Read 2nd Issue - Jasenovac Research Institute


Read 2nd Issue - Jasenovac Research Institute
VOL I, Nr. 2, NEW YORK - SUMMER 2005.
By Barry M. Lituchy, JRI
National Coordinator
After more than three years and three
months of constant struggle, the
Jasenovac Research Institute finally
won approval from the City of New
York for the first public monument to
the victims of Jasenovac ever created outside of the former Yugoslavia. The inscription for the Jasenovac monument was finally approved
by the New York City Department of
Parks and Recreation’s Holocaust
Advisory Committee on 15 February
2005, with some minor changes to
the inscription.
On Sunday, 17 April 2005 the first
public monument ever established
for the Jasenovac death camp outside of former Yugoslavia was
unveiled at ceremonies marking
the 60th anniversary of the end of
the Holocaust held at the Holocaust
Memorial Park in Brooklyn, NY.
Some 200 people attended the ceremonies including U.S. Congress-
man Anthony Weiner, New York
City Ombudsman Ralph Perfetto,
Radio Commentator Barry Farber,
eight Survivors and Jewish Partisan
fighters from Yugoslavia, and diplomats representing three countries
including Israel, Serbia & Montenegro, and Bosnia & Herzegovina.
The Mayor of New York City,
Hon. Michael Bloomberg, officially proclaimed April 17, 2005
as “Jasenovac Day of Commemoration throughout New York City”
in a decree issued on April 14th.
Special greetings were read from
the Serbian President Boris Tadic
and from the Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica. The special Committee on Jasenovac of the
continued on page 2
The information was received at 3
PM the following afternoon. Following the announcement a period
of tortuous waiting for the engraving that lasted until April 12th. This
delay for the final engraving created difficulties for the planning for
the day of commemoration marking the 60th anniversary of the end
of the Holocaust and the unveiling
of the monument.
Several changes were imposed on
the inscription. It was the fourth
time that the original inscription
was revised.
In the final two weeks leading up
to the engraving the government of
Croatia made impassioned pleas to
New York City officials to stop the Inscription at the Jasenovac Memorial Stone in the Holocaust Garden on the
monument. The Croatian govern- bank of the Sheepshead Bay in New York
continued on page 2
ated and why it will remain necessary. If you care about the memory
of the victims of the Holocaust in
Yugoslavia we encourage you to
join us in our work.
fetto for their help in obtaining the
monument. Holocaust Park founders Pauline and Ira Bilus warmly
welcomed the participants to the
park and the inclusion of Jasenovac on an equal footing with AusNow with the inclusion of a monu- chwitz, Dachau and Buchenwald. A
ment for Jasenovac in New York’s letter from U.S. Holocaust MemoHolocaust Memorial Park, the rial Museum Chairman Fred Zeidvictims of Jasenovac will never man to the JRI made the same point
be forgotten. And the families of that of the thousands of camps and
those victims will forever have a massacres during the Holocaust,
place to recognize and remember Jasenovac must be recognized as
them. Thanks to the efforts of the one of the very worst. On behalf
JRI and its supporters, Jasenovac of the New York City Public
is finally being recognized as cen- Advocate’s office, Ralph Perfetto
tral to the study and commemora- awarded the Jasenovac Research
tion of the Holocaust.
Institute and the Holocaust Park
In July the JRI’s chief legal counCommittee special awards “For
sel David Gottfried obtained
Extraordinary Service to New York
continued from page 1
City.” The awards were received by
through Freedom of Information
Act requests all correspondence Serbian Orthodox Church also sent Barry Lituchy and Pauline Bilus for
regarding our monument. Appar- a special greeting to the event.
their organizations.
ently the Croatian government had
made all of their interventions to At the ceremony John Ranz, Buch- Religious services were conducted
the city by phone. We also learned enwald Survivor, wartime Partisan by Father Djokan Majstorovic of St.
from the FOIA documents that a and JRI Director, noted that it was Sava’s Serbian Orthodox Church
lobbyist on behalf of Albanians had “…an historic day, for from this day in New York who also blessed the
made repeated written requests forward Serbian and Roma victims monument. After Father Djokan,
for the city to establish a monu- of the Holocaust shall forever be Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Isaac, a member
ment honoring the Albanian people remembered with their fellow Jew- of the JRI Advisory Board and head
for having “saved the Jews.” This ish brothers and sisters with whom of the Institute for Semitic Studies
request was treated as an applica- they shared the same fate, and the in Princeton, also said Kaddish for
tion in February at the same time same graves.” The monument was the victims. Following these cereestablished through the efforts of monies the names of dozens of vicas ours and was rejected.
the Jasenovac Research Institute tims of the Jasenovac camp and the
When we first applied for the mon- which has organized the annual Holocaust in Yugoslavia were read
ument in the Holocaust Park in Jasenovac Day of Commemoration aloud, while seven large candles
were lit for each hundred thousand
Brooklyn (one of a very few out- at the park for the past four years.
door monument parks and museof the estimated 700,000 victims of
ums dedicated to the Holocaust in The Roma organization Voice of Jasenovac.
the world) we thought the process Roma sent a delegation to the cerwould be short. In the end we had emony, and Alexandra Oprea of The first of the seven candles was
to work extraordinarily hard to Voice of Roma spoke on behalf of lit by a representative of the Voice
obtain it and marshal the support the Roma community to the audi- of Roma organization, Sonya Jasaof many people, especially Sur- ence praising the monument and the roska, in memory of the many tens
vivors. It became a daily struggle Holocaust Park. She severely criti- of thousands of Roma victims at
in the last six months. It serves as cized other Holocaust institutions Jasenovac. Another candle was
another example of why only an for failing to pay sufficient atten- lit by a nine year old Serbian girl
organizational approach to the tion to Roma and other non-Jewish at the ceremony in memory of the
problem of Holocaust research and victims of the Holocaust or in some many tens of thousands of Serbian,
Jewish and Roma children brutally
commemoration can be successful. cases totally ignoring them.
Individuals by themselves could
exterminated at Jasenovac. Elisa
never and have never righted the On behalf of the Survivors and vic- Gutman lit a candle in memory of
wrong of omitting Jasenovac and tims’ families, JRI Founder Barry her father killed at Jasenovac. Anna
the experience of the Holocaust in Lituchy thanked Mayor Bloomberg, Beck also lit a candle in memory
Yugoslavia from Holocaust institu- Congressman Anthony Weiner, and of the tens of thousands of Jews
tions. This is why the JRI was cre- New York Ombudsman Ralph Per- from other parts of Yugoslavia
continued from page 1
ment insisted that the monument
was not accurate and therefore
should be stopped. In particular the
Croatian government objected to
the numbers cited on the monument.
This intervention was reported to
us by an aide to U.S. Congressman
Anthony Weiner, who was instrumental in helping to obtain the
monument. Congressman Weiner’s
letters to the New York City Parks
Department pushed that department into Action at a time it was
prepared to do nothing. Other Congressman in New York City offered
no help when we asked them.
killed by German, Croatian, Muslim and Albanian fascists. A seven
foot wreath was placed next to the
monument and many lit individual
candles to remember victims.
Anna Beck spoke movingly prior to
the candle lighting of how she personally witnessed the mass murder of Jews and Serbs on the frozen Danube River in Novi Sad in
January 1942. Ricki Danon Soltan
and Michael Danon recalled how
they survived, while their fathers
were murdered in Jasenovac along
with many other members of their
family. Aleksandar Mosic spoke
on behalf of fellow Jewish Partisans and Survivors from former
Yugoslavia. Survivor Eva Deutsch
Costabel recalled how her father
and many friends were arrested by
the Ustashe and then sent to their
The Ambassador of Bosnia and
Hercegovina to the U.S., H.E. Igor
Davidovic, spoke movingly about
the murder of his grandfather at
Jasenovac. Dan Kapner, representing the State of Israel, warmly congratulated the JRI and all participants for the establishment of the
Jasenovac monument and reminded
all of the dire need to strengthen
our remembrance activities in the
face of growing threats from antiSemitism, racism and neo-Nazism.
Melody Devine, a foreign policy
advisor for U.S. Congressman Trent
Franks of Arizona spoke on behalf
of the Congressman.
Other speakers included Dr. Norman Markowitz a Professor of History at Rutgers University and Dr.
William Rosenbaum, a Psychology
Professor at Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn who
stressed the vital importance of
Holocaust education. Reflecting
the JRI’s profound commitment
to furthering education about the
Holocaust in Yugoslavia, Director Lituchy announced the winner
of the JRI’s first annual Jasenovac
Essay Contest - Alexander Osman
of Hopewell Junior High School in
Aliquippa, PA., who will receive a by any nation, cannot honor fully
$500 prize for his work. The win- the memory of those who perished
ners in Serbia and Bosnia will be in that place, in Jasenovac.
announced later in May and June.
We must root Jasenovac in our
A small Croatian group arrived memories so that we may unroot
toward the end of the ceremonies. the hatred that continues to exist
The state of Croatia was not formally among certain nations in the Balinvited on this occasion because the kans.
monument was not engraved until
April 12th. However, Croatia will So that we may never forget
be invited to participate next year. May their memories live on forever
JRI Founder Barry Lituchy Boris Tadic
reminded the participants that jus- President of Serbia
tice and recognition for the victims
of the Holocaust in Yugoslavia has
not come without hard struggle:
“The lessons of the Holocaust were
bitterly learned and on this day we
must remind ourselves of them as
we honor the victims. The victims
speak to us still, reminding us “Da
Se Ne Zaboravi!” (“So that you
may not forget!”). On April 17th
we did not forget - we honored
our martyrs in a manner they long
deserved, with a permanent monument, for-ever.”
