MAPA LOGMAY/JUNE 2015 Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association
MAPA LOGMAY/JUNE 2015 Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association
MAPA LOG Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association MAY/JUNE 2015 Mooney is a high-performance aircraft. A Hartzell Top Prop conversion will push it to the next level. Enjoy shorter takeoff distance, increased cruise speed and lower noise levels. 〉 AstoriedhistoryofHartzellpartnership 〉 3-blademetalandcompositeinstallationsforM20R,M20S, andM20TN 〉 2-bladeblendedairfoilscimitarsforfour-cylinderMooneys Experience the Hartzell Difference Contactusat800-942-7767 2 C O N T E N TS • Volume 38 • Issue 5 MAY/JUNE 2015 Columns 6 Editorial by Trey Hughes Homecoming 2015 12 Insurance by John Allen Insurance For Your Hangar and Contents 18 Ask Jerry by Jerry Manthey Jerry Answers Members Maintenance Questions Departments 14 New MAPA Members 28 Safety Foundation Schedule 30 Calendar of Events 35 Fantastic Vacations 36 Classified Ads 44 Mooney Merchandise 46 Advertisers Index 32 Memory Loss and the FAA by Larry Marshall AME Features 16 Mooney International Corp. Service Bulletin 24 MAPA Homecoming Pictures 40 MAPA Homecoming Pictures 41 Pictures of Exhibitors at Homecoming 45 Mooney Employees Recognition @MAPA_Guy MAPA Members Garment Bag page 44 ON THE COVER: Our MAPA Clown, Ken Abrahams, parking airplanes during the Homecoming Convention 2015 MAPA HOMECOMING CONVENTION LELA AT THE ICE CREAM SOCIAL Photo Courtesy of: Trey Hughes MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 3 MAPA LOG Staff Trey Hughes [email protected] Lela Hughes [email protected] Jerry Manthey Volunteers Joe Schmerber Ethel Manthey Contributing Editors John Allen Trey Hughes Jerry Manthey Larry Marshall & The MAPA Members Design Peggy Walker [email protected] Lela Hughes [email protected] Membership If you have a problem or question about your membership, please call 830-315-8008 Back Issues Back issues are available in a limited quantity.To order, send $5* (domestic only) per issue to: MAPA 1885 Airport Loop Rd. Ste. 100 Kerrville, Texas 78028 4 *International orders will include an additional charge for postage and handling. Printed in the U.S.A. MAPA Purpose “To promote education and pilot professionalism in flying, operating and maintaining Mooney aircraft; to establish and develop an interchange of educational information and experience; to encourage professional growth, recurrent training and upgrading; to cultivate and promote friendship and sociability among members; and to do these activities on an international basis.” The MAPA LOG (ISSN 199-5243) is the official publication of the Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association. Published monthly except October, by the Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association, 1885 Airport Loop Rd. Ste 100, Kerrville, Texas 78028. Contact MAPA by phone (830) 315-8008, Fax (830) 315-8011 or internet; http;//www.mooneypilots. com. The MAPA LOG is sent to each member of the Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association as one of the regular membership services. Membership in the U.S., its territories and possessions is $49.50, Canada $59.50, and $79.50 for international addresses. The electronic magazine, however is $39.50 for ALL members, U.S. and international. U.S. editorial and photographic contributions are solicited. Self-addressed, stamped envelope must accompany all material that is to be returned. Material subject to editorial revision. The act of submitting editorial or photographic contributions shall constitute an express warranty by the contributor that the material is original and is in no way an infringement on the rights of others. Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association assumes no liability for information contained in contributed copy. No part of this magazine may be reprinted or otherwise duplicated without the written permission of the editor and/ or publisher. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Antonio, Texas and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MAPA LOG, 1885 Airport Loop Rd. Ste. 100, Kerrville, Texas 78028. MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 5 F R OM T H E EXECUTI V E DI RECTO R Editorial by Trey Hughes, MAPA Staff HOMECOMING 2015 The Texas drought is broken! As it did a few years ago in Fredericksburg, MAPA brought rain to Kerrville along with the bulk of the Central Texas landscape. But in spite of that, MAPA had one of the best Homecomings in many years when an enthusiastic group of 95 Mooney-lovers dared the weather and descended on the Inn of the Hills Hotel and Conference Center in Kerrville for the 40th gathering in celebration of the Mooney airplane. While the weather was dreadful, the people came. This year we returned to the schedule that MAPA has used for very many years – Wednesday through Sunday – and added exhibits back into the agenda. We also returned to utilizing the resources of a hotel/conference center for all our indoor activities. This proved to be a wise decision based on the weather that unfolded during the week. And the weather did prove to be a major factor beginning on Wednesday Arrival Day. With rain and thunderstorms around Kerrville and in fact all throughout the Texas Hill Country the week prior to our convention, we had already been keenly aware of the daily forecasts compared to the reality as it occurred. And the weather guys were pretty accurate. With this forethought, we determined that some of our activities might require schedule adjustment. As expected, Arrival Day started gray and overcast with light drizzle and ceilings above basic VFR but variable. Knowing that we would not expect many VFR arrivals early, we utilized the resources of the website FlightAware to predict when we might expect aircraft at KERV. And FlightAware showed that around noon the first of our members should be making an appearance on one of the IFR approaches, so Bill Pearson, 6 Rae Willis and I made our way to the airport to wait. When we arrived at the designated MAPA Convention parking area, the closed runway 3/21, we found the official “MAPA Clown” Ken Abrahams already prepared for arrivals complete with a “FOLO ME” flag on his posterior. Unfortunately, we had only 3 arrivals on Arrival Day, although we determined from FlightAware that at least 5 of the scheduled Mooneys diverted to better conditions to wait out the storms. Mooney pilots are wise. While Bill, Rae, Ken and I waited in the rain at the airport, Lela, Margaret, Peggy and Joe were busy in the exhibit area at the Inn of the Hills greeting and registering those who made their way to Kerrville via alternative transport – airline and/or auto. Wednesday evening was the official start of the 2015 Homecoming with the Exhibitor’s Welcome Reception. This year we had 17 exhibitors displaying their companies and products to MAPA members so the exhibit area was packed with folks. MAPA members always enjoy this tradition at our conventions where they have the opportunity to reacquaint with old friends as well as meet new ones and this year we had more than 20 “First-time Attendees” to greet. Thursday morning broke with better weather (still cloudy with forecast rain) so the airport group again met at KERV to wait for incoming Mooneys some of which made unplanned excursions to other airports Wednesday night. And we did get busy – sort of. By the end of the day Thursday we had about 30 airplanes on the field with 12 parked on the closed runway and the remainder sheltered in one of the hangars on the field. With a final count of 35, this year’s convention didn’t break any records for fly-in aircraft although the total attendees was very near the number we expected based on pre-registrations. So we still had plenty of people ready to enjoy the celebration. Once back at the hotel, Thursday was dedicated to visiting with the exhibitors who attended this year’s MAPA Homecoming. The exhibitors included; Mooney International, Houston Tank Specialists, Falcon Insurance Agency, Garmin International, Hartzell Propeller, BVA Compass Bank, Don Maxwell Aviation, Cav Ice Protection, JP Instruments, McCauley Propeller, Continental Motors, AmSafe Inc., Concorde Battery, Premier Aircraft Sales, Dugosh/Kerrville Aviation and Lake Aero Styling. With all the activities scheduled in the exhibit area on Wednesday, we also served breakfast and lunch there so everyone had a great chance to spend some quality time with the best of the best in parts, service and support for Mooney airplanes. Thursday night was our traditional Ice Cream Social where everyone gets to build their own ice cream sundae in a Commemorative coffee cup provided by MAPA. Unlike years past, we were unable to get our traditional Blue Bell – sad times in Texas, however the hotel found an excellent substitute. And anyway, any ice cream tastes great with chocolate or caramel sauce applied. What would the Ice Cream Social be without our newest tradition, the live auction hosted by Mr. Don Maxwell and myself. Lela again managed to get some great items for the auction the proceeds of which were dedicated to the development of the Mooney History and Education Museum scheduled for construction on property adjacent to the Mooney factory in Kerrville. (See the Sept 2014 MAPA LOG) 2015 MAPA HOMECOMING BEAUTY CONTEST WINNERS Jerry Johnson M20C Rae Willis/Candie Oldham M20J Eric Little M20K MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 7 Andrew Stagg M20G Tim Baker M20R MOONEY EMPLOYEES CHOICE OVERALL-----TIM BAKER M20R 8 With the help of Don, we auctioned some great (and some unusual) Mooney stuff starting