Registration Form 8.16.indd - Mahaska Health Partnership
Registration Form 8.16.indd - Mahaska Health Partnership
Breast Cancer Awareness Walk FriDAy OctOBER 7 Noon - 1:00 pm on the Square in Oskaloosa, $25. registration due by Sept. 22. (in case of bad weather: Penn Central Mall) Funds raised assist with breast cancer education and mammograms for women with a financial need. Free Women’s Breast Health Night Tuesday OctOBER 25 6:30 - 8:00 pm Gateway Church of the Nazarene. This year’s program will feature General Surgeon Timothy Breon, MD, FACS. Pre-registration required online or call 641.672.3369. Registration DUE SeptEMBER 22 Register online at or mail the form below to: MHP Cancer Care and Infusion Center | 1229 C Ave. E., Oskaloosa, IA 52577 Make checks payable to: Mahaska Health Partnership Name:_________________________________________________ I plan to attend (check all that apply): Phone:_________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________ Adult T-shirt size: o S o M o L o XL o 2XL o 3XL o 4XL o 5XL Shirts will be available for pick-up Noon - 5:00 pm on October 6 or will be brought to the walk. Shirts may be picked up at entrance #1 on the MHP campus. o Breast Cancer Awareness Walk o Free Women’s Health Night Friday, Oct. 7 (Sept. 22 deadline) Tuesday, Oct. 25 I assume all risk associated with this event including and not limited to falls, injuries, contact with other participants, effects of weather, traffic and sidewalk conditions. I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release Mahaska Health Partnership and the City of Oskaloosa from all claims and liabilities. I grant all permission and all forgoing to use any and all motion pictures, video and/or photographs for any legitimate reason. Signature:_________________________________________________________________________ A parent or guardian must sign for individuals under the age of 18. Date:_____________________________
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