By Doug Reynolds - GameOn Magazine


By Doug Reynolds - GameOn Magazine
Battlefield 4 Review
Issue 50 • December 2013
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The GameOn Magazine
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Hello and welcome to our very first issue of the World of Warcraft Community magazine! World of Warcraft is
by far the most famous and successful MMORPG of all time, amassing thousands upon thousands of players
over the course of a decade. We wanted to create a publication for the community, by the community.
We’ve gone back to basics with our first issue and have lots of beginner’s guides to help new
players who are just finding the game ahead of the release of Warlords of Draenor in November.
We’ve got guides on Role-playing, PvP (this issue focusing on Warsong Gulch), and raiding as well
as lots of information about the special events in September - Brewfest and Pirate Day.
We’ve also got some information about the upcoming expansion, like the brand new Toybox
feature as well as an article about the newly revamped Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS) and a
quick catch up for people about the current state of affairs in the WoW universe.
If it’s lore you’re after, we’ve done something a little different with regards to zone guides and we think you’ll like
it. There’s so much content we’re sure there will be something for everyone no matter what floats your boat.
Finally, this is a community magazine and as such we are constantly recruiting new people to help
with the magazine. If you’re a writer, or an artist, or you’d just like to give some feedback, advice
or request something to be included, then give us a shout on [email protected]
Thank you so much for being a part of our first issue and we sincerely hope you enjoy it!
Steve Greenfield
Managing Director
E-mail: [email protected]
Emsey P. Walker
The GameOn Magazine
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Assistant Editor
The GameOn Magazine
Emsey P. Walker
Staff Writer
Lauren Piersol
James Furlong
Staff Writer
Neil Hetherington
Staff Writer
Heather Cook
Staff Writer
Leanne Dugan
Staff Writer
Doug Reynolds
Staff Writer
Christian Wootton
Staff Writer
Ian Plumpton
Kris West
Do you appreciate alliteration? Marvel at a wellplaced metaphor? Do you enjoy the therapeutic
effect of finger hitting keyboard as the words
magically transfer from mind to screen? We’re
looking for enthusiastic writers to join our
team here at the World of Warcraft Community
mag, so if you love WoW and would like to
be involved, don’t hesitate to contact us!
We’re also looking for talented artists to fill our
pages with artwork. So if art is more your thing
and you’d like your credited work showcased to the
entire community then let us know! We’re looking for
anything from realistic work to cartoons, comics or
sketches, so whatever your forté, we’re interested.
To apply for a writer or artist position with us
please contact us with why you’d like to join and a
sample of your work - [email protected]
6 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Heather Cook
As everyone who plays WoW is probably aware (unless they’ve been living under a rock for
the last few months) there’s been a new expansion announced - Warlords of Draenor.
Currently from an In
his may seem confusing
are lucky enough to own a beta key
to those that follow the
but chose not to and simply go on
Character point of view the main
lore of the game given that Draenor
to try out new spells - we’re going
facts are known throughout
was corrupted and near-to-being-
to have a brief overview on what
the civilians of Azeroth:
Blizzard have made us aware of
being-destroyed as you can get;
in game so far to ensure we keep
total and utter a-hole - seriously,
however Blizzard have assured
to the same lore knowledge our
unless your toon is a major Garrosh
us through a clever use of time
characters would within the WoW
follower or have been living under
mechanics it’s a completely feasible
environment. As we grow closer
that rock again; then they’d be aware
and lore-abiding expansion.
to the release of WoD and indeed
of his misunderstood views, raging
following this, we’ll be reflecting
hormonal outbursts and fetish
and main storyline for those not
upon the most up-to-date lore and
for all things spiky. His decisions
playing the beta - or even those who
knowledge ingame at the time.
have caused the Horde to split,
Without spoiling the quests
The GameOn Magazine
* Garrosh Hellscream is a
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 7
sent waves of panic throughout
around to allow us to explore the
many are against this decision
Pandaria and given Jaina a rather
treasures upon its shore. Along with
and continue to wage war against
funky looking new hair-do.
the Timeless Isle the ‘Timewalkers’
the opposing faction the stand-
* The Heart of Y’Shaarj has
and Bronze Dragonflight have
in Warchief of the Horde Vol’jin
been taken by Garrosh and his “new
made an appearance - though
and Acting Leader of the Alliance
Horde” currently being held within
they’re not being clear to us the
Varian Wyrnn insist the wars we’re
the walls of Orgrimmar. Although
reasons for their sudden interest
fighting must be placed aside for
this has been locked down to a
within this strange jungle island
a short time (again) to ensure that
raiding instance, the majority of
there are hints throughout the
Garrosh is captured and his “new
Horde players continue to roleplay
quest lines and passing talks that
Horde” defeated once and for all.
around Orgrimmar with the greatest
may suggest something big is on
If you have any burning
of caution as to what they say and
the horizon leading to speculation
issues or questions regarding
who they speak to beyond their circle
within the taverns as both Horde
Lore-Down and would like
of friends when In Character, just in
and Alliance figure out the
to contact us regarding this
case a Garrosh follower overhears.
possibilities the future has planned.
either from the perspective of
* The Timeless Isle has
* The Horde and the Alliance
appeared on the shores of Pandaria,
are now banding together to tackle
usually it disappears after a short
the issues faced with Hellscream
period but for now it’s staying
and his broken Y’Sharj heart; though
a RolePlayer or In Character
please feel free to be in touch!■
By Heather Cook
The GameOn Magazine
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By Doug Reynolds
The Tavern bustled with the claptrap of the Dwarven quarter in Stormwind, people going about
the business but in reality trying to hear and get a hand In everyone else’s business.
n the corner of the Tavern
charged with the writing of this
please regale me with the tale of
sat a Shaman, a tired looking
grizzled old Shaman’s memoirs.
your adventure’s beginning.”
The Shaman looked up and
soul who had seen many a battle
“So Sir,” said Thonir. “We
and vanquished many a foe. Next
need to go back to the beginning,
smiled wryly. “Listen laddie,
to him looking out of his depth
back to where it all began for
there will be no storytelling until
and a little starstruck, sat a young
you. I know you have not visited
I have a belly full of beer!”
dwarf named Thonir - he had been
Coldridge Valley for many a season,
As they both settled
in and the beer ran freely,
Thonir started to write.
“It was a cold hard time;
Deathwing had ripped the world
asunder and life was changing for
the worse. I was called upon to
The GameOn Magazine
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aid old man Juren Ironstock. The
barking orders and ordering
I couldn’t have that so promised
Trolls had been angered by the
grumpy, old Dwarven men around.
I would return them to him.
earthquake and were attacking
She looked straight at me and
Dwarven villagers. Juren needed a
shouted: “First things first, we need
my boots and as I looked up at the
Shaman of my undoubted quality
beer, food and blankets! You there
sky, a terrible sense of foreboding
to help and so I did laddie, so I did.
Shaman! Are ye too fancy to go
took over me but I had to push on.
I was sent out to thin the lines, to
fetch the emergency beer stored
The Trolls were swarming over
make inroads into their numbers,
outside and rustle up meat and
the newly uncovered site, crushing
but that was easier said than done.
blankets for the wee bairns?”.
valuable Dwarven history under
Their lines were thick and
I marched right out of there
The snow crunched under
their disgusting feet. I spread out
I took down troll after troll, the
as no Dwarven community can
my hands and let forth torrents of
fighting was desperate at times
survive without beer but as I got
electricity burning and crackling
and my journey could have ended
to the door a Dwarf with a really
the air around the Trolls, it was not
right there, before it had even really
posh beard stopped me and asked
long before I was alone with only
started but I made it back to Juren
me to go digging in the snow. It
who looked stern and worried. It
turned out the earthquake had
was decided that we would kill the
unearthed old Artefacts outside
larger Trolls next, as these were as
of Anvilmar and some were being
close to leaders as they had and as
stolen by the bleddy Trolls! Well
I set out, Sten Stoutarm threw me a
med kit charging me with patching
up wounded Mountaineers as well.
The larger Trolls were bigger
and stronger, but just as stupid and
I was also growing in power - I felt
my shamanistic powers growing
stronger, granting me new powers.
Upon returning with this quest
fulfilled, the imminent danger
seemed to have passed but it turned
out civilians were being locked
down in Anvilmar, so I set off to see
if I could be of any assistance.
As I walked in I heard the
familiar voice of Jona Ironstock
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the smell of burnt flesh filling the
somehow I got caught up in a
was bustling and full of Grik’Nir’s
air. I am not proud of the next part
mercy mission for some pesky
servants, I only had to cut down a
laddie - the gatherin’ of wood. We
Gnome who had lost all of his
few and the rest went running.
Shaman are in tune with all that
belongings in the earthquake.
surrounds us but for the wee bairns
The Trolls were no match for
As I approached the bottom
end of the cave I saw Grik’Nir
I had to do what needed to be done
me and I cut them down with ease,
and the Elemental. Hot anger
to keep the Valley fed and warm.
collecting the Gnome’s belongings
burned inside me and I planted
as I went and moved on to find the
both feet into the snow and let
Jona had a worried look on her
Soothsayers. Laddie, I have a huge
loose bolt after bolt of electrical
face, most unusual for her and
respect for the Soothsayers ‘because
energy. Exhausted and with the
she asked me to go and speak
they’re in tune with the world about
mist clearing, there was nothing
to Grevin Whitebeard, for the
them. I heard what they had to say
left but burned husks. I turned to
troubles in my beloved Coldridge
and it was a scary prospect indeed;
leave knowing I had done all I could
were coming to a head.
the Troll leader Grik’Nir intended to
to save my Valley - Trolls were
have the Elemental Spirit that had
breaking for the hills as I left and
reports from his many mountaineers
caused the Earthquake join with
Mountaineers were streaming back
and quietly muttering under his
him and take Coldridge Valley!
to Anvilmar - my work was done.
When I returned to Anvilmar,
Grevin was rifling through
breath. He was sure as snow is
Fortunately this meeting had
It was time to report all
cold that the Trolls were scared and
not taken place yet so we had time,
that had transpired to Ironforge.
lashing out and once again I was
Coldridge Valley would not be taken
I left Coldridge with a heavy
charged with thinning the numbers
on my watch! After guzzling some
heart and climbed into the
around the immediate area.
of Whitebeard’s finest beer it was
Gyrocopter with my packed
Apprentice Soren also asked that
time to put an end to Grik’Nir’s
lunch and my travellin’ tankard
I speak to the neutral Soothsayers
plans - he and the Elemental
tucked between my knees.”■
to find out more information and
would perish by my hand. The cave
By Doug Reynolds
The GameOn Magazine
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By Leanne Dugan
We are coming up to two awesome holiday events in World of Warcraft
during the month of September. So let’s go rack up those points.
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PIRATES DAY! We all want
to be a pirate; who doesn’t want
to be a pirate. This event starts on
September 19th 2014 at 11 am PST
and runs until September 20th 2014
at 11 am PST. The achievement to
idolize here is “The Captain’s Booty”.
Fly your way down to Booty Bay in
Stranglethorn Vale, and find the
NPC Dread Captain DeMeza. She
is located on the roof of the bank
in the southern area of the city.
Be wary, lots of world PvP occurs
a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been’. Get
the achievement points. Not only will
on this roof top, so if you want to
ready to find some drunken dwarfs
you obtain the achievement “Brew
kill some of your opposing faction
and party in Azeroth with your fellow
of the Month”, once a month you
pirates, get your game on! If you’re
players. Of the many achievements
will be mailed in game a specialty
not big on world PvP make sure
this holiday has to offer us, only
alcoholic brew from the club. On
you’re not flagged for PvP combat
6 are required to complete your
your 12th month of receiving these
before you enter the city. Ensure you
mini-meta achievement rewarding
elusive brews you will get another
click on the beloved Dread Captain
you the title “Brewmaster”. It’s
achievement “Brew of the Year”, do
to speak with her and have a drink,
not likely that you will be able
note that you must actually drink
get your achievement and your
to earn all the achievements in
the brew mailed you to each month
awesome buff of being a pirate!
one year, so don’t fret; work on
to accomplish the achievement.
Yarrrr, a pirate’s life for our avatars!
the ones you want the most.
BREWFEST occurs September
20th to October 6th 2014 this year.
There are so many achievements
and items to obtain during Brewfest,
so be sure during this event to
If it’s your first year, or even the
first year you cared to participate
The achievement ‘Direbrewfest’
requires you to kill Corin Direbrew
from the world event dungeon that
spend your tokens wisely. It is also
one of the world events involving
in this world event, make sure you
can be queued for in your dungeon
a mini-meta achievement, which
obtain your membership to the
finder. You will get your achievement
you need to complete for getting
exclusive Brew of the Month Club.
the first time you kill him, as well as
the awesome Violet Proto-Drake
It will cost you 200 tokens to obtain
being rewarded some tokens; which
from the meta achievement ‘What
this ticket, but its well worth it for
you can obtain from killing him daily.
