Lindblad Expeditions Overview


Lindblad Expeditions Overview
Lindblad Expeditions
indblad Expeditions is a pioneering expedition travel company that
works in partnership with National Geographic to inspire people to
explore and care about the planet. As pioneers of global exploration, the
organizations work in tandem to produce innovative marine expedition programs
and to promote conservation and sustainable tourism around the world. The
partnership’s educationally oriented voyages allow guests to interact with
leading scientists, naturalists and researchers while discovering stunning natural
environments, above and below the sea, through state-of-the-art exploration tools.
Our Destinations
Our expeditions take our guests to some of the
most beautiful and fascinating places on Earth.
They’re places we’ve been going to for decades, yet
they continue to surprise and delight us.
Our core destinations include Arctic Svalbard,
Antarctica, Alaska, Baja California, Central
America, and Galapagos. We also have voyages
to many other areas including the Amazon, New
Zealand, Africa, British Isles, Australia, Asia &
Pacific, Europe, the Mediterranean, the Pacific
Northwest and South America. More information
on all of these offerings can be found at
Our Ships
Lindblad Expeditions owns six ships. These
ships include the National Geographic Explorer,
National Geographic Orion, the National Geographic
Endeavour, the National Geographic Sea Bird, the
National Geographic Sea Lion and the National
Geographic Islander.
In addition, Lindblad Expeditions charters four ships
— the Delfin II, the Lord of the Glens, the Jahan, and
the Sea Cloud for seasonal expeditions.
Our Commitment to the Places
Where We Travel:
At Lindblad Expeditions, our belief is that a
traveler’s own individual experience can be life
changing — leading to greater understanding,
appreciation and stewardship of a place. We believe
that once someone has experienced the natural
and cultural wonders of a region, they become part
of the cycle of helping to sustain, preserve or even
repair these special areas of
our world.
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Our Guiding Principles &
Organizational Mission
Lindblad Expeditions is steered
through a series of ten guiding principles.
Since 1997, Lindblad Expeditions in conjunction
with its guests has raised over $10 million dollars
to support local conservation and environmental
stewardship efforts in the regions were we travel,
and helped other travel companies
develop conservation initiatives.
•Ensure that everything we do adds
value to the guest experience.
•Integrity is our prime equity—
never compromise it.
•Positively impact the areas we
explore and in which we work.
Our Staff
•Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
We believe that exceptional leadership and
great service are key components to creating
life-changing travel opportunities. From our
Management Team to our Expedition Staff to our
Captains, we pride ourselves in having the most
talented and committed expedition staff in the
business. With years of experience, our staff
make each voyage memorable through sharing
their knowledge, enthusiasm and passion for the
beautiful and pristine destinations where we travel.
•Honor the value of service.
•Maintain our expedition heritage by
fostering a spirit of exploration and discovery.
•Demonstrate leadership; excel
in knowledge; inspire others.
•Innovate, test and evaluate.
Be open to new ideas.
•Strive for clarity in communication.
• Maintain a balance between
adventure and safety.