February 2013 - ZaCSA`s AUCTION
February 2013 - ZaCSA`s AUCTION
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Contact the Hospitality Chair, Yolanda Hingel at: [email protected] ! The 7th Annual ZaCSA Scholarship Basket Auction is Going, Going, Green! Volunteering for this evening event is just as fun as attending! We will also need ZaCSA volunteers to sale tickets for the event at the Camp Zama PX during the month of February. Use our Volunteer Spot link to see all of the essential volunteer opportunities for this critical ZaCSA event: #""*ZllB.@,:*"l(4PC"V ! ZaCSA will be selling Fried Oreos, Pancakes, and Baked Goods at the Camp Zama Cherry Blossom Festival on Saturday April 6, 2013. Please mark your calendar to help at the booth and make some delicious baked goodies to sell. More information will be available in the March Wind Chimes. Mark Your Calendar's for these Upcoming ZaCSA Events A complete list of of ZaCSA Member and Friendship Events can be found on the ZaCSA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ZaCSA Weds. February 6, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ZaCSA Executive Board Meeting in the East Meets West Board Room. If any members would like to attend the meeting or be placed on the agenda, contact ZaCSA Secretary Rhianna Santos at: [email protected] Fri. February 8, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm ZaCSA Members and their guest are welcome at the ZaCSA Happy Hour & Casual Karaoke in the Camp Zama Community Club's Karaoke room. There is no fee for this event. Enjoy the Happy Hour Specials from the Sports Bar and have a good time! Tues. February 26, 11:00 am - 1:30 pm ZaCSA hosts the Tri Service Luncheon, door prizes, skit, speaker, great lunch, and fun! Weds. March 6, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ZaCSA Executive Board Meeting in the East Meets West Board Room. If any members would like to attend the meeting or be placed on the agenda, contact ZaCSA Secretary Rhianna Santos at: [email protected] Sat. March 16, 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm The biggest event of the year, 7th Annual ZaCSA Scholarship Basket Auction, purchase tickets now ! I! ! *+,&O(#L&7+(6,)&& & CO%!9YS%U!\;7]U7! & & & & & & & & 1,P03208&GHIJ& X\^C%S!FGH_! ! ZaCSA Happy Hour & Casual Karaoke Members and Friends of Members All Welcome! ! When: Friday February 8, 2013, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Where: CZCC Karaoke Room, near the Sport's Bar Cost: FREE! This is a free event for ZaCSA Members and their guest Why: It's time to have a good time! Attendees can enjoy pay as you go Happy Hour Specials from the CZCC Sport's Bar. No need to RSVP for this event. We hope to see everyone there! ! All ZaCSA Members are cordially invited to the "Little Black Dress" Tri Service Luncheon February 26, 2013 11:00 am - 1:30 pm Where: Camp Zama Community Club Cost: $25 per member Purchase by February 19, 2013 Luncheon tickets can be purchased outside the Camp Zama PX: Tuesdays 11:00 - 1:30 pm Thursdays 4:00 - 6:30 pm When: !! The Army, Air Force and Navy spouses' associations on the Kanto Plain rotate each year to host the annual Tri Service Luncheons. ZaCSA has the pleasure of hosting the luncheon this year for YOSC, the Yokosuka Officers Spouses' Club; AOSA, the Atsugi Officers' Spouses' Association; and YOSC, the Yokota Officers' Spouses' Club. Lunch will feature a four-course meal with steak, chicken, or pasta options Guest Speaker: Ms. Anne Elizabeth Murase, Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Sophia University in Tokyo For more information on ZaCSA, "Like" us on Facebook and visit: www.zacsa.org Put on your favorite "Little Black Dress" or skirt, or sweater, whatever you love best, and join us for fun and fellowship, an engaging speaker, and to watch members of ZaCSA perform the skit "The Little Black Dress" at the 2013 Tri Service Luncheon ! J! ! *+,&O(#L&7+(6,)&& & CO%!9YS%U!