with a set of hub caps courtesy Lake Aero Styling’s Sherri and Paul Loewen. Tim O’Rourke walked off with these beauties. Next was a Garmin D2 watch. I think it does everything that your panel mount Garmin does plus tells the time! Charles Smith was the high bidder for the watch which came with a “check-out” by Garmin’s Chris Benson. Next on the block, donated by Falcon Insurance Agency, was a replica model of the winner’s Mooney complete with correct paint and stripes which went to Dr. Jim Economos. Next was the unusual gift for the night…a “flyin” Facelift donated by Fredericksburg doctor Michael Walker. If Richard Simile looks different next time you see him you’ll know why. Concorde Battery donated a battery appropriate for the model of the high bidder’s Mooney and John Peck walked away with it. Garmin International wasn’t through donating as they next offered a Garmin IFR Pilot up-grade (1 year) good for an IPad and Jared Absher from Mooney International out bid everyone else to be the winner. Finally – or so I thought – McCauley Propeller donated a propeller clock (an actual McCauley metal propeller with a clock mounted in the hub) which went to the high bidder MIC’s CEO Dr. Jerry Chen. At this point in the evening Don and I thought things were over, but Tom Bowen COO at Mooney surprised everyone by taking the mic with an announcement of one additional item. From the back of the room came Dr. Chen “surfing” down the center isle standing on a strange wheeled aluminum object complete with LED lights and controlled by an RC controller. It was Mooney’s new wireless remote controlled aircraft tug capable of towing any airplane up to 6000 pounds. You will find pictures of the tug in the photos of the convention elsewhere. With a value upward of $4000 this would turn out to be the most valuable item to go on the block this evening. When all the bidding stopped, Susan Newton from Henderson NV walked (rode?) away with the 1st production model of the Mooney Aircraft Tug. We thank all those who donated and those who bid on our 2015 auction items as we raised over $4000 for the Mooney Museum. Thanks MAPA members! Friday and still raining, but all the activity today was in the hotel where we had a full day of seminars starting with my official welcome of everyone to Homecoming. As usual, the opening session included remarks from Dr. Jerry Chen, MIC CEO and Tom Bowen, MIC COO. They spent time bringing everyone up to date on the progress that has been made over the last year in Mooney International including the major overhaul of the Kerrville production facility. To date MIC has spent close to 5 Million on upgrades to the Kerrville equipment and facility. As most of the attendees who went on the factory tour Saturday saw, some of the factory was unavailable (unsafe) for tours because of the major roof issues and the massive amount of rain that Kerrville has had over the last two weeks. Because of the rain and internal flooding, there are safety issues for both visitors and employees. Mooney has negotiated a contract with the City of Kerrville and Kerr County to partner the complete repair of the roof of the entire Kerrville facility. Dr. Chen also spoke about some of the expansion at the Chino, CA location which is predominately an engineering facility for Mooney focusing for now on the M10 project. Mooney plans to have a “first flight” of the M10 by the end of 2015 and they are still on schedule for certification by 2017. He also mentioned preliminary efforts to solicit the County of Kerr and State of Texas for a location and assistance to standup a state of the art M10 Manufacturing facility after Certification is achieved. Jerry also outlined his desire to hear everyone’s “Mooney Story” and offered the prize of a 3D printed Mooney Model to people whose stories were selected for the Mooney Website or use in company print media. After Dr. Chen spoke, we began the seminar sessions with a presentation by MAPA member Tom Harnett on “Taxes and your Mooney.” While taxes and accounting are subjects that are not very stimulating, Tom managed to keep everyone’s focus for his entire presentation. We will be sure to get Tom back again next year. Following Tom was Otis Cameron from JPI who talked about “Basic Engine Management” and after Otis was Chris Benson from Garmin International with a great presentation on “ADS-B Options and ADS-B Mandate” which concluded the morning session. While all this was going on, Jolie Lucas and Jan Maxwell were conducting “Advanced Cockpit Training for CoPilots” in another part of the Inn. This is something that Jan and Jolie did last year and it was so well received that they decided to give it a try again this year. I think if we can prevail on the ladies we may try to make this a regular event at every Homecoming. After the co-pilot session, the ladies all gathered for the annual Ladies Luncheon which was sponsored by Falcon Insurance Agency. When the seminar sessions resumed after lunch, Don Grunke from Concord Battery offered a presentation on “Lead Acid Aircraft Battery Airworthiness” Don was followed by MAPA’s own Don Maxwell (known on the chat list as Dmax) who answered maintenance questions and offered his own unique opinion on maintenance within the Mooney world. Don was joined by the ever knowledgeable Paul Loewen and his newest shop guy Kyle Kennedy – a rookie at MAPA functions. Between these three, well the Mooney maintenance world is well represented. Following Don, Paul and Kyle was Craig Steffen who presented an excellent talk on cockpit EFBs and on ADS-B options – very nice Craig; expect a call again next year. You are quickly becoming the MAPA Tech Guy! Dr. Larry Marshall was the next on the list however, Larry was stuck in San Diego so we were pleased that Gerald Earwood (see July 2014 MAPA LOG, “Al-Qaeda Above Me”) gave an excellent and emotional talk on what it was like from an airline pilot’s view to be the last aircraft in the air on Sept. 11, 2001. Saturday morning found clouds still enveloping Kerrville although no rain was present, so a modified Airport Day was scheduled. Before departing for the Kerrville airport, the MAPA Safety Foundation conducted a BFR course for pre-registered pilots with the academic portion given at the hotel and then adjourning to the airport for the flight stuff. Also at the hotel, we were pleased to have Richard Simile from Premier Aircraft present an outstanding talk on safety issues for Mooney pilots including some “Simile-isms” that all will remember. Next in the Forum Room was Carl Sharon from Houston Tank Specialists who was followed by Nicolas Dopfel from Continental Engines who discussed the upcoming Continental Diesel engines which will power the Mooney M10 aircraft. MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 9 After the last seminar in the hotel, everyone made the trip to the airport for an excellent lunch of Barbecue Pulled Pork in the MAPA hangar catered by Joe Kennedy of Kerrville Aviation and James Gandy from Dugosh. During lunch, we shuttled our guests to the Mooney factory across the field for a special private tour of the manufacturing plant similar to the one we arranged last year. All who went were amazed at the progress that MIC has made in just 12 months. It was good to see a full production line of M20s as well as the other improvements that have occurred at the factory in Kerrville. While some of the plant was not accessible due to safety concerns, it was easy to see the dedication that the ownership and management group has to the future of Mooney. While everyone had free time before the evening concluded, Dr. Larry Marshall (who finally made it to Kerrville Friday night) held a roundtable discussion in the exhibit lobby on the new FAA Medical proposals for Class III as well as answering other FAA AME questions for a small group of attendees. Thanks Larry for hanging in there. The day wound up with our also traditional Farewell Banquet in the ballroom of the Inn of the Hills. We had a special guest at this year’s banquet, the Honorable Jack Pratt, Mayor of Kerrville who presented a Special Proclamation to Mooney International from the city of Kerrville. We all dined on a delicious meal of steak and chicken (excellent beef filet and tasty chicken on a stick – no rubber food for MAPA members) finished off with my favorite chocolate layer cake…makes me hungry just writing about it. After the meal we gave out some door prizes – one member even drew a “pick me” picture on the back of her tickets which seemed to work – and the plaques for the winners of the Airplane Beauty Contest. Due to the iffy weather in Kerrville this week, we decided to handle the contest judging a little differently. We let the employees of Mooney be the judges and they picked the winners you see featured elsewhere in this issue of the LOG. We finished off the evening with the comedy of MAPA member Gary Jones. Gary put on quite a show! As in any organization like MAPA, a convention of this size doesn’t happen without a lot of planning and support from many people. First I would like to 10 thank our sponsors whose generosity made many things possible. They include: Falcon Insurance Agency who sponsored the Ladies Luncheon, Don Maxwell Aviation who sponsored the Ice Cream Social, Houston Tank Specialists who sponsored the daily Pastries and Coffee, Art Craft Paint who sponsored the Airport Transportation, Dugosh and Kerrville Aviation who sponsored the Airport Lunch and our Top Flight Banquet Sponsor Mooney International Corp. I would also like to thank the great folks who donated things for door prizes and to the auction. They include; Concorde Battery, Continental Motors, Falcon Insurance, Garmin International (the Garmin watch almost didn’t leave my arm!), Lake Aero Styling, McCauley Propeller, Dr. Michael Walker (Mr. Simile may not look the same in the future after he uses the facelift he won), Hubert and Lu Compton, Gerald Earwood and Weep No More and of course Mooney International. We also had a great group of volunteers helping us this year; at the airport Ken (our clown) Abrahams, Rae Willis and Bill Pearson; in the hotel with merchandise Peggy Walker and Joe Schmerber; helping Lela with registration was Margaret Garrett; and Jolie Lucas and Jan Maxwell with the co-pilot course. Of course the exhibitors were more than wonderful in sharing their time and talents with our members and we are grateful for their participation in this year’s convention. We look forward to seeing them again next year. And speaking of next year, after an informal survey taken during the banquet, we determined that most members want to brave the hurricane season and return to a Sept/Oct timeframe for the Homecoming celebration. And they want to return to Kerrville to see what new things are happening at the factory, so we will begin negotiations with the Inn of the Hills for a September or October 2016 meeting. Keep your calendars open, and expect more information in an upcoming issue of the MAPA LOG. ALL AMERICAN AIRCRAFT Mooneys are going fast! Call for cash offer or information on selling by consignment. 