Mr. Barry Lituchy
Department of History, Philosophy
and Political Science
Kingsborough Community College,
2001 Oriental Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11235-2398
United States of America
Dear Mr. Lituchy,
I write to thank you for the tremendous efforts you have undertaken
In bringing to life a memorial to the
victims of the Jasenovac concentration camp in faraway New York.
Whatever is said at the consecration of this monument in New
York—sixty years after that place
of horrors was liberated and closed
down—will not be enough. Words
do not exist to describe the planned
deaths of thousands upon thousands
of innocent people. Words, in any
language, spoken at any time and
Mr. Barry M. Lituchy, Mrs. and Mr. John Renz, US Congressman Anthony Winer, and Mrs. Eva Deutsch Costabel
Mr. Vladimir Drobnyak, Representative of Serbia and Montenegro at U.N. in New York and Barry Lituchy at the
Unveiling Ceremony in Holocaust Park.
By Simo Brdar
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 was
published in the last issue)
The Memorial-Area Donja Gradina
is the largest execution place of the
Ustashe concentration camp Jasenovac and an inseparable part of the
history of Jasenovac and of Pavelic’s
Independent State of Croatia.
After the brief April war in 1941,
the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was
dismembered by the aggressor states: Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Horthy’s Hungary and
Boris’ Bulgaria. In the meantime,
the Ustashe Independent State of
Croatia (NDH) was proclaimed in
Zagreb on April 10, 1941, which
aside from territories inhabited
by Croats also included the whole
of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
parts of Serbia.
In this newly created puppet state
there lived more than 2,000,000
Serbs and significant populations
of Jews and Roma.
Immediately after the proclamation of the NDH, the leader of this
monster-state, Poglavnik Ante
Pavelic began to implement a program of creating a “pure Croatian
living space and a pure Croatian
nation”. According to his program,
the prerequisite for the creation of
a pure Croatian state was extermination of Serbs, Jews and Roma.
Pointing out that Serbs are religiously and racially different from
Croats and that they represented a
third of all inhabitants of the NDH,
for the extermination of Serbs the
Ustashe applied the motto: banish
a third, convert a third to Catholicism and slaughter a third. The
Ustashe government passed a num6
ber of laws, decrees and instructions which legalized Nazi-Fascist methods of terror and ethnic
genocide (for example, the legal
decree on prohibiting the Cyrillic alphabet, the legal decree on
racial affiliation, the legal decree
on citizenship, the legal decree on
conversions from one religion to
another, etc.). The Ustashe authorities were supported by the bulk of
the Catholic clergy and the Islamic
religious community.
The Ustashe organization was a
typical Fascist organization, and its
armed forces were the instrument
that implemented the Ustashe Nazi
The “Ustashe army” (“Ustaska
vojnica”) was organized by
Slavko Kvaternik. It was comprised of Ustashe units, mostly
volunteers under the command of
the Main Ustashe Headquarters,
special police forces and Domobrans (“Home Army”). In August
1941 the Ustashe Security Service (UNS) was formed as well.
These institutions carried out the
most severe forms of genocide
against Serbs, Jews and Roma in
the NDH. In order to enable only
Croat and Muslim people to live in
the NDH, the Ustashe authorities
carried out mass physical destruction, deportation and conversions
of Serbs to Catholicism, systematic extermination of Jews and
almost complete extermination
of Roma. Mass murders of Serbs
in the NDH began immediately
in April 1941, with massacres in
villages around Bjelovar, on Mt.
Banija, in Lika, on Mt. Kordun,
in Bosnian Krajina and Herzegovina. Facts indicate that only
from April 1941 until mid-August
1942 around 600,000 Serbs were
killed in the NDH in the most brutal manner. Around 180,000 Serbs
were deported to Serbia during the
war. Spiritual genocide, to which
the Serbian Orthodox Church was
exposed, was especially pervasive. During the war 450 Orthodox churches were destroyed.
During the Second World War,
with the aim of destroying political opponents and entire nations, to
intimidate and crush all resistance
by the enslaved nations of Europe
– Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy
expanded and consolidated their
existing concentration camps and
commenced forming new camps in
their own territories as well as in
territories of annexed and occupied
states. By their capacity and means
of destruction of innocent people,
many of these camps represented
enormous “death factories”. Such
camps were: Auschwitz, Maidanek
and Treblinka in Poland, Dachau,
Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen and
Sachshausen-Oraninburg in Germany, Mathausen in Austria and
others. From 1939 until 1945, more
than 12,000,000 people from occupied countries of Europe were confined in German and other Fascist
concentration camps, where most
of them were killed in the most hideous manner. In annexed and occupied territories in 1944, there were
28 central concentration camps
with around 2,000 ghetto-branches
and labor camps.
In these and other Fascist camps,
inmates were killed in the most
atrocious ways: by beating, shooting, hanging, starvation, exhaustion with hard labor, incineration,
gassing, freezing, vivisection and
many other ways. The concentration camp of Jasenovac with all its
killing fields also belongs in the
category of those largest Nazi death
camps that were organized during
the Second World War in Europe.
The first camps in the NDH
were founded on the island of
Pag – Slano, on Mt. Velebit near
Gospic – Jadovno and in Bosnia
near Travnik – Kruscica. Among
larger camps were: Danica in
Koprivnica, Kerestinec, Lobograd, Lepoglava, Jastrebarsko,
Sisak, Djakovo and Tenje near
Osijek. The largest, the most
monstrous and the worst possible
of all was Jasenovac, founded in
August 1941.
The man who realized the idea to
found a concentration camp was
Eugen Kvaternik – Dido. The commander of the camp was Vjekoslav
Luburic – Maks, and in his absence
the commandants of the camp
were: Ljubo Milos, Fra (Franciscan) Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic called “Satan”, Dinko Sakic,
Hinko Picili, Ahmed Kapetanovic
and Jakob Dzal.
By atrocities, torture and methods of liquidation of innocent men,
women and children, Jasenovac
is without precedent in history of
mankind. Inmates were killed by
blunt objects: sledgehammers, iron
bars, bludgeons, army boots… Liquidations were performed by sharp
objects as well: knives, daggers,
sabers, axes and specially designed
knives and blades. Inmates were
tortured and exhausted by hunger
and thirst. Their skin was cut and
salted. Their genitals were scorched
by red-hot iron. The Ustashe placed
rats on bellies of inmates, then covered the rat with a pot and heated the
pot with a blow torch, until the rat
would bite through the skin and hide
in the intestines of an inmate. They
pulled out nails of inmates with
metal devices, they gauged eyes
with specially made hooks, they
blinded inmates by stabbing needles
in their eyes, they cut off noses, ears
and tongues, they stabbed awls in
hearts, raped daughters in front of
their fathers, under horrible torture
they forced sons to rape their mothers, they cut off male genitals and
placed them into mouths of mothers
and daughters. In a single sentence,
concentration camp Jasenovac, by
brutality of torture and killing of
people, surpassed everything even
the sickest mind could imagine and
It is possible to list for days the
places of horrible suffering and
death of inmates. The Ustashe even
organized competitions in slaughtering innocent victims.
In Jasenovac, near the flower monument, there is a lake. The lake
was artificially created before the
war by digging out land for brick
production in Bacic’s brick factory.
During the existence of the camp,
canals were dug out towards the
lake. Logs were placed over those
canals, which served as toilets for
inmates. Inmates – living skeletons
– after arriving on the logs, would
often fall into the canal after trying to relieve themselves and they
would drown in water with human
feces. All of that flowed down
into the lake. There was not even
a drop of clean water in the camp.
Inmates were forced to drink water
from the lake. That was the aim of
the Ustashe – to cause dysentery
and typhus epidemics among the
inmates. Thus a large number of
inmates died from those diseases
suffering horribly. Inmates called it
the “Ghastly Lake”.
Jasenovac and Gradina Since 1945
By the end of April 1945, Ustashe
committed their last massacre in
Jasenovac, burned their archives
and calmly retreated, while units
of the National Liberation Army
of Yugoslavia entered Jasenovac on May 2, 1945. They found
Jasenovac and Gradina fields covered with corpses, and out of mass
graves blood flowed like oil. All
objects of the camp were preserved,
except wooden constructions that
were burned down. From that time
began the silence about Jasenovac
and erasing all traces of the Ustashe
crime of genocide.
rial, not only inspire remembrance
and warning, but also explain the
causes and consequences of genocide by totalitarian regimes.
In the territory of the former Socialist Republic of Croatia after the
Second World War, all authentic
objects and locations of the Ustashe
crime of genocide over Serbs, Jews
and Roma were destroyed, and such
was also the fate of Jasenovac. All
objects in Jasenovac were demolished and razed, and the area of the
camp itself was turned into an idyllic lawn, while most of the wider
area is overgrown with weeds and
The building of the Sava dikes
began in 1956. A large number of
graves ended up under dikes and
canals. Grave field “Bare” in Donja
Gradina is an obvious proof. By a
great effort, two graves were only
partially salvaged from remaining
under a dike. On the property of the
Loncarevic family from the village
of Medjedja, graves of Jasenovac
victims also ended up under a dike.
