphetamine & Other Dangerous Drugs! CHILDREN OF HOPE FAMILY HOSPITAL Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these”. Matthew 19:14 (NIV) [email protected] (208) 658-8013 Boise, Idaho 16 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed L O C A L Thought Provoking and Chilling Documentary! Wake Up America! Our freedoms are being threatened by those ‘educators’ of our society, and the main stream media who have firmly entrenched themselves in Darwinian Evolution Theory, and have no room for open scientific debate. M O V I E If you want to have your children educated with open scientific debate supported by the evidence, and not just filled with the primordial soup that the scientific and academic community wants to indoctrinate them with, then you need to see this movie!!! It is an absolute must see!!! – Alana I., Boise How are we supposed to be able to tell the Gospel to other kids when they think that we’re anti-science and religious wackos? If you’re tired of hearing their propaganda that those who would like to have a fair and open debate about Intelligent Design are nothing more than backwards, religious Neanderthals with no evidence to support their claims, then this movie is for you! This documentary fascinated me as I watched compelling interviews with highly qualified scientists and professors who have courageously spoken out for the argument of Intelligent Design, and paid a high price because they dared to question Darwinian Evolution Theory. Ben Stein does a wonderful job exposing the open hostility from the Darwinian community and main stream media toward any scientist or individual who would offer up opposing arguments to Darwin’s Evolution. In their minds, there is only one side, the Darwinist viewpoint, which is not open for free scientific thinking or debate. This biased, Darwinist community will try to tell you that the theory of Intelligent Design is based on a theistic faith, it is ‘religion.’ This documentary shows that in reality, Intelligent Design is NOT a religion. Intelligent Design is based on the scientific evidence. Unfortunately, many scientists succumb to ‘bullying’ and are forced to believe what the general consensus of the scientific community tells them to believe. This is not true science! I was also gripped with emotion as the movie portrayed the chilling, historic consequences that arose from removing ‘God’ and free thinking from society, and what adversity we might be facing in the future if we silence all other evidence supported scientific theories that might point to a designer. C O M M E N TA R Y R E V I E W S How are Christians, especially us pre-teens and teenagers, supposed to defend our faith in light of the challenge we face everyday at school with the evolution-creation controversy? How are we supposed to be able to tell the Gospel to other kids when they think that we’re anti-science and religious wackos? Lately, all everybody has been hearing is that our faith is based on religion, evolution is based on fact, and that people who believe in a God should be kept quiet. Nowadays, in this supposedly free country of ours, people who aren’t even Christians but at least believe in Intelligent Design (another word for Creator), are being fired for their beliefs. They are accused of being “unscientific” and of having a “religious agenda.” The new, controversial movie that has been released, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, by Ben Stein, has been exposing all of this. Plus, it’s been contradicting what evolutionists have been saying – that Intelligent Design is unscientific. It reveals some evidence on why evolution could not have happened. It’s turning the tables on evolution. I encourage everyone to see this fascinating documentary. For one, I would recommend this movie because proponents of a Creator will know their facts. Plus, it’s important to know all the censorship that has been falling down upon Intelligent Design supporters so that we realize how valuable liberty is. It shows we need to take action in order to maintain freedom. This movie also reveals how dangerous evolution is. It shows how evolution was the reason why eugenics and Nazism came about. In fact, evolution teaches that there’s no morality since there’s no intelligent being to enforce rules. Also, this isn’t your normal documentary. It is very educational, yet entertaining. Don’t worry – it isn’t too technical, either. Actually, there are lots of humorous scenes that keep you on your toes. Ben Stein, the creator and host of Expelled, had done an awesome job. This is a terrific resource for supporters of Intelligent Design. I believe that no one should miss out on this exciting exploration for truth! – Brielle I., Boise Age 12 Riveting and Compelling! What a movie! Expelled: No Room for Intelligence kept me glued to my seat. This movie was a great documentary of the battle of control for those in support of evolution over those who accept the evidence proving the existence of an intelligent being (a personal Creator). Besides seeing a correlation between Darwin’s evolution theory and Hitler’s Nazi regime, I also see a correlation between Hitler, Darwin and the false teachers of the New Age movement. – Anthony Harper, Boise Ken Ham, president of AiG (Answers in Genesis) and the Creation Museum, had the following things to say about the Expelled documentary: I urge everyone not to miss Expelled. I found it riveting, eye-opening, even astonishing. Ben Stein does a masterful job of exposing the ruthlessness of evolutionists who will go after anyone who challenges or merely questions Darwinian orthodoxy. I was on the edge of my seat, entertained yet instructed. Challenge school board members in your community to watch this well-produced documentary. Even pay for their tickets, but get them there! Congratulations to the producers for the courage to create a much-needed perspective on the erosion of freedoms in America. (website articles/am/v3/n2/expelledreview) For more information about the movie ‘Expelled: No Room for Intelligence’, view the website: For more information about a personal Creator, view the website: Church Impotence in America and the Missing by Curtis Young Link The Church’s impotence in America today, to me, is primarily due to the missing link of personal involvement and investment in the lives of others, starting with our families, our spiritual brothers and sisters and extending to our neighbors. We go to our church services on Sunday and hear about how Jesus is the answer and that Jesus loves us, and occasionally we may suggest to those going through hard times that Jesus loves them and while these things are true, we are either willfully or woefully ignorant of the fact that He has chosen to love them through us. He uses our arms to hug them and our eyes to cry with them and our cars to take them to appointments and our trucks to help them move and our money to pay an electric bill or buy some groceries and our time to “visit the widows and the orphans in their distress.” And what about our brothers and sisters in Christ? Do we actively love one another? We are supposed to disciple one another, encourage and exhort one another, be accountable to one another, admonish each other, mourn when they mourn and rejoice when they rejoice. How are we doing? It seems to me that we are not just failing the test; we aren’t even showing up for it. I personally prefer to come home from work, eat dinner and forget about the mess that is out there by watching a video or even reading a good, non-fiction Christian book. Meanwhile, Satan is out there spreading lies and destruction. He is intent on destroying our marriages, our families, and our country and the only antidote is truth and love because the battle field is the hearts and minds of individuals. I know there are many of you feeling the same angst and frustration as I, and I would like to talk to you about the possibility of initiating a network of committed Christians to band together with others in our respective neighborhoods for the purpose of: 1) fellowship for encouragement, accountability and identification of the problems and needs in our neighborhoods so that we can 2) reach out and minister to individuals and families with a hope that we will 3) lead some to Christ and to 4) disciple them so that 5) they may go and do likewise. If you are a mature Christian man who subscribes to the statement of faith in this paper, has at least one evening a week and one Saturday a month to invest and is ready to get off the bench and make a stand, please call me at 286-9543. TVCNEWS MISSION STATEMENT To share the gospel of Jesus Christ and to serve (to inform, motivate and equip) Christian churches in the Treasure Valley – Idaho area via our newspaper, in print and online. Informing – sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and Christian events and resources people can participate in. Motivating – addressing spiritual growth issues and encouraging people to attend a bible believing church of their choice. Equipping – Equipping churches by sharing examples of successful outreach church ministries to our community and how their church can replicate this type of ministry. Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 17 The Voice of the Lord Conference As told to TVCNews The Voice of the Lord Conference was held March 27-29 at the Boise Train Depot. Gathered were believers from Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Washington. From the conference leadership team, the worship team, dancers, intercessors, and attendees, many different churches and ministries across our large region were represented. Who were they? People with purpose; pursuers of God, passionately pressing into destiny; believers bursting out of boxes confronting their own comfort zones, facing the future with a fierce tenacity to see the God of all glory transform whole cities, regions and nations! There was a strong corporate identity at this conference. Transformation was in the air. It was not about the one, but the many who make up the One. The message to the corporate body was to rise up, to walk together, to get a job done, thus, advancing the Kingdom of God across the land in every arena of life. God is on the move and has much to say in this hour to those who have an ear to hear. Can we work together? Can we recognize and honor those who bear His Name and carry His glory? We all have Kingdom assignments and the grace/gifts to get the job done. Can our vision allow us to work across a region and still maintain the pupil of our eye – the local work? We say a hearty “Yes!” Together with those from the region were the ministry gifts/guests the Lord sent to stir our hearts and challenge us on our way. Danny Steyne, Mountain of Worship Ministries, Int’l ( from Columbia, South Carolina and Randy DeMain, Kingdom Revelation Ministries, ( from Redmond, Oregon. Both have powerfully moving testimonies and mandates from the Lord of the church. Danny stirred hearts through many testimonies relating the power of the Lord demonstrated through those who love Him and are obedient to the promptings of His Spirit. The supernatural is meant to be a lifestyle – worshipers going forth demonstrating the Kingdom of God. Embracing this message is not for an elite, but for all Believers. Randy related a visitation of the Lord given him while preaching in Nigeria. An angel named Breakthrough was assigned to accompany Randy as he took the message of revival to America. It is America’s time! Randy’s ensuing teaching on angels was insightful and instructive. They are not to be worshiped or sought after, but are sent to help the heirs of salvation and push back the powers of darkness. Numerous admonitions and stirring testimonies abounded in the messages given throughout the conference. Included were healings, miracles and resurrections from the dead! Prayers of intercession ascended before the throne and proclamations of “I Declare A Holy Outpouring (IDAHO) went out over the region. God is arising and His glory will be seen throughout the land! The conference was videotaped. CD’s or DVD’s can be purchased through (Click on ministry store). Sessions can also be listened to online at Idaho Trafficking of Human Beings Awareness by Merikay Jost, Boise Many of us still don’t recognize what human trafficking is or that it is alive and well in our country. Myths and misconceptions abound. Simplistically, human trafficking is the act of enslaving “We must show new energy in fighting back an old evil. Nearly two centuries after the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade, and more than a century after slavery was officially ended in its last strongholds, the trade in human beings for any purpose must not be allowed to thrive in our time.” – President George W. Bush, Address to the U.N. General Assembly, September 2003 a person much like people were enslaved over a hundred years ago. Today’s slavery takes many forms but is categorized in two groups; labor and the sex industry. Each case of human trafficking has its own characteristics and circumstances, but, this fact remains – people are held by others for profit and use and this is against the laws of our nation and of Idaho. The enslavement of another human being should not and can not be tolerated. I appeal to our Christian leaders, their staff and personnel, to take an active role in understanding who the traffic victim is and where to get the critical help needed for that person. I come to you because you are “First Responders.” It is to you victims will come if they get the chance. It is to you they will appeal for help and it is critical that you lead the victim to the service providers best able to help. By calling 1888-3737-888, the National Human Trafficking Hot Line, you or the victim will have access to interpreters and will be directed to service 18 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News provided in your area. Victims of human trafficking are hiding in plain sight. Trafficking victims are extremely different than victims of other crimes. They rarely seek help. They can be held captive, guarded and kept under lock and key. They will be coached to answer questions that will protect the trafficker. What the trafficker wants is to get his slave back into his hands as soon as possible. His victim is ‘money’ to him. He trains the victim well with threats of deportation, of added physical and mental abuse, or threats to family members back home. Some victims even fear returning home. Stockholm syndrome may set in and the victims may look at the trafficker as his or her protector. This is especially true with juvenile victims. Not all victims of trafficking are migrants although this group is the most vulnerable. Victims are lured to the U.S. for well paying jobs, good working conditions in agriculture, as nannies, domestics, waitresses, sales clerks, models, construction workers, factory workers, etc. Traffickers had NO FEAR of prosecution until lately. Our latest Trafficking Victims Protection Act addresses the victimization of American women and children trafficked within this country and the prosecution of the trafficker and in the case of sex trafficking, the ‘buyer.’ With community and law enforcement education, increased prosecution of the criminals (the trafficker and the consumer), community vigilance and community support for the victim, we will make headway in rectifying this terrible wrong done to our brothers and sisters. My hope is that our churches take the lead and become members of Idaho Network to End Domestic Violence & Trafficking Against Immigrants by contacting Annie Pelletier at the Network at 384-0419, by spreading the word of human trafficking in the community and by educating themselves further by going to for additional information and material on human trafficking. “All That Is Necessary For Evil To Triumph Is For Good Men To Do Nothing.” Edmond Burk Merikay Jost, Director Idaho Trafficking in Human Beings Awareness Campaign. Phone (208) 384-5160. To report incidents of slavery: Idaho Contact – Catholic Charities of Idaho, 1-800796-4131, ask for Melaney. Or call the 1-888-3737-888 National Hot Line. SCRIPTURE Jeremiah 29:11-12 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. New International Version (NIV) 47th Annual No More Christian Nice Idaho State Guy Author Challenged Prayer Men to Lives of Love, Breakfast by Pastor David W. Baumann, Mtn. Meadow Christian, Boise Lt. Clebe McClary Over 900 persons attended the 47th Annual Idaho State Prayer Breakfast on March 8 at the Boise Centre on the Grove. Featured speaker was Lt. Clebe McClary of Pawleys Island, SC, one of the most outstanding motivational and inspirational speakers in America. On March 3, 1968 during his 19th and last scheduled reconnaissance mission in Vietnam, he was critically wounded by an enemy attack. As a result of his bravery under fire and the concern he demonstrated for his men, Clebe was presented the Silver Star and the Bronze Star by the President of the United States. Although Clebe suffered the loss of an eye and an arm, wounded seven times and was told he would never walk again, he never lost the determination, dedication, and courage to overcome his circumstances. It took over 40 operations to return him to his present health. He is living proof that with the right attitude all things are possible. He became a born-again Christian after leaving the Marines and while attending an Evangelical Crusade featuring speakers Bobby Richardson, retired from the New York Yankees, and Billy Zeoli, President of Gospel Films. Clebe said that if he had been killed in Vietnam he would have gone straight to hell, even though he’d been raised in a Christian church, since he had no personal relationship with Jesus, the Christ. Today Clebe McClary is in the service of the Lord’s Army, traveling the world over, attesting to personal faith in Jesus Christ. His life shows that he genuinely embodies a personal vow which he took upon entering the Marines; ‘Any mission assigned will be accomplished in a superior manner, no matter what the obstacles.’ Former Mayor Joe B. McNeal of Mountain Home served as the MC. The Boise Police Honor Guard presented the Colors while the City of Boise Pipes and Drums under Sergeant Rich Fuhriman, Pipe Major, added to the festivities. The Idaho National Guard Quartet from Gowan Field led in the singing of our National Anthem. Rep. Branden Durst of the Idaho State Legislature Dist. 18 read the Old Testament Reading while Chaplain Phil Rogers of the College of Idaho read from the New Testament. Former Boise State University Football Coach, and friend of Clebe McClary, Skip Hall, introduced the speaker. Governor Butch Otter gave the response to the message. He said, ‘I’m a history buff,’ and spoke of the faith of the Founding Fathers. He gave thanks and appreciation for Lt. McClary’s message. Pastor Montie C. Ralstin of the Boise Valley Christian Communion Church gave the Invocation while Pastor Phil Moran of the Covenant Presbyterian Church offered the Dedicatory prayer. Strength, Courage by Jeff Anderson, Boise Paul Coughlin is fighting a disease. It’s a sickness that began years ago and has crept into almost every avenue of life. It affects the young and old, the healthy and the ill. And it has ravaged modern men. He calls it, “a disease to please.” It’s the desire to appease, not rock the boat, go-along-to-get-along mentality that allows injustice to flourish, potential go unrealized and substitutes life for living. It’s based on shame and robs people, families and communities. Coughlin, who admits suffering from this disease himself, is fighting back, leading a rebellion against something that robbed him of a life worth living. He took that fight to the Treasure Valley as the featured speaker at “Mars Madness,” a one-day event for men, March 15 at Capital High School. Search Boise, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Athletes in Action and Brown & Patrick Law Offices sponsored the event. Coughlin is the author of three books, most notably No More Christian Nice Guy, which features a forward by Dr. Laura Schlessinger. His other books are Married… But Not Engaged and No More Jellyfish, Chickens or Wimps. “There are three forces that hinder men,” Coughlin explained. “First, there is a cultural prejudice against men. What’s wrong with the world? Men. It’s like masculinity is a ‘Scarlet M.’ There is also a dangerous caricature that Jesus was meek and mild. And then there is what I call, ‘a disease to please.’” “Being a Christian man does not mean being the world’s doormat. Some nice people are that way, not because they are virtuous, but because they lack virtue. That’s where we learn to live small lives. The thinking is, ‘if I live small, my problems will be small.” Make no mistake; Coughlin did not advocate an overbearing, caveman picture of men. He promoted a life of love – equal part strength and compassion. “Shouldn’t Christianity be useful? We should be taking some hills, fighting for people who can’t fight for themselves ... We create people without courage and then expect them to be courageous.” Men were challenged to love and protect their family, friends and community by using their natural strengths in constructive ways. “I call it ‘The Good Guy Rebellion’”, he says. “There is a culture that says, ‘Men, just don’t do any more damage’… Masculinity is neither good nor bad. It is whatever it is developed to be.” For more information, call Ken Lewis in the Treasure Valley at (208) 697-1051 or e-mail: [email protected]. Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 19 BIBLE CROSSWORD ACROSS Sponsors needed to help keep our Christian news voice in Wal-Mart and Fred Meyer stores. Please call our office in Boise at (208) 377-3568! 28 It had large ___ teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims (Dan 7:7) 30 Your lips drop ___ as the honeycomb, my bride (Song 4:11) 33 the words of him who has the sharp, double-___ sword (Rev 2:12) (partial word) 34 Our sheep will increase by thousands, by ___ of thousands in our fields (Ps 144:13) 35 You have ___ correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” (Luke 10:28) 1 exalted Solomon in the sight of all Israel and ___ on him royal (1 Chron 29:25) 6 as a follower of the Way, which they call a ___ (Acts 24:14) 8 we eagerly ___ a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil 3:20) 10 Joseph brought his father Jacob in and ___ him before Pharaoh (Gen 47:7) 12 the LORD with all your heart and ___ not on your own understanding (Prov 3:5) 13 He prepared a ___ for them, baking bread without yeast (Gen 19:3-4) 14 Your kingdom is divided and given to the ___ and Persians (Dan 5:28) 17 A word ___ spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver (Prov 25:11) KJV 18 But after I have risen, I will go ___ of you into Galilee (Matt 26:32) 20 the nations came against him, those from regions ___ about (Ezek 19:8) 21 as with the ___ of usury, so with the giver of usury to him (Isa 24:2) KJV 22 My command is this: Love each other as I have ___ you (John 15:12-13) 23 Be merciful to me, O God, for men ___ pursue me (Ps 56:1) 26 power and authority to drive out all demons and to ___ diseases (Luke 9:1) DOWN Treasure Valley Christian News now takes these cards for Display ad payment, Classified ad payment, and Donations, which are very much appreciated. Tax receipts will be issued. 1 They exchanged their Glory for an image of a ___ , which eats grass (Ps 106:20) 2 the curtain of the temple was ___ in two from top to bottom (Matt 27:51) 3 saying indignantly to one another, “Why this ___ of perfume? (Mark 14:4) 4 Abraham set apart seven ___ lambs from the flock (Gen 21:28) 5 Then maidens will ___ and be glad, young men and old as well (Jer 31:13) 6 there shall come forth a rod out of the ___ of Jesse (Isa 11:1) KJV 7 “Return home and ___ how much God has done for you.” (Luke 8:39) 9 “Yes, ___ is as you say,” Jesus replied (Matt 27:11) 10 Come out of her, my people, that ye be not ___ of her sins (Rev 18:4) KJV 11 Why should I fear when evil days come, when wicked ___ surround me (Ps 49:5) 14 cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, ___ and frankincense (Rev 18:13) 15 “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you ___ ?” (Matt 14:31) 16 Wherefore look ye so ___ to day? (Gen 40:7) KJV 17 I myself will judge between the ___ sheep and the lean sheep (Ezek 34:20) 19 The disciples went and ___ as Jesus had instructed them (Matt 21:6) 24 “I am the Alpha and the ___ ,” says the Lord God (Rev 1:8) 25 They come from faraway ___, from the ends of the heavens (Isa 13:5) 26 Dividing up his clothes, they ___ lots to see what each would get (Mark 15:24) 27 female sheep (Gen 32:14) 28 was in the ___ that is called Patmos, for the word of God (Rev 1:9) KJV 29 Share with God’s people who are in ___ . Practice hospitality (Rom 12:13) 31 better to he__ a wise man’s rebuke than to listen to the song (Eccl 7:5) (partial word) 32 Sir, your mina has earned ___ more (Luke 19:16) Copyright 2007 Peaceful Publications All Rights Reserved Used by Permission Website CL ASSIFIEDS Classified ads are $5 per line with 30 characters per line (do not count spaces). Send your ad via email to: [email protected]. ADVERTISING ADVERTISE ALL your Christian events and resources for FREE in the Christian Resources & Events Guide. See our website and send your information to: [email protected] or call 208-377-3568 BIBLE STUDIES BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP (Locations in the Treasure Valley) For more information, call 1-877-273-3228 (toll free) COUNSELING CAN'T AFFORD THE HIGH COST OF COUNSELING SERVICES? Trained Christian counselors are available to help you with any of the following issues: marriage, family & individual relationships, substance abuse and other addictions, depression, anxiety. Sliding fee scale available. For more information call Dr. Harper in Boise at 658-8013 or 7038688 and view the following website FOR SALE PUPPIES FOR SALE Jack Russell Terrior Puppies AKC reg. shots, tails docked, ready mid. June, taking deposit. Call 642-7684. CHURCH PEWS 9 PEWS, each 9'-6" feet long, 32" tall, 21" deep. Includes book rack, with card and 2 pencil holder on pew back. In excellent condition. Asking $100.00 each OBO call 468-9781 or [email protected] FUNDRAISING ENHANCED FUNDRAISING SYSTEMS can design a fundraising/ marketing program for any sized non-profit organization, at no cost to you. Earn income from an untapped source and partner with businesses in your community at the same time. Ask about special custom features! Call (208) 333-7711, email [email protected], or visit our website at HELP WANTED ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE WANTED This is a commission sales position. For more information, call Dr. Anthony Harper at (208) 377-3568 or E-mail your resume and personal testimony to [email protected] CHIROPRACTIC RECEPTIONIST Help wanted at Boise Chiropractic office. Chiropractic is a people business. Therefore we need staff that sincerely care about the health and welfare of others and have great interpersonal skills. Additionally, a positive attitude, high energy and an ability to multitask are great attributes. This is a front desk position. Duties include meeting and greeting patients, answering phones, scheduling etc. However, we feel that the most important duty of the chiropractic assistant is to help make sure we are reaching as many people as possible with safe and effective chiropractic care. By this we mean it is not only secretarial position but also a marketing position. We would prefer someone with a high school degree and some college. Additionally, exposure to chiropractic care either