Web Downloaded Rider Not for Contractual Use The Kurland
Web Downloaded Rider Not for Contractual Use The Kurland
REDBARAAT-TECHNICALRIDER (Updated:November5,2015) W N eb ot D Th fo ow e r C nl o 61 Kur ont ad 7. lan rac ed 25 d tu R 4. Ag al id 00 e U er 07 nc se y Contact DebFleming,AdvanceProduction [email protected] 512-921-1250 BacklineInstruments Drumset Alldrums:SonorHilite(orYamahaMapleCustom) Allhardware:Sonor(orYamaha) Allheads:RemoCoatedAmbassadorforbattersideandclearforbottoms. Allcymbals:ZildjianKSeries,unlessotherwisenoted. Sturdy,adjustable,paddeddrumstool(noback) 3cymbalboomstands High-hatstandwithclutch 2Snarestands Bassdrumpedal Tomtommounts 20"x14"bassdrum 10"x8"tomtom,mountedonbassdrum 14"x14"or16”x16”floortom(withlegs) 14"x6.5"snaredrum 14”x5”snaredrum *(2ndadditionalsnaredrum.NOTasubstitutefor14x6.5snare) 20”ConstantinopleLowRidecymbal 18”ThinCrashcymbal 16”ThinCrashcymbal 14”Hi-hatcymbals 4x6Rugforunderneathdrumset Percussion LPGenerationIIProfessionalbongosw/syntheticheads(RemoSkyndeeporsimilar)on stand(LPorGibraltar). LPClassicconga(11"quintosize)onbasketstylestand,nowheels(LP636preferred). Zildjian12"AorACustomsplashcymbal Zildjian10"AorACustomsplashcymbal 2Yamahaboomcymbalstands SmallpercussiontableorblackManhasset/Wengerstylemusicstand 4x6Rugforunderneathpercussionsetup Guitar Vintage-styleTubeampwith2(ormore)speakers. Inthisorderofpreference: -VoxAC-30 -OrangeAD30 -FenderVIBRO-KING,SUPER-REVERB,TWIN-REVERB,BANDMASTER REDBARAAT-HOSPITALITYRIDER (Updated:November5,2015) W N eb ot D Th fo ow e r C nl o 61 Kur ont ad 7. lan rac ed 25 d tu R 4. Ag al id 00 e U er 07 nc se y Contact DebFleming,AdvanceProduction [email protected] 512-921-1250 TravelingGroup RedBaraat–8People Promoter/Venue/Festivaltoprovide Accommodations • 8singlesinnothinglessthana3-starhotel. • Complimentarybreakfastprovidedinhotel. • Hotelmusthavegym/fitnesscenter. DayofPerformance • Changingroom/greenroomthatisseparatefromaudienceandinwhichRedBaraatcan storetheirbelongingsandsecureanyvaluables. • 2bottlesofwateronstageateachmusician’sposition. • Towelsonstageateachmusician’sposition. • Towelsbackstageforaftershow. Meals&Beverages • LightrefreshmentsavailableUPONARRIVALandavailableAFTERSHOW -4bananas/freshfruittray/babycarrots/Stacy’spitachips&hummus(NOTTribeor Sabra)/Unsweetenedricecakesandalmondbutter/Jalapenochips/Kindbars/dried fruit/ • HotmealBEFOREshow(ORBUYOUTOF$25/personfordinner) -4peoplerequirevegetarianfood,includingproteinoptionssuchastofu,seitanor tempeh.Nofishormeat. -1person:absolutelyNOnuts(severeallergy),butcaneatanythingelse. -1person:absolutelyNOmushrooms(severeallergy),butcaneatanythingelse. -2peoplehavenodietaryrestrictions. -Mixedgreenssaladforallw/dressing. • Beveragesavailablethroughout. -PlentyofWater(flat) -Coconutwater(HarmlessHarvestorNaked.NOTZico). -8NakedJuices(GreenMonster,BlueMonster,VitaminC) -8FizzeLizzyorIzzesodas -4SugarFreeRedBulls -11Lbottleofseltzer -1caseoflocalcraftbeer -1LbottleofCirocvodka -750MLbottleofBulletBourbon. • Bagofice. • Cupsforcoldandhotdrinks. • Peet’sCoffee,BlackTea/EnglishBreakfast,milk,soymilk,sugar,splenda. W N eb ot D Th fo ow e r C nl o K o 61 ur nt ad 7. lan rac ed 25 d tu R 4. Ag al id 00 e U er 07 nc se y Band: RED BARAAT Contact: Deb Fleming, Advance Production [email protected] 512-921-1250 (updated September 3, 2015) ALL MICS NEEDED Instrument Percussion Mic Stand Tall Boom Mic AKG-414 Bass drum Snare drum Picollo Snare drum Hi Hat Small Tom Floor Tom Overhead L Overhead R Mini Boom Clamp Clamp Straight Clamp Clamp Tall Boom Tall Boom B 52, D112 Beta 57 Beta 57 KSM 141, SM81 e604, Beta 56, Beta 98 e604, Beta 56, Beta 98 KSM 141, SM81 KSM 141, SM81 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 10 Sousaphone Taped into bell SM58 5 11 12 13 1 14 15 16 Soprano Sax (Bell) Soprano Sax (Keys) Guitar Tall Boom Tall Boom Short Boom SM58 SM58 SM57 4 4 3 SM57 ATM250 Wireless KSM 9, Beta 87 2 DI's needed. Will pass dhol mics through effects unit and output 1/4 for DI's. Mics/DI's will serve as dry and wet sound. 5 4 4 SM57 Wireless KSM 9, Beta 87 SM58 4 3 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 W N eb ot D Th fo ow e r C nl o 61 Kur ont ad 7. lan rac ed 25 d tu R 4. Ag al id 00 e U er 07 nc se y Ch 1 Dhol - high(stage left) Short Boom Dhol - low(stage right) Short Boom Vocal for dhol Tall Boom ADDITIONAL NOTE 17 18 19 Trumpet Vocal for trumpet Trombone Tall Boom Straight Straight FOH Volume* 1 *5 = Loudest 1 = Softest Both vocal mics are lead and should be on during entire set. Percussion low in the mix and only needs 1 mic to capture overall vibe. Dhol drum is the signature sound and top sound in house mix.
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