JMA-5212-4/6 JMA-5222-7/9 JMA-5212-4HS/6HS
JMA-5212-4/6 JMA-5222-7/9 JMA-5212-4HS/6HS
JMA-5212-4/6 JMA-5222-7/9 JMA-5212-4HS/6HS MARINE RADAR EQUIPMENT FIELD SERVICE MANUAL Contents Chapter 1_Equipment Overview 1.1. Overview ................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.2. Scanner Unit .......................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3. Display System ...................................................................................................................... 1-2 1.4. Principal Functions................................................................................................................. 1-2 Chapter 2_Equipment Overview 2.1. Configuration.......................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.1. Scanners and Transmitted Output Powers ..................................................................... 2-1 2.1.2. Radar Configuration and Ship's Mains............................................................................ 2-2 2.2. Power System Diagram ......................................................................................................... 2-4 2.3. Functional System Diagram ................................................................................................... 2-6 2.3.1. Scanner Unit ................................................................................................................... 2-6 2.3.2. Display System ............................................................................................................... 2-9 2.4. Input/Output Specifications .................................................................................................. 2-12 2.4.1. SCANNER (J2) ............................................................................................................. 2-12 2.4.2. GPS (J3) ....................................................................................................................... 2-13 2.4.3. GYRO/COMPASS (J5).................................................................................................. 2-13 2.4.4. AIS/NMEA (J6).............................................................................................................. 2-14 2.5. DIP-SW/Jumper Setting ....................................................................................................... 2-15 2.5.1. Power Circuit CBD-1702A............................................................................................. 2-15 2.5.2. GYRO I/F Circuit CMJ-304E ......................................................................................... 2-17 2.5.3. Radar Processing Circuit CDC-1350 ............................................................................ 2-20 2.5.4. AIS Processing Circuit CDC-1353 ................................................................................ 2-20 2.5.5. T/R Control Circuit CMC-1205R.................................................................................... 2-21 Chapter 3_Service Parts 3.1. Service Parts Lists for the Units ............................................................................................. 3-1 3.1.1. Spare Parts ..................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.2. Special Parts ................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.1.3. NKE-2103 (JMA-5212-4/6/4HS/6HS).............................................................................. 3-2 3.1.4. NKE-2254 (JMA-5222-7/9).............................................................................................. 3-3 3.1.5. NCD-4380 ....................................................................................................................... 3-3 3.2. Exploded Diagrams................................................................................................................ 3-4 3.2.1. NKE-2103 ....................................................................................................................... 3-4 3.2.2. NKE-2254 ....................................................................................................................... 3-8 3.2.3. NDC-1460 ..................................................................................................................... 3-12 3.2.4. NCE-7699A................................................................................................................... 3-16 Chapter 4_Replacement of Major Units 4.1. Scanner Unit .......................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1. Precautions for replacing parts in the scanner unit ......................................................... 4-1 4.1.2. Parts Replacement for the Scanner Unit NKE-2254 ....................................................... 4-2 4.1.3. Magnetron replacement / NKE-2254............................................................................... 4-3 4.1.4. Motor replacement / NKE-2254....................................................................................... 4-5 4.1.5. Motor drive circuit board replacement / NKE-2254 ......................................................... 4-7 4.1.6. Modulator circuit (CPA-264) replacement / NKE-2254 .................................................... 4-8 4.1.7. Power supply circuit board (CBD-1682A) replacement / NKE-2254 ............................. 4-10 4.1.8. T/R control circuit (CMC-1205R) replacement / NKE-2254............................................4-11 4.1.9. Receiver (NRG-162A) replacement / NKE-2254........................................................... 4-13 4.1.10. Encoder replacement / NKE-2254 ................................................................................ 4-15 4.1.11. Magnetron fan replacement / NKE-2254....................................................................... 4-17 4.1.12. Modulator fan replacement / NKE-2254........................................................................ 4-18 4.1.13. NKE-2103 scanner unit parts replacement ................................................................... 4-21 4.1.14. Magnetron Replacement for the NKE-2103 .................................................................. 4-22 4.1.15. Motor Replacement for the NKE-2103 .......................................................................... 4-24 4.1.16. Motor Control Power Circuit Replacement for the NKE-2103 ....................................... 4-25 4.1.17. Modulation Circuit (CME-363) Replacement for the NKE-2103 .................................... 4-26 4.1.18. Power Circuit (CBD-1783) Replacement for the NKE-2103 .......................................... 4-27 4.1.19. Receiver (NRG-610) Replacement for the NKE-2103................................................... 4-28 4.1.20. Encoder Replacement for the NKE-2103...................................................................... 4-30 4.2. Display System .................................................................................................................... 4-32 4.2.1. Brilliance Control Circuit CCK-970 ................................................................................ 4-32 4.2.2. Power Supply Unit NBD-866A ...................................................................................... 4-34 4.2.3. Radar Processing Circuit CDC-1350 ............................................................................ 4-36 4.2.4. Battery .......................................................................................................................... 4-38 4.2.5. Target Tracking (TT) Unit NCA-877A ............................................................................ 4-40 4.2.6. AIS Processing Circuit NQA-2155 ................................................................................ 4-41 4.2.7. GYRO I/F Circuit CMJ-304E ......................................................................................... 4-43 4.2.8. GYRO I/F Circuit Fuses ................................................................................................ 4-45 4.2.9. Operation Circuit CCK-979 for the Standard Operation Unit ......................................... 4-47 4.2.10. PS2 Connector Circuit CQC-1204 for the Standard Operation Unit .............................. 4-49 4.2.11. Trackball TRD-101S(BK)N1 for the Standard Operation Unit........................................ 4-51 Chapter 5_Program Update 5.1. Main Program Update Procedure........................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.1. Items to be Provided ....................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.2. Update Procedure........................................................................................................... 5-1 5.2. AIS Processing Circuit Update Procedure ............................................................................. 5-2 5.2.1. Items to be Provided ....................................................................................................... 5-2 5.2.2. Update Procedure........................................................................................................... 5-2 5.3. How to Check the Version...................................................................................................... 5-3 Chapter 6_Troubleshooting 6.1. Operation Check .................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1.1. Self-diagnostic Function (Self Test)................................................................................. 6-2 6.1.2. Display Unit Check (Monitor Test)................................................................................... 6-3 6.1.3. Operation Unit Check (Keyboard Test)............................................................................ 6-4 6.1.4. Performance Monitor (MON Display) .............................................................................. 6-5 6.1.5. System Alarm Log Display (Alarm List/Log) .................................................................... 6-5 6.1.6. System Information Display (System INFO).................................................................... 6-6 6.2. Error Message Lists ............................................................................................................... 6-7 6.2.1. Error Messages for the Scanner Unit.............................................................................. 6-7 6.2.2. Error Messages for the Display System........................................................................ 6-14 6.2.3. Error Messages for the External Input-Output Equipment ............................................ 6-19 6.3. Examples of Trouble ............................................................................................................ 6-31 6.3.1. Internal Circuits ............................................................................................................. 6-31 6.3.2. External Equipment....................................................................................................... 6-33 Chapter 7_Drawings 7.1. Outline Drawings.................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1.1. Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2254-7 .......................................................... 7-2 7.1.2. Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2254-9 .......................................................... 7-3 7.1.3. Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2103-4/4HS .................................................. 7-4 7.1.4. Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2103-6/6HS .................................................. 7-5 7.1.5. Outline Drawing of the Display System NDC-1460 ......................................................... 7-6 7.1.6. Outline Drawing of the Display Unit NWZ-164 ................................................................ 7-7 7.1.7. Outline Drawing of the Operation Unit NCE-7699A ........................................................ 7-8 7.1.8. Outline Drawing of the Multi-function Operation Unit NCE-7729A .................................. 7-9 7.1.9. Outline Drawing of the Rectifier NBA-5111 (Option)...................................................... 7-10 7.2. System Diagrams..................................................................................................................7-11 7.2.1. Overall System Diagram of the Radar JMA-5222-7/9 ....................................................7-11 7.2.2. Overall System Diagram of the Radar JMA-5212-4/6/4HS/6HS ................................... 7-12 7.3. Inter-Unit Connection Diagram............................................................................................. 7-13 7.3.1. Inter-Unit Connection Diagram of the JMA-5222-7/9 .................................................... 7-13 7.3.2. Inter-Unit Connection Diagram of the JMA-5212-4/6/4HS/6HS .................................... 7-14 7.4. Unit Internal Connection Diagrams ...................................................................................... 7-15 7.4.1. Internal Connection Diagram of the Scanner Unit NKE-2254 ....................................... 7-15 7.4.2. Internal Connection Diagram of the Scanner Unit NKE-2103 ....................................... 7-16 7.4.3. Internal Connection Diagram of the Processor Unit NDC-1460 .................................... 7-17 Chapter 1 Equipment Overview 1.1. Overview This equipment is marine radar equipment satisfying the IMO standard. The radar equipment consists of a scanner unit that generates transmitting signals, transmits and receives radio waves, and amplifies receiving signals, and a display system that displays radar images after removing unwanted radio wave from the radar signals. The radar equipment with which a magnetron tube is used as the transmitting tube transmits 9.4 GHz (X band) pulse-modulated waves. In addition to the basic radar functions, the radar equipment has functions for safe navigation such as a radar trail display function, target tracking function*1, and AIS information display function*1. *1 The function is optional for radar equipment (not an IMO radar) which is designed for fishing boats. 1.2. Scanner Unit The scanner unit is an antenna that transmits a radar signal into space, and sends the radar signal reflected from a target into the equipment. The horizontal antenna beam width is small for identifying the target bearing, and Figure 1.1 X-10kW scanner unit the scanner unit has a rotating mechanism for detection in the entire surrounding area. Two types of scanner units are provided for this equipment, and their usage is as follows: Figure 1.2 X-25 kW scanner unit Ԙ X band (10 kW) scanner unit: Compact and light weight ԙ X band (25 kW) scanner unit: High resolution, and high sensitivity 1-1 1.3. Display System The display system processes a radar signal transmitted from the scanner unit, removes unwanted radio wave, and plots/displays radar images in a specified observation range. The user is to stand in front of the display system and observe the conditions around the own ship with the radar images displayed on the display unit by operating the switches and trackball on the operation unit. The display system consists of the following three units: Figure 1.3 Processor unit (NDC-1460) Figure 1.4 Display unit (NWZ-164) Operation unit (NCE-7699A) 1.4. Principal Functions This radar equipment satisfies the performance requirements defined in the IMO standard MSC.192 (79) and has the following functions: Ԙ Sensitivity adjustment, and sea clutter and rain/snow clutter suppression ԙ Interference rejecter Ԛ Navigation tools (cursor, VRM, EBL, and parallel cursor) ԛ Own track display Ԝ User map creation and display ԝ Radar trail display Ԟ Target tracking*1 ԟ AIS information display*1 Ԡ Self-diagnostic function ԡ Radar performance monitoring (Performance Monitor)*1 *1 The function is optional for radar equipment (not an IMO radar) which is designed for fishing boats. 