The GameOn Magazine
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Don’t forget to physically loot the
you aren’t able to get either epic
up though, if you’re having a hard
Dark Iron master at least once for
mount to drop, roll on over to the
time, try waiting for more players
a follow up quest item. This daily
vendor before Brewfest ends and
to appear in your faction’s Brewfest
dungeon is worth doing every day if
get some Hops to earn “Have
area outside Ironforge or Orgrimmar.
you are after the two epic mounts
Keg, Will Travel”. Any of the ‘hops’
So here’s what you need to do; stand
that can be looted in your daily keg-
available for sale by Belbi or Blix
near a table full of Complimentary
shaped treasure chest. Both the
will get you your achievement.
Brewfest Samplers and when the
Great Brewfest Kodo and the Swift
“Down with the Dark Iron” is
Dark Iron invasion begins, start
Brewfest Ram can be obtained in
arguably the trickiest achievement
drinking, check your inventory for
this little keg of wonders. Keep in
to complete for this world event.
an empty mug, aim your character
mind, both these fabulous mounts
It awards a daily quest when
at the Dark Iron thieves and chuck
have drop rates under 5%, so if you
completed ‘This one time, when I
that mug! You do not actually need
get discouraged, call it a day and
was drunk’, and gives you credit the
to target the Dark Iron rascals
run it again tomorrow! The Direbrew
first time completed towards your
invading your party; you just need
Remote item can also be found in
mini-meta. You will need to recruit
to have your character facing in
this daily keg, teleport to Blackrock
some of your fellow (hopefully
the correct direction towards them
Depths any time you want, or trick
not to drunken) faction mates too
to hit them with your empty mug.
your party into taking the trip.
complete this event, as soloing this
Once all the Dark Iron Dwarves
can take many attempts. Don’t give
have been defeated, obtain your
If your luck has run out and
The GameOn Magazine
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slowfall before you take that leap.
daily quest and go get some more
level requirements to consume.
brews to celebrate your victory!
Drink up and chow down on all
“Disturbing the Peace” is an
of the delicacies offered to you
accurate representation of what this
to knock these off your list
achievement entails you to do. Stock
“Does your Wolpertinger
Linger” awards you a unique pet
that is easily obtained for US server
“Almost Blind Luck” is as
up on those tokens as you will need
players. The quest chain ‘Catch the
comical as some achievements
to shell out 350 of them buying some
Wild Wolpertinger’ takes only a few
can be; while not needed for the
Brewfest attire. Purchase any one
minutes of your time. Unfortunately
mini-meta, achievements are
of the stylish hats, a dress or regalia
for EU players, the only way to
still achievements! Grab your
and some rocking boots or dolled up
acquire this cute little fellow is to
synthebrew goggles which you
slippers and party it up in Dalaran.
spend 200 tokens at the vendor.
can obtain from one of two NPC’s
Aside from the many
depending on your faction, Glodrak
achievements you will find
“Brewfest Diet” require visiting
Huntsniper if you are Horde or
yourself chasing after, Brewfest
a number of the vendors located
Goldrak Snipehunter if you are
has a number of vanity items you
within your faction’s designated
Alliance. You will then need to
might want to look at purchasing.
Brewfest area. You will need to be
lure a priest or a mage to aid your
The Pandaren Brewpack can
at least level 75 to complete these
endeavor, find a high cliff and jump!
be purchased for 100 tokens.
achievements as the items have
Don’t forget to ask for levitate or
Brewhelm, although only usable
“Strange Brew” and the
during Brewfest, will only cost you
2 tokens. The Eyesight Enhancing
Goggles can be picked up for 200
tokens, no more looking at those
hideous… err… umm… we can all
be gorgeous now? For all those
pet collectors out there, the pintsized pink pachyderm is another
companion pet that can be popped
into your pet list for 100 tokens. The
Brewfest Pony Keg (100 tokens) and
Brewfest Keg Pony (200 tokens) are
two more vanity items that you can
enjoy anywhere in World of Warcraft
to keep your supply of Brewfest
liquor flowing all year round. ■
By Leanne Dugan
The GameOn Magazine
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By Leanne Dugan
With the pre-patch to Mists of Pandaria came our beloved battle pets. We chase them down all over
Azeroth for the best, the cutest and the most stunning little creatures to show off at our sides.
ere we will be looking at
many a pet collector with her rarity.
This battle pet has two different
three top-rated battle pets,
With only 3 spawn locations per zone
breeds that can be caught, H/H and
as rated on, a
in Northrend, none of which are on
B/B. For those who aren’t avid pet
community website that brings pet
timers, she can be quite tricky to
collectors or are just starting out;
collectors from all realms together.
snatch up. She can be found with any
breeds refer to the allocation of a
quality from poor to rare, so if you
pet’s statistics, health, power and
is undoubtedly the Unborn Val’kyr.
are on the hunt for her you may want
speed. H/H means that 20 extra
This suicidal little vixen, has taunted
to set an Undead Battle-Stone aside.
statistics points have been placed in
The top rated pet this expansion
The GameOn Magazine
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Level 2 (tier 2) – Siphon Life
(100% chance to hit) deals 59
Undead damage per round and
heals the user for 59 per round for 4
rounds dealing increased damage to
Humanoid enemies and decreased
damage to Aquatic enemies.
Level 4 (tier 3) – Haunt (100%
chance to hit) deals 148 Undead
damage per round for 4 rounds,
user will return to life after 4 rounds
dealing increased damage to
Humanoid enemies and decreased
damage to Aquatic enemies
Level 10 (tier 1) – Shadow
Shock (85% chance to hit) deals
385 Undead damage dealing
the pet’s health pool whereas B/B
choose to use a Battle-Stone on a
increased damage to Humanoid
has 5 extra statistic points added
lesser quality one, remember being
enemies and decreased
into each of the three categories.
above level 15 will cause it to lose 2
damage to Aquatic enemies.
Let’s take a look at this pet’s
levels. All abilities below as per level
Level 15 (tier 2) – Curse of
battle information. As an Undead
25 H/H breed. Remember a battle
Doom (100% chance to hit) deals
battle pet her passive ability is to
pet’s hit chance can be dependent
592 Undead damage after 5 rounds
return her to life after death for one
on weather influences and other
dealing increased damage to
round with full immortality, this can
abilities that may deflect or block
Humanoid enemies and decreased
be quite handy to get off a quick
attacks. Only one of two abilities
damage to Aquatic enemies.
haunt or ascension. Always watching
per tier can be used at a time, so
Level 20 (tier 3) – Unholy
out for the team you are up against
choose carefully and have abilities
Ascension (100% chance to
for strategic moves, this battle
play off the other pets on your team.
hit) increased damage to all
pet takes increased damage from
Level 1 (tier 1) – Shadow
enemy pets by 25% for 9 rounds,
critters and takes reduced damage
Slash (90% chance to hit) deals
the user sacrifices itself and
from dragonkin. The Unborn Val’kyr
355 Undead damage dealing
does not return to life.
is most commonly caught at a high
increased damage to Humanoid
enough level to already have all
enemies and decreased
and using this pet on your battle
of their abilities. However, if you
damage to Aquatic enemies.
team. When trying to catch this
Here are some tips for catching
The GameOn Magazine
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vixen, server restarts are always a
her to ascension/haunt. When using
time your suicidal attack around
good time to hunt for her, as well
her on a pet battle team, be wary of
the use of these so you don’t miss.
as having friends on other servers,
teams that are heavily aquatic, she
The second most popular pet
cross-realm you to let you hunt their
does minimal damage to them so
currently is the Anubisath Idol.
realms. Keep in mind, her suicidal
haunt them and use a better pet to
Much easier to obtain than the
abilities can be used in battle, have
deal with them as much as possible.
Val’kyr, head into Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
a team ready to go to prevent losing
Watch for pets with deflects/blocks;
also known as AQ 40 just south
The GameOn Magazine
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of Silithus and grind your way to
passive it obtains from this lets
damage and creates the Weather
Emperor Vek’lor. This boss, or set
them regenerate 4% of their health
Effect: Sandstorm, in which all pets
of bosses, isn’t difficult at level 90,
per round after dealing damage,
on the pet battlefield take 74 less
just make sure you are attacking
if no damage was dealt no health
damage and all accuracy is reduced
the right one as Vek’lor can only
is returned. It will take increased
by 10%, dealing increased damage
be killed by magic damage dealers
damage from Undead enemies
to Aquatic enemies and decreased
and Vek’nilash can only be killed
and will output decreased damage
damage to Dragonkin enemies.
by physical damage dealers. With
to Critter enemies.Being that this
only one breed, H/H, once you
pet can only be obtained at level
this ability takes priority and will
get your drop you are good to go
one, you will have to work your
always go first in a round. It avoids
(loot both bosses, the pet doesn’t
way up to obtain all of its abilities.
all incoming attacks, lasting one
always show up in A.o.E. looting).
It has a base quality of rare, so
round and has a 3 round cooldown.
Don’t forget to clear the trash in
no battle-stones needed here!
Level 10 (tier 1) – Demolish
the area right before the twin’s
Level 1 (tier 1) – Crush
Level 4 (tier 3) – Deflection,
(50% chance to hit) deals 592
room because they will all aggro to
(80% chance to hit) deals 414
Mechanical damage dealing
you once you engage combat, this
Humanoid damage dealing
reased damage to Beast
can make it for an interesting fight
increased damage to Dragonkin
enemies and decreased damage
due to their ability to reflect entire
enemies and decreased
to Elemental enemies.
schools of magic back to the player.
damage to Beast enemies.
This battle pet falls under the
Humanoid category of pets. The
Level 2 (tier 2) – Sandstorm
(100% chance to hit) deals 370 flying
Level 15 (tier 2) – Stoneskin,
an ability with a 5 round cooldown
which reduces each attack by 74
The GameOn Magazine
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Coins and you can only get one
per week. This tournament is not
for the impatient, you must have
at least 15 level 25 pets to enter,
and even then you can lose very
easily as healing your battle pets is
prohibited within the tournament.
With only one breed, P/P (20
extra statistic points in Power), XuFu, is a hard hitter and has some
abilities that will eat your opponents
alive. This battle pet falls under the
Beast category of pets. The passive
this furry little fellow gets gives
him a 25% damage increase when
he under half health. He will take
increased damage from Mechanical
enemies and will deal decreased
damage lasting for 5 rounds.
Level 20 (tier 3) – Rupture
battle does not mean you can’t
quickly pop open your pet tab and
damage to Humanoid enemies.
Level 1 (tier 1) – Spirit Claws
(95% chance to hit) deals 444
check out what abilities they might
(80% chance to hit) deals 494
Elemental damage and has a
have. Knowledge is power, and
Beast damage, attack is boosted
25% chance to stun the enemy
with a little RNG on your side the
to 100% chance to hit if the current
pet dealing increased damage to
right tools can get you that win.
weather effect is Moonlight,
Mechanical enemies and decreased
damage to Critter enemies.
This battle pet has an extensive
The last pet we will be looking
dealing increased damage to
at this issue is Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen.
Critter enemies and decreased
This adorable little cub was brought
damage to Flying enemies.
Level 2 (tier 2) – Feed (90%
set of abilities dealing increased
into the game with the patch Siege
damage to many different types of
of Orgrimmar. Getting your hands
chance to hit) deals 353 Beast
enemies, making it very versatile
on him and his 3 Celestial youngling
damage per round and heals
for battling. Checking out your
friends will take you some time,
the user for the amount that
opponents pet abilities may help
a lot of patience and winning the
was dealt to the opponent,
you choose when is best to use
Celestial Tournament week after
dealing increased damage to
deflection, remember just because
week. Each one of the four Celestial
Critter enemies and decreased
you can’t see them in a PvP pet
battle pets will cost you 3 Celestial
damage to Flying enemies.
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 21
(100% chance to hit) deals 441
increase its damage by 150% for the
a 2 round cooldown ability that
magic damage and creates the
next attack made within two rounds.
deals beast damage equal to the
weather effect: Moonlight, in
last hit it received from an enemy
which all healing done on the pet
coins to purchase this pet takes
pet, dealing increased damage to
battlefield is increased by 25%
a lot of patience each week.
Critter enemies and decreased
and all magic damage dealt is
The weekly quest does award
damage to Flying enemies.
increased by 10% lasting for 9
you a chunk of valor so there is
rounds, dealing increased damage
a side perk. This sparkly little
chance to hit) deals 3535 Beast
to Flying enemies and decreased
cub will make you glad you went
damage dealing increased damage
damage to Mechanical enemies.
through the time consuming
Level 4 (tier 3) – Vengeance,
Level 10 (tier 1) – Bite (100%
to Critter enemies and decreased
damage to Flying enemies.
Level 15 (tier 2) – Moonfire
Level 20 (tier 3) – Prowl, a 5
round cooldown ability this will
reduce your pets speed by 30% and
Getting the three Celestial
accomplishment, so don’t give up! ■
By Leanne Dugan
The GameOn Magazine
22 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Leanne Dugan
As I sit here perched on a step in Sunstrider Isle, I am ready to embark on my journey. I wonder, ‘Could
I ever be like them?’. For years now I have studied; I have read every history book ever written.
