Alta Falls
Alta Falls
Fabricators of sheet metal products, bobé Water & Fire Features transforms pools, spas and landscaping into works of art. Trusted by top architects and designers for more than 24 years, bobé's ever-expanding line of scuppers, po pots and fire/water pots are completely customizable to suit individual needs. All products are manufactured in the U.S.A. Special thank you to Indigo Pools, EcoCentrix and California Pools & Spas for cover photos. WATER FEATURES Custom Water Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Smooth Flow Scuppers (smooth, sheet flow of water) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 - 7 Design Series Scuppers (natural, broken-up flow of water) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 - 21 Po Pots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 - 25 Spillways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 FIRE FEATURES Fire Pots (all bobé ignitions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 - 27 Fire/Water Pots (manual key valve ignition) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 - 31 Fire/Water Pots (spark ignition and remote control ignition) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 - 35 Prefab Fire Pit and Insert (all bobé ignitions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 - 37 Easy Gel Fire Pot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 - 39 Water Fireplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Ignitions & Fire Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 - 45 Color Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 - 47 LANDSCAPE & ADDITIONAL FEATURES Planters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 - 49 Prefabricated Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 - 51 Column Caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 - 53 Signs & Artwok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 3 Our talent is innovation, design and fabrication. If you have the vision, we want to help you bring it to reality. Our Custom Water Feature Division is dedicated to the commercial and residential jobs that desire a specific look. If you want something that no one else will have, we can make it for you. Bring us your designs or let us create the look for you. TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) 4 Smooth Flow Series scuppers are our exclusive line that flow a beautiful, glass-like sheet of water. Shown here is the Smooth Flow Radius and Smooth Flow scupper ranging in size from 6" to 72" (depending on model). Custom sizes are available and we can manufacture for extended lip, concave and convex radius walls. Aside from their purely aesthetic value, other reasons to use a Smooth Flow scupper include the clean sheet flow and knowing that you won't have to hassle with clogging. Smooth Flow Scupper Smooth Flow Radius Scupper Smooth Flow Radius Scupper Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper and five Translucent Series colors. (Color may vary) Trans. Blue Trans. Black Chrome Smooth Flow Scupper Smooth Flow Standard Sizes: 6 - *8 - *12 - 16 - *18 - *24 - *36 - 48 Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Trans. Copper Trans. Green Trans. Red TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) Smooth Flow Radius Standard Sizes: 6 - *8 - *12 - 16 - *18 - *24 - *36 - 48 - 60 - 72 *Specified products are available with fiber optic light s. Translucent and stainless steel is not recommended for salt water environments. 5 – Our products are made of copper and stainless steel that will – Smooth Flow Series flow a thick sheet of water at 25-30 gpm. – Scuppers come standard with a 11/2" female threaded inlet in withstand the elements. We do NOT use plastic. – Our scuppers DO NOT CLOG. the back. Bottom inlet is also available by custom order. – Internal baffles ensure that you have a clear, bubble free sheet of – See the specification sheet for custom orders. cascading water. – Looks beautiful next to a custom made spa spillway. – No clogging, sagging, or warping. Vis www.bobe it scup for order form specificati s & ons Smooth Flow Scuppers Color Selection & Standard Sizes Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red SFS-6 SFTBC-6 SFTB-6 SFTC-6 SFTG-6 SFTR-6 SFC-8 SFS-8 SFTBC-8 SFTB-8 SFTC-8 SFTG-8 SFTR-8 12" SFC-12 SFS-12 SFTBC-12 SFTB-12 SFTC-12 SFTG-12 SFTR-12 16" SFC-16 SFS-16 SFTBC-16 SFTB-16 SFTC-16 SFTG-16 SFTR-16 18" SFC-18 SFS-18 SFTBC-18 SFTB-18 SFTC-18 SFTG-18 SFTR-18 24" SFC-24 SFS-24 SFTBC-24 SFTB-24 SFTC-24 SFTG-24 SFTR-24 36" SFC-36 SFS-36 SFTBC-36 SFTB-36 SFTC-36 SFTG-36 SFTR-36 48" SFC-48 SFS-48 SFTBC-48 SFTB-48 SFTC-48 SFTG-48 SFTR-48 Copper Stainless 6" SFC-6 8" Smooth Flow Radius Scuppers Color Selection & Standard Sizes Vis www.bobe it scup for order form specificati s & ons Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 6" SFRC-6 SFRS-6 SFRHH-6 SFRTBC-6 SFRTB-6 SFRTC-6 SFRTG-6 SFRTR-6 8" SFRC-8 SFRS-8 SFRHH-8 SFRTBC-8 SFRTB-8 SFRTC-8 SFRTG-8 SFRTR-8 12" SFRC-12 SFRS-12 SFRHH-12 SFRTBC-12 SFRTB-12 SFRTC-12 SFRTG-12 SFRTR-12 16" SFRC-16 SFRS-16 SFRHH-16 SFRTBC-16 SFRTB-16 SFRTC-16 SFRTG-16 SFRTR-16 18" SFRC-18 SFRS-18 SFRHH-18 SFRTBC-18 SFRTB-18 SFRTC-18 SFRTG-18 SFRTR-18 24" SFRC-24 SFRS-24 SFRHH-24 SFRTBC-24 SFRTB-24 SFRTC-24 SFRTG-24 SFRTR-24 36" SFRC-36 SFRS-36 SFRHH-36 SFRTBC-36 SFRTB-36 SFRTC-36 SFRTG-36 SFRTR-36 48" SFRC-48 SFRS-48 SFRHH-48 SFRTBC-48 SFRTB-48 SFRTC-48 SFRTG-48 SFRTR-48 60" SFRC-60 SFRS-60 SFRHH-60 SFRTBC-60 SFRTB-60 SFRTC-60 SFRTG-60 SFRTR-60 72" SFRC-72 SFRS-72 SFRHH-72 SFRTBC-72 SFRTB-72 SFRTC-72 SFRTG-72 SFRTR-72 Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 6 SMOOTH FLOW RADIUS COLUMN The smooth flow radius column is a combination of a scupper and prefabricated column in one! You don’t have to install the scupper, just bolt the column into the ground, connect the pvc to the scupper, cover the column with brick, stone, tile or stucco and the job is done. Save yourself scupper installation fees and masonry fees. You can rest assured that all of the columns will be made identical so you won't have to worry about different size columns. SMOOTH FLOW RADIUS INSERT The Smooth Flow Radius Insert is a scupper made to be inserted in the top of a column or wall. Its just like the Smooth Flow Radius Column but without the column. Installation is a breeze Smooth Flow Radius Column (includes scupper & prefab column) and the new look will create a water feature to be admired. Copper Smooth Flow Radius Insert Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper and five Translucent Series colors (Colors may vary) Trans. Blue Trans. Black Chrome Stainless Steel Smooth Flow Radius Insert Copper Trans. Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Translucent and stainless steel is not recommended for Trans. Green Trans. Red TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications salt water environments. 7 ebsite Visit our w s & form for order ons. specificati Smooth Flow Radius Column Smooth Flow Radius Insert - Column is made with an aluminum foundation and perforated exterior. - Cover the column just as you would cover a masonry column. - Let us do the work for you so the job can get done faster and you can save money. - 11/2" female inlet fully welded in the bottom that connects directly to the pvc. - See our prefabricated column for more columns designs and scupper options. - Top off the column with one of our column caps. - Order the scupper and column combination or just the scupper. Smooth Flow Radius Column Smooth Flow Radius Insert (includes prefab column & scupper) Column measured in L x W x H (scupper only, prefab column not included) 12" Scupper & Column 18x18x24 18" Scupper & Column 24x24x24 24" Scupper & Column 30x30x24 12" Scupper 18" Scupper 24" Scupper Copper SFRCOLC-12 SFRCOLC-18 SFRCOLC-24 Copper SFRCIO-12 SFRCIO-18 SFRCIO-24 Stainless SFRCOLS-12 SFRCOLS-18 SFRCOLS-24 Stainless SFRSIO-12 SFRSIO-18 SFRSIO-24 Hammered Copper SFRCOLHH-12 SFRCOLHH-18 SFRCOLHH-24 Hammered Copper SFRHHIO-12 SFRHHIO-18 SFRHHIO-24 Translucent Black Chrome SFRCOLTBC-12 SFRCOLTBC-18 SFRCOLTBC-24 Translucent Black Chrome SFRTBCIO-12 SFRTBCIO-18 SFRTBCIO-24 Translucent Blue SFRCOLTB-12 SFRCOLTB-18 SFRCOLTB-24 Translucent Blue SFRTBIO-12 SFRTBIO-18 SFRTBIO-24 Translucent Copper SFRCOLTC-12 SFRCOLTC-18 SFRCOLTC-24 Translucent Copper SFRTCIO-12 SFRTCIO-18 SFRTCIO-24 Translucent Green SFRCOLTG-12 SFRCOLTG-18 SFRCOLTG-24 Translucent Green SFRTGIO-12 SFRTGIO-18 SFRTGIO-24 Translucent Red SFRCOLTR-12 SFRCOLTR-18 SFRCOLTR-24 Translucent Red SFRTRIO-12 SFRTRIO-18 SFRTRIO-24 Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 8 The ARC scupper flows water up and out in a beautiful arc. The lip is designed to stick out 2-8" so you have room to adjust the scupper as you see fit. The SLANT scupper faces down, allowing the water to flow effortlessly off the lip. The defined angles reveal world class craftsmanship and refresh the eyes. Copper Arc Flow Scupper Copper Slant Scupper Stainless Steel Slant Scupper Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper and five Translucent Series colors (Colors may vary) Trans. Blue Trans. Black Chrome Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Trans. Copper Trans. Green Trans. Red Arc Standard Sizes: 8 - 12 - 18 - 24 - 36 Slant Standard Sizes: 8 - 12 - 16 - 18 - 24 Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications Translucent and stainless steel is not TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) recommended for salt water environments. 