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Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Laurent Massoptier Yu Song Editors This book is the result of the 3rd summer-school organized by the SUMMER Marie Curie Research Training Network, which has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN) under grant agreement PITN-GA-2011-290148. The information and views set out in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. In addition, the authors and publishers have used their best efforts in preparing this book. They make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the content of this book. Neither the authors nor publishers shall not be liable for any damages, including but not limited to commercial, incidental or consequential damages. Requests for ordering or permission to make copies of any part of the work should be emailed to the coordinator of SUMMER project: [email protected] or addressed by postal mail to Laurent Massoptier at AQUILAB, Parc Eurasanté - Biocentre Fleming, 250 rue Salvador Allende, 59120 Loos Les Lille, France. Copyright © 2014 All rights reserved. ISBN 978-94-6186-309-6 EDITORS-IN-CHIEF & SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Laurent Massoptier AQUILAB, Lille, France Yu Song Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Hortense Kirisli AQUILAB, Lille, France BOARD OF THE SUMMER PROJECT David Gibon AQUILAB, Lille, France Wolfgang Birkfellner Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical University Vienna, Austria Ursula Nestle University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany Anne Laprie Institut Claudius Regaud, Toulouse, France Umberto Sabatini Santa Lucia Foundation, Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care, Rome, Italy Katja Bühler VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH, Vienna, Austria Yu Song Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands CONTENTS Design challenges in incorporating segmentation methods into radiotherapy software ................ 5 Aselmaa A, Song Y, Goossens R Diffusion registration of Lung CT ................................................................................................ 12 Jurisic M, Hauler F, Furtado H, Birkfellner W Automated evaluation of multi-modal image rigid registration .................................................... 17 Hauler F, Jurisic M, Furtado H, Nestle U, Birkfellner W Subcortical structures segmentation on MRI using support vector machines .............................. 24 Dolz J, Kirisli HA, Vermandel M, Massoptier L Evaluation of 4D PET tumour segmentation algorithm with dynamic experimental phantom measurements ............................................................................................................................... 32 Carles M, Fechter T, Christ U, Chirindel A, Schaefer A, Mix M, Nestle U A threshold and region-growing based algorithm for 18FDG-PET 4D GTV delineation ............. 42 Fechter T, Carles M, Chirindel A, Christ U, Nestle U fMRI: resting-state networks and task-evoked activations in the presence of brain tumours ...... 49 Tuovinen N, de Pasquale F, Sabatini U Defining new regions at risk: fiber tractography for planning radiotherapy of brain tumours ..... 54 Hamamci A, Tuovinen N, de Pasquale F, Sabatini U Exploiting MRSI data properties to improve quantification ......................................................... 63 Laruelo A, Chaari L, Batatia H, Rowland B, Ken S, Ferrand R, Tourneret JY, Laprie A Human computer interaction in segmenting organs at risk for radiotherapy: a pilot study .......... 69 Ramkumar A, Dolz J, Kirisli HA, Schimek-Jasch T, Adebahr S, Nestle U, Massoptier L, Varga E, Stappers PJ, Niessen WJ, Song Y Nanoparticle technology: future opportunities in cancer treatment .............................................. 80 Jain S, Butterworth KT The ART of translation: from research to clinical application ..................................................... 86 Verheij M, Sonke JJ Enabling fast analysis and fusion of MR spectroscopy imaging ................................................. 90 Nunes M, Rowland B, Schlachter M, Ken S, Matkovic K, Laprie A, Bühler K 4D PET/CT visualization in radiotherapy planning ...................................................................... 96 Schlachter M, Fechter T, Nestle U, Bühler K A. Aselmaa et al. 5 Design challenges in incorporating segmentation methods into radiotherapy software Anet Aselmaa1, Yu Song1, and Richard Goossens1 1 * Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands [email protected] Abstract: Radiotherapy treatment planning is a complex multi-participant process. In a technology-driven context such as radiotherapy, a good software design balances between automation and user interactions. In this paper, we discuss the design challenges for incorporating segmentation methods into the radiotherapy treatment planning software, more specifically for the contouring task. Using object-oriented modelling, we identify main design challenges in the categories of general usability, navigation, workflow, and flexibility of interactions. We also highlight that a multidisciplinary approach to the design process is needed to be able to incorporate medical, technical and usability knowledge. Index Terms — Radiotherapy, Automation, Contouring, Design. INTRODUCTION Designing software for professionals is a challenge on its own, but designing software in a technology-driven context such as radiotherapy poses even more challenges. On one hand, use of information technology can help decreasing human errors [1]. On the other hand, poor usability can severely hinder the effectiveness of clinician’s work [2]. As such, it is necessary for the software designer to become familiar with the medical needs, working environment as well as with the technological advancements. Once there is a good understanding, it is possible to propose an initial design concept that could be further improved through co-design sessions. Radiotherapy is a complex, multi-participant process [3]. The full treatment planning process involves multiple clinicians and can take from hours to days to be completed. Contouring, one of the sub-processes of the treatment planning where the contours of all important regions of interest (ROIs) are created, has been identified as the weakest link in the treatment planning [4]. The contouring process begins with defining the list of ROIs to be contoured. This is then followed by contouring each of these ROIs (as depicted on Figure 1). Most ROIs are independent of each other and can be contoured in any order. However, some ROIs (e.g. gross tumour volume and clinical target volume) are dependent on each other and need to be contoured sequentially. In addition, in clinical practice, the contours are often created by a resident, and therefore a more senior oncologist needs to validate (and adapt if needed) the contours. The process of contouring a ROI depends on the type of ROI and the software used. The type of a ROI defines which image modality should be used. For instance, skull can be well defined on a CT scan. The software used, however, defines which type of segmentation methods is available (as shown on Figure 2). SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 6 Design challenges in incorporating segmentation methods into radiotherapy software Figure 1. Simplified activity diagram of a contouring process A segmentation method is a specific tool or an algorithm that enables the user to segment (contour) a ROI. Within this paper, we classify segmentation methods into three categories: fully automatic, semi-automatic and fully manual. A fully automatic segmentation method requires no input or interaction from the user for creating contours (besides starting it). A semi-automatic segmentation method is combining algorithms with user interactions for creating contours. The algorithmic support can vary from seamless to the user (e.g. 3D “Smart Brush” [5]) to almost fully automatic (e.g. user input is only required for initialization). A fully manual segmentation method assumes no extra algorithmic support from the software (e.g. the line is drawn exactly how the mouse cursor moved). Figure 2 Simplified contouring process of a ROI for three types of segmentation methods: fully automatic, semi-automatic and fully manual. Automation has a lot of potential for many tasks in radiotherapy treatment planning. For instance, the development of (fully or semi-) automated image segmentation methods is one of the key topic of research (e.g. the Brain Tumour Segmentation Challenges (BraTS) at MICCAI (Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention) conferences in 2012 – 2014). Current methods of automated segmentation are usable in certain situations; however, it would be necessary to define which methods are usable for which ROIs, and on which types of datasets [6]. As in any software interface design, general usability principles need to be taken into account. For example, [7] defines the main quality components of usability as learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, satisfaction, and utility. With the increasing number of segmentation methods available, designing software interface that is balanced between automation and user interaction while having high usability will be a challenge. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A. Aselmaa et al. 7 The aim of this paper is to discuss possible scenarios of using segmentation methods for contouring regions of interest, and to highlight different design challenges posed by those use scenarios. For identifying these scenarios, an object-oriented approach is taken. And then based on the identified use scenarios, the design challenges are summarized. OBJECT-ORIENTED VIEW ON CONTOURING Object-oriented modelling approach allows describing relevant objects and the relations among them in a compact way. It allows identifying different use scenarios, which then can be used as a basis for the interface design process. In this research, the UML object diagram is used for modelling objects and relations involved in the contouring process. Typically, UML diagrams are used in software engineering. However, the use of UML diagrams is not restricted to this area and there is increased interest in using UML diagrams for describing other higher level (e.g. business [8]) processes. In a high level view of contouring process, the main objects involved are ‘tumour’, ‘patient’, ‘ROI’, ‘image dataset’, ‘segmentation method’, and ‘user interaction’ ( Figure 3). The main relations between any pair of these objects can be summarized as follows: The list of ROIs depends on the tumour and the patient. A ROI is identifiable in one or more image datasets. A ROI has one or more segmentation methods suitable for segmenting it. A segmentation method uses one or more image datasets. A segmentation method can have no user interaction or numerous user interactions. A segmentation method can be able to segment one ROI or multiple ROIs. Figure 3 Simplified object diagram representing all potential relations between main objects within ROI contouring process For example, oedema might be identified as one of the ROIs in a brain tumour case. Oedema can be identified well on MRI T2-weighted images or MRI FLAIR images [9]. At the same time, for example, a fully automatic brain tumour segmentation method called ABTS, is claiming high success rate in segmenting oedema present for glioblastoma multiform cases by using MRI T2 and MRI FLAIR image datasets [10]. In addition, their segmentation method is also able to segment another ROI - the Gross Tumour Volume (GTV). For most ROIs, the best suitable image dataset for contouring is known from clinical practice and medical research. At the same time, there is a growing knowledge on which segmentation method performs well for which ROI(s). Therefore, it is feasible to find an optimal segmentation method(s) for specific ROIs within a software solution. Designing such a software system that is incorporating multiple segmentation methods for multiple ROIs is not trivial as there are various realistic scenarios of creating ROIs by using SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 8 Design challenges in incorporating segmentation methods into radiotherapy software different segmentation methods. Each of these scenarios gives additional design consideration. One-to-one relations (e.g. a ROI is identifiable only on one image dataset) on their own do not pose design challenges compared to one-to-many scenarios. However, enabling all different scenarios within one software design poses usability and interaction design challenges. Table 1 summarizes the design challenges posed by one-to-many use scenarios. Table 1 Design challenges posed by one-to-many use scenarios Main one-to-many use scenarios Design challenges There are multiple ROIs for the tumour of one patient - Navigation between ROIs - Managing segmentations of dependent ROIs A ROI is identifiable on more than one image dataset - Intuitive navigation between image datasets A segmentation method segments multiple ROIs - Intuitive use within workflow One ROI has more than one suitable segmentation methods - Balance between user freedom and cognitive load - Navigation between different segmentation results of a ROI - Creation of a composite contour based on multiple segmentations … and the segmentation methods require different types of user interaction - Consistent user interactions - Intuitive use within workflow A segmentation method requires substantial user involvement - Clear user interactions - Minimized amount of interactions - Balanced interactions … and uses more than one image datasets - Intuitive navigation between image datasets DESIGN CHALLENGES Different clearly defined scenarios allow designing a solution more fitting for the clinical needs. However, the priorities of these scenarios will depend on the number and types of segmentation Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A. Aselmaa et al. 9 methods incorporated into the software. Implementing too many segmentation methods can become costly without bringing significant benefits. At the same time, not having enough segmentation methods will hinder the usability (e.g. fully manual segmentation methods require too much time from the users and thus is not supporting efficiency). A starting point for such a software design is to review available segmentation methods (fully automatic, semi-automatic and fully manual) and for each of them, to specify the image dataset types suitable as input, their success rates for different ROIs, and also the required user interactions. For example, [11] investigated user interactions for three semi-automatic segmentation methods (parametric active contours, geometric active contours and graphical models) and proposed optimal user interactions for them. However, their work is not giving overview of the success rate of segmentation methods for segmenting specific ROIs based on specific image datasets. Once there is a sufficient knowledge base available to incorporate segmentation methods, detailed graphical user interface design work can begin. In this design phase, the design challenges we have identified need to be tackled. We have summarized the design challenges identified in previous section (Table 1) into four categories (Table 2): general usability, navigation, workflow, and flexibility of interactions. Table 2 Major design challenges to be addressed within the design of software incorporating numerous segmentation methods Category Design challenge General usability Minimized amount of interactions Clear user interactions Consistent user interactions Intuitive navigation between image datasets Navigation Workflow Flexibility of interactions Intuitive navigation between ROIs Navigation between different segmentation results of a ROI Managing segmentations of dependent ROIs Intuitive use of a segmentation method within the workflow Creation of a composite contour based on multiple segmentations Balanced interactions Balance between user freedom and cognitive load DISCUSSION We have highlighted several design challenges based on different envisioned scenarios. However, the real challenge will remain in reaching a user interface design solution that solves all of these in a usable way. Poor communication among different stakeholders has been highlighted as one of the main reasons for the failure of software projects [12]. Even though we have used object-oriented approach for identified different use scenarios of segmentation methods, we see that it is necessary the interface design process itself follows user-centred design approach [13]. The ISO standard 9241 (part 210) highlights the needs for a multidisciplinary design team and iterative approach. For the design of a software solution incorporating numerous segmentation methods, tight collaboration between developers and users is a prerequisite for the success of the development. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 10 Design challenges in incorporating segmentation methods into radiotherapy software CONCLUSION In this paper, based on object-oriented modelling, we have highlighted different use scenarios with segmentation methods and discussed the design challenges in incorporating numerous segmentation methods into single software. Those various design challenges are categorized into four categories: general usability, navigation, workflow and flexibility of interactions. To tackle those challenges, a multidisciplinary design team, which is able to incorporate medical, technical and usability knowledge, is often needed. The next step of this research is to generate possible interface design prototypes to tackle these challenges. Ideally these prototypes will be improved iteratively in collaboration with clinicians and developers of segmentation algorithms. The feasibility of this concept will be also evaluated. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PITN-GA2011-290148. REFERENCES [1] Pham JC, Aswani MS, Rosen M, Lee H, Huddle M, Weeks K, Pronovost PJ. Reducing medical errors and adverse events. Annual review of medicine 2012; 63:447-463. [2] Viitanen J, Hyppönen H, Lääveri T, Vänskä J, Reponen J, Winblad I. National questionnaire study on clinical ICT systems proofs: physicians suffer from poor usability. Int J Med Inform 2011; 80(10):708-725. [3] Aselmaa A, Goossens RHM, Laprie A, Ramkumar A, Ken S, Freudenthal A. External radiotherapy treatment planning – situation today and perspectives for tomorrow. Innovative imaging to improve radiotherapy treatments, Lulu Enterprises Inc Ed 2013 (ISBN: 978-1291-60417-7), 1:77-84. [4] Njeh CF. Tumour delineation: The weakest link in the search for accuracy in radiotherapy. J Med Phys 2008; 33(4):136-140. [5] Parascandolo P, Cesario L, Vosilla L, Pitikakis M, Viano G. Smart Brush: a real time segmentation tool for 3D medical images. IEEE Int Symp Image Sign Process Anal 2013; 689-694. [6] Whitfield GA, Price P, Price GJ, Moore CJ. Automated delineation of radiotherapy volumes: are we going in the right direction? Br J Radiol 2013; 86(1021):20110718. [7] Nielsen J. Usability 101: Introduction to Usability. Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, 08 June 2014, http://www.nngroup.com/articles/usability-101-introduction-to-usability/ [8] Eriksson HE, Penker M. Business Modeling with Uml, Wiley Chichester, 2000. [9] Aselmaa A, Goossens RHM, Rowland B, Laprie A, Song Y, Freudenthal A. Medical factors of brain tumour delineation in radiotherapy for software design. ACCEPTED for publication. [10] Diaz I, Boulanger P, Greiner R, Hoehn B, Rowe L, Murtha A. An automatic brain tumour segmentation tool. Int Conf Eng Med Biol Soc 2013; 3339-3342. [11] Zhu Y. Towards more desirable segmentation via user interactions. 2013. [12] Charette RN. Why software fails [software failure]. IEEE Spectrum 2005; 42(9), 42-49. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A. Aselmaa et al. 11 [13] Dis I. 9241-210: 2010. Ergonomics of Human System Interaction-Part 210: Human-Centred Design for Interactive Systems. International Standardization Organization (ISO). Anet Aselmaa Born in Estonia 30th October 1986. Received B.Sc. (2007) and M.Sc. (2010) in Business Information Technology from Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. She has worked in the field of web-based software solutions’ design and development in Estonia, Hungary and Sweden. Currently she is a PhD candidate in the Technical University of Delft, faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. Her research is about “Designing for Sensemaking” in the context of radiotherapy treatment planning. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 12 Diffusion registration of Lung CT Diffusion registration of Lung CT Miro Jurisic1*, Frida Hauler1, Hugo Furtado1,2 and Wolfgang Birkfellner1,2 1 Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical University of Vienna, Austria ² Christian Doppler Laboratory for Medical Radiation Research for Radiation Oncology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria * [email protected] Abstract: Deformable registration is an image processing method that maps a homologous point set from different images. It is used in a clinical environment for image fusion, treatment assessment, patient positioning, dose recalculation or patient follow-up. We present the calculation of variation approach for joint diffusion regularization and image segmentation. The main task of segmentation in our method is to assist the deformable registration by including segmentation masks as an additional channel of the original image. We used 4D lung CT of 4 patients to test our method. Results show that the segmentation assisted diffusion registration preforms similar as plain diffusion registration, but with different more physical deformation fields. Index Terms — Calculation of variations, deformable registration, image segmentation. INTRODUCTION Non-rigid image registration is an important problem in various clinical specialties. This task is to systematically place separate images in a common frame of reference. In this way the information contained in images can be optimally integrated or compared [1,2]. Both deformable registration and segmentation can be stated as an energy optimization method for an appropriate functional E(f)(1). Once the energy model is set, we calculate the function that minimizes the energy. One of the methods for calculating the function to be minimized is the Euler-Lagrange method (2). min E(f )=∫ L( ⃗x , ∇ f ( ⃗x )) f Ω dE ∂L d ∂L = − ∑ =0 d f ∂ f i=x , y, z d i ∂ f i ' f i '= (1) ∂f ∂i ; (2) One of the main problems with deformable registration is the ill-posed structure of the problem. In fact, more unknowns than equations exist. In order to deal with this shortcoming, a regularization term is introduced. Regularization can be placed explicitly in the energy minimization approach or it can be implicitly included into the algorithm as a deformationsmoothing field [3]. An overview of different regularization terms is presented in [2]. MATERIALS AND METHODS Diffusion registration The first step to deformable registration by variation calculus is to define an appropriate energy functional (3). The most common functional separate data or image terms (4), which depend Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M. Jurisic et al. 13 only on spatial locations of the moving and fixed image, and a regularization term ( ⃗ )(5), which is defined as a function of smoothing the deformation field to support only “physical” deformation [2]. Diffusion registration has a regularization term in the form of the sum of gradient magnitudes for components of the deformation field (5) [3], [4], [5]. Ereg (⃗u )=S data +α R(⃗ u) 1 S data = ∫ (F(⃗x )−M (⃗x , ⃗u ))2 d ⃗x 2Ω 1 R(⃗u )= ∫ ∑ (∇ ui)2 d ⃗x 2 Ω i= x, y , z (3) (4) (5) Now that the energy functional is set, we can start writing the Euler-Lagrange equations for a diffusion registration. Equation (6) shows the iterative approach for updating the x-component of the deformation field. It this equation the time is a subsidiary variable to represent iterations. It is an interesting fact that all three components of the deformation field are independent of each other. ∂u x −d Ereg d = =−(F−M) ∇ u M + ∑ α ∇ ux ∂t d ux i=x , y , z d i x (6) Piece-wise constant Mumford-Shah segmentation Similar to the diffusion registration, the segmentation problem can be also stated as an energy minimization problem, but of course with a different functional. Since our main focus is a registration, we used a simple energy functional known as piece-wise Mumford-Shah model (7) [6]. The main idea behind this model is to divide image into foreground and background with the constant values. Looking at the form of (7), we observe the similarity with diffusion functional. The data term – the squared difference between model image I(c,Φ) and original image I_0- is similar to the data term of the diffusion registration. The regularization term has also a similar form, but in contrast to the gradient magnitude of the deformation field, we have a gradient magnitude of the interface area between two regions. The constants that represent foreground and background are calculated as in (8). According to (8), constants that represent the regions are just an average value of the region Φ_k. E seg= 1 1 2 2 (I (c ,Φ )−I 0) d ⃗x + β∫∣∇ Φ∣ d ⃗x ∫ 2Ω 2 Ω c k (Φ)= ∫Ω I 0 d ⃗x (7) i ∫ d ⃗x Ω c=(c 1, c 2,. .. , c n) ; Φ k =k ∈Ωk , k=1,2,... , n k (8) (9) The regions are represented by the integer value (9) and the numerical iterative update term for regions given by the Euler-Lagrange equation (10). ∂Φ =−d E seg =−(I (c , Φ)−I )∇ I (c , Φ)+ ∑ ddi β ∇ Φ Φ 0 ∂t dΦ i=x , y , z (10) SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 14 Diffusion registration of Lung CT Fig. 1: This figure show original image, in upper left corner, and 3 segmentation mask for different type of tissue. Upper right corner image shows separation between air and tissue, lower left separates tissue by density and finally the lower right image show bone separation. Fig. 1 shows an example of segmentation masks used for the registration. We used three different segmentations pair for registration. The first pair separates air from the body. The second pair of masks is used to separate soft tissue by density, where bones are included as a dense tissue. The third pair of masks separates a solid from the soft tissue and air. The different masks were created by the same iterative method (10), but with different pre-processing steps (different thresholding) and different coefficients. If you take closer look at (8) and (9) you can notice that our approach also leaves possibility to have a multiple regions segmented. Fig. 2 shows an example for the three regions segmentation. We found out that three is a limitation for the number of regions for our approach for the segmentation of the lung CT. Fig. 2: Left image shows original CT slice, while the right image shows segmentation of the original image to three regions. Segmentation assisted registration Since our goal is a segmentation assisted registration, we have to introduce another energy term, the one that connects registration and segmentation (11). Our approach consists in segmenting both a moving M, a fixed image F and of changing the data term to . Ecoupled =R(⃗ u)+E seg (F)+E seg (M )+S average (11) The average term (12) takes into account squared differences between all pairs, the intensity image as well as the masks. Since this term only depends on the deformation field and not on its Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M. Jurisic et al. 15 derivatives, we need to calculate only the derivation of an average data term respect to the deformation field (13). S average = 1 ∫ 2(n+1) Ω ∂ Saverage 1 = ∫ ∂u x (n+1) Ω [∑ n k=1 [∑ Aorta Heart k=1 ] (I fix , k −I mov ,k )2+(F (⃗x )−M (⃗x ))2 d ⃗x (12) ] (I fix , k −I mov ,k )∇ u I mov ,k +(F(⃗x)−M (⃗x ))∇ u M d ⃗x x Patient 1 Lung n with Patient 2 x Patient 3 (13) Patient 4 Normal Assisted Normal Assisted Normal Assisted Normal Assisted 0.986± 0.97± 0.969± 0.95± 0.983± 0.978± 0.982± 0.980± 0.003 0.02 0.004 0.01 0.003 0.008 0.007 0.004 0.867± 0.87± 0.88± 0.87± 0.85± 0.84± 0.85± 0.86± 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.08 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.94± 0.94± 0.942± 0.008 0.94± 0.937± 0.931± 0.937± 0.936± 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 Table 1. Evaluation of Registration: Organ Overlaps (%) RESULTS The mapping performance of the proposed algorithm against simple diffusion registration is evaluated quantitatively. For comparison, the both algorithms are performed on the same sets of 4 real patient 4D lung CT each with 10 time steps. Organ overlaps or dice coefficients, of the semimanual created mask in the reference image (time step 0) and the transformed organs from source images (other time steps) are used as metrics to assess the quality of the registration (Table 1). From Table 1, we can conclude that both of these algorithms lead to excellent registration results for all three organs. The difference between methods is up to 1%. The highest accuracy is for the lung in both cases with more that 96%.The aorta is an organ with lower contrast relative to its surrounding. In this case, registration preforms with accuracy of more than 84%. Fig. 3: Difference between moving and fixed image, a) before registration, b) after registration without segmentation masks, c) segmentation assisted registration and d) only segmentation mask are used for average image. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 16 Diffusion registration of Lung CT CONCLUSION Segmentation assisted registration introduces prior knowledge of the data which helps to achieve a more natural image registration. The diffusion registration is driven by the image gradients and the segmentation mask; this helps to amplify these gradients at the locations of the edges of the masks. The process helps the data term to overcome a diffusion smoothing term. Further research is needed to quantitatively assess deformable registration trough landmarks distance. Our future work will continue to bring these two methods together and we will also explore how registration can assist segmentation. Furthermore we will explore coupling of segmentation with different regularization term. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I thank Tobias Fechter for helpful discussion during my secondment visit to University Medical Center in Freiburg. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PITN-GA2011-290148. REFERENCES [1] Hajnal JV, Hill DLG. Medical image registration. CRC Press, 2001. [2] Sotiras A, Davatzikos C, Paragios N. Deformable medical image registration: a survey. IEEE Trans Med Imag 2013; 32(7):1153-1190. [3] Modersitzki J. Numerical methods for image registration. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2009; 36(S1):S44-S55. [4] Thirion JP. Image matching as a diffusion process: an analogy with Maxwell's demons. Medical Image Analysis1998; 243260. [5] Pennec X, Cachier P, Ayache N. Understanding the "Demon's Algorithm": 3D non-rigid registration by gradient descent. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv1999; 597606. [6] Mumford D, Shah J. Optimal approximations by piece-wise smooth functions and associated variational problems. Communic Pure Appl Math 1989; 42(5):577-685. [7] Chan TF, Vese LA. Active contours without edges. IEEE Trans Imag Process 2001; 10(2):266-277. [8] Guyader C, Vese LA. A combined segmentation and registration framework with a nonlinear elasticity smoother. Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, 2009; 600-611. Miro Jurisic is born in Croatia in 1986. He got a Master degree in Computational Physics from University of Split, Faculty of Natural Sciences in 2011. During his studies, he conducted research in many different field of physics like superconductivity Ising model using GPUs. Since February 2012, he is part of European FP7 project called SUMMER. His task in the project is multimodal deformable image registration of medical images. One of sub-problems in this project is the use of GPUs to accelerate registration algorithms. His host institution is a Medical University of Vienna, where he is currently enrolled in PhD program N094 for Medical Physics, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Birkfellner. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) F. Hauler et al. 17 Automated evaluation of multi-modal image rigid registration Frida Hauler1*, Miro Jurisic1, Hugo Furtado2, Ursula Nestle3, Wolfgang Birkfellner1,2 1 * Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical University Vienna, Austria 2 Christian Doppler Laboratory for Medical Radiation Research for Radiation Oncology, Medical University Vienna, Austria 3 University Klinikum Freiburg, Germany [email protected] Abstract: In radiotherapy (RT) complementary image information from multi-modal data is used. More precisely, multi-modal image registration aligns images from different modalities like computed tomography (CT) and cone beam CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) into the same frame of reference. For high precision dose planning, the accuracy of this registration process of volume data is crucial; therefore a reliable and robust evaluation method for registered images is needed in clinical practice. The gold standard validation methods are visual inspection by radiation oncology experts and evaluation based on fiducial markers. However, visual inspection is a qualitative measure with a range of 2-6 mm inaccuracy, and it is time consuming and prone to errors. On the other hand, the fiducial based evaluation is an invasive method when markers are fixated to bone or organs. In clinical practice, a robust non-invasive automated method is needed to validate registration of multi-modal images. The aim of this study is to introduce and validate an automatic landmark-based accuracy measure for multi-modal rigid registration using feature descriptors. For validation of the method, a porcine dataset with fixed fiducial markers was used to compare our accuracy measure with the fiducial registration error (FRE). In addition the method robustness was tested on 10 lung clinical cases. After registration, landmarks are automatically found by feature descriptors and a comparison of those intrinsic landmarks yields target registration error (TRE) of point pair’s landmarks with manually annotated landmarks TRE was carried out. Index Terms — rigid registration evaluation, accuracy measure based on feature descriptors, automatic landmark based evaluation INTRODUCTION In cancer treatment, radiotherapy (RT) is one of the main therapeutic measures next to surgery and chemotherapy. The goal of RT is to give a high dose of ionizing radiation to tumour regions called target volumes while sparing the surrounding healthy tissue. To successfully destroy the tumour cells a dose of 50 to 90 Gy is necessary, delivered in a cycle of up to 30 daily fractions. To spare the surrounding healthy tissues and organs at risk (OAR), utmost precision is necessary to define the tumour structures (called clinical target volume - CTV) and exact beam control is needed to deliver the high dose to the planned target volume (PTV). In radiotherapy (RT) different image modalities help the diagnosis and target volume definition SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 18 Automated evaluation of multi-modal image rigid registration providing different diagnostic information. These can be anatomical images as CT, MRI acquired with different sequences, x-rays and ultrasound (US) or functional images, such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET), functional MRI (fMRI) and single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT). However, no single modality can contain all the diagnostic information for reliable determination and delineation of malignant tissues. To obtain better tumour targeting during RT treatment, complementary information from multimodal images needs to align into the same coordinate system using 3D-3D registration algorithms. Registration is the determination of an optimal geometrical transformation which aligns points in one dataset (moving image) with corresponding points in other dataset (fixed image) taken at various points in time or by different scanners. Registration is a wide field with an arsenal of proven algorithms, but still there is a gap in defining the accuracy of the registration which for tumour delineation is crucial. The current gold standard validation methods of registration are visual inspection by a radiation oncology experts and fiducial-based evaluation. The visual inspection is a time consuming, qualitative measure, depending on inter-observer variability between the experts and lacks a standardized quantitative measure of registration accuracy. However, registration will be used by experts and their opinion has crucial importance for validation. A more quantitative validation is based on fiducial markers applied on surface or inside of the body. Fixed fiducial markers require invasive intervention while fiducial markers attached to the skin can move. In any case the fiducial-based validation is considered a gold standard evaluation for a quantitative measure of registration error, calculating the FRE – usually the root-mean-square distance between corresponding fiducial points [1] on different image modalities after the registration. Maurer et al. [2] suggested two more useful measures of error analysing the accuracy of registration, the fiducial localization error (FLE) - the error that stems from measuring the fiducial position - and the target registration error (TRE) which is the distance between corresponding points other than fiducial after registration. In this paper we propose a reliable, automatic and non-invasive method for measuring the accuracy of the registration outcome. For validating the new accuracy method, a porcine dataset with fixed fiducial markers is used comparing our method with the target registration error of fiducial. MATERIALS AND METHODS Datasets For testing the accuracy of the evaluation method, a multi-modality dataset of a porcine specimen was used with seven fixed fiducial markers and known registration gold standard [3]. The dataset is publicly available on http://midas3.kitware.com/midas/community/3. The pig skull was supplied by the Department of Biomedical Research, Medical University of Vienna. The reference dataset includes a CT, CBCT scans and MR-T1, T2 and PD weighted images. Fiducial markers were fixed to the bony skull of the specimen, namely on the os rostale, os nasale, one of the foramen supraorbital, foramen infraorbital and os lacrimale. The fiducial markers of 10 mm diameter were made of steel (for kV x-ray imaging and megavoltage electronic portal imaging), aluminium (for CBCT images) and polytetrafluoroethylene (for CT images). Plastic hollow sphere were filled with olive oil for MR-compatible markers. The CT volume were scanned by a 64-slice Spiral Philips CT scanner, consisting of 825 slices with 0.8 slice thickness, each slice containing 512x512 pixel size with intra-slice resolution 0.63x0.63 mm2. The kV, MV images and CBCT images were acquired by Elekta Synergy linear Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) F. Hauler et al. 19 accelerator, equipped with electronic portal imaging device (EPID) and a CBCT system. In case of CBCT imaging two images with different field of view (FoV) were acquired, one with 276 mm and the other with 425 mm. Imaging parameters for the small FoV were 540x540x520 voxels of 0.5 mm3 size and for the larger FoV 410x410x264 voxels of 1.0 mm3 size. The 20 lung clinical datasets consist of CT scans acquired with a Helical GE Medical Systems scanner. Image parameters were 512 x 512 x 95 voxels resolution, with 2.5 mm slice thickness and 0.97 x 0.97 x 2.5 mm3 voxel size. The kV CBCT images have been acquired during treatment with Elekta Linac, 2 mm slice thickness, 410 x 410 x 132 voxels of 1 x 1 x 2 mm3 size. As the scanning time is in the range of 2 minutes no breath-holding was asked from the patients. Rigid registration and image pre-processing For rigid registration we used a commercial software package Analyze 11.0 (AnalyzeDirect Inc., Visualization and Analysis Software). Due to different slice thickness of multi-modal images, rigid registration is sensitive to uncertainties. To avoid these uncertainties, all images were preprocessed by re-sampling to an isotropic voxel size of 1mm3 using cubic spline interpolations. For validation of registration accuracy by fiducial it is important that the target point of interest is not part of the set of registration points, so in porcine phantom data set fiducial markers are masked out before registration. During registration the CT volume is considered the fixed image and the CBCT the moving images. For registration, Analyze 11.0 uses Mutual Information metric, so the fiducial markers are used only for evaluation of the registration accuracy. Evaluation of rigid registration To validate the accuracy of registration the gold standard way is to calculate the target registration error (TRE), the distance between corresponding points other than fiducial points from the two images after registration. In order to define the corresponding points of the target points, anatomical landmarks have been determined manually or automatically using feature descriptors. In case of porcine phantom data, the manually annotated points were cervical C2 vertebra, the brain, the maxilla and mandible in CT, CBCT and MR images using Analyze 11.0. The reason to choose these anatomical landmarks was that they are not deform with the soft tissue and are visible on both image modalities. These reference slices also contains the fiducial markers to calculate the fiducial registration error (FRE) as the root-mean-square distance between corresponding fiducial points. On same reference slices, the feature detection algorithm was applied from all three views to calculate the target registration error (TRE) after registration as distance between the corresponding points detected by feature descriptor and matched by correlation (Fig.1). Fig. 1: Finding automated llandmarks using SURF descriptor on porcine phantom dataset The robustness of evaluation method was tested on 20 lung cases comparing the TRE calculated between corresponding points obtained by manual landmarks against automatic landmarks based on feature descriptors. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 20 Automated evaluation of multi-modal image rigid registration Fig. 2: Coronal view of Patient05, manually annotated landmarks of anatomical features on a.) CT, b.) CBCT images. c.) Presumptive matches of pair-landmarks after correlation match. After eliminating outliers using RANSAC on d.) CT and e.) CBCT slices, the inlier matches f.) on half transparent overlapped CT and CBCT slices. Manually annotated features have been chosen according to Grig et al. [4]: anatomical landmarks such as the apex of the lung, aortic arch, heart, spine, sternum, carina (bronchus bifurcation) and the tumour have been manually annotated by expert and checked by two radiologists. In automatic case, after registration of CT and CBCT images, features on both fixed and moving images are located using the SURF algorithm from the MatLab OpenSURF Computer Vision Library [5]. Fig. 3: Anatomical landmarks found by SURF descriptors (a,b). Presumptive matches are shown in (c), outlier elimination by RANSAC is shown in (d) for CT and CBCT (e). Matches on overlaid CT and CBCT are shown in (f). The interest points (distinctive locations like corners, blobs, T-junctions) are detected by a Hessian detector (Fig. 2, 3: a, b). The neighbourhood of every interest point is represented by a feature vector. The calculation time is directly proportional to the dimension of the descriptor, so SURF detector relies on integral images [6] and only 64 dimensions are used to reduce the computational time. The size of the filters is set by the octave parameter. Higher octaves use larger filters and the image data to find larger size blobs. Increasing the number of scale levels to compute per octave detect more blobs at finer scale. Indifferent of the landmark's defining automatically or manually, the feature vector elements are Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) F. Hauler et al. 21 matched between both images by building a correlation matrix by pair of points which correlate in both directions inside of a maximum search radius. From resulting presumptive match the outliers have been eliminated (Fig.2 ,3: d,e) by RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) [7]. Validation of evaluation method To validate the accuracy measure obtained by our approach the FRE of pig dataset is compared with accuracy measure obtained as TRE between the corresponding points of CT and CBCT features found by SURF descriptor and matched by correlation. According to Pawiro et al. validation of the gold standard registration of the porcine data we calculated the fiducial registration error (FRE) as the root-mean-square distance between corresponding fiducial points after registration. Moreover, the fiducial localization error (FLE) for N=7 fiducial markers can be calculated conform Eq. (1) FLE 2 = N FRE 2 (1) N 2 RESULTS Phantom data set The gold standard accuracy measure is considered to be the fiducial registration error (FRE) between the corresponding fiducial points on CT fixed image, and CBCT moving image. This value is providing a ground truth for validation of the accuracy measure based on feature descriptors. For six fiducial measured from three views, the FRE and standard deviation measured after registration of CBCT to CT volume was 1.8 ± 0.7 mm. The FLE using the Eq.1 is 2.1 mm. TRE calculated between automatic landmark pair-points determined by SURF descriptor for all three views was also 1.8 ± 0.7mm, on sagittal view 1.1 ± 0.5 mm, coronal view, 1.8 ± 0.7 mm and on axial view, 2.0 ± 0.7. Patient data In absence of a gold standard, we compare the target registration error calculated between manually annotated landmarks and the TRE of our method, between the matched pair-points from landmarks found by SURF descriptor represented in Table 1. DISCUSSION Next to internal error due to organ motion, each diagnostic and treatment preparation step leads to the accumulation of uncertainties including setup errors which finally affect the accuracy of the defined PTV. Multi-modal image rigid registration, as a basic step before the deformable registration and tumour delineation has an important role to determine the accuracy of PTV and this role will get more importance especially in particle therapy which more precisely localizes the radiation dosage of proton beam. An evaluation method for rigid registration accuracy needs to accomplish several criteria to be viable in clinical practice as to be accurate, robust, fast, automatic and non-invasive. Our method is automatic, non-invasive and fast. We need to prove the accuracy and the robustness of the method, validating with existent accuracy evaluation methods. The mean of the TRE based on six fiducial markers from the phantom porcine head and the mean of TRE, the distance between the inlier pair-points obtained by our method was equal. We need to double check this result, calculating the FRE instead of TRE based on fiducial markers. In patients case, due to breathing motion and the different histogram content of the CT and SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 22 Automated evaluation of multi-modal image rigid registration CBCT images the accuracy measure on lung cases has higher range of inaccuracy than on the pig data. We found that, automated accuracy measure is 0.5 mm inaccurate than the manual annotation which is acceptable taking in consideration the saved time. Inaccuracies in patients’ data set incorporate both the registration error and the inaccuracy of our method. automatic Patients A C S manual stdev(A) stdev(C) stdev(S) A 0.9 C S FP001 2.8 1.9 2.6 0.7 1.1 FP002 2.3 2.9 2.2 0.9 0.9 FP003 2.3 2.8 2.4 0.8 0.9 1.1 FP004 2 2.5 2.7 0.9 0.9 0.6 2.2 1.7 FP005 2.1 2.7 2.6 1.2 0.9 1.1 AP001 3 2.2 2.8 0.7 AP002 2.6 2.3 2.9 AP003 stdev(A) stdev(C) stdev(S) 2 1.4 2.2 0.1 0.2 4.1 2 0.6 0.8 0.1 2 1.7 1.7 0.4 0.8 0.5 2 2.1 0.7 0.7 2 2.2 0.7 0.7 1.4 0.7 1 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.1 1.1 1.1 1 0.9 0.9 2.1 2.2 2.1 0.9 0.8 1.1 3.1 2.7 2.4 1 1 0.9 2.2 1.7 2.1 1.2 1 0.6 AP004 2.8 2.5 2.8 0.9 1 1.1 0.7 0.8 AP005 2.1 3.1 2.4 1 0.8 0.9 2 1.9 1.1 0.9 Total 2.5 2.6 2.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 2 1.8 2.1 1 0.8 1 1.6 1.4 2 1 1.4 2 1.9 0.8 Table 1: TRE for corresponding landmarks detected by SURF descriptor and manually annotated landmarks. CONCLUSION Based on the results obtained, defining an automatic accuracy measure using the SURF feature detection algorithm can be considered a promising method. In the future we aim to integrate the validation into an open-source framework and make publicly available, to provide an automatic non-invasive accuracy measure for registration algorithms. As a future perspective for the validation method based on 2D feature detection could also be elaborated for 3D features. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PITN-GA2011-290148. H. Furtado is supported by Christian Doppler Laboratory for Medical Radiation Research, Medical University Vienna. We also gratefully thank for the patient data provided by the Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) F. Hauler et al. 23 Christian Doppler Laboratory for Medical Radiation Research for Radiation Oncology Department, Medical University Vienna. We would like to express our gratitude for the visual inspection for lung patients to Ursula Nestle from University Klinikum Freiburg and to Claudio Spick and Stephan Polanec radiologists from Department of Radiology, Medical University Vienna for analysing the correctness of manual annotation. REFERENCES [1] Bay H, Tuytelaars T, Van Gool L. SURF: Speeded up robust features. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2006; 3951:404-417. [2] Fitzpatrick JM, Hill DL, Shyr Y, West J, Studholme C, Maurer CR Jr. Visual assessment of the accuracy of retrospective registration of MR and CT images of the brain. IEEE Trans Med Imag 1998; 17(4):571-585. [3] Pawiro S, Markelj P, Pernuš F, Gendrin C, Figl M, Weber C, Kainberger F, NöbauerHuhmann I, Bergmeister H, Stock M, Georg D, Bergmann H, Birkfellner W. Validation for 2D/3D registration I: a new gold standard data set. Med Phys 2011; 38:1481-1490. [4] Grgic A, Nestle U, Schaefer-Schuler A, Kremp S, Kirsch CM, Hellwig D. FDG-PET-based radiotherapy planning in lung cancer: optimum breathing protocol and patient positioningan intra-individual comparison. Int J Rad Oncol Biol Phys 2009; 73(1):103-111. [5] Evans C. OpenSURF - open source SURF feature extraction library. 2009, Notes on the OpenSURF Library. [6] Lowe DG. Object recognition from local scale-invariant features. Proc IEEE Int Conf Computer Vision 1999; 2:1150-1157. [7] Zuliani M, Kenney CS, Manjunath BS. The multiransac algorithm and its application to detect planar homographies. Proc Int Conf Imag Process 2005; 3:153-156. Frida Hauler received her Mag. degree in Mathematical-Physics and Computer Science at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania. She graduated as Biomedical Engineer Msc. at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary. She worked as PACS interface developer at Innomed Medical Zrt., as Test Engineer at Knorr Bremse and QA Engineer at Cognex, Budapest. Currently, she is a PhD student at Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering at Medical University Vienna, Austria. Her research subject is “Multi-modal volume registration techniques ready for clinical use in radiotherapy” SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 24 Segmentation of subcortical structures on MRI by using machine learning techniques Subcortical structures segmentation on MRI using support vector machines Jose Dolz1, 2*, Hortense A. Kirisli1, Maximilien Vermandel2 and Laurent Massoptier1 1 2 * AQUILAB, Loos Les Lille, France Inserm U703, Université Lille 2, CHRU Lille, Loos Les Lille, France [email protected] Abstract: Medical imaging has evolved during the last years to become a fundamental tool for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patient diseases. Particularly, in oncology, medical imaging plays a key role in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of brain tumours. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is often the medical imaging method of choice when soft tissue delineation is necessary. However, in clinical practice, organs at risk (OARs) delineation is often still performed manually by experts, or with very few machine assistance. As a consequence, the current delineation process has two major drawbacks: it is time consuming, and achieves low reproducibility. Although several methods to (semi-) automatically segment subcortical structures on MRI have been proposed to overcome these limitations, segmentation still remains challenging, with no general and unique solution. Among these methods, machine learning techniques, and more specifically support vector machines (SVM), have proved to outperform most of the proposed methods. Hence, SVM can be considered as state of the art in regards to the segmentation of subcortical structures. Index Terms — Support Vector Machines, MRI, subcortical structures, segmentation. INTRODUCTION Medical imaging, which was initially used for basic visualization and inspection of anatomical structures, has evolved during the last years to become an essential tool for virtually all major medical conditions and diseases. Particularly, in oncology, advanced medical imaging techniques are used for tumour resection surgery and for subsequent radiotherapy treatment planning (RTP). Medical imaging plays a key role in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of brain tumours, which are nowadays the second most common cause of cancer death in men ages 20 to 39 and the fifth most common cause of cancer among women age 20 to 39 [1]. In daily clinical practice, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is often the medical imaging method of choice when soft tissue delineation is necessary. During RTP, the tumour to irradiate, i.e. clinical target volume (CTV), as well as healthy structures to be spared, i.e. the organs at risk (OARs), must be precisely delineated. These segmentations are crucial inputs for the RTP, in order to compute the parameters for the accelerators, and to verify the dose constraints. However, in clinical practice, OARs delineation on medical images is still performed manually by experts, or with very few machine assistance [2]. As a consequence, the current delineation process has two major drawbacks: it is time consuming, and achieves poor reproducibility. To overcome these major issues, various computer-aided systems to (semi-) automatically segment anatomical structures in medical images have been developed and published in recent years. However, (semi-) automatic Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) J. Dolz et al. 25 segmentation of subcortical brain structures still remains challenging, with no general and unique solution. Initial approaches of brain segmentation on MRI focused on the classification of the brain into three main classes: white matter (WM), grey matter (GM) and cerebral-spinal fluid (CSF) [3]. More recent methods include tumours and adjacent regions, such as necrotic areas, in addition to the primary cerebrum tissues [4]. Those methods are only based on image intensity. Because of the weak visible boundaries and similar intensity values between different subcortical structures (i.e. OARs), segmentation of subcortical structures can hardly be achieved based solely on signal intensity. Consequently, additional information, such as prior shape, appearance and expected location, is therefore required to perform the segmentation. The terminology “subcortical structures” as used in this chapter refers to subcortical GM structures within the brain that are not included as part of the cortex and are present in the depth side of the brain. In addition, the hippocampus, which is often considered a cortical structure, is included in our definition of subcortical structures. Several methods to segment subcortical structures on MRI have been proposed [5-8]. Atlas-based segmentation methods are among the most used techniques to perform the segmentation of such structures. These models rely on comparing the images under study with a pre-computed anatomical atlas of the brain. In [5], an extended review of the use of atlas-based segmentation methods to segment subcortical structures on MRI is presented. In addition to atlas-based methods, which only use a priori shape information, statistical models of shape and texture have been also employed [6-7]. In these approaches, correspondences across a training dataset are established, and the statistics of shape and intensity variation are learned and parameterized in terms of mean and eigenvectors, often by using principal component analysis (PCA). New instances are therefore constrained to a subspace of allowable shapes and textures, which are defined by the eigenvectors and their modes of variation. As a consequence, statistical models may be over-constrained, not generalizing well to un-sampled population, particularly for small amounts of training data relative to the dimensionality. Contrary to statistical models, deformable models provide flexibility and do not require explicit training. Deformable models are defined as curves or surfaces, which are deformed under the influence of internal and external forces. While internal forces are related to curve features and try to keep the model smooth during the deformation process, external forces are the responsible of attracting the model toward object boundaries, and are related to image features of regions adjacent to the curve. Nevertheless, they are sensitive to initialization, noise and complex topologies. This makes deformable based segmentation methods being used in combination with other approaches, like in [8], where the evolution of the deformation is constrained by using a statistical model. Machine Learning techniques have been extensively used in the MRI analysis domain almost since its creation. Among all the existing machine learning techniques, support vector machines (SVM) represents one of the latest and most successful statistical pattern classifiers, and it has received a lot of attention from the machine learning and pattern recognition community. Although SVM approaches have been mainly employed for brain tumour recognition [9] in the field of medical image classification, recent works have also used them for tissue classification [10] and segmentation of anatomical human brain structures [11-13]. By introducing machine learning methods, algorithms developed for medical image processing often become more intelligent than conventional techniques. Powell et al. [11] showed the improvements in the resulting relative overlaps when using machine learning methods (artificial neural networks (ANN) and SVM) to segment subcortical structures [11]. In this work, four methods were SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 26 Segmentation of subcortical structures on MRI by using machine learning techniques compared: template based, probabilistic atlas, ANN and SVM. It was showed that machine learning algorithms outperformed the template and probabilistic-based methods when comparing relative overlap between results obtained. Because of their incapability to generate new un-sampled shapes, which considerably differs from the shapes in the training set, most of the techniques previously presented (except machine learning methods) might fail in the presence of brain lesions, such as tumours. This makes machine learning methods, and particularly SVM approach, more suitable techniques to perform the segmentation of subcortical structures, especially in such situations. Hence, SVM and its application to the segmentation of subcortical structures will be the focus of this chapter. In the next section, details of the basis of SVM and its use as optimizer for the segmentation problem applied to subcortical structures are presented. In addition, the experimental work carried out is also described in that section. In Results, some outcomes of the experimental work using the proposed approach are presented. The paper concludes with some outlines plans for future work. MATERIALS AND METHODS Support vector machines: the basics. Support vector machines and their variants and extensions, often called kernel-based methods, have been studied extensively and applied to various pattern classification and function approximation problems. Basically, the main idea behind SVM is to find the largest margin hyper-plane that separates two classes. The minimal distance from the separating hyper-plane to the closest training example is called margin. Thus, the optimal hyper-plane is the one showing the maximal margin, which represents the largest separation between the classes (Fig.1.b). The training samples that lie on the margin are referred as support vectors, and conceptually are the most difficult data points to classify. Therefore, support vectors define the location of the separating hyper-plane, being located at the boundary of their respective classes. b) c) a) Solution Mapping Kernel Function Figure 1. Process of mapping input samples to a higher dimensionality space to make the data linearly separable. The growing interest on SVM for classification problems lies in its good generalization ability and its capability to successfully classify non-linearly separable data. First, SVM attempts to maximize the separation margin –i.e., hyper-plane- between classes, so the generalization performance does not drop significantly even when the training data are limited. Second, by employing kernel transformations to map the objects from their original space into a higher dimensional feature space [14], SVM can separate objects which are not linearly separable (Fig 1). Moreover, they can accurately combine many features to find the optimal hyper-plane. Therefore, SVM globally and explicitly maximize the margin while minimizing the number of wrongly classified examples, using any desired linear or non-linear hyper-surface. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) J. Dolz et al. 27 Use of SVM to segment subcortical structures SVM approach has been successfully applied to the segmentation of subcortical structures. Powell et al. [11] compared the performance of ANN and SVM when segmenting subcortical (caudate, putamen, thalamus and hippocampus) and cerebellar brain structures. In their study the same input vector was used in both machine learning approaches, which was composed by the following features: probability information, spherical coordinates, area iris values, and signal intensity along the image gradient. Although obtained results were very similar, ANN based segmentation approach slightly outperformed SVM. However, they employed a reduced number of brains to test (only 5 brains), and 25 manually selected features, which means that generalization to other datasets was not guarantee. In machine learning, during the training of classifiers, if the number of image features is large, it can lead to ill-posing and over fitting, and reduce the generalization of classifiers. One way to overcome this problem is to reduce feature dimensionality. For this purpose, PCA was used in [12], followed by a SVM classification to identify statistical differences in hippocampus. However, selection of the proper discriminative features is not a trivial task, which has already been explored in the SVM domain. To overcome this problem, AdaBoost algorithm was combined with a SVM formulation [13]. In a first step, AdaBoost was used to select the features that most accurately span the classification problem. Then, SVM fused the selected features together to create the final classification. Furthermore, four automated methods for hippocampal segmentation using different machine learning algorithms were compared: hierarchical AdaBoost, SVM with manual feature selection, hierarchical SVM with automated feature selection (Ada-SVM), and a publicly available brain segmentation package (FreeSurfer). In their proposed study, the benefits of combining AdaBoost and SVM approaches were evaluated sequentially. Experimental set-up Input SVM Vector Element V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 – V9 V10-V21 Explanation Intensity value of the pixel under examination Angle between pixel and centre point with respect to the horizontal line Distance from the pixel under examination to the centre point Probability Map value Geodesic Map distance 4 Gradient image values across the largest gradient 12 signal intensity values along each of the two axis (i.e. 3 pixels for each side) Table 1. Features that are used in the SVM input vector. To present robustness and efficacy of the use of SVM to optimize segmentation problem, corpus callosum was segmented in a set of sagittal MRI images. A set of 16 sagittal images containing the corpus callosum and 16 manual labelled masks were used. Each input vector for the SVM classifier consisted of 21 elements, and it was formed by the elements shown in Table 1. Regarding the kernel selection to map the training samples, a Radial Basis kernel was used for the purpose of this chapter. SVM segmentation method was divided into two steps: training and classification. While for the training step 7 cases were selected, for the classification step the 16 available cases were used. The first step was to create a binary mask with the manual labelled masks. This mask was computed by applying an “or” operation to all input labels in the training set. To make sure that corpus callosum was inside the mask in all input images, a security margin was provided to the created mask. This mask was applied to all the images both in the training and in the classification steps in order to prune the image pixels. Features selected as components of the input SVM vectors are therefore extracted from the inner mask region (Fig 2). SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 28 Segmentation of subcortical structures on MRI by using machine learning techniques The probability map was derived from the manual label associated to each image. The skeleton was extracted from this label, and a Gaussian distribution from the resulted skeleton was applied to obtain a simulated probability map. Instead of using the whole skeleton, only its centre point was used as mask to compute the geodesic distance [15] in the training step. For the classification step, however, the used mask is the computed skeleton of the input label (Fig 3). 2D Features MR Images Manual Labels Common Mask Training Set Common Mask applied to all the images Extract Features SVM Training Model Training Map pixel pruning using the common mask Figure 2. SVM Training Process. Input Data Manual Approximated Label Skeleton from the manual label Probability Map from skeleton Geodesic Map from the center of the skeleton Figure 3. Process of obtaining the SVM input vector features of an input image. To test the reliability of the segmentation algorithm, two segmentation results were compared to manually defined regions. First, the output of the classification proposed approach with no post processing was used. Second, a post processing step was applied to the classifier output. In this process, isolated small blobs were removed from the segmentation result. The results reported in this chapter were provided by computing the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC). The DSC(X,Y) is defined as the ratio of twice the intersection over the sum of the two segmented results, X and Y. According to this, DSC > 0.8 represents high agreement, 0.6 < DSC ≤ 0.8 indicates substantial agreement, and 0.4 < DSC ≤ 0.6 moderate agreement. RESULTS Experiments demonstrated that the classification approach proposed in this chapter performed well when segmenting the corpus callosum. From Fig 4.a, it can be observed that 13 out of 16 cases reported DSC values higher than 0.8 for both with and without post-processing. Mean DSC values obtained by the proposed approach were 0.85 – with a standard deviation value of 0.07 – for the non-post processing cases, and 0.89 – with a standard deviation value of 0.05 – for the cases where the post processing was applied. Regarding the influence of the post processing step, it increased the DSC values of the non-processed results around 3-4% as average. An important aspect to take into account when working with learning algorithms is the time required for the search, as well as for the training. In the proposed experiment, MATLAB was the language chosen, and it run over an Intel Xeon processor at 3.06 GHz. The time required to extract all the features in all the images used as training set was around 24 seconds in total. With this set of input features, the SVM training took nearly 18 seconds. In the other hand, the proposed approach segmented each of the input images in a time close to 3.5 seconds, where the classification process represented around 25% of this time, and the rest was the feature extraction. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) J. Dolz et al. (a) 29 (b) Overlapping SVM Classification (Corpus Callosum) 1 0,9 0,8 Dice's Coefficient 0,7 0,6 Dice Score without Post Processing 0,5 0,4 (c) 0,3 0,2 0,1 Brain 16 Brain 15 Brain 14 Brain 13 Brain 12 Brain 11 Brain 9 Brain 10 Brain 8 Brain 7 Brain 6 Brain 5 Brain3 Brain 4 Brain2 Brain1 0 Figure 4. (a) DSC obtained by the proposed approach for all the brain cases used in this work. Result segmentation example of the proposed approach without (b) and with (c) post processing. DISCUSSION MRI is widely used to identify subcortical brain structures for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up in brain tumours cases. During RTP, these subcortical structures (i.e. OARs) must be precisely delineated, which is currently done manually by experts, or with very few machine assistance. OARs delineation is therefore a time consuming process with poor reproducibility in clinical practice. The automatic segmentation method presented in this chapter is motivated by these limitations. By introducing machine learning methods, algorithms developed for medical image processing often become more intelligent than conventional techniques. Machine learning techniques - and SVM in particular - outperform classical segmentation methods, leading to improvements in the resulting relative overlaps as reported in the work of Powell et al [11]. Particularly, segmentation of the corpus callosum has been proposed and evaluated in this chapter. The use of SVM - as trained in the proposed experiment - to automatically segment the corpus callosum evidences a high agreement between automatic segmentation result provided and manual labels. Experiments also showed that in some cases, overlapping between automatic segmentation and manual labels is considerably lower than in other cases (Fig 4.a). These cases showed to have an intensity distribution of the corpus callosum different from the samples in the training set. During the training phase, these intensity values were not sampled as a part of the input vector belonging to the corpus callosum. As a consequence, during the search process, input samples containing these intensity values were not properly classified. The introduction in the dataset of a range of samples that can represent a wide variability would improve the segmentation in such situations. In addition, although a post processing step of the output does not highly increase the DSC, it removes small labels that do not belong to the object to segment (Fig 4.b and 4.c). The time required by the proposed approach (both for training and search) was not considerably high. However, it has to be noted that only 2D images were used. Since the inclusion of more features and the use of volumes instead of images may be required to improve the segmentation result, the time required might dramatically increase, becoming an impractical approach. One solution to overcome this issue is to reduce the dimension of the input features, removing redundant features from the input vectors. As in the work of [12], PCA can be successfully SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 30 Segmentation of subcortical structures on MRI by using machine learning techniques applied to solve this. In the presented experiment, the probability map used as feature of the input vector was extracted from the manually labelled mask. Ideally, this probability map would be obtained from the registration step, as in [11], where the input image is registered with an atlas and the labels are propagated. This step makes the segmentation challenging, particularly in those subcortical structures which are close to brain lesions. If deformation caused by the lesion is not accordingly interpreted, the probability map, and consequently the segmentation result might fail. CONCLUSION An automatic approach to segment the subcortical structures on MRI has been presented. Although it has been only evaluated in one subcortical structure, there are some recent works that have proved the efficiency of machine learning methods when segmenting subcortical structures. The purpose of this chapter is to give an idea of how SVM works and some applications that have already used it for the segmentation. The main direction for future research is to examine the extension of this method to a set of subcortical structures which are involved in external radiotherapy and radio-surgery. Since a fully automatic approach is highly demanded in clinical practice, the use of the propagated labels to create the probability map is inside of our scope for this research. Additionally, we aim to extend this approach to its use in 3D images. However, as explained before, some considerations have to be taken into account in this case. As a consequence, the inspection of the dimensionally reduction of the features used as input vector is also required. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PITN-GA2011-290148. REFERENCES [1] American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2014. American Cancer Society; 2014. [2] Whitfield GA, Price P, Price GJ, Moore CJ. 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In addition, he is also enrolled as PhD candidate at the Ecole Doctorale Biologie et Santé of Lille 2 University. His research lies primarily within the fields of image processing and computer vision, where his work and research interests within these fields are image segmentation, feature extraction, image tracking and augmented reality. His work in image segmentation has been motivated and directed toward problems in medical imaging, especially in radiology treatment plans and radiosurgery. Hortense Kirişli comes from Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France. In 2008, she obtained her Engineering degree in Electronics from the ENSEEIHT (Toulouse, France). Then, her research focused in cardiovascular image analysis at the Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, the Netherlands, where she obtained her Doctorate degree in June 2013.Since, Hortense is working as a R&D Engineer at Aquilab, Lille, France. She is developing software prototypes that make use of multi-modality imaging techniques for improved personalized external radiotherapy treatment planning, as part of the European 'SUMMER' project. She is leading the ‘technical research integration and quality assurance’ workpackage, and contributes to two other work-packages, dealing with the design of evaluation protocols, the clinical database, the design of user-interfaces, as well as user-testing studies. Hortense's main expertise is medical imaging technology research and its translation for clinical end users. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 32 Evaluation of 4D PET segmentation algorithm Evaluation of 4D PET tumour segmentation algorithm with dynamic experimental phantom measurements Montserrat Carles1*, Tobias Fechter1, Ursula Christ2, Alin Chirindel1, Andrea Schaefer3, Michael Mix2 and Ursula Nestle 1 1 Department of Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany 3 Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Medical Center Homburg, Germany 2 * [email protected] Abstract: Retrospectively gated 4D PET/CT is a valuable clinical tool to improve target definition and to assess lesion motion for radiotherapy planning. An approach to reduce the variability of delineation consists in relying on automatic or semi-automatic segmentation methods. Validation of accuracy (fidelity to the truth) and robustness (reproducibility) are crucial steps for clinical application of any computer algorithm. However, it requires the identification of a gold standard. In this work, a semi-automated contrast oriented algorithm for tumour delineation adapted to 4D PET images is validated with dynamic experimental phantom measurements. Phantom images have the main advantage that object properties can be easily measured and modified. Phantoms employed have been chosen based on their design properties, with the aim of reproducing main degrading factors in lung tumour contour: size, shape and movement of the target as well as target to background ratio (TBR). Results show that apart from target diameter (ф) lower than three times system spatial resolution (FWHM), no other of these parameters compromises the algorithm response. For target volumes with ф > 3FWHM, an average accuracy in activity estimation (Ameasured/Atrue) of 0.9 ± 0.5 has been obtained. Furthermore, for all the measurements, diameter and maximum excursion difference between measured and true values are lower than system spatial resolution. From the results, it could be concluded that the semi-automated contrast oriented algorithm adapted to 4D PET is applicable to a broad range of cases with an acceptable accuracy. From our point of view, this evaluation proves that it is reasonable to consider the feasibility of this algorithm for clinical use. Index Terms — 4D, evaluation, phantom, segmentation, PET/CT. INTRODUCTION Quantitative analysis of PET/CT images has become an established method for diagnosis, staging and evaluation of therapy tumour response [1], [2]. Accurate volume definition is significant important in radiotherapy because it represents the targeted volume by the radiation beam. The functional information conveyed by PET has been proved to be useful in the definition of target volumes for various pathological entities [3]. However, several challenges with PET image segmentation are recognized mostly related to the low spatial resolution and high noise characteristics of PET images. In addition to these, respiratory organ motion has been identified Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M. Carles et al. 33 as a potential major source of error in tumour localization for PET/CT imaging [4]. On modern PET/CT scanners it is now possible to perform retrospectively respiratory gated imaging [5], [6]. As a result of this data processing, an improvement of image quality and better accuracy in tracer concentration estimation should be obtained by the compensation of motion effects. Manual delineation of target volumes on PET images is very laborious, time consuming and suffers from significant variability, even among experts. An approach to reduce the variability of delineation consists in relying on automatic or semi-automatic segmentation methods [7]-[10]. Validation of accuracy (fidelity to the truth) and robustness (reproducibility) are crucial steps for clinical application of any computer algorithm. Empirical evaluation of segmentation algorithm consists on to judge the quality of the segmentation algorithms by applying them to test images and measuring the quality of segmentation results. Several types of test images can be used in validation. Phantom images have the main advantage that the experimenter can easily measure and modify the true object properties and compare them to those obtained by the delineation algorithm. Besides, in contrast to the simulated images, experimental measurements lead to images that contain the same exact system degradation factors as the clinical images. In this work we focus on the empirical validation of a 4D-PET segmentation algorithm with dynamic experimental phantom measurements. Phantom features permit evaluation of algorithm robustness when different parameters are varied. These parameters are chosen based on their relevance in lung tumour delineation with PET images: target to background ratio (TBR) as well as size, shape and movement of the target. By comparing true values of phantom properties with results obtained in the delineation, the algorithm performance is easily and precisely evaluated. MATERIALS AND METHODS Semi-automated segmentation algorithm The semi-automated segmentation algorithm evaluated is based on the adaptive thresholding algorithm (contrast oriented algorithm) developed and published by the Homburg group [11], [12]. In the present approach, this algorithm is adapted for retrospectively gated PET images and background is calculated from image histogram [13]. The semi-automated character of this algorithm relies on that the user is required to indicate a tumour pixel in one of the imaging frames. Subsequently, the target volume is automatically delineated in all frames of the PET acquisition. This algorithm is described in detail by Tobias Fechter in section “A threshold and region-growing algorithm for 18FDG-PET 4D GTV delineation” of this book. a) Photo courtesy of the company b) Fig. 1: Medical QUASAR respiratory motion phantom (a). Cylindrical insert developed by Homburg with the oval glass placed in off-centre position (b). SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 34 Evaluation of 4D PET segmentation algorithm 4D PET/CT PET/CT scans were performed on the Medical Philips System GEMENI TF 16 Big Bore. This system has a transverse (axial) spatial resolution of 4.4 (4.7) mm at 1 cm from the camera central axis and 4.9 (5.1) mm at 10 cm. The 10 min/bed PET acquisition was retrospectively gated in 10 phases based on the breathing curve provided by a pressure sensor belt. Data was sorted, divided and reconstructed taking into account 10 equal-time intervals between consecutive maximum amplitudes of the breathing curve. The BLOB-OS-TOF image reconstruction led a pixel size of 0.117x0.117x0.2cm3 and 0.4x0.4x0.4 cm3 for CT and PET respectively. TBR and Target Size in a sinusoidal movement along SI direction The NEMA NU2 2001 Image quality phantom, consisting of a body phantom and an insert with six hollow spheres of various sizes, was used. Contrast oriented algorithm for 3D PET image was previously validated with phantom measurements (spheres ranged from 173 to 14 ml) with different TBRs (values ranged from 20 to 3) and a target activity concentration of 43 kBq/ml [12]. In the present evaluation of the 4D algorithm version, we focus on activity values within the range observed in a previous lung cancer 4D image quantification study (APPENDIX). The aim is to validate the feasibility of this 4D implementation for high noise characteristics of 4D PET images in lung tumour. Sphere volumes of the NEMA phantom ranged from 0.5 to 25 ml and three different measurements were carried out with TBRs 33, 28 and 10. Target activity concentration ranged from 10 to 16 kBq/ml and the background concentration from 1 down to 0.5 kBq/ml. The NEMA phantom was placed on the QUASAR motion platform. For all the measurements, same movement was applied to the NEMA phantom: respiratory motion was simulated with the approach of a sinusoidal movement along superior-inferior (SI) direction (A=20 mm, T=4.5 s) [14] [15]. 3D Movement and Shape Patient’s breathing leads to a complex tumour movement which is more significant in the SI direction with a smaller displacement in anterior-posterior (AP) and lateral (LR) directions [16]. By this approach, the final pathway of the target is actually a 3D movement. In this set of measurements, the Medical QUASAR respiratory motion phantom, 30x20x12 cm3 body shape, Fig.1a, was employed. Manufactured cylindrical insert with a glass fillable volume in an offcentre position, Fig.1b, was placed on the body phantom. This insert was connected to a stepper motor that induced rotation (10mm and 4.5s) and translation (20mm and 4.5s) motion respect to the static body phantom. Three different target geometries were considered for the same movement and TBR (12.8 target, 1.6 kBq/ml background): 13 and 25 ml spheres and a 7 ml oval. Irregular 1D Movement In order to consider realistic breathing patterns, 3 irregular waveforms provided by the QUASAR motion platform were applied along the SI direction to the oval target, see Fig.2, according to the set-up employed in the previous section, see Fig.1. Data Analysis For each measurement, the 4D segmentation algorithm was applied to 10 PET frames, which were retrospectively reconstructed from PET/CT acquisition. Due to their relevance in radiotherapy planning, the analysis of the algorithm response involved volume delineation and position tracking. Position tracking refers to position of the centre of gravity of the segmented volume along different frames. In addition, average activity concentration estimation for the segmented volumes is also analysed. The parameters chosen for the evaluation of volume and activity response are: diameter difference and activity recovery coefficient (фmeasured - фtrue Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M. Carles et al. 35 and Ameasured/Atrue, respectively), both of them averaged over the 10 frames (µ ± σ). For the analysis of tracking position response, maximum excursion of the target is evaluated (ME). (a) (b) (c) Fig. 2: Irregular motion patterns along the SI direction applied to the oval target within the QUASAR phantom: P1 (a), P2 (b), P3 (c). The same pattern is repeated throughout imaging acquisition. RESULTS TBRs and Target Size in a sinusoidal movement along SI direction Algorithm response for different TBRs and target sizes are studied in this section. Results obtained for diameter difference and activity recovery coefficient are shown in Fig.3. Target position tracking resulted from segmented volumes along frames reproduces the sinusoidal movement. The average value of maximum excursion (ME) calculated over all NEMA phantom spheres is 42.2 ± 1.4 mm (MEtrue: 40mm). (a) (b) Fig. 3: Algorithm response for the NEMA phantom in a sinusoidal SI movement. Diameter difference (a) and activity recovery coefficient (b). 3D Movement and Shape In this section, we study the effects on the algorithm response when circular and translational movements are applied simultaneously to the insert with respect to the body phantom, Fig.1. Three different targets are considered within the insert: sphere 13ml (S2), sphere 25ml (S3) and oval 7ml (O2). The translation movement applied in this measurement does not differ from the one applied in the previous measurement, but now also sinusoidal movement is applied in both AP and LR directions. For S2, S3 and O2, tracking position along SI and LR directions is shown in Fig.4. Maximum excursion along the SI direction has been obtained for each target: the ME average value is 42 ± 2 mm. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 36 Evaluation of 4D PET segmentation algorithm (a) (b) Fig. 4: Tracking position for different targets following a 3D movement within the QUASAR body phantom, see phantom in Fig.1. Initial position is defined as the position of the centre of gravity for the segmented volume in frame 0. Maximum excursion of the target is obtained for each direction. Graphics show the displacement normalized to the maximum excursion along SI (a) and LR (b) directions. Algorithm characteristics (see detailed description of seed position propagation in T. Fechter work), requires to verify that 3D movement does not compromise algorithm performance. With this aim, Table I shows the comparison of activity and diameter accuracy for 3D-movement of the target (column QUASAR Phantom in Table I) and 1D-movement (column NEMA Phantom in Table I). QUASAR Phantom NEMA Phantom TBR=8 O2 S2 S3 7 ml 12.7 ml 25.5 ml фmeas – фtrue (mm) 0.6 ± 1.3 0.4 ± 0.9 Ameas/Atrue 0.84 ± 0.05 0.88 ± 0.02 TBR=10 V [6 - 25] ml Average Average 0.8 ± 1.0 0.6 ± 0.2 1.1 ± 0.8 1.19 ± 0.03 0.97 ± 0.19 0.99 ± 0.06 Table I shows the comparison diameter and activity accuracy for similar target volumes in QUASAR Phantom (3D movement) with respect to the NEMA Phantom (1D movement). Volumes of the NEMA spheres considered for the comparison are: 6 ml (ф=22mm), 11 ml (ф=28mm) and 25 ml (ф=37mm). Irregular 1D Movement Three irregular motion patterns along the SI direction (P1, P2, P3 in Fig.2) are applied to the oval target (O2), according to the set-up shown in Fig.1. Irregular breathing cycles translate in poorer tracer spatial distribution response for the target volume. In this section, the objective is to study the effects on the accuracy for the algorithm response when irregular cycles, that mimic the SI contribution in real breathing cycles, are applied to the target. For the motion patterns applied, Fig.5 shows average values of activity and diameter accuracy (a) and position tracking along the SI direction (b). Additionally, in order to study tracking position response, “theoretical” position of the target along frames is calculated according to the system data processing, PX Teor (X: 1,2, and 3) in Fig.5. These “theoretical” positions represent the maximum accuracy achievable defined by the system response. Their comparison with the tracking position provided by the algorithm is shown in Fig.5b. This graphic shows that the algorithm is able to follow the “theoretical” path of the tumour for all the irregular motion patterns: P1, P2 and P3. In order to evaluate ME provided by the algorithm, for each of the irregular motion patterns applied, average maximum-to-minimum distance (Daverage) and the Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M. Carles et al. 37 maximum-to-minimum distance for the cycle with the largest amplitude (Dmax) have been calculated. Table II shows that the ME provided by the algorithm, 24 mm, is larger than Daverage for all the patterns applied and covers Dmax in two of them. Irregular 1D Movement TBR=8 O2 Average 7 ml ( P1, P2, P3 ) Φmeas-Φtrue -0.1 ± 0.5 Ameas/Atrue 0.88 ± 0.06 (a) (b) Fig. 5: Algorithm response for irregular movement of the target along the SI direction within the QUASAR phantom. Diameter and activity response (a) and tracking position along the SI direction (b). PX Teor (X: 1,2, and 3) refers to the target position along frames calculated according to the system data processing which was applied to the theoretical movement. mm P1 P2 P3 Daverage 17 ± 6 16 ± 6 17 ± 5 Dmax 27 22 23 MEalgorithm 24.0 ± 1.3 24.0 ± 1.3 24.0 ± 1.3 Table II: For each irregular motion pattern applied to the target, Fig.2, the average maximum-to-minimum distance (Daverage) and the maximum-to-minimum distance for the cycle with the largest amplitude (Dmax) are calculated. In this table their values are presented in comparison to the ME provided by the algorithm. DISCUSSION Retrospectively gated 4D PET/CT is a valuable clinical tool to improve target definition and to assess and measure lesion motion for radiotherapy planning. An approach to improve the consistency and reproducibility of tumour delineation consists in relying on automatic or semiautomatic segmentation methods. In this work, a semi-automated contrast oriented algorithm for tumour delineation adapted to 4D PET images is evaluated. Algorithms evaluation requires identification of a gold standard. In this evaluation, the algorithm is applied on images resulted from dynamic experimental phantom measurements. Phantoms employed are chosen based on their design properties, with the aim of reproducing main degrading factors in lung tumour contour. With this approach, the robustness and accuracy of segmentation algorithm can be evaluated with respect to: size, shape and movement of the target and TBR. Accuracy in volume delineation, position tracking and activity concentration estimation is studied. Results obtained for activity accuracy when the algorithm is applied to the first set of measurements, Fig.3b, show a significant dependence on target volume. Moreover, the algorithm SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 38 Evaluation of 4D PET segmentation algorithm is not able to segment the smallest sphere for the lowest TBR. Diameters of the spheres that present poorer accuracy (10 and 13 mm) justify considering partial volume effect (PVE) as a possible explanation. PVE is an activity underestimation which increases with the ratio of system spatial resolution to diameter of the finite volume (FWHM/ф). It is known that this degradation becomes significant for ф < 3FWHM [17]. Consequently, this effect is not expected to be observed in large spheres. In concordance to this, an average the activity recovery coefficient (Ameasured/Atrue) of 0.97 ± 0.07 is obtained for NEMA spheres with ф larger than 3FWHM. For the smallest sphere in the lowest contrast, not only the PVE is a limiting factor. Furthermore, the lower contrast, the target absolute activity concentration (9.3 kBq/ml) and the acquisition time per frame (1 min) translate in a high noise image. As a result, the segmented volume extends along the background and no spherical target can be segmented. Diameter differences presented in Fig.3a show that, although larger diameter differences are obtained for small spheres; these values are, in any case, lower than the system spatial resolution. No statistically significant diameter differences are obtained for ф > 3FWHM. Maximum excursion of the tumour during image acquisition plays an important role in lung radiotherapy. Average values obtained for ME show an overestimation. However, this overestimation is substantially smaller than system spatial resolution. Furthermore, an overestimation rather than underestimation is preferable for ME clinical use. Apart from the case of the smallest sphere, no statistically significant effect on the algorithm response (activity, diameter and position tracking) is observed for the TBRs considered: 33, 28 and 10. In realistic breathing cycles, apart from the main displacement contribution along SI direction, displacements along LR and AP directions are also observed. In the adapted version of the algorithm to 4D images, position of the seed placed by the user is extended to all the frames. In this process (see detailed description in T. Fechter work) relative displacement of target along frames could compromise the algorithm response. 1D movement of the target has been replaced for 3D movement in order to ensure the feasibility of the method to track the target in realistic movement conditions. From results in Table.I, it is concluded that 3D movement of the target does not compromise the accuracy of activity and diameter estimation, obtained when 1D movement was applied to the target. Furthermore, independently of the volume and shape of the targets studied (S2, S3 and O2), the algorithm is able to track the path of the target along both SI and LR direction, Fig.4. As it happens for the activity and diameter estimation, no degradation of the accuracy in ME estimation along the SI direction is obtained for a 3D target movement, ME=42 ± 2 mm, respect to a 1D movement of the target, ME=42.2 ± 1.4. For irregular movements along the SI direction, results of activity and diameter accuracy shown in Fig.5 are compatible with the accuracy reported in Table I (O2) for a regular 3D movement of the same target. In order to evaluate ME provided by the algorithm for these irregular patterns, its comparison with the average maximum-to-minimum distance (Daverage) and the maximum-tominimum distance for the cycle with the largest amplitude (Dmax) is shown in Table III. ME provided by the algorithm is larger than Daverage for all the patterns applied and covers Dmax in two of them. This result is particularly relevant due to the ME use given in radiotherapy routine. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M. Carles et al. 39 CONCLUSION In order to validate the algorithm response for target without inactive wall, additional measurement with alginate spheres is planned to be included shortly in this evaluation. However, from the results reported in this study, it could be concluded that the semi-automated contrast oriented algorithm adapted to 4D PET is applicable to a broad range of cases with an acceptable accuracy. From our point of view, this evaluation proves that it is reasonable to consider the feasibility of this algorithm for clinical use. Because of this, our future work will focus on algorithm evaluation with lung cancer patients. APPENDIX 4D image quantification study for lung cancer patients from our centre has been carried out. The aim of this study was to measure activity concentration for several structures in retrospectively gated PET images and to derive the values required for experimental phantoms. Activity calculation and volume definition were performed according to EANM procedure guideline recommendations and applied in 4D PET images: mean activity concentration for 3D isocontours at 50% of the maximum (mC50). Average values of mC50 for different thoracic structures are reported in Table.A.I. As expected, tumour activity shows high variability, in contrast to a more uniform FDG distribution within normal tissues. Average mC50 ( kBq/ml ) Tumour Heart 17 ± 4 8.6 ± 2.2 Lung 1.9 ± 0.8 Table A.I Liver Torso 7.0 ±1.6 1.8 ± 1.1 Furthermore, the structure with highest activity varies among the patients. For patients with highest activity in tumour, the quantification results in average values of 24.3, 6.3, 1.7, 6.2 and 2.2 kBq/ml for tumour, heart, lung, liver and torso, respectively. In patients with liver and heart as most intense organs, average values for separate compartmental quantification were also obtained. In this 4D PET quantification we have derived from clinical data several FDG concentrations required for anthropomorphic phantom measurements. Results show that in order to cover different clinical scenarios it is recommended to employ activity distributions with different highest activity structures (tumour, heart and liver) and the quantification results obtained could be employed as reference values. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PITN-GA2011-290148. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 40 Evaluation of 4D PET segmentation algorithm REFERENCES [1] Weber WA. Assessing tumour response to therapy. 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Automatic background determination for contrast-based threshold segmentation in PET imaging based on histograms. EANM’13 (Lyon), Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 40(S2). [14] Geramifar P, Zafarghandi MS, Ghafarian P, Rahmim A, Ay MR. Respiratory induced errors in tumour quantification and delineation CT attenuation- corrected PET images: Effects of tumour size, tumour location, and respiratory trace: A simulation study using 4D XCAT phantom. Mol Imaging Biol 2013; 15(6):655-665. [15] Park SJ, Ionascu , Killoran, Mamede , Gerbaudo, Chin and Ross Berbeco1. Evaluation of the combined effects of target size, respiratory motion and background activity on 3D and 4D PET/CT images. Phys Med Biol 2008; 53(13):3661-3679. [16] Seppenwoolde Y, Shirato H, Kitamura K, Shimizu MD, van Herk M, Lebesque JV, Miyasaka K. Precise and real-time measurement of 3D tumour motion in lung due to breathing and heartbeat, measured during radiotherapy. Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002; 53(4):822-834. [17] Soret M, Bacharach SL, Buvat I. Partial-Volume Effect in PET Tumour Imaging. Nucl Med Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M. Carles et al. 41 2007; 48:932-945. [18] Christ U, Fechter T, Mix M, Hennig J, Nestle U. Automatic background determination for contrast-based threshold segmentation in PET imaging based on histograms”. EANM’13 (Lyon), Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 40(S2), October 2013. Montserrat Carles, Spain, June 1983. Bachelor’s Degree in Physics (20012006) and Medical Physics Master (2006-2008) offered by University of Valencia, Spain. In 2012, Ph.D (Thesis: Image Quality Performance and Optimization in Positron Emission Tomography) at the Corpuscular Physics Institute (IFIC) in Valencia, Spain. She developed a research work at the Optics Department of the University of Valencia (2006), at the Oncology Institute of Valencia (2006-2007) and, since September 2013, she joined UKL Freiburg as an Experienced Researcher for the SUMMER project. Her main role is to evaluate the SUMMER system demonstrator relating to the clinical use of PET images. In 2010 Dr. Carles got the Valencia Idea Award in Biotechnology and Biomedicine. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 42 4D GTV delineation A threshold and region-growing based algorithm for 18FDG-PET 4D GTV delineation Tobias Fechter1*, Montserrat Carles1, Alin Chirindel1, Ursula Christ² and Ursula Nestle1 1 * Department of Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Freiburg ² Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Medical Center Freiburg [email protected] Abstract: In the last years 4D 18FDG-PET has evolved to an important instrument in radiotherapy treatment planning for NSCLC. In contrast to 3D PET acquisitions it has the potential to better depict a moving target - the tumour during breathing cycle. However, the more amount of information leads to a higher amount of work for contouring the tumour in all its positions. Currently, there are several algorithms for contouring NSCLC on 18FDG-PET images on 3D but hardly any algorithms for 4D. In this work we investigate the possibility to extend the knowledge from an existing 3D threshold algorithm and to apply it in 4D data segmentation. The algorithm was evaluated by contouring 3 different 4D phantom measurements. As a figure of merit the volume of the final segmentation was compared to the real volume of the shape to be segmented. The results suggest that the presented 4D segmentation algorithm is a proper tool for segmenting 4D 18FDG-PET scans of NSCLC. Index Terms — segmentation, phantom, 4D, PET, motion. INTRODUCTION Positron emission tomography (PET) is an imaging technique in the field of nuclear medicine. In contrast to imaging like CT and anatomical MR, PET is capable to depict biochemical and physiological processes in vivo. This is done by injecting the patient a radio tracer which accumulates inside the body according to certain cellular metabolic pathways or receptor interaction. The annihilation of the positrons emitted during decay of the radio tracer gives rise to the emission of two simultaneous and collinear photons. These photons are registered by the scanner and the information is used to reconstruct the spatial distribution of the radio tracer. It has been shown that the 18f-fludeoxyglucose (18FDG) tracer is preferentially accumulated in tumours, thus making it suitable for oncological imaging [1]. It has been established that 18FDG is a very accurate diagnostic method for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and therefore it plays an important role in the delineation of the gross tumour volume (GTV) for radiotherapy treatment planning [2,3]. However, as the tumour motion excursions due to breathing can be more than 2 cm and the PET acquisition needs several minutes, conventional 3D PET scans show a blurred tumour which can lead to imprecise GTV delineations [4,5]. Reasons for this are that blurring makes the tumour look larger and causes an underestimation of the measured tracer uptake. In response to these, four dimensional (4D) PET was introduced representing time dependent imaging acquisition according to patient respiration, which is segmented in different Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) T. Fechter et al. 43 time bins. This method yields, depending on the number of time bins, multiple 3D images showing the motion of the tumour during respiration. In clinical practice up to 10 time bins are used, which is increasing the segmentation effort significantly. For treatment planning the standard is to calculate the internal target volume (ITV) or the midposition of the tumour to define an appropriate target that covers the tumour while respiration [4]. This is usually done on CT but has its drawbacks for central lung tumours [6]. Here a 4D PET GTV can add information for a more precise calculation. Automatic and semi-automatic methods have been developed to ease the process of GTV contouring [7]. However, none of them was designed for 4D segmentation and to our knowledge there are no real 4D segmentation algorithms designed for thoracic PET scan contouring. In this work we investigate the applicability and performance of an adapted version of a contrast oriented algorithm [8] in delineating 4D GTVs which can be used for ITV or mod-position calculation. This algorithm was chosen because of its computational simplicity and its promising results in 3D PET [9]. We investigated how to apply the algorithm to 4D PET scans and the quality of the results with 3 different phantom measurements. MATERIALS AND METHODS 4D PET The PET/CT scans were performed on the Medical Philips System GEMENI TF 16 Big Bore with a transverse (axial) spatial resolution of 4.4 (4.7) mm at 1 cm from the camera central axis and 4.9 (5.1) mm at 10 cm. The 10 min/bed PET acquisition is retrospectively gated in 10 bins based on the breathing curve provided by a pressure sensor belt. The BLOB-OS-TOF image reconstruction leads a pixel size of 0.117 x 0.117 x 0.2 cm³ and 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm³ for CT and PET respectively. Phantom Tumour motion excursions due to breathing are the highest in the superior-inferior direction and lower in the anterior-posterior as well as the medial-lateral direction [10]. To simulate this kind of motion the Medical QUASAR respiratory motion phantom was employed (fig. 1). The main components of this type of phantom are: a cylindrical insert, with a fillable glass volume in an off-centre position the phantom body (30 x 20 x 12 cm³) a motor that induces a circular and translational movement of the insert with respect to the static phantom body a) (courtesy of the company) (b) Fig. 1: a) QUASAR Respiratory Motion Phantom with body-shaped thoracic phantom, interchangeable lung component for target insertion, variable speed engine and adaptable motion platform. b) shows the oval shaped volume with a volume of 7ml. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 44 4D GTV delineation Three different glass volumes were considered to simulate different tumour shapes. Two spheres with a volume of 12 ml and 25 ml respectively and an oval shaped volume with 7 ml volume. The target to background (BG) ratio was 12.8 kBq/ml foreground (FG) activity to 1.6 kBq/ml BG activity. These values are within the clinically observed range in 4D 18FDG image quantification for 10 patients with NSCLC. Segmentation Algorithm This section will first explain the 3D version of the used segmentation algorithm [8]. After that different ways how the algorithm can be extended to the fourth dimension will be outlined. Hereafter the part of the dataset on which the algorithm is working on is called the region of interest (ROI). 1) 3D Algorithm The segmentation algorithm in use is a region growing and threshold based algorithm. The workflow of the algorithm was designed as follows: determine FG pixels determine the BG pixels calculate the threshold T based on T start a growing region (1) Determine FG Pixels The first step of the algorithm is to find the highest pixel intensity (M) inside the ROI. Then a threshold of 70 % of M is applied to the ROI. The mean intensity of the resulting pixel regions is referred to as mSUV70. Within these regions the local maxima are located. If a user is only interested in specific maxima the algorithm offers the possibility to mark them with seed points. In this particular case M and mSUV70 are determined only around the seed points. (2) Determine the BG Pixels All pixels inside the ROI that have a pixel value between 1 % and 15 % of M are assumed to be BG values, as previously detailed [11]. mBG represents the mean pixel value of all pixels regarded as BG. (3) Calculate T T is calculated using the following equation: (1) The variables a and b are PET scanner dependent and used to adjust the influence of BG and lesion pixel intensity on the threshold and have been determined from previous phantom measurements work [8]. (4) Start A Region Growing From The Maxima In the last step of the algorithm a region growing method is used to determine the final segmentation result. The region growing starts from every maximum that was found in step 1. Then all pixels in the 6-neighborhood are examined. If the neighbouring pixels have a value higher than T, they will be added to the segmentation. Then the neighbourhood of the added pixels is examined. This repeats until there are no neighbours left with a pixel value higher than T. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) T. Fechter et al. 45 2) 4D Algorithm The 3D version of the presented algorithm can be extended to 4D datasets in 3 different ways. These 3 methods are: Calculate mSUV70, mBG and T for every time bin separately. Calculate mSUV70, mBG and T in one time bin and apply the resulting T to all other time bins. Treat the whole 4D dataset as one volume and use a 4D neighbourhood for the region growing instead of a 3D neighbourhood. (1) Treat Every Time Bin Separately Every time bin of the dataset is treated as an independent 3D volume and segmented with the 3D version of the segmentation algorithm. If a seed point is placed by the user in one time bin, it will be automatically propagated to all other time bins, by searching for the maximum pixel value in the neighbourhood in the next time bin. The neighbourhood is defined by the current coordinates of the seed point transferred to the next time bin plus two pixels in positive and negative x-, yand z-direction. (2) Calculate T In One Time Bin And Apply It To All Others With this method T is calculated in one time bin and then applied to all other time bins. (3) Treat The Whole 4D Dataset As One Volume With this method the 4D dataset is treated as one volume. Every step explained in the 3D version of the algorithm is extended to the fourth dimension. The physically most accurate method is method 1 because it addresses all different timedependent tumour positions during respiration and calculates T for each different position. Method 2 and 3 both are not as exact as method 1 as they take only the information of one position or lose information by using the absolute 4D maximum for the calculations. Preliminary analysis showed that method 3 was at least as computing intensive as method 1 but not as accurate. Therefore it was discarded and not further investigated. This was the reason why only method 1 and method 2 qualified for further investigation. The assumption was that if the error of measurement for these methods were not statistically significant, then it would be more efficient to calculate the threshold only in one time bin and apply it to all other time bins For statistical testing the above described phantom with the 3 different volumes was used. In every 4D dataset the shape to be segmented was contoured with method 1 and method 2. For the contouring with method 2, every time bin was contoured 10 times (every time with a threshold from a different time bin). From the resulting volumes the real volume was reduced which yielded the error of the segmented volume. The data was analysed with a Kruskal-Wallis test. This test was preferred to one factor ANOVA because the Levene test showed different variances in the groups which is an exclusion criterion for the ANOVA analysis. The null hypothesis was that there is no difference between the errors (alpha was set to 5 %) of the two methods and that all samples belong to the same population. As the Kruskal-Wallis test gives only an indication whether all groups belong to the same population or not, a Mann-Whitney U test was applied afterwards to find out which groups differ. The Mann-Whitney U test was done with a Bonferoni correction to reduce the Type I error (alpha was set to 0.45). The null hypothesis for the Mann-Whitney U test was the same as for the Kruskal-Wallis test but for 2 groups. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 46 4D GTV delineation RESULTS This section shows the statistical comparison of the 4D GTVs (each consisting of 10 3D GTVs) obtained with method 1 and method 2. To get the following results the variables a and b in (1) were set to 0.44 and 0.24, respectively. The rank sums for the Kruskal-Wallis test can be seen in table I. The size for every group was 30. The test resulted in a p-value of 0.00000395. As this is much lower than alpha, we rejected the null hypothesis and can assume that the groups don’t belong to the same population. m1t0 4589 m2t0 4031 m2t1 3395 m2t2 5500 m2t3 5459 m2t4 5208 m2t5 5807 m2t6 3544 m2t7 6163 m2t8 6721 m2t9 4202 Table I: Rank sums of the Kruskal-Wallis test. The column m0t0 shows the rank sum for method 1. m1t0 to m1t9 show the rank sums for method 2. All values were round to integer. a) Time bin 0 b) Time bin 0 contoured c) Time bin 5 contoured d) Time bin 8 contoured Fig. 2: Different time bins of the 4D PET dataset of the oval shaped volume. a) shows time bin 0. b) – d) show the volume contoured in different time bins. To find out which groups are different a Mann-Whitney U test was applied. Table II shows the pvalues for the comparison of the results of method 1 to all results of method 2. According to the p-values we rejected the null hypothesis, that the samples origin from the same population for all groups but for m2t0 and m2t9. m2t0 0.0048 m2t1* 0.0020 m2t2* 0.0029 m2t3* 0.0032 m2t4* 0.0041 m2t5* 0.0019 m2t6* 0.0028 m2t7* 0.0009 m2t8* 0.0002 m2t9 0.0053 Table II: p-values for the comparison of the results of method 1 to all results of method 2. The asterix indicates that the difference is significant. Table III shows the mean in ml and the coefficient of variation of the segmented volume error. The segmented volume error was calculated by subtracting the real volumes from the resulting volumes of the algorithm. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) T. Fechter et al. µ CV0 CV1 CV2 CV m1t0 0.600 0.238 0.009 0.126 0.264 47 m2t0 0.543 0.311 0.006 0.127 0.313 m2t1 0.417 0.321 0.006 0.202 0.327 m2t2 0.787 0.211 0.006 0.168 0.245 m2t3 0.700 0.258 0.006 0.131 0.192 m2t4 0.850 0.184 0.007 0.114 0.296 m2t5 0.717 0.170 0.006 0.144 0.145 m2t6 0.433 0.252 0.006 0.186 0.253 m2t7 0.767 0.114 0.006 0.116 0.127 m2t8 0.927 0.118 0.007 0.143 0.154 m2t9 0.510 0.174 0.005 0.183 0.238 Table III: the mean (µ) in ml and the coefficient of variation of the segmented volume error. CV0 is the coefficient of variation for the 7 ml volume, CV1 for the 12.7 ml volume, CV2 for the 25.5 ml volume and CV for all volumes, respectively. DISCUSSION The statistical tests showed that method 2 yielded solely comparable results to method 1 with the thresholds calculated in time bin 0 and time bin 9. In table III can be seen that in several cases, method 2 returned a more précised measurement compared to method 1. The results of method 2 with a lower mean error of volume measurements than method 1 are m2t0, m2t1, m2t6 and m2t9. The time bins 0, 1, 6 and 9 all showed the target in or close to its highest or lowest position in the superior-inferior direction. This may give rise to the assumption that if the calculation of T was done with a dataset where the tumour is at a certain position we would get results as good as or better than with method 1. But this is like the chicken or the egg causality dilemma: You would need to know the pathway of the tumour before contouring, which is unfortunately not possible in clinical practice. Method 2 would have been acceptable only if it had showed no significant difference to method 1 in all times bins. The fact that method 1 showed a low error in volume segmentation (less than 10 pixels for an average of 229 pixels per target) and is physically the most accurate method, points out that the only proper way to calculate the necessary variables for the proposed 4D algorithm is to do the calculations for every time bin separately. Although the final result is a time dependent result, the algorithm itself takes no 4D information into account for its calculations and is, like the already existing methods not a real 4D but more a 3D segmentation algorithm applied to every time bin separately. Despite that the presented algorithm appears to be a fast and accurate algorithm for contouring 3D GTVs in every time bin, which can be used for ITV and mid-position calculation. CONCLUSION In this work we analysed different ways to extend a threshold and region growing based 3D 18 FDG-PET segmentation algorithm to delineate NSCLC in 4D PET datasets. Furthermore we were able to derivate from the results one way of contouring a 4D GTV that gives the user the most appropriate results. In the light of these promising results on phantom measurements, further testing of our proposed algorithm on patient data is needed to establish its value for clinical use. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PITN-GA2011-290148. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 48 4D GTV delineation REFERENCES [1] Gambhir SS, Czernin J, Schwimmer J, Silverman DH, Coleman RE, Phelps ME. A tabulated summary of the FDG PET literature. J Nucl Med 2001; 42(S):1S-93S. [2] Baum RP, Hellwig D, Mezzetti M. Position of nuclear medicine modalities in the diagnostic workup of cancer patients: lung cancer. Q J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2004; 48(2):119-142. [3] Mayor S. NICE issues guidance for diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. BMJ 2005; 330(7489):439. [4] Wolthaus JW, Sonke JJ, van Herk M, Belderbos JS, Rossi MM, Lebesque JV, Damen EM. Comparison of different strategies to use four-dimensional computed tomography in treatment planning for lung cancer patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2008; 70(4):12291238. [5] Nehmeh SA, Erdi YE, Rosenzweig KE, et al. Effect of respiratory gating on reducing lung motion artifacts in PET imaging of lung cancer. Med Phys 2002; 29:336-371. [6] Schrevens L, Lorent N, Dooms C, Vansteenkiste J. The role of PET scan in diagnosis, staging, and management of non-small cell lung cancer. Oncologist 2004; 9(6):633-643. [7] Zaidi H, El Naqa I. PET-guided delineation of radiation therapy treatment volumes: a survey of image segmentation techniques. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2010; 37(11):21652187. [8] Schaefer A, Kremp S, Hellwig D, Rübe C, Kirsch CM, Nestle U. A contrast-oriented algorithm for FDG-PET-based delineation of tumour volumes for the radiotherapy of lung cancer: derivation from phantom measurements and validation in patient data. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2008; 35(11):1989-1999. [9] Nestle U, Kremp S, Schaefer-Schuler A, Sebastian-Welsch C, Hellwig D, Rübe C, Kirsch CM. Comparison of different methods for delineation of 18F-FDG PET-positive tissue for target volume definition in radiotherapy of patients with non-Small cell lung cancer. J Nucl Med 2005; 46(8):1342-1348. [10] Seppenwoolde Y, Shirato H, Kitamura K, Shimizu S, Herk MV, Lebesque JV. Precise and real-time measurement of 3D tumour motion in lung due to breathing and heartbeat, measured during radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002; 53:822-834. [11] Christ U, Fechter T, Mix M, Hennig J, Nestle U. Automatic background determination for contrast-based threshold segmentation in PET imaging based on histograms. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2013, 40(S2). Tobias Fechter is an Austrian engineer. He studied medical computer science at the technical university of Vienna and received his M.Sc. in 2011. He wrote his master thesis at the VRVIS on the topic “Deformation Based Manual Segmentation in Three and Four Dimensions”. After the study he moved to Aarau in Switzerland where he worked on the implementation of a HIS. In June 2012 he started as a Marie Curie Early-Stage Researcher for the SUMMER project and is currently working at the department for radiation oncology at the university medical centre in Freiburg with a focus on PET image segmentation. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) N. Tuovinen et al. 49 fMRI: resting-state networks and task-evoked activations in the presence of brain tumours Noora Tuovinen1*, Francesco de Pasquale1, Umberto Sabatini1 1 * Santa Lucia Foundation, IRCSS, Rome, Italy [email protected] Abstract: As part of the Software for the Use of Multi-Modality images in External Radiotherapy (SUMMER) project, one of the specific aims is to study brain tumour patients with multimodal magnetic resonance imaging and integrate this information into radiation therapy to improve treatment planning. The focus of this research is to investigate the impact of tumours and radiation treatment on brain functions thus giving a better understanding of the deficits occurring in the patients. This paper shows initial results with tumour patients based on functional magnetic resonance imaging and discusses the possible meaning of observed activations in the brain comparing task-based and resting-state experiments. Index Terms — task-based and resting-state fMRI, brain tumour, radiotherapy, plasticity, DefaultMode Network, Sensorimotor Network. INTRODUCTION This work investigates brain tumour patients with functional MRI (fMRI) to identify regions at risk (RARs) for radiotherapy (RT) planning. Integration of fMRI into RT is not widely used and the literature is limited [1]. Previous task based fMRI studies focused on identifying functional areas for safe tumour resection. Here, additional information was collected on functional connections in the brain through resting state fMRI. Tumour and treatment effects on functional connectivity are still under investigation [2]. A multimodal approach allows investigating alterations even far away from the lesions and this might characterize deficits occurring at larger scales [3]. In this work, functional connectivity and task-fMRI activations were integrated to elucidate mechanisms of brain recovery, compensation and plasticity after surgery and RT. In particular, focus was given on Default Mode Network (DMN), which plays an important role in cognitive and memory functions, and to the sensorimotor network (SMN) involved in the motor function. For further understanding of the role of MR-imaging with brain tumours patients, the reader is invited to study a previous SUMMER-school article on the topic [4]. MATERIALS AND METHODS fMRI data were acquired by 3T Philips Achieva with block design paradigm for motor task (EPI sequence, TR/TE = 3.00s/30ms) and at rest (EPI sequence, TR/TE = 2.00s/30ms). The data were processed using FSL-software [5]. FSL's FEAT (fMRI data analysis tool) was used for preprocessing (motion and slice time correction, brain extraction, 5mm smoothing). Statistical SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 50 Rest and task-based fMRI in the presence of brain tumors analysis with cluster based thresholding was performed for both left and right finger tapping. To assess functional networks, 3 five minute resting state runs were analysed with MELODIC ICA (independent component analysis). The obtained activations and functional networks were then registered to T1-weighted image using FSL's FLIRT tool (6DOF). RESULTS As a reference, in Fig.1, ICs revealed by the analysis corresponding to typical resting state networks of DMN (left) and SMN (right) for two healthy subjects are reported and overlaid on T1-weighted images. Fig.1: DMN and SMN networks overlaid on T1-weighted images in two healthy subjects as revealed by ICA. In Fig.2, anatomical locations for surgical cavities after tumour resection are first reported (left). In addition, ICs corresponding to DMN (middle) and SMN (right) obtained from six tumour patients during rest are presented. It can be noted that patients A-C have changes in their DMN topology. Interestingly, the map in B shows a wider extension of the areas involving the medial prefrontal regions compared to the other patients. Changes in the topology of SMN can be noted for patients C-F. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) N. Tuovinen et al. 51 Fig.2:Tumour lesions (left), DMN (middle) and SMN (right) for six patients as revealed by ICA overlaid on T1-weighted images. Patients A-C present disruptions in the topology of DMN and patients C-F in the SMN. Furthermore, task activations (Fig.3) in the same patients were obtained and compared with the sensorimotor network information. Patients A and B showed altered activations for affected motor area. Right finger tapping from patient A revealed activation on the ipsilateral hemisphere while SMN was still obtained on both hemispheres. For patient B, while the activation in the expected motor area (precentral gyrus) on the affected hemisphere was not revealed by the GLM analyses, it was obtained as part of the SMN. All of the patients showed alterations in at least one of the networks disrupting the affected hemisphere with the exception of patient C who had disruptions in both of the networks. It is worth noting that the histology confirmed an oligodendroglioma on this patient, while the other patients had glioblastoma multiforme. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 52 Rest and task-based fMRI in the presence of brain tumors Fig. 3: Left and right finger tapping activations on tumour patients. Right finger tapping on patient A revealed ipsilateral activations suggesting network coupling and compensation. For patient B, left finger tapping activation was not revealed by GLM. Patients C-F showed expected activation locations for finger tapping. DISCUSSION This study shows that DMN and SMN are identifiable from resting fMRI data with ICA robustly in healthy subjects and brain tumours patients. It also points to a possible functional reorganization of DMN in which the loss of the right angular gyrus node induces a stronger coupling of medial prefrontal areas. Furthermore, comparisons of task activations and functional connectivity structures showed that sometimes the activations in the affected hemisphere were altered while the SMN topology seemed intact. This might suggest that the underlying functional connectivity is still preserved near the lesion. Notably, since patients were able to perform the task, our results indicate a potential compensation mechanism achieved through network connections, i.e. although seriously damaged the area contralateral to the task might enrol the corresponding ipsilateral one. One could speculate that functional connectivity and activations are integrated so that the role played by one region could be performed by a distant one as long as it is part of the same functional circuit. This seems to suggest that RT planning should take into consideration not only task specific RARs but also the corresponding networks. Future work extends this study for wider patient population taking into account longitudinal changes in task activations and resting state networks after radiotherapy treatment.. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PITN-GA2011-290148. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) N. Tuovinen et al. 53 REFERENCES [1] Kovács A, Tóth L, Glavák C, Liposits G, Hadjiev J, Antal G, Emri M, Vandulek C, Repa I. Integrating functional MRI information into conventional 3D radiotherapy planning of CNS tumours. Is it worth it? Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2011; 105(3):629-637. [2] Esposito R, Mattei PA, Briganti C, Romani GL, Tartaro A, Caulo M. Modifications of Default-Mode Network Connectivity in Patients with Cerebral Glioma. PLoS One 2012; 7(7):E40231. [3] Lee MH, Smyser CD, Shimony JS. Resting-State fMRI: A Review of Methods and Applications. AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology 2013; 34(10):1866-1872. [4] Tuovinen N. Role of MR-Imaging for brain tumours. Innovative imaging to improve radiotherapy treatments, 2013; 1:55-62. [5] Jenkinson M, Beckmann CF, Behrens TE, Woolrich MW, Smith SM. FSL. NeuroImage, 2012; 62(2):782-790. Noora Tuovinen is a Marie Curie Early-Stage Researcher in the SUMMER project currently situated at Santa Lucia Foundation (IRCCS) in Rome, Italy. She is conducting her PhD at the University of Chieti-Pescara in Italy with studies on neuroscience and imaging. Her research interest is in functional MRI studying the changes of functional regions and resting-state networks in brain tumour patients. Previously, she has graduated as a biomedical electronics engineer (M.Sc.) from Tampere University of Technology in Finland doing her Master Thesis on superconductivity and quench (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland). SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 54 Fiber tractography in radiotherapy Defining new regions at risk: fiber tractography for planning radiotherapy of brain tumours Andac Hamamci1,*, Noora Touvinen1, Francesco de Pasquale1 and Umberto Sabatini1 1 * Santa Lucia Foundation, I.R.C.C.S, Rome, Italy [email protected] Abstract: Diffusion MR fibre tractography, which allows non-invasive mapping of the white matter fibre structures in vivo, offers new possibilities in radiation oncology such as protecting major tracts from high dose irradiation. However, application of the methods, developed for investigating white matter structure and connectivity in healthy subjects, to the tumour patients causes additional methodological issues. In this work, snake method of the computer vision literature, is applied to the diffusion MR fibre tractography problem, to develop an interactive method suitable for the clinical workflow of our target application, radiotherapy planning. Additionally, an efficient way for calculating and minimizing the internal energy of the snake by closed-form expressions for membrane and thin-plate energy integrals are derived and presented. Validations on synthetic diffusion phantom, on a healthy subject and on a glioma patient reveal the potential of the method to be accepted in the clinical practice. Index Terms — Diffusion, MRI, Tractography, Snake. INTRODUCTION Since the beginning of the 21st century, diffusion MR fibre tractography, which allows noninvasive mapping of fibre structures in vivo, has become increasingly popular in neuroscience community to investigate the white matter architecture and connectivity in the central nervous system. The first step in processing diffusion MR data is to characterize the local diffusion characteristic for each voxel. This is usually performed by fitting a tensor model such as in Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) or High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) techniques [1] such as Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) [2] or Q-Ball Imaging (QBI) [3]. In the second step, calculated local diffusion properties are analysed to obtain fibres or connectivity of the regions, by streamline techniques, such as FACT [4], probabilistic tractography [5] or global tractography techniques [6]. On the other hand, diffusion MR tractography is receiving more attention also in clinical practice. This technique is applied to the non-invasive preplanning for cerebral surgery, multimodal navigation [7] and in radiation oncology to protect major tracts from high dose irradiation [8]. Common tractography methods are applicable to the tumour patients to an extend [9]. In clinical applications, usually, the question is to provide the "location" of the known track in the best way by using the available data and knowledge. However, common tractography methods suffer from being too much local or blind to the normal human anatomy, search for the "existence" of the Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A.Hamamci et al. 55 track. Moreover, the method should satisfy some requirements specific to the application. For example it should be robust to the noise due to the limited examination time; be robust to the signal abnormalities due to the lesion; require low post processing time; allow interaction in an intuitive way. In one of the similar non-parametric method, a simulated annealing approach is employed to find a non-rigid transformation to map a fibre bundle from a fibre atlas to the patient's diffusion tensor data, minimizing a specific energy functional [10]. In general, deformable registration of diffusion MR images serves a solution for the problem by providing the mapping between the atlas fibres and the patient data [11]. Our main motivation in this paper is to develop an interactive method suitable for the clinical workflow of our target application, radiotherapy planning. For this purpose, we propose to employ the snake method of the computer vision literature [12], which minimizes an energy functional associated with a parametric curve to find the desired solution, to the diffusion MR fibre tractography problem in “Materials and Methods” section. Additionally, an efficient way for calculating and minimizing the internal energy of the snake by closed-form expressions for membrane and thin-plate energy integrals are derived and presented. Validations were carried out on synthetic diffusion phantom, on a healthy subject and on a glioma patient and presented in “Results and Discussion” section. MATERIALS AND METHODS The method is basically starting with a parametric curve model and searching for the "best" location looking at the data and given constraints. In this work, a cubic b-spline is used for its higher order of continuity. The coordinate in dimension x{1,2,3} of the kth segment of a cubic spline, vkx (s), can be represented by the matrix equation as: (1) where s[0,1] is the parameter, is the coordinate of the i control point in dimension x{1,2,3} and M is the spline matrix determining the type of the spline. Pxi th A spline is completely defined by its control points having 3 N CONTROL POINTS parameters. So, the energy associated with the spline can be interpreted as a mapping E:R3 NCP→R and can be minimized in control point coordinate space, i.e.: (2) Two binary seed regions, S{0,1} are defined on image domain, R . The snake is initialized as a straight line between the centre of the mass of the initial and final seed regions and the local minimum energy solution is obtained by the conjugate gradients method as described in [13]. First and last end points of the snake are repeated 3 times to handle the discontinuity at the curve ends. The total energy of the spline is defined as the sum of the internal, image and seed energies as: XxYxZ XxYxZ SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 56 Fiber tractography in radiotherapy (3) Internal Energy The internal spline energy can be written as in [12] (4) The spline energy is composed of a first-order term controlled by which makes the snake act like a membrane (minimizing the length of the curve) and a second-order term controlled by which makes it act like a thin plate (smoothing the curve). For simplicity, and parameters are assumed to be constant through the curve, such that (s)= and (s)=. Membrane Energy Membrane energy can be written as a sum over the segments as (5) Integrals for different dimensions are separable (6) Considering the spline definition in matrix form in (1) follows (7) which can be integrated to obtain a closed form expression for the energy of the k th segment: (8) The total membrane energy is calculated by summing over segments (k) and dimensions (x): (9) Let's evaluate the derivative wrt x coordinate of the ith control point (10) Substituting the spline definition in matrix form results Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A.Hamamci et al. 57 (11) where ij is the Kronecker delta function. Finally, summation over segments results the following convolution operation on control points for the derivative: (12) Thin-Plate Energy Similar to the membrane energy, total thin plate energy is the summation over the segments (13) which can be calculated by the following expression (14) The derivative wrt x coordinate of the ith control point is (15) Image Energy For simplicity, the path that maximizes the integral of the fractional anisotropy FA[0,1] of the diffusion tensor, which is a measure of the anisotropy, is searched by the following external energy term: (16) where the convolution with the gaussian function is (17) Note that the integration is defined over the arc-length instead of the internal parameter of the spline resulting in a geometric form independent of the parameterization. Writing in terms of the parameter of the curve, normalizing with the total length of the spline to prevent shortening and summing over the segments results (18) Each integral over the parameter, s, are evaluated numerically and summed over the segments. Derivatives are also calculated numerically by central difference formula. Note that for each SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 58 Fiber tractography in radiotherapy segment is defined locally, it is sufficient to sum over the segments that are affected by the change of the point location. Seed Energy Let Si and Sf are the sets of seed points for initial and final ends of the fibre. In order to penalize the distance of the end points of the fibre to the seed regions, the following energy term is utilized: (19) where d is the distance function defined as: (20) First and last control points, which are repeated 3 times, are also guaranteed to be the end points of the curve. The gradients with respect to the first and last control points are (21) and zero for the others. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Validations on the Fibercup Phantom Validations were carried out on synthetic diffusion phantom to evaluate the accuracy of the method and to compare with the other algorithms. The synthetic phantom, introduced in [14] which is used in FiberCup tractography challenge in MICCAI conference in London in 2009 and made publicly available on the webpage (http://www.lnao.fr/spip.php?rubrique79) of LNAO lab. of Neurospin in France is used [15]. Seed points and ground truth for 16 fibres are available with the data. We should note here that, because our method requires seeds for initial and final ends of the fibre, the initial and final points of the ground truth are set as the seed points instead of the single seed per fibre, provided; which makes a direct comparison with the other techniques, participating in the contest, unfair. The fibres are initialized as a straight line between the seed points and evolved by using the proposed method on the fractional anisotropy (FA) maps, generated by fitting a diffusion tensor model in Diffusion Toolkit software. The fibre results obtained with the ground truth are presented qualitatively in Fig. 1. Measures of the average distance, tangent and curvature deviations from the ground truth are calculated by the provided software and given in Table 1. One observation is that, parallel fibres tend to follow the same trajectory which maximizes the FA, instead of following parallel trajectories. In 2 of the cases, the blue and red fibres at the bottom in Fig.1, the algorithm get stuck into the nearest local minima. Better initialization with atlas priors, user guidance or a better optimization algorithm can help to overcome this problem in practice. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A.Hamamci et al. 59 Figure 1. Fibbers obtained by the proposed method (left) on the FiberCup phantom and ground truth (right), represented by the same colour coding, overlaid on the b0 image. Table 1. Comparison of the obtained fibres with the ground-truth for FiberCup phantom. Average of the distance, tangent and curvature of the deviation from the ground truth is calculated by using the method presented in [15]. Fiber ID Fiber 1 Fiber 2 Fiber 3 Fiber 4 Fiber 5 Fiber 6 Fiber 7 Fiber 8 Fiber 9 Fiber 10 Fiber 11 Fiber 12 Fiber 13 Fiber 14 Fiber 15 Fiber 16 Distance (mm) 1.6 3.9 4.6 0.8 3.1 4.3 5.8 20.7 1.4 22.2 4.9 1.2 9.8 4.5 1.9 4.1 Tangent (degs) 11 11 8 2 7 8 11 77 4 66 9 4 77 81 6 7 Curvature (mm-1) 0.024 0.027 0.014 0.009 0.013 0.008 0.019 0.109 0.008 29.063 0.014 0.018 124.808 164.280 0.011 0.012 Validations on the Clinical Dataset Tractography of the corticospinal tract of a healthy subject and a glioma patient are presented to demonstrate the application of the method on a clinical setting. The data is acquired using the 3T Philips MRI scanner with dual 32 channel coil in our hospital using 64 non-collinear diffusion directions with a b-factor of 1000, 2x2x2mm cubic voxel size and TE/TR = 76ms/6731ms parameters. For manual tracking, fibres are generated using the tensor fit and FACT tracking algorithms in SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 60 Fiber tractography in radiotherapy Diffusion Toolkit software. Corticospinal tract is generated by the neuroscience expert using Trackvis software according to the guidelines provided by the protocol in [16]. The fractional anisotropy (FA) maps are generated by fitting a diffusion tensor model in Diffusion Toolkit software. To use with the proposed method, brain stem segmentation, which is available during routine radiotherapy planning, and finger area of the motor cortex, which is often mapped by functional MRI, are chosen as the seed regions. Brain stem of the subjects are labelled manually and the motor cortical areas are mapped by functional MRI experiment using a finger tapping task and analysed in FSL software package with a standard pipeline. The results obtained are presented in Fig. 2 for the healthy subject for both hemispheres and for the glioma patient in Fig. 3 with the colour encoded FA map. For the healthy subject, there is a high overlap between the obtained fibre and the expert segmentation, except the location of their extension to the motor cortex, which depends on our usage of the finger tapping task to map the motor cortex. However, for the glioma patient the expert failed to generate any fibre of the corticospinal tract due to the presence of the tumour whereas the proposed method resulted in a fibre location comparable with the colour FA. Figure 2. Corticospinal tract obtained in 3D by the proposed method (blue) for the left (on left) and right (on right) hemispheres of a healthy subject, projected on a sample 2D coronal FA slice. Seed regions used are represented by red contours, whereas the expert segmentation projected on 2D is in yellow colour. Figure 3. Corticospinal tract obtained in 3D by the proposed method (blue) (on left) for the left hemisphere, Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A.Hamamci et al. 61 projected on a sample 2D coronal FA slice. The expert segmentation projected on 2D is represented by yellow contour. Colour coded FA map for the same slice (on right) where red colour represents left-right, blue represents superior-inferior and green represents anterior-posterior principle diffusion direction. CONCLUSION In this paper, application of the energy minimization framework using a snake model to the diffusion MR fibre tractography problem was presented. Although, the proposed framework should not be thought as an alternative to the neuroscience tools investigating the white matter connectivity, it has the potential to be accepted in the routine practice due to its advantages in locating a known tract. Firstly, it is robust to the local variations and doesn't fail on interruptions, i.e. fibre crossings or signal abnormalities due to the noise or lesions. It allows adjusting the level of confidence for the provided seed regions and the degree of smoothness of the fibre. In general, considering the vision literature on active contours, proposed framework allows to impose global priors, i.e. shape priors. Moreover, it is suitable for the development of interactive techniques based on well-established spline editing algorithms. Our future work includes: the usage of the principle diffusion directions or ODF's in image term; handling bundle of fibres; handling the tumour segmentations for a specific case (i.e. pass through or prevent to intersect with the tumour); better initialization strategies i.e. using population atlases; developing user interaction techniques; utilizing the fibre atlas as shape prior; and new target applications, i.e. arcuate fasciculus. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PITN-GA2011-290148. REFERENCES [1] Tuch DS, Reese TG, Wiegell MR, Makris N, Belliveau JW, Wedeen VJ. High angular resolution diffusion imaging reveals intravoxel white matter fiber heterogeneity. Magnet Res Med 2002; 48(4):577-582. [2] Wiegell MR, Larsson HBW, Wedeen VJ. Fiber crossing in human brain depicted with diffusion tensor MR imaging. Radiology 2000; 217(3):897-903. [3] Tuch DS. Q-ball imaging. Magnet Res Med 2004; 52(6):1358-1372. [4] Mori S, Crain BJ, Chacko VP, van Zijl PC. Three-dimensional tracking of axonal projections in the brain by magnetic resonance imaging. Annals of Neurology 1999; 45(2):265-269. [5] Behrens T et.al. Characterization and propagation of uncertainty in diffusion-weighted mr imaging. Magnet Res Med 2003; 50(5):1077-1088. 