Northwest Y Service Club


Northwest Y Service Club
Northwest Y Service Club
(Chartered by the International Association of the Y’s Men’s Club, January 1965)
VOL50, NO. 1X
January 2016
“To acknowledge the duty that accompanies every right”________________ _
President Tim O’Conner
Bill McCarty
Bulletin Ed.
Jerry Zichterman
Vice President (Vacant)
Regional Dir.
Pat Murphy
Treasurer Bruce Parsons Y Exec Dir,
Jean Riederer
E-mail____ [email protected] ____
Meetings of the Northwest Y Service Club are held on the FIRST Thursday @ 7:00 PM,
At the Northwest YMCA, 20803 Alves Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014
--- Extra --- --- Extra --- --- Extra --- --- Extra --- --- Extra ---
Klub Kalendar
January 2016
Chaplins January Selections
Jan 7
NW Y SC Meeting at
NW Y Community Room
Thursday at 7 PM , Set up@ 6:30; dessert by
Text: Jesus said to his disciples, "I am leaving you
with a gift - peace of mind and heart! And the peace
I give isn't fragile like the peace the world gives. So
do not be afraid. …John 14:27
The only day that I can change
Is the one I call today,
As it unfolds before me
And before it fades away.
Yesterday belongs to God
And tomorrow's in His hand,
So I must do my best today
To make it something grand.
…Clay Harrison
Commentary -- I have a carry-over list of "Things
to do" from last year which is "yesterday". Clay
Harrison is right, yesterday belongs to God. I'm
resolving to "do" something on the list every today.
Of course, if I'm doing something that’s not on the
list, I'll add it - and do my best. That’s not cheating,
with Jesus gift of peace of mind and heart, just
doing will make the day grand - and almost always
the right thing will get done. Dr. Schuller's
motivational push is: "If its going to be, its up to
me." Have a happy grand new today every day this
Service Club….all the paperwork has been done
…and the Clovis-Fresno club is actively recruiting
new members. Pat explained that other clubs, such
as the NW YSC, could recruit members directly
into this club with no administrative hassles. Pat’s
club has already established a stand-alone club at
Reedley College…Pat invited our club members
to come to the “Reedley College Y’s Youth Club
Charter Night” on November 30 th at Reedley
College ( see handout). Matthew Rodrigues, the
RCYYC President, has recruited 21 members to the
new club already. Pat explained that the focus
of these new Youth clubs is to provide an
opportunity for today’s youths to serve and give
back to their communities, to develop into leaders,
to travel to local and international YSC conferences
and events, to be mentored by successful adults in
their community, belong to a world-wide service
organization, and to aide in college admissions.
The he long term benefit is to perpetuate and grow
all the Y Service clubs.
Prayer: Dear God, Thanks for giving us the peace
of mind and heart that comes with following the
teachings of your Son Jesus. Give us the motivation
to be doing and serving, and help us to make each
day grand. …Amen
Minutes of the November 5, 2015 Meeting
Attendees: Tim O’Connor, Wes Harrison, Morris
Hosoda, Ron Ohlfs, Doreen Huston, Bruce
Parsons, Bill McCarty, James Kenoyer, Jerry
Zichterman, John Salsman, Ryan O’Connor.
Guests: Jeremy Loader (YMCA), Wayne Langdon
(East Valley President), Carla & Pat Murphy (RD,
ASD for Membership, & President of Clovis-Fresno
Welcome, Introductions: Tim opened the meeting at
7:10 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and a ‘round
robin’ of introductions.
Pat wrapped-up his talk with a lively Q & A
session….and the appointment of Ryan O’Connor
as the new President of the Mission District / NW
YSC Youth Club ! ! Congratulations, Ryan !!
Buck Cox Honorarium: The Club has received
condolence cards from Graeme Wilson, Cheryl
Vargas( ex-NW Y Director), & Dave (Rocky)
Rodrock (Monterey Club) along with a donation
from Rocky of $1,000 to Buck’s Memorial Fund.
Tim thanked everyone who helped put Buck’s
Memorial Service together.
Club Business Discussions:
Pancake Breakfasts: The two Pancake Breakfasts in
October were very successful….about 225 people
were served (total)….many thanks to the East
Valley Club for their help ! ! We will collect
about $1,100 from the YMCA for our efforts….we
offered $150 to the East Valley Club for their
expenses but they want us to put the money in the
Buck Cox Memorial Fund. Action: Bruce: send a
thank you to East Valley.
Tim requested suggestions for Buck’s memorial;
the following ideas were proffered: a brick at the
J.W House; a tree at Camp Campbell; a tile at
the NW YMCA; name a room at the NW Y after
Buck; and rename the Club’s Endowment Fund to
the Buck Cox Memorial Fund. Bill McCarty will
check into this with Metro and the NW Y.
Christmas Party: Bruce will confirm with Holder’s
the date that Buck reserved. P.S.: Holder’s did not
have any reservation for us ….Bruce has tentatively
reserved Tuesday, December 8 th…subject to the
club’s approval. Bruce proposed a ‘toy drive’
instead of a ‘gift exchange’ this year…. Jeremy
suggested a ‘sports equipment’ drive for underprivileged children in Sunnyvale. Bruce will work
out the details with Michelle & Jeremy.
