E0671.S1.P2.R1 Apx 1 Trial Pit Records
E0671.S1.P2.R1 Apx 1 Trial Pit Records
TRIAL PIT RECORD Trial Pit No: TPTP1 Date : 12/02/2015 Site: Summerhill Farm Excavator : JCB 3CX Excavator e0671 Pit size : 2.00 x 0.60m Depth : 1.75m Elev (m aOD): TRIAL PIT RECORD Pit No TP1 Depth From (m) 0.00 0.30 Depth To (m) 0.30 0.90 Interval (m) 0.30 SAMPLE RECORD Strata Description 1.75 Type B U D W Depth (m) Dark brown silty clayey Topsoil D 0.15 D 0.40 0.60 Soft to firm light brown very gravely very sandy clayey SILT. Gravel is fine to coarse angular siltstone 0.90 Depth 0.85 0.5 1.0 Loose light brown to light orange brown silty very sandy fine to coarse GRAVEL. Gravel is angular siltstone 1.5 1.75+ 2.0 2.5 Base of pit at 1.75m Remarks Pit sides stable and vertical None Sidewalls : Groundwater : In-situ testing : None Contaminants : Services : None observed None e-geo solutions Ltd Oak House, Groes Lwyd, Abergele, LL22 7SU Tel : 01745 828494 Fax : 01745 828493 Number TRIAL PIT RECORD Trial Pit No: TPTP2 Date : 12/02/2015 Site: Summerhill Farm Excavator : JCB 3CX Excavator e0671 Pit size : 2.00 x 0.60m Depth : 1.80m Elev (m aOD): TRIAL PIT RECORD Pit No TP2 Depth From (m) 0.00 0.10 Depth To (m) 0.10 0.14 Interval (m) 0.10 0.30 SAMPLE RECORD Strata Description Depth 1.80 Depth (m) Medium to coarse limestone gravel and topsoil D Dark brown silty clayey Topsoil 0.40 Type B U D W 1.40 0.5 Firm light brown slightly gravely slightly sandy clayey SILT 1.0 1.5 becoming firm to stiff 1.80 2.0 2.5 Base of pit at 1.80m Remarks Pit sides stable and vertical None Sidewalls : Groundwater : In-situ testing : None Contaminants : Services : None observed None e-geo solutions Ltd Oak House, Groes Lwyd, Abergele, LL22 7SU Tel : 01745 828494 Fax : 01745 828493 0.15 Number TRIAL PIT RECORD Trial Pit No: TPTP3 Date : 12/02/2015 Site: Summerhill Farm Excavator : JCB 3CX Excavator e0671 Pit size : 2.00 x 0.60m Depth : 1.75m Elev (m aOD): TRIAL PIT RECORD Pit No TP3 Depth From (m) 0.00 Depth To (m) 0.25 Interval (m) 0.25 0.25 1.75 1.50 SAMPLE RECORD Strata Description Depth Type B U D W Depth (m) Dark brown silty clayey Topsoil D Firm light brown very gravely very sandy clayey SILT. Gravel is fine to coarse angular to subangular siltstone. Occassional pockets of fine to medium sand and fine to coarse sand and gravel 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.75+ 2.0 2.5 Base of pit at 1.75m Remarks Pit sides stable and vertical None Sidewalls : Groundwater : In-situ testing : None Contaminants : Services : None observed None e-geo solutions Ltd Oak House, Groes Lwyd, Abergele, LL22 7SU Tel : 01745 828494 Fax : 01745 828493 0.30 Number TRIAL PIT RECORD Trial Pit No: TPTP4 Date : 12/02/2015 Site: Summerhill Farm Excavator : JCB 3CX Excavator e0671 Pit size : 2.00 x 0.60m Depth : 1.75m Elev (m aOD): TRIAL PIT RECORD Pit No TP4 Depth From (m) 0.00 Depth To (m) 0.30 SAMPLE RECORD Interval (m) 0.30 Strata Description Depth Type B U D W Dark brown sandy Topsoil D 0.30 1.75 Depth (m) 1.50 Firm light brown very gravely very sandy clayey SILT. Gravel is fine to coarse angular to subangular siltstone. Occassional pockets of fine to medium sand and fine to coarse sand and gravel 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.75+ 2.0 2.5 Base of pit at 1.75m Remarks Pit sides stable and vertical None Sidewalls : Groundwater : In-situ testing : None Contaminants : Services : None observed None e-geo solutions Ltd Oak House, Groes Lwyd, Abergele, LL22 7SU Tel : 01745 828494 Fax : 01745 828493 0.20 Number TRIAL PIT RECORD Trial Pit No: TPTP5 Date : 12/02/2015 Site: Summerhill Farm Excavator : JCB 3CX Excavator e0671 Pit size : 2.00 x 0.60m Depth : 1.80m Elev (m aOD): TRIAL PIT RECORD Pit No TP5 Depth From (m) 0.00 0.10 Depth To (m) 0.10 0.80 Interval (m) 0.10 0.70 SAMPLE RECORD Strata Description 1.80 Type B U D W Depth (m) Coarse limestone gravel sub-base Loose subrounded cobbles and medium to coarse gravel of limestone with a matrix of dark brown silty sand and some brick and slate gravel (MADE GROUND) 0.80 Depth D 0.5 1.00 Loose orange brown slightly silty fine to medium SAND with pockets and thin layers of sandy silt 1.0 1.5 1.80 2.0 2.5 Base of pit at 1.80m Remarks Pit sides stable and vertical None Sidewalls : Groundwater : In-situ testing : None Contaminants : Services : None observed None e-geo solutions Ltd Oak House, Groes Lwyd, Abergele, LL22 7SU Tel : 01745 828494 Fax : 01745 828493 0.40 Number TRIAL PIT RECORD Trial Pit No: TPTP6 Date : 12/02/2015 Site: Summerhill Farm Excavator : JCB 3CX Excavator e0671 Pit size : 2.00 x 0.60m Depth : 1.75m Elev (m aOD): TRIAL PIT RECORD Pit No TP6 Depth From (m) 0.00 Depth To (m) 0.40 SAMPLE RECORD Interval (m) 0.40 Strata Description Depth Subangular cobbles of limestone in a matrix of soft dark brown silty clay (MADE GROUND) 0.40 1.75 1.35 Type B U D W Depth (m) D 0.25 D 1.20 0.5 Firm light brown slightly gravely slightly sandy clayey SILT 1.0 1.5 becoming firm to stiff 1.75 2.0 2.5 Base of pit at 1.75m Remarks Pit sides stable and vertical None Sidewalls : Groundwater : In-situ testing : None Contaminants : Services : None observed None e-geo solutions Ltd Oak House, Groes Lwyd, Abergele, LL22 7SU Tel : 01745 828494 Fax : 01745 828493 Number TRIAL PIT RECORD Trial Pit No: TPTP7 Date : 12/02/2015 Site: Summerhill Farm Excavator : JCB 3CX Excavator e0671 Pit size : 2.00 x 0.60m Depth : 1.75m Elev (m aOD): TRIAL PIT RECORD Pit No TP7 Depth From (m) 0.00 Depth To (m) 0.30 Interval (m) 0.30 0.30 1.75 1.45 SAMPLE RECORD Strata Description Depth Type B U D W Depth (m) Dark brown sandy Topsoil D Firm light brown very gravely very sandy clayey SILT. Gravel is fine to coarse angular to subangular siltstone. Occassional pockets of fine to medium sand and fine to coarse sand and gravel 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.75+ 2.0 2.5 Base of pit at 1.75m Remarks Pit sides stable and vertical None Sidewalls : Groundwater : In-situ testing : None Contaminants : Services : None observed None e-geo solutions Ltd Oak House, Groes Lwyd, Abergele, LL22 7SU Tel : 01745 828494 Fax : 01745 828493 0.40 Number TRIAL PIT RECORD Trial Pit No: TPTP8 Date : 12/02/2015 Site: Summerhill Farm Excavator : JCB 3CX Excavator e0671 Pit size : 2.00 x 0.60m Depth : 2.00m Elev (m aOD): TRIAL PIT RECORD Pit No TP8 Depth From (m) 0.00 Depth To (m) 0.20 Interval (m) 0.20 0.20 0.70 0.50 0.70 2.00 SAMPLE RECORD Strata Description Depth Type B U D W Depth (m) Dark brown sandy Topsoil D Firm dark brown sandy sity CLAY with occassional limestone cobbles (MADE GROUND) 0.5 Loose orange brown slightly silty fine to medium SAND with pockets of silty fine to coarse sand and