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Laruelo et al. 63 Exploiting MRSI data properties to improve quantification Andrea Laruelo1*, Lotfi Chaari2, Hadj Batatia2, Ben Rowland1, Soléakhéna Ken1, Regis Ferrand1, Jean-Yves Tourneret2 and Anne Laprie1 1 Institut Claudius Regaud, Toulouse, France University of Toulouse, IRIT - INP-ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France 2 * [email protected] Abstract: Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) is a non-invasive technique able to provide the spatial distribution of relevant biochemical compounds commonly used as biomarkers of disease. The low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the MRSI data makes the quantification of MRSI signals a challenging problem. The incorporation of prior knowledge has been proved to be an efficient approach to increase the robustness of the quantification. We describe in this paper the most recent advances in this field and we propose an original quantification method that exploits an interesting property present in MRSI data: sparsity. This is a well know property in the signal processing community that has rarely been explored before in the context of MRSI signals quantification. Experiments on synthetic MRSI data demonstrate that the accuracy and robustness of the quantification are improved with the proposed scheme. In addition, sparsity is exploited both along the spatial and spectral dimensions of the data. This method is particularly interesting for high-resolution MRSI studies where SNR is a major limitation. Index Terms — MRSI data, signal processing, sparsity, metabolite quantification. INTRODUCTION MRSI is a non-invasive technique that has become a valuable tool to characterize metabolic processes and neurological disorders [1]. MRSI has been proved to provide relevant information on tumour characteristics, progression and response to treatment not available from conventional morphological MRI imagining [2]. During the last years, MRSI has gained ground against singlevoxel spectroscopy due to its ability to provide the distribution of the metabolites over a large volume. However, despite numerous publications on the subject [3-8], the difficulty to obtain accurate estimates of metabolite concentrations from MRSI data is slowing down the incorporation of this technique in clinical routines. MRSI signals present lower quality than single-voxel measurements due to the trade-off between spectral and spatial resolutions for a reduced scan time for each voxel. A common approach to improve the robustness of the quantification of MRSI signals is the use of a suitable prior knowledge. First methods incorporating prior knowledge One of the first methods incorporating prior knowledge was AMARES [3]. It allows considering various forms of constraints on the spectral parameters. This additional information may be the specification of upper and lower bounds, for frequency, damping or phase. It also allows imposing any linear relation, like differences or ratios, between individual parameters. The SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 64 Exploiting MRSI data properties to improve quantification decrease of the Cramér-Rao lower bounds (CRLB) [10] confirmed in simulation experiments and on in vivo data [3] encouraged the development of quantification methods benefiting from the incorporation of prior knowledge. Prior knowledge on the spectral parameters can be also incorporated by making use of experimentally measured (in vitro) or simulated metabolite profiles [11], as implemented in [5,6]. Spatial prior knowledge More recently, some quantification methods have proposed to exploit not only the spectral, but also the spatial neighbourhood of MRSI signals by incorporating spatial priors into the quantification model. One of the early approaches to exploit spatial prior knowledge was introduced with FITT [4] which proposes an iterative MRSI fitting methodology that includes a spatial smoothing step. After parameter estimation, selected parameters (line width, frequency shifts, phase) are only accepted if consistent with a local neighbourhood. LCmodel [5] also provides a spatial fitting mode for MRSI. It first analyses a central voxel and then proceeds outwards using the results from previously fitted voxels for initialization and as a soft constraint for new fits. More recently, Kelm et al [7] proposed Bayesian smoothness prior to improve the fitting of MRSI data. This method assumes that some selected spectral parameters (frequency, damping and phase) have spatially smooth variations. AQSES-MRSI [8] combines different methods to incorporate spatial information. They propose a dynamic approach, in which the starting parameter values are adjusted for each voxel at each iteration, the bounds on the relevant parameter values are iteratively adapted and spatially smooth parameter maps are imposed (for frequency shifts and damping corrections). In all these approaches, spatial prior knowledge is directly imposed on a set of selected spectral parameters. We propose a novel quantification scheme which exploits the sparsity (few non-zero coefficients) on the wavelet domain of the MRSI data (Fig.1) with the aim of increasing the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) of the signals [9]. This method may be applied in addition to any other method incorporating other types of prior knowledge (as the ones mentioned above). A quantification solution is formulated for the whole MRSI grid but, with difference to previous approaches, the presented method is more flexible and less restrictive so that sharp spatial features are preserved. In order to simultaneously fit all signals in the MRSI grid and to introduce spectral-spatial information, a fast proximal optimization algorithm is proposed to recover the optimal solution. MATERIALS AND METHODS Quantification model Let S be the observed MRSI signal corresponding to a 2D slice involving R spatial positions. Let also U be the matrix containing the contribution of the metabolites to the observed signal at each spatial position r. Assuming that the water signal and the macromolecular contribution have been previously suppressed, we propose to estimate the metabolite amplitudes from the following inverse problem: (1) Prior knowledge Based on the observation that MRSI signals are sparse in the wavelet domain both in the spectral and spatial dimensions (Fig.1) we propose to solve the inverse problem (1) by incorporating the prior knowledge as regularization terms: (2) Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A. Laruelo et al. 65 2 is the data fidelity term, is the covariance matrix of the 1 noise, F (T) is a 1D (2D) orthonormal wavelet decomposition operator and and are where D(S, HU)= S HU regularization parameters that balance the compromise between the spatial and the spectral dimensions. The relative concentration of the metabolites can be then estimated as the minimizer Û of such criterion: (3) Since J is strictly convex (D is strictly convex and both regularization terms are convex), the uniqueness of the target solution is guaranteed. However, J is not differentiable and so standard gradient-based algorithms for minimization cannot be used. An appropriate method to solve this optimization problem is the Simultaneous Direction Method of Multipliers algorithm described in [12]. Key advantages of this algorithm are the guaranteed convergence to the global minimum and the efficiency since computations can be parallelized. Data Simulated signals were obtained as a linear combination of the four largest cerebral metabolite profiles detectable at long echo time, Choline (Cho), Creatine (Cr), N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) and Lactate (Lac). Metabolite profiles were obtained from quantum mechanical simulations of a spinecho MR experiment. Different levels of additive white Gaussian noise were added to the ground truth signal. Simulation experiments In order to evaluate the accuracy and the robustness of the proposed method, a Monte Carlo study on N=20 synthetic MRSI data sets of size 6 x 6 at five different levels of noise was performed. The SNR of each signal s, has been computed in the frequency domain as: (4) where s ref denotes the noiseless signal . Each data set was quantified with the proposed Spectral-Spatial Regularization method (SSR) and two well-known methods in the field: the voxel-by-voxel approach AQSES [6] and AQSESMRSI [8]. The unbiased standard deviation of the obtained amplitudes for each metabolite k has been calculated at each voxel as: (5) a k , aˆ k where are the true and estimated amplitudes respectively. At each level of noise, the standard deviations of the estimated amplitudes and the corresponding Cramér-Rao lower bounds are compared. This gave us an indication of the gain in the accuracy that can be achieved using the proposed method. A second experiment was designed in order to check that the proposed method SSR preserves spatial features. A MRSI dataset of size 10 x 10 containing a region with healthy appearing signals and a region with tumour-like signals delimited by a sharp edge was generated. The SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 66 Exploiting MRSI data properties to improve quantification results obtained with SSR are compared with the results from the voxel-by-voxel approach AQSES. (a) (b) Fig. 1: MR spectra (a) and metabolite maps (b) have a few dominating coefficients in the wavelet domain RESULTS Monte Carlo Experiments In Fig.2, the mean standard deviation (std) of the metabolite concentrations estimated with each method are compared with the CRLB obtained from the voxel-by-voxel approach. The proposed method, SSR, outperforms all the other methods for all the levels of noise. It reduces the std by a mean of 41%, from 24% to 54% depending on the level of noise. This shows how the inclusion of the proposed prior knowledge prevents the quantification algorithm from moving away from the true solution by narrowing down the search space. As a result, the method becomes, not only more accurate, but also more robust being able to cope with signals containing high levels of noise. Sharp Edges Fig.3 presents the results on a data set where the border between the region of spectra representing healthy and abnormal tissue is a sharp edge. The first row shows the ground truth amplitude values for NAA, Cr, Cho and Lac. The following rows show the differences from the ground truth and the results obtained using a voxel-by-voxel method (AQSES) and the proposed method. Compared with AQSES, the proposed method visibly improves the estimates of the metabolites and therefore provides metabolite distribution maps closer to the ground truth. CONCLUSIONS Based on the observation that MRSI data are sparse in the wavelet domain both in the spectral and spatial dimensions, a novel method incorporating sparsity promoting priors has been presented. Results on synthetic data confirm that the accuracy and robustness of the quantification of MRSI signals can be improved by using this method. A more detailed description of the method and results on in vivo data will be presented in a future work. Quantification methods able to provide accurate metabolite distribution lead the way to individualized biologically tailored radiotherapy treatments. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A. Laruelo et al. 67 Fig.2: Mean standard deviation (std) of the estimated metabolite amplitudes at five different levels of noise (SNR: -0.5, 2, 4.5, 7, 10). Black: CRLBs, green: AQSES; blue: AQSES-MRSI, red: proposed method (SSR). (a) (b) (c) Fig.3: a) Ground truth (True metabolite concentrations); b) Difference between the ground truth and the concentrations estimated with AQSES; c) Difference between the ground truth and the concentrations estimated with SSR ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PITN-GA2011-290148. REFERENCES [1] Laprie A, Catalaa I, Cassol E, McKnight TR, Berchery D et al. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging in newly diagnosed glioblastoma: predictive value for the site of postradiotherapy relapse in a prospective longitudinal study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2008; 70(3):773-781. [2] Deviers A, Ken S, Filleron T, Rowland B, Laruelo A. et al. Evaluation of lactate/N-acetylaspartate ratio defined with MR spectroscopic imaging before radiotherapy as a new predictive marker of the site of relapse in patients with glioblastoma multiforme, accepted for publication in IJRBOP. [3] Vanhamme L, van den Boogaart A, Van Huffel S. Improved method for accurate and efficient quantification of MRS data with use of prior knowledge. J Magn Reson 1997; 129:35-43. [4] Soher BJ, Young K, Govindaraju V, Maudsley AA. Automated spectral analysis iii: application to in vivo proton MR spectroscopy imaging. Magn Reson Med 1998; 40:822SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 68 Exploiting MRSI data properties to improve quantification 831. [5] Provencher S. Automatic quantitation of localized in vivo 1H spectra with lcmodel. NMR Biomed 2001; 14:260-264. [6] Poullet JB, Sima DM, Simonetti AW, De Neuter B, Vanhamme L et al. An automated quantitation of short echo time MRS spectra in an open source software environment: AQSES. NMR Biomed 2007; 20(5):493-504. [7] Kelm BM, Kaster FO, Henning A, Weber MA, Bachert P et al. Using spatial prior knowledge in the spectral fitting of MRS images. NMR Biomed 2012; 25(1):1-13. [8] Sava AC, Sima DM, Poullet JB, Wright AJ, Heerschap A et al. Exploiting spatial information to estimate metabolite levels in 2D MRSI of heterogeneous brain lesions. NMR Biomed 2011; 24:824-835. [9] Laruelo A, Chaari L, Batatia H, Ken S, Rowland B et al. Hybrid sparse regularization for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2013; 6768-6771. [10] Cavassila S, Deval S, Huegen C, van Ormondt D, Graveron-Demilly D. Cramér-rao bounds: an evaluation tool for quantification. NMR Biomed 2001; 14:278-283. [11] Graveron-Demilly D, Diop A, Briguet A, Fenet B. Product-Operator Algebra for Strongly Coupled Spin Systems. J Magn Reson 1993; 101:233-239. [12] Combettes PL, Pesquet JC. A proximal decomposition method for solving convex variational inverse problems. Inverse Problems 2008; 24(6):065014. Andrea Laruelo attended the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (Spain) as an undergraduate, where she received her MSc degree in Mathematics. After earning her MSc degree, she has worked at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC, Madrid) as a Software Engineer. She is currently an Early Stage Researcher at Institut Claudius Regaud, Toulouse (France). Her research lies primarily within the fields of magnetic resonance spectroscopic data processing, where her work and research interests within these fields are data denoising, spectroscopy data pre-processing and quantification. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A.Ramkumar et al. 69 Human computer interaction in segmenting organs at risk for radiotherapy: a pilot study Anjana Ramkumar1*, Jose Dolz2, Hortense A Kirisli2, Tanja Schimek-Jasch3, Sonja Adebahr3, Ursula Nestle3, Laurent Massoptier2, Edit Varga1, Pieter Jan Stappers1, Wiro J Niessen1,4 , Yu Song1 1 Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands 2 AQUILAB, Loos-les-Lille, France 3 Department of Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany 4 Erasmus MC - University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands * [email protected] Abstract: An accurate segmentation of organs at risk in CT images is a prerequisite in radiotherapy treatment planning. Although there are a number of automatic segmentation methods, most of them require user interactions during the pre- and post-processing stages. Those interactions directly influence the effectiveness of the segmentation results and the efficiency of the process. In this paper, we explored the effects of user interactions in using a semi-automatic segmentation method, which is based on an algorithm combining watershed and graph-cut methods. The aims of this study are 1) to identify if the users can are comfortable with those interactions, 2) to evaluate the quality of results with respect to manual segmentations, and 3) to explore relations of human-computer interactions and the quality of the results in the use of the method. Based on pre-defined protocols, two physicians contoured lung, heart and spinal cord in several cases using the proposed method. The contouring process was video-taped and the segmentation results were analysed. Comparing the results to manual segmentation, an average Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 0.95, 0.7 and 0.8 was obtained by both clinicians for lungs, heart and spinal cord respectively. In the qualitative evaluation, despite a lot of post processing actions, the users were satisfied with the proposed method, as they were able to control the system to produce sound results in an efficient manner. Index Terms — segmentation, interaction, graph-cut algorithm, radiotherapy. INTRODUCTION About 50% of cancer patients receive radiotherapy at some point during the course of their disease [1]. In radiotherapy planning, the primary aim is to maximize the delivery of radiation dose to the tumour while sparing normal tissues. In order to deliver precise treatment, accurate segmentation of tumour and normal tissues is required [2]. Many segmentation methods were developed for tumour delineation. They can be categorised to 1) manual segmentation methods, 2) automatic segmentation methods and 3) semi-automatic segmentation (SAS) methods. Manual segmentation is the process in which a physician delineate the tumour or the organs manually using his/her own clinical knowledge and other clinical reports, e.g., radiology report, SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 70 HCI in radiotherapy segmentation histopathology report, etc. With the increasing amount of imaging data, this process is considered to be time consuming [2]. During automatic segmentation, computer algorithms control the delineation process and generate segmentation results, despite the prior-knowledge of physicians. They usually require few user interactions [3]. However, these methods can only be applied successfully within pre-defined conditions and rich post processing is often needed. SAS methods are partially supervised interactive methods. Often they are the combination of the manual and automatic methods and in many cases, these methods are considered to be a robust method [4]. In the use of a SAS method, the user gives an initial input and the algorithm generates the results. If the results are not satisfactory, the user can then adjusts the initial input or manually correct the results. This process is often repeated until a satisfactory result is obtained. In the development of SAS methods, research efforts have been paid on the computational [5], as well as the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) part [6,7]. HCI is an important part in SAS method and typical SAS methods are, e.g., region growing, split-and-merge and threshold [8], usually have different patterns of HCIs. The effectiveness and efficiency of a SAS method depend on the combination of the expertise of a user and the power of the computational method to achieve the desired segmentation result [9]. Figure 4: Typical information flow in SAS methods Figure 1 presents the information flow with a typical iterative cycle in the SAS method. To use the method, the user needs to give their inputs at the initialization stage, the post processing stage or both. Here the initialization stage refers to the pre-processing steps that take place before running the computational algorithm. In the figure, the expert perceives the output of the computer via the interface and process the information to perform some actions. The term action in a SAS method refers to the initialization of the algorithm. While user performs those actions, the results of those actions will be displayed on the interface as an input from user for verification. Then the computational algorithm processes the data and the result is seen as the output. This cycle continues until the user is satisfied. In different SAS methods, the types of Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A.Ramkumar et al. 71 inputs for the user to initialize the algorithm might be different. For instance: in some cases the users may need to set different parameters at the initialization stage. In other cases users are requested to draw a point or a line on images, where the inputs are positions in the image [6]. In those cases, the location of those inputs is important since they could affect the outcomes of the segmentation algorithm. In summary, manual segmentation is time consuming and the automatic segmentation is faster but always require a rich manual post-processing (e.g. case studies in Brainlab [10], ABAS [11] software). Hence SAS is usually required. However, the SAS method also needs initialization and post manual correction. Thus an optimal HCI is often needed in order to generate reliable, repeatable and satisfactory result with efficient interactions. Using a developed SAS method, we conducted a pilot study 1) to identify if the users can accept the new interactions, 2) to evaluate the quality of results referring to the manual segmentation, and 3) to explore relations of HCI and the quality of the results in the use of the method. The paper is organized as follows. The SAS method is introduced in Section 2. Section 3 describes our approach in the study. Section 4 presents the experimental setup. Experimental results are analysed and illustrated in Section 5, and discussed in Section 6.Conclusion of the study are drawn in Section 7. SAS METHOD Figure 2: User interface of the SAS plugin in MITK with foreground (red) and background (blue) seeds The SAS prototype used in this study was developed as a plugin on the MITK platform. The MITK platform is a medical imaging and interaction toolkit. We developed our prototype based on the version MITK 2013.09.0 [12]. The accuracy of this prototype has been already investigated in [13]. Figure 2 shows a screen shot of the user interface of Organ At Risk OAR prototype. On the right side of the interface are tools which are used for drawing and manual modifications. The left window has the data manager, which allows the users to select data and set them visible/invisible. There are also several scroll bars at the bottom of the left windows which are called as image navigators and are used by the user to scroll through the images. The main rendering window is presented at the centre with 4 quadrants, 3 of them show different orthogonal views. The bottom right quadrant shows the result as a 3D image. The top left quadrant (the axial view), shows some background and foreground seeds which were drawn by the user. As an SAS method, the user interactions are engaged in the segmentation process, including initialization of the algorithm and post-processing of the result. Figure 3 shows the flowchart of SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 72 HCI in radiotherapy segmentation the SAS method used in this study. The first step to do is to choose the dataset one wants to segment. The physicians then had to choose the organ that they want to contour. After selecting the organ, the physician initializes the algorithm by drawing the foreground and background seeds. Here, the term foreground refers to the region they want to include in the OARs and rest of the regions needs to be considered as background. For instance, in a task of contouring the lung as Figure 2, the red lines are foreground seeds and the blues lines are background seeds, respectively. Once the algorithm has given the output the user need to inspect the results if it is good or not. If the user is satisfied with the result then they can end their task. If not then the user has two ways to correct the result: 1) If it is a minor correction, the user can manually modify the segmentation; 2) If it is a major correction, the user can re-draw the foreground and/or background seeds on any of the orthogonal planes and run the segmentation again till the user is satisfied. Figure 3: Process of segmentation of the proposed SAS method OUR APPROACH Usability is an important issue of the SAS methods as the user will frequently interacts with the system. ISO 9241 part 11 defines usability as “the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use” [14]. Here effectiveness refers to how completely and accurately the work/goal is reached. Efficient refers to how much effort, time, and/or costs users paid to finish a task. Satisfaction denotes how much users are satisfied with the process of completing the given task. If the usability inspection, or testing, is first carried out at the end of the design cycle, changes to the interface can be costly and difficult to implement, which in turn leads to usability recommendations [15]. In order to identify the usability problems in the proposed SAS method and offer advices for Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A.Ramkumar et al. 73 further improvements, in this study, we used the user examine method [16]. This study started with the usability inspection where the first author performed usability inspection and reported it to the developers. Once the issues were fixed, we then conducted a pilot study before going for the main user testing. The pilot test has two purposes: 1) identify major problems regarding the usability of the algorithms; 2) testing and verifying usability test method and protocols. After the pilot testing, the software was further developed based on those findings and advices. As the users’ suggestions and preference will directly influence the usability design [16], during the usability testing, the user reactions are observed and the segmentation process is video recorded. After the experiment, the method of interview, and questionnaire were used to qualitatively evaluate the process and the results. Finally, the segmentation results are analysed quantitatively referring to a manual contouring result. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND PROTOCOL a) Imaging data set Dataset of seven patients who underwent planning CT (pCT) for lung cancer treatment planning were selected. Five out of seven pCT images were acquired on a Philips Gemini TF Big Bore PET/CT scanner and remaining of the pCT images were acquired on Siemens SOMATOM emotion CT scanner. Each scan was taken based on the lung protocol followed in the Clinical University Hospital, Freiburg, Germany. b) Participants Two resident physicians from Clinical University Hospital, Freiburg, Germany, joined the study. Physician 1 had 4 years of experience in the field of contouring and physician 2 had 7 years of experience. c) Experimental task In this pilot study, the physicians had to contour the lungs, the heart and the spinal cord, as these organs are a subset of the mandatory OAR to be contoured for lung cancer treatment planning. Both the physicians contoured the organs in the above mentioned order. d) Test setup & protocol This study was conducted at the Department of Radiotherapy in Clinical University Hospital, Freiburg, Germany. Before the beginning of the study, it was explained to the physicians that this prototype will be a SAS system and they were asked if they have any previous experience with semi-automatic segmentation. The physicians were then explained about the designed user interactions in this prototype, in particular the terms foreground and background since it is a new term for the physicians. They were also explained that in this prototype, they only need to initialize the system by specifying the foreground and the background of OARs. Using this information, the algorithm can carry out the segmentation at each iteration. They were also given a Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) [17] atlas, in case they require some clarification regarding the anatomical extension of the organs. As the user interface was new for the physicians compared to their daily work, they were given a flow chart which instructed them the process. e) Evaluation measure More recently in healthcare research, there has been an upsurge of interest in the combined use of qualitative and quantitative methods [18]. In this study, we computed both qualitative and quantitative measurements and correlated them. A supervised quantitative evaluation technique SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 74 HCI in radiotherapy segmentation has been used in this study: the segmentation results from the physicians were compared to the standard 2D manual segmentation done by an expert physician using the Oncentra treatment planning from Nucletron [19]. The Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) [20] was computed for each result referring the manual segmentation result. DSC is denoted as 2c/(a+b), Where a is volume of segmentation result using the proposed SAS method, b is the volume of the manual segmentation result and c is intersection of a and b. If the DSC equals to 1, it symbolises a prefect overlap between the 2 volumes. If it is near 0, it means a least overlap volume. As explained in [21, 22], the DSC is sensitive to variations in shape, size and position and a value of S >0.7 indicates a strong agreement. To compute the DSC we used a program developed based on the Mevislab [23]. Video recording was used for detailed analysis of the study. For instance, the number of interactions required at the initialization phase was compared. Qualitatively, a post study usability questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were conducted at the end of the testing to find their experience about the interface and also about the prototype. RESULTS The OAR delineation results generated in the experiments have been compared against the manual segmentation done for the RT planning. Figure 4-6 shows the result of DSC of the lung, heart and Spinal Cord. The x-axis on the graph shows the patients and the y-axis shows the DSC. The blue bar indicates the DSC of physician 1 and the red bar indicates the DSC of the physician 2. 