9 - The arc scupper is the only one of our designs to flow up into the air before falling toward the water. - Scupper is fully welded and polished. - Made of copper and stainless steel. - 11/2" female inlet and grounding lug in the back. - Flow rate is 15 gallons per minute. - Internal baffles even out the water flow. Visit .com scuppers e b o .b www forms & for order ons specificati Arc Flow Scupper Color Selection & Standard Sizes Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red AFSS-8 AFSTBC-8 AFSTB-8 AFSTC-8 AFSTG-8 AFSTR-8 AFSC-12 AFSS-12 AFSTBC-12 AFSTB-12 AFSTC-12 AFSTG-12 AFSTR-12 18" AFSC-18 AFSS-18 AFSTBC-18 AFSTB-18 AFSTC-18 AFSTG-18 AFSTR-18 24" AFSC-24 AFSS-24 AFSTBC-24 AFSTB-24 AFSTC-24 AFSTG-24 AFSTR-24 36" AFSC-36 AFSS-36 AFSTBC-36 AFSTB-36 AFSTC-36 AFSTG-36 AFSTR-36 Copper Stainless 8" AFSC-8 12" Slant Scupper Color Selection & Standard Sizes Visit www.bob escuppers .com for order forms & specificati ons Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 8" SC-8 SS-8 SLANTHH-8 SLANTBC-8 SLANTB-8 SLANTC-8 SLANTG-8 SLANTR-8 12" SC-12 SS-12 SLANTHH-12 SLANTBC-12 SLANTB-12 SLANTC-12 SLANTG-12 SLANTR-12 16" SC-16 SS-16 SLANTHH-16 SLANTBC-16 SLANTB-16 SLANTC-16 SLANTG-16 SLANTR-16 18" SC-18 SS-18 SLANTHH-18 SLANTBC-18 SLANTB-18 SLANTC-18 SLANTG-18 SLANTR-18 24" SC-24 SS-24 SLANTHH-24 SLANTBC-24 SLANTB-24 SLANTC-24 SLANTG-24 SLANTR-24 Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 10 Whether you use one or ten Box scuppers in your architecture, the simple & sleek design demands attention. The easy installation and immediate presentation of style makes this a bobé favorite. Box Scupper Cannon Scupper The Cannon looks amazing with free form pools as well as small outdoor areas. If you want a bold statement, the 3" cannon will be the best water feature to complement any landscape design. Cannon Scupper Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper and five Translucent Series colors (Colors may vary) Trans. Blue Trans. Black Chrome Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Box Scupper Standard sizes: 4" x 4" and 6" x 6" (both are 8" deep) Cannon Scupper Standard sizes: 1.5" - 2" - 2.5" - 3" diameter Trans. Copper Trans. Green Trans. Red TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications Translucent and stainless steel is not recommended for salt water environments. 11 Box Scuppers Visit .com scuppers e b o .b www forms & for order ons specificati - Scupper comes standard with a 11/2" female inlet in the back. - Custom sizes and bottom inlet available by custom order (see specification sheet). - Grounding lug located on the back of the scupper. - Scupper runs 10-15 gallons per minute. - Match the box scupper with one of our bobe column tops! Color Selection & Standard Sizes Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 4" BSC-4 BSS-4 BSHH-4 BSTBC-64 BSTB-4 BSTC-4 BSTG-4 BSTR-4 6" BSC-6 BSS-6 BSHH-6 BSTBC-6 BSTB-6 BSTC-6 BSTG-6 BSTR-6 Cannon Scuppers - Measured by inside diameter. Visit www.bob escuppers .com for order forms & specificati ons - Cannon scupper is available without the baffled box. - 11/2" female threaded inlet in the back. - Cannon runs 10-15 gallons per minute. - See specification sheet for dimensions and custom orders. Color Selection & Standard Sizes Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 1.5" CSC-1.5 CSS-1.5 CANHH-1.5 CANTBC-1.5 CANTB-1.5 CANTC-1.5 CANTG-1.5 CANTR-1.5 2" CSC-2 CSS-2 CANHH-2 CANTBC-2 CANTB-2 CANTC-2 CANTG-2 CANTR-2 2.5" CSC-2.5 CSS-2.5 CANHH-2.5 CANTBC-2.5 CANTB-2.5 CANTC-2.5 CANTG-2.5 CANTR-2.5 3" CSC-3 CSS-3 CANHH-3 CANTBC-3 CANTB-3 CANTC-3 CANTG-3 CANTR-3 Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 12 Radius is one of our most widely known scuppers. The classic look is appealing to all landscape themes. The water flow is more broken up than the smooth flow series and the condensed size makes it easy to install. Wondering why it's called the radius when the scupper is straight? The sides radius down and attach to the lip so the water doesn't spill out the sides. Radius Translucent Copper Radius Translucent Black Chrome Radius Copper Copper Radius Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper and five Translucent Series colors. (Color may vary) Trans. Blue Trans. Black Chrome Copper Trans. Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Standard Sizes: 6 - *8 - 10 - *12 - 16 - *18 - *24 - *36 - 48 Translucent and stainless steel is not recommended for salt water Trans. Green Trans. Red TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) *Specifie products are avd with fiber op ailable Visit www.bobesctic lights. uppers for ordering & .com specifications. environments. 13 Radius Scuppers Visit www.bob escuppers .com for order forms & specificati ons - Made of copper and stainless steel. - Radius sides prevent side spills. - All seams are fully welded and scupper is fully polished. - Flow is similar to that of a rock waterfall (water runs choppy and thick). - 11/2" copper or stainless steel female threaded inlet in the back. - Also available in six different finishes: hand-hammered copper, translucent blue, green, black chrome, red and copper. - ”L” bracket and 1/2" lip allow for equal water dispersion. Color Selection & Standard Sizes Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 4" RC-4 RS-4 RHH-4 RTBC-4 RTB-4 RTC-4 RTG-4 RTR-4 6" RC-6 RS-6 RHH-6 RTBC-6 RTB-6 RTC-6 RTG-6 RTR-6 8" RC-8 RS-8 RHH-8 RTBC-8 RTB-8 RTC-8 RTG-8 RTR-8 10" RC-10 RS-10 RHH-10 RTBC-10 RTB-10 RTC-10 RTG-10 RTR-10 12" RC-12 RS-12 RHH-12 RTBC-12 RTB-12 RTC-12 RTG-12 RTR-12 16" RC-16 RS-16 RHH-16 RTBC-16 RTB-16 RTC-16 RTG-16 RTR-16 18" RC-18 RS-18 RHH-18 RTBC-18 RTB-18 RTC-18 RTG-18 RTR-18 24" RC-24 RS-24 RHH-24 RTBC-24 RTB-24 RTC-24 RTG-24 RTR-24 36" RC-36 RS-36 RHH-36 RTBC-36 RTB-36 RTC-36 RTG-36 RTR-36 48" RC-48 RS-48 RHH-48 RTBC-48 RTB-48 RTC-48 RTG-48 RTR-48 Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 14 Copper U-Shape Copper Slot Copper U-Shape Stainless Slot The Slot and U-Shape scuppers are more of our design series that offer styles for every taste. Scuppers are made of copper and stainless steel with a total of 8 color options (see below). For standard and custom orders please see the specification sheets. Scuppers have a 11/2" female inlet in the back and custom designed mouth to prevent clogging. Copper Slot Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper and five Translucent Series colors. (Color may vary) Trans. Blue Trans. Black Chrome Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Trans. Copper Trans. Green Trans. Red Standard Slot Sizes: 8 - 10 - 12 - 16 - 18 - 24 - 36 Standard U-Shape Sizes: 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 16 - 24 Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications Translucent and stainless steel is not TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) recommended for salt water environments. 15 Slot Scuppers Visit .com scuppers e b o .b w ww s form & for order ons specificati Color Selection & Standard Sizes Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 8" SCS-8 SL-8 SLOTHH-8 SLOTBC-8 SLOTB-8 SLOTC-8 SLOTG-8 SLOTR-8 10" SCS-10 SL-10 SLOTHH-10 SLOTBC-10 SLOTB-10 SLOTC-10 SLOTG-10 SLOTR-10 12" SCS-12 SL-12 SLOTHH-12 SLOTBC-12 SLOTB-12 SLOTC-12 SLOTG-12 SLOTR-12 16" SCS-16 SL-16 SLOTHH-16 SLOTBC-16 SLOTB-16 SLOTC-16 SLOTG-16 SLOTR-16 18" SCS-18 SL-18 SLOTHH-18 SLOTBC-18 SLOTB-18 SLOTC-18 SLOTG-18 SLOTR-18 24" SCS-24 SL-24 SLOTHH-24 SLOTBC-24 SLOTB-24 SLOTC-24 SLOTG-24 SLOTR-24 36" SCS-36 SL-36 SLOTHH-36 SLOTBC-36 SLOTB-36 SLOTC-36 SLOTG-36 SLOTR-36 U-Shaped Scuppers Visit www.bob escuppers .com for order forms & specificati ons Color Selection & Standard Sizes Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 6" US-6 USS-6 USHH-6 USTBC-6 USTB-6 USTC-6 USTG-6 USTR-6 8" US-8 USS-8 USHH-8 USTBC-8 USTB-8 USTC-8 USTG-8 USTR-8 10" US-10 USS-10 USHH-10 USTBC-10 USTB-10 USTC-10 USTG-10 USTR-10 12" US-12 USS-12 USHH-12 USTBC-12 USTB-12 USTC-12 USTG-12 USTR-12 16" US-16 USS-16 USHH-16 USTBC-16 USTB-16 USTC-16 USTG-16 USTR-16 24" US-24 USS-24 USHH-24 USTBC-24 USTB-24 USTC-24 USTG-24 USTR-24 Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 16 Stainless Curved Copper Wedge Stainless Curved Copper Curved The Wedge and Curved scuppers both provide fun and functional designs for all styles of architecture. Scuppers are made of copper and stainless steel with 8 different color finishes. Please see our specification sheets and ordering page for size and color options. Scuppers run at 10-15 gallons per minute and have a 11/2" female inlet in the back. Copper Wedge Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper and five Translucent Series colors. (Color may vary) Trans. Blue Trans. Black Chrome Copper Trans. Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Trans. Green Trans. Red Standard Wedge Sizes: 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 16 - 24 Standard Curved Sizes: 8 - 12 - 16 - 24 Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications Translucent and stainless steel is not TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) recommended for salt water environments. 17 Wedge Scuppers Visit .com scuppers e b o .b www forms & for order ons specificati Color Selection & Standard Sizes Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 4" WC-4 WS-4 WHH-4 WTBC-4 WTB-4 WTC-4 WTG-4 WTR-4 6" WC-6 WS-6 WHH-6 WTBC-6 WTB-6 WTC-6 WTG-6 WTR-6 8" WC-8 WS-8 WHH-8 WTBC-8 WTB-8 WTC-8 WTG-8 WTR-8 10" WC-10 WS-10 WHH-10 WTBC-10 WTB-10 WTC-10 WTG-10 WTR-10 12" WC-12 WS-12 WHH-12 WTBC-12 WTB-12 WTC-12 WTG-12 WTR-12 16" WC-16 WS-16 WHH-16 WTBC-16 WTB-16 WTC-16 WTG-16 WTR-16 24" WC-24 WS-24 WHH-24 WTBC-24 WTB-24 WTC-24 WTG-24 WTR-24 Curved Scuppers Visit www.bob escuppers .com for order forms & specificati ons Color Selection & Standard Sizes Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 8" CC-8 CS-8 CURHH-8 CURTBC-8 CURTB-8 CURTC-8 CURTG-8 CURTR-8 12" CC-12 CS-12 CURHH-12 CURTBC-12 CURTB-12 CURTC-12 CURTG-12 CURTR-12 16" CC-16 CS-16 CURHH-16 CURTBC-16 CURTB-16 CURTC-16 CURTG-16 CURTR-16 24" CC-24 CS-24 CURHH-24 CURTBC-24 CURTB-24 CURTC-24 CURTG-24 CURTR-24 Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 18 Wall mounted scuppers are a perfect option for remodels, fountain entry ways or areas that do not have a lot of room for a recessed scupper. Easily mounted against a wall, these water features have a seamless lip across the front where water flows over and descends into the pool. Our two models, the bowl and the angle were designed to blend with all styles and exterior designs. Hand Hammered Copper Half Bowl Copper Wall Mounted Angle Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper (Colors may vary) Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Standard Sizes: Wall Mounted Bowl Low Profile (7" tall) 12 - 24 - 36 Wall Mounted Bowl Medium Profile (12" tall) 12 - 24 - 36 Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications Wall Mounted Angle (7" tall) 12 - 18 - 24 TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) 19 Visit .com escuppers www.bob forms & for order ons. specificati Wall Mounted Bowl Low Profile (7" tall) Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 12" CWMPPLP-12 SWMPPLP-12 HHWMPPLP-1 24" CWMPPLP-24 SWMPPLP-24 HHWMPPLP-24 36" CWMPPLP-36 SWMPPLP-36 HHWMPPLP-36 Wall Mounted Bowl Medium Profile (12" tall) Hammered Copper Copper Stainless 12" CWMPPM-12 SWMPPM-12 HHWMPPM-12 24" CWMPPM-24 SWMPPM-24 HHWMPPM-24 36" CWMPPM-36 SWMPPM-36 HHWMPPM-36 Wall Mounted Angle Low Profile (7" tall) Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 12" CWMA-12 SWMA-12 HHWMA-12 18" CWMA-18 SWMA-18 HHWMA-18 24" CWMA-24 SWMA-24 HHWMA-24 Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 20 Our Rain Fall creates a peaceful, soothing sight and sound with water that emulates natural rain fall. The Rain Fall is available in lengths from 12" to 60" in copper or stainless steel. We can customize the length and create the Rain Fall on a curve. This feature can help mask unwanted background noise while refreshing the senses. If you are looking for a unique outdoor water feature, consider our Rain Fall. *Custom Arched Rain Fall Ordering Information Available in Copper or Stainless Steel Standard Sizes: Length: 12 - 24 - 36 - 48 - 60 Copper Stainless Steel Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications Sized by the foot. Custom arches and sizes available. TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) 21 Visit .com scuppers e www.bob s form & for order ons. specificati Sized by the foot. Custom arches and sizes available. Copper Rain Falls Model # Description R-12-C 12" Copper bobé Rain Fall R-24-C 24" Copper bobé Rain Fall R-36-C 36" Copper bobé Rain Fall R-48-C 48" Copper bobé Rain Fall R-60-C 60" Copper bobé Rain Fall Stainless Steel Rain Falls Model # Description R-12-S 12" Stainless Steel bobé Rain Fall R-24-S 24" Stainless Steel bobé Rain Fall R-36-S 36" Stainless Steel bobé Rain Fall R-48-S 48" Stainless Steel bobé Rain Fall R-60-S 60" Stainless Steel bobé Rain Fall Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 22 Our copper and stainless steel Po Pots are a beautiful option for a water feature. Make a statement of style by adding this fresh design to your outdoor decor. Our pots are light enough to ship without costly expenses and durable enough to last indefinitely. High (16" tall) Original Lip Po Pots – Pots are plumbed with a 11/2" female inlet in the bottom center. – Custom drip-free spillway design. – All seams fully welded and polished. – Custom sizes and orders are always welcome! Medium (12" tall) Original Lip Po Pots Low (7" tall) Original Lip Po Pots Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper and five Translucent Series colors. (Color may vary) Trans. Blue Trans. Black Chrome Standard Sizes: Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper High: 18 - 20 - *24 - *28 - *32 - *36 - 48 *Specifie products are avd with fiber op ailable Visit www.bobesctic lights! uppe for order forms specifications.& Medium: 18 - 20 - *24 - *28 - *32 - *36 - 48 Low: 18 - 20 - *24 - *28 - *32 - *36 - 48 Trans. Copper Trans. Green Trans. Red TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) Translucent and stainless steel is not recommended for salt water environments. Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red Square 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" CPP-18 CPP-20 CPP-24 CPP-28 CPP-32 CPP-36 CPP-42 CPP-48 SPP-18 SPP-20 SPP-24 SPP-28 SPP-32 SPP-36 SPP-42 SPP-48 PPHH-18 PPHH-20 PPHH-24 PPHH-28 PPHH-32 PPHH-36 PPHH-42 PPHH-48 PPTBC-18 PPTBC-20 PPTBC-24 PPTBC-28 PPTBC-32 PPTBC-36 PPTBC-42 PPTBC-48 PPTB-18 PPTB-20 PPTB-24 PPTB-28 PPTB-32 PPTB-36 PPTB-42 PPTB-48 PPTC-18 PPTC-20 PPTC-24 PPTC-28 PPTC-32 PPTC-36 PPTC-42 PPTC-48 PPTG-18 PPTG-20 PPTG-24 PPTG-28 PPTG-32 PPTG-36 PPTG-42 PPTG-48 PPTR-18 PPTR-20 PPTR-24 PPTR-28 PPTR-32 PPTR-36 PPTR-42 PPTR-48 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" RCPP-18 RCPP-20 RCPP-24 RCPP-28 RCPP-32 RCPP-36 RCPP-42 RCPP-48 RSPP-18 RSPP-20 RSPP-24 RSPP-28 RSPP-32 RSPP-36 RSPP-42 RSPP-48 RPPHH-18 RPPHH-20 RPPHH-24 RPPHH-28 RPPHH-32 RPPHH-36 RPPHH-42 RPPHH-48 RPPTBC-18 RPPTBC-20 RPPTBC-24 RPPTBC-28 RPPTBC-32 RPPTBC-36 RPPTBC-42 RPPTBC-48 RPPTB-18 RPPTB-20 RPPTB-24 RPPTB-28 RPPTB-32 RPPTB-36 RPPTB-42 RPPTB-48 RPPTC-18 RPPTC-20 RPPTC-24 RPPTC-28 RPPTC-32 RPPTC-36 RPPTC-42 RPPTC-48 RPPTG-18 RPPTG-20 RPPTG-24 RPPTG-28 RPPTG-32 RPPTG-36 RPPTG-42 RPPTG-48 RPPTR-18 RPPTR-20 RPPTR-24 RPPTR-28 RPPTR-32 RPPTR-36 RPPTR-42 RPPTR-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red CPPM-18 SPPM-18 PPMHH-18 PPMTBC-18 PPMTB-18 PPMTC-18 PPMTG-18 PPMTR-18 Round Square Round Square Copper Round 23 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" CPPM-20 SPPM-20 PPMHH-20 PPMTBC-20 PPMTB-20 PPMTC-20 PPMTG-20 PPMTR-20 CPPM-24 SPPM-24 PPMHH-24 PPMTBC-24 PPMTB-24 PPMTC-24 PPMTG-24 PPMTR-24 CPPM-28 SPPM-28 PPMHH-28 PPMTBC-28 PPMTB-28 PPMTC-28 PPMTG-28 PPMTR-28 CPPM-32 SPPM-32 PPMHH-32 PPMTBC-32 PPMTB-32 PPMTC-32 PPMTG-32 PPMTR-32 CPPM-36 SPPM-36 PPMHH-36 PPMTBC-36 PPMTB-36 PPMTC-36 PPMTG-36 PPMTR-36 CPPM-42 SPPM-42 PPMHH-42 PPMTBC-42 PPMTB-42 PPMTC-42 PPMTG-42 PPMTR-42 CPPM-48 SPPM-48 PPMHH-48 PPMTBC-48 PPMTB-48 PPMTC-48 PPMTG-48 PPMTR-48 RCPPM-18 RSPPM-18 RPPMHH-18 RPPMTBC-18 RPPMTB-18 RPPMTC-18 RPPMTG-18 RPPMTR-18 RCPPM-20 RSPPM-20 RPPMHH-20 RPPMTBC-20 RPPMTB-20 RPPMTC-20 RPPMTG-20 RPPMTR-20 RCPPM-24 RSPPM-24 RPPMHH-24 RPPMTBC-24 RPPMTB-24 RPPMTC-24 RPPMTG-24 RPPMTR-24 RCPPM-28 RSPPM-28 RPPMHH-28 RPPMTBC-28 RPPMTB-28 RPPMTC-28 RPPMTG-28 RPPMTR-28 RCPPM-32 RSPPM-32 RPPMHH-32 RPPMTBC-32 RPPMTB-32 RPPMTC-32 RPPMTG-32 RPPMTR-32 RCPPM-36 RSPPM-36 RPPMHH-36 RPPMTBC-36 RPPMTB-36 RPPMTC-36 RPPMTG-36 RPPMTR-36 RCPPM-42 RSPPM-48 RPPMHH-42 RPPMTBC-42 RPPMTB-42 RPPMTC-42 RPPMTG-42 RPPMTR-42 RCPPM-48 RSPPM-48 RPPMHH-48 RPPMTBC-48 RPPMTB-48 RPPMTC-48 RPPMTG-48 RPPMTR-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" CPPLP-18 SPPLP-18 PPLPHH-18 PPLPTBC-18 PPLPTB-18 PPLPTC-18 PPLPTG-18 PPLPTR-18 CPPLP-20 SPPLP-20 PPLPHH-20 PPLPTBC-20 PPLPTB-20 PPLPTC-20 PPLPTG-20 PPLPTR-20 CPPLP-24 SPPLP-24 PPLPHH-24 PPLPTBC-24 PPLPTB-24 PPLPTC-24 PPLPTG-24 PPLPTR-24 CPPLP-28 SPPLP-28 PPLPHH-28 PPLPTBC-28 PPLPTB-28 PPLPTC-28 PPLPTG-28 PPLPTR-28 CPPLP-32 SPPLP-32 PPLPHH-32 PPLPTBC-32 PPLPTB-32 PPLPTC-32 PPLPTG-32 PPLPTR-32 CPPLP-36 SPPLP-36 PPLPHH-36 PPLPTBC-36 PPLPTB-36 PPLPTC-36 PPLPTG-36 PPLPTR-36 CPPLP-42 SPPLP-42 PPLPHH-42 PPLPTBC-42 PPLPTB-42 PPLPTC-42 PPLPTG-42 PPLPTR-42 CPPLP-48 SPPLP-48 PPLPHH-48 PPLPTBC-48 PPLPTB-48 PPLPTC-48 PPLPTG-48 PPLPTR-48 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" RCPPLP-18 RSPPLP-18 RPPLPHH-18 RPPLPTBC-18 RPPLPTB-18 RPPLPTC-18 RPPLPTG-18 RPPLPTR-18 RCPPLP-20 RSPPLP-20 RPPLPHH-20 RPPLPTBC-20 RPPLPTB-20 RPPLPTC-20 RPPLPTG-20 RPPLPTR-20 RCPPLP-24 RSPPLP-24 RPPLPHH-24 RPPLPTBC-24 RPPLPTB-24 RPPLPTC-24 RPPLPTG-24 RPPLPTR-24 RCPPLP-28 RSPPLP-28 RPPLPHH-28 RPPLPTBC-28 RPPLPTB-28 RPPLPTC-28 RPPLPTG-28 RPPLPTR-28 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" RCPPLP-32 RSPPLP-32 RPPLPHH-32 RPPLPTBC-32 RPPLPTB-32 RPPLPTC-32 RPPLPTG-32 RPPLPTR-32 RCPPLP-36 RSPPLP-36 RPPLPHH-36 RPPLPTBC-36 RPPLPTB-36 RPPLPTC-36 RPPLPTG-36 RPPLPTR-36 RCPPLP-42 RSPPLP-48 RPPLPHH-42 RPPLPTBC-42 RPPLPTB-42 RPPLPTC-42 RPPLPTG-48 RPPLPTR-48 RCPPLP-48 RSPPLP-48 RPPLPHH-48 RPPLPTBC-48 RPPLPTB-48 RPPLPTC-48 RPPLPTG-48 RPPLPTR-48 24 bobé is evolution and the seamless lip po pot is a perfect example of our evolving lines. The sleek spillway design blends itself into the pot and retains the ability to produce beautiful flowing sheet of water. High (16" tall) Seamless Lip Po Pots – Pots are plumbed with a 11/2" female inlet in the bottom center. – Custom drip-free spillway design. – All seams fully welded and polished. – Custom sizes and orders are always welcome! Medium (12" tall) Seamless Lip Po Pots *Custom Two Sided Spillway Low (7" tall) Seamless Lip Po Pots *Custom wave edge spillway Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper and five Translucent Series colors. (Color may vary) Standard Sizes: Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper High: 18 - 20 - 24 - 28 - 32 - 36 - 42 - 48 Medium: 18 - 20 - 24 - 28 - 32 - 36 - 42 - 48 Low: 18 - 20 - 24 - 28 - 32 - 36 - 42 - 48 Trans. Blue Trans. Black Chrome Trans. Copper Translucent and stainless steel is not Trans. Green Trans. Red TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) recommended for salt water environments. 25 Round Square Copper 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" CPPSL-18 CPPSL-20 CPPSL-24 CPPSL-28 CPPSL-32 CPPSL-36 CPPSL-42 CPPSL-48 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" RCPPSL-18 RCPPSL-20 RCPPSL-24 RCPPSL-28 RCPPSL-32 RCPPSL-36 RCPPSL-42 RCPPSL-48 Round Square Copper Square Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Translucent Red SPPSL-18 SPPSL-20 SPPSL-24 SPPSL-28 SPPSL-32 SPPSL-36 SPPSL-42 SPPSL-48 PPSLHH-18 PPSLHH-20 PPSLHH-24 PPSLHH-28 PPSLHH-32 PPSLHH-36 PPSLHH-42 PPSLHH-48 PPSLTBC-18 PPSLTBC-20 PPSLTBC-24 PPSLTBC-28 PPSLTBC-32 PPSLTBC-36 PPSLTBC-42 PPSLTBC-48 PPSLTB-18 PPSLTB-20 PPSLTB-24 PPSLTB-28 PPSLTB-32 PPSLTB-36 PPSLTB-42 PPSLTB-48 PPSLTC-18 PPSLTC-20 PPSLTC-24 PPSLTC-28 PPSLTC-32 PPSLTC-36 PPSLTC-42 PPSLTC-48 PPSLTG-18 PPSLTG-20 PPSLTG-24 PPSLTG-28 PPSLTG-32 PPSLTG-36 PPSLTG-42 PPSLTG-48 PPSLTR-18 PPSLTR-20 PPSLTR-24 PPSLTR-28 PPSLTR-32 PPSLTR-36 PPSLTR-42 PPSLTR-48 RSPPSL-18 RSPPSL-20 RSPPSL-24 RSPPSL-28 RSPPSL-32 RSPPSL-36 RSPPSL-42 RSPPSL-48 RPPSLHH-18 RPPSLHH-20 RPPSLHH-24 RPPSLHH-28 RPPSLHH-32 RPPSLHH-36 RPPSLHH-42 RPPSLHH-48 RPPSLTBC-18 RPPSLTBC-20 RPPSLTBC-24 RPPSLTBC-28 RPPSLTBC-32 RPPSLTBC-36 RPPSLTBC-42 RPPSLTBC-48 RPPSLTB-18 RPPSLTB-20 RPPSLTB-24 RPPSLTB-28 RPPSLTB-32 RPPSLTB-36 RPPSLTB-42 RPPSLTB-48 RPPSLTC-18 RPPSLTC-20 RPPSLTC-24 RPPSLTC-28 RPPSLTC-32 RPPSLTC-36 RPPSLTC-42 RPPSLTC-48 RPPSLTG-18 RPPSLTG-20 RPPSLTG-24 RPPSLTG-28 RPPSLTG-32 RPPSLTG-36 RPPSLTG-42 RPPSLTG-48 RPPSLTR-18 RPPSLTR-20 RPPSLTR-24 RPPSLTR-28 RPPSLTR-32 RPPSLTR-36 RPPSLTR-42 RPPSLTR-48 Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" CPPMSL-18 CPPMSL-20 CPPMSL-24 CPPMSL-28 CPPMSL-32 CPPMSL-36 CPPMSL-42 CPPMSL-48 