As I begin my training I wonder
listened to all the glorified
powerful; we once were more than
stories, and heard every
what... what we are now. I try not to
why I am given such menial
heart-wrenching tale of those
show my disappointment in what
tasks. Killing mana wyrrns, are
before me. Who am I to compare to
we have become as I approach the
they serious? Could they not just
myself to them? I, am Meldravia,
Magistrate. ‘One day I will dress as
banish them somewhere? I agree
a young Blood Elf; descendant
they do, the brilliant red, oh how
to complete the task; after all I
of the great High Elves, and the
I want to look that sophisticated,
must prove myself. I approach a
next heroine Azeroth will see.
what tailor does she use; Come on
giant crystal and stop, I have never
This island, it’s everything I
Meldra, pull yourself together, seek
been this close to one before. This
dreamed it would be. I don’t suppose
faith in the light’. With my head held
eerie demon, its eyes, they unnerve
being confined within the city walls
high, I bow before my elder, ready to
me, yet, they compel me. I look
all these years has ever done me
take on her tasks. I try to relentlessly
around and see the guardians
any good for imagining what the real
convince myself that I can be like
watching my every move. They
world looked like. The architecture
them; I just have to make it through
have fought hard, they don’t falter,
and they maintain peace in this
beautiful land. ‘Be bold Meldra,
show no mercy’. I march confidently
returning to the Magistrate and
await my next assignment.
It’s unfortunate to be sent
off on these pointless tasks, has
there not been enough bloodshed
intertwined with the trees and
the training. I will fight, I will learn
for all eternity to protect our race.
the lakes, it’s stunning. The sheer
and I will be better than the rest. ‘An
Nevertheless I will do as I am asked,
beauty of the perfection that exists
enchanted broom, that’s awesome,
I will prove my worth. One day I
here, it reminds me we once were
I wonder if I can… Meldra FOCUS!’
will be called one of the greats.
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 23
The GameOn Magazine
24 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
‘That reminds me, I should
forget, may the light bless your soul.
get my nails done when I
I continue through my training, tiring
get back to the city’. As I
as it may be. I want to be great, I
walk throughout the island
want to be the best; I am the best.
retrieving misplaced items
and collecting various
creatures that are tainted, more
things, I realize that
killing... treants? I can’t even tell
there must be more
going on than I
was told before.
Everyone keeps
telling me I
need to learn
that there is anything wrong with
these ones, what can they see that
I can’t, what is going on. “I demand
answers, what are you not telling
me?”, I spoke firmly trying to get the
attention of anyone working nearby.
control; I
Not one eye batted, not one person
need to
moved out of turn. Then a guardian
whispers to me as he patrols by,
Are the
“You are not ready yet, you have fear
within me
really that
in your eyes”. I looked at him with
fury in my heart, then quickly tried
to regain my composure. I run off
powerful? ‘Whatever this control
quickly and seek solitude behind a
they are worried about is, you WILL
large pillar conveniently out of view.
master it’. The amount of literature
I fall to my knees in the soft grass.
on this island is astounding. I knew
I cannot scream. I cannot shout. I
we were a bit of a fanatic race, but I
must contain my emotions. I feel
could read for days, years, with all
weak and drained. My courage is
these spinning bookcases filled with
failing me. I should just torrent once
books! ‘Huh, spinning bookcases,
more, it feels so empowering.
I wonder if I... go find the shrine
The apprentice awaits, “What
Meldra, stop playing around’. I
quest do you send me on?” I ask.
slowly move towards it, this
Wraiths? Is this the magic inside
shrine, it sends a chill
down my spine. I bow
The GameOn Magazine
More corruption, more
me? Is this my curse? ‘Snap out of
it! Some poor, twisted, corrupt soul
my head in respect to
who couldn’t control themselves
the fallen, I shall not
did this. You are not like that, you
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 25
have control Meldra’. I find the
“May my sword aid you?” She
mastermind surrounded by these
tells me of the troubles her fellow
creatures. “How do you harness
colleagues have been dealing with.
your power to create these wraiths
I nod, unsheathe my sword and
wretched one?” I hold a blade to
proceed towards the square. The
his throat as I prepare to take his
wretched, I let out a heavy sigh
off. These souls, they were once
life. He laughs at me and grins,
once no one is in earshot. ‘Sword
like me. Our curse, our addiction,
“Give in young blood elf, and
drawn, stand tall, you will prevail.
I will not falter, not now, not ever.
you will see”. With disgust at his
No hero ever doubted themselves, of
comment I finish my task. Blood
course not’. I walk quickly in hopes
refuge for a moment in the inn. The
trails behind me as I drag his head
that I can get to Falconwing Square
fight in Falconwing still rages on. It’s
to the apprentice. The thought
without any confrontations, then I
clear now that the battle the Blood
crosses my mind, ‘see what?’.
catch a glance of a wretched looking
Elves face is not over; it never has
at me. I spin my sword so that
been. I was sheltered within the city
cross the bridge, the one I have
the sun glares on its shimmering
walls. Survival - we only worry about
heard about before. ‘Breathe
blade, “Do you dare, you pathetic
the survival our race; I will prevail.■
Meldra, you can do this’. I approach
excuse for a life?” I yell taunting
the outrunner with a prideful gait,
it. It smirks at me and scampers
I venture on, as I am sent to
Finally, I made it to safety. I take
By Leanne Dugan
The GameOn Magazine
26 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
We all have things we’d like to achieve in life on our bucket list: skydiving or swimming with dolphins, but what about
in Azeroth? #WoWbucketlist is a collection of your submissions of things you’ve crossed off your virtual bucket list.
FROM: FoxyStoat
Discovered the Statue
of Libertation!
FROM: Aali
Oh wait, was this the wrong
throne? Mine now.
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 27
Get the Frostwolf Howler
Be Prepared!
To submit your #WoWBucketList shots email [email protected] with your pics and hashtag!
The GameOn Magazine
28 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Heather Cook
Welcome to the Role-Playing (RP) section of the WoW magazine! Here is where you’re
welcome to pull up a seat, grab a mug (or glass) of your favourite beverage and share stories
with those who share the fun, love and experiences of RP within the WoW universe.
ut first, we’re going to
to another whilst camping along the
holy magic, or a Dragon wandering
cover the basics of RP;
way; after all even heroes get tired.
around Stormwind whilst wearing
the what, who, where, how and
As a player you chose how you
a frilly tutu. These are numerous
why - a miniature start up guide for
want your character to act, talk,
aspects that are taken into
those who’ve never encountered
react and progress throughout the
consideration when you begin to RP
the in character side and a quick
world; perhaps they wish to be a
for the first time, your character and
overview for those who are
heroic Argent Dawn Paladin battling
their story must be believable and
masters within the art form.
the remaining scourge back within
within the WoW universe - sorry but
the Plaguelands or a Forsaken
no Jedi Knights allowed! Hopefully
Although RP has been around
undertaker whose job it is to
this guide and subsequent articles
for decades the element within the
prepare the ‘fresh’ corpses for battle
will help you if you fancy taking on
WoW universe has slowly become
and learn the ropes of moving within
a different aspect of the game.
more popular as the years and
lore of the game have developed.
RP allows players to assume the
roles of their character within the
game, this is known as being ‘In
Character’ (IC); every action they
muscles. Within RP the possibilities
carry out is done so for a reason -
of your role are generally considered
So you now understand what
from slaughtering a boar for meat
endless, but beware they could
RP is but don’t understand why
which is then cooked over an open
be disagreed with if they are not
people would dedicate their time
fire, to taking several real life days
seen as plausible by other players;
to writing stories and developing
walking from one point of Azeroth
such as a Death Knight wielding
characters - there’s a simple
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 29
of why they were interacting with
me it proved to be one of the most
enjoyable gaming experiences as
I’d completely forgotten the bad
day I’d had. There was no stress
to farming materials for potions,
no spending five hours on a boss
to progress by 1%, instead I joined
with a group of unlikely heroes (a
group of people who are now friends
I speak to daily even seven years
later) and we travelled through
Duskwood hunting down a dragon to
reap the rewards of gold and glory.
People play games to escape
answer to this, it’s FUN. Seriously, in
random nerdish hobby I’d heard
the real life world of jobs, money
what other instance can you change
briefly about through a friend and
and other burdens life throws at
from your everyday personality
thought it was for losers, but oh
us daily. Instead of playing a game
to being anyone you want to be?
was I wrong. Just before the first
to become even more stressed
You’re usually shy and quiet in real
expansion ‘The Burning Crusade’
through a PVE or PVP encounter
life? You could outgoing and loud
(TBC) hit us way back in 2007 I found
role-players use their time to
mouthed within WoW and no-one
myself looking to further myself
exchange stories, drink a beer
would know the difference. Role-
within the game, burnt out from
and most of all - make friends.
playing gives an endless possibility
raiding I decided to go and explore
to using your imagination without
the world of RP and find out what
being seen as weird or childlike.
it was all about, wandering around
There are specialised RP
Stormwind as a level one male
realms that are dedicated to those
reasons behind why I went from
with ridiculous hair and too poor
who wish to carry out the roles of IC
a five-days-per-week PVE raider
for clothes I stumbled into the inn
play within the WoW game, there are
to five-hours-a-night Role-Player.
which was filled with players role-
currently 37 servers across the EU
I’ve been playing WoW since the
playing their characters. Some
and US realms. As with all realms
days back in vanilla (yup, I’m one
offered to cloth my toon, others
within WoW each of these realms are
of those types) where I used to log
had a laugh at the reasons for his
unique; speaking from experience
onto the game to raid, loot and show
nakedness (a pigeon had gone toilet
each provides a different variety of
off my epics - Role-Playing was a
upon his only robe) but regardless
fun and enjoyment - some realms
Allow me to explain my
The GameOn Magazine
30 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
you feel like a true hero being
greeted by people who’ve learned
we were all “noobs” once.
As you explore the world and
Night Elves in relation to their
shapeshifting and healing abilities.
of your deeds within the game,
gain a sense of direction for your
Your Orc is most likely to not have
others you are merely a passing
character begin to learn the basic
been born in Durotar unless they’re
chef doing your duty to the Alliance/
lore of Warcraft; the origins of
of a young age, same goes with
Horde by simply keeping them fed.
your race, the background of the
the Night Elves - Teldrassil is a
classes and why they came to be.
very young tree in relation to the
realm would be to roll an alt and get
A few starting ones - Humans are
background history of this race.
yourself to the major cities, have an
the youngest race in WoW though
explore and walk around - take the
there is speculation as to whom
background, lore and general history
time to observe others, one of the
are the oldest (Trolls, Dwarves and
of the WoW universe check out the
best parts of RPing is the interaction
Draenei are the main contenders
official WoW website and forums
with others. You’re not judged upon
for this crown - a heated discussion
and the wowpedia. You can also pick
your epic weapons or shining armor
still going on today), Taurens are
up the Warcraft games from local
- the level of your character doesn’t
NOT cows; please do not have
thrift stores - Warcraft 3: Reign of
matter only the desire to learn
your Tauren ‘moo’ at everyone!
Chaos being available for digital
and respect those around you are
Worgen and Troll Druids vary
purchase on the Blizzard website.
seen as key factors for beginners,
to their cousins the Tauren and
The first step to choosing your
The GameOn Magazine
To learn more about the
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 31
A IS FOR... Abbreviations. Role-Playing is
• MRP: My Role-Playing. An addon that
FILLED with abbreviations, some of the most
allows roleplayers to enhance their
popular ones that are seen on a daily basis are:
character information and description.
• TRP2: Similar to MRP but more
• IC: In Character. Your actions and
words are direct from the character’s
advanced options are available like
thoughts and feelings.
player specific quests, customisable map
locations to add chests/houses etc.
• OOC: Out Of Character. You as a
• /s: Speaking in character chat
player within the WoW game.
• RP: Role-Playing. The roles of you
becoming and acting as your character.
to show ingame to others
• LFRP: The most common public ran
• ERP: Erotic Role-Playing. Yes -
chat channel across EU & US servers, /
exactly what you think it is.
join LFRP on the majority of RP servers
• RPPVP: Role-Playing Player vs Player.
There’s a few RPPvP servers that allow
you’ll find others looking for RP also
• /e: The emotion or action your character
players to keep their role-playing
will be carrying out publicly for other
environment but are constantly PvP flagged.
players to watch and interact with
• Tongues: An addon that will adapt your
• RPPVE: Role-Playing Player vs
Environment. Generally most RP servers
ingame speech to allow other Tongues users
are considered RPPvE which allow players
to understand you. Useful for speaking
to keep their role-playing environment
demonic/with an accent etc. The list is long!
but are not constantly PvP flagged.
you may consider becoming a Night
almost dropping the mug as her
Elf Druid or Orcish Hunter, enjoy
drunken aim causes it to skim its
magic shows? A Blood Elf Mage is
base against the wood she hiccups
selected realm choose a class
your calling. Prefer going all out
to the barkeep.” “/s Another round
you both enjoy to play within the
raging and face the consequences
for me and the *hic* girls please!”.
PVE aspect (as you will most
later? A Troll Warrior it is!
As a player upon a RP server it is
How Do I Become My
Character In Game?