Pat Murphy Presentation:
Pat gave a very enthusiastic and dynamic talk on
the need for, and importance of, recruiting new
members …. particularly younger members…to all
of the International Service Clubs. Toward that
end, Pat explained his new initiative, i.e.; the
establishment of the Clovis-Fresno Youth Service
Club for young adults 15 to 30 years old. This
new club has been chartered as an official Y
Anniversary Luncheon: Scheduled for Saturday,
January 30th at Michael’s restaurant at Shoreline in
Mt. View. Mo will check / confirm and let
everyone know the details by email.
brother tagged along so he could visit me
and my other brother, Ray, in Sacramento.
Rotary Crab Feed: May be cancelled this year due
to the poisonous sea water. Jeremy and Jerry Z
will advise.
Snack/Set-up/Meeting schedule: See attached signup schedule. Thank you, Tim.
Finance Report: The club has about $15K ‘in the
bank.’ The Treasurer’s job will be transferred
from Wes to Bruce on Monday, Nov 9th.
Vanguard / Benevity checks: all monies due to the
YMCA, except for $150 pending, have been paid
to the YMCA.
Morris also had his grandson, Sean, come
and share the Thanksgiving break from his
school in Burbank with us. He is spending
the Christmas break with his family in
Officers for 2015-2016 year: President=Tim; VP =
Doreen; Treasurer = Bruce; Secretary = rotate from
meeting to meeting; Members at large= Bill
McCarty and Ron Ohlfs. Chaplain=Jerry Z. The
next Board meeting will be at Panera’s on Nov.
Recycling: Program discontinued. Tim offered to
help…if necessary.
Lou Ciabattoni and Morris Hosoda went
together to celebrate the Club chartering of
the Reedley College Y Youth Club on Nov.
30 held at the Reedley College cafeteria.
Since it was an evening program ending
around 9:30 PM, we arranged to stay
overnight at a motel in Reedley. Both
Tim and Ryan O’Connor showed up later
in the evening so we were well represented.
Morris passed out copies of the evenings
program and the wonderful coverage
newsletter from Clovis-Fresno, the
sponsoring club at the Northwest Y Service
Club Christmas Party.
Fire Extinguishers: Bruce has scrapped the two old
units we had…they were not refillable. Club voted
to hold off replacing them (about $60 apiece).
Popcorn machine: Our popcorn machine has finally
died (or maybe Mo killed it )…$150 to$200 for a
replacement. The problem is that it needs a
responsible ‘keeper’ ….Bruce will notify Elina to
see if the YMCA could ‘take over’ this project.
East Valley Club Meetings: Wayne Langdon
invited everyone in our club to attend any of their
club meetings....which are held at 7 PM on the
second Tuesday of every month.
Bill and Mercedes McCarty spent
Christmas and New Years in Texas. They
visited Mercedes’ daughter and family in
their new home in Montgomery, TX, just
north of Houston…
Dis ‘n Dat…
(Morris Hosoda – [email protected])
Morris Hosoda had his younger brother,
Tosh, from Hawaii, visiting on Nov. 21 with
his attorney son, Lyle. It seems Lyle had a
deposition to receive in Sacramento so my
We all know that our Jerry Zichterman
had a hip replacement operation as
scheduled on Dec. 2 at El Camino Hospital.
He was discharged to go home on Dec. 5 but
was not strong enough to attend our
Christmas Party held at Holder’s Country
Inn on Tuesday night of Dec. 8. He did
manage to get out the Winter Issue of the
Pacific Central Line but found it difficult to
get the Y’s Y’re out because of extreme
pain in his back, which may or may not be
connected with the hip surgery. I offered to
help get the newsletter out but I immediately
recognized his problem since I have been an
editor also. The lack of inputs sure makes it
difficult to assimilate a good newsletter (and
column I may add). Keep him in our
prayers gang…
Pat’s Best Rum Cookies
Have no fear, this has been tested in my
kitchen and is the best!
1 or 2 quarts of Rum
1 tsp. baking powder
1 cup butter
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp lemon juice
2 large eggs
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup dried fruit
1/4 cup chopped nuts
Before you start, sample the Rum for a quality
check. Select a large mixing bowl, measuring
cup, etc. Check the Rum again, it has to be
just right. To be sure the Rum is of the finest
quality, pour 1 level cup of Rum into a glass
and drink it as fast as you can. Repeat. With
an electric mixer, beat 1 cup of butter in a large
fluffy bowl. Add one seaspoon of thugar and
beat again. Meanwhile make sure the Rum is
of the finest quality. Try another cup, open the
second quart if necessary. Add 2 arge leggs, 2
cups fried druit and beat til high. If druit gets
stuck in beaters, just pry it loose with a
drewscriber. Sample the rum again. Sift pint
of lemon juice. Sample the Rum agin,
checking for tonsicistircy. Next, sift 3 cups of
pepper or salt (it really doesn't matter).
Sample the rum again. Fold in the chopped
butter and strained nuts.
Add one babblespoon of brown thugar or
whatever color you can find. Wix mell. Grease
oven and turn cookie sheets to 305 gredees.
Now pour the whole mess into the coven and
ake. Check the Rum again and bo to ged!
To help fill this column and interesting as
well as challenging, I will submit a picture
puzzle and if you know the answer send it to
me by email. Sorry, no prizes but personal
Tell me where this signal light is located,
street, intersection and city. In the direction
we are looking, there is a LEFT TURN
ARROW, but to where? A private
driveway? This much I will tell, it is in
Santa Clara County.
I have had this for years, and I laugh just as
hard each year when I find the recipe near my
Christmas cookie recipes. Merry Christmas!