Only twenty years after the end
of the Second World War, in
1965, when the fields of Jasenovac
were covered with women wearing black, lighting candles for
their relatives, someone remembered to build a monument. Three
years later, in 1968, a museum
was built, and soon the Memorial
Area Jasenovac - Donja Gradina
was formed, which encompassed
the entire area of the former conAfter the end of the Second World centration camp Jasenovac. This
War with the victory of the anti- memorial functioned until the
fascist coalition, in places of mass beginning of the war in 1991.
crimes of genocide, in concentration camps, authentic objects and With the breakup of former
documents were preserved and Socialist Federative Republic of
memorial museums and memorial Yugoslavia and creation of Repubareas were founded (Auschwitz, lic of Croatia, the largest part of
Dachau, Treblinka, Mathausen and the surface of former concentraothers) and not only in countries of tion camp Jasenovac remained
the anti-fascist coalition, but also in the territory of Croatia. Mass
in aggressor countries from that graves are located in Jablanac,
period. These significant museum Mlaka, Krndija, Medjustrugovi,
institutions, appreciated and visited, Krapje, Jasenovac, Dubicke Kreby their themes and original mate- cane, Cerovljani, Ustice.
Donja Gradina remains in Republika Srpska – Bosnia and Herzegovina. With numerous execution
places and grave fields of victims
of the Ustashe crime of genocide
in the area of Kozarska Dubica and
Gradiska, it is the only location of
the Ustashe concentration camp
Jasenovac where serious exploration has been performed.
In this period the only explorations
were performed in Donja Gradina
during the existence of Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, while there were never any
serious explorations by the Croatian side.
According to adopted methodology
and in accord with the law on the
arrangement of the Memorial Area
Donja Gradina, anthropological
explorations have been conducted
on the site.
In 1962 and 1964, drilling and
probing was performed on locations of known graves, but were not
By analysis of the current status
and orientation in further work, the
problem of anthropological explorations was regarded in twofold sense:
Regarding all interventions in the
space of construction and notation, it was necessary to attempt to
determine all possible undiscovered locations of graves.
Completion of anthropological
explorations in the sense of establishing the number of victims, age
and national structure, means of
execution and all other data that
was possible to research.
possibility to identify all undiscov- Jasenovac, the Ustashe murdered in
ered locations of graves based on horrible throes 700,000 innocents,
men, women and children. Out of
that number it is established that
Based on consultations with experts 366,000 were murdered in Donja
it was decided to conduct an aerial Gradina. Of the total number of
survey of the terrain with a multi- victims, the Ustashe savagely liquiemulsion technique, which implies dated over 20,000 children. To this
a simultaneous photographic sur- day the number of 19,432 children
vey with 4 cameras in panchro- to the age of 14 have been identified
matic infrared, red-white and color by first and last names and basic
personal information to have been
murdered in the system of Ustashe
The project of photographing the concentration camps Jasenovac.
terrain and interpretation of photographs was entrusted to the Geo- With the breakup of Yugoslavia, the
detic Institute of Slovenia.
single Memorial Area Jasenovac
– Donja Gradina has been broken
Based on characteristics of the up as well. As of September 1991,
infrared photographs and data Memorial Area Donja Gradina is
acquired by comparison of the men- without status and nobody has dealt
tioned techniques, and by analogy with it institutionally.
according to locations of known
grave sites, suspected locations By the decision of the National
were marked according to higher Assembly of Republika Srpska No.
and lower probability of containing 02-871/96 from July 9, 1996, the
mass graves.
Law on the Memorial Area Donja
Gradina was passed, which reguAfter identification of suspected lates the status of this memorial
locations on the terrain, the pro- in Republika Srpska. The law was
cedure of drilling was performed passed based on the previous law
from August 15, 1976 until Septem- passed by the Socialist Republic
ber 9, 1976. Locations of drilling of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Today
sites were determined according it is the Public Institution Memoto aerial photographs and accord- rial Area Donja Gradina with eight
ing to statements of inhabitants of employees.
the village of Donja Gradina. All
information is available on the map (The Gradina Memorial Area
of anthropological explorations. In has become an important site for
the mentioned period over a thou- Holocaust commemoration and
sand drilling holes were made.
international Holocaust studies.
In recent years it has served as
Based on all explorations a pro- the site for an annual Day of
gram of arrangement of the Memo- Commemoration for Yugoslav
rial Area Donja Gradina was Holocaust victims, and in May
made (Institute of Urbanism of the 2005 was the venue for the award
Socialist Republic of Bosnia and ceremonies of the first annual
Herzegovina – Sarajevo, March Jasenovac Commemorative Essay
1977). Donja Gradina was arranged Contest in Republika Srpska
according to that program and offi- sponsored by the Jasenovac
cially opened for the public in April Research Institute.- Editors)
Based on testimonies of surviving
inmates and the population that
came to that area just after the liberation, it has been determined that
at the time there were significantly On the central information granite
more graves than there are today.
panel that was installed in 1986 in
Donja Gradina, it is clearly stated
As the terrain has changed its that by committing the crime of
appearance over time, there is no genocide in concentration camp
main text is 195 pages in Serbian;
there is a very comprehensive English language summary of 53 pages;
plus another 44 pages offer photographs and original documents
with English and Serbian captions.
It is an extraordinary work that will
be reissued by the JRI in the future
and will become the standard text
in libraries, universities and Holocaust institutions around the world
that it was always meant to be.
On the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Jasenovac and the end of
the Holocaust in Yugoslavia, the
Jasenovac Research Institute is
proud to announce its publication of
one of the most important studies of
the Holocaust in Yugoslavia - “The
Crimes of the Fascist Occupants It is available to the public for $30
(US) (includes shipping and postage). For JRI Associates the book
is $20 (US).
by gathering here every year and
reminding them about their victims”.
“Such butchers can appear in other
places, at other periods of time, and
speak other languages,” Cavic said.
He called on the Balkan nations to
break the vicious circle, which turns
today’s victims into tomorrow’s
hangmen and transforms today’s
hatred into tomorrow’s revenge.
“All of us need exceptional responsibility so that our region wouldn’t
be regarded as a place of crimes
anymore,” said Boris Tadic, the
president of Serbia.
Make your check payable and mail
His mother, Nevenka Tadic came to
Donja Gradina, too. Her own father
Jasenovac Research Institute
was killed in a concentration camp
PO Box 10-0674
on Bosnian territory during World
Brooklyn, NY 11210 USA
War II.
and Their Collaborators Against
Jews in Yugoslavia” (“Zlocini fasistickih okupatora i nijihovih saradnika protiv Jevreja u Jugoslaviji”).
It is generally agreed that this work
is one of the two most important
books on the Jewish dimension of
the Holocaust in Yugoslavia ever
produced (the other being Jasa
Romano’s study published nearly
thirty years later).
Published by Itar-Tass
18 April 2005
Donja Gradina has nine fields of
communal graves of the victims,
and the remembrance function held
there Sunday under the motto of
Let Us Remember brought together
diplomats from the Russian, German, Slovene and other embassies
in Bosnia, as well as representatives of the World Jewish Congress
and the World Gypsy Congress.
Serb Orthodox, Jewish and Roma
BELGRADE - Thousands of peo- clergy served remembrance serple gathered in the town of Donja vices for the victims of wartime
Gradina in the Serb Republic of genocide.
Bosnia Sunday to mark the 60th
anniversary since liberation of the
Jasenovac Nazi concentration camp,
where more than 700,000 Serbs,
Jews, gypsies, and antifascists died
Also known simply as “The Black during World War II.
Book,” this study first appeared 53
years ago in an edition officially “A most atrocious form of genocide
listed as 4000 copies. But in truth, was committed at Jasenovac, as hunfewer than 1000 copies of “The dreds of thousands of innocent elderly,
Black Book” were distributed, and women and children died there just
far fewer still ever saw public dis- because they belonged to a differtribution.
ent creed or different ethnic groups,”
said the President of the Bosnian
This edition, with a new preface by Serb Republic, Dragan Cavic.
Alexandar Mosic, Barry Lituchy
and Danko Vasovic in English and He urged the attending people “to
Serbian, consists of three parts: the continue punishing the butchers
The cloudy day provided a grim
backdrop as a sea of mourners
united in grief to remember the victims of one of the Holocaust’s most
barbaric death camps.
The commemoration - held at Holocaust Memorial Park, Emmons and
West End avenues - paid tribute
to the memories of the hundreds
of thousands of men, women and
children of the Yugoslavian death
camp known as Jasenovac where
estimates of the total number of
Serbs, Jews, Romas and others systematically murdered there from
August 1941 to April 1945 range
from 300,000 to 700,000.
The memorial program - presented
by the Jasenovac Research Institute
(JRI) and marking the 60th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust
in Yugoslavia - recalled the sacrifices of the slaughtered with poignant guest addresses followed by
a wreath placing ceremony.
On September 11, 2005 Romania’s
first “fully functional” Holocaust
museum - The Northern Transylvania Holocaust Museum - was dedicated in Simleu Silvaniei, Romania.
In May/June 1944, that areas Jewish population was forced out of
their homes into the brutal Cehei
Ghetto and from there transported
to Auschwitz-Brikenau to be murdered. Some 160,000 Jews from
that region were killed. For more
information visit
from The Jewish Press (New
York), September 9, 2005
Following the Nazi invasion and
dismemberment of Yugoslavia in
April 1941, the “Independent State
of Croatia” was established as a proNazi government.
It was dedicated to a clerical-fascist ideology influenced both by
Nazism and extreme Roman Catholic fanaticism.
On coming to power, the Ustashe
Party dictatorship in Croatia
quickly commenced on a policy of
racial extermination of all Serbs,
Jews and Romas living within its
Barry Lituchy, founder of the Jasenoborders.
vac Research Institute and an adjunct
Jasenovac was actually a complex professor of History at Kingsborof five major and three smaller ough Community College, joins Dr
“special” camps spread out over Ephraim Isaac, director of the Insti240 square kilometers (150 square tute of Semitic Studies at Princeton
miles) in south-central Croatia and founder of Afro-American studies
at Harvard University (from left).
along the Sava River.