1-2 Chapter 2 Equipment Overview 2.1. Configuration 2.1.1. Scanners and Transmitted Output Powers IMO compliance MODEL NUMBER SCANNER TRANSMITTED OUTPUT POWER BAND RATE OF ROTATION CATEGORY JMA-5212-4 4 FT SLOT ANTENNA 10kW X 27rpm CAT 2 JMA-5212-6 6 FT SLOT ANTENNA 10kW X 27rpm CAT 2 JMA-5222-7 7 FT SLOT ANTENNA 25kW X 24rpm CAT 2 JMA-5222-9 9 FT SLOT ANTENNA 25kW X 24rpm CAT 2 * Type of transmitted radio wave: P0N for all the models Non IMO compliance MODEL NUMBER SCANNER TRANSMITTED OUTPUT POWER BAND RATE OF ROTATION JMA-5212-4 4 FT SLOT ANTENNA 10kW X 27rpm JMA-5212-6 6 FT SLOT ANTENNA 10kW X 27rpm JMA-5222-7 7 FT SLOT ANTENNA 25kW X 24rpm JMA-5222-9 9 FT SLOT ANTENNA 25kW X 24rpm JMA-5212-4HS 4 FT SLOT ANTENNA 10kW X 48rpm JMA-5212-6HS 6 FT SLOT ANTENNA 10kW X 48rpm 2-1 2.1.2. Radar Configuration and Ship's Mains IMO compliance MODEL SCANNER NUMBER PERFORMANCE DISPLAY MONITOR UNIT SYSTEM SHIP'S MAINS JMA-5212-4 NKE-2103-4 NJU-85 NCD-4380 DC24V JMA-5212-6 NKE-2103-6 NJU-85 NCD-4380 DC24V JMA-5222-7 NKE-2254-7 NJU-85 NCD-4380 DC24V JMA-5222-9 NKE-2254-9 NJU-85 NCD-4380 DC24V Non IMO compliance MODEL NUMBER SCANNER PERFORMANCE DISPLAY MONITOR UNIT SYSTEM SHIP'S MAINS JMA-5212-4 NKE-2103-4 NJU-85 NCD-4380 DC24V JMA-5212-6 NKE-2103-6 NJU-85 NCD-4380 DC24V JMA-5222-7 NKE-2254-7 NJU-85 NCD-4380 DC24V JMA-5222-9 NKE-2254-9 NJU-85 NCD-4380 DC24V JMA-5212-4HS NKE-2103-4HS NJU-85 NCD-4380 DC24V JMA-5212-6HS NKE-2103-6HS NJU-85 NCD-4380 DC24V 2-2 (Notes) Ԙ A deicing mechanism (neck heater) is optional. "D" is suffixed to the model number of a scanner unit with a deicing mechanism. Keep in mind that only power supply of 100-115 VAC, 50/60 Hz and single phase is applicable to the neck heater and that a deicing mechanism cannot be installed in the NKE-2103. ԙ A scanner unit and display system are indicated on the nameplate of the equipment as follows: SCANNER UNIT DISPLAY UNIT Ԛ The display system has a separate structure consisting of the following: Display unit NWZ-164 Control unit NCM-866-E The control unit NCM-866-E (IMO compliance) consists of the following: Processor unit NDC-1460 Operation unit NCE-7699A 2-3 Figure 2.1 DC24V +30%-10% DC24V +30%-10% Processor NDC-1460 Filter PWR SENSE ±12V AVR P12V Poly-sw Poly-sw +3.3V Logic Logic Analog Analog PWR-O F2 0.5A 0.5A 4A +5V AVR 2A -12V 0.2A +12V 1.0A PWR CNT Relay F3 System Power Supply Motor NSK UNIT NCT-4106A (option) Scanner Unit NKE-2103/2254 AVR Motor Control 15 inch LCD NWZ-164 To GPS(6W) Power SW Keyboard Unit NCE-7699A Filter Filter 2.2. Power System Diagram Power System Diagram 2-4 Figure 2.1 shows the power system diagram of this equipment. DC power passes through the circuit breaker via the line filter in the power circuit CBD-1702A, and it is re-input to the power circuit CBD-1702A for generating the supply voltage to be used inside the equipment. The power circuits are of the high-efficiency switching type. This equipment has an overvoltage protection function. If the input voltage exceeds about 42 VDC, the power circuit CBD-1702A stops the output of the supply voltage to be used inside the equipment; if the input voltage exceeds 50 VDC, it turns off the circuit breaker, thus protecting the equipment from an overvoltage. The protective voltage is set with the constant in the power circuit CBD-1702A. The P+12V power supply is active even when the power switch on the operation unit is turned off. This power supply is used with circuits such as the control circuits in the power circuits. When the power switch on the operation unit is turned on, the power supply to be used inside the equipment is started, and the +5V, +3.3V, +12V, and -12V power supplies are output for starting the equipment. The +5V and +3.3V power supplies are used mainly with the ICs of control circuits. The +12V and -12V power supplies are used mainly with external interface circuits. The power output relay for the scanner unit operates in conjunction with the power switch on the operation unit. An overcurrent protection function is provided for each power output. If a load is short-circuited or exceeds the rating, the protection function works to turn off the output. 2-5 2.3. Functional System Diagram 2.3.1. Scanner Unit NKE-2254 Scanner Unit SLOT ANTENNA ROTARY JOINT MOTOR B101 ENCODER 㱂A,㱂B,㱂Z FILTER DIODE LIMITER MAG V101 RECEIVER PULSE TRANS Tune Control DUMMY LOAD Receiver Bandwidth Control SWITCHING CIRCUIT RF AMP IF AMP PC201 Tx Trigger/Pulse Width VIDEO AMP MH GENERATOR POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT INTERFACE CIRCUIT PC1101 AVR PC1001 Status Serial Com, BP, BZ, VD, TRIG Rotation Control DC+24V DC+24V Speed control MOTOR CONTROL POWER PC1501 Figure 2.2 SAFETY SWITCH DC+24V S101 Functional System Diagram of NKE-2254 Scanner Unit 2-6 Figure 2.2 shows the functional system diagram of the scanner unit for this equipment. When the power relay for the scanner unit in the display system is turned on and power is supplied to the scanner unit, the power circuit starts power supply to each circuit of the scanner unit. The CPU in the interface circuit is started by starting the power supply, and preheating of the magnetron is started after initialization. The scanner unit waits for a communication signal from the display system. A communication link is established when a communication signal is received, and then the scanner unit is placed under control of the display system. While the magnetron is being preheated, the interface circuit sets the operation of each circuit of the scanner unit according to the initial setting value transmitted by the display system. After completion of preheating, the scanner unit informs the display system that the preheating is complete. When the operator performs operation to start transmission, a transmission start command is sent through the communication line from the display system, and the scanner unit starts the scanner motor and the transmission. A transmission timing pulse is generated in the interface circuit and input to the modulator switching circuit. After high-voltage switching for the modulator, the high-voltage pulse is further boosted by the pulse transformer and applied to the magnetron for obtaining pulse-modulated microwave. The radar-signal pulse width and repetition frequency are specified by a control command from the display system. The radar signal passes through the duplexer circuit configured with the circulator and the rotary joint and transmitted into space from the antenna. A signal reflected from a target is input through the antenna, and then input to the receiving block by the duplexer function. After the received signal is amplified, it is converted to IF frequency and log-detected, and turns into a radar video signal. If the receiving tuning function is in automatic mode, the interface circuit processes the received signal and automatically controls the tuning voltage to obtain optimum local frequency. The motor power circuit controlled by the interface circuit is turned on, DC power is supplied to the motor driver circuit, and the motor starts running. The rotation control signal output by the interface circuit is supplied to the motor driver circuit after frequency-voltage conversion in the motor power circuit, by which the motor speed is controlled. When the safety switch is turned off, power supply to the motor driver is forcibly turned off, by which the motor is stopped. The radiation bearing of scanner beam is detected by the encoder. 2-7 The received radar video signal, transmission timing signal, and antenna rotation signal are sent to the display system. The radar video signal is a non-processed, log-compressed signal. The antenna rotation signal is an incremental signal, and 2048 rotation pulses and reference bearing pulses per cycle are used. When a specified time has passed during the stopping of the communication signal from the display system, the interface circuit moves into the protection mode, and forcibly stops the transmission and the scanner unit. 2-8 Signal proc ASIC STC/FTC/CFAR IR/AVE/GZalarm RADAR PROCESS UNIT NDC-1460 SIO NMEA I/F NAV2 Sub CPU SIO sweep memory TI BP/BZ VD NMEA I/F Main PCB ADC Encoder RAIN option DSP ARPA DSP radar option Key Matrix RS422 I/F NAV1/AIS ISW SEL Key Board NCE-7699A RS422 I/F CPU SIO BP/BZ PWR SW Buzer RS232C I/F RS485 I/F buffer TUNE indicator VD MIX LOG AMP LOG AMP PC TI RS485 I/F CPU BW Control BPF SIO NMEA I/F Filter P12V +12V -12V +5V +3.3V Tx Cont. DAC IF AMP MULTI NMEA I/F +12V Pulse Trans MIC LO Control Diode Limiter TrackBall EBL SEA +5V VRM GAIN SDRAM work FROM program Main CPU Communication User I/F Main Control Frame Memory Radar echo Radar trails Radar draw ASIC Scan convert Scan correlation Trail process +12V Bearing Encoder BP/BZ VD TI GPS Rear connector GYRO LOG /GPS Compass /Compass DC24V -10% +30% Relay Circula tor Motor Cont. Magne tron Rotary Joint Scanner NKE-2103/2254 Power supply HV +15V +8V -7V Motor Power supply I/F 32bit bus SRAM Back up Frame Memory MAP Graphics Graphics ASIC MAP draw Graphics draw Display NWZ-164 Analog RGB Power supply 15 inch LCD External Display DC24V -10% +30% MONITOR UNIT NWZ-164 Trackball (option) LDI PS/2 32bit bus Figure 2.3 RGB Radiater 2.3.2. Display System Functional System Diagram of the Display System 2-9 P12V Figure 2.3 shows the functional system diagram of the display system for this equipment. A. Start of the equipment When the power switch on the operation unit is turned on, the power circuit CBD-1702A is started, and generated voltages are supplied to the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. Then, the CPU in each control circuit starts up and performs initialization. When the power is turned on, the local CPU and the CPU in the AIS processing circuit CDC-1353, and the CPU in the operation circuit CCK-979 are released from the reset state, and they initialize the hardware connected to them and wait for a control command from the main CPU in the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. When the main CPU is released from the reset state, it initializes the whole system after the radar plotting/display function. The main CPU sends an initialization command to the local CPU so as to initialize the radar signal setting, and at the same time it sends a communication initialization command to the CPU in the operation unit so as to initialize the operation function. The main CPU also starts the DSP by writing programs into memory in the DSP of the ARPA processing circuit, and issues an initialization command to the CPU in the AIS processing unit so as to initialize the AIS processing circuit. After that, the main CPU sets the internal condition according to sensor data which is input through the communication lines of NSK unit, GPS, etc., and it issues an initialization command to the scanner unit via the communication line so as to initialize the scanner. System initialization is complete when the scanner has been initialized. B. Functions of the circuits The NSK unit NCT-4106A (option) processes gyro signals of synchro or step type, calculates true bearing values, and periodically transmits true bearing data to the radar processing circuit through serial communication. As long as gyro signals are supplied, power is supplied to the NSK unit even when the display system is turned off, and the CPU is active. Thus, the NSK unit can continue to calculate true bearing values even when the display system is turned off. The CPU in the operation circuit detects the operating conditions of switches and dials on the operation panel, and transmits the operation data to the main CPU through the communication line. 2-10 After converting radar signals (radar video signal, transmission timing signal, and antenna rotation signal which are sent from the scanner) to digital data, the radar signal processing circuit in the radar processing circuit suppresses unwanted waves, and plots and displays radar images in accordance with the display screen. The ARPA processing circuit receives radar signal data for which unwanted waves are suppressed by the radar processing circuit, and performs target tracking. The results of target tracking are sent to the main CPU in the radar processing circuit. The AIS processing circuit processes AIS communication data which is externally input, manages the databases of all the received AIS targets, and transmits important target information to the main CPU. On the basis of the target information, the main CPU displays AIS targets and necessary information on the radar display. The display unit displays the display signals on the LCD panel that are output by the radar processing circuit. The brightness of screen display can be adjusted by the brilliance control on the display unit. C. Basic radar operation When preheating of the magnetron in the scanner is finished, the display system enters the standby state. Pressing TX/STBY on the operation unit places the equipment in the transmission state. The main CPU issues a transmission start command to the scanner unit, and the scanner unit starts transmission and rotation. Radar signals transmitted by the scanner are input to the radar processing circuit via the power circuit, unwanted waves are suppressed, and radar images are plotted and displayed in accordance with the display screen. The main CPU can process signals in the radar processing circuit or change the screen display setting according to the operation of switches and dials on the operation unit. The results are reflected immediately to the radar image display. 2-11 2.4. Input/Output Specifications This section explains the signals to be connected to connectors in the power circuit CBD-1702A. 2.4.1. SCANNER (J2) SCANNER (J2) is used for connection with the scanner unit. PIN NAME DESCRIPTION APPLICATION 1 MOTOR2 MOTOR3 TRX4 MOTOR+ 5 MOTOR+ 6 TRX+ 7 GND 8 +12V 9 MTR- RS485 10 MTR+ RS485 TXRX 11 BZE 12 BZ 470ohm pull-up 13 BPE 14 BP 470ohm pull-up 15 TRGE 16 TRG 180ohm input 17 VDE 18 VD 50ohm input 2-12 2.4.2. GPS (J3) GPS (J3) is used for connection with the GPS. PIN NAME 1 +12V DESCRIPTION Used for direct connection with a JRC GPS receiver 2 GND Same as above 3 NAVCOM Data return 4 NAVRX Data input 5 NAVTX APPLICATION GPS Used for direct connection with a JRC GPS receiver 2.4.3. GYRO/COMPASS (J5) GYRO/COMPASS (J5) is connected when a bearing signal is input to the radar. PIN NAME DESCRIPTION APPLICATION 1 NSKTX- Signal (+) transmitted to the NSK 2 NSKTX+ Signal (-) transmitted to the NSK Signal (+) received from the NSK, 3 NSKRX+ GPS compass, or another bearing sensor (NMEA) Signal (-) received from the NSK, 4 NSKRX- GPS compass, or another bearing sensor (NMEA) 5 GND Power GND for the NSK 6 ALM+ Dry contact output 1 7 ALM- Dry contact output 2 8 +5V Power supply (+5 V) for the NSK External-buzzer connection External-buzzer connection 2-13 2.4.4. AIS/NMEA (J6) AIS/NMEA (J6) is used for connection with the AIS or external navigator. *) If the AIS is connected, other NMEA equipment cannot be connected. PIN NAME 1 NMEA RXD+ 2 NMEA RXD- DESCRIPTION APPLICATION Signal (+) received from external equipment Signal (-) received from external equipment 3 NMEA TXD+ Signal (+) transmitted to the AIS 4 NMEA TXD- Signal (-) transmitted to the AIS 5 GND GND 6 EVENT+ Dry contact input 1 7 EVENT- Dry contact input 2 Own ship's position mark Own ship's position mark 2-14 2.5. DIP-SW/Jumper Setting 2.5.1. Power Circuit CBD-1702A Jumper setting A jumper post is installed at the location indicated in the figure at right. If an external buzzer is connected to the pin J5-6/7, use the jumper TB1J to determine whether to open or close the buzzer contact in accordance with the status of use under normal conditions. Normally open contact when the pins 1-2 are jumpered (factory setting) Normally closed contact when the pins 2-3 are jumpered CBD-1702A TB1J(1-2) jumpered If the AIS is connected, connect the jumper TB3J between the pins 2 and 3 (DIRECT). 2-15 To make a connection with the PC plotter and RS232C, connect the jumper TB4J to RS232C as shown in the picture below. Connect the jumper TB4J on the RS232C side. 2-16 2.5.2. GYRO I/F Circuit CMJ-304E DIP-SW/jumper setting (1) TB100: Not to be used. Leave the factory setting as is. (2) TB105: Availability of setting if input voltage for the gyro is low 1-2: Ordinary setting (factory setting) 2-3: Setting when voltage for the gyro is low (CD56 is lighted when the voltage is 22 VDC or less. Even when the display system is turned off, the JMA-5200mk2 operates receiving power from the display system side. Thus, the switching of TB105 setting is not necessary. (This switching does not cause any problem.) The JMA-5200MK2 needs the switching of TB105 setting.) (3) TB106 and TB107: Not installed (4) TB108 and TB109: Not installed (5) TB401-TB403: Availability of setting if input voltage for the gyro is low 1-2: Ordinary operation 2-17 S4 and S5: Gyro setting and log setting GYRO SIGNAL S5 SETTING TABLE 1 STEP ON SYNC OFF 2 3 4 360X OFF OFF 180X ON 90X OFF ON 36X ON LOG SIGNAL 7 8 OFF ON PULSE OFF SYNC ON Don't care PULSE/NM 6 ON REV TYPE 5 OFF DIRECTION NOR OFF 800P㧛360X OFF OFF 400P㧛180X ON 200P㧛90X OFF ON 100P㧛30X ON ON 7 8 S4 SETTING TABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 OFF ON LOG ALARM OFF ON GYRO SIMULATOR OFF ON LOG SIMULATOR OTHER SETTING (6) OFF N.C. Don't care GYRO ALARM TIME HEADING SOURCE 5s ON 0.5s OFF SENSOR NMEA(HDT/THS) GYRO SIGNAL 4800 NMEA SETTING any BAUDRATE 9600 ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF 19200 OFF ON 38400 ON ON 2-18 (7) S6: Rest switch Resets the CPU. (8) S7: Zero-degree setting switch Sets, as the due north, the bearing at the point of pressing. (9) S2 and S3: Selection of a gyro type Left: Step Right: Synchro (10) S1: Gyro ON-OFF switch Left: OFF Right: ON (11) S10: Other settings are not to be used. Set all to OFF. LED 2-19 2.5.3. Radar Processing Circuit CDC-1350 (1) S300: 6-bit DIP-SW. factory-set to OFF. All the bits are Do not change any of the factory settings. S300 1: OFF (Do not change this setting.) 2: OFF (Do not change this setting.) 3: OFF (Do not change this setting.) 4: OFF (Do not change this setting.) 5: OFF (Do not change this setting.) 6: OFF (Do not change this setting.) S301 (2) S301: 4-bit DIP-SW. Do not change any of the factory settings below. 