as an employee or a patient would be helpful. We would also prefer that the applicant be interested in a long-term opportunity. The position involves a Monday through Thursday workweek. The days are a bit longer so the position averages about 37 - 38 hours in that 4 day week. The pay ranges from $9 - 13 per hour. Most observed holidays are paid. Also, family chiropractic care and other perks are offered. Mail resume to: 5212 W. Franklin Road #53, Boise, ID 83705. PART-TIME WORSHIP PASTOR NEEDED Abundant Life Baptist Church in Eagle, ID is seeking a man called by God to be a part-time worship pastor. This candidate will possess character, integrity and ability to lead a growing church with his spiritual, musical and relational skills. Interested? Please call Pastor Craig at 939.3870 or email him at [email protected] for an interview. Call 377-3568 to place your ad! 20 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News OFFICE SPACE NEEDED DONATED OFFICE SPACE for Treasure Valley Christian News needed. Please call Dr. Harper IN Boise (208) 377-3568 or (208) 703-8688. Donations to TVCNews are tax deductible. RENTALS GREAT LOCATION FOR YOUR OFFICE in a quiet neighborhood with a great view overlooking Boise. If you are a new business owner or a current business looking for an affordable office space, call Bob Cook at 407-0870 or 322-7769 at the Mountain View Professional Building or stop by their office at 2309 N. Mountain View Drive in Boise, Idaho. TRANSPORTATION NEED TRANSPORTATION? Skilled Christian driver available at reasonable rates. Call Bea in Boise at 327-0344 or cell at 891-2862. TRANSPORTATION NEEDED DONATED MINI VAN with automatic transmission and air conditioning in good condition needed. For more information, call Dr. Harper at Treasure Valley Christian News in Boise at 208-377-3568 or E-mail at [email protected] VOLUNTEERS NEEDED VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for: distribution of our newspaper, writing news stories, teen editor for Treasure Valley Teens (www.treasurevalley and church liason representative. These positions may qualify for high school or college internship credit - consult your high school or college advisor. For more information, call Dr. Harper in Boise at (208) 377-3568 & via Email at: [email protected] WANTED! People who believe in healing prayer and desire to pray for others. Will teach Godly principles and do hands-on praying. (Caldwell area) Call Virginia 459-1286. THE TREASURE VALLEY’S MOST COMPREHENSIVE CHRISTIAN RESOURCE GUIDE INCLUDING: CHURCH WEBSITES • BIBLE STUDIES • SUPPORT GROUPS • CONCERTS • SHELTERS • COUNSELING • FOOD BANKS BIBLE STUDIES Aglow Outreaches Bible Studies at City Light and the Women’s Prison. We welcome your help! Contact Darcy at 342-2988 or email [email protected] On the 1st and 3rd Thursdays, there is also a Bible study at Pizza Hut, 818 Ann Morrison Dr., Boise (near BSU) from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Bible Study Fellowship (Locations in the Treasure Valley) For more information, call (877) 273-3228 Precept Ministries For more information, view the website and contact Robin at 859-0768. Small Groups Small groups offer a variety of Bible studies for every member of our community. For more info., contact Helen Grode at 362-4090 or check out our website and click on Small Group Directory at BOOK STORES Aspen Grove Book Store 176 S. Oregon St., Ontario, Oregon (541) 889-2998 The Book Cellar 4950 N. Bradley St., Garden City, 83714 (208) 377-1477 Cornerstone Bookstore 2239 University Drive, Boise, Idaho (208) 345-1757 Living Water Book & Coffee 138 S. Midland Blvd., Nampa, Idaho (208) 442-8300 Red Letter Books & Cafe 123 Auto Drive, Boise, Idaho (208) 376-6917 For Heaven’s Sake 212 S. Kimball Ave., Caldwell, Idaho (208) 459-3178 Family Christian Stores 8085 Fairview Ave., Boise, Idaho (208) 375-8180 or (800) 521-2264 CHRISTIAN CLUBS 7:00-8:00 AM - By The Book Leads and Devotional (Christian leads group). Meets every Thursday in Meridian at the Dancing Dog Cafe. More information via e-mail at: [email protected] 8:00-9:00 AM - Boise Christian Leads Group Meeting at the Boise First Church of the Nazarene Community Center, 3852 N. Eagle Road, Boise. For more information, call Nathan Wyatt at (208) 859-6143 or Joe Oneil at (208) 327-2100 Boise Primetime Connection (aka Christian Women’s Club - affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries Inc.) Lunch 11:30-1:00 usually the 1st or 2nd Tuesday at the Waterfront Catering & Banquet located in the Lake Harbor business park on State Street. Lunch is $12 all inclusive. Complimentary childcare available with reservations. Contact Joy Carter (208) 938-1068 or Peggy (208) 322-9002 12 Noon - International Fellowship of Christian Businessmen & Women call (208) 375-6932 (evenings) Tuesdays (Christian Businesswomen) Meeting at The Pantry, Americana & Shoreline Dr., Boise Thursdays (Christian Businessmen) Meeting at Yen Ching Restaurant, 305 N 9th Street, Boise CHURCH WEBSITES MEDIA Treasure Valley Church Website Directory COUNSELING Ask Dr. Harper?? A counseling ministry serving individuals and families dealing with substance abuse issues, marriage and family relationship problems, and anger management, on a sliding fee scale. Call Dr. Anthony Harper at (208) 658-8013, email [email protected], or visit Vineyard Boise Counseling Center For an appointment, contact Joe Ingrao, Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 4950 N. Bradley, Boise, ID (208) 377-1477 CREATION RESEARCH Foundations in Genesis of Idaho, Inc. (208) 642-9207 DIVORCE CARE Daughters of Destiny Divorce Support Group For Women (208) 887-8635 or [email protected] Divorce Care DivorceCare is a special weekly seminar and support group just for people who are separated or divorced. Nampa First Church of the Nazarene in the Family Life Center, 601 16th Avenue South, Nampa. Wesite: www.nfc or call (208) 466-3549 Grace For Divorce Jeff & Joanne Brown (208) 887-3988 • MEDIA Mission Media, Inc. Boise, Idaho (208) 322-9090 (800) HOW-TO-GO New Hope Media P.O. Box 140413, Boise, ID 83714 (877) 777-7744 MEDICAL CLINICS Vineyard Medical Clinic 4950 N. Bradley St., Boise, Idaho (208) 377-1477 Genesis World Mission 215 W. 35th, Garden City, Idaho (208) 384-5200 POST ABORTION Silent No More Awareness Gathering For those who have suffered the effects of abortion. Barbara J. Gough, Associate Director, Generation Life (208) 713-5155 or (208) 377-1477 x 132 Email: [email protected] PrayerLine PRAYER MINISTRY When you need prayer, call 368-9728. PREGNANCY RESOURCES Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center 1323 12th Ave. S., Nampa, Idaho (208) 466-4000 Stanton Healthcare 1530 W. State, Meridian, Idaho (208) 855-5095 PRISON MINISTRY 4GOD’s Glory Prison & Jail Ministry Any state, writing mentors, Bibles and family support and counseling. Pastor Dave London - (208) 859-2059 Betty Stappler - (208) 941-1020 FOOD/CLOTHING Boise Rescue Mission (for men) PO BOX 1494, Boise, ID 83701 (208) 343-2389 E-mail: [email protected] Chrysalis Women’s Transitional Living, Inc. 500 W. Idaho, P O Box 7494, Boise, ID (208) 424-1323 City Light (for women) For more information: (208) 343-2389 E-mail: [email protected] Community Christian Center 202 E. 42nd Street, Garden City, Idaho (208) 375-3921 New Hope Community Health 9460 West Fairview Ave., Boise, ID (208) 672-9200 Prison Fellowship (serving Idaho) For more information, call toll free 1-800-206-9764 PROLIFE ISSUES Idaho Chooses Life P.O. Box 8172, Boise, Idaho (208) 344-8709 Contact David Ripley E-mail: [email protected] Lighthouse Rescue Mission (for men) 472 Caldwell Boulevard, Nampa, Idaho (208) 461-5030 Generation Life 4950 N. Bradley St., Boise, Idaho (208) 377-1477 (ext 132) E-mail: [email protected] Operation Love Center 11829 Fairview Ave., Boise, Idaho (208) 375-3226 Air1 ( 89.1 and 98.7 FM ) Toll Free (888) 937-2471 Family Life A Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, Leland & Peggy Cantrell (208) 323-2706 KNJY (K-JOY) ( 950 AM ) Nampa, ID, (208) 463-1900 TVCCSA Inc./Community Ministry Center 3000 Esquire Drive, Boise, Idaho (208) 378-7774 RADIO STATIONS MARRIAGE Marriage Ministries, International (University of The Family) Boise, Idaho For more information, call Glen and Laura Samuelson (208) 322-0546 E-mail: [email protected] Effect Radio ( 95.7 FM ) Toll Free (800) 357-4226 KTSY ( 89.5 FM ) Caldwell, ID, (208) 459-5879 KBXL/KSPD ( 94.1 FM and 790 AM ) Boise, ID (208) 377-3790 KBGN ( 1060 AM ) Caldwell, ID (208) 459-3635 Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 21 RECREATION Boise Tennis Coalition Mon., Wed., Fri. & Sat. - 8:00 AM One Free Lesson. Meet at Julia Davis Park Tennis Court, Boise. For more information, call Chuck Seldon in Boise at (208) 336-0483. RELIEF ORGANIZATIONS World Relief - Treasure Valley (helping refugees) 6702 Fairview Avenue, Boise, Idaho (208) 323-4964 Salvation Army Emergency & Seasonal Food Assistance 1015 Chicago, Caldwell, Idaho (208) 459-2011 RELIGIOUS OUTREACH Through The Maze RETREATS Living Waters Ranch P.O. Box 1190, 4.2 mile Garden Creek Rd., Challis, Idaho 83226 Phone (208) 879-2729 SCHOOLS Boise Bible College Boise, Idaho (208) 376-7731 Boise Christian Schools Boise, Idaho (208) 342-4529 Boise Valley