Of the 60,000 Jews living within
wartime Croatia’s borders, 45,000
were murdered and at least 25,000
of these at Jasenovac.
stood, lies within the borders of
contemporary Croatia, with the
notable exception of the main killing and burial ground of Gradina,
Today, the area where one of the which lies across the Sava River in
most barbaric death camps once present day Bosnia.
including the massacre of 150 Serbian civilians in one town and the
murder of hundreds of other Serbs
when Gotovina’s forces overran
the Krajina and expelled 250,000
Serbs from the region. This incident recalls the still unresolved
crimes of the Vatican in protected
hundreds of Croatian fascists after
World War II which led to the creation of the infamous ratlines.
The Vatican’s historic connections
to Croatian fascism and war crimes
came under renewed scrutiny today
when the International Criminal
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
at the Hague publicly accused the
Vatican of hiding suspected Croatian war criminal, Gen. Ante Goto- from BBC News, October 20, 2005,
vina. The ICTY’s chief prosecutor
Carla del Ponte, informed BBC that
Gotovina is believed to be hiding
in a Vatican monastary and that the
Vatican has refused to cooperate
with the ICTY. Gotovina is accused
of numerous war crimes during
Croatia’s brutal ethnic cleansing
of the Serbian populated region
of Krajina in late summer of 1995
Прештампано из дневника “Вести” од 20. априла 2005.
Memorial stone for ever lasting remembrance, (Serbian, Cyrillic print)
Pictures of H.E. Igor Davidović, Ambasador of Bosnia in Washington, D.C, the
memorial stone, the attendants at the unveiling ceremony, as well as complete a
printed list of government and social officials present.
Winners of the First Annual
Jasenovac Commemorative
Essay Contests in North America,
Republika Srpska, and Serbia &
Montenegro (sponsored by the
Jasenovac Research Institute)
The Jasenovac Research Institute
is proud to announce the winners
of the first annual Jasenovac Commemorative essay and art contest
held simultaneously this past school
year in North America, Republika
Srpska and Serbia & Montenegro.
The contest was open to all students ages 14 to 18 in these coun-
tries and awards were pesented
to the winners in May and June.
The first place winners in Serbia
& Montenegro - Tijana Tomic of
Varvarin, and in Republika Srpska
- Dejan Arnaut of Kozarska Dubica
- received gifts and $200 (US) prize.
The first place winner in the North
American contest, Alexander
Osman of Aliquippa, Pa., received
gifts and a $500 prize. The second
and third place winners in Republika Srpska, Zeljko Slijepcevic of
Gradiska and Ana Rakita of Banja
Luka, received a $100 prize. The
contest juries decided that no second or third place prizes would be
awarded this year in the Serbia &
Montenegro or North American
contests, although letters of thanks
were sent to the entries. The contests were launched with the critical support of JRI Director Kosa
Martjak in New York.
large part due to the leadership of
JRI board member Dejan Miletic
who coordinated the event with
Republika Srpska institutions. Also
critical were the efforts of Gradina
curator and historian Simo Brdar,
Prof. Vladimir Lukic of the Initiative Board for Donja Gradina,
and Department of Schools head
Milos Milincic. These efforts culminated in a moving ceremony at
the hall of the Gradina Memorial
Zone on May 8th. Despite the torrential rain the event was attended
by a packed hall at which the three
winners read their works accompanied by student musicians playing Bach. The contest evolved and
expanded to include an art contest
as well which also drew hundreds
of participants and whose winners
will be announced in September.
JRI directors Barry Lituchy from
New York and Aleksandar Mosic
from Belgrade spoke at the May
8th ceremonies, first in Banja Luka
to view the art contest entries, and
then in Gradina. Following the
Gradina ceremonies, JRI members
Miletic, Lituchy and Mosic met
with Srpska Republika Prime Minister Pero Bukejlovic as his guests
and discussed future activities.
Alexander Osman, a student at
Hopewell Junior High School,
cist struggle, spoke to students and
and faculty in Varvarin about his
experiences. While there Mosic
and others laid flowers at the monument for the victims of the bombing of Varvarin by NATO in 1999.
on behalf of the JRI, recallnig the
tragic links between the events of
the Holocaust and the reemergence
of anti-Serbian aggression in the
1990’s. The Jasenovac Research
Institute will announce the upcoming Jasenovac Commemorative
Essay and Art contests for 2006. in
the Srbobran in September
By Barry Lituchy
8 May 2005
Dear Friends,
I came a long way to be here today
to give awards and to congratulate all of you have worked hard
to study the lessons of Jasenovac
and the Holocaust. I am here today
because I firmly believe that your
efforts in this study are extremely
important for the future of the Serbian people, for the future of the
Jewish people, for the future of the
Roma people, for the future of this
land, and for the future of humanity.
Without Holocaust education we are
doomed. But by sponsoring contests like this one here in Bosnia, in
Serbia & Montenegro and in North
America, the Jasenovac Research
Institute believes that together we
can change the world for the better
and help build a better future based
on a real understanding of human
rights and social justice.
received his award by mail, but will
be a guest at next year’s Jasenovac
commemoration ceremony in New
York. In Serbia JRI director Aleksandar Mosic traveled to Varvarin
(about 100 miles south of Belgrade)
to meet the winner of the contest
in Serbia & Montenegro, Tijana
Tomic. Mr. Misic, whose mother
were murdered by German fascists
The enormous success of the con- in Nazi occupied Serbia and who Through this contest students and
test in Republika Srpska was in fought as a Partisan in the anti-fas- teachers such as yourselves can
teach others who have not learned,
or who have chosen not to learn, the
lessons of Jasenovac and the Holocaust. Because without knowing
the basic facts of how German and
Croatian fascists with others created the Ustashe puppet state and
its race laws designed to commit
crimes of genocide against Serbs,
Jews and Roma, how can anyone
talk about justice or human rights
in Bosnia or anywhere else in the
world today?
No one can talk about human rights
or democracy without first understanding that the crimes committed here on this spot 60 years ago
were the greatest threat to human
rights and democracy of all time.
We can build an understanding
of human rights and democracy
only through an understanding of
Jasenovac. That dialogue can only
begin here. This is why we are
here today.
I think it is a shame and a crime that
Paddy Ashdown is not here today. It
shows a lack of seriousness on his
part about human rights and war
crimes that he has failed to recognize these ceremonies at Gradina.
It is not only anti-Serbian to ignore
the commemoration of Jasenovac,
it is anti-Semitic and anti-Roma as
well. Paddy Ashdown could learn a
lot from you students. You all have
something important to teach the
world about your history and we
will not let anyone forget that!
When on April 21, 1945 the last
thousand of Jasenovac prisoners
were rounded up and marched to a
few buildings, they knew that they
were going to be murdered. So, on
that day these starving, exhausted
and unarmed prisoners decided
that they had to liberate themselves
and close Jasenovac forever. But
they also knew that almost all of
them would surely die in the process, because without weapons and
weakened by sadistic cruelty, they
would have to throw their tortured,
emaciated bodies at the machine
gun bullets. But they decided they
So, let us keep this annual contest
going as a way in which we can keep
our promise to the martyrs that we
will never forget them. Together we
will insure that the young generation will hear their voices, as you
Those poor victims who are bur- have, forever.
ied by the thousands right here on
had to do it. Because as the Survivors have told us – even if just one
man or woman survives, he or she
will be able to tell the whole world
about what happened to us here.
Alexander Osman, First Place essay
contest winner, is a member of Lodge
#23 - Aliquippa
this sacred ground under our feet
– they speak to us still. Can you
hear them? They ask us only that
we never forget what was done to
them. I can hear them. They died
as martyrs for you and me, for
all of us. This is why we are here
We are also here today to honor you
young people. Yes, you! Because by
honoring you today for your work in
this contest, we are honoring them,
our martyrs, who speak to us from
this sacred ground and say: “Never
forget!” and “Never again!”
And I want to emphasize and say to
all of you young people here who
participated by the hundreds in this
contest – we are extremely proud of
all of you! You have done truly what
is called in Hebrew a Mitzvah – a
good deed that helps your country,
your people and your fellow human
beings. You are helping to change
the world for the better. Your work
gives us all hope and courage.
As the shepherd watches over his
flock, so God watches over the
souls of the Jasenovac victims.
Jasenovac, a word that even to this
day lies heavy in the hearts of those
who lived through this cruel experience. In the modern Western world
this horrifying ordeal was passed
off as just another Nazi death camp,
but in harsh reality, it was so much
more. Few people know the true
story of the horror of Jasenovac and
the history of the Croatian Nazi
government whose goal was to
eliminate all non-Croatian people
from its territory. Because of the
efforts of the Jasenovac Research
Institute, the truth of Jasenovac and
the Yugoslav people is now being
The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and
Slovenes was founded on July 17,
1917, by the Corfu Pact. This pact
united the Serbs from Serbia, Bosnia-Hercegovina and Macedonia,
along with the Croats and Slovenes.
This new country, under the Serbian
dynasty, was tolerant of many different religions: Orthodox, Roman
Catholic, Jewish, Protestant and
Muslim. This country comprised
of people from different nationalities and religions became known
as Yugoslavia in 1934. Yugoslavia
became a leader in industry and as
such had great pride in their country and in their community. However, this was short lived as World
War II was on the horizon.
On March 4, 1941. Adolf Hitler,
leader of Nazi Germany, met with
Prince Paul Karadjordjevic, King
of Yugoslavia, requesting Yugoslavia’s participation in the Axis pow13
ers. Prince Paul agreed to participate, mainly because Yugoslavia’s
army had been neglected, as the
country was concentrating on its
economic growth, and because of
Germany’s threats to attack. This
agreement was brief, as Serbian
Nationalists plotted and overthrew
the government declaring young
Prince Peter II Karadjordjevic ruler.