1: ON (Do not change this setting.) 2: ON (Do not change this setting.) 3: OFF (Do not change this setting.) 4: OFF (Do not change this setting.) 2.5.4. AIS Processing Circuit CDC-1353 Connect the jumpers as shown in the picture. 2-20 2.5.5. T/R Control Circuit CMC-1205R [Type of DIP switch] • SW1 and SW2 [Type of jumper pin] • J92, J93, J95, and J96 { NKE-2254 (2 units: 25 kW, X-band) • Jumper pin setting • DIP switch setting (: Switch) SW1 SW2 3 2 1 ࡚ࠪ࠻┵ሶ Jumper pins ON ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 J92,J93,J95,J96: 1-2 jumpered 2-21 2-22 Chapter 3 Service Parts 3.1. Service Parts Lists for the Units 3.1.1. Spare Parts 7ZXRD0026 (JMA-5212-4/6/4HS/6HS) Name Type/Code Fuse ST4-5AN1 (5ZFCA00050) Fuse ST6-10AN1 (5ZFCA00053) Shape (mm) 31.8 31.8 Ǟ6.35 Ǟ6.35 In Use Spare Parts No. 1 1 3 3 Location F2 Inside processing unit F3 Inside processing unit 7ZXRD0015 (JMA-5222-7/9) Name Type/Code Fuse ST6-10AN1 (5ZFCA00053) Fuse ST6-10AN1 (5ZFCA00053) Shape (mm) 31.8 31.8 Ǟ6.35 Ǟ6.35 In Use Spare Parts No. 1 1 3 3 Location F2 Inside processing unit F3 Inside processing unit 3-1 3.1.2. Special Parts Ԙ NKE-2103 (JMA-5212-4/6/4HS/6HS) Parts No. Name Type V101 Magnetron MAF1565N A101/A102 Circulator FCX68R A103 Dummy NJC4002 A104 Filter NJC9952 A301 Diode limiter NJS6930 Manufacturer Location Scanner NJRC unit Orient Scanner Microwave unit Scanner NJRC unit Scanner NJRC unit Scanner NJRC unit Code 5VHAA00102 5AJIX00027 5ANDF00001 5AWAX00002 5ATBT00006 ԙ NKE-2254 (JMA-5222-7/9) Parts No. Name Type V1 Magnetron M1568BS A101/A102 Circulator NJC3901M A103 Dummy NJC4002 A104 Filter NJC9952 A301 Diode limiter NJS6930 Manufacturer Location Scanner NJRC unit Scanner NJRC unit Scanner NJRC unit Scanner NJRC unit Scanner NJRC unit Code 5VMAA00106 5AJBV00007 5ANDF00001 5AWAX00002 5ATBT00006 3.1.3. NKE-2103 (JMA-5212-4/6/4HS/6HS) Location Scanner unit Scanner unit Scanner unit Scanner unit Scanner unit Scanner unit Scanner unit Scanner unit Circuit Block Motor with gear Modulation circuit Receiver Power circuit Encoder Motor control power circuit Fan Performance monitor Type 7BDRD0048 CME-363 NRG-610 CBD-1783 CHT-71A CBD-1779 7BFRD0002 NJU-85 Remarks DC brushless motor Magnetron not included CAE-529-1 included 3-2 3.1.4. NKE-2254 (JMA-5222-7/9) Location Circuit Block Type Scanner unit Motor with gear 7BDRD0044A Scanner unit Motor with gear 7BDRD0045A Scanner unit Modulator NMA-550 Scanner unit Scanner unit Scanner unit Scanner unit Scanner unit Modulation circuit Receiver Power circuit Encoder T/R control circuit Motor control power circuit Heater control circuit Fan Performance monitor CPA-264 NRG-162A CBD-1682A CHT-71A CMC-1205R Scanner unit Scanner unit Scanner unit Scanner unit Remarks DC brushless motor (ordinary speed) DC brushless motor (high speed) CPA-264 included CMB-404 included CRF-229 included Magnetron not included CMA-866A included CBD-1779 CHG-216 7BFRD0002 NJU-85 Optional (100 VAC) 3.1.5. NCD-4380 Location Processor unit Processor unit Processor unit Processor unit Operation unit Operation unit Operation unit Display unit Circuit Block Radar processing circuit Ordinary target tracking circuit AIS processing circuit Power circuit Operation circuit PS2 connector circuit Trackball Brilliance control circuit Type Remarks CDC-1350 NCA-877A Optional NQA-2155 NBD-866A CCK-979 CQC-1204 CCK-1000 CCK-970 Optional 3-3 3.2. Exploded Diagrams 3.2.1. NKE-2103 NO䋮 䌐䌁䌒䌔 䌎䌁䌍䌅 PRODUCT CODE SERVICE 1 Radiator Assy. MDNAX5041 NAX-16B-6 1-1 Radiator Assy. MDNAX5041 㩷 㩷 1-2 Bolts BRTG07249 㩷 M10X35SUS S-cort 1-3 Spring Washers BRTG00404 㩷 SW10 SUS 1-4 Washers MTL315466 㩷 㩷 2 Support Assy. MPGK31182 㩷 㩷 2-1 Antenna Support MTC301684 㩷 㩷 2-2 Slide Plate MTT309252 㩷 㩷 2-3 Waterproof Ring 䌍䌔䌔309256A 㩷 㩷 2-4 O-Ring BRPK00054 㩷 P42 3 Upper Housing Assy. MPBX44085 㩷 㩷 3-1 Upper Housing MTC301682 㩷 㩷 CODE NOTE NAX-16B-6 3-2 V-Ring BRPK00189 㩷 V-100A 3-3 Liquid-Tight Cable Clamps BRBP06738 㩷 OA-W1611EC1-BB 4 Drive Assy. MPGK31181 㩷 㩷 4-1 Main Shaft MTC301685 㩷 㩷 4-2 Main Gear MTG300511 㩷 㩷 4-3 Gear MTG300424A 㩷 㩷 4-4 Bracket MTC301655 㩷 㩷 4-5 Key MTL325003 㩷 㩷 4-6 Spacer 1 MTL325004 㩷 㩷 4-7 Spacer 2 MTL325005 㩷 㩷 4-8 Bearing BRGK05420 㩷 6011ZZ 4-9 Bearing BRGK05409 㩷 6009ZZ 4-10 Retaining Ring Type-C BRTG05289 㩷 HC75 SK5 4-11 Bearing Nut BRTG06929 㩷 AN09 4-12 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNC03010B 㩷 NC3X8Bs 5 Rotary Joint MPAB31563 㩷 㩷 6 Motor H-7BDRD00048 7BDRD00048 CBP-202 7 Wave Guide Unit MPAB31564 㩷 㩷 7-1 Wave Guide MTM301722A 㩷 㩷 7-2 Flange MTM301843 㩷 㩷 7-3 Push Plate MTB366792A 㩷 㩷 7-4 Bolts BRTG08900 㩷 M4X25 SUS SW W 8 Encoder Assy. MPEM30205 㩷 㩷 8-1 Encoder MDMW11070 CHT-71A 㩷 8-2 Gear MTT006909B 㩷 㩷 8-3 Turn-Stopper MTD001842 㩷 㩷 9 Lower Housing Assy. MPBX44086A 㩷 㩷 9-1 Lower Housing MTC301683 㩷 㩷 9-2 Packing MTT312329 㩷 㩷 9-3 Breathing Cap MTV302550 㩷 㩷 3-4 9-4 Packing MTT305919A 9-5 Swich Cover MPPK00925A 㩷 㩷 9-6 Cable Push Plate MTB366112 㩷 㩷 9-7 Cable Clamp BRBP00009 㩷 㩷 9-8 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNK04010B 㩷 NK4X10Bs 9-9 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNC04010B 㩷 NC4X10Bs 9-10 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNB05010B 㩷 NB5X10Bs 10 Tranceiver Assy. MDNZT5023 㩷 NZT-2103 10-1 Main Chassis MPBX44420 㩷 㩷 10-2 Wave Guide Circuit MPAB31606 㩷 㩷 10-2-1 CIR-Attachment MTB389799 㩷 㩷 10-2-2 Recever Unit MDNRG5093 NRG-610 NRG-610 10-2-3 Diord Limiter 5ATBT00006 㩷 NJS6930 10-2-4 Circulator 5AJIX00027 㩷 FCX68R 10-2-5 Filter 5AWAX00002 㩷 NJC-9952 10-2-6 Guide Plate MT䌌326122 㩷 㩷 10-2-7 Dummy Load 5ANDF00001 㩷 NJC4002 10-2-8 Spacer MTL318403 㩷 㩷 10-2-9 MG-PIN MTL325492 㩷 㩷 10-2-10 - 㩷 㩷 㩷 10-2-11 Bolts BRTG07397 㩷 M4X12 SW SUS304 10-2-12 Cross-recessed Head Screw BRTG07156 㩷 M4X70 Bs 10-2-13 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNC04010B 㩷 NC4X10Bs 10-2-14 Spring Washers BSSW04000S 㩷 SW4 10-2-15 Washers BSFW04000B 㩷 W4Bs 10-3 Modulator Unit MPBX44290 CME-363 㩷 10-4 Power Supply Unit MPBX44291 CBD-1783 㩷 10-5 Motor Control PC MDBW10832 CBD-1779 CBD-1779 10-6 Magnetron 5VMAA00102 5VMAA00102 MAF1565N 10-7 Resistors - 㩷 CFA-252 10-8 Filter PC - 㩷 CFR-234 10-9 Cover MTB389805 㩷 㩷 10-10 Nut Plate MTB388518 㩷 㩷 10-11 Connection Plate MTB388903 㩷 㩷 10-12 Motor Cover MTB391765 㩷 㩷 10-13 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNB04012B 㩷 NB4X12Bs 10-14 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNC04010B 㩷 NC4X10Bs 10-15 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNC04016B 㩷 NC4X16Bs 10-16 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNC03008B 㩷 NC3X8Bs 11 Encoder Plate MTB388510A 㩷 㩷 12 Stay MPDM30321 㩷 㩷 13 Grand-Cable H-7ZCRD1504 㩷 㩷 14 Shaft MTL325006 㩷 㩷 15 Bolts MTL006545A 㩷 M8X35 Machining 16 Spring Washers BRTG00747 㩷 SW8 SUS 17 Washers BRTG00224 㩷 W8 18 O-Ring BRPK00027 㩷 P7 19 Clamp Gland MPTG30399 㩷 㩷 20 Cover BRTG01414 㩷 㩷 21 Gasket MTT308695A 㩷 㩷 3-5 22 Washers BRTG00883 23 - 㩷 㩷 㩷 24 - 㩷 㩷 㩷 25 Corted Bolts BRTG09192 㩷 M8X20 SUS304 corted 26 Sealing Washers BRTG06850 㩷 SUSW8S1 27 Hex-Head Setscrew BRTG1030G 㩷 M4X0.7X6 SUS304 28 Bolts BRTG09297 㩷 M8X25 FE SW W㩷 ZMC4RBU 29 Bolts BRTG09296 㩷 M6X70 FE SW W ZMC4RBU 30 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNC04025B 㩷 NC4X25Bs 31 Bolts BRTG06852 㩷 M4X12 SW W SUS304 32 Bolts BRTG09004 㩷 M5X16 SW W SUS304 33 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNB05010B 㩷 NB5X10Bs 34 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNB04012B 㩷 NB4X12Bs 35 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNC04010B 㩷 NC4X10Bs 36 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNC03008B 㩷 NC3X8Bs 3-6 Figure 3.1 Exploded Diagram of the NKE-2103 3-7 3.2.2. NKE-2254 No. PART NAME PRODUCT CODE SERVICE CODE NOTE 1 Radiator Assy. 1-1 Bolt 㩷 NAX-16B 9ft/7ft/6ft BRTG07249 㩷 HEX10X35 SUS304 1-2 Spring Washer BRTG00404 㩷 SW10 1-3 Washer MTL315466 㩷 㩷 2 Support Assy. MPBX40223 㩷 㩷 2-1 Antenna Support MTC301223A 㩷 㩷 2-2 Slide Plate MTT309252 㩷 㩷 2-3 O-Ring BRPK00054 㩷 P42 ID41.7 D3.5 3 Housing Assy. 㩷 㩷 㩷 3-1 Housing MTC301727 㩷 㩷 3-2 Sleev MTL317432 㩷 㩷 3-3 Breathing Cap MTT309253 㩷 㩷 3-4 Upset Bolt BRTG09305 㩷 M5X12 FF ZMC4RBU 3-5 Toggle Switch MDLW11931 㩷 CSD-654 3-6 Cover for SW MPPK00925A 㩷 㩷 3-7 Cover MTB389969 㩷 㩷 3-8 Cover MTB389970 㩷 㩷 3-9 NK5X10Bs BSNK05010B 㩷 㩷 3-10 NK5X12Bs BSNK05012B 㩷 㩷 4 Cover Assy. MPBX44875 㩷 㩷 4-1 Cover MTC301729 㩷 㩷 4-2 Packing MTV303883 㩷 㩷 4-3 Bolt MPTG31381 㩷 㩷 4-5 Spring Washer BRTG00747 㩷 M8SUS304㩷 3.2X2 4-4 Washer BRTG00224 㩷 M8 SUS304 4-6 Sealing Washer BRTG01826 㩷 M8 SUS 5 Drive Assy. MPGK30895C 㩷 㩷 5-1 Flange MTC301224A 㩷 㩷 5-2 Main Shaft MTH300568A 㩷 㩷 5-3 Main Gear MTG300423A 㩷 㩷 5-4 Gear MTG300424 㩷 㩷 5-5 Spacer MTB366794A 㩷 㩷 5-6 Key MTL317433 㩷 㩷 5-7 Bearing BRGK05410 㩷 6012ZZ CM/5K 5-8 Bearing BRGK05409 㩷 6009ZZ CM/5K 5-9 Retaining Ring-C Type BRTG06164 㩷 㩷 5-10 Roling Bearing Washer BRTG07261 㩷 AW10X ID50 5-11 O-Ring BRPK05043 㩷 G155 5-12 Roling Bearing Locknut BSAN10000S 㩷 AN10 M50X1.5 6 V-Ring BRPK00189 㩷 V-100A 7 Bolt BRTG07268 㩷 M8X25 TI 8 Spring Washer BRTG07270 㩷 M8 TI 9 Washer BRTG07267 㩷 M8 TI 10 Bolt BRTG06849 㩷 M8X23 SUS304 11 Rotary Joint Assy. MPAB31188 㩷 㩷 3-8 12 Wave Guide MPAB31207A 㩷 㩷 13 Encoder Assy. MPEM30202 㩷 㩷 13-1 Encoder MDMW11068 CHT-71A CHT-71 13-2 Spur Gear MTT006909B 㩷 㩷 13-3 Click MTD001842 㩷 㩷 13-4 Plate Encoder Mounting MTB366793A 㩷 㩷 13-5 Upset Bolt BRTG06852 㩷 M4X12 SW W SUS304 14 Motor Assy. - 㩷 㩷 14-1 Motor MPEM30204 7BDRD0044A CBP-168A 14-2 - - 㩷 㩷 14-3 Flange for Motor MTC301225 㩷 㩷 14-4 Bolt BRTG09307 㩷 M8X30 SW W SUS304 14-5 Bolt BRTG09306 㩷 M8X20 SW W FE㩷 ZMC 15 Clump Gland Assy.(A30) MPJD30062A 㩷 㩷 15-1 Clump Gland MPTG31572A 㩷 㩷 15-2 Gasket BRPK00108 㩷 㩷 15-3 Washer BRTG01246 㩷 30B AL 15-4 Cover BRTG01415 㩷 30 AL 16 Clump Gland Assy.(A25) MPJD30063A 㩷 㩷 16-1 Clump Gland MPTG31573A 㩷 㩷 16-2 Gasket BRPK00134 㩷 A25a 16-3 Washer BRTG00883 㩷 25A AL 16-4 Cover BRTG01414 㩷 25 AL 17 Heat radiation Board MPBC43035 㩷 㩷 18 Power Supply Unit MPBX44439 㩷 㩷 18-1 Chassis for Power Supply MPBX44440 㩷 㩷 18-2 Power Supply PC MDBW10837 㩷 CBD-1682A 19 - - 㩷 㩷 20 Motor Control Assy. MPBX44318A 㩷 㩷 20-1 Chassis for Control MPBX44319 㩷 㩷 20-2 Motor Power Supply PC MDBW10832 㩷 CBD-1779 21 Tranceiver Assy. MDNZT5024A 㩷 NZT-1125 21-1 Modulator Unit MDNMA5077A 㩷 NMA-550 21-2 Main Chassis MPBX44445 㩷 㩷 21-3 Cover Assy.(L) MPBX44446 㩷 㩷 21-4 Cover Assy.㧔S㧕 MPBX44447 㩷 㩷 21-5 Modulator PC MDLW11930 CPA-264(MDLW11927) CPA-264 21-6 Magnetoron - 5VMAA00106 㩷 21-7 Pulse Transformer - 㩷 㩷 21-8 Flame MPBC43040 㩷 㩷 21-9 Holding Plate MTB389330 㩷 㩷 21-10 Circulator - 㩷 㩷 21-11 Diord Limiter - 㩷 㩷 21-12 Wave Guide MPAB31622 㩷 㩷 21-13 Guide Plate MTL318911A 㩷 㩷 21-14 Spacer MTL318403 㩷 㩷 21-15 Spurious Filter - 㩷 NJC9952 21-16 Dummy Load - 㩷 NJC4002 21-17 TR-Control PC - CMC-1205R CMC-1205R 21-18 Receiver Assy. MDNRG5094A NRG-162A NRG-162A 3-9 21-19 Nut Plate MTB389894 㩷 㩷 21-20 FAN MPEM30151 㩷 㩷 21-21 Cross-Recessed Head Screw BSNC04030B 㩷 㩷 21-22 Bolt BRTG07502 㩷 M5X16 SW W SUS304 21-23 O-Ring BRPK00019 㩷 㩷 21-24 Bolt BRTG07397 㩷 M4X12 SW SUS304 21-25 Cross-recessed Head Screw BRTG05659 㩷 NK4X0.7X65Bs 22 Performance Monitor Unit - NJU-85 NJU-85 23 PM Adapter MPBC43041A 㩷 㩷 24 Neck Heator kit MDMW11067A 㩷 (CHG-216P) 24-1 Neck Heator Unit - 㩷 㩷 24-2 Plate Clamp MTB374149 㩷 㩷 24-3 Plate Clamp MTB374150 㩷 㩷 24-4 Terminal Board for heater - 㩷 㩷 25 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNC04010B 㩷 M4X10 SW LW 26 Cross-recessed Head Screw BSNC04016B 㩷 M4X16 SW LW 3-10 Figure 3.2 Exploded Diagram of the NKE-2254 3-11 3.2.3. NDC-1460 PARTS LIST RADAR PROCESS UNIT NDC-1460/JMA-5200MK2 Fig. No. No. DESCRIPTION DRAWING No. NOTE JRC CODE MTZ303979 1 Nameplate MPNN45149 -1/1 2 Warning Label MPNN43252 3 Drip-proof Rubber MPPK30497A 4 Coaching Clip CS-4U BRBP05299 SHINAGAWA-SHOKO 5 Spacer BSB-308E BRBP06402 HIROSUGI 6 Bracket 7 D-sub Cover MTB381018 8 Label MPNN40470 9 Panel MPBC40313 MTB382448 10 Chassis MPBX44552 11 Nylon Rivet FNRP㱢3x4.5 Black 12 Power Supply Circuit CBD-1702A BRTG01052 13 Bracket1 (Connector) MTB382462 14 Bracket2 (Connector) MTB382463 15 Fiber Washer 3.2X6X0.5 White 16 Spacer (L) 17 Nut BRTG04252 KOYO-FASTENER KOSHIN MTL323365 NO.4-40UNC Bs BNM2 BRTG09065 18 Spacer (S) MTL323366 19 Heat sink MTC301546 20 Panel MPNN43566 KOSHIN 21 Fuse 22 Radiator Sheet MTT308591 23 Connector 24 Rubber Washer 25 Sems Screw MTT311607 NC3X12SUS BRTG03547 26 Rubber Washer MTT311609 27 Gasket 1 MTT308585 28 Gasket 2 MTT308586 29 Label MPNN42981 KOSHIN 30 Radar processing circuit CDC-1350 31 AIS Process Unit NQA-2155 Option 32 Plotter Control Unit NDB-34A Option 33 ATA Process Unit NCA-877A Option 34 Breaker 35 Guard Handle SANKEN THA-212-3 36 Cover BRHD05338 TOCHIGIYA MTB381021 37 Sems Screw NB3X8Bs BSNB03008B 38 Spring Washer SW3 BSSW03000S 39 Washer LW3Bs BSLW03000W 40 Pan Head Machine Screw NK4X25Bs BSNK04025B 3-12 41 Wing Nut BN4 BSBN04000B 42 Washer W4Bs BSFW04000B 43 Spring Washer SW4 BSSW04000S N4Bs BSHN04000W LN4Bs BSLN04000W 46 Sems Screw NC3X8Bs BSNC03008B 47 Sems Screw NC2.6X10Bs BSNC02610B 48 Sems Screw NB3X6Bs BSNB03006B 49 LAN I/F Process Unit CMH-2224 MTZ303979 44 Nut -1/1 45 Nut 50 Mounting Plate MPBC43241 MTZ303980 1 Panel MTV303808 -1/1 2 Cover MTV303809 3 Rubber Key MTV304379A 4 Packing MTV303811 5 㱢16 Knob MPHD30383 6 㱢38 Knob MPHD30378 7 Packing (for speaker) MTZ301931 8 Packing (for vibrationproof) MTT306943 9 Speaker 10 Trackball Cover MTV303599 11 Teflon Ring MTT308975 12 Trackball 13 Spacer 14 Keyboad Unit MTT309110 CCK-979 15 PS2 I/F CIRCUIT 16 Drip-proof Rubber 17 Cable Clamp MTV303812 FGC-5 18 Rubber Washer BRBP05042 KITAGAWA-IND MTT301458A 19 PT Screw 1411-H2-3010C BRTG09222 JAPAN DRIVE-IT 20 PT Screw 1411-H2-3008 BRTG09223 JAPAN DRIVE-IT BRPK05061 NITTO DENKO 21 Waterproof Sheet 22 Cable 23 Nameplate MPNN45156 24 25 MTZ303981 1 -1/1 2 Cover MTV302382 3 Rubber Key 1 (Japanese) MTV303868 4 Rubber Key 2 (Japanese) MTV303869 5 Rubber Key 3 (Japanese) MTV303870 6 Switch Installation Board MTB388670 7 Speaker Installation Board MTB388671 8 Spacer MTB371784 9 Trackball Cover MTV304432 Bezel MTV304395 10 Trackball 11 Cover MTV303694 12 Trackball Installation Board MTB388672 13 Teflon Ring MTT308975 3-13 14 Spacer Assy MPBC42659 15 Rear Cover Assy MPBC42660 16 㱢22 Knob MPHD30389 17 㱢48 Knob MPHD30390 18 Stopper Screw BRTG00561 19 Dripproof Ring MPPK30299 20 Rubber Cap MPNG00102 21 Nameplate (Japanese) MPNM35344 22 Key Sheet (Japanese) 23 Cover MPNM35345 㩷 MPNN37100A 24 Gasket for Trackball MTT305538 25 Drip-proof Rubber 1 MTT306119 26 Drip-proof Rubber 2 MTT306120 27 Keyboad Unit KOSHIN CCK-980 UJRC 28 Speaker 29 Power Switch 30 Nameplate MPNN45283 31 Nylon Clip AB-10N BRBP00012 TYTON 32 Cable Clamp FGC-5 BRBP05042 KITAGAWA-IND 33 Binding Head Screw M4X8FE ZMC Black BRTG08628 KOSHIN 34 PT Screw 1411-H2-3006 BRTG09224 JAPAN DRIVE-IT 35 Latch TL-304-2 BRTG07339 TOCHIGIYA 36 Sems Screw NC3X8Bs BSNC03008B 37 Sems Screw NC3X12Bs BSNC03012B 㩷 38 Spring Washer SW3 BSSW03000S 㩷 39 Nut N3Bs BSHN03000W 40 Flat-Head Screw S3X12Bs BSSK03012B 41 Washer W3Bs BSFW03000B 42 PS2 I/F CIRCUIT 3-14 Connector nut Fuse nut Connector nut Figure 3.3 Exploded Diagram of the NDC-1460 3-15 3.2.4. NCE-7699A No. DESCRIPTION DRAWING No. NOTE JRC CODE 1 Panel MTV303808 2 Cover MTV303809 3 Rubber Key MTV304379A 4 Packing MTV303811 5 Ǿ16 Knob MPHD30383 6 Ǿ38 Knob MPHD30378 7 Packing (for speaker) MTZ301931 8 Packing (for vibrationproof) MTT306943 9 Speaker 10 Trackball Cover MTV303599 11 Teflon Ring MTT308975 12 Trackball 13 Spacer MTT309110 14 Keyboad Unit CCK-979 15 PS2 I/F CIRCUIT 16 Drip-proof Rubber MTV303812 17 Cable Clamp FGC-5 BRBP05042 KITAGAWA-IND 18 Rubber Washer MTT301458A 19 PT Screw 1411-H2-3010C BRTG09222 JAPAN DRIVE-IT 20 PT Screw 1411-H2-3008 BRTG09223 JAPAN DRIVE-IT 21 Waterproof Sheet BRPK05061 NITTO DENKO 22 Cable 3-16 Figure 3.4 Exploded Diagram of the NCE-7699A 3-17 3-18 Chapter 4 Replacement of Major Units 4.1. Scanner Unit 4.1.1. Precautions for replacing parts in the scanner unit Follow the precautions below to carry out parts replacement without getting injured. Confirm that all the radar equipment (if more than one unit is used) is turned off before you start the parts replacement. For the sake of safety, turn off the main power circuit breaker. Wear gloves to protect your hands during parts replacement. Be very careful not to drop a tool or part when you work in high places. Carry out parts replacement while the ship does not roll or pitch much in a bay if possible. Be careful that the radiator does not hit anyone during parts replacement. The radiator can turn with wind or the like. 4-1 4.1.2. Parts Replacement for the Scanner Unit NKE-2254 [Required tools] • Tools for removing the cover from the scanner unit A wrench (width across flats 13 mm for M8 bolts) • Tools used in each part replacement procedure [Replacement procedure] (1) Before starting the work, turn off the safety switch at the bottom of the scanner unit. Ship's heading bearing Ship's heading bearing Set the safety switch to OFF. (2) Loosen the four hexagon bolts, and remove the pedestal cover. To replace the following parts, remove the cover from the left (port) side: • Motor • Motor driver circuit To replace the following parts, remove the cover from the right (starboard) side: • Transmitter (magnetron, modulation circuit, or fan for the modulation circuit) • Receiver • T/R control circuit • Power circuit • Encoder Loosen the four hexagon bolts. 