SPPMSL-18 SPPMSL-20 SPPMSL-24 SPPMSL-28 SPPMSL-32 SPPMSL-36 SPPMSL-42 SPPMSL-48 PPMSLHH-18 PPMSLHH-20 PPMSLHH-24 PPMSLHH-28 PPMSLHH-32 PPMSLHH-36 PPMSLHH-42 PPMSLHH-48 PPMSLTBC-18 PPMSLTBC-20 PPMSLTBC-24 PPMSLTBC-28 PPMSLTBC-32 PPMSLTBC-36 PPMSLTBC-42 PPMSLTBC-48 PPMSLTB-18 PPMSLTB-20 PPMSLTB-24 PPMSLTB-28 PPMSLTB-32 PPMSLTB-36 PPMSLTB-42 PPMSLTB-48 PPMSLTC-18 PPMSLTC-20 PPMSLTC-24 PPMSLTC-28 PPMSLTC-32 PPMSLTC-36 PPMSLTC-42 PPMSLTC-48 PPMSLTG-18 PPMSLTG-20 PPMSLTG-24 PPMSLTG-28 PPMSLTG-32 PPMSLTG-36 PPMSLTG-42 PPMSLTG-48 PPMSLTR-18 PPMSLTR-20 PPMSLTR-24 PPMSLTR-28 PPMSLTR-32 PPMSLTR-36 PPMSLTR-42 PPMSLTR-48 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" RCPPMSL-18 RCPPMSL-20 RCPPMSL-24 RCPPMSL-28 RCPPMSL-32 RCPPMSL-36 RCPPMSL-42 RCPPMSL-48 RSPPMSL-18 RSPPMSL-20 RSPPMSL-24 RSPPMSL-28 RSPPMSL-32 RSPPMSL-36 RSPPMSL-42 RSPPMSL-48 RPPMSLHH-18 RPPMSLHH-20 RPPMSLHH-24 RPPMSLHH-28 RPPMSLHH-32 RPPMSLHH-36 RPPMSLHH-42 RPPMSLHH-48 RPPMSLTBC-18 RPPMSLTBC-20 RPPMSLTBC-24 RPPMSLTBC-28 RPPMSLTBC-32 RPPMSLTBC-36 RPPMSLTBC-42 RPPMSLTBC-48 RPPMSLTB-18 RPPMSLTB-20 RPPMSLTB-24 RPPMSLTB-28 RPPMSLTB-32 RPPMSLTB-36 RPPMSLTB-42 RPPMSLTB-48 RPPMSLTC-18 RPPMSLTC-20 RPPMSLTC-24 RPPMSLTC-28 RPPMSLTC-32 RPPMSLTC-36 RPPMSLTC-42 RPPMSLTC-48 RPPMSLTG-18 RPPMSLTG-20 RPPMSLTG-24 RPPMSLTG-28 RPPMSLTG-32 RPPMSLTG-36 RPPMSLTG-42 RPPMSLTG-48 RPPMSLTR-18 RPPMSLTR-20 RPPMSLTR-24 RPPMSLTR-28 RPPMSLTR-32 RPPMSLTR-36 RPPMSLTR-42 RPPMSLTR-48 Copper Round Stainless Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" CPPLPSL-18 CPPLPSL-20 CPPLPSL-24 CPPLPSL-28 CPPLPSL-32 CPPLPSL-36 CPPLPSL-42 CPPLPSL-48 SPPLPSL-18 SPPLPSL-20 SPPLPSL-24 SPPLPSL-28 SPPLPSL-32 SPPLPSL-36 SPPLPSL-42 SPPLPSL-48 PPLPSLHH-18 PPLPSLHH-20 PPLPSLHH-24 PPLPSLHH-28 PPLPSLHH-32 PPLPSLHH-36 PPLPSLHH-42 PPLPSLHH-48 PPLPSLTBC-18 PPLPSLTBC-20 PPLPSLTBC-24 PPLPSLTBC-28 PPLPSLTBC-32 PPLPSLTBC-36 PPLPSLTBC-42 PPLPSLTBC-48 PPLPSLTB-18 PPLPSLTB-20 PPLPSLTB-24 PPLPSLTB-28 PPLPSLTB-32 PPLPSLTB-36 PPLPSLTB-42 PPLPSLTB-48 PPLPSLTC-18 PPLPSLTC-20 PPLPSLTC-24 PPLPSLTC-28 PPLPSLTC-32 PPLPSLTC-36 PPLPSLTC-42 PPLPSLTC-48 PPLPSLTG-18 PPLPSLTG-20 PPLPSLTG-24 PPLPSLTG-28 PPLPSLTG-32 PPLPSLTG-36 PPLPSLTG-42 PPLPSLTG-48 PPLPSLTR-18 PPLPSLTR-20 PPLPSLTR-24 PPLPSLTR-28 PPLPSLTR-32 PPLPSLTR-36 PPLPSLTR-42 PPLPSLTR-48 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" RCPPLPSL-18 RCPPLPSL-20 RCPPLPSL-24 RCPPLPSL-28 RCPPLPSL-32 RCPPLPSL-36 RCPPLPSL-42 RCPPLPSL-48 RSPPLPSL-18 RSPPLPSL-20 RSPPLPSL-24 RSPPLPSL-28 RSPPLPSL-32 RSPPLPSL-36 RSPPLPSL-42 RSPPLPSL-48 RPPLPSLHH-18 RPPLPSLHH-20 RPPLPSLHH-24 RPPLPSLHH-28 RPPLPSLHH-32 RPPLPSLHH-36 RPPLPSLHH-42 RPPLPSLHH-48 RPPLPSLTBC-18 RPPLPSLTBC-20 RPPLPSLTBC-24 RPPLPSLTBC-28 RPPLPSLTBC-32 RPPLPSLTBC-36 RPPLPSLTBC-42 RPPLPSLTBC-48 RPPLPSLTB-18 RPPLPSLTB-20 RPPLPSLTB-24 RPPLPSLTB-28 RPPLPSLTB-32 RPPLPSLTB-36 RPPLPSLTB-42 RPPLPSLTB-48 RPPLPSLTC-18 RPPLPSLTC-20 RPPLPSLTC-24 RPPLPSLTC-28 RPPLPSLTC-32 RPPLPSLTC-36 RPPLPSLTC-42 RPPLPSLTC-48 RPPLPSLTG-18 RPPLPSLTG-20 RPPLPSLTG-24 RPPLPSLTG-28 RPPLPSLTG-32 RPPLPSLTG-36 RPPLPSLTG-42 RPPLPSLTG-48 RPPLPSLTR-18 RPPLPSLTR-20 RPPLPSLTR-24 RPPLPSLTR-28 RPPLPSLTR-32 RPPLPSLTR-36 RPPLPSLTR-42 RPPLPSLTR-48 26 MADE FOR ALL bobé IGNITION SYSTEMS. See pages 42 - 45. High (16" tall) Fire Pots - Fire pots do not include the fire ring. - Fill your pot with lava rock, sand or color rock. - Pots do not come standard with a hole for the gas line. This can easily be cut on site. - Fire pots are a fun and easy way to bring fire to your landscape! Hand Hammered Copper Round Fire Pot High Medium (12" tall) Fire Pots Round Stainless Steel Fire Pot Medium Low (7" tall) Fire Pots Copper Square Fire Pot Low Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper (Colors may vary) Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications High (16" tall): 18 - 20 - 24 - 28 - 32 - 36 - 42 - 48 Standard Sizes: Medium (12" tall): 18 - 20 - 24 - 28 - 32 - 36 - 42 - 48 Low (7" tall): 18 - 20 - 24 - 28 - 32 - 36 - 42 - 48 TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) 27 Hammered Copper Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 18" CFP-18 SFP-18 FPHH-18 18" RCFP-18 RSFP-18 RFPHH-18 20" CFP-20 SFP-20 FPHH-20 20" RCFP-20 RSFP-20 RFPHH-20 24" CFP-24 SFP-24 FPHH-24 24" RCFP-24 RSFP-24 RFPHH-24 28" CFP-28 SFP-28 FPHH-28 28" RCFP-36 RSFP-36 RFPHH-36 32" CFP-32 SFP-32 FPHH-32 32" RCFP-32 RSFP-32 RFPHH-32 36" CFP-36 SFP-36 FPHH-36 36" RCFP-36 RSFP-36 RFPHH-36 CFP-42 SFP-42 FPHH-42 42" RCFP-42 RSFP-42 RFPHH-42 CFP-48 SFP-48 FPHH-48 RCFP-48 RSFP-48 RFPHH-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 18" CFPM-18 SFPM-18 FPMHH-18 18" RCFPM-18 RSFPM-18 RFPMHH-18 20" CFPM-20 SFPM-20 FPMHH-20 20" RCFPM-20 RSFPM-20 RFPMHH-20 24" CFPM-24 SFPM-24 FPMHH-24 24" RCFPM-24 RSFPM-24 RFPMHH-24 28" CFPM-28 SFPM-28 FPMHH-28 28" RCFPM-28 RSFPM-28 RFPMHH-28 32" CFPM-32 SFPM-32 FPMHH-32 32" RCFPM-32 RSFPM-32 RFPMHH-32 36" CFPM-36 SFPM-36 FPMHH-36 36" RCFPM-36 RSFPM-36 RFPMHH-36 42" CFPM-42 SFPM-48 FPMHH-42 42" RCFPM-42 RSFPM-42 RFPMHH-42 48" CFPM-48 SFPM-48 FPMHH-48 48" RCFPM-48 RSFPM-48 RFPMHH-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 18" CFPLP-18 SFPLP-18 FPLPHH-18 18" RCFPLP-18 RSFPLP-18 RFPLPHH-18 20" CFPLP-20 SFPLP-20 FPLPHH-20 20" RCFPLP-20 RSFPLP-20 RFPLPHH-20 24" CFPLP-24 SFPLP-24 FPLPHH-24 24" RCFPLP-24 RSFPLP-24 RFPLPHH-24 28" CFPLP-28 SFPLP-28 FPLPHH-28 28" RCFPLP-28 RSFPLP-28 RFPLPHH-28 32" CFPLP-32 SFPLP-32 FPLPHH-32 32" RCFPLP-32 RSFPLP-32 RFPLPHH-32 36" CFPLP-36 SFPLP-36 FPLPHH-36 36" RCFPLP-36 RSFPLP-36 RFPLPHH-36 42" CFPLP-42 SFPLP-42 FPLPHH-42 42" RCFPLP-42 RSFPLP-42 RFPLPHH-42 48" CFPLP-48 SFPLP-48 FPLPHH-48 48" RCFPLP-48 RSFPLP-48 RFPLPHH-48 42" Square Square 48" Round Stainless 48" Round Copper Round Square Visit .com scuppers e www.bob & s rm fo for order . s n o ti a specific Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 28 MADE FOR OUR MANUAL KEY VALVE IGNITION. See pages 44 & 45. Fire and water are two elements that look spectacular together. Our po pot with fire pan brings you these two elements in one product. How? Using our original lip po pot we add a 3" deep pan that houses the fire ring. We manufacture a sleeve for the gas line that runs from the middle of the pan to the bottom of the pot. The pot comes with a 11/2" female inlet and a grounding lug. Having everything you want in one product is as easy as our po pot with fire pan. - Interior pan is 12" less then the total outside dimension. - Interior is watertight to safely hold the fire ring. - Interior pan can also be used as a planter. Square Copper Low Square Hand Hammered Copper Medium Custom Round Double Spillway Pot Copper Medium Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper (Colors may vary) Standard Sizes: High (16" tall): 24* - 28* - 32* - 36* - 42 - 48 Medium (12" tall): 24* - 28* - 32* - 36* - 42 - 48 Low (7" tall): 24* - 28* - 32* - 36* - 42 - 48 Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper *Specifie products are avd with fiber op ailable Visit www.bobesctic lights! uppers for ordering .com information. See specification sheet for details. TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) Round Square Round Square Round Square 29 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" CPPFR-24 SPPFR-24 PPFRHH-24 PPFRTBC-24 PPFRTB-24 PPFRTC-24 PPFRTG-24 PPFRTR-24 CPPFR-28 SPPFR-28 PPFRHH-28 PPFRTBC-28 PPFRTB-28 PPFRTC-28 PPFRTG-28 PPFRTR-28 CPPFR-32 SPPFR-32 PPFRHH-32 PPFRTBC-32 PPFRTB-32 PPFRTC-32 PPFRTG-32 PPFRTR-32 CPPFR-36 SPPFR-36 PPFRHH-36 PPFRTBC-36 PPFRTB-36 PPFRTC-36 PPFRTG-36 PPFRTR-36 CPPFR-42 SPPFR-42 PPFRHH-42 PPFRTBC-42 PPFRTB-42 PPFRTC-42 PPFRTG-42 PPFRTR-42 CPPFR-48 SPPFR-48 PPFRHH-48 PPFRTBC-48 PPFRTB-48 PPFRTC-48 PPFRTG-48 PPFRTR-48 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" RCPPFR-24 RSPPFR-24 RPPFRHH-24 RPPFRTBC-24 RPPFRTB-24 RPPFRTC-24 RPPFRTG-24 RPPFRTR-24 RCPPFR-28 RSPPFR-28 RPPFRHH-28 RPPFRTBC-28 RPPFRTB-28 RPPFRTC-28 RPPFRTG-28 RPPFRTR-28 RCPPFR-32 RSPPFR-32 RPPFRHH-32 RPPFRTBC-32 RPPFRTB-32 RPPFRTC-32 RPPFRTG-32 RPPFRTR-32 RCPPFR-36 RSPPFR-36 RPPFRHH-36 RPPFRTBC-36 RPPFRTB-36 RPPFRTC-36 RPPFRTG-36 RPPFRTR-36 RCPPFR-42 RSPPFR-42 RPPFRHH-42 RPPFRTBC-42 RPPFRTB-42 RPPFRTC-42 RPPFRTG-42 RPPFRTR-42 RCPPFR-48 RSPPFR-48 RPPFRHH-48 RPPFRTBC-48 RPPFRTB-48 RPPFRTC-48 RPPFRTG-48 RPPFRTR-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" CPPMFR-24 SPPMFR-24 PPMFRHH-24 PPMFRTBC-24 PPMFRTB-24 PPMFRTC-24 PPMFRTG-24 PPMFRTR-24 CPPMFR-28 SPPMFR-28 PPMFRHH-28 PPMFRTBC-28 PPMFRTB-28 PPMFRTC-28 PPMFRTG-28 PPMFRTR-28 CPPMFR-32 SPPMFR-32 PPMFRHH-32 PPMFRTBC-32 PPMFRTB-32 PPMFRTC-32 PPMFRTG-32 PPMFRTR-32 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" CPPMFR-36 SPPMFR-36 PPMFRHH-36 PPMFRTBC-36 PPMFRTB-36 PPMFRTC-36 PPMFRTG-36 PPMFRTR-36 CPPMFR-42 SPPMFR-42 PPMFRHH-42 PPMFRTBC-42 PPMFRTB-42 PPMFRTC-42 PPMFRTG-42 PPMFRTR-42 CPPMFR-48 SPPMFR-48 PPMFRHH-48 PPMFRTBC-48 PPMFRTB-48 PPMFRTC-48 PPMFRTG-48 PPMFRTR-48 RCPPMFR-24 RSPPMFR-24 RPPMFRHH-24 RPPMFRTBC-24 RPPMFRTB-24 RPPMFRTC-24 RPPMFRTG-24 RPPMFRTR-24 RCPPMFR-28 RSPPMFR-28 RPPMFRHH-28 RPPMFRTBC-28 RPPMFRTB-28 RPPMFRTC-28 RPPMFRTG-28 RPPMFRTR-28 RCPPMFR-32 RSPPMFR-32 RPPMFRHH-32 RPPMFRTBC-32 RPPMFRTB-32 RPPMFRTC-32 RPPMFRTG-32 RPPMFRTR-32 RCPPMFR-36 RSPPMFR-36 RPPMFRHH-36 RPPMFRTBC-36 RPPMFRTB-36 RPPMFRTC-36 RPPMFRTG-36 RPPMFRTR-36 RCPPMFR-42 RSPPMFR-42 RPPMFRHH-42 RPPMFRTBC-42 RPPMFRTB-42 RPPMFRTC-42 RPPMFRTG-42 RPPMFRTR-42 RCPPMFR-48 RSPPMFR-48 RPPMFRHH-48 RPPMFRTBC-48 RPPMFRTB-48 RPPMFRTC-48 RPPMFRTG-48 RPPMFRTR-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" CPPLPFR-24 SPPLPFR-24 PPLPFRHH-24 PPLPFRTBC-24 PPLPFRTB-24 PPLPFRTC-24 PPLPFRTG-24 PPLPFRTR-24 CPPLPFR-28 SPPLPFR-28 PPLPFRHH-28 PPLPFRTBC-28 PPLPFRTB-28 PPLPFRTC-28 PPLPFRTG-28 PPLPFRTR-28 CPPLPFR-32 SPPLPFR-32 PPLPFRHH-32 PPLPFRTBC-32 PPLPFRTB-32 PPLPFRTC-32 PPLPFRTG-32 PPLPFRTR-32 CPPLPFR-36 SPPLPFR-36 PPLPFRHH-36 PPLPFRTBC-36 PPLPFRTB-36 PPLPFRTC-36 PPLPFRTG-36 PPLPFRTR-36 CPPLPFR-42 SPPLPFR-42 PPLPFRHH-42 PPLPFRTBC-42 PPLPFRTB-42 PPLPFRTC-42 PPLPFRTG-42 PPLPFRTR-42 CPPLPFR-48 SPPLPFR-48 PPLPFRHH-48 PPLPFRTBC-48 PPLPFRTB-48 PPLPFRTC-48 PPLPFRTG-48 PPLPFRTR-48 24" 28" 32" 36" 42" 48" RCPPLPFR-24 RSPPLPFR-24 RPPLPFRHH-24 RPPLPFRTBC-24 RPPLPFRTB-24 RPPLPFRTC-24 RPPLPFRTG-24 RPPLPFRTR-24 RCPPLPFR-28 RSPPLPFR-28 RPPLPFRHH-28 