Adventist School 925 N. Cloverdale Rd., Boise, Idaho (208) 376-7141 Email: [email protected] SHELTERS Boise Rescue Mission (for men) PO BOX 1494, Boise, ID 83701 (208) 343-2389 E-mail: [email protected] Chrysalis – Women’s Transitional Living, Inc. 500 W. Idaho, P O Box 7494, Boise, ID (208) 424-1323 City Light (for women) For more information: (208) 343-2389 E-mail: [email protected] Lighthouse Rescue Mission (for men) 472 Caldwell Boulevard, Nampa, Idaho (208) 461-5030 SINGLES F.O.C.U.S. (ages 35+) The vision of FOCUS is to provide a safe and secure place for single people to fellowship in a godly atmosphere. FOCUS is held at Calvary Chapel Boise and begins at 7:00 pm on Fridays. Call the church office for more info at (208) 321-7440 or e-mail [email protected] Identity 19 Our foundational scripture is 2 Timothy 1:9 at Valley Church, 2900 Life Way, Caldwell, ID 83605. Contact Pastor Travis with any questions [email protected] Cole Valley Christian Schools Meridian, Idaho (208) 898-9003 One4Him (ages 24-35) Provides single people, ages 24-35 an opportunity to fellowship in a Godly atmosphere. Held at Calvary Chapel Boise and begins at 7:00 pm on Fridays. For more information, contact the church office at 321-7440 or e-mail [email protected] Foundations Academy Boise, ID (208) 323-3888 Love Inc. (Love In The Name of CHRIST) Providing assistance to those in need. Nampa, ID (208) 466-7810 Charnock Institute of the Bible Payette, Idaho (208) 642-4632 Covenant Academy Boise, Idaho (208) 377-2385 Gem State Adventist Academy Caldwell, ID (208) 459-1627 George Fox University 1810 S. Eagle Rd., Meridian, ID (208) 375-3900 Greenleaf Academy Greenleaf, ID (208) 459-6346 Idaho Baptist College 7910 S. Meridian Road, Meridian, ID (208) 362-3803 Email: [email protected] Maranatha Christian School Boise, ID (208) 377-0423 Nampa Christian Schools Nampa, ID (208) 466-8451 Northwest Nazarene University 623 Holly Street, Nampa, ID (208) 467-8011 River of Life Christian School 800 17th Ave. N., Payette, ID 83661 (208) 642-4416 [email protected] Royal Knights Academy 3320 S. Montana (inside Caldwell Free Methodist Church Bldg.) Caldwell, ID 83605 (208) 459-3596 Teen Challenge 11828 Fairview Ave., Boise, Idaho (208) 375-4636 E-mail: [email protected] Website: SOCIAL SERVICE World Relief - Treasure Valley (helping refugees) 6702 Fairview Avenue, Boise, ID (208) 323-4964 Salvation Army Emergency & Seasonal Food Assistance 1015 Chicago, Caldwell, ID (208) 459-2011 SPORTS MINISTRIES Boise's Christian Dirt Bikers Fellowship For more information, call: 208-573-1622 Website: Christian Motorcyclists Association Everyone welcome. For information on motorcycle rides, call Les Pritchett with the Snake River Valley Christian Crusers at (208) 452-6270 (Fruitland, Idaho) or Debbie Bachman with the R Wheels R His at (208) 323-2015 (Boise) Website: Fellowship of Christian Athletes Sports ministry for colleges, high schools and middle schools in the Treasure Valley For more information, call 697-1051 and visit their website SUPPORT GROUPS Divorce Recovery Group Leader: Jeff & Joanne Brown (208) 887-3988 Daughters of Destiny Divorce Support Group For Women (208) 887-8635 or [email protected] Pure Warrior Ministries, Inc. (dealing with pornography) P.O. Box 439, Valleyford, WA 99036 (509) 279-0669 or 22 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News (208) 860-6177 Email: [email protected] Griefshare Recovery Seminar Griefshare features nationally recognized experts on grief recovery topics. For more information, please call Pastor Amy (208) 375-1328 Northview Family Worship Center 7540 Northview, Boise, ID (The Domes) Pure Word Calvary Chapel 123 Auto Drive, Lobby, Boise, ID (208) 321-7440 Call for other meeting locations [email protected] 12 Step Workbook Group Drop-ins welcome! Vineyard Christian Fellowship 4950 N. Bradley, Boise, ID (208) 377-1477 Ministry for Life-Controlling Issues Vision Bible Church 221 W. Main St, Marsing ID 83639 (208) 896-5407 Celebrate Recovery Vineyard Christian Fellowship 4950 N. Bradley, Boise, ID For more information call 208-377-1477 Pure Word 1210 N. Middleton Rd., Nampa ID 83651 (208) 467-7116 Email: [email protected] Cherry Lane Christian Church 2511 W. Cherry Lane, Meridian, ID (208) 888-3101 I.M.P.A.C.C.T., Intercessory Moms Praying and Claiming Christ for Teens. ParkCenter Assembly of God Church 270 East Pennsylvania, Boise, Idaho (208) 336-1925 General Recovery Group for Men and Women (for addictions) 31 S. Midland Blvd., Nampa, Idaho (208) 938-4178 Women’s 12-Step Recovery Group Thursdays @ 7:00 p.m. Oregon Trail Church of God in Caldwell For more information call 454-0736. YOUTH All Things New (Drug & alcohol prevention/intervention education and support, academic credit or GED tutoring, etc.). For more info call (208) 323-1102 or (208) 850-1148. Location: Franklin Business Park Bldg. #6, 224 S. Cole Rd., Boise, ID 83709, e-mail: [email protected] Ask Josh (McDowell) Biblical advice on teen issues (972) 907-1000 Go B.I.G. (Go Believing In God) Website devotions and Godly advice forums for teens (208) 363-0503 The Connection Youth Group Valley Church, 2900 Life Way, Caldwell Treasure Valley Teens Website for teen resources and events (208) 377-3568 TimeZone Youth Center After school programs for youth including skateboarding, also educational classes. Bobbie Trenckmann, Director 1408 State Street, Boise, ID 83702 (208) 388-8406 Young Life May/June/July/August 2008 Events MAY FRIDAY MAY 16, 2008: 7:00-9:30 PM LIVING PROOF LIVE WITH BETH MOORE Living Proof Live is a conference designed to help women of all ages study, see, and apply the Word of God to their lives. Seats are general admission and can be purchased online from Lifeway. Location: Qwest Arena, 251 S. Capitol Blvd, Boise, Idaho (downtown Boise).Contact: Lifeway Christian Resources, 1-800-254-2002 FRIDAY MAY 16: 8:00-9:30 PM REDMARK Come enjoy one of the best local groups around! Listen to them at Location: Red Letter Books and Cafe, 101 Auto Drive, Boise, 208-376-6917. FRIDAY MAY 16, 2008: 7:00-9:30 PM LIVING PROOF LIVE WITH BETH MOORE Living Proof Live is a confer FRIDAY MAY 16: 6:00-9:30PM (BOISE AND CALDWELL) SATURDAY MAY 17: 11:00AM-3:00PM (BOISE & CALDWELL) AMERICA ASLEEP kNOw MORE & MINUTEMEN UNITED “SHAKE THE NATION”. See ad on page 14. TUESDAY MAY 20: SHOTGUN START AT 8:00 AM 4TH ANNUAL MATCH FOR PATCH GOLF TOURNAMENT This event will be held at the Spurwing Country Club in Meridian and includes lunch, prizes and an auction. This fundraiser generates sponsorships to help teens in crisis find hope and a positive direction. Register to play or sponsor at or call Jennifer in Boise at 375-8965. TUESDAY MAY 27: 8:00 AM MDT - 8:00 PM MDT IDAHO PRIMARY ELECTION At Clerk’s option, polling places may be opened at 7:00 AM More info. at: WEDNESDAY MAY 28 & THURSDAY MAY 29: 7:00 PM PASTOR PAUL SHEPPARD OF ENDURING TRUTH MINISTRIES RADIO RALLY Cloverdale Church of God, 3755 S. Cloverdale Road in Boise. THURSDAY MAY 29: 7:00AM SERVANT LEADERSHIP BREAKFAST The Courtyard Mariott, 1789 S. Eagle Road in Meridian. For more information, call KBXL Radio in Boise at (208) 3773790 and via the website: JUNE THURSDAY JUNE 5 - SATURDAY JUNE 7 CHRISTIAN HOMESCHOOL CONVENTION “TRUSTING IN HIM” Presented by the Christian Homeschoolers of Idaho State. Location: College Church of the Nazarene, 504 E. Dewey, Nampa, Idaho. For more information, view the website: FRIDAY JUNE 6 - SUNDAY JUNE 8 PREPARING THE BRIDE CONFERENCE (ARISE WARRIOR BRIDE) Along with our main speakers, Danny Steyne, Randy Cox, and Christie Moore, who will challenge us and impart to us the Word of the Lord, our friends Forgiven Worship and Joyce LaBuda will lead us into the Throne Room in worship of our Great GOD! Location: Living Waters Ranch, Challis, Idaho. For reservations, call (208) 879-2729 or e-mail [email protected] and view the website: SATURDAY JUNE 7: 10:00 AM THE 2008 SUMMER OF HOPE RUN/WALK Julia Davis Park, Boise, Idaho To make a donation, form a run/walk team, or learn more about Summer of Hope, contact co-coordinators Debbi Busack at 2503994 or Beth McDonald at 672-8560. Individual walkers or runners may register online at Participants who register before May 20 will receive a free T-shirt. WEDNESDAY JUNE 11 - FRIDAY JUNE 13: 9 AM-12 NOON MONDAY JUNE 16: 9 AM-12 NOON TOTAL ATHLETE FCA BASKETBALL CAMPS 3 day Basketball Camps - Ages 6-13 yrs. All campers will receive individual instruction and evaluation of strengths and areas to work on in order to maximize their total game. All campers will also receive a camp T-shirt & FCA resources. Registration forms available @ Locations: Heritage Middle School, Meridian, Idaho, Karcher Nazarene - corner of Karcher & Middleton Rds. Contact: Rock Brown or Ken Lewis at 208 703-9733 or 697-1051, [email protected] or FRIDAY JUNE 20 - SUNDAY JUNE 22: 7:00 PM IDAHO GLORY INVASION David Herzog will be at Christ’s Love Vineyard, 1800 Garrett Way, Westwood Mall, Suite #10, Pocatello, ID June 20, 21, 22 at 7 PM and June 22 at 10:30 PM. No registration fee but love offerings will be taken. For info. call (208) 234-1977. Contact: Randy Robinson at 208-234-1977, [email protected] or SATURDAY JUNE 21: 6:00 PM (REGISTRATION 3-5 PM) SKATEBOARD COMPETITION OUTREACH The Skateboard