4-2 (3) Replace the parts, which need replacement, according to the procedures in the subsequent sections. Be careful not to lose screws or brackets removed during replacement. (4) After the parts replacement, mount the pedestal cover, set the safety switch to ON. (Be sure to cap the safety switch.) The packing shall be clean, free from dust and dirt when you mount the cover. (5) Turn on the radar, and perform necessary operation checks. 4.1.3. Magnetron replacement / NKE-2254 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2.) [Replacement procedure] (1) Remove the covers from the right (starboard) side (see Section 4.1.2) and loosen the screws (four M4 screws) to remove the magnetron cover. Magnetron cover Loosen the four screws. 4-3 (2) Make sure there is no charge remaining in the modulation high-voltage circuit board, Magnetron and then remove the screws (two M4 Remove the four screws. screws) holding the magnetron cables (yellow and green) in place. (3) Remove the screws (four M4 screws) holding the magnetron in place, then replace the magnetron after cutting the leads (yellow and green) for the replacement magnetron to an appropriate Remove the green cable. Remove the two screws. Remove the yellow cable. length. Use a shielded secrewdriver because the contact of the metal tool with the magnetron causes deterioration of its performance. (4) After having replaced the magnetron, reassemble the unit by following the disassembly procedure in the reverse order. Do not forget to tighten the bolts and screws, and do not forget to reconnect the cables. Extreme care should be taken to connect the leads (yellow and green) to the magnetron for prevention of contact with other parts or the casing. Contact may cause them to discharge. [Operation check] After having completed the replacement, follow the steps below to check the operation. (1) Turn on the radar and allow sufficient preheating time (20 - 30 minutes in the STBY mode). (2) Start transmission on a short pulse range and change the range to the longer ranges. Open the service engineer menu and provisionally adjust the tuning. Whenever operation becomes unstable, immediately return to STBY, wait five to ten minutes, and then transmit again. 4-4 (3) After transmitting on a long range for about fifteen minutes, return to the service engineer menu and adjust the tuning. Perform the adjustment in the service engineer menu until the tuning display bar on the display unit reaches the eighth calibration mark. With the service engineer menu open, also make sure the magnetron current is shown between the fifth and seventh calibration markings. 4.1.4. Motor replacement / NKE-2254 [Required tools] • Single-ended wrench (width across flats 17 mm for M8 bolts) • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2) [Replacement procedure] (1) Remove the cover from the left (port) side (see Section 4.1.2), and disconnect Remove the four bolts. Disconnect the two cables. the cables that are connected to the motor driver circuit from the motor. (2) Remove the four hexagon bolts (M8), and remove the motor. Motor Motor driver circuit 4-5 (3) Remove the four hexagon bolts (M8), Remove the four bolts. and detach the mounting plate from the motor. (4) Attach the mounting plate to the new motor. Be sure to tighten all the four Motor hexagon bolts with specified torque (210 kgfcm). (5) Mounting plate Install the motor in the scanner unit. Tighten the four bolts. Press the motor against the protrusions on the arms extending from the chassis, and secure the motor after adjustment to Protrusions from the arm minimize motor backlash. Be sure to tighten all the four hexagon bolts with specified torque (140 kgfcm). Press (6) Apply grease to the gear after installing the motor. (7) Apply grease. After the motor replacement, carry out the work in reverse order of removal. Be sure to tighten all the bolts and screws and connect all the cables. [Operation check] After completing the replacement work, check the operation by following the procedure below. (1) Turn on the radar, transmit radar signals when the countdown is finished, and check that radar images are displayed normally. There shall be no abnormal noise emitted when the motor starts running, when it is running, or when it stops. 4-6 4.1.5. Motor drive circuit board replacement / NKE-2254 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2.) [Replacement procedure] (1) Remove the cover from the left (port) side (see Section 4.1.2), disconnect the cables and remove the three screws (M4) from the motor driver circuit, and then detach the plate on which the motor driver circuit is mounted. Remove the three screws. (2) Disconnect the cables from the motor driver circuit, remove the four screws (M4), and replace the motor driver circuit. Remove the eight screws. (3) After the driver circuit replacement, carry out the work in reverse order of removal. Be sure to tighten all the bolts and screws and connect all the cables. 4-7 [Operation check] After completing the replacement work, check the operation by following the procedure below. (1)Turn on the radar, transmit radar signals when the countdown is finished, and check that radar images are displayed normally. There shall be no abnormal noise emitted when the motor starts running, when it is running, or when it stops. 4.1.6. Modulator circuit (CPA-264) replacement / NKE-2254 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • Single-ended wrench (width across flats 7 mm for M4 bolts) • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2.) [Replacement procedure] (1) Remove the cover on the right (starboard) Remove the five cables. side (see Section 4.1.2), remove the cables connected to the transmitter-receiver unit and the screws (three M5 screws) holding the transmitter-receiver unit in place, and remove the transmitter-receiver unit. Remove the three screws. 4-8 (2) Loosen the screws (nine M4 screws) holding the cover in place, remove the screws (two M4 screws) holding the heat Loosen the nine screws. Remove the two screws. radiation plate in place, and remove the cover. (3) Remove the cables connected to the modulator circuit board, then remove the Remove the spacer. Remove the five screws. screws (five M4 screws) holding the modulator circuit board in place and the spacer (one 7 mm (nominal) spacer), and replace the modulator circuit board. If reusing the heat radiation plate on the modulator, be sure to install the thermal insulation sheet between the TR5-8 and the heat radiation plate so that it is straight. (4) Remove the five cables. After having replaced the modulator circuit board, reassemble the unit following the disassembly procedure in the reverse order. Do not forget to tighten the bolts and screws, and do not forget to reconnect the cables. [Operation check] After having completed the replacement, follow the procedure below to check the operation. (1) Turn on the radar and emit radar waves once the countdown is finished, and check that the radar image is correctly displayed. Transmit radar signals on a long range and with the service engineer menu open, also make sure the magnetron current is shown between the fifth and seventh calibration markings. 4-9 4.1.7. Power supply circuit board (CBD-1682A) replacement / NKE-2254 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2) [Replacement procedure] (1) Remove the cover on the right (starboard) side (see Section 4.1.2), remove the cables Remove the five cables. connected to the transmitter-receiver unit and the screws (three M5 screws) holding the transmitter-receiver unit in place, and remove the transmitter-receiver unit. Remove the three screws. (2) Remove the cables connected to the power supply circuit board and the screws (five M4 screws) holding the power supply circuit board in place. Remove the power supply circuit board together with the metal fitting holding the power supply circuit board in place. Remove the five screws 4-10 (3) Remove the screws (six M4 screws) holding Remove the six screws. the power supply circuit board in place and replace the power supply circuit board. If the square heat radiation sheet on the casing on the back of the power supply circuit board (the soldered side) is damaged, affix a new sheet to the replacement power supply circuit board. (4) After having replaced the power supply circuit board, reassemble the unit following the disassembly procedure in the reverse order. Do not forget to tighten the bolts and screws, and do not forget to reconnect the cables. [Operation check] After having completed the replacement, follow the procedure below to check the operation. (1) Turn on the radar and emit radar waves once the countdown is finished, and check that the radar image is correctly displayed. 4.1.8. T/R control circuit (CMC-1205R) replacement / NKE-2254 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2) [Replacement procedure] (1) Before beginning the replacement procedure, open the service engineer menu of the radar display unit and back up the scanner unit data (transmission time and motor rotation time). If you do not back up this data, it will not be possible to maintain continuity in scanner data such as the magnetron usage time. 4-11 (2) Remove the cover on the right (starboard) side (see Section 4.1.2), remove the cables Remove the five cables. connected to the transmitter-receiver unit and the screws (three M5 screws) holding the transmitter-receiver unit in place, and remove the transmitter-receiver unit. Remove the three screws. (3) Remove the cables connected to the T/R control circuit board and the screws (seven M4 screws) and replace the T/R control circuit board. Set the DIP switch and jumper pins of the T/R control circuit board to suite the NKE-2254 (see Section 2.5.5). (4) Remove the seven screws. After having replaced the T/R control circuit board, reassemble the unit following the disassembly procedure in the reverse order. Do not forget to tighten the bolts and screws, and do not forget to reconnect the cables. 4-12 [Operation check] After having completed the replacement, follow the procedure below to check the operation. (1) Turn on the radar, open the service engineer menu, restore the scanner unit times, and make sure that the data has been correctly continued before/after the T/R control circuit board replacement (check the transmission time and the motor rotation time). (2) Begin transmission once the countdown is complete and check that the radar image is correctly displayed. 4.1.9. Receiver (NRG-162A) replacement / NKE-2254 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2) (1) Remove the cover on the right (starboard) side (see Section 4.1.2), remove the cables Remove the five cables. connected to the transmitter-receiver unit and the screws (three M5 screws) holding the transmitter-receiver unit in place, and remove the transmitter-receiver unit. Remove the three screws. 4-13 (2) Remove the screws (five M4 screws) holding the receiver in place and remove the cables connected to the receiver, then Remove the five screws. replace the receiver. (3) Transfer the metal fitting from the removed receiver to the replacement receiver and fit the receiver into the casing. After having replaced the receiver, Remove the cable. reassemble the unit by following the disassembly procedure in the reverse order. Do not forget to tighten the bolts and screws, and do not forget to reconnect the cables. [Operation check] After having completed the replacement, follow the procedure below to check the operation. (1) Turn on the radar and emit radar waves once the countdown is finished, and check that the radar image is correctly displayed. Transmit radar signals on a long range and open the service engineer menu to adjust the tuning. Perform the adjustment in the service engineer menu until the tuning display bar on the display unit reaches the eighth calibration mark. 4-14 4.1.10. Encoder replacement / NKE-2254 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • A wrench (width across flats 7 mm for M4 bolts) • A wrench (width across flats 8 mm for M6 bolts) • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2) [Replacement procedure] (1) Remove the cover on the right (starboard) Remove the five cables. side (see Section 4.1.2), remove the cables connected to the transmitter-receiver unit and the screws (three M5 screws) holding the transmitter-receiver unit in place, and remove the transmitter-receiver unit. Remove the three screws. (2) Loosen the screws (two M4 screws) and Encoder Metal fitting remove the encoder together with the metal fitting. Loosen the two screws. 4-15 (3) Remove the metal fitting and the gear Remove the nut. Metal fitting wheel from the encoder, attach them to the replacement encoder and fit it into the casing. Encoder (4) Remove the three screws. After having replaced the encoder, reassemble the unit by following the disassembly procedure in the reverse order. Do not forget to tighten the bolts and screws, and do not forget to reconnect the cables. [Operation check] After having completed the replacement, follow the procedure below to check the operation. (1) Turn on the radar and emit radar waves once the countdown is finished, and check that the radar image is correctly displayed. Open the service engineer menu and adjust the azimuth. 4-16 4.1.11. Magnetron fan replacement / NKE-2254 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2) (1) Remove the cover on the right (starboard) side (see Section 4.1.2), remove the cables connected to the transmitter-receiver unit Remove the five cables. and the screws (three M5 screws) holding the transmitter-receiver unit in place, and remove the transmitter-receiver unit. Remove the three screws. (2) Remove the cable for the fan that is connected to the T/R control circuit board. Remove the cable. 4-17 (3) Remove the screws (four M4 screws) holding the fan in place and replace the fan. Remove the four screws. (4) After having replaced the fan, reassemble the unit by following the disassembly procedure in the reverse order. Do not forget to tighten the bolts and screws, and do not forget to reconnect the cables. [Operation check] After having completed the replacement, follow the procedure below to check the operation. (1) Turn on the radar and emit radar waves once the countdown is finished, and check that the radar image is correctly displayed. Check that the fan alarm is not triggered. 4.1.12. Modulator fan replacement / NKE-2254 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2) 4-18 (1) Remove the cover on the right (starboard) side (see Section 4.1.2), remove the cables Remove the five cables. connected to the transmitter-receiver unit and the screws (three M5 screws) holding the transmitter-receiver unit in place, and remove the transmitter-receiver unit. Remove the three screws. (2) Remove the cable for the fan that is connected to the T/R control circuit board. Remove the cable. (3) Loosen the screws (nine M4 screws) holding the cover in place, remove the screws (two M4 screws) holding the heat radiation plate in place, and remove the cover. Loosen the nine screws. Remove the two screws. 4-19 (4) Remove the screws (four M4 screws) holding the fan in place and replace the fan. (5) Remove the four screws. After having replaced the fan, reassemble the unit by following the disassembly procedure in the reverse order. Do not forget to tighten the bolts and screws, and do not forget to reconnect the cables. [Operation check] After having completed the replacement, follow the procedure below to check the operation. (1) Turn on the radar and emit radar waves once the countdown is finished, and check that the radar image is correctly displayed. Check that the fan alarm is not triggered. 4-20 4.1.13. NKE-2103 scanner unit parts replacement [Required tools] • Tools for removing the cover from the scanner unit A wrench (width across flats 13 mm for M8 bolts) • Tools used in each part replacement procedure [Replacement procedure] (1) Turn off the safety switch at the bottom of the scanner unit. Ship's heading bearing Set the safety switch to OFF. (2) Loosen the four hexagon bolts, and open Stay bracket the top cover until the stay bracket stopper works. Before the top cover can be closed, the stay bracket stopper must be released. Loosen the four hexagon bolts. (3) Replace the parts, which need replacement, according to the procedures in the subsequent sections. Be careful not to lose screws or brackets removed during replacement. (4) After the parts replacement, close the top cover, set the safety switch to ON. (Be sure to cap the safety switch.) The packing shall be clean, free from dust and dirt when you close the cover. (5) Turn on the radar, and perform necessary operation checks. 