RESSORTS SPRINGS A T Innovation Qualité Service Innovation Quality Service Depuis 1976 que nous imaginons ce qu’il y a de mieux pour vous. Le résultat, une façon de faire renouvelée, plus performante, plus personnalisée. PR Distribution s’est d’abord imposé par l’efficacité de son service à la clientèle ainsi que par la qualité et la diversité de ses produits. Nous avons maintenant encore plus à vous offrir. Since 1976, we imagine what is the best for you. As a result, an innovative, more efficient and more personalized way to do. PR Distribution first imposed itself because of its customer service effectiveness and the quality and diversity of its products. We have now even more to offer to you. Fasbec Vis, boulons et écrous Fixations industrielles Fixations automobiles Cabinets et aménagements Screw, bolts and nuts Industrial fasteners Automobile fasteners Cabinets and installations Prolite Produits électriques Cosses, fusibles, ampoules, Fils et attaches de nylon… Electrical products Connectors, fuses, bulbs, Nylon wires and tie-wraps... Fasbec chimique Peintures et protecteurs Adhésifs et lubrifiants Nettoyants et scellants… 60 000 produits en inventaire 60 000 products in stock Paints and coatings Adhesives and lubricants Cleaners and sealers RESSORTS / SPRINGS RESSORTS TYPE À COMPRESSION # PRD SPRINGS COMPRESSION TYPE acier / steel 5951 5952 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 6012 5969 5970 5971 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976 5977 5978 5979 5980 5981 5982 5983 5984 5985 5986 5987 5988 5989 5990 5991 5992 5993 5994 5995 5996 6011 5997 5998 5999 5700 5701 6010 5702 5703 OUTSIDE DIA. LENGTH OVERALL 1/8’’ .128/.133’’ .140/.147’’ 3/16’’ 3/16’’ 3/16’’ 7/32’’ 7/32’’ 7/32’’ .220’’ 1/4’’ 1/4’’ 1/4’’ 1/4’’ 1/4’’ 1/4’’ 9/32’’ 9/32’’ 9/32’’ 11/32’’ 11/32’’ 11/32’’ 3/8’’ 3/8’’ 25/64’’ .400’’ 13/32’’ 13/32’’ 27/64’’ 7/16’’ 7/16’’ 7/16’’ 7/16’’ 7/16’’ 15/32’’ 15/32’’ .480’’ .490’’ 1/2’’ 1/2’’ 17/32’’ 35/64’’ 19/32’’ 5/8’’ 5/8’’ 5/8’’ 5/8’’ 11/16’’ 11/16’’ .707’’ .720’’ .733’’ 3/4’’ 7/8’’ 1’’ 1-3/32’’ 5/16’’ .360/.340 .740/.700 3/8’’ 7/16’’ 33/64’’ 11/16’’ 1-3/32’’ 2-3/8’’ 13/16’’ 3/8’’ 3/8’’ 3/4’’ 15/16’’ 1’’ 1-1/2’’ 1-1/16’’ 1-5/8’’ 1-7/8’’ 5/8’’ 11/16’’ 1-7/32’’ 7/8’’ 1-7/8’’ 1-7/32’’ .700’’ 1-1/2’’ 1-17/32’’ 1’’ 3/4’’ 15/16’’ 2-1/4’’ 2-1/2’’ 7-3/4’’ 1’’ 1-1/2’’ 1’’ .720’’ 7/8’’ 3-1/8’’ 4’’ 7/8’’ 9/16’’ 1-3/8’’ 1-3/8’’ 2’’ 3’’ 27/32’’ 2’’ 1’’ 2’’ 1’’ 13/16’’ 2’’ 1-15/16’’ 1-1/2’’ S P E C I F I C AT I O N S GAUGE TOTAL *STYLE OF WIRE COILS OF ENDS .015’’ .014’’ .016’’ .032’’ .032’’ .029’’ .032’’ .013’’ .016’’ .025’’ .025’’ .032’’ .018’’ .015’’ .013’’ .032’’ .032’’ .034’’ .028’’ .016’’ .016’’ .047’’ .062’’ .034’’ .035’’ .040’’ .047’’ .035’’ .039’’ .047’’ .054’’ .062’’ .035’’ .054’’ .047’’ .062’’ .055’’ .062’’ .047’’ .041’’ .072’’ .105’’ .054’’ .062’’ .1 00’’ .105’’ .080’’ .054’’ .092’’ .041’’ .067’’ .054’’ .1875’’ .054’’ .062’’ .054’’ 5 12 20 5 6 9 7 25 22 10-1/4 5 5 8 13 11 18 10 16 14 5 5 10 6 16 9 7 10-1/2 9 7 5-1/2 7-3/4 14 18 48-1/4 8 8 5 6-3/4 5 22 28 6 3-1/2 7-1/2 7 10 15 5 10 5 8 5 3 7 6-1/4 7 S SG SG S S P S S S S SG S S S S S SG S S S S SG SG S SG S S SG SG S S SG S S S SG S S S S SG SG S S S SG SG S SG SNG SG SNG SG SG S SG FINISH Brt.Zinc Plain Plain Black Oxide Plain Plain Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc 302 S. Stl. Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc 302 S. Stl. Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Plain Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc 302 S. Stl. Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Plain Plain Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Plain 302 S. Stl. Plain Plain Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc UNIT PACKAGE QUANTITY 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 100 25 25 25 25 25 10 25 10 10 25 25 100 25 10 25 10 25 25 10 25 10 25 25 25 10 25 10 10 10 10 302 Acier inoxydable / 302 Stainless Steel REV.0407 *EXPLICATION DES STYLES D’EXTRÉMITÉS / STYLE ENDS EXPLANATION PR Distribution * QUÉBEC: 418.872.6018 * CHICOUTIMI: 418.545.1100 * SANS FRAIS / TOLL FREE: 800.463.5259 T- RESSORTS / SPRINGS RESSORTS - TYPE À COMPRESSION - Longueur universelle SPRINGS - COMPRESSION TYPE - universal lenght acier / steel # PRD 5750 5751 5752 5753 5754 5755 5756 5757 5758 5759 5760 5761 5762 5763 5764 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 5775 5776 OUTSIDE DIA. LENGTH OVERALL 11/64’’ 7/32’’ 15/64’’ 5/16’’ 3/8’’ 3/8’’ 7/16’’ 15/32’’ 1/2’’ 9/16’’ 9/16’’ 5/8’’ 5/8’’ 5/8’’ 11/16’’ 11/16’’ 23/32’’ 47/64’’ 3/4’’ 27/32’’ 7/8’’ 7/8’’ 7/8’’ 31/32’’ 1-1/16’’ 1-3/16’’ 1-3/16’’ 11’’ 11-1/2’’ 11’’ 11-1/2’’ 10’’ 11-1/2’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11-1/2’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 10’’ 10’’ 10’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 10’’ 11’’ 10’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ S P E C I F I C AT I O N S GAUGE OF TOTAL COilS WIRE .026’’ .041’’ .032’’ .047’’ .047’’ .047’’ .080’’ .062’’ .062’’ .062’’ .092’’ .062’’ .062’’ .080’’ .062’’ .092’’ .062’’ .105’’ .091’’ .080’’ .080’’ .092’’ .105’’ .080’’ .120’’ .092’’ .120’’ *STYLE OF ENDS FINISH UNIT PACKAGE QUANTITY P S P S S S P P S P P P S S S P P P S P S P P P P P P Bl.Japan Zinc Bl.Japan Zinc Zinc Bl.Japan Bl.Japan Bl.Japan Zinc Bl.Japan Bl.Japan Bl.Japan Zinc Zinc Zinc Bl.Japan Bl.Japan Bl.Japan Zinc Bl.Japan Zinc Bl.Japan Bl.Japan Bl.Japan Bl.Japan Bl.Japan Bl.Japan 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 19.5 12 14.6 10 8 8 8 7.3 6 5.5 6.3 4.8 6 6 3.5 5 3.8 4.7 3.5 3.5 3 3.5 3.8 2.8 3 2.2 2.5 RESSORTS - TYPE À EXTENSION - Style universel / SPRINGS - EXTENSION TYPE - universal