Prince Peter was not yet of age, so a
caretaker government was formed
to run the country.
As a result, the Axis powers
imposed “Operation Punishment”
on April 6, 1941, which crushed
Belgrade with a hail of bombs. Serbian people from provinces all over
came together to fight the Axis
powers, these fighters were called
“Chetniks”. Although the Chetniks
fought courageously, they were outnumbered and inadequately armed.
Then, on April 10, 1941, the German Nazis rolled into Zagreb, with
a warm welcome from the Croatians. A few days later, on April 15,
1941, Croatia declared its independence from Yugoslavia. The leaders of Croatia were mere puppets
of the Nazi Party, especially the
fuehrer of Croatia, Ante Pavelic.
The Germans also brought with
them the Italian fascists, who along
with the Croatian Nazis, called
“Ustashe”, a radical segment of the
Croatian population, attacked the
western borders that delivered the
final blow to the Serbian government. This was the break that the
Ustashe had been waiting for, as
they had unlimited rule and unlimited resources to finally carry out
their desire to rid Croatia of all
Orthodox Serbs and others.
By April 18, 1941, Yugoslavia was
conquered and divided into parts.
Germany took over Banat, Srem
and Serbia as a whole, because
these regions had the largest Jewish
population. Macedonia was given
to Bulgaria, and the other southern
regions of Yugoslavia were given to
Italy. Bosnia-Hercegovina and Dalmacia were given to Croatia; Slovenia was given to Hungary. Ger14
man Nazis in Srem and Banat were
there to carry out their established
policy to eliminate the local Jewish
population, just as it was occuring
in Germany. The areas under Croatian rule were extremely unfortunate, as the Croatians had their own
terrible ideas for creating their own
Holocaust. Genocide of all nonCroatians, especially Serbs, was
the official policy of Ante Pavelic,
the home-grown Croatian Fascist
who was the leader of the Croatian
Nazi state. Similar to Adolf Hitler
in Germany, Ante Pavelic instilled
his ideas that a pure Croatian state
was essential to the growth and
prosperity of the newly independent
Croatian nation. In both instances,
Hitler and Pavelic creatd a problem in order to fulfill their lust for
power. Pavelic had always viewed
Hitler and other European fascist
leaders as inspiration for his rule.
On the eve of the declaration of the
independent Croatian state, Pavelic
declared: “The Croatian Ustashe
movement has placed itself not
today, but ten years ago at the side
of our friends, at the side of Hitler
and Mussolini, those great leaders
of those great nations, whom no one
can resist anymore, who are standing in our defense and will guarantee our liberation, our victory, our
freedom, and our Independent State
of Croatia.” Hitler had invented the
idea that all problems in Germany
came from the Jews. Carrying on
that idea, Pavelic instilled the same
principles but with different sects of
people. “The Jewish Problem” and
“The Serbian Problem” both led to
mass murder. The new Croatian
State believed that they could eliminate Serbian history and tradition
by destroying the Orthodox faith.
Placing heavy taxes on all church
properties and then using force to
capture and imprison all Serbian
Orthodox clergy would destroy the
church system. After taking anything of value, the churches were
ultimately burned or bombed to
oblivion. Although churches were
ransacked and destroyed, Serbian
resistance was not deterred and the
Chetniks launched guerilla attacks
aimed at the Ustashe. As a result,
Ustashe stepped up their efforts to
destroy the Orthodox faith by killing the imprisoned clergy. Over
170 priests and clergy were brutally butchered and dismembered
because of the Croatians growing
frustration wirh the perseverance
of the Serbs. Furthermore, more
than over fifty rabbis also met their
deaths in the same manner.
In order to more effectively eliminate the Serbian Orthodox and
other non-Croatian populations,
the Ustashe set up death camps
modeled after existing ones in Nazi
Germany and other occupied territories. Since the mission of the
Ustashe was to cleanse their country to make a pure Croatian state,
most of the camps were established
in Croatia. During the war, the
Ustashe operated a total of twelve
camps. The largest and most brutal camp in all of Nazi Croatia was
Jasenovac. The camp was actually
a complex with several sub-camps,
all of them near each other, including Stara Gradiska, the women’s
camp. The Jasenovac death camp
was located in Southwest Slavonia;
the region at the heart of Croatia,
which until 1941, both Serbs and
Croats shared. The Jasenovac camp
was activated in August 1941, with
the herding of over 200,000 Serbs,
Muslims, Roma (gypsies) and Jews
into the newly created camp.
These camps were known for their
terrible conditions. Many prisoners died from starvation, disease,
and exposure to the elements, in
addition to executions and torture.
There are many stories of unusual
cruelty and even Roman Catholic priests were involved in these
dastardly acts. Miroslav FilipovicMajstorovic, the captain of the UNS
(Croatian Security Police), a former
Catholic priest, was known for killing scores of prisoners with his
bare hands. Peter Brzica, a guard at
Jasenovac, won a contest for slitting
the throats of 1,360 prisoners with
a butcher knife on August 29, 1942
- where he was crowned the “King
of the Cutthroats” and received a
gold watch, a silver service, and a
roasted suckling pig for his deed.
Children were especially vulnerable. In fact, according to Avro
Manhattan. “Jasenovac Concentration Camp distinguished itself
because of the number of young
inmates sent there. In 1942, the
camp held over 24,000 Orthodox
youngsters. Twelve thousand of
them were murdered in cold blood
by the Commandant.”
This camp became a symbol of
the attempt of the Puppet state of
Croatia to cleanse the country of
all denominations and religions
except for the “true” Catholic Croatian people. This quote by Milovan Zanic, the Minister of Justice,
revealed quite clearly the Croatian
Government’s plan: “This State,
our country, is only for Croats and
for no one else. There are no ways
and means which we Croats will not
use to make our country truly ours,
and to cleanse it of all Orthodox
Serbs. All those who came into our
country 800 years ago must disappear. We make no attempt to conceal our intention. It is the policy of
our state and during its realization
we shall do nothing else save follow
the principle of the Ustashi.”
which was based upon the philoso- stand and are not aware of our past,
phy of one mad man in Germany. it has a chance of being repeated.
The horrors of the Holocaust and the
While historians do not completely Jasenovac death camps have a very
agree on the number of victims similar paradox. In each example,
of the Jasenovac Holocaust, most there were mass murders, and these
believe that a minimum 200,000 murders are incomprehensible in
people were brutally murdered. our world today. But unfortunately,
However, some scholars claim the some societies have not learned
number of victims approach nearly from the past. For in the 90’s, war
700,000. Regardless of which num- broke out in the same region, and
ber is correct, the number of Ser- the same people again practiced
bian Orthodox citizens in the Croa- genocide. It is essential for us as a
tian Nazi State was estimated at 2.2 human race to learn from the past.
million prior to World War II. The A mistake is only a mistake if it is
lower estimate of 200,000 victims not learned from.
translates into 10% of the Serbian
Orthodox population exterminated
in this one camp. To put this percentage into perspective, in a high
school class of twenty students, at
least two of your closest friends
would have been brutally murdered
for no other reason other than their
ethnicity and religion.
Understanding the Jasenovac Holocaust contributes to a better understanding of the Holocaust in general for many reasons, one of which
is that more than just Jews were
killed. There were Serbian Orthodox, Roma, Muslims, Protestants,
and other ethnic groups that were
not Roman Catholic Croatians.
These people were thoughtlessly
From one man’s hatred came executed just for being different.
this inhumane experience of the
Jasenovac death camp. Parallels There were nations other than Gerbetween both Jasenovac and the many who participated in the Holoholocaust in general display the caust. The new Independent State
evil and hatred that is contained of Croatia joined the Axis Powers
within all men. These societies on April 15, 1941, and was fully
were very much alike. In Germany, supported by the German and ItalAdolf Hitler believed and con- ian fascist powers. The Croatian
vinced his followers that the Jews Nazis or Ustashe were the most
brought economic and emotional brutally efficient exterminators of
unrest to the country. The Puppet all the Nazi puppets, having almost
State of Croatia expanded upon no regard for life itself.
his idea and wanted to exterminate or remove all Serbs, Muslims, The Croatian government hid the
Roma and Jews to create a true atrocities of the jasenovac camp.
Croat country. The German Nazi When it was liberated, all records
party never planned for the mas- of the camp’s activities had been
sacre of Serbs to happen. However, burned, first in 1943 then again in
because of the desire to have a 1945. Hiding the Jasenovac Holotrue Croat state, the Croatian Nazi caust gives one more example of
party executed their barbaric plan, why, if we as a society do not under15
by A. Mosic
In the springtime of a long gone
year in the 1960s, I was taking
the express train from Zagreb to
Belgrade via Sunj; we were crossing a bridge on the Sava the River
when the train slowed down. Since
it was passing the Jasenovac station (where it wasn’t going to
stop), the passengers went into the
train’s corridor and silently looked
through the window in the direction of Bogdanovich’s great “Stone
Flower.” I could never determine
whether the tracks were being
repaired or whether the engineer
was aware of the silent glances the
passengers cast at the monument as
it was slowly disappearing behind
them. When the monument finally
disappeared from sight, the passengers returned to their seats, and the
locomotive picked up speed. We
were silent for a while. A little later,
a man with a large, thick graying mustache spoke, as if to himself, but in any case loud enough
for everyone to hear him clearly:
“Seven hundred thousand, but who
knows, maybe more.” “That’s too
much. I don’t believe it,” replied a
thirty-something man in a conciliatory tone. Then there was silence
once again. All that could be heard
was the steady whistling of the wind
that was blasting the passing train
from the east. A woman who sat
across from the mustachioed man
spoke up: “Mister, where do you
come up with that number, seven
hundred thousand?” And that’s
how the conversation began.