RPPLPFRTBC-28 RPPLPFRTB-28 RPPLPFRTC-28 RPPLPFRTG-28 RPPLPFRTR-28 RCPPLPFR-32 RSPPLPFR-32 RPPLPFRHH-32 RPPLPFRTBC-32 RPPLPFRTB-32 RPPLPFRTC-32 RPPLPFRTG-32 RPPLPFRTR-32 RCPPLPFR-36 RSPPLPFR-36 RPPLPFRHH-36 RPPLPFRTBC-36 RPPLPFRTB-36 RPPLPFRTC-36 RPPLPFRTG-36 RPPLPFRTR-36 RCPPLPFR-42 RSPPLPFR-42 RPPLPFRHH-42 RPPLPFRTBC-42 RPPLPFRTB-42 RPPLPFRTC-42 RPPLPFRTG-42 RPPLPFRTR-42 RCPPLPFR-48 RSPPLPFR-48 RPPLPFRHH-48 RPPLPFRTBC-48 RPPLPFRTB-48 RPPLPFRTC-48 RPPLPFRTG-42 RPPLPFRTR-48 30 MADE FOR OUR MANUAL KEY VALVE IGNITION. See pages 44 & 45. Putting the elements of fire and water together just got easier with our seamless lip po pot with fire pan. The look of our seamless lip is clean, simple and progressive. The fire pan on the interior is 12" less then the total outside diameter. This product is made to accommodate a manual ignition system, see pages 36 & 37. The center of the interior pan has a sleeve that runs to the bottom of the pot for the gas line. Square Stainless Steel Low Custom Wave Edge Spillway Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper (Colors may vary) Standard Sizes: High (16" tall): 24 - 28 - 32 - 36 - 42 - 48 Medium (12" tall): 24 - 28 - 32 - 36 -42 - 48 Low (7" tall): 24 - 28 - 32 - 36 - 42 - 48 Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications See specification sheet for details. TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) 31 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 24" CPPSLFR-24 SPPSLFR-24 PPSLFRHH-24 24" RCPPSLFR-24 RSPPSLFR-24 RPPSLFRHH-24 28" CPPSLFR-28 SPPSLFR-28 PPSLFRHH-28 28" RCPPSLFR-28 RSPPSLFR-28 RPPSLFRHH-28 32" CPPSLFR-32 SPPSLFR-32 PPSLFRHH-32 32" RCPPSLFR-32 RSPPSLFR-32 RPPSLFRHH-32 36" CPPSLFR-36 SPPSLFR-36 PPSLFRHH-36 36" RCPPSLFR-36 RSPPSLFR-36 RPPSLFRHH-36 42" CPPSLFR-42 SPPSLFR-42 PPSLFRHH-42 42" RCPPSLFR-42 RSPPSLFR-42 RPPSLFRHH-42 48" CPPSLFR-48 SPPSLFR-48 PPSLFRHH-48 48" RCPPSLFR-48 RSPPSLFR-48 RPPSLFRHH-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Round Copper Hammered Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Stainless CPPMSLFR-24 SPPMSLFR-24 PPMSLFRHH-24 24" RCPPMSLFR-24 RSPPMSLFR-24 RPPMSLFRHH-24 28" CPPMSLFR-28 SPPMSLFR-28 PPMSLFRHH-28 28" RCPPMSLFR-28 RSPPMSLFR-28 RPPMSLFRHH-28 32" CPPMSLFR-32 SPPMSLFR-32 PPMSLFRHH-32 32" RCPPMSLFR-32 RSPPMSLFR-32 RPPMSLFRHH-32 36" CPPMSLFR-36 SPPMSLFR-36 PPMSLFRHH-36 36" RCPPMSLFR-36 RSPPMSLFR-36 RPPMSLFRHH-36 42" CPPMSLFR-42 SPPMSLFR-42 PPMSLFRHH-42 42" RCPPMSLFR-42 RSPPMSLFR-42 RPPMSLFRHH-42 48" CPPMSLFR-48 SPPMSLFR-48 PPMSLFRHH-48 48" RCPPMSLFR-48 RSPPMSLFR-48 RPPMSLFRHH-48 Stainless Round 24" Copper Square Copper Hammered Copper Copper Hammered Copper Stainless 24" CPPLPSLFR-24 SPPLPSLFR-24 PPLPSLFRHH-24 24" RCPPLPSLFR-24 RSPPLPSLFR-24 RPPLPSLFRHH-24 28" CPPLPSLFR-28 SPPLPSLFR-28 PPLPSLFRHH-28 28" RCPPLPSLFR-28 RSPPLPSLFR-28 RPPLPSLFRHH-28 32" CPPLPSLFR-32 SPPLPSLFR-32 PPLPSLFRHH-32 32" RCPPLPSLFR-32 RSPPLPSLFR-32 RPPLPSLFRHH-32 36" CPPLPSLFR-36 SPPLPSLFR-36 PPLPSLFRHH-36 36" RCPPLPSLFR-36 RSPPLPSLFR-36 RPPLPSLFRHH-36 42" CPPLPSLFR-42 SPPLPSLFR-42 PPLPSLFRHH-42 42" RCPPLPSLFR-42 RSPPLPSLFR-42 RPPLPSLFRHH-42 48" CPPLPSLFR-48 SPPLPSLFR-48 PPLPSLFRHH-48 48" RCPPLPSLFR-48 RSPPLPSLFR-48 RPPLPSLFRHH-48 Round Square Square Visit .com scuppers e www.bob s form & for order ons. specificati Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 32 MADE FOR OUR REMOTE CONTROL IGNITION & MANUAL SPARK IGNITION. See pages 42 - 45. Because convenience is everything we designed an outdoor feature that combines fire and water with the flick of a switch. We've taken our ever popular po pot and added a dry chamber to the interior so the fire components have a secure place to stay dry. There is a 4" gap between the dry Round Original Lip Po Pot with Double Fire Pot in Copper chamber and the po pot where water flows. Square Original Lip Po Pot with Double Fire Pot in Copper Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper (Colors may vary) Standard Sizes: High (16" tall): 28* - 32* - 36* - 42 - 48 Medium (12" tall): 28* - 32* - 36* - 42 - 48 Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Low (7" tall): 32* - 36* - 42 - 48 TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) *Specifie products are avd with fiber op ailable Visit www.bobesctic lights! uppers for ordering .com information. 33 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 28" CPPDFW-28 SPPDFW-28 PPDFWHH-28 28" RCPPDFW-28 RSPPDFW-28 RPPDFWHH-28 32" CPPDFW-32 SPPDFW-32 PPDFWHH-32 32" RCPPDFW-32 RSPPDFW-32 RPPDFWHH-32 36" CPPDFW-36 SPPDFW-36 PPDFWHH-36 36" RCPPDFW-36 RSPPDFW-36 RPPDFWHH-36 42" CPPDFW-42 SPPDFW-42 PPDFWHH-42 42" RCPPDFW-42 RSPPDFW-42 RPPDFWHH-42 48" CPPDFW-48 SPPDFW-48 PPDFWHH-48 48" RCPPDFW-48 RSPPDFW-48 RPPDFWHH-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 28" CPPMDFW-28 SPPMDFW-28 PPMDFWHH-28 32" CPPMDFW-32 SPPMDFW-32 PPMDFWHH-32 36" CPPMDFW-36 SPPMDFW-36 PPMDFWHH-36 42" CPPMDFW-42 SPPMDFW-42 PPMDFWHH-42 48" CPPMDFW-48 SPPMDFW-48 PPMDFWHH-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 32" CPPLPDFW-32 SPPLPDFW-32 PPLPDFWHH-32 36" CPPLPDFW-36 SPPLPDFW-36 PPLPDFWHH-36 42" CPPLPDFW-42 SPPLPDFW-42 PPLPDFWHH-42 48" CPPLPDFW-48 SPPLPDFW-48 PPLPDFWHH-48 Round Copper Round Copper Hammered Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Stainless 28" RCPPMDFW-28 RSPPMDFW-28 RPPMDFWHH-28 32" RCPPMDFW-32 RSPPMDFW-32 RPPMDFWHH-32 36" RCPPMDFW-36 RSPPMDFW-36 RPPMDFWHH-36 42" RCPPMDFW-42 RSPPMDFW-42 RPPMDFWHH-42 48" RCPPMDFW-48 RSPPMDFW-48 RPPMDFWHH-48 Copper Round Square Square Square Visit .com scuppers e b o .b www s form & for order ons specificati Hammered Copper Stainless 32" RCPPLPDFW-32 RSPPLPDFW-32 RPPLPDFWHH-32 36" RCPPLPDFW-36 RSPPLPDFW-36 RPPLPDFWHH-36 42" RCPPLPDFW-42 RSPPLPDFW-42 RPPLPDFWHH-42 48" RCPPLPDFW-48 RSPPLPDFW-48 RPPLPDFWHH-48 Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 34 MADE FOR OUR REMOTE CONTROL IGNITION & MANUAL SPARK IGNITION. See pages 42 - 45. The sleek design of the seamless lip po pot can only be made better by adding fire to it. Inside the po pot is a fire pot made to house the electronic remote ignition system. This dry chamber will keep the fire flame contained while the water flows freely in the po pot and spills gracefully off the seamless lip. See our color glass and remote ignition for ways to complete the perfect fire/water effect. Round Seamless Lip Po Pot with Double Fire Pot in Copper Square Seamless Lip Po Pot with Double Fire Pot in Copper Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper (Colors may vary) Standard Sizes: High (16" tall): 28 - 32 - 36 - 42 - 48 Medium (12" tall): 28 - 32 - 36 - 42 - 48 Low (7" tall): 32 - 36 - 42 - 48 Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications See specification sheet for details. TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) 35 Visit .com scuppers e b o www.b forms & for order ons ic specif ati Stainless Hammered Copper Copper Hammered Copper Stainless CPPSLDFW-28 SPPSLDFW-28 PPSLDFWHH-28 28" RCPPSLDFW-28 RSPPSLDFW-28 RPPSLDFWHH-28 32" CPPSLDFW-32 SPPSLDFW-32 PPSLDFWHH-32 32" RCPPSLDFW-32 RSPPSLDFW-32 RPPSLDFWHH-32 36" CPPSLDFW-36 SPPSLDFW-36 PPSLDFWHH-36 36" RCPPSLDFW-36 RSPPSLDFW-36 RPPSLDFWHH-36 42" CPPSLDFW-42 SPPSLDFW-42 PPSLDFWHH-42 42" RCPPSLDFW-42 RSPPSLDFW-42 RPPSLDFWHH-42 48" CPPSLDFW-48 SPPSLDFW-48 PPSLDFWHH-48 48" RCPPSLDFW-48 RSPPSLDFW-48 RPPSLDFWHH-48 Stainless Hammered Copper 28" CPPMSLDFW-28 SPPMSLDFW-28 PPMSLDFWHH-28 32" CPPMSLDFW-32 SPPMSLDFW-32 PPMSLDFWHH-32 36" CPPMSLDFW-36 SPPMSLDFW-36 PPMSLDFWHH-36 42" CPPMSLDFW-42 SPPMSLDFW-42 PPMSLDFWHH-42 48" CPPMSLDFW-48 SPPMSLDFW-48 PPMSLDFWHH-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 32" CPPLPSLDFW-32 SPPLPSLDFW-32 PPLPSLDFWHH-32 36" CPPLPSLDFW-36 SPPLPSLDFW-36 PPLPSLDFWHH-36 42" CPPLPSLDFW-42 SPPLPSLDFW-42 PPLPSLDFWHH-42 48" CPPLPSLDFW-48 SPPLPSLDFW-48 PPLPSLDFWHH-48 Copper Round Copper Round 28" Hammered Copper Stainless 28" RCPPMSLDFW-28 RSPPMSLDFW-28 RPPMSLDFWHH-28 32" RCPPMSLDFW-32 RSPPMSLDFW-32 RPPMSLDFWHH-32 36" RCPPMSLDFW-36 RSPPMSLDFW-36 RPPMSLDFWHH-36 42" RCPPMSLDFW-42 RSPPMSLDFW-42 RPPMSLDFWHH-42 48" RCPPMSLDFW-48 RSPPMSLDFW-48 RPPMSLDFWHH-48 Copper Round Square Square Square Copper Hammered Copper Stainless 32" RCPPLPSLDFW-32 RSPPLPSLDFW-32 RPPLPSLDFWHH-32 36" RCPPLPSLDFW-36 RSPPLPSLDFW-36 RPPLPSLDFWHH-36 42" RCPPLPSLDFW-42 RSPPLPSLDFW-42 RPPLPSLDFWHH-42 48" RCPPLPSLDFW-48 RSPPLPSLDFW-48 RPPLPSLDFWHH-48 Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 36 With our prefabricated series, there is no need to build your fire pit out of masonry block. Even better, the interior is made of a metal and the exterior is anything you want it to be. Cover the aluminum mesh exterior with brick, stone, tile or stucco. We also sell fire rings and color rock – everything you need to complete your custom fire pit. Prefabricated Fire Pit Square Fire Pit & Copper Insert Covering the Fire Pit Finished Product Round Fire Pit & Copper Insert If you want to build the masonry foundation Fire Pit Insert we will make you the copper, stainless steel or hand hammered interior. Simply slip the metal insert into the fire pit and connect to your gas line – easy and fast! Fire pits and fire pit inserts are available in round and square. Insert with Color Rock Round Copper Insert Square Stainless Insert Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper (Colors may vary) Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Prefabricated Fire Pit Standard Sizes (outside dimensions): 36 - 38 - 40 - 42 - 44 - 46 - 48 - 50 - 52 - 54 - 56 - 58 - 60 Fire Pit Insert Standard Sizes (outside dimensions): 20 - 22 - 24 - 26 - 28 - 30 - 32 - 34 - 36 - 38 - 40 - 42 - 44 TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications 37 Visit for order forms & specifications Measurements are listed in L x W x H Square Prefabricated Fire Pit Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 36" (36" x 36" x 16") FPSC-36 FPSS-36 FPSHH-36 38" (38" x 38" x 16") FPSC-38 FPSS-38 40" (40" x 40" x 16") FPSC-40 42" (42" x 42" x 16") Round Prefabricated Fire Pit Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 36" RFPSC-36 RFPSS-36 RFPSHH-36 FPSHH-38 38" RFPSC-38 RFPSS-38 RFPSHH-38 FPSS-40 FPSHH-40 40" RFPSC-40 RFPSS-40 RFPSHH-40 FPSC-42 FPSS-42 FPSHH-42 42" RFPSC-42 