gravel 1.0 1.30 1.5 2.0 2.00+ 2.5 Base of pit at 2.00m Remarks Pit sides stable and vertical None Sidewalls : Groundwater : In-situ testing : None Contaminants : Services : None observed None e-geo solutions Ltd Oak House, Groes Lwyd, Abergele, LL22 7SU Tel : 01745 828494 Fax : 01745 828493 0.30 Number TRIAL PIT RECORD Trial Pit No: TPTP9 Date : 12/02/2015 Site: Summerhill Farm Excavator : JCB 3CX Excavator e0671 Pit size : 2.00 x 0.60m Depth : 1.50m Elev (m aOD): TRIAL PIT RECORD Pit No TP9 Depth From (m) 0.00 0.10 Depth To (m) 0.10 0.30 Interval (m) 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.60 0.30 0.60 1.50 SAMPLE RECORD Strata Description Broken concrete Light brown and off white sandy fine to coarse gravel of limestone (Sub-Base) Subangular cobbles of limestone in a matrix of soft dark brown silty clay and very occassional brick gravel (MADE GROUND) Depth Type B U D W Depth (m) D 0.30 D 1.00 0.5 0.90 Firm light brown very gravely very sandy clayey SILT. Gravel is fine to coarse angular to subangular siltstone. Occassional pockets of fine to medium sand and fine to coarse sand and gravel 1.0 1.5 1.50 2.0 2.5 Base of pit at 1.50m Remarks Pit sides stable and vertical None Sidewalls : Groundwater : In-situ testing : None Contaminants : Services : None observed None e-geo solutions Ltd Oak House, Groes Lwyd, Abergele, LL22 7SU Tel : 01745 828494 Fax : 01745 828493 Number TRIAL PIT RECORD Trial Pit No: TPTP10 Date : 12/02/2015 Site: Summerhill Farm Excavator : JCB 3CX Excavator e0671 Pit size : 2.00 x 0.60m Depth : 1.90m Elev (m aOD): TRIAL PIT RECORD Pit No TP10 Depth From (m) 0.00 Depth To (m) 0.30 Interval (m) 0.30 0.30 1.75 1.45 SAMPLE RECORD Strata Description Depth Type B U D W Depth (m) Dark brown sandy Topsoil Firm light brown very gravely very sandy clayey SILT. Gravel is fine to coarse angular to subangular siltstone. Occassional pockets of fine to medium sand and fine to coarse sand and gravel 1.5 2.0 2.5 Base of pit at 1.90m Remarks Pit sides stable and vertical None Sidewalls : Groundwater : In-situ testing : None Contaminants : Services : None observed None e-geo solutions Ltd Oak House, Groes Lwyd, Abergele, LL22 7SU Tel : 01745 828494 Fax : 01745 828493 0.25 D 0.60 0.5 1.0 1.90 D Number TRIAL PIT RECORD Trial Pit No: TPTP11 Date : 12/02/2015 Site: Summerhill Farm Excavator : JCB 3CX Excavator e0671 Pit size : 2.00 x 0.60m Depth : 1.80m Elev (m aOD): TRIAL PIT RECORD Pit No TP11 Depth From (m) 0.00 0.10 Depth To (m) 0.10 0.30 Interval (m) 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.80 0.50 SAMPLE RECORD Strata Description Coarse limestone gravel sub-base Firm dark brown silty clay with occassional coarse gravel of slate and limestone Firm dark brown sandy clayey SILT 0.80 1.80 Depth 1.0 1.5 1.80 2.0 2.5 Base of pit at 1.80m Remarks Pit sides stable and vertical None Sidewalls : Groundwater : In-situ testing : None Contaminants : Services : None observed None e-geo solutions Ltd Oak House, Groes Lwyd, Abergele, LL22 7SU Tel : 01745 828494 Fax : 01745 828493 Depth (m) D 0.20 D 0.50 0.5 1.00 Firm light brown very gravely very sandy clayey SILT. Gravel is fine to coarse angular to subangular siltstone. Occassional pockets of fine to medium sand and fine to coarse sand and gravel Type B U D W Number
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