— I read it somewhere.
— Mister, don’t go off half cocked.
I heard educated people talk about
it. They say there were eighty thousand victims.
— That’s a big difference. Our people are never going to agree on this.
— Well, they can not. Where I come
from, twenty three were taken
away and it wasn’t written down
The mustachioed man was silent,
thinking something over, and then
spoke again as if he were speaking to himself, but this time he was
instead addressing everyone in the
I don’t like this kind of politicizing
and wholesale bidding on the number
of victims. I get the strong impression that those who feel the bite of
conscience deliberately speak only
of the number of victims in order
to conceal worse and much more
important things that are already
known about Jasenovac. The Nazi
concentration camps industrialized
killing. We know about gas chambers, crematoria, and executions;
we know the approximate number
of victims. But here everything that
concerns the victims is vague and
unclear. People who had no names
were killed, without any accounting of the number, and without any
graves. The only things we are certain of is Piceli’s furnace, and the
indescribably savagery endured by
the victims; and we can be certain
that the detainees were killed like
chics, and that half-naked executioners had knives that were tied to
their wrists. I don’t want to speak
about the number of deaths any
more. Those are empty tales told in
order to conceal the bestial nature
of the place. Such a dispute about
the number of victims is a horrible
word game. Let’s close that part
of the discussion. Let’s mention
the victims, the many victims, the
excessive number of victims; let’s
talk about their unspeakable suffering; let’s talk about Picili’s furnace
which was originally intended for
firing bricks and let’s compare it
to the stakes on which people were
burned alive during the middle ages
for alleged heresies. Then it will
become clear that everything that
is expressed by numbers of five or
six figures is equally incomprehensible; that every figure representing
the number of victims is inaccessible to the human mind if only it
could be compared to the number
of residents of a large-sized town.
Let’s close the discussion about
guesstimates. Let’s accept it without
trying to make it prettier or bigger
than it is — it’s horrible and terrifying enough just as it is — what is
indisputable is this: Jasenovac was
the most horrible and the most bestial concentration camp in Europe.
And we don’t ascribe it to a nation.
It is the work of mentally deranged
The denazification of the Jasenovac
concentration camp will not be successfully completed even a hundred
years from now if the dispute about
the number of victims and the invocations of some imaginary “Greater
Serbia” continue. The indisputable
facts alone about the concentration
camp are enough to proclaim it to
be the most bestial and most horrifying concentration camp that
ever existed in Europe. When this
is understood, denazification shall
have been accomplished, and the
conscience of the people will then
be pacified.
Translated by Milo Yelesiyevich
Tijana Tomic, 1st prize in Serbia and
tion to detail she devoted to these
children. There is much more, of
By Drago Katratovic
course, about her in the diary that
and Uros Soskic
she kept which started with the
first day of the occupation until the
As one might expect, during the liberation of Zagreb. This precious
period when this column and its document is in her granddaughter’s
subsequent installments were possession.
appearing in the press, we were
continuously receiving new mate- Diana’s Circle of Good Will
rial that filled out our story. Many
of those involved in saving the The opening pages of Diana’s diary
children of Kozara contacted us describe how those mothers and
and provided new information, and poor children who were being peroffered eyewitness accounts and in secuted and driven out of Zagreb
some cases, previously unknown found her to be an outstanding
documents. The most important guardian who protected them from
material we received was the doc- the moment the Fascist reign of terumentation that concerned Diana ror had begun. The Fascists became
Budisavljevic and Prof. Kamil Bre- suspicious of this Austrian woman,
sler, who were the leading figures who was the wife of a highly
in this undertaking and merit fur- respected surgeon, in January 1944.
ther historical study.
But they were blinded by their own
prejudice and racism, and could
We have not until now touched never have imagined that person of
upon this subject it, but it is fair to “German blood” would have helped
say that Diana Budisavljevic died the hunted and the persecuted.
on June 20, 1978 in Innsbruck, her
birthplace, and Prof. Kamil Bre- Diana describes how in October
sler died on September 3, 1967 1941 she first learned the truth about
in Zagreb. Both had lived long the concentration camp in Loborlives. Diana had children; Kamil grad where Jews and Serbs had
did not. From the documentation, been interned. A few days later, she
which was written in their own found out during a visit to Zagreb’s
hand during the time these events Jewish Quarter that these prisoners
were taking place and afterwards, were limited to receiving aid only
it is easy to complete their charac- from the residents of Zagreb’s Jewters. These are not documents that ish Quarter. Diana began collecting
would merely hold interest for their food and clothing from her own
respective families. They contain a circle of friends.
great deal of previously unknown
information that shedds light on the And she had a large circle of
actions of Zagreb’s anti-Fascists in friends. She immediately contacted
about twenty-five people of goodwill; the group included doctors
It is important to note that Diana and architects, nurses and teachers,
Budisavljevic provided a card cata- merchants and students. Colnar, a
logue containing information on representative of the unofficial Slo12,000 children to the Health and venian Red Cross, was among them.
Social Welfare Department on Dozens of people (many of them
August 27, 1945. This documen- anonymous) brought aid in the form
tation filled twenty-five drawers, of food, clothing and money to her
and with it she also submitted five husband’s private clinic under the
books that aided in the search for pretext of coming in for an examilost children, and five books of pho- nation. The aid packages were pretographs with an index. This dem- pared and packed in Diana’s apartonstrates the tremendous effort, ment and then taken to a nearby
courage, and painstaking atten- post office.
At the end of February 1941, Diana
visited the camp at Loborgrad and
a few days later she visited (Archbishop) Alojzije Stepinac with the
hope that she might persuade him
to help the children detained in the
camp. She even summoned the courage to go to the infamous Andrija
Artukovic with the same request.
He refused, using the excuse that he
did not have the authority to make
such a decision, and he sent her to
see Kvaternik. She spent a long
time on the phone with the Ustashi
commander, and she tried to obtain
the release of innocent people from
the camp. On several occasions, her
request was postponed for a day,
and at one moment, she feared that
she too would be arrested.
Diana met Prof. Kamil Bresler for
the first time in November 1942
and soon began working with him.
She sensed that she could achieve
her plan of getting the people who
were in the most danger out of
Loborgrad, and she succeeded in
sending a large number of individually addressed packages through
the Jewish Quarter to some of the
prisoners. Then she had her first
unpleasant experience. One night,
the police came and searched her
apartment right after she had finished preparing some aid packages
with her friends.
First News about Kozara
She described her first success in a
diary entry dated October 19, 1942.
The camp directors at Loborgrad
gave her permission to take eleven
children. Eight days later, they were
brought to the Institution for Deaf
Children in Zagreb. During those
days she met nurse Dragica Habazin with whom she would later have
a long and successful association.
On October 30, 1942 Diana was at
the main railroad station in Zagreb
where she met a group of 58 children and 86 women traveling from
Loborgrad to Belgrade. She took
down their addresses and immediately sent letters to their families so
they would know where they were “Now it became clear to me that
being taken.
these were children from Kordun
and from other areas, children for
Diana was courageous and worked whom we had been searching withtirelessly… In the beginning of out success. It is clear to me that I
September, Dr. Branko Kesic, a must do everything in my power
military doctor, informed her of to save those children. When the
the grave condition of the children train left, Hecker asked me which
from Kordun. This man would children I wanted to take. I told
inform her on two more occasions him that the women had begged
of the terrible events taking place me to take the children from the
in that area. At the start of the Fas- camp, instead. He promised me
cist offensive in Kozara on July 8, that he would find out about these
one transport of women and chil- children from his colleagues who
dren being sent to Germany was chose people to work in Germany.
stopped on the road to Zagreb. The On the morning of July 9, I went
manager of the transport, a man to Hecker’s office and there I met
named Hecker, allowed Diana to Captain von Kotzian who promised
talk to the women and it was then to help me.”
that she first learned that the camp
in Stara Gradiska was being used Cooperation with Bresler
to imprison the children of Kozara.
The lines she wrote that night Six days earlier Diana wrote in her
impress the reader with the preci- diary that she had been called by
sion of her insight:
Dragica Habazin late at night and
told that 220 children, 224 women
“July 8, 1942. At 10:00 p.m. nurse and 6 men had just arrived at the
Habazin found out that a transport main train station. All of them
which needed our help would pass had been sent back from Maribor
through Zagreb at 11:00 p.m. I went because of illness, and that they
with her to the railroad. While we had been shipped out of the Stara
waited for the late train, I met the Gradiska camp to work in Germany.
chief of transport, Hecker. This Diana called Hecker right away and
transport is loaded with women and he allowed her to keep those people
children. I pleaded with Hecker not from being transported. She had
to send the children to Germany, but to act immediately because there
instead to leave them here with us. was a risk that these people would
He agreed but said that no woman be returned to Stara Gradiska. She
would consent to being separated found Prof. Bresler right away, and
from her child. I got permission to that night the Institution for Deaf
talk to all of them, but not one of Children in Ilica took the children
the women would give up her child. in, while the adults were received
After all that these women have suf- by Jeronim Hall. That was the first
fered, it is quite understandable [that large scale action that had been
they would not give up their children) undertaken by Diana and Kamil,
during this short stop in the dark- and that encouraged them to underness. Why should they trust some- take even larger actions later.
one to have good intentions toward
their children? They explained to In another document, Diana Budme how they had come from the isavljevic wrote in Veljaca in 1947
Stara Gradiska camp, and how there that:
had been many other children there,
many of them without parents, who “After that, in cooperation with
had been taken to Germany with nurse Dragica Habazin from the
earlier transports or who had simply Red Cross on transports of prisondied. they said ‘free those children ers who were being sent to work as
that remain, there are more than a slave laborers in Germany, I found
out that in the concentration camps
thousand of them.’