4-21 4.1.14. Magnetron Replacement for the NKE-2103 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2) [Replacement procedure] (1) Open the top cover (see Section 4.1.2), Slide loosen the four screws (M4), remove the transmitter-receiver unit cover, and disconnect the ten cables from the transmitter-receiver unit. The transmitter-receiver unit cover can be removed by sliding it. Loosen the four screws. (2) Loosen the five bolts (M5), and remove the transmitter-receiver unit. The transmitter- Slide receiver unit can be removed by sliding it upward. Loosen the five bolts. 4-22 (3) Remove the six screws (M4) that secure Nut plate the magnetron, and replace the magnetron. Remove the six screws. A shielded screwdriver shall be used for magnetron replacement. Touching the magnetron with metal (a tool) causes performance deterioration. Magnetron Cable: Green Cable: Yellow (4) Adjust the lead wires (yellow and green) of the new magnetron to an appropriate length, and tighten the screws to secure the cables. After the magnetron replacement, carry out the work in reverse order of removal. Be sure to tighten all the bolts and screws and connect all the cables. Be careful that the lead wires (yellow and green) of the magnetron do not touch other parts or the chassis. Bringing the lead wires into contact with them can cause the discharge. [Operation check] After completing the replacement work, check the operation by following the procedure below. (1) Turn on the radar, and allow sufficient preheating time (about 20 to 30 minutes in the STBY state). (2) Start transmission in a short pulse range, and gradually change to longer ranges. At this time, open the service engineer menu and perform provisional tuning adjustment. If operation becomes unstable in the meantime, immediately change the equipment back into the STBY state, leave it there for 5 to 10 minutes, and restart transmission. 4-23 (3) After long range transmission for about 15 minutes, open the service engineer menu again and perform tuning adjustment. In the service engineer menu, perform adjustment for the tune indicator bar on the display to reach 80%. In the service engineer menu, also confirm that the magnetron current indicator shows 50 to 70%. 4.1.15. Motor Replacement for the NKE-2103 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • A single-ended wrench (width across flats 10 mm for M6 bolts) • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2) [Replacement procedure] (1) Open the top cover (see Section 4.1.2), and remove the transmitter-receiver unit (see Section 4.1.6). (2) Remove the four hexagon bolts (M6), Remove the four bolts. and remove the motor. Apply grease to the gear of the new motor, and install the motor in the chassis. Be sure to tighten all the four hexagon bolts with specified torque (72 kgfcm). (3) After the motor replacement, carry out the work in reverse order of removal. Be sure to tighten all the bolts and screws and connect all the cables. The rotor of the motor rotates, so clamp the cables not to touch the rotor. 4-24 [Operation check] After completing the replacement work, check the operation by following the procedure below. (1) Turn on the radar, transmit radar signals when the countdown is finished, and check that radar images are displayed normally. There shall be no abnormal noise emitted when the motor starts running, when it is running, or when it stops. 4.1.16. Motor Control Power Circuit Replacement for the NKE-2103 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2.) [Replacement procedure] (1) Open the top cover (see Section 4.1.2), and remove the transmitter-receiver unit (see Section 4.1.6). (2) Disconnect the cables from the motor control power circuit, remove the eight screws (M4) that secure the motor control power circuit, and replace it. Remove the eight screws (M4). (3) After the replacement of motor control power circuit, carry out the work in reverse order of removal. Be sure to tighten all the bolts and screws and connect all the cables. 4-25 [Operation check] After completing the replacement work, check the operation by following the procedure below. (1) Turn on the radar, transmit radar signals when the countdown is finished, and check that radar images are displayed normally. 4.1.17. Modulation Circuit (CME-363) Replacement for the NKE-2103 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2) [Replacement procedure] (1) Open the top cover (see Section 4.1.2), and remove the transmitter-receiver unit (see Section 4.1.6). (2) Disconnect the cables from the modulation circuit, remove the nine screws (M4) that secure the modulation circuit, and replace it. If the heat radiation plate of the modulator is used, mount the insulating sheet straight between TR17/TR18 and the heat radiation plate. Remove the nine screws (M4). (3) After the modulation circuit replacement, carry out the work in reverse order of removal. Be sure to tighten all the bolts and screws and connect all the cables. 4-26 [Operation check] After completing the replacement work, check the operation by following the procedure below. (1) Turn on the radar, transmit radar signals when the countdown is finished, and check that radar images are displayed normally. After long range transmission, open the service engineer menu, and confirm that the magnetron current indicator shows 50 to 70%. 4.1.18. Power Circuit (CBD-1783) Replacement for the NKE-2103 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2.) [Replacement procedure] (1) Open the top cover (see Section 4.1.2), and remove the transmitter-receiver unit (see Section 4.1.6). (2) Disconnect the cables and remove the six screws (M4) from the power circuit, and then remove the power supply unit from the transmitter-receiver unit. Remove the six screws. 4-27 (3) Remove the six M4 screws and two M3 screws, and detach the power circuit from Remove the two screws (M3). Remove the six screws (M4). the mounting plate. (4) After the power circuit replacement, carry out the work in reverse order of removal. Be sure to tighten all the bolts and screws and connect all the cables. If the square radiating sheet attached to the chassis on the back (solder side) of the power circuit is torn, change to a new one provided with the replacement power circuit. 4.1.19. Receiver (NRG-610) Replacement for the NKE-2103 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • A single-ended wrench (width across flats 7 mm for M4 bolts) • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2.) [Replacement procedure] (1) Open the top cover (see Section 4.1.2), and remove the transmitter-receiver unit (see Section 4.1.6). After that, remove the magnetron (see Section 4.1.6). 4-28 (2) Remove the 3D circuit and receiver from the transmitter-receiver unit according to the procedure below. (a) Remove the M4 screw near the magnetron. Remove the M4 screw. (b) Remove the three screws (M4) from Motor control power circuit the motor control power circuit, and remove the 3D circuit from the chassis. Remove the three screws (M4). (c) Remove the two screws (M4) that secure the 3D circuit, and detach the 3D circuit from the mounting plate. Remove the two screws (M4). (d) Remove the four screws (M4) that secure the receiver, and replace it. Remove the four screws (M4). 4-29 (3) After the receiver replacement, carry out the work in reverse order of removal. Be sure to tighten all the bolts and screws and connect all the cables. After receiver replacement, perform the assembly procedure, paying attention to the fitting of the transmitter-receiver unit. If the fitting is poor, loosen the screws and perform the adjustment again. 4.1.20. Encoder Replacement for the NKE-2103 [Required tools] • A Phillips screwdriver for 4 mm screws • A Phillips screwdriver for 5 mm screws • A single-ended wrench (width across flats 7 mm for M4 bolts) • Tools for removing the scanner unit covers (See Section 4.1.2.) [Replacement procedure] (1) Open the top cover (see Section 4.1.2), and remove the transmitter-receiver unit (see Section 4.1.6). (2) Remove the two screws (M4) that secure the encoder, and remove the Loosen the M4 screw. Encoder encoder from the chassis. Remove the M4 screw. 4-30 (3) Remove the metal fitting and gear wheel from the old encoder, mount them on the Remove the nut. Metal fitting new encoder, and install the encoder in the chassis. Encoder (4) Remove the three screws. After the encoder replacement, carry out the work in reverse order of removal. Be sure to tighten all the bolts and screws and connect all the cables. [Operation check] After completing the replacement work, check the operation by following the procedure below. (1) Turn on the radar, transmit radar signals when the countdown is finished, and check that radar images are displayed normally. At this time, open the service engineer menu and adjust the bearing. 4-31 4.2. Display System 4.2.1. Brilliance Control Circuit CCK-970 [Notes] Do not directly touch the LCD surface. Do not directly touch the AR filter. To protect the LCD surface and parts, carry out the work on a soft cloth. [Required tools] A Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws A hexagonal Allen wrench (1.5 mm) [Removal] (1) Loosen the slotted-head screw of the control with a hexagonal Allen wrench, and remove the control and rubber bushing. (Hexagonal Allen wrench: 1.5 mm) (2) Remove the ten screws from the rear, and remove the front panel. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) Remove 4-32 (3) Disconnect the cables, remove the two screws, and remove the brilliance control circuit CCK-970 (TCH-002R). (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) Remove [Mounting] (1) Mount the circuit. (2) Connect the cables, and mount the front panel. (3) Mount the rubber bushing on the shaft of the control. Mounting direction (4) Insert and secure the control, checking how it turns and if you can feel the reaction (clicking) of the control when pressing it. [Operation check] (1) Check that the control turns smoothly. (2) Confirm that you feel the reaction (clicking) of the control when pressing it. (3) After the replacement, start the equipment, and check that images are displayed normally. (4) Brightness can be controlled in the whole range (from the minimum to maximum) by turning the brilliance control. 4-33 4.2.2. Power Supply Unit NBD-866A [Note] Before the power supply unit can be replaced, the power connectors of the processor unit must be disconnected. [Required tools] A Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws [Removal] (1) Remove the six screws to remove the top cover. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) Remove (2) Remove Remove the screws from both sides and the bottom of the power supply unit. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) Remove Remove 4-34 (3) Disconnect the connectors from the power circuit, and remove the power supply unit to replace it. [Mounting] (1) Mount the new power supply unit in reverse order of removal. [Operation check] (1) Check that the equipment starts normally. (2) Transmit radar signals and check that radar images are displayed normally. 4-35 4.2.3. Radar Processing Circuit CDC-1350 [Note] Save necessary setup data onto a memory card before starting the replacement. Take notes of the transmission time and operating time of the scanner unit. [Required tools] A socket wrench for 5.5 mm bolts A Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws [Removal] (1) Remove the top cover according to Section 4.2.2. (2) If ARPA and AIS processing circuits are installed, remove them according to Sections 4.2.5 and 4.2.6. (3) Disconnect the four connectors from the radar processing circuit. Remove Remove 4-36 (4) Remove the eight hexagonal support posts that secure the radar processing circuit. (Socket wrench for 5.5 mm bolts) Remove (5) Remove Remove the nine screws that secure the radar processing circuit, and replace it. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) Remove Remove [Mounting] (1) Confirm that the DIP switch settings are the same between the old and new radar processing circuits. (2) Assemble the unit in reverse order of removal. [Operation check] (1) Check that the equipment starts normally. (2) Check that an error message is not displayed. (3) Restore the setup data you saved, and set the transmission time and operating time of the scanner unit you wrote down. (4) Transmit radar signals and check that radar images are displayed normally. 4-37 (5) Check that the connected external sensors (e.g., true bearing, ship speed, latitude/longitudinal, and AIS) are displayed normally. 4.2.4. Battery [Notes] (1) If the battery is inserted with the polarities being opposite, remove it immediately. Do not use the battery any more. (2) Do not place the battery on a board or conductive object during the work. [Required tools] A standard screwdriver for adjustment A Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws [Removal] (1) Remove the top cover according to Section 4.2.2. (2) Insert the standard screwdriver for adjustment into between the battery and the battery holder, and lift the batter. (Standard screwdriver for adjustment) (3) Insert the standard screwdriver for adjustment into the location shown in the picture, and slide off the battery sideways. 4-38 [Mounting] (1) Check the polarities of the battery. Make sure that the positive polarity is upward. (2) Insert the battery into the battery holder sideways. (3) Check that the battery is fully inserted. [Operation check] (1) Check that the equipment starts normally. (2) Check that an error message is not displayed. 4-39 4.2.5. Target Tracking (TT) Unit NCA-877A [Required tools] A Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws [Removal] (1) Remove the top cover according to Section 4.2.2. (2) The TT circuit can be seen on the radar processing circuit. (3) Remove the four screws that secure the ARPA circuit, and remove the TT circuit lifting it straight up. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) Remove Remove TT circuit [Mounting] (1) Assemble the unit in reverse order of removal. [Operation check] (1) Check that the equipment starts normally. (2) Check that an error message is not displayed. (3) Generate pseudo targets according to Section 5.2.7 II of the instruction manual, and check that the targets can be acquired. (4) Display the numeric data of the acquired targets, and check that the correct values are displayed. 4-40 4.2.6. AIS Processing Circuit NQA-2155 [Required tools] A Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws [Removal] (1) Remove the top cover according to Section 4.2.2. (2) The AIS processing circuit can be seen on the radar processing circuit. AIS processing circuit (3) The AIS circuit and power circuit are connected with connector-attached cables. Disconnect the connector from the power circuit. Disconnect the connector. 4-41 (4) Remove the four screws that secure the AIS processing circuit, and replace it. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) [Mounting] (1) Confirm that the DIP switch and short plug settings are the same between the old and new AIS processing circuits. (2) Connect the connector-attached cables to the new AIS processing circuit. (3) Assemble the unit in reverse order of removal. [Operation check] (1) Check that the equipment starts normally. (2) Check that an error message is not displayed. 4-42 4.2.7. GYRO I/F Circuit CMJ-304E [Required tools] A Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws [Removal] (1) Remove the four screws that secure the NSK Unit NCT-4106A cover. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) (2) Disconnect the gyro/log cables. Remove (3) Detach the connector that is attached to the GYRO•LOG I/F circuit. Remove 4-43 (4) Remove the six screws that secure the GYRO/LOG I/F circuit, and replace it. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) [Mounting] (1) Check that the DIP switch settings of the GYRO I/F circuit are correct. Check the GYRO I/F circuit fuses. (2) Assemble the unit in reverse order of removal. (3) Start the equipment, and set the true bearing value. [Operation check] (1) Check that an error message is not displayed. (2) The true bearing value is traced correctly. (Resolution, and rotation direction) 4-44 4.2.8. GYRO I/F Circuit Fuses [Required tools] A Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws A standard screwdriver for 3 mm screws [Removal] (1) Remove the ten screws (4: upper, 3: right side, and 3: left side) from the processor unit cover, and remove it. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) (2) The four fuse holders placed in a line can be seen. Fuse holder (3) To uncap a fuse holder, turn the standard Push and screwdriver while pushing against the turn holder cap. (Standard screwdriver for 3 mm screws) 4-45 (4) Take out the fuse and check if it is blown. If it is blown, replace it. (5) Similarly, check the three other fuses. [Mounting] (1) Assemble the unit in reverse order of removal. (2) Start the equipment, and set the true bearing value. [Operation check] (1) Check that an error message is not displayed. (2) The true bearing value is traced correctly. (Resolution, and rotation direction) 4-46 4.2.9. Operation Circuit CCK-979 for the Standard Operation Unit [Required tools] A hexagonal Allen wrench (1.5 mm) A Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws [Removal] (1) Loosen the slotted-head screws that secure the six controls, and remove the controls. (Hexagonal Allen wrench: 1.5 mm) Remove (2) Remove the seven setscrews, and open the rear cover. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) Remove (3) Disconnect the four connectors, and Remove remove the rear cover. 4-47 (4) Remove the 20 setscrews, and remove the front cover. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) (5) Peel off the key rubber, disconnect the connector, and replace the board. Peel off Remove [Mounting] (1) Assemble the operation unit in reverse order of removal. When mounting the front cover, make sure that the keys on the key rubber fit snugly into the corresponding holes in the front cover. [Operation check] (1) Check that the equipment starts normally. (2) Check that an error message is not displayed. (3) Perform a key test, buzzer test, and light test according to Section of the instruction manual, and check that no abnormality is detected. (4) Check that the controls turn smoothly. (5) Confirm that you feel the reaction (clicking) of each control when pressing it. 4-48 4.2.10. PS2 Connector Circuit CQC-1204 for the Standard Operation Unit [Required tools] A Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws [Removal] (1) Remove the seven setscrews, and open Remove the rear cover. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) Remove (2) Disconnect the two connectors, and remove the rear cover. Remove (3) Remove the 2 setscrews, and replace the PS2 connector circuit. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) Remove 4-49 [Mounting] (1) Assemble the unit in reverse order of removal. [Operation check] (1) Check that the equipment starts normally. (2) Check that an error message is not displayed. (3) Perform a key test, buzzer test, and light test according to Section of the instruction manual, and check that no abnormality is detected. (4) Check that the PS2 mouse operates normally. 4-50 4.2.11. Trackball TRD-101S(BK)N1 for the Standard Operation Unit [Required tools] A Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws [Removal] (1) Remove the seven setscrews, and open Remove the rear cover. (Phillips screwdriver for 3 mm screws) Remove (2) Disconnect the connector from the trackball, and replace the trackball. Remove [Mounting] (1) Assemble the unit in reverse order of removal. [Operation check] (1) Check that the equipment starts normally. (2) Check that an error message is not displayed. (3) Perform a key test, buzzer test, and light test according to Section of the instruction manual, and check that no abnormality is detected. 4-51 4-52 Chapter 5 Program Update 5.1. Main Program Update Procedure 5.1.1. Items to be Provided • Compact flash card • PC card adapter for compact flash cards • New electronic program file (File name: 5200MK2prg.bin) 5.1.2. Update Procedure (1) Copy the new electronic program file into the root directory on the compact flash card. (2) Insert the compact flash card with the PC card adapter into card slot 2 (upper slot) in the processor unit (NDC-1460). (3) Turn on the radar display system. (4) When the program update confirmation screen is displayed, press the ENT button on the keyboard. (If program update is to be canceled, press the CLR/INFO button.) (5) When the message "Remove the card and Slot 2 Slot 1 restart" is displayed, remove the compact flash card, and restart the system. 5-1 5.2. AIS Processing Circuit Update Procedure 5.2.1. Items to be Provided • Compact flash card • PC card adapter for compact flash cards • New electronic program file (File name: AIS5200MK2prg_V****.bin) (**** indicates the program version.) 5.2.2. Update Procedure Copy the new electronic program file for AIS processing circuit into the root directory on the compact flash card. (1) Insert the compact flash card with the PC card adapter into card slot 2 (upper slot) in the processor unit (NDC-1460). (2) Turn on the radar display system. (3) Hold down the "RADAR MENU" key on the keyboard for two seconds or more. (4) When the "Code Input" screen is displayed, Slot 2 enter "0" and press the ENT button. (5) Slot 1 When the "Adjust" menu is displayed, select "2. Maintenance Menu" - "8. AIS PROC Program Update." (6) When the execution confirmation dialog box is displayed, select "1. Yes." (7) When the program update progress indicator reaches 100% and the execution confirmation dialog box disappears, the program update is complete. 5-2 5.3. How to Check the Version (1) Select "Main Menu" - "1. RADAR Menu" - "8. RADAR Sub Menu" - "9. Test Menu" "6. System INFO." (2) Move the cursor onto the "Exit" button, and press the CLR/INFO key on the keyboard five times. (3) Check the "Indicator" and "AIS" software versions in the newly displayed "System INFO." Indicator : Software version of the main program AIS : Software version of the AIS processing circuit 5-3 5-4 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Perform operation checks on the radar equipment at regular intervals, and if any abnormality is detected, immediately start inspection on the abnormality. In particular, be careful of the high voltages during operation checks, and caution should be taken to avoid incorrect or carelessness measurement which can cause trouble. Take notes of the check results that are very useful as reference during the next operation check. 6.1. Operation Check This equipment has a self-diagnostic function for checking the equipment internal operation conditions. Open the Test Menu to perform the self-diagnostic function. Procedure 1 Perform the following menu operation to open the Test Menu. Main Menu ψ 1. RADAR Menu ψ 8. RADAR Sub Menu ψ 9. Test Menu 2 Select the item you want to check. 1. Self Test 1. Self-diagnostic function 2. Monitor Test 2. Monitor check 3. Keyboard Test 3. Operation panel check 4. MON Display 4. Performance monitor 5. Alarm List / Log 5. Error log display 6. System INFO 6. System information display MAGI Indication of magnetron current 3 The check contents will be displayed. In the transmission state, the magnetron current is displayed in a bar graph. Shown below are the normal values of transmitters. (Measurement in 48 nm range) 10 kW: Magnetron current indicator bar reaches 40 to 60%. 25 kW: Magnetron current indicator bar reaches 60 to 90% 6-1 6.1.1. Self-diagnostic Function (Self Test) This function checks the memory, scanner unit, and communication lines. 1. Memory Test 1. Display-system internal memory check 2. TXRX Test 2. Scanner unit check 3. Line Test 3. Communication line check Ԙ Display-system internal memory check (Memory Test) Checks the internal memory operating conditions. 1. SDRAM 1. SDRAM check 2. SRAM 2. SRAM check 3. Flash ROM 4. Graphic 3. Flash ROM check 4. Graphic check If no abnormality is detected, "OK" is displayed; if an abnormality is detected, "NG" is displayed. ԙ Scanner unit check (TXRX Test) Checks signals from the scanner. Safety Switch Scanner-unit safety switch check AZI Pulse Antenna rotation signal check HL Pulse Heading line signal check MH Current Check on the load current of high voltage in the modulator Trigger Radar trigger signal check Video Radar image check If no abnormality is detected, "OK" is displayed; if an abnormality is detected, "NG" is displayed. ** is displayed when the equipment is in standby state. 6-2 Ԛ Communication line check (Line Test) Checks the status of communication with optional equipment, external navigators, or the likes. TXRX Check on connection with the scanner unit NSK Check on connection with the NSK (NCT-4106A) unit Compass Check on connection with equipment on the compass port COM1 Check on connection with the COM1 port COM2 Check on connection with the COM2 port COM3 Check on connection with the COM3 port COM4 Check on connection with the COM4 port Plotter Key Check on connection with the plotter control unit If no abnormality is detected, "OK" is displayed; if an abnormality is detected, "NG" is displayed. ** is displayed for equipment not connected. 6.1.2. Display Unit Check (Monitor Test) This function checks the display unit. The test pattern will be shown on the display. 1. Pattern1 : 1. Filled in solid white 2. Pattern2 : 2. A white box is displayed on a black background of 1280 u 1024 dots. 3. Pattern3 : 3. Two squares, two circles, and nine cross shapes are displayed (with white lines on a black background). 4. Pattern4 : 4. Letters "H" of 9 u 9 dots are displayed on the entire screen (with white letters on a black background). 5. Pattern5 : 5. A gray scale (16 levels) is displayed. 6. Pattern6 : 6. A color bar is displayed. 7. Pattern7 : 7. Colors specified with RGB are displayed. To return to the ordinary display, press any key. If no test pattern is displayed, a monitor error is assumed. 6-3 6.1.3. Operation Unit Check (Keyboard Test) This function checks the controls and switches on the operation panel. 1. Key Test 1. Key check 2. Buzzer Test 2. Buzzer check 3. Light 3. Operation panel light check Ԙ Key check (Key Test) Checks the controls and switches on the operation panel. Each operation panel key on the display is highlighted at the same time as the key is pressed, and the name of the pressed key is displayed. ԙ Buzzer check (Buzzer Test) Checks the operation panel buzzer. The buzzer will sound. The buzzer automatically stops after it sounds for a specified length of time. Ԛ Operation panel light check (Light Test) Checks the operation panel light. The brightness of the operation panel light will increase gradually in four levels. 6-4 6.1.4. Performance Monitor (MON Display) This function displays the performance monitor status. * Transmitter System Check on the attenuation of the transmitter system Attenuation Value * Receiver System Check on the attenuation of the receiver system MON Pattern Range Attenuation Value Note: When checking the attenuation of the transmitter system, read the value one minute after you open this menu. Procedure 1. Turn the [VRM] control until VRM reaches the furthest end of the performance monitor pattern. The attenuation of the receiver system will be displayed for Attenuation Value of *Receiver System . 6.1.5. System Alarm Log Display (Alarm List/Log) If a system error occurs, this function highlights the error. Errors that have been reset are also displayed in time series. Alarm logs are cleared by pressing the All Clear button on the log display screen. 6-5 6.1.6. System Information Display (System INFO) This function displays system information such as the hours of using the magnetron, the program versions, etc. * Indicator Ver.**.** Display system program version * TXRX Ver.**.** Scanner program version * System No. No.**.** Display system number * TXRX Time Transmit *** hrs Transmission hours Motor *** hrs Hours of using the scanner motor Total *** hrs Hours of using the scanner unit **** hrs Hours of using the display system * System Time * Total 6-6 6.2. Error Message Lists 6.2.1. Error Messages for the Scanner Unit TXRX(SSW Off) Description This message indicates that the safety switch on the scanner unit is OFF. Transmission is not allowed when the safety switch is OFF. Location of cause o Procedure Safety switch on the x Set the safety switch to ON. scanner unit x Check the safety switch S101. CMC-1205R in the x Check the insertion of J1105 on the CMC-1205R. scanner unit x Replace the CMC-1205R. TXRX(MHV) Description This message indicates that the high-voltage power supply for the modulation circuit in the scanner unit is abnormal. The power circuit CBD-1682A or the modulation circuit CPA-264 may be faulty. Location of cause o CPA-264 in the scanner unit Procedure x Check the insertion of connectors J2102 and J2101 on the modulation circuit CPA-264. x Replace the CPA-264. CBD-1682A in the scanner unit x Check the insertion of connector J1002 on the power circuit CBD-1682A. Replace the CBD-1682A. CMC-1205R in the x Check the insertion of P1111 on the CMC-1205R. scanner unit x Replace the CMC-1205R. Cables in the scanner x Check the cables in the scanner unit. unit W003, W107, and W201 6-7 TXRX(Reverse) Description In circumstances where the antenna is subjected to "external force due to strong wind (equivalent to wind speed 51.5 m/s) that exceeds the capacity for driving the scanner, the scanner unit enters the protection mode and does not drive the motor. If the motor is reversed by strong wind under such circumstances, this error message is displayed. when the wind has died down, there is no failure. driving system error is suspected. If transmission can be restarted normally If transmission cannot be restarted, a scanner In this case, check the items below. Location of cause o Procedure CSC-656 in the x Check the scanner motor power line. scanner unit x If it is faulty, replace the CSC-656. CBD-2000/CBD-2001 x Check the scanner motor power line. in the scanner unit x If it is faulty, replace the CBD-2000/2001. Motor in the scanner x Check the motor cabling. unit x Replace the motor B101. (The type of motor B101 varies depending on the scanner unit.) TXRX(Heater) Description This message indicates that the magnetron heater power supply in the scanner unit is faulty. The power circuit CBD-1682A, the T/R control circuit CMC-1205R, or the modulation circuit CPA-264 may be faulty. Location of cause o CPA-264 in the scanner unit Procedure x Check the insertion of connectors J2102 and J2103 on the modulation circuit CPA-264. x Replace the CPA-264. CBD-1682A in the scanner unit x Check the insertion of connector J1003 on the power circuit CBD-1682A. Replace the CBD-1682A. CMC-1205R in the x Check the insertion of P1111 and J1103 on the CMC-1205R. scanner unit x Replace the CMC-1205R. Cables in the scanner x Check the cables in the scanner unit. unit W003, W005, and W104 6-8 TXRX(Video) Description This message indicates that the radar video signal from the scanner is faulty. If TXRX(MHV) or TXRX(Heater) is displayed, handle the error first. Since this message is displayed even when the transmitter is not operating, first check the magnetron current on the test menu of the display system, and check if the transmission function is normal. If the transmission function is abnormal, the modulation circuit CPA-264, the power circuit CBD-1682A, or the T/R control circuit CMC-1205R may be faulty. If the transmission function is normal, the receiver NRG-162A/NRG-229 may be faulty. Location of cause o CPA-264 in the scanner unit Procedure x Check the insertion of connectors J2102 and J2103 on the modulation circuit CPA-264. x Replace the CPA-264. CMC-1205R in the x Check the insertion of P1111 and J1103 on the CMC-1205R. scanner unit x Replace the CMC-1205R. CBD-1682A in the x Check the insertion of connector J1003 on the power circuit scanner unit CBD-1682A. x Replace the CBD-1682A. NRG-162A or NRG-229 in the scanner unit x Check the insertion of the connector J101 on the receiver NRG-162A or NRG-229. x Check the insertion of J1109 and J1110 on the CMC-1205R. x Replace the receiver NRG-162A or NRG-229. Cables in the scanner unit x Check the cables in the scanner unit. W003, W005, W104, and W001 TXRX(Trigger) Description This message indicates that the trigger signal from the scanner is faulty. The T/R control circuit CMC-1205R may be faulty. Location of cause o CMC-1205R in the Procedure x Replace the CMC-1205R. scanner unit 6-9 TXRX(Fan1) TXRX(Fan2) Description These messages indicate that the fan in the scanner unit is faulty. Location of cause o Procedure B103 and B104 in the x Check the insertion of P1113 and J1114 on the CMC-1205R. scanner unit x Replace the B103 and B104. TXRX(Motor) Description This message indicates that the motor in the scanner unit is faulty. Location of cause o Procedure Motor in the scanner x Check the motor cabling. unit x Replace the motor B101. (The type of motor B101 varies depending on the scanner unit.) 6-10 TXRX(AZI) Description This message indicates that a rotation signal is not output from the scanner. If the message is displayed, the radar forcibly stops transmission. A rotation signal may not be output when the motor is stopped. First check that the motor is running. If the driving system is protected from strong wind, the motor is stopped, and the error message may be displayed. In this case, there is no failure, and transmission can be restarted when the wind has died down. If the motor is not running, the motor, the relay circuit CSC-656, an equipment cable, or the power terminal board circuit in the display system may be faulty. If the motor is running, the encoder or the T/R control circuit CMC-1205R may be faulty. Location of cause o Equipment cable in the scanner unit Procedure x Check the scanner equipment cables. TB103/TB203 A and B, TB104/TB204 VERR/E, and TB103/TB202 U1/V1 Power terminal board circuit CBD-1702A in x Check the fuse F3 on the power terminal board circuit CBD-1702A, and replace it if blown. the display system x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 Motor in the scanner x Check the cabling of the motor B101. unit x Replace the motor B101. (The type of motor B101 varies depending on the scanner unit.) Encoder in the x Check the cabling of the encoder B102. scanner unit x Replace the encoder B102. (The type of encoder B102 varies depending on the scanner unit.) CMC-1205R in the x Check the insertion of J13 on the CMC-1205R. scanner unit x Replace the CMC-1205R. CSC-656 in the x Check the insertion of each connector on the CSC-656. scanner unit x Replace the CSC-656. 