Style S P E C I F I C AT I O N S # PRD OUTSIDE DIA. LENGTH OVERALL LENGTH OF COIL FINISH UNIT PACKAGE QUANTITY .054’’ .041’’ .041’’ .054’’ .047’’ .047’’ .062’’ .062’’ .054’’ Zinc Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 .020’’ .026’’ .032’’ .026’’ .032’’ .032’’ .062’’ .062’’ .105’’ .092’’ .105’’ Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 GAUGE OF WIRE RESSORTS À EXTENSION - STYLE UNIVERSEL / EXTENSION SPRINGS - UNIVERSAL STYLE 5777 9/32’’ 6’’ 5778 3/8’’ 5’’ 5779 13/32’’ 9-3/8’’ 5780 7/16’’ 6’’ 5781 7/16’’ 9-1/2’’ 5782 1/2’’ 9-1/4’’ 5783 35/64’’ 7-1/4’’ 5784 9/16’’ 7-1/4’’ 5785 9/16’’ 9-1/4’’ RESSORTS À EXTENSION / EXTENSION SPRINGS 1-7/8’’ 9/16’’ 1-7/8’’ 1-1/16’’ 3-1/4’’ 3-1/4’’ 1-3/8’’ 1-1/4’’ 3-1/4’’ 5786 5787 5788 5789 5790 5791 5792 5793 5794 5795 5796 T- 1/4’’ 1/4’’ 1/4’’ 5/16’’ 5/16’’ 3/8’’ 5/8’’ 3/4’’ 3/4’’ 1’’ 1’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ 11’’ PR Distribution * QUÉBEC: 418.872.6018 * CHICOUTIMI: 418.545.1100 * SANS FRAIS / TOLL FREE: 800.463.5259 REV.0407 Bouts standard, sans crochets ni anneaux / Plain ends, without hooks or loops RESSORTS / SPRINGS RESSORTS - TYPE À EXTENSION SPRINGS - EXTENSION TYPE acier / steel # PRD Expanded Style 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 6007 5714 5715 5716 5717 5718 5719 6005 5721 5722 5723 6009 5725 5726 5727 5728 5729 5730 6006 5732 5733 5734 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 5741 5742 5743 5744 6008 5746 6004 5748 5749 OUTSIDE DIA. 3/32’’ 1/8’’ 5/32’’ 5/32’’ 5/32’’ 3/16’’ 3/16’’ 7/32’’ 7/32’’ 7/32’’ 1/4’’ 1/4’’ 1/4’’ 1/4’’ 9/32’’ 9/32’’ 9/32’’ 5/16’’ 5/16’’ 11/32’’ 11/32’’ 3/8’’ 3/8’’ 13/32’’ 7/16’’ 7/16’’ 7/16’’ 7/16’’ 1/2’’ 1/2’’ 1/2’’ 1/2’’ 1/2’’ 1/2’’ 1/2’’ 1/2’’ 1/2’’ 1/2’’ 9/16’’ 9/16’’ 9/16’’ 9/16’’ 5/5’’ 5/8’’ 23/32’’ 13/16’’ S P E C I F I C AT I O N S LENGTH GAUGE OF *END OVERALL WIRE LOOPS 1/2’’ 5/8’’ 1-5/16’’ 4-9/32’’ 84’’ 1’’ 7-1/4’’ 1-1/4’’ 2’’ 9’’ 1’’ 2-1/2’’ 1-13/16’’ 5-3/4’’ 1’’ 5-1/4’’ 6-5/8’’ 1-9/32’’ 6-3/4’’ 5-1/2’’ 8-3/8’’ 1-5/8’’ 10’’ 3-13/16’’ 2’’ 5-3/8’’ 6-3/8’’ 9’’ 2’’ 3’’ 4’’ 2’’ 3’’ 4’’ 4-7/8’’ 5-1/2’’ 6’’ 3’’ 1-5/8’’ 3-5/8’’ 5-1/4’’ 9’’ 3’’ 9’’ 16’’ 9’’ .014’’ .018’’ .018’’ .018’’ .035’’ .022’’ .025’’ .028’’ .025’’ .031’’ .022’’ .024’’ .025’’ .025’’ .031’’ .041’’ .034’’ .023’’ .047’’ .047’’ .047’’ .054’’ .054’’ .047’’ .041’’ .062’’ .047’’ .062’’ .058’’ .058’’ .058’’ .072’’ .072’’ .072’’ .072’’ .047’’ .062’’ .072’’ .062’’ .062’’ .080’’ .080’’ .080’’ .080’’ .109’’ .080’’ SC SC SSL SC HC,SC SC DS SSL SSL DS SC SC,SS SC DC SC DC DC SSL DC DC DC SC DC SSL SSL DC DC DC HC HC HC HC HC HC DC SS HC SC HC HC DC DC DC DC SS DC FINISH Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Plain Brt.Zinc Black Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Black Brt.Zinc Brt.Zinc Plain Black Plain Black Black Brt.Zinc Black Black Black Brt.Zinc Black