Stara Gradiska and Jasenovac
there were large numbers of Serbian children suffering in terrible
health conditions, without food and
without any nurse; they had been
sentenced to death. These children
needed help right away. As I was
not able to take action by myself, I
asked Prof. Bresler to help. He specialized in the health and welfare
of children. Prof. Bresler promised
me his help and full cooperation.
So he, with such support from the
ranks of Red Cross nurses, whose
numbers included many friends of
the NOP [the Peoples’ Liberation
Army), began working to save the
children of Kozara who had been
imprisoned in Stara Gradiska and
The information contained in
Diana’s diary entry has never been
published before, and we have
Bresler’s description of the same
events for corroboration. His diary
entry states:
“…Heedless youth cannot look after
itself. The Fascist criminals shot at
them in the middle of the street as
though they were wild beasts, while
others ended up being hanged, while
so many more of them ended up
being killed in Jasenovac, Gradiska
and Lepoglava. Not a day passes
without such disturbing news….
“Life was becoming harder with
the perpetual expectation of being
caught by Ustashe killers: the
whole city was becoming one big
concentration camp. It is the early
summer 1942. The Kozara offensive has ended. We know a little
bit about what happened in the
“One day a lady (Diana Budisavljevic) entered my office. As she
introduced herself, I realized that
she was the wife of one of our
respected physicians. She asked
me if I knew that there were hundreds or even thousands, or maybe
even tens or hundreds of thousands
of children in camps from Stara
Gradiska to Jasenovac who would
be killed if we did not do something whose assistance and cooperation
to save them.
she tried to enlist in order to continue to rescue children from the
“Thoughts were racing through my camps. She pleaded with them to
mind: in the whole of the NDH get food and medicine, which she
there are 4,000 beds for children sent to the camps. She awaited
that have already been taken and each transport that arrived in
now we are talking here about thou- Zagreb’s main train station where
sands of new children…. Sick chil- she handed out leaflets with her
dren … how many people will we address and instructions for the
need to do that?… and what about imprisoned parents to send inforthe transports and the guards? mation to her about their children.
Where will we get medical instru- Zagreb, July 4, 1943. The Gestapo
ments, dishes, food? I need a month inquired about the leaflets she was
to prepare — but by then there will distributing. But those leaflets
be no more children. The lady’s helped hundreds, even thousands
large, dark and compassionate eyes of people. Right up to the end of
inspected my face — asking, beg- the war, she had received between
ging, demanding…”
three and four thousand letters
from the German camps, and she
All of the children from Kozara replied each of those who were
who were rescued were forced to prisoners there. Each and every
one of those letters contained a
convert to Roman Catholicism.
truly terrifying story of human
Thousands of Letters
The Jews in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Serbia
were tortured in ways far more brutal than those in Western Europe,
even taking into acount the camps
and crematoria. A striking example
of the inequities of this new policy
is the case of the Hungarian Jews.
The Jews in Hungary, as limited
by the Trianon Treaty after World
War I up until full Nazi Occupation, lived under very discriminatory though not deadly conditions.
However, in the annexed territories
of northern Serbia (the Voivodina),
the Hungarian Jews, as an ethnic
minority, along with the Serbian
Jews and the Orthodox Christian
Serbs, were murdered in the most
cruel way, namely by drowning
them in the icy water of the Danube River, on the banks of Novi Sad
(Ujvidek in Hungarian) in January
1942. There they were pushed alive
under the ice.
Thanks to this rich and newly discovered treasure trove of documentation from Budisavljevic and Bresler, along with supporting signatures and testimonies sent by others
involved in rescuing the children
of Kozara, we cannot say that this
story is over.
Under the new policy, the Hungarian Jewish Survivors will receive
806 Euros quarterly while their
close relatives in Voivodina who
happen to be Serbian citizens will
receive only 403. What is the rationale behind such a double standard? Please do not forget that
the Survivors are now octogenarians. How many of them will still be
alive when the Slavic countries are
admitted to the EU?
Let’s return to Diana’s diary.
Zagreb, June 7, 1942: Hecker’s
office received the long awaited
permission from Kvaternik to take
the children from Stara Gradiska.
Two days later Vlado Broz, Diana
Budisavljevic, Dragica Habazin,
Jana Koch and other nurses and
doctors of the Red Cross were on
their way to Stara Gradiska. After
some tense moments during their
meeting with Maks Luburic, the
first transport went to Zagreb. The
transports went on all that year
until the late autumn. Diana, her
friends and colleagues worked tirelessly. After Stara Gradiska, she
went to Mlaka and Jablanac, and
then at the request of Prof. Bresler, she assisted the staff of the
children’s house at Josipovac. But
even Diana’s strength found its limits. She struggled with her own psychological problems, and soon even
she had to seek help from doctors.
She recovered soon afterwards, and
returned to the dangerous task at
Translated by Milo Yelesiyevich
by Aleksandar Mosic, JRI
The German Government, in
accordance and cooperation with
the Claims Conference, founded
by the World Jewish Congress,
subsidizes Jewish Holocaust Survivors with 403 Euros quarterly
in European countries outside the
European Union. But recently a
100% increase was granted only
to Survivors living in former Warsaw Pact countries whose states
already become members of the
Her diary in 1943 notes frequent EU. Such an approach is grossly
meetings with representatives discriminatory.
of the International Red Cross,
The JRI continues to monitor the
ongoing human rights catastrophe in Kosovo where hundreds of
thousands of Serbs, Romas and
other national minorities have been
persecuted, brutalized, murdered,
exiled and dispossessed. After six
years of U.N. control little has been
done to remedy the crisis, rebuild
destroyed property, or return Serbian and Roma refugees to their
place of origin. Hundreds of ancient
Serbian churches and monasteries
have been vandalized or destroyed
in deliberate acts of genocide (as
defined by the UN charter on genocide).
Working in close cooperation with
Roma and Serbian organizations,
the JRI sent photographer Elizabeth Bieber in August 2005 to
document the human rights crisis
in Kosovo in preparation for a book
to be published on the subject in
2006. A Roma delegation participated in the April 2005 Jasenovac
monument unveiling in New York
and the JRI is proud to announce
that Voice of Roma President Sani
Rifati joined the JRI’s Honorary Advisory Board in June. JRI
Director Velimir Nestorovic, an
environmental engineer, is preparing a paper on the harmful health
effects plaguing displaced Roma
and Serbs in refugee camps such as
those in Mitrovica where lead poisoning and other problems are rampant due to the failure of the UN
and Western nations to protect the
citizens of Kosovo.
JRI Directors Barry Lituchy and
Darko Trifunovic visited Roma refugee camps in Kosovo in 2004 and
future visits are planned.
By Ron Grossman
Chicago Tribune
July 6, 2005
Like any new pope, Benedict XVI
inherits some problems from his
predecessor, among them sexual
abuse scandals and a Catholic
Church deeply divided between
progressives and traditionalists.
Then there are William Dorich’s
Dorich, a Los Angeles book publisher, is the force behind a classaction lawsuit against the Vatican
Bank and the Franciscan Order.
Filed in a federal court in California,
the suit alleges that immediately
after World War II the bank--the
financial arm of the Roman Catholic Church--helped fleeing members of a brutal, pro-Nazi regime in
Croatia hide and launder millions
of dollars worth of loot, including
gold and jewelry taken from concentration camp prisoners.
According to Dorich and his lawyers, those riches were used to help
the pro-Nazi henchmen slip out of
Europe and escape to South America in 1945 and after.
Dorich, the son of a Serbian immigrant, recalled that dozens of his relatives were massacred by the Ustashe,
a Croatian puppet government
installed by the Nazis when they conquered the Balkans in the 1940s.
U.S. government documents of the
period show that some Ustashe
leaders and many of their financial “The State Department knew about
resources made it to Rome during those documents for 50 years and
the chaos of the war’s final months. did nothing,” said Loftus, who later
wrote of his discoveries in the 1992
book “Unholy Trinity.”
Alleged missing link
But Dorich and other plaintiffs take
the chain one crucial step further:
Their suit alleges that the missing
link between the money’s arrival
in Rome and its apparent transfer
to South America was the Vatican
He attributes the government’s long
reluctance to investigate the affair
to the fact that the American hands
weren’t clean, either. As World War
II segued into the Cold War, U.S.
and British officials were eager
to recruit former Axis agents and
willing to overlook their wartime
A 1947 intelligence report noted: records.
“Many of the more prominent
Ustashe war criminals and Quis- William Gowen, an Army intellings are living in Rome illegally, ligence officer stationed in Rome
many under false names. ... All this at the war’s end, was the author of
activity seems to stem from the some of the newly surfaced memos.
He was then barely out of his teens,
but because he was fluent in Italian
Long classified and buried in mili- he found himself in the thick of an
tary archives, those memos first investigation of the Rat Line. He
came to light through the detective discovered that a Croatian Catholic
work of author John Loftus.
monastery in Rome was sheltering
a group of armed men, presumably
Once a Justice Department law- former Ustashe operatives.
yer assigned to track wanted war
criminals, Loftus had come upon “We found out about the Ustashe
documents suggesting that Catho- treasury and knew it had been
lic clergy had a role in the so-called brought to Rome,” Gowen said in an
Rat Line, an underground railroad interview. “But where in Rome?”
that helped Nazis and their allies
escape to Latin America.