1 DSC 0,9 P1 P2 0,8 0,7 Pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 6 pt 7 Figure 4: Dice Similarity Coefficient of Lung 1 DSC 0,9 P1 P2 0,8 0,7 Pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 6 pt 7 Figure 5: Dice similarity coefficient of the heart Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A.Ramkumar et al. 75 1 DSC 0,9 P1 P2 0,8 0,7 Pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 6 pt 7 Figure 6: Dice similarity coefficient of the Spinal Cord 5 16 Number of initial interactions 14 4 12 3 10 P1 8 P2 6 P1 2 P2 1 4 0 2 System Information usefulness 0 Lung Heart Interface SC Figure 7: Average number of interactions Figure 8:Results of questionnaires Figure 7 shows the number of interactions required in the initialization phase for each organ. This number is considered as the total number of slices the physicians has to give their input. Even if the physicians had to re-run the segmentation by drawing the seeds, it is included as the initial interaction. Figure 8 shows the result of the questionnaire which was divided into 3 parts as usefulness of the system, information on the system and the interface of the system. In this context system refers to the SAS prototype. The system usefulness had questions regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the prototype against the task performed by the users. Information contained questions regarding the information/ tools available for the users to perform the task. Interface had questions regarding the general interface design and about user preference towards the interface. Table 3: Semi-structured interview Organs easier to contour Organs they liked to contour Physician 1 Lung & Spinal Cord Lung & Spinal Cord Physician 2 Spinal Cord Lung & Spinal Cord DISCUSSION The user interaction considered in this study is very unique from the one which the users use in their daily work. The users just have to draw few strokes, to indicate the system which is a foreground and a background. This is less time consuming when compared to their normal way of interactions as they do not have to segment the whole organ. The user can select a few SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 76 HCI in radiotherapy segmentation representative slices and enter foreground and background seeds in these slices. Since all voxels are connected in a 3D graph the information on what parts of the 3D volume are of interest and what parts should be considered background will propagate appropriately. Moreover, upon the initial segmentation the user can scan through the segmented slices and enter correcting seeds in some of the slices where the results are not satisfactory. Lung From the qualitative results mentioned in Table 1, it was apparent that it is the easiest organ to contour. Both physicians felt happy and satisfied after contouring the lung since they did least manual corrections. The quantitative analysis also revealed that, DSC of lung is much higher for both physicians compared to other structures. The number of initial interactions was the same for both. The interesting thing to note here is that even though physician 2 did a lot of manual correction than physician 1, but the DSC of physician 1 was slightly higher than physician 2 in almost all cases. Majority of the manual segmentation required was for deleting the proximal bronchial tree and sometimes trachea. From the video analysis it was also found that the number of foreground seeds used was much lesser than the number of background seeds. Heart Segmentation of the heart in medical images is a challenging and important task for many applications [22].The upper border of the heart was considered at the level of the inferior aspect of the pulmonary artery passing the midline and extend inferiorly to the apex of the heart [17].The physicians also considered it is a difficult organ to segment as they found it hard to identify the borders. However the DSC values were more than 0.7 for all the patients and hence the result is considered to be satisfactory. The variations in DSC could be due to using different starting and ending slices of the organ, as both the physicians always had a variation of one or two slices. On the other hand it was found from the video analysis that a lot of post manual corrections were done by both the physicians. As the algorithm did not give a perfect boundary of the organ, the physicians had to manually correct the boundary in all the datasets. A lot of manual corrections could also lead to a better result, which is reflected in the value of DSC (>0.7). From the interview, it was found that heart was cognitively demanding to contour as they have to think a lot in drawing the background seeds because of many structures surrounding it. Spinal cord The number of initial interactions required in spinal cord was higher compared to other organs, especially for physician 2 (Figure 7). The result is a bit controversial comparing to the literature [24], where it was mentioned that high number of interactions may reach better results than medium number of interactions. In this study, results with medium number of interactions produces better results than higher number of interactions. The reason for this is that spinal cord was the lengthiest organ and hence the physician considered putting lot of seeds in axial slices. However, the reason for the physician to have less initial interaction is that the physician considered the other planes (e.g. sagittal or coronal planes) as well to draw her seeds. From the interview it was proved that spinal cord was easier to contour as they physicians understood where to draw their background seeds. So cognitively it was less challenging to segment. Similar to Mendili et al. [25], this study also had a DSC of more than 0.8 for all the patients except one. The patient 6 has comparatively a low DSC for the heart and spinal cord. The reason could be that it is acquired from a different machine compared to other datasets. The platform used in this study was the MITK workbench and the plugin was specially developed for the proposed SAS method. As an experimental interface, many conventional tools for manual segmentation, for instance, interpolation options, 3D ball tool, pearl tool, etc., were Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) A.Ramkumar et al. 77 missing. This leads to a lower grade the interface of the prototype (Figure 8). However, the physicians agreed that it was possible to complete the task without the availability of the tools they mentioned. Also we expected the physicians to run the algorithm at least 3-4 times and but in most cases, the physicians run the algorithm once and then conducted a manual modification. That means the physician were not confident that a good result can be generated by running the algorithm. In addition, most of the interactions were conducted in the axial plane. This could be improved by using the other orthogonal planes to contour. Limitations Firstly, the main limitation of this study was that it was not possible to measure the time taken as the physicians did a lot of manual contouring. Secondly, the prototype sometimes crashed due to memory leakages. This influences the interaction process. Thirdly, the datasets were obtained from two different machines and hence the intensity of the datasets was different. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this paper, a pilot study of the usability of a SAS method for contouring OARs in radiotherapy is presented. Based on the outcomes of several experiments, it is found that the users are willing to accept our method and the interaction style, as they feel that they can control the system to produce sound results in a more efficient manner. Besides, it is also concluded that in the proposed SAS method, there is no correlations between the number of interactions and the quality of result. Thus even with very limited user interactions, it is possible to produce high quality results, provided that the users understands the method and is familiar with the interface. In the pilot, it is observed that a lot of post manual corrections are engaged in the post processing, which is not optimal. Our future study will focus on getting a better understanding of the process in order to guide users to achieve the results using minimal user interactions. In addition, the designed foreground / background interactions will be compared to the methods used in clinical practices to further identify the advantages and limitations of the proposed SAS method. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PITN-GA2011-290148. 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In 2012 November, Ramkumar joined the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology for her PhD study. Along with her bachelor’s studies she had training at the radiotherapy department, radiology and nuclear medicine departments as a technologist for 3 years. Her bachelor thesis was about “Comparison of gross tumour volumes obtained using auto-contoured program PETVCAR versus manual contouring”. During her masters she did her internship at the Brighton Sussex cancer centre for few weeks and then she worked on her maser’s research at the same hospital on the topic, “commissioning of 4D CT”. At present, her research work is related to contouring, but focusing more on user-centred design. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 80 Nanotechnology in Cancer Nanoparticle technology: future opportunities in cancer treatment Suneil Jain1*, Karl T. Butterworth1 1 * Centre for Cancer Research and Cell biology, Queens University Belfast [email protected] Abstract: Gold nanoparticles are emerging as promising agents for cancer therapy and are being investigated as vehicles for drug delivery, agents for photothermal therapy, image contrast and radiosensitisation. This review introduces the field of nanotechnology with a focus on recent gold nanoparticle research which has led to early phase clinical trials. In particular the increasing preclinical evidence for gold nanoparticles as sensitizers with ionizing radiation in vitro and in vivo is discussed. Index Terms — gold nanoparticles, nanotechnology, radiosensitisers, image guidance. INTRODUCTION Nanotechnologies can be defined as the design, characterization, production and application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size at nanometre scale [1]. The potential wide ranging applications and benefits of nanomaterials are well recognized in the literature with some commentators speculating the impact of nanotechnology to far exceed that of the Industrial Revolution, projecting to a market of $1 trillion by 2015 [2,3]. In medicine, much research interest is focused on the use of nanoparticles to enhance drug delivery. However, nanoparticles have addition wide ranging applications including in-vitro diagnostics, novel biomaterial design, bioimaging, therapies and active implants [4]. REVIEW Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are very small particles (1-100 nm in diameter) that exist in a nonoxidized state. In the late 20th century techniques including transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) enabled direct imaging of GNPs and subsequently improved control over nanoparticle properties including size, geometry and surface functionalization [5]. In recent years there has been an explosion in GNP research with a rapid increase in GNP publications in diverse fields including imaging, bioengineering and molecular biology. It is probable that this is directly related to a similar increase in the broader field of nanotechnology associated with increased governmental awareness and funding with simultaneous rapid progress in chemical synthesis and molecular biology [6]. GNPs exhibit unique physicochemical properties including surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and the ability to bind amine and thiol groups which allows surface modification and applications in biomedicine [7]. Surface functionalization of nanoparticles is an area of intense research at present with rapid progress being made towards the development of biocompatible, multifunctional particles for use in cancer diagnosis and therapy [2]. There is intense interest in modifying existing drugs to improve pharmacokinetics, thereby Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) S. Jain et al. 81 reducing non-specific side-effects and enabling higher dose delivery to target tissues. An important demonstration of the potential of multifunctional GNPs for drug delivery was the use of 5 nm GNPs as a delivery vehicle, covalently bound to cetuximab as an active targeting agent and gemcitabine as a therapeutic pay-load as a systemic treatment for pancreatic cancer [8]. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is overexpressed in up to 60% of pancreatic cancers and the combination of cetuximab and gemcitabine has been investigated in Phase II trials of this disease [9]. Hyperthermia is known to induce apoptotic cell death in many tissues and has been shown to increase local control and overall survival in combination with radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy in randomized clinical trials [10-12]. Hyperthermia is normally used in combination with other treatments including RT and can be delivered externally, interstitially or endo-luminally with heat generation by radiofrequency waves, microwaves or ultrasound [13]. A novel approach to improve thermal therapy involves tumour specific targeting of metal nanoparticles used in combination with a non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation source such as a laser. When the laser is applied to the nanoparticle loaded tumour there is highly efficient energy conversion due to electron excitation and relaxation which increases the temperature of metal nanoparticles resulting in increased therapeutic efficacy [14]. Furthermore, lasers can be specifically tuned to the SPR frequency of nanoparticles, which varies with the size, shape and composition of the nanoparticle [15]. Most research has used gold nanoshells composed of100 nm silica cores with a 15 nm gold coating, which shifts the resonance peak to the near infrared region (650-950 nm) where blood and tissue are maximally transmissive [16]. Physicochemical properties of GNPs including small size, biocompatibility, high atomic number (high-Z) and the ability to bind targeting agents mean they have potential as image contrast agents. Contrast materials such as iodine, improve the definition of heavily vascularized tumour tissue by increasing photoelectric photon absorption enabling improved accuracy of tumour diagnosis, staging and aiding volume definition in RT planning [17]. 1.9 nm GNPs (Aurovist™) have demonstrated increased retention times and superior contrast to iodine with resolution of vessels as small as 100 µm in an ectopic breast tumour model imaged with a 225 kVp mammography unit 2 minutes to 24 hours post-injection [18]. . Despite high initial blood concentrations of GNPs (10 mg/ml blood), no hematological or biochemical abnormalities were detected at 11 or 30 days post-injection. Quantitative pharmacodynamics demonstrated that GNPs were renally excreted with blood gold concentration falling in a biphasic manner with a 50% drop from 2 to 10 minutes followed by a further 50% reduction from 15 minutes to 1.4 hours. In contrast, tumour levels at 24 hours were 64% of peak levels,15 min post-injection suggesting nanoparticle extravasation into tumour tissue. Improved retention times and contrast could allow detection of smaller tumours at staging, aid image guided RT and allow intratumoural GNP dose quantification. GNPs have the potential to improve contrast with structural imaging modalities including Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), it is possible that functionalized GNPs could be useful in the field of molecular imaging to give in vivo information on the metabolic activity of cancer and the expression of molecular markers. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is the most frequently used functional imaging modality in clinical use and its benefits over standard imaging have been well demonstrated [19-21]. To date, CT has not been used as a molecular imaging modality as iodine cannot be conjugated to molecular proteins. Targeted nanoparticles, including super-paramagnetic nanoparticles and GNPs, are now being developed to improve imaging with MRI and CT [22,23]. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 82 Nanotechnology in Cancer Whilst GNP radiosensitisation has been observed in many studies, as discussed below, much of this work has been phenomenological with the underlying mechanisms of sensitization remaining unclear. Most researchers have attributed GNP radiosensitisation to the physical process ofincreased photoelectric photon absorption by high-Z materials at kilovoltage (kV) photon energies (Figure 1). Fig. 1. Radiation dose response curves for MDA-MB-231 and DU145 cells with 160 kVp X-rays. The SERs were 1.41 and 0.92 for MDA-MB-231 and DU145 cells respectively. GNP radiosensitisation has been modelled by a number of investigators. Cho et al. modelled the effects of GNPs with an iridium-192 source, kV and MV photon energies [24]. With 140 kVp Xrays and a uniform distribution of 7 mg/ml GNPs a DEF of 2.11 was predicted. However, at MV energies predicted physical enhancement was extremely low, for example, a physical dose enhancement of 1% to 7% was predicted with 4 and 6 MV photons with gold concentrations ranging from 7 mg/ml to 30 mg/ml. McMahon et al. generated a figure of merit to account for increased radiation absorption in tumours loaded with 1% GNPs, demonstrating that tumours up to 4 cm deep could preferentially be treated with kV photons. However, this study did not consider increased radiation dose to skin due to loss of radiation build-up, which may be doselimiting [25]. Furthermore, a commercial kV X-ray unit with the ability to deliver intensity modulated radiation is unlikely to be developed. Patients with localized prostate cancer are often treated with brachytherapy using iodine-125 (I-125) or palladium-103, which emit γ-rays of maximum energy 35 keV and 21 keV respectively. Cho et al. specifically modelled I-125 brachytherapy seeds in tumours exposed to 0-18 mg/g GNPs [26]. DEFs of 1.68 were noted a distance of 1 cm from the I-125 source when 7mg/ml GNP were used. Radiosensitisation driven solely by this physical mechanism would predict no effect at clinically relevant megavoltage (MV) energies where Compton interactions are dominant [24]. The hypothesis has been disproven by several investigators who have shown significant levels of radiosensitisation at MV energies [27,28]. In vitro 1.9 nm GNPs (Aurovist™) in combination with 250 kVp radiation were shown to prolong survival in tumour-bearing mice [29]. In the first experiment Balb/c mice bearing EMT-6 murine breast cancer tumours received a single dose of 30 Gy using 250 kVp radiation alone or in combination with high concentrations of GNPs (1.35g Au/kg) injected IV 5 minutes prior to irradiation. Radiation alone induced tumour growth delay, however radiation and GNPs actually led to a dramatic reduction in tumour growth when assessed 1 month after treatment. For clinical translation and optimized efficacy, it is essential to know the importance of Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) S. Jain et al. 83 nanoparticle properties such assize, concentration, surface coating and distance from target material such as nuclear DNA. These relationships along with a complementary knowledge of the range, energy and type of secondary species released from the nanoparticle, eg. short range low energy electrons, Auger electrons, photoelectrons or characteristic X-rays, and their variation with primary photon energies would enable the rational design of GNPs for use with radiation. The field of nanomedicine remains relatively immature with its full potential in the clinical landscape not yet fully realized. Many new nanocomplexes are being developed for cancer therapy which has much potential to improve standard of care. However, for these new agents to be translated to clinic, there is a distinct need for well designed, safe and timely clinical trials. . Currently, only 1 GNP therapy, CYT-6091, has reached early phase clinical trials. CYT 6091 is a 27 nm citrate coated GNP bound with thiolated PEG and TNF-α (Aurimmune) which has the dual effect of increasing tumour targeting and tumour toxicity [30]. CONCLUSION GNPs have many properties that are attractive for use in cancer therapy. They are small, can penetrate widely throughout the body and preferentially accumulate at tumour sites. Importantly, they can bind many proteins and drugs and can be actively targeted to cancer cells overexpressing cell surface receptors. Whilst they are biocompatible, it is clear that GNP preparations can be toxic in in vitro and in vivo systems. GNPs have a high atomic number, which leads to greater absorption of kV X-rays and provides greater contrast than standard agents. They resonate when exposed to light of specific energies producing heat that can be used for tumour selective photothermal therapy. GNPs have been shown to cause radiosensitisation at kV and MV photon energies. The exact mechanism remains to be elucidated, but may be physical, chemical or biological. Many questions need to be answered before GNP complexes enter routine clinical use. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We acknowledge funding from Cancer Research UK, Friends of the Cancer Centre and Men Against Cancer to carry out this work. REFERENCES [1] ASTM E 2456-06. Terminology for Nanotechnology, (2006). [2] Nel A, Xia T, Madler L, Li N. Toxic potential of materials at the nanolevel. Science 2006; 311:622-627. [3] R.F. Service. American Chemical Society meeting. Nanomaterials show signs of toxicity. Science 2003; 300:243. [4] Wagner V. The emerging nanomedicine landscape. Nat Biotechnol 2006; 24:1211-1217. [5] Eigler DM, Schweizer EK. Positioning single atoms with a scanning tunnelling microscope. Nature 1990; 344:524-526. [6] Chen H, Roco MC, Li X, Lin Y. Trends in nanotechnology patents. Nat Nano 2008; 3:123125. [7] Shukla R, Bansal V, Chaudhary M, Basu A, Bhonde RR, Sastry M. 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Phys Med Biol 2004; 49:N309-N315. [30] Libutti S, Paciotti G, Myer L, Haynes R, Gannon W, Walker M, et al. Results of a completed phase I clinical trial of CYT-6091: A pegylated colloidal gold-TNF nanomedicine. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27(15S):3586. Suneil Jain is a Consultant and Senior Lecturer at Queens University Belfast, UK. He completed his medical degree from the same institution in 1999. He completed a PhD in radiobiology and nanotechnology in 2010 also from QUB. He completed training in Clinical Oncology at the Northern Ireland Cancer Centre. His international fellowship was carried out at University of Toronto researching stereotactic radiotherapy in lung and prostate cancer. He leads the prostate SABR group in Northern Ireland and is a member of the UK NCRI Prostate Clinical Studies Group. He is interested in modelling modern radiotherapy treatments in vitro and in vivo and in the utilisation of nanotechnology to enhance the effects of radiation therapy. Dr Jain has been a recipient of an ASCO merit award. He holds grant funding from Movember, Prostate Cancer UK and the NI R+D office. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 86 The ART of translation The ART of translation: from research to clinical application Marcel Verheij MD PhD1* and Jan-Jakob Sonke PhD1 1 * Department of Radiation Oncology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam [email protected] Abstract: Translational research refers to the transfer of a new scientific concept from its basic preclinical stage to a successful clinical application. This process is bidirectional as clinical observations should also be used to re-evaluate and improve their underlying experimental models. An inherent element of translational research is the use of patient material. This should, however, be interpreted widely and not be restricted to biological material. In fact, all information derived from patients – including digital and epidemiological data – is suitable for translational research. Acknowledging translational research as an essential tool to advance oncology, many research groups and funding organizations focus on this area. Index Terms — Radiotherapy, Translational Research, Adaptive, Preclinical. TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH AT NKI The Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) is a comprehensive cancer center combining hospital and research laboratories under one roof in a single independent organization with one board of Directors responsible for both clinic and research. The institute has a long tradition of integrating basic science and cancer care, and has developed several strategies to accommodate translational research since its foundation in 1913 [1]. NKI stimulates part-time research appointments of staff clinicians by “twinning” them to basic scientists on joint translational projects. A translational research fellowship program offers to young clinicians after completion of their specialty training, a 2-3 years fellowship in basic research labs to build-up their oncology careers. In addition, internal start-up funding is provided to generate preliminary data and support project proposals. Furthermore, all clinical trial proposals are screened for potential translational research elements. A Translational Research Board, consisting of staff MDs and PhDs with a track record in translational research, coordinates these activities. Although many regard translational oncology as interplay between fundamental biological and clinical research, this is certainly not a complete description. In radiation oncology, translational research includes many other areas of “basic” research, such as molecular biology, bioinformatics, imaging, software development, epidemiology and physics. The department of Radiation Oncology at NKI has structured its translational physics research activities in multidisciplinary groups to ensure an optimal two-way interaction between clinicians and physicists and to provide a discussion forum for linking relevant clinical questions to innovative solutions. The software development for image-guided CT-based position verification integrated with the linear accelerator represents an opposite example [2] and has been essential for Adaptive RadioTherapy, the latest piece in art of modern radiotherapy. Building on the practice-changing studies on the interaction between cisplatin and radiation in tumour and normal cells [3] and new insights in molecular effects of radiation [4], biology-driven translational research is facilitated at Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M. Verheij et al. 87 the departmental level by resident-PhD programs, combined clinical-research appointments and focused start-up funding. IMAGE GUIDANCE: A TRANSLATIONAL ART Fig. 1. Adaptive Radiation Therapy (ART). Imaging, planning and dosimetric information acquired during treatment, is fed back into the treatment chain for plan adaptation. For decades, radiation therapy has suffered from poor imaging quality, limiting the detailed definition of treatment volumes and organs at risk. Moreover, positional and anatomical changes over the course of therapy could not be detected or corrected. This has forced radiation oncologists to use generous margins to compensate for these geometric uncertainties, thereby, however, increasing the risk of inducing normal tissue toxicity. With the introduction of computed tomography (CT) and in-room imaging techniques, dose planning and delivery have become more accurate, allowing safe dose escalation. The recent incorporation of functional imaging modalities like PET and fMRI and the option to integrate motion (4D imaging), provides a next step towards further optimizing image-guided radiotherapy. The aforementioned geometrical uncertainties that limit the precision and accuracy of radiation therapy include setup errors, posture change, organ motion, deformations and treatment response. Consequently, the actually delivered dose typically deviates from the planned dose. To minimize the deleterious effects of geometrical uncertainties, adaptive radiation techniques (ART) aim to characterize the patient’s specific variation through an image feedback loop and adapt the patients’ treatment plan accordingly (Fig. 1). Adaptive radiation therapy research therefore includes improving in-room imaging, patient variability characterization, treatment plan modification and outcome modelling. Additionally, the adaptive radiation therapy framework is prototyped pre-clinically using a dedicated small animal irradiator. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 88 The ART of translation In Room Imaging Fig. 2. Clinical applications of CBCT image guidance. A cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanner integrated with a linear accelerator captures the patients’ anatomy just prior to treatment and is a powerful tool for image-guided radiotherapy. Respiratory motion, however, induces artefacts in CBCT such as blurring and streaks that limit the image quality of CBCT in the thorax and upper abdominal region. At the NKI, we have developed a respiratory correlated procedure for CBCT, which allows verifying the mean position, trajectory, and shape of a moving tumour (and/or normal organs) just before radiation treatment is delivered (Fig. 2). Such verification reduces respiration induced geometrical uncertainties, enabling safe delivery of 4D radiotherapy with small margins. In-room imaging can also be applied to reduce radiation exposure to normal tissue. Because an increased risk of cardiovascular-related morbidity and mortality has been observed after breast or thoracic wall irradiation, we established the feasibility, cardiac dose reduction, and the influence of the setup error on the delivered dose for fluoroscopy-guided deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) irradiation using cone-beam CT for irradiation of left-sided breast cancer patients [5]. SMALL ANIMAL IRRADIATION: µIGRT Novel developments in radiotherapy depend ultimately on clinical trials to demonstrate their efficacy. Due to the improvements in image guidance, however, a new therapeutic window is opening that can only slowly be explored. For instance, the higher precision allows a better sparing of normal tissues, but to translate that into a higher tumour dose to improve control is scary because the effect of the remaining hot spots on the normal tissue are unknown. By translating the human image guidance solution back to small animal research, it now becomes possible to explore high-dose high-precision treatments in preclinical work in combination with all sorts of smart drugs. In addition, the volume effect of irradiation normal tissue can be further Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M. Verheij et al. 89 explored. To support this work, a commercial small animal irradiation unit has been interfaced with our XVI image guidance software. The system demonstrates a very high accuracy of 0.1 mm and sharp treatments fields that can be collimated down to 1 mm or less. As a result, it is now possible to selectively irradiate very small parts of the animals rather than a ‘half mouse’ as was the state of the art until a few years ago. A start has been made with the first studies, looking into the effect of partial heart and lung irradiation, and quantifying response timelines after reirradiation of orthotopically implanted breast tumours (Fig. 3). Fig. 3. Small animal µIGRT system (X-RAD 225 CX, PXI, North Branford, USA). REFERENCES [1] www.historad.nl/en [2] Sonke JJ, Zijp L, Remeijer P, van Herk M. Respiratory correlated cone beam CT. Med Phys 2005; 32(4):1176-1186. [3] Schaake-Koning C, van den Bogaert W, Dalesio O, Festen J, Hoogenhout J, van Houtte P, Kirkpatrick A, Koolen M, Maat B, Nijs A, Renaud A, Rodrigus P, Schuster-Uitterhoeve L, Sculier J-P, van Zandwijk N, Bartelink H. Effects of concomitant cisplatin and radiotherapy on inoperable non-small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med 1992; 326(8):524-530. [4] Verheij M, Vens C, van Triest B. Novel therapeutics in combination with radiotherapy to improve cancer treatment: rationale, mechanisms of action and clinical perspective. Drug Resist Updat 2010; 13(1-2):29-43. [5] Borst GR, Sonke JJ, den Hollander S, Betgen A, Remeijer P, van Giersbergen A, Russell NS, Elkhuizen PH, Bartelink H, van Vliet-Vroegindeweij C. Clinical results of imageguided deep inspiration breath hold breast irradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2010; 78(5):1345-1351. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 90 Fast analysis and fusion of MR spectroscopy Enabling fast analysis and fusion of MR spectroscopy imaging Miguel Nunes1*, Benjamin Rowland2, Matthias Schlachter1, Soléakhéna Ken2, Kresimir Matkovic1, Anne Laprie2, Katja Bühler1 1 * VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH, Vienna, Austria 2 Institut Claudius Regaud, Toulouse, France [email protected] Abstract: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging (MRSI) contains spectral information per data point regarding concentrations of metabolites of interest in in-vivo tissue. In radiotherapy, doctors use MRSI data to make treatment decisions for patients. We present a system that is able to flexibly and easily depict information contained in MRSI and give the possibility to fuse related data acquired by several modalities. First experiments with real-world medical data indicate the usefulness of our system and how, by combining insights from different types of visualizations, it is possible to achieve better delineations of tumour regions. Opinions of domain experts denote the positive impact of our system in integrating MRSI in radiotherapy planning workflow and how the understanding of MRSI data can quickly increase. Index Terms — MR Spectroscopy, Visual Analytics, Fusion, Radiotherapy. INTRODUCTION Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging (MRSI) is a non-invasive molecular imaging technique providing a spectral range of active biomarkers per sample, where each biomarker indicates a certain concentration of a specific molecule present in a sub-volume of the tissue being analysed. In medicine, MRSI has been primarily used to study brain and prostate cancers as well as other metabolic functions of the human body. For instance, in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cases, it is known that cancerous tissue is present when the ratio between choline and NAcetyl-Aspartate (NAA) biomarkers is equal or higher than 2 [1]. This ratio is used as a threshold to create segmentations so higher doses of radiation are delivered in such areas. These regions are called Biological Target Volumes (BTV) and are designed using functional imaging [2], for they represent areas with radioresistence and are thought to be responsible for the relapse of patients. However, the analysis and visualization of MRSI data, and respective BTV generation, is limited by the lack of proper tools or by the quality of its acquisition and pre-processing. Existing tools to pre-process and analyse MRSI data, such as LCModel [3], visualize MRSI data as metabolite colour maps or ratio maps, which are fixed and do not allow extraction of additional information. Alternatively, each voxel can be seen as a histogram depicting the concentrations of metabolites. Another tool that is able to include MRSI data into clinical workflow is SIVIC [4]. This tool is able to pre-process MRSI raw data into DICOM format of 3D metabolite maps. However, SIVIC visualization options are limited to the rendering of MRSI data colour maps together with anatomical images and no statistical inquiries are possible. Visual analytic tools have the power to boost the understanding of highly complex data, and Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M. Nuneset al. 91 alternate visualizations and fusion of more modalities can give better support for medical decision making. Three studies by Feng et al. on visualization of MRSI data allowed an approach to this data which combined rendering of anatomical slices and statistical inspection of metabolite values. Firstly, glyph rendering depicting properties of metabolites allowed visual value estimation and the identification of relationships between metabolites raw values [5]. Later, plotting metabolite concentration values into parallel coordinates visualization and using a linear function brushing helped identifying linear relationships between pairs of variables. The addition of a slice rendering system to visualize cubes of selected MRSI voxels together with anatomical images and glyph rendering brought light to correlations between certain metabolites [6]. In a more recent work by the same authors [7], scatter plots were included to enhance the analysis of MRSI data. In these three works, only raw values of metabolite concentration were used, however, these values are not standardized and can only be meaningfully used as ratios. Furthermore, the creation of complex voxel signatures or generation of new values for better understanding of tissue characteristics were not addressed. Currently, no solution enables doctors to quickly access all the power of MRSI and its integration into radiotherapy treatment planning workflow. The challenges of quickly generating metabolic ratios, the analysis of these ratios to other functional or anatomical data and methods to easily select and relate different datasets values have not yet been solved. This work expands current state of the art by enabling the comparison of any given metabolite dataset, supporting both quick BTV generation and fast but meaningful analysis of MRSI metabolite data. MATERIALS AND METHODS A system was implemented to answer the needs to easily and flexibly access MRS data. It is composed by the visual analytics tool ComVis [9] and a medical image processing framework MIKT [8]. ComVis provides multiple linked views (histograms, scatter plots, parallel coordinates, etc.) that allow users to interact with multivariate data by brushing sets of plotted values. MITK is a framework designed for medical imaging processing that contains numerous plugins. It was extended with two new plugins: a TCP/IP communication plugin and a rendering plugin, which renders axial, sagittal and coronal views supporting BTV visualization. Fig. 1: ComVis-MITK system workflow The workflow of this system can be seen in Fig. 1. In short, pre-processed data can be registered and resampled in or outside MITK, and then stored in the MITK Data Manager. Delineations of regions of interest can also be imported or made in the MITK segmentation plugin. Loaded data can be instantly visualized in our rendering plugin. Through the communication plugin, we can convert and send medical data into a ComVis Data Table. Here, data can be plotted in linked SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 92 Fast analysis and fusion of MR spectroscopy views for statistical analysis where it can be brushed and related. Via a Data Fusion plugin, it is possible to generate ratios from data present in the Data Table that can be instantly analysed. Brushing values in ComVis generates a message to MITK in form of a binary mask which can be later visualized as segmentations. ComVis was expanded with new types of brushes and it also allows smooth brushing for uncertainty visualization by assigning values between 0 and 1 to voxels present inside the region (Fig. 2a). The result of smooth brushing is a mask with opacity values equal to its probability (Fig. 2b). Finally, new brushes, including a convex hull generator, were also added to the scatter plot view. (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 2: Smooth brushing in ComVis (a) and respective visualization in MITK (red contour with different intensity related to membership probability) (b). Brushed values of CNR in a histogram (c) and its visualization in MITK red contour matches perfectly the currently used method (d). Our solution was evaluated by five experienced medical doctors and physicist from the Institut Claudius Regaud (ICR). Data of six patients with GBM from a multi-centre phase III clinical trial called Spectro-Glio was used. For this study, we used contrast-enhanced T1 Gadolinium, FLAIR and 1H MRSI. It was decided to restrict quantified metabolites to choline, creatine and NAA. In case of artefacts are present after pre-processing, affected voxels are discarded. Metabolites were broken down into single valued datasets so MITK would be able to load them. Also, datasets were already aligned during acquisition and all volumes were resampled in MITK to the respective T1 Gadolinum dataset. An additional delineation was performed in MITK to restraint the amount of data to be sent to ComVis. RESULTS Five use-cases were developed while working with the expert users. These use-cases indicate how this system enables an easy and interactive analysis of MRSI. It also demonstrates how the process of integrating MRSI in radiotherapy treatment planning workflow is achieved. Analysis and BTV computation MRSI metabolites datasets are loaded into MITK and sent to ComVis. The choline/NAA ratio (CNR) is instantly calculated with the use of the Data Fusion plugin. CNR values can then be plotted in any view. For achieving a BTV equal to the one previously manually done by doctors, the user only needs to plot the CNR values in a histogram and brush the columns that have the desired ratio values (Fig. 2c). Then, one segmentation per brush is automatically sent to MITK and instantly displayed (Fig 2d). The time to perform this operation was around 2 minutes representing an enormous speedup compared to the current workflow at ICR, which takes around 100 minutes per patient. Tumour Signature The combination of different linked views in ComVis granted the power to evaluate different Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M. Nuneset al. 93 relationships among MRSI metabolites. By creating new ratios (choline/creatine and NAA/creatine), users were able to realize that each patient has its own set of metabolite properties. Brushing the original CE region users were able to visualize which voxels were selected in the scatter plot of the previously generated ratios (Fig. 3). Users discovered that voxels with very similar signatures were not included in the original CE region. By making use of the convex hull generator, these extra voxels were selected and then depicted in MITK rendering plugin. These extra voxels showed a new region of high tumour activity. This new information can later be compared to relapsing images to confirm if any association between relapse and this new selected region exists. This feature was regarded as one of the most interesting as it allowed to visualize and interpret data both in a statistical and a visual ways. (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 3: Original CE region selected (a) and respective visualisation in MITK (white contour) (b). Convex hull around original CE data (c) and respective render of new area, in red, in MITK(d). Personalized Analysis In our system, it is possible to analyse how different patients present different tumour signatures (Fig. 4). The existence of such variety goes in line with what has already been demonstrated in clinical studies, pointing to the necessity of individualized treatment, as anomalous values for one patient can be considered normal for another. Our system allows brushing and analysing different kinds of tissue (necrosis, tumour and healthy tissue) in order to better evaluate what ratios values are indicators of cancer. Allowing such analysis was considered as the major contribution of this work. Fig. 4: scatter plots of 3 patients with different choline/creatine and NAA/creatine ratios distribution values. Tissue classification Smooth brushing allows the association of probability values to voxels inside a certain region. In this way, it is possible to create regions which might be associated with healthy tissue, necrosis or tumour even if they do not fit in the pre-defined signature. These probabilities can later be compared to data of relapsing patients. This has been noted by the users as an initial step to create automatic cancer detection algorithms. Parallel Coordinates Studying the evolution of ratios across different exams for each patient can be realized by SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 94 Fast analysis and fusion of MR spectroscopy plotting the ratios in parallel coordinates, in ComVis. Each line representing a 3D voxel can be selected and compared to the following exams, given that images are aligned and correctly resampled. Plotting data in this fashion enables the study on the behaviour of ratios evolution in relapsing patients. This opens the door to large clinical trials to better understand the factors involved in relapse and, possibly, how to avoid it. DISCUSSION Extensions made to MITK and ComVis address the challenges previously noted. This system manages to load metabolic data into MITK and convert it to ComVis data format so statistical and numerical analysis is performed. Brushing linked views enable complexity reduction over the analysis of metabolites and its ratios. It is also allowed to compare any given dataset per voxel, contributing to a better definition of tissue signatures. Fusion operations to relate datasets was achieved and yields fast computation of new values. Lastly, the individualization of treatments was provided by quickly generating meaningful segmentations relating anatomical to functional data. It was noted by users the ease and flexibility delivered by this system together with the time it took to study each patient, which was definitively lower than current practise. The visual analytics enhances the access to MRS data compared to single rendering of the same data in glyphs or multiplanar reconstruction views. CONCLUSION Regarded as the key benefit of our system, we provide medical staff the opportunity to analyse, relate and visualize MRS data in a novel way. Linking MITK, our plugin renderer and ComVis answers the current medical requirements, bringing, in one case, the same results obtained with current commercial software but in a much shorter time. Real-world medical cases of how this system can introduce flexibility and novelty in future radiology MRSI studies by permitting the discovery of new MRSI metabolites’ relationships and tumour tissues’ signatures. These cases showed that different patients have different ratio values, pointing in the direction of personalized analysis in GBM cases. Regarding future work, it is planned to extend the Data Fusion plugin. The introduction of other modalities such as fMRI or PET can bring more information about functional areas of the brain and tissue which could impose adaptations in the planning treatment and improve the quality of the signatures of voxels. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PITN-GA2011-290148. REFERENCES [1] Laprie A, Catalaa I, Cassol E, McKnight TR, Berchery D, Marre D, Bachaud J-M, Berry I, Moyal EC-J. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging in newly diagnosed glioblastoma: Predictive value for the site of postradiotherapy relapse in a prospective longitudinal study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2008; 70(3):773-781. [2] Ken S, Vieillevigne L, Franceries X, Simon L, Supper C., Lotterie J-A, Filleron T, Lubrano V, Berry I, Cassol E, Delannes M, Celsis P, Cohen-Jonathan EM, Laprie A. Integration Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M. Nuneset al. 95 method of 3d mr spectroscopy into treatment planning system for glioblastoma imrt dose painting with integrated simultaneous boost. 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The medical imaging interaction toolkit (MITK): a toolkit facilitating the creation of interactive software by extending VTK and ITK. Med Imag 2004; 16-27. [9] Matkovic K, Freiler W, Gracanin D, Hauser H. Comvis: A coordinated multiple views system for prototyping new visualization technology. Inf Vis 2008; 215–220. Miguel Nunes was born in Braga, Portugal, in 1985. He received his MSc degree in Informatics Engineering from the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal in 2009. After graduation, he worked as a Researcher at CCG Guimarães, and later as a Consultant for Deloitte and Logica in Lisbon. He is currently employed at VrVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmBH in, Vienna, Austria, as an Early Stage Researcher. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 96 4D PET/CT visualization in radiotherapy planning 4D PET/CT visualization in radiotherapy planning Matthias Schlachter1*, Tobias Fechter2, Ursula Nestle2 and Katja Bühler1 1 * VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH, Vienna, Austria 2 Department of Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany [email protected] Abstract: In radiation treatment (RT) planning medical doctors need to consider a variety of information sources for biological target volume delineation. The validation and inspection of the defined target volumes and the resulting RT plan is a complex task, especially in the presence of moving target areas as it is the case for tumours of the chest and the upper abdomen. A 4DPET/CT visualization system may become a helpful tool for validating RT plans. We define major goals such a visualization system should fulfil to provide medical doctors the necessary visual information to validate tumour delineation, and review the dose distribution of a RT plan. We present an implementation of such a system, and present results of how such a system can be used to validate a plan for a lung cancer patient. Index Terms — Medical visualization, volume rendering, 4D PET-CT, RT Dose. INTRODUCTION For lung cancer, the most prominent functional imaging system in use is PET along with the CT as the anatomical imaging modality. PET imaging with the 18f-fludeoxyglucose (18FDG) tracer is an accurate diagnostic method for non-small lung cancer, and used for the delineation of the gross tumour volume (GTV) [1]. Respiration causes target areas to move which cannot be captured by the planning CT (only a static image) and 4D PET/CT can be used to image patients under free breathing conditions. Tumour delineation can be done on each breathing phase captured by 4D PET/CT. The union of the contouring can be used to define the internal target volume (ITV) [1] representing the lesion over the whole breathing cycle. The inspection of target volumes is usually done slice-wise and often combined with a video of maximum intensity projection of the 4D data sets. However, this makes it hard to capture the real 3D motion of target areas, and might give false impressions about tumour coverage by the defined target volumes. Therefore, a 4D-PET/CT visualization system can assist RT planning and validating treatment plans, especially in the presence of moving structures like tumours of the chest and the upper abdomen. In this paper we present a 3D multi-modal visualization framework which focuses on the validation and inspection of the RT plans in the presence of moving target areas. In order for a 3D visualization to assist physicians to evaluate and validate a RT plan, we define the following major goals (use cases) which need to be addressed: 1. Support for 4D (3D+t) PET and CT data sets and fusion of these image modalities: PET and CT signals should be fused in a 3D rendering. Support for changing time bins should be provided for giving access to the whole breathing cycle of the patient. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M Schlachter et al. 97 2. Visualization of structure sets: Defined structures such as GTV, ITV or organs at risk (OAR) should be included and combined with the 3D visualization of PET and CT for evaluating the spatial configuration and ensuring optimal coverage of moving target areas. 3. Visualization of dose information: Visualizing dose information as iso-dose surfaces together with defined structures like the GTV, ITV or OARs should allow evaluating the spatial configuration and coverage of moving target areas complementary to dose volume histograms. 4. Clipping and/or masking parts of the volume: Hiding parts of the volume which might not be relevant in the current situation (e.g. remove CT signal inside a structure set and show only the PET signal) should be supported. 5. Interactivity and pre-processing: There should be no pre-processing involved such as resampling data sets to the same size or offline volume fusion into a new data set. The parameters (data sets, structure sets, and visual appearance) of the visualization should be modifiable on-the-fly. The proposed visualization framework performs fusion of 4D PET/CT images, combined with defined target volumes and segmentation information of OARs. Furthermore, the visualization of dose volumes provides the necessary information for a visual review and validation of a computed treatment plan. MATERIALS AND METHODS Data The data sets consist of four types: PET, CT, Segmentation and Dose Volumes. CT data sets are either the planning CT or the 4D CT. The planning CT has a voxel size of 1.17mm x 1.17mm x 3mm and pixel dimensions of 512 x 512 x 107. Structure sets and target volumes are binary volumes representing OAR segmentation (or margins around an OAR), as well as delineated target volumes (GTV, ITV). They are all in reference to the planning CT, and therefore have the same voxel size and data dimensions as the planning CT. The 4D CT consists of 10 time bins with a voxel size of 1.17mm x 1.17mm x 2mm and pixel dimensions of 512 x 512 x 77. The 4D FDG-PET data set has a voxel size of 4mm x 4mm x 4mm and pixel dimensions of 144 x 144 x 45 consisting of 10 time bins. The dose volume holds the relevant dose information in reference to the planning CT and was exported from the planning system software. It has a voxel size of 2.5mm x 2.5mm x 3mm with pixel dimensions of 212 x 119 x 107. Visualization System Our visualization framework is integrated in the Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) [3]. MITK provides a platform with a plug-in system and combines functionality of VTK [4] and ITK [5]. It provides DICOM data import, visualization and interaction. Figure 1 shows the GUI of the MITK platform. Part 1 of figure 1 shows already available functionality of MITK. This includes a data set manager, image navigator (3D+time navigation) and 2D slice views. The integration of our multi-modal rendering implementation is realized via a MITK plug-in which is the connection between MITK and our rendering core (see fig. 2). Figure 1 part 3 shows the GUI of our MITK plug-in. It communicates with our rendering core via a VTK interface (see fig. 2), and is responsible for setting and changing parameters such as data sets, their visual appearance and parameters for clipping and fusion. Finally part 2 integrates the result of our 3D rendering and replaces the standard 3D view of MITK. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 98 4D PET/CT visualization in radiotherapy planning Fig. 1: Screenshot of the MITK platform with the integration of 3D multi-modal rendering. The 3D multi-modal rendering framework is mostly implemented in CUDA [2], and consists of three main parts (see fig. 2): the data store module, the rendering module and an interface to VTK. The data store is responsible for storing volumes in GPU memory and makes them available to our rendering module. Data sets are organized in a unified coordinate system which takes into account spatial transformations between data sets. The core of the rendering module is based on ray-casting with front-to-back blending [6], and responsible for PET-CT fusion, binary volume rendering and dose volume visualization. Fig. 2: Overview of MITK integration and rendering framework. The functionality of the 3D multi-modal rendering consists of three main parts: fusion of PET and CT, rendering of binary volumes and iso-dose rendering of dose volumes. The fusion of PET-CT is done by taking a linear combination of colour and opacity of both volumes and can be combined with information from binary volumes to define regions of interest where only information from one modality should be visualized (e.g. only PET inside the ITV). Binary volumes which represent target volumes and segmentation of OARs are visualized by rendering their outline as a surface. Color and opacity values can be assigned to each binary volume individually. Dose information is rendered as iso-dose surfaces. The respective dose parameters can be specified as a list of values in grey units. The combination of all three parts produces the final result of the rendering. RESULTS Our 3D multi-modal rendering framework combines information of PET, CT, segmentation and dose information into one final result. This, together with the integration into the MITK platform implements our previously defined goals 1-5 (see fig. 3 and 4). A qualitative result of PET-CT fusion and iso-dose rendering is shown in fig 3 (left image). The iso-dose is rendered using four Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014) M Schlachter et al. 99 defined dose values and combined with PET-CT fusion. Clipping is used to hide parts of the thorax and iso-dose surfaces which would occlude the PET signal of the target area. The right image of fig. 3 shows the same patient, however, the PET signal was disabled and binary volume rendering of the ITV and a safety margin around the trachea was added. The parameters for clipping and dose are the same as for the left image. Fig. 3: Result of 3D renderings. (left) PET-CT fusion and iso-dose rendering. (right) CT combined with binary volume and iso-dose rendering. Clipping was applied to hide parts of the thorax. Figure 4 shows a combination of fusion and binary volume rendering of different breathing phases of the PET. The structure set represents the ITV. Parts of the thorax are hidden by applying clipping. Masking is applied inside the ITV to show only the PET signal. The left and right part show the PET signal of different phases of the patients’ breathing cycle. The phase can be changed interactively in the GUI and allows seeing the PET signal “move” inside the ITV. Fig. 4: CT combined with different breathing phases of PET (left, right). The structure set represents the ITV. Inside the ITV only the PET signal is visualized. Clipping was applied to hide parts of the thorax. Making all this available to medical doctors gives them a set of tools, which they can use to interactively explore and validate a RT plan. The proposed functionality can be applied to a multitude of scenarios including: checking the spatial configuration of target volumes defined on volumes of different modalities (GTV of CT and ITV of 4D PET), checking the coverage of the ITV with the 4D PET signal (respiratory motion of the tumour area) or the spatial configuration of dose areas inside OARs. CONCLUSION A visualization system which fulfils the goals defined in the introduction may become a helpful tool for validating tumour delineations and RT plans. We implemented such a system by integrating a custom 3D multi-modal visualization framework into the MITK platform. SUMMER Project (PITN-GA-2011-290148) is funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN). 100 4D PET/CT visualization in radiotherapy planning ACKNOWLEDGMENT This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PITN-GA2011-290148. REFERENCES [1] Nestle U, Weber W, Hentschel M, Grosu AL. Biological imaging in radiation therapy: role of positron emission tomography. Phys Med Biol 2009; 54(1):R1. [2] NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA CUDA C Programming Guide. 2011. [3] Wolf I, Vetter M, Wegner I, Nolden M, Bottger T, Hastenteufel M, Schobinger M, Kunert T, Meinzer HP. The medical imaging interaction toolkit (MITK): a toolkit facilitating the creation of interactive software by extending VTK and ITK. Med Imag 2004; 16-27. [4] Schroeder W, Martin K, Lorensen N. Visualization toolkit: an object-oriented approach to 3D graphics. 4th Edition, Kitware, 2006. [5] Ibanez L, Schroeder W, Ng L, Cates J. The ITK software guide. 2005. [6] Kruger J, Westermann R. Acceleration techniques for GPU-based volume rendering. Proc 14th IEEE Visualization 2003 (VIS'03); 38. Matthias Schlachter received the Dipl-Inf. degree in computer science from the University of Freiburg, Germany, in 2009. He is a Marie Curie early-stage researcher for the SUMMER project and is currently working at VRVis, Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmBH, in Vienna, Austria. His current research interests are in medical visualization with a focus on image fusion and uncertainty visualisation of multi-modal data. Multimodal imaging towards individualized radiotherapy treatments Summer-school of SUMMER project (July 2014)