Brt.Zinc Black Black Zinc Black Black Black Plain Plain Plain Plain Zinc Plain Plain Plain Brt.Zinc Plain Black Zinc Plain Black Brt.Zinc Black UNIT PACKAGE QUANTITY 25 25 25 10 10 25 10 25 25 10 25 25 25 10 25 10 10 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 10 10 10 10 25 10 10 10 25 10 10 10 REV.0407 5707 (Grandeur nature / Actual size) PR Distribution * QUÉBEC: 418.872.6018 * CHICOUTIMI: 418.545.1100 * SANS FRAIS / TOLL FREE: 800.463.5259 T- RESSORTS / SPRINGS RESSORTS - TYPE À EXTENSION SPRINGS - EXTENSION TYPE PLAQUÉ ZINC / ZINC PLATED # PRD 5902 5903 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5917 5919 O.D. S P E C I F I C AT I O N S LENGTH WIRE SIZE OVERALL .625’’ .500’’ .438’’ .328’’ .547’’ .250’’ .375’’ .250’’ .484’’ .734’’ .719’’ .531’’ .750’’ .750’’ .344’’ .234’’ 10’’ 10’’ 6.438’’ 6.500’’ 5.625’’ 5.750’’ 3.250’’ 4.00’’ 4.500’’ 4.062’’ 4.00’’ 5.250’’ 2.594’’ 2.656’’ 1.438’’ 1.125’’ .072’’ .062’’ .048’’ .035’’ .080’’ .028’’ .041’’ .028’’ .063’’ .062’’ .105’’ .062’’ .105’’ .080’’ .048’’ .020’’ O.D. LENGTH OVERALL .875’’ .875’’ .625’’ .590’’ .375’’ .438’’ .500’’ 10.00’’ 3.062’’ 2.844’’ 2.193’’ .781’’ 2.625’’ 2.500’’ LBS RATE/ INCH APPROX.LBS LOAD REFERENCE EXT UNIT PACKAGE QUANTITY 2.1 1.8 1.1 7.5 oz 10.0 7 oz 1.9 13 oz 6.2 1.4 12.5 5.0 46 10.3 15.0 12.0 8.8 @ 13’’ 10.2 @ 12’’ 4.2 @ 8.437’’ 2.2 @ 8.500’’ 24 @ 7.625’’ 1.6 @ 7.750’’ 5.2 @ 5.250’’ 1.9 @ 6.00’’ 14 @ 6.500’’ 4.3 @ 6.062’’ 36.5 @ 5.00’’ 8.5 @ 6.250’’ 29.5 @ 2.968’’ 12.5 @ 3.656’’ 10 @ 1.812’’ 9 oz @ 1.625’’ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 RESSORTS - TYPE À COMPRESSION SPRINGS - COMPRESSION TYPE PLAQUÉ ZINC / ZINC PLATED # PRD 5922 5930 5933 5934 5939 5940 5941 S P E C I F I C AT I O N S APPROX. WIRE SIZE SOLID HT. .080’’ .092’’ .080’’ .040’’ .042’’ .048’’ .063’’ LBS.RATE/INCH 3.00’’ 1.098’’ 1.080’’ .380’’ .378’’ .950’’ 1.00’’ UNIT PACKAGE QUANTITY 3.2 21.5 30.0 3.1 7.4 6.0 18.0 5 5 5 20 20 10 10 galvanisé / galvanized # PRD 5945 5942 5947 5943 5948 5944 5949 T- 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 O.D. 13/32’’ 1/2’’ 3/8’’ 3/4’’ 25/32’’ 13/16’’ 3/4’’ 7/16’’ S P E C I F I C AT I O N S LENGTH WIRE SIZE OVERALL 11-1/2’’ 4-3/8’’ 1-13/16’’ 8-1/2’’ 5-3/4’’ 18-1/2’’ 17-1/2’’ 8-1/4’’ 1/32’’ 1/16’’ 1/32’’ 3/32’’ 3/64’’ 3/32’’ 1/16’’ 1/16’’ COIL LENGHT UNIT PACKAGE QUANTITY 1-7/8’’ 2-1/2’’ 1-1/2’’ 1-7/8’’ 2-3/8’’ 2’’ 3-1/2’’ 2’’ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 PR Distribution * QUÉBEC: 418.872.6018 * CHICOUTIMI: 418.545.1100 * SANS FRAIS / TOLL FREE: 800.463.5259 REV.0407 RESSORTS - universel SPRINGS - universal
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more personalized way to do.
PR Distribution first imposed itself because
of its customer service effectiveness and the
quality and diversity of its products.
We have now even more to offer to you.