1989 M20M, “Bravo,” N1088S, 2175TT, 366 SFRB, G-430, MX20, EDM-701 2009 M20TN ‘ACCLAIM’, N79333. 690 TT, Garmin G-1000, GTX-33 GFC-700, Skycharts, TKS 2005 M20R ‘Ovation 2GX’, N711WJ, 825 TT, GARMIN G-1000, WX-500, Factory Air, TIX, GLD-69A 1995 M20J, “MSE” N452X, 1400 TT. 145 SMOH, G-430W, G-400, WX-500 1978 M20J, ‘201’ N584CM, 3450 TT, 1482 SMOH, G530W, STEC-55X, GDL-69 1997 M20M, ‘BRAVO’, N355RZ, 1325 TT, 563 SFNEW, G-530, G-430, GDL-69, TKS FIKE, EFIS, EDM-700 1984 M20K, “231” N5756V, 3050 TT, 1425 SFRM, G-430W, GAMI, INTERCOOLER 1978 M20C, ‘RANGER,’ N3609H, 2825 TT, 383 SMOH, G-430W, ELECTRIC GEAR 1977 M20C, ‘RANGER,’ N3573H, 2000 T A&E, LASAR COWL, PC, KX-170B’S All American will give you a competitive cash offer for your Mooney. We can also help you get the highest retail price possible by selling your aircraft on consignment. Call Jimmy Garrison or David McGee for more information concerning Mooney Aircraft Need Inventory....Call Today 125 Kestrel Drive Spring Branch, TX 78070 830-885-5723 Fax: 830-438-4099 MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 11 IN S URANCE INSURANCE FOR YOUR HANGAR AND CONTENTS by John Allen, Falcon Insurance Agency • Kerrville, TX Whether they are from fire, windstorm, vandalism, errant tugs, automobiles etc. losses can and do happen around an airport. If any of these things damage your aircraft, your aircraft policy is there to protect you (assuming you purchased physical damage coverage), but what about the hangar and/or its contents? Are you covered? Do you need to be? Let’s start off by examining when it is your responsibility to insure the hangar structure. This is an area that can get confusing around an airport due to the various requirements of municipalities and airport authorities. If you own the aircraft hangar and it is built on your owned or leased property on the airport, it should be clear that you have an insurable interest in the property. This means you can insure your property and collect the proceeds at the time of the loss. However, if you are just leasing the hangar, as many are, you may not have an insurable interest in the hangar structure. In many cases the airport authority, the local FBO or another owner may own the structure and you just have an insurable interest in your personal property that is stored on the premises. But wait just a moment! What happens if the hangar burns down and it is your negligence that caused the damage? For example – you left a space heater burning and it was the source of the fire. You may need to look to the requirements of your lease for that answer. The lessor or sub-lessor in some cases will require you to enter into a lease agreement. Leases help to outline the responsibilities of both parties. 12 Whether you are leasing a building, an apartment, or a hangar space, a written agreement is normally required. However most of these leases include clauses that make you as the lessee responsible for your negligent acts arising out of the operation, use, or occupancy of your hangar. In one way it is certainly a reasonable requirement to expect you to be responsible for your own negligent actions. However, with regard to property insurance it is not possible for you to insure the hangar unless you have an insurable interest either by ownership or contractually by a lease. If you indeed have an Insurable Interest, coverage is available for the Hangar itself and can also include: Completed additions; Fixtures, including outdoor fixtures; Machinery and equipment permanently attached to the building; Personal property owned by you that is used to maintain or service the building or structure (see the policy of limitations) Deductibles normally start at $1,000 and can increase depending on the Peril (windstorm / fire etc.) or the exposure. Rates vary depending on the coverage selected, exposures and loss history. In addition to the Building you probably have personal property or “contents” stored inside the hangar that needs to be covered. The term for that in the policy is “Your Business Personal Property.” This normally covers contents located in or on the designated building at the premises described in the Declarations or in the open (or in a vehicle) within 1.000 feet of the described premises, consisting of the following: Furniture and Fixtures Machinery and Equipment “Stock” Personal property owned by you and used in your business Your interest as tenant in the improvements and betterments in a hangar Even if you do not have coverage on the building, these items can be insured on a contents only policy that is written to cover the property of a tenant. You can also cover “Personal Property of Others,” “Personal Property at Undescribed Premises,” and Personal Property in Transit.” The MAPA Falcon Insurance program has some great markets for your hangar insurance needs so please do not hesitate to ask us for a quote. It is also important to send a copy of any hangar lease to your MAPA Falcon insurance representative for the review and approval of your aviation insurance underwriter. This will not only assure that you don’t violate the insurance conditions of your aircraft policy, but will also allow your agent to review any additional insurance requirements in the lease. MAPA HOMECOMING CONVENTION INN OF THE HILLS, KERRVILLE, TEXAS MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 13 Case Johnson M20K Daniel Bindl Stan Jordan Daniel Sharp M20K Donald Bonem II M20J James Juhl Marcus Sims Brian Kaczorowski Craig Smith David Klein Garrett Sotillo M20J Jason Cammack M20E Paul Cocking Norman Levitt Dave Davis Jon Martin DC Surface M20G Michael Farley Michael Mollenhauer Donald Swing Nick Galyon M20R Evan Neumann Scott Wallace Austin Puckett M20J Francis Yodice Cornelius Gorman II M20TN Arthur Holly M20J 14 Mark Rouch Michael Beard M20G James Ragsdale M20J SHOULDER HARNESS KITS • • • Factory Style, 3 Point Diagonal Design Factory Quality, TSO-C114 AMSAFE Belt Systems Choice of Stock Colors or Special Order, Same Price Fixed Strap-$299.00 Per Seat Inertial Reel-$399.00 Per Seat *M20C - G “Minor Change” Installation Kit $35.00 2 Seats AIRCRAFT JACKS - THAT FIT Three Leg Design Rugged Construction #6000 Capacity Ram Range 24” - 41” Locking Safety Collar MODEL 324 $249.00 EA. Tail Stand/Weight Available MAPA HOMECOMING 2015 EXHIBITORS HOSPITALITY Online at Alpha Aviation Inc. 1505 Chateaulin Lane Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 1-800-653-5112 1-952-856-5158 (fax) MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 15 16 CONTINUED ON PAGE 27 MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 17 MO O NEY M A I NTENANCE Ask Jerry by Jerry Manthey, MAPA Maintenance Instructor QUESTION: How do I go about finding corrosion on my Mooney? ANSWER: If you suspect that you might have corrosion, plan on spending several days for the inspection. One fact to remember is, if your Mooney has been tied down out in the weather and/or the area you live in is humid and has large amounts of rain, it would be a very good idea to pull a very thorough inspection. Remember, you should definitely have a good canopy cover! However, this will not stop corrosion in the wings and aft fuselage. A good cover will keep the water out of the cabin. A good idea is to remove the cover often after it rains, clean the windows and dry the cover. It goes without saying, that a thorough inspection is probably a good idea every year, especially if you found corrosion the previous year. You can start the inspection on your Mooney at whatever section you choose. Just make sure you inspect the entire aircraft. Let’s start with the wings. If you find corrosion in the wings pull the dust boots and check under them. This is a very good place to find corrosion. On the older Mooney’s you will have many panels to remove under the wings. Be careful NOT TO REMOVE the fuel panels. Two important items you need for the inspection are a very bright flashlight that will fit inside the wing after going through the small panel openings and a good set of eyes! A helpful tool is a small mirror with a handle that is easy to extend. You should try to get a stool to sit on with the right height so you can get as comfortable as possible. When you suspect corrosion the look-see should 18 be very methodical. Stay