Competition is an outreach of White Stone Christian Fellowship to the youth of Payette and surrounding communities. It is offered completely free of charge. Please pray with us that as the gospel is shared in word, song, and action, that the contestants and observers will not only hear the good news but will welcome the conviction of the Holy Spirit and joyfully be embraced by God. Open to contestants aged 18 and under. Location: Kiwanis Park, Payette. Call 208.642.4630 or 208.573.1171 JULY WEDNESAY JULY 2: GATES OPEN AT 5:00 PM (EVENT STARTS AT 6:00 PM) 41ST ANNUAL GOD & COUNTRY FAMILY FESTIVAL This is a FREE event with great music, fireworks and activities for the entire family and a ministry fair featuring local Treasure Valley ministries. Location: The Idaho Center Amphitheater, Nampa, Idaho. For more information, E-mail: [email protected] or visit the website: AUGUST SATURDAY AUGUST 2: 11:00 AM-4:00 PM 2008 CCR RALLY Road Riders for Jesus, Boise Chapter, is sponsoring a Rally/Scrabble Run to raise funds for their charity, the Christian Children’s Ranch in Eagle. Registration will be from 9-10 AM at Calvary Chapel Boise. All makes of motorcycles are welcome to join. The Scrabble Run is about 40 miles and ends up at Cloverdale Church of God in Boise. There will be a pulled pork sandwich lunch with all the fixings, live auction, silent auction, live music from Bright Red Tie, T-shirts, patches, lots of prizes, and lots of goodies to purchase. All net proceeds will go to the Christian Children’s Ranch. Come join us for fun, food, friends, and riding! You do not have to be a biker or own a bike to come and enjoy the fun. Bring the whole family. Location: Cloverdale Church of God. Contact: Terry “Stitch” Bowden at 250-3133 or TO VIEW AND SUBMIT NEW EVENTS AND RESOURCES, GO TO OUR WEBSITE: WWW.TVCNEWS.ORG TUESDAY JULY 8 - FRIDAY JULY 11: 12 NOON FCA POLE VAULT CAMP The GET FOCUSED Pole vault camp is open to all vaulters 12 or older, including beginners - no experience necessary! See Wednesday June 11 for more information. TUESDAY JULY 15-FRIDAY JULY 19 PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGIONAL SPORTS CAMP 8th thru 12th grade - $299 - Scholarships available - please call. For More Info & Camp Flyer: Locations: NNU - Nampa, Idaho and Pacific University; Forest Grove, Oregon. Contact: Ken Lewis or Bill Barr at 208-697-1051 or 4655408, [email protected] or WEDNESDAY JULY 23 - SATURDAY JULY 26 11TH ANNUAL CREATION 08 Christian Music Festival featuring Christian bands and speakers, musician youth leader seminars, programs for kids, fireworks display and camping. Location: The Gorge Amphitheater at George, Washington. For more information: call toll free 1-800-327-6921, e-mail tickets at: [email protected] and view their website: See the ad on the back cover of this issue. MONDAY JULY 21 – FRIDAY JULY 25: 10:00–11:30 AM KID’S CLUB OUTREACH This is an outreach of White Stone Christian Fellowship aimed at children Kindergarten – 6th grade. Last year we began with 15 children on the first day and by Friday had over 40 participants thanks to God’s gracious provision. Please pray with us that through this event the unreached children of Payette and surrounding areas come to know, love, and worship Jesus Christ as their God and Savior. Location: Kiwanis Park, Payette Call 208.642.4630 or 541.212.3763. Got Concerts? Tell us! 377-3568 Attention Greater Twin Falls, Pocatello and Idaho Falls, Idaho area Christian readers! Our newspaper is here to serve you. If you would like to promote your Christian church or ministry events, your testimony or your business in our paper, please contact us ASAP to be included in our August/September issue. For more information, please call Dr. Harper in Boise at (208) 377-3568 office or cell phone at (208) 703-8688, e-mail: [email protected] or check out our website at: Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 23 Regularly Scheduled Events SUNDAYS 7:00-8:30 AM - Christian Running Group Christian running group meets every Sat at 5:30pm and Sunday at 7:00 am for prayer and running. It's free just bring your running shoes! Showers are avaiable at the location so you can run with other believers and still make it to church. Location: APEX 7149 W. Emerald, Boise. For more info., contact APEX Fitness at: 208-949-3306, via email: [email protected] or 4:30 pm-5:30 PM - God’s Kids God's Kids is an outreach oriented, inter-denominational, community-wide childen’s choir welcoming ages 4 through 6th grade. For registration info call Gail Bonine 376-6446 Eagle Nazarene Church, Eagle, ID 7:00-8:30 PM - One4Him for Singles Ages 24-35 Offering a safe and secure environment for singles in fellowship. Calvary Chapel Boise, 123 Auto Drive, Boise Idaho. Please contact Gordon Knapp, his assistant Becky Scholfield or Dennis Shewmaker or call the church office at 321-7440 with questions. MONDAYS 12 NOON – Teen Girls Fellowship The 2nd & 4th Monday of the month At Agape Christian Worship Center - call (208) 685-0612 for more information. 7:00 PM - Divorce Recovery Group Leader: Jeff & Joanne Brown 887-3988 Host: Vonita Reavis 376-6262 490 S. Browning Ave., Boise 7:00-8:15 PM - First Place Bible Study A support system that incorporates Bible study, Scripture memorization, prayer and balanced eating and exercise plans. Treasure Valley Worship Center. Contact: Melinda Ritacco at 208-870-7613 or E-mail: [email protected] 7:00 PM - Victory 12 Step Study 1023 S. Curtis, Boise, ID (in white multi-purpose building behind Cornerstone Church) Ministry of Christ Recovery Church For more information, phone Pastor T. at 338-0852 or Email: [email protected] 7:00 PM - Pure Word (Substance Abuse Support Group) 782 Middlefork Rd., Garden Valley, ID 83622 (208) 462-5035 7:00 PM - Pure Word (Substance Abuse Support Group) 1775 Alameda Drive, Ontario OR 97914 (541) 889-2260 Email: [email protected] TUESDAYS 9:15 AM - Ladies’ Bible Study Valley Shepherd Church of The Nazarene 831 Main Street, Meridian, ID 83642 (208) 888-2141 9:15-10:45 AM - Ladies' Bible Study For more information call: 467-7479 Karcher Church of the Nazarene 2515 W. Karcher Ave., Nampa, ID 10:00 AM - Ladies’ Bible Study Meridian Assembly of God, 1830 N. Linder Rd., Meridian Phone 888-0063 11:30 am-1:00 PM – Boise Primetime Connection (aka Christian Women’s Club – affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries Inc.) Lunch 11:30-1:00 usually the 1st or 2nd Tuesday at the Waterfront Catering & Banquet located in the Lake Harbor business park on State Street. Lunch is $12 all inclusive. Complimentary childcare available with reservations. Contact Joy Carter @ 938-1068 or Peggy @ 322-9002 12 NOON – Christian Women in the Marketplace (Christian Women’s Business Luncheon) Meeting at The Pantry, corner of Americana & Shoreline Drive, Boise. Call Peggy Farnworth at 343-7777 (days) or Cindy Anderson at 375-6932 (evenings). 5:30 PM – Men’s College Age Fellowship A great group of college age guys that meet with the purpose of helping each other grow in Jesus through prayer, time in the Word together and accountability. Reggie Etheridge, 1718 Euclid Ave., Boise Phone 321-7440 6:30 PM – I.M.P.A.C.C.T. Intercessory Moms Praying & Claiming Christ for Teens Join us for prayer and discussion on teen concerns. Learn how to intercede to the Father on behalf of your teens. Come pray, learn how to pray, be supported, provide support, share concerns and experiences, expect confidentiality, love, and expect God! ParkCenter Assembly of God Church, 270 East Pennsylvania, Boise ID (208) 336-1925 6:30-8:30 PM – Nampa Aglow Bible Study Karcher Mall, Upper Level, Nampa Contact Barbara Thomas at (208) 899-0062 6:30-8:30 PM – Pure Warrior Recovery Groups Helping men overcome struggles with all types of sexual addiction from a CHRIST-centered approach. For more info on how to join a group, call Jeff at (208) 860-6177 7:00-8:15 PM – Divorce Care It's hard to know how to help someone who is going through a divorce. It takes a long time and a lot of work to heal the pain that comes with the breakup of a marriage. DivorceCare is a special weekly seminar and support group just for people who are separated or divorced. Location: Nampa First Church of the Nazarene in the Family Life Center, 601 16th Avenue South, Nampa, Idaho or call 466-3549. 7:00-9:00 PM – Victory 12 Step Study 1023 S. Curtis, Boise, ID (in white multi-purpose building behind Cornerstone Church) Ministry of Christ Recovery Church For more information, phone Pastor T. at 338-0852 or Email [email protected] 7:00 PM – Identity 19 Identity1:9 are a relationship building group consisting of servant minded people ages 19-29. Our foundational scripture is 2 Timothy 1:9. It is our objective as a group to help you find and fulfill your PURPOSE by plugging you into the ministry God has called you to. We empower you for life long success through the building of strong relationships, in an atmosphere free of judgments. Where? Valley Church, 2900 life way, Caldwell, ID 83605. Please contact Pastor Travis with any questions [email protected] Please visit our website and listen to one of our many podcasts at 7:00 PM – Women’s Bible Study 2nd & 4th Tuesday of every month. Agape Christian Worship Center - call (208) 685-0612 for more information. 