RFPSS-42 RFPSHH-42 44" (44" x 44" x 16") FPSC-44 FPSS-44 FPSHH-44 44" RFPSC-44 RFPSS-44 RFPSHH-44 46" (46" x 46" x 16") FPSC-46 FPSS-46 FPSHH-46 46" RFPSC-46 RFPSS-46 RFPSHH-46 48" (48" x 48" x 16") FPSC-48 FPSS-48 FPSHH-48 48" RFPSC-48 RFPSS-48 RFPSHH-48 50" (50" x 50" x 16") FPSC-50 FPSS-50 FPSHH-50 50" RFPSC-50 RFPSS-50 RFPSHH-50 52" (52" x 52" x 16") FPSC-52 FPSS-52 FPSHH-52 52" RFPSC-52 RFPSS-52 RFPSHH-52 54" (54" x 54" x 16") FPSC-54 FPSS-54 FPSHH-54 54" RFPSC-54 RFPSS-54 RFPSHH-54 56" (56" x 56" x 16") FPSC-56 FPSS-56 FPSHH-56 56" RFPSC-56 RFPSS-56 RFPSHH-56 58" (58" x 58" x 16") FPSC-58 FPSS-58 FPSHH-58 58" RFPSC-58 RFPSS-58 RFPSHH-58 60" (60" x 60" x 16") FPSC-60 FPSS-60 FPSHH-60 60" RFPSC-60 RFPSS-60 RFPSHH-60 Round Insert Square Insert Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Copper Stainless Hammered Copper 20" FPSCIO-20 FPSSIO-20 FPSHHIO-20 20" RFPSCIO-20 RFPSSIO-20 RFPSHHIO-20 22" FPSCIO-22 FPSSIO-22 FPSHHIO-22 22" RFPSCIO-22 RFPSSIO-22 RFPSHHIO-22 24" FPSCIO-24 FPSSIO-24 FPSHHIO-24 24" RFPSCIO-24 RFPSSIO-24 RFPSHHIO-24 26" FPSCIO-26 FPSSIO-26 FPSHHIO-26 26" RFPSCIO-26 RFPSSIO-26 RFPSHHIO-26 28" FPSCIO-28 FPSSIO-28 FPSHHIO-28 28" RFPSCIO-28 RFPSSIO-28 RFPSHHIO-28 30" FPSCIO-30 FPSSIO-30 FPSHHIO-30 30" RFPSCIO-30 RFPSSIO-30 RFPSHHIO-30 32" FPSCIO-32 FPSSIO-32 FPSHHIO-32 32" RFPSCIO-32 RFPSSIO-32 RFPSHHIO-32 34" FPSCIO-34 FPSSIO-34 FPSHHIO-34 34" RFPSCIO-34 RFPSSIO-34 RFPSHHIO-34 36" FPSCIO-36 FPSSIO-36 FPSHHIO-36 36" RFPSCIO-36 RFPSSIO-36 RFPSHHIO-36 38" FPSCIO-38 FPSSIO-38 FPSHHIO-38 38" RFPSCIO-38 RFPSSIO-38 RFPSHHIO-38 40" FPSCIO-40 FPSSIO-40 FPSHHIO-40 40" RFPSCIO-40 RFPSSIO-40 RFPSHHIO-40 42" FPSCIO-42 FPSSIO-42 FPSHHIO-42 42" RFPSCIO-42 RFPSSIO-42 RFPSHHIO-42 44" FPSCIO-44 FPSSIO-44 FPSHHIO-44 44" RFPSCIO-44 RFPSSIO-44 RFPSHHIO-44 38 No permit, no gas line, no hassle! If you are looking for a less permanent fire feature or a last minute addition to your landscape, this is the perfect product. Our Easy Gel Fire Pot needs no gas connection-a simple spark will ignite the flame for hours of enjoyment. The interior of our pots feature a custom made gel reservoir and space for our color rock. The Easy Gel Fire Pot is perfect for entrance ways, outdoor entertaining or to illuminate small spaces. Each pot comes with two 30oz bottles of gel. Ordering Information Available in Copper or Stainless Steel Copper Stainless Steel Visit es www.bob cupp & for order forms ns tio specifica TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) Standard sizes: (7" & 12" tall) Diameter: 8 - 12 - 18 Custom sizes available 39 Custom sizes available. Visit .com scuppers e b o .b www forms & for order ons. specificati Easy Gel Fire Pot (12" tall) Copper Description Model # CEG-12M 12" x 12" Square Copper Easy Gel Fire Pot CEG-18M 18" x 12" Square Copper Easy Gel Fire Pot RCEG-12M 12" x 12" Round Copper Easy Gel Fire Pot RCEG-18M 18" x 12" Round Copper Easy Gel Fire Pot Round Square Round Square Model # Stainless Steel Description SEG-12M 12" x 12" Square Stainless Easy Gel Fire Pot SEG-18M 18" x 12" Square Stainless Easy Gel Fire Pot RSEG-12M 12" x 12" Round Stainless Easy Gel Fire Pot RSEG-18M 18" x 12" Round Stainless Easy Gel Fire Pot Easy Gel Fire Pot (7" tall) Copper CEG-8LP Description 8" x 7" Square Copper Easy Gel Fire Pot CEG-12LP 12" x 7" Square Copper Easy Gel Fire Pot CEG-18LP 18" x 7" Square Copper Easy Gel Fire Pot RCEG-8LP 8" x 7" Round Copper Easy Gel Fire Pot RCEG-12LP 12" x 7" Round Copper Easy Gel Fire Pot RCEG-18LP 18" x 7" Round Copper Easy Gel Fire Pot Model # Round Square Round Square Model # Stainless Steel SEG-8LP Description 8" x 7" Square Stainless Easy Gel Fire Pot SEG-12LP 12" x 7" Square Stainless Easy Gel Fire Pot SEG-18 LP 18" x 7" Square Stainless Easy Gel Fire Pot RSEG-8LP 8" x 7" Round Stainless Easy Gel Fire Pot RSEG-12LP 12" x 7" Round Stainless Easy Gel Fire Pot RSEG-18LP 18" x 7" Round Stainless Easy Gel Fire Pot Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 40 Combining the elements of water and fire together has garnered so much attention we decided to create a fireplace that incorporates this unique look. A fire place creates community as people gather to sit around the warmth and stare into the flickering flames. Water soothes the senses and the sound relaxes the mind. Utilizing high-tech 3-D modeling and engineering software, we have created a high-tech line of custom water and fire landscape designs, including the world’s first freestanding, 360-degree waterfall fireplace in which the exterior is completely covered in flowing water. The fireplace is available in copper, COR-TEN or stainless steel cladding. Topped with a three-sided water fountain, the central fire window vents heat through a series of nearly-invisible slats that rise only 1/8 of an inch above the flowing water. Exclusively available through bobé Water & Fire Features, the 360-degree waterfall fireplace is just another example of how advance computer modeling is freeing our designers to push the boundaries of engineering and artistry. Ordering Information Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications All Water Fireplaces are made to order. Please inquire with us so that we can assist you with the ordering process and specifications. TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) *See Color Rock on page 45 41 Spillways have many functions both purposeful and decorative. Spillways can be installed from the spa to the pool so water won't corrode the wall or leave calcium buildup. Our spillways are also a nice alternative to the standard tile spill edges. All spillways are custom ordered to fit your specific need. Straight Copper Spillway Convex Copper Spillway Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper and five Translucent Series colors. (Color may vary) Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Translucent and stainless steel is not recommended for salt water environments. Trans. Blue Trans. Black Chrome Trans. Copper Trans. Green Trans. Red TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) 42 n RC ignitio ages p n fits pots o 36 , 4 26, 32, 3 & 40 REMOTE CONTROL IGNITION Remote Control Ignition Our All Weather Electronic Ignition System features: · Internally mounted Proprietary Waterproof Solid State Controller programmed to handle extreme weather. This enables Fire Features to light and stay lit in rain and high winds · Thermopile “heat” sensing which further enhances performance in high winds/rain · Revolutionary Pilot Burner Design - prevents water/debris from entering/clogging the Pilot Burner Orifice/Gas Line · Built using 304 Stainless Steel for longevity in the outdoors · Smallest Outdoor Electronic Ignition System in the world – makes installation in very small places easy - Our system links with 99% of pool control systems. Our RC Ignition is made for either natural gas or propane. Depending on the size of your fire/water pot, fire pit or fire pot you'll also need to purchase a fire ring. Create the ultimate effect wih color rock to match your lanscape. Kit Includes: Electronic Remote Control Module Ignition, Heat Shield 24v Transformer, Parts Kit, Installation Instructions FIRE RING / FIRE LINE Our stainless steel fire rings are specially manufactured for strength, durability and flawless function of the gas flow. Rings are compatible with natural and propane gas. Double Round Stainless Steel Ring Round fire rings are available in the following sizes: 6", 12", 18", 24", 30" and 36" Fire lines are available in the following sizes: 24", 36", 42" and 48" Rectangular Fire Ring Custom Triple Fire Line TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) We specialize in custom fire lines and rings of all shapes and sizes. Square, rectangular and custom fire rings available upon request. 43 REMCONKIT-A Made for 240,000 Btu/hr output. Kit includes gas valve (1/2" FIP threaded), heat shield, 24v transformer. Parts kit, installation instructions. FOR NATURAL GAS ONLY REMCONKIT-P Made for 240,000 Btu/hr output. Kit includes gas valve (1/2" FIP threaded), heat shield, 24v transformer. Parts kit, installation instructions. FOR PROPANE ONLY REMCONKIT-B Made for 405,000 Btu/hr output. Kit includes gas valve (3/4" FIP threaded), heat shield, 24v transformer. Parts kit, installation instructions. FOR NATURAL GAS ONLY REMCONKIT-N Made for 405,000 Btu/hr output. Kit includes gas valve (3/4" FIP threaded), heat shield, 24v transformer. Parts kit, installation instructions. FOR PROPANE ONLY Stainless Steel Round Fire Rings Model # Description (number of rings) RINGRS-6 6" Stainless Steel Round Fire Ring (1) RINGRS-12 12" Stainless Steel Round Fire Ring (1) RINGRS-18 18" Stainless Steel Round Fire Ring (2) RINGRS-24 24" Stainless Steel Round Fire Ring (2) RINGRS-30 30" Stainless Steel Round Fire Ring (3) RINGRS-36 36" Stainless Steel Round Fire Ring (3) Stainless Steel Fire Lines Model # Description FL-24 24" Stainless Steel Fire Line FL-36 36" Stainless Steel Fire Line FL-42 42" Stainless Steel Fire Line FL-48 48" Stainless Steel Fire Line Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 44 Fits featu res on pages 22, 26, 32, 34 & 36 MANUAL SPARK IGNITION with AUTO SHUT OFF Kits with a manual shut off are made so that if the flame is blown out, the gas will automatically shut off. Kits are made for both propane and natural gas. Kits include: - push button start - auto shut off if wind or rain were to disrupt the flame - 9V manual spark igniter - Open pilotless valve box (100K BTU) and one of the following size round rings: 12" stainless steel fire ring with 18" burner pan 18" stainless steel fire ring with 24" burner pan 24" stainless steel fire ring with 30" burner pan Manual Ignition with Auto Shut Off MANUAL KEY VALVE IGNITION without AUTO SHUT OFF These kits have no safety. If the flame goes out, the gas will not automatically shut off. Kits can be used with propane and natural gas. Fits featu res on pages 26, 28, 30 36 & 40 Kits include: - plumbing fittings with 1/2" gusseted hub - manual key valve - elbows - nipples and one of the following size rings: ROUND FIRE RINGS 6" stainless steel fire ring 12" stainless steel fire ring 18" stainless steel fire ring 24" stainless steel