Lecture 06: texture mapping
Lecture 06: texture mapping
Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 6 Texture mapping Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Linear interpolation Texture mapping Introduction We already learned a lot: Vectors, basic geometric entities Intersection of objects Matrices, transformations And some shading Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Linear interpolation Texture mapping Motivation For example, we can . . . use vectors to represent points use 3 points to represent triangles use matrix multiplication to transform them use our (simple) shading model to put color on them Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Linear interpolation Texture mapping Motivation For example, we can . . . use vectors to represent points use 3 points to represent triangles use matrix multiplication to transform them use our (simple) shading model to put color on them Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Linear interpolation Texture mapping Motivation For example, we can . . . use vectors to represent points use 3 points to represent triangles use matrix multiplication to transform them use our (simple) shading model to put color on them Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Linear interpolation Texture mapping Motivation For example, we can . . . Q: But how do we get the colors in between two vertices? use vectors to represent points use 3 points to represent triangles use matrix multiplication to transform them use our (simple) shading model to put color on them Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Linear interpolation Texture mapping Linear interpolation Given two vectors ~a, ~b, linear interpolation is defined as p~(t) = (1 − t)~a + t~b with a (scalar) parameter 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. Note: If a, b are scalars and t = 1/2 this is usually refered to as average ;) If ~a, ~b are color values (r, g, b), this gives us a smooth transition from ~a to ~b Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Linear interpolation Texture mapping Linear interpolation to color triangles With this we can linearly interpolate color 1 between two vertices 2 between two edges Q: How to do this efficiently? What about phong shading? → We will learn this in a later lecture Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Linear interpolation Texture mapping Texture mapping Adding lots of detail to our models to realistically depict skin, grass, bark, stone, etc., would increase rendering times dramatically, even for hardware-supported projective methods. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Linear interpolation Texture mapping Texture mapping Adding lots of detail to our models to realistically depict skin, grass, bark, stone, etc., would increase rendering times dramatically, even for hardware-supported projective methods. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Linear interpolation Texture mapping Basic idea Basic idea of texture mapping: Instead of calculating color, shade, light, etc. for each pixel we just paste images to our objects in order to create the illusion of realism Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Linear interpolation Texture mapping Different approaches 3D Object Different approaches exist, for example 2D vs. 3D: 2D mapping (aka image textures): paste an image onto the object 3D mapping (aka solid or volume textures): create a 3D texture and ”carve” the object 2D texture ←→ 3D texture Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Linear interpolation Texture mapping Outline 1 2 3 4 Introduction Linear interpolation Texture mapping 3D texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise 2D texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Texturing 3D objects Let’s start with 3D mapping, which is a procedural approach, i.e. we use a mathematical procedure to create a 3D texture, i.e. f (x, y, z) = c with c ∈ R3 Then we use the coordinates of each point in our 3D model to calculate the appropriate color value using that procedure, i.e. f (xp , yp , zp ) = cp Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise 3D stripe textures A simple example: stripes along the X-axis stripe( xp , yp , zp ) { if ( sin xp > 0 ) return color0; else return color1; } } Note: any alternating function will do it (sin is slow) Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise 3D stripe textures A simple example: stripes along the X-axis stripe( xp , yp , zp ) { if ( sin xp > 0 ) return color0; else return color1; } } Note: any alternating function will do it (sin is slow) Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise 3D stripe textures Stripes along the Z-axis: stripe( xp , yp , zp ) { if ( sin zp > 0) return color0; else return color1; } } Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise 3D stripe textures And what happens here? stripe( xp , yp , zp ) { if ( sin xp > 0 & sin zp > 0) return color0; else return color1; } } This looks almost like a checkerboard, and should come in handy when working on practical assignment 1.2 Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise 3D stripe textures Stripes with controllable width: stripe( point p, real width ) { if ( sin(π xp /width) > 0 ) return color0; else return color1; } } Try this at home :) Note that we do not multiply but divide by width! Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise 3D stripe textures Smooth variation between two colors, instead of two distinct ones: stripe( point p, real width ) { t = (1 + sin(π xp /width))/ 2 return (1 - t) c0 + t c1 } Try this at home :) Note: if that doesn’t look familiar, check the slides on linear interpolation again ;) Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Texture arrays Again: this is often called solid or volumetric texturing. It is called procedural because we compute the color values for a point p ∈ R3 with a procedure. Carving vs. array lookup Alternatively, we can do an array lookup in a 3D array (using all three coordinates of p for indexing), or in a 2D array (using only two coordinates of p). Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise 2D texture arrays We’ll call the two dimensions to be mapped u and v, and assume an nx × ny image as texture. Then every (u, v) needs to be mapped to a color in the image, i.e. we need a mapping from pixels to texels. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise 2D texture arrays A standard way is to remove the integer portion of u and v, so that (u, v) lies in the unit square. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise 2D texture arrays The pixel (i, j) in the nx × ny image for (u, v) is found by i = bunx c and j = bvny c bxc is the floor function that give the highest integer value ≤ x. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Nearest neighbor interpolation This is a version of nearest-neighbor interpolation, because we take the color of the nearest neighbor: c(u, v) = ci,j with i = bunx c and j = bvny c Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Bilinear interpolation For smoother effects we may use bilinear interpolation: c(u, v) = (1−u0 )(1−v 0 )cij +u0 (1−v 0 )c(i+1)j +(1−u0 )v 0 ci(j+1) +u0 v 0 c(i+1)(j+1) where u0 = unx − bunx c and v 0 = vny − bvny c Notice: all weights are between 0 and 1 and add up to 1, i.e. (1 − u0 )(1 − v 0 ) + u0 (1 − v 0 ) + (1 − u0 )v 0 + u0 v 0 = 1 Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Trilinear interpolation Using 2D arrays with bilinear interpolation is easily extended to using 3D arrays with trilinear interpolation: c(u, v, w) = (1 − u0 )(1 − v 0 )(1 − w0 )cijk +u0 (1 − v 0 )(1 − w0 )c(i+1)jk +... Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Using random noise So far: rather simple textures (e.g. stripes). We can create much more complex (and realistic) textures, e.g. resembling wooden structures. Or we can create some randomness by adding noice, e.g. to create the impression of a marble like structure. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Perlin noise Goal: create texture with random appearance, but not too random (e.g., marble patterns, mottled textures as on birds’ eggs) 1st idea: random color at each point Problem: too much noise, similar to “white noise” on TV 2nd idea: smoothing of white noise Problem: bad results and/or computationally too expensive 3rd idea: create lattice with random numbers & interpolate between them Problem: lattice becomes too obvious Perlin noise makes lattice less obvious by using three “tricks” . . . Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Perlin noise Perlin noise is based on the following ideas: Use a 1D array of random unit vectors and hashing to create a virtual 3D array of random vectors; Compute the inner product of (u, v, w)-vectors with the random vectors Use Hermite interpolation to get rid of visible artifacts Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Random unit vectors Random unit vectors are obtained as follows: vx = 2ξ − 1 vy = 2ξ 0 − 1 vz = 2ξ 00 − 1 where ξ, ξ 0 , and ξ 00 are random numbers in [0, 1]. Notice that −1 ≤ vi ≤ 1, so we get vectors in the unit cube. If (vx2 + vy2 + vz2 ) < 1, we normalize the vector and keep it; otherwise not. Why? Perlin reports that an array with 256 such random unit vectors works well with his technique. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Hashing We use this 1D array of random unitvectors to create a (pseudo-)random 3D array of random unitvectors, using the following hashing function: Γijk = G(φ(i + φ(j + φ(k)))) where G is our array of n random vectors, and φ(i) = P [i mod n] where P is an array of length n containing a permutation of the integers 0 through n − 1. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Hashing Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Hashing Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Perlin noise Perlin noise is based on the following ideas: Use a 1D array of random unit vectors and hashing to create a virtual 3D array of random vectors; Compute the inner product of (u, v, w)-vectors with the random vectors Use Hermite interpolation to get rid of visible artifacts Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Hermite interpolation With our random vectors and hashing function in place, the noise value n(x, y, z) for a point (x, y, z) is computed as: bxc+1 byc+1 bzc+1 n(x, y, z) = X X X Ωijk (x − i, y − j, z − k) i=bxc j=byc k=bzc where Ωijk (u, v, w) = ω(u)ω(v)ω(w)(Γijk · (u, v, w)) and ω(t) = 2|t|3 − 3|t|2 + 1 if |t| < 1 0 otherwise Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Hermite interpolation Characteristics of hermite interpolation (or “why this creates better noise than linear”): Linear interpolation: linear weights, i.e. ω∼t Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Hermite interpolation: cubic weights, i.e. ω ∼ t3 Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Summary Perlin noise: Virtual 3D array & hashing Scalar product with random unit vector Hermite interpolation Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise Outline 1 2 3 4 Introduction Linear interpolation Texture mapping 3D texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise 2D texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles 2D texture mapping Now let’s look at 2D mapping, which maps an image onto an object (cf. wrapping up a gift) Instead of a procedural, we use a lookup-table approach here, i.e. for each point in our 3D model, we look up the appropriate color value in the image. How do we do this? Again, let’s look at some simple examples. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles Spherical texture mapping How do we map a rectangular image onto a sphere? Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles Spherical texture mapping Example: use world map and sphere to create a globe Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles Spherical texture mapping We have seen the parametric equation of a sphere with radius r and center c: x = xc + r cos φ sin θ y = yc + r sin φ sin θ z = zc + r cos θ Given a point (x, y, z) on the surface of the sphere, we can find θ and φ by θ c = arccos z−z r y−yc φ = arctan x−x c Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles Spherical texture mapping For each point (x, y, z) we have c = arccos z−z r θ y−yc φ = arctan x−x c Since both u and v must range from [0, 1], and (θ, φ) ∈ [0, π] × [−π, π], we must convert: u = v = Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter φ mod 2π 2π π−θ π Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles Texturing triangles (0.8, 0.7) Mapping an image onto a triangle is done by specifying (u, v) coordinates for the vertices. So, our triangle vertices ~a = (xa , ya ), ~b = (xb , yb ), ~c = (xc , yc ) become ~a∗ = (ua , va ), ~b∗ = (ub , vb ), ~c∗ = (uc , vc ) Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter (0.1, 0.9) Lecture 06: texture mapping (0.6, 0.1) Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles Texturing triangles (0.8, 0.7) Remember that barycentric coordinates are very useful for interpolating over a triangle – and related textures ;) p~(β, γ) = ~a + β(~b − ~a) + γ(~c − ~a) (0.1, 0.9) now becomes u(β, γ) = ua + β(ub − ua ) + γ(uc − ua ) v(β, γ) = va + β(vb − va ) + γ(vc − va ) We get the texture coordinates by linearly interpolating the vertex coordinates over β, γ for 0 ≤ β + γ ≤ 1. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping (0.6, 0.1) Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles Texturing triangles (0.8, 0.7) Again, we can use bilinear interpolation to avoid artifacts. Note that the area and shape of the triangle don’t have to match that of the mapped triangle. (0.1, 0.9) Also, (u, v) coordinates for the vertices may lie outside the range [0, 1] × [0, 1]. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping (0.6, 0.1) Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles Texturing triangles Be careful with perspective, because objects further away appear smaller, so linear interpolation can lead to artifacts: To avoid this, we have to consider the depth of vertices with respect to the viewer. Perspective projection is covered in a later lecture. Fortunately, this is supported by modern hardware and APIs. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles MIP-mapping If viewer is close: Object gets larger → Magnify texture “Perfect” distance: Not always “perfect” match (misalignment, etc.) If viewer is further away: Object gets smaller → Minify texture Problem with minification: efficiency (esp. when whole texture is mapped onto one pixel!) Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles MIP-mapping Solutions: MIP maps Pre-calculated, optimized collections of images based on the original texture Dynamically chosen based on depth of object (relative to viewer) Supported by todays hardware and APIs Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles Outline 1 2 3 4 Introduction Linear interpolation Texture mapping 3D texture mapping 3D stripe textures Texture arrays Solid noise 2D texture mapping Basic idea Spherical mapping Triangles Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Bump mapping One of the reasons why we apply texture mapping: Real surfaces are hardly flat but often rough and bumpy. These bumps cause (slightly) different reflections of the light. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Bump mapping Instead of mapping an image or noise onto an object, we can also apply a bump map, which is a 2D or 3D array of vectors. These vectors are added to the normals at the points for which we do shading calculations. The effect of bump mapping is an apparent change of the geometry of the object. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Bump mapping Major problems with bump mapping: silhouettes and shadows Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Displacement mapping To overcome this shortcoming, we can use a displacement map. This is also a 2D or 3D array of vectors, but here the points to be shaded are actually displaced. Normally, the objects are refined using the displacement map, giving an increase in storage requirements. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Displacement mapping Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Environment mapping Let’s look at image textures again: If we can map an image of the environment to an object ... Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Environment mapping ... why not use this to make objects appear to reflect their surroundings specularly? Idea: place a cube around the object, and project the environment of the object onto the planes of the cube in a preprocessing stage; this is our texture map. During rendering, we compute a reflection vector, and use that to look-up texture values from the cubic texture map. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Environment mapping Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping And now? In case you didn’t notice: it’s halftime :) . . . so let’s sit back and have a break before we continue. Lifted, copyrighted by Pixar/Disney (but you find various versions of it on YouTube) Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping What’s next? The midterm exam! Time and date: Friday, 25.5.11 9:00 - 12:00 h Zaal: EDUC-GAMMA Note: no responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information. For final information about time and room see http://www.cs.uu.nl/education/vak.php?vak=INFOGR Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping The midterm exam What do I have to do? Come in time Bring a pen (no pencil) Bring your student id And know the answers ;) Note: You may not use books, notes, or any electronic equipment (including cell phones!). Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping The midterm exam The exam covers lectures 1-5 and tutorials 1-3. If you ... ... followed the lectures ... read the textbook ... and actively did the exercises ... you should be fine. Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping Introduction 3D texture mapping 2D texture mapping Other forms of texture mapping Bump mapping Displacement mapping Environment mapping Important dates Today (Tue, 15.5.) Only one tutorial (room 61) Thu, 17.5. No tutorial and lecture (holiday) Tue, 22.5. Lecture 7 and “Thursday tutorial” Thu, 24.5. No tutorial(?) and lecture Fri, 25.5. Midterm exam Graphics 2011/2012, 4th quarter Lecture 06: texture mapping