This Issue - Inside Bard


This Issue - Inside Bard
Bard College
Student Newspaper Archive
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1999 by Bard College
Vol. 13
No. 20 October 28, 1970
Cover Page “From the Depths” [Drawing]
Wm. Balfour Ker
Back Page Rufus
The Ineradicable Radical Reptile
Bill Crawford
Page 1
Quebec Cries Out
Frank Montafia
Narrative And Lyric Toads
Louis Silver
Page 2
Ad Hoc
Jeffrey Raphaelson
Letters . . .
[“ . . . Harvey has a magnificent future doing ad copy for Helena Rubenstein.”]
M. Swerdlow
[“ . . . Writing this letter in answer to Michael Harvey’s ‘Midnight Rambler.’ ”]
Edra Ziesk
[“Mr. Silver’s priggishly condescending attitude is exceedingly repulsive.”]
Rich Tedesco
Page 3
Bard Gay Lib. Confronts The Nitty Gritty
Bard Gay Liberation Front
Sex Roles And Sexuality
Marion Swerdlow
Page 4
Bard Initiates Vassar
Faculty Evaluations
Here’s How It Works
Student Elected Chairman Of College Review Committee
Lydia Ayers
Michael May
Page 5
In The Autumn Of My Madness
Louis Silver
Radio WXBC Crystalizes
Michael May
The Doors’ 6th
Dana Ahlgren
Page 6
The North Bay
Erik Kiviat
Page 8
“Antony And Cleopatra”
Lydia Ayers
[“ . . . A white frame house . . . Rolled across the field in the back of Tewksbury.”]
Lydia Ayers
Page 9
Political Cartoon
V. W.
Into The Streets For October 31
Kurt Hill
Community Mobe Resurrected
Charlie Pavitt
Page 10
It’s The Amazing Newshow
Page 11

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