\;7]U7! & & & & & & & & 1,P03208&GHIJ& X\^C%S!FGH_! ZaCSA sponsors the Annual Basket Auction to raise money for the scholarships ZaCSA provides to the Camp Zama Community. Last year, thanks to the kindness and generosity of the Camp Zama Community, the event was a great success! ZaCSA awarded $17,500, in scholarships to our Camp Zama High School graduating seniors. During the month of February, ZaCSA members will be selling tickets outside of the Camp Zama PX on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are many volunteer positions that will need to be filled by ZaCSA members, view them and sign-up today: !!!H:!Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/ncBTtz 2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot) 3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy! Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your ! m! ! CO%!9YS%U!\;7]U7! *+,&O(#L&7+(6,)&& & ! & & & & & & & & X\^C%S!FGH_! 1,P03208&GHIJ& News from the East Meets West Gift Shop The East Meets West Gift Shop will be closed for the month of February for Inventory Regular shop hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1100 - 1800 First Saturday of the Month 1000 - 1400 Tickets for: February 26, Tri Service Luncheon March 16, 7th Annual Basket Auction Purchase at the Camp Zama PX Tuesdays 1100 - 1330 Thursdays 1600 - 1830 Special East Meets West Demonstration Class: Making Handbags from vintage obis with Amy Tuesday February 19, 6:00 - 8:00 pm Our Special Event of the month: Amy will demonstrate how to make a handbag from a vintage obi. One class member will take home the handbag as a door prize! $10 donation suggested for the class. !"#$%&'%$"#$(((% Military Sake Cups% % !! The tradition of a Sake Ceremony by Japanese Soldiers is reported to have begun during the RussoJapanese War and continued throughout WWII. The commissioning of sake cups, used at a sake ceremony to commemorate different military events was part of this tradition. Cups may display a units name, soldier's name, dates, and other bits of history. A Sake Ceremony may have been held by units getting ready to go into battle; beginning or finishing a great training exercise; attempting a "kamikaze" mission; or even given by the Japanese Government as a retirement memento. ! _! ! *+,&O(#L&7+(6,)&& & CO%!9YS%U!\;7]U7! & & & & & & & & 1,P03208&GHIJ& X\^C%S!FGH_! 5279;&7"66(%%,,&-,.)& )*+#$,'%#-+%./01-$,,2%2,31,'$%42/5%$",%6#789%'$#-+&-:%#-+%#1;&0<%=/55&$$,,'% U$5&1!1(5!;+=@&4&"3! S$,$)B1"&.(,! U$/=$),#&*! 21078!U$/=$),#&*!*).B&5$,!.**.)"+(&"&$,!-.)! ! X$@-1)$! &C#$!X$@-1)$!0.//&""$$!)$B&$?,!1(5!)$,$1)4#$,! 78(.6($9"&4$-6$&4$:(8;"'&4<$5=($>"88":&4<$4(:$ ?.@AB$C('+(,6$:="$9"&4(#$#-,&4<$5=($'"45=$ ">$D.4-.,/Z!7.(31!8+,".(<!%@&V1!B1(!Q1(<!1(5! 8/3!X1)5:! 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".!,&'(!+*!".!#$@*:!p+$,"&.(,!.)!,+''$,"&.(,f! 0.("14"!01"#3!1"Z!-+(5)1&,&('dV14,1:.)'! n! ! *+,&O(#L&7+(6,)&& & CO%!9YS%U!