motivated to keep looking. Of course you should familiarize yourself with what corrosion looks like. You might want to visit with someone who has experienced corrosion, repair and treatment. Once you finish the wings, remove the seats and all upholstery panels. Remove the tape or covers on the panel below the rear seat. Remove the belly panels and start inspecting the main wing spar, the cage and surrounding sheet metal. Don’t forget the main wing spar in the wheel wells. Take off all the panels on the rear fuselage and inspect all the sheet metal. Inspect the tail feathers as best you can. The older aircraft have some panels you can remove. If you suspect corrosion on the tail feathers you may have to drill out some rivets and look inside. Don’t forget the push-pull tubes, landing gear rods and the landing gear. The two cavity panels and inspect. Of course don’t forget the engine mount. If the cage has corrosion damage, it can be repaired and in some cases sheet metal can be replaced. The most extreme case would require a wing removal in order to facilitate a repair. If corrosion is caught in the early stages, the treatment and prevention of future corrosion is much easier. A good painter or paint shop might be a source to help to remove and treat early corrosion. Part of a new paint job is the fact that any corrosion found should be removed and treated before repainting. The items and inspections I just suggested sounds like a great deal of work. It is and must be done if you have corrosion. Remember the early stages of corrosion are much easier to treat and repair than if you wait for a later time. Painting over corrosion will not make it go away! Corrosion is like a cancer--untreated it will increase the cost of repair and treatment by huge amounts or may even call for scraping your Mooney because it will cost more to repair than the Mooney is worth! A NOTE ON ENGINES: I recently received e-mails on three different problems on three different engines. These problems were unique in that the problems all appeared after a field overhaul. They were overhauled by an A & P/I.A. in the field. First let me say, I think that the persons working and overhauling these engines were qualified from past experience of work related engine problems. The engines installed in Mooney’s require a number of special tools for overhaul. You can solve the special tool problem by sending engine parts out to specialized shops to accomplish needed repairs during the overhaul. In rare cases you can disassemble, inspect, replace factory recommended parts and reassemble the engine without outsourcing repairs. The aircraft now becomes the test cell for run-up and checkout after overhaul If a problem appears during the initial run-up that requires teardown, it means you have to pull the engine off the aircraft again. The three engines I am writing about will undoubtedly cost more to repair in the long run than if an authorized repair station overhauled the engine. The problems encountered will require a great deal of time (labor/money) by back-tracking the work already accomplished in an effort to locate these unique problems. The engines overhauled by an authorized shop come with a warranty. Thus, problems encountered after overhaul will be covered and save money. Remember, you expect your overhauled engine to run 2000 hours. Are you overhauling it with this in mind? QUESTION: I have oil pressure problems. ANSWER: I have received a number of questions recently on oil pressure problems. I have written about some of these problems in the past, but I’ll review them again. On any kind of oil pressure problem you must “T” in a calibrated direct reading oil pressure gauge to determine whether or not it is a gauge or engine problem. The majority of problems are gauge related. After determining you have a gauge problem, the troubleshooting will be determined by whether or not it is a wet gauge (oil to gauge in cabin) or electric gauge. If it is a wet gauge, your troubleshooting is narrowed down to one unit, the gauge. Remove the gauge and send it to an authorized repair shop. If your system is electric, the first item of troubleshooting is to check electrical connections. One of the common problems is grounds. They become deteriorated or the wires are loose in the connectors. Check for clean connections. If all the connections are clean and in good repair, you will have to determine whether the sending unit or gauge is at fault. Depending on the type of sending unit installed, it probably would be less expensive to replace the sending unit. If, after replacing the sending unit the oil pressure problem still exits, then you will have to send the gauge in for repair. If you have one of the newer (late model) sending units that cost well over $1000, then it would be less expensive to send the gauge out first for a bench check. Air Parts of Lock Haven, PA has an authorized repair station for instruments. There are other authorized repair stations in the country although I am not familiar with them or their locations. After all defective units are repaired, it is recommended that you make another run-up with the calibrated oil gauge “T’d” in to make sure the oil pressure is within limits. If the oil pressure problem is an engine problem you should pull the oil filter and check for metal. Don’t forget the sump screen. Good luck! Have safe flights! maintenance MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 free 19 2015 Mooney Acclaim Type S, N608MR - SN 31-0132, Pick your color, Pick Your Options, 3 year warranty! $733,900 2009 Mooney Acclaim Type S, N618BL - S/N 31-0127, Only 520 TT, NDH, Air, WAAS, XM, GFC 700 Autopilot, $485,000 N113TN 2009 Mooney Acclaim Type S,Stunning Custom Paint, WAAS, SVT, GFC 700 AutoPilot, Xenon Lights, Superb Maintenance History N261JM 2007 Mooney Ovation 3, 130 Gallons Fuel Capacity, One Owner, Always Hangared, $309,000 N823 AF 2006 Mooney M20R Ovation 2 GX, TCAS, Stormscope, Fresh Top Overhaul and Prop Overhaul, Air Conditioning, S/N 29-0432, $255,000 N322RW - SN 29-0218 2000 Mooney Ovation, NDH, Garmin TAS Traffic, WX500 WAAS, XM, WX, OXY, Charts, and TKS DEICE Too!! $235,000 N66YC, 2005 Mooney Bravo, Super Low Time, Zero Since Overhaul, $290,000 N6101G S/N 469 7340, 2009 Piper Meridian, G1000 Equipped, Like New Condition, All the Options, Inquire about price N75AU S/N 3257079, 1999 Piper Saratoga II TC, WAAS Equipped, Air Conditioned, Always Hangared, $259,900 I can assist you with financing, insurance, pre-buy inspections and training, making your purchase easy and efficient. We will consider all trades! Richard Simile Regional Sales Manager Contact me at: Office: (334) 826-1660 or 800-903-8402 Cell: (334) 332-2100 Email: [email protected] 20 Nobody gets excited about their starter until it doesn’t work. Nothing grounds an airplane and your plans faster than a faulty starter. That’s why Hartzell Engine Technologies is committed to making significant improvements to starter technology and reliability. Our starter lineup offers the industry’s best duty-cycle performance and we’ve introduced unique improvements to specific models. Innovations such as high-torque motors with lower battery draw, built-in kick-back protection (E-Drive), minimal back-torque for starter adapter protection, integrated contactors (X-Drive), stronger lightweight housings, and more. So when it’s time for a new starter, make the switch to Hartzell. And make starter AOG’s a thing of the past. SEVERE DUTY TEST 0 NUMBER OF STARTS 10 15 20 5 HARTZELL 25 30 30 + STARTS E-DRIVE Competition fails after 10 starts 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 ELAPSED TIME IN MINUTES M-DRIVE 15 X-DRIVE | +1.334.386.5400 Undo your thinking. HET0011 Grounded Ad MAPA.indd 1 1/8/14 10:22 AM CONVERT TO- - CUR RENT N E X T G E N E R AT I O N P O W E R I N A B O X Truth is, your old generator is tired. And while you’ve had many great years together, it’s time to modernize to a safer, more reliable charging system, capable of maintaining the main ship battery at its peak. Plane-Power alternators answer the need with the most complete boxed kit solution available. Gear- or belt-driven and robustly powerful at low RPMs, we have a cool-running solution to feed any power need. Choose the generator replacement that will unleash your aircraft’s true potential — Plane-Power. • Lighter weight • Precision balanced • Dual internal fans Alternators • Built-in noise filtration • Built-in overvoltage and overcurrent protection • Modern solid-state design Regulators • Included in conversion kits +1.877.359.5355 HET0020 Plane-Power Belt Alternator Ad_MAPA.indd 1 2/25/15 5:08 PM Client: Hartzell Engine Technologies Ad Title: Plane-Power Belt Alternator Publication: MAPA Log MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 21 MAPA HOMECOMING CONVENTION CLOWN, KEN ABRAHAMS, PARKING AIRPLANES 22 MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 23 MAPA 2015 HOMECOMING AT THE INN OF THE HILLS IN KERRVILLE, TEXAS 24 MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 25 MAPA HOMECOMING CONVENTION 2015 INN OF THE HILLS IN KERRVILLE, TEXAS 26 continued from page 17 MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 27 2015 MAPA SAFETY FOUNDATION PILOT PROFICIENCY PROGRAMS Cost Per Person $845 GIVE US THREE DAYS AND WE WILL PREPARE YOU FOR SAFER FLYING! There will be activities planned so spouses and friends are welcome. We look forward to seeing you at one of the PPP’s. September 11-13, 2015 Atlantic City, NJ October 9-11, 2015 Fort Worth, TX Have you attended a PPP previously?If, so, how many times? Name:MAPA # Address: City:State: Zip: Tel:Cell: FAA E-Mail: Mooney Model: N#Year: If you would like credit for the