When you’re happy with your
likely explore beyond the starting
To carry out your actions within
appreciated by those around you to
zones of Azeroth and don’t wish
the game to others you must show
stay as your character as much as
to keep being eaten by the local
them through the use of emotes (/e)
possible this means no discussing
beasties) and one you will enjoy
and the ingame speech system (/s),
the latest real life events, PVP/PVE
‘becoming’ ICly. For example, if
such as “/e Stumbles across to the
tactics or smilies “:)” and “lol” are
you’re an animal lover in real life
bar, slumping against the counter,
specifically frowned upon. Please
The GameOn Magazine
32 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
know about the history the easier
it is when asked a question about
a certain war or event which would
have been big in your character’s
history - such as the third war
or the battle of the Scourge.
remember, even if you’re not RPing
believe they’re the be-all-and-
others around you might be; keep
end-all of Role-Playing, know
* Keep IC and OOC separate!
random discussions to a minimum
everything there is about WoW
One of the best parts of Role-Playing
and use other forms of chat to your
and have the most heroic Godly
is the opportunity to be anyone or
advantage when trying to speak to
character going. You will at some
anything you fancy being, but always
others about none IC based issues,
point encounter one of these elitist
remember that IC stays between
if you wish to talk Out of Character
fellows, when you do politely thank
the characters and don’t bring the
(OOC) there’s always the option of
them for their input and simple
hatred/drama behind the scenes
placing “(())” around your text.
turn to enjoy someone else.
between the players; instead strike
* Read up on your lore as
up a friendship with them so you
and enjoying the Role-Playing
much as you can. Lore within WoW
both feel comfortable together. ■
community there’s many addons,
isn’t 100% exact and quite a lot of
events, stories and websites you
it is disagreed but the more you
Once you feel you’re confident
can follow to further enhance
your enjoyment and involvement.
These will be touched upon
within the next issue of the
magazine so be sure to return
for further reading next month!
A Few Bonus Tips!
Hopefully you’re now feeling
either confident and ready to tackle
the world as your hero/bard/villain/
inn[delete/add as appropriate].
* Be prepared to take advice
from others but don’t take
everything to heart. There’s a term
out there used by Role-Players for
those who bully new-beginners
they’re known as “elitist” they
The GameOn Magazine
By Heather Cook
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 33
The GameOn Magazine
34 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Doug Reynolds
“Speaking of Gnomes, There was this wee philly I knew...
almost as good at storytelling as me ha-ha.”
Sir, we were not
she could use my Dwarven skin...
and make it to Nevin Twistwrench
talking about Gnomes.
of stout anytime she fancied.
who was very glad to see her
apparently. Know what I mean
I asked if you knew you had
I remember a story the wee
pork lodged in your beard.”
lass told me just after the Cataclysm
laddie? Wink wink, nudge nudge!
down in the belly of Gnomeregan.
Carvo Blastbolt cut that short
feisty one. Now I am no fan of
She was pinned down in a dark
though, as he needed someone
Gnomes - anything shorter than
corner being attacked by crazy leper
to help rescue and transport
a Dwarf needs stamping on no
Gnomes, foul stinking beasties. She
survivors oot of the fighting zones.
question. But laddie, this Gnome,
had to kill a number to get out alive
“Awww laddie she was a
The GameOn Magazine
Once she had done that she
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 35
was told to follow the S.A.E.F
surface via Technician Broggles Zap
the tea girl, all this fetching and
Operatives out of the loading room
Blast contraption. She made it to the
delivering - you’d never catch me
to meet up with Gaffer Coilspring.
top and was shunted into the light at
doing that kind of work I can tell ye.
I will say this lad, the Gnomes as a
the feet of High Tinker Mekkatorque.
race need picking up and dropping
She stood in silence as Mekkatorque
thing was ready, called it the GS.9
on their heads, the names they give
turned on a holo-table introducing
Multi-bot so they did and she was
themselves are borderline insane!
her to... Operation: Gnomeregan.
sent out with it to clean up the toxic
As she reached the Gaffer
She was now in the thick of
She found the parts and the
geysers; I mean no one wants to be
she had to go through the
the action lad. She was sent to
oot walking and get a toxic geyser
decontamination process - I’m
speak to Engineer Grind Spark
up the trouser leg HAHA! Hic!
Actually lad, my humour
is misplaced, the next job they
had for her was to collect up lost
possessions of the people who
had been playing and relaxing in in
the area before the disaster hit. It
told it plays havoc with your hair
as he was creating a new fancy
was a toxic wasteland now, melted
and causes split ends on beards!
invention but needed spare parts
toys and burned clothes scattered
WHY would someone invent such
to get the thing going. Well as
about the area, it could not have
a thing?! After applying some anti-
you’ve probably have guessed this
been easy for her. The wild, toxic
frizz lotion she made her way to the
young Gnome was about to become
life and living contamination must
The GameOn Magazine
36 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
have felt the full force of her rage,
up to his base camp in Frostmane
that was needed was for some
crivens lad ye almost feel for them.
Hold with ease. Jessup was in a bind
brave tea maker to go in and set
and his demolitionists and powder
the charges, then activate the
tension in the air, a Dwarf called
kegs had been taken by Troggs so he
detonator. The explosion could
Jessup McCree had gone missing
couldn’t carry out his plan without
be seen, heard and felt for miles
and he was a big deal it seemed, so
them. It was up to her to find them
around. The Troggs would not
she set off to find him. She made it
all in Frostmane Hold. The going
be coming back anytime soon.
Upon her return there was a
was tough as the snow had moved
in, but she made her way into the
to Mekkatorque who had news for
Hold. It wasn’t as populated as
her, Razlo Crushcog, who was one
she would have thought and easily
of Thermaplugg’s most trusted
made her way around without being
Lieutenants had surfaced and
seen, finding the demolitionists and
was readying for an assault. His
kegs and after freeing them all,
Sentries were already attacking
they made their way back to Jessup
the forward lines. Crushcog has
each with a keg on their backs.
repaired damaged tanks and was
The final part of Jessup’s plan
The GameOn Magazine
The lassie made her way back
ready to launch a full offensive.
to take out the Troggs’ leader and
There were tanks that had to be
shut the Hold down was ready. All
destroyed, and so she set off with
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 37
a bag full of techno-grenades. The
matters worse he was surrounded
mark the target using an orbital
security was tight but she managed
by Crushcog Sentry Bots which
targeting device. Doing this would
to fix a grenade to each tank and set
made getting close impossible.
enable Mekkatorque to bring the
off the timers. Twice in one day the
Thankfully something called
rain, yes “bring the rain” that’s how
sky lit up with burning fireworks.
The Paintinator would come in
you youngsters say it now. For the
With the heavy tanks out
handy. The theoretical plan was
THIRD time that day the light show
the way, Mekkatorque started to
to blind the sentry bots with the
was something to behold ha-ha!
plan the downfall of Razlo. Kelsey
Paintinator taking down the early
Steelspark needed a hand to plan
warning system. My kin, the
genuine hero and she deserved
ahead and sent our lass up to
Dwarves, had agreed to assist
it I can tell ya. And like me she
Brewnall Village. Once there Javi
and Mountaineer Stonegrind had
packed her things and set out
Shadowstep explained what was
escorted Mekkatorque onto a
to make her own history.”■
going on. It seemed that Razlo
small icy hill to the north ready to
had dug himself in on an island
take advantage of the situation.
in Iceflow Lake and to make
All that was needed now was to
She was a hero laddie, a
By Doug Reynolds
The GameOn Magazine
38 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Doug Reynolds
Dig your khaki pants out of the washing bin, dust off the bull whip and borrow your granddads
Fedora! We are going to be talking about the World Of Warcraft Profession Archaeology.
rchaeology was introduced
Once you own the Cataclysm
Adam Hossack in The Undercity,
Elynara In Silvermoon City.
into World Of Warcraft in
expansion and your new little
the Cataclysm expansion and was/
character (or indeed grizzled
is intended to be a casual/fun side
veteran) is level 20 you can speak
you have to be of a certain
activity to level as you are running/
to and learn the profession from:
level to progress -
riding or flying around Azeroth.
Alliance - Harrison Jones in
1 - 75 requires level 20
In truth Archaeology is for
Stormwind (That name rings a bell,
76 - 150 requires level 20
want of a better word *Marmite* it
I’m not sure why), Doktor Professor
151 - 225 requires level 20
appeals to the collectors in the game
Iron Pants in Ironforge, Hammon the
226 - 300 requires level 35
and induces narcolepsy in others.
Jaded in Darnassus, Diya in Exodar,
301 - 375 requires level 50
Stephanie Krutsick in Darkshore.
376 - 450 requires level 65
Me? I love it because I am a
collector and also because I love to
Horde - Belloc Brightblade
As per all of the professions
451 - 525 requires level 75
shout Indiana Jones references in
in Orgrimmar (Once again
526 - 600 requires level 80
game as I go about my business….
that sounds familiar), Otoh
Now you are brimming with
but that’s another matter completely.
Greyhide in Thunder Bluff,
The GameOn Magazine
historical wonder we can go about
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 39
searching the continents for dig
matter how hard you try you can’t
Draenei, Night Elf, Nerubian,
sites. When you first open up your
make them fit together in your
Orc, Tol’Vir, Troll, Vrykul, Mantid,
map (M) you will see little shovel
frustration you throw a fragment
Pandaren, Mogu. Added to these
icons spanning the continent
into the bushes hitting a poor snake
races is a more neutral category
you are currently on, you need
in the head knocking it clean out...
called Fossils expect to find a
to fly to one of these areas.
you shiver inwardly…. snakes! Why
lot of bones and well Fossils!
Once there you will easily see
does it always have to be snakes?
As you dig the continents
Now open up your Professions
out you may be lucky and find
denotes a dig site, land in this area
Tab (K) then Archaeology and it will
green *Keystones* along with
and open your spellbook, from
show you which Races in game are
normal fragments. These
here hit the professions tab and
available for you to find goodies for.
allow you to complete artefacts
you will see the *Survey* action
If you click on any race say
the red overlay on your map that
quicker by adding them in.
That’s it for this quick overview,
all you need to do is use this and
Dwarf for instance it will show
a mini *tool* called a Telescope
you a picture of the next artefact
next month we will be taking a
and Monitoring Device will appear
you can find and how many
look at some of the cool gadgets/
on the ground pointing in a certain
fragments are needed before
pets/mounts and fun items that
direction, it will also have a coloured
you can puzzle it together.
can be found while Bullwhipping
light on top, red meaning you are
far away amber meaning you are
There are currently 11 Races
that you can dig for: Dwarven,
your way around Azeroth.■
By Doug Reynolds
warm and green meaning you
are close, keep using the survey
tool until your prized artefact
appears sparkling in the sun.
The tool will always point
in the direction the nearest
artefact is located.
Each dig site will allow you
to plunder and pillage it 6 times
yielding anything up to 10 fragments.
So your pockets are stuffed
full of artefacts, you pick them up
trying to decipher the odd markings
on them, trying with all your might
to put these things together to
make one glorious whole, but not
The GameOn Magazine
40 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Ian Plumpton
Warsong Gulch is a 20 player (10 per team) battleground and is the one of two battlegrounds a player
first encounters in World of Warcraft. For those who know online games, it’s capture the flag.
own flag must remain in your
Warsong Outriders (Orcs) and the
objective in Warsong Gulch (WSG
base in order for you to score. This
Silverwing Sentinels (Night Elves)
as it’s known) is to capture the
leads to some interesting tactical
are fighting over an area of land
opposing team’s flag from their
options but we’ll get on to that.
between the Barrens and Ashenvale
base and bring it to your own
The basic story of WSG, because
forest. You, as either Horde or
base. The only snag is that your
there is always a story, is that the
Alliance are tasked with helping
For those who don’t, the
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 41
your relevant faction in capturing
4. Alliance Flag Room
this important strip of the world.
5. ‘Tunnel’ exit points
Players can enter Warsong
6. ‘Ramp’ exit points
Gulch from level 10 and the levels
7. Midfield ‘zerg zone’
are in brackets of 5 levels from
there up to level 89, with a separate
The simplest and most basic
bracket for level 90s. This is to
of tactics for a successful WSG is to
ensure that higher level players
have 5 players tasked with capturing
are never too powerful against
the opposing flag, while the other
lower level players, in general. That
5 hold your flag room and prevent
said, it is always advantageous
your own flag from being captured.
to enter any Battleground at the
Each smaller team would contain
up similarly but mostly contain
upper level of a bracket (level 14,
at least one healer and preferably
DPS with high damage and crowd
19, 24 etc.) to gain an advantage,
and the capture team should have
control abilities. The capture team
especially at the lower levels.
a player who can either take a lot
would focus on getting the flag and
of damage (Paladin, Warrior, Death
supporting the flag carrier all the
1. Horde Graveyard
Knight, Druid) or can escape snares
way to your flag room, dealing with
2. Horde Flag Room
and immobilisation easily (Druid).
would be assassins as and when
3. Alliance Graveyard
Your flag room team would be made
required. The flag room team would
The GameOn Magazine
42 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
focus on stopping any potential flag
Battleground for that matter. It is
other flag carrier or a Mexican
carriers before they manage to get
every bit the changing landscape
stand-off with both teams secreting
to the flag, but if they manage that
and what might work flawlessly
their flags somewhere ready to
then they need to take them down
in one match will likely fall on
capture while they each try and slip
as quickly as possible whilst also
it’s face in the next. Adaptation
assassins into the other base area
preventing any others from picking
is absolutely key to victory.
to nab a quick kill. The second is the
up a dropped flag. In theory this is
worst thing to happen if you want to
a game winning plan, but in reality
So let’s have a look at some
get maximum reward for minimum
this almost never works out how
things to keep an eye on and how to
time in BG. So how can we swing
you would want it to. So read on
adapt to them. Firstly there is what
this our way? Well normally what
into Advanced Tactics to see how
I like to call ‘The Zerg’. It is 99 times
pushes this game opener in one
you can give your faction the best
out of 100 that WSG starts with this.
team’s favour is in the midfield. If
chance of grabbing those flags.