\;7]U7! & & & & & & & 5279;&7"66(%%,,&-,.)& & 1,P03208&GHIJ& X\^C%S!FGH_! )*+#$,'%#-+%./01-$,,2%2,31,'$%42/5%$",%6#789%'$#-+&-:%#-+%#1;&0<%=/55&$$,,'% ! e! ! *+,&O(#L&7+(6,)&& & CO%!9YS%U!\;7]U7! & & & & & & & & 1,P03208&GHIJ& X\^C%S!FGH_! ;$.*@$!".!;$.*@$! ! The ZaCSA Wind Chimes Newsletter is now the spot for all of your People to People news. Time and meeting location for these two activities will be sent to you in an email from the People to People Chair, Ashley Padgett. February 13, 2013 Soroptimist Zama Craft Event at Sumei Hall AttendeesG$ Denise Strange Becky Cook Natasa Brumage Audrey Hernandez Lia Park Nyra Pratt Carla Cardenas Robin Hodgson Carmen Westbrook Esther Dacanay Meggan Orenstein Paula Childers February 27, 2013 Heart to Heart Calligraphy Event at St. Barnaba's Church Attendees: Susanne Galvin Audrey Hernandez Teresita Sanchez Kellyanne Salboro Robin Hodgson Kayla John Stefanie Driver Denise Strange Jeannette Ritter Heather McCullough Nyra Pratt Rose Wade Jen Peach Esther Dacanay Toni Johncour Janet Montoya Paula Childers Rory Sorensen Collen Bishop Please contact Ashley Padgett, People to People Chair, as early as possible if you are unable to attend your event. We want to allow as many *ZaCSA Members as possible to participate. Open spots are still available for the delicious Japanese style dinner at the Tenchu Restaurant, March 13, 2013, at 6:00 pm. The Tenchu is famous for it's soy sauce, created from stock that has existed for many years. The cost of the event is 3000 Yen. ! N! ! CO%!9YS%U!\;7]U7! *+,&O(#L&7+(6,)&& & & & & & & & & & X\^C%S!FGH_! 1,P03208&GHIJ& A Special Offer for ZaCSA Members O nly from our Camp Zama Red Cross If you are interested in being part of a class of ZaCSA members and receiving this offer, contact the Programs Chair, Jennie Rodriguez at: [email protected] This offer expires October 31, 2013 ! HG! ! 1BCDE;DF!FGHI! CO%!X\^W!0O\U%7! ZaCSA Special Interest Groups ZaCSA want to support your special interest. Cooking? Scrap Booking? Day trips in Japan? Book Club? Photography? The possibilities are endless! We have the perfect meeting spot, the backroom of the East Meets West Gift shop. Start your group today, find people with like interests, and start having fun! 7&(;($C.I(,6$ %C#&,!E+&@"&('!').+*!/$$",!"#$!,$4.(5!1(5!"#&)5! ?.@AB$J4&55&4<$!,"-E$ X1("!".!@$1)(!".!>(&"f!U13=$!)$[($?!1! % K)&513!.-!"#$!/.("#:!21078!/$/=$),!1)$!&(B&"$5! ".!A.&q!15B1(4$5!.)!($?![[!3.+!1)$!?$@4./$a!C#$! ;&$4$!U1>$),!?.)>!.(!"#$&)!.?(!*).A$4",!1(5! #1B$!")15&"&.(1@@3!4./*@$"$5!1!').+*!E+&@"!"#1"! &,!5.(1"$5!".!"#$!U1)4#!P1,>$"!8+4"&.(<!&(! ?#&4#!1@@!"#$!*).4$$5,!'.!".?1)5,!21078! 74#.@1),#&*,:!X$!?.+@[email protected]$!-.)!3.+!".!A.&(!+,:! 0.("14"!61($"!!U.(".31!1"Z!')1(",dV14,1:.)'! )+,"3!,>&@@f!Y)!,#1)$!3.+)!"&/$!1(5!"1@$(",!?&"#! ."#$),!?#.!,#1)$!1!*1,,&.(!-.)!>(&""&('f! 73@?&1!01)"$)!?&@@!=$!-.)/&('!1!').+*!=$'&((&('! &(!K$=)+1)3:!9&>$!/&(5,!1)$!?$@4./$!".!'1"#$)! 1(5!,#1)$!1!31)(!.)!"?.:!K.)!/.)$!&(-.)/1"&.(! 4.("14"!73@?&1!1"Z!41)"$)>1,V+=1d'/1&@:4./! A Special ZaCSA Thanks! The following community members who provided displays, samples, and door prizes for the January ZaCSA Luncheon: Abigail Caffee Peter Cervantes Tanesha Clark Suzanne Corneliussen Joan Lindblom Advocare The Pampered Chef Suzanne C.Photography Silpada Tami Link HotGlue and Scissors Kesia Purcell Couture Confections Michael Southall ! Thirty One-31 Southall-Comfort.com HH! !!