Design S8808 / Popcorn and Twists Afghan and


Design S8808 / Popcorn and Twists Afghan and
Design S8808 / Popcorn and Twists Afghan and Pillow
Front post double crochet (fpdc): Yo, insert
hook from front right to left around post of indicated stitch, yo, draw up a loop to height of working row, yo and complete dc as usual.
Popcorn (pc): 5 dc in indicated stitch, drop loop
from hook and insert hook in top of first dc made,
pick up dropped loop and draw through first dc,
ch 1 to close.
Cross-stitch (X-st): Skip next st in working row,
fpdc in second fpdc 2 rows below, hdc in next
st in working row, skip next st in working row,
working in front of previous fpdc, fpdc in first
fpdc 2 rows below.
Gauge: 12 sts and 11 rows = 4 in (10 cm) over
cable pattern
Afghan: Approx 53 by 60 inches (135 by 152.5 cm)
Pillow: 14 by 19 inches (35.5 by 48.25 cm)
Schachenmayr original Northern Worsted
(100g) or Bravo Worsted (200g). #00830 Ecru
in Northern Worsted or #08200 Natural in Bravo
Afghan: 17 balls in #00830 Ecru in Northern
Worsted or 9 balls in #08200 Natural in Bravo
Pillow: 3 balls in #00830 Ecru in Northern Worsted or 2 balls in #08200 Natural in Bravo Worsted.
Crochet hook size I-9 (5.50 mm) or size to obtain
Polyester stuffing for pillow (8 oz)
Tapestry needle
Stitch Guide: Chain, single crochet, half double
crochet, double crochet, slip stitch, reverse single
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Designed by Laura Gebhardt
Chain 161.
Row 1: Hdc in third ch from hook and in each ch
to end. (160 sts) Ch 2 (counts as hdc), turn.
Row 2: Skip first hdc, hdc in each st across. Ch
2, turn.
Row 3 (cable setup row): Hdc in next hdc, sk
next st in working row, fpdc around fifth stitch 2
rows below, hdc in next stitch in working row, sk
next hdc in working row, working in front of previous fpdc made, fpdc around third st 2 rows below (foundation X-stitch made), hdc in next hdc
in working row, pc in next hdc, hdc in next hdc,
foundation X-stitch over next 3 sts, *hdc in next
4 hdc in working row, sk next 4 sts in working
row, fpdc in hdc 2 rows below third skipped st,
fpdc in hdc 2 rows below fourth skipped stitch,
working in front of 2 fpdc just made, fpdc in hdc
2 rows below first skipped st, fpdc in hdc 2 rows
below second skipped st, hdc in next 4 hdc, foundation X-stitch over next 3 hdc, hdc in next hdc,
pc in next hdc, hdc in next hdc, foundation X-st
over next 3 hdc, rep from * to last 2 sts, hdc in last
2 hdc. Ch 2, turn.
Row 4: Rep Row 2.
Row 5: Hdc in next hdc, *X-st over next 3 sts, hdc
in next 3 st, X-st over next 3 sts**, hdc in next 3
sts, sk next 2 sts in working row, fpdc in next 2
fpdc, hdc in next 2 sts in working row, sk next 2
sts in working row, fpdc in next 2 fpdc, hdc in
next 3 hdc in working row, rep from * to last 2 sts
ending at **, hdc in last 2 hdc. Ch 2, turn.
Row 6: Rep Row 2.
Design S8808 / Popcorn and Twists Afghan and Pillow
Pillow (back and front alike)
Chain 53.
Row 1: Hdc in third ch from hook and in each ch
to end. (52 sts) Ch 2 (counts as hdc), turn.
Row 2: Skip first hdc, hdc in each st across. Ch
2, turn.
Row 3 (cable setup row): Hdc in next 4 hdc,
sk next st in working row, fpdc around eighth
stitch 2 rows below, hdc in next stitch in working row, sk next hdc in working row, working in
front of previous fpdc made, fpdc around sixth
st 2 rows below (foundation X-stitch made), (hdc
in next hdc in working row, pc in next hdc, hdc
in next hdc, foundation X-stitch over next 3 sts)
twice, *hdc in next 4 hdc in working row, sk
next 4 sts in working row, fpdc in hdc 2 rows below third skipped st, fpdc in hdc 2 rows below
fourth skipped stitch, working in front of 2 fpdc
just made, fpdc in hdc 2 rows below first skipped
st, fpdc in hdc 2 rows below second skipped st,
hdc in next 4 hdc, foundation X-stitch over next 3
hdc,( hdc in next hdc, pc in next hdc, hdc in next
hdc, foundation X-st over next 3 hdc) twice, hdc
in last 5 hdc. Ch 2, turn.