Basically the entire team rushes
you can hinder the other faction on
out and heads for the opposing flag
the way to your flag then you can
Before we go on, it should
room. It tends to lead to both flags
give yourself the advantage. Even
be made clear that there is no
being captured and then either a
if you don’t physically kill many of
one way to win WSG, or any
fight in the midfield to kill off the
them, by being present you act as
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 43
a magnet for those who want to
team attempting to sneak in and
comrades in case of sapping or
harvest a few kills. In fact this is a
grab flags. It doesn’t happen quite
blinding. Staying alive and keeping
key to most WSG tactics and the
so much these days but it does
your buddies alive will go a long
best teams will ignore these pesky
occur and you can use this to your
way to helping win matches.
few in order to achieve the higher
advantage. By using classes who can
goal; flag capture. Doing this will
move faster on foot i.e. mages with
sucks. It has gone hand-in-hand
hopefully allow your flag team to
blink or druids with travel form, you
with Warsong Gulch since the
be on their way back before your
can attempt to grab your opponents’
Battleground was introduced and
flag gets grabbed, or even better,
flag and steer wide of the zone. Be
it brings out even the most even-
stops them grabbing it at all.
aware that a flag carrier rarely gets
tempered Warcrafter in a major
Rogues, Druids and even Hunters
away totally unhindered but the
nerdrage. It is exacerbated now by
are your go-to classes here as they
middle ground distraction can help.
the fact that Blizzard dropped the
Graveyard ganking! Oh this
level of the graveyards so that there
can get close without being seen
Rogues and cat Druids are a
and spread a lot of panic fighting
big thing to watch for. WSG works
was only one direction to leave;
in the first few seconds, seconds
in such a way that teams easily get
towards your waiting foe. Back
which are vital to your flag person.
disjointed, leaving easy pickings
before that little change you could
for pesky stealthers. Always try
at least make a break for the flag
scrap in the middle ground ‘zerg
to move in at least small groups
room to get away. The best way to
zone’ with a handful from each
and keep an eye out for your
deal with this aneurysm-inducing
Often WSG descends into a
The GameOn Magazine
44 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
occurence is to focus on the team
place that’s tricky to get to and have
much more popular tactic. There
play. Protect your healers, heal
a couple of people stick with you
are several places each faction
your DPS and punch a hole in the
and wait it out, or you can go help
can use to make sure the enemy
opposition so they are force back
everyone try and take back your flag.
doesn’t get the jump on them easily,
from your spawn point. If you are
The second one is somewhat risky
but by far the most popular and
away from the graveyard when
for the obvious reason you are just
accepted place is the roof of your
this happens, consider returning
as likely to get killed and lose the
base. In both cases this allows
to help your team. It’s doubtful you
flag yourself. It also only generally
only one access route to your flag
will get much done while they are
makes sense to try and use this
carrier, meaning it can easily be
being hammered on respawn.
method if your flag is in the midfield
defended with traps and other crowd
somewhere. Chasing the flag carrier
control, and allows a number of
Once you have the flag, chances
into the opposing base puts you quite
escape routes if things get hairy.
are you are going to need to find
close to their spawn and means that,
On top of this, you can easily drop
a way to hold onto it long enough
if you are successful and reclaim
almost on top of your flag in a
for your team mates to deal with
your flag, you have the full length
heartbeat, should your comrades
the enemy flag carrier. There are a
of the zone to run to score and you
manage to heroically rip the flag
couple of tactics that are employed
leave your flag open to recapture.
from your foe’s lifeless grasp.
here generally; you can either find a
The GameOn Magazine
Finding a place to hole up is a
It’s generally the case that
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 45
a combination of these is used
flags in quick succession without
managing to capture a flag then it’s
because more often than not
your opponent managing to score
entirely possible to switch tactic,
the flags are snagged at roughly
any flags in return. But this is not
throw your opponent off guard and
the same time. Spending a few
the only way to win. If you have
snatch a quick flag before the game
moments and a little effort to try and
more flags than your enemy, you
ends. This is often easier said than
blitz your flag back on the way past
win, even if that is only 1-0 to your
done in this kind of encounter, but if
could yield results, but make sure
faction. You also win a ‘draw’ if you
you do manage to capture a single
you don’t linger too long and get
were the last team to capture a flag.
flag with a few minutes left, pile up
your flag to a guardable position.
This is important to bear in mind
your defense in your flag room to
as sometimes a match plays to this
hold it but also consider sending a
The best way to win Warsong
perfectly. If you find that your teams
stealth class out to just grab the flag
are evenly matched and nobody is
again and take it far away. Chances
Gulch is obviously by capturing 3
are in this situation that the other
faction will panic somewhat and
come at your flag room hard so
while they are focussed on pulling
the game back from the jaws, why
not send a Rogue or Druid out
to buy a little bit of insurance?
Warsong Gulch is very much a
love it or hate it kind of Battleground.
It has been in the World of Warcraft
a long, long time and has undergone
more than a few tweaks over
the years. It is a well balanced
Battleground but it will always be
filled with frustration at times. If you
can keep your head, react to your
opponent and take a few trustworthy
friends with you, you can certainly
push the odds in your favour.■
By Ian Plumpton
The GameOn Magazine
46 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Leanne Dugan
Deathknell, the Undead starting zone is fantasy zone for zombie enthusiasts. As I walk through this zone
with you, and apparently Darnell (he needs help) we will go over some of what you will find yourself doing.
This was done as a Priest, so
damn foot falling off, I hate this
standing 10 yards from where he
please remember all class
nonsense. Fresh out of the grave,
left them. Does he not realize how
quests and abilities are not reflected;
well you can just put me right back
unsanitary it is to stitch people
because well Priests just rock.
in my grave thank you very much.
together outside? I don’t need any
Hey you, warlock, come around
more decomposing body parts.
Deaths slumber, hey you put
Killing mindless zombies, do
me back now! What the, I was
here often? How are the graves
comfy in my grave. How dare you
this time year should I find another
you have your survival kit? HA, I
Undead me! Sylvanas you say? I
resort? Well fine, ignore me. These
don’t need one I’m already dead!
have some words for that banshee,
Undead can’t seem to take a joke.
Although I must be a pretty epic
when I get my hands, err, bones, on
I start off with my trusty halfwit,
zombie to functionally communicate
her. New life, HA! What a joke. Ah
I mean companion, Darnell, and
how much I’d rather be back in my
darn, there goes my foot, excuse
head over to pick some items for
cozy grave!! Yah, yah, I know, it’s not
me while I go get it. /growl… stupid
this undertaker who is literally
going to happen, deal with it and
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 47
whatnot. I shall smite you back to
dead has anything natural about it.
Well thank you so much for this
prestigious statement. I would like to
death itself you Undead zombies
Oh yay, Darnell again. Do you
will be dead again! “Re-dead” /
have no one else he can bug, I mean,
thank my previous life and whoever
giggle. Nooo, I was having fun killing
follow around and help? Bouncy,
felt the need to dig me out of my
the already dead zombies. Off to
bouncy Undead priest jumps like its
grave. That... was sarcasm. Note
the caretaker I go for, oh... why
limbs are going to fall off. I wonder
to self: Undead don’t get sarcastic
do I have to be the bearer of bad
news? Don’t you have a counseling
service here? /Sigh. One down,
well he took that rather well, that
wasn’t so bad. Two, annnnnd we
have runner ladies and gents and
zombie type folk. Well three is
who the zombies I just killed robbed;
statements. Alright let’s move
definitely in denial; I suppose that’s
I mean what kind of zombie keeps
Darnell, time to be my lackey. Six
probably not entirely unnatural,
spare change? Did they eat it maybe,
dead corpses on Darnell, six dead
not that walking and talking while
eww. ‘Most promising Priest?’
corpses, take them down pass it
The GameOn Magazine
48 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
eternity rotting in your grave,
someone comes and digs you UP,
shattering all your dreams of being
dead! Yeah, bit of hostility there.
It’s deserved. Oh boy, Lilian again?
You know this didn’t go over so well
the first time right? Alright, I’ll try
again, but no promises. And there
she goes again off to the races.
She could probably compete with
the runaway bride, little different
around... you know Darnell, you’re a
will go, hmm, starting to sound like
in circumstances I suppose. Eh,
pretty good work horse other than
a bit of a serial killer here, SMITE
can’t say that I didn’t try! Ah, my
the fact you groan a lot. Good job
HARDER! Oh damn, I’m glad I took
beloved class quest. You have
Darnell, have a brain biscuit. Like
that face lift option, these skeletons
reached level 3. Training dummy
that one? Shh, I borrowed them
really need a referral. CRIT! Die you
here I come, I shall pain you and
from the warlock that got owned
ugly already dead looking thing.
pain you and pain you and pain you,
You know, someone should
was that 5? I killed something, can
over there. I don’t think he’ll notice
them missing though *snickers*
I’m glad to see you have eyes,
really think about corralling these
rats, I think they might be getting
I leave now? Oh. Never mind.
Quest if I may, Executor.
thank you for telling that stick on
into the, umm, one’s that got dead
Executor you say, can I have
my back was a weapon, and all this
again pile. They are the biggest,
your job? It sounds delightfully
time I thought it was a bone that
fat rats I have ever seen. “RATS
entertaining. Rats, wolves and bats,
didn’t fit. With the weather lately, you
oh my! I’m off to see the wizard,
never know when a night is going to
the wonderful wizard of zombie
get so cold that your limbs just fall
‘Trust no one’. Well of course
infested land. I would like a heart
right off. WOO HOO more zombies!
not. After all just when you think
please, on second thought, I’d much
A zombie killing I will go, a killing I
you get to die peacefully and spend
rather be a ruthless serial killer of
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 49
zombies, just give me some epics
Redpath, that sounds vaguely
isn’t nice. Words hurt. Just because
thanks. DING! /bow. By the way,
familiar. The denial one, right!
you think you’re a monster doesn’t
I fail to see why you need natural
He started his own army of misfit
mean I’m one too. You take that back
resources to survive. You’re dead,
zombies? This should be good.
or I will smite your ugly deranged
I’m dead, we’re all dead! Careful
Someone should have told him that
head. Okay you asked for it.
though, I like to bite /wink.
you can’t really revolt against the
Ah Darnell, good luck my friend,
Undead because eventually you
you will make a grand Deathguard.
are there any flea markets around
will just end up back in your grave
Perhaps we will meet again one day.
these parts? I hear spider remains
Undead dead again! Wait now,
It’s time for me to move on as well,
ward off evil spirits, yeah, that
that was all I had to do to get back
to bigger and darker places. Tirisfal
might make me some gold off a few
there? Damn, why I didn’t think of
Glades won’t know what swooped
unsuspecting folk. What, Darnell?
that. Killing the mindless revolting
in and left devastation all over, it will
How did he get to be in charge? Not
zombie army, there’s Redpath; come
be a beautiful destructive sight.■
exactly top of the class if you know
here this won’t hurt, well maybe
what I mean. Hmmm, Redpath,
just a little. Hey now, name calling
Ew, spiders, really? Hmmm,
By Leanne Dugan
The GameOn Magazine
50 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Lauren Piersol
When I first started playing World of Warcraft, I had no idea what I was doing. I hadn’t realized you
could even queue for dungeons until I was nearly level 30 and raiding was a thing of mystery.
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 51
Rule 2: Don’t need
ith the release of the
raid events. I especially love that
Dragon Soul patch in
it let’s me know when to change
Cataclysm, a new form of raiding
targets during a fight (so I don’t
was introduced - Looking for Raid
have to watch for it myself) and will
quickly find the raid voting to kick
(LFR). LFR was a way to find a
literally trumpet yell at you when
you from the group. LFR now
group to try out a watered down
you’re standing in something if you
provides for individually rolled
version of the 25 man Dragon Soul
don’t get out of it fast enough. This
gear drops, so everyone gets
raid. In Mists of Pandaria, the LFR
simple add-on will save you gold
something (even if it’s just gold).
was expanded further and each
from repairs, and it will keep the
Green items in LFR will never be
raid in the expansion has an LFR
healers and other members of the
better than the gear you have, and
mode. More people are trying
group from getting angry about
if you’re desperate for it to use for a
out raiding than ever before, but
your positioning or lack of rotation
transmog, then just ask the group
this also mean there are some
to adds. For healers it can help
if you can need for that reason
rules that newbies don’t know
ensure you’re dispelling targets if
before you do it. In guild groups, the
about raiding, and breaking these
you pay attention to the boss timers,
rules may be slightly different, so
unwritten rules can cause you to
again, keeping the raid happy.
always ask your guild’s raid leader.
on green gear.