7:00 PM – Men’s Bible Study 1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month Agape Christian Worship Center - call (208) 685-0612 for more information. 7:00 PM – Ministry for Life-Controlling Issues 1210 N. Middleton Road, Nampa, ID 83651 (208) 467-7116 Email: [email protected] 7:00-9:00 PM – Celebrate Recovery Men’s 12 Step Workbook Group. Drop-ins welcome! Vineyard Christian Fellowship 4950 N. Bradley Boise, ID Phone (208) 377-1477 WEDNESDAYS 9:15-11:30 AM – Ladies Bible Study Valley Shepherd Church of the Nazarene 831 Main Street, Meridian, Idaho Laurie at 888-2272 or 861-0797 5:30-6:45 PM – Support/Recovery Groups Cherry Lane Christian Church, 2511 W. Cherry Lane, Meridian, ID 83642 Phone 888-3101 5:30-7:30 PM – Creative Ministries on Wednesdays (CMW)s Fun, food and fellowship for the whole family. The Salvation Army, 1904 W Bannock St, Boise, ID 83702 Contact:John Ramos at: (208) 383-4234 6:00-8:00 PM – Griefshare Recovery Seminar and Support Group Griefshare features nationally recognized experts on grief recovery topics. For more information, please call Pastor Amy at 208-375-1328. Northview Family Worship Center, 7540 Northview, Boise, ID (The Domes) 24 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News 7:00 PM – Ministry for Life-Controlling Issues Vision Bible Church, 221 W. Main St, Marsing ID 83639 Phone (208) 896-5407 7:00 PM – The Connection Youth Group The Connection is a great place to hang out and meet new friends. The Connection is very active and events focused with such adventures as road trips, missions, overnighters, games and much more. We are committed to have a blast while living the life that God has called us to live. Where? Valley Church, 2900 Life Way, Caldwell, ID 83605 Please contact Pastor Travis with any questions. Email [email protected] Please visit our website 7:00-8:30 PM - Pure Word (Faith Based Recovery Group) Location: Calvary Chapel, 911 Everett St., CaldwellFor more info., contact Loren Dana at (208) 249-6670 Website: Accountability 12 Step – Times vary 1023 S. Curtis, Boise, ID (in white multi-purpose building behind Cornerstone Church) Ministry of Christ Recovery Church For more information, phone Pastor T. at 338-0852 or Email [email protected] THURSDAYS 7:00-8:00 AM – By The Book Leads and Devotional (Christian leads group). Meets in Meridian at the Dancing Dog Café More infor e-mail: [email protected] 8:00-9:00 AM – Boise Christian Leads Group Meeting at the Boise First Church of the Nazarene Community Center, 3852 N. Eagle Road, Boise. For more information, call Nathan Wyatt at (208) 859-6143 or Joe Oneil at (208) 327-2100 12 NOON – International Fellowship of Christian Businessmen Luncheon Meeting at Yen Ching Restaurant, 305 N 9th Street, Boise. For more information, call Larry Knapp at (208) 385-9325 (Days) or Don Anderson at (208) 375-6932 (evenings). 6:00-9:00 PM – Healing Rooms of Boise Prayer offered for any reason according to arrival. No appointment necessary, no charge. Boise Valley Christian Communion Church (downstairs, south entrance) 1177 N. Roosevelt, Boise (DO NOT CALL THE CHURCH FOR INFORMATION) For more info, recording (208) 365-3702 (Emmett) or for more detailed information (208) 365-5555. 6:30-8:30 PM – Pure Warrior Recovery Groups Helping men overcome struggles with all types of sexual addiction from a CHRIST-centered approach. For more info on how to join a group, call Jeff at (208) 860-6177. 7:00 PM – The Emmett Gospel Opry You are invited to come sing Ole Time Gospel songs with us. Free Admission and Refreshments. Emmett Fair Grounds - 4-H Bldg., Emmett, ID For more information, call Lou or Jan at (208) 398-8493. 7:00 PM – Children’s Bible Study At Agape Christian Worship Center. Call (208) 685-0612 for more information. 7:00 PM – Christian Fiction Writers Group (meets last Thursday of the month) Meeting at the Moxie Java on Overland just west of Five Mile. For any questions, contact Angela at 327-7679. Information on ACFW can be found at 7:00 PM – Pure Word (Substance Abuse and other LifeControlling Issues) Calvary Chapel Boise, 123 Auto Drive, Boise, ID 83709 (208) 321-7440 Email [email protected] 7:00-9:00 PM – Celebrate Recovery Starting this summer @ Capitol City Christian Church 615 N. 9th Boise For Your HURTS, HANG-UPS, OR HABITS Jane (407-7457) Gregg (608-3130) FRIDAYS 7:00 PM – Over 50’s Fellowship 1st & 3rd Friday of the month - (208) 362-4553 Leaders: John & Betty Mallon, 9059 W. Vallejo Lane 7:00 PM – Pure Word (Substance Abuse and other Life-Controlling Issues) 616 Dearborn St., Caldwell, ID 83606 Call (208) 453-9653 Email [email protected] Regularly Scheduled Events FRIDAYS 7:00 PM – (Iron sharpens Iron) Men’s Bible Study & Fellowship (Substance Abuse and other LifeControlling Issues) “People of all races, all backgrounds, and all generations serving one GOD”. Location: 504 Diamond St., Nampa, ID 83686 Call Pastor Gary at (208) 461-1800 7:00 PM – Singles Study and Fellowship “F.O.C.U.S.” (target age 35+). Offering a safe and secure environment for singles in fellowship. Calvary Chapel Boise, 123 Auto Drive, Boise ID 83709 (208) 321-7440 7:00-9:00 PM – Victory 12 Step Meeting 1023 S. Curtis, Boise, ID (in white multi-purpose building behind Cornerstone Church) Ministry of Christ Recovery Church For more information, phone Pastor T. at 338-0852 or Email [email protected] 7:00-9:00 PM - Celebrate Recovery Support Group Cherry Lane Christian Church 2511 W. Cherry Lane, Meridian, Idaho For more information, call (208) 888-3101 7:00-9:00 PM - Celebrate Recovery Support Group Meeting at Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 4950 N. Bradley Garden City, ID. Dinner at 6:00 PM, Worship and group meeting 7:00-9:00 PM. Dessert & fellowship at 9:00 PM. SATURDAYS Join Boise Christian Center members for a Prayer Walk! On the last Saturday of the month the group meets in a different part of Ada County to walk and pray for an hour. For more information and current meeting locations, contact Pastor Floyd Seamans at (208) 336-3019. 8:00-9:15 AM – Fellowship of Christian Athletes Coaches Huddle - Coaches of the Treasure Valley The 1st Saturday of each month. Genesis Fitness in Nampa. For more info, contact Ken Lewis, Treasure Valley Director, FCA (208) 697-1051 8:30-10:00 AM Ladies Bible Study Breakfast Ladies Bible Study Breakfast meets the first Saturday of every month. Non-denominational. We serve breakfast, teaching, prayer, and fun fellowship. Location: Signature Pointe Clubhouse 3509 N. Cole Rd. Boise, ID For more info, contact Janice Hildreth in Boise at 208-377-5955, via e-mail: [email protected] or 8:30-10:00 AM (Meeting every first Saturday of the month) – Road Riders for Jesus – Boise Chapter Come and join the Boise Chapter of Road Riders for JESUS. It is a new chapter and we are a motorcycle ministry that enjoys riding, fellowship, ministry, and fun. We meet every first Saturday of the month at Golden Corral, 8640 W. Emerald, Boise, ID Contact Ken “Big Bird” Solts at 571-9774 or email [email protected] 8:30-10:30 AM (Meeting every first Saturday of the month) – Road Riders for Jesus – Nampa Chapter New meeting location at: Nampa First Church of the Nazarene, basement of the Family Life Center, called the Forum 601, 16th Ave S. Nampa, ID 83651. Families welcome, with game room for kids. Contact Monroe Matthews 208 465-3659 Home, 208 880-6767 Cell, email: [email protected] or website 9:00 AM – Men’s Bible Study Biblical Manhood: A Man Marked by Humility Meridian Assembly of GOD Church (building 2 room n4) 1830 N. Linder Rd., Meridian, ID 83642 (208) 888-0063 For more information, contact Jon via Email at: [email protected] 12:00 NOON – Young Boys Fellowship - the 1st Saturday of the month At Agape Christian Worship Center Call (208) 685-0612 for more information. 1:30-2:30 PM – His Steps Christian 12-Step Meeting Bringing the message that Jesus is the only way for true recovery. 104 S. Kimball, Caldwell. All Twelve Steps Club of Caldwell, Inc. For more info., contact Richard Dennis at (208) 459-3836 or [email protected] 1:00-4:00 PM – Agape in Action Food Pantry the last Saturday of the month At Agape Christian Worship Center Call (208) 685-0612 for more information. 5:30 PM - Christian Running Group Christian running group meets every Sat at 5:30pm for prayer and running. It's free just bring your running shoes! Showers are avaiable at the location so you can run with other believers and still make it to church. Location: APEX 7149 W. Emerald Boise. For more info, contact APEX Fitness at: 208-949-3306, via email: [email protected] or TO ADD NEW EVENTS AND RESOURCES, PLEASE CONTACT TREASURE VALLEY CHRISTIAN NEWS AT (208) 377-3568 Oprah Winfrey: The Oprahfication of America by Russ Wise, Edited with permission - for full article, go to: The Impact of a Postmodern Evangelist The “Queen of Talk” is without question Oprah Winfrey. She has risen to the pinnacle of the programs that are deemed to help their listeners deal with the “everydayness” of life. Oprah has literally built an empire that her counterparts can only look at and shake their cumulative heads over. She is indeed the Queen. Oprah’s Emergence as a Spiritual Leader Oprah has evolved in recent years to become the leading spokesperson regarding New Age philosophy. She has likewise evolved in her thinking regarding the source of truth. She makes this comment in defense of her newly discovered path to enlightenment, “Funny thing about truth: It’s something that lives deep within us, as surely as if it were written into the genetic code... when we pursue truth, we are searching for the universal. A Hindu principle teaches us, ‘Truth is one, paths are many.’ Which way is yours?”6 This concept of truth lying deep within each of us as if it were our genetic code is likened to the idea that “God” resides within each of us as an inner guide to show us the way to all truth. There is one truth, but many ways to discover it. You may choose the Christian path; another may choose the Buddhist path, or the Hindu path. It makes little or no difference which path one chooses; according to Oprah they all lead the inquirer to the same truth. God lies within you as your highest self. Oprah’s Conversion Experience It is appropriate to ask oneself, How did this change of religious perspective happen? Who were the individuals who influenced her transformation? What was their message? These questions are not only appropriate to ask, but they are critical to our understanding of how Oprah became seduced by the perennial teachings of the occult. Likewise, the answer is instructive to us as well. Early on in her personal transformation she hosted celebrities like Shirley MacLaine and Marianne Williamson. She also gave voice to Gary Zukav, Caroline Myss, Iyanla Vanzant, Betty Eadie, James Van Praagh, and Deepak Chopra. Oprah’s platform was broad enough that all of her spiritual allies not only gained notoriety, but, in many cases they gained their own platform to spread their New Age gospel. The New Age/occultic influence of Oprah’s spiritual mentors is without question. Her interviews with each of them are examples of Adept and seeker: the Master who enlightens the student and the student who offers devotion to the Master. Oprah has fully accepted her role as seeker and teacher of this self-empowering philosophy. She sees her role as the conduit between the enlightened and those in darkness. The Spiritual Message of the Gurus Regardless of the guest, Marianne Williamson, Iyanla Vanzant, Betty Eadie, Gary Zukav, or Deepak Chopra – the message is the same: there is a power, an energy, a force within you that opens your understanding to your true self – your God-Self, your innate Divinity. There is no individuality; we are one. We only believe we are separate, but in reality we are all a part of God’s “oneness.” Conclusion Oprah’s former pastor makes a telling observation regarding Oprah’s transformation. In an interview with Christianity Today magazine he said, She has broken with the [traditional faith],” he says. “She now has a sort of ‘God is everywhere, God is in me, I don’t need to go to church, I don’t need to be a part of the body of believers, I can meditate, I can do positive thinking’ spirituality. It’s a strange gospel. It has nothing to do with the church Jesus Christ founded.”31 The Bible is clear in its teaching that God is not an impersonal “it” or energy/force. God is triune, a personal Being who cares for His creation, and a Creator who governs the universe rather than an energy that encompasses it. Jesus is not a wayshower, but The Way. He is God incarnate and our redemption; He is our salvation. Salvation does not come to man through personal enlightenment or recognizing one’s innate divinity; it comes by man’s obedience to a holy and just God who sacrificed Himself for their souls. All religions are not equal. They are not various paths by which man can travel to reach his own perfection. Jesus is unique and therefore Christianity is truly the only way to man’s salvation as understood by Jesus’ resurrection. No other religious leader or guru has risen from the dead. Jesus alone accomplished it. Without the gospel of His saving grace man cannot be worthy to stand before a righteous God and escape without condemnation. Jesus is the final judge of mankind. Man will not be able to gather enough positive energy on that day to alter the course. The time for right choices is now. There will not be another opportunity in the afterlife. Endnotes 6. Jerry Adler, In Search of The Spiritual, NEWSWEEK, Aug. 29/Sept. 5, 2005, p.52. 31. LaTonya Taylor, The Church of O, Christianity Today, April 1, 2002, p.45. Author's Final Comments: Oprah Winfrey is considered to be the world's anchor and the one who disseminates truth. However, the Truth is that she offers her personal understanding of "truth" as it is taught to her by those New Age personalities whom she has embraced. Because Oprah has such a great influence on the general public it is imperative that her viewers understand her New Age/occultic teachings and the deception those teachings embody. Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 25 CHRISTIAN MEDIA GUIDE Radio Stations KSPD AM 790 Boise 377-3790 KNJY AM 950 Nampa 463-1900 KBXL FM 94.1 Boise 377-3790 KBGN AM 1060 Caldwell 459-3635 KTSY FM 89.5 Caldwell 459-KTSY KAWZ FM 106.7 FM 88.1 Air1 FM 98.7 • KEFX FM 95.7 Over-The-Air Television Stations UHF Channel 18 UHF Channel 31 UHF Channel 47 Nampa - KCLP CA, (208) 442-9222 Seventh-Day Adventist (3ABN) 1-800-752-3ABN Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) (714) 708-5405 Cable or Satellite TV Stations Available TV includes: Trinity Broadcasting Network, Inspirational Network, Eternal Word Television Network, The Worship Net, Family Net, and Sky Angel. Available Radio includes: ChristianNet, Moody Network, VCY America *Ask local cable systems or satellite service dealers for a full listing NEWSBOYS in Boise by Breanna Piper with Nick Wynkoop, TVCNews Intern On Saturday April 26th, the Newsboys came to Boise and put on a concert at the Taco Bell Arena. They sold out the floor and the bottom two sections of the arena. They came with NEWWORLDSON, a soul band from Niagara Falls, Canada who charmed the crowd while jumping and dancing to a fun beat, and blowing on train whistles; and with Rush of Fools, a praise-centered band from Alabama who projected the words of their worshipful songs onto the screen so that the audience could join the band in praising God. By the last song they had the crowd jumping and praising together. Then the Newsboys, winners of the 2007 song of the year award (from TRAA, The Rock Across Australia), took the stage. Beginning with one of their first hits, “Shine,” they electrified the crowd, bringing the auditorium to their feet at the first sound of this classic song. With a mix of old hits, new releases, and familiar praise songs, they highlighted their history and development. They also took turns on the runway telling about their history as a band and as believers, telling about their first show with an audience of eleven people. Peter Fuller, the lead singer, gave his testimony and shared the gospel, evoking a response from about 50 people in the audience. They also highlighted a new ministry called Global Tribe, which has a vision of fighting poverty and ministering to the poor all over the world by building houses and churches and providing for the needs of those who have least. They want us to remember that God loves the poorest around the world too, the widows and the orphans. The Newsboys finished the concert with a 15-minute encore including an extended drum dual between Peter and the group’s drummer, Duncan Phillips. As they concluded the concert, their platforms raised high above the audience, and Duncan’s drum set even tilted toward the crowd and rotated for a big finish. Today's Christian Alternative Call toll free (800) 357-4226 • 95.7 FM Promoter website: Newsboys website: ENHANCED FUNDRAISING SYSTEMS Publishers of Family Friendly Radio (208) 459-5879 • 89.5 FM NOW Available! Inspirational Family Radio (208) 377-3790 • 94.1 FM Royal Knights Academy Christian School in Caldwell, Idaho is pleased to announce that they have a marketing and fundraising program with Enhanced Fundraising Systems. Their Value Certificate BooksTM are now available for sale, each with over $3,000 value from local businesses. Please call or stop by the school to get your books! (208) 459-3596 • 3320 S. Montana, Caldwell, Idaho ENHANCED FUNDRAISING SYSTEMS Marketing & Fundraising Programs for Non-Profit Organizations & Associations • (208) 333-7711 • [email protected] 26 – 05-07.2008 / Treasure Valley Christian News The Positive Alternative 1 (888) YES-AIR1 • 98.7 FM Treasure Valley Christian News / 05-07.2008 – 27 DON’T MISS A SINGLE ISSUE! Subscribe to Treasure Valley Christian News For only $36 per year by mail. Mail this and a check to TVCNews, 2309 N. Mountain View Dr., #220, Boise, ID 83706 Name ______________________________ Address_____________________________ __________________________________ City________________________________ ST ____ ZIP_______ Phone _____________ Treasure Valley Christian News 2309 N. Mountain View Dr., #220 Boise, Idaho 83706 PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. U S POSTAGE BOISE, IDAHO PERMIT #584 (208) 377-3568 FREE! Available by Subscription, Christian Bookstores and Greater Treasure Valley Churches. 05-07.2008 Uniting Christians in Service to our Communities Volume 6 Number 3