Row 4: Rep Row 2.
Row 5: Hdc in next 4 hdc, *X-st over next 3 sts,
(hdc in next 3 st, X-st over next 3 sts) twice**, hdc
in next 3 sts, sk next 2 sts in working row, fpdc in
next 2 fpdc, hdc in next 2 sts in working row, sk
next 2 sts in working row, fpdc in next 2 fpdc, hdc
in next 3 hdc in working row, rep from * to last 5
sts ending at **, hdc in last 5 hdc. Ch 2, turn.
Row 6: Rep Row 2.
Row 7: Hdc in next 4 hdc, *X-st over next 3 sts,
(hdc in next st, pc in next hdc, hdc in next st, X-st
over next 3 sts) twice**, hdc in next 3 sts, sk next
2 sts in working row, fpdc in next 2 fpdc, hdc in
next 2 sts in working row, sk next 2 sts in working row, fpdc in next 2 fpdc, hdc in next 3 hdc in
working row, rep from * to last 5 sts ending at **,
hdc in last 5 hdc. Ch 2, turn.
Row 8: Rep Row 2.
Row 9: Hdc in next 4 hdc, *X-st over next 3 sts,
(hdc in next 3 sts, X-st over next 3 sts) twice**,
hdc in next 4 sts, sk next 4 sts in working row,
fpdc in next 4 fpdc, hdc in next 4 sts in working
row, rep from * to last 5 sts ending at **, hdc in
last 5 hdc. Ch 2, turn.
Row 10: Rep Row 2.
Row 11: Hdc in next 4hdc, *X-st over next 3 sts,
(hdc in next st, pc in next hdc, hdc in next st,
X-st over next 3 sts) twice **, hdc in next 4 sts, sk
next 4 sts in working row, fpdc in third and fourth
fpdc 2 rows below, working in front of fpdc just
made, fpdc in first and second fpdc 2 rows below,
hdc in next 4 sts in working row, rep from * to last
5 sts ending at **, hdc in last 5 hdc. Ch 2, turn.
Row 12: Rep Row 2.
Rep Rows 5 – 12 twice then Rows 5 – 9 once
more. Do not fasten off.
Edging: Ch 1, sc in each row end and st around
outside edge. Join with sl st to first sc made and
fasten off.
Rnd 1: With WS together, join yarn with sl st in
any corner sc. Working through both thicknesses, sc back to front around 3 sides. Stuff pillow
and complete joining last side.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, reverse sc in each sc around.
Fasten off and darn in end.
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Unsere Modelle, Bilder und Zeichnungen sind urherberrechtlich geschützt.
Jede Verwertung, die über die private Nutzung hinausgeht, ist ohne unsere Zustimmung nicht zulässig.
Row 7: Hdc in next hdc, *X-st over next 3 sts,
hdc in next st, pc in next hdc, hdc in next st, X-st
over next 3 sts**, hdc in next 3 sts, sk next 2 sts
in working row, fpdc in next 2 fpdc, hdc in next 2
sts in working row, sk next 2 sts in working row,
fpdc in next 2 fpdc, hdc in next 3 hdc in working
row, rep from * to last 2 sts ending at **, hdc in
last 2 hdc. Ch 2, turn.
Row 8: Rep Row 2.
Row 9: Hdc in next hdc, *X-st over next 3 sts, hdc
in next 3 sts, X-st over next 3 sts**, hdc in next 4
sts, sk next 4 sts in working row, fpdc in next 4
fpdc, hdc in next 4 sts in working row, rep from
* to last 2 sts ending at **, hdc in last 2 hdc. Ch
2, turn.
Row 10: Rep Row 2.
Row 11: Hdc in next hdc, *X-st over next 3 sts,
hdc in next st, pc in next hdc, hdc in next st, X-st
over next 3 sts **, hdc in next 4 sts, sk next 4 sts
in working row, fpdc in third and fourth fpdc 2
rows below, working in front of fpdc just made,
fpdc in first and second fpdc 2 rows below, hdc in
next 4 sts in working row, rep from * to last 2 sts
ending at **, hdc in last 2 hdc. Ch 2, turn.
Row 12: Rep Row 2.
Rows 13 – 164: Rep Rows 5 to 12 for pattern 19
times more. Do not fasten off.
Rnd 1: Ch 1, sc in each st and row end around
entire outside edge working 3 sc in each corner.
Join with sl st to first sc.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, reverse sc in each sc around. Fasten
off. Darn in ends.