Seriously, don’t do it. You’ll
be kicked from the LFR group you
just waited an hour in queue for. I’ll
address several of these here, but
do keep in mind guild raiding rules
will vary by guild and may only be
similar to the rules for an LFR.
Rule 1: You must have
Deadly Boss Mods or a similar
program installed for all
classes and have Healbot or
something similar for Healers.
This is the first rule of
raiding with any group. DBM, and
other similar add-ons are easily
downloaded for free through
Curse Client. This add-on calls out
raiding warnings and timers. It also
gives sound and visual warnings
and countdowns to important
The GameOn Magazine
52 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
keep up. The same is true for DPS
queueing as healers for shorter
queue times. While some healing/
dps classes share similar gear/
stats, most don’t. Be sure you have
enough mana to heal through fights
and have the healing spec. Do be
actually fill the role you queued for,
or, again, you’ll end up kicked from
the group. Healers and tanks are
too important of roles for people
to not queue appropriately.
Rule 5: If you don’t know
how the fight works, ask.
Everyone has to start
somewhere, and in LFR people
aren’t as angry about things if
you just ask upfront how the boss
fight works. There are some fights
Rule 3: Don’t pull for the tanks,
and if you are the tank, don’t pull
the boss before the raid is ready.
that if you, even as dps, screw
up a mechanic, you will wipe the
Rule 4: Don’t queue for a
raid. No one minds the wipes
role you aren’t geared for.
as long as it’s because the raid
Seriously, if you’re geared for
DPS and have a tank as your second
failed in some way rather than
a reason, and so unless you’re
spec, don’t queue as a tank until
that a bunch of people new to the
filling that role, don’t pull things.
you’ve done the work in dungeons
game/fight didn’t ask what they
Sometimes accidents happen, but
to have a second set of gear for
needed to know before the pull.
doing this taxes the healers and
tanking. The stats on tank gear
frequently pisses off the tanks
make it so that you don’t drop your
enough that they’ll leave the
health too quickly for healers to
group. When the group is forced
heal you through. Poorly geared
you should always carry a few flasks
to wait for a new tank because
tanks or people not geared as tanks
and food appropriate to your class. If
of you, they’re also likely to kick
at all will find themselves quickly
you’re a hunter, be prepared with a
you from the group so that the
kicked from the group if the healers
pet that can provide buffs to fill in for
new tanks won’t leave too.
complain you’re too squishy to
the missing class buffs. In raids, you
Tanks are called tanks for
The GameOn Magazine
Rule 6: Have food and a flask
This is more true for when you
raid with a group than in an LFR, but
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 53
are expected to have these things
at all times. In guild raiding, there’s
Rule 8: Check out Icy Veins or
often a bank tab that carries items
communication. No one really wants
Elitist Jerks for prioritizing stats
to wait on you downloading the
and learning your rotations
program you use, so if you have the
space for it, just keep all of them on
This is especially true for
specifically for this. Find out what
healers, for whom Mr. Robot can
your computer. They have easy to
Rule 7: Ask Mr. Robot
often prioritize stats incorrectly.
use set ups. If you’re shy and don’t
No seriously, go to www.
Both sites offer insight into the
want to talk, no worries; the raid and pull up your
theorycrafting behind each class
leader will be doing the majority of
character’s gear. Now go complete
and when to use abilities. Be sure
the talking. You just need to listen.
all the enchants, reforges, and
that you read up on the current
gems that are on your shopping
patch’s information, since each site
list for optimizing your current
has to update as the game does.
the policy for these are in your guild.
gear. This is less important in LFR,
Rule 9: Have Mumble,
Rule 10: Have fun
Seriously, World of Warcraft
is still a game, and games should
be fun. Following the rules will
Teamspeak 3, Ventrilo, Gamevox,
ensure everyone has a good
you to not only have a high enough
Dolby Axon and Skype already
time. Don’t worry if you’re not
ilevel to join the raid, but to have
installed on your computer.
perfect to start, people will simply
but in general, raid leaders expect
optimized your gear for your role.
Raids, not LFRs, need voice
appreciate your coming prepared.
We all had to learn somewhere.
Showing up without these things is
communication to effectively execute
a no no. If you can afford it, carry a
strategies in the raid. If you’re going
couple of extra of the main gems
to ever do a PUG found in general
your raiding experience much
you use so that you can gem and use
or trade chat, they will expect you
more positive than blindly
new gear drops as you get them.
to sign in to their server for voice
going in the first time. ■
Ten simple rules can make
By Lauren Piersol
The GameOn Magazine
54 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Neil Hetherington
As with any World of Warcraft expansion we brave adventurers have the pleasure of conquering
the swathe of new dungeons that welcome us with a warm smile and dagger behind the back.
owever, we will not let
of the original 10 man dungeon
has not changed so veterans of the
you venture into these
from classic WoW and the setting
game will have no trouble finding
dangerous places blind. Each issue
to one of the most loved player
their way around the halls. We are
we will cast our eyes upon one of
videos of all time, Leeroy Jenkins.
also shown one brand new room for
these brand new, or revamped,
In this revamp, both normal and
the final boss but we shall over that
dungeons so that you may have the
heroic modes, we are introduced to
in more detail further on. So why
upper hand when it comes for you
five brand new bosses throughout
are we here again? In a nutshell, the
to slay the nefarious residents.
the dungeon, the layout for UBRS
Iron Horde are taking over Blackrock
Our gaze is firmly set upon
Blackrock Mountain, home to some
of the most Iconic dungeons and
raids in WoW’s history. Sweeping
through this volcano we come to
Upper Blackrock Spire, a revamp
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 55
Spire as a contingency plan if things
go sour for their main campaign,
as you run around the room.
Next up you’ll wander into
notice our fallen comrade, Leeroy
Jenkins. Yes, Blizzard have added
in essence they plan to activate the
the beloved Leeroy Jenkins room,
him into the game, so be prepared
volcano if they’re losing the war.
unfortunately in this revamp, all the
to cheer, cry or generally facepalm
whelp eggs are gone and replaced
at this piece of fan service by the
Oremaster Gor’asha, in the room
with lots of laboratory equipment,
developers. Normal mode you can’t
where you originally faced the fire
giving a feeling of the Maloriak
do anything with him, though in
elemental. Here you’ll notice several
encounter from the Blackrock
heroic you’re able to resurrect poor
conduits channeling lightning
Descent raid in Cataclysm. It is
Leeroy for him to throw classic one
looking stuff to the boss. These must
in here that you will face Kyrak,
liners in your face. The purpose
be disrupted to weaken Gor’asha
throwing around pools of green
of bringing Leeroy back to life is
while the group beats several
hurty stuff around the floor that
for a heroic dungeon achievement
shades of snot out of him on top of
will despawn after time as well as
by assisting him in finding those
the central podium. In normal mode,
buffing himself with a heal over time
elusive Devout Shoulders that
you’ll be chased by one lightning orb
which needs dispelling. In heroic
brought him here in the first place.
while heroic mode has two circling
mode he will also apply a debuff on
the podium, which makes disabling
a random party member that will
is the old Rend Blackhand room
the condiuts a royal pain in the arse,
cast pulsing area of effect damage
and be prepared to face similar
especially if you’re the healer due
so make sure you’re spread out.
mechanics as the original boss.
The first boss you encounter is
to losing line of sight on the group
After defeating Kyrak, you may
Your next main encounter
First off you have waves of trash that
The GameOn Magazine
56 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
need dealing with, thankfully these
only advance when the first wave
has been defeated unlike the old
method of releasing them on a timer.
Once these have been dealt with
then the actual boss, Commander
Tharbek summons his mount,
an Iron Skyreaver, and swoops
down to deal with you himself.
The skyreaver has a frontal
cone flame breath which can be
easily dodged and dies pretty
quickly. Tharbek has similar
mechanics to Nazgrim from the
Siege of Orgrimmar with throwing
ravagers around the room and
charging at people randomly. He
will also throw his axe at someone
leaving a bleeding debuff that deals
a considerable amount of damage.
As the fight progresses he will
summon adds that need to be dealt
with to avoid being overwhelmed.
Those that remember the
Beast from the original dungeon,
then meet Son of Beast in the same
area, however this mob is not a
fully fledged boss though he will
deal crazy amounts of damage.
We believe that this mini-boss
will be there with a possibility of
dropping a battle pet or maybe the
rumoured core hound mount.
Next main boss is Ragewing
which is encountered on a bridge
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 57
between the Beast and old General
where General Drakkisath used
main problem of the encounter
Drakkisath room. The boss will be
to reside, as you’ll notice a gaping
as these knockback anyone in
hovering to the side of the bridge
hole in the back of the room. After
melee range and grip people
to begin with, spawning pools of
dealing with the trash you’ll walk
to them which can pull you into
fire randomly under players which
into the new area which is a platform
the fire of the drakes. The group
need to be moved out of along with
above the Molten Span, looking
will be constantly moving due to
covering the bridge with his flame
down you can see all of the inside
these drakes and mobs making
breath. In normal this only covers
of Blackrock Mountain but your
this final encounter the most
half the bridge while heroic it will
main focus here is Warlord Zaela,
challenging of the dungeon, rightly
cover the entire span. Ragewing will
the same Zaela that was riding
so too. Once you’re getting these
switch sides during the encounter
Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar.
additional elements then it’s time
bombarding the bridge with fireballs
Zaela does have a knockback
to pop cooldowns to ensure you
get through this fight alive.
and summoning a load of adds,
that she will do on the tank, this
these need to be avoided and
can fling you back around 15 yards
dealt with respectively. Once this
which does have the potential of
of what you can expect in Upper
transition has occurred twice he will
making you fly off the platform to
Blackrock Spire once Warlords
land on the bridge so turn the boss
instant death so make sure you
of Draenor hits our systems later
away from the group, Ragewing
position to combat this. She will
this year, hopefully this has been of
will also gain a stacking buff that
also fixate on people so walk away
some assistance for your upcoming
increases his damage so please
until she returns to the tank.
adventures. Next issue our focus
nuke the boss at this point or dispell
that buff otherwise you’re toast.
Finally moving into the last area
of this dungeon, the last boss is not
Normal mode has two drakes
drop off adds and breathe flames
across the platform, heroic mode
So there we have it, a rundown
will be on Auchindoun, where
purple is definitely in season.■
By Neil Hetherington
has three drakes. The adds are the
The GameOn Magazine
58 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Doug Reynolds
No NO NO! Ye dinnae have Boar with Dark Brew Lager, ye have Dwarven Stout!
Tell me now why ye picked THIS Tavern ya wee beastie?
Sir, we need to move
Orcs hiding in tree’s..whatever next.
Here is a quick life lesson
Willem to the side of the Abbey.
Sergeant Willem looked knee
laddie, Orcs and Worgs smell to high
deep in Gnome droppings - Goblin
to lend a hand in Northshire I
heaven, to the point that even a big
Assassins had been dispatched
do find it odd you were asked
beard doesn’t keep the stench oot.
to take out key members of the
to do this please explain?”
This did make it very easy to flush
Northshire defence. Add to that
the Orc spies out mind ye, but after
the high number of field injuries,
Humans they NEED our help. Any
fighting Worgs of any kind make
things were getting desperate
race that cannae drink till they’re
sure ye get yer beard checked for
pretty quickly and it was time
sober NEED help. It seemed that
Fleas. With the Worgs and Spies out
for me to wade in beard deep.
the Blackrock Orcs had taken a
the way Mcbride who still seemed
liking to Northshire and wanted
to be struggling somewhat with that
pain in the beer keg but loud noises
to take it for themselves. Marshal
wasp asked me to go help Sergeant
drove them out into the open where
on - you were enlisted
“Ah well, ye see laddie, these
Mcbride was pleased in a swallowed
a wasp kind of way to see me,
but did welcome the help. The
unclean Orc savages had let their
Blackrock Worgs off the leash and
they were terrorising the good folk
of Northshire. So I needed to thin
their numbers and also take care
of the Orc Spies that were hiding in
the trees gathering information on
the state of the defensive forces.
I realise how dopey that sounds!