fire ring 30" stainless steel fire ring 36" stainless steel fire ring Round No Auto Shut off Manual Ignition 45 AUTO SHUT OFF Stainless Steel Round Fire Ring Kit Model # Description (number of rings) ARINGKITR-18P AUTO SHUT OFF Kit includes: 18" flat pan, 12" stainless steel round fire ring, plumbing fittings with 1/2" gusseted hub, manual key valve, manual spark igniter (9V battery), elbows, nipples (2) ARINGKITR-24P AUTO SHUT OFF Kit includes: 24" flat pan, 18" stainless steel round fire ring, plumbing fittings with 1/2" gusseted hub, manual key valve, manual spark igniter (9V battery), elbows, nipples (2) ARINGKITR-30P AUTO SHUT OFF Kit includes: 30" flat pan, 24" stainless steel round fire ring, plumbing fittings with 1/2" gusseted hub, manual key valve, manual spark igniter (9V battery), elbows, nipples (2) Stainless Steel Round Fire Ring Kit Model # Description (number of rings) ARINGKITR-18 AUTO SHUT OFF Kit includes: 18" flat pan, 12" stainless steel round fire ring, plumbing fittings with 1/2" gusseted hub, manual key valve, manual spark igniter (9V battery), elbows, nipples (2) ARINGKITR-24 AUTO SHUT OFF Kit includes: 24" flat pan, 18" stainless steel round fire ring, plumbing fittings with 1/2" gusseted hub, manual key valve, manual spark igniter (9V battery), elbows, nipples (2) ARINGKITR-30 AUTO SHUT OFF Kit includes: 30" flat pan, 24" stainless steel round fire ring, plumbing fittings with 1/2" gusseted hub, manual key valve, manual spark igniter (9V battery), elbows, nipples (2) Call 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. NO AUTO SHUT OFF Stainless Steel Round Fire Ring Kit Model # Description (number of rings) Stainless Steel Round Fire Ring Kit Model # Description (number of rings) RINGKITR-6P 6" NO AUTO SHUT OFF stainless steel round fire ring kit with valve, nipples, fittings (1) RINGKITR-6 6" NO AUTO SHUT OFF stainless steel round fire ring kit with valve, nipples, fittings (1) RINGKITR-12P 12" NO AUTO SHUT OFF stainless steel round fire ring kit with valve, nipples, fittings (1) RINGKITR-12 12" NO AUTO SHUT OFF stainless steel round fire ring kit with valve, nipples, fittings (1) RINGKITR-18P 8" NO AUTO SHUT OFF stainless steel round fire ring kit with valve, nipples, fittings (2) RINGKITR-18 8" NO AUTO SHUT OFF stainless steel round fire ring kit with valve, nipples, fittings (2) RINGKITR-24P 246" NO AUTO SHUT OFF stainless steel round fire ring kit with valve, nipples, fittings (2) RINGKITR-24 246" NO AUTO SHUT OFF stainless steel round fire ring kit with valve, nipples, fittings (2) RINGKITR-30P 30" NO AUTO SHUT OFF stainless steel round fire ring kit with valve, nipples, fittings (3) RINGKITR-30 30" NO AUTO SHUT OFF stainless steel round fire ring kit with valve, nipples, fittings (3) RINGKITR-36P 36" NO AUTO SHUT OFF stainless steel round fire ring kit with valve, nipples, fittings (3) RINGKITR-36 36" NO AUTO SHUT OFF stainless steel round fire ring kit with valve, nipples, fittings (3) 46 Looking for something new to fill your fire pots with? Color rock can create the mesmerizing effect of fire dancing on ice. Our rock is carefully tumbled to nearly eliminate sharp edges so it is safe to handle. It is made to tolerate high heats without smoking, melting or discoloring. We offer the highest quality color rock on the market! Aquarium Our fifteen color display (pictured on the right) is the best way to show your clients the variety of colors available. The tubes of color rock are set in a custom metal case that allow you to see the size, color and quality. Landscaping SUGGESTED USES There are many other uses for our color rock, see some ideas below: – Po Pots – Paver Sand – Landscaping Mulch – Garden Paths – Zen Gardens – Stepping Stones – Rock Gardens – Terrazzo Floors – Wok Pots – Decorative Concrete – Concrete Counter Tops – Terrazzo Wall Panels – Table Center Pieces – Paver Bricks & Tiles – Water Features – Aquarium Rocks & Gravel – Pool Plastering – Non–Skid Decks – Decorative Concrete Walls – Fireplaces & Fire Pits CALCULATING Fireplace 4 simple steps to calculate how much rock you'll need: 1st: Multiply in inches the inside length x inside width x depth (depth is how thick you want the rock; we suggest 2-4 inches) = A 2nd: Divide A by 231 = B 3rd: Multiply B times 12 = C 4th: Multiply C times .95 = pounds needed to fill the area with color rock TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) 47 Color Rock is available in 50 lb and 25 lb bags. To order a 50 lb bag of Aqua Mix the part number would be, CGAM-50. Color rock is best used with natural gas. MIX AQUA DARK (CGA N GREE M) (CGD (CGR RED G) BLUE DARK EEN T GR H G I L ) SILIC T OIS URQU (CGD T E (CG ) A B) (CGL (SSA SAND G) UE T BL LIGH LUE NS B A E C O ND) OW YELL (CGL MIX FUN (CGY ) B) (CGO (CGF BLAC B K (CG B) G ORAN M) O E (CG GP LE (C PURP (CGP PINK IN) ) ) UR) 48 Flower pots are a fun way to introduce copper, stainless steel, hand hammered copper and translucent colors into a design. Flower pots look beautiful inside, outside, in small entrance areas or on large pillars. High (16" tall) Planters Medium (12" tall) Planters Low (7" tall) Planters Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper and five Translucent Series colors. (Color may vary) Trans. Blue Trans. Black Chrome Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Standard Sizes: High (16" tall): 24 - 28 - 32 - 36 - 48 Medium (12" tall): 14 - 18 - 20 24 - 28 - 32 - 36 - 48 Low (7" tall): 14 - 18 - 20 24 - 28 - 32 - 36 - 48 Trans. Copper Trans. Green Trans. Red Translucent and stainless steel is not recommended for salt water environments. TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red 24" 28" 32" 36" 48" CFP-24 CFP-28 CFP-32 CFP-36 CFP-48 SFP-24 SFP-28 SFP-32 SFP-36 SFP-48 FPHH-24 FPHH-28 FPHH-32 FPHH-36 FPHH-48 FPTBC-24 FPTBC-28 FPTBC-32 FPTBC-36 FPTBC-48 FPTB-24 FPTB-28 FPTB-32 FPTB-36 FPTB-48 FPTC-24 FPTC-28 FPTC-32 FPTC-36 FPTC-48 FPTG-24 FPTG-28 FPTG-32 FPTG-36 FPTG-48 FPTR-24 FPTR-28 FPTR-32 FPTR-36 FPTR-48 24" 28" 32" 36" 48" RCFP-24 RCFP-28 RCFP-32 RCFP-36 RCFP-48 RSFP-24 RSFP-28 RSFP-32 RSFP-36 RSFP-48 RFPHH-24 RFPHH-28 RFPHH-32 RFPHH-36 RFPHH-48 RFPTBC-24 RFPTBC-28 RFPTBC-32 RFPTBC-36 RFPTBC-48 RFPTB-24 RFPTB-28 RFPTB-32 RFPTB-36 RFPTB-48 RFPTC-24 RFPTC-28 RFPTC-32 RFPTC-36 RFPTC-48 RFPTG-24 RFPTG-28 RFPTG-32 RFPTG-36 RFPTG-48 RFPTR-24 RFPTR-28 RFPTR-32 RFPTR-36 RFPTR-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red Square 14" 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 48" CFPM-14 CFPM-18 CFPM-20 CFPM-24 CFPM-28 CFPM-32 CFPM-36 CFPM-48 SFPM-14 SFPM-18 SFPM-20 SFPM-24 SFPM-28 SFPM-32 SFPM-36 SFPM-48 FPMHH-14 FPMHH-18 FPMHH-20 FPMHH-24 FPMHH-28 FPMHH-32 FPMHH-36 FPMHH-48 FPMTBC-14 FPMTBC-18 FPMTBC-20 FPMTBC-24 FPMTBC-28 FPMTBC-32 FPMTBC-36 FPMTBC-48 FPMTB-14 FPMTB-18 FPMTB-20 FPMTB-24 FPMTB-28 FPMTB-32 FPMTB-36 FPMTB-48 FPMTC-14 FPMTC-18 FPMTC-20 FPMTC-24 FPMTC-28 FPMTC-32 FPMTC-36 FPMTC-48 FPMTG-14 FPMTG-18 FPMTG-20 FPMTG-24 FPMTG-28 FPMTG-32 FPMTG-36 FPMTG-48 FPMTR-14 FPMTR-18 FPMTR-20 FPMTR-24 FPMTR-28 FPMTR-32 FPMTR-36 FPMTR-48 Round 14" 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 48" RCFPM-14 RCFPM-18 RCFPM-20 RCFPM-24 RCFPM-28 RCFPM-32 RCFPM-36 RCFPM-48 RSFPM-14 RSFPM-18 RSFPM-20 RSFPM-24 RSFPM-28 RSFPM-32 RSFPM-36 RSFPM-48 RFPMHH-14 RFPMHH-18 RFPMHH-20 RFPMHH-24 RFPMHH-28 RFPMHH-32 RFPMHH-36 RFPMHH-48 RFPMTBC-14 RFPMTBC-18 RFPMTBC-20 RFPMTBC-24 RFPMTBC-28 RFPMTBC-32 RFPMTBC-36 RFPMTBC-48 RFPMTB-14 RFPMTB-18 RFPMTB-20 RFPMTB-24 RFPMTB-28 RFPMTB-32 RFPMTB-36 RFPMTB-48 RFPMTC-14 RFPMTC-18 RFPMTC-20 RFPMTC-24 RFPMTC-28 RFPMTC-32 RFPMTC-36 RFPMTC-48 RFPMTG-14 RFPMTG-18 RFPMTG-20 RFPMTG-24 RFPMTG-28 RFPMTG-32 RFPMTG-36 RFPMTG-48 RFPMTR-14 RFPMTR-18 RFPMTR-20 RFPMTR-24 RFPMTR-28 RFPMTR-32 RFPMTR-36 RFPMTR-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red Square 14" 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 48" CFPLP-14 CFPLP-18 CFPLP-20 CFPLP-24 CFPLP-28 CFPLP-32 CFPLP-36 CFPLP-48 SFPLP-14 SFPLP-18 SFPLP-20 SFPLP-24 SFPLP-28 SFPLP-32 SFPLP-36 SFPLP-48 FPLPHH-14 FPLPHH-18 FPLPHH-20 FPLPHH-24 FPLPHH-28 FPLPHH-32 FPLPHH-36 FPLPHH-48 FPLPTBC-14 FPLPTBC-18 FPLPTBC-20 FPLPTBC-24 FPLPTBC-28 FPLPTBC-32 FPLPTBC-36 FPLPTBC-48 FPLPTB-14 FPLPTB-18 FPLPTB-20 FPLPTB-24 FPLPTB-28 FPLPTB-32 FPLPTB-36 FPLPTB-48 FPLPTC-14 FPLPTC-18 FPLPTC-20 FPLPTC-24 FPLPTC-28 FPLPTC-32 FPLPTC-36 FPLPTC-48 FPLPTG-14 FPLPTG-18 FPLPTG-20 FPLPTG-24 FPLPTG-28 FPLPTG-32 FPLPTG-36 FPLPTG-48 FPLPTR-14 FPLPTR-18 FPLPTR-20 FPLPTR-24 FPLPTR-28 FPLPTR-32 FPLPTR-36 FPLPTR-48 14" 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 48" RCFPLP-14 RCFPLP-18 RCFPLP-20 RCFPLP-24 RCFPLP-28 RCFPLP-32 RCFPLP-36 RCFPLP-48 RSFPLP-14 RSFPLP-18 RSFPLP-20 RSFPLP-24 RSFPLP-28 RSFPLP-32 RSFPLP-36 RSFPLP-48 RFPLPHH-14 RFPLPHH-18 RFPLPHH-20 RFPLPHH-24 RFPLPHH-28 RFPLPHH-32 RFPLPHH-36 RFPLPHH-48 RFPLPTBC-14 RFPLPTBC-18 RFPLPTBC-20 RFPLPTBC-24 RFPLPTBC-28 RFPLPTBC-32 RFPLPTBC-36 RFPLPTBC-48 RFPLPTB-14 RFPLPTB-18 RFPLPTB-20 RFPLPTB-24 RFPLPTB-28 RFPLPTB-32 RFPLPTB-36 RFPLPTB-48 RFPLPTC-14 RFPLPTC-18 RFPLPTC-20 RFPLPTC-24 RFPLPTC-28 RFPLPTC-32 RFPLPTC-36 RFPLPTC-48 RFPLPTG-14 RFPLPTG-18 RFPLPTG-20 RFPLPTG-24 RFPLPTG-28 RFPLPTG-32 RFPLPTG-36 RFPLPTG-48 RFPLPTR-14 RFPLPTR-18 RFPLPTR-20 RFPLPTR-24 RFPLPTR-28 RFPLPTR-32 RFPLPTR-36 RFPLPTR-48 Round Square Copper Round 49 Translucent 50 Prefabricated aluminum columns are designed to streamline the landscaping process. We build the column to save you scheduling time, save you building time and save you the cost of materials. We prefabricate the columns for you so when they arrive on the job site you only need to bolt them into the ground and cover them as you would cover masonry block using brick, stone, tile or stucco. Ordering our columns with a scupper also takes the time out of installation. We do the installing for you so all you have to do is hook up the pvc plumbing! Pyramid Column with Wedge Scupper, Pre-Installation Straight Column with Radius Scupper, Finished Product - Columns come in any size and are compatible with all of our scuppers. - Scuppers come pre-installed with a 1 1/2" inlet ready to be plumbed. - Columns can also be ordered without a scupper. - Each column takes about 20 minutes to install. – The aluminum creates a strong, durable, environment for stucco, brick, tile or stone to adhere. - See our 2 column models, pyramid and straight. Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications Installation is an easy 4 steps: Straight Column with Radius Scupper, Finished Product STEP 1: Once the columns are on the job site bolt them into the ground (either before or after the decking). Make sure they are level. STEP 2: If you ordered scuppers, plumb the pvc through the middle of the column and attach directly to the inlet in the back of the scupper. STEP 3: Cover the column with your chosen material. STEP 4: Put a column cap of your choice on top and you are done! TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) 51 Dimensions are listed in L x W x H Straight Model No. Pyramid Dimensions Model No. Dimensions PAPC-1224 12" x 12" x 24" PAPC-3048 30" x 30" x 48" 30" x 30" x 60" PAPC-1236 12" x 12" x 36" PAPC-3060 30" x 30" x 60" 32" x 32" x 24" PAPC-1248 12" x 12" x 48" PAPC-3224 32" x 32" x 24" 32" x 32" x 36" PAPC-1260 12" x 12" x 60" PAPC-3236 32" x 32" x 36" 14" x 14" x 24" PAPC-3248 32" x 32" x 48" Dimensions Model No. Dimensions PASC-1224 12" x 12" x 24" PASC-3048 30" x 30" x 48" PASC-1236 12" x 12" x 36" PASC-3060 PASC-1248 12" x 12" x 48" PASC-3224 PASC-1260 12" x 12" x 60" PASC-3236 Model No. PASC-1424 14" x 14" x 24" PASC-3248 32" x 32" x 48" PAPC-1424 PASC-1436 14" x 14" x 36" PASC-3260 32" x 32" x 60" PAPC-1436 14" x 14" x 36" PAPC-3260 32" x 32" x 60" PASC-1448 14" x 14" x 48" PASC-3424 34" x 34" x 24" PAPC-1448 14" x 14" x 48" PAPC-3424 34" x 34" x 24" PASC-1460 14" x 14" x 60" PASC-3436 34" x 34" x 36" PAPC-1460 14" x 14" x 60" PAPC-3436 34" x 34" x 36" 16" x 16" x 24" PAPC-3448 34" x 34" x 48" PASC-1624 16" x 16" x 24" PASC-3448 34" x 34" x 48" PAPC-1624 PASC-1636 16" x 16" x 36" PASC-3460 34" x 34" x 60" PAPC-1636 16" x 16" x 36" PAPC-3460 34" x 34" x 60" PASC-1648 16" x 16" x 48" PASC-3624 36" x 36" x 24" PAPC-1648 16" x 16" x 48" PAPC-3624 36" x 36" x 24" 16" x 16" x 60" PASC-3636 36" x 36" x 36" PAPC-1660 16" x 16" x 60" PAPC-3636 36" x 36" x 36" 18" x 18" x 24" PAPC-3648 36" x 36" x 48" PASC-1660 18" x 18" x 24" PASC-3648 36" x 36" x 48" PAPC-1824 PASC-1836 18" x 18"x 36" PASC-3660 36" x 36" x 60" PAPC-1836 18" x 18"x 36" PAPC-3660 36" x 36" x 60" PASC-1848 18" x 18" x 48" PASC-3824 38" x 38" x 24" PAPC-1848 18" x 18" x 48" PAPC-3824 38" x 38" x 24" 38" x 38" x 36" PAPC-1860 18" x 18" x 60" PAPC-3836 38" x 38" x 36" 20" x 20" x 24" PAPC-3848 38" x 38" x 48" PASC-1824 PASC-1860 18" x 18" x 60" PASC-3836 PASC-2024 20" x 20" x 24" PASC-3848 38" x 38" x 48" PAPC-2024 PASC-2036 20" x 20"x 36" PASC-3860 38" x 38" x 60" PAPC-2036 20" x 20"x 36" PAPC-3860 38" x 38" x 60" 20" x 20" x 48" PASC-4024 40" x 40" x 24" PAPC-2048 20" x 20" x 48" PAPC-4024 40" x 40" x 24" 40" x 40" x 36" PAPC-2060 20" x 20" x 60" PAPC-4036 40" x 40" x 36" 40" x 40" x 48" PASC-2048 PASC-2060 20" x 20" x 60" PASC-4036 PASC-2224 22" x 22" x 24" PASC-4048 40" x 40" x 48" PAPC-2224 22" x 22" x 24" PAPC-4048 PASC-2236 22" x 22" x 36" PASC-4060 40" x 40" x 60" PAPC-2236 22" x 22" x 36" PAPC-4060 40" x 40" x 60" 22" x 22" x 48" PASC-4224 42" x 42" x 24" PAPC-2248 22" x 22" x 48" PAPC-4224 42" x 42" x 24" 22" x 22" x 60" PAPC-4236 42" x 42" x 36" PASC-2248 PASC-2260 22" x 22" x 60" PASC-4236 42" x 42" x 36" PAPC-2260 PASC-2424 24" x 24" x 24" PASC-4248 42" x 42" x 48" PAPC-2424 24" x 24" x 24" PAPC-4248 42" x 42" x 48" PASC-2436 24" x 24" x 36" PASC-4260 42" x 42" x 60" PAPC-2436 24" x 24" x 36" PAPC-4260 42" x 42" x 60" 24" x 24" x 48" PASC-4424 44" x 44" x 24" PAPC-2448 24" x 24" x 48" PAPC-4424 44" x 44" x 24" 24" x 24" x 60" PAPC-4436 44" x 44" x 36" PASC-2448 PASC-2460 24" x 24" x 60" PASC-4436 44" x 44" x 36" PAPC-2460 PASC-2624 26" x 26" x 24" PASC-4448 44" x 44" x 48" PAPC-2624 26" x 26" x 24" PAPC-4448 44" x 44" x 48" 26" x 26" x 36" PASC-4460 44" x 44" x 60" PAPC-2636 26" x 26" x 36" PAPC-4460 44" x 44" x 60" 46" x 46" x 24" PAPC-2648 26" x 26" x 48" PAPC-4624 46" x 46" x 24" 46" x 46" x 36" PASC-2636 PASC-2648 26" x 26" x 48" PASC-4624 PASC-2660 26" x 26" x 60" PASC-4636 46" x 46" x 36" PAPC-2660 26" x 26" x 60" PAPC-4636 PASC-2824 28" x 28" x 24" PASC-4648 46" x 46" x 48" PAPC-2824 28" x 28" x 24" PAPC-4648 46" x 46" x 48" 46" x 46" x 60" PAPC-2836 28" x 28" x 36" PAPC-4660 46" x 46" x 60" 48" x 48" x 24" PAPC-2848 28" x 28" x 48" PAPC-4824 48" x 48" x 24" 48" x 48" x 36" PASC-2836 PASC-2848 28" x 28" x 36" 28" x 28" x 48" PASC-4660 PASC-4824 PASC-2860 28" x 28" x 60" PASC-4836 48" x 48" x 36" PAPC-2860 28" x 28" x 60" PAPC-4836 PASC-3024 30" x 30" x 24" PASC-4848 48" x 48" x 48" PAPC-3024 30" x 30" x 24" PAPC-4848 48" x 48" x 48" 48" x 48" x 60" PAPC-3036 30" x 30" x 36" PAPC-4860 48" x 48" x 60" PASC-3036 30" x 30" x 36" PASC-4860 Call 602-253-3494 for information on ordering or contact your local distributor. 52 If you are looking for a new way to cap your columns, try our column top models. Ranging from the simple Flat top to the detailed Flat Step Pyramid, our column tops exude color and individuality. Column caps are an easy way to introduce color to your landscape. They are also a perfect complement to our scuppers, fire pots and po pots. Stainless Pyramid Copper Flat Step Pyramid Stainless Step Pyramid Copper Flat Stainless Flat Step Pyramid Copper Pyramid Copper Step Pyramid Stainless Flat Ordering Information Available in Copper, Stainless Steel, Hand-Hammered Copper and five Translucent Series colors. (Color may vary) Standard Sizes: 12 - 16 - 18 - 20 - 24 Copper Stainless Steel Hammered Copper Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications - 28 - 32 - 36 - 48 (Measured by outside diameter.) Heights vary depending on model. Trans. Blue Trans. Black Chrome Trans. Copper Trans. Green Trans. Red TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) Translucent and stainless steel is not recommended for salt water environments. Flat Step Pyramid Step Pyramid Pyramid Flat 53 12" 16" 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 48" 12" 16" 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 48" 12" 16" 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 48" 12" 16" 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 48" Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red FC-12 FS-12 FLATHH-12 FLATBC-12 FLATB-12 FLATC-12 FLATG-12 FLATR-12 FC-16 FS-16 FLATHH-16 FLATBC-16 FLATB-16 FLATC-16 FLATG-16 FLATR-16 FC-18 FS-18 FLATHH-18 FLATBC-18 FLATB-18 FLATC-18 FLATG-18 FLATR-18 FC-20 FS-20 FLATHH-20 FLATBC-20 FLATB-20 FLATC-20 FLATG-20 FLATR-20 FC-24 FS-24 FLATHH-24 FLATBC-24 FLATB-24 FLATC-24 FLATG-24 FLATR-24 FC-28 FS-28 FLATHH-28 FLATBC-28 FLATB-28 FLATC-28 FLATG-28 FLATR-28 FC-32 FS-32 FLATHH-32 FLATBC-32 FLATB-32 FLATC-32 FLATG-32 FLATR-32 FC-36 FS-36 FLATHH-36 FLATBC-36 FLATB-36 FLATC-36 FLATG-36 FLATR-36 FC-48 FS-48 FLATHH-48 FLATBC-48 FLATB-48 FLATC-48 FLATG-48 FLATR-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red CP-12 SP-12 PYRHH-12 PYRTBC-12 PYRTB-12 PYRTC-12 PYRTG-12 PYRTR-12 CP-16 SP-16 PYRHH-16 PYRTBC-16 PYRTB-16 PYRTC-16 PYRTG-16 PYRTR-16 CP-18 SP-18 PYRHH-18 PYRTBC-18 PYRTB-18 PYRTC-18 PYRTG-18 PYRTR-18 CP-20 SP-20 PYRHH-20 PYRTBC-20 PYRTB-20 PYRTC-20 PYRTG-20 PYRTR-20 CP-24 SP-24 PYRHH-24 PYRTBC-24 PYRTB-24 PYRTC-24 PYRTG-24 PYRTR-24 CP-28 SP-28 PYRHH-28 PYRTBC-28 PYRTB-28 PYRTC-28 PYRTG-28 PYRTR-28 CP-32 SP-32 PYRHH-32 PYRTBC-32 PYRTB-32 PYRTC-32 PYRTG-32 PYRTR-32 CP-36 SP-36 PYRHH-36 PYRTBC-36 PYRTB-36 PYRTC-36 PYRTG-36 PYRTR-36 CP-48 SP-48 PYRHH-48 PYRTBC-48 PYRTB-48 PYRTC-48 PYRTG-48 PYRTR-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red CSP-12 SSP-12 STEPYRHH-12 STEPYRTBC-12 STEPYRTC-12 STEPYRTG-12 STEPYRTR-12 STEPYRTB-12 CSP-16 SSP-16 STEPYRHH-16 STEPYRTBC-16 STEPYRTB-16 STEPYRTC-16 STEPYRTG-16 STEPYRTR-16 CSP-18 SSP-18 STEPYRHH-18 STEPYRTBC-18 STEPYRTB-18 STEPYRTC-18 STEPYRTG-18 STEPYRTR-18 CSP-20 SSP-20 STEPYRHH-20 STEPYRTBC-20 STEPYRTB-20 STEPYRTC-20 STEPYRTG-20 STEPYRTR-20 CSP-24 SSP-24 STEPYRHH-24 STEPYRTBC-24 STEPYRTB-24 STEPYRTC-24 STEPYRTG-24 STEPYRTR-24 CSP-28 SSP-28 STEPYRHH-28 STEPYRTBC-28 STEPYRTB-28 STEPYRTC-28 STEPYRTG-28 STEPYRTR-28 CSP-32 SSP-32 STEPYRHH-32 STEPYRTBC-32 STEPYRTB-32 STEPYRTC-32 STEPYRTG-32 STEPYRTR-32 CSP-36 SSP-36 STEPYRHH-36 STEPYRTBC-36 STEPYRTB-36 STEPYRTC-36 STEPYRTG-36 STEPYRTR-36 CSP-48 SSP-48 STEPYRHH-48 STEPYRTBC-48 STEPYRTB-48 STEPYRTC-48 STEPYRTG-48 STEPYRTR-48 Copper Stainless Hammered Copper Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Translucent Black Blue Copper Green Red FCS-12 FSS-12 FCSHH-12 FCSTBC-12 FCSTB-12 FCSTC-12 FCSTG-12 FCSTR-12 FCS-16 FSS-16 FCSHH-16 FCSTBC-16 FCSTB-16 FCSTC-16 FCSTG-16 FCSTR-16 FCS-18 FSS-18 FCSHH-18 FCSTBC-18 FCSTB-18 FCSTC-18 FCSTG-18 FCSTR-18 FCS-20 FSS-20 FCSHH-20 FCSTBC-20 FCSTB-20 FCSTC-20 FCSTG-20 FCSTR-20 FCS-24 FSS-24 FCSHH-24 FCSTBC-24 FCSTB-24 FCSTC-24 FCSTG-24 FCSTR-24 FCS-28 FSS-28 FCSHH-28 FCSTBC-28 FCSTB-28 FCSTC-28 FCSTG-28 FCSTR-28 FCS-32 FSS-32 FCSHH-32 FCSTBC-32 FCSTB-32 FCSTC-32 FCSTG-32 FCSTR-32 FCS-36 FSS-36 FCSHH-36 FCSTBC-36 FCSTB-36 FCSTC-36 FCSTG-36 FCSTR-36 FCS-48 FSS-48 FCSHH-48 FCSTBC-48 FCSTB-48 FCSTC-48 FCSTG-48 FCSTR-48 54 Let us help you create any sign, design or piece of artwork. Our custom pieces can be made any size, shape and finish. Flush mounted, custom foot brackets, LED lighting and incorporating fire are all possible with our SolidWorks 3D engineering and state of the art CNC plasma for precision manufacturing. We work with all types of sheet metal including, copper, stainless steel, aluminum, COR-TEN steel, black iron and brass. Combining state of the art technology and hand craftsmanship we will ensure that you have the highest quality sign on the market. Architectural Logo for Business Copper Buffalo Wall Art Copper Commercial Garden Signage Precision Cut Artwork Design with a Red Powder-Coat Ordering Information All signs and art work is unique and made to order. Please inquire with us and we will work to your design requirements or we gladly develop the design for you. TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623) Visit www.bobescupp for order forms & specifications 55 TOLL FREE: 1-888-388-BOBE (2623)
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