6-11 TXRX(HL) Description This message indicates that a reference position signal is not output from the scanner. If the message is displayed, the radar forcibly stops transmission. A reference position signal may not be output when the motor is stopped. First check that the motor is running. If the motor is not running, the motor, the relay circuit CSC-656, an equipment cable, or the power terminal board circuit in the display system may be faulty. If the motor is running, the encoder or the T/R control circuit CMC-1205R may be faulty. Location of cause o Equipment cable in the scanner unit Procedure x Check the scanner equipment cables. TB103/TB203 Z, TB104/TB204 VERR/E, and TB103/TB202 U1/V1 Power terminal board circuit CBD-1702A in x Check the fuse F3 on the power terminal board circuit CBD-1702A, and replace it if blown. the display system x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 Motor in the scanner x Check the cabling of the motor B101. unit x Replace the motor B101. (The type of motor B101 varies depending on the scanner unit.) Encoder in the x Check the cabling of the encoder B102. scanner unit x Replace the encoder B102. (The type of encoder B102 varies depending on the scanner unit.) CMC-1205R in the x Check the insertion of J13 on the CMC-1205R. scanner unit x Replace the CMC-1205R. CSC-656 in the x Check the insertion of each connector on the CSC-656. scanner unit x Replace the CSC-656. 6-12 TXRX(Data) Description This message indicates that communication between the display system and scammer is faulty. If the message is displayed, radar transmission is not permitted. The communication error is caused by either of the following: • Cable fault between the display system and scanner unit • No power supply to the scanner unit First check the voltage of power supply to the scanner unit, and identify the cause of the error. Location of cause o Power terminal board circuit CBD-1702A in the display system Procedure x Check the fuse F3 on the power terminal board circuit CBD-1702A, and replace it if blown. x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 x Replace the CBD-1702A. Equipment cable in the scanner unit CMC-1205R in the scanner unit x Check the scanner equipment cables. TB201 MTR+/MTR- and TB203 +48V/+48VG x Check the insertion of each connector on the CMC-1205R. TB101 MTR+/MTR- and J1103 x Replace the CMC-1205R. CBD-1682A in the scanner unit x Check the insertion of each connector on the power circuit CBD-1682A. J3 1A/2A: 48 VDC and J1003 x Replace the CBD-1682A. 6-13 6.2.2. Error Messages for the Display System Keyboard(Data) Keyboard2(Data) Description These messages indicate that communication with the operation unit is faulty. Keyboard(Data) indicates the communication status of the main operation unit; Keyboard 2(Data) indicates the communication status of the sub-operation unit. The operation unit may be faulty, an operation unit cable may be broken, the power terminal board circuit in the display system may be faulty, or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. Location of cause o Procedure CCK-979 (English x Check the insertion of J6001 on the operation circuit CCK-979/980. version) or CCK-980 x Replace the operation circuit CCK-979/980. (Japanese version) in x Replace the operation unit NCE-7699A or NCE-7729A. the operation unit Power terminal board Keyboard(Data): circuit CBD-1702A in x Check the insertion of J5002 and J5003 on the power terminal the display system board circuit CBD-1702A. x Check the connection of operation unit cable J4. x Replace the CBD-1702A. Keyboard2(Data): x Check the insertion of J5002, J5003, and J5007 on the power terminal board circuit CBD-1702A. x Check the connection of operation unit cable J9(AUX). x Replace the CBD-1702A. CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Replace the CDC-1350. 6-14 PROC(Trigger) Description This message indicates that the trigger signal from the scanner is faulty. If TXRX(Trigger) or TXRX(Data) is displayed, handle the error first. A scanner equipment cable may be broken, the power terminal board circuit in the display system may be faulty, or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Replace the CDC-1350. PROC(AZI) Description This message indicates that the rotation signal from the scanner is faulty. If TXRX(AZI) or TXRX(Data) is displayed, handle the error first. A scanner equipment cable may be broken, the power terminal board circuit in the display system may be faulty, or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Replace the CDC-1350. 6-15 PROC(HL) Description This message indicates that the reference position signal from the scanner is faulty. If TXRX(HL) or TXRX(Data) is displayed, handle the error first. A scanner equipment cable may be broken, the power terminal board circuit in the display system may be faulty, or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Replace the CDC-1350. PROC(Video) Description This message indicates that the radar video signal from the scanner is faulty. If TXRX(Video) or TXRX(Data) is displayed, handle the error first. A scanner equipment cable may be broken, the power terminal board circuit in the display system may be faulty, or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Replace the CDC-1350. 6-16 PROC(INT) Description This message indicates that the processing reference pulse signal in the radar processing circuit is faulty. If TXRX(Trigger), TXRX(Data), or PROC(Trigger) is displayed, handle the error first. A scanner equipment cable may be broken, the power terminal board circuit in the display system may be faulty, or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Replace the CDC-1350. Indicator(Fan) Description If the NCD-4380(NCM-866) is used, a jumper plug is inserted instead of providing a cooling fan. This message indicates that the jumper plug is faulty.㩷 If the NCD-4390 is used, the message indicates that the cooling fan in the display system is faulty. The fan in the display system may be faulty or the jumper plug may be broken, or the input-output section may be faulty. Location of cause o Procedure Fan or cable in the x Replace the fan in the display system. display system x Replace the jumper cable in the display system. Power terminal board If the NCD-4380(NCM-866) is used: circuit CBD-1702A in x Check the jumper cable connection of the CBD-1702A. J5006 the display system x Replace the CBD-1702A. If the NCD-4390 is used: x Check the cooling fan on the CBD-1702A. x Replace the CBD-1702A. 6-17 ASIC1 to RADAR Description This message indicates that the signal to the DSP circuit from the radar processing circuit in the display system is faulty. In general, the DSP circuit is not installed, so the message is not to be displayed. RADAR to ASIC2 Description This message indicates that the signal to the radar processing circuit from the DSP circuit in the processor unit of the display system is faulty. In general, the DSP circuit is not installed, so the message is not to be displayed. AIS PROC(Data) Description This message indicates that the signal to the radar processing circuit from the AIS processor in the processor unit of the display system is faulty. If the message is displayed, AIS information cannot be displayed. Location of cause o Procedure NQA-2155 x Check the mounting status of the AIS processor NQA-2155. (CDC-1353) x Replace the AIS processor NQA-2155. CDC-1350 in the x Replace the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. display system 6-18 NSK(Time Out) Description This message indicates that the communication signals of the NSK unit connected to the display system and the radar processing circuit are faulty. If the message is displayed, the true bearing value cannot be displayed. The NSK unit, the power terminal board circuit in the display system, or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. Location of cause o NSK unit NCT-4106A (CMJ-304E) Procedure x Check the insertion of the 8-pin connector on the NSK unit NCT-4106A. x Check the lighting of LEDs on the NSK unit NCT-4106A. x Replace the NSK unit NCT-4106A. Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5, J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Replace the CDC-1350. 6.2.3. Error Messages for the External Input-Output Equipment GYRO(Data) Description This message indicates that the NSK unit connected to the display system cannot recognize the GYRO signal. If the message is displayed, the true bearing value cannot be displayed. A fuse in the NSK unit may be blown or the NSK unit may be faulty. There may be no GYRO output or GYRO signal amplification may be too low. Location of cause o Procedure NSK unit x Check the insertion of the 8-pin connector on the NSK unit NCT-4106A. NCT-4106A x Check the connections of cables of the NSK unit NCT-4106A. (CMJ-304E) TB10 x Check the settings of switches on the NSK unit NCT-4106A. x Check the fuses F1 to F4 on the NSK unit NCT-4106A. x Replace the NSK unit NCT-4106A. 6-19 Heading(Time Out), Heading(Data) Description These messages indicate that true bearing data cannot be recognized by the radar processing circuit in the display system. If either of the messages is displayed, the true bearing value cannot be displayed. The input-output unit or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. The baud rate of the serial port for Heading may not be correct. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5, J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Check the baud rate in the initial setting menu. x Check if Compass is selected for Heading Equipment Setting in the initial setting menu. x Replace the radar processing circuit (CDC-1350) in the processor unit. 6-20 Position(Data) Description This message indicates that position data cannot be recognized by the radar processing circuit in the display system. If the message is displayed, latitudes and longitudes cannot be displayed. The power terminal board circuit in the display system or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. The baud rate of the serial port for the GPS may not be correct. A setting may not be made for using the receive port to which the GPS is connected. There may be no GPS output. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J3,J5002,J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Check the baud rate in the initial setting menu. x In the initial setting menu, check the receive port to be used. x Replace the radar processing circuit (CDC-1350) in the processor unit. 6-21 GPS(Data) Description This message indicates that date data cannot be recognized by the radar processing circuit in the display system. If the message is displayed, the automatic time correction function cannot be used. The power terminal board circuit in the display system or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. The baud rate of the serial port for the GPS may not be correct. A setting may not be made for using the receive port to which the GPS is connected. There may be no GPS output. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J3,J5002,J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing display system circuit CDC-1350. x Check the baud rate in the initial setting menu. x In the initial setting menu, check the receive port to be used. x Replace the radar processing circuit (CDC-1350) in the processor unit. GPS(Status) Description This message indicates that GPS information received by the radar processing circuit in the display system is not correct. If the message is displayed, latitudes and longitudes cannot be displayed. Position fixing may not be done in the GPS receiver. Location of cause o GPS receiver Procedure x Make a setting for position information to be fixed in the GPS receiver. 6-22 2AXW(Time Out), 2AXW(Data), 2AXG(Time Out), 2AXG(Data) Description These messages indicate that the serial log signal is faulty if 2AXG or 2AXW is selected as the ship speed information to be used. If any of the messages is displayed, the ship speed cannot be displayed. The power terminal board circuit in the display system or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. The baud rate of the serial port for the log may not be correct. A setting may not be made for using the receive port to which the log is connected. There may be no log output. The message is not displayed any more when other ship speed information is selected. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Check the baud rate in the initial setting menu. x In the initial setting menu, check the receive port to be used. x Use other ship speed information (MAN, GPS, or Log). x Replace the radar processing circuit (CDC-1350) in the processor unit. 6-23 AIS(Time Out), AIS(Data) Description These messages indicate that AIS data cannot be recognized by the AIS processing circuit in the display system. If either of the messages is displayed, AIS information cannot be displayed. The power terminal board circuit in the display system, the AIS processing circuit, or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. The baud rate of the serial port for the AIS may not be correct. A setting may not be made for using the receive port to which the AIS is connected. There may be no AIS output. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J6,J5002,J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing CDC-1350 in the display system circuit CDC-1350. x Check the baud rate in the initial setting menu. x In the initial setting menu, check the receive port to be used. x Replace the radar processing circuit (CDC-1350) in the processor unit. AIS Alarm *** Description This message indicates that alarm information is included in AIS data received by this radar equipment. The three asterisks "***" are shown with a 3-digit number indicating an alarm type (alarm number). The message is displayed if the AIS unit is faulty. In response to the message, nothing can be done on the radar equipment. on the AIS unit. Solve the problem For the alarm number, see the instruction manual of the AIS unit connected. If the message is displayed, a navigator such as a GYRO or GPS is not connected to the AIS unit in many cases. Location of cause o AIS unit Procedure x Solve the problem on the AIS unit. 6-24 Depth(Time Out), Depth(Data) Description If water depth data is received from a serial port, these messages indicate that the serial data is abnormal. If either of the messages is displayed, water depth data cannot be displayed. The power terminal board circuit in the display system or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. The baud rate of the serial port for water depth data may not be correct. A setting may not be made for using the receive port to which the echo sounder is connected. There may be no echo sounder output. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Check the baud rate in the initial setting menu. x In the initial setting menu, check the receive port to be used. x Replace the radar processing circuit (CDC-1350) in the processor unit. 6-25 Temperature(Time Out), Temperature(Data) Description If water temperature data is received from a serial port, these messages indicate that the serial data is abnormal. If either of the messages is displayed, water temperature data cannot be displayed. The power terminal board circuit in the display system or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. The baud rate of the serial port for water temperature data may not be correct. A setting may not be made for using the receive port to which the water temperature sensor is connected. There may be no output from the water temperature sensor. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Check the baud rate in the initial setting menu. x In the initial setting menu, check the receive port to be used. x Replace the radar processing circuit (CDC-1350) in the processor unit. 6-26 Wind(Time Out), Wind(Data) Description If wind direction/speed data is received from a serial port, these messages indicate that the serial data is abnormal. If either of the messages is displayed, wind direction/speed data cannot be displayed. The power terminal board circuit in the display system or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. The baud rate of the serial port for wind direction/speed data may not be correct. A setting may not be made for using the receive port to which the vane anemometer sensor is connected. There may be no output from the vane anemometer sensor. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Check the baud rate in the initial setting menu. x In the initial setting menu, check the receive port to be used. x Replace the radar processing circuit (CDC-1350) in the processor unit. 6-27 Current(Time Out), Current(Data) Description If tidal current data is received from a serial port, these messages indicate that the serial data is abnormal. If either of the messages is displayed, tidal current data cannot be displayed. The power terminal board circuit in the display system or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. The baud rate of the serial port for tidal current data may not be correct. A setting may not be made for using the receive port to which the current meter sensor is connected. There may be no output from the current meter sensor. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Check the baud rate in the initial setting menu. x In the initial setting menu, check the receive port to be used. x Replace the radar processing circuit (CDC-1350) in the processor unit. 6-28 Rate of Turn(Time Out), Rate of Turn(Data) Description If turning speed data (Rate of Turn) is received from a serial port, these messages indicate that the serial data is abnormal. If either of the messages is displayed, ROT cannot be displayed. The power terminal board circuit in the display system or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. The baud rate of the serial port for ROT may not be correct. A setting may not be made for using the receive port to which the GYRO is connected. There may be no GRYO output. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Check the baud rate in the initial setting menu. x In the initial setting menu, check the receive port to be used. x Replace the radar processing circuit (CDC-1350) in the processor unit. 6-29 Rudder(Time Out), Rudder(Data) Description If rudder angle sensor data is received from a serial port, these messages indicate that the serial data is abnormal. If either of the messages is displayed, the rudder angle cannot be displayed. The power terminal board circuit in the display system or the radar processing circuit may be faulty. The baud rate of the serial port for rudder angle data may not be correct. A setting may not be made for using the receive port to which the rudder angle sensor is connected. There may be no output from the rudder angle sensor. Location of cause o Procedure Power terminal board x Check the CBD-1702A cable connection. J5002, J5003 circuit CBD-1702A in x Replace the CBD-1702A. the display system CDC-1350 in the display system x Check the insertion of J4402 and J4003 on the radar processing circuit CDC-1350. x Check the baud rate in the initial setting menu. x In the initial setting menu, check the receive port to be used. x Replace the radar processing circuit (CDC-1350) in the processor unit. 6-30 6.3. Examples of Trouble 6.3.1. Internal Circuits The radar display flickers on and off Description The radar is operating normally, but the radar display appears and disappears at intervals. Location of cause o Connection Procedure A connector may not be connected correctly. Check the connection of the RGB connector (J7) and LCD power connector (J6). Input voltage The input voltage may be too low. Check the voltage. The power cannot be turned on. Description Pressing the power switch does not start the equipment. Location of cause o Procedure Circuit breaker Check that the circuit breaker is turned on. Input voltage The protection circuit may be activated because the input voltage is too high. (Preset protective voltage +42 VDC) Check the voltage. The cursor cannot be operated with the trackball. Description The cursor cannot be moved by operating the trackball. Location of cause o Setting Procedure Check that the equipment is not in a mode for operation with the EBL or VRM control. To return to the ordinary operation mode, hold down EBL. Trackball If operation with the EBL or VRM control is also impossible, replace the trackball. 6-31 Lines you have not entered are displayed. Description Lines you have not entered are shown on the radar display. Location of cause o Procedure PI They may be PI (parallel index) lines. Check that PI display is off. MOB The MOB key may have been pressed. Hold down the MOB key to see if the condition is improved. Destination A destination may be set. destination setting if so. Check if a destination is set, and clear the For details, see the NDB-34A plotter instruction manual. Temporary destination A temporary destination may be set. Assign the user key to the end point key (o), and double-click at any position. For the user key setting procedure, see the instruction manual. The initial acquisition mark is not displayed. Description A target is selected, but the initial acquisition mark is not displayed. Location of cause o Procedure TT brilliance Check that TT brilliance is not set to 0. ARPA/ATA circuit Replace the ARPA/ATA circuit. A Keyboard(DATA) error message is displayed. Description Operation can be performed, but a Keyboard(DATA) error message is displayed. Location of cause o Connection Procedure The operation unit may be connected to the AUX connector instead of J4. Check the connection of the operation unit. 6-32 6.3.2. External Equipment Connection cannot be established with external equipment for NMEA output. Description The following may cause this trouble: connection polarity, baud rate setting, setting for using external navigator, or output-equipment fan failure. Location of cause o Polarity Procedure If the connection is correct, the output is LOW at the time of no signal when viewed with the negative side as reference on the oscilloscope. Baud rate Adjust the baud rate to the value defined in the output specifications for the navigator. Output-equipment fan Check that multiple devices are not connected to the same port on the failure external equipment. Signals may not arrive correctly because the output capacity of the external equipment is exceeded. Follow the external equipment specifications. The true bearing value cannot be displayed correctly. Description The setting may not be correct, or the bearing sensor may have a problem. Location of cause o Setting Procedure The GYRO I/F circuit may not be set correctly. Check if the setting is suitable for the equipment in use. GYRO(DATA) If signal amplification is too low when a step-type gyro is used, an error Step type may be posted. In many cases, the error can occur if the multiple devices are connected with the same port and the output capacity of the gyro compass is exceeded. In only a few cases, electric potential at LOW level of the output signal increases at that time. To conform to the input specifications for the GYRO I/F circuit, voltage at LOW level must be r2.5 V or less. Voltage at HIGH level must be r20 V or more. GYRO(DATA) If an error occurs intermittently, it may be improved by setting DIP-SW Synchro type S4 No. 5 on the GYRO I/F circuit to ON. However, note that the setting of S4(5) simply extends time for error determination and does not solve the essential problem of the gyro. 6-33 6-34 Chapter 7 Drawings 7.1. Outline Drawings Figure 7.1 Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2254-7 Figure 7.2 Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2254-9 Figure 7.3 Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2103-4/4HS Figure 7.4 Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2103-6/6HS Figure 7.5 Outline Drawing of the Display System NDC-1460 Figure 7.6 Outline Drawing of the Display Unit NWZ-164 Figure 7.7 Outline Drawing of the Operation Unit NCE-7699A Figure 7.8 Outline Drawing of the Multi-function Operation Unit NCE-7729A Figure 7.9 Outline Drawing of the Rectifier NBA-5111 (Option) Figure 7.10 Overall System Diagram of the Radar JMA-5222-7/9 Figure 7.11 Overall System Diagram of the Radar JMA-5212-4/6/4HS/6HS Figure 7.12 Inter-Unit Connection Diagram of the JMA-5222-7/9 Figure 7.13 Inter-Unit Connection Diagram of the JMA-5212-4/6/4HS/6HS Figure 7.14 Internal Connection Diagram of the Scanner Unit NKE-2254 Figure 7.15 Internal Connection Diagram of the Scanner Unit NKE-2103 Figure 7.16 Internal Connection Diagram of the Processor Unit NDC-1460 7-1 7.1.1. Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2254-7 Figure 7.1 Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2254-7 7-2 7.1.2. Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2254-9 Figure 7.2 Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2254-9 7-3 7.1.3. Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2103-4/4HS Figure 7.3 Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2103-4/4HS 7-4 7.1.4. Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2103-6/6HS Figure 7.4 Outline Drawing of the Scanner Unit NKE-2103-6/6HS 7-5 7.1.5. Outline Drawing of the Display System NDC-1460 Figure 7.5 Outline Drawing of the Display System NDC-1460 7-6 DISPLAY AREA 1/ 6-7 (HOLE FOR INSTALLATION) 7.1.6. Outline Drawing of the Display Unit NWZ-164 Figure 7.6 Outline Drawing of the Display Unit NWZ-164 7-7 DISPLAY AREA Figure 7.7 OVER TO OUTLINE DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONAL DEVIATIONS INLET FOR OPTION (PS2) MASS: APPROX. 1.3 kg (5-METER CONNECTION CABLE INCLUDED) CHASSIS COLOR: N4-EQUIVALENT TEXTURED HN2001G 4-M4 DEPTH 5.8 LOCATION TO ATTACH HOOK AND LOOP FASTENER CABLE INLET 7.1.7. Outline Drawing of the Operation Unit NCE-7699A Outline Drawing of the Operation Unit NCE-7699A 7-8 7.1.8. Outline Drawing of the Multi-function Operation Unit NCE-7729A Figure 7.8 Outline Drawing of the Multi-function Operation Unit NCE-7729A 7-9 7.1.9. Outline Drawing of the Rectifier NBA-5111 (Option) Figure 7.9 Outline Drawing of the Rectifier NBA-5111 (Option) 7-10 7.2. System Diagrams 7.2.1. Overall System Diagram of the Radar JMA-5222-7/9 Figure 7.10 Overall System Diagram of the Radar JMA-5222-7/9 7-11 7.2.2. Overall System Diagram of the Radar JMA-5212-4/6/4HS/6HS Figure 7.11 Overall System Diagram of the Radar JMA-5212-4/6/4HS/6HS 7-12 Figure 7.12 GYRO LOG(200P) 250V-DPYCYS-1.5 250V-MPYCYS-7 3/S2 S3 3 4 2 BUZZ- ALM- 7 +5V ALM+ 6 CFQ-5436-5 (5m JRC SUPPLY) NSKRXD- NSKRXD+ NSKTXD+ GND 8 250V-TTYCS-4 NSKTXD- 5 4 3 2 1 SHIPS MAINS DC24V 300Wmax BUZZER OUTPUT TB40 BUZZ+ 2 LOGSLOG SYNC/PULSE 1 4 LOGS+ LOGP- 1 3 TB20 LOGP+ 5/R2 GYRO SYNC/STEP 2/S1 2 5 TB10 1/R1 1 NCT-4106A NSK UNIT (OPTION) SUB KEYBOARD AIS CFQ-6998 BLK BLK BLK RED RED RED 3+, 3- 2- 2+ 1+ 1- P12VE FG PS CONT1 CONT2 KEYTXDKEYTXD+ KEYRXD+ KEYRXD+12V +12V GND GND 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NSKRXDGND 4 5 ALM- BUZZER OUTPUT EVENT INPUT INPUT OUTPUT GPSRXD+ 4 PCCTS 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2A POWER INPUT 2A 2A 1A 1A J1 1A NC RS232C PORT 8 9 PCRTS GND 5 7 NC 4 NC PCTXD 3 6 PCRXD 2 1 J8 NC to GPS GPSTXD+ NAVCOM 3 5 GND 2 1 J3 +12V - + 8 +5V to JLR-10 / 20 / 30 / NCT-4106A 7 ALM+ NSKRXD+ 3 6 NSKTXD+ NSKTXD- J5 2 1 SUB KEY-BOARD P12V 1 J9 (J5007) option EVENTRS-422 PORT EVENT+ 6 7 GND NMEA TXD- 5 4 NMEA TXD+ NMEA RXD- 2 3 NMEA RXD+ 1 J6 CBD-1702A I/O POWER SUPPLY BOARD NCD-4380 DISPLAY UNIT RS232C TXD- RS232C TXD+ RS232C RXD+ RS232C RXD- NAV2 TXD- NAV2 RXD+ NAV2 RXD+ NAV2 RXD- J9 (J5012) FG ETRGO EBPO EBZO ETRGOE EVDI EVDIE ETRGI +12V 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ETRGIE GRN-GND BLU-GND 8 HSYNC-GND VSYNC-GND NC VSYNC HSYNC NC SLAVE RGB OUTPUT 15 14 13 12 11 10 NC RED-GND 7 9 NC 6 NC BLU GRN RED (J4406) BP TRG 5 4 3 2 1 16 15 TRGE MTR- 13 14 BZ MTR+ 12 11 VD 1A 10 +12V 9 VDE GND 2A M+ M+ M- M- J2 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 EBZI 14 SIMPLYFIED ISW 13 EBPI EVDOE 2 12 EVDO 1 J9 (J5009) option to NMEA equipments 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ORN WHT GRN YEL YEL.T/PNK.T BLK BLK.T/SKY.T RED.T/GRN.T WHT.T/ORN.T PUR.T/BRN.T BLU.T/GRY.T INPUT OUTPUT WHT YEL 12 MTR- MTR+ VDE 10 11 VD J2 AGND EXBZ AGND EXBP AGND ETIY 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 㪇㪅㪍㪆㪈㫂㪭㪄㪛㪧㪰㪚㪄㪈㪅㪌 㪥㪙㪣㪄㪈㪎㪌 㪪㪫㪜㪧㪄㪛㪦㪮㪥㩷㪫㪩㪘㪥㪪㪝㪦㪩㪤㪜㪩 㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫㩷㪙㪩㪜㪘㪢㪜㪩㩷㪌㪘 㩿㪪㪟㪠㪧㪰㪘㪩㪛㩷㪪㪬㪧㪧㪣㪰㩷㪀 㵰㪛㵱㩷㪟㪜㪘㪫㪜㪩㩷㪦㪧㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪇㪅㪍㪆㪈㫂㪭㪄㪛㪧㪰㪚㪰㪪㪄㪈㪅㪌 (JRC SUPPLY) 19-CORES CABLE CFQ-6912-20/30 BLK GRN ORN J1 2 TB105 1A 2A J5 1A 2A J4 1A 2A J3 㪇㪅㪍㪆㪈㫂㪭㪄㪛㪧㪰㪚㪄㪈㪅㪌 㪘㪚㪈㪇㪇㪭㩷㪌㪇㪆㪍㪇㪟㫑 㪈 㩷㪈㪇㪇㪮 UTH V U 1 2 1 2 1 㪪㪟㪠㪧㵭㪪㩷㪤㪘㪠㪥 㪘㪚㪉㪉㪇㪆㪉㪊㪇㪆㪉㪋㪇㪭 㪌㪇㪆㪍㪇㪟㫑㩷㪈 RED.T/GRN.T PUR.T/BRN.T WHT.T/ORN.T BLU.T/GRY.T YEL.T/PNK.T BLK.T/SKY.T NKE-2254-7/9 SCANNER UNIT 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 E PMS LVR J82 PMS LVR PTE PTI J81 To PM NJU-85 PM UNIT (OPTION) BLK RED BLU BRN WHT BLK WHT 7.3. Inter-Unit Connection Diagram 7.3.1. Inter-Unit Connection Diagram of the JMA-5222-7/9 Inter-Unit Connection Diagram of the JMA-5222-7/9 7-13 7.3.2. Inter-Unit Connection Diagram of the JMA-5212-4/6/4HS/6HS Figure 7.13 Inter-Unit Connection Diagram of the JMA-5212-4/6/4HS/6HS 7-14 7.4. Unit Internal Connection Diagrams 7.4.1. Internal Connection Diagram of the Scanner Unit NKE-2254 Figure 7.14 Internal Connection Diagram of the Scanner Unit NKE-2254 7-15 㪪㪅㪞㪅 㪰㪜㪣 㪈㪇㪇㫇㪝㬍㪊 㪚㪝㪩㪄㪉㪊㪋 㪤㪘㪞㩷㪝㪠㪣㪫㪜㪩㩷 㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫 㪪㪅㪞㪅 㪤㪘㪞 㪞㪩㪥 㪘㪈㪇㪉 㪡㪈㪇㪇㪈 㪈㪅㪉㪘 㪉㪅㪈㪘 㪈㪅㪂㪈㪌㪭 㪉㪅㪂㪈㪉㪭 㪊㪅㪂㪏㪭 㪋㪅㪘㪞㪥㪛 㪌㪅㪄㪈㪌㪭 㪍㪅㪯㪈 㪎㪅㪯㪉 㪏㪅㪂㪌㪭 㪐㪅㪟㪫㪜㪩 㪈㪇㪅㪟㪭㪜㪩 㪡㪈㪇㪇㪉 㪊㪅㪤㪥 㪈㪅㪤㪟 㪡㪈㪇㪇㪊 㪙㪈㪇㪈 㪟㪄㪎㪙㪛㪩㪛㪇㪇㪋㪏 㪤㪦㪫㪦㪩 㪙㪩㪜㪘㪢㩷㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫 㪚㪝㪘㪄㪉㪌㪉 㪧㪦㪮㪜㪩㩷㪪㪬㪧㪧㪣㪰㩷 㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫 㩷㩿㪧㪚㪈㪇㪇㪈㪀 㪚㪙㪛㪄㪈㪎㪏㪊 㪤㪦㪩㪫㪦㪩 㪚㪙㪧㪄㪉㪇㪉 㪘㪈㪇㪈 㪫㪉㪇㪈㪄㪈㪍 㪫㪉㪇㪈㪄㪈㪌 㪈㪅㪫㪬㪥㪜 㪉㪅㪂㪌㪭 㪊㪅㪞㪥㪛 㪋㪅㪥㪚 㪌㪅㪠㪝 㪡㪉㪇㪋 㪈㪅㪉㪘 㪉㪅㪈㪘 㪡㪉㪇㪌 㪈㪅㪂㪈㪌㪭 㪉㪅㪂㪈㪉㪭 㪊㪅㪂㪏㪭 㪋㪅㪘㪞㪥㪛 㪌㪅㪄㪈㪌㪭 㪍㪅㪯㪈 㪎㪅㪯㪉 㪏㪅㪂㪌㪭 㪐㪅㪟㪫㪜㪩 㪈㪇㪅㪟㪭㪜㪩 㪊㪅㪤㪥 㪡㪉㪇㪍 㪈㪅㪤㪟 㪡㪈㪌㪇㪉 㪈㪅㪤㪂 㪉㪅㪥㪚 㪊㪅㪤㪄 㪋㪅㪥㪚 㪚㪘㪜㪄㪌㪉㪐㪄㪈 㪠㪝㩷㪘㪤㪧㩷㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫 㩿㪧㪚㪊㪇㪈㪀 㪡㪌 㪈㪅㪉㪘 㪉㪅㪈㪘 㪡㪈㪌㪇㪌 㪈㪅㪟㪤㪚㪥㪫 㪉㪅㪂㪈㪌㪭 㪊㪅㪘㪞㪥㪛 㪡㪈㪌㪇㪋 㪈㪅㪤㪪㪈 㪉㪅㪥㪚 㪊㪅㪤㪪㪉 㪫㪙㪈 㪈㪄㪉㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㪑㩷㪥㫆㫄㪸㫃㩷㪪㫇㪼㪼㪻 㪉㪄㪊㫊㪿㫆㫉㫋㩷㪑㩷㪟㫀㪾㪿㩷㪪㫇㪼㪼㪻 㪤㪦㪛㪬㪣㪘㪫㪦㪩㩷㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫㩷 㩿㪧㪚㪉㪇㪈㪀 㪚㪤㪜㪄䋳䋶䋳 㪤㪦㪫㪦㪩㩷㪚㪦㪥㪫㪩㪦㪣㩷㪧㪦㪮㪜㪩㩷㪚㪠㪩㪚㪬㪠㪫 㪡㪋 㪈㪅㪉㪘 㩷㩿㪧㪚㪈㪌㪇㪈㪀 㪉㪅㪈㪘 㪚㪙㪛㪄㪈㪎㪎㪐 㪡㪈㪉㪌 㪈㪅㪤㪚㪥㪫㪂 㪉㪅㪤㪚㪥㪫㪄 㪊㪅㪥㪚 㪡㪈㪌㪇㪊 㪈㪅㪉㪘 㪉㪅㪈㪘 㪤㪠㪚 㪘㪊㪇㪈 㪜㪈㪇㪈 㪥㪡㪪㪍㪐㪊㪇 㪥㪡㪫㪈㪐㪍㪐 㪛㪅㪣 㪈 㪉 㪋 㪌 㪪㪘㪝㪜㪫㪰㩷㪪㪮㪠㪫㪚㪟 㪮㪪㪈㪇㪈 㪡㪉㪇㪏 㪈㪅㪧㪫㪠 㪉㪅㪧㪫㪜 㪊㪅㪣㪭㪩 㪋㪅㪧㪤㪪 㪌㪅㪜 㪍㪅㪫㪯㪠 㪎㪅㪫㪯㪜 㪏㪅㪥㪚 㪡㪏 㪈㪅㱂㪱 㪉㪅㪜 㪊㪅㱂㪘 㪋㪅㱂㪙 㪌㪅㪂㪈㪉㪭 㪍㪅㪝㪅㪞㪅 㪧㪏 㪰㪜㪣 㪙㪣㪢 㪙㪣㪬 㪮㪟㪫 㪩㪜㪛 㪪㪟㪠㪜㪣㪛 㪪㪜 㪙㪈㪇㪉 㪫㪩㪘㪥㪪㪤㪠㪫㪫㪜㪩㪆㪩㪜㪚㪜㪠㪭㪜㪩㩷㪬㪥㪠㪫㩷 㪠㪥㪫㪜㪩㪚㪦㪥㪥㪜㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪚㪤㪢㪄㪌㪐㪐 㪩㪜㪚㪜㪠㪭㪜㪩㩷㪬㪥㪠㪫䇭䌎䌒䌇䋭䋶䋱䋰 㩿㪩㪜㪚㪜㪠㪭㪜㪩㩷㪬㪥㪠㪫㩷㪠㪥㪫㪜㪩㪚㪦㪥㪥㪜㪚㪫㪠㪦㪥 㪚㪤㪘㪄㪏㪉㪊㪀 㪐㪅㪄㪎㪭 㪈㪇㪅㪙㪧 㪈㪈㪅㪟㪪㪧 㪈㪉㪅㪫㪠 㪈㪊㪅㪂㪏㪭 㪈㪋㪅㪤㪦㪛㩷㪠㪛 㪈㪌㪅㪥㪚 㪫㪩㪘㪥㪪㪤㪠㪫㪫㪜㪩㪆㪩㪜㪚㪜㪠㪭㪜㪩㩷㪬㪥㪠㪫䇭䌎㪱㪫䋭䋲䋱䋰䋳 㪡㪉㪇㪈 㪡㪉㪇㪐 㪈㪅㪤㪧㪪 㪉㪅㪤㪚㪫 㪊㪅㪤㪙㪢 㪡㪊㪇㪉 㪡㪉㪇㪉 㪡㪊㪇㪈 㪈㪅㪤㪧㪪 㪉㪅㪧㪮㪊 㪊㪅㪧㪮㪉 㪋㪅㪧㪮㪈 㪌㪅㪤㪚㪫 㪍㪅㪤㪙㪢 㪎㪅㪂㪈㪌㪭 㪏㪅㪘㪞㪥㪛 㪡㪈㪌㪇㪈 㪈㪅㪤㪧㪪 㪉㪅㪤㪚㪫 㪊㪅㪤㪙㪢 㪡㪉㪈㪇 㪈㪅㪚㪉㪞 㪉㪅㪚㪉 㪘㪈㪇㪋 㪡㪈㪏 㪝㪠㪣㪫㪜㪩 㪜㪥㪚㪦㪛㪜㪩 㪚㪟㪫㪄㪎㪈㪘 㪛㪬㪤㪤㪰 㪡㪈 㪈㪅㪤㪧㪪 㪉㪅㪧㪮㪊 㪊㪅㪧㪮㪉 㪋㪅㪧㪮㪈 㪌㪅㪤㪚㪫 㪍㪅㪤㪙㪢 㪎㪅㪂㪈㪌㪭 㪏㪅㪘㪞㪥㪛 㪐㪅㪄㪎㪭 㪈㪇㪅㪙㪧 㪈㪈㪅㪟㪪㪧 㪈㪉㪅㪫㪠 㪈㪊㪅㪂㪏㪭 㪈㪋㪅㪤㪦㪛㩷㪠㪛 㪈㪌㪅㪥㪚 㪡㪊㪇㪊 㪡㪉㪇㪊 㪈㪅㪫㪠㪰 㪉㪅㪘㪞㪥㪛 㪊㪅㪤㪘㪞㪅㪠 㪋㪅㪟㪫㪜㪩 㪌㪅㪟㪭㪜㪩 㪍㪅㪚㪉 㪎㪅㪙㪱 㪈㪅㪫㪠㪰 㪉㪅㪘㪞㪥㪛 㪊㪅㪤㪘㪞㪅㪠 㪋㪅㪟㪫㪜㪩 㪌㪅㪟㪭㪜㪩 㪍㪅㪚㪉 㪎㪅㪙㪱 㪈㪅㪧㪫㪠 㪉㪅㪧㪫㪜 㪊㪅㪣㪭㪩 㪋㪅㪧㪤㪪 㪌㪅㪞㪥㪛 㪍㪅㪫㪯㪠 㪎㪅㪫㪯㪜 㪈㪅㪧㪫㪠 㪉㪅㪧㪫㪜 㪊㪅㪣㪭㪩 㪋㪅㪧㪤㪪 㪌㪅㪞㪥㪛 㪍㪅㪫㪯㪠 㪎㪅㪫㪯㪜 㪈㪅㪜㪫㪠㪰 㪉㪅㪘㪞㪥㪛 㪊㪅㪜㪯㪙㪧 㪋㪅㪘㪞㪥㪛 㪌㪅䌅䌘䌂䌚 㪍㪅㪘㪞㪥㪛 Figure 7.15 㪡㪊 㪈㪅㪉㪘 㪉㪅㪈㪘 㪤㪘㪞㪥㪜㪫㪩㪦㪥 㪭㪈㪇㪈 㪤㪘㪝㪈㪌㪍㪌㪥 㪘㪈㪇㪊 㪈㪅㪟㪤㪚㪥㪫 㪉㪅㪂㪈㪌㪭 㪊㪅㪞㪥㪛 㪘㪥㪫㪜㪥㪥㪘 㪥㪘㪯㪄㪈㪍㪙㪄㪋㪆㪍 㪎㪱㪚㪩㪛㪈㪉㪏㪇㶎 㪧㪤 㪥㪡㪬㪄㪏㪌 㩿㪦㪧㪫㪠㪦㪥䋩 㪪㪅㪞㪅 㪡㪏㪉 㪧㪏㪉 㪈㪅㪣㪭㪩 㪙㪣㪬 㪩㪜㪛 㪉㪅㪧㪤㪪 㪙㪣㪢 㪊㪅㪜 㪧㪏㪈 㪮㪟㪫 㪙㪣㪢 㪮㪟㪫 㪙㪩㪥 㪈㪅㪭㪛 㪉㪅㪭㪛㪜 㪊㪅㪚㪦㪤㪂 㪋㪅㪚㪦㪤㪄 㪡㪏㪈 㪈㪅㪧㪫㪠 㪉㪅㪧㪫㪜 㪊㪅㪫㪯㪠 㪋㪅㪫㪯㪜 7.4.2. Internal Connection Diagram of the Scanner Unit NKE-2103 Internal Connection Diagram of the Scanner Unit NKE-2103 7-16 㪡㪉 J1-64P AIS UNIT and TT UNIT must be fitted on ships compliant to IMO. CMH-1353 AIS INTERFACE (OPTION) W418 H-7ZCRD1513 CDC-1350 RADAR PROCESSOR CCT. PC440 J4406-10P J4405-28P W404 H-7ZCRD1151 W403 H-7ZCRD1148 W402 H-7ZCRD1150 W401 H-7ZCRD1149 J5007-14P 1 2 F2(5/A10A) COM NO K2 J5012-8P W406 H-7ZCRD1521 F3(10A) J5001-6P 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 SPA-2-51-10A-DC50V 3 4 J5008-14P J5001-4P W405 H-7ZCRD1168 W418 H-7ZCRD1473 CML-773 NDC-1460 INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM OF PROCESSING UNIT CDJ-2193A PLOTTER CONTROL UNIT PC490(OPTION) W419 H-7ZCRD0934 CDC-1186E ATA UNIT(OPTION) J4901-6P J302-64P J303-64P J4407-6P EXT RGB CBD-1702A POWER SUPPLY & TERMINAL BOARD CCT. PC501 DVI J510-6P J400-6P J1-4P J4402-32P J4403-30P J4404-10P P4311-14P J4401-10P J5002-32P J5003-30P J5004-10P J5005-10P J4311-14P J1-7P J2-16P J3-5P J4-14P J5-8P J6-7P J7-15P J8-9P J9-14P SCANNTER 2A 1A SHIP㵭S MAIN DC24V W601 H-7ZCRD1481 TRD-101S(BK)N1 W602 H-7ZCRD1482 CMD-1001 NCE-7699A INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM OF PANEL UNIT SPEAKER : MM283IN8-06 W604 H-7ZCRD1474 J6004-2P PS/2TRACKBALL(OPTION) CQC-1024 W603 H-7ZCRD1475 J6003-6P CCK979 PANEL CCT. PC600 NCE-7699A PANEL UNIT INTERUNIT CABLE CFQ-6912-5/10/15/20/30/40/50/65 (5m/10m/15m/20m/30m/40m/50m/65m) POWER CABLE CFQ-5436-5(5m) W407 CFQ-5462 J6001-14P Figure 7.16 J6002-6P NDC-1460 PROCESSING UNIT 7.4.3. Internal Connection Diagram of the Processor Unit NDC-1460 Internal Connection Diagram of the Processor Unit NDC-1460 7-17 For further information,contact: Not use the asbestos 74. JVVRYYYLTEEQLR /CTKPG5GTXKEG&GRCTVOGPV 6GNGRJQPG (CEUKOKNG VOUE"LTEEQLR GOCKN #/56'4&#/$TCPEJ 6GNGRJQPG (CEUKOKNG UGTXKEG"LTECOUPN GOCKN 5'#66.'$TCPEJ 6GNGRJQPG (CEUKOKNG GOCKN UGTXKEG"LTECOGTKECEQO %1&'0Q<24& '6/ +51+51%GTVKHKGF 1%6'FKVKQP,4% Printed in Japan