The GameOn Magazine
The Goblin Assassins were a
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 59
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60 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
they become easy prey. The amount
character. This needed to end soon.
plan had been foiled, this ended
of injured soldiers numbered many
Mcbride tasked me with putting
now! The General would pay for the
but I saved all of them. When I
out the fires and stopping the Orcs
lives lost and for my singed beard.
returned to Willem, he had at
near the Abbey from re-starting
least calmed down and against
them, Mcbride wanted trophies of
this was an epic battle between
my better judgement I offered
my kills and I gladly accepted.
two well-matched warriors, but
the wee man a draw on my skin
Those Orcs did not know who
In truth laddie, I could tell ye
I would be lyin to ye, the general
of beer. The drinking silence was
I was or what I was capable of and
looked the part but died quickly and
broken by screams and the sound
I showed them a performance of
with little fight. It did occur to me
of clattering weapons, it sounded
electrical power they would never
at the time that my powers were
like Mcbride was in trouble, that or
forget - they dropped like flies,
getting stronger with every quest
the wasp had found its way to the
twitching as the residual energy left
I completed so maybe this is why
parts of him beers couldn’t reach.
their burnin’ husks. Putting out the
the General was no match for me.
fires was easier than expected due
Marshal Mcbride was a very happy
could carry me I rounded the
to a device Mcbride had given me; I
man when I returned; I had proved
corner to see Orcs setting fire to
would like to have kept it but could
my worth to the old stalwart, so
the vineyards and surrounding
not leave this quest unfinished.
he tasked me with the protection
Running as fast as my legs
trees, with fire as cover and the
Surveying the burnt out fields
of Elwynn Forest and I set out for
threat of it spreading! The Orcs had
an Orcish cry of frustration filled
Goldshire, leaving behind a burnt
concocted a plan of some genius
their air, I smiled as I knew the
but free Northshire behind me.■
which was both worrying and out of
General had been told his clever
The GameOn Magazine
By Doug Reynolds
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By Christian Wootton
In the first of a series of interviews, we bring you Rewt and Freckleface of Hearthcast. A podcast
for the casual World of Warcraft player. On the air since February 2009, The pair of hosts and
a cast of thousands (well, 3) they talk about WoW, Real Life, and all points in between.
Rewt: My main is a goblin
Rewt: We kind of knew each
other outside of WoW. We had
mutual friends who were also into
Rewt: Mine. I had done other
warlock. Freckleface: My main
gaming, but were really just sort of
podcast projects in the past, and
is a goblin hunter, but I also
“acquaintances” at best before the
knew I wanted to do a World of
have a mage that I enjoy.
podcast. Freckleface: We knew each
Warcraft podcast. I had a formula
other by face, but when I friended
in my head about how the show
him on Facebook I saw he
would work, and it required a
played Wow, and I
female cohost who was able to
made a toon on
be at the same location I was.
his server.
Freckleface: I was
promised cookies, and I’m
still waiting on them.
Rewt: Hearthcast is a podcast
covering the World of Warcraft
Universe. We do take a more
casual approach to gaming, and
talk about a wide range of topics
surrounding the Blizzard franchise.
Freckleface: The premise of
the show is that we love playing
Warcraft, and that there is a lot
of fun in the details of it. We’d
rather talk about pop culture
references in Pandaria than tank
strategies for the latest boss.
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 63
less frequent. Wow has over a
table from one another. With that
twenty year history in lore, and
setting, the show does become more
lends itself to discussion much
personal for the listening audience.
Rewt: I don’t really have time
for more than two or so games in my
more easily than any other game.
The general format for
Freckleface: It’s conversational,
but we always have a main
life. When we started Hearthcast,
Hearthcast is very much a “talking
message to it, which is what
WoW was the only game I was
heads” conversational style.
I believe sets us apart.
playing. When we’ve branched
Was this a deliberate choice?
out and tried other games, like
Making the audience feel like
the show is Hearthcast AoE which
SW:TOR, we’ve talked about it
they are just listening to two
can get a little crazy. Whose idea
on the show and how that game
friends talking over coffee?
was it for a quiz where “eh, near
One of your regular spots in
enough” was a qualifier for the
relates to WoW and what WoW
Rewt: It was a natural
can learn from those games -
progression for us. After doing a
like AOE looting from SW:TOR.
weekly show for five years with
Rewt: Giving full credit where
Freckleface: We definitely
hardly any interruptions, we’ve
credit is due, Hearthcast AOE was
don’t have time for a second
grown to work off each other very
inspired directly from a radio game
weekly show, if we did do another
well. We do record the show in
show called “Closest to the Pin”,
podcast it would have to be much
a studio, sitting directly across a
which can be heard on the Philips
answers? It’s pretty inspired.
The GameOn Magazine
64 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
Phile (
complete geek out over the drop.
Freckleface: I love finding
via micro-transactions. However,
with items and services such as
And by directly inspired, I mean I
funny trash items in the game.
Boosted Characters, mounts,
totally ripped it off from them.
One day I fished up a drowned rat
pets, and even transmog items
in Dalaran which had the flavor
available as in-game purchases
to play a trivia games where no
text “Looks like falling in the soup
already, I do see Blizzard adopting
one is getting the answer right...
pot did not work out so well this
an early stage version of a “pay for
Freckleface: It’s just no fun
at least with numbers you always
have a guess, and sometimes it’s
comical the way someone can end
up winning even though they had
no clue what the answer was.
time.” I linked it in trade chat, and
convenience” model. When the day
got an excited whisper. She linked
finally comes that Blizzard no longer
me a bunch of funny stuff she had
releases new content for players,
kept in her bag, and we had a good
I do foresee them implementing a
giggle. A friendship blossomed
service which would allow players
from there, as we would always
to purchase items they were
mail each other the silly stuff we
unable to otherwise obtain in the
had found. I forgot to contact her
game during it’s “normal” days.
Rewt: When MoP came out
before I transferred servers, and
I was running Scholomance as
have always regretted losing touch.
much as I possibly could, much
Freckleface: There are of
games that are structured to rip
money from you quickly while
to the chagrin of my guildmates.
providing very little content, but
I was desperately hoping that
I don’t see Wow getting to that
“The Headmasters Will” - an epic
point. In fact, there’s a lot of items
staff - would drop off Darkmaster
or services that I would love to
Gandling. After being confronted
see as a microtransaction. They
in guild chat about how the odds
started in the right direction with
were stacked against me, the staff
the tmog hats, but let’s see some
dropped. I needed on it, won it with
full sets available in the store.
a roll of 100, which also gave me
the “Needy” Achievement. I was so
Rewt: While nothing is out of
excited I actually made international
the realm of possibilities, I do not
phone calls to guildies and had a
see WoW going to a “pay to win”
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 65
other gated items will be included.
Freckleface: I see them slowly
taking away a lot of the convenience
features that have been added
through the years. Have group will
travel is already gone, and I think
they’ve always regretted giving
us flying. Despite anyone’s gut
reaction to being slowed down,
I think they want to get back to
the basics to make the world
feel more epic and immersive.
Rewt: My hopes lie in the
Rewt: It’s difficult to tell.
expansion of the and
Blizzard definitely uses an “embrace
mobile client. I truly believe Blizzard
good thing, for both the Blizzard,
and extend” ideology for World of
is missing out on a huge audience by
and for Greg and Rob. I personally
Warcraft. They are able to look at
not expanding the features available
feel that when a person has been
what other “WoW Killer” projects
to it’s player base when they are
working on a project for such a long
are doing successfully, and then
outside of the game. Anything
time that things in the project are
implement that in the World
that could save time would be
being done a particular way and the
of Warcraft. I do see the game
heralded as a massive breakthrough
only reason given for doing those
implementing more “catch up”
for Blizzard - crafting, in-game
things in that manner is because
features. I firmly believe that as new
mail, fishing, hearthing, or even
“that’s how X likes it”, it’s time
expansions arrive, and the level
gnomish/goblin virtual teleporting
to move on. New environments
cap is increased, we’ll be able to
abilities on the mobile or battle.
are good for everybody.
purchase a character boost to the
net client would be fantastic.
Rewt: I see the change as a
Freckleface: I’ve always
maximum character level of the
Freckleface: I’m really hoping
looked at Blizzard products as
previous expansion. The “add ons”
the garrisons will having lasting
a whole, rather than seeing an
for that boost will continue to grow
power. I hope they add enough
individual’s influence in it. When
with a list of skills and traits the
personalized features to make it
I’m in Azeroth, I just see Azeroth.
characters would have otherwise
feel homey and not just a pit stop
had to have learned in the game
between more exciting things.■
- professions, flight licenses, and
By Christian Wootton
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66 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Ian Plumpton
There are not many people who haven’t heard of World of Warcraft. At it’s peak it has had over 12 million
accounts active, but many, many more people know about it or think they know about it than that.
ven my parents know
language that has spread to many
The problem comes when people
about it. It has been
other games and genres and
need large amounts of gold to buy
a phenomenon of the gaming
many people may not even realise
rare or valuable items but either
industry and is the watchword for
they have WoW to thank for it.
can’t or won’t spend the time to earn
online gaming. There were highly
World of Warcraft has certainly
the currency for themselves. Cue
successful games before it and there
had it’s share of news coverage over
the gold farmers. Because players
have been since, but every title in
the near 10 years since it’s release.
can transfer in game currency to
the genre is inevitably measured
One of the main stories centred
other players’ characters, people
up against it. It is the yardstick that
around the game’s currency system.
who have lots of gold can transfer
all MMOs are scrutinised with. It’s
Warcraft uses a system of copper,
it to those who don’t. Some less
no surprise then that it has had far
silver and gold which players earn
scrupulous people decided they
reaching influence beyond gaming
from questing and killing mobs and
could make a business out of this,
and has had both controversy and
from selling items they make or find.
in spite of being in contravention
parody, exultation and criticism in
This, in itself is a great system and
of Blizzard’s terms and conditions
other media formats. It has spawned
one that many other games adopt.
for use of WoW, by selling gold
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68 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
confined to WoW, but the nature
of the game and it’s popularity has
led to it’s image as an addiction
rather than a pastime and it is
exactly the sort of topic that attracts
attention of the media. When a
clinic opened up in Amsterdam
in 2006 which specifically treats
for money. But how to amass the
Obviously the practice is far from
people with an addiction to games,
huge amounts of currency needed
limited to World of Warcraft, but
World of Warcraft was an obvious
to turn a profit? Pay people next
with such a large player base, it
choice for news reporters to go
to nothing to spend all their days
inevitably became the focus of the
with. Conversely, World of Warcraft
collecting or ‘farming’ for gold and
issue. Blizzard have always taken
employs parental controls that can
items to sell. The often poor working
a hard line with any who seek to
limit children’s play time at least.
conditions that the farmers faced
abuse their game systems in these
Unfortunately humans will always
inevitably led to attention from the
ways, but they can only do so much.
get addicted to things they enjoy
media, and even gave rise to the
As well as gold farming,
and video games is no exception.
On the lighter side of Warcraft’s
2010 documentary ‘Gold Farmers’
WoW has been associated with
which delved into the lucrative world
addiction to games. Much like the
influence on other entertainment,
that had largely remained hidden.
gold farmers, this is not a problem
is South Park. It takes a lot to make
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 69
it into South Park in video game
in their success when he has to
are dealing with someone here
terms. Only the most popular titles
get The Sword of a Thousand
who has absolutely no life.”
seem to come under the comedy
Truths to the boys. The show pokes
scrutiny of Trey Parker and Matt
fun at World of Warcraft and it’s
of a Thousand Truths and defeat
Stone. Hit titles such as Call of Duty
community, mostly in a lighthearted
the overpowered player. When
and Guitar Hero have come under
way but does have the characters
Stan asks “What do we do now?”
fire in the show’s history. So it’s no
getting overweight and unhealthy
Cartman replies with “Now we
surprise then that World of Warcraft
due to constant WoW playing
can play the game.” The episode
managed to get an entire episode
and other elements you would
used plenty of in game footage and
dedicated to it. In the episode Make
expect from South Park (I won’t
even as far as animated sequences
Love Not Warcraft, Stan, Kyle, Kenny
go into details about Cartman’s
in WoW that were voice acted.
and Cartman are playing away in
toilet dealings). When the board at
the game when another player
Blizzard get wind of the problem
included references to the game
manages to kill them even though
they poke fun at the rogue player;
is Big Bang Theory. One episode
this shouldn’t happen. The episode
revolves around their attempts
“What kind of person
would do this?”
In the end they get the Sword
Another popular show that has
in particular starts with Leonard
walking into the apartment to find
“Only one kind. Whoever
Sheldon being questioned by a
levelling up killing only boars. Stan’s
this person is, he has played
cop. He explains that they have
dad Randy also starts playing in
World of Warcraft nearly every
been robbed and Leonard is a bit
an attempt to connect with Stan
hour of every day for the past
confused as nothing seems to be
and ends up being instrumental
year and a half. Gentlemen, we
damaged or missing. Eventually we
to deal with the rogue player by
The GameOn Magazine
70 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
learn that Sheldon has called the
don’t go having any bad dreams.