Gowen said Ustashe funds eventually were transferred to Swiss
Pavelic went to Argentina, he banks, and then presumably to
found. There the ex-strongman Latin America.
was supported by proceeds from
the Ustashe treasury, which trav- “The Swiss banks are famous for
eled the same route, according to their secrecy. Once you have an
a 1998 State Department investi- account there you can send money
gation of assets stolen by Germans anywhere, no questions asked,”
and their collaborators during Gowen said. “But you couldn’t
just drive truckloads of gold, jewWorld War II.
elry and other valuables across the
“From the character of the Ustashe Swiss border.”
regime and the nature of its wartime activities,” that report said, According to Jonathan Levy, one of
“this sum almost certainly included the plaintiffs’ attorneys, the Franciscans were named as defendants
some quantity of victim gold.”
because the political extremism of
The State Department’s investiga- the period was fueled by religious
tion was belatedly instigated under hatred.
congressional pressure, after parallel cases of looting of Holocaust “Not everybody who collaborated
victims’ assets became a hot issue with the Germans committed
in the 1990s.
atrocities,” Levy said. “But in the
Ustashe movement, religiosity was
wrapped up with fascism.”
The lawsuit alleges that members
of the Franciscan Order were allied
with the Ustashe and participated
in attacks on Serbs.
One 1946 memo on the Ustashe
treasury said that “approximately
200 million Swiss Francs (about
$47 million) were originally held
in the Vatican for safe-keeping”
before being moved to Spain and
Argentina. Like other documents
of the time, that one is tantalizingly silent about whether “Vatican” meant the Vatican Bank or
the papal city-state, a political
enclave within Rome.
“Our official position is that there
is nothing to the allegations,” said
Ronald Mallen, attorney for the
Franciscan Order. “The other side
ignores the fact that `Brother Devil’
was excommunicated.”
Author’s detective work
That was the nickname given to
Brother Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic by inmates of the notorious Jasenovac concentration camp,
where tens of thousands of Serbs,
Jews and Gypsies perished. A Franciscan brother before becoming the
camp’s commandant, FilipovicMajstorovic was tried and hanged
as a war criminal after World War
Other Ustashe leaders got away.
When Germany’s defeat became
imminent in late 1944 and early
1945, high-ranking members of the
Croatian government fled, some
passing through Rome en route to
escaping from Europe.
The military and political situation
in Italy was chaotic. From day to
day, it would be hard to say who
was in charge. German troops were
fleeing northward. Italian partisans
led popular uprisings. Arriving
Allied forces struggled to establish
some sort of order.
Serbs are predominantly Orthodox Christians and Croats are predominantly Catholics. Despite their
longstanding antipathies, Serbs and
Croats were linked together in the
creation of Yugoslavia after World
War I.
Settling old scores
“From money stolen from the gold
teeth of my relatives, the Vatican Yugoslavia was dominated by Serbs,
enabled Nazis to escape to Argen- so when Yugoslavia was defeated
tina,” Dorich said.
early in World War II, Croatian
nationalists saw the Germans not as
In 2003, a federal judge dismissed conquerors but liberators. Ustashe
the case, saying U.S. courts lacked military detachments fought alongjurisdiction. But this spring, that side Nazi armies while settling old
decision was reversed by the 9th scores.
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
During the Ustashe regime,
“Deciding this sort of controversy Orthodox Christians were subject
is exactly what courts do,” a panel to forced conversions to Catholiof the appellate court said in a 2-1 cism. Serbian churches were
looted and burned, sometimes
with their congregations locked
The judges noted that the issues inside. In one such massacre, at a
“ultimately boil down to whether church in the village of Vojnic, 99
the Vatican Bank is wrongfully people were burned alive on April
17, 1942.
holding assets.”
It could be years before the case
goes to trial or is settled. The defendants are considering appealing to
the U.S. Supreme Court. And even
if the plaintiffs proved the Vatican
Bank played a role, that would not-of itself--settle the issue of who at
the Vatican was involved or knew
Ante Pavelic, the head of the what was taking place.
Ustashe government, and 1,500
of his followers made their way Still, as the Vatican struggles with
through Austria to Italy. They car- the role the church and its leading
ried with them gold--estimates of clergy played during World War
its value vary widely from a few II, the case sheds renewed light on
hundred thousand dollars to many the tangled ethnic and religious
millions, according to U.S. military landscape of Eastern Europe--and
the way in which ancient feuds and
reports at the time.
hatreds played out during the horThe route of the Ustashe leaders rors of a modern war.
and treasure can roughly be traced
through memos written by U.S. The events recalled in the case
Army intelligence officers.
took place against the background
of religious antagonisms that were
still sparking violence and bloodshed in recent years, especially
when Yugoslavia broke apart in the
“Seventeen of the victims were my
relatives,” said Dorich, who visited
the site.
Money laundering charged
Accordingly, Ustashe loot had to
be converted into currency that
could not be traced, then transferred to Switzerland. The lawsuit
alleges that the Vatican Bank was
the perfect agent to perform that
money laundering. Should the suit
go forward, plaintiffs’ attorneys
will press the Vatican to open its
archives in hopes of finding documents to cement their thesis.
Jeffrey Lena, an attorney for the
Vatican Bank, declined to comment.
The Serbs’ lawyers hope to mobilize public opinion, noting that there
has been a pattern to similar suits
on behalf of Holocaust victims and
World War II slave laborers: After
first denying the allegations and
resisting the lawsuits, Swiss banks
and German industries felt enough
pressure to make an out-of-court
Attorneys for the defendants petitioned the full appellate court to
overturn the finding of the threejudge panel, but their request was
turned down in June. The Franciscans’ attorney said that decision,
in turn, will be appealed to the
Supreme Court; the Vatican Bank’s
attorney said a Supreme Court
appeal is under consideration.
Both defendants contend that the
dispute doesn’t belong in court but
should be resolved by diplomacy,
since the Vatican is not just a religious body but a sovereign state.
Mallen, the Franciscans’ attorney,
noted that under the law, his client
can argue that the affair belongs
to the world of diplomacy without
conceding there is anything for diplomats to negotiate--without, that is,
admitting wrongdoing.
Others, though, wonder if that
argument might be too subtle for
the court of public opinion.
duty in engaging, being ready to
sacrifice and interceding for the
sake of far-away places so that we
Letter from a Reader
may at lease recall in this fashion
and pay our debt to those who have
I was born on April 27, 1933 in the died in the killing fields of Nazivillage of Demirovac Bos. Dubica, Fascist concentration camps.
BiH. As you already know, during WWII, more precisely, in 1942 Escondido, April 4, 2005
during the enemy offensive in
Kozara in June 1942, the Serbian Rajko Hrnjak
people were totally destroyed and 330 E. Mission Ave., #16
eradicated in the Kozara region. Escondido, CA 92025b
However, all of the people from
that region were deported to concentration camps, and their homes
and property destroyed. My parents, my brother and my sister disappeared in these concentration
camps, while I, along with the other
children of Kozara, was persecuted
in a variety of concentration camps:
Cerovljan, Ustica, Jasenovac, Sisak,
Novska, Daruvar and who knows
where else they took us in cattle
cars, transporting us to various
places where many lives forever
crumbled, exhausted by suffering
in indescribable misery. Fate has
decreed that I once again experience, not the same, but a very similar destiny, except this time in my
old age with the civil war. I lived
and worked in Zenica for a full fortythree years and I experienced many
disagreeable things and once again
I found myself in exile, deprived
of everything, empty-handed, old,
exhausted, unhappy, beset with
woes, humiliated and helpless.
“It’s not exactly a plea of innocence,
is it?” Loftus said.
Following current events in the
Serbian press, as I do, I found out
that your are marking the [email protected]
Copyright © 2005,
sary of the escape of concentration
Chicago Tribune
camp detainees from Jasenovac. A
moral obligation overcomes me; I
would be delighted to find myself
at this commemoration in order to
share the sadness of those of our
people who died, but unfortunately,
I am unable to, for financial reasons
as well by reason of my poor health,
to attend this memorial gathering
which you are organizing.
All that remains for me is to thank
you for going beyond the call of
Steve Cooper (Secretary), Dr. Angelo D’Angelo, Gregory Elich, Joe Friendly (JRI Videographer),
Suzanne Jenkins, Jovanka Krainovich, Barry M. Lituchy (C.E.O.), Dr. Norman Markowitz (Rutgers
University), Kosa Martjak, Alexandar Mosic, (Chief Editor of JRI Newsletter), Jean Neftin, (JRI
IT & Web design), Dr. Craig Pearson, John Ranz, (President of Buchenwald Survivors, USA),
Darko Trifunovic, James Yarker (C.F.O.), Milo Yelesiyevich (JRI Editor & Chief Translator).
Col. Antun Militic (Chairman of Advisory Board), Dr. Smilja Avramov, Eva Deutsch Costabel
(Survivor), Cadik Danon (Jasenovac Survivor), Josip Erlih (Jasenovac Survivor), Vladimir
Brodich (Survivor), Dr. Zivotije Djordjevic, Dr. Ephraim Isaac (Princeton University),
Dejan Miletic, Dr. Michael Parenti, George B. Radan (Survivor), Mladan Selak (Survivor),
Dr. Traian Stoyanovich (Rutgers University), Bozo Svarz (Jasenovac Survivor).
JRI ASSOCIATES (partial list only)
Dr. Harry Cliadakis (Pace University), Dr. Veljko Djuric, David Gottfried (JRI
Attorney), Dr. Norman Ness (University of Deleware), Ricki Danon Soltan (Survivor),
Danko Vasovic, Dr. Walter Vukcevic, Dr Lila Kalinich, Velimir Nestorovic.
© Jasenovac Research Institute, 2005.
All Rights Reserved.
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