New FAA Wings Program sign up at and request credit for course after completion. Your registration for a course is secured only upon receipt of payment and this completed form. We will mail or fax a confirmation letter approximately one month prior to the start of the course. Please make checks payable to: MAPA Safety Foundation Mail your checks to: MAPA Safety Foundation 1885 Airport Loop Rd. Ste 100 Kerrville, TX 78028 Contact Information: Phone 830-315-8008 Fax: 830-315-8011 28 Southwest Texas Aviation, Inc. Serving Mooney Owners Worldwide for over 28 years!!!! (800) 749-SWTA •ServiceParts •Maintenance •Inspections •Repairs [email protected] SanMarcos,TexasMunicipalAirport:KHYI MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 29 CALENDAR OF EVENTS LET’S DO LUNCH Florida Lunch Group Future Dates and locations of our lunches are as follows: We meet at 11:30 a.m. on the second Saturday of all events. Please contact Dave at daveanruth@aol. com or 352-343-3196 if possible before coming so the restaurant can be given an accurate count. Or by the Thursday night before for last minute changes if you are not on my e-mail list. June 13, Williston (X60) July 11, Sebring (SEF) August 8, Saint Augustine (SGJ) Discussion Forums for Mooney Enthusiasts There are a couple of e-mail discussion forums for pilots and others interested in Mooneys. One of these mailing lists tries to stay focused on Mooneys, while the other covers a wider range of aviation topics, and even strays into non-aviation discussions. All are welcome and lists are completely free of charge. To learn more or to join these lists, visit the web page html. That page is part of the Mooney Junction web site ( which has a number of pages of information related to owning and flying Mooneys. Mooney Ambassadors--Share the Passion! *Support our Mooney Airplane Company *Promote General Aviation *Have someplace wonderful to fly. For more information about the Mooney Ambassadors or to register to attend an event please go to our website: Email: [email protected] New Jersey Mooney Pilots Group The New Jersey Mooney Pilots Group was founded to bring together owners and pilots of all vintages of Mooneys in the New Jersey, New York, and nearby region. We schedule frequent fly ins at various destinations, plan events, and promote general aviation in our community. Our membership is continously growing as more mooniacs join our ranks. If you fly a Mooney out of New Jersey or nearby states and would like to be on our email list to be alerted of our upcoming flyings, go to our web site at 30 MOONEY PARTS Specializing in International Sales Meeting your Mooney needs since 1966 • • • • • Mooney Factory New Spare Parts LASAR PMA Replacement Components LASAR Rebuilt /Exchange Program LASAR STC Modification & Speed Kits Salvaged Reconditioned Airframe Parts LASAR PARTS Call: 707 263-0581 or……… 800 954-5619 FAX 707 263-0420 Email: [email protected] “LIKE US “ on facebook….. Other Services --- visit our website MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 31 MEMORY LOSS AND THE FAA By Larry Marshall, MD, AME, HIMS SPECIALIST Memory loss has been partially addressed in previously written articles. The objective of this article is to discuss it in more detail and some of the implications of memory loss and flying as viewed by the FAA. Patients are concerned and ask about memory loss daily. Frequently, I find that stress, anxiety, and relationships, etc., are the main reasons for “forgetfulness.” When the distraction is corrected, then the “forgetfulness” improves. Memory loss, in my opinion, is very arbitrary and not as concrete as in other areas of medicine. There are physical tests that suggest memory loss, but none of them confirm it. There are written tests mostly administered by psychologists that may suggest memory loss, but many of these tests are biased. Usually a combination of clinical medicine, physical tests, and psychological testing will pinpoint memory loss with a high level of confidence more accurately. Some of the diagnostic tests are MRI, MRA, and CAT scans of the brain, analysis of cerebral spinal fluid, genetic testing, blood chemistry, etc. Memory loss affects all ages, races, and gender. I have seen a six-year-old with ADHD who couldn’t remember and a 100-yearold grandma with a perfect memory. I once had a 59-year-old Stanford graduate, Ph.D., in a nursing home with advanced Alzheimer’s. 32 Alcohol and drugs can cause memory loss. This becomes an issue with the FAA and is part of their HIMS program. As a HIMS AME, I send pilots with alcohol or drug related offenses, as well as anxiety, PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder), and depression to a psychologist for neurocognitive testing and to a psychiatrist for psychiatric evaluations. It is unfortunate to see this same group in institutions with irreversible memory loss from substances and alcohol abuse. It is a challenge to evaluate memory loss in certain groups of the population. Doctors, engineers, school teachers, pilots, etc., are easy to miss, especially pilots and doctors. Specialized tests are developed to evaluate these groups of people and as pilots the FAA usually requires these tests and evaluations if there is any doubt of memory loss. Some reversible forms of memory loss are caused by infection, diseases, and malnutrition. The loss of memory in these cases are usually due to lack of thiamine (one of the vitamin B groups). We see permanent memory loss in third world countries because of lack of sufficient protein for brain development in children. It should be mentioned that psychiatrists are specialists in many areas besides behavior. They have a greater understanding of the neurological system and its disorders, and are experts at pinpointing where in the brain the problem exists. They also are very good at determining what chemicals (medications) will work and what to expect. With their extensive training, they are able to help many with psychological and behavioral issues (memory loss). Diagnosis and treatment is what they do best. Behavior issues do affect memory and psychiatrists, M.D.s and psychologists, Ph.D.s, with testing work together to treat these issues. In my opinion, it is one of the most difficult areas of medicine, because you can’t quite put your finger on it. Memory loss usually does not occur overnight. It is progressive and subtle and can be missed. Memory loss occurring quickly is usually from strokes, brain tumors, and chemicals. Aging is a process where people usually slow down. Reaction time is not as fast as when they were in their teens and recall is not as quick. If you eventually remember, then it is not likely memory loss, just slower reaction time related to age. Since most patients would rather see a family physician rather than a psychiatrist, we test using the MMR, a 30-question written test for memory loss, and if they pass, then reassurance needs to be given so the patient can then get on with their life. It is horrible to label someone with memory loss when they don’t have it. It can become a legal issue when there is wealth or secondary gain. I. Dementia Defined Broad decline of cognitive function including: Memory Orientation Personality Intellect Judgment Executive Function II. Types of Dementia Alzheimer’s disease Lewy body disease Frontal temporal dementia Pick’s disease Vascular dementia Others III. Alzheimer’s disease (most common type of dementia) Subtle memory loss followed by slowly progressive dementia. Front temporal dementia is 10% of all cases of dementia. Loss of inhibition and socially inappropriate. Pick’s disease similar to frontal temporal dementia. Lewy body disease is the second most common type of dementia. Seen in Parkinson’s disease and has Parkinson features. Vascular dementia. There are two categories. Multi infarct dementia (mini strokes) Binswanger’s disease (of the white matter of the brain as opposed to the gray matter). IV. Reversible causes of dementia Depression Medications Metabolic disorders (thyroid issues) Toxic agents (heavy metals, pesticides, alcohol, organic solvents) Nutritional deficiency (vitamin B12, niacin, thiamine). Normal pressure hydrocephalus, brain tumors, subdural hematoma. Infections (neurosyphylis, chronic fungal or bacterial meningitis, HIV). V. Others Mild cognitive impairment Memory loss beyond normal limits in alert persons Medications Valium type medications (benzodiazepines) in particular can cause reversible and irreversible memory loss. Illicit substance and alcohol will be saved for a future article and can definitely cause memory loss. Depression can result in a memory deficit and sometimes can be mistaken for memory loss. Delirium is a reversible psychotic state brought about by illness, fever, infection, and substances. Treatment and prevention of dementia: 1. Treat underlying illness, diabetes, hypertension, vascular disorders, etc. 2. Medications (acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors); 3. Education; 4. Adult day care; 5. Alzheimer’s Association I recently had a 98-year-old lady in for a physical. She came in with her daughter. I told Wilma that I needed to examine her. She said just a second while I take my falsies out. I thought that she meant she was going to take the toilet paper out of her bra. Instead she took her hearing aids out. Sharp as a tack and I ask her later what her secret to being so perky was. She told me just clean living. Wilma reads and does crossword puzzles. IN CONCLUSION: Memory loss in a lot of cases is unavoidable. Sometimes it is lifestyle and bad habits which lead to disease and memory loss. Clean living pays off. Using all systems of the body Staying active No isolation Treat depression Crossword puzzles for some; flying airplanes for the rest of us. Get current, new ratings, spend time with your favorite CFI. Know a sectional, AFD, AIM and FARS Good nutrition and exercise, etc. These are only a few tasks to keep the mind sharp. This article is only a summary of important points as seen by a family medical doctor in daily practice. There is much more than we could expand on. Much detail was left out. Hopefully, it was in-formative. Please feel free to call or e-mail us with your comments or questions. If we are busy, we will get back to you. Larry J. Marshall, M.D., AME 20547, HIMS (619) 443-3843 Email: DRLJMLKSD@sdcoxmail. com MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 33 MAPA HOMECOMING CONVENTION REGISTRATION DAY Stanley Kowalczk came to Homecoming with his son and grandson and is shown here at the Ice Cream Social hugging Lela 34 Fantastic Vacations for Mooney Owners If you make reservations at one of these vacation spots offered by our members, please let us know your opinion so we can pass the information along to other members. We have not been at any of these vacation locations and are unable to provide further information. Send e-mail to [email protected] or fax 830 315-8011 Myrtle Beach, SC Oceanfront home, by Mooney owner, 3BR, solarium, 2 B, oceanfront gazebo & deck, Mention MAPA for discount. 1-1-3097 Karole Jensen. Put-In-Bay, OH Put a Little Island in your life. Beautiful Private Single Family Home Pilots Fly into Put-in-Bay Airport (3W2). Our home is just across the street from the runway. Located right on Beautiful Lake Erie with 3 bedrooms; 2 baths; completely furnished. No Smoking; No Pets; Seasonal rent only from Memorial Day thru Labor Day Call: Ron Borchert at 330-659-9664 or 216-701-5252. MAPA Discounts. [email protected] Myrtle Beach, SC Kingston Plantation, 2-bedroom villa, 1 king and 2 twin beds with sleeper sofa, flat screen televisions, pool, kiddy pool, tennis courts & spa. Visit http:// Very close to CRE. Call Tom Mcintire, 304-232-8600, [email protected] Martha’s Vineyard 4 Bedroom 3000’ private home overlooking Vineyard Sound. East Chop residence has fireplaces balconies full kitchen 3 bath, oil heat, and walk to pristine public beaches town of Oak Bluffs. References and security deposit required. MAPA members only: May, $6000/wk; June 15-Sept 15, $7000/ week. June 15-Sept 15 $8500/wk. 847234-1627, E-mail: Wyldwoode@yahoo. com Books up quickly “ Barry Carroll you can be at our condo on the beach in about 10 minutes. It’s the perfect place for your family’s summer vacation or a golf outing in the spring or fall. Please visit for photos, information and directions. Call me for reservations, mention that you are a Mooney pilot and receive a 20% discount, 610-767-1699, Howard Slugocki. Also a (1) bedroom condo is available. San Diego, CA Beautiful San Diego Apartment just minutes from airport, museums, Sea World, & beaches. This cozy & quite 1 bedroom apartment is nestled in the heart of Balboa Park. A large deck patio with trees overlooking a delightful canyon, walking distance to golf, dining, and shopping. Call Jim Abraham 602570-1362. MAPA Members $100 per night. Sanibel Island, FL 25 minutes from Ft. Myers (KFMY) Page Field to a ground floor 2 bdrm 2 bath tropical paradise condo that sleeps 6 people. Overlooking beautiful garden only steps from heated pool or one of the best shelling beaches in Florida. Rates and any questions – Lhc271@ or call Rick Senseney 765621-0601 Pinetop, AZ Spend the summer or the holidays in Pinetop, AZ nestled in the beautiful White Mountains, within a short 20 minute drive of the Show Low Airport (SOW). Call 929-369-4000 and ask for rentals or check out the website at www. Boyd Maddox Sunriver Oregon Fly into beautiful Sunriver, Oregon and enjoy either a 3 bedroom Townhouse (2200 Sq. Ft.) newly remodeled and/or a 2 bedroom remodeled condo all within walking distance to shopping, golf, tennis, Sharc swimming complex, pool, workout rooms, resort, spa and bikes provided for the trails. Rent for 7 days or a long weekend. Mention MAPA. Great place to relax. MAPA member Mike Hutchinson. Call LuAnn 831-6016355 Advertising spaces on this page are available for $30.00 each. Send email to or fax 830315-8011 Advertise Your Vacation Spot! North Myrtle Beach, SC Oceanfront, 3BR condo, sleeps 6 very comfortably, fly into Grand Strand airfort (CRE) rent a car at the FBO and Vacation spot information has been provided by MAPA members, therefore MAPA accepts no responsibility or liability regarding information published. MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 35 C L A SSIFIED Each MAPA member is entitled to two (2) classified ads each year at no charge. Limited to 17 lines per issue. If MAPA member is advertising items for sale in connection with his commercial enterprise, this does not qualify under members free program. Commercial Classified rate is $5.00 per line including address; $30.00 minimum charge. All classified ads must be received by the 10th of the month preceding this issue, i.e. June 10, for inclusion in July issue. The following classified advertisimg is provided by MAPA for the benefit of our members. MAPA makes no warranty as to the correctness or accuracy of any statememts made herein. All ad copy is provided by the advertiser. Specifications are subject to verification by purchaser upon inspecton. Send your ads to [email protected] or fax to 830-315-8011. MAPA members when you sell your airplane let us know who the new owner is so we can send a MAPA membership package to them. Or have the new owner contact us about membership. The following is a list of the frequently abbreviated words: TT - Total Time SPOH Since Prop Overhaul TTAF - Total Time Airframe SFRM Since FactoryRemanufactured Engine TTAF & E- Total Time Airframe and Engine Or TTAE- Total Time Airframe and Engine SFREM Since Factory Remanufactured Engine SFO- Since Factory Overhaul NDH No Damage History SMOH - Since Major Overhaul P & I Paint & Interior “AIRCRAFT WANTED” Mooneys, All Models!! Run out ok; needing P&I, radio upgrades ok; fast discriminate transactions on your ramp, 20 years experience/references. Jim Cardella 760-803-3093 email: [email protected] Pippen-York Flying Machine Co., Inc. Avionics, Autopilots, Stormscopes, GPS, Intercoms, & Xpdr/Alt. Certification Fredericksburg, TX Toll Free 1-877-997-8205 LASAR FREE WEB SITE List Your Mooney for sale free at www. form under “Mooneys for Sale” LASAR PARTS, SERVICE & SALES Check out Lake Aero Styling & Repair’s “LASAR” Web Site: New under Mooneys for Sale, “List your Mooney for free” and Mooney Instructors”. Also check out Parts, Mods, and Services! LASAR, est. 1975. 707-263-0412, email: parts-mods@lasar. com and [email protected] – “like” us on facebook!! MOONEY SPECIALISTS A combined maintenance and new flight training facility located at the Trenton- 36 Robbinsville Airport (N87) in Central Jersey. Factory trained mechanics with over 100 years combined experience in performing speed mods, annuals, PC repair, major airframe structural repair, and general airframe upgrades, instrument panels. Dave Mathiesen at Air-Mods Flight Center (609) 259-2400. Website is www.airmodsflightcenter. com and email [email protected] . 1989 M20J SE S/N24-3126, Original owner since purchased new from Connecticut Mooney. 2649 TT, 537 Since Pen Yan Overhaul, fresh annual May 2015. Excellent maintenance. New paint from Presitge Aircrft Vt. Always hangared. Leather interior. Century 2000 AP, HSI, M3 GPS, KX 165 and 155, ADF. Hangared in Brockport NY (near ROC). Please contact owner Rick West 585327-2065 or email: [email protected] $126,000. 1978 M20J N201LC, TTAF 2550, SMOH 405, wings stripped painted 2008 blue on white, GPS KL90B, Transponder, Mode C, STEC w/altitude hold, AZON (TCAS) #PCAS MRS, 4 port intercom, Apollo 920 GPS, ADF, 3 bladed McCauley Scimitar, Wilmar fuel tank reseal 11/28/08. 2nd owner, always hangared KUGN (IL) or KMVY (MA) B. Carroll 847-234-1627 or cell 847-624-1627 $81,000 FOR SALE New McCauley, 3 blade Propeller, still in factory plastic wrapping, fits All 180200 HP Mooney models C,D,E,F,G,J, $10,000 all factory paperwork & warranty transfer with propeller. Robert Detrich 540-209-2414 FOR SALE Two channel portable aircraft intercom, PS Engineering Aerocom II, lightly used, included are power-cable (connector replaced) and owners manual. Asking $99.00 shipping in lower 48 included. Accept paypal. Rawil Ismagil, email: [email protected] or call 714-2905572 FOR SALE 1990 201 Cowl has Lopresti Landing light, complete, good condition $2,800.00 Ciro Ramirez 951-371-8924 or cell 714681-4329 1999 M20S EAGLE Single owner, low time, TTAF & E 980 hours, no damage history, King KLN94 GPS navigation system, KMD 150 MFD display, interfaced with the KLN 94 GPS, S-Tec system 30 autopilot, electric speedbrakes, standby electric vacuum system. An excellent airplane. $149,900. Call Ted Corsones 802-7750125 or email: [email protected] 1992 M20J MSE 2540 TTAF, 550 SMOH/SPOH, KMA24, Garmin 430W & SL30, KT76C, KAP 150 w/GPSS, HSI, Electric standby vac, EDM-800 w/FF, WX1000+, dual brakes, Sky-Tec starter, Reiff turbo XP, 1000+ lbs useful load, 4 place intercom, aux power w/cable, new exhaust, newer pucks & Batt, Gust-Lok, always hangared, cowl plugs & cover, lived in dry NM and WI (KMKE), NDH. $124,900 Andy Laures, 414-431-2686 LET IT GO! BUM TICKER FORCES SALE 1986 M20K TSE, Rare 252 with TKS, TT3067 SFRM 1338, TSTOP 200, custom ArtCraft Paint 2012, custom leather seats 2002, G530W, WX500 stormscope, KFC 150 w/ Altitude preselect, dual alternator, 406 Mhz ELT, JPI EDM 800, 115 cu. ft O2, goes fast, high, and far. Everett, WA (KPAE) $152k, Fred Juhos 425-241-1655 or email: bellevuefred@ 1987 M20J 205SE 1730 TTAF, 375 SMOH (PennYan) NDH, all logs, second owner, annual 6/15, King IFR digital, KMA 24 audio panel, KY196 Com, KY 165 Nav/Com, KNS80 NAV system, KAP 150 audio pilot w/ alt. hold, KCS 55A compass system/ HSI, KR87, KT76A, Apollo 2001 NMS VFR GPS, Shadin FT10l fuel computer, SPA 400 intercom, Strikefinder, GEM 602 engine monitor, speed brakes, Precise Flight stand – by Vacuum, SkyTec starter, Reiff engine pre-heat system, Dyna-Vibe prop balanced, new nose and gear shock donuts, Bose hardwired pilot seat, hangared at GHG. $114,500 Paul Spiro 781-871-5454, or email: [email protected] PILOT GEAR FOR SALE Aerox Oxygen Tank w/seat back carrier $300; Bose X Headset $600; Lightspeed Zulu Headset $500; Mini iPad (32 GB+ cellular) w/yoke mount $375; ICOM IC22 Handheld NavCom $175; DC H1040 Headset-upgraded to ANR $200; DC H20-10 Headset $100; for your young co-pilot! Garmin GPS MAP plus a young person’s AVCOMM headset $95. Gary Watters email: [email protected] 1967 M20C MARK 21 TTAF 3413, 997 SMOH, Lycoming 0-360-A1D (180 hp), New Hartzell Top Prop, alternator, KA 134 audio, KX155’s w’glideslope, KI209, KI208, KN64 DME, JA 60, Narco AR-850, PM501 ICS, 2-owner airplane, always hangared, complete log books, IFR certified, no corrosion, no damage history, no propeller or ignition switch AD’s, new suspension donuts, resealed fuel tanks by Weep No More Jan 2015, Tanis heater, auxiliary power plug, lake Aero Cowl closure fairing, Sky Tec lightweight starter, Interav 60 amp alternator, excellent paint and leather interior, Sept. annual by Willmar Air Service in MN $39,000, Located in Janesville, WI. Call Mike at 608-7510122 or email [email protected] for more information and photos. 1988 M20K 252TSE N5223J, 25-1172, 4275 TT, 1490 SFRM, 1490 SPOH, Top Overhaul April 2013 by Safe Skies, Middletown, OH. Original paint-Rosetone white & deep maroon stripe, about 5 on scale of 10. New seats by Aero Comfort Jan. 2011, new carpet & interior paint. Rear seats removable for cargo, great cross country plane. Garmin 530 WAAS GPS, Garmin 340 Audio panel, Stereo Mic & phone jacks four seats, push-to-talk both yokes, King 89B GPS, KFC 150 autopilot, KFC 165 flip/flop Nav/Com, WX 1000 stormscope, standby vac, Insight GEM602 engine monitor, JPI Fuel Flow, oxygen, vertical card compass, Hartzell 2-blade hot prop, speed brakes, hangared at MWO. No damage history. Asking $134,900 OH Sam Nelson, 513424-4473, photos by email: snelson1@ 1965 M20C One owner last 26 years, hangared. TT 3773.3, SMOH 1773.3, SPOH 10, annual due Feb. 2016, All AD’s and SB’s up-todate. NDH, complete logs, very well maintained. Resealed tanks RH 2014, LH 2015, new interior with all new plastic panels & ¼ inch side windows 2012. 1 piece windshield, fuel & oil lines replaced in 2013, rudder pedal extensions, cowl closure, shoulder harnesses (front), 201 control yokes & shafts, recent new Sky-Tec starter 7 ring gear, Mech fuel pump replaced 2013, new tach & cable 2015, updated panel & wiring to “T” configuration with radio master, Narco HSI (works great!), KX170B & MX 170C NAV/Comms, KT 76 transponder, KM22 Marker, KA134 audio panel, Garmin 495 GPS, M800 clock’timer, EI engine scanner, volts/amps, CHT/OAT, new ELT, CO1 detector, standby vac, trays and wiring for King ADF & DME, NAV lights/strobes & rotating beacon, Updated to 201 “donuts”, manual gear (Johnson Bar), paint is 4-5, located in San Antonio, TX asking $39,500, Graeme Edwards 210771-5936 or email: g.edwards08@gmail. com 1987 M20J 205SE Airframe TT 1890 hrs, PowerplantLycoming IO-360-A3B6D factory rebuilt –TT 255 hrs, Prop since overhaul 255 hrs., annual due April 30, 2015. Avionics: King KMA24 audio panel w/ 3 light marker beacon, KY196 Digital Com, KNS80 digital RNAV/DME w/ glideslope receiver,KX 165 digital NAV/COM w/Glideslope receiver,KR87 digital ADF w/timer,KT76A transponder w/altitude encoding, KCS 55A slaved HSI, KFC150 autopilot w/flight director, 3M WX-10A stormscope, Apollo GX 50 IFR approach certified GPS, features: SPA 4 place intercom, Standby Vac, dual Yoke mounted PTT, CHT/EGT, overhead venting and lighting, Avionics master, heated pitot, strobes, wing recognition lights, Insight GEM EGT/CHT, vertical compass card, Hoskins FT 101 fuel computer, electric digital tach, electric chronometer, electric trim, polished spinner and prop, speedbrakes, interiorblue cloth w/blue leather trim and blue carpet, exterior-overall white w/red and blue stripes. $110,000 Robert Fischer, email: [email protected] 1978 M20J N9269N, S/N24-0751, TTSM 961, TTSN 3189, engine time 961 SMOH by Triad, Propeller HC-C3YR-1RF 3 blade 961 TTSN, annual due 3/31/16, useful load 1024. Avionics: GNS430 w/GI-106SCDI (cable wired for WAAS), KX 155 Nav/ Com w/KI 208, KMA-28 audio panel, KR85ADF w/KR225 indicator, KT76A transponder Mode C, JPI 700 Engine Monitor w/fuel flow (monitored to GPS), Century 11B autopilot w/heading bug. Many, many more items, contact Eddie Smith for more details. 803684-3425 or [email protected]. More views at news/buxiness/biz-columns-blogs/donworthington/article12303545.html. Appraised at $85,750, asking$78,500 or best reasonable offer. I have owned for fourteen years; selling for medical reasons. MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 37 WRIGHT BROTHERS MASTER PILOT PATCH Have you received the Master Pilot Pin? Would you like to have a matching patch to sew on your jacket? Patches cost $20 each. See photo on page 27. Contact Hubert Compton for more photos at [email protected] FOR SALE Hartzell Props Serial #L11227 and L11228 and spinner for sale. Reasonable price call Joe 817-845-0569 1965 M20E N79857, TTE2226.59, 200 hp Lycoming engine IO360-A1A, 222.59 hours SMOH, 132.28 SPOH, King KMA 24 audio panel with markers, MX170B Digital Nav/Com, Glideslope, King KT76 Transponder/Encoder, Apollo 618 Loran, Pilot & Co-Pilot intercom, heated pitot, alternate static system, good P&I $49,000, Aaron Triplett OH 740-3538111 or email [email protected] FOR SALE Lycoming Engine, IO 360-A1A, serial L1102-51A, 200 HP TSMOH 389.2, Jan 29, 2015 annual. Very good condition no damage history. $10,000. Also, full set of 201 seats, fully adjustable seats with pump up lumbar and headrests. $7,500.00 Tom Kobe 863-227-5339 FOR SALE Aircraft power supply for Mooney (standard 3-pin plug) $275 plus shipping ($369 new), Robotow heavy duty cordless towbar and charger for Mooney, $900 plus shipping ($1,377 new), Docking station for Garmin 530, great for practice in your home or office $195 plus shipping ($270 new). All items in like new condition, Contact Rich Harr 605-645-2869 (cell) or email: [email protected] 1969 M10 CADET N9510V, SN 6900011, TTAF 2178, TSO 943, IFR equipped, next annual due 9/15. FUN, FUN, FUN- economical 4.55 GPH, Plane based-summer NJ (MJX) winter FL (FA37) (wife says something must go, the M-10, M-20 or…) $24,000 OBO, Kevin 732-267-3359 email: [email protected] FOR SALE ELT-ARTEX ME406. This used ELT has a new Lithium Battery Pack that expires Jan 2020, and a brand new whip antenna. Includes install kit, manuals, cockpit switch, buzzer, cable and whip antenna (new). Transmits a 406 MHZ 38 emergency signal to the Cospas/Sarsat satellites and a local 121.5 homing signal to locate your position within 2 miles initially, then closer vs 12 miles for your old ELT which is no longer monitored by search and rescue. Includes a certification statement from the avionics shop that it is working and serviceable. Selling due to upgrade to Artex 1000 on M20J. $500 includes free Fed Ex shipping in the USA. Contact: David Lincoln 770-365-6464 or email: [email protected] 1981 M20K 231 TTA 1755, TT prop 39 hrs. new factory reman engine TT 25 hrs., intercooler, speedbrakes, Century 41 autopilot, new Oxy bottle, new Intercom, Hoskins Fuel Flow, Garmin 430, AeroSafe Standby Vac, M20 Air Oil Separator, WX 900 Stormscope,Rada Altimeter, NDH, all components replaced or overhauled $89,000. Ken Rivard FL 321-453-6700 1987/2000 M20J N2014U, AOPA’s year 2000 Sweepstakes airplane-“The Millenium Mooney”, 1987 airframe totally refurbished by AOPA’s published process in 2000. TTAF 3450, SMOH 925. UPSAT radios, MX 20 MFD w/charts, GX60 IFR GPS, SL30 Nav/Com, SL15 audio panel, SL70 Mode C transponder, Cent. Triden 3 axis A/P with alt. Vivion Micro V1000 engine monitor, digital redundant fuel system. EC1000 ann. Panel, Cent MVD elec HSI, elec aero trim system, Insight Strikefinder, OAT, P2 gear advisory system, Tanis engine heat w/ mats, standby vac, Lo-Presti boom beam, TKS Deice system, speedbrakes, custom cover, P & I 8 & 6, last annual 10/1/14 will deliver in US. $127,500 Tim Murphy MN 612-730-2501. Email: [email protected] AIRCRAFT TUG WANTED Looking to purchase a Minimax or Redline Sidewinder Tug for Mooney Aircraft. 28 volt models preferred. Bob Marting 910-754-7099 1965 M20E N5926Q, S/N 828 TT 2160, 650 SMOH, new hub for the prop, IFR KX125 GS, Apollo GPS GX55(inop), PC works, manual gear, always hangared, same owner 22 years, previous owner was an A&P and he owned it since 1967. No damage history. Though low time seldom sat without being flown more than thirty days. Very clean. It would be hard to find an original in cleaner condition than this one. Asking $41,000 willing to consider reasonable offers. Located Corona, CA John Elwell 714313-8961 or email: [email protected] 1965 M20E TT 4697, SMOH 810. Case replacement, new lifters, main/rod bearings, fuel bladder (no leaks forever), 3 bladed Simitar prop, 201 nose fairing, one piece belly, flapgap seal, GPS, autopilot, new blue/yellow seats. Jan. 2015 annual. Award winner for best Mooney at MAPA Convention. Gorgeouse unusual paint. Always hangared. Fast, economical 6.9 gl/hr at altitude. A 9 in and out. $55,000 John Bradford 719-784-3838/719-4295577 or email; [email protected] 1976 M20F Divorce Sale, last M20 model before the 201, longer faster, etc. N6987V, TTAF 3350, SMOH 1196, SPOH 10 new hub Hartzell, KY digital 197 TSO, KX170B nav, Narco Nav 122, Garmin GPS 150XL, Century IIB autopilot, KT76A, PMA 6000 stereo audio, JPI scanner, electric gear/trim/flaps 201 style modern 5 over 5, original panel with full throttle quadrant, hangared at French Valley, CA F70. Flap gap seals, cowl closure mod. Purchased in 1992, full records and receipts. Ready for annual. $38,700 firm, Randall Lord (voice mail 951-8886511) email: [email protected] photos and more details at http:://www. asp 1984 M20K 231 N57403, S/N25-0810, TTAF 2260, TSIO 360LB 1138 SFRM. Turboplus intercooler, Merlyn wastegate, always hangared, no damage history, complete logs, King Silver crown NAV/RNAV/ COMM system. KLN 89 GPS, 3M WX-10A stormscope, JPI FS-450 fuel flow indicator, Guardian Standby vac, hot prop, Spoiler Inc. hydraulic speedbrakes, large 02 tank. Quite Flite intercom, chrome spinner, one piece belly pan, sheepskin covers on pilot and passenger seats. Shaw Aero fueling port restrictor kit. Service manual, annual 01/15, tan/brown/orange trim. Best of class at Homecoming. Based at KSAC. $95,000. Earl King 916-761-0835 or email [email protected] 1980 M20K ROCKET TT 3636.9, Engine TT 1452.2, SMOH 402, Prop SMOH 402, Engine TSO 510NB, compressions 80, 76, 75, 76,72, 78, 70. All new avionics GTN650, GTN 750, GTX330, EDM930, KCS55A, PMA8000B, TAS600 TCAS, Flight director, CDI, KFC200 autopilot, I installed Aux Power door for battery charging, also installed Rudder trim, all new interior with leather yokes and custom Rocket embroidery. It has 252 style rear sets that fold down and remove. Fresh annual in Oct. XM weather through 2017, Garmin updates through 2015. This aircraft is amazing, based in KGLE Gainesville, TX. This aircraft is fast when you need it or cut back to 14gph at 170, it can climb at 1500 fpm+. I purchased the plane in 2011 and updated as much as I could. I love the airplane but not flying enough. Ken Lovegreen 214-244-1649 email: [email protected] 1987 M20K 252 NDH, TTAF 4820, TTSFRM 1233, annual due 07-15, King Silver Crown KFC 150, $99,900.00. Kerry WY 307-789-6866 or email: [email protected] 1965 M20E TT4697, SMCH810, Case replacement, new lifters, main/rod bearings, fuel bladder, 3 bladed prop, many mods. Jan 2016 annual. Award winner at Mooney convention. Gorgeous unusual paint, always hangared, new GPS, 9 in/ out. $55,000 John Bradford, 719-7843838/719-429-5577 FOR SALE Mooney 252 G.W. increase parts: Right & Left Main Gear Spindles w/wheels, discs, brakes, Mid gear doors, new inner gear doors. $2,700. J. McCall 573-2200182 email: [email protected] FOR SALE McCauley 3 blade prop model #B3D32C417-D with polished spinner, TKS boots and slinger ring, log books, 650 total hours, no damage, just serviced with new cyl and resealed, removed from a 2006 M20M Bravo for a 4 blad MT conversion. $6500 plus shipping. Ed Koke 805-455-1140 email: [email protected] 1980 M20J N201E Total hours 2350, Lycoming IO360200HP, New prop, Mack 1700 Radio, PSA Engineering Audio panel, Jan 2013 3 blade HP German composite, Aspen PFD & MFD, TCAS, Garmin 530, WAAS, Stormscope, JPI 700, Century 41 Autopilot, speed brakes, new muffler, starter, Artificial Horizon, April 2014, very well maintained, excellent paint & Interior. Ron Klaus 949-322-4188. 1977 M20J 3570 TTAF, 1058 TSOH, Garmin 430, KX170B w/glideslope, S-TEC 20 autopilot with alt. hold, GPSS converter, Garmin GTX327 Transponder, Precise Flight vacuum system standby, IFR Cert., tanks resealed 2003, wing tip speed mod, shoulder harness for front seats, interior upgraded and excellent, exterior good quality, always hangared, 4 place intercom, new shock disks and tires – main gear and nose gear, and Sky-Tec starter. $71,000 hangared N. IN, Al at [email protected] or 312907-0682 1995 M20R OVATION One owner since new, always hangared, King equipment, autopilot, HSI, JPI engine monitor, 20 STOH, WXI 1000, electric standby vac, electric trim, annuals at Dugosh, will give new annual at Dugosh, Fuel totalizer, retract Hobbs, KLN90 GPS, 1176 TT, Walter Murray AR 501-978-7800 or email: waltermurray@ MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 39 MAPA HOMECOMING 2015 40 INN OF THE HILLS KERRVILLE, TEXAS MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 41 DON’T LET SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPEN TO YOU IT ONLY TAKES ONE DISTRACTION TO MAKE A GOOD PILOT LOOK BAD Isn’t it time to add an extra margin of safety to your flying by upgrading your Mooney with a P2 6601 Audio Advisory System? Landing Gear Advisories Vne Overspeed Advisory Stall Warning Repeater Hour Meter Activation Call (952) 472-2577 or visit MAPA HOMECOMING CLOWN PARKING AIRPLANES FOR THE 2015 CONVENTION 42 CELEBRATING 22 YEARS IN BUSINESS - 22 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE WORKING IN MOONEY FUEL TANKS ONLY. - SAME PEOPLE,SAME PLACE, SAME COMPANY. - THE BEST GUARANTEE ON THE MARKET 7 YEARS - OVER 1025 MOONEY FUEL TANK RESEALS SINCE 1993 -ALL WORK IS AIR TIGHT WARRANTEE. -OVER 60 MONROY LONG RANGE TANKS INSTALLED $600 off on our 22th anniversary MONROY LONG RANGE TANK INSTALLATION Contact Edison (954) 938-9390 1(800) WET-TANK MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 43 MAPA MERCHANDISE Fleece Jackets: Black and gray $47.00 Golf Shirts: 100% cotton, Red/Black all sizes, Burgundy, Ivory, Pink, limited sizes $30.00 Jackets: Port Authority 85% polyster, 15% nylon, Black or Stone $67.00 T Shirts available in while only Limited Sizes $18.00 Caps: $15.00 Coffee Mugs: $6.00 Ladies New Shirts $35 each and come in black and purple potion. They are 62% Polyester, 33% Rayon, and 5% Spandex. They com in sizes Small - 2XLarge. Sizes do run a bit small. Qty. Color Denim Long Sleeve Shirts now available $35.00 Size Al Mooney Story Garment BagMade in the USA By: Gordon $24.95 Baxter $19.95 MERCHANDISE ORDER FORM Description Price Each Total Boots On The Ground: The Men and Women Who Made Mooney DVD $40.00 Shipping Info: Shipping charges for all orders $13.00. Includes all packaging, handling Sub-Total___________ within the U. S.. Your order is shipped UPS ground the same day of receipt. Texas Tax (8.125%)__________ Orders outside of the U. S. will be shipped with MasterCard or Visa only. Shipping/handling____$13.00 _ Int’l shipping charges will be charged to your credit card. Total $____________ Ship to:__________________________________________ Method Of Payment: Check, Visa/MasterCard, Address:_________________________________________ American Express Card#______________________ City:____________________________________________ Expiration Date:___________________________ State/Zip:________________________________________ Signature:__________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________ Email:________________________________________ MAPA 1885 AIRPORT LOOP RD., SUITE 100 KERRVILLE, TEXAS 78028 FAX: 830-315-8011 PHONE: 830-315-8008 44 MOONEY INTERNATIONAL CORP Mooney International Corporation Subject: Employee of the Year 2014 Mooney International Corporation has recognized Jorge Medrano, as the employee of the year for 2014. Jorge maintained a high level of intensity throughout the entire year. Mooney employees quoted his work ethic, dependability, knowledge, versatility, and conscious effort to always work safely and look out for the safety of others. Presenting him with the award is Jerry Chen, CEO of Mooney International Corporation. Mooney International Corporation Subject: Above & Beyond Award during December of 2014 Mooney International Corporation has recognized Steve Sherman for achievements above and beyond those of his responsibility. His efforts working overseas, during the holiday break, not only provided leadership, but also helped the corporation move forward with key projects. Presenting him with the award is Jerry Chen, CEO of Mooney International Corporation. Mooney International Corporation Subject: December 2014 Employee of the Month Mooney International Corp. has recognized David Cathey, as the employee of the month for December, 2014. David’s positive attitude and relentless drive to provide continuous improvement, has involved many of his co-workers as well. Presenting him with the award is Jerry Chen, CEO of Mooney International Corporation. MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 45 Advertisers Index Aero Comfort 4 Houston Tank Specialists, LLC Aircraft Door Seals 2 JPI Instruments47 Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co. 2 Lake Aero Styling31 All American Aircraft11 Mena Aircraft Engines29 Alpha Aviation P2 Aviation Technology 15 42 Cole Aviation23 Plane Cover13 Don Maxwell Aviation Service Plane Power 5 21 Falcon Insurance Agency48 Premier Aircraft Service 20 Freeway Airport Inc. Sky-Tec 42 Gamijectors29 Southwest Texas Aviation, Inc. 29 Gemini Aviation LLC dba Dugosh 13 Vantage Plane Plastics22 Hartzell Engine Service 21 Wet-Wingologist East43 2 Weep No More 22 31 Zeftronics29 46 Hartzell Propellers Henry Weber Aircraft Dist. Inc. Mooney International Corp. Subject: January 2015 Employee of the Month Mooney International Corp. has recognized Jimmy Gamel, as the employee of the month for January, 2015. Jimmy’s support in different areas of the assembly line show his commitment to continuous improvement not only in production, but to himself as well. Presenting him with the award is Chad Nelson, CMO of Mooney International Corporation. 46 19 MAPA LOG MAY/JUNE 2015 47 48
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