It was literally used to describe
someone who actually was new
police to report somebody hacking
Possibly one of the biggest
his World of Warcraft account and
ways that World of Warcraft has
to the game and not meant as an
clearing it out of all items and
influenced the wider culture is in the
insult, as opposed to ‘noob’. Both
gold. While this makes light of the
form of language. There are words
stem from the term newbie.
situation, it is a problem a lot of
and phrases that have stemmed
In World of Warcraft, players
people can relate to in MMORPG
from, or at least been spread by
collect items for their characters
gaming, and World of Warcraft in
the game. In the gaming world, the
and these items have differing
particular. Just about everyone has
term ‘noob’ is used all over as a put
quality levels. These range from
been the victim, or knows someone
down, insinuating that someone is
the abundant ‘common’ items
who has been the victim of one
so bad at the game, they are acting
all the way up to the rare ‘epic’
of these incidents. While Sheldon
like they are new to it. While I am
and ‘legendary’ gear that is most
Cooper’s character is prone to over
not suggesting the term came from
sought after. The word ‘epic’
dramatising trivial problems, anyone
WoW, it certainly became more main
gained popularity in the game
who this happens to will usually feel
stream as a result of being used in
as a general term for anything
much the same as Sheldon does.
the game. The less common ‘newb’
particularly impressive, even if it
Luckily Blizzard have an excellent
was also used fairly frequently in
wasn’t an actual ‘epic’ item. It also
system of recovery for when this
the earlier days of WoW although it
seemed to have caught on outside
particular nightmare strikes, so
doesn’t turn up that often any more.
the game and outside gaming in
The GameOn Magazine
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 71
general, although mostly used by
features hundreds of dragon eggs
actually would). It became such
gamers. Quite a few of my friends
which spawn baby dragons, or
a byword for WoW stupidity and
still use ‘epic’ today in general;
whelps whenever anyone touches
so famous that Blizzard added an
most of them are gamers and
them. This classically made it
achievement for that room some
many of those played WoW.
difficult to keep control of the room
time later, that required players to
as lots of whelps meant lots of
kill 50 whelps in 15 seconds and
gone hand in hand for many years
dying. In the video, Leeroy is away
under. It rewarded players with
now, and one of the biggest games
from keyboard while the rest of
the title “....Jenkins”. Thanks to
in terms of videos being made
the team discuss their options for
Leeroy, there are thousands or
by the community was definitely
the fight. Leeroy returns, utters
millions of characters running
World of Warcraft. Thousands,
the now infamous words “Let’s
around with the surname Jenkins.
possibly millions of videos have
do this. Leeeeeeeroooooooy
Leeroy, we salute your hijinks.
been made in the game’s 10 year
Jeeeeenkiiiiins!” and runs into
history. Most of these are fairly basic
the egg room on his own. There
YouTube and gaming have
‘playthroughs’ of various parts of the
game, but some people have taken
the game and crafted excellent
stories or impressive ‘show off’
videos. Videos like Zinwrath, gave
us excellent comedy storylines,
while Big Blue Dress and Hide
For nearly 10 years World
of Warcraft has been enjoyed by
and Seek saw people using WoW
then follows a minute of madness
millions of gamers. It has suffered
to create music videos. The most
as the players try and recover
through the controversy that many
famous though, is one concerning
the encounter but they all end
popular games are victim to and
a dangerously carefree player by
up dying. Obviously everyone is
has inspired videos and bred its own
the name of Leeroy Jenkins.
annoyed with Leeroy and berate
language. With the new expansion,
him on their microphones.
Warlords of Draenor on the horizon,
video that achieved cult status in
Leeroy, unphased simply replies
World of Warcraft can only continue
the gaming community, not just
with “At least I have chicken.”
to affect the world around us.
Leeroy Jenkins featured in a
among WoW gamers. If you haven’t
“Leeroy Jenkins!” became the
Expect many more videos of epic
seen it (where have you been?) it
exclamation of choice if you wanted
(aha) feats and funny disasters and
is of a team getting ready to run a
to wind people up and make them
who knows? Maybe the next Leeroy
notoriously tricky part of the Upper
believe you were about to run into
Jenkins is just around the corner.■
Blackrock Spire dungeon in the
somewhere unprepared (and if you
original game. It is a section that
were particularly mischievous, you
By Ian Plumpton
The GameOn Magazine
72 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
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74 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Doug Reynolds
In November of 2008 Blizzard released their eagerly awaited second expansion The Wrath Of The Lich
King, this pitted our warriors against Arthas Of Menethil, now the bitter and twisted Lich King.
hristie Golden picked up
franchise needs to have hated
and in an important family. The
the reigns and wrote the
and loved in equal measure.
first War comes to his home and
accompanying book to chronicle the
rise to power of Arthas the Lich King.
Arthas is one of those
characters that every decent
I picked this book up as I am a
massive fan of Wrath Of The Lich
chunk of information about this
King and it continues to be my
world. It passes Arthas by really
favourite expansion of World Of
as he is more concerned with a
Warcraft. I was dying to
new foal that has been born to
get more information
the Royal Stables that the young
on the background
Prince names Invincible.
of Arthas and why he
We are also introduced to two
turned into the King
important characters in the Warcraft
of the frozen wastes.
Universe and even more important
It has to be said
characters to Arthas himself, the
that I already know
Mage Jaina Proudmoore and The
what happens and
Paladin Uther Lightbringer.
why it happens.
This book like
The second part of the
all good stories can
book details an Arthas who
be broken down into
has turned into a man, and the
3 distinct parts -
relationship between Arthas
The first part of
The GameOn Magazine
we find out our first historical
and Jaina Proudmoore.
I actually liked already knowing
this book really deals
the story’s end as it made this
with a young Arthas,
segment of the book really stand
a boy growing up with
out, Arthas is faced with impossible
an important Father
decisions all the while trying to
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 75
do the right thing while not being
backed up by the person he loves
and by the person who he needs
support from the most, Golden has
written this very well as she draws
emotions from the reader because
we have all been where Arthas
is, doing something we believe
is right but standing on our own
while the storm rages around us.
There are some really excellent
standout moments too if you have
played the MMO, a certain dungeon
(Culling Of Stratholm anyone?)
has taken on a more sombre
and painful tone for me now.
I really loved this part of the
book and I think it was written
with a lot of emotion and a very
clever and careful hand.
This in effect brings us to the
events in the game The Frozen
great thing as it shows in the way
Throne and also brings into play the
I really like Christie as an
she writes about the universe.
Dark Lady Slyvanas Windrunner
author, she always seems to be able
, Sylvanas story is an epic one
craft a story and ram the emotion
I do recommend this book
and one that will also pull at your
home, and she is a master at putting
to anyone who has a love of the
heartstrings if you are wet like me.
you through the emotional mill.
Warcraft Universe, it is a rich
This ironically was my least
She has tried successfully
book with a great narrative.
My only criticism is that
favourite part of the book as it
to put us into Arthas shoes and
seemed fairly rushed; it wasn’t
make us understand why he
important events are only brushed
expanded on enough for my liking
made the decisions he made even
by and not delved into even if only
it was almost like major plots
if we don’t agree with them.
to expand on what is going on in
happened and then we were told
about them as an afterthought.
She also shows a love for
the source material which is a
the Maelstrom of Arthas world.■
By Doug Reynolds
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76 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Emsey P. Walker
At 16, World of Warcraft offered a lot to me, fun, a chance to meet new people and
an expansive gaming universe like none I had ever encountered before.
’d never previously played a
him play it for the first time, running
parents house there was no way
massively multiplayer online
around the super-dangerous
I could get and play the game for
game so the charm of running
Redridge Mountains. I created a
myself. It was around this time that
around a world where there were
character called Maggie on his
I was diagnosed with an overactive
actually other humans, strangers
account (a human paladin) and
thyroid or hyperthyroidism, and
I had never met and could interact
thoroughly enjoyed every second I
my life was changed considerably.
with, in game, was intoxicating.
got to play her. I even went over to
The condition and the course of
his house when he was at school so
treatment that I was on meant
I could spend time levelling her up.
that my already chaotic adolescent
When I first started playing,
it was due to being fascinated by
my boyfriend at the time and his
We broke up as many young
hormones became even more so
account. I can still remember the
teenagers inevitably do and due to
and a lack of understanding or real
excitement I felt when I watched
a terrible dial up connection at my
support from my friends or teachers
The GameOn Magazine
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made life miserable to say the least.
the diversity of the online family
emotionally-charged introduction
One of the biggest things I
I had joined were more mature
into the game I developed a real
struggled with at the time were
and experienced than my peers at
connection and even gratitude
anxiety and depression. My parents
school. I was never made to feel
for it. I would definitely not be
(thankfully) decided that getting
crazy for being over-emotional or
where I am today without its
me a computer and internet
a drama queen for having panic
influence in my life. Several years
connection capable of running
attacks when thinking about
on, I’m 26 and I am still playing.
World of Warcraft would give me
leaving the house. WoW and my
Despite several breaks here and
something to look forward to every
guild, Fellowship of Light became
there I have always come back
day as I struggled to see the light
my solace, somewhere I felt safe
because, well, WoW is my home.
at the end of the thyroid tunnel.
and the only place I felt happy.
I can honestly say that it was
Throughout my 3/4 years of
Last year I was diagnosed with
an under-active thyroid, which came
the best thing they ever did for me.
dealing with hyperthyroidism before
about after having my son. It’s a
Through World of Warcraft and
it finally normalised, I turned to WoW
rocky road and I have a much better
my new paladin, Emsey, I made
and my friends there whenever I was
support system now but it’s really
some amazing friends and joined
in need. Even on my insomnia-filled
nice to have that sense of security
a fantastic guild full of accepting
nights where there were few online,
that is World of Warcraft ready and
and welcoming people. I was able
I would travel around Azeroth and
waiting for me should I need it.■
to be myself and openly talk about
enjoy the escape from my real world.
my problems to those who due to
By Emsey P. Walker
Since I had such an
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78 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
My husband’s brother got him involved with WoW, and my husband kept showing me stuff he was doing, and best of
all was the horses (I had horses in real life). So, I started playing just to get a horse. My first character was a Mage,
but as I was playing I saw Druids and being able to turn into cats and bears, and I thought how cool would that be to
be able to turn into a bear. That was how I got started. I’m not a social person in real life, but I made a few friends
and found a social community I could belong to. I have learned there is a lot more to the game than horses, but I
still love being a bear. So here I am in my 50s, playing a game so I can be a bear and hang out with a few friends.
- Missbessie
By day, a veteran IT professional with over 30 years in the trenches - by night, a veteran Tauren Fury Warrior
with over 5 years defending the walls of Orgrimmar. Started World of Warcraft back in the days of “vanilla”
on my Tauren Warrior as Protection for tanking. I still have in my inventory the “Mallet of Zul’Farrak” from
the first group I tanked with and my first 5-man dungeon. Today, World of Warcraft provides me with a
creative outlet, good friends in a fantastic guild and the chances to meet new people in real life.
- Thwackk
Way back in 2006, I began my WoW journey while working at a university library. Started as a Gnome
Warlock and quickly moved on; alt hopping for a while before I finally settled on my Undead Warrior.
From there it was a long slow trek through complete noobishness, putting points in all the talent
trees until I was finally good enough to raid. Worked my way to leading raids, where I met the love
of my life. We are now married and are still raiding and playing wow together all the time.
- Dedguy
I started playing World of Warcraft back during beta when a friend let me make a toon on his account and
from that point I was hooked. The raid environment only sank the hook in even deeper. The teamwork needed
to down raid bosses, along with the personal accountability of getting your gear gemmed, enchanted, and reforged for your spec allows for enough individuality within the team environment to feed all of the MMO hunger
I have. The evolving class changes and raids will continue to keep me on the hook for quite some time.
- Bar
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I began playing WoW after watching my boyfriend become hooked on it for a few days, we’d only just gotten together
as a couple so I viewed it as “It’d give us a stronger relationship as we could have something to play together” but
oh boy, was I wrong! He quit WoW back in 2010 and I’m still going strong. Starting as a Undead Warlock with the
vision of just randomly levelling and enjoying killing zombies in the starting area I was approached by a Mage who
simply said “lol, why are you a lock when mages are pwn?”. This sparked me to return to the character screen and
fall in love with a Tauren Druid; the one class I return to time and time again regardless of the alts I play alongside
her. I’ve raided hardcore, PVP’d till I gained rank 4 and Role-Played a variety of characters; my achievement
list is continuing to grow and my battle pets are slowly getting their levels up ready to take on the Celestial
Tournament. With all of the memories, friends and experiences I’ve gained throughout my upcoming decade of
WoW I can’t ever see myself quitting until the final server dies. Ten year anniversary? Roll on the twentieth!
- FoxyStoat
Well, I joined WoW after being caught up in the WC RTS games, I really liked the story in those so I felt the
need to try out WoW. For continuing.. I want to get as good as I possibly can at my role within raiding, I want
to clear all the hardest content while it’s actually hard, without having to outgear it or what so ever.
- Tharrek
A couple of other friends were playing WoW whilst I was working part time to cover my student outgoings; within
the first few hours of entering Azeroth I realised I was destined to play the Hunter class from day one up until
my last active day. After raiding throughout vanilla with my girlfriend (FoxyStoat) and other real life friends I
became increasingly tired of the “grind this, grind that” attitude it had become, the enjoyment of logging on to kill
bosses and upgrade my character was lost to a sea of dailies and grinding materials. Though I enjoyed my time
on WoW and sometimes the odd tickle arises to play again I’ve managed to ignore the call of battle - whether
that is forever is yet to be decided. To me, World of Warcraft is an infinitely growing game and community. Set in
an immense universe filled with rich lore, a wide variety of addictive gameplay and epic journeys to take on.
- Chekoe
We want to know YOUR WoW Stories! If you’ve got a story about WoW you’d
like us to print, send us an email - [email protected]
The GameOn Magazine
Brothers: The Thoughts of